Zelda breath of the wild cemu ошибка


The first step is to ensure the game you are wanting to play has been deemed playable, as many games are either: not yet supported, are only known to boot but simply crash, or they have regressions in compatibility due to Cemu updates or issues with new GPU drivers. Before asking for any help, please check the Game Compatibility ListOpen in new window and subsequent Wiki entries, just be aware of outdated testing results.

We encourage our users to submit their testing results and to otherwise keep the wiki up-to-date so that everyone’s questions may be answered.

Stuck on «Loading…» / Crash to Desktop (CTD) when starting a game

Cause #1

  1. Open Task Manager on Windows
  2. Click the (^) More details button if necessary
  3. Navigate to the Details tab
  4. Make sure Cemu.exe is not available in your process list before trying to run Cemu again — that it is otherwise fully closed

There is an issue recently where Cemu.exe can get stuck in the background which will cause issues for saving your games, running games, loading your shaderCache, and a wider assortment of other complications.

Cause #2

  1. Open your Cemu folder and temporarily rename your shaderCache folder
    • This will allow you to test a fresh cache to see if the problem was related to the cache that was being used
  2. If renaming the shaderCache folder did not help, ensure Cemu is fully closed and then rename your earlier shaderCache folder back to the name «shaderCache»
    • You will need to delete the one that was created by Cemu after you renamed your original copy

Cause #3

Accidentally loading an Update or DLC as a game by using File -> Load can cause this. Alternatively if you accidentally merged the Update or DLC data into the Base Game trying to save space, this will break the Base Game — all of the game’s data will need to be redumped from your Wii U and replaced. Ensure you’re launching the game correctly or otherwise that Update and DLC data are being installed properly.

Cause #4

To continue off of Cause #3, this could be caused by an incomplete or otherwise corrupt dump of your Base Game / Update / DLC copy. Sometimes dumping software just doesn’t work the way it’s intended to, but it’s better than not having it available. Try redumping the data from your Wii U again — reinstalling any game data will not affect your saves.

Cause #5

Illicitly obtained game data will also cause this to happen. Dumping your game data is the only method that Cemu provides support for. Asking for help with illegally downloaded data will result in an immediate ban or warning.

«Error: This title is encrypted. To run this application …»

If you followed this guide you should not be dealing with this type of problem. dumplingOpen in new window will dump your games in a decrypted format and does not require you to have Encryption Keys or have you mess with keys.txt — if you used the wrong homebrew to dump the game software, please go back and use dumpling instead.

This error means the key that came with your encrypted game dump is not in your keys.txt file. Random keys from the internet will not work. To get the correct keys from your console without redumping the game again, you must follow this small guide:

  • Obtaining your Wii U Common Key and Encryption Keys for your keys.txtOpen in new window

«Error: Can’t initialise DirectInput»

This can be fixed by unplugging the controller and restarting your computer. After your PC has fully booted, plug the controller back in. Ensure you are using the latest official version of Cemu, it is also encouraged to be using the latest version of Windows 10/11.

Constant stuttering / visual lag during gameplay

This is caused by shaderCache creation or Vulkan’s pipelineCache creation. With OpenGL and Vulkan, the shaderCache will build as you play and will eventually become nearly unnoticable. As mentioned, Vulkan also requires a pipelineCache — this cache type will build quickly and have minor stutter. Keep in mind that it has to be rebuilt from scratch every time you update your GPU driver or Cemu as a sideeffect from becoming invalidated when either of these change.

To alleviate gameplay stalls caused by shader and pipeline building, read Async Shader Compile further below.

Can I disable, preload, or download shader caches?

If you simply want to turn off the notification that tells you they are being made, you can do this in Options -> General settings -> Overlay.

Unfortunately, you cannot create a cache before playing the game, nor can you disable shaders or pipelines to prevent stalling. Shaders and pipelines are what allow your games to work on your GPU. If they were disabled, you would only see a black screen, with no graphical output.

Pre-compiled shader and pipeline caches are available at chriztr.github.io/cemu_shader_and_pipeline_cachesOpen in new window, however not all games are supported. Follow Optimizing Cemu for more information on importing shader and pipeline caches.

Async Shader Compile

This feature is only available for GPUs with drivers that support Vulkan 1.2 or newer; not Vulkan 1.1!

Users that fit this criteria should navigate to Cemu’s Options -> General settings -> Graphics section, then enable the Async shader compile feature. While using Async Shader Compile almost all Shaders and Pipelines will be built at the same time while you are playing, greatly reducing the amount of gameplay stalling that you could encounter without this option; some temporary graphical issues should be expected. Not all shaders and pipelines can be created in this way and will still result in some minor stalling.

Newer Intel iGPUs support this feature as long as they both support Vulkan 1.2 and are using the latest available drivers. If you encounter issues while using this feature, please disable it and try again after a future driver update.

I use Steam to launch Cemu, what can happen?

Steam caches shaders on its own unless you turn this off, this majorly conflicts with Async Shader Compile. The symptoms are graphics or models failing to render, usually a very broken-looking game. To prevent this, look for the Shader Precaching option within Steam’s settings and disable it to resolve the issue. We recommend that you do not use 3rd party launchers like Steam to launch Cemu due to potential problems that we have no control over.

If you encounter similar symptoms to this but you aren’t using Steam to launch Cemu, please refer to this section below.

Otherwise, beyond problems with Async Shader Compile, you may also experience some controller difficulties as Steam enforces their own drivers; this may prevent Cemu from working as expected with your device.

Problems with Vulkan within Cemu

Such problems include:

  • When I try to open General Settings, Cemu crashes.
  • There is no Vulkan option even though my GPU should have Vulkan Support.
  • I have a Vulkan option but my GPU doesn’t show up in the dropdown.
  • When I select the Vulkan option in the dropdown menu, Cemu crashes.
  • When I try to launch a game that’s supposed to work with Vulkan, it immediately crashes.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, please do the following:

  1. Ensure Cemu is fully up-to-date; issues with older Cemu versions will not be available for troubleshooting support.
  2. Verify that your GPU supports Vulkan 1.1 or newer and is up-to-date with Nvidia/AMD/Intel’s latest driver version.
    • Multi-vendor Lists: HereOpen in new window, hereOpen in new window, & hereOpen in new window
    • Nvidia GPU Support: HereOpen in new window
    • AMD GPU Support: HereOpen in new window
    • Intel GPU Support: HereOpen in new window
  3. If you’ve confirmed your support and yet it still fails, please reinstall both your iGPU/APU & dGPU drivers with DDU:

DDU — Display Driver Uninstaller GuideOpen in new window

Yes, you must install both the iGPU/APU and dGPU drivers; skipping one will likely cause the issue to not be resolved.

If this fails to help then it’s time to see what our Discord Server has to say; you may also try downgrading your GPU driver to an earlier version. Please do some research on the subject to see if any other people with your GPU have had issues with Vulkan in other games (not specifically Cemu.)

Crashing with [File] -> [Load] or [Install Game Title, Update, or DLC]

This refers to when the Window’s File Explorer window is supposed to pop up. This is a longstanding issue that’s caused by either:

  1. Incompatibility with a 3rd party program installed on your PC, usually one that edits how Windows visually looks or those that edit the Taskbar/Tray.
  2. If your PC supports Intel Optane / RST, you must keep the drivers and features for it installed. Not having the software available can cause this issue; if you removed them or never installed them, it is encouraged for you to do so, but only if your motherboard supports this feature and you get this type of crash.
  3. A broken or semi-corrupt Windows installation.

We encourage you to try and find the afflicting program and remove it, otherwise you should consider installing the latest version of Windows 10, cleanly. Migrations, in-place upgrades, «refresh» and any other non-clean installation methods can result in the problem migrating with you to your newer installation. If you are not sure of how to do a clean Windows reinstallation, we suggest you follow a tutorial. Please be smart and back-up any files, settings, and programs / program names / product keys that you want to transfer beforehand.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Full Cemu Wiki listing of issuesOpen in new window

Please review the above link as it goes over nearly every problem that has been recorded to date! Most (but not all) of the common issues are listed below.

«A System update is required» / White or Yellow Screen after «Open your eyes…»

This is caused by the game’s latest update not being installed. Breath of the Wild must be using the latest update to work properly. Follow our dumping guide to rip and then install the latest game update on Cemu, make sure the game is updated on your Wii U console before proceeding.

Game is stuck at around 20~30FPS

  1. Ensure you’re running the latest game update and Cemu version.
  2. Ensure FPS++ is enabled and set to above 30 or you will be locked into this state.
  3. Make sure your hardware is supposed to be able to exceed 30FPS, try going into a Shrine.
  4. Try disabling Vsync temporarily and see if this changes the behavior.

Game feels like it’s playing in Slowmotion or Fastforward

  1. This will occur if you do not have the game fully updated and you haphazardly enable FPS++
  2. On occasion FPS++ will incorrectly apply after starting the game. Restarting Cemu usually resolves this.
  3. Do not use FPS++’s Static Mode (Enabled) instead of Disabled (Default, Dynamic); Static Mode will cause this behavior.
  4. Changing the Frame Average to a higher value instead of using the default value 8 can also cause this issue.

Cutscenes cause the game to freeze / softlock

This can be caused by setting the framerate above 60FPS. If it still occurs at 60FPS, then set it to 30FPS or disable FPS++ temporarily, then change the setting back after the cutscene has finished, save, and then restart Cemu. Alternatively you may try using OpenGL instead of Vulkan.

If disabling FPS++ and using OpenGL doesn’t resolve this, this is a sign that your game’s data is corrupt and needs replaced. You should replace the Update and DLC as well.

Invisible water in the air

This is an infrequent issue on Vulkan, a simple Cemu restart should resolve the invisible water. This may be fixed in the future. Contrary to popular belief, this has nothing to do with Async Shader Compile.

A lot of objects or other assets aren’t appearing

It’s recommended that if you use Steam to launch Cemu that you refer to this: Click Here

  1. Disable any 3rd party mods if you downloaded and installed any, then test the game.
  2. Disable the Extended Memory and Draw Distance GraphicPacks, then test the game.
  3. Test FPS++’s Advanced Settings‘s Fence Method set to Accurate instead of Performance

If none of these helped, this is a sign that your game’s data is corrupt and needs replaced. You should replace the Update and DLC as well.

I get a white or black screen when a cutscene is supposed to start

This is a sign that your game’s data is corrupt and needs replaced. You should replace the Update and DLC as well.

I get a green screen when a cutscene is supposed to start

This should only affect Linux users for now. You must have Cemuhook installed and correctly hooked into Cemu and have the Debug -> Use Cemuhook H264 option enabled. If you do not know how to do this, visit the #Linux channel on the Cemu Discord server for assistance. This should no longer be required after Cemu’s H264 support is updated / after Cemu gets a native Linux build.

If you are also getting this behavior on Windows, try using Debug -> Use Cemuhook H264. If you are already using this option and you are an older Intel iGPU user, try disabling Use Cemuhook H264 instead. Otherwise you may request assistance on our Discord Server.

Other miscellaneous issues with any game on Cemu

Emulation isn’t a perfect science and new or old problems can surface, or ones that don’t match other descriptions. If you do encounter something that isn’t listed here, check the Game Compatibility ListOpen in new window as each game has its own wiki entry.

If what you’re having problems with is not listed there, please make sure that your GPU supports Vulkan 1.1 or OpenGL 4.5; if it doesn’t you will not have full support, which will result in a multitude of game-breaking bugs that you cannot fix.

If you do have confirmed support, the safest bet is to:

  1. Disable all 3rd-party game mods and test the result; many mods cause problems.
  2. Disable all graphicPacks (excluding FPS++) and then see if the issue stops.
  3. Try renaming your shaderCache folder to see if it’s the cause of the problem. If the shaderCache isn’t the culprit, you can rename your shaderCache folder back to its original name in order to resume using it after a Cemu restart.
  4. Unfortunately not all issues are repairable; you should always try to fully redump the game, update, and DLC from your Wii U console.

You may always visit us on our Discord to see if we can figure out the problem together.

cemu crashes when loading game

Here we can see “cemu crashes when loading game


The first step is to make sure the game you’re eager to play has been deemed playable, as many games are either not yet supported, is only known else but crash, or need regressions in compatibility thanks to Cemu updates or issues with new GPU Drivers. Before posing for any help, please check the Game Compatibility List and subsequent Wiki entries; remember outdated testing results.

We encourage our users to submit their testing results and keep the wiki up-to-date otherwise so that everyone’s questions could also be answered.

Stuck on “”Loading…”” / Crash to Desktop (CTD) when starting a gamePermalink

Cause #1

Open Task Manager on Windows -> Clicks the (^) More Details button if necessary -> Navigate to the small print tab. Please confirm Cemu.exe isn’t available in your process list before trying to run Cemu again – that it’s otherwise fully closed. There’s a problem recently where Cemu.exe can grind to a halt within the background, which can cause issues for saving your games, running games, loading your shader cache, and a wider assortment of other complications.

Cause #2

Open your Cemu folder and temporarily rename your shader cache folder. This may allow you to check a fresh cache to ascertain if the matter was associated with the getting used cache. If renaming the shader cache folder didn’t help, ensure Cemu is fully closed, then rename your earlier shader cacher back to the name “shader cache”; you’ll get to delete the one that Cemu created after you renamed your original copy.

Cause #3

Accidentally loading an Update or DLC as a game by using File -> Load can cause this. Alternatively, if you mistakenly merged the Update or DLC data into the bottom Game trying to save lots of space, this may break the bottom Game – all of the game’s data will be got to be dumped from your Wii U and replaced. So ensure you’re launching the Game correctly or otherwise that Update and DLC data is being installed properly.

Cause #4

To continue off of Cause #3, this might be caused by an incomplete or otherwise corrupt dump of your Base Game / Update / DLC copy. Sometimes Dumping software doesn’t work the way it’s intended to, but it’s better than not having it available. Try dumping the info from your Wii U again – reinstalling any game data won’t affect your saves.

Cause #5

Illicitly obtained game data also will cause this to happen. Dumping your game data is that the only method that Cemu provides support for. Posing for help with illegally downloading that data will end in an immediate ban or warning.

Crashing with [File] -> [Load] or [Install Game Title, Update, or DLC]Permalink

This refers to when the Window’sWindow’s File Explorer window is meant to crop up. This is often a longstanding issue that either causes that:

  1. Incompatibility with a third-party program installed on your PC, usually one that edits how Windows visually looks or people who edit the Taskbar/Tray.
  2. If your PC supports Intel Optane / RST, you want to keep the drivers and features for it installed. Not having the software available can cause this issue; if you removed them or never installed them, it’s encouraged for you to try to do so, but as long as your motherboard supports this feature and you get this sort of crash.
  3. A broken or semi-corrupt Windows installation.

We encourage you to undertake and find the afflicting program and take it away. Otherwise, you ought to consider installing the newest version of Windows 10 cleanly. Migrations, in-place upgrades, “refresh”, and the other non-clean installation methods may result in the problem migrating with you to your newer installation. If you’re unsure how to do a clean Windows reinstallation, we propose you follow a tutorial. Please be smart and back up any files, settings, and programs/program names/product keys that you want to transfer beforehand.

User Questions:

  1. Cemu crashes whenever I attempt to load a game

I know it can’t have something to try to do with the games I’m loading since I’ve tried multiple. the difficulty occurs on any version of cemu I’veI’ve tried. Does anyone know a fix?

  1. [SOLVED] Cemu 1.13.0 crashing when loading a game

I’m guessing the primary line is that the culprit (wine: cannot find L” ” C:\windows\system32\winemenubuilder.exe”)? Does anyone skills to repair it? Thanks

  1. Cemu Wii U emulator crashes after selecting Game on radeonsi

under wine-staging 2.3 after selecting game cemu crashes with page fault error

and this message is displayed 

Mesa: User error: GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS)


in nvidia proprietary drivers it works fine

so i suggest it’s a mesa problem

  1. Cemu keeps crashing when loading breath of the wild

I’ve been using this for a short time now and have had no problems so far, and it started giving trouble once I downloaded and ran the most recent cemu program. It just wouldn’t load the Game and kept telling me that it needed to be updated when it already is. Once I went back to the older one that worked right, I could not find any of my saves, and it kept crashing after the open your eyes scene. If anything, I hope this thing didn’t erase my save games once I ran it.

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For all pirates interested in Cemu/WiiU Piracy.

DISCORD > https://discord.gg/4Qv6rDbpEB

Make sure you read the pins > https://www.reddit.com/r/CemuPiracy/hot/





«You must perform a system update to play Zelda:BoTW»… Does anyone know how to fix this issue? I’m a beginner with pc gaming so don’t know much of tech stuff. I followed every step of the guide but can’t figure out this message…


r/CemuPiracy - a screenshot of a computer

Для многих фанатов The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, эмулятор CEMU — это единственный способ запустить игру на персональном компьютере. Но несмотря на высокую популярность этого эмулятора, пользователи часто сталкиваются со сбоями и вылетами игры. Это может привести к потере прогресса и нежелательным прерываниям игрового процесса. В данной статье мы расскажем о нескольких методах, которые помогут исправить вылеты в The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild на CEMU.

Первое, что следует сделать, это обновить эмулятор CEMU до последней доступной версии. Разработчики постоянно работают над улучшением этого программного обеспечения и регулярно выпускают обновления, которые могут исправить проблемы с вылетами.

Второй метод — это проверить настройки вашего компьютера. Проверьте, установлены ли все необходимые драйвера, отключены ли неиспользуемые программы и процессы, и не используются ли другие приложения, которые могут конфликтовать с CEMU. Также проверьте наличие достаточного объема оперативной памяти и места на жестком диске.

И наконец, для более продвинутых пользователей, можно настроить параметры эмулятора, такие как рендеринг и производительность, чтобы уменьшить нагрузку на компьютер и снизить вероятность вылетов The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild.


  1. Как избавиться от вылетов в The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild в эмуляторе CEMU
  2. Убедитесь в наличии необходимых системных требований
  3. Уменьшите графические настройки
  4. Отключите лишние программы
  5. Проверьте файлы игры
  6. Обновите драйверы и операционную систему
  7. Проверьте требования системы
  8. Используйте последнюю версию CEMU и драйверов
  9. Обновляйте CEMU
  10. Обновляйте драйверы
  11. Попробуйте настроить параметры графики
  12. Измените разрешение экрана
  13. Измените параметры графики
  14. Проверьте свой компьютер
  15. Вопрос-ответ
  16. Почему игра вылетает при запуске в CEMU?
  17. Как исправить вылеты во время игры The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild?
  18. Что делать, если игра вылетает на определенном месте или в определенный момент?

Как избавиться от вылетов в The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild в эмуляторе CEMU

Убедитесь в наличии необходимых системных требований

Перед запуском эмулятора CEMU убедитесь, что ваш компьютер соответствует минимальным системным требованиям. Убедитесь также, что у вас установлена последняя версия CEMU и все необходимые драйверы для вашей видеокарты.

Уменьшите графические настройки

Если у вас по-прежнему возникают вылеты, уменьшите графические настройки в игре. Попробуйте выключить эффекты, такие как блум или двойная окантовка. Это снизит нагрузку на вашу видеокарту и может помочь устранить вылеты.

Отключите лишние программы

Если у вас по-прежнему имеются проблемы с вылетами, попробуйте отключить все лишние программы на вашем компьютере. Они могут занимать ресурсы и мешать работе эмулятора.

Проверьте файлы игры

Если все предыдущие шаги не помогли устранить вылеты, проверьте файлы игры на наличие ошибок. В CEMU есть функция проверки файлов, которая может помочь выявить повреждения и исправить их.

Обновите драйверы и операционную систему

Если ничто из вышеперечисленного не помогло, попробуйте обновить драйверы для вашей видеокарты и операционную систему. Это может устранить проблемы совместимости и помочь запустить игру без вылетов.

  • Проверьте, что у вас установлена последняя версия драйверов для вашей видеокарты.
  • Обновите Windows до последней версии, если вы используете эту операционную систему.

Проверьте требования системы

Прежде чем начать игру в эмуляторе CEMU, убедитесь, что ваш компьютер соответствует требованиям системы. Невыполнение одного из следующих условий может привести к вылетам и неполадкам:

  • Операционная система: Windows 7 (x64) или выше
  • Процессор: Intel Core i5-750 или AMD Phenom II X4 965 и выше
  • Оперативная память: 8 ГБ и выше
  • Видеокарта: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 или AMD Radeon HD 7870 и выше
  • DirectX: Версия 11
  • Свободное место на диске: 1 ГБ

Если ваша система не соответствует этим требованиям, установите необходимые драйвера или обновите вашу операционную систему. Также убедитесь, что вы используете последнюю версию эмулятора CEMU.

Параметр Минимальные требования Рекомендуемые требования
Операционная система Windows 7 (x64) Windows 10 (x64)
Процессор Intel Core i5-750 или AMD Phenom II X4 965 Intel Core i5-6500 или AMD Ryzen 5 1600
Оперативная память 8 ГБ 16 ГБ
Видеокарта Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 или AMD Radeon HD 7870 Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 или AMD Radeon RX 580

Проверка системных требований — это первый шаг к решению проблем с игрой в эмуляторе CEMU. Убедитесь, что вы используете соответствующую версию эмулятора и все необходимые драйверы установлены и обновлены.

Используйте последнюю версию CEMU и драйверов

Обновляйте CEMU

Если у вас возникают проблемы с вылетами в The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild в эмуляторе CEMU, в первую очередь убедитесь, что вы используете последнюю версию данного эмулятора. Для этого посетите официальный сайт CEMU и загрузите последнюю доступную версию.

Даже если у вас стоит уже достаточно новая версия эмулятора, все равно рекомендуется проверить его актуальность и скачать обновление, если оно доступно. В новых версиях эмулятора могут быть исправлены ошибки, связанные с вылетами, или оптимизирована его работа на разных конфигурациях системы.

Обновляйте драйверы

Кроме того, если у вас все еще возникают проблемы с вылетами в The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, убедитесь, что у вас установлены последние версии драйверов на вашей системе. Это может касаться как драйверов для видеокарты и звуковой карты, так и драйверов для других устройств, таких как USB-контроллеры или Bluetooth-адаптеры.

Чтобы обновить драйверы, вы можете использовать специальные программы, которые автоматически проверяют и устанавливают последние обновления. Также вы можете скачать и установить драйверы вручную, посетив официальные сайты производителей своих устройств.

Попробуйте настроить параметры графики

Измените разрешение экрана

Первым делом попробуйте изменить разрешение экрана в настройках CEMU. Возможно, текущее разрешение приводит к вылетам игры. Попробуйте выбрать другое разрешение и запустить игру заново.

Измените параметры графики

Если изменение разрешения не помогло, попробуйте изменить параметры графики в настройках CEMU. Поставьте галочку на «Multi-core recompiler» и «GPU buffer cache accuracy», также установите «Cemu hook (external)» в качестве графического плагина. Эти параметры могут улучшить производительность игры.

Проверьте свой компьютер

Если The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild по-прежнему вылетает, возможно, ваш компьютер не соответствует требованиям для игры. Проверьте системные требования и убедитесь, что ваш компьютер может запустить игру без проблем. Также проверьте, есть ли обновления драйверов и настройте систему для максимальной производительности.


Почему игра вылетает при запуске в CEMU?

Причин может быть несколько: неправильные настройки эмулятора, несовместимость вашего компьютера с игрой, проблемы с библиотеками и драйверами. Рекомендуется проверить настройки эмулятора, установить последние обновления для CEMU и драйверов, а также убедиться, что ваш компьютер соответствует минимальным требованиям для запуска игры.

Как исправить вылеты во время игры The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild?

Если игра вылетает во время игры, существует несколько способов решения этой проблемы. Первым шагом будет проверка файлов игры на наличие ошибок. Это можно сделать в самом эмуляторе CEMU — выберите игру в списке игр и нажмите кнопку «Проверить ошибки». Также рекомендуется попробовать уменьшить настройки игры или изменить настройки эмулятора, чтобы уменьшить нагрузку на систему.

Что делать, если игра вылетает на определенном месте или в определенный момент?

Если игра вылетает в определенный момент, это может быть связано с конкретным участком игры или действием персонажа. В этом случае рекомендуется попробовать изменить прогресс игры — например, начать игру заново или загрузить более раннее сохранение. Также возможно, что вы столкнулись с багом в игре, и его можно исправить только с помощью патча или обновления. Проверьте, нет ли доступных обновлений для игры или эмулятора.

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