Xerox ошибка 077 128

Article Id: 1102507
Published: 09/11/2015

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Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑Такая проблема..
Поступил аппарат с ошибкой «Ориентация/формат бумаги в лотке X отличается от выбранного», выдавал он ее примерно на 5 — 8 листе, после передергивания лотка аппарат продолжал печатать еще столько же листов(когда больше, когда меньше)и снова выдавал эту же ошибку.
Проблема в большинстве случаев решается заменой муфты вала регистрации. Прежде чем заказывать муфту я разбираю аппарат, проверяю все датчики, вычищаю все узлы, ставлю все на место. Проблема остается.
Ставлю новую муфту вала регистрации. Тестирую. Проблема осталась.
Появилась вторая проблема.Пока тестировал пару раз выключал включал аппарат, заднюю крышку не ставил, заметил что после очередного включения не включился вентилятор охлаждения фьюзера но аппарат вошел в готовность, попробовал копировать, лист доходит до вала регистрации и останавливается, копир выдает ошибку замятия (077-106), пока я извлекаю лист копир выдает вторую ошибку (010-398) и просит перезапустить его.Датчик прохода бумаги возле вала регистрации рабочий.Повторно проверил все датчики.
Подскажите куда копать дальше.

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Сообщение magaz_81 » Вт июн 24, 2014 1:03 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑Ошибка «Ориентация/формат бумаги в лотке X отличается от выбранного» появляется при двухсторонней печати, при обычном копировании все нормально. Через листов 50 копирования, когда прогреется, начинает и с дуплексом нормально себя вести.

Добавлено спустя 3 часа 43 минуты 56 секунд:
То ли дело в дуплексе то ли в блоке регистрации не могу понять. Дуплекс перебрал по болтикам, все шестерни и втулки смазал, все ролики почистил.

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077-123 Registration Sensor Jam (Duplex) RAP

BSD-ON: BSD 8.5 Registration
BSD-ON: BSD 10.7 Duplex Transport

077-123 Paper does not actuate the registration sensor in the specified time after the registration clutch in energized in duplex mode.

Initial Actions

Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications.


WARNING: Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:

• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
• GP 8 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.

Perform the steps that follow:

1. Check for obstructions in the paper path.
2. Check the exit 2 roll and nip rolls, PL 10.22 for foreign substances or wear. Clean or install new components as necessary.
3. Check the duplex rolls and nip rolls, PL 80.50 for foreign substances or wear. Clean or install new components as necessary.
4. Enter dC330, code 077-104. Check the registration sensor, PL 80.55 Item 4.
5. Enter dC330, code 077-003. Check the duplex clutch, PL 80.50 Item 28.
6. Enter dC330, code 042-001. Check the sub motor, PL 40.10 Item 11.
7. Enter dC330, code 077-014. Check the exit 2 motor, PL 10.21 Item 4.
8. Check the duplex drive gears and belts, PL 80.50 for wear or damage.
9. Check the drive assembly, PL 40.10 Item 1 for wear or damage.
10. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:

• Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 3.
• ESS PWB, PL 3.10 Item 6.

**This RAP is from Xerox Service Manual. All brand names and trademarks are their respective owner’s property.**

You may be also interested in below toner and drum chip (CRUM) for Xerox VersaLink C7020, C7025, C7030, C7000.

Toner Chip (For North America and West Europe Region):

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Toner Chip (For South America and East Europe Region):

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• 106R03745 106R03748 106R03747 106R03746
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Toner Chip (For Metered Machine):

• 106R03733 106R03736 106R03735 106R03734

Drum Chip:

• 113R00780 113R00782

  1. Previous faults with finisher, seem to be resulting in this 077-129 fault whenever any duplexing is attempted. Any one know a cause/solution?

    A consistent 077-129 fault code — No apparent jams or blockages in paper path. correct and different papers tested… cleaned through… turned off and on several times… still same fault with every trial of a duplex print! Any ideas?:confused:

  2. Sorry don’t know how to fix it, but the code relates to this message ‘ Paper from Duplex did not turn on the Regi Sensor within the specified time’

    I’m not an engineer, but the ‘Regi Sensor’ might be short for Registration Sensor. Maybe there’s some dirt or something on the sensor? Maybe someone else could tell you where that sensor is located, so that you could check it.

    One thing I have discovered (and nobody from the paper suppliers has been able to give me an answer for this) is that papers from different manufacturers are often cut wrong ie. A3 is supposed to be 297mm x 420mm — I have put this paper into my guillotine and, setting the sizes to A3 dimensions have cut off about 2mm from both edges. This might not seem a lot, but some of these photocopier sensors are pretty precise, and that could throw the timing sensors right off. As I said, I’m no expert, but you could maybe experiment with this — especially if you’ve set up your trays in the tray set-up part, check the paper sizes there with the ACTUAL size of your paper.

  3. Thanks for info — I have checked physical paper and changed it also, still results in same 077-129 code. even duplex copying on standard A4 sheet, results in same — side one printed, then sheet sent out of output slot, to stop with last 2cm in rollers — 077-129. It seems to me this is not the correct path for a duplex job to follow (the output slot), as it should only come out of here after printing side 2????

  4. 077-129 is a jam in duplex caused by duplex in sensor, inverter gate not operating properly, or the inverter motor not operating properly. The RAP for this problem will find the problem and searchlite has many fixes.

  5. Hi just updating as fixed it.
    Fault not sensor, it was the diverter gate not operating correctly for second side print in duplex. Have had the door apart and replaced the diverter gate assy.
    WORKING! The old gate had a tiny little plastic nodule on one end that operated by the the switch and moved gate open close positions, but this little lug was broken off. Thanks to all for their help along the way.. Got work to catch up on… :(

Color Printing Forum

  1. 09-07-2018


    Kwaku01 is offline

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    Xerox 700 jaming (077-130 duplex out sensor on jam)


    Please can anyone assist me with this error code, 077-130. I’ve cleaned the sensors (not sure if it’s the right sensor though) and rollers but still getting jam by the duplex out. Please help!

    Thanks in advance

    Screen Shot 2018-09-07 at 6.38.12 pm.jpg

    Screen Shot 2018-09-07 at 6.38.26 pm.jpg

    Last edited by Kwaku01; 09-07-2018 at 09:53 AM.

    Reason: Forgot to add Printer type

  2. 09-10-2018


    InterfaceP is offline

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    Re: 077-130 duplex out sensor on jam

    Is it making a grinding noise?

  3. 09-11-2018


    Kwaku01 is offline

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    Re: 077-130 duplex out sensor on jam

    Quote Originally Posted by InterfaceP
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    Is it making a grinding noise?

    yes, it makes a grinding noise as well when powered on.

  4. 09-11-2018


    Re: 077-130 duplex out sensor on jam

    Quote Originally Posted by Kwaku01
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    yes, it makes a grinding noise as well when powered on.

    sorry for late response

    as the pecture

  5. 09-11-2018


    mickey singh is offline

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    Re: 077-130 duplex out sensor on jam

    Theres a belt on the inside of that drawer where the pictures show, theres also about 8 pulleys and bearings, you need to clean the shafts and bearings out, dont grease or oil them, then retension belt at spring tension, theres also a mod kit available with bearings with pulleys!

  6. 09-11-2018


    InterfaceP is offline

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    Re: 077-130 duplex out sensor on jam

    Sounds like the duplex unit is slipping. Very common with 700’s, you can try to just replace the belt (visible on the back side of the frame in your pic) pn: 023E27010 and the bearings 413W75959 (x5)

    The problem will only get worse, and will result in you having to replace the gears also. Until you solve the issue you can manual duplex, but always print «face up» to prevent the duplex from activating.

    Hope this helps.

  7. 09-11-2018


    Re: 077-130 duplex out sensor on jam

    Quote Originally Posted by InterfaceP
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    Sounds like the duplex unit is slipping. Very common with 700’s, you can try to just replace the belt (visible on the back side of the frame in your pic) pn: 023E27010 and the bearings 413W75959 (x5)

    The problem will only get worse, and will result in you having to replace the gears also. Until you solve the issue you can manual duplex, but always print «face up» to prevent the duplex from activating.

    Hope this helps.

    its the duplex motor he need to replace the motor the motor place like in the picture in my past post

  8. 09-11-2018


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    Re: 077-130 duplex out sensor on jam

    Quote Originally Posted by mkdirs
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    its the duplex motor he need to replace the motor the motor place like in the picture in my past post

    How can you be so sure its the motor? The grinding sound is the gear (PL 4.5 item 15) not the motor. A bad or stalled motor makes a humming sound not grinding. I unfortunatly fix this issue once a week.

    As someone else stated, you can try to clean the bearings, but this has never been effective long term solution for me.

  9. 09-12-2018


    Kwaku01 is offline

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    Re: 077-130 duplex out sensor on jam

    Quote Originally Posted by mickey singh
    View Post

    Theres a belt on the inside of that drawer where the pictures show, theres also about 8 pulleys and bearings, you need to clean the shafts and bearings out, dont grease or oil them, then retension belt at spring tension, theres also a mod kit available with bearings with pulleys!

    Thanks a lot! Will have a look and give them a clean…hopefully it works.

  10. 09-12-2018


    Kwaku01 is offline

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    Re: 077-130 duplex out sensor on jam

    Quote Originally Posted by InterfaceP
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    Sounds like the duplex unit is slipping. Very common with 700’s, you can try to just replace the belt (visible on the back side of the frame in your pic) pn: 023E27010 and the bearings 413W75959 (x5)

    The problem will only get worse, and will result in you having to replace the gears also. Until you solve the issue you can manual duplex, but always print «face up» to prevent the duplex from activating.

    Hope this helps.

    Thanks a lot for your suggestions! Please will I have to also replacee the bearings should I decide to replace the belt?

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