Yamaha r1 2009 коды ошибок

[*]- 00 обозначает нормальное состояние показаний EEP-ROM;
[*]- 01 обозначает нарушение в смесеобразовании 01 цилиндра
[*]- 02 обозначает нарушение в смесеобразовании 02 цилиндра
[*]- 03 обозначает нарушение в смесеобразовании 03 цилиндра
[*]- 04 обозначает нарушение в смесеобразовании 04 цилиндра
[/list]46 — ошибка показатеей напряжения на модуле зажигания;
50 — ошибка работы памяти модуля зажигания;
59 — рассоединение или короткое замыкание в контуре датчика положения ручки газа, — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:14,15;
60 — ошибка системы YCC-T;
66 — неисправность концевика рулевого демпфера, — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:47;
70 — ошибка организации холостого хода (как симптом: двигатель начинает глохнуть на холостых после 20 минут работы);
Er-1 — нет входящего сигнала от модуля зажигания;
Er-2 — нет исходящего сигнала с модуля зажигания;
Er-3 — невозможно считать показания с модуля зажигания;
Er-4 — ошибка обмена данными с приборной панелью;

Процесс входа в режим диагностики:
1. Выключить зажигание. Выключить кнопку Start/Stop Engine (красная на правом пульте).
2. Нажать обе кнопки на приборке и ДЕРЖАТЬ ИХ.
3. Включить зажигание, держать кнопки после включения зажигания около 8 секунд.
4. Дождаться надписи DIAG.
5. Отпустить и нажать ОБЕ кнопки ВМЕСТЕ на приборке ещё раз на 2 сек., и отпустить.
6. Отобразится [d01]. Это первый диагностический показатель, показывает положение дросселей.
7. Кнопкой Select (верхняя) добраться до строки с номером [d60]. Эта ячейка показывает номер СУЩЕСТВУЮЩЕЙ на данный момент ошибки.
8. Посмотреть номер, стоящий напротив d61. Это номер ошибки В ПАМЯТИ «мозгов». Если ошибок несколько, они показываются попеременно.
Все ячейки диагностики выше 60 — и есть строки диагностики каждого из компонентов в отдельности. Подробнее — смотри НИЖЕ.
Для стирания ошибки из памяти системы заходишь на строку d62 и включаешь кнопку стоп-двигателя на правом пульте.
При входе в режим диагностике на дисплее отображается ячейка [d01].
Нажимая кнопку Select (верхняя) нужно перейти к показателю [d60] (самодиагностика в реальном времени) и [d61] (память ошибок) и посмотреть число рядом. Число рядом и есть номер ошибки, которую запомнил «мозг».
А все остальные числа от [d01] и до [d60] — это показатели различных датчиков (например [d01] -это положение ручки газа в процентах на данный момент, покрути и всё поймёшь).
Показатели (тестирование по датчикам включением стоп-двигателя):
d01 = положение ручки газа (крутить ручку газа)
d02 = атмосферное давление (абсолютное, в процентах)
d03 = разряжение во впуске (датчик в корпусе воздушного фильтра, в процентах)
d05 = температура воздуха во впуске (датчик в корпусе воздушного фильтра, номинал в процентах я так понимаю)
d06 = температура охлаждающей жидкости на данный момент
d07 = датчик скорости (показатель)
d08 = датчик падения (угла наклона)
d09 = напряжение на бензонасосе (тестируется включением стоп-двигателя)
d20 = боковая подножка (on/off) — тестирование работает только при выключенной нейтрали
d21 = датчик нейтрали (on/off)
d30 = катушка на 1 цилиндре (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование катушки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d31 = катушка на 2 цилиндре (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование катушки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d32 = катушка на 3 цилиндре (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование катушки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d33 = катушка на 4 цилиндре (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование катушки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d36 = форсунка 1 цилиндра (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование форсунки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d37 = форсунка 2 цилиндра (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование форсунки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d38 = форсунка 3 цилиндра (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование форсунки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d39 = форсунка 4 цилиндра (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование форсунки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d48 = AI клапан. (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование клапана, 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d50 = силовое реле инжектора и системы зажигания (тестируется так же кнопкой стоп-двигатель)
d51 = реле включения вентилятора охлаждения (тестируется так же кнопкой стоп-двигатель)
d52 = реле головного света (фар) (тестируется так же кнопкой стоп-двигатель)
d53 = тестирование мотора сервопривода EXUP (тестируется так же кнопкой стоп-двигатель, показывает значение в углах)
d56 = сервопривод вторичных заслонок (тестируется так же кнопкой стоп-двигатель, показывает значение в углах)
d60 = ошибка работы коммутатора (коды отображаются поочерёдно, перечень кодов ошибок коммутатора ниже)
d61 = записанный в память код ошибки
d62 = стирание записанных в память кодов ошибок
d70 = отображает код работающей программы (0-255)
Расшифровка показателя строки d60 (найденные самодиагностикой нарушения в работе датчиков):
11 = нет сигнала с датчика определения цилиндра
12 = нет сигнала с датчика положения коленвала
13 = ошибочный сигнал с датчика разряжения (в корпусе воздушного фильтра)
14 = неверный сигнал с датчика абсолютного давления
15 = ошибка датчика полоджеия дроссельных заслонок
16 = зафиксирована ошибка заклинивания датчика положения дроссельных заслонок
17 = зафиксирована ошибка датчика положения сервопривода EXUP
18 = ошибка заклинивания сервопривода EXUP
19 = короткое замыкание на блоке управления двигателем при нажатии кнопки запуска
20 = при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя обнаружена ошибка напряжения (большая разница показателей) на датчиках абсолютного давления и разряжения
21 = неисправность датчика температуры двигателя
22 = неисправность датчика температуры во впуске
23 = неисправность (короткое замыкание) датчика абсолютного давления
30 = зафиксировано срабатывание датчика падения (мотоцикл падал)
33 = короткое замыкание на управляющем проводе катушки зажигания 1 цилиндра
34 = короткое замыкание на управляющем проводе катушки зажигания 2 цилиндра
35 = короткое замыкание на управляющем проводе катушки зажигания 3 цилиндра
36 = короткое замыкание на управляющем проводе катушки зажигания 4 цилиндра
41 = неисправность или короткое замыкание на датчике падения
42 = отсутствие или ошибочный сигнал с датчика скорости
43 = ошибка измерения напряжения бортовой сети (короткое замыкание в проводке)
44 = неисправность блока управления двигателем
46 = нет напряжения на блоке инжектора
47 = ошибка сервопривода вторичных заслонок (обнаружено короткое замыкание или неисправность датчика)
48 = заклинивание или короткое замыкание в сервоприводе вторичных заслонок дросселя
50 = ошибка блока управления двигателем, невозможно прочитать ошибку
Er1 = нет сигнала от блока управления двигателем
Er2 = нет ответа от блока управления двигателем
Er3 = ошибка сигнала от блока управления двигателем
Er4 = неизвестный сигнал от блока управления двигателем[/quote]

Если тахометр «зависает» на определенных оборотах:

3000 — TPS
7000 — EXUP

Полезная информация!
При включении зажигания на прибороной доске загорается индикатор иммобилайзера красного цвета.
По миганию его можно определить неисправность.
С начало он моргает медленно пять раз- это равно первой цифре кода. Потом быстро- это вторая цифра кода.
Некоторые расшифровки кодов:
5-1 — не видит чипа в ключе. Скорее всего проблема в чипе.
5-2 — чип в ключе не от этого мотоцикла. Скорее всего вы взяли чип-ключ от другого мотоцикла.
5-3 — нет связи между блоком управления двигателем и блоком иммобилайзера. Проверте разъемы проводки мотоцикла.
5-4 — нет синхронизации между блоком управления двигателем и блоком иммобилайзера. Перепутанные блоки- моторного и иммо.

Регистрация стандартных ключей
Это операция необходима, если утерян стандартный (черный) ключ и необходимо заменить его новым или если был зарегистрирован мастер-ключ (красный) после замены блока иммобилайзера или блока управления двигателем (ECU).

1. Убедитесь что индикатор отображает состояние иммобилайзера. Для этого после включения зажигания переведите ключ в замке зажигания в положение «OFF». Через 30 секунд индикатор должен начать мигать, а через 24 часа мигание должно прекратиться.

2. Вставьте мастер-ключ в замок зажигания и поверните его в положение «ON», подождите 1-2 секунды (исправлено), выключите зажигание и выньте мастер-ключ. Затем вставьте стандартный ключ (первый из двух возможных) в замок зажигания и снова включите зажигание в положение «ON».

3. Система войдет в режим регистрации стандартных ключей. Два идентификатора стандартных ключей, которые хранились в памяти будут стерты. Также в память будет записан идентификатор ключа, который сейчас находится в замке зажигания. В этот момент индикатор иммобилайзера начнет быстро мигать (0.5сек горит, 0.5сек не горит).

4. Если вы хотите зарегистрировать второй стандартный ключ, то пока мигает индикатор нужно вынуть первый ключ, вставить второй стандартный ключ, который вы хотите зарегистрировать, и повернуть его в положение «ON».

ЗАМЕЧАНИЕ. Если в течение 5 секунд вы не произведете никаких действий, то индикатор перестанет мигать и система выйдет из режима регистрации ключей. В этом случае в памяти системы будет храниться идентификатор только одного стандартного ключа.

5. Как только идентификатор второго стандартного ключа будет записан в память индикатор погаснет.

6. Убедитесь, что вы можете запустить двигатель мотоцикла любым и стандартных ключей, которые вы только что зарегистрировали.

ВАЖНОЕ ЗАМЕЧАНИЕ. Если вы потеряли один из стандартных ключей, то как можно быстрее проведите процедуру регистрации с мастер-ключом и оставшимся стандартным ключом. Это не позволит завести мотоцикл утерянным ключом.

     Для входа в режим диагностики и проверки существующих кодов ошибок в памяти системы необходимо проделать следующее:

1. Выключить зажигание, кнопку стоп-двигатель поставить в положение ВКЛ.
2. Отключить разъём бензонасоса.
3. Одновременно нажать кнопки SELECT + RESET на приборной панели и не отпускать.
4. Включить зажигание (кнопки всё ещё держим) и ждать ~8 секунд до появления на приборной панели надписи «dIAG».
5. Отпустить кнопки, кнопкой SELECT выбрать «dIAG» (для случая, если надпись на приборной панели появилась другая).
6. После того, как на экране отобразилась надпись dIAG нажать обе кнопки на приборной панели (SELECT + RESET) на ~2 секунды.
7. После того, как на приборной панели отобразится режим диагностики (d01) выключить кнопку стоп-двигателя.
8. Передвигаться по списку от d01 до d64 нужно используя кнопки SELECT (вверх по списку) или RESET (вниз по списку).
В диапазоне списка от d01 до d59 проводится процедура самодиагностики компонентов системы.
Включение некоторых компонентов осуществляется кнопкой стоп-двигатель.
Список самодиагностики (напротив номера меню списка расшифровка показаний + номинальное значение):
D:01 = датчик положения дроссельной заслонки
полностью закрыты, показатели от 12 до 21
полностью открыты, показатели от 96 до 106

D:02 = атмосферное давление, в процентах;
D:03 = абсолютное атмосферное давление во впускном контуре;
D:05 = температура воздуха во впускном контуре;
D:06 = температура охлаждающей жидкости;
D:07 = показания датчика скорости;
D:08 = положение датчика падения
нормальное положение, показатель 0,4 — 1,4
перевернутое положение, показатель 3,7 — 4,4

D:09 = напряжение бортовой сети
D:13 = датчик положения дроссельных заслонок 2
полностью. закрыты, показатель от 9 до 23
полностью открыты, показатель от 94 до 108

D:14 = датчик положения ручки газа 1
полностью закрыта, показатель от 12 до 22
полностью открыта, показатель от 97 до 107

D:15 = датчик положения ручки газа 2
полностью закрыта, показатель от 10 до 24
полностью открыта, показатель от 95 до 109

D:20 = датчик положения боковой подножки;
D:21 = датчик положения КПП (нейтрали)
D:60 = EEPROM, лист ошибок системы (00 = ошибок нет, 01-04 = коды ошибок по цилиндрам, если в памяти более одной ошибки, то они показываются поочерёдно)
D:61 = лист ошибок модуля зажигания по датчикам (00 = нет ошибок в памяти, 11-70 = коды ошибок по компонентам, если в памяти более одной ошибки, то они показываются поочерёдно)
D:62 = количество ошибок в модуле памяти (00 = ошибок нет, XX — количество ошибок, стирание ошибок производится включением кнопки «стоп-двигатель»);
D:63 = подразряд кода ошибки (только для ошибки 24, если более одного значения в памяти, то значение отображается поочерёдно)
Список самодиагностики по агрегатам (компонентам системы зажигания/электрики):
D:30 = диагностика катушки зажигания 1 цилиндра;
D:31 = диагностика катушки зажигания 2 цилиндра;
D:32 = диагностика катушки зажигания 3 цилиндра;
D:33 = диагностика катушки зажигания 4 цилиндра;
D:34 = диагностика клапана впускной системы;
D:36 = диагностика первичного инжектора, форсунка 1
D:37 = диагностика первичного инжектора, форсунка 2
D:38 = диагностика первичного инжектора, форсунка 3
D:39 = диагностика первичного инжектора, форсунка 4
D:40 = диагностика вторичного инжектора, форсунка 1
D:41 = диагностика вторичного инжектора, форсунка 2
D:42 = диагностика вторичного инжектора, форсунка 3
D:43 = диагностика вторичного инжектора, форсунка 4
D:47 = диагностика датчика рулевого демпфера;
D:48 = диагностика датчика клапана впускной системы;
D:50 = диагностика реле бензонасоса;
D:51 = диагностика реле мотора вентилятора охлаждения;
D:52 = диагностика реле ламп головного света;
Расшифровка кодов ошибок системы (для строки D:60 и D:61):
№ ошибки — расшифровка
11 — ошибка датчика положения цилиндров;
12 — ошибка датчика положения коленвала;
13 — ошибка датчика давления во впуске (показания датчика вне пределов требуемого диапазона) — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:03;
14 — ошибка датчика давления во впуске (датчик отсоединён или неисправен) — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:03 ;
15 — ошибка датчика положения дроссельных заслонок — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:01 + D:13;
19 — ошибка на ECU от входящего сигнала (короткое замыкание или отключён датчик боковой подножки) — — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:20;
20 — ошибка показаний датчиков атмосферного и абсолютного давления во впуске, не допустимые значения, — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:03, D:02;
21 — ошибка показаний датчика температуры ОЖ, — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:06;
22 — ошибка датчика температуры во впуске, — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:05;
23 — ошибка показаний датчика атмосферного давления, — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:02;
24 — ошибка датчика кислорода (O2 сенсор, лямбда-зонд);
30 — ошибка датчика падения (сработавший или неисправный датчик), — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:08;
33 — неисправность катушки зажигания 1 цилиндра, — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:30;
34 — неисправность катушки зажигания 2 цилиндра, — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:31;
35 — неисправность катушки зажигания 3 цилиндра, — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:32;
36 — неисправность катушки зажигания 4 цилиндра, — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:33;
39 — неисправность контура первичного инжектора, — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:36,37,38,39;
40 — неисправность контура вторичного инжектора, — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:40,41,42,43;
41 — неисправность или короткое замыкание в проводке датчика падения, диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:08;
42 — нет сигнала или неисправен датчик скорости, — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:07 (датчик скорости),D:21(датчик КПП (нейтрали));
43 — ошибка значения напряжения в контуре бензонасоса, — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:50;
44 — ошибка значений/данных системы диагностики/зажигания, — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:60
— 00 обозначает нормальное состояние показаний EEP-ROM;
— 01 обозначает нарушение в смесеобразовании 01 цилиндра
— 02 обозначает нарушение в смесеобразовании 02 цилиндра
— 03 обозначает нарушение в смесеобразовании 03 цилиндра
— 04 обозначает нарушение в смесеобразовании 04 цилиндра
46 — ошибка показатеей напряжения на модуле зажигания;
50 — ошибка работы памяти модуля зажигания;
59 — рассоединение или короткое замыкание в контуре датчика положения ручки газа, — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:14,15;
60 — ошибка системы YCC-T;
66 — неисправность концевика рулевого демпфера, — диагностируется строкой самодиагностики D:47;
70 — ошибка организации холостого хода (как симптом: двигатель начинает глохнуть на холостых после 20 минут работы);
Er-1 — нет входящего сигнала от модуля зажигания;
Er-2 — нет исходящего сигнала с модуля зажигания;
Er-3 — невозможно считать показания с модуля зажигания;
Er-4 — ошибка обмена данными с приборной панелью;

Процесс входа в режим диагностики:
1. Выключить зажигание. Выключить кнопку Start/Stop Engine (красная на правом пульте).
2. Нажать обе кнопки на приборке и ДЕРЖАТЬ ИХ.
3. Включить зажигание, держать кнопки после включения зажигания около 8 секунд.
4. Дождаться надписи DIAG.
5. Отпустить и нажать ОБЕ кнопки ВМЕСТЕ на приборке ещё раз на 2 сек., и отпустить.
6. Отобразится [d01]. Это первый диагностический показатель, показывает положение дросселей.
7. Кнопкой Select (верхняя) добраться до строки с номером [d60]. Эта ячейка показывает номер СУЩЕСТВУЮЩЕЙ на данный момент ошибки.
8. Посмотреть номер, стоящий напротив d61. Это номер ошибки В ПАМЯТИ «мозгов». Если ошибок несколько, они показываются попеременно.
 Все ячейки диагностики выше 60 — и есть строки диагностики каждого из компонентов в отдельности. Подробнее — смотри НИЖЕ.
Для стирания ошибки из памяти системы заходишь на строку d62 и включаешь кнопку стоп-двигателя на правом пульте.
При входе в режим диагностике на дисплее отображается ячейка [d01].
Нажимая кнопку Select (верхняя) нужно перейти к показателю [d60] (самодиагностика в реальном времени) и [d61] (память ошибок) и посмотреть число рядом. Число рядом и есть номер ошибки, которую запомнил «мозг».
А все остальные числа от [d01] и до [d60] — это показатели различных датчиков (например [d01] -это положение ручки газа в процентах на данный момент, покрути и всё поймёшь).

Показатели (тестирование по датчикам включением стоп-двигателя):
d01 = положение ручки газа (крутить ручку газа)
d02 = атмосферное давление (абсолютное, в процентах)
d03 = разряжение во впуске (датчик в корпусе воздушного фильтра, в процентах)
d05 = температура воздуха во впуске (датчик в корпусе воздушного фильтра, номинал в процентах я так понимаю)
d06 = температура охлаждающей жидкости на данный момент
d07 = датчик скорости (показатель)
d08 = датчик падения (угла наклона)
d09 = напряжение на бензонасосе (тестируется включением стоп-двигателя)
d20 = боковая подножка (on/off) — тестирование работает только при выключенной нейтрали
d21 = датчик нейтрали (on/off)
d30 = катушка на 1 цилиндре (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование катушки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d31 = катушка на 2 цилиндре (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование катушки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d32 = катушка на 3 цилиндре (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование катушки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d33 = катушка на 4 цилиндре (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование катушки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d36 = форсунка 1 цилиндра (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование форсунки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d37 = форсунка 2 цилиндра (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование форсунки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d38 = форсунка 3 цилиндра (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование форсунки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d39 = форсунка 4 цилиндра (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование форсунки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d48 = AI клапан. (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование клапана, 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d50 = силовое реле инжектора и системы зажигания (тестируется так же кнопкой стоп-двигатель)
d51 = реле включения вентилятора охлаждения (тестируется так же кнопкой стоп-двигатель)
d52 = реле головного света (фар) (тестируется так же кнопкой стоп-двигатель)
d53 = тестирование мотора сервопривода EXUP (тестируется так же кнопкой стоп-двигатель, показывает значение в углах)
d56 = сервопривод вторичных заслонок (тестируется так же кнопкой стоп-двигатель, показывает значение в углах)
d60 = ошибка работы коммутатора (коды отображаются поочерёдно, перечень кодов ошибок коммутатора ниже)
d61 = записанный в память код ошибки
d62 = стирание записанных в память кодов ошибок
d70 = отображает код работающей программы (0-255)
Расшифровка показателя строки d60 (найденные самодиагностикой нарушения в работе датчиков):
11 = нет сигнала с датчика определения цилиндра
12 = нет сигнала с датчика положения коленвала
13 = ошибочный сигнал с датчика разряжения (в корпусе воздушного фильтра)
14 = неверный сигнал с датчика абсолютного давления
15 = ошибка датчика полоджеия дроссельных заслонок
16 = зафиксирована ошибка заклинивания датчика положения дроссельных заслонок
17 = зафиксирована ошибка датчика положения сервопривода EXUP
18 = ошибка заклинивания сервопривода EXUP
19 = короткое замыкание на блоке управления двигателем при нажатии кнопки запуска
20 = при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя обнаружена ошибка напряжения (большая разница показателей) на датчиках абсолютного давления и разряжения
21 = неисправность датчика температуры двигателя
22 = неисправность датчика температуры во впуске
23 = неисправность (короткое замыкание) датчика абсолютного давления
30 = зафиксировано срабатывание датчика падения (мотоцикл падал)
33 = короткое замыкание на управляющем проводе катушки зажигания 1 цилиндра
34 = короткое замыкание на управляющем проводе катушки зажигания 2 цилиндра
35 = короткое замыкание на управляющем проводе катушки зажигания 3 цилиндра
36 = короткое замыкание на управляющем проводе катушки зажигания 4 цилиндра
41 = неисправность или короткое замыкание на датчике падения
42 = отсутствие или ошибочный сигнал с датчика скорости
43 = ошибка измерения напряжения бортовой сети (короткое замыкание в проводке)
44 = неисправность блока управления двигателем
46 = нет напряжения на блоке инжектора
47 = ошибка сервопривода вторичных заслонок (обнаружено короткое замыкание или неисправность датчика)
48 = заклинивание или короткое замыкание в сервоприводе вторичных заслонок дросселя
50 = ошибка блока управления двигателем, невозможно прочитать ошибку
Er1 = нет сигнала от блока управления двигателем
Er2 = нет ответа от блока управления двигателем
Er3 = ошибка сигнала от блока управления двигателем
Er4 = неизвестный сигнал от блока управления двигателем

Если тахометр «зависает» на определенных оборотах:
Цитата(Александр С @ 13.4.2010, 9:58)
3000 — TPS
7000 — EXUP

Полезная информация!
У мотоциклов Yamaha встроенная самодиагностика неисправностей.
При включении зажигания на прибороной доске загорается индикатор иммобилайзера красного цвета.
По миганию его можно определить неисправность.
С начало он моргает медленно пять раз- это равно первой цифре кода. Потом быстро- это вторая цифра кода.
Некоторые расшифровки кодов:
5-1 — не видит чипа в ключе. Скорее всего проблема в чипе.
5-2 — чип в ключе не от этого мотоцикла. Скорее всего вы взяли чип-ключ от другого мотоцикла.
5-3 — нет связи между блоком управления двигателем и блоком иммобилайзера. Проверте разъемы проводки мотоцикла.
5-4 — нет синхронизации между блоком управления двигателем и блоком иммобилайзера. Перепутанные блоки- моторного и иммо.
Источник: http://www.yamaha-r1.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=5999&hl=%E4%E8%E0%E3%ED%EE%F1%F2%E8%EA%E0

Yamaha R1 Motorcycle Complete Diagnostic Trouble Codes

The Yamaha YZF-R1, or R1, is an open class sport bike, or superbike, motorcycle manufactured by Yamaha Motor Company since 1998.

A new fuel injection system was introduced for the 2002 year, which worked like a carburetor by employing a CV carburetor slide controlled by vacuum created by the engine. With a similar power output to the 2000-2001 bike, the engine remained largely the same. One notable improvement was the use of new cylinder sleeves of a high silicon content alloy containing magnesium that minimized heat induced distortion, reducing oil consumption.

Also in 2002, Yamaha released the newly developed Deltabox frame, which, with its hydro formed construction, reduced the total number of frame welds. These changes improved the frame’s rigidity by 30%. The cooling system was redesigned for better performance and compactness. The exhaust system was changed from a 4-into-1 to a new titanium 4-into-2-into-1 design. The rear end of the motorcycle was updated and streamlined with a LED taillight. This allowed for very clean rear body lines when choosing one of several common after market modifications, such as removal of the turn signal stalks and stock license plate bracket; and replacing them with assorted available replacements that “hug” the body or frame.

Also, front end lighting was improved in 2002, between the higher definition headlights and also side “parking” lights within the twin-headlight panel, giving a more angular appearance. This also gave additional after market possibilities, such as to remove the front turn signals and use these front lights as directional or hazard markers while stopped. For 2003, the only change was fitted hazard warning lights and dipped headlights, which stay on all the time the engine is running.

In 2002, Cycle World reported fuel mileage of 38 mpg‑US (6.2 L/100 km; 46 mpg‑imp), a 0 to 60 mph (0 to 97 km/h) time of 2.9 seconds, a ​1⁄4-mile (400 m) time of 10.32 seconds at 137.60 mph (221.45 km/h), and a top speed of 167 mph (269 km/h).

Error codes Yamaha R1. Explanation and diagnosis.

To enter the diagnostic mode and check the existing error codes in memory, do
the following:
1. Turn off the ignition, the engine stop button to put in the ON position.
2. Disconnect the fuel pump connector.
3. Simultaneously press SELECT + RESET on the dashboard and not let go.
4. Turn the ignition switch (button still hold) and wait for about 8 secondsuntil the dashboard inscription “dIAG”.
5. Release the button, SELECT button to select “dIAG” (in case the inscription
on the dashboard there was another).
6. Once displayed on the screen dIAG press both buttons on the dashboard (SELECT
+ RESET) at ~ 2 seconds.
7. Once the dashboard displays the diagnostic mode (d01) button to turn off the
stop of the engine.
8. To move through the list from d01 to d64 need using the SELECT (up in the
list) or RESET (down the list).
In the range list from d01 to d59 performed a self-test system components.
The inclusion of some components is made with the engine brake.
List of self (opposite numbers menu list Decoder + nominal value):
D: 01 = throttle position sensor
completely closed, figures from 12 to 21
fully opened, figures from 96 to 106
D: 02 = barometric pressure as a percentage;
D: 03 = the absolute pressure in the intake circuit;
D: 05 = air temperature in the intake circuit;
D: 06 = engine coolant temperature;
D: 07 = sensor reading speed;
D: 08 = position sensor fall normal position index of 0.4 – 1.4 inverted position, figure 3.7 4.4
D: 09 = board voltage
D: 13 = position sensor throttle 2 completely. closed figure 9 to 23 fully opened, the rate of from 94 to 108
D: 14 = position sensor throttle 1 completely closed, the indicator 12 to 22 fully opened, the rate of from 97 to 107
D: 15 = position sensor throttle 2 completely closed, the indicator 10 to 24 fully opened, the rate of from 95 to 109
D: 20 = encoder side steps;
D: 21 = position sensor check point (neutral)
D: 60 = EEPROM, list of system errors (00 = no error, error code = 01-04 in the cylinders, if more than one memory errors, they are displayed alternately)
D: 61 = list of errors on the ignition module sensors (00 = no errors in memory,
11-70 = error codes for the components if more than one memory errors, they are displayed alternately)
D: 62 = number of errors in a memory unit (00 = no error, XX – number of errors, erase mistakes made by including the “stop-motion”);
D: 63 = subclass error code (only for error 24 if more than one value in memory, the value is displayed alternately)

List of self-diagnostics on the unit (ignition system components / electrical):

D: 30 = diagnosis of the ignition coil 1 cylinder;
D: 31 = diagnosis of the ignition coil cylinder 2;
D: 32 = diagnosis of the ignition coil 3 of the cylinder;
D: 33 = diagnosis of the ignition coil 4 cylinder;
D: 34 = intake valve diagnostics system;
D: 36 = primary diagnosis of the injector nozzle 1
D: 37 = primary diagnosis injector nozzle 2
D: 38 = diagnosis of primary injector nozzle 3
D: 39 = primary diagnosis injector nozzle 4
D: 40 = secondary diagnosis of the injector nozzle 1
D: 41 = diagnostics secondary injector nozzle 2
D: 42 = diagnosis of secondary injector nozzle 3
D: 43 = diagnostics secondary injector nozzle 4
D: 47 = diagnosis sensor steering damper;
D: 48 = diagnosis sensor valve intake system;
D: 50 = fuel pump relay diagnostics;
D: 51 = Diagnosis cooling fan motor relay;
D: 52 = relay diagnostics lamp head light;

Explanation of error codes (for line D: 60 and D: 61):
Number error – transcript

11 – Error cylinder position sensor;
12 – crankshaft position sensor error;
13 – Error in the inlet pressure sensor (the sensor is within the desired range)
– self-diagnosed string D: 03;
14 – Error in the inlet pressure sensor (sensor disconnected or faulty) – selfdiagnosed string D: 03;
15 – error position sensor throttle – self diagnosed line D: 01 + D: 13;
19 – error on the incoming signal from the ECU (short circuit or disconnected
sensor side footboard) – – self diagnosed line D: 20;
20 – the error of sensor readings of atmospheric and absolute pressure in the
inlet, not permissible values – self-diagnosed string D: 03, D: 02;
21 – Error reading sensor coolant temperature – self diagnosed string D: 06;
22 – Error in the inlet temperature sensor, – self-diagnosed string D: 05;
23 – error sensor readings of atmospheric pressure – self-diagnosed string D:
24 – error of the oxygen sensor (O2 sensor, lambda probe);
30 – Error drop sensor (triggered or faulty sensor), – self-diagnosed string D:
33 – faulty ignition coil cylinder 1 – self-diagnosed string D: 30;
34 – faulty ignition coil cylinder 2 – self-diagnosed string D: 31;
35 – faulty ignition coil 3 cylinder – self diagnosed string D: 32;
36 – faulty ignition coil 4 cylinder – self diagnosed string D: 33;
39 – Primary circuit fault injector – self diagnosed string D: 36,37,38,39;
40 – fault circuit secondary injector – self diagnosed string D: 40,41,42,43;
41 – fault or short circuit in the wiring of the sensor falls, self-diagnosed
string D: 08;
42 – no signal or a faulty speed sensor – self diagnosed string D: 07 (speed
sensor), D: 21 (Sensor CAT (neutral));
43 – error voltage at the fuel pump circuit, – self-diagnosed string D: 50;
44 – error values / data system diagnostics / ignition – self diagnosed string
D: 60
– 00 indicates normal readings EEP-ROM;
– 01 represents a violation of the cylinder charge mode 01
– 02 represents a violation of the cylinder charge mode 02
– 03 represents a violation of the cylinder charge mode 03
– 04 represents a violation of the cylinder charge mode 04
46 – Error pokazateey voltage on the ignition module;
50 – Error memory module plugs;
59 – disconnection or short circuit in the throttle position sensor – self
diagnosed string D: 14,15;
60 – System Error YCC-T;
66 – failure trailer steering damper – diagnosed line self D: 47;
70 – Error organizations idling (as a symptom: the engine begins to stall at
idle after 20 minutes of work);
Er-1 – no incoming signal from the ignition module;
Er-2 – no outgoing signal from the ignition module;
Er-3 – it is impossible to consider the testimony from the ignition module;
Er-4 – communication error with the dashboard;

Login process in diagnostic mode:

  • 1. Switch off ignition. Disable button Start / Stop Engine (red on the right
  • 2. Press both buttons on and keep them tidy.
  • 3. Turn the ignition, hold the button after the ignition is about 8 seconds.
  • 4. Wait inscriptions DIAG.
  • 5. Release and press both buttons together on the tidy again for 2 sec., And release.
  • 6. A [d01]. This is the first diagnostic indicator shows the position of the
  • 7. Press the Select (top) to get to the line number [d60]. This cell shows the
    number of currently existing bugs.
  • 8. View room facing opposite d61. This error number MEMORY “brains.” If several
    errors, they are displayed alternately.

All cells diagnostics above 60 – is the line diagnosis of each component
separately. Learn more – see below.
To clear the error from the system memory come on line d62 and includes buttons
stop the engine on the right panel.

When you enter the diagnostic mode, the display shows the cell [d01].
Press Select (top) need to go to the index [d60] (self-test in real time) and
[d61] (memory error) and see the number next. The number next to the room and
there is an error, please make note of the “brain”.
And all the other numbers from [d01] and to [d60] – this performance of
different sensors (eg [d01] is a position of the throttle percentage at the
moment, to twist and understand everything).
Indicators (by testing the inclusion of sensors stop the engine):
d01 = throttle position (twist the throttle)
d02 = atmospheric pressure (absolute percentage)
d03 = vacuum at the inlet (the sensor in the air cleaner housing, in percent)
d05 = air temperature at the inlet (the sensor in the air filter housing,
nominal percentage as I understand it)
d06 = coolant temperature at the moment
d07 = speed sensor (figure)
d08 = drop sensor (tilt)
d09 = voltage at the gasoline pump (tested by including a stop of the engine)
d20 = SEITENSTAENDER (on / off) – testing only works when off neutral
d21 = neutral sensor (on / off)
d30 = 1 coil per cylinder (when the stop button the engine is made by testing
the coil 5 pulses, accompanied by a distinctive sound, with concurrently. lamp
blinking Check Engine)
d31 = 2 cylinder coil (when the stop button the engine is made by testing the
coil 5 pulses, accompanied by a distinctive sound, with concurrently. lamp
blinking Check Engine)
d32 = 3 coil cylinder (when the stop button the engine is made by testing the
coil 5 pulses, accompanied by a distinctive sound, with concurrently. lamp
blinking Check Engine)
d33 = 4 cylinder coil (when the stop button the engine is made by testing the
coil 5 pulses, accompanied by a distinctive sound, with concurrently. lamp
blinking Check Engine)
d36 = 1 cylinder injector (when the stop button the engine is made by testing
the nozzle 5 pulses, accompanied by a distinctive sound, with concurrently. lamp
blinking Check Engine)
d37 = 2 cylinder injector (when the stop button the engine is made by testing
the nozzle 5 pulses, accompanied by a distinctive sound, with concurrently. lamp
blinking Check Engine)
d38 = 3 cylinder injector (when the stop button the engine is made by testing
the nozzle 5 pulses, accompanied by a distinctive sound, with concurrently. lamp
blinking Check Engine)
d39 = 4 cylinder injector (when the stop button the engine is made by testing
the nozzle 5 pulses, accompanied by a distinctive sound, with concurrently. lamp
blinking Check Engine)
d48 = AI valve. (when the buttons stop valve engine is tested, 5 pulses,
accompanied by a distinctive sound, with concurrently. lamp blinking Check
d50 = power relay injector and ignition system (tested in the same stop-button
d51 = relay switching the cooling fan (tested in the same stop-button engine)
d52 = relay head light (PAR) (tested in the same stop-button engine)
d53 = testing of servo motor EXUP (tested just stop engine button, shows the
value in the corners)
d56 = secondary servo valves (tested just stop engine button, shows the value in
the corners)
d60 = error of the switch (the codes are displayed alternately, a list of the
error codes of the switch below)
d61 = recorded in the memory of the error code
d62 = erase the stored fault codes
d70 = displays the code of a running program (0-255)
Explanation of the indicator line d60 (self-diagnosis found irregularities in
the sensors):
11 = no signal detection sensor cylinder
12 = no signal from the crankshaft position sensor
13 = error signal from the vacuum sensor (in the case of the air filter)
14 = the wrong signal to the absolute pressure sensor
15 = sensor error polodzheiya throttle
16 = fixed bug jamming throttle position sensor
17 = fixed bug EXUP servo position sensor
18 = Error jamming EXUP servo
19 = short circuit to the engine control unit by pressing the start button
= 20 when the stop button the engine encountered an error voltage (big
difference indicators) at an absolute pressure sensor and vacuum
21 = Motor temperature sensor fault
22 = failure temperature sensor in the inlet
23 = fault (short circuit) absolute pressure sensor
30 = recorded incidence is detected (the bike fell)
33 = short-circuit on the control wire of the ignition coil cylinder 1
34 = short-circuit on the control wire of the ignition coil cylinder 2
35 = short-circuit on the control wire of the ignition coil cylinder 3
36 = short-circuit on the control wire of the ignition coil 4 cylinder
41 = fault or short circuit on the sensor fall
42 = no or erroneous signal from the speed sensor
43 = error of measurement board voltage (short circuit in the wiring)
44 = failure ECU
46 = no voltage on the unit injector
47 = Error secondary servo valves (short circuit is detected or sensor failure)
48 = jamming or short circuit in the secondary servo valves throttle
50 = Error ECU, can not be read error
Er1 = no signal from the engine control unit
Er2 = no response from the engine control unit
Er3 = error signal from the engine control unit
Er4 = unknown signal from the engine control unit

If you don’t understand this codes! contact your local dealer.

Yamaha 2009 YZF-R1 (Y) Service Manual

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Summary of Contents for Yamaha 2009 YZF-R1 (Y)

  • Page 1
    2009 SERVICE MANUAL YZF-R1(Y) 14B-28197-E0…
  • Page 2
    EAS20040 YZF-R1(Y) SERVICE MANUAL ©2008 by Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. First edition, November 2008 All rights reserved. Any reproduction or unauthorized use without the written permission of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. is expressly prohibited.
  • Page 3
    EAS20071 IMPORTANT This manual was produced by the Yamaha Motor Company, Ltd. primarily for use by Yamaha deal- ers and their qualified mechanics. It is not possible to include all the knowledge of a mechanic in one manual. Therefore, anyone who uses this book to perform maintenance and repairs on Yamaha vehicles should have a basic understanding of mechanics and the techniques to repair these types of vehicles.
  • Page 4: How To Use This Manual

    EAS20090 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL This manual is intended as a handy, easy-to-read reference book for the mechanic. Comprehensive explanations of all installation, removal, disassembly, assembly, repair and check procedures are laid out with the individual steps in sequential order. •…

  • Page 5
    EAS20100 SYMBOLS The following symbols are used in this manual for easier understanding. The following symbols are not relevant to every vehicle. SYMBOL DEFINITION SYMBOL DEFINITION Serviceable with engine Gear oil mounted Filling fluid Molybdenum disulfide oil Lubricant Brake fluid Special tool Wheel bearing grease Tightening torque…
  • Page 7
  • Page 9: Table Of Contents


  • Page 10: Identification

    IDENTIFICATION EAS20130 IDENTIFICATION EAS20140 VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER The vehicle identification number “1” is stamped into the right side of the steering head pipe. EAS20150 MODEL LABEL The model label “1” is affixed to the seat rail reinforcement under the passenger seat. This information will be needed to order spare parts.

  • Page 11: Outline Of The Fi System

    FEATURES EAS20170 FEATURES EAS30340 OUTLINE OF THE FI SYSTEM The main function of a fuel supply system is to provide fuel to the combustion chamber at the opti- mum air-fuel ratio in accordance with the engine operating conditions and the atmospheric tempera- ture.

  • Page 12: Fi System

    FEATURES EAS14B1017 FI SYSTEM The fuel pump delivers fuel to the fuel injector via the fuel filter. The pressure regulator maintains the fuel pressure that is applied to the fuel injector at 324 kPa (3.24 kgf/cm², 47.0 psi). Accordingly, when the energizing signal from the ECU energizes the fuel injector, the fuel passage opens, caus- ing the fuel to be injected into the intake manifold only during the time the passage remains open.

  • Page 13
    YCC-T (Yamaha Chip Controlled Throttle) YCC-I (Yamaha Chip Controlled Intake) Mechanism characteristics Yamaha developed the YCC-T and YCC-I system employing the most advanced electronic control technologies. Electronic control throttle systems have been used on automobiles, but Yamaha has developed a faster, more compact system specifically for the needs of a sports motorcycle. The Yamaha-developed system has a high-speed calculating capacity that produces computations of running conditions every 1/1000th of a second.
  • Page 14
    FEATURES Aims and advantages of using YCC-I system • Improved power band By using a dual intake funnel system, YCC-I optimizes the effectiveness of the fuel injection sys- tem to deliver an incredibly precise air/fuel mixture to the combustion chamber. This degree of intake volume control gives both improved low to mid-range power, as well as improved power in the higher rpm range.
  • Page 15
    FEATURES YCC-T/YCC-I system outline 1. Throttle position sensor 2. Throttle servo motor 3. Accelerator position sensor 4. ECU (engine control unit) 5. ETV main CPU (32 bit) 6. FI CPU (32 bit) 7. Throttle servo motor driver 8. Throttle servo motor driver operation sens- ing/shut off circuit 9.
  • Page 16
    FEATURES YCC-T/YCC-I control outline 17.ECU (engine control unit) 1. Accelerator position sensor 18.Base map 2. Throttle position sensor 19.Idle speed control 3. Crankshaft position sensor 20.Calculated throttle valve opening angle 4. Speed sensor 21.Base map 5. D-mode switch 22.Air funnel position (Calculation value) 6.
  • Page 17: Instrument Functions

    FEATURES EAS14B1019 • A throttle opening position display INSTRUMENT FUNCTIONS • A fuel consumption display (instantaneous and average consumption functions) Multi-function meter unit • A self-diagnosis device • A display brightness, shift timing indicator light and throttle opening position display control mode •…

  • Page 18
    FEATURES Clock and stopwatch modes Split-time history 1. Coolant temperature display/air intake tem- 1. Clock/stopwatch perature display To set the clock 2. Stopwatch 1. Push the “SELECT” button and “RESET” The split-time history displays up to 20 stored button together for at least two seconds. split times.
  • Page 19
    FEATURES TRIP F → km/L or L/100 km → AV_ _._ km/L Odometer, tripmeter, instantaneous fuel or AV_ _._ L/100 km → ODO → TRIP 1 → consumption and average fuel consump- TRIP 2 → TRIP F tion modes (For the UK only) TRIP F →…
  • Page 20
    FEATURES Average fuel consumption mode Transmission gear display 1. Average fuel consumption 1. Neutral indicator light “ ” 2. Transmission gear display The average fuel consumption display can be set to either “AV_ _._ km/L”, “AV_ _._ L/100 This display shows the selected gear. km”…
  • Page 21
    FEATURES Drive mode display Air intake temperature display 1. Drive mode display 1. Air intake temperature display This display indicates which drive mode has The air intake temperature display indicates been selected: “STD”, “A” or “B”. the temperature of the air drawn into the air fil- For more details on the modes and on how to ter case.
  • Page 22
    Yamaha dealer and have the standard tions. keys re-registered. b. Shift timing indicator light activity:…
  • Page 23
    FEATURES 1. Push the “RESET” button to select the desired engine speed for activating the The display shows the current setting for each indicator light. function, except the shift timing indicator light 2. Push the “SELECT” button to confirm the activity function.
  • Page 24
    FEATURES D-mode (drive mode) D-mode is an electronically controlled engine • The mode is set to “STD” by default. The performance system with three mode selec- “STD” mode resets when the key is turned to tions (“STD”, “A”, and “B”). “OFF”.
  • Page 25: Important Information

    EAS20200 REPLACEMENT PARTS Use only genuine Yamaha parts for all replace- ments. Use oil and grease recommended by Yamaha for all lubrication jobs. Other brands may be similar in function and appearance, but inferior in quality.

  • Page 26: Bearings And Oil Seals

    IMPORTANT INFORMATION EAS20230 BEARINGS AND OIL SEALS Install bearings and oil seals so that the manu- facturer’s marks or numbers are visible. When installing oil seals “1”, lubricate the oil seal lips with a light coat of lithium-soap-based grease. Oil bearings liberally when installing, if appro- priate.

  • Page 27: Checking The Connections

    CHECKING THE CONNECTIONS EAS20250 5. Check: CHECKING THE CONNECTIONS • Continuity Check the leads, couplers, and connectors for (with the pocket tester) stains, rust, moisture, etc. Pocket tester 1. Disconnect: 90890-03112 • Lead Analog pocket tester • Coupler YU-03112-C • Connector 2.

  • Page 28: Handling The Electronic Parts

    HANDLING THE ELECTRONIC PARTS EAS14B1120 HANDLING THE ELECTRONIC PARTS Electronic parts is very sensitive. Handle with care and do not give impact. Mankind has static electricity and it’s voltage is very high and electronic parts is very sensitive. It has possibility that inside small parts of elec- tronic parts is destroyed by static electricity.

  • Page 29: Special Tools

    SPECIAL TOOLS EAS20260 SPECIAL TOOLS The following special tools are necessary for complete and accurate tune-up and assembly. Use only the appropriate special tools as this will help prevent damage caused by the use of inappropri- ate tools or improvised techniques. Special tools, part numbers or both may differ depending on the country.

  • Page 30
    SPECIAL TOOLS Reference Tool name/Tool No. Illustration pages Steering nut wrench 3-23, 4-72 90890-01403 Exhaust flange nut wrench YU-A9472 Damper rod holder 4-63, 4-65 90890-01506 YM-01506 Oil filter wrench 3-29 90890-01426 YU-38411 Rod holder 4-62, 4-67 90890-01434 Damper rod holder double ended YM-01434 Rod puller 4-66, 4-67…
  • Page 31
    SPECIAL TOOLS Reference Tool name/Tool No. Illustration pages Rod puller attachment (M10) 4-66, 4-67 90890-01436 Universal damping rod bleeding tool set YM-A8703 YM-A8703 Fork spring compressor 4-62, 4-67 90890-01441 YM-01441 Fork seal driver 4-65, 4-66 90890-01442 Adjustable fork seal driver (36–46 mm) YM-01442 Vacuum gauge 3-10…
  • Page 32
    SPECIAL TOOLS Reference Tool name/Tool No. Illustration pages Thickness gauge 90890-03180 Feeler gauge set YU-26900-9 Valve spring compressor 5-30, 5-36 90890-04019 YM-04019 Valve spring compressor attachment 5-30, 5-36 90890-04108 Valve spring compressor adapter 22 mm YM-04108 Middle driven shaft bearing driver 6-14 90890-04058 Bearing driver 40 mm…
  • Page 33
    SPECIAL TOOLS Reference Tool name/Tool No. Illustration pages Valve guide remover (ø5) 5-32 90890-04097 Valve guide remover (5.0 mm) YM-04097 Valve guide remover (ø4.5) 5-32 90890-04116 Valve guide remover (4.5 mm) YM-04116 Valve guide installer (ø5) 5-32 90890-04098 Valve guide installer (5.0 mm) YM-04098 Valve guide installer (ø4.5) 5-32…
  • Page 34: Table Of Contents

    SPECIAL TOOLS Reference Tool name/Tool No. Illustration pages Pivot shaft wrench adapter 5-10 90890-01476 Valve lapper 90890-04101 Valve lapping tool YM-A8998 Oil pressure adapter H 3-30 90890-03139 Pressure gauge 3-30, 7-18 90890-03153 YU-03153 Fuel pressure adapter 7-18 90890-03176 YM-03176 Fuel injector pressure adapter 7-18 90890-03210 YU-03210…

  • Page 35
    SPECIAL TOOLS Reference Tool name/Tool No. Illustration pages Damper rod holder (22 mm) 4-81, 4-82 90890-01365 Drive chain cut & rivet tool 4-84, 4-85 90890-01550 YM-01550 Piston installing tool 5-83 90890-04161 YM-04161 Rotor puller 5-38 2K7-85555-00 Sheave holder 5-38, 5-41, 5- 90890-01701 42, 5-44 Primary clutch holder…
  • Page 36
    Test harness-speed sensor (3P) 8-137, 8-141 90890-03208 YU-03208 Test harness-lean angle sensor (6P) 8-133 90890-03209 YU-03209 Test harness S-pressure sensor (3P) 8-140, 8-142 90890-03207 YU-03207 Yamaha bond No. 1215 5-24, 5-39, 5- (Three bond No. 1215®) 45, 5-73 90890-85505 1-27…
  • Page 37
  • Page 38
    GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS EAS20280 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Model Model 14B1 (AUS, BEL, CHE, CZE, DNK, FIN, GBR, GRC, HUN, IRL, NLD, NOR, POL, PRT, SVN, SWE, ZAF) 14B2 (BEL, FRA) 14B3 (AUS) Dimensions Overall length 2070 mm (81.5 in) Overall width 715 mm (28.1 in) Overall height 1130 mm (44.5 in) Seat height…
  • Page 39
    ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS EAS20290 ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS Engine Engine type Liquid cooled 4-stroke, DOHC Displacement 998.0 cm³ Cylinder arrangement Forward-inclined parallel 4-cylinder Bore × stroke 78.0 × 52.2 mm (3.07 × 2.06 in) Compression ratio 12.70 : 1 Standard compression pressure (at sea level) 1480 kPa/350 r/min (14.8 kgf/cm²/350 r/min, 210.5 psi/350 r/min) Minimum–Maximum…
  • Page 40
    ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS Thermostat 71 °C (159.8 °F) Valve opening temperature 85 °C (185.0 °F) Valve full open temperature Valve lift (full open) More than 8 mm (0.31 in) Radiator core Width 383.0 mm (15.08 in) Height 250.6 mm (9.87 in) Depth 24.0 mm (0.94 in) Water pump…
  • Page 41
    ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS Timing chain Tensioning system Automatic Valve, valve seat, valve guide Valve clearance (cold) Intake 0.11–0.20 mm (0.0043–0.0079 in) Exhaust 0.23–0.27 mm (0.0091–0.0106 in) Valve dimensions Valve head diameter A (intake) 30.90–31.10 mm (1.2165–1.2244 in) Valve head diameter A (exhaust) 24.90–25.10 mm (0.9803–0.9882 in) Valve face width B (intake) 1.200–2.475 mm (0.0472–0.0974 in)
  • Page 42
    ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS Valve spring Inner spring Free length (intake) 39.33 mm (1.55 in) Limit 37.36 mm (1.47 in) Free length (exhaust) 37.96 mm (1.49 in) Limit 36.06 mm (1.42 in) Installed length (intake) 34.50 mm (1.36 in) Installed length (exhaust) 33.00 mm (1.30 in) Spring rate K1 (intake) 41.57 N/mm (4.24 kgf/mm, 237.36 lbf/in)
  • Page 43
    ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS End gap (installed) 0.15–0.25 mm (0.0059–0.0098 in) Limit 0.50 mm (0.0197 in) Ring side clearance 0.030–0.065 mm (0.0012–0.0026 in) Limit 0.115 mm (0.0045 in) 2nd ring Ring type Taper Dimensions (B × T) 0.80 × 2.75 mm (0.03 × 0.11 in) End gap (installed) 0.30–0.45 mm (0.0118–0.0177 in) Limit…
  • Page 44
    ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS Clutch Clutch type Wet, multiple-disc Clutch release method Outer pull, rack and pinion pull Clutch lever free play 10.0–15.0 mm (0.39–0.59 in) Friction plate thickness 2.92–3.08 mm (0.115–0.121 in) Wear limit 2.82 mm (0.111 in) Plate quantity 9 pcs Clutch plate thickness 1.90–2.10 mm (0.075–0.083 in) Warpage limit…
  • Page 45
    ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS Throttle position sensor Throttle position sensor resistance 1.2–2.8 kΩ Accelerator position sensor resistance 1.2–2.8 kΩ Output voltage (at idle) 0.63–0.73 V Fuel injection sensor 248–372 Ω at 20 °C (68 °F) Crankshaft position sensor resistance Cylinder identification sensor output voltage (ON) More than 4.8 V Cylinder identification sensor output voltage…
  • Page 46
    CHASSIS SPECIFICATIONS EAS20300 CHASSIS SPECIFICATIONS Chassis Frame type Diamond Caster angle 24.0° Trail 102.0 mm (4.02 in) Front wheel Wheel type Cast wheel 17M/C × MT3.50 Rim size Rim material Aluminum Wheel travel 120.0 mm (4.72 in) Radial wheel runout limit 1.0 mm (0.04 in) Lateral wheel runout limit 0.5 mm (0.02 in)
  • Page 47
    CHASSIS SPECIFICATIONS Brake pad lining thickness (inner) 4.5 mm (0.18 in) Limit 0.8 mm (0.03 in) Brake pad lining thickness (outer) 4.5 mm (0.18 in) Limit 0.8 mm (0.03 in) Master cylinder inside diameter 16.00 mm (0.63 in) 24.05 mm × 3 (0.95 in × 3) Caliper cylinder inside diameter Recommended fluid DOT 4…
  • Page 48
    CHASSIS SPECIFICATIONS Rear suspension Type Swingarm (link suspension) Spring/shock absorber type Coil spring/gas-oil damper Rear shock absorber assembly travel 60.0 mm (2.36 in) Spring free length 159.5 mm (6.28 in) Installed length 147.5 mm (5.81 in) Spring rate K1 98.10 N/mm (10.00 kgf/mm, 560.15 lb/in) Spring stroke K1 0.0–60.0 mm (0.00–2.36 in) Optional spring available…
  • Page 49
    ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS EAS20310 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Voltage System voltage 12 V Ignition system Ignition system TCI (digital) Ignition timing (B.T.D.C.) 5.0°/1200 r/min Engine control unit Model/manufacturer TBDF64/DENSO (14B1, 14B3) TBDF65/DENSO (14B2) Ignition coil Minimum ignition spark gap 6.0 mm (0.24 in) 0.85–1.15 Ω…
  • Page 50
    ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Fuel level warning light Coolant temperature warning light Engine trouble warning light Steering damper warning light Immobilizer system indicator light Shift timing indicator light Electric starting system System type Constant mesh Starter motor Power output 0.90 kW Armature coil 0.0090–0.0110 Ω…
  • Page 51
    ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Fuses Main fuse 50.0 A Headlight fuse 20.0 A Signaling system fuse 7.5 A Ignition fuse 15.0 A 15.0 A × 2 Radiator fan fuse Turn signal light fuse 7.5 A Fuel injection system fuse 15.0 A Steering damper fuse 7.5 A Backup fuse 7.5 A…
  • Page 52
    TIGHTENING TORQUES EAS20320 TIGHTENING TORQUES EAS20330 GENERAL TIGHTENING TORQUE SPECIFI- CATIONS This chart specifies tightening torques for stan- dard fasteners with a standard ISO thread pitch. Tightening torque specifications for spe- cial components or assemblies are provided for each chapter of this manual. To avoid warpage, tighten multi-fastener assemblies in a crisscross pattern and progressive stages until the specified tightening torque is reached.
  • Page 53
    TIGHTENING TORQUES EAS20340 ENGINE TIGHTENING TORQUES Thread Item Q’ty Tightening torque Remarks size Spark plugs 13 Nm (1.3 m·kgf, 9.4 ft·lbf) Cylinder head nut See TIP. Cylinder head nut See TIP. Cylinder head bolt 12 Nm (1.2 m·kgf, 8.7 ft·lbf) Camshaft cap bolt 10 Nm (1.0 m·kgf, 7.2 ft·lbf) Cylinder head cover bolt…
  • Page 54
    TIGHTENING TORQUES Thread Item Q’ty Tightening torque Remarks size Throttle body and throttle body 3 Nm (0.3 m·kgf, 2.2 ft·lbf) joint clamp Throttle position sensor screw 3.5 Nm (0.35 m·kgf, 2.5 ft·lbf) Accelerator position sensor screw 3.5 Nm (0.35 m·kgf, 2.5 ft·lbf) Secondary injector assembly bolt 4 Nm (0.4 m·kgf, 2.9 ft·lbf) Fuel rail screw…
  • Page 55
    TIGHTENING TORQUES Thread Item Q’ty Tightening torque Remarks size Generator rotor cover bolt 12 Nm (1.2 m·kgf, 8.7 ft·lbf) Drive sprocket cover bolt 10 Nm (1.0 m·kgf, 7.2 ft·lbf) Clutch cover bolt 12 Nm (1.2 m·kgf, 8.7 ft·lbf) Clutch cover bolt 12 Nm (1.2 m·kgf, 8.7 ft·lbf) Pickup rotor cover 2 bolt 12 Nm (1.2 m·kgf, 8.7 ft·lbf)
  • Page 56
    TIGHTENING TORQUES Thread Item Q’ty Tightening torque Remarks size Oil level switch bolt 10 Nm (1.0 m·kgf, 7.2 ft·lbf) Starter motor bolt 12 Nm (1.2 m·kgf, 8.7 ft·lbf) Speed sensor bolt 10 Nm (1.0 m·kgf, 7.2 ft·lbf) Cylinder head nut Use new nuts and washers.
  • Page 57
    TIGHTENING TORQUES EAS20350 CHASSIS TIGHTENING TORQUES Thread Item Q’ty Tightening torque Remarks size Engine mounting bolt (front side) 70 Nm (7.0 m·kgf, 50 ft·lbf) Engine mounting nut (rear side) 51 Nm (5.1 m·kgf, 37 ft·lbf) Engine mount adjusting bolt 7 Nm (0.7 m·kgf, 5.1 ft·lbf) Clutch cable locknut (engine side) 7 Nm (0.7 m·kgf, 5.1 ft·lbf) Clutch lever holder bolt…
  • Page 58
    TIGHTENING TORQUES Thread Item Q’ty Tightening torque Remarks size Handlebar end grip bolt 4 Nm (0.4 m·kgf, 2.9 ft·lbf) Front brake hose joint bracket bolt 11 Nm (1.1 m·kgf, 8.0 ft·lbf) Coolant reservoir bolt 5 Nm (0.5 m·kgf, 3.6 ft·lbf) Air chamber bracket bolt 7 Nm (0.7 m·kgf, 5.1 ft·lbf) Left lower cowling bracket bolt…
  • Page 59
    TIGHTENING TORQUES Thread Item Q’ty Tightening torque Remarks size Front wheel axle pinch bolt 21 Nm (2.1 m·kgf, 15 ft·lbf) See TIP. Rider footrest bolt 28 Nm (2.8 m·kgf, 20 ft·lbf) Passenger footrest bolt 28 Nm (2.8 m·kgf, 20 ft·lbf) Rear frame lower reinforcement 13 Nm (1.3 m·kgf, 9.4 ft·lbf) and passenger footrest bolt…
  • Page 60
    TIGHTENING TORQUES At this stage, it can be accepted if the end face of the axle becomes partially concave to the end face of the fork. 4. In the order from the pinch bolt “4” → pinch bolt “3” → pinch bolt “4”, tighten each bolt to 21 Nm (2.1 m·kgf, 15 ft·lbf) without performing temporary tightening.
  • Page 61
    Oil/water pump assembly drive sprocket collar and washer Transmission gears (wheel and pinion) Main axle and drive axle Shift forks and shift fork guide bars Three bond Cylinder head cover mating surface No.1541C® Yamaha bond Cylinder head cover semicircular No.1215 (Three bond No.1215®) 2-24…
  • Page 62
    LUBRICATION POINTS AND LUBRICANT TYPES Lubrication point Lubricant Yamaha bond Crankcase mating surface No.1215 (Three bond No.1215®) Yamaha bond Crankcase cover (lead grommet) No.1215 (Three bond No.1215®) 2-25…
  • Page 63
    LUBRICATION POINTS AND LUBRICANT TYPES EAS20380 CHASSIS Lubrication point Lubricant Steering bearings and bearing races (upper and lower) Throttle grip inner surface and throttle cable end Brake lever pivoting point and metal-to-metal moving parts Clutch lever pivoting point and metal-to-metal moving parts Clutch cable end Engine mounting bolts (rear upper and lower side) Relay arm, connecting arm and rear shock absorber spacer…
  • Page 64: Lubrication System Chart And Diagrams


  • Page 65
    LUBRICATION SYSTEM CHART AND DIAGRAMS 1. Oil strainer 2. Oil pump 3. Relief valve 4. Oil cooler 5. Sub gallery 6. Oil filter cartridge 7. Main gallery 8. Mission shower 9. Drive axle 10.Main axle 11.Shift fork (upper) 12.Crankshaft 13.Oil nozzle 14.Balancer shaft 15.Timing chain tensioner 16.Intake camshaft…
  • Page 66
  • Page 67
    LUBRICATION SYSTEM CHART AND DIAGRAMS 1. Intake camshaft 2. Exhaust camshaft 3. Crankshaft 4. Oil filter cartridge 5. Oil level switch 2-30…
  • Page 68
  • Page 69
    LUBRICATION SYSTEM CHART AND DIAGRAMS 1. Intake camshaft 2. Exhaust camshaft 3. Timing chain tensioner 4. Crankshaft 5. Balancer shaft 6. Oil cooler 7. Relief valve 8. Oil pipe 9. Oil strainer 10.Oil/water pump assembly 2-32…
  • Page 70
  • Page 71
    LUBRICATION SYSTEM CHART AND DIAGRAMS 1. Oil filter cartridge 2. Oil level switch 3. Oil strainer 4. Oil pipe 5. Relief valve 6. Oil cooler 2-34…
  • Page 72
  • Page 73
    LUBRICATION SYSTEM CHART AND DIAGRAMS 1. Main axle 2. Oil/water pump assembly 2-36…
  • Page 74
  • Page 75
    LUBRICATION SYSTEM CHART AND DIAGRAMS 1. Main axle 2. Oil delivery pipe 2 3. Drive axle 2-38…
  • Page 76
  • Page 77
    LUBRICATION SYSTEM CHART AND DIAGRAMS 1. Shift fork guide bar 2. Shift fork-C 3. Shift drum assembly 4. Shift fork-R 5. Drive axle 6. Shift fork-L 2-40…
  • Page 78
  • Page 79
    LUBRICATION SYSTEM CHART AND DIAGRAMS 1. Cylinder head 2. Exhaust camshaft 3. Intake camshaft 4. Oil nozzle 5. Crankshaft 2-42…
  • Page 80
  • Page 81
    LUBRICATION SYSTEM CHART AND DIAGRAMS 1. Balancer shaft 2. Crankshaft 2-44…
  • Page 82: Cooling System Diagrams


  • Page 83
    COOLING SYSTEM DIAGRAMS 1. Oil/water pump assembly 2. Radiator 3. Radiator fan 4. Thermostat 5. Oil cooler 2-46…
  • Page 84
  • Page 85
    COOLING SYSTEM DIAGRAMS 1. Radiator cap 2. Radiator 3. Radiator fan 4. Oil cooler 2-48…
  • Page 86
  • Page 87
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Meter lead 2. Ground lead 3. Meter 4. Meter bracket 5. Right auxiliary light lead 6. Headlight sub-wire harness 7. Headlight lead 8. Intake air temperature sensor 9. Left auxiliary light lead 10.Right air intake air duct cover 11.Turn signal relay 12.Headlight relay 13.Left air intake air duct cover…
  • Page 88
  • Page 89
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Clutch cable 2. Main switch lead 3. Left handlebar switch lead 4. Steering damper lead 5. Horn lead 6. Horn 7. Brake hose 8. Front brake light switch lead 9. Throttle cable (decelerator cable) 10.Throttle cable (accelerator cable) 11.Right handlebar switch lead 12.Throttle cable 13.Steering damper bracket…
  • Page 90
  • Page 91
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Headlight sub-wire harness 2. Right radiator fan motor lead 3. AC magneto lead 4. Crankshaft position sensor 5. Coolant reservoir hose 6. Throttle cable 7. Right handlebar switch lead 8. Clutch cable 9. Main harness 10.Rectifier/regulator 11.Rectifier/regulator bracket 12.Right handlebar switch lead 13.Oil cooler outlet hose A.
  • Page 92
  • Page 93
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Ignition coil lead 2. Crankshaft position sensor lead 3. Rear brake light switch lead 4. O sensor lead A. Route the rear brake light switch lead out- side of the O sensor lead and push it to the occluding surface of the clutch cover.
  • Page 94
  • Page 95
    CABLE ROUTING Q. Route the rear brake light switch lead 1. Union bolt between the top and bottom frame bosses 2. Washer for installing the right footrest assembly 3. Exhaust chamber cover and to inside of the frame. 4. Right footrest assembly 5.
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    CABLE ROUTING 1. Immobilizer unit lead 2. Left radiator fan motor lead 3. Radiator fan motor relay 4. ECU (engine control unit) 5. Cable guide 6. Radiator inlet pipe 7. ECU (engine control unit) bracket A. Insert the clamp winding the main harness into the ECU (engine control unit) bracket hole.
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    CABLE ROUTING 1. Oil level switch lead 2. Gear position sensor lead 3. Speed sensor lead 4. Sidestand switch lead 5. Fuel tank breather hose 6. Fuel tank overflow hose 7. Coolant reservoir breather hose 8. Sidestand switch 9. AC magneto lead 10.Frame 11.Main harness holder 12.Main harness…
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    CABLE ROUTING H. Clamp the starter motor lead and fuel 1. Right handlebar switch lead pump lead at the right of the vehicle. Do 2. Headlight sub-wire harness not cut off the end and face it to back of the 3.
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    CABLE ROUTING AE.Install the water pump bypass hose with its clamp opening facing right of the vehicle. AF.Clamp the secondary injector sub-wire har- ness and throttle sub-wire harness at the protector. Face the end of the clamp down- ward. 2-66…
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    CABLE ROUTING 1. Rear frame 2. Right upper tail cover bracket 3. License plate light lead 4. Right turn signal light lead 5. Left turn signal light lead 6. Battery box 2 7. Tail/brake light lead 8. Lean angle sensor lead 9.
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    CABLE ROUTING 1. Fuel tank upper cover 2. Fuel tank breather hose 3. Fuel tank overflow hose 4. Fuel tank 5. Fuel pump 6. Frame 7. Fuel hose connector cover 8. Clip 9. Fuel hose A. Install the lip on the fuel pump gasket upward.
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    CABLE ROUTING 1. Upper air filter case 2. Fuel hose (secondary injector fuel rail side) 3. Fuel hose (primary injector fuel rail side) 4. Primary injector fuel rail 5. Secondary injector sub-wire harness 6. Throttle cable (pull side) 7. Throttle cable (return side) 8.
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    CABLE ROUTING 1. Cap case 2. Upper air filter case 3. Sub-wire harness 4. Secondary injector holder 5. Grommet 6. Plastic locking tie 7. Fuel rail A. Sub-wire harness should not be pinched under the bearing surface of the bolt. B.
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    UK, a mileage-based maintenance, is performed instead. • From 50000 km (30000 mi), repeat the maintenance intervals starting from 10000 km (6000 mi). • Items marked with an asterisk should be performed by a Yamaha dealer as they require special tools, data and technical skills.
  • Page 117: General Maintenance And Lubrication Chart

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE EAS14B1034 GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION CHART ODOMETER READING CHECK OR MAINTENANCE ANNUAL ITEM 1000 km 10000 km 20000 km 30000 km 40000 km CHECK (600 mi) (6000 mi) (12000 mi) (18000 mi) (24000 mi) √ Air filter element •…

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    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE ODOMETER READING CHECK OR MAINTENANCE ANNUAL ITEM 1000 km 10000 km 20000 km 30000 km 40000 km CHECK (600 mi) (6000 mi) (12000 mi) (18000 mi) (24000 mi) • Change. √ √ √ √ √ √ Engine oil •…
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    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE EAS21030 4. Install: CHECKING THE FUEL LINE (Primary injec- • Fuel tank tor) Refer to “FUEL TANK” on page 7-1. The following procedure applies to all of the 5. Install: fuel, vacuum and breather hoses. • Rider seat 1.
  • Page 120
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 2. Remove: 10. Install: • Fuel tank • Spark plug Refer to “FUEL TANK” on page 7-1. Spark plug 3. Remove: 13 Nm (1.3 m·kgf, 9.4 ft·lbf) • Air filter case Refer to “AIR FILTER CASE” on page 7- Before installing the spark plug, clean the 4.
  • Page 121
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE • Air cut-off valve Refer to “AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM” on page 7-21. • Radiator • Radiator fan motor Refer to “RADIATOR” on page 6-1. 2. Remove: • Ignition coils • Spark plugs • Cylinder head cover • Cylinder head cover gasket Refer to “CAMSHAFTS”…
  • Page 122
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE f. Turn the crankshaft 180 degrees in clock- wise and position the pickup rotor T mark “a” upward. c. Measure the valve clearance #1 with a thickness gauge “1”. Thickness gauge b. 180° 90890-03180 Feeler gauge set g. Measure the valve clearance #2 with a YU-26900-9 thickness gauge.
  • Page 123: Valve Lapper

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE Example: Specified valve clearance = 0.11–0.20 mm • Refer to “CAMSHAFTS” on page 5-13. (0.0043–0.0079 in) • When removing the timing chain and cam- Measured valve clearance = 0.23 mm shafts, fasten the timing chain with a wire to (0.0091 in) retrieve it if it falls into the crankcase.

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    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE i. If the valve clearance is still out of specifi- Valve pad range No. 160–240 cation, repeat all of the valve clearance 1.60–2.40 mm adjustment steps until the specified clear- Valve pad thickness (0.0630–0.0945 in) ance is obtained. 17 thicknesses in ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲…
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    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 4. Install: Adjusting the throttle body synchronization • Vacuum gauge “1” 1. Adjust: • Digital tachometer • Throttle body synchronization (Use goods on the market) ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ a. Start the engine, warm it up for several Vacuum gauge minutes, and then let it run at the specified 90890-03094 engine idling speed.
  • Page 126
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE Throttle cable free play 3.0–5.0 mm (0.12–0.20 in) 4. Install: • Fuel tank • Fuel tank side cover Refer to “FUEL TANK” on page 7-1. • Rider seat Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. 4. Install: EAS21010 CHECKING THE THROTTLE BODY JOINTS •…
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    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 11. Install: • Passenger seat Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. 12. Install: • Rider seat Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. EAS20600 ADJUSTING THE EXHAUST GAS VOLUME Be sure to set the CO density level to stan- dard, and then adjust the exhaust gas volume.
  • Page 128
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 5. Press the “SELECT” and “RESET” buttons 10. Turn the main switch to “OFF” to cancel the to select a cylinder. CO adjustment mode. EAS14B1099 CHECKING THE AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM Refer to “CHECKING THE AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM” on page 7-25. EAS20961 REPLACING THE AIR FILTER ELEMENT 1.
  • Page 129
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 2. Adjust: • Clutch cable free play 6. Install: ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ • Air filter case cover Refer to “AIR FILTER CASE” on page 7- Handlebar side a. Turn the adjusting bolt “1” in direction “a” or ECA14401 “b” until the specified clutch lever free play is obtained.
  • Page 130
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE c. Tighten the locknuts “1”. ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ EAS14B1088 CHECKING THE BRAKE OPERATION 1. Check: • Brake operation Brake not working properly → Check the brake system. Refer to “FRONT BRAKE” on page 4-30 and “REAR BRAKE” on page 4-43. A.
  • Page 131
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE EAS21160 1. Operate the brake. ADJUSTING THE FRONT DISC BRAKE 2. Check: 1. Adjust: • Front brake pad • Brake lever position Wear indicators “1” almost touch the (distance “a” from the throttle grip to the brake disc → Replace the brake pads as brake lever) a set.
  • Page 132
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE EWA13070 WARNING After adjusting the brake pedal position, check that the end of the adjusting bolt “c” is visible through the hole “d”. EAS21360 BLEEDING THE HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYS- EWA13100 WARNING c. Tighten the locknut “1” to specification. Bleed the hydraulic brake system when- Locknut ever:…
  • Page 133
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE the throttle grip or the brake pedal to fully extend. h. Tighten the bleed screw and then release the brake lever or brake pedal. i. Repeat steps (e) to (h) until all of the air bubbles have disappeared from the brake fluid in the plastic hose.
  • Page 134
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE EAS21290 CHECKING THE REAR BRAKE HOSE 1. Check: • Brake hose “1” Cracks/damage/wear → Replace. 2. Check: • Brake hose clamp “2” Loose Connection → Tighten the clamp bolt. EWA13180 WARNING • The tire pressure should only be checked and regulated when the tire temperature equals the ambient air temperature.
  • Page 135
    250 kPa (2.50 kgf/cm², 36 psi, concerning handling characteristics can be 2.50 bar) given if a tire combination other than one Rear approved by Yamaha is used on this vehi- 290 kPa (2.90 kgf/cm², 42 psi, cle. 2.90 bar) High-speed riding…
  • Page 136
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE Place the vehicle on a suitable stand so that the rear wheel is elevated. 2. Move the rear wheel several times and find the tightest position of drive chain. 3. Check: • Drive chain slack “a” Out of specification → Adjust. EAS14B1089 CHECKING THE WHEEL BEARINGS The following procedure applies to all of the…
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    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE EWA13120 WARNING Securely support the vehicle so that there is no danger of it falling over. Place the vehicle on a suitable stand so that the front wheel is elevated. 2. Check: • Steering head Grasp the bottom of the front fork legs and gently rock the front fork.
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    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE EAS14B1092 Steering nut wrench CHECKING THE STEERING DAMPER 90890-01403 Refer to “CHECKING THE STEERING Exhaust flange nut wrench DAMPER” on page 4-73. YU-A9472 EAS14B1093 CHECKING THE CHASSIS FASTENERS Lower ring nut (initial tightening Make sure that all nuts, bolts, and screws are torque) properly tightened.
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    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE EAS21720 LUBRICATING THE SIDESTAND Lubricate the pivoting point and metal-to-metal moving parts of the sidestand. Recommended lubricant Lithium-soap-based grease EAS14B1095 CHECKING THE SIDESTAND SWITCH Refer to “ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS” on page 8-117. 2. Adjust: EAS21530 • Installed shift rod length CHECKING THE FRONT FORK ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼…
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    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE Spring preload EWA14B1026 WARNING Always adjust both front fork legs evenly. Uneven adjustment can result in poor han- dling and loss of stability. ECA13570 • Grooves are provided to indicate the adjustment position. • Never go beyond the maximum or mini- ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲…
  • Page 141
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE Compression damping Spring preload ECA13590 ECA13590 Never go beyond the maximum or minimum Never go beyond the maximum or minimum adjustment positions. adjustment positions. 1. Adjust: 1. Adjust: • Compression damping (left side) • Spring preload ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ a.
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    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ Minimum a. Turn the adjusting screw “1” in direction “a” 4 turn(s) out* or “b”. Standard Direction “a” 3 turn(s) out* Rebound damping increased Maximum (suspension is harder). 0 turn(s) out* Direction “b” * With the adjusting screw fully turned in Rebound damping decreased…
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    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE Type SAE 10W-40, SAE 10W-50, SAE 15W-40, SAE 20W-40 or SAE 20W-50 (14B1, 14B2) YAMALUBE 10W-40 YAMALUBE 4 20W-50, SAE 10W-40 or SAE 20W-50 (14B3) Recommended engine oil grade API service SG type or higher, JASO standard MA ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲…
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    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE Before checking the engine oil level, wait a few minutes until the oil has settled. EAS20790 CHANGING THE ENGINE OIL 1. Start the engine, warm it up for several minutes, and then turn it off. 2. Place a container under the engine oil drain bolt.
  • Page 145: Oil Pressure Adapter H

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 3. Remove: Engine oil quantity • Main gallery bolt “1” Total amount 4.58 L (4.84 US qt, 4.03 Imp.qt) Without filter cartridge replacement 3.73 L (3.94 US qt, 3.28 Imp.qt) With oil filter cartridge replace- ment 3.93 L (4.15 US qt, 3.46 Imp.qt) 9.

  • Page 146
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 3. Start the engine, warm it up for several Engine oil pressure Possible causes minutes, and then turn it off. • Faulty oil pump 4. Check: • Clogged oil filter • Coolant level Below specification • Leaking oil passage •…
  • Page 147
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE EAS21130 5. Remove: CHANGING THE COOLANT • Coolant drain bolt (engine) “1” 1. Remove: (along with the copper washer) • Lower cowlings • Side cowlings Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. 2. Disconnect: • Coolant reservoir cap “1” 3.
  • Page 148
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE • If coolant splashes on your clothes, EAS14B1098 CHECKING THE FRONT BRAKE LIGHT quickly wash it away with water and then SWITCH with soap and water. Refer to “ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS” on • If coolant is swallowed, induce vomiting page 8-117.
  • Page 149
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE Replace damaged outer cable and inner Direction “a” cables as soon as possible. Throttle cable free play is increased. 1. Check: Direction “b” • Outer cable Throttle cable free play is decreased. Damage → Replace. c. Tighten the locknut “1”. 2.
  • Page 150
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE the transparency of the glass, the life of the bulb and the luminous flux will be adversely affected. If the headlight bulb gets soiled, thoroughly clean it with a cloth moistened with alcohol or lacquer thinner. 5. Install: •…
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    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ 3-36…
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    GENERAL CHASSIS EAS21830 GENERAL CHASSIS Removing the seats and battery Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Rider seat Passenger seat Battery negative lead Disconnect. Battery positive lead Disconnect. Tool band Tool Upper tail cover bracket Battery cover Battery Battery seat For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 157
    GENERAL CHASSIS Removing the side cowlings Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Front cowling inner panel Side cowling Front turn signal light coupler Disconnect. Front turn signal light Lower cowling Side cowling inner panel For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 158
    GENERAL CHASSIS Removing the ECU and rectifier/regulator Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Side cowling Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. ECU coupler Disconnect. Radiator fan motor relay coupler Disconnect. Radiator fan motor relay ECU bracket Rectifier/regulator coupler Disconnect. Stator coil lead coupler Disconnect.
  • Page 159
    GENERAL CHASSIS Removing the Air ducts Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Side cowling Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. ECU and rectifier/regulator Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Air chamber cover Air chamber Air chamber bracket Air intake air duct cover Rear intake air duct upper Rear intake air duct lower Front intake air duct…
  • Page 160: General Chassis

    GENERAL CHASSIS Removing the front cowling assembly Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Side cowling Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. ECU and Rectifier/regulator Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Air duct Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Intake air temperature sensor coupler Disconnect.

  • Page 161
    GENERAL CHASSIS Removing the meter and headlight Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Side cowling Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. ECU and Rectifier/regulator Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Air duct Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Front cowling assembly Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS”…
  • Page 162
    GENERAL CHASSIS Removing the meter and headlight Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Windshield Intake air temperature sensor Headlight assembly Front cowling For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 163
    GENERAL CHASSIS Disassembling the headlight assembly Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Auxiliary light socket Auxiliary light bulb Headlight bulb cover Headlight bulb Headlight harness Headlight grille For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 164
    GENERAL CHASSIS Removing the rear fender Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Rider seat Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Passenger seat Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Upper tail cover bracket Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Upper tail cover Muffler Refer to “ENGINE REMOVAL”…
  • Page 165
    GENERAL CHASSIS Disassembling the license plate/turn signal light assembly Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks License plate/turn signal light stay License plate/turn signal light stay plate Cover Rear turn signal light License plate light Rear reflector Mudguard For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 166
    GENERAL CHASSIS EAS14B1029 REMOVING THE QUICK FASTENER (SCREW TYPE) To remove the quick fastener, turn its center with a screwdriver counterclockwise, then pull the fastener out. EAS14B1032 INSTALLING THE QUICK FASTENER (PUSH TYPE) To install the quick fastener, push its pin so that it protrudes from the fastener head, then insert EAS14B1030 the fastener into the cover and push the pin “a”…
  • Page 167
    GENERAL CHASSIS EAS14B1038 REMOVING THE FRONT TURN SIGNAL LIGHTS EAS14B1104 1. Remove: INSTALLING THE QUICK FASTENER (PULL • Stay “1” TYPE) • Front turn signal light “2” To install the quick fastener, pull the pin, then Remove the stay “1” first and then remove the insert the fastener into the cover and push the front turn signal light “2”…
  • Page 168
    GENERAL CHASSIS EAS14B1040 REMOVING THE LOWER COWLINGS 1. Remove: • Lower cowling “1” Slide the lower cowling to the forward and remove. EAS14B1043 INSTALLING THE SIDE COWLING INNER PANELS 1. Install: • Side cowling inner panel “1” Install the grommet “2” to the side cowling inner panel and insert them into the projection EAS14B1041 “a”…
  • Page 169
    GENERAL CHASSIS EAS14B1045 INSTALLING THE AIR CHAMBER COVERS 1. Install: • Air chamber cover “1” Insert the air chamber cover tab “a” downward into the hole “b” of the air chamber “2”. EAS14B1048 INSTALLING THE AIR INTAKE DUCTS 1. Install: •…
  • Page 170
    GENERAL CHASSIS EAS14B1051 INSTALLING THE MIRROR FITTING PLATES 1. Install: • Mirror fitting plate “1” (to meter bracket “2”) Face the mirror fitting plate concave “a” up and install it to the meter bracket. EAS14B1049 REMOVING THE WINDSHIELD 1. Remove: •…
  • Page 171
    GENERAL CHASSIS 2. Install: • Passenger seat Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. • Rider seat Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. EAS14B1054 INSTALLING THE TAIL/BRAKE LIGHT 1. Install: • Tail/brake light “1” ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ EAS14B1002 Fit the tail/brake light tabs “a” into the holes “b” INSTALLING THE UPPER TAIL COVER of the lower tail cover “2”.
  • Page 172
    GENERAL CHASSIS Exhaust chamber cover bolt 7 Nm (0.7 m·kgf, 5.1 ft·lbf) e. Install the rider footrest bolts. Rider footrest bolt 28 Nm (2.8 m·kgf, 20 ft·lbf) c. Adjusting the right rider footrest “1”. • Install the end “a” of the exhaust chamber cover “1”…
  • Page 173
    FRONT WHEEL EAS21870 FRONT WHEEL Removing the front wheel and brake discs Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Left brake hose holder Right brake hose holder Left front brake caliper Right front brake caliper Front wheel axle pinch bolt Loosen. Front wheel axle bolt Front wheel axle Collar (left and right)
  • Page 174
    FRONT WHEEL Disassembling the front wheel Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Oil seal (left and right) Wheel bearing (left and right) Spacer For assembly, reverse the disassembly pro- cedure. 4-19…
  • Page 175
    FRONT WHEEL EAS21900 REMOVING THE FRONT WHEEL 1. Stand the vehicle on a level surface. EWA13120 WARNING Securely support the vehicle so that there is no danger of it falling over. Place the vehicle on a suitable stand so that the front wheel is elevated.
  • Page 176
    FRONT WHEEL • Adjust the front wheel static balance with the brake disc installed. 1. Remove: • Balancing weight(s) 2. Find: • Front wheel’s heavy spot Place the front wheel on a suitable balancing stand. ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ c. Remove the wheel bearings “3” with a gen- a.
  • Page 177
    FRONT WHEEL EAS22000 INSTALLING THE FRONT WHEEL Start with the lightest weight. 1. Lubricate: • Wheel axle • Oil seal lips Recommended lubricant Lithium-soap-based grease 2. Lift the wheel up between the fork legs. 3. Insert the wheel axle. Install the tire and wheel with the mark “1” pointing in the direction of wheel rotation.
  • Page 178
    FRONT WHEEL EWA13530 WARNING Proper brake hose routing is essential to insure safe vehicle operation. Refer to “CABLE ROUTING” on page 2-49. Make sure that there is enough space between the brake pads before installing the brake cali- pers on to the brake discs. 4-23…
  • Page 179
    REAR WHEEL EAS22020 REAR WHEEL Removing the rear wheel Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Rear brake caliper Refer to “REAR BRAKE” on page 4-43. Locknut (left and right) Loosen. Adjusting bolt (left and right) Loosen. Rear wheel axle nut Washer Rear wheel axle Adjusting block (left)
  • Page 180
    REAR WHEEL Removing the brake disc and rear wheel sprocket Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Rear brake disc Rear wheel sprocket Collar Dust cover Oil seal Bearing Rear wheel drive hub Rear wheel drive hub damper Rear wheel For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 181
    REAR WHEEL Disassembling the rear wheel Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Collar Bearing Spacer Oil seal Circlip Bearing For assembly, reverse the disassembly pro- cedure. 4-26…
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    REAR WHEEL EAS22040 REMOVING THE REAR WHEEL 1. Stand the vehicle on a level surface. EWA13120 WARNING Securely support the vehicle so that there is no danger of it falling over. Place the vehicle on a suitable stand so that the rear wheel is elevated.
  • Page 183
    REAR WHEEL EAS22110 CHECKING THE REAR WHEEL DRIVE HUB Tighten the self-locking nuts in stages and in a 1. Check: crisscross pattern. • Rear wheel drive hub “1” Cracks/damage → Replace. • Rear wheel drive hub dampers “2” Damage/wear → Replace. ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲…
  • Page 184
    REAR WHEEL 3. Tighten: • Rear wheel axle nut • Rear brake caliper bolts Rear wheel axle nut 150 Nm (15 m·kgf, 110 ft·lbf) Rear brake caliper bolt (front side) 27 Nm (2.7 m·kgf, 19 ft·lbf) Rear brake caliper bolt (rear side) 22 Nm (2.2 m·kgf, 16 ft·lbf) EWA13530…
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    FRONT BRAKE EAS22210 FRONT BRAKE Removing the front brake pads Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks The following procedure applies to both of the front brake calipers. Brake hose holder Front brake caliper Brake pad clip Brake pad pin Brake pad spring Brake pad kit Bleed screw For installation, reverse the removal proce-…
  • Page 186
    FRONT BRAKE Removing the front brake master cylinder Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Drain. Brake fluid Refer to “BLEEDING THE HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYSTEM” on page 3-17. Stopper Brake fluid reservoir cap Brake fluid reservoir diaphragm holder Brake fluid reservoir diaphragm Brake fluid reservoir tank Brake fluid reservoir hose Brake lever…
  • Page 187
    FRONT BRAKE Disassembling the front brake master cylinder Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Brake master cylinder kit Bleed screw Brake master cylinder body For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure. 4-32…
  • Page 188: Front Brake

    FRONT BRAKE Removing the front brake calipers Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks The following procedure applies to both of the front brake calipers. Drain. Brake fluid Refer to “BLEEDING THE HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYSTEM” on page 3-17. Union bolt Washer Brake hose Brake caliper For installation, reverse the removal proce-…

  • Page 189
    FRONT BRAKE Disassembling the front brake calipers Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Brake pad clip Brake pad pin Brake pad spring Brake pad kit Brake caliper piston Brake caliper piston dust seal Brake caliper piston seal Bleed screw For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 190
    FRONT BRAKE EAS22220 INTRODUCTION EWA14100 WARNING Disc brake components rarely require dis- assembly. Therefore, always follow these preventive measures: • Never disassemble brake components unless absolutely necessary. • If any connection on the hydraulic brake system is disconnected, the entire brake system must be disassembled, drained, ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼…
  • Page 191
    FRONT BRAKE 1. Remove: • Brake hose holder “1” • When installing the brake disc, align the • Brake caliper “2” arrow “1” on the brake disc and arrow “2” on the wheel in the direction of wheel rotation. • Tighten the brake disc bolts in stages and in a crisscross pattern.
  • Page 192
    FRONT BRAKE d. Install new brake pads and a new brake Brake lining thickness pad springs. (inner) 4.5 mm (0.18 in) The arrow mark “a” on the brake pad springs Limit must point in the direction of disc rotation. 0.8 mm (0.03 in) Brake lining thickness…
  • Page 193
    FRONT BRAKE EAS22300 REMOVING THE FRONT BRAKE CALIPERS The following procedure applies to both of the brake calipers. Before removing the brake caliper, drain the brake fluid from the entire brake system. 1. Remove: • Union bolt “1” • Washers “2” •…
  • Page 194
    FRONT BRAKE • Brake caliper cylinders “2” 2. Install: Scratches/wear → Replace the brake cal- • Brake caliper “1” iper assembly. • Copper washers • Brake caliper body “3” • Brake hose “2” Cracks/damage → Replace the brake • Union bolt “3” caliper assembly.
  • Page 195
    FRONT BRAKE EAS22490 REMOVING THE FRONT BRAKE MASTER Recommended fluid CYLINDER DOT 4 EWA13090 Before removing the front brake master cylin- WARNING der, drain the brake fluid from the entire brake • Use only the designated brake fluid. system. Other brake fluids may cause the rubber seals to deteriorate, causing leakage and 1.
  • Page 196
    FRONT BRAKE 2. Check: Front brake master cylinder • Brake fluid reservoir tank “1” holder bolt Cracks/damage → Replace. 13 Nm (1.3 m·kgf, 9.4 ft·lbf) • Brake fluid reservoir diaphragm “2” Damage/wear → Replace. • Brake fluid reservoir diaphragm holder “3” •…
  • Page 197
    FRONT BRAKE a. 36° 6. Check: b. 3 mm (0.12 in) • Brake lever operation Soft or spongy feeling → Bleed the brake 3. Fill: system. • Brake fluid reservoir Refer to “BLEEDING THE HYDRAULIC (with the specified amount of the recom- BRAKE SYSTEM”…
  • Page 198
    REAR BRAKE EAS22550 REAR BRAKE Removing the rear brake pads Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Screw plug Brake pad pin Rear brake caliper Brake pad shim Brake pad kit Bleed screw Brake pad spring For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 199
    REAR BRAKE Removing the rear brake master cylinder Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Drain. Brake fluid Refer to “BLEEDING THE HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYSTEM” on page 3-17. Footrest plate Brake fluid reservoir cap Rear brake fluid reservoir diaphragm holder Rear brake fluid reservoir diaphragm Brake fluid reservoir tank Brake fluid reservoir hose Union bolt…
  • Page 200
    REAR BRAKE Disassembling the rear brake master cylinder Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Brake master cylinder yoke Adjusting nut Brake master cylinder kit Dust cover Circlip Hose joint O-ring Brake master cylinder body For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 201
    REAR BRAKE Removing the rear brake calipers Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Union bolt Washer Brake hose Brake caliper For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure. 4-46…
  • Page 202
    REAR BRAKE Disassembling the rear brake caliper Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Screw plug Brake pad pin Brake pad kit Brake pad shim Brake pad spring Brake caliper piston Brake caliper piston dust seal Brake caliper piston seal Bleed screw For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 203: Rear Brake

    REAR BRAKE EAS22560 INTRODUCTION Brake disc thickness limit EWA14100 4.5 mm (0.18 in) WARNING 5. Adjust: Disc brake components rarely require dis- • Brake disc deflection assembly. Therefore, always follow these Refer to “CHECKING THE FRONT preventive measures: BRAKE DISCS” on page 4-35. •…

  • Page 204
    REAR BRAKE 3. Measure: c. Tighten the bleed screw. • Brake pad wear limit “a” Out of specification → Replace the brake Bleed screw 5 Nm (0.5 m·kgf, 3.6 ft·lbf) pads as a set. d. Install a new brake pad shim “3” onto each Brake lining thickness…
  • Page 205
    REAR BRAKE EAS22590 • Never try to pry out the brake caliper pis- REMOVING THE REAR BRAKE CALIPER ton. Before disassembling the brake caliper, drain the brake fluid from the entire brake system. 1. Remove: • Union bolt “1” • Copper washers “2” •…
  • Page 206
    REAR BRAKE EAS22670 INSTALLING THE REAR BRAKE CALIPER 1. Install: • Brake caliper “1” (temporarily) • Washers • Brake hose “2” • Union bolt “3” Rear brake hose union bolt 30 Nm (3.0 m·kgf, 22 ft·lbf) EWA14B1005 EWA13530 WARNING WARNING Whenever a brake caliper is disassembled, Proper brake hose routing is essential to replace the brake caliper piston dust seal…
  • Page 207
    REAR BRAKE 4. Fill: 7. Check: • Brake fluid reservoir • Brake pedal operation Soft or spongy feeling → Bleed the brake (with the specified amount of the recom- mended brake fluid) system. Refer to “BLEEDING THE HYDRAULIC Recommended fluid BRAKE SYSTEM”…
  • Page 208
    REAR BRAKE 2. Check: Rear brake hose union bolt • Brake fluid reservoir tank “1” Cracks/damage → Replace. 30 Nm (3.0 m·kgf, 22 ft·lbf) • Brake fluid reservoir diaphragm “2” EWA13530 Cracks/damage → Replace. WARNING • Brake fluid reservoir diaphragm holder “3” Proper brake hose routing is essential to Cracks/damage →…
  • Page 209
    REAR BRAKE • Refill with the same type of brake fluid Brake pedal position (from the that is already in the system. Mixing brake top of the brake pedal to the fluids may result in a harmful chemical center of the bolt mount on the reaction, leading to poor brake perfor- rider footrest bracket) mance.
  • Page 210
    HANDLEBARS EAS22850 HANDLEBARS Removing the handlebars Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Side cowling Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. ECU and rectifier/regulator Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Air duct Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Front cowling Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS”…
  • Page 211
    HANDLEBARS Removing the handlebars Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Throttle grip Brake switch connector Right handlebar switch Handlebar pinch bolt Loosen. Handlebar bolt Loosen. Upper bracket pinch bolt Loosen. Steering stem nut Main switch coupler Disconnect. Immobilizer unit coupler Disconnect.
  • Page 212
    HANDLEBARS EAS22870 EWA13690 REMOVING THE HANDLEBAR WARNING 1. Stand the vehicle on a level surface. Do not attempt to straighten a bent handle- EWA13120 bar as this may dangerously weaken it. WARNING Securely support the vehicle so that there is no danger of it falling over. 2.
  • Page 213
    HANDLEBARS • Align the projection “a” on the left handlebar switch with the hole “b” on the left handlebar. • There should be 2.0–2.5 mm (0.08–0.10 in) of clearance between left handlebar switch and clutch lever holder. 4. Install: • Throttle grip •…
  • Page 214
    FRONT FORK EAS22950 FRONT FORK Removing the front fork legs Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks The following procedure applies both of the front fork legs. Side cowling Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Front wheel Refer to “FRONT WHEEL” on page 4-18. Front fender Upper bracket pinch bolt Loosen.
  • Page 215
    FRONT FORK Disassembling the front fork legs Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks The following procedure applies to both of the front fork legs. Cap bolt O-ring Washer Spacer Upper spring seat Fork spring Lower spring seat Outer tube Dust seal Oil seal clip Oil seal Washer…
  • Page 216
    FRONT FORK Disassembling the front fork legs Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Damper rod assembly Damper adjusting rod Damper adjusting valve Damper adjusting valve spring Inner tube For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure. 4-61…
  • Page 217: Front Fork

    FRONT FORK EAS14B1006 REMOVING THE FRONT FORK LEGS The following procedure applies to both of the front fork legs. Each front fork leg is equipped with a spring preload adjusting bolt, the right fork leg is equipped with a rebound damping force adjusting screen and left front fork is equipped with a compression damping force adjusting screw.

  • Page 218
    FRONT FORK Use the side of the rod holder that is marked “B”. 4. Remove: • Dust seal • Oil seal clip “1” (with a flat-head screwdriver) • Oil seal c. Hold the spring preload adjusting bolt “6” • Washer and loosen the nut “3”.
  • Page 219
    FRONT FORK EAS23010 • When disassembling and assembling the CHECKING THE FRONT FORK LEGS front fork leg, do not allow any foreign The following procedure applies to both of the material to enter the front fork. front fork legs. 1. Check: •…
  • Page 220
    FRONT FORK • Before installing the oil seal, lubricate its lips with lithium-soap-based grease. • Lubricate the outer surface of the inner tube with fork oil. 2. Lubricate: • Inner tube’s outer surface Recommended oil Suspension oil M1 or equiva- lent 3.
  • Page 221
    FRONT FORK 8. Install: 10. Fully compress the front fork leg. • Dust seal “1” 11. Fill: (with the fork seal driver weight “2”) • Front fork leg (with the specified amount of the recom- Fork seal driver mended fork oil) 90890-01442 Adjustable fork seal driver (36–…
  • Page 222
    FRONT FORK Be sure to bleed the front fork leg of any resid- Install the spring with the smaller diameter “a” ual air. facing up “A”. 14. Measure: • Front fork leg oil level “a” (from the top of the outer tube, with the outer tube fully compressed and without the fork spring) Out of specification →…
  • Page 223
    FRONT FORK j. Remove the rod puller and rod puller o. Remove the rod holder and fork spring attachment. compressor. k. Install the nut “1” all the way onto the ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ damper rod assembly. 16. Install: • Cap bolt (to the outer tube) •…
  • Page 224
    FRONT FORK Fasten the front brake hose to the right front fork leg with the plastic locking tie. 3. Tighten: • Cap bolt “1” Cap bolt 20 Nm (2.0 m·kgf, 14 ft·lbf) 6. Adjust: • Spring preload • Handlebar bolt “2” •…
  • Page 225
    STEERING HEAD EAS23090 STEERING HEAD Removing the lower bracket Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Side cowling Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Air duct Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Front fork legs Refer to “FRONT FORK” on page 4-59. Handlebars Refer to “HANDLEBARS”…
  • Page 226
    STEERING HEAD Removing the lower bracket Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Lower ring nut Lower bracket Upper bearing cover Upper bearing inner race Upper bearing Lower bearing Lower bearing inner race Lower bearing dust seal Upper bearing outer race Lower bearing outer race For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 227
    STEERING HEAD EAS23110 3. Replace: REMOVING THE LOWER BRACKET • Bearings 1. Stand the vehicle on a level surface. • Bearing races EWA13120 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ WARNING a. Remove the bearing races “1” from the Securely support the vehicle so that there steering head pipe with a long rod “2”…
  • Page 228
    STEERING HEAD EAS23140 • Bearing INSTALLING THE STEERING HEAD Damage/pitting → Replace. 1. Lubricate: (It replace with the assembly.) • Upper bearing • Lower bearing • Bearing races Recommended lubricant Lithium-soap-based grease 2. Install: • Lower ring nut “1” • Rubber washer “2” •…
  • Page 229
    REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY EAS23160 REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY Removing the rear shock absorber assembly Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Rider seat Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Passenger seat Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Fuel tank Refer to “FUEL TANK”…
  • Page 230
    REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY EAS14B1010 HANDLING THE REAR SHOCK ABSORBER Place the vehicle on a suitable stand so that EWA14B1013 the rear wheel is elevated. WARNING This rear shock absorber contains highly 2. Remove: compressed nitrogen gas. Before handling • Rear shock absorber assembly lower bolt the rear shock absorber, read and make “1”…
  • Page 231
    REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY • Spring Installed depth of bearing “a” Damage/wear → Replace the rear shock 4.0 mm (0.16 in) absorber assembly. Installed depth of oil seal “b” • Bearing 1.0 mm (0.04 in) Damage/wear → Replace. • Bolts Bends/damage/wear →…
  • Page 232
    REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY Rear shock absorber assembly bracket and frame nut 92 Nm (9.2 m·kgf, 66 ft·lbf) • Rear shock absorber assembly lower nut Rear shock absorber assembly lower nut 40 Nm (4.0 m·kgf, 29 ft·lbf) 4. Install: • Connecting arm When installing the connecting arm, lift up the swingarm.
  • Page 233
    SWINGARM EAS23330 SWINGARM Removing the swingarm Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Rear wheel Refer to “REAR WHEEL” on page 4-24. Refer to “REAR SHOCK ABSORBER Rear shock absorber assembly ASSEMBLY” on page 4-74. Drive chain guard Rear fender Left footrest Drive chain guide Brake hose holder Pivot shaft nut/washer…
  • Page 234
    SWINGARM Removing the swingarm Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Oil seal Circlip Bearing Bearing For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure. 4-79…
  • Page 235
    SWINGARM EAS23350 REMOVING THE SWINGARM Swingarm side play (at the end 1. Stand the vehicle on a level surface. of the swingarm) 1.0 mm (0.04 in) EWA13120 WARNING d. Check the swingarm vertical movement “B” Securely support the vehicle so that there by moving the swingarm up and down.
  • Page 236
    SWINGARM 3. Wash: Damper rod holder (22 mm) • Pivot shaft 90890-01365 • Dust cover • Spacer • Washers • Bearings Recommended cleaning solvent Kerosene 4. Check: • Dust cover “1” • Spacer “2” • Collar “3” • Bearings “4” Damage/wear →…
  • Page 237
    SWINGARM Ring nut wrench 90890-01507 YM-01507 5. Dust cover 6. Collar 7. Swingarm 8. Pivot shaft A. Left side 5. Install: B. Right side • Pivot shaft nut “1” 3. Install: Pivot shaft nut • Pivot shaft “1” 105 Nm (10.5 m·kgf, 75 ft·lbf) Pivot shaft 7 Nm (0.7 m·kgf, 5.1 ft·lbf) Tighten the pivot shaft with the damper rod…
  • Page 238
    CHAIN DRIVE EAS23400 CHAIN DRIVE Removing the drive sprocket and drive chain Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Refer to “ADJUSTING THE DRIVE CHAIN Drive chain SLACK” on page 3-21. Locknut Shift rod Shift arm Shift pedal Drive sprocket cover Drive sprocket nut Washer Drive chain guide (drive sprocket side)
  • Page 239
    CHAIN DRIVE EAS23410 REMOVING THE DRIVE CHAIN 1. Stand the vehicle on a level surface. EWA13120 WARNING Securely support the vehicle so that there is no danger of it falling over. Place the vehicle on a suitable stand so that the rear wheel is elevated.
  • Page 240
    CHAIN DRIVE use only kerosene to clean the drive EAS23460 CHECKING THE DRIVE SPROCKET chain. 1. Check: • Do not soak the drive chain in kerosene • Drive sprocket for more than ten minutes, otherwise the More than 1/4 tooth “a” wear → Replace O-rings can be damaged.
  • Page 241
    CHAIN DRIVE • Stake the drive sprocket nut at cutouts, “a” in the drive axle. b. After riveting, make sure the diameter between the edges “b” of the connecting pin “2” is 5.7–6.0 mm (0.22–0.24 in). ECA14300 Never install a new drive chain onto worn drive chain sprockets;…
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    CHAIN DRIVE 4-87…
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  • Page 246
    ENGINE INSPECTION EAS14B1052 ENGINE INSPECTION EAS14B1053 MEASURING THE COMPRESSION PRES- SURE The following procedure applies to all of the cylinders. Insufficient compression pressure will result in a loss of performance. 6. Measure: 1. Measure: • Compression pressure • Valve clearance Out of specification →…
  • Page 247
    ENGINE INSPECTION Compression pressure (with oil applied into the cylinder) Reading Diagnosis Higher than without Piston ring(s) wear or damage → Replace. Same as without oil Piston, valves or cyl- inder head gasket possibly defective → Replace. ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ 7. Install: •…
  • Page 248
    ENGINE REMOVAL EAS23711 ENGINE REMOVAL Removing the exhaust pipe and muffler Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Rider seat Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Passenger seat Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Upper tail cover Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Side cowling Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS”…
  • Page 249
    ENGINE REMOVAL Removing the exhaust pipe and muffler Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Left muffler Left muffler gasket Right muffler clamp Loosen. Right muffler Right muffler gasket Rear brake light switch coupler Disconnect. Right footrest assembly Exhaust chamber cover Rear brake light switch sensor lead coupler Disconnect.
  • Page 250
    ENGINE REMOVAL Removing the exhaust pipe and muffler Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Exhaust chamber protector Exhaust chamber pipe protector clamp Loosen. Exhaust chamber pipe protector Exhaust chamber bracket Exhaust pipe Exhaust pipe gasket For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 251
    ENGINE REMOVAL Disconnecting the leads and hoses Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Battery negative lead Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Battery positive lead Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Fuel tank Refer to “FUEL TANK” on page 7-1. Side cowling air duct Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS”…
  • Page 252
    ENGINE REMOVAL Disconnecting the leads and hoses Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Speed sensor lead coupler Disconnect. Oil level switch lead coupler Disconnect. Gear position sensor coupler Disconnect. Engine ground lead Disconnect. Clutch cable Disconnect. For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 253
    ENGINE REMOVAL Removing the engine Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Left lower cowling bracket Right lower cowling bracket Left inner panel bracket Right inner panel bracket Sidestand assembly Sidestand switch Holder Sidestand switch bracket Engine mounting bolt (front right side) Engine mount collar (front right side) Engine mount collar (front right side) Engine mounting bolt (front left side)
  • Page 254
    ENGINE REMOVAL Removing the engine Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Engine mount nut (rear lower side) Engine mount bolt (rear upper side) Engine mount bolt (rear lower side) Engine Engine mount adjusting bolt For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 255: Pivot Shaft Wrench Adapter

    ENGINE REMOVAL EAS23720 5. Install: INSTALLING THE ENGINE • Engine mount collars (front right side) “1” ECA14B1021 • Engine mount collar (front right side) “2” • Engine mounting bolt (front right side) “3” Do not hold the radiator inlet pipe when (temporary tighten) removing the engine and moving the engine by itself.

  • Page 256
    ENGINE REMOVAL Engine mounting bolt (front left side) 70 Nm (7.0 m·kgf, 50 ft·lbf) 7. Tighten: • Engine mounting nut (rear lower side) “1” • Engine mounting nut (rear upper side) “2” Engine mounting nut (rear 9. Tighten: lower side) •…
  • Page 257
    ENGINE REMOVAL Installed depth of gasket “c” 3.5 mm (0.14 in) 5-12…
  • Page 258
    CAMSHAFTS EAS23760 CAMSHAFTS Removing the cylinder head cover Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Fuel tank Refer to “FUEL TANK” on page 7-1. Air filter case Refer to “AIR FILTER CASE” on page 7-5. Side cowling Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Radiator Refer to “RADIATOR”…
  • Page 259
    CAMSHAFTS Removing the cylinder head cover Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure. 5-14…
  • Page 260
    CAMSHAFTS Removing the camshafts Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Pickup coil cover 2 Refer to “PICKUP ROTOR” on page 5-43. Generator cover Refer to “GENERATOR” on page 5-37. Timing chain tensioner Timing chain tensioner gasket Intake camshaft cap Exhaust camshaft cap Intake camshaft Exhaust camshaft Intake camshaft sprocket…
  • Page 261
    CAMSHAFTS Removing the camshafts Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Crankshaft sprocket Collar Straight key For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure. 5-16…
  • Page 262
    CAMSHAFTS EAS23810 REMOVING THE CAMSHAFTS 1. Remove: • Pickup rotor cover 2 Refer to “PICKUP ROTOR” on page 5-43. 2. Align: • “K” mark “a” on the pickup rotor (with the crankcase mating surface “b”) ECA14B1034 When turning the crankshaft with a tool, remove all the spark plugs.
  • Page 263
    CAMSHAFTS Camshaft lobe dimension limit Intake A 37.350–37.450 mm (1.4705– 1.4744 in) Limit 37.250 mm (1.4665 in) Intake B 28.034–28.134 mm (1.1037– 1.1076 in) Limit 7. Remove: 27.934 mm (1.0998 in) • Dowel pins Exhaust A • Timing chain guide (intake side) 36.450–36.550 mm (1.4350–…
  • Page 264
    CAMSHAFTS 4. Measure: ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ • Camshaft-journal-to-camshaft-cap clear- 5. Measure: ance • Camshaft journal diameter “a” Out of specification → Measure the cam- Out of specification → Replace the cam- shaft journal diameter. shaft. Within specification → Replace the cylin- Camshaft-journal-to-camshaft- der head and the camshaft caps as a set.
  • Page 265
    CAMSHAFTS a. 1/4 tooth b. Correct 3. Hand press 1. Timing chain 4. Bearing 2. Camshaft sprocket or crankshaft sprocket b. Keep pressing the timing chain tensioner EAS23950 rod, mount clip “5” into groove “6”, and lock CHECKING THE TIMING CHAIN GUIDES the timing chain tensioner rod.
  • Page 266
    CAMSHAFTS ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ a. Turn the crankshaft clockwise. b. When position #1 is at BTDC 105°, align the “K” mark “a” with the crankcase mating surface “b”. ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ 5. Install: • Intake camshaft sprocket “1” • Exhaust camshaft sprocket “2” Camshaft sprocket bolt 24 Nm (2.4 m·kgf, 17 ft·lbf) Camshaft wrench 90890-04143…
  • Page 267
    CAMSHAFTS • When installing the camshaft cap, face the hole with the screw thread “b” on the cam- shaft cap to the left side of the engine. 6. Install: • Exhaust camshaft “1” • Intake camshafts “2” • Hang the timing chain on the sprocket from A.
  • Page 268
    When turning the crankshaft with a tool, der head cover gasket. remove all the spark plugs. • Apply bond Yamaha bond No.1215 (Three 11. Check: bond No.1215®) “2” onto the mating surfaces • “K” mark “a”…
  • Page 269
    CAMSHAFTS • Tighten the cylinder head cover bolts stages and in a crisscross pattern. Yamaha bond No.1215 (Three Bond No.1215®) 90890-85505 5-24…
  • Page 270
    CYLINDER HEAD EAS24100 CYLINDER HEAD Removing the cylinder head Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Engine Refer to “ENGINE REMOVAL” on page 5-3. Intake camshaft Refer to “CAMSHAFTS” on page 5-13. Exhaust camshaft Refer to “CAMSHAFTS” on page 5-13. Coolant temperature sensor Cylinder head Cylinder head gasket Dowel pin…
  • Page 271
    CYLINDER HEAD EAS24120 REMOVING THE CYLINDER HEAD 1. Remove: • Intake camshaft • Exhaust camshaft Refer to “REMOVING THE CAM- SHAFTS” on page 5-17. 2. Remove: • Cylinder head nuts • Cylinder head bolts • Loosen the nuts in the proper sequence as ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼…
  • Page 272
    CYLINDER HEAD 5. Install: • Exhaust camshaft • Intake camshaft Refer to “INSTALLING THE CAM- SHAFTS” on page 5-20. 3. Install: • Cylinder head • Washers • Cylinder head nuts • Cylinder head bolts • Pass the timing chain through the timing chain cavity.
  • Page 273
    VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS EAS24270 VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS Removing the valves and valve springs Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Cylinder head Refer to “CYLINDER HEAD” on page 5-25. Intake valve lifter Intake valve pad Intake valve cotter Intake valve spring retainer Intake valve spring Intake valve Intake valve stem seal…
  • Page 274
    VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS Removing the valves and valve springs Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Exhaust valve lifter Exhaust valve pad Exhaust valve cotter Exhaust valve spring retainer Exhaust valve spring Exhaust valve Exhaust valve stem seal Exhaust valve spring seat Exhaust valve guide For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 275
    VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS EAS24280 3. Remove: REMOVING THE VALVES • Valve cotters The following procedure applies to all of the valves and related components. Remove the valve cotters by compressing the valve spring with the valve spring compressor Before removing the internal parts of the cylin- “1”…
  • Page 276
    VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS EAS24290 CHECKING THE VALVES AND VALVE To ease valve guide removal and installation, GUIDES and to maintain the correct fit, heat the cylinder The following procedure applies to all of the head to 100 °C (212 °F) in an oven. valves and valve guides.
  • Page 277
    VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS Valve guide remover (ø4.5) 90890-04116 Valve guide remover (4.5 mm) YM-04116 Valve guide remover (ø5) 90890-04097 Valve guide remover (5.0 mm) YM-04097 Valve guide installer (ø4.5) 90890-04117 Valve guide installer (4.5 mm) 6. Measure: YM-04117 • Valve stem runout Valve guide installer (ø5) Out of specification →…
  • Page 278
    VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS Valve seat width After replacing the cylinder head or replacing Valve seat width (intake) the valves and valve guides, the valve seat and 0.90–1.10 mm (0.0354–0.0433 valve face should be lapped. Limit ECA14B1031 1.60 mm (0.06 in) Valve seat width (exhaust) This model uses titanium intake valves.
  • Page 279
    VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS Valve spring free length Free length (intake) 39.33 mm (1.55 in) Limit 37.36 mm (1.47 in) Free length (exhaust) 37.96 mm (1.49 in) Limit 36.06 mm (1.42 in) e. Apply a fine lapping compound to the valve face and repeat the above steps.
  • Page 280
    VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS 3. Measure: • Valve spring tilt “a” Out of specification → Replace the valve spring. Spring tilt limit Spring tilt (intake) 2.5°/1.7 mm (0.067 in) Spring tilt (exhaust) 2.5°/1.7 mm (0.067 in) 2. Lubricate: • Valve stem “1” •…
  • Page 281
    VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS 5. To secure the valve cotters onto the valve stem, lightly tap the valve tip with a soft- face hammer. ECA13800 Hitting the valve tip with excessive force could damage the valve. 6. Lubricate: • Valve pad •…
  • Page 282
    GENERATOR EAS24480 GENERATOR Removing the generator Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Fuel tank Refer to “FUEL TANK” on page 7-1. Air filter case Refer to “AIR FILTER CASE” on page 7-5. Side cowling Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Stator coil lead coupler Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS”…
  • Page 283
    GENERATOR EAS24490 4. Remove: REMOVING THE GENERATOR • Stator coil lead holder “1” 1. Remove: • Stator coil assembly “2” • Generator cover • Generator cover gasket • Dowel pins 2. Remove: • Generator rotor bolt “1” • Washer While holding the generator rotor “2” with the sheave holder “3”, loosen the generator rotor bolt.
  • Page 284
    GENERATOR 4. Apply: • Sealant (onto the stator coil lead grommet “1”) Yamaha bond No.1215 (Three Bond No.1215®) 90890-85505 5-39…
  • Page 285
    STARTER CLUTCH EAS24550 STARTER CLUTCH Removing the starter clutch Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Clutch housing assembly Refer to “CLUTCH” on page 5-59. Starter clutch gear Bearing Starter clutch assembly Starter idle gear For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 286
    STARTER CLUTCH EAS24560 REMOVING THE STARTER CLUTCH 1. Remove: • Starter clutch bolt “1” • While holding the clutch housing assembly “2” with the sheave holder “3”, remove the starter clutch bolt. • Fix the flat surface of the clutch housing assembly with the sheave holder.
  • Page 287
    STARTER CLUTCH • Fix the flat surface of the clutch housing assembly with the sheave holder. Sheave holder 90890-01701 Primary clutch holder YS-01880-A 5-42…
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    PICKUP ROTOR EAS14B1058 PICKUP ROTOR Removing the pickup rotor Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Fuel tank Refer to “FUEL TANK” on page 7-1. Generator cover Refer to “GENERATOR” on page 5-37. Air filter case Refer to “AIR FILTER CASE” on page 7-5. Timing check bolt Pickup rotor cover 1 O-ring…
  • Page 289
    PICKUP ROTOR EAS14B1059 REMOVING THE PICKUP ROTOR 1. Remove: • Pickup rotor bolt “1” • Washer • Pickup rotor While holding the generator rotor “2” with the sheave holder “3”, loosen the pickup rotor bolt. Sheave holder 2. Tighten: 90890-01701 •…
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    PICKUP ROTOR Yamaha bond No.1215 (Three Bond No.1215®) 90890-85505 5-45…
  • Page 291
    ELECTRIC STARTER EAS24780 ELECTRIC STARTER Removing the starter motor Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Battery negative lead Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Fuel tank Refer to “FUEL TANK” on page 7-1. Air filter case Refer to “AIR FILTER CASE” on page 7-5. Refer to “THROTTLE BODIES”…
  • Page 292
    ELECTRIC STARTER Disassembling the starter motor Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks O-ring Front cover Lock washer Washer Starter motor yoke Armature assembly Gasket Brush holder O-ring Rear cover For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure. 5-47…
  • Page 293
    ELECTRIC STARTER EAS24790 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ CHECKING THE STARTER MOTOR a. Measure the armature assembly resis- 1. Check: tances with the digital circuit tester. • Commutator Dirt → Clean with 600 grit sandpaper. Digital circuit tester 2. Measure: 90890-03174 • Commutator diameter “a” Model 88 Multimeter with Out of specification →…
  • Page 294
    ELECTRIC STARTER 6. Measure: • Brush spring force Out of specification → Replace the brush holder. Brush spring force 5.28–7.92 (538–808 19.01–28.51 oz) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ 2. Install: • Rear cover “1” Align the tab “a” on the brush holder “2” with the tab “b”…
  • Page 295
    ELECTRIC STARTER Align the match marks “a” on the starter motor yoke with the match marks “b” on the front and rear covers. 5-50…
  • Page 296
    OIL PUMP EAS24921 OIL PUMP Removing the oil pan and oil/water pump assembly Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Side cowling Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Lower cowling Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Drain. Engine oil Refer to “CHANGING THE ENGINE OIL”…
  • Page 297
    OIL PUMP Removing the oil pan and oil/water pump assembly Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Dowel pin Drain pipe Oil strainer Oil pipe Oil delivery pipe 1 Relief valve assembly Oil/water pump assembly drive chain guide Collar Oil/water pump assembly drive sprocket Washer Oil/water pump assembly drive chain Dowel pin…
  • Page 298
    OIL PUMP Disassembling the oil pump Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Oil/water pump driven sprocket Circlip Oil pump housing Bearing Dowel pin Oil pump outer rotor Oil pump inner rotor For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure. 5-53…
  • Page 299
    OIL PUMP EAS24930 EAS24960 REMOVING THE OIL PAN CHECKING THE OIL PUMP 1. Remove: 1. Check: • Oil level switch “1” • Oil pump driven gear “1” Cracks/damage/wear → Replace. • Oil level switch lead holder “2” • Oil pan “3” •…
  • Page 300
    OIL PUMP EAS24980 CHECKING THE OIL DELIVERY PIPES The following procedure applies to all of the oil delivery pipes. 1. Check: • Oil delivery pipe 1 “1” • Oil pipe “2” Damage → Replace. Obstruction → Wash and blow out with compressed air.
  • Page 301
    OIL PUMP EAS25010 ASSEMBLING THE OIL PUMP 1. Lubricate: • Inner rotor • Outer rotor • Oil pump shaft (with the recommended lubricant) Recommended lubricant Engine oil 2. Install: 4. Check: • Pin “1” • Oil pump operation • Inner rotor “2” Refer to “CHECKING THE OIL PUMP”…
  • Page 302
    OIL PUMP ECA14B1018 After installing the oil/water pump assem- bly drive chain and drive sprocket, make sure the oil/water pump turns smoothly. 5. Install: • Relief valve assembly “1” • O-ring Relief valve assembly bolt 10 Nm (1.0 m·kgf, 7.2 ft·lbf) 3.
  • Page 303
    OIL PUMP Oil pan bolt 10 Nm (1.0 m·kgf, 7.2 ft·lbf) Oil level switch bolt 10 Nm (1.0 m·kgf, 7.2 ft·lbf) • Engine oil drain bolt • Gasket Engine oil drain bolt 43 Nm (4.3 m·kgf, 31 ft·lbf) Tighten the oil pan bolts in stages and in a crisscross pattern.
  • Page 304
    CLUTCH EAS25061 CLUTCH Removing the clutch cover Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Engine oil Drain. Pull lever cover Clutch cable Disconnect. Clutch cover Clutch cover gasket Dowel pin Oil filler cap For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure. 5-59…
  • Page 305
    CLUTCH Removing the pull lever shaft Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Circlip Pull lever Pull lever spring Circlip Pull lever shaft Oil seal Bearing Bearing For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure. 5-60…
  • Page 306
    CLUTCH Removing the clutch Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Compression spring Pressure plate 1 Pull rod Bearing Friction plate 1 Clutch plate 1 Friction plate 2 Clutch plate 2 Clutch plate 3 Friction plate 1 Clutch boss nut Spring Clutch boss Pressure plate 2 Conical spring washer…
  • Page 307
    CLUTCH Removing the clutch Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Thrust washer Clutch housing assembly Bearing Washer For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure. 5-62…
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    CLUTCH EAS25080 4. Remove: REMOVING THE CLUTCH • Clutch plate 1 “1” 1. Remove: • Friction plate 2 • Pull lever cover “1” • Clutch plate 2 • Clutch cover “2” • Clutch plate 3 • Gasket Loosen each bolt 1/4 of a turn at a time, in stages and in a crisscross pattern.
  • Page 309
    CLUTCH • Pressure plate 2 2. Measure: • Conical spring washer • Clutch plate warpage • Thrust washer (with a surface plate and thickness gauge • Clutch housing assembly “1”) Out of specification → Replace the clutch EAS25100 plates as a set. CHECKING THE FRICTION PLATES The following procedure applies to all of the Warpage limit…
  • Page 310
    CLUTCH Clutch plate “1” Part No. Thickness 4B1-16324-00 1.6 mm (0.063 in) 5VY-16325-00 2.0 mm (0.079 in) 4B1-16325-00 2.3 mm (0.091 in) Clutch plate “2” Part No. Thickness 5VY-16325-00 2.0 mm (0.079 in) 4B1-16325-00 2.3 mm (0.091 in) EAS25150 CHECKING THE CLUTCH HOUSING 1.
  • Page 311
    CLUTCH EAS25220 EAS25170 CHECKING THE PULL LEVER SHAFT AND CHECKING THE PRESSURE PLATE PULL ROD 1. Check: 1. Check: • Pressure plate 1 “1” • Pull lever shaft pinion gear teeth “1” • Pressure plate 2 “2” Cracks/damage → Replace. •…
  • Page 312
    CLUTCH • Stake the clutch boss nut at a cutout “a” in the main axle. Universal clutch holder 90890-04086 YM-91042 2. Install: • Pressure plate 2 “1” • Clutch boss “2” Fit the groove “a” of the pressure plate 2 to the projection “b”…
  • Page 313
    CLUTCH • Tighten the clutch cover bolts in stages and in a crisscross pattern. 6. Install: • Bearing (into the pressure plate 1) • Pull rod • Pressure plate 1 7. Install: • Clutch springs • Clutch spring bolts “1” Clutch spring bolt 10 Nm (1.0 m·kgf, 7.2 ft·lbf) Tighten the clutch spring bolts in stages and in…
  • Page 314
    SHIFT SHAFT EAS25410 SHIFT SHAFT Removing the shift shaft and stopper lever Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Shift arm Refer to “CHAIN DRIVE” on page 4-83. Clutch assembly Refer to “CLUTCH” on page 5-59. Circlip Washer Shift shaft Washer Circlip Washer Stopper lever…
  • Page 315: Shift Shaft

    SHIFT SHAFT EAS25420 CHECKING THE SHIFT SHAFT 1. Check: • Shift shaft “1” Bends/damage/wear → Replace. • Shift shaft spring “2” • Collar Damage/wear → Replace. EAS25430 CHECKING THE STOPPER LEVER 1. Check: • Stopper lever Bends/damage → Replace. Roller turns roughly → Replace the stop- per lever.

  • Page 316
    CRANKCASE EAS25540 CRANKCASE Separating the crankcase Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Engine Refer to “ENGINE REMOVAL” on page 5-3. Cylinder head Refer to “CYLINDER HEAD” on page 5-25. Refer to “ELECTRIC STARTER” on page 5- Starter motor Stator coil assembly Refer to “GENERATOR”…
  • Page 317
    CRANKCASE Separating the crankcase Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Crankcase breather cover Crankcase breather cover gasket Crankcase breather case Crankcase breather case gasket Lower crankcase Dowel pin Crankcase baffle plate For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure. * Following the tightening order, loosen the bolt one by one and then retighten it to the specific torque.
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    • Sealant order (refer to the numbers in the illustration). (onto the crankcase mating surfaces) • The numbers embossed on the crankcase Yamaha bond No.1215 indicate the crankcase tightening sequence. (Three Bond No.1215®) 90890-85505 Do not allow any sealant to come into contact with the oil gallery or crankshaft journal bear- ings.
  • Page 319
    CRANKCASE EWA14B1030 WARNING If the crankcase bolt is tightened more than the specified angle, do not loosen the bolt and then retighten it. Instead, replace the crankcase bolt with a new one and perform the procedure again. ECA14B1043 Do not use a torque wrench to tighten the 6.
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    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS EAS14B1024 CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS Removing the connecting rods and pistons Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Lower crankcase Refer to “CRANKCASE” on page 5-71. Connecting rod cap Big end lower bearing Big end upper bearing Connecting rod Piston pin clip Piston pin…
  • Page 321
    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS EAS26030 REMOVING THE CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS The following procedure applies to all of the connecting rods and pistons. 1. Remove: • Connecting rod cap “1” • Connecting rod • Big end bearings • Identify the position of each big end bear- ing so that it can be reinstalled in its origi- nal place.
  • Page 322
    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS 2. Measure: • Piston-to-cylinder clearance ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ a. Measure cylinder bore “C” with the cylinder bore gauge. Measure cylinder bore “C” by taking side-to- side and front-to-back measurements of the cylinder. Then, find the average of the mea- surements.
  • Page 323
    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS Piston ring side clearance Piston ring end gap Top ring Top ring 0.030–0.065 (0.0012– 0.15–0.25 mm (0.0059–0.0098 0.0026 in) Limit Limit 0.115 mm (0.0045 in) 0.50 mm (0.0197 in) 2nd ring 2nd ring 0.020–0.055 (0.0008– 0.30–0.45 mm (0.0118–0.0177 0.0022 in) Limit Limit…
  • Page 324
    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS a. Clean the big end bearings, crankshaft pins, and the inside of the connecting rods halves. b. Install the big end upper bearing into the connecting rod and the big end lower bear- ing into the connecting rod cap. Align the projections “a”…
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    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS • After installing the big end bearing, assemble the connecting rod and connecting rod cap • Do not move the connecting rod or crank- without installing them onto the crankshaft. shaft until the clearance measurement has been completed.
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    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS 2. Select: • Big end bearings (P1–P4) • The numbers “A” stamped into the crank- shaft web and the numbers “1” on the con- necting rods are used to determine the replacement big end bearings sizes. •…
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    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS EAS26190 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ INSTALLING THE CONNECTING ROD AND a. Replace the connecting rod bolts with new PISTON ones. The following procedure applies to all of the b. Clean the connecting rod bolts and lubri- connecting rods and pistons. cate the bolt threads and seats with molyb- 1.
  • Page 328
    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS Recommended lubricant Engine oil 6. Offset: • Piston ring end gaps 4. Install: • Piston “1” (onto the respective connecting rod “2”) • Piston pin “3” • Piston pin clip “4” a. Top ring b. 2nd ring •…
  • Page 329
    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS Fit the projection “a” of the piston installing tool “3” and blunt-edged part “b” of the cylinder, fix the position of the piston installing tool, and then push the piston down to the cylinder. ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ Tighten the connecting rod bolts using the fol- lowing procedure.
  • Page 330
    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS EWA13400 WARNING If the connecting rod bolt is tightened more than the specified angle, do not loosen the bolt and then retighten it. Instead, replace the connecting rod bolt with a new one and perform the procedure again. ECA13950 Do not use a torque wrench to tighten the connecting rod bolt to the specified angle.
  • Page 331
    CRANKSHAFT EAS25960 CRANKSHAFT Removing the crankshaft Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Lower crankcase Refer to “CRANKCASE” on page 5-71. Refer to “REMOVING THE CONNECTING Connecting rod RODS AND PISTONS” on page 5-76. Balancer shaft Balancer shaft journal lower bearing Balancer shaft journal upper bearing Crankshaft Crankshaft journal lower bearing…
  • Page 332
    CRANKSHAFT EAS25980 REMOVING THE CRANKSHAFT AND BAL- ANCER SHAFT 1. Remove: • Balancer shaft “1” • Balancer shaft journal bearings • Crankshaft assembly “2” • Crankshaft journal bearings Identify the position of each balancer shaft journal bearings and crankshaft journal bear- ings so that it can be reinstalled in its original 2.
  • Page 333
    CRANKSHAFT g. Remove the lower crankcase and the crankshaft journal lower bearings. h. Measure the compressed Plastigauge® width “a” on each crankshaft journal. If the crankshaft-journal-to-crankshaft-jour- nal-bearing clearance is out of specifica- tion, select replacement crankshaft journal bearings. d. Put a piece of Plastigauge® “1” on each crankshaft journal.
  • Page 334
    CRANKSHAFT ECA14B1020 Do not interchange the balancer shaft jour- nal bearings. To obtain the correct balancer shaft-journal-to-balancer shaft-journal- bearing clearance and prevent engine dam- age, the balancer shaft journal bearings must be installed in their original positions. ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ a. Clean the balancer shaft journal bearings, balancer shaft journals, and bearing por- tions of the crankcase.
  • Page 335
    CRANKSHAFT • If J –J are the same, use the same size for all of the bearings. • Align the projections “a” of the balancer shaft journal lower bearings with the notches “b” in For example, if the crankcase J and bal- the lower crankcase.
  • Page 336
    CRANKSHAFT • Align the projections “a” on the crankshaft journal bearings “1” with the notches “b” in the crankcases. • Be sure to install each crankshaft journal bearing in its original place. EAS14B1028 INSTALLING THE BALANCER ASSEMBLY 1. Install: • Balancer journal upper bearings (into the upper crankcase) •…
  • Page 337
    TRANSMISSION EAS26241 TRANSMISSION Removing the transmission, shift drum assembly, and shift forks Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Separate. Lower crankcase Refer to “CRANKCASE” on page 5-71. Drive axle assembly Shift drum retainer Spring Shift fork guide bar Shift fork-L Shift fork-R Shift drum assembly Shift fork-C…
  • Page 338
    TRANSMISSION Disassembling the main axle assembly Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks 2nd pinion gear Toothed lock washer Toothed lock washer retainer 6th pinion gear Collar Washer Circlip 3rd/4th pinion gear Circlip Washer 5th pinion gear Collar Main axle Bearing housing Bearing For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 339
    TRANSMISSION Disassembling the drive axle assembly Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Circlip Bearing Washer 1st wheel gear Collar 5th wheel gear Circlip Washer 3rd wheel gear Collar Toothed lock washer Toothed lock washer retainer 4th wheel gear Collar Washer 5-94…
  • Page 340
    TRANSMISSION Disassembling the drive axle assembly Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Circlip 6th wheel gear Circlip Washer 2nd wheel gear Collar Collar Oil seal Circlip Bearing Drive axle For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure. 5-95…
  • Page 341
    TRANSMISSION EAS26250 REMOVING THE TRANSMISSION 1. Remove: • Drive axle assembly “1” • Shift drum retainers “2” • Shift fork guide bars • Shift fork “L” and “R” • Shift drum assembly • Shift fork “C” EAS26260 CHECKING THE SHIFT FORKS The following procedure applies to all of the shift forks.
  • Page 342
    TRANSMISSION 3. Check: • Shift fork movement (along the shift fork guide bar) Rough movement → Replace the shift forks and shift fork guide bar as a set. 2. Measure: • Drive axle runout (with a centering device and dial gauge “1”) Out of specification →…
  • Page 343
    TRANSMISSION 5. Check: marks “e” with the alignment mark “d” on the • Transmission gear movement retainer. Rough movement → Replace the defec- tive part(s). 6. Check: • Circlips Bends/damage/looseness → Replace. EAS29020 ASSEMBLING THE MAIN AXLE AND DRIVE AXLE 1.
  • Page 344
    TRANSMISSION • Install shift fork-R into the groove “a” in the 5th wheel gear and shift fork-L into the groove “b” in the 6th wheel gear on the drive axle. • Install the shift drum retainer with its “OUT” mark “c” facing outward. •…
  • Page 345
  • Page 346
    RADIATOR EAS26380 RADIATOR Removing the radiator Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Drain. Coolant Refer to “CHANGING THE COOLANT” on page 3-32. Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Side cowling Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Rectifier/regulator Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Radiator cap Coolant reservoir hose Disconnect.
  • Page 347
    RADIATOR Removing the radiator Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Radiator bracket Radiator fan Thermostat bypass hose 2 Disconnect. Thermostat bypass hose 3 Radiator inlet pipe Radiator inlet hose For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 348
    RADIATOR EAS26390 CHECKING THE RADIATOR 1. Check: • Radiator fins Obstruction → Clean. Apply compressed air to the rear of the radiator. Damage → Repair or replace. Straighten any flattened fins with a thin, flat- head screwdriver. b. Apply the specified pressure for ten sec- onds and make sure there is no drop in pressure.
  • Page 349
    RADIATOR b. Apply 137.3 kPa (1.37 kgf/cm , 19.9 psi) of pressure. c. Measure the indicated pressure with the gauge. ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ 3. Measure: • Radiator cap opening pressure Below the specified pressure → Replace the radiator cap. Refer to “CHECKING THE RADIATOR” on page 6-3.
  • Page 350
    OIL COOLER EAS26410 OIL COOLER Removing the oil cooler Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Drain. Coolant Refer to “CHANGING THE COOLANT” on page 3-32. Drain. Engine oil Refer to “CHANGING THE ENGINE OIL” on page 3-29. Side cowling Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Lower cowling Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS”…
  • Page 351
    OIL COOLER Removing the oil cooler Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Water jacket joint O-ring Water pump outlet pipe O-ring O-ring For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 352
    OIL COOLER EAS26420 3. Fill: CHECKING THE OIL COOLER • Cooling system 1. Check: (with the specified amount of the recom- • Oil cooler mended coolant) Cracks/damage → Replace. Refer to “CHANGING THE COOLANT” 2. Check: on page 3-32. • Oil cooler inlet hose •…
  • Page 353
    THERMOSTAT EAS26440 THERMOSTAT Removing the thermostat Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Drain. Coolant Refer to “CHANGING THE COOLANT” on page 3-32. Fuel tank Refer to “FUEL TANK” on page 7-1. Air filter case Refer to “AIR FILTER CASE” on page 7-5. Refer to “THROTTLE BODIES”…
  • Page 354
    THERMOSTAT Removing the thermostat Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Thermostat bypass hose 2 Water pump bypass hose Joint Thermostat bypass hose 1 Engine outlet pipe O-ring For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 355
    THERMOSTAT EAS26450 CHECKING THE THERMOSTAT If the accuracy of the thermostat is in doubt, 1. Check: replace it. A faulty thermostat could cause seri- • Thermostat “1” ous overheating or overcooling. Does not open at 71–85 °C (159.8–185.0 °F) → Replace. ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲…
  • Page 356
    THERMOSTAT EAS26480 INSTALLING THE THERMOSTAT ASSEM- 1. Fill: • Cooling system (with the specified amount of the recom- mended coolant) Refer to “CHANGING THE COOLANT” on page 3-32. 2. Check: • Cooling system Leaks → Repair or replace any faulty part.
  • Page 357
    WATER PUMP EAS26500 WATER PUMP Disassembling the water pump Order Job/Parts to removes Q’ty Remarks Oil/water pump assembly Refer to “OIL PUMP” on page 5-51. Oil pump rotor Refer to “OIL PUMP” on page 5-51. Water pump cover O-ring Impeller shaft (along with the impeller) Water pump seal Oil seal O-ring…
  • Page 358
    WATER PUMP EAS26520 EAS26540 DISASSEMBLING THE WATER PUMP CHECKING THE WATER PUMP 1. Remove: 1. Check: • Water pump seal “1” • Water pump housing cover “1” • Impeller shaft “2” Cracks/damage/wear → Replace. Remove the water pump seal from the inside •…
  • Page 359
    WATER PUMP ECA14090 Mechanical seal installer 90890-04132 Make sure the rubber damper and rubber Water pump seal installer damper holder are flush with the impeller. YM-33221-A Middle driven shaft bearing Impeller shaft tilt limit driver 0.15 mm (0.006 in) 90890-04058 Bearing driver 40 mm YM-04058 1.
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    WATER PUMP 6-15…
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  • Page 362
    FUEL TANK EAS26620 FUEL TANK Removing the fuel tank and fuel pump Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Rider seat Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. Fuel tank side cover Bolt Bolt/collar/washer 2/2/2 Fuel tank breather hose Disconnect. Fuel tank overflow hose Disconnect.
  • Page 363
    FUEL TANK Removing the fuel tank and fuel pump Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Fuel pump bracket Fuel pump Fuel pump gasket For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 364: Fuel Tank

    FUEL TANK EAS14B1078 REMOVING THE FUEL TANK SIDE COVERS The following procedure applies to both of the fuel tank side covers. 1. Remove: • Fuel tank side cover “1” ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ a. Remove the screw on the fuel tank side cover. b.

  • Page 365
    FUEL TANK • Do not damage the installation surfaces of Install the fuel hose securely onto the fuel the fuel tank when installing the fuel pump. pump until a distinct “click” is heard. • Always use a new fuel pump gasket. •…
  • Page 366
    AIR FILTER CASE EAS14B1062 AIR FILTER CASE Removing the air filter case and secondary injectors Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Fuel tank Refer to “FUEL TANK” on page 7-1. Crankcase breather hose Disconnect. Sub-wire harness coupler Disconnect. Fuel hose (secondary injector fuel rail side) Disconnect.
  • Page 367
    AIR FILTER CASE Removing the air filter case and secondary injectors Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Intake funnel servo motor rod assembly Intake funnel assembly Intake funnel servo motor For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
  • Page 368
    AIR FILTER CASE EAS14B1105 EAS14B1106 CHECKING THE SECONDARY INJECTORS REMOVING THE SECONDARY INJECTORS (BEFORE REMOVING) EWA14B1027 WARNING 1. Check: • Injectors • Check the injectors in a well-ventilated Use the diagnostic code number “D:40– area free of combustible materials. Make D:43”.
  • Page 369
    AIR FILTER CASE 4. Remove: EAS14B1077 REMOVING THE INTAKE FUNNEL ASSEM- • Sub-wire harness • Secondary injectors 1. Remove: ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ • Intake funnel servo motor rod assembly a. Remove the fuel rail screws “1” as shown. • Intake funnel assembly •…
  • Page 370
    AIR FILTER CASE 2. Check: EAS14B1067 INSTALLING THE INTAKE FUNNEL AND • Injector resistance LOWER AIR FILTER CASE Refer to “CHECKING THE FUEL INJEC- 1. Install: TORS” on page 8-144. • Intake funnel servo motor • Intake funnel servo motor rod assembly EAS14B1113 CHECKING THE AIR FILTER CASE SEAL •…
  • Page 371
    AIR FILTER CASE EAS14B1107 5. Install: INSTALLING THE SECONDARY INJEC- • Upper air filter case seal “1” TORS • Secondary injector assembly seal “2” ECA14B1046 • Always use new O-rings. • When checking the injectors, do not allow The matching adhesion portion of the seal any foreign material to enter or adhere to should be positioned within a range of “a”.
  • Page 372
    AIR FILTER CASE ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ EAS14B1069 INSTALLING THE FUEL HOSE (PRIMARY INJECTOR JOINT SIDE AND SECONDARY INJECTOR JOINT SIDE) 1. Connect: • Fuel hose (primary injector joint side and secondary injector joint side) ECA14B1033 When installing the fuel hose, make sure that it is securely connected, and that the fuel hose connector cover on the fuel hose is in the correct position, otherwise the fuel…
  • Page 373
    THROTTLE BODIES EAS26970 THROTTLE BODIES Removing the throttle body assembly Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Fuel tank Refer to “FUEL TANK” on page 7-1. Air filter case Refer to “AIR FILTER CASE” on page 7-5. Throttle position sensor coupler Disconnect.
  • Page 374
    THROTTLE BODIES Removing the throttle body assembly Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Crankshaft position sensor coupler Disconnect. Heat protector Throttle body joint For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure. 7-13…
  • Page 375
    THROTTLE BODIES Removing the primary injectors Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Primary injector coupler #1 Disconnect. Primary injector coupler #2 Disconnect. Primary injector coupler #3 Disconnect. Primary injector coupler #4 Disconnect. Sub-wire harness Intake air pressure sensor hose Intake air pressure sensor Fuel rail Primary injector joint Primary injector…
  • Page 376
  • Page 377
    THROTTLE BODIES If the protector “a” is scratched or damaged, replace the throttle bodies as a set. c. Push the lever in the direction shown in the illustration to hold the throttle valves in the open position. EWA14B1022 WARNING When cleaning the throttle bodies, be care- 2.
  • Page 378
    THROTTLE BODIES ECA14B1029 • If an injector is subject to strong shocks or excessive force, replace it. • If installing the original fuel rails and • Do not use a tool, such as a wire brush, to remove the carbon deposits; otherwise, bolts, remove the white paint marks using a cleaning solvent.
  • Page 379: Fuel Pressure Adapter

    THROTTLE BODIES EWA14B1001 Pressure gauge WARNING 90890-03153 Cover fuel hose connections with a cloth YU-03153 when disconnecting them. Residual pres- Fuel injector pressure adapter sure in the fuel lines could cause fuel to 90890-03210 spurt out when removing the hoses. YU-03210 ECA14B1003 Be sure to disconnect the fuel hose by…

  • Page 380
    THROTTLE BODIES EAS14B1073 ADJUSTING THE THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR EWA14B1023 WARNING • Handle the throttle position sensor with special care. • Never subject the throttle position sensor to strong shocks. If the throttle position sensor is dropped, replace it. 1. Check: ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲…
  • Page 381
    THROTTLE BODIES “dIAG” appears on the odometer LCD. f. Diagnostic code number “D:14” is selected. g. Adjust the position of the accelerator posi- tion sensor angle so that 12–22 can appear in the meter. h. After adjusting the accelerator position sen- sor angle, tighten the accelerator position sensor screws “1”.
  • Page 382: Air Induction System


  • Page 383
    AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM 1. Lower air filter case 2. Air induction system hose (air filter case to air cut-off valve) 3. Air cut-off valve 4. Air induction system hose (air cut-off valve to reed valve cover) 7-22…
  • Page 384
    AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM Removing the air cut-off valve assembly and hoses Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Fuel tank Refer to “FUEL TANK” on page 7-1. Air filter case Refer to “AIR FILTER CASE” on page 7-5. Side air filter case duct Atmospheric pressure sensor coupler Disconnect.
  • Page 385
    AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM Removing the reed valves Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Reed valve cover Reed valve assembly Reed valve plate For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure. 7-24…
  • Page 386
    AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM EAS27060 CHECKING THE AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM Air injection The air induction system burns unburned exhaust gases by injecting fresh air (secondary air) into the exhaust port, reducing the emis- sion of hydrocarbons. When there is negative pressure at the exhaust port, the reed valve opens, allowing secondary air to flow into the exhaust port.
  • Page 387
    AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM 4. Check: A. Exhaust side • Air cut-off valve Cracks/damage → Replace. 3. Install: • Reed valve cover 5. Check: • Air induction system solenoid Reed valve cover bolt (air induc- Refer to “CHECKING THE AIR INDUC- tion system) TION SYSTEM SOLENOID”…
  • Page 388
  • Page 389: General Information


  • Page 390
  • Page 392
  • Page 393
    IGNITION SYSTEM 1. Main switch 4. Main fuse 8. Battery 9. Fuel injection system fuse 12.Relay unit 15.Sidestand switch 21.ECU (engine control unit) 22.Ignition coil #1 23.Ignition coil #2 24.Ignition coil #3 25.Ignition coil #4 26.Spark plug 41.Crankshaft position sensor 45.Cylinder identification sensor 46.Lean angle sensor 64.Right handlebar switch…
  • Page 394
    IGNITION SYSTEM EAS14B1082 ENGINE STOPPING DUE TO SIDESTAND OPERATION When the engine is running and the transmission is in gear, the engine will stop if the sidestand is moved down. This is because the electric current from the ignition coils does not flow to the ECU when both the neutral switch and sidestand switch are set to “OFF”, thereby preventing the spark plugs from producing a spark.
  • Page 395
    IGNITION SYSTEM 1. Battery 2. Main fuse 3. Main switch 4. Ignition fuse 5. Engine stop switch 6. Ignition coil 7. Spark plug 8. ECU (engine control unit) 9. Sidestand switch 10.Relay unit (diode) 11.Gear position sensor 12.Battery negative lead 13.Engine ground…
  • Page 396
    IGNITION SYSTEM EAS27150 TROUBLESHOOTING The ignition system fails to operate (no spark or intermittent spark). • Before troubleshooting, remove the following part(s): 1. Rider seat 2. Passenger seat 3. Air filter case duct 4. Side cowlings 1. Check the fuses. NG→…
  • Page 397
    IGNITION SYSTEM 7. Check the cylinder identification NG→ sensor. Replace the cylinder identification Refer to “CHECKING THE CYLIN- sensor. DER IDENTIFICATION SENSOR” on page 8-141. OK↓ 8. Check the main switch. NG→ Replace the main switch/immobilizer Refer to “CHECKING THE unit assembly.
  • Page 398: Electric Starting System


  • Page 399
    ELECTRIC STARTING SYSTEM 1. Main switch 4. Main fuse 8. Battery 10.Starter relay 11.Starter motor 12.Relay unit 13.Starting circuit cut-off relay 15.Sidestand switch 64.Right handlebar switch 67.Engine stop switch 68.Start switch 69.Gear position sensor 71.Left handlebar switch 76.Clutch switch 100.Ignition fuse 101.Engine ground 102.Battery negative lead…
  • Page 400
    ELECTRIC STARTING SYSTEM EAS14B1036 STARTING CIRCUIT CUT-OFF SYSTEM OPERATION If the engine stop switch is set to “ ” and the main switch is set to “ON” (both switches are closed), the starter motor can only operate if at least one of the following conditions is met: •…
  • Page 401
  • Page 402
    ELECTRIC STARTING SYSTEM EAS27190 TROUBLESHOOTING The starter motor fails to turn. • Before troubleshooting, remove the following part(s): 1. Rider seat 2. Passenger seat 3. Heat protector 4. Side cowlings 1. Check the fuses. NG→ (Main and ignition) Replace the fuse(s). Refer to “CHECKING THE FUSES”…
  • Page 403
    ELECTRIC STARTING SYSTEM 8. Check the main switch. NG→ Replace the main switch/immobilizer Refer to “CHECKING THE unit. SWITCHES” on page 8-121. OK↓ 9. Check the engine stop switch. NG→ Refer to “CHECKING THE Replace the right handlebar switch. SWITCHES” on page 8-121. OK↓…
  • Page 404
  • Page 405
    CHARGING SYSTEM 2. AC magneto 3. Rectifier/regulator 4. Main fuse 8. Battery 101.Engine ground 102.Battery negative lead 8-14…
  • Page 406
    CHARGING SYSTEM EAS27230 TROUBLESHOOTING The battery is not being charged. • Before troubleshooting, remove the following part(s): 1. Rider seat 2. Right side cowling 1. Check the fuse. NG→ (Main) Replace the fuse. Refer to “CHECKING THE FUSES” on page 8-125. OK↓…
  • Page 407
  • Page 408
  • Page 409
    LIGHTING SYSTEM 1. Main switch 4. Main fuse 8. Battery 9. Fuel injection system fuse 21.ECU (engine control unit) 47.Meter assembly 59.High beam indicator light 62.Meter light 71.Left handlebar switch 73.Pass switch 74.Dimmer switch 83.Headlight 84.Auxiliary light 85.Ground (cord headlight) 86.License plate light 88.Tail/brake light 89.Headlight relay…
  • Page 410
    LIGHTING SYSTEM EAS27260 TROUBLESHOOTING Any of the following fail to light: headlight, high beam indicator light, taillight or license plate light. • Before troubleshooting, remove the following part(s): 1. Rider seat 2. Left side cowling 3. Air intake air duct covers 4.
  • Page 411
    LIGHTING SYSTEM 8. Check the entire lighting system’s NG→ wiring. Properly connect or repair the lighting Refer to “CIRCUIT DIAGRAM” on system’s wiring. page 8-17. OK↓ Replace the ECU or meter assembly. 8-20…
  • Page 412: Signaling System


  • Page 413
    SIGNALING SYSTEM 1. Main switch 4. Main fuse 8. Battery 9. Fuel injection system fuse 12.Relay unit 17.Fuel sender 21.ECU (engine control unit) 39.Speed sensor 42.Coolant temperature sensor 47.Meter assembly 49.Fuel level warning light 50.Oil level warning light 51.Neutral indicator light 52.Tachometer 53.Shift timing indicator light 54.Multi-function meter…
  • Page 414
    SIGNALING SYSTEM EAS27290 TROUBLESHOOTING • Any of the following fail to light: turn signal light, brake light or an indicator light. • The horn fails to sound. • Before troubleshooting, remove the following part(s): 1. Rider seat 2. Passenger seat 3.
  • Page 415
    SIGNALING SYSTEM 3. Check the entire signaling system’s NG→ wiring. Properly connect or repair the signal- Refer to “CIRCUIT DIAGRAM” on ing system’s wiring. page 8-21. OK↓ This circuit is OK. The tail/brake light fails to come on. 1. Check the front brake light switch. NG→…
  • Page 416
    SIGNALING SYSTEM 4. Check the turn signal/hazard relay. NG→ Refer to “CHECKING THE TURN Replace the turn signal/hazard relay. SIGNAL/HAZARD RELAY” on page 8-130. OK↓ 5. Check the entire signaling system’s NG→ wiring. Properly connect or repair the signal- Refer to “CIRCUIT DIAGRAM” on ing system’s wiring.
  • Page 417
    SIGNALING SYSTEM 2. Check the entire signaling system’s NG→ wiring. Properly connect or repair the signal- Refer to “CIRCUIT DIAGRAM” on ing system’s wiring. page 8-21. OK↓ Replace the meter assembly. The fuel level warning light fails to come on. 1.
  • Page 418
    SIGNALING SYSTEM 2. Check the entire signaling system’s NG→ wiring. Properly connect or repair the signal- Refer to “CIRCUIT DIAGRAM” on ing system’s wiring. page 8-21. OK↓ Replace the ECU or meter assembly. The shift timing indicator light fails to come on. 1.
  • Page 419
  • Page 420
  • Page 421
    COOLING SYSTEM 1. Main switch 4. Main fuse 8. Battery 9. Fuel injection system fuse 21.ECU (engine control unit) 42.Coolant temperature sensor 90.Radiator fan motor relay 91.Right radiator fan motor fuse 92.Left radiator fan motor fuse 93.Right radiator fan motor 94.Left radiator fan motor 100.Ignition fuse 101.Engine ground…
  • Page 422
    COOLING SYSTEM EAS27320 TROUBLESHOOTING • Before troubleshooting, remove the following part(s): 1. Rider seat 2. Fuel tank 3. Side cowlings 1. Check the fuses. NG→ (Main, ignition, radiator fan motor and fuel injection system) Replace the fuse(s). Refer to “CHECKING THE FUSES” on page 8-125.
  • Page 423
  • Page 424: Fuel Injection System


  • Page 425
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM 1. Main switch 4. Main fuse 7. ETV (Electronic Throttle Valve) fuse 8. Battery 9. Fuel injection system fuse 12.Relay unit 13.Starting circuit cut-off relay 14.Fuel pump relay 15.Sidestand switch 16.Fuel pump 18.Throttle position sensor 19.Accelerator position sensor 20.O sensor 21.ECU (engine control unit)
  • Page 426
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM EAS27350 ECU SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION The ECU is equipped with a self-diagnostic function in order to ensure that the fuel injection system is operating normally. If this function detects a malfunction in the system, it immediately operates the engine under substitute characteristics and illuminates the engine trouble warning light to alert the rider that a malfunction has occurred in the system.
  • Page 427
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM ECU detects an abnormal signal from a sensor If the ECU detects an abnormal signal from a sensor while the vehicle is being driven, the ECU illu- minates the engine trouble warning light and provides the engine with alternate operating instruc- tions that are appropriate for the type of malfunction.
  • Page 428
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM EAS14B1115 The engine operation is not normal but the TROUBLESHOOTING METHOD engine trouble warning light does not come The engine operation is not normal and the 1. Check the operation of following sensors engine trouble warning light comes on. and actuators in the Diagnostic mode.
  • Page 429
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM EAS14B1084 DIAGNOSTIC MODE Setting the diagnostic mode 1. Turn the main switch to “OFF” and set the engine stop switch to “ ”. 2. Disconnect the wire harness coupler from the fuel pump. 3. Simultaneously press and hold the “SELECT” and “RESET” buttons, turn the main switch to “ON”, and continue to press the buttons for 8 seconds or more.
  • Page 430
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Sensor operation table Diag- nostic Item Meter display Checking method code D:01 Throttle position sensor sig- nal 1 • Fully closed position 12–21 Check with throttle valves fully closed. • Fully opened position 97–106 Check with throttle valves fully open.
  • Page 431
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Diag- nostic Item Meter display Checking method code D:13 Throttle position sensor sig- nal 2 • Fully closed position 9–23 Check with throttle valves fully closed. • Fully opened position 94–108 Check with throttle valves fully open. D:14 Accelerator position sensor signal 1…
  • Page 432
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Diag- nostic Item Meter display Checking method code D:61 Malfunction history code — display • No history • History exists Fault codes 11–70 • (If more than one code number is detected, the dis- play alternates every two seconds to show all the detected code numbers.
  • Page 433
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Actuator operation table Diag- nostic Item Actuation Checking method code D:30 Cylinder-#1 ignition coil Actuates the cylinder-#1 igni- Check the spark five times. tion coil five times at one-sec- • Connect an ignition ond intervals. checker. Illuminates the engine trou- ble warning light.
  • Page 434
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Diag- nostic Item Actuation Checking method code D:40 Secondary injector #1 Actuates the secondary injec- Check the operating sound tor #1 five times at one-sec- of the secondary injector #1 ond intervals. five times. Illuminates the engine trou- ble warning light.
  • Page 435
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Diag- nostic Item Actuation Checking method code D:51 Radiator fan motor relay Actuates the radiator fan Check the operating sound motor relay for five cycles of of the radiator fan motor five seconds. (ON 2 sec- relay five times. onds, OFF 3 seconds) Illuminates the engine trou- ble warning light.
  • Page 436
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM EAS14B1085 TROUBLESHOOTING DETAILS This section describes the measures per fault code number displayed on the meter. Check and ser- vice the items or components that are the probable cause of the malfunction following the order given. After the check and service of the malfunctioning part has been completed, reset the meter display according to the reinstatement method.
  • Page 437
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Normal signals are not received from the cylinder identification sen- Symptom sor. Engine startup: Impossible Fail-safe action Riding: Possible Diagnostic monitor- — ing code No. Meter display — Checking method — Item/components and Sensor inspection proce- Check or maintenance job probable cause dure…
  • Page 438
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Normal signals are not received from the crankshaft position sen- Symptom sor. Engine startup: Impossible Fail-safe action Riding: Impossible Diagnostic monitor- — ing code No. Meter display — Checking method — Item/components and Sensor inspection proce- Check or maintenance job probable cause dure…
  • Page 439
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM If fault codes 13 and 14 are indicated simultaneously, take the actions specified for fault code 13 first. Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of intake air pressure sensor lead Engine startup: Possible Fail-safe action Riding: Possible Diagnostic monitor- D:03…
  • Page 440
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of intake air pressure sensor lead Engine startup: Possible Fail-safe action Riding: Possible Diagnostic monitor- D:03 ing code No. Meter display Displays the intake air pressure. Set the engine stop switch to “ ”, and then push the start switch Checking method “…
  • Page 441
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM If fault codes 13 and 14 are indicated simultaneously, take the actions specified for fault code 13 first. Fault code No. The intake air pressure sensor has failed (due to clogging of hose or Symptom sensor disconnection). Engine startup: Possible Fail-safe action Riding: Possible…
  • Page 442
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of throttle position sensor lead Engine startup: Possible under certain conditions Fail-safe action Riding: Possible under certain conditions Diagnostic monitor- D:01 ing code No. D:13 Throttle position sensor signal 1 Meter display •…
  • Page 443
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of throttle position sensor lead Engine startup: Possible under certain conditions Fail-safe action Riding: Possible under certain conditions Diagnostic monitor- D:01 ing code No. D:13 Throttle position sensor signal 1 Meter display •…
  • Page 444
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of throttle position sensor lead Engine startup: Possible under certain conditions Fail-safe action Riding: Possible under certain conditions Diagnostic monitor- D:01 ing code No. D:13 Throttle position sensor signal 1 Meter display •…
  • Page 445
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of ECU input line (Blue/Yellow lead) Engine startup: Impossible Fail-safe action Riding: Impossible Diagnostic monitor- D:20 ing code No. Sidestand switch Meter display • ON (stand retracted) • OFF (stand extended) Checking method Set on/off the sidestand switch.
  • Page 446
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of ECU input line (Blue/Yellow lead) Engine startup: Impossible Fail-safe action Riding: Impossible Diagnostic monitor- D:20 ing code No. Sidestand switch Meter display • ON (stand retracted) • OFF (stand extended) Checking method Set on/off the sidestand switch.
  • Page 447
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. When the main switch is ON, there is a big difference in voltage Symptom value of the intake air pressure sensor and atmospheric pressure sensor Engine startup: Possible Fail-safe action Riding: Possible Diagnostic monitor- D:03 ing code No.
  • Page 448
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. When the main switch is ON, there is a big difference in voltage Symptom value of the intake air pressure sensor and atmospheric pressure sensor Engine startup: Possible Fail-safe action Riding: Possible Diagnostic monitor- D:03 ing code No.
  • Page 449
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of coolant temperature sensor lead Engine startup: Possible Fail-safe action Riding: Possible Diagnostic monitor- D:06 ing code No. When engine is cold: Displays temperature closer to air temperature Meter display When engine is hot: Displays current coolant temperature Compare the actually measured coolant temperature with the meter Checking method…
  • Page 450
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of coolant temperature sensor lead Engine startup: Possible Fail-safe action Riding: Possible Diagnostic monitor- D:06 ing code No. When engine is cold: Displays temperature closer to air temperature Meter display When engine is hot: Displays current coolant temperature Compare the actually measured coolant temperature with the meter Checking method…
  • Page 451
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of intake air temperature sensor lead Engine startup: Possible Fail-safe action Riding: Possible Diagnostic monitor- D:05 ing code No. When engine is cold: Displays temperature closer to air temperature Meter display When engine is hot: Air temperature + approx.
  • Page 452
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of atmospheric pressure sensor lead Engine startup: Possible Fail-safe action Riding: Possible Diagnostic monitor- D:02 ing code No. Meter display Displays the atmospheric pressure. Compare the actually measured atmospheric pressure with the Checking method meter display value.
  • Page 453
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of atmospheric pressure sensor lead Engine startup: Possible Fail-safe action Riding: Possible Diagnostic monitor- D:02 ing code No. Meter display Displays the atmospheric pressure. Compare the actually measured atmospheric pressure with the Checking method meter display value.
  • Page 454
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. The O sensor does not operate. Symptom Engine startup: Possible Fail-safe action Riding: Possible Diagnostic monitor- — ing code No. Meter display — Checking method — Item/components and Sensor inspection proce- Check or maintenance job probable cause dure sensor installation status…
  • Page 455
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. The O sensor does not operate. Symptom Engine startup: Possible Fail-safe action Riding: Possible Diagnostic monitor- — ing code No. Meter display — Checking method — Item/components and Sensor inspection proce- Check or maintenance job probable cause dure sensor malfunction…
  • Page 456
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Turnover of vehicle Engine startup: Impossible Fail-safe action Riding: Impossible Diagnostic monitor- D:08 ing code No. Lean angle sensor Meter display • 0.4–1.4 (upright) • 3.7–4.4 (overturned) Checking method Remove the lean angle sensor and incline it more than 45 degrees. Item/components and Sensor inspection proce- Check or maintenance job…
  • Page 457
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Ignition coil #1 primary lead malfunction Engine startup: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylin- ders) Fail-safe action Riding: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylinders) Diagnostic monitor- D:30 ing code No. Actuates the cylinder-#1 ignition coil five times at one-second inter- Meter display vals.
  • Page 458
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Ignition coil #1 primary lead malfunction Engine startup: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylin- ders) Fail-safe action Riding: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylinders) Diagnostic monitor- D:30 ing code No. Actuates the cylinder-#1 ignition coil five times at one-second inter- Meter display vals.
  • Page 459
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Ignition coil #2 primary lead malfunction Engine startup: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylin- ders) Fail-safe action Riding: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylinders) Diagnostic monitor- D:31 ing code No. Actuates the cylinder-#2 ignition coil five times at one-second inter- Meter display vals.
  • Page 460
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Ignition coil #2 primary lead malfunction Engine startup: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylin- ders) Fail-safe action Riding: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylinders) Diagnostic monitor- D:31 ing code No. Actuates the cylinder-#2 ignition coil five times at one-second inter- Meter display vals.
  • Page 461
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Ignition coil #3 primary lead malfunction Engine startup: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylin- ders) Fail-safe action Riding: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylinders) Diagnostic monitor- D:32 ing code No. Actuates the cylinder-#3 ignition coil five times at one-second inter- Meter display vals.
  • Page 462
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Ignition coil #3 primary lead malfunction Engine startup: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylin- ders) Fail-safe action Riding: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylinders) Diagnostic monitor- D:32 ing code No. Actuates the cylinder-#3 ignition coil five times at one-second inter- Meter display vals.
  • Page 463
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Ignition coil #4 primary lead malfunction Engine startup: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylin- ders) Fail-safe action Riding: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylinders) Diagnostic monitor- D:33 ing code No. Actuates the cylinder-#4 ignition coil five times at one-second inter- Meter display vals.
  • Page 464
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Ignition coil #4 primary lead malfunction Engine startup: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylin- ders) Fail-safe action Riding: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylinders) Diagnostic monitor- D:33 ing code No. Actuates the cylinder-#4 ignition coil five times at one-second inter- Meter display vals.
  • Page 465
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of primary injector lead Engine startup: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylin- ders) Fail-safe action Riding: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylinders) D:36 Diagnostic monitor- D:37 ing code No.
  • Page 466
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of primary injector lead Engine startup: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylin- ders) Fail-safe action Riding: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylinders) D:36 Diagnostic monitor- D:37 ing code No.
  • Page 467
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of primary injector lead Engine startup: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylin- ders) Fail-safe action Riding: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylinders) D:36 Diagnostic monitor- D:37 ing code No.
  • Page 468
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of secondary injector lead Engine startup: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylin- ders) Fail-safe action Riding: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylinders) D:40 Diagnostic monitor- D:41 ing code No.
  • Page 469
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of secondary injector lead Engine startup: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylin- ders) Fail-safe action Riding: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylinders) D:40 Diagnostic monitor- D:41 ing code No.
  • Page 470
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of secondary injector lead Engine startup: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylin- ders) Fail-safe action Riding: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylinders) D:40 Diagnostic monitor- D:41 ing code No.
  • Page 471
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of secondary injector lead Engine startup: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylin- ders) Fail-safe action Riding: Possible (depending on the number of failed cylinders) D:40 Diagnostic monitor- D:41 ing code No.
  • Page 472
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of lean angle sensor lead Engine startup: Impossible Fail-safe action Riding: Impossible Diagnostic monitor- D:08 ing code No. Lean angle sensor Meter display • 0.4–1.4 (upright) • 3.7–4.4 (overturned) Checking method Remove the lean angle sensor and incline more than 45 degrees.
  • Page 473
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of lean angle sensor lead Engine startup: Impossible Fail-safe action Riding: Impossible Diagnostic monitor- D:08 ing code No. Lean angle sensor Meter display • 0.4–1.4 (upright) • 3.7–4.4 (overturned) Checking method Remove the lean angle sensor and incline more than 45 degrees.
  • Page 474
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom A. Normal signals are not received from the speed sensor. B. Open or short circuit of gear position sensor lead Engine startup: Possible Fail-safe action Riding: Possible Diagnostic monitoring D:07 (Speed sensor) code No. Meter display Vehicle speed pulses: 0–999 Make sure that the indication value increases when the rota-…
  • Page 475
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM A. Speed sensor system malfunction Item/components and Sensor inspection proce- Check or maintenance job probable cause dure Poor connection → Connect Connection of speed sensor Start the engine, and check (meter) coupler it securely, or repair/replace the connection of the coupler Check the connection of the the wire harness.
  • Page 476
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM B. Gear position sensor system malfunction Item/components and Sensor inspection proce- Check or maintenance job probable cause dure Poor connection → Recon- Connection of gear position Start the engine, and check sensor coupler nect or repair the coupler. the secure connection of the Check the connection of the coupler.
  • Page 477
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Item/components and Sensor inspection proce- Check or maintenance job probable cause dure Shift drum (that detects the Check the gear shift drum Start the engine, and check neutral position) malfunction (that detects the neutral posi- the secure connection of the tion).
  • Page 478
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Item/components and Sensor inspection proce- Check or maintenance job probable cause dure Open short circuit → Replace Continuity of wire harness Start the engine, and check the wire harness. the secure connection of the Black/Yellow–Black/Yellow coupler. Blue/Yellow–Blue/Yellow Ride the vehicle at a low speed (approx.
  • Page 479
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Incorrect voltage supplied to the fuel injector and fuel pump Engine startup: Possible Fail-safe action Riding: Possible Diagnostic monitor- D:50 ing code No. Meter display Approximately 12.0 Set the engine stop switch to “ ”, and then compare with the actu- Checking method ally measured battery voltage.
  • Page 480
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom An error is detected while reading or writing on EEP-ROM Engine startup: Under certain conditions Fail-safe action Riding: Under certain conditions Diagnostic monitor- D:60 ing code No. The in self diagnostic code 44 detected EEP-ROM errors are indi- cated.
  • Page 481
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom An error is detected while reading or writing on EEP-ROM Engine startup: Under certain conditions Fail-safe action Riding: Under certain conditions Diagnostic monitor- D:60 ing code No. The in self diagnostic code 44 detected EEP-ROM errors are indi- cated.
  • Page 482
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Incorrect voltage is supplied to the ECU. Engine startup: Possible Fail-safe action Riding: Possible Diagnostic monitor- — ing code No. Meter display — Checking method — Item/components and Sensor inspection proce- Check or maintenance job probable cause dure Poor connection →…
  • Page 483
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom ECU memory malfunction Engine startup: Under certain conditions Fail-safe action Riding: Under certain conditions Diagnostic monitor- — ing code No. Meter display — Checking method — Item/components and Sensor inspection proce- Check or maintenance job probable cause dure ECU malfunction…
  • Page 484
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of accelerator position sensor lead Engine startup: Possible under certain conditions Fail-safe action Riding: Possible under certain conditions Diagnostic monitor- D:14 ing code No. D:15 Accelerator position sensor signal 1 Meter display •…
  • Page 485
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of accelerator position sensor lead Engine startup: Possible under certain conditions Fail-safe action Riding: Possible under certain conditions Diagnostic monitor- D:14 ing code No. D:15 Accelerator position sensor signal 1 Meter display •…
  • Page 486
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of accelerator position sensor lead Engine startup: Possible under certain conditions Fail-safe action Riding: Possible under certain conditions Diagnostic monitor- D:14 ing code No. D:15 Accelerator position sensor signal 1 Meter display •…
  • Page 487
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Defect Found in YCC-T Drive Engine startup: Possible under certain conditions Fail-safe action Riding: Possible under certain conditions Diagnostic monitor- — ing code No. Meter display — Checking method — Item/components and Sensor inspection proce- Check or maintenance job probable cause dure…
  • Page 488
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Defect Found in YCC-T Drive Engine startup: Possible under certain conditions Fail-safe action Riding: Possible under certain conditions Diagnostic monitor- — ing code No. Meter display — Checking method — Item/components and Sensor inspection proce- Check or maintenance job probable cause dure…
  • Page 489
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Symptom Open or short circuit of steering damper solenoid lead Engine startup: Possible Fail-safe action Riding: Possible Diagnostic monitor- D:47 ing code No. Meter display The steering damper warning light lights up. The engine warning light flashes according to the ON/OFF switch- Checking method ing.
  • Page 490
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Er-1 Symptom No signal is received from the ECU. Engine startup: Impossible if ECU Failure Fail-safe action Riding: Impossible if ECU Failure Diagnostic monitor- — ing code No. Meter display — Checking method — Item/components and Sensor inspection proce- Check or maintenance job…
  • Page 491
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Er-2 Symptom No signal is sent from ECU. Engine startup: Possible Fail-safe action Riding: Possible Diagnostic monitor- — ing code No. Meter display — Checking method — Item/components and Sensor inspection proce- Check or maintenance job probable cause dure Poor connection →…
  • Page 492
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Er-3 Symptom Correct data cannot be received from the ECU. Engine startup: Possible Fail-safe action Riding: Possible Diagnostic monitor- — ing code No. Meter display — Checking method — Item/components and Sensor inspection proce- Check or maintenance job probable cause dure…
  • Page 493
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. Er-4 Symptom No registration data can be received from the meter unit. Engine startup: Possible Fail-safe action Riding: Possible Diagnostic monitor- — ing code No. Meter display — Checking method — Item/components and Sensor inspection proce- Check or maintenance job probable cause dure…
  • Page 494
  • Page 495
    FUEL PUMP SYSTEM 1. Main switch 4. Main fuse 8. Battery 9. Fuel injection system fuse 12.Relay unit 14.Fuel pump relay 16.Fuel pump 21.ECU (engine control unit) 64.Right handlebar switch 67.Engine stop switch 100.Ignition fuse 101.Engine ground 102.Battery negative lead 8-104…
  • Page 496
    FUEL PUMP SYSTEM EAS27570 TROUBLESHOOTING If the fuel pump fails to operate. • Before troubleshooting, remove the following part(s): 1. Rider seat 2. Fuel tank 3. Passenger seat 4. Left side cowling 1. Check the fuses. NG→ (Main, ignition and fuel injection system) Replace the fuse(s).
  • Page 497
    FUEL PUMP SYSTEM 7. Check the entire fuel pump sys- NG→ tem’s wiring. Properly connect or repair the fuel Refer to “CIRCUIT DIAGRAM” on pump system’s wiring. page 8-103. OK↓ Replace the ECU. 8-106…
  • Page 498: Immobilizer System


  • Page 499
    IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM 1. Main switch 4. Main fuse 5. Backup fuse 6. Immobilizer unit 8. Battery 9. Fuel injection system fuse 21.ECU (engine control unit) 47.Meter assembly 48.Immobilizer system indicator light 54.Multi-function meter 100.Ignition fuse 101.Engine ground 102.Battery negative lead 8-108…
  • Page 500
    IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM EAS27671 GENERAL INFORMATION This vehicle is equipped with an immobilizer system to help prevent theft by re-registering codes in the standard keys. This system consists of the following: • A code re-registering key (with a red bow) • Two standard keys (with a black bow) that can be re-registered with new codes •…
  • Page 501
    IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM EAS27691 PART REPLACEMENT AND KEY CODE REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS In the course of use, you may encounter the following cases where replacement of parts and regis- tration of code re-registering/standard keys are required. Each standard key is registered during production, therefore re-registering at purchase is not neces- sary.
  • Page 502
    IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM Standby mode d. LED off a. Main switch “ON” e. Standby mode on b. Main switch “OFF” f. Standby mode off c. LED on Standard key registration: Standard key registration is required when a standard key is lost and needs to be replaced, or when the code re-registering key is re-registered after the immobilizer unit or ECU are replaced.
  • Page 503
    IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM Standard key registration i. Registration mode a. Main switch “ON” b. Main switch “OFF” A. Registration of the second standard key is c. LED on complete. d. LED off B. Immobilizer system indicator light stops e. Less than 5.0 s flashing when the registration of the second f.
  • Page 504
    IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM EAS27701 TROUBLESHOOTING When the main switch is turned to “ON”, the immobilizer system indicator light does not come on nor flashes. 1. Check the fuses. NG→ (Main, ignition, backup and fuel injection system) Replace the fuse(s). Refer to “CHECKING THE FUSES” on page 8-125.
  • Page 505
    IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM EAS27721 SELF-DIAGNOSIS FAULT CODE INDICATION When a system failure occurs, the error code number is indicated in the LCD display of meter and the immobilizer system indicator light blinks at the same time. The pattern of blinking also shows the error code.
  • Page 506
    IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM Fault Part Symptom Cause Action code IMMOBILIZER Key code registra- Same standard key was UNIT tion malfunction. attempted to be regis- Register another tered two consecutive standard key. times. Undefinition code is Noise interference or dis- 1. Check the wire received.
  • Page 507
  • Page 508
  • Page 509
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 1. Main switch 2. Immobilizer unit 3. Front brake light switch 4. Clutch switch 5. Ignition coil 6. Battery 7. Fuse box 8. Main fuse 9. Fuel injection system fuse 10.Starter relay 11.Rear brake light switch 12.Gear position sensor 13.Sidestand switch 14.O sensor…
  • Page 510
  • Page 511
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 1. Intake air temperature sensor 2. Headlight relay 3. Turn signal/hazard relay 4. Atmospheric pressure sensor 5. Intake air pressure sensor 6. Intake funnel servo motor 7. Fuel pump 8. Relay unit 9. Lean angle sensor 10.Coolant temperature sensor 11.Crankshaft position sensor 12.Throttle servo motor 13.Throttle position sensor…
  • Page 512
  • Page 513
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 1. Horn switch 2. Clutch switch 3. Main switch 4. Dimmer switch 5. Pass switch 6. Turn signal switch 7. Hazard switch 8. Sidestand switch 9. Gear position sensor 10.Oil level switch 11.Front brake light switch 12.Engine stop switch 13.Start switch 14.Rear brake light switch 8-122…
  • Page 514
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS Check each switch for continuity with the pocket tester. If the continuity reading is incorrect, check the wiring connections and if necessary, replace the switch. ECA14370 Never insert the tester probes into the coupler terminal slots “a”. Always insert the probes from the opposite end of the coupler, taking care not to loosen or damage the leads.
  • Page 515
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS EAS27990 otherwise it may be pulled out of the ter- CHECKING THE BULBS AND BULB SOCK- minal in the coupler. • Avoid touching the glass part of the head- light bulb to keep it free from oil, other- Do not check any of the lights that use LEDs.
  • Page 516: Chassis

    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS d. If the fuse immediately blows again, check the electrical circuit. Check each bulb socket for continuity in the same manner as described in the bulb section; Amperage Fuses Q’ty however, note the following. rating Main 50 A ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼…

  • Page 517
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS • DO NOT SMOKE when charging or han- ECA13640 dling batteries. • KEEP BATTERIES AND ELECTROLYTE First, disconnect the battery negative lead OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. “1”, and then battery positive lead “2”. • Avoid bodily contact with electrolyte as it can cause severe burns or permanent eye injury.
  • Page 518
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS • When charging a battery, be sure to remove it from the vehicle. (If charging has to be done with the battery mounted on the vehicle, disconnect the battery negative lead from the battery terminal.) • To reduce the chance of sparks, do not plug in the battery charger until the bat- tery charger leads are connected to the battery.
  • Page 519: Engine

    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS Voltage should be measured 30 minutes after Voltage should be measured 30 minutes after the engine is stopped. the engine is stopped. b. Connect a charged and ammeter to the b. Connect a charger and ammeter to the bat- battery and start charging.

  • Page 520
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 9. Lubricate: Relay unit (starting circuit cut-off relay) • Battery terminals Recommended lubricant Dielectric grease 10. Install: • Battery cover • Rider seat Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS” on page 4-1. EAS28040 CHECKING THE RELAYS 1. Positive battery terminal Check each switch for continuity with the 2.
  • Page 521
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS Headlight relay Turn signal/hazard relay input voltage DC 12 V ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ a. Connect the pocket tester (DC 20 V) to the turn signal/hazard relay terminal as shown. Pocket tester 90890-03112 Analog pocket tester YU-03112-C 1. Positive battery terminal •…
  • Page 522
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS Continuity Positive tester probe Sky blue “1” Negative tester probe Black/Yellow “2” No continuity Positive tester probe Black/Yellow “2” Negative tester probe Sky blue “1” Continuity b. Turn the main switch to “ON”. Positive tester probe c. Measure the turn signal/hazard relay out- Sky blue “1”…
  • Page 523
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2. Check: a. Disconnect the relay unit coupler from the • Secondary coil resistance Out of specification → Replace. wire harness. b. Connect the pocket tester (Ω × 1) to the Secondary coil resistance relay unit terminal as shown. 8.50–11.50 kΩ…
  • Page 524
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS b. Measure the crankshaft position sensor 2. Ignition coil resistance. b. Turn the main switch to “ON” and engine ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ stop switch to “ ”. c. Measure the ignition spark gap “a”. EAS28130 d. Crank the engine by pushing the start CHECKING THE LEAN ANGLE SENSOR 1.
  • Page 525
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS EAS28150 CHECKING THE STATOR COIL 1. Disconnect: • Stator coil coupler (from the wire harness) 2. Check: • Stator coil resistance Out of specification → Replace the stator coil. Stator coil resistance 0.112–0.168 Ω at 20 °C (68 °F) c.
  • Page 526
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS EAS28170 2. Check: CHECKING THE RECTIFIER/REGULATOR • Rectifier/regulator output voltage 1. Check: Out of specification → Replace the recti- • Rectifier/regulator input voltage fier/regulator. Out of specification → Correct the stator coil condition. Rectifier/regulator output volt- Refer to “CHECKING THE STATOR COIL”…
  • Page 527
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS b. Connect the pocket tester (Ω × 1) to the Pocket tester horn terminals. 90890-03112 Pocket tester Analog pocket tester 90890-03112 YU-03112-C Analog pocket tester YU-03112-C Minimum level position “A” • Positive tester probe • Positive tester probe Connector (White) “1”…
  • Page 528
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS Pocket tester 90890-03112 Analog pocket tester YU-03112-C • Positive tester probe Green/White “1” • Negative tester probe Black “2” c. Turn the main switch to “ON”. d. Elevate the rear wheel and slowly rotate it. e. Measure the voltage. With each full rotation of the rear wheel, the voltage reading should cycle from 0.6 V to 4.8 V to 0.6 V to 4.8 V.
  • Page 529
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ a. Connect the pocket tester (Ω × 100) to the coolant temperature sensor as shown. Pocket tester 90890-03112 Analog pocket tester YU-03112-C b. Immerse the coolant temperature sensor “1” in a container filled with coolant “2”. Make sure the coolant temperature sensor ter- minals do not get wet.
  • Page 530
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ Throttle position sensor resis- a. Connect the pocket tester (Ω × 1 k) to the tance accelerator position sensor terminal as 1.2–2.8 kΩ shown. ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ Pocket tester a. Connect the pocket tester (Ω × 1 k) to the 90890-03112 throttle position sensor terminal as shown.
  • Page 531
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS • Positive tester probe Do not use old batteries to operate the throttle Orange “1” servo motor. • Negative tester probe Green “2” c. Measure the air induction system solenoid resistance. ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ EAS28380 CHECKING THE ATMOSPHERIC PRES- SURE SENSOR 1.
  • Page 532
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS • Positive tester probe Pocket tester Pink (wire harness color) 90890-03112 • Negative tester probe Analog pocket tester Black/blue (wire harness color) YU-03112-C Test harness-speed sensor (3P) 90890-03208 YU-03208 • Positive tester probe White/Black (wire harness color) • Negative tester probe Black/Blue (wire harness color) c.
  • Page 533
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS b. Connect the digital circuit tester (DCV) to Intake air temperature sensor the test harness S-pressure sensor (3P). resistance 5.4–6.6 kΩ at 0 °C (32 °F) Digital circuit tester 290–390 Ω at 80 °C (176 °F) 90890-03174 Model 88 Multimeter with ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼…
  • Page 534
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 2. Check: Pocket tester • Steering damper solenoid resistance 90890-03112 Out of specification → Replace the steer- Analog pocket tester ing damper assembly. YU-03112-C Steering damper solenoid resis- tance Result 49.82–56.18 Ω at 20 °C (68 °F) Neutral position Continuity ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼…
  • Page 535
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS EAS14B1101 CHECKING THE FUEL INJECTORS 1. Remove: • Fuel tank Refer to “FUEL TANK” on page 7-1. • Air filter upper cover (for secondary injec- tor) Refer to “AIR FILTER CASE” on page 7- 2. Check: • Fuel injector resistance Out of specification →…
  • Page 536
  • Page 537
  • Page 538
    TROUBLESHOOTING EAS28451 Electrical system TROUBLESHOOTING 1. Battery • Discharged battery EAS28460 • Faulty battery GENERAL INFORMATION 2. Fuse(s) • Blown, damaged or incorrect fuse The following guide for troubleshooting does • Improperly installed fuse not cover all the possible causes of trouble. It 3.
  • Page 539
    TROUBLESHOOTING Electrical system EAS28550 JUMPS OUT OF GEAR 1. Battery • Discharged battery Shift shaft • Faulty battery • Incorrect shift pedal position 2. Spark plug(s) • Improperly returned stopper lever • Incorrect spark plug gap • Incorrect spark plug heat range Shift forks •…
  • Page 540: Cooling System

    TROUBLESHOOTING 2. Engine oil • Faulty brake caliper kit • Incorrect oil level • Faulty brake caliper seal • Incorrect oil viscosity • Loose union bolt • Inferior oil quality • Damaged brake hose • Oil or grease on the brake disc Cooling system •…

  • Page 541: Troubleshooting

    TROUBLESHOOTING 6. Tire(s) Turn signal blinks quickly • Uneven tire pressures (front and rear) • Incorrect turn signal bulb • Incorrect tire pressure • Faulty turn signal/hazard relay • Uneven tire wear • Burnt-out turn signal bulb 7. Wheel(s) Horn does not sound •…

  • Page 542
    EAS28740 55. Transmission gear display Light green WIRING DIAGRAM 56. Steering damper warning light Orange 57. Engine trouble warning light YZF-R1(Y) Pink 58. Coolant temperature warning 1. Main switch light Sky blue 2. AC magneto 59. High beam indicator light Violet 3.
  • Page 544
  • Page 545
  • Page 546

To enter the diagnostic mode and check existing error codes in the system memory, do the following:

  1. Turn off the ignition, put the stop engine button in the ON position.
  2. Disconnect the fuel pump connector.
  3. Press the SELECT + RESET buttons on the dashboard at the same time and do not release.
  4. Turn on the ignition (we still hold the buttons) and wait ~ 8 seconds until “dIAG” appears on the dashboard.
  5. Release the buttons, use the SELECT button to select “dIAG” (for the case if another text appears on the dashboard).
  6. After dIAG is displayed on the screen, press both buttons on the dashboard (SELECT + RESET) for ~ 2 seconds.
  7. After the diagnostic mode (d01) is displayed on the dashboard, turn off the stop engine button.
  8. You need to move through the list from d01 to d64 using the SELECT (up in the list) or RESET (down in the list) buttons.

In the list range from d01 to d59, a self-diagnosis of the system components is carried out.

Inclusion of some components is carried out by the stop engine button.

Self-diagnosis list (opposite the menu number of the list, decoding of readings + nominal value):

  • D: 01 = Throttle Position Sensor
  • completely closed, indicators from 12 to 21
  • fully open, indicators from 96 to 106
  • D: 02 = atmospheric pressure, in percent;
  • D: 03 = absolute atmospheric pressure in the intake circuit;
  • D: 05 = air temperature in the intake circuit;
  • D: 06 = coolant temperature;
  • D: 07 = speed sensor readings;
  • D: 08 = drop sensor position
  • normal position, indicator 0.4 — 1.4
  • inverted position, indicator 3,7 — 4,4
  • D: 09 = vehicle voltage
  • D: 13 = Throttle Position Sensor 2
  • completely. closed, indicator from 9 to 23
  • fully open, score from 94 to 108
  • D: 14 = Throttle Position Sensor 1
  • completely closed, indicator from 12 to 22
  • fully open, indicator from 97 to 107
  • D: 15 = throttle position sensor 2
  • completely closed, indicator from 10 to 24
  • fully open, indicator from 95 to 109
  • D: 20 = position sensor side steps;
  • D: 21 = gearbox position sensor (neutral)
  • D: 60 = EEPROM, system error sheet (00 = no errors, 01-04 = error codes for cylinders, if there is more than one error in the memory, they are displayed alternately)
  • D: 61 = error sheet of the ignition module for sensors (00 = there are no errors in the memory, 11-70 = error codes for the components, if there are more than one error in the memory, they
    are displayed alternately)
  • D: 62 = the number of errors in the memory module (00 = no errors, XX — the number of errors, erasing the errors is done by turning on the «stop engine» button);
  • D: 63 = sub-category of the error code (only for error 24, if there is more than one value in memory, then the value is displayed alternately)
  • D: 30 = diagnosis of the ignition coil 1 cylinder;
  • D: 31 = diagnosis of ignition coil 2 cylinder;
  • D: 32 = diagnosis of ignition coil 3 cylinders;
  • D: 33 = diagnosis of the ignition coil 4 cylinder;
  • D: 34 = intake valve diagnosis
  • D: 36 = diagnosis of the primary injector nozzle 1
  • D: 37 = diagnosis of the primary injector nozzle 2
  • D: 38 = diagnosis of the primary injector nozzle 3
  • D: 39 = diagnosis of the primary injector nozzle 4
  • D: 40 = diagnosis of the secondary injector nozzle 1
  • D: 41 = diagnosis of the secondary injector nozzle 2
  • D: 42 = secondary injector diagnosis, injector 3
  • D: 43 = diagnosis of the secondary injector nozzle 4
  • D: 47 = diagnosis of the steering damper sensor;
  • D: 48 = intake valve valve sensor diagnosis;
  • D: 50 = diagnosis of the fuel pump relay;
  • D: 51 = diagnosis of the cooling fan motor relay;
  • D: 52 = Diagnostics of the headlamp lamp relay;

Error No. — Description

11 — cylinder position sensor error;

12 — error of the crankshaft position sensor;

13 — inlet pressure sensor error (sensor readings outside the required range) — is diagnosed by the self-diagnosis line D: 03;

14 — inlet pressure sensor error (the sensor is disconnected or faulty) — it is diagnosed by the self-diagnosis line D: 03;

15 — throttle position sensor error — diagnosed by the self-diagnosis line D: 01 + D: 13;

19 — error on the ECU from the incoming signal (short circuit or the side step sensor is disabled) — — it is diagnosed with the self-diagnosis line D: 20;

20 — error in the readings of atmospheric and absolute pressure sensors in the inlet, not permissible values, — is diagnosed by the self-diagnosis line D: 03, D: 02;

21 — error in the readings of the coolant temperature sensor, — is diagnosed by the self-diagnosis line D: 06;

22 — inlet temperature sensor error, — diagnosed by the self-diagnosis line D: 05;

23 — an error in the readings of the atmospheric pressure sensor, — is diagnosed by the self-diagnosis line D: 02;

24 — oxygen sensor error (O2 sensor, lambda probe);

30 — error of the fall sensor (triggered or faulty sensor), — is diagnosed with the self-diagnosis line D: 08;

33 — malfunction of the ignition coil 1 of the cylinder, — is diagnosed by the self-diagnosis line D: 30;

34 — malfunction of the ignition coil 2 of the cylinder, — is diagnosed by the self-diagnosis line D: 31;

35 — malfunction of the ignition coil 3 of the cylinder, — is diagnosed by the self-diagnosis line D: 32;

36 — malfunction of the ignition coil 4 of the cylinder, — is diagnosed by the self-diagnosis line D: 33;

39 — malfunction of the primary injector circuit, — is diagnosed with the self-diagnosis line D:;

40 — malfunction of the secondary injector circuit, — is diagnosed by the self-diagnosis line D: 40,41,42,43;

41 — malfunction or short circuit in the wiring of the drop sensor, diagnosed with the self-diagnosis line D: 08;

42 — there is no signal or the speed sensor is faulty, — it is diagnosed with the self-diagnosis line D: 07 (speed sensor), D: 21 (gearbox sensor (neutral));

43 — error of the voltage value in the fuel pump circuit, — is diagnosed with the self-diagnosis line D: 50;

44 — error of the values / data of the diagnostic / ignition system, — is diagnosed by the self-diagnosis line D: 60

— 00 indicates the normal state of the readings of the EEP-ROM;

— 01 indicates a violation in the mixing 01 cylinder

— 02 indicates a violation in the mixing 02 cylinder

— 03 denotes a violation in the mixing 03 cylinder

— 04 indicates a violation in the mixing 04 cylinder

46 — error indicating voltage on the ignition module;

50 — an error in the operation of the memory of the ignition module;

59 — disconnection or short circuit in the circuit of the gas handle position sensor, — is diagnosed by the self-diagnosis line D: 14.15;

60 — YCC-T system error;

66 — malfunction of the trailer damper, — is diagnosed by the self-diagnosis line D: 47;

70 — an error in the organization of idling (as a symptom: the engine begins to stall at idle after 20 minutes of operation);

Er-1 — no input signal from the ignition module;

Er-2 — no outgoing signal from the ignition module;

Er-3 — it is impossible to read the readings from the ignition module;

Er-4 — error communicating with the dashboard;

  1. Turn off the ignition. Turn off the Start / Stop Engine button (red on the right remote).
  2. Press both buttons on the tidy and HOLD THEM.
  3. Turn on the ignition, hold the buttons after turning on the ignition for about 8 seconds.
  4. Wait for the inscription DIAG.
  5. Release and press the TOGETHER TOGETHER buttons on the tidy again for 2 seconds, and release.
  6. [D01] is displayed. This is the first diagnostic indicator that shows the position of the chokes.
  7. Use the Select (upper) button to get to line number [d60]. This cell shows the number of the EXISTING error at the moment.
  8. View the room opposite d61. This is the error number IN MEMORY of «brains.» If there are several errors, they are displayed alternately.

All diagnostic cells are above 60 — and there are diagnostic lines for each of the components separately. More details — see BELOW.

To erase the error from the system’s memory, go to line d62 and turn on the stop engine button on the right remote control.

In detail:

  • When entering the diagnostic mode, the display shows cell [d01].
  • Pressing the Select (upper) button, you need to go to the indicator [d60] (real-time self-diagnosis) and [d61] (error memory) and see the number next to it. The number nearby is the number of
    the error that the brain remembered.
  • And all other numbers from [d01] to [d60] are indicators of various sensors (for example, [d01] is the position of the throttle in percent at the moment, twist and you will understand

d01 = throttle stick position (turn throttle stick)

d02 = atmospheric pressure (absolute, percent)

d03 = vacuum inlet (sensor in the air filter housing, in percent)

d05 = inlet air temperature (sensor in the air filter housing, percentage as I understand it)

d06 = current coolant temperature

d07 = speed sensor (indicator)

d08 = drop sensor (tilt angle)

d09 = voltage at the fuel pump (tested by turning on the stop engine)

d20 = side step (on / off) — testing only works when neutral is off

d21 = neutral sensor (on / off)

d30 = coil on 1 cylinder (when the stop engine button is turned on, the coil is tested for 5 pulses, a characteristic sound is accompanied by a simultaneous blinking of the Check Engine lamp)

d31 = coil on cylinder 2 (when the stop engine button is turned on, the coil is tested for 5 pulses, a characteristic sound is accompanied by a simultaneous blinking of the Check Engine lamp)

d32 = coil on the 3rd cylinder (when the stop engine button is turned on, the coil is tested for 5 pulses, a characteristic sound is accompanied by a simultaneous blinking of the Check Engine

d33 = coil on the 4th cylinder (when the stop engine button is turned on, the coil is tested for 5 pulses, a characteristic sound is accompanied by a simultaneous blinking of the Check Engine

d36 = nozzle 1 of the cylinder (when the stop engine button is turned on, the nozzle is tested for 5 pulses, a characteristic sound is accompanied by a simultaneous blinking of the Check Engine

d37 = nozzle 2 of the cylinder (when the stop engine button is turned on, the nozzle is tested for 5 pulses, a characteristic sound is accompanied by a simultaneous blinking of the Check Engine

d38 = nozzle 3 of the cylinder (when the stop engine button is turned on, the nozzle is tested for 5 pulses, a characteristic sound is accompanied by a simultaneous blinking of the Check Engine

d39 = nozzle of the 4 cylinder (when the stop engine button is turned on, the nozzle is tested for 5 pulses, a characteristic sound is accompanied by a simultaneous blinking of the Check Engine

d48 = AI valve. (when the stop engine button is turned on, the valve is tested, 5 pulses, a characteristic sound is accompanied by a simultaneous blinking of the Check Engine lamp)

d50 = power relay of the injector and ignition system (also tested with the stop engine button)

d51 = cooling fan enable relay (also tested with the stop motor button)

d52 = headlamp (headlamp) relay (also tested with the stop engine button)

d53 = testing the EXUP servo motor (also tested with the stop motor button, shows the value in the corners)

d56 = servo drive of the secondary shutters (it is also tested with the stop motor button, shows the value in the corners)

d60 = switch operation error (codes are displayed alternately, the list of switch error codes is below)

d61 = error code recorded in memory

d62 = erase error codes stored in memory

d70 = displays the code of the running program (0-255)

Decoding of the indicator of the d60 line (violations found in the operation of the sensors by self-diagnostics):

11 = no signal from cylinder detection sensor

12 = no signal from crankshaft position sensor

13 = erroneous signal from the discharge sensor (in the air filter housing)

14 = invalid signal from the absolute pressure sensor

15 = throttle valve half-sensor error

16 = throttle position sensor jammed error

17 = EXUP servo position sensor error detected

18 = error jamming servo EXUP

19 = short circuit on the engine control unit when the start button is pressed

20 = a voltage error was detected when the stop engine button was turned on (large difference in performance) on the absolute pressure and vacuum sensors

21 = engine temperature sensor malfunction

22 = inlet temperature sensor malfunction

23 = malfunction (short circuit) of the absolute pressure sensor

30 = trip sensor detected (motorcycle crashed)

33 = short circuit on the control wire of the ignition coil 1 cylinder

34 = short circuit on the control wire of the ignition coil 2 cylinder

35 = short circuit on the control wire of the ignition coil 3 cylinder

36 = short circuit on the control wire of the ignition coil 4 cylinder

41 = malfunction or short circuit on the drop sensor

42 = missing or erroneous signal from the speed sensor

43 = on-board voltage measurement error (short circuit in wiring)

44 = malfunction of the engine control unit

46 = no voltage at injector unit

47 = servo error of secondary shutters (short circuit detected or sensor malfunction)

48 = jamming or short circuit in the actuator of the secondary throttle valves

50 = engine control unit error, error cannot be read

Er1 = no signal from the engine control unit

Er2 = no response from the engine control unit

Er3 = signal error from the engine control unit

Er4 = unknown signal from the engine control unit

Yamaha motorcycles have built-in self-diagnosis.

When the ignition is switched on, the red immobilizer indicator on the dashboard lights up.

By blinking it, you can determine the malfunction.

From the beginning, it blinks slowly five times, this is equal to the first digit of the code. Then quickly, this is the second digit of the code.

Some decryption codes:

5-1 — does not see the chip in the key. Most likely the problem is in the chip.

5-2 — the chip in the key is not from this motorcycle. Most likely you took a chip key from another motorcycle.

5-3 — there is no communication between the engine control unit and the immobilizer unit. Check motorcycle wiring connectors.

5-4 — there is no synchronization between the engine control unit and the immobilizer unit. Entangled block- motor and immo.

Yamaha R1 Fault Codes List
Yamaha R1

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