Xiaomitool v2 ошибка procedure error occurred

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I followed the instructions to unlock my Xiaomi phone, but I found this procedure error in the current linux version and in the Windows version.

Screenshot from 2021-07-13 09-35-19

dgalli1, kagiannis, l0rb, osslate, nick-robo, GrandoGT, Vardhamann, AlecsFerra, vmavromatis, ratacibernetica, and 38 more reacted with thumbs up emoji
l0rb, nick-robo, AlecsFerra, vmavromatis, gousern, drnguyenn, zwei7, Lenni-builder, sladom-code, duttyend, and 2 more reacted with eyes emoji


did u find any solution for it so far?


did u find any solution for it so far?

No, do you reproduce this issue?


Yes I did dude. I am trying to solve my friends blocked bootloader in linux, but this doesnt seem to work sad. You got any other working way?


Yes I did dude. I am trying to solve my friends blocked bootloader in linux, but this doesnt seem to work sad. You got any other working way?

Unfortunately no, the closest I got was through Xiaomitoolv2. I tried with the official tool in Win10, but the line with the USB connection just blinked once and ejected the USB connection. I do not try yet to format the cell phone to an old android and then try again. But I think it’s possible a server problem, I don’t know, maybe I will wait sometime to try again.


Yes I did dude. I am trying to solve my friends blocked bootloader in linux, but this doesnt seem to work sad. You got any other working way?

Unfortunately no, the closest I got was through Xiaomitoolv2. I tried with the official tool in Win10, but the line with the USB connection just blinked once and ejected the USB connection. I do not try yet to format the cell phone to an old android and then try again. But I think it’s possible a server problem, I don’t know, maybe I will wait sometime to try again.

That’s sad… I just made him unlock with official tool in windows. It worked it seems, nice


I got stuck at the same issue. I think Xiaomi has just made changes to their service and requiring a «serviceToken» for server authentication. I have just 1 more day left before I can unlock my phone. Sad. I don’t have a Windows device so I cannot use the Xiaomi official tool. Planning to find an internet cafe with Windows PCs.


I got stuck at the same issue. I think Xiaomi has just made changes to their service and requiring a «serviceToken» for server authentication. I have just 1 more day left before I can unlock my phone. Sad. I don’t have a Windows device so I cannot use the Xiaomi official tool. Planning to find an internet cafe with Windows PCs.

U use Linux? Maybe try using windows using kvm. Maybe that will work. Idk a shit about it tho haha. Hope u find someway. Do let me know what u do


I’m getting that too on a Mac



No solution/workaround for it as of now… Sad. Maybe we should as for Linux tool in miui forum. They say people who need unlocked for Linux are very less


I got stuck at the same issue. I think Xiaomi has just made changes to their service and requiring a «serviceToken» for server authentication. I have just 1 more day left before I can unlock my phone. Sad. I don’t have a Windows device so I cannot use the Xiaomi official tool. Planning to find an internet cafe with Windows PCs.

U use Linux? Maybe try using windows using kvm. Maybe that will work. Idk a shit about it tho haha. Hope u find someway. Do let me know what u do

I’m a Mac user. I have virtual machine options on Mac (eg. Parallel Desktop) too but I’m too lazy to download a Windows system image. I’m pretty sure most Xiaomi engineers also work on Macs. It’s insane they only provide a Windows version of their tool.


I got stuck at the same issue. I think Xiaomi has just made changes to their service and requiring a «serviceToken» for server authentication. I have just 1 more day left before I can unlock my phone. Sad. I don’t have a Windows device so I cannot use the Xiaomi official tool. Planning to find an internet cafe with Windows PCs.

U use Linux? Maybe try using windows using kvm. Maybe that will work. Idk a shit about it tho haha. Hope u find someway. Do let me know what u do

I’m a Mac user. I have virtual machine options on Mac (eg. Parallel Desktop) too but I’m too lazy to download a Windows system image. I’m pretty sure most Xiaomi engineers also work on Macs. It’s insane they only provide a Windows version of their tool.

Yeah man sad. Why they wanna do all this, permission and all. just let fastboot oem unlock, unlock the bootloader, it’ll be simple af and can run it anywhere. Even on phone using bugjaegar


I’m a Windows user, had the common issue of unrecognizable device in fastboot. Flashed a live boot Linux USB drive with Solus OS, got XiaoMiToolV2 working and all, did all the udev shenanigans to allow device access permissions, and got stuck on the same issue. Seeing as this is happening on all three platforms and that all reports of that are all within the last week, I’m highly suspecting of Xiaomi’s services instability, really.

I don’t know if you have had this other issue as well, but when trying to sync the account to allow for bootloader unlocking, it now fails basically all the time. I think I was lucky on Sunday and got a success response once but that was it; all other responses are something of the likes of «Couldn’t execute sync procedure. Please try again».

This behavior makes me think the issues are somehow related. I’ll keep you guys posted.


I have been trying to unlock my, now old, Redmi 6 for three days to install a custom rom … but the error exposed by @erikrodrgz keeps happening to me.

What mistake is that anyway?

PS: I’m on Linux


I have been trying to unlock my, now old, Redmi 6 for three days to install a custom rom … but the error exposed by @erikrodrgz keeps happening to me.

What mistake is that anyway?

PS: I’m on Linux

It’s not your mistake, its xiaomi messed something up I think, right now best solution is somehow get windows and use the xiaomi’s official unlocker…


I had the same problem in Linux. I finally did it in windows with the official app. But I needed to run bcdedit /set testsigning on as administrator and then run XiaomiToolv2 to install some needed drivers .


I have same problem. Probably the Xiaomi site changed something


Same with Linux and Windows (kvm + usb redirection)


@uAliFurkanY how did you set up the USB connection?

Using kvm I was unable to get xiaomi recognized not only by XMT2, but not even by MiPC suite… Windows recognizes it, bit Mi softs no…


@CavaleriOmar in qemu you can do this -usb -device usb-host,hostbus=NUM,hostport=NUM where you can find the numbers with lsusb. But it didn’t work for me. I don’t know if it is a problem with my laptop as also fastboot had problems. Only using a different laptop with windows 10 it worked.



@uAliFurkanY , same VM


Windows 10 under VM… MI PC suite did not recognize it simply because the Redmi 6 is out of support…

MI Flash Unlock found it right away (yesterday it didn’t recognize it because I’m a jerk and I hadn’t put it in fastboot).


I got same problem, too.
I had been used it to unlock/twrp/flash many Mi-devices, included Redmi Note5/Note7/Note8/K20/K30/K30s, on my mac (Mojave 10.14.6) without any issue, but recently when I tried to unlock my new Redmi 9T , I got same message and always failed. even I tried to check old success unlock/flash devices, I got same message, too.

I don’t have any PC with win7/10, and I also don’t use VM with win10.

did MIUI server change rules?


@pixrafal wow, world seems small huh? I’m facing same issue with Redmi 9T, fortunately I seem not alone. Keep monitor this issue guys.


I got same problem, too.
I had been used it to unlock/twrp/flash many Mi-devices, included Redmi Note5/Note7/Note8/K20/K30/K30s, on my mac (Mojave 10.14.6) without any issue, but recently when I tried to unlock my new Redmi 9T , I got same message and always failed. even I tried to check old success unlock/flash devices, I got same message, too.

I don’t have any PC with win7/10, and I also don’t use VM with win10.

did MIUI server change rules?

Yes seems like Miui server changed something. Sad… This is the worst thing about xiaomi


Having the same issue!. hopefully, this gets resolved soon.


Same issue probably xiaomi changes his APIs


is there any possibility for this to be fixed? I want to unlock the bootloader of my Mi 3c so I can install Ubuntu Touch but I don’t want to wait for the official unlocker to be able to unlock the device


Even if this tool would work, you still have to wait because this unlock tool is using Xiaomis APIs.


Снимок экрана 2021-08-11 в 18 25 02

Error when I’m try to unlock locked bootloader on xiaomi redmi note 7 pro prime (after upgrading to miui 12.5 all google services not works and I need root for go back to miui 11..)


Well it worked for me. And it works for anyone who pays attention towards
what they are doing.


use the official tool, Xiaomi-Unlock

On Tue, May 3, 2022 at 9:15 AM Juan de Dios Jurisch Y. <
***@***.***> wrote:


I had this specific problem too even with the patches. I had no problems with an old account, but for new accounts with Xiaomi, this seems to be a server problem rather than a XMT problem.

For this, I used the main.py script from miunlock to get output from the console code.

The response, when copied to main.py, leads to an activation link. You just have to re-activate the account with the 2FA of your choice, then it will load nicely with XMTv2. Hope this helps


Screenshot 4

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 2

any one found solution, i tried both tools but still same error






followed the tutorial to change a few line using JDK11, built successfully but then got stuck during login process…
anyone has any issue with the SMS verification code that is not sent at all even after 3x attempts ?Please help



followed the tutorial to change a few line using JDK11, built successfully but then got stuck during login process… anyone has any issue with the SMS verification code that is not sent at all even after 3x attempts ?Please help

same here too, any solve suggestion for that?


followed the tutorial to change a few line using JDK11, built successfully but then got stuck during login process… anyone has any issue with the SMS verification code that is not sent at all even after 3x attempts ?Please help

same here too, any solve suggestion for that?

There’s a pr that fixes qr code login, I tried it and it works. If you don’t wanna login via qr then follow my suggestion on #88


same here too, on Linux.

Schermata del 2023-05-17 23-15-01


damn son (on windows 11)


followed the tutorial to change a few line using JDK11, built successfully but then got stuck during login process… anyone has any issue with the SMS verification code that is not sent at all even after 3x attempts ?Please help

same here too, any solve suggestion for that?

There’s a pr that fixes qr code login, I tried it and it works. If you don’t wanna login via qr then follow my suggestion on #88

@francescotescari Thank you for your wonderful tool plus your spend time creating it.
I am running into the same error as anyone else here. Is there a reason why you do not merge the pull request #88 and release a new version of your tool?

Best regards and thanks in advance,



in my case, i used https://github.com/francescotescari/XiaoMiToolV2/releases/tag/v20.7.28 this version and login with sms code , unlock success! password login will meet this error.

@charlzyx I have the same «Missing serviceToken cookie» error, how do you login with sms code?

I only have login/password or qrcode methods, but qrcode actually fails after scanning showing «QR code has expired» error message 😞




in my case, i used https://github.com/francescotescari/XiaoMiToolV2/releases/tag/v20.7.28 this version and login with sms code , unlock success! password login will meet this error.

@charlzyx I have the same «Missing serviceToken cookie» error, how do you login with sms code?

I only have login/password or qrcode methods, but qrcode actually fails after scanning showing «QR code has expired» error message 😞





@charlzyx When you click on the top right button, you go back to the login/password prompt which cause the «Missing serviceToken cookie» error later.



@charlzyx When you click on the top right button, you go back to the login/password prompt which cause the «Missing serviceToken cookie» error later.


i don’t know why you Forgot password right no sitch to phone login, my ip in China .



So again and seriously, just download a legal Windows 10 iso, install it as virtual machine and use the official unlock tool. It took me less than 30 minutes and I could just throw away this virtual machine afterwards.


So again and seriously, just download a legal Windows 10 iso, install it as virtual machine and use the official unlock tool. It took me less than 30 minutes and I could just throw away this virtual machine afterwards.

i already tried it, the UTM and pararel desktop both can’t detect my phone with fastboot


@flixcrls What stops you from using virtual box?


@stevleibelt okay, i install it again, but if it failed to detect my phone, i give up



@stevleibelt i give up, the problem is the driver cant update cause the m1 chip, and the miui is in 12.5, the fastboot in 12.5 is different, i just contact xiaomi support for wasting my time, i will waiting for another developer to make UBL accessible to macos, thank you once again for your help and suggestion. 🤞


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I followed the instructions to unlock my Xiaomi phone, but I found this procedure error in the current linux version and in the Windows version.

Screenshot from 2021-07-13 09-35-19

dgalli1, kagiannis, l0rb, osslate, nick-robo, GrandoGT, Vardhamann, AlecsFerra, vmavromatis, ratacibernetica, and 38 more reacted with thumbs up emoji
l0rb, nick-robo, AlecsFerra, vmavromatis, gousern, drnguyenn, zwei7, Lenni-builder, sladom-code, duttyend, and 2 more reacted with eyes emoji


did u find any solution for it so far?


did u find any solution for it so far?

No, do you reproduce this issue?


Yes I did dude. I am trying to solve my friends blocked bootloader in linux, but this doesnt seem to work sad. You got any other working way?


Yes I did dude. I am trying to solve my friends blocked bootloader in linux, but this doesnt seem to work sad. You got any other working way?

Unfortunately no, the closest I got was through Xiaomitoolv2. I tried with the official tool in Win10, but the line with the USB connection just blinked once and ejected the USB connection. I do not try yet to format the cell phone to an old android and then try again. But I think it’s possible a server problem, I don’t know, maybe I will wait sometime to try again.


Yes I did dude. I am trying to solve my friends blocked bootloader in linux, but this doesnt seem to work sad. You got any other working way?

Unfortunately no, the closest I got was through Xiaomitoolv2. I tried with the official tool in Win10, but the line with the USB connection just blinked once and ejected the USB connection. I do not try yet to format the cell phone to an old android and then try again. But I think it’s possible a server problem, I don’t know, maybe I will wait sometime to try again.

That’s sad… I just made him unlock with official tool in windows. It worked it seems, nice


I got stuck at the same issue. I think Xiaomi has just made changes to their service and requiring a «serviceToken» for server authentication. I have just 1 more day left before I can unlock my phone. Sad. I don’t have a Windows device so I cannot use the Xiaomi official tool. Planning to find an internet cafe with Windows PCs.


I got stuck at the same issue. I think Xiaomi has just made changes to their service and requiring a «serviceToken» for server authentication. I have just 1 more day left before I can unlock my phone. Sad. I don’t have a Windows device so I cannot use the Xiaomi official tool. Planning to find an internet cafe with Windows PCs.

U use Linux? Maybe try using windows using kvm. Maybe that will work. Idk a shit about it tho haha. Hope u find someway. Do let me know what u do


I’m getting that too on a Mac



No solution/workaround for it as of now… Sad. Maybe we should as for Linux tool in miui forum. They say people who need unlocked for Linux are very less


I got stuck at the same issue. I think Xiaomi has just made changes to their service and requiring a «serviceToken» for server authentication. I have just 1 more day left before I can unlock my phone. Sad. I don’t have a Windows device so I cannot use the Xiaomi official tool. Planning to find an internet cafe with Windows PCs.

U use Linux? Maybe try using windows using kvm. Maybe that will work. Idk a shit about it tho haha. Hope u find someway. Do let me know what u do

I’m a Mac user. I have virtual machine options on Mac (eg. Parallel Desktop) too but I’m too lazy to download a Windows system image. I’m pretty sure most Xiaomi engineers also work on Macs. It’s insane they only provide a Windows version of their tool.


I got stuck at the same issue. I think Xiaomi has just made changes to their service and requiring a «serviceToken» for server authentication. I have just 1 more day left before I can unlock my phone. Sad. I don’t have a Windows device so I cannot use the Xiaomi official tool. Planning to find an internet cafe with Windows PCs.

U use Linux? Maybe try using windows using kvm. Maybe that will work. Idk a shit about it tho haha. Hope u find someway. Do let me know what u do

I’m a Mac user. I have virtual machine options on Mac (eg. Parallel Desktop) too but I’m too lazy to download a Windows system image. I’m pretty sure most Xiaomi engineers also work on Macs. It’s insane they only provide a Windows version of their tool.

Yeah man sad. Why they wanna do all this, permission and all. just let fastboot oem unlock, unlock the bootloader, it’ll be simple af and can run it anywhere. Even on phone using bugjaegar


I’m a Windows user, had the common issue of unrecognizable device in fastboot. Flashed a live boot Linux USB drive with Solus OS, got XiaoMiToolV2 working and all, did all the udev shenanigans to allow device access permissions, and got stuck on the same issue. Seeing as this is happening on all three platforms and that all reports of that are all within the last week, I’m highly suspecting of Xiaomi’s services instability, really.

I don’t know if you have had this other issue as well, but when trying to sync the account to allow for bootloader unlocking, it now fails basically all the time. I think I was lucky on Sunday and got a success response once but that was it; all other responses are something of the likes of «Couldn’t execute sync procedure. Please try again».

This behavior makes me think the issues are somehow related. I’ll keep you guys posted.


I have been trying to unlock my, now old, Redmi 6 for three days to install a custom rom … but the error exposed by @erikrodrgz keeps happening to me.

What mistake is that anyway?

PS: I’m on Linux


I have been trying to unlock my, now old, Redmi 6 for three days to install a custom rom … but the error exposed by @erikrodrgz keeps happening to me.

What mistake is that anyway?

PS: I’m on Linux

It’s not your mistake, its xiaomi messed something up I think, right now best solution is somehow get windows and use the xiaomi’s official unlocker…


I had the same problem in Linux. I finally did it in windows with the official app. But I needed to run bcdedit /set testsigning on as administrator and then run XiaomiToolv2 to install some needed drivers .


I have same problem. Probably the Xiaomi site changed something


Same with Linux and Windows (kvm + usb redirection)


@uAliFurkanY how did you set up the USB connection?

Using kvm I was unable to get xiaomi recognized not only by XMT2, but not even by MiPC suite… Windows recognizes it, bit Mi softs no…


@CavaleriOmar in qemu you can do this -usb -device usb-host,hostbus=NUM,hostport=NUM where you can find the numbers with lsusb. But it didn’t work for me. I don’t know if it is a problem with my laptop as also fastboot had problems. Only using a different laptop with windows 10 it worked.



@uAliFurkanY , same VM


Windows 10 under VM… MI PC suite did not recognize it simply because the Redmi 6 is out of support…

MI Flash Unlock found it right away (yesterday it didn’t recognize it because I’m a jerk and I hadn’t put it in fastboot).


I got same problem, too.
I had been used it to unlock/twrp/flash many Mi-devices, included Redmi Note5/Note7/Note8/K20/K30/K30s, on my mac (Mojave 10.14.6) without any issue, but recently when I tried to unlock my new Redmi 9T , I got same message and always failed. even I tried to check old success unlock/flash devices, I got same message, too.

I don’t have any PC with win7/10, and I also don’t use VM with win10.

did MIUI server change rules?


@pixrafal wow, world seems small huh? I’m facing same issue with Redmi 9T, fortunately I seem not alone. Keep monitor this issue guys.


I got same problem, too.
I had been used it to unlock/twrp/flash many Mi-devices, included Redmi Note5/Note7/Note8/K20/K30/K30s, on my mac (Mojave 10.14.6) without any issue, but recently when I tried to unlock my new Redmi 9T , I got same message and always failed. even I tried to check old success unlock/flash devices, I got same message, too.

I don’t have any PC with win7/10, and I also don’t use VM with win10.

did MIUI server change rules?

Yes seems like Miui server changed something. Sad… This is the worst thing about xiaomi


Having the same issue!. hopefully, this gets resolved soon.


Same issue probably xiaomi changes his APIs


is there any possibility for this to be fixed? I want to unlock the bootloader of my Mi 3c so I can install Ubuntu Touch but I don’t want to wait for the official unlocker to be able to unlock the device


Even if this tool would work, you still have to wait because this unlock tool is using Xiaomis APIs.


Снимок экрана 2021-08-11 в 18 25 02

Error when I’m try to unlock locked bootloader on xiaomi redmi note 7 pro prime (after upgrading to miui 12.5 all google services not works and I need root for go back to miui 11..)


Well it worked for me. And it works for anyone who pays attention towards
what they are doing.


use the official tool, Xiaomi-Unlock

On Tue, May 3, 2022 at 9:15 AM Juan de Dios Jurisch Y. <
***@***.***> wrote:


I had this specific problem too even with the patches. I had no problems with an old account, but for new accounts with Xiaomi, this seems to be a server problem rather than a XMT problem.

For this, I used the main.py script from miunlock to get output from the console code.

The response, when copied to main.py, leads to an activation link. You just have to re-activate the account with the 2FA of your choice, then it will load nicely with XMTv2. Hope this helps


Screenshot 4

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 2

any one found solution, i tried both tools but still same error






followed the tutorial to change a few line using JDK11, built successfully but then got stuck during login process…
anyone has any issue with the SMS verification code that is not sent at all even after 3x attempts ?Please help



followed the tutorial to change a few line using JDK11, built successfully but then got stuck during login process… anyone has any issue with the SMS verification code that is not sent at all even after 3x attempts ?Please help

same here too, any solve suggestion for that?


followed the tutorial to change a few line using JDK11, built successfully but then got stuck during login process… anyone has any issue with the SMS verification code that is not sent at all even after 3x attempts ?Please help

same here too, any solve suggestion for that?

There’s a pr that fixes qr code login, I tried it and it works. If you don’t wanna login via qr then follow my suggestion on #88


same here too, on Linux.

Schermata del 2023-05-17 23-15-01


damn son (on windows 11)


followed the tutorial to change a few line using JDK11, built successfully but then got stuck during login process… anyone has any issue with the SMS verification code that is not sent at all even after 3x attempts ?Please help

same here too, any solve suggestion for that?

There’s a pr that fixes qr code login, I tried it and it works. If you don’t wanna login via qr then follow my suggestion on #88

@francescotescari Thank you for your wonderful tool plus your spend time creating it.
I am running into the same error as anyone else here. Is there a reason why you do not merge the pull request #88 and release a new version of your tool?

Best regards and thanks in advance,



in my case, i used https://github.com/francescotescari/XiaoMiToolV2/releases/tag/v20.7.28 this version and login with sms code , unlock success! password login will meet this error.

@charlzyx I have the same «Missing serviceToken cookie» error, how do you login with sms code?

I only have login/password or qrcode methods, but qrcode actually fails after scanning showing «QR code has expired» error message 😞




in my case, i used https://github.com/francescotescari/XiaoMiToolV2/releases/tag/v20.7.28 this version and login with sms code , unlock success! password login will meet this error.

@charlzyx I have the same «Missing serviceToken cookie» error, how do you login with sms code?

I only have login/password or qrcode methods, but qrcode actually fails after scanning showing «QR code has expired» error message 😞





@charlzyx When you click on the top right button, you go back to the login/password prompt which cause the «Missing serviceToken cookie» error later.



@charlzyx When you click on the top right button, you go back to the login/password prompt which cause the «Missing serviceToken cookie» error later.


i don’t know why you Forgot password right no sitch to phone login, my ip in China .



So again and seriously, just download a legal Windows 10 iso, install it as virtual machine and use the official unlock tool. It took me less than 30 minutes and I could just throw away this virtual machine afterwards.


So again and seriously, just download a legal Windows 10 iso, install it as virtual machine and use the official unlock tool. It took me less than 30 minutes and I could just throw away this virtual machine afterwards.

i already tried it, the UTM and pararel desktop both can’t detect my phone with fastboot


@flixcrls What stops you from using virtual box?


@stevleibelt okay, i install it again, but if it failed to detect my phone, i give up



@stevleibelt i give up, the problem is the driver cant update cause the m1 chip, and the miui is in 12.5, the fastboot in 12.5 is different, i just contact xiaomi support for wasting my time, i will waiting for another developer to make UBL accessible to macos, thank you once again for your help and suggestion. 🤞


after many attempt finally I have got the solution to fix “Xiaomi procedure failed: [getServiceToken] Missing serviceToken cookie” error. actually I have also tied this method but always get failed. then I start Searching for alternative and finally below listed Method works for me.


  • find My device ON, Go to i.mi.com & locate your device
  • enable debugging and oem unlock
  • developers options/Mi unlock status/ bound your MI account
  • Install adb fastboot driver on your computer
  • Download “this version” of Mi unlock tool (must require)
  • Put Phone to fastboot Mod (Power ON + volume down Key)
  • connect Phone to computer using usb cable
  • Run Mi flash unlock, login, unlock/accept warning/unlock, done

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