Задача sharepoint сообщила об ошибке 0x80070005

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  • 17 Jul 2014 6:47 AM

    Is this permanent solution? What will happen when we remove the Farm Account from the Local Admin and timer service/server is restarted?

  • 17 Jul 2014 6:48 AM

    Is this permanent solution? What will happen when we remove the Farm Account from the Local Admin and timer service/server is restarted?

  • 4 Nov 2014 6:24 AM

    Yes, it is a permanent solution.  The farm account does not need to be a member of the local Administrators group in order to be able to run farm services and service applications (though be alert to possible User Rights Assignments issues here).

  • 19 May 2015 1:30 AM

    When you remove the SP Farm account from the local admin group and restart the timer service or server itself the warning will pop up again in the application log.

    Not a permanent solution!

  • 28 May 2015 11:57 AM

    here is automation if needed

    $farmAccount = ( Get-SPFarm ).DefaultServiceAccount.Name.ToLower()

    $adminsGroup = «Administrators»

    $farmAccountSplitted = $farmAccount.Split( «\» )

    $farmAccountDomain = $farmAccountSplitted[0]

    $farmAccountSAN = $farmAccountSplitted[1]

    $userPath = «WinNT://» + $farmAccountDomain + «/» + $farmAccountSAN + «,user»

    $groupPath = «WinNT://» + $env:COMPUTERNAME + «/» + $adminsGroup + «,group»

    $group = [ADSI]$groupPath

    $group.Add( $userPath )

    Restart-Service SPTimerV4

    $user = [ADSI]$userPath

    $group.Remove( $user.Path )

    #Runs timerjob

    Get-SPTimerJob job-admin-product-version | Start-SPTimerJob

  • Author Mike MacDonald

    • Go into SharePoint Central Administration
    • Go to Operations
    • Under Global Configuration, select Alternate access mappings
    • Choose your Alternate Access Mapping Collection from the dropdown (e.g. SharePoint — 80)
    • Make the Default zone your new DNS name, including if it’s SSL’ed or not (e.g. http://portal.company.com Opens a new window or https://portal.company.com Opens a new window)

    In doing this, it removed our URL settings for Intranet and Internet, since they were the same.  We can now create/modify/delete our IT calendar linked to Outlook 2007 from SharePoint 2007.

    Was this post helpful?

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    • Вопрос

    • This is your standard standalone WSS 3.0 sp2 installation with a stadard calendar. When  synchronize to outlook (outlook 2007, i read that this should be ok) is attempted, the following error occurs:
      Task ‘SharePoint’ reported error (0x80070005) : ‘You do not have permission to view this SharePoint List (Team ARC — Calendar). Contact the SharePoint site administrator.  HTTP 302.

      Team ARC is the name of the sharepoint site FYI.

      Looking for help/



    • Hi d3vlabs,

      First please ensure that the account used to do synchronization has permission on calendar. You can also try to give full control permission to the account on calendar list to see if it will work. If this is not a permission issue, could you confirm that if SSL is enabled? If you enable SSL, You need to check the AAM configuration to see if you have modified the public URL for the DEFAULT zone from http:// to https://.

      Hope this helps.

      Lu Zou

      • Помечено в качестве ответа

        14 августа 2009 г. 6:36

    • #1

    Привет, с недавних пор в outlook 2010 стало вылезать сообщение:

    Задача «SharePoint» сообщила об ошибке (0x80070005): «нет разрешения на просмотр этого списка SharePoint <name of=»» the=»» sharepoint=»» list=»» or=»» library=»»></name>. Обратитесь к администратору узла SharePoint. HTTP 302.

    У нас нет никакого Sharepoint. Помогите разобраться пжст.

    • #3

    Решил проблему вот как.
    1. Удалил список который уже был создан.
    2. Зашел в битрикс но не через http а через https.
    3. Установил сертификат в доверенные крневые
    4. Ввел логин / пароль + галку запомнить.

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