Youtube studio произошла ошибка

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Сейчас к нам поступает очень много запросов. Возможно, вам придется ждать ответа дольше обычного.

Youtube Studio — это инструмент, который позволяет создавать, редактировать и управлять вашим контентом на Youtube. Однако, как и любое программное обеспечение, иногда возникают проблемы при его использовании. В данной статье мы рассмотрим основные рекомендации по исправлению проблем с Youtube Studio.

Ошибка при загрузке

Если вы столкнулись с ошибкой при загрузке Youtube Studio, то прежде всего попробуйте перезагрузить страницу. Если это не поможет, то попробуйте очистить кэш браузера или использовать другой браузер.

Если проблема остается, попробуйте проверить наличие обновлений для вашего браузера или операционной системы. Также может помочь проверка наличия блокирующего программного обеспечения, такого как антивирус или брандмауэр.

Проблемы с загрузкой видео

Если вы не можете загрузить видео на Youtube Studio, то сначала проверьте формат видео и размер файла. Youtube Studio поддерживает различные форматы, такие как MP4, MOV, AVI, а также различные разрешения. Если ваш файл не соответствует требованиям Youtube Studio, то вам нужно будет преобразовать его с помощью видео конвертера.

Если файл соответствует требованиям Youtube Studio, то попробуйте проверить скорость интернет-соединения и попробуйте повторить загрузку позже.

Проблемы с монетизацией

Если у вас возникли проблемы с монетизацией контента на Youtube Studio, то проверьте, соответствует ли ваш контент правилам монетизации. Также может помочь оптимизация контента, например, улучшение качества видео и звука, улучшение рекламного блока и т.д.

Если вы считаете, что ваш контент соответствует правилам монетизации, но доходы не приходят, то обратитесь в службу поддержки Youtube Studio для получения дополнительной помощи.

Проблемы с интерфейсом

Если вы столкнулись с проблемами в интерфейсе Youtube Studio, то проверьте ваше соединение с интернетом. Также может помочь очистка кэша браузера или использование другого браузера.

Если проблема остается, то попробуйте связаться со службой поддержки Youtube Studio.


Youtube Studio — это мощный инструмент для создания и управления контентом на Youtube. Однако, как и любое программное обеспечение, иногда возникают проблемы при его использовании. Следуя вышеуказанным рекомендациям, вы сможете решить большинство проблем с Youtube Studio. Если же вы не можете решить проблему самостоятельно, обратитесь в службу поддержки Youtube Studio для получения дополнительной помощи.

YouTube Studio is an essential tool for content creators to manage their channels, analyze performance, and engage with their audience. However, encountering the dreaded “Something went wrong” error can be frustrating and disruptive to your creative process.

This error can manifest for various reasons, and its persistence despite various troubleshooting attempts can be baffling. In this guide, we will explore an array of solutions to address the “Something went wrong” error in YouTube Studio, going beyond the basics to cover advanced techniques that can help you regain control of your channel management.

Read: Fix PlayStation Error WS-43701-5

Before delving into the solutions, it’s crucial to understand the underlying causes of the “Something went wrong” error in YouTube Studio. This error message can surface due to a range of factors, such as outdated browsers, problematic Google account settings, network issues, or even issues on YouTube’s end. By identifying the root cause, you can tailor your troubleshooting approach effectively.

Update Your Browser

An outdated web browser can lead to compatibility issues with the latest YouTube features. Ensure that you are using the most recent version of your preferred browser. If you’re using multiple browsers, update all of them.

Change Your Google Account Password

Sometimes, authentication problems with your Google account can trigger the error. Changing your password might help refresh the connection. After changing the password, make sure to sign out and sign back in on YouTube Studio.

Clear Browser Cache and Cookies

Cached data and cookies can interfere with the proper functioning of websites. Clear your browser’s cache and cookies to eliminate any potential conflicts.

Try Different Browsers and Devices

You mentioned that you’ve tried multiple browsers, including Safari, Chrome, and Firefox, on both macOS and Windows devices. While this is a commendable effort, there might still be compatibility issues specific to certain browsers. Consider trying lesser-known browsers or even using a different computer altogether.

Install System and Software Updates

You mentioned updating macOS to the latest version, which is a step in the right direction. However, ensure that your operating system and other software, including browsers, are up-to-date. Sometimes, seemingly unrelated updates can resolve compatibility issues.

Test on Different YouTube Accounts

You’ve already attempted this by using an account with an editor role for the same channel. However, try accessing YouTube Studio with a completely different Google account to ascertain whether the issue is tied to the performance itself.

If all else fails, it’s time to reach out to YouTube’s support team. Provide them with a comprehensive overview of the troubleshooting steps you’ve taken, the devices and browsers you’ve tested, and any other relevant information.

Read: Fix PlayStation Error WS-43701-5

YouTube Studio users are nowadays experiencing an issue where they get a ‘something went wrong’ error when trying to edit videos.

And this is undeniably quite frustrating and annoying for those who have been facing hiccups while trying to do so for the past few days.


According to reports (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), numerous YouTube Studio users are encountering the ‘Something went wrong’ error when attempting to access the ‘Details tab’ for editing video information such as titles and descriptions.

It appears that the issue mostly impacts account managers or users with editor or editor (limited) roles, as channel owners can allegedly edit videos without any problems.

As per the claims, the glitch pops up only while accessing some channels. However, creators contend that they do not face such an issue on their personal channels or other managed channels.


Source (Click / tap to view)

A few also complain that the videos frequently disappear from the Content list and that they experience difficulties loading the analytics and monetization pages.

Luckily, users can access and edit the video information without any hiccups on the mobile app.

An editor claims that they are unable to engage in the editing process for all three channels that they manage.

This has been going on for almost 2 weeks now. i’ve done every “solution” they’ve recommended, but nothing has worked. Everything on mobile works perfectly fine, but soon as I try on browser I can’t do anything in studio without receiving the oops error.

Another asserts that they are facing issues while trying to upload a video to one of their clients accounts.

@TeamYouTube I edit for 3 channels & everytime i try to edit details on a video in studio for each of those channels I get “oops something went wrong” but my personal channel doesn’t do that.

Sadly, various troubleshooting measures like clearing the cache, switching browsers and network connections, and turning on incognito mode were of no help.

Additionally, re-inviting the users for different roles could not help solve the problem as well.

Official acknowledgment

Fortunately, the YouTube support team has officially acknowledged this issue and is currently working on fixing it. Although no ETA for the bug fix has been given.



Potential workarounds

Luckily, we have come across some workarounds that might help solve your problem. Firstly, it is recommended that you try re-assigning the editor roles to the affected or different accounts.

In addition to this, you can also try creating a channel with the account that you want to edit with.


Rest assured, we will continuously monitor this issue and update this story as and when we come across any new information.

Note: You can check out more such stories in our dedicated YouTube section. So make sure that you follow them as well.

Featured image source: YouTube Studio

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Youtube Studio

It can be difficult to understand the demand that your audience has when you do not have the perfect way to analyze your channel. YouTube studio solves that issue for creators in dire need of such analytical assistance. YouTube Studio is a tool for creators on YouTube that helps them easily manage their channel. Creators can take a look at all the content they have posted so far and arrange them in specific playlists. It also aids in interacting with your audience by letting you manage comments. Customize the layout of your channel add subtitles and even manage your memberships. It basically has all the features that can help a creator in growing their channel and have less to worry about.

Given that YouTube Studio has all these amazing features, it must be difficult to manage a channel without its help. It is a shame that some users have to put up with it not working on their devices. For the users who are unable to figure out a way to fix the broken YouTube studio on their device, here are some troubleshooting steps that will help you. Read through them carefully to fix the problem and get back to creating videos for your audience.

Related: YouTube picture in picture not working in 2022: Fixes and Workarounds.
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Fixes for YouTube Studio not working in 2022:
Youtube Studio

1) Check internet connection:

It is very important for your internet connection to be up and running. The reason for that is very apparent. YouTube Studio will not be able to provide you with the most recent and updated information without a proper internet connection. And even if the problem you are facing was not caused by a weak internet connection, the troubleshooting steps will need a strong internet connection.

2) Clear cache files:

If the problem is with the YouTube Studio app on your phone, tap and hold the icon and select ‘Clear cache’ to clear the cache files. Users accessing it from the browser can clear the cache files and cookies from their browser and try again. Doing this doesn’t take much time at all and is successful most of the time.

3) Restart the device:

If clearing the cache files did not work, let’s go back to the basics for a second. Restart your device. A restart is quick and easy. And if it can fix YouTube Studio for you, there can be nothing better than that. After restarting your device, open YouTube Studio and check if it is working correctly. For the majority of cases like yours, a restart is more than enough to fix the app.

4) Update app:

Check if the YouTube Studio on your device can receive an update. If it can, install the latest available update for it. After the installation, the app will start working as if it was never broken.

5) Reinstall:

You can also try completely reinstalling the app. Uninstall YouTube Studio from your device. Restart your device and then install the app again. All the errors should be fixed after the reinstallation. Now you can continue making the appropriate changes to your channel with the help of YouTube Studio.

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