Zip warning name not matched ошибка

I have a folder of around 180 GBs, I need to zip it like:

zip -p password /Volumes/GGZ/faster/mybigfolder/* /Volumes/Storage\ 4/

But it says:

    zip warning: name not matched: /Volumes/Storage 4/

So how do I do this? On another note, does not exist, but I’m trying to create it.

Braiam's user avatar


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asked Jan 16, 2015 at 14:12

DisplayName's user avatar


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This error can also be caused by symbolic links in the directory tree being compressed.

If these don’t have correct destinations (perhaps because the directory has been moved or copied from elsewhere), zip will attempt to follow the symlink to archive the target file.

You can avoid this (and also get the effect you probably want anyway, which is not to archive multiple copies of the file) by using the -y (or --symlinks) option.

Eddie C.'s user avatar

Eddie C.

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answered Jul 7, 2017 at 8:42

Bob Eager's user avatar


Your command should be:

zip -p password -r /Volumes/Storage\ 4/ /Volumes/GGZ/faster/mybigfolder/

The manual page (man zip), shows you should have:

zip <options> <archive> <inpath...>

Also, the -r option for recursion is highly recommended over the «*» shell glob for this.

Anthony Geoghegan's user avatar

answered Jan 16, 2015 at 14:28

Danny Staple's user avatar

Danny StapleDanny Staple

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Use the recursive flag (-r) instead of glob (*) to match files to compress. In addition, specify the archive name first and then give the list of files:

zip -p password -r /Volumes/Storage\ 4/ /Volumes/GGZ/faster/mybigfolder/

answered Feb 5, 2019 at 9:05

53c's user avatar

I’ve also got this error in the past for a different reason which the -r switch cannot fix. What happened is that I based files to add to the zip with the following bash code/variable

somevar=`ls -1 somedir`

The problem is that ls just lists the files off as if it were in the current directory and this is why zip is complaining (essentially the files do not exist to zip because it is being told to look in the wrong/current directory).

If this is your issue you can correct it like so:

somevar=`ls -1d somedir/*`

As you can see I used the -d switch and also /* at the end of the directory name and then the files were successfully added.

Eddie C.'s user avatar

Eddie C.

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answered Apr 24, 2017 at 6:08

Areeb Soo Yasir's user avatar


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I have a folder of around 180 GBs, I need to zip it like:

zip -p password /Volumes/GGZ/faster/mybigfolder/* /Volumes/Storage\ 4/

But it says:

    zip warning: name not matched: /Volumes/Storage 4/

So how do I do this? On another note, does not exist, but I’m trying to create it.

Braiam's user avatar


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asked Jan 16, 2015 at 14:12

DisplayName's user avatar


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This error can also be caused by symbolic links in the directory tree being compressed.

If these don’t have correct destinations (perhaps because the directory has been moved or copied from elsewhere), zip will attempt to follow the symlink to archive the target file.

You can avoid this (and also get the effect you probably want anyway, which is not to archive multiple copies of the file) by using the -y (or --symlinks) option.

Eddie C.'s user avatar

Eddie C.

4254 silver badges7 bronze badges

answered Jul 7, 2017 at 8:42

Bob Eager's user avatar


Your command should be:

zip -p password -r /Volumes/Storage\ 4/ /Volumes/GGZ/faster/mybigfolder/

The manual page (man zip), shows you should have:

zip <options> <archive> <inpath...>

Also, the -r option for recursion is highly recommended over the «*» shell glob for this.

Anthony Geoghegan's user avatar

answered Jan 16, 2015 at 14:28

Danny Staple's user avatar

Danny StapleDanny Staple

2,1411 gold badge15 silver badges22 bronze badges


Use the recursive flag (-r) instead of glob (*) to match files to compress. In addition, specify the archive name first and then give the list of files:

zip -p password -r /Volumes/Storage\ 4/ /Volumes/GGZ/faster/mybigfolder/

answered Feb 5, 2019 at 9:05

53c's user avatar

I’ve also got this error in the past for a different reason which the -r switch cannot fix. What happened is that I based files to add to the zip with the following bash code/variable

somevar=`ls -1 somedir`

The problem is that ls just lists the files off as if it were in the current directory and this is why zip is complaining (essentially the files do not exist to zip because it is being told to look in the wrong/current directory).

If this is your issue you can correct it like so:

somevar=`ls -1d somedir/*`

As you can see I used the -d switch and also /* at the end of the directory name and then the files were successfully added.

Eddie C.'s user avatar

Eddie C.

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answered Apr 24, 2017 at 6:08

Areeb Soo Yasir's user avatar


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I am getting the following error while using zip in my bash script

zip warning: name not matched: test.png test2.png

files_to_zip="test.png test2.png"
zipfile_name=result$(date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S").zip
zip "$zipfile_name"  "$files_to_zip"

Note: The images are in the same directory as the script and when i execute zip test.png test2.png , the zip get created just fine.

  • bash
  • unix
  • zip

asked Sep 2, 2017 at 15:13

user2650277's user avatar


6,32917 gold badges63 silver badges132 bronze badges


  • If you substitute your vars into command you’ll get zip "" "test.png test2.png" this is different from what you want to achieve

    Sep 2, 2017 at 15:18

  • The name of the zip is an example , i use for simplicity

    Sep 2, 2017 at 15:21

  • I mean your last parameter goes into same «» so is treated as one file name which will not be found

    Sep 2, 2017 at 15:22

  • @Artemy Vysotsky but $files_to_zip contain list of files as a string separated by spaces so zip should know they are different filenames

    Sep 2, 2017 at 15:29

  • Why you have not tried zip "test.png test2.png"? If you sure zip has to understand it

    Sep 2, 2017 at 15:31

1 Answer

When names are combined inside same quotes whole string is treated as file name. Use

zip "$zipfile_name" $files_to_zip

instead. And if your png names have special characters like spaces — add quotes or escape this characters inside the $files_to_zip variable

answered Sep 2, 2017 at 16:05

Artemy Vysotsky's user avatar

Я пытаюсь заархивировать файл с помощью команды сценария оболочки. Я использую следующую команду:

  zip ./test/ $FILES

где $FILES содержит все входные файлы. Но я получаю предупреждение следующим образом

    zip warning: name not matched: myfile.dat

и еще одна вещь, которую я заметил, что у файла, который наконец находится в списке файлов в папке, есть вышеупомянутое предупреждение, и этот файл не получает сжатый.

Может кто-нибудь объяснить мне, почему это происходит? Я новичок в мире сценариев оболочки.

2013-12-11 21:02


zip предупреждение: имя не совпадает: myfile.dat

Это означает, что файл myfile.dat не существует.

Вы получите ту же ошибку, если файл является символической ссылкой, указывающей на несуществующий файл.

Как вы говорите, каким бы ни был последний файл на $FILES, он не будет добавлен в почтовый индекс вместе с предупреждением. Поэтому я думаю, что что-то не так с тем, как вы создаете $FILES, Скорее всего, в конце последнего имени файла есть символ новой строки, возврата каретки, пробела, табуляции или другого невидимого символа, в результате чего чего-то не существует. Попробуйте это например:

for f in $FILES; do echo :$f:; done

Бьюсь об заклад, последняя строка будет неправильной, например:

:myfile.dat :

… или что-то подобное вместо :myfile.dat: без символов до последнего :


Если вы говорите, что скрипт начал работать после запуска dos2unix на это, что подтверждает то, что все уже подозревали, что каким-то образом был возврат каретки в конце вашего $FILES список.

od -c показывает возврат каретки. Пытаться echo $FILES | od -c

2013-12-11 21:05

Другая возможная причина, которая может генерировать zip warning: name not matched: ошибка имеет какой-либо из zipПеременные среды установлены неправильно.

Со страницы руководства:

    The following environment variables are read and used by zip as described.

    contains default options that will be used when running zip.  The contents of this environment variable will get added to the command line just after the zip command.

    [Not on RISC OS and VMS] see ZIPOPT

    [RISC OS] see ZIPOPT

    [RISC OS] contains extensions separated by a : that will cause native filenames with one of the specified extensions to be added to the zip file with basename and extension swapped.

    [VMS] see ZIPOPT

В моем случае я использовал zip в скрипте и имел двоичное расположение в переменной окружения ZIP чтобы мы могли перейти на другой zip двоичный файл легко, не внося тонны изменений в сценарии.


${ZIP} -r folder

Затем это обрабатывается как:

/usr/bin/zip /usr/bin/zip -r folder

И генерирует ошибки:

zip warning: name not matched:
zip I/O error: Operation not permitted
zip error: Could not create output file (/usr/bin/

Первый, потому что сейчас пытается добавить в архив, а не использовать его в качестве архива. Второй и третий, потому что он пытается использовать файл /usr/bin/ как архив, который (к счастью) не доступен для записи обычному пользователю.

Примечание. Это действительно старый вопрос, но я нигде не нашел этого ответа, поэтому я публикую его, чтобы помочь будущим поисковикам (включая мое будущее).

2017-04-03 01:11

eebbesen ударил по гвоздю в своем комментарии к моему делу (но я не могу голосовать за комментарий). Другая возможная причина, пропущенная в других комментариях, — файл, превышающий ограничение размера файла (4 ГБ).

2015-04-07 14:42

Я преобразовал свой сценарий для среды Unix с помощью команды dos2unix и выполнил мой сценарий как./ вместо bash

2013-12-11 22:23

Я тоже столкнулся с этой проблемой. В моем случае отдельная строка — это CRLF в моем сценарии оболочки zip, что вызывает проблему. Использование LF исправило это.

2020-04-11 08:58

Пробелы не допускаются:

он потерпит неудачу, если в $FILES будет несколько файлов, если вы не поместите их в цикл

2014-04-18 00:21

Я только что обнаружил другую потенциальную причину для этого. Если разрешения каталога / подкаталога не позволяют zip-файлу найти файл, он сообщит об этой ошибке. На самом деле, если вы запустите chmod -R 444 в каталоге, а затем попытаетесь сжать его, вы воспроизведете эту ошибку, а также получите отчет «сохранено 0%», например:

zip предупреждение: имя не соответствует: добавление borrar / enviar: borrar/ (сохранено 0%)

Следовательно, попробуйте изменить права доступа к файлу. Если вы пытаетесь отправить их по электронной почте, и эти почтовые фильтры (например, Gmail) изобретают глупые фильтры отсутствия отправки исполняемых файлов, не забывайте, что очень строгие разрешения при сжатии zip могут быть причиной сообщаемой вами ошибки, «имя не соответствует».

2014-09-29 14:56

Various pattern rules can be utilized to generate the same target, such as a C source file, C++ source file, FORTRAN source file, and so on. In the case where names are merged within the same quotes, the entire string is treated as a file name.

Zip warning — name not matched


While utilizing zip in my bash script, I am encountering the subsequent error.

zip warning: name not matched: test.png test2.png

files_to_zip="test.png test2.png"
zipfile_name=result$(date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S").zip
zip "$zipfile_name"  "$files_to_zip"

Please note that the images are located in the script’s directory and the zip file is successfully created when executing

zip test.png test2.png



When multiple names are enclosed within the same quotation marks, the entire string is considered as a file name. Utilize this method.

zip "$zipfile_name" $files_to_zip

In case your
png names
contains special characters such as spaces, it is advisable to either enclose them in quotes or escape these characters within the


variable instead.

File matching patterns reference, Match characters. Most characters are used as exact matches. What counts as an «exact» match is platform-dependent: the Windows filesystem is case-insensitive, so the pattern «ABC» would match a file called «abc». On case-sensitive filesystems, that pattern and name would not match. The following characters …

Unix & Linux: «zip warning: name not matched» while

Unix & Linux: »

zip warning: name not matched»

while compressing a directory


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Zip command show warnings «name not matched» about

Unix & Linux:
command show
name not matched
» about symlinks, outside of my working directory, pointing to non-existing targetHelpful? Please s

Zip warning name not matched

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Zip error after 7-zip install and uninstall


Operating in Cygwin on Windows 10, I encountered an error while utilizing zip on the command line in Cygwin after installing and subsequently uninstalling 7-Zip. This error arises whenever I attempt to zip any files.

    zip warning: name not matched: Files\7-zip
    zip warning: name not matched: testing

E.g. zipping 2 files a and b:

zip testing a b

Encountering the error, how can I eliminate this annoyance? Unfortunately, reinstalling the zip file did not provide a solution.


Following an extensive search that yielded no answers, I eventually discovered the cause of the problem.

7-Zip creates an environment variable named

\ \ \ \ ZIP=C:\Program\ Files\7\-zip\
\ \ \

which, for unknown reasons, causes a conflict with the GNU zip utility when there is a
ZIP variable

To remove ZIP, I performed


and entered


. This action displayed the control panel option »
Edit environment variables
for your account,» allowing me to eliminate the ZIP variable and restore functionality.

How to create a file to test Zip Slip Vulnerability, The contents of this zip file have to be hand crafted. Archive creation tools don’t typically allow users to add files with these paths, despite the zip specification allowing it. However, with the right tools, it’s easy to create files with these paths. I want to create a test payload so that i can check few of my zip …

How to create a file to test Zip Slip Vulnerability from commandline


The vulnerability can be found at

Users are required to manually create the contents of this zip file. Although the zip specification permits it, most archive creation tools do not allow the addition of files with such paths. Nevertheless, it is simple to create files with these paths using the appropriate tools.

I am looking to generate a test payload in order to verify my zip handling logic, but I am unable to find any guidance on how to do so.

:~/Desktop # touch "../../../../../../../../tmp/"
:~/Desktop # ll
:~/Desktop # ll /tmp/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 14 09:27 /tmp/



zip ../../../../../../../../tmp/

Working With Zip Command in Linux, We can see that the zip command prints a warning, telling us the archive is not found. Nevertheless, it creates and puts the bank-accounts.txt and customer-details.txt into the archive. 6. Encrypting an Archive The zip command allows us to encrypt an archive using the flag -e.

Issue with make


In this small example, everything should function properly if we exclude the occurrence of


. Surprisingly, this term causes an error, although not in the location I anticipated…

The error:

$ make
mkdir -p obj
zip out.exe obj/foo.o obj/bar.o obj/baz.o
        zip warning: name not matched: obj/foo.o
        zip warning: name not matched: obj/bar.o
        zip warning: name not matched: obj/baz.o
zip error: Nothing to do! (out.exe)
Makefile:9: recipe for target 'out.exe' failed
make: *** [out.exe] Error 12

Make appears to be attempting to progress too quickly by executing a recipe without ensuring that its dependencies (obj/foo.o …) have been created. In fact, I anticipated receiving an error message such as: «Unable to locate VILLAIN for generating obj/foo.o».

The Makefile:

#!/usr/bin/env make
SRCDIR = src
OBJDIR = obj
SRC = $(addsuffix .c,foo bar baz)
OBJ = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, $(notdir $(SRC:c=o)))
out.exe: $(OBJ)
    zip $@ $^ 
    cp $< $@
$(OBJ) : | $(OBJDIR)
    mkdir -p $@
    rm -f *.c
    rm -rf $(OBJDIR)/ $(SRCDIR)/
    mkdir -p $(SRCDIR)/
    touch $(addprefix $(SRCDIR)/,$(SRC))

Nevertheless, the removal of the antagonist results in smooth operation.

$ make clean
rm -f *.c
rm -rf obj/ src/
mkdir -p src/
touch src/foo.c src/bar.c src/baz.c
$ make
mkdir -p obj
cp src/foo.c obj/foo.o
cp src/bar.c obj/bar.o
cp src/baz.c obj/baz.o
zip out.exe obj/foo.o obj/bar.o obj/baz.o
  adding: obj/foo.o (stored 0%)
  adding: obj/bar.o (stored 0%)
  adding: obj/baz.o (stored 0%)

Why attempt to establish a goal without first constructing the necessary foundation?


In terms of this aspect,
Pattern rules
operates differently than
explicit rule
. Numerous variations of
pattern rules
could be utilized to achieve the same objective (for example, a


can be generated from a C source file, a C++ source file, and so on).

When attempting to identify a pattern rule to construct a target, make will attempt to build all the prerequisites to determine if the pattern matches. If one of the prerequisites cannot be constructed, it is not considered an error. Make will simply move on to the next matching pattern rule and attempt that. Therefore, the absence of


and its inability to be constructed signifies that make will never choose this pattern rule due to unsatisfactory prerequisites. It is important to note that this is not an error, and no message will be displayed (unless observed in make’s debug output).

In the process of building


, it will be noticed that there are no existing rules in place. Normally, one would anticipate an error at this stage, but due to the addition of a specific rule, no error will occur.

$(OBJ) : | $(OBJDIR)

By declaring


as a target, you inform the make system about it, preventing any complaints regarding the non-existence of the target. To enhance clarity, consider including the order-only prerequisite in the pattern rule.

        cp $< $@
        mkdir -p $@


make: *** No rule to make target 'obj/foo.o', needed by 'out.exe'.  Stop.

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