Завершено ошибка 027 529

15 Устранение неисправностей 



При передаче данных по SMB с помощью режима сканирования на 
компьютер не удается удалить файл с сервера SMB по одной из 
следующих причин:
• Данный файл не существует.
• Данный файл открыт.
• Указанное имя файла уже используется как каталог.
Проверьте, не используется ли данный файл другим пользователем в 
указанном размещении.


При передаче данных по SMB с помощью режима сканирования на 
компьютер не удается удалить папку блокировки с сервера SMB по одной 
из следующих причин:
• Данный файл не существует.
• Данный каталог не пустой.
• Каталог с указанным именем не существует.
Если в данном назначении существует каталог блокировки (.LCK), удалите 
его вручную и попробуйте еще раз.


При передаче данных по SMB с помощью режима сканирования на 
компьютер не удается удалить папку с сервера SMB по одной из 
следующих причин:
• Данный файл не существует.
• Данный каталог не пустой.
• Каталог с указанным именем не существует.
Проверьте, не используется ли данный файл другим пользователем в 
указанном размещении.


При передаче данных по SMB с помощью режима сканирования на 
компьютер, не хватает места в данном размещении на сервере SMB.
Проверьте наличие свободного места в указанном размещении.


При передаче данных по SMB с помощью режима сканирования на 
компьютер произошла непредвиденная ошибка на сервере SMB или 
непредвиденная внутренняя ошибка на аппарате.
Зарегистрируйтесь на сервере с другого компьютера, используя такое же 
имя пользователя, и проверьте, можно ли записать файл в это же 
размещение на сервере. Если неисправность повторяется, это может быть 
вызвано наличием внутренней ошибки. Обратитесь на горячую линию 


При передаче данных по SMB с помощью режима сканирования на 
компьютер не удается сохранить файл, так как для настройки [Конфликт 
имени файла] выбрана опция [Не сохранять].
Выберите для настройки [Конфликт имени файла] любую другую опцию, 
кроме [Не сохранять].


Ошибка при передаче данных по SMB с помощью режима сканирования на 
компьютер, так как способ записи файлов был неверный.
Если для настройки [Конфликт имени файла] установлена опция 
[Переименовать], убедитесь, что форматом файла не является 
множественная страница.


Ошибка при обращении к файлу NEXTNAME.DAT во время передачи 
данных по SMB с помощью режима сканирования на компьютер.
Если для настройки [Конфликт имени файла] установлена опция 
[Переименовать], проверьте, правильный ли файл NEXTNAME.DAT.


Внутренняя ошибка при передаче данных по SMB с помощью режима 
сканирования на компьютер.
Попробуйте выполнить данную операцию еще раз. Если неисправность не 
устраняется, обратитесь на горячую линию Xerox.


Описание и меры по устранению

027-529 Data Read Failure From SMB Server RAP

027-529 Unexpected error of the SMB scan data server.


Advise the customer to log in to the SMB server from another PC using the same user name and check whether they can write a file into the same storage destination on that SMB server.

**This RAP is from Xerox Service Manual. All brand names and trademarks are their respective owner’s property.**

You may be also interested in below toner and drum chip (CRUM) for Xerox VersaLink C7020, C7025, C7030, C7000.

Toner Chip (For North America and West Europe Region):

• 106R03741 106R03744 106R03743 106R03742
• 106R03757 106R03760 106R03759 106R03758
• 106R03737 106R03740 106R03739 106R03738

Toner Chip (For South America and East Europe Region):

• 106R03749 106R03752 106R03751 106R03750
• 106R03745 106R03748 106R03747 106R03746
• 106R03765 106R03768 106R03767 106R03766

Toner Chip (For Metered Machine):

• 106R03733 106R03736 106R03735 106R03734

Drum Chip:

• 113R00780 113R00782

Error in scanning 027-529

Fuji scanning results to an error with a job status of Completed with error Data read failure from SMB server and the error code is 027-529.

There are various reasons why an error or a failure occurs. And for that reason, there are also quite a lot of ways how to resolve the issue.

The description or the message of the error, sometimes will give you a hint on how to solve the error and sometimes it is just a general error message that is not completely related to the actual problem. Therefore, you must be creative and resourceful on how to solve problems.

Of course, if you can keep track of recent changes done on the system. Then there’s a bigger chance that the issue surfaces because of the changes implemented on the system or in your network environment.

027-529 error on a Fuji Xerox machine and with a Windows 10 client, the error message will give you a hint already. The error stated that there’s a data read failure on the SMB server.

When it comes to access rights policy, if the user is not able to read then most probably the user don’t have the access rights to read.

So, in this case Data read failure could be an issue of the username and password set on the machine. If the username and password set on the machine doesn’t match with the access rights on the shared scan folder then it will result to an error.

If you have the policy in your environment to always change the password but forgot to update the password on the scanning machine then it will always result to an error, the computer won’t allow the machine to save any data since its username or either password is not recognized by the system.

The simple solution for 027-529 error on a Windows 10 client, check the shared folder permissions and properties if it is set correctly on the computer and of course, also make sure that the username and password set on the machine is the correct or updated details that can access the shared folder.

Solution: check shared folder permissions settings of the client PC, check username and password set on the machine  or basically just check the settings on the machine for any misconfiguration such as hostname, shared folder name, domain username and the domain password of the user.

Hopefully, the above solution will help you save some time doing troubleshooting why there is a scan failure.

Cheers! Till next time.


Click on links below to find out more:

Heaven’s Dew Fall  Prayer app for Android :

Catholic Rosary Guide  for Android:

Divine Mercy Chaplet Guide (A Powerful prayer):

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Notepad++ is an awesome text editing tool, it can accept regex to process the text data. If the data is in a “.csv” format or comma separated values which is basically just a text file that can either be opened using a text editor, excel or even word. Notepad++ can process the contents of the file using regex. Example if the data has multiple rows or lines, and what is needed is to convert the whole lines of data into a single line. Notepad++ can easily do it using regex. However, if the data is on a single line and it needs to be converted into multiple lines or rows then regex can also be used for this case. Here’s an example on how to convert multiple rows or lines into a single line. Example data: Multiple rows, just a sample data. Press Ctrl+H, and  on «Find what» type: [\r\n]+ and on «Replace with» type with: , (white space) —white space is needed if need to have a space in between the data. See image below, «Regular Expression» must be se

The are quite a few ways to check office version it can be done via registry, PowerShell or VBScript and of course, good old command line can also do it. Checking Windows office version whether it is Office 2010, Office, 2013, Office 2016 or other version is quite important to check compatibility of documents; or just a part of software inventory. For PowerShell this simple snippet can check the office version: $ol = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application $ol . Version The command line option will tell you where’s the path located; the result will also tell whether office is 32-bit, 64-bit and of course the version of the office as well. Here’s the command that will check the office version and which program directory the file is located which will tell whether it’s 32-bit or 64-bit. Command to search for Excel.exe: DIR C:\ /s excel.exe | find   /i «Directory of»  Above command assumes that program files is on  C: drive. Sample Outpu

WMIC get computer model, manufacturer, computer name and  username. WMIC is a command-line tool and that can generate information about computer model, its manufacturer, its username and other informations depending on the parameters provided. Why would you need a command line tool if there’s a GUI to check? If you have 20 or 100 computers, or even more. It’s quite a big task just checking the GUI to check the computer model and username. If you have remote computers, you need to delegate someone in the remote office or location to check. Or you can just write a batch file or script to automate the task. Here’s the code below on how get computer model, manufacturer and the username. Open an elevated command prompt and type:     wmic computersystem get «Model»,»Manufacturer», «Name», «UserName» Just copy and paste the code above, the word “computersystem” does not need to be change to a computer name. A

15 Устранение неисправностей 



При передаче данных по SMB с помощью режима сканирования на 
компьютер не удается удалить файл с сервера SMB по одной из 
следующих причин:
• Данный файл не существует.
• Данный файл открыт.
• Указанное имя файла уже используется как каталог.
Проверьте, не используется ли данный файл другим пользователем в 
указанном размещении.


При передаче данных по SMB с помощью режима сканирования на 
компьютер не удается удалить папку блокировки с сервера SMB по одной 
из следующих причин:
• Данный файл не существует.
• Данный каталог не пустой.
• Каталог с указанным именем не существует.
Если в данном назначении существует каталог блокировки (.LCK), удалите 
его вручную и попробуйте еще раз.


При передаче данных по SMB с помощью режима сканирования на 
компьютер не удается удалить папку с сервера SMB по одной из 
следующих причин:
• Данный файл не существует.
• Данный каталог не пустой.
• Каталог с указанным именем не существует.
Проверьте, не используется ли данный файл другим пользователем в 
указанном размещении.


При передаче данных по SMB с помощью режима сканирования на 
компьютер, не хватает места в данном размещении на сервере SMB.
Проверьте наличие свободного места в указанном размещении.


При передаче данных по SMB с помощью режима сканирования на 
компьютер произошла непредвиденная ошибка на сервере SMB или 
непредвиденная внутренняя ошибка на аппарате.
Зарегистрируйтесь на сервере с другого компьютера, используя такое же 
имя пользователя, и проверьте, можно ли записать файл в это же 
размещение на сервере. Если неисправность повторяется, это может быть 
вызвано наличием внутренней ошибки. Обратитесь на горячую линию 


При передаче данных по SMB с помощью режима сканирования на 
компьютер не удается сохранить файл, так как для настройки [Конфликт 
имени файла] выбрана опция [Не сохранять].
Выберите для настройки [Конфликт имени файла] любую другую опцию, 
кроме [Не сохранять].


Ошибка при передаче данных по SMB с помощью режима сканирования на 
компьютер, так как способ записи файлов был неверный.
Если для настройки [Конфликт имени файла] установлена опция 
[Переименовать], убедитесь, что форматом файла не является 
множественная страница.


Ошибка при обращении к файлу NEXTNAME.DAT во время передачи 
данных по SMB с помощью режима сканирования на компьютер.
Если для настройки [Конфликт имени файла] установлена опция 
[Переименовать], проверьте, правильный ли файл NEXTNAME.DAT.


Внутренняя ошибка при передаче данных по SMB с помощью режима 
сканирования на компьютер.
Попробуйте выполнить данную операцию еще раз. Если неисправность не 
устраняется, обратитесь на горячую линию Xerox.


Описание и меры по устранению

027-529 Data Read Failure From SMB Server RAP

027-529 Unexpected error of the SMB scan data server.


Advise the customer to log in to the SMB server from another PC using the same user name and check whether they can write a file into the same storage destination on that SMB server.

**This RAP is from Xerox Service Manual. All brand names and trademarks are their respective owner’s property.**

You may be also interested in below toner and drum chip (CRUM) for Xerox VersaLink C7020, C7025, C7030, C7000.

Toner Chip (For North America and West Europe Region):

• 106R03741 106R03744 106R03743 106R03742
• 106R03757 106R03760 106R03759 106R03758
• 106R03737 106R03740 106R03739 106R03738

Toner Chip (For South America and East Europe Region):

• 106R03749 106R03752 106R03751 106R03750
• 106R03745 106R03748 106R03747 106R03746
• 106R03765 106R03768 106R03767 106R03766

Toner Chip (For Metered Machine):

• 106R03733 106R03736 106R03735 106R03734

Drum Chip:

• 113R00780 113R00782

Error in scanning 027-529

Fuji scanning results to an error with a job status of Completed with error Data read failure from SMB server and the error code is 027-529.

There are various reasons why an error or a failure occurs. And for that reason, there are also quite a lot of ways how to resolve the issue.

The description or the message of the error, sometimes will give you a hint on how to solve the error and sometimes it is just a general error message that is not completely related to the actual problem. Therefore, you must be creative and resourceful on how to solve problems.

Of course, if you can keep track of recent changes done on the system. Then there’s a bigger chance that the issue surfaces because of the changes implemented on the system or in your network environment.

027-529 error on a Fuji Xerox machine and with a Windows 10 client, the error message will give you a hint already. The error stated that there’s a data read failure on the SMB server.

When it comes to access rights policy, if the user is not able to read then most probably the user don’t have the access rights to read.

So, in this case Data read failure could be an issue of the username and password set on the machine. If the username and password set on the machine doesn’t match with the access rights on the shared scan folder then it will result to an error.

If you have the policy in your environment to always change the password but forgot to update the password on the scanning machine then it will always result to an error, the computer won’t allow the machine to save any data since its username or either password is not recognized by the system.

The simple solution for 027-529 error on a Windows 10 client, check the shared folder permissions and properties if it is set correctly on the computer and of course, also make sure that the username and password set on the machine is the correct or updated details that can access the shared folder.

Solution: check shared folder permissions settings of the client PC, check username and password set on the machine  or basically just check the settings on the machine for any misconfiguration such as hostname, shared folder name, domain username and the domain password of the user.

Hopefully, the above solution will help you save some time doing troubleshooting why there is a scan failure.

Cheers! Till next time.


Click on links below to find out more:

Heaven’s Dew Fall  Prayer app for Android :

Catholic Rosary Guide  for Android:

Divine Mercy Chaplet Guide (A Powerful prayer):

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Notepad++ is an awesome text editing tool, it can accept regex to process the text data. If the data is in a “.csv” format or comma separated values which is basically just a text file that can either be opened using a text editor, excel or even word. Notepad++ can process the contents of the file using regex. Example if the data has multiple rows or lines, and what is needed is to convert the whole lines of data into a single line. Notepad++ can easily do it using regex. However, if the data is on a single line and it needs to be converted into multiple lines or rows then regex can also be used for this case. Here’s an example on how to convert multiple rows or lines into a single line. Example data: Multiple rows, just a sample data. Press Ctrl+H, and  on «Find what» type: [rn]+ and on «Replace with» type with: , (white space) —white space is needed if need to have a space in between the data. See image below, «Regular Expression» must be se

The are quite a few ways to check office version it can be done via registry, PowerShell or VBScript and of course, good old command line can also do it. Checking Windows office version whether it is Office 2010, Office, 2013, Office 2016 or other version is quite important to check compatibility of documents; or just a part of software inventory. For PowerShell this simple snippet can check the office version: $ol = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application $ol . Version The command line option will tell you where’s the path located; the result will also tell whether office is 32-bit, 64-bit and of course the version of the office as well. Here’s the command that will check the office version and which program directory the file is located which will tell whether it’s 32-bit or 64-bit. Command to search for Excel.exe: DIR C: /s excel.exe | find   /i «Directory of»  Above command assumes that program files is on  C: drive. Sample Outpu

WMIC get computer model, manufacturer, computer name and  username. WMIC is a command-line tool and that can generate information about computer model, its manufacturer, its username and other informations depending on the parameters provided. Why would you need a command line tool if there’s a GUI to check? If you have 20 or 100 computers, or even more. It’s quite a big task just checking the GUI to check the computer model and username. If you have remote computers, you need to delegate someone in the remote office or location to check. Or you can just write a batch file or script to automate the task. Here’s the code below on how get computer model, manufacturer and the username. Open an elevated command prompt and type:     wmic computersystem get «Model»,»Manufacturer», «Name», «UserName» Just copy and paste the code above, the word “computersystem” does not need to be change to a computer name. A



During data transfer via SMB using the Scan to PC service, an unexpected error

has occurred on the SMB server, or an unexpected internal error has occurred

on the machine.

Log in to the server from another computer using the same user name to see if a

file can be written into the same save location on the server. If the problem

persists, it may be an internal error. Contact the Xerox Welcome Center.


During data transfer via SMB using the Scan to PC service, a file could not be

saved because [Do Not Save] had been selected for [File Name Conflict].

Select any option other than [Do Not Save] for [File Name Conflict].


During data transfer via SMB using the Scan to PC service, an error occurred

because the filing policy was invalid.

When selecting [Rename New File] in [File Name Conflict], make sure that the

file format is not Multi-Page.


During data transfer via SMB using the Scan to PC service, an error occurred

when accessing to the NEXTNAME.DAT file.

If [Rename New File] has been selected for [File Name Conflict], check if the

NEXTNAME.DAT file is correct.


During data transfer via SMB using the Scan to PC service, an internal error


Try executing the same operation. If the problem persists, contact the Xerox

Welcome Center.


The SMB server (NetBIOS) name is invalid.

Check if the name of the SMB server is correct.


An SMB protocol error occurred. Prohibited characters were detected in the

specified domain name. Check the domain name, and that the correct domain

name is set on the machine. Check the domain using the following procedure:

1. Select [System Settings] > [Connectivity & Network Setup] > [Remote

Server/Directory Service] > [SMB Server Settings] in System Administration


2. Select the corresponding SMB server and check the domain name.


An SMB protocol error occurred. Prohibited characters were detected in the

specified user name. Check the user name settings.


An SMB protocol error occurred. Perform the same operation again. Contact the

Xerox Welcome Center if the problem persists.


An SMB protocol error occurred. The SMB server could not be found. Check

that the authentication server and the machine can communicate across the

network. For example, check the following:

• Check the network cable connections.

• Check the TCP/IP settings.

• Check the port settings: port 137 (UDP), port 138 (UDP), port 139 (TCP).


An SMB protocol error occurred. Perform the same operation again. Contact the

Xerox Welcome Center if the problem persists.


An SMB protocol error occurred. SMB (TCP/IP) is not activated. Using

CentreWare Internet Services, open the [Port Status] page on the [Properties]

tab, and check that TCP/IP for SMB is enabled.


The SMB (TCP/IP) port is not enabled. Enable the port with CentreWare Internet


Description and Remedy

Fault Codes


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