Один из частых иснструкционно-технических проблем, с которыми могут столкнуться владельцы принтера Xerox 6600, — это ошибка 092 673. Несмотря на то, что эта ошибка может быть довольно раздражающей, она может быть легко исправлена с помощью простых шагов.
Во-первых, важно понять, что означает ошибка 092 673. Обычно она указывает на проблему с картриджем принтера или с самим картриджем. Возможно, он не правильно установлен или не работает должным образом. Также возможна проблема с печатающим блоком или соприкосновением этих компонентов.
Первым шагом для исправления ошибки 092 673 является проверка правильности установки картриджа. Убедитесь, что картридж правильно установлен и хорошо прилегает к месту. Если он неправильно установлен или не соприкасается с печатающим блоком, исправьте это. Проверьте также состояние картриджа — возможно, он поврежден или истек срок службы. В этом случае замените картридж на новый.
Если проверка установки картриджа не помогла, следующим шагом может быть проверка печатающего блока. Убедитесь, что он находится в правильном положении и не имеет видимых повреждений. Если у вас есть дополнительный печатающий блок, попробуйте его установить и проверить, решит ли это проблему. Если же проблема остается, возможно, потребуется заменить печатающий блок или обратиться за помощью к специалисту.
- Причины и возможные решения
- Шаг 1: Проверка соединений и кабелей
- Шаг 2: Перезагрузка принтера
- Шаг 3: Обновление прошивки принтера
- Шаг 4: Обратитесь к технической поддержке
Причины и возможные решения
- Проблемы с картриджами: Одной из основных причин ошибки 092 673 на принтере Xerox 6600 является не правильно установленный или поврежденный картридж. Для исправления этой проблемы следует проверить, что картридж правильно установлен и нет повреждений.
- Прошивка принтера: Иногда эта ошибка может быть вызвана проблемами с прошивкой принтера. Решением может быть обновление текущей прошивки до последней версии, которая может содержать исправления для известных проблем.
- Порты и подключения: Неправильные настройки портов или проблемы с подключением могут вызывать ошибку 092 673. Убедитесь, что все кабели правильно подключены и что настройки портов в принтере и компьютере совпадают.
- Загрязнение принтера: Если внутри принтера накапливается пыль или другие загрязнения, они могут привести к возникновению ошибки. Регулярная очистка принтера поможет предотвратить эту проблему.
- Дефекты внутренних частей принтера: Некоторые внутренние части принтера могут иметь физические дефекты, которые могут привести к возникновению ошибки 092 673. В этом случае, обратитесь к специалисту для выполнения ремонта или замены деталей.
Примечание: Если после выполнения всех возможных решений проблема с ошибкой 092 673 на принтере Xerox 6600 не устраняется, рекомендуется обратиться в службу поддержки Xerox для получения дополнительной помощи и консультации.
Шаг 1: Проверка соединений и кабелей
Перед тем как приступить к устранению ошибки 092 673 на принтере Xerox 6600, стоит проверить все соединения и кабели. Часто проблема может быть вызвана неправильным подключением или повреждением кабелей.
Выполните следующие действия для проверки соединений и кабелей:
- Убедитесь, что принтер подключен к источнику питания и включен. Проверьте, что сетевой кабель надежно подключен к принтеру и к сетевому разъему.
- Если принтер подключен к компьютеру через USB-кабель, проверьте, что кабель надежно подключен к обоим устройствам. Попробуйте подключить кабель к другому порту USB на компьютере для проверки.
- Проверьте, что кабель Ethernet (сетевой кабель) надежно подключен к принтеру и сети. Удостоверьтесь, что все светодиодные индикаторы на сетевом разъеме горят или мигают в соответствии с инструкцией к принтеру.
Если все соединения и кабели проверены и надежно подключены, перейдите к следующему шагу.
Шаг 2: Перезагрузка принтера
Если вы получили ошибку 092 673 на принтере Xerox 6600, одним из первых шагов, которые стоит попробовать, является перезагрузка устройства. Это простое действие может решить множество проблем, включая ошибку 092 673.
Чтобы перезагрузить принтер Xerox 6600, выполните следующие шаги:
- Проверьте, что принтер включен, и нажмите кнопку «Выключить».
- После выключения принтера отсоедините его от источника питания. Для этого вытащите штекер из розетки или удалите вилку из блока питания.
- Оставьте принтер отключенным на несколько минут. Это поможет сбросить любые временные ошибки.
- Подключите принтер обратно к источнику питания.
- Нажмите кнопку «Включить» на принтере, чтобы включить его.
После перезагрузки принтера проверьте, исчезла ли ошибка 092 673. Если ошибка все еще присутствует, перейдите к следующему шагу решения проблемы.
Шаг 3: Обновление прошивки принтера
Обновление прошивки принтера может помочь в исправлении ошибки 092 673 на принтере Xerox 6600. В прошивке принтера содержится программное обеспечение, которое контролирует его работу и функции. Обновление прошивки принтера поможет в исправлении ошибок и улучшении производительности.
Чтобы обновить прошивку принтера Xerox 6600, выполните следующие шаги:
- Перейдите на официальный сайт производителя Xerox и найдите раздел поддержки.
- В разделе поддержки найдите модель вашего принтера Xerox 6600 и перейдите на страницу загрузок.
- На странице загрузок найдите раздел «Прошивка» или «Фирменное программное обеспечение».
- Выберите последнюю доступную версию прошивки и скачайте ее на компьютер.
- Распакуйте загруженный файл прошивки, если он находится в архиве.
- Скопируйте файл прошивки на USB-флешку или другой устройство с возможностью подключения к принтеру.
- Вставьте USB-флешку или подключите другое устройство к принтеру.
- В меню принтера найдите раздел «Обновление прошивки» или «Менеджер прошивки».
- Выберите опцию «Обновить прошивку» и следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы загрузить новую прошивку с USB-флешки или другого устройства.
- Дождитесь завершения обновления прошивки.
- Перезагрузите принтер и проверьте, исправилась ли ошибка 092 673.
Обновление прошивки принтера может занять некоторое время, поэтому будьте терпеливыми. Если ошибка 092 673 продолжает возникать после обновления прошивки, обратитесь в сервисный центр Xerox для получения дополнительной помощи.
Шаг 4: Обратитесь к технической поддержке
Если после выполнения всех предыдущих шагов проблема с ошибкой 092 673 на принтере Xerox 6600 не устраняется, следует обратиться к технической поддержке. Они смогут предложить дополнительные рекомендации и помочь в решении проблемы.
Для обращения к технической поддержке можно воспользоваться следующими способами:
- Позвонить по указанному на официальном сайте Xerox номеру технической поддержки. Указывайте подробности о возникшей ошибке и результаты выполненных ранее шагов.
- Написать электронное письмо в службу поддержки, описав проблему и приложив все необходимые данные (информацию о принтере, модели, серийном номере и т. д.).
- Воспользоваться онлайн-чатом для связи с консультантом технической поддержки. Этот метод наиболее удобен для быстрого получения ответа или уточнения деталей.
Техническая поддержка Xerox сможет предложить дополнительные инструкции по устранению проблемы или запланировать визит специалиста на место для ремонта принтера.
Не рекомендуется пытаться самостоятельно разбирать и ремонтировать принтер без консультации специалиста, так как это может привести к ещё большей неисправности или повреждению устройства.
How to Fix Dell Printer Error Code 092-673
How to Fix Dell Printer Error Code 092-673 – With the changing time, technology is also evolving. Experts are continuously innovating and coming up with new printing techniques and printers as well. Among all Dell is the most renowned and reliable brand that delivers top-quality printers which deliver gratifying printing experience to the users. The additional service and the quality of these printers are praised by people around the world. It a electronic device and these device are prone to encounter issues and one of the is Error Code 092-673. If you want to know How to Fix Dell Printer Error Code 092-673, then you are at the right place.
Dell printers are famous for their low cost printing and quality output but at times people have reported technical issues with these printers such as Error Code 092-673. These errors can be annoying and frustrating at the same time. This error is also known as calibrating patch errors and these are pretty common with the few models of the Dell printers. If you are a victim of this and want to know How to Fix Dell Printer Error Code 092-673, then we got you covered. We are specially trained experts and through this blog, by Tech Support expert we will provide you ways by which you can easily get this issue resolved.
We have a team of top-class technical experts who are well-versed with all the Dell printer-related issues. These experts are highly trained in the respective fields and proficient to provide quick resolutions to resolve any technical problem or glitch. So without wasting any further time let’s move on to the methods by which you can get rid of the Error Code 092-673. Let’s start.
If you are encountering any sort of error with your gadgets to you want to inquire more about us then you just simply need to dial our toll-free number 800-742-9005 or you can also send us your queries via email at support@techsupportexpert.com.
Troubleshooting Steps to Fix Dell Printer Error Code 092-673
Dell printers are famous for their high speed, low cost, and quality printing. These printers are among the best printing devices around the world that deliver a remarkable printing experience to the user. One can print a lot by sending only a little amount. But single-issue known as Error Code 092-673 ruins all the printing experience and leaves a bad impact on the users. This error is common and also known as calibrating patch errors. Luckily there are few steps by which one can easily resolve this issue. So follow the below-mentioned steps if you are the one who is facing this error.
Method 1: Clean ROS
To avoid the decline of the quality of printing caused as a result of strains inside the Dell printer, one need to regularly clear the Dell printer from inside. You just need to carefully clean the printer by using a cleaning bar while replacing the drum cartridges.
Follow the steps to perform this method:
- On the right and side, open the spread
- Now to open the waste toner box turn the toner box lock almost 90 degrees counterclockwise.
- Once done, take a firm grip on the waste toner box and pull it out of the box making sure to grab it straight to avoid spilling of the waste toner box.
- Remove the waste toner box by standing straight on a plain surface.
- Remove the cleaning bar from inside the printer.
- Place the clearing bar into any of the four openings till it clicks and pulls it out completely.
- Repeat the last step in the exact same manner in the other three remaining openings. One minute insertion is ample for each opening.
Method 2: Clean CTD Sensor
The second method to get the Error Code 092-673 resolves is to clean the CTD sensors. Follow the below-mentioned steps to perform this method:
- The first step is to make sure that your Dell printer is turned off completely.
- The next thing is to open the back cover by pushing the latch in a downward direction.
- Now open the cover on the right-hand side.
- Once opened, unlock the waste toner box by turning the lock lever around 90 degrees counterclockwise.
- Now pill out the waste toner box by holding the handle of the box. Be careful with this and make sure to keep it upright during the process to avoid unnecessary spilling of the waste toner.
- Place the box in an upright position on a plain surface.
- Open the operation panel and lift the topmost cover on the printer.
- Hold the transfer belt by putting the fingers in the loops and carefully pill it out.
- At last by using dry cotton or cloth clean the CTD sensor
Get Quick Solutions Related to Dell Printers
So these are some of the methods by which one can get rid of these issues. These methods are tested and accurate. Bu following these methods in the exact same order, one can easily resolves the Dell Printer Error Code 092-673. In the future as well if you face any technical error with Dell printers or you encounter any other tech issues with your gadget then don’t hesitate to contact Tech Support Expert for help. Dial our toll-free number dial 800-742-9005 from your mobile and get real-time and quick solutions against all your technical problems. You can also write to us at support@techsupportexpert.com.
Модератор: kvg
- Разобрал струйный принтер
Andreyak777 » Ср дек 03, 2014 1:34 pm
То, что другие люди говорят обо мне, никак не характеризует меня. Зато отлично характеризует их.
- Избран тонером
nihum » Ср дек 03, 2014 5:54 pm
- Разобрал струйный принтер
gil1908 » Ср янв 14, 2015 9:25 am
pc-porta писал(а):Здравствуйте . я Статиком заправляю . 60 грамм на цветники стандартной ёмкости (3К страниц), 70 грамм на чёрный . И 100 грамм цветники увеличенной ёмкости (6K страниц), 120 грамм на чёрный . Универсальные тонеры для SAM и XEROX не прокатывают — ибо мажут и цветы блеклые . чипаки меняю , до НГ и всяких удорожаний стоили по 3$ за штуку , щас не вкурсе насколько подорожали.
Час также стоят. Но зарплату получаем в рублях, а доллар не падает
- Заправил картридж
- Персональный альбом
ОргТехСервис » Чт окт 15, 2015 3:33 pm
pc-porta писал(а):Здравствуйте . я Статиком заправляю . 60 грамм на цветники стандартной ёмкости (3К страниц), 70 грамм на чёрный . И 100 грамм цветники увеличенной ёмкости (6K страниц), 120 грамм на чёрный . Универсальные тонеры для SAM и XEROX не прокатывают — ибо мажут и цветы блеклые . чипаки меняю , до НГ и всяких удорожаний стоили по 3$ за штуку , щас не вкурсе насколько подорожали.
Здравствуйте. А каким тонером заправляете для Xerox 6600/6605 или совместимый?
- Осматривается
pc-porta » Чт окт 15, 2015 5:16 pm
ATM GOLD пасер 6125 — 6180 — система печати двух компонентная (тонер и девелоп в одном флаконе) . Статик уже не покупаю — дороговат стал дофига — и ну его нафиг .
Картридж и внешне схож с Пасер 6125 — один в один , тока побольше в 4-5 раз стал
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dmitrkv » Ср окт 28, 2015 11:22 pm
pc-porta писал(а):не пролетите = не парьтесь . Статик уже тоже потделывают = не парьтесь .
Спасибо за совет, если ещё кините контакты поставшика, буду премного благодарен.
Добавлено спустя 5 минут 37 секунд:
xerox 6600 заправка
Вопрос по статику есть ещё такой: разница между Одисеем и обычным какая? Мы сыпем в НР 1215 и т.д. статик Одисей в малой фасовке, хотели брать по 1кг, но он только обычный, а качество — клиент требует глянец на цвете, что в первом случае получается. Есть у кого статистика работы по цвету со статиком?
- Не испугался и подошел к тонеру
- Персональный альбом
dmitrkv » Ср ноя 18, 2015 5:45 am
VamDam писал(а):Одиссей — специально разработанный тонер под конкретную модель. Этот тонер по всем параметрам лучше оригинального.
Не одиссей — 2я версия тонера для цветных хп (OS2), тонер универсальный — подходит к широкой линейке аппаратов hp, по параметрам чуть хуже — в разных моделях может давать различный результат. Однако, тоже весьма хорош.
…SC планировала выпускать 3ю версию универсального тонера OS3, улучшенную (относительно OS2).
Спасибо большое за квалифицированный ответ, теперь всё понятно. Если есть источник, где можно почитать про это поподробней — кинтье ссылку плз.
- Не испугался и подошел к тонеру
- Персональный альбом
- Xerox WC 3119: «Замятие 1»
kokubenko в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
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Ср ноя 23, 2011 4:47 pm
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tekknik в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
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Чт окт 08, 2020 11:34 pm
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Сб апр 30, 2011 8:05 am
- прошил xerox 3160b прошивкой FIX_b2580_1010079.fls не прошил
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Re: Xerox WC 6605/Phaser6600/ Dell 2660dn 092-671 «Reseat M Toner and M Drum» error
Originally Posted by Claudiu.D
How do you get in the admin menu to disable «Drum initialization» if you get error 092-671 ?
Thank youWhile holding number key 2 and 8 , turn the printer on.
- Rep Power
- 7
Re: Xerox WC 6605/Phaser6600/ Dell 2660dn 092-671 «Reseat M Toner and M Drum» error
Update 3:
I have to report that error is back 092-673..Does anyone have any ideas or things to try out?
- Rep Power
- 7
Re: Xerox WC 6605/Phaser6600/ Dell 2660dn 092-671 «Reseat M Toner and M Drum» error
Update 4:
I took back drum a part and cleaned it well.. Using medical alcohol cleaned OPC drum, transfer drum, rubber blades, wast bin drive.. To be honest it looked fine in the first place since it only has 20,000 pages printed on it.. And after all of this, I still get 092-673 error…any ideas what else should I try?
Junior Member
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- 0
Re: Xerox WC 6605/Phaser6600/ Dell 2660dn 092-671 «Reseat M Toner and M Drum» error
Originally Posted by svastarija
Update 3:
I have to report that error is back 092-673..Does anyone have any ideas or things to try out?
I have received my new Cyan dispenser assembly. It is essentially 2 augers at right angles that feeds toner from toner cartridge to the drum. Presumably the toner becomes caked inside the tube and the auger becomes full and despite it turning the toner doesnt get pushed thru the tube. There are spring loaded cover doors where the toner cartridge connects and another one where the drum connects. You could try something flexible like copper wire or nylon fishing line that had a small ball on the end that you could push thru these doors in along auger space. Not sure how far you would get and whether you could do it in situ. If there was going to be a likely spot for a blockage I would think it could occur where there is a 90 degree change in direction where one auger tube sits across the other. This is quite some distance from the entry or exit doors.
If you decide to disassemble your printer to get at the dispenser assembly, once out it is quite easy to take apart the dispenser auger tubes to clean them. they just clip together. So you probably may not need a new dispenser assembly as long as all the gears and augers are turning.
Just my thoughts ………. havent got around to taking my CP405d apart yet.
Junior Member
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- 0
Re: Xerox WC 6605/Phaser6600/ Dell 2660dn 092-671 «Reseat M Toner and M Drum» error
Next Chapter — C error, Check Toner C & DrumError 092-672 Fuli Xerox CP405D docuprint ( same physical machine as Phaser 6600)
Replaced the Cyan dispenser assembly ( couldnt find anything physically wrong with the old one- augered thru toner when turned)
Started up printer and same error.
Found a Phaser 6600 service manual online. Checked out this error and proposed solution:
basically isCyan Patch Error
Error Details — IOT could not recovery toner density
Page 303 of service manual- for procedure to follow
shake toner
replace toner,
then clean contacts on drum and reseat,
replace drum ( imaging unit)
replace MCU circuit boardnothing about dispenser assembly.
So replaced toner cartridge — no luck.
To replace the imaging units on this device you have to buy all the drums (x4)Replaced Cyan imaging unit-
I notice that on the new imaging unit there is a chip. There is no chip on the original imaging units.
Restarted and now got the correponding yellow patch error 092-670
replaced yellow imaging units and now error free and printing. (running 2 old drums and 2 new drums)Do I have to replace all drums at once and is there an admin setting to reset a counter?
on all my reading there doesnt seem to be a practical outline of what causes this error «Error Details — IOT could not recovery toner density» is not meaningfull unless someone can explain. ( Other than its generic toner cartridges)
- Rep Power
- 15
Re: Xerox WC 6605/Phaser6600/ Dell 2660dn 092-671 «Reseat M Toner and M Drum» error
Originally Posted by ocular
Next Chapter — C error, Check Toner C & DrumError 092-672 Fuli Xerox CP405D docuprint ( same physical machine as Phaser 6600)
Replaced the Cyan dispenser assembly ( couldnt find anything physically wrong with the old one- augered thru toner when turned)
Started up printer and same error.
Found a Phaser 6600 service manual online. Checked out this error and proposed solution:
basically isCyan Patch Error
Error Details — IOT could not recovery toner density
Page 303 of service manual- for procedure to follow
shake toner
replace toner,
then clean contacts on drum and reseat,
replace drum ( imaging unit)
replace MCU circuit boardnothing about dispenser assembly.
So replaced toner cartridge — no luck.
To replace the imaging units on this device you have to buy all the drums (x4)Replaced Cyan imaging unit-
I notice that on the new imaging unit there is a chip. There is no chip on the original imaging units.
Restarted and now got the correponding yellow patch error 092-670
replaced yellow imaging units and now error free and printing. (running 2 old drums and 2 new drums)Do I have to replace all drums at once and is there an admin setting to reset a counter?
on all my reading there doesnt seem to be a practical outline of what causes this error «Error Details — IOT could not recovery toner density» is not meaningfull unless someone can explain. ( Other than its generic toner cartridges)
Hy haloo .Im having the problem with machine Xerox wc 6605dn with error yellow test patch error 092-670.I clean the tube of toner line from cartridge to drum and i have seame problem.I look that i have the error and when i power on before they show me the error no rotate the gear for ading the toner.If i can how can i add toner from the service menu
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Re: Xerox WC 6605/Phaser6600/ Dell 2660dn 092-671 «Reseat M Toner and M Drum» error
Have you been using non genuine cartridges? There does not seem to be as easy solution to this problem. Putting in new drums will make the problem go away for the time being but it will return if you continue to use non genuine cartridges. Not sure if this is detected via a chip on the machine or what. Some say it is because the non genuine toner cartridges leak a lot of dust and then mess up the sensors. If this is the case — taking everthing out and cleaning all the internals ( ?compressed air) may help but I have no experience. I have 2 Xerox retired machines and moved to Brother HL-L8260CDW and haven’t looked back.
Phaser 6600 Error Code List
Chain Link
IOT K Toner Type
IOT X Toner Life
IOT X Toner Life
IOT X Toner Life
IOT X Toner Life
Xerox Internal Use Only
Error Details
Detect Black CRUM Error
Detect K Toner CRUM ID
Black Toner Type Error
Detect Yellow CRUM
Detect Magenta CRUM
Detect Cyan CRUM Error
Detect Y Toner CRUM ID
Detect M Toner CRUM
ID Warning
Control Panel Messages
Blk — CRUM Error
Reseat Cartridge
Error 093-925
Reseat Cartridge
Invalid Black
Blk — Type Error
Reseat Cartridge
Error 093-928
Reseat Cartridge
Replace Yellow Cartridge
Replace Magenta Cartridge
Replace Cyan Cartridge
Replace Black Cartridge
Y — CRUM Error
Reseat Cartridge
Error 093-950
Reseat Cartridge
M — CRUM Error
Reseat Cartridge
Error 093-951
Reseat Cartridge
C — CRUM Error
Reseat Cartridge
Error 093-952
Reseat Cartridge
Invalid Yellow
Invalid Magenta
Phaser 6600 and WorkCentre 6605
Error Troubleshooting
FIP location
Page 2-187
Page 2-188
Page 2-188
Replace the
Yellow Toner
Replace the
Replace the
Cyan Toner
Replace the
Black Toner
Page 2-184
Page 2-185
Page 2-186
Page 2-187
Page 2-188
Service Manual
092-670 to 673, 092-675 to 678 ADC Patch Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.9 ADC and Environment Sensing, BSD 9.4 Development (1 of 2).
092-670 The yellow ADC electric patch is abnormally light or a fault in the ADC sensor was detected.
092-671 The magenta ADC electric patch is abnormally light or a fault in the ADC sensor was detected.
092-672 The cyan ADC electric patch is abnormally light or a fault in the ADC sensor was detected.
092-673 The black ADC electric patch is abnormally light or a fault in the ADC sensor was detected.
092-675 The yellow ADC tone patch is abnormally light or a fault in the ADC sensor was detected.
092-676 The yellow ADC tone patch is abnormally light or a fault in the ADC sensor was detected.
092-677 The yellow ADC tone patch is abnormally light or a fault in the ADC sensor was detected.
092-678 The yellow ADC tone patch is abnormally light or a fault in the ADC sensor was detected.
Initial Actions
• Perform IQ1 to check for a low density color or white vertical streaks image quality defect.
• Enter dC125. Check for the below faults and perform the applicable procedures as necessary:
– 042-325 Main Motor Fail RAP
– 043-342 Sub Motor Fail RAP
– 061-xxx(061-354 061-358) LPH System Fail RAPs
– 089-xxx(089-600 089-601 089-604 089-616 089-617) Registration Control System Failure RAPs
– 093-400, 093-406 to 093-409 Toner Cartridge Near End of Life RAP
– 094-420, 094-422 IBT Belt Unit / 2nd BTR Roll End of Life RAP
WARNING: Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the fault persists, replace a new cartridge CRUM (toner chip or drum chip) listed as below or install new components as necessary:
• MOB ADC sensor assembly, PL 90.40 Item 6. Enter dC675, perform the registration control setup cycle.
• IBT belt unit, PL 90.45 Item 1.
NOTE: Following installation of the new IBT belt unit, enter dC135 code 954-820 to reset the HFSI value for the BTR Unit.
• IBT cleaner, PL 90.45 Item 2.
• Toner cartridge:
– Black toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 13.
– Yellow toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 10.
– Magenta toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 11.
– Cyan toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 12.
• Drum cartridge:
– Black drum cartridge, PL 90.20 Item 5.
– Yellow drum cartridge, PL 90.20 Item 8.
– Magenta drum cartridge, PL 90.20 Item 7.
– Cyan drum cartridge, PL 90.20 Item 6.
• LPH, PL 60.35 Item 1.
– Black LPH FFC, PL 60.35 Item 4.
– Cyan LPH FFC, PL 60.35 Item 5.
– Magenta LPH FFC, PL 60.35 Item 6.
– Yellow LPH FFC, PL 60.35 Item 7.
• HVPS, PL 1.05 Item 7.
• Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 4.
**This RAP is from Xerox Service Manual. All brand names and trademarks are their respective owner’s property.**
You may be also interested in below toner and drum chip (CRUM) for Xerox VersaLink C7020, C7025, C7030, C7000.
Toner Chip (For North America and West Europe Region):
• 106R03741 106R03744 106R03743 106R03742
• 106R03757 106R03760 106R03759 106R03758
• 106R03737 106R03740 106R03739 106R03738
Toner Chip (For South America and East Europe Region):
• 106R03749 106R03752 106R03751 106R03750
• 106R03745 106R03748 106R03747 106R03746
• 106R03765 106R03768 106R03767 106R03766
Toner Chip (For Metered Machine):
• 106R03733 106R03736 106R03735 106R03734
Drum Chip:
• 113R00780 113R00782
How to Fix Dell Printer Error Code 092-673
How to Fix Dell Printer Error Code 092-673 – With the changing time, technology is also evolving. Experts are continuously innovating and coming up with new printing techniques and printers as well. Among all Dell is the most renowned and reliable brand that delivers top-quality printers which deliver gratifying printing experience to the users. The additional service and the quality of these printers are praised by people around the world. It a electronic device and these device are prone to encounter issues and one of the is Error Code 092-673. If you want to know How to Fix Dell Printer Error Code 092-673, then you are at the right place.
Dell printers are famous for their low cost printing and quality output but at times people have reported technical issues with these printers such as Error Code 092-673. These errors can be annoying and frustrating at the same time. This error is also known as calibrating patch errors and these are pretty common with the few models of the Dell printers. If you are a victim of this and want to know How to Fix Dell Printer Error Code 092-673, then we got you covered. We are specially trained experts and through this blog, by Tech Support expert we will provide you ways by which you can easily get this issue resolved.
We have a team of top-class technical experts who are well-versed with all the Dell printer-related issues. These experts are highly trained in the respective fields and proficient to provide quick resolutions to resolve any technical problem or glitch. So without wasting any further time let’s move on to the methods by which you can get rid of the Error Code 092-673. Let’s start.
If you are encountering any sort of error with your gadgets to you want to inquire more about us then you just simply need to dial our toll-free number 800-742-9005 or you can also send us your queries via email at support@techsupportexpert.com.
Troubleshooting Steps to Fix Dell Printer Error Code 092-673
Dell printers are famous for their high speed, low cost, and quality printing. These printers are among the best printing devices around the world that deliver a remarkable printing experience to the user. One can print a lot by sending only a little amount. But single-issue known as Error Code 092-673 ruins all the printing experience and leaves a bad impact on the users. This error is common and also known as calibrating patch errors. Luckily there are few steps by which one can easily resolve this issue. So follow the below-mentioned steps if you are the one who is facing this error.
Method 1: Clean ROS
To avoid the decline of the quality of printing caused as a result of strains inside the Dell printer, one need to regularly clear the Dell printer from inside. You just need to carefully clean the printer by using a cleaning bar while replacing the drum cartridges.
Follow the steps to perform this method:
- On the right and side, open the spread
- Now to open the waste toner box turn the toner box lock almost 90 degrees counterclockwise.
- Once done, take a firm grip on the waste toner box and pull it out of the box making sure to grab it straight to avoid spilling of the waste toner box.
- Remove the waste toner box by standing straight on a plain surface.
- Remove the cleaning bar from inside the printer.
- Place the clearing bar into any of the four openings till it clicks and pulls it out completely.
- Repeat the last step in the exact same manner in the other three remaining openings. One minute insertion is ample for each opening.
Method 2: Clean CTD Sensor
The second method to get the Error Code 092-673 resolves is to clean the CTD sensors. Follow the below-mentioned steps to perform this method:
- The first step is to make sure that your Dell printer is turned off completely.
- The next thing is to open the back cover by pushing the latch in a downward direction.
- Now open the cover on the right-hand side.
- Once opened, unlock the waste toner box by turning the lock lever around 90 degrees counterclockwise.
- Now pill out the waste toner box by holding the handle of the box. Be careful with this and make sure to keep it upright during the process to avoid unnecessary spilling of the waste toner.
- Place the box in an upright position on a plain surface.
- Open the operation panel and lift the topmost cover on the printer.
- Hold the transfer belt by putting the fingers in the loops and carefully pill it out.
- At last by using dry cotton or cloth clean the CTD sensor
Get Quick Solutions Related to Dell Printers
So these are some of the methods by which one can get rid of these issues. These methods are tested and accurate. Bu following these methods in the exact same order, one can easily resolves the Dell Printer Error Code 092-673. In the future as well if you face any technical error with Dell printers or you encounter any other tech issues with your gadget then don’t hesitate to contact Tech Support Expert for help. Dial our toll-free number dial 800-742-9005 from your mobile and get real-time and quick solutions against all your technical problems. You can also write to us at support@techsupportexpert.com.
Xerox WC 6605/Phaser6600/ Dell 2660dn 092-671 «Reseat M Toner and M Drum» error
Xerox WC 6605/Phaser6600/ Dell C2660dn/C2665dn 092-671 error code
ErrorCode 092-671 «Reseat M Toner and M Drum» signifies:
Magenta Patch Error/IOT could not recover toner density.Steps we already did:
cleaned the ROS windows for each drum
reseated the magenta drum and toner
Cleaned the CTD Sensor
replaced M toner cartridge
replaced M drum (all 4 drums actually since they come in a kit)After replacing the magenta drum unit——the error went away but came back again after only 2 days.
Customer is using LD Products generic color toners.
Based on the unit working for a couple days and how toner is supplied to the drums:
Upper Dispenser Motor Assembly (PL5.1.1) drives the paddle in the Toner Cartridge and the auger of
the Dispenser Assembly and feeds toner to the development section in the Imaging UnitNow suspect that Magenta toner is not supplied to the drum. Probable bad toner dispenser unit or auger not turning. The motor drives both Magenta and Yellow, so since the Yellow drum is not giving an error………..the motor is most probably fine and the dispenser unit for magenta has failed.Remarks/Comments appreciated. Thanks.
Last edited by blazebusiness; 03-09-2019 at 07:34 PM.
Anything can be made to work if you fiddle with it long enough- San Diego Copier Repair.com
Re: Xerox WC 6605/Phaser6600/ Dell 2660dn 092-671 «Reseat M Toner and M Drum» error
my boss ( cheap ass ) pushed most of our customers to LD or Clover….
I spent TOO much time chasing these pieces of shit.i know LD is touted as a ‘good’ cart.. don’t believe it.
are you supplying them or is customer?
are they on a maintenance plan? if so.. void it.. you will waste time-gas-resources and hair if he continues this practice.
Re: Xerox WC 6605/Phaser6600/ Dell 2660dn 092-671 «Reseat M Toner and M Drum» error
Originally Posted by Phil B.
my boss ( cheap ass ) pushed most of our customers to LD or Clover….
I spent TOO much time chasing these pieces of shit.i know LD is touted as a ‘good’ cart.. don’t believe it.
are you supplying them or is customer?
are they on a maintenance plan? if so.. void it.. you will waste time-gas-resources and hair if he continues this practice.No maint agreement…….Customer is buying their own toner from LD Products ————not from us. You and I both know that the generics are a huge savings but do not come without risk. Obviously oem is the way to go. It is certainly possible that the generic toner provoked this. Hard to know for sure.
Anything can be made to work if you fiddle with it long enough- San Diego Copier Repair.com
Re: Xerox WC 6605/Phaser6600/ Dell 2660dn 092-671 «Reseat M Toner and M Drum» error
Originally Posted by blazebusiness
No maint agreement…….Customer is buying their own toner from LD Products ————not from us. You and I both know that the generics are a huge savings but do not come without risk. Obviously oem is the way to go. It is certainly possible that the generic toner provoked this. Hard to know for sure.
Get into toner supply to dev.
More than likely its clogged..had this on 3. 6605’s @ NCDOJ. THEY got really pissed and dropped us & LD as soon as I got machines running..
The I got razzed from boss for talking shit about the toners he sold them.Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Re: Xerox WC 6605/Phaser6600/ Dell 2660dn 092-671 «Reseat M Toner and M Drum» error
Originally Posted by Phil B.
Get into toner supply to dev.
More than likely its clogged..had this on 3. 6605’s @ NCDOJ. THEY got really pissed and dropped us & LD as soon as I got machines running..
The I got razzed from boss for talking shit about the toners he sold them.Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
By getting into toner supply for developer I assume you mean removing the:
Disp Assy- M (Dispenser Assembly — M) part# 094K93422 and checking for blockage/clogs. Problem is it will be very labor intensive —customer probably won’t want to pay that much for labor and a lot of stuff has to be removed (see below)
Dispenser Assemblies Y, M, C, K
Note: The Dispenser Assemblies must be removed in order from the bottom, K, C, M, Y .
1. Remove the Toner Cartridges Y, M, C, K. (page 4-37)
2. Remove the Transfer Belt Assembly. (page 4-38)
3. Remove the Imaging Units Y, M, C, K. (page 4-48)
4. Remove the Upper Dispenser Motor Assembly. (page 4-27)
5. Remove the Bypass Tray Frame Assembly. (page 4-65)
6. Disengage the connector of the Dispenser Assembly K.
7. Remove the three screws (silver, tapping, 8mm) that attach the Dispenser Assembly K and pull the
Dispenser Assembly K to the front while pressing the lug on the left side inward with a screwdriver.
8. Remove the two screws (silver, tapping, 8mm) that attach the Frame Duct (PL4.1.1) to the printer
and remove the duct.
9. Disengage the connectors connected to the Dispenser Assemblies in the order of C, M, and Y.
Remove the three screws (silver, tapping, 8mm) that attach each Dispenser Assembly, and pull the
Dispenser Assemblies to the front in the order of C, M, and Y while pressing the lug on the left side
inward with a screwdriver.
s6600-I’ll probably just recommend an affordable replacement unit. Appreciate the time you spent responding. Thanks.
Anything can be made to work if you fiddle with it long enough- San Diego Copier Repair.com
Re: Xerox WC 6605/Phaser6600/ Dell 2660dn 092-671 «Reseat M Toner and M Drum» error
Originally Posted by blazebusiness
By getting into toner supply for developer I assume you mean removing the:
Disp Assy- M (Dispenser Assembly — M) part# 094K93422 and checking for blockage/clogs. Problem is it will be very labor intensive —customer probably won’t want to pay that much for labor and a lot of stuff has to be removed (see below)
Dispenser Assemblies Y, M, C, K
Note: The Dispenser Assemblies must be removed in order from the bottom, K, C, M, Y .
1. Remove the Toner Cartridges Y, M, C, K. (page 4-37)
2. Remove the Transfer Belt Assembly. (page 4-38)
3. Remove the Imaging Units Y, M, C, K. (page 4-48)
4. Remove the Upper Dispenser Motor Assembly. (page 4-27)
5. Remove the Bypass Tray Frame Assembly. (page 4-65)
6. Disengage the connector of the Dispenser Assembly K.
7. Remove the three screws (silver, tapping, 8mm) that attach the Dispenser Assembly K and pull the
Dispenser Assembly K to the front while pressing the lug on the left side inward with a screwdriver.
8. Remove the two screws (silver, tapping, 8mm) that attach the Frame Duct (PL4.1.1) to the printer
and remove the duct.
9. Disengage the connectors connected to the Dispenser Assemblies in the order of C, M, and Y.
Remove the three screws (silver, tapping, 8mm) that attach each Dispenser Assembly, and pull the
Dispenser Assemblies to the front in the order of C, M, and Y while pressing the lug on the left side
inward with a screwdriver.
s6600-I’ll probably just recommend an affordable replacement unit. Appreciate the time you spent responding. Thanks.
Yeah well.. WHEN did you ever see Xerox making it easy or cheap on any repair…?
Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Trusted Tech
50+ Posts
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Re: Xerox WC 6605/Phaser6600/ Dell 2660dn 092-671 «Reseat M Toner and M Drum» error
Dispense assemblies only 60 minute job, no need to remove main drive (just 2 furthest screws to right so you can bend out the main drive a bit to remove bypass frame assembly), just need to make sure you re-seat them properly in the frame when you put dispensers back in. Long screwdriver helps.
- Rep Power
- 7
Re: Xerox WC 6605/Phaser6600/ Dell 2660dn 092-671 «Reseat M Toner and M Drum» error
I am having the same issues with Dell C2665dnf which is xerox 6605. My error is 092-673. I am going to give it try and disamble K Dispenser Assemblies. Very tempted to use air compressor and see if anything is stuck in black toner feeding tube.Found this video (link below) which at one point shows Dispenser Assemblies steps.
Re: Xerox WC 6605/Phaser6600/ Dell 2660dn 092-671 «Reseat M Toner and M Drum» error
Originally Posted by svastarija
I am having the same issues with Dell C2665dnf which is xerox 6605. My error is 092-673. I am going to give it try and disamble K Dispenser Assemblies. Very tempted to use air compressor and see if anything is stuck in black toner feeding tube.Found this video (link below) which at one point shows Dispenser Assemblies steps.
YouTubeNO FUCKING COMPRESSED AIR!!! you will be cleaning up a BIG mess!
use a 3M copier tech VAC.
- Rep Power
- 7
Re: Xerox WC 6605/Phaser6600/ Dell 2660dn 092-671 «Reseat M Toner and M Drum» error
So in admin menu disable «Drum initialization» settings. And now I get new meesage The Black Drum Cartridge is not correctly installed. :091-921
I did try this as well with no luck..
092-670 to 673, 092-675 to 678 ADC Patch Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.9 ADC and Environment Sensing, BSD 9.4 Development (1 of 2).
092-670 The yellow ADC electric patch is abnormally light or a fault in the ADC sensor was detected.
092-671 The magenta ADC electric patch is abnormally light or a fault in the ADC sensor was detected.
092-672 The cyan ADC electric patch is abnormally light or a fault in the ADC sensor was detected.
092-673 The black ADC electric patch is abnormally light or a fault in the ADC sensor was detected.
092-675 The yellow ADC tone patch is abnormally light or a fault in the ADC sensor was detected.
092-676 The yellow ADC tone patch is abnormally light or a fault in the ADC sensor was detected.
092-677 The yellow ADC tone patch is abnormally light or a fault in the ADC sensor was detected.
092-678 The yellow ADC tone patch is abnormally light or a fault in the ADC sensor was detected.
Initial Actions
• Perform IQ1 to check for a low density color or white vertical streaks image quality defect.
• Enter dC125. Check for the below faults and perform the applicable procedures as necessary:
– 042-325 Main Motor Fail RAP
– 043-342 Sub Motor Fail RAP
– 061-xxx(061-354 061-358) LPH System Fail RAPs
– 089-xxx(089-600 089-601 089-604 089-616 089-617) Registration Control System Failure RAPs
– 093-400, 093-406 to 093-409 Toner Cartridge Near End of Life RAP
– 094-420, 094-422 IBT Belt Unit / 2nd BTR Roll End of Life RAP
WARNING: Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the fault persists, replace a new cartridge CRUM (toner chip or drum chip) listed as below or install new components as necessary:
• MOB ADC sensor assembly, PL 90.40 Item 6. Enter dC675, perform the registration control setup cycle.
• IBT belt unit, PL 90.45 Item 1.
NOTE: Following installation of the new IBT belt unit, enter dC135 code 954-820 to reset the HFSI value for the BTR Unit.
• IBT cleaner, PL 90.45 Item 2.
• Toner cartridge:
– Black toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 13.
– Yellow toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 10.
– Magenta toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 11.
– Cyan toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 12.
• Drum cartridge:
– Black drum cartridge, PL 90.20 Item 5.
– Yellow drum cartridge, PL 90.20 Item 8.
– Magenta drum cartridge, PL 90.20 Item 7.
– Cyan drum cartridge, PL 90.20 Item 6.
• LPH, PL 60.35 Item 1.
– Black LPH FFC, PL 60.35 Item 4.
– Cyan LPH FFC, PL 60.35 Item 5.
– Magenta LPH FFC, PL 60.35 Item 6.
– Yellow LPH FFC, PL 60.35 Item 7.
• HVPS, PL 1.05 Item 7.
• Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 4.
**This RAP is from Xerox Service Manual. All brand names and trademarks are their respective owner’s property.**
You may be also interested in below toner and drum chip (CRUM) for Xerox VersaLink C7020, C7025, C7030, C7000.
Toner Chip (For North America and West Europe Region):
• 106R03741 106R03744 106R03743 106R03742
• 106R03757 106R03760 106R03759 106R03758
• 106R03737 106R03740 106R03739 106R03738
Toner Chip (For South America and East Europe Region):
• 106R03749 106R03752 106R03751 106R03750
• 106R03745 106R03748 106R03747 106R03746
• 106R03765 106R03768 106R03767 106R03766
Toner Chip (For Metered Machine):
• 106R03733 106R03736 106R03735 106R03734
Drum Chip:
• 113R00780 113R00782