Zebra zm400 ошибки

– Compatible printer model: Zebra ZM400
– Error code list of Zebra ZM400 model and steps to troubleshooting:

  • Code: 01
  • Description: The ERROR light flashes.
  • Causes: The printhead was replaced with one that is not a genuine Zebra™ printhead.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Install a genuine Zebra printhead.
  • Code: 02
  • Description: The printer stops; the ERROR light flashes.
  • Causes: In thermal transfer mode, ribbon is not loaded or incorrectly loaded. In thermal transfer mode, the ribbon sensor is not detecting ribbon that is loaded incorrectly. In thermal transfer mode, media is blocking the ribbon sensor. In thermal transfer mode, the printer did not detect the ribbon even though it is loaded correctly.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Load ribbon correctly. 1. Load ribbon correctly. See Load Ribbon on page 64. 2. Calibrate the sensors. See Calibrate Media and Ribbon Sensor Sensitivity on page 90. 1. Load media correctly. See Load Media on page 58. 2. Calibrate the sensors. See Calibrate Media and Ribbon Sensor Sensitivity on page 90. 1. Print a sensor profile. See Print Sensor Profile on page 89. The ribbon out threshold (marked by the word RIBBON) is likely too high, above the black area that indicates where the ribbon is detected. 2. Calibrate the sensors or load printer defaults. See Calibrate Media and Ribbon Sensor Sensitivity on page 90 or LOAD DEFAULTS on page 73.
  • Code: 03
  • Description: The ERROR light flashes.
  • Causes: Ribbon is loaded, but the printer is set for direct thermal mode.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Ribbon is not required with direct thermal media. If you are using direct thermal media, remove the ribbon. This error message will not affect printing. If you are using thermal transfer media, which requires ribbon, set the printer for Thermal Transfer mode. See Select Print Method on page 81.
  • Code: 04
  • Description: The printer stops; the ERROR light flashes.
  • Causes: The media is not loaded or is loaded incorrectly. Misaligned media sensor. The printer is set for noncontinuous media, but continuous media is loaded.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Load media correctly. See Load Media on page 58. Check position of the media sensor. Install proper media type, or reset printer for current media type and perform calibration.
  • Code: 05
  • Description: The printer stops; the ERROR light flashes.
  • Causes: The printhead is not fully closed. The head open sensor is not working properly.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the sensor.
  • Code: 06
  • Description: The ERROR light flashes.
  • Causes: The printhead has a faulty thermistor.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the printhead.

Zebra ZM400 error code

  • Code: 07
  • Description: The printer stops; the ERROR light is on; the printer cycles through these three messages.
  • Causes: The printhead data cable is not properly connected. The printhead has a faulty thermistor.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Caution • Turn off (O) the printer before performing this procedure. Failure to do so can damage the printhead. 1. Turn off (O) the printer. 2. Disconnect and reconnect the data cable to the printhead. 3. Ensure that the cable connector is fully inserted into the printhead connector. 4. Turn on (I) the printer. Replace the printhead.
  • Code: 08
  • Description: The printer prints while the ERROR light flashes.
  • Causes: The printhead temperature is approaching its lower operating limit. The printhead data cable is not properly connected. The printhead has a faulty thermistor.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Continue printing while the printhead reaches the correct operating temperature. If the error remains, the environment may be too cold for proper printing. Relocate the printer to a warmer area. Caution • Turn off (O) the printer before performing this procedure. Failure to do so can damage the printhead. 1. Turn off (O) the printer. 2. Disconnect and reconnect the data cable to the printhead. 3. Ensure that the cable connector is fully inserted into the printhead connector. 4. Turn on (I) the printer. Replace the printhead.
  • Code: 09
  • Description: The printer stops; the ERROR light flashes.
  • Causes: The printhead is over temperature.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Allow the printer to cool. Printing automatically resumes when the printhead elements cool to an acceptable operating temperature.
  • Code: 10
  • Description: The printer stops.
  • Causes: The printer is defragmenting memory.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Caution • Do NOT turn off the printer power during defragmenting. Doing so can damage the printer. Allow the printer to finish defragmenting. If you get this error message frequently, check your label formats. Formats that write to and erase memory frequently may cause the printer to defragment often. Using properly coded label formats usually minimizes the need for defragmenting. If this error message does not go away, contact Technical Support. The printer requires service.
  • Code: 11
  • Description: The printer stops; the ERROR light flashes.
  • Causes: Caution • The cutter blade is sharp. Do not touch or rub the blade with your fingers. The cutter blade is in the media path.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the printer power and unplug the printer. Inspect the cutter module for debris and clean as needed following the cleaning instructions in Clean the Cutter Module on page 135.
  • Code: 12
  • Display:
  • Description: General print quality issues
  • Causes: The printer is set at the incorrect print speed. You are using an incorrect combination of labels and ribbon for your application. The printer is set at an incorrect darkness level. The printhead is dirty. Incorrect or uneven printhead pressure. The printhead is improperly balanced.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: For optimal print quality, set the print speed to the lowest possible setting for your application via control panel, the driver, or the software. See Adjust Print Speed on page 79. You may want to perform the FEED Self Test on page 120. 1. Switch to a different type of media or ribbon to try to find a compatible combination. 2. If necessary, consult your authorized Zebra reseller or distributor for information and advice. For optimal print quality, set the darkness to the lowest possible setting for your application via the control panel, the driver, or the software. See Adjust Print Darkness on page 78. You may want to perform the FEED Self Test on page 120 to determine the ideal darkness setting. Clean the printhead. See Clean the Printhead and Platen Roller on page 131. Set the printhead pressure to the minimum needed for good print quality. See Adjust Printhead Pressure on page 70. Adjust the printhead balance.
  • Code: 13
  • Display:
  • Description: Long tracks of missing print on several labels
  • Causes: Print element damaged.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the printhead.
  • Code: 14
  • Display:
  • Description: Wrinkled ribbon
  • Causes: Ribbon fed through the machine incorrectly. Incorrect burn temperature. Incorrect or uneven printhead pressure. Media not feeding properly; walking from side to side. The strip plate needs adjusting. The printhead needs vertical adjustment. The printhead is improperly balanced. The printhead and platen roller need to be realigned.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: See Load Ribbon on page 64. Set the darkness to the lowest possible setting for good print quality. See Adjust Print Darkness on page 78. Set the printhead pressure to the minimum needed for good print quality. See Adjust Printhead Pressure on page 70. Make sure that media is snug by adjusting the media guide, or call a service technician. Adjust the printhead balance.
  • Code: 15
  • Display:
  • Description: Printing too light or too dark over the entire label
  • Causes: The media or ribbon is not designed for high-speed operation. You are using an incorrect combination of media and ribbon for your application. You are using ribbon with direct thermal media. Incorrect or uneven printhead pressure.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace supplies with those recommended for high-speed operation. 1. Switch to a different type of media or ribbon to try to find a compatible combination. 2. If necessary, consult your authorized Zebra reseller or distributor for information and advice. Direct thermal media does not require ribbon. To check if you are using direct thermal media, perform the label scratch test in When to Use Ribbon on page 62. Set the pressure to the minimum needed. See Adjust Printhead Pressure on page 70.
  • Code: 16
  • Display:
  • Description: Smudge marks on labels
  • Causes: The media or ribbon is not designed for high-speed operation.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace supplies with those recommended for high-speed operation.
  • Code: 17
  • Display:
  • Description: Misregistration/skips labels
  • Causes: The printer is not calibrated. Improper label format.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Recalibrate the printer. Use correct label format.
  • Code: 18
  • Display:
  • Description: Misregistration and misprint of one to three labels
  • Causes: The platen roller is dirty. Media does not meet specifications.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: See Clean the Printhead and Platen Roller on page 131. Use media that meets specifications.

– Zebra ZM400 printer Error Codes

  • Code: 19
  • Display:
  • Description: Vertical drift in top-of-form position
  • Causes: The printer is out of calibration. Vertical drift occurs during normal printer operation. Note • A vertical drift of ± 4 to 6 dot rows (approximately 0.5 mm) is within normal tolerances. The platen roller is dirty.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Recalibrate the printer. Calibrate the printer. Clean the platen roller. See Clean the Printhead and Platen Roller on page 131.
  • Code: 20
  • Display:
  • Description: Vertical image or label drift
  • Causes: The printer is using non-continuous labels but is configured in continuous mode. The media sensor is positioned incorrectly. The media sensor is calibrated improperly. The platen roller is dirty. Improper printhead pressure settings (toggles). Improperly loaded ribbon or media. Incompatible media.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Configure the printer for non-continuous and run calibration routine, if necessary. Ensure that the media sensor is properly positioned to read a single/consistent interlabel gap. See Calibrate Media and Ribbon Sensor Sensitivity on page 90. Clean the platen roller. See Clean the Printhead and Platen Roller on page 131. Adjust the printhead pressure to ensure proper functionality. Verify that the printer is loaded properly. Ensure that the interlabel gaps or notches are 2 to 4 mm and consistently placed. Media must not exceed minimum specifications for mode of operation.
  • Code: 21
  • Display:
  • Description: The bar code printed on a label does not scan.
  • Causes: The bar code is not within specifications because the print is too light or too dark. Not enough blank space around the bar code.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Perform the FEED Self Test on page 120. Adjust the darkness or print speed settings as necessary. Leave at least 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) between the bar code and other printed areas on the label and between the bar code and the edge of the label.
  • Code: 22
  • Display:
  • Description: Loss of printing registration on labels. Excessive vertical drift in top-of-form registration.
  • Causes: The platen roller is dirty. Media guides are positioned improperly. The media type is set incorrectly. The media is loaded incorrectly.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Clean the platen roller according to the instructions in Clean the Printhead and Platen Roller on page 131. Ensure that the media guides are properly positioned. Set the printer for the correct media type (gap/notch, continuous, or mark). See Set Media Type on page 81. Load media correctly. See Load Media on page 58.
  • Code: 23
  • Display:
  • Description: Auto Calibrate failed.
  • Causes: Media or ribbon is loaded incorrectly. The sensors could not detect the media or ribbon. The sensors are dirty or positioned improperly. The sensors are dirty, or media is positioned improperly for the sensors to detect. The media type is set incorrectly.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Ensure that media and ribbon are loaded correctly. Manually calibrate the printer. See Calibrate Media and Ribbon Sensor Sensitivity on page 90. Ensure that the sensors are clean and that media is positioned properly. Set the printer for the correct media type (gap/notch, continuous, or mark). See Set Media Type on page 81.
  • Code: 24
  • Display:
  • Description: A label format was sent to the printer but was not recognized. The DATA light does not flash.
  • Causes: The communication parameters are incorrect.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the printer driver or software communications settings (if applicable). If you are using serial communication, check the serial port setting in the control panel menu. See Set Serial Communications on page 91. If you are using serial communication, make sure you are using a null modem cable or a null modem adapter. Using the control panel controls, check the protocol setting. It should be set to NONE. See Set Protocol on page 93. If a driver is used, check the driver communication settings for your connection.
  • Code: 25
  • Display:
  • Description: A label format was sent to the printer. Several labels print, then the printer skips, misplaces, misses, or distorts the image on the label.
  • Causes: The serial communication settings are incorrect.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Ensure that the flow control settings match. Check the communication cable length. See Table 5 on page 48 for requirements. Check the printer driver or software communications settings (if applicable).
  • Code: 26
  • Display:
  • Description: A label format was sent to the printer but was not recognized. The DATA light flashes but no printing occurs.
  • Causes: The prefix and delimiter characters set in the printer do not match the ones in the label format. Incorrect data is being sent to the printer.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Verify the prefix and delimiter characters. See Set Format Prefix Character on page 94 and Set Delimiter Character on page 95 for the requirements. Check the communication settings on the computer. Ensure that they match the printer settings. If the problem continues, check the label format.
  • Code: 27
  • Display:
  • Description: Broken or melted ribbon
  • Causes: Darkness setting too high.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reduce the darkness setting. 2. Clean the printhead thoroughly.
  • Code: 28
  • Display:
  • Description: The printer does not detect when the ribbon runs out. In thermal transfer mode, the printer did not detect the ribbon even though it is loaded correctly.
  • Causes: The ribbon-out threshold is set too high to detect the ribbon. On a sensor profile, the ribbon-out threshold (circled in Figure 15) appears above the black bars that indicate the ribbon. This happens if you calibrate the printer without ribbon and later insert ribbon without recalibrating the printer or loading printer defaults.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Print a sensor profile (see Print Sensor Profile on page 89), and note the location of the ribbon-out threshold (circled in Figure 15). 2. Calibrate the printer, this time using ribbon, or load printer defaults. See Calibrate Media and Ribbon Sensor Sensitivity on page 90 or LOAD DEFAULTS on page 73. Important • Loading defaults resets all printer parameters back to factory defaults. 3. Print another sensor profile, and compare it to the first one. 4. If the ribbon-out threshold is still too high, you may manually change the value.
  • Code: 29
  • Display:
  • Description: The ribbon light is on even though ribbon is loaded correctly.
  • Causes: The printer was not calibrated for the label and ribbon being used.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Perform the calibration procedure in Calibrate Media and Ribbon Sensor Sensitivity on page 90.
  • Code: 30
  • Display:
  • Description: The LCD displays a language that I cannot read
  • Causes: The language parameter was changed through the control panel or a firmware command.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Press SETUP/EXIT to enter configuration mode. 2. Press MINUS (-). The printer displays the LANGUAGE parameter in the current language. Even if you cannot recognize the characters displayed, you can still scroll to another language. 3. Press SELECT to select the parameter. 4. Press PLUS (+) or MINUS (-) to scroll through the choices until you find a language that you can read. 5. Press SETUP/EXIT. The LCD displays SAVE CHANGES in the original language. 6. Press SETUP/EXIT again to exit configuration mode and save the changes (if the language does not change, you may need to scroll to a different save option by pressing PLUS (+) or MINUS (-) in the previous step). 7. Repeat this process, if necessary, until you reach the desired language.

– Zebra ZM400 troubleshooting solutions to fix error codes

  • Code: 31
  • Display:
  • Description: The LCD is missing characters or parts of characters
  • Causes: The LCD may need replacing.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Run the Power-On Self Test on page 117 and check that the LCD display shows all characters. If not, replace the LCD.
  • Code: 32
  • Display:
  • Description: Changes in parameter settings did not take effect
  • Causes: Parameters are set incorrectly. A command turned off the ability to change the parameter. A command changed the parameter back to the previous setting. If the problem continues, there may be a problem with the main logic board.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Set parameters and save permanently. 2. Turn the printer off (O) and then on (I). Refer to the ZPL Programming Guide. Refer to the ZPL Programming Guide. Replace the main logic board.
  • Code: 33
  • Display:
  • Description: The printer fails to calibrate or detect the top of the label.
  • Causes: The printer was not calibrated for the label being used. The printer is configured for continuous media. The driver or software configuration is not set correctly.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Perform the calibration procedure in Calibrate Media and Ribbon Sensor Sensitivity on page 90. Set the media type to noncontinuous media. See Set Media Type on page 81. Driver or software settings produce commands that can overwrite the printer configuration. Check the driver or software media-related setting.
  • Code: 34
  • Display:
  • Description: Non-continuous labels are being treated as continuous labels.
  • Causes: The printer was not calibrated for the media being used. The printer is configured for continuous media.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Perform the calibration procedure in Calibrate Media and Ribbon Sensor Sensitivity on page 90. Set the media type to noncontinuous media. See Set Media Type on page 81.
  • Code: 35
  • Display:
  • Description: All lights are on, but nothing displays on the LCD, and the printer locks up.
  • Causes: Internal electronic or firmware failure.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Turn the printer power off (O) and then on (I). If the printer locks up again, replace the main logic board.
  • Code: 36
  • Display:
  • Description: The printer locks up while running the Power-On Self Test.
  • Causes: Main logic board failure.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the main logic board.

Contact us to get support with Zebra ZM400 Error case

Mobile/ Whatsapp: (+0084)915 589 236
Telegram: https://t.me/nguyendangmien
Skype: nguyendangmien
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nguyendangmien

background image



LCD Error Messages


ZM400/ZM600 User Guide

79695L-001 Rev. A

LCD Error Messages

The LCD displays messages when there is an error. See

Table 15

for LCD errors, the possible

causes, and the recommended solutions.

Table 15 • LCD Error Messages

LCD Display/
Printer Condition

Possible Cause

Recommended Solution

The ERROR light flashes.

The printhead was replaced with
one that is not a genuine Zebra™

Install a genuine Zebra™ printhead.

The printer stops; the
ERROR light flashes.

In thermal transfer mode, ribbon is
not loaded or incorrectly loaded.

Load ribbon correctly. See


Ribbon on page 47


In thermal transfer mode, the
ribbon sensor is not detecting
ribbon that is loaded incorrectly.


Load ribbon correctly. See


Ribbon on page 47



Calibrate the sensors. See

Calibrate Media and Ribbon
Sensor Sensitivity
on page 74


In thermal transfer mode, media is
blocking the ribbon sensor.


Load media correctly. See


Media on page 33



Calibrate the sensors. See

Calibrate Media and Ribbon
Sensor Sensitivity
on page 74


In thermal transfer mode, the
printer did not detect the ribbon
even though it is loaded correctly.


Print a sensor profile. See


Sensor Profile on page 73

. The

ribbon out threshold (marked by
the word


) is likely too

high, above the black area that
indicates where the ribbon is


Calibrate the sensors or load
printer defaults. See


Media and Ribbon Sensor
on page 74



DEFAULTS on page 57






1. Error message displayed on the LCD screen
When an error occurs, the LCD displays a message. Errors, possible reasons, and recommended solutions are listed below.

Displayed information 1: Invalid Head
Possible reason: The original Zebra ZM400 printhead was not used when replacing the printhead.
Solution: Install the original Zebra ZM400 printhead.

Displayed information 2: Ribbon Out
Possible reason 1: In thermal transfer mode, the ribbon is not loaded or loaded incorrectly.
Solution: please load the media correctly.
Possible reason2: In thermal transfer mode, the ribbon sensor does not detect the correctly loaded ribbon.
Solution: Please load the media correctly and calibrate the sensor.
Possible reason 3: In thermal transfer mode, the media blocks the ribbon sensor.
Solution: Please load the media correctly and calibrate the sensor.
Possible reason 4: In thermal transfer mode, the printer does not detect the ribbon even if the ribbon has been loaded.
Solution: Please print the sensor chart, calibrate the sensor or load the printer defaults.

Displayed information 3: Ribbon In
Possible reason: The ribbon is loaded, but the printer is set to thermal mode.
Solution: Thermal media does not require ribbon. If you want to use thermal transfer media that requires ribbon, set the printer to use in the «thermal transfer mode».

Displayed information 4: Paper Out
Possible reason 1: The media is not loaded or the media is not loaded properly.
Solution: Please load the media correctly.
Possible reason 2: The media sensor is misaligned.
Solution: Check the media sensor position.
Possible reason 3: The printer has been set up for non-continuous media, but contiguous media is loaded.
Solution: Please install the correct media type, or reset the printer to the current media type and perform calibration.

Displayed information 5: Head Open
Possible reason 1: The print head is not completely closed.
Solution: please completely close the print head.
Possible reason 2: The print head opening sensor is not working properly. Solution: please replace the sensor.

2. Calibration failure
Phenomenon 1: The print alignment mark on the label is missing, and the vertical offset of the top alignment mark on the form is too much.
Possible reason 1: The platen roller is too dirty.
Solution: Please clean the platen roller.
Possible reason 2: The position of the media guide is not correct.
Solution: Please ensure that the media guide is correctly positioned.
Possible reason3: The media type is incorrect.
Solution: Set the printer to use for the correct media type.
Possible reason 4: The media is not loaded correctly.
Solution: Please load the media correctly.

Phenomenon 2: Auto calibration failed.
Possible reason 1: The media or ribbon is not loaded correctly.
Solution: Please load the media and ribbon correctly.
Possible reason 2: The ribbon or media is not detected by the sensor. Solution: Please calibrate the printer manually.
Possible reason 3: The sensor is too dirty, or the positioning is not correct, the sensor cannot be detected.
Solution: Please make sure the sensor is clean and the media position is correct.
Possible reason 4: The media type setting is incorrect.
Solution: Set the printer to use for the correct media type.

3. Zebra ZM400 Communication failure
Phenomenon 1: The label format has been sent to the printer, but it is not recognized and the data indicator is not flashing.
Possible reason: The communication parameters are incorrect.
Solution 1: Check the printer driver or software communication settings. Solution 2: If using a serial port, check the port settings in the control panel menu.
Solution 3: If you use a driver, check the driver communication settings related to the connection.

Phenomenon 2: The label format has been sent to the printer. After printing multiple labels, the printer skips, misplaces, loses images, or distorts the image on the label.
Possible reason: The serial communication setting is incorrect.
Solution 1: Make sure the flow control settings match.
Solution 2: Check the length of the communication cable.
Solution 3: Check the printer driver or software communication settings.

Phenomenon 3: The format has been sent to the printer, but it is not recognized, the data light flashes, but it does not print.
Possible reason 1: The prefix and separator character set in the printer do not match the character set in the label format.
Solution: Please check the prefix and separator characters.
Possible reason 2: Incorrect data is being sent to the printer.
Solution: Please check the communication settings on the computer to make sure these settings match the settings on the printer. If the problem persists, check the label format.

4. Ribbon failure
Phenomenon 1: The ribbon is broken or melted.
Possible reason: The depth setting value is too high.
Solution 1: Reduce the depth setting value.
Solution 2: Thoroughly clean the print head.

Phenomenon 2: The printer has not checked that the ribbon has run out. Possible reason: The printer is calibrated without a ribbon loaded, then the ribbon is inserted without performing a user recalibration of the printer, or the printer defaults are not loaded.
Solution: Use the ribbon to calibrate the printer, or load the printer defaults.

Phenomenon 3: In thermal transfer mode, the ribbon is not detected by the printer even though the ribbon is loaded correctly.
Possible reason: The printer is calibrated without a ribbon loaded, then the ribbon is inserted without performing a user recalibration of the printer, or the printer defaults are not loaded.
Solution: Use the ribbon to calibrate the printer, or load the printer defaults.

Phenomenon 4: The ribbon indicator illuminates even if the ribbon is loaded correctly.
Possible reason: The printer is not calibrated for the label and ribbon to be used.
Solution: Perform calibration media and ribbon sensor sensitivity.

The most common error codes.

32 Description: Changes in parameter settings did not take effect
11 Description: The printer stops; the ERROR light flashes.
22 Description: Loss of printing registration on labels. Excessive vertical drift in top-of-form registration.
33 Description: The printer fails to calibrate or detect the top of the label.
01 Description: The ERROR light flashes.
32 Description: Changes in parameter settings did not take effect
11 Description: The printer stops; the ERROR light flashes.
22 Description: Loss of printing registration on labels. Excessive vertical drift in top-of-form registration.
33 Description: The printer fails to calibrate or detect the top of the label.
01 Description: The ERROR light flashes.

Hardware Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting the PSII



ZebraNet PrintServer II User Guide


Troubleshooting the PSII

Resetting to Factory Defaults 

To reset the 


 configuration parameters to the factory defaults, press the 


 button and 

hold it in while turning the printer power on. Keep the test button pressed until the Status 
Indicator light turns green, then release the test button. After approximately 20 seconds, a 
configuration label prints automatically.

Status Indicator   

A bi-color Status Indicator displays the operational status of the 


. The following 

conditions might occur:

• During normal operation, the LED is solid green for more than 30 seconds. This indicates 

all the hardware is functioning properly and it has detected the presence of the network. It 
does not mean the 


 has an IP address or is attached to a printer queue.

• If the LED is rapidly flashing green (9 times/sec), the 


 has not detected the presence of 

a network cable. To solve the problem:

Turn the printer power off. Remove the network cable from the 


. Plug the 

network cable back in until you hear a positive click. Check the other end of the cable 
in the same manner. Turn the printer power on. If the 


 still does not detect a cable, 


Verify that the network cable is 10BASE-T and has an RJ-45 connector. 

Connect the 


 to a network drop that is a known good network connection. If the 


 is still unable to detect the network cable, contact Technical Support for 


• If the LED is slowly flashing green (1 time/sec), the 


 is trying to print a job. If the job 

does not print, check the following:

Verify that the printer has media and ribbon (if in thermal transfer mode). If the 
printer is showing any errors, it is unlikely that the 


 can send data to the printer. 

The LED continues to blink until the printer malfunction is resolved or until the 
printer is turned off.

Flashing red indicates the Power On Self Test (POST) is in progress.

• If the LED is solid red for more than 30 seconds, the 


 has failed the POST. If the 

failure is not severe, the 


 attempts to print a configuration label on the printer. A failed 

POST can be caused by any of the following:

The printer attached to the 


 device is malfunctioning. Turn the printer power off, 

wait 10 seconds, then turn the printer back on. 

If the 


 still fails the POST, continue below. The 


 has a hardware problem that 

can be fixed only by replacing or returning the unit. Contact Technical Support for 
repair or replacement information.

Important • 

Cables with a rating higher than CAT-5 have not been tested.

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