Xerox dc 242 коды ошибок

Fault Code:

Description / Notes:


The Hard Drive (HDD)
is over capacity

003-xxx codes

Communication Errors between boards in the machine

005-xxx codes

Generally: Document
Feeder problems

005-121 thru 005-158

Document Jams

005-194 thru 005-199

Document size mismatch


Document Feeder
communication errors

005-281 thru 005-283

Document Tray lift


Document APS (Automatic
Paper Sensors) failure (there are 3 sensors which detect various paper widths
on the Document Feeder)


Document Nudger up


Document feed-out
sensor failure


Document Tray
Interlock is open


Document Platen
Interlock opened during a job


Document Top Cover
Interlock opened during a job


Document Tray
Interlock opened during a job


Document Left Cover is
open or opened during a job

005-906 thru 005-918

Document is still
detected in feeder after power-on or after closing one of the document door

010-xxx codes

Generally: Fuser


Open Fuser Thermistor
was detected (white connector)

010-319 *

Fuser Heat Control
problem *NOTE: This code must be cleared from Diagnostic Mode… details below.

010-320 **

Fuser Overheat
problem… (can be reported by any of the 3 thermistors in the fuser) ** NOTE:
This code must be cleared from Diagnostic Mode… details below.

010-322 thru 010-323

Fuser Thermistor open
circuit detected (NCCenter Sensor or Rear Thermistor)


Fuser NVM (Memory)
failure *** NOTE: This code must be cleared from Diagnostic Mode… details below.

010-326 thru 010-327

Fuser Heat Control


Fuser Motor failure


Fuser Module nearing
end of life… NOTE: Read below for fuser count reset info.


Fuser Module «End
of Life»… NOTE: If the fuser is still good, you can replace the Fuser
Reset Fuse (on top of the fuser) and possibly the Fuser Heat Roll to keep it

012-xxx codes

Generally: Finisher

013-xxx codes

Generally: Finisher /
Booklet Maker problems

016-xxx codes

Generally: Options or
Software failures


Scanner not detected

024-340 thru 024-747

ESS (Network
Controller) problems

024-910 thru 024-917

Paper size Sensing
problems (in one of the paper drawers)


Face Up Tray interlock


Face Down Tray 1 full
/ Face Down Tray 2 full

024-923/924/ 925

Toner Cartridge Empty
— Y / M / C


OCT (Offset Catch
Tray) full / Stacker Tray full

024-934 thru 024-939

Paper type mismatch

024-946/947/ 948/949

Tray not in position

952/953/954/ 955/956

No Paper in tray


Rear Fuser Cooling Fan

042-320/321/ 322/323

Drum Motor failures —
320=Y, 321=C, 322=M, 323=K (black)


IBT Belt Drive Motor


Main Motor failure


IBT Belt Home position
not detected in time


IBT Belt Position


IBT Belt Edge Sensor


Fuser Exhaust Fan


Blower Motor Fan

042-600/601/ 602

Belt Edge timing


Suction Filter end of

045-xxx codes

Printing communication


ROS (Laser Unit)
polygon motor failures

061-323 thru 061-607

ROS (Laser Unit)


CCD (Scanner) Fan


Exposure Carriage
position failure.


Exposure Lamp not
lighting (or very dim)

071-101 thru 071-105

Paper Jams from Tray 1
at takeaway or registration


Tray 1 Lift failure

072-101 thru 072-105

Paper jams from Tray 2
at takeaway or registration


Tray 2 Lift failure

073-101 thru 073-105

Paper jam from Tray 3
at takeaway or registration


Tray 3 Lift failure

074-101 thru 074-105

Paper jam from Tray 4
at takeaway or registration


Tray 4 Lift failure

075-100 thru 075-135

Paper jam from Tray 5
at takeaway or registration


Tray 5 Lift failure /
Lift down failure

077-103 thru 077-118

Fuser Exit Sensor jam
or final Exit Sensor jam.


Post 2nd BTR Roll
Sensor jam

077-123 thru 077-130

Inverter jams


Front Cover interlock


Left Door interlock


Right Cover interlock


Transfer Module 2
interlock open


Paper detected in
paper path at power-on

078-100 thru 078-151

Paper jam from Tray 6
/ High Capacity Feeder (HCF) at takeaway or registration


Tray 6 (HCF) Lift


HCF (Hi Capacity
Feeder) Top Cover interlock open


HCF Docking Interlock

089-600 thru 089-617

Image Registration
Control problems


BCR and Black Charge
Corotron Cleaner control problem


Black Charge /
Preclean HVPS (Hi Volt Power Supply) failure


Drum Cartridge CRUM
(chip) communication failure


Black Charge Corona
Wire is broken


Waste Toner Bottle
replacement needed soon


Black Drum Cartridge
near end of life


Black Charge Corotron
Assembly near end of life


Black Charge Corotron
Assembly has reached end of life


Yellow Drum Cartridge
near end of life


Magenta Drum Cartridge
near end of life


Cyan Drum Cartridge
near end of life


Waste Toner Bottle not


Waste Toner Bottle


Black Drum Cartridge
at end of life

091-914 thru 091-916
or 091-921

Black Drum Cartridge
CRUM communication problems


Yellow Drum Cartridge
CRUM communication problems

091-918/922/ 928

Magenta Drum Cartridge
CRUM communication problems

091-919/923/ 926/929

Cyan Drum Cartridge
CRUM communication problems


Yellow Drum Cartridge
end of life


Magenta Drum Cartridge
end of life


Cyan Drum Cartridge
end of life


ADC Sensor Shutter


IBT Belt ADC Sensor
(MOB ADC) failures

092-653 thru 092-660

ATC (from Developer
Unit) problems…653/657=yellow, 654/658=magenta, 655/659=cyan, 656/660=black


Marking Drawer
Interlock open

093-313 thru 093-317

Toner Dispense
problems… 314=Y, 315=M, 316=C, 317=K (black)


Developer Motor

093-421 thru 093-425

Toner Cartridges low
421/422=K(black), 423=Y, 424=M, 425=C

093-600 thru 093-912

Toner Dispense
problems (600=Y, 601=M, 602=C, 603/912=K(Black),

093-918 thru

Toner CRUM failures
(918/924 /925/926/936/ 940=K(black),927/933/937 =Y, 928/934/938 = M ,



1st BTR (Transfer
Roll) retract or contact problems


2nd BTR (Transfer
Roll) retract or contact problems

102-xxx codes

Generally: Network
Controller (ESS) problems


Finisher Punch Dust
Box full (hole punch bin)

116-xxx codes

Generally: Network
Controller (ESS) problems

123-xxx codes

Generally: UI (control
panel) faults

124-xxx codes

Configuration errors (e.g., serial number disagreement between various boards
or machine speed errors, etc)

127-xxx codes

Printing failures

     Во время работы с аппаратом могут возникать проблемы, связанные с неисправностями «железа» или ПО. И если расходные материалы можно просто заменить, то с «мозгами» нужно разбираться. Поэтому, для экономии времени и удобства, ниже представлены возможные коды ошибок (FAULT ERROR CODE), которые показывают Xerox DocuColor DC 240/250/242/252/260 и WorkCentre WC 7655/7665/7675/7755/7765/7775 при неисправности, и их значение:

коды ошибок (fault code/error) продолжение. Часть 2


 061-323 ERROR — RAP No SOS Failure.

 061-324 ERROR — RAP No SOS Failure.

 061-325 ERROR — RAP No SOS Failure.

 061-326 ERROR — RAP ROS Connect Failure Yellow.

 061-327 ERROR — RAP ROS Connect Failure.

 061-328 ERROR — RAP ROS Connect Failure.

 061-329 ERROR — RAP ROS Connect Failure Black.

 061-334 ERROR — RAP ROS Y/M VDD Failure.

 061-335 ERROR — RAP ROS C/K VDD Failure.

 061-336 ERROR — RAP ROS Y/M VDD Down Failure.

 061-337 ERROR — RAP ROS C/K VDD Down Failure.

 061-338 ERROR — RAP SOS Stop Magenta Failure.

 061-339 ERROR — RAP SOS Stop Black Failure.

 061-340 ERROR — RAP ROS LD Failure Black.

 061-341 ERROR — RAP ROS LD Failure Yellow.

 061-342 ERROR — RAP ROS LD Failure Magenta.

 061-343 ERROR — RAP ROS LD Failure Cyan.

 061-600 ERROR — RAP ROS Data Failure Yellow.

 061-601 ERROR — RAP ROS Data Failure Magenta.

 061-602 ERROR — RAP ROS Data Failure Cyan.

 061-603 ERROR — RAP ROS Data Failure Black.

 061-604 ERROR — RAP LD Alarm Yellow.

 061-605 ERROR — RAP LD Alarm Magenta.

 061-606 ERROR — RAP LD Alarm Cyan.

 061-607 ERROR — RAP LD Alarm Black.

 062-210 ERROR — RAP IISS Hot Line Failure.

 062-211 ERROR — RAP IIT/IPS EEPROM Failure (IPS).

 062-220 ERROR — RAP IPS-EXT Connection Failure.

 062-277 ERROR — RAP IIT/IPS-DADF Communication Failure.

 062-278 ERROR — RAP IIT-Extension Communication Failure.

 062-300 ERROR — RAP Platen Interlock Open.

 062-310 ERROR — RAP IIT/IPS-ESS Communication Failure.

 062-311 ERROR — RAP IIT Software Logic Failure.

 062-321 ERROR — RAP IPS-YATA Connection Failure.

 062-322 ERROR — RAP EXT-YATA Connection Failure.

 062-323 ERROR — RAP YATA PWBA Failure.

 062-345 ERROR — RAP IIT/IPS EEPROM Failure (IIT).

 062-355 ERROR — RAP IPS Fan Failure.

 062-356 ERROR — RAP Lamp Fan Failure.

 062-357 ERROR — RAP CCD Fan Failure. An error signal was detected for the CCD fan.

 062-360 ERROR — RAP Carriage Position Failure.

 062-362 ERROR — RAP X Hard Failure.

 062-371 ERROR — RAP Lamp Failure.

 062-380 ERROR — RAP Platen AOC Failure.

 062-386 ERROR — RAP Platen AOC Failure.

 062-389 ERROR — RAP Carriage Over Run (Scan End).

 062-392 ERROR — RAP IT/IPS Memory Failure.

 062-393 ERROR — RAP IIT/IPS PWB Failure.

 062-790 ERROR — RAP X Detect Failure.

 063-210 ERROR — RAP Extension EEPROM Failure.

 063-220 ERROR — RAP IPS-EXT Psync Failure.

 063-230 ERROR — RAP EXT Image Parameter Failure.

 063-240 ERROR — RAP EXT Image Parameter Failure.

 065-210 ERROR — RAP Extension Page Memory Failure 1.

 065-211 ERROR — RAP CIS Shading FROM Failure

 065-212 ERROR — RAP CIS Shading Level Failure.

 065-213 ERROR — RAP CIS Output Level Failure.

 065-215 ERROR — RAP Extension Page Memory Failure 2.

 065-216 ERROR — RAP Extension Page Memory Failure 3.

 065-219 ERROR — RAP CIS Black White Level Failure.

 065-220 ERROR — RAP 1P DUP PWB-EXT Psync Failure.

 071-101 ERROR — RAP Feed Out Sensor 1 is not turned ON.

 071-104 ERROR — RAP Pre Registration Sensor ON Jam (Tray 1).

 071-105 ERROR — RAP Registration Sensor ON Jam (Tray 1).

 071-210 ERROR — RAP Tray 1 Lift Up Failure.

 072-101 ERROR — RAP Tray 2 Miss Feed Jam.

 072-102 ERROR — RAP The Tray 1 Feed Out Sensor does not turn ON.

 072-104 ERROR — RAP Pre-Registration Sensor ON Jam (Tray 2).

 072-105 ERROR — RAP Registration Sensor ON Jam (Tray 2).

 072-210 ERROR — RAP Tray 2 Lift Up Failure.

 073-101 ERROR — RAP Tray 3 Miss Feed Jam.

 073-102 ERROR — RAP Feed Out Sensor 1 ON Jam (Tray 3).

 073-104 ERROR — RAP Pre Registration Sensor ON Jam (Tray 3).

 073-105 ERROR — RAP Registration Sensor ON Jam (Tray 3).

 073-210 ERROR — RAP Tray 3 Lift Up Failure.

 074-101 ERROR — RAP Pre Feed Sensor 4 is not ON within the specified time after the start of feed from Tray 4.

 074-102 ERROR — RAP Feed Out Sensor 1 ON Jam (Tray 4).

 074-103 ERROR — RAP The Tray 4 Feed Out Sensor is not ON within the specified time for paper fed from Tray 4.

 074-104 ERROR — RAP Pre Registration Sensor ON Jam (Tray 4).

 074-105 ERROR — RAP Registration Sensor ON Jam (Tray 4).

 074-210 ERROR — RAP Tray 4 Lift Up Failure.

 075-100 ERROR — RAP Tray 5/Bypass Pre Feed Sensor is not ON within the specified time after the start of feed from Tray 5.

 075-101 ERROR — RAP Tray 5/Bypass Feed Out Sensor is not ON within the specified time for paper fed from Tray 5.

 075-109 ERROR — RAP Paper from Tray 5/Bypass does not turn ON Pre Regi Sensor within a specified time.

 075-135 ERROR — RAP Paper from Tray 5/Bypass does not turn ON Regi Sensor within a specified time.

 075-210 ERROR — RAP Tray 5/Bypass Lift Up Sensor does not turn ON within a specified time after Tray 5 begins to lift.

 075-211 ERROR — RAP Tray 5/Bypass Lift Down Sensor does not turn ON within a specified time after Tray 5 begins to lower.

 077-102 ERROR — RAP Paper from Tray 2 did not turn on the Transport Path Sensor 1 within the specified time.

 077-103 ERROR — RAP The Fuser Exit Sensor did not turn off within the specified time in straight exit mode.

 077-106 ERROR — RAP The Fuser Exit Sensor did not come on within the specified time after the Registration Motor.

 077-107 ERROR — RAP The Fuser Exit Sensor did not turn off within the specified time in invert exit mode.

 077-109 ERROR — RAP The IOT Exit Sensor did not come on at the specified time in non-invert mode.

 077-111 ERROR — RAP The IOT Exit Sensor did not come on within the specified time in invert exit mode.

 077-113 ERROR — RAP The IOT Exit Sensor did not turn off at the specified time in non-invert mode.

 077-115 ERROR — RAP The IOT Exit Sensor did not turn off within the specified time in invert exit mode.

 077-118 ERROR — RAP Paper from Duplex did not turn on the Pre Regi Sensor within the specified time.

 077-120 ERROR — RAP Post 2nd BTR Sensor On JAM.

 077-123 ERROR — RAP Duplex In Sensor does not turn ON a spec time after the start of invert.

 077-129 ERROR — RAP Paper from Duplex did not turn on the Regi Sensor within the specified time.

 077-130 ERROR — RAP Duplex Out Sensor does not turn ON witin a specified time after Duplex In Sensor turns ON.

 077-300 ERROR — RAP The Front Cover is open.

 077-301 ERROR — RAP The Left Hand Interlock is open.

 077-302 ERROR — RAP The Right Hand Cover Interlock is open.

 077-303 ERROR — RAP PH Drawer Interlock Open.

 077-304 ERROR — RAP The Tray 5/Bypass Cover Interlock is open.

 077-312 ERROR — RAP Feeder Communication Failure.

 077-909 ERROR — RAP One of the IOT sensors detected paper when power was turned on or when an interlock was closed.

 077-967 ERROR — RAP The specified paper type and the paper type being used are different.

 077-968 ERROR — RAP The type of paper in the tray was changed.

 078-100 ERROR — RAP Paper from Tray 6 does not turn ON Pre Regi Sensor within a specified time.

 078-101 ERROR — RAP The Tray 6 Feed Out sensor is not ON within the specified time for paper fed from Tray 6.

 078-102 ERROR — RAP Paper from Tray 6 does not turn ON the Regi Sensor within a specified time.

 078-151 ERROR — RAP The Tray 6 Feed Out Sensor did not come on within the specified time after the start of feed.

 078-250 ERROR — RAP HCF Tray #2 Lift Up Fail.

 078-300 ERROR — RAP The HCF transport interlock is open.

 078-301 ERROR — RAP HCF Side Out Interlock Open.

 089-600 ERROR — RAP Incorrect Fast Scan positioning for the reference color Cyan was detected during fine adjustment.

 089-601 ERROR — RAP The Inner MOB Sensor failed to detect the fine-adjustment patterns properly during fine adjustment.

 089-602 ERROR — RAP The CENTER MOB Sensor failed to detect the fine-adjustment patterns properly during fine adjustment.

 089-603 ERROR — RAP The OUTER MOB Sensor failed to detect the fine-adjustment patterns properly during fine adjustment.

 089-604 ERROR — RAP The INNER MOB Sensor failed to detect the rough-adjustment patterns properly during Yellow rough adjustment.

 089-605 ERROR — RAP The CENTER MOB Sensor failed to detect the rough-adjustment patterns properly during Yellow rough adjustment.

 089-606 ERROR — RAP The OUTER MOB Sensor failed to detect the rough-adjustment patterns properly during Yellow rough adjustment.

 089-607 ERROR — RAP The INNER MOB Sensor failed to detect the rough-adjustment patterns correctly during Magenta rough adjustment.

 089-608 ERROR — RAP The CENTER MOB Sensor failed to detect the rough-adjustment patterns properly during Magenta rough adjustment.

 089-609 ERROR — RAP The OUTER MOB Sensor failed to detect the rough-adjustment patterns properly during Magenta rough adjustment.

 089-610 ERROR — RAP The INNER MOB Sensor failed to detect the rough-adjustment patterns properly during Cyan rough adjustment.

 089-611 ERROR — RAP The CENTER MOB Sensor failed to detect the rough-adjustment patterns properly during Cyan rough adjustment.

 089-612 ERROR — RAP The MOB Sensor OUT failed to detect the rough-adjustment patterns properly during Cyan rough adjustment.

 089-613 ERROR — RAP The INNER MOB Sensor failed to detect the rough-adjustment patterns properly during Black rough adjustment.

 089-614 ERROR — RAP The CENTER MOB Sensor failed to detect the rough-adjustment patterns properly during Black rough adjustment.

 089-615 ERROR — RAP The MOB Sensor OUT failed to detect the rough-adjustment patterns properly during Black rough adjustment.

 089-616 ERROR — RAP RC Data OverFlow Failure.

 089-617 ERROR — RAP RC Data OverRange Failure.

 091-311 ERROR — RAP The voltage level of the CC cleaner position sensor did not change within the specified time.

 091-312 ERROR — RAP Charge (K) Preclean HVPS has failed.

 091-313 ERROR — RAP DRUM CRUM ASIC Communication Failure.

 091-320 ERROR — RAP Charge Corotron Wire is broken.

 091-400 ERROR — RAP The replacement date for Waste Toner Bottle (regular) is near.

 091-401 ERROR — RAP The black drum cartridge is near the end-of-life.

 091-403 ERROR — RAP The CC Assembly is near the end-of-life.

 091-404 ERROR — RAP The CC Assembly has reached the end-of-life.

 091-411 ERROR — RAP The yellow drum cartridge is near the end-of-life.

 091-421 ERROR — RAP The magenta drum cartridge is near the end-of-life.

 091-431 ERROR — RAP The cyan drum cartridge is near the end-of-life.

 091-910 ERROR — RAP The waste toner bottle is not present.

 091-911 ERROR — RAP The waste toner bottle is full.

 091-913 ERROR — RAP The black drum cartridge (K) has reached the end-of-life.

 091-914 ERROR — RAP Communication failure between the MCU and the black Drum CRUM.

 091-915 ERROR — RAP The MCU detected incorrect data in the black drum cartridge CRUM.

 091-916 ERROR — RAP The CRUM authentication registration data on the drum cartridge is incorrect.

 091-917 ERROR — RAP MCU cannot communicate with the CRUM in drum Y.

 091-918 ERROR — RAP Communication failure with the magenta Drum CRUM.

 091-919 ERROR — RAP Communication failure with the cyan Drum CRUM.

 091-920 ERROR — RAP The MCU detected incorrect data in the Yellow drum cartridge CRUM.

 091-921 ERROR — RAP Drum CRUM is disconnected.

 091-922 ERROR — RAP Wrong Data in magenta drum cartridge.

 091-923 ERROR — RAP Wrong data in cyan drum cartridge.

 091-924 ERROR — RAP The CRUM authentication registration data on the yellow drum cartridge is incorrect.

 091-925 ERROR — RAP Wrong data in yellow Magenta cartridge.

 091-926 ERROR — RAP The CRUM authentication registration data on the cyan drum cartridge is incorrect.

 091-927 ERROR — RAP Yellow Drum CRUM is disconnected.

 091-928 ERROR — RAP Magenta Drum CRUM is disconnected.

 091-929 ERROR — RAP Cyan Drum CRUM is disconnected.

 091-932 ERROR — RAP The yellow drum cartridge (Y) has reached the end-of-life.

 091-933 ERROR — RAP The magenta drum cartridge (M) has reached the end-of-life.

 091-934 ERROR — RAP The cyan drum cartridge (C) has reached the end-of-life.

 092-649 ERROR — RAP The MOB ADC Shutter remains open due to shutter failure.

 092-650 ERROR — RAP The MOB ADC Shutter remains closed due to shutter failure.

 092-651 ERROR — RAP The output read by ADC Sensor from the clean Photoreceptor surface is out of range.

 092-652 ERROR — RAP The measured ADC Patch density is light. (Over 75% of Vclean).

 092-653 ERROR — RAP ATC SNR-Yellow output signal failure.

 092-654 ERROR — RAP ATC SNR-Magenta output signal failure.

 092-655 ERROR — RAP ATC SNR-Cyan output signal failure.

 092-656 ERROR — RAP ATC SNR-black output signal failure.

 092-657 ERROR — RAP The amplitude of ATC Yellow Sensor output is out of range.

 092-658 ERROR — RAP The amplitude of ATC Magenta Sensor output is out of range.

 092-659 ERROR — RAP The amplitude of ATC Cyan Sensor output is out of range.

 092-660 ERROR — RAP The amplitude of ATC Black Sensor output is out of range.

 092-661 ERROR — RAP The temperature output of the environment sensor is out of range.

 092-662 ERROR — RAP The humidity output of the environment sensor is out of range.

 092-663 ERROR — RAP The two levels of ADC Patch density created in Mini-Setup are reversed.

 093-300 ERROR — RAP Marking Drawer Interlock Open.

 093-313 ERROR — RAP The Low Toner Sensor failed to detect any toner after the Toner Cartridge Motor was energized.

 093-314 ERROR — RAP Yellow Dispense failure.

 093-315 ERROR — RAP Magenta Dispense failure.

 093-316 ERROR — RAP Cyan Dispense failure.

 093-317 ERROR — RAP Black Dispense failure.

 093-320 ERROR — RAP There was a problem with the developer motor rotation.

 093-421 ERROR — RAP The Black Toner Cartridge (K1) is empty and the Black Toner Cartridge (K2) is near empty.

 093-422 ERROR — RAP The Black Toner Cartridge (K2) is empty and the Black Toner Cartridge (K1) is near empty.

 093-423 ERROR — RAP Yellow toner is near empty.

 093-424 ERROR — RAP Magenta toner is near empty.

 093-425 ERROR — RAP Cyan toner empty.

 093-600 ERROR — RAP Yellow Dispense near failure.

 093-601 ERROR — RAP Magenta Dispense near failure.

 093-602 ERROR — RAP Cyan Dispense near failure.

 093-603 ERROR — RAP Black Dispense near failure.

 093-912 ERROR — RAP The Black Dispense Motor rotation timed out indicating that the Black Cartridge and Reserve Tank are empty.

 093-918 ERROR — RAP A communication failure with Black Toner Cartridge CRUM K2.

 093-924 ERROR — RAP A communication failure with Black Toner Cartridge CRUM K1.

 093-925 ERROR — RAP The data written to the toner CRUM K1 did not agree with the data read.

 093-926 ERROR — RAP Toner Cartridge CRUM K1 Authentication Data is different.

 093-927 ERROR — RAP A communication failure with Yellow Toner Cartridge CRUM Y.

 093-928 ERROR — RAP A communication failure with Magenta Toner Cartridge CRUM M.

 093-929 ERROR — RAP A communication failure with Cyan Toner Cartridge CRUM C.

 093-932 ERROR — RAP Cartridge Exchange Time Over.

 093-934 ERROR — RAP The data written to the toner CRUM M did not agree with the data read.

 093-935 ERROR — RAP The data written to the toner CRUM C did not agree with the data read.

 093-936 ERROR — RAP The data written to the toner CRUM K2 did not agree with the data read.

 093-937 ERROR — RAP Toner Cartridge CRUM Y Authentication Data is different.

 093-938 ERROR — RAP Toner Cartridge CRUM M Authentication Data is different.

 093-939 ERROR — RAP Toner Cartridge CRUM C Authentication Data is different.

 093-940 ERROR — RAP Toner Cartridge CRUM K2 Authentication Data is different.

 094-320 ERROR — RAP Retraction was not detected within the specified time after retraction of the 1st BTR started.

 094-321 ERROR — RAP First BTR Contact Failure.

 094-322 ERROR — RAP Second BTR Retract Failure.

 094-323 ERROR — RAP Contact was not detected within the specified time after contact with the 2nd BTR started.

 102-356 ERROR — RAP Fatal error related to the EWS.

 102-380 ERROR — RAP Fatal error in the MF UI count.

 102-381 ERROR — RAP ESS error during communication between ESS and the control panel.

 102-382 ERROR — RAP A verification message was not returned from the Control Panel within the specified time.

112-700 ERROR — RAP The punch dust box is full.

116-210 ERROR — RAP Media Reader Fatal Error.

116-211 ERROR — RAP Media Reader Cable disconnected.

116-212 ERROR — RAP [Media Reader] MediaLib SW Logic Failure.

116-310 ERROR — RAP An error was detected while checking ESS font ROM DIMM #1.

116-312 ERROR — RAP An error was detected in the HDD encryption key during activation.

116-313 ERROR — RAP An encryption key was specified but the HDD itself was not encrypted.

116-314 ERROR — RAP An ethernet error was detected.

116-315 ERROR — RAP An error was detected during System Memory 1 R/W.

116-316 ERROR — RAP An error was detected during System Memory 2 R/W.

116-317 ERROR — RAP An error was detected when checking the MF ROM.

116-318 ERROR — RAP An error was detected when checking the expansion ROM R2.

116-321 ERROR — RAP System Software Fatal Error.

116-322 ERROR — RAP WebDAV S/W Failure.

116-323 ERROR — RAP An error was detected during the ESS PWB NVM Read/Write Check.

116-324 ERROR — RAP A fatal software exception error has occurred in the Controller PWB CPU.

116-325 ERROR — RAP An error occurred in ESS fan rotation.

116-329 ERROR — RAP A system call error related to the serial I/F was detected.

116-330 ERROR — RAP Error during HDD check.

116-331 ERROR — RAP An error related to the log was detected.

116-332 ERROR — RAP An error in the MF ROM ( ) was detected.

116-333 ERROR — RAP A problem occurred during software processing, and processing could no longer continue.

116-336 ERROR — RAP Redirector HD Failure. A problem was detected during HD access.

116-337 ERROR — RAP Fatal error with SNTP in general.

116-338 ERROR — RAP Fatal error with JBA in general.

116-340 ERROR — RAP There was insufficient page memory, input buffers, or work area.

116-341 ERROR — RAP Incorrect version or invalid combination ROM DIMMs are installed.

116-342 ERROR — RAP Fatal error related to the SNMP agent.

116-343 ERROR — RAP An IC error within the ESS PWB was detected.

116-346 ERROR — RAP Formatter failure. Error return from a system call.

116-348 ERROR — RAP Redirector failure. Error return from a system call.

116-349 ERROR — RAP There was an error with a call within SIF related to Pflite.

116-350 ERROR — RAP Fatal error with AppleTalk in general.

116-351 ERROR — RAP Fatal error related to EtherTalk.

116-352 ERROR — RAP Fatal error related to NetWare.

116-353 ERROR — RAP A physical problem was detected with the HDD during activation, causing the HDD not to activate.

116-354 ERROR — RAP A problem with the HDD product code was detected during activation.

116-355 ERROR — RAP Fatal error related to the SNMP agent.

116-356 ERROR — RAP The HDD was formatted, but an HDD failure occurred.

116-357 ERROR — RAP PostScript fatal system error.

116-358 ERROR — RAP Fatal error related to the salutation.

116-359 ERROR — RAP Fatal error in PLW.

116-360 ERROR — RAP Fatal error related to SMB.

116-361 ERROR — RAP SPL HDD fatal error. SpoolCont detected an error during HDD access.

116-362 ERROR — RAP SSDP software failure.

116-363 ERROR — RAP BMLinkS or print service software failure.

116-364 ERROR — RAP A timer error was detected.

116-365 ERROR — RAP SPL fatal error.

116-366 ERROR — RAP Report generator incorrect operation.

116-367 ERROR — RAP Parallel fatal error.

116-368 ERROR — RAP DumpPrint fatal error.

116-370 ERROR — RAP XJCL fatal error.

116-371 ERROR — RAP PCL Decomposer Software Failure. PCL fatal error.

116-373 ERROR — RAP Fatal error related to Dynamic DNS.

116-374 ERROR — RAP AutoSW fatal error.

116-376 ERROR — RAP Port 9100 Software Fail.

116-378 ERROR — RAP Fatal error related to MCR.

116-379 ERROR — RAP Fatal error related to MCC.

116-380 ERROR — RAP An error was detected while checking ESS font ROM DIMM #1.

116-381 ERROR — RAP The ABL did not agree with the ABL version information in NVM, or the data was corrupted.

116-382 ERROR — RAP An ABL access to NVM or HDD failed.

116-385 ERROR — RAP Fatal error related to the IDC.

116-388 ERROR — RAP It was detected that no HD is installed.

116-389 ERROR — RAP The system detected that no additional RAM was installed.

116-390 ERROR — RAP A version mismatch was detected between the standard ROM and NVM.

116-391 ERROR — RAP Incorrect specification of the country code, territory code, or paper size group.

116-395 ERROR — RAP Fatal error related to the USB.

116-701 ERROR — RAP Duplex printing is not possible due to insufficient memory.

116-702 ERROR — RAP Printing occurred with a substitute font.

116-703 ERROR — RAP PostScript data problem during PostScript grammar interpretation or language interpretation.

116-704 ERROR — RAP MediaReader No Insert (No Job).

116-705 ERROR — RAP MediaReader Format Error (No Job).

116-706 ERROR — RAP MediaReader: File Attribute Read Error (No Job).

116-707 ERROR — RAP MediaReader: Image File Read Error (No Job).

116-708 ERROR — RAP MediaReader: File Attribute Read Error (In Job).

116-709 ERROR — RAP MediaReader: Image File Read Error (Occurs during job).

116-710 ERROR — RAP Original size not correctly determined.

116-711 ERROR — RAP Mismatch in size and direction or ART EX form with paper to be printed.

116-712 ERROR — RAP PLW form / logo data cannot be registered due to insufficient RAM or HD space.

116-713 ERROR — RAP The job was divided because the HDD was full.

116-714 ERROR — RAP An HP-GL/2 (option) command error occurred.

116-715 ERROR — RAP The form could not be registered because the ART EX form registration upper limit was reached.

116-716 ERROR — RAP MediaReader File Does Not Exist.

116-717 ERROR — RAP MediaLib: Not Execute of New Request.

116-718 ERROR — RAP The specified ART EX form has not been registered.

116-720 ERROR — RAP PCL Memory Low, Page Simplified.

116-737 ERROR — RAP User defined data could not be registered because there was insufficient ART IV user definition memory.

116-738 ERROR — RAP Synthesis problem due to the specified ART IV form size and direction were different from the paper size and direction.

116-739 ERROR — RAP Form / logo data could not be registered because there was insufficient ART IV memory or HDD capacity.

116-740 ERROR — RAP An error occurred because the print data exceeded the printer limit.

116-741 ERROR — RAP No more forms can be registered because the number of ART IV Forms registered has reached the upper limit.

116-742 ERROR — RAP No more logo data can be registered because the number of ART IV log data registered has reached the upper limit.

116-743 ERROR — RAP The form or logo data could not be registered due to insufficient ART IV memory.

116-745 ERROR — RAP An ART IV command error occurred.

116-746 ERROR — RAP The specified form has not been registered.

116-747 ERROR — RAP The paper margin value is too large for the HP-GL/2 (option) effective coordinate area.

116-748 ERROR — RAP The HP-GL/2 (option) print data does not contain any image data.

116-749 ERROR — RAP The specified PostScript font is not in ROM or HDD.

116-771 ERROR — RAP Invalid JBIG Parameter DL Fixed.

116-772 ERROR — RAP Invalid JBIG Parameter D Fixed.

116-773 ERROR — RAP Invalid JBIG Parameter P Fixed.

116-774 ERROR — RAP Invalid JBIG Parameter YD Fixed.

116-775 ERROR — RAP Invalid JBIG Parameter LO Fixed.

116-776 ERROR — RAP Invalid JBIG Parameter MX Fixed.

116-777 ERROR — RAP Invalid JBIG Parameter MY Fixed.

116-778 ERROR — RAP Invalid JBIG Parameter VLENGTH Fixed.

116-780 ERROR — RAP There was a problem with the document attached to the received mail.

116-790 ERROR — RAP Stapling was cancelled.

123-200 ERROR — RAP The data received from ESS exceeded the buffer size of the storage destination within the control panel.

123-201 ERROR — RAP Data intended to be received from the control panel exceeded the buffer size of the storage destination within the control panel.

123-202 ERROR — RAP Events occurred that exceeded the processing capability for requests generated within the control panel.

123-203 ERROR — RAP UI Debug code.

123-204 ERROR — RAP SIO Parameter Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-205 ERROR — RAP SIO Command Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-206 ERROR — RAP SIO Status Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-207 ERROR — RAP Comm Manager Target Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-208 ERROR — RAP Comm Manager Command Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-209 ERROR — RAP EVM Returns Wrong Value (UI-Control panel).

123-310 ERROR — RAP Send Queue Full (UI-Control panel).

123-311 ERROR — RAP Receive Queue Full (UI-Control panel).

123-312 ERROR — RAP EVM Uses Wrong API (UI-Control panel).

123-313 ERROR — RAP AS Uses Wrong API (UI-Control panel).

123-314 ERROR — RAP Event-Waiting Timer Timeout (UI-Control panel).

123-315 ERROR — RAP CTS Internal Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-316 ERROR — RAP Send Request Queue Full SIO (UI-Control panel).

123-317 ERROR — RAP Receive Message Queue Full (UI-Control panel).

123-318 ERROR — RAP Receive Finish Queue Full (UI-Control panel).

123-319 ERROR — RAP Send Failure with No ACK (UI-Control panel).

123-320 ERROR — RAP Polling Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-321 ERROR — RAP Send Message Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-322 ERROR — RAP Target Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-323 ERROR — RAP Address Failure (UI-Control panel). Serial communication error.

123-324 ERROR — RAP Size Failure (UI-Control panel). Serial communication error.

123-325 ERROR — RAP Object Creation Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-326 ERROR — RAP Memory Overflow (UI-Control panel).

123-327 ERROR — RAP Button Overflow (UI-Control panel).

123-328 ERROR — RAP UI Internal Failure with Out of Area.

123-329 ERROR — RAP UI Internal Failure with Invalid Coordinates.

123-330 ERROR — RAP Interface Failure with Invalid Parameter LCD.

123-331 ERROR — RAP UI Internal Failure with Invalid LED Request.

123-332 ERROR — RAP I/F Failure (Invalid Parameter CP).

123-333 ERROR — RAP I/F Failure (No Communication).

123-334 ERROR — RAP I/F Failure (Receiving Error Key Code).

123-335 ERROR — RAP I/F Failure (Receiving Invalid Coordinates).

123-336 ERROR — RAP I/F Failure (DM-ACD Drv. I/F).

123-337 ERROR — RAP Frame Data Error with Invalid Data Type.

123-338 ERROR — RAP Frame Data Error Offset Address Out.

123-339 ERROR — RAP Display Request Code Invalid.

123-340 ERROR — RAP Interface Failure GUAM-DM I/F.

123-341 ERROR — RAP Event Queue Full (UI-Control panel).

123-342 ERROR — RAP Event Queue Empty (UI-Control panel).

123-343 ERROR — RAP Invalid Class (UI-Control panel).

123-344 ERROR — RAP Invalid Type (UI-Control panel).

123-345 ERROR — RAP Timer Queue Full (UI-Control panel).

123-346 ERROR — RAP Invalid Timer Number (UI-Control panel).

123-347 ERROR — RAP Undefined Trap (UI-Control panel).

123-348 ERROR — RAP Command Access Exception (UI-Control panel).

123-349 ERROR — RAP Invalid Command (UI-Control panel).

123-350 ERROR — RAP Privilege Command (UI-Control panel).

123-351 ERROR — RAP No FPU Exception (UI-Control panel).

123-352 ERROR — RAP Address Mis-align (UI-Control panel).

123-353 ERROR — RAP Data Access Exception (UI-Control panel).

123-354 ERROR — RAP Tag Overflow (UI-Control panel).

123-355 ERROR — RAP No Co Processor Exception (UI-Control panel).

123-356 ERROR — RAP Short of Area (UI-Control panel).

123-357 ERROR — RAP Cancel Wait Status (UI-Control panel).

123-358 ERROR — RAP Timeout (UI-Control panel).

123-359 ERROR — RAP Queue Overflow (UI-Control panel).

123-360 ERROR — RAP Context Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-361 ERROR — RAP Object Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-362 ERROR — RAP No Object (UI-Control panel).

123-363 ERROR — RAP Invalid ID (UI-Control panel).

123-364 ERROR — RAP Parameter Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-365 ERROR — RAP Reserve Attribute (UI-Control panel).

123-366 ERROR — RAP Reserve Function Code (UI-Control panel).

123-367 ERROR — RAP Unsupported Function (UI-Control panel).

123-368 ERROR — RAP Short of UI Memory (UI-Control panel).

123-369 ERROR — RAP Invalid Interface Value (UI-Control panel).

123-370 ERROR — RAP Interface Length Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-371 ERROR — RAP Interface Parameter Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-372 ERROR — RAP Interface Sequence Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-373 ERROR — RAP Channel Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-374 ERROR — RAP Invalid User Job ID (UI-Control panel).

123-375 ERROR — RAP Internal Resource Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-376 ERROR — RAP Internal Memory Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-377 ERROR — RAP UI Timer Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-378 ERROR — RAP Interface Format Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-379 ERROR — RAP Dispatch Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-380 ERROR — RAP Copy Interface Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-382 ERROR — RAP Scanner Interface Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-383 ERROR — RAP Report Interface Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-384 ERROR — RAP Server Access Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-385 ERROR — RAP Service Object Overflow (UI-Control panel).

123-386 ERROR — RAP Invalid Service Object (UI-Control panel).

123-387 ERROR — RAP Invalid Service Object Attribute (UI-Control panel).

123-388 ERROR — RAP Attribute Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-389 ERROR — RAP Argument Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-390 ERROR — RAP Job Parameter Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-391 ERROR — RAP Job Actual Parameter Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-392 ERROR — RAP Auditron Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-393 ERROR — RAP EP Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-394 ERROR — RAP File Access Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-395 ERROR — RAP NVM Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-396 ERROR — RAP FF Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-397 ERROR — RAP MGR Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-398 ERROR — RAP Delay Release Queue Full (UI-Control panel).

123-399 ERROR — RAP Internal Failure (UI-Control panel).

123-400 ERROR — RAP Internal Failure (UI-Control panel).

124-310 ERROR — RAP DC132 11 — The product number was not specified.

124-311 ERROR — RAP DC132 09 — The serial number registration field failed.

124-312 ERROR — RAP DC132 12 — Product numbers did not agree.

124-313 ERROR — RAP DC132 10 — Serial numbers did not agree.

124-314 ERROR — RAP DC 132-01 — IOT Speed Failure.

124-315 ERROR — RAP DC 132-02 — IOT Speed Mismatch.

124-316 ERROR — RAP DC 132-04 — Product a/f Model Failure.

124-317 ERROR — RAP DC 132-04 — Product a/f All Product Model Mismatch.

124-318 ERROR — RAP Product Type for S/W Key Failure.

124-319 ERROR — RAP DC 132-08 — All Product Type For S/W Key Mismatch.

124-320 ERROR — RAP EEP ROM Failure.

124-321 ERROR — RAP Backup SRAM Failure. An NVM ROM write problem occurred on the ESS PWB.

124-322 ERROR — RAP DC 132-05 — Copy/Scan/Print S/W Key by PWE Failure.

124-323 ERROR — RAP DC 132-06 — Copy/Scan/Print S/W Key 1 Failure.

124-324 ERROR — RAP All Billings Mismatch.

124-325 ERROR — RAP Billing Restoration Failure.

124-333 ERROR — RAP ASIC Failure (Panther).

124-334 ERROR — RAP Standard Font ROM Error.

124-335 ERROR — RAP Font ROM Not Found.

124-337 ERROR — RAP ESS Standard RAM Error.

124-338 ERROR — RAP Same Font ROMs Found.

124-339 ERROR — RAP ROM DIMM of another product found.

124-340 ERROR — RAP The three CRUM market destination values are not set up (0 or different).

124-341 ERROR — RAP One CRUM market destination value is different (IOT).

124-342 ERROR — RAP One CRUM market destination value is different (SYS 1).

124-343 ERROR — RAP One CRUM market destination value is different (SYS 2).

124-350 ERROR — RAP The three CRUM OEM destination values are not set up (0 or different).

124-351 ERROR — RAP One CRUM OEM destination value is different (IOT).

124-352 ERROR — RAP One CRUM OEM destination value is different (SYS 1).

124-353 ERROR — RAP One CRUM OEM destination value is different (SYS 2).

124-360 ERROR — RAP CRUM Valid/Invalid is not set up at the three locations (0 or different values).

124-361 ERROR — RAP CRUM Validation Failure MCU.

124-362 ERROR — RAP CRUM Validation Failure SYS 1.

124-363 ERROR — RAP CRUM Validation Failure SYS 2.

124-372 ERROR — RAP IOT sc Soft Failure.

124-373 ERROR — RAP IOT Manager SW Failure.

124-374 ERROR — RAP IOT IM Device Driver SW Failure.

124-380 ERROR — RAP CRUM Market fail ALL (2).

124-381 ERROR — RAP CRUM Market fail MCU (2).

124-382 ERROR — RAP CRUM Market fail SYS 1 (2).

124-383 ERROR — RAP CRUM Market fail SYS 2 (2).

124-390 ERROR — RAP CRUM OEM fail ALL (2).

124-391 ERROR — RAP CRUM OEM fail MCU (2).

124-392 ERROR — RAP CRUM OEM fail SYS 1 (2).

124-393 ERROR — RAP CRUM OEM fail SYS 2 (2).

124-701 ERROR — RAP Side Tray to Center Tray.

124-704 ERROR — RAP The output tray was changed from the Folder Tray to the Center Tray and printing continued.

124-705 ERROR — RAP Punching Cancelled.

124-706 ERROR — RAP Folding Cancelled.

124-708 ERROR — RAP The output tray has been changed to the Sub Tray because a failure was detected in the specified output tray.

124-709 ERROR — RAP Stapler Sheet Count is too high.

125-311 ERROR — RAP PSWcont Unexpected Failure.

127-210 ERROR — RAP DFE Communication Failure.

127-211 ERROR — RAP DFE Parameter Error.

127-212 ERROR — RAP ExtPrint Check Mode Error.

127-213 ERROR — RAP External Print IF Mismatch.

127-220 ERROR — RAP Communication Error (video) detected by the DFE.

127-221 ERROR — RAP Communication Error (Command) detected by the DFE.

127-310 ERROR — RAP ESR Task Fatal Error.

127-311 ERROR — RAP ExtPRT.

127-320 ERROR — RAP DFE Critical Failure.

127-337 ERROR — RAP Job Template HDD Write Error.

127-342 ERROR — RAP Job Template Monitor Failure.

127-353 ERROR — RAP LPD Soft Fatal Error.

127-354 ERROR — RAP FTP Server Software Failure.

127-396 ERROR — RAP Mail I/O Soft Fatal error.

127-398 ERROR — RAP IPP Soft Fatal Error.

127-399 ERROR — RAP JME Soft Fatal Error.

202-399 ERROR — RAP Timer Internal Fail.

          Во время работы с аппаратом могут возникать проблемы, связанные с неисправностями «железа» или ПО. И если расходные материалы можно просто заменить, то с «мозгами» нужно разбираться. Поэтому, для экономии времени и удобства, ниже представлены возможные коды ошибок (FAULT ERROR CODE), которые показывают Xerox DocuColor DC 240/250/242/252/260 и WorkCentre WC 7655/7665/7675/7755/7765/7775 при неисправности, и их значение:

002-770 ERROR — RAP Insufficient HDD capacity while processing the job template within a job.

003-318 ERROR — RAP IIT software failure.

003-319 ERROR — RAP IIT Video Driver Detection Fail.

003-320 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 1.

003-321 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 2.

003-322 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 3.

003-323 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 4.

003-324 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 5.

003-325 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 6.

003-326 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 7.

003-327 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 8.

003-328 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 9.

003-329 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 10.

003-330 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 11.

003-331 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 12.

003-332 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 13.

003-333 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 14.

003-334 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 15.

003-335 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 16.

003-336 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 17.

003-337 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 18.

003-338 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 19.

003-339 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 20.

003-340 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 21.

003-341 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 22.

003-342 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 23.

003-343 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 24.

003-344 ERROR — RAP Power on hotline failure.

003-345 ERROR — RAP X PIO Unmatch Fail 1.

003-346 ERROR — RAP X PIO Unmatch Fail 2.

003-750 ERROR — RAP Book Duplex-Insufficient Docs.

003-751 ERROR — RAP Under PANTHER Capacity (Scan).

003-752 ERROR — RAP This status code is displayed if 600dpi cannot be scanned (DADF).

003-753 ERROR — RAP This status code is displayed if over 300dpi cannot be scanned (DADF).

003-754 ERROR — RAP S2X Recoverable Error.

003-755 ERROR — RAP S2X Command Error.

003-757 ERROR — RAP This status code is displayed if over 400dpi cannot be scanned (DADF).

003-760 ERROR — RAP Scan Settings Error.

003-761 ERROR — RAP Incorrect Paper Tray Size.

003-763 ERROR — RAP Adjustment Chart Not Found.

003-764 ERROR — RAP Adjustment Chart Not Found.

003-780 ERROR — RAP Scan Image Compression Error.

003-795 ERROR — RAP AMS Limit Error.

003-940 ERROR — RAP DAM Memory is insufficient.

003-942 ERROR — RAP Document Size Error.

003-944 ERROR — RAP Image Repeat Count Fail.

003-946 ERROR — RAP Copy Vertical/Horizontal Difference (APS).

003-947 ERROR — RAP Replaced Original Count Error.

003-948 ERROR — RAP Replaced Original Mismatch.

003-952 ERROR — RAP Return Documents Color mismatch.

003-955 ERROR — RAP Documents Size Exchange Error.

003-956 ERROR — RAP Documents Size Unknown Error.

003-963 ERROR — RAP No APS Object Tray.

003-965 ERROR — RAP ATS/APS No Paper. There is no paper in the trays that can be selected with APS.

003-966 ERROR — RAP AATS/APS No Destination Error.

003-968 ERROR — RAP Punch Position Error.

003-969 ERROR — RAP Punch Size Error.

003-972 ERROR — RAP Maximum Stored Page Over Flow.

003-973 ERROR — RAP Every Direction Difference.

003-974 ERROR — RAP Next Original Specification.

003-977 ERROR — RAP Document Miss Match (Multi Scan).

003-978 ERROR — RAP Color Document Mismatch (Multi Scan).

003-980 ERROR — RAP Staple Position Error.

003-981 ERROR — RAP Staple Size Error.

003-982 ERROR — RAP IITsc HDD Access Error.

005-121 ERROR — RAP DADF Feed Sensor ON Jam.

005-122 ERROR — RAP DADF Simplex/Side 1 Pre Reg Sensor ON Jam.

005-123 ERROR — RAP DADF Simplex/Side 1 Reg Sensor ON Jam.

005-124 ERROR — RAP DADF Lead Reg Sensor ON Jam.

005-125 ERROR — RAP DADF Reg Sensor OFF Jam.

005-126 ERROR — RAP DADF Out Sensor ON Jam.

005-127 ERROR — RAP DADF Out Sensor OFF Jam.

005-128 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 ON Jam (Simplex Mode).

005-129 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 OFF Jam (Simplex Mode).

005-130 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert Sensor ON Jam (Duplex Mode).

005-131 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert Sensor On Jam (Inverting).

005-132 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert SNR on Jam 2.

005-133 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert Sensor OFF Jam.

005-134 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert SNR off Jam (Inv).

005-135 ERROR — RAP DADF Pre Reg Sensor ON Jam (Invert).

005-136 ERROR — ERROR — RAP DADF Reg Sensor ON Jam (Invert).

005-137 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 2 ON Jam.

005-138 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 ON Jam.

005-139 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert SNR off Jam.

005-141 ERROR — RAP DADF Feed Sensor OFF Jam.

005-142 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 OFF Jam (Duplex Mode).

005-143 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 2 OFF Jam.

005-144 ERROR — RAP DADF Too First Pre Reg Sensor ON Jam.

005-145 ERROR — RAP DADF Reg Sensor Off Jam (Invert).

005-146 ERROR — RAP DADF Pre Reg Sensor Off Jam.

005-147 ERROR — RAP DADF Pre Reg Sensor Off Jam (Invert).

005-150 ERROR — RAP DADF Feed Sensor OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-151 ERROR — RAP DADF Pre Reg Sensor OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-152 ERROR — RAP DADF Reg Sensor OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-153 ERROR — RAP DADF Reg Sensor OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-154 ERROR — RAP DADF Out Sensor OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-155 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode) (Simplex).

005-156 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode) (Duplex).

005-157 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert Sensor OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-158 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 2 OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-160 ERROR — RAP DADF Tray Lift Up Fail (Document Set) (Within Job).

005-190 ERROR — RAP DADF Feed Motor Logic Jam.

005-194 ERROR — RAP Size Mismatch Jam on Slow Scan Mix Size.

005-195 ERROR — RAP Size Mismatch Jam on No Mix Size.

005-196 ERROR — RAP Size Mismatch Jam on No Mix Size.

005-197 ERROR — RAP Prohibit Combine Size Jam.

005-198 ERROR — RAP Too Short Size Jam.

005-199 ERROR — RAP Too Long Size Jam.

005-275 ERROR — RAP DADF RAM Fail.


005-282 ERROR — RAP DADF Tray Lift Up Fail (No Document).

005-283 ERROR — RAP DADF Stack Height Sensor Logic Fail.

005-284 ERROR — RAP DADF APS Sensor Logic Fail.

005-285 ERROR — RAP DADF Nudger Lift Up Fail.

005-286 ERROR — RAP DADF Feed Out Sensor Fail.

005-303 ERROR — RAP DADF Tray Interlock is open.

005-304 ERROR — RAP Platen Interlock Open.

005-305 ERROR — RAP DADF Feeder Cover Interlock Open (Run).

005-306 ERROR — RAP DADF Tray Interlock Open (Run).

005-308 ERROR — RAP The DADF L/H Cover Interlock is open.

005-309 ERROR — RAP DADF L/H Cover Interlock Open (Run).

005-906 ERROR — RAP DADF Feed Sensor Static Jam.

005-907 ERROR — RAP DADF Pre Reg Sensor Static Jam.

005-908 ERROR — RAP DADF Reg Sensor Static Jam.

005-909 ERROR — RAP DADF Lead Reg Sensor Static Jam..

005-910 ERROR — RAP DADF Out Sensor Static Jam.

005-911 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 Static Jam.

005-912 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 2 Static Jam.

005-913 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert Sensor Static Jam.

005-914 ERROR — RAP DADF No. 1/2/3 APS Sensor Static Jam.

005-915 ERROR — RAP DADF No. 1 APS Sensor Static Jam.

005-916 ERROR — RAP DADF No. 2 APS Sensor Static Jam.

005-917 ERROR — RAP DADF No. 3 APS Sensor Static Jam.

005-918 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert Sensor 2 Static Jam.

005-919 ERROR — RAP DADF Tray Lift Up Fail (Document Set).

005-940 ERROR — RAP DADF No Original Fail.

005-941 ERROR — RAP DADF Not Enough Document.

005-942 ERROR — RAP DADF Tray Stack Over Fail.

010-311 ERROR — RAP Fuser Heat Roll STS-1 Disconnection Fail. It was detected that fuser heat roll STS-1 disconnected.

010-319 ERROR — RAP Fuser NC Sensor Differential Amp Fail.

010-320 ERROR — RAP Heat Roll Over Heat Fail.

010-321 ERROR — RAP Fuser Nip Fail.

010-322 ERROR — RAP Fuser NC Center Sensor Disconnection Fail. (Fuser Temperature Sensor Fail).

010-323 ERROR — RAP Fuser Rear Sensor Disconnection Fail. (Fuser Temperature Sensor Fail).

010-324 ERROR — RAP Fuser NVM Fail.

010-326 ERROR — RAP Wait Heat Roll Fuser On Time Fail.

010-327 ERROR — RAP Standby Heat Roll Fuser On Time Fail.

010-330 ERROR — RAP Fuser Motor Fail.

010-420 ERROR — RAP Fuser Assembly Life Near End.

010-421 ERROR — RAP Fuser Assembly Life End.

012-112 ERROR — RAP Finisher Interface Entrance Sensor ON.

012-113 ERROR — RAP Booklet In Sensor ON Jam.

012-114 ERROR — RAP Booklet In Sensor OFF Jam.

012-115 ERROR — RAP Booklet Folder Roll Exit Sensor ON Jam.

012-125 ERROR — RAP Gate Sensor ON JAM: Finisher.

012-132 ERROR — RAP Finisher Transport Entrance Sensor ON Jam (Long).

012-142 ERROR — RAP Buffer Path Sensor ON Jam A.

012-151 ERROR — RAP Compile Exit Sensor OFF Jam.

012-152 ERROR — RAP Compile Exit Sensor ON Jam A.

012-161 ERROR — RAP Set Eject Jam.

012-162 ERROR — RAP Finisher Interface EXIT. Sensor ON Jam.

012-171 ERROR — RAP Top Tray Exit Sensor ON Jam A.

012-172 ERROR — RAP Top Tray Exit Sensor OFF Jam A.

012-180 ERROR — RAP Booklet Folder Roll Exit Sensor OFF Jam.

012-211 ERROR — RAP Stacker Tray Fail.

012-212 ERROR — RAP Stacker Tray Upper Limit Fail.

012-213 ERROR — RAP Stacker Tray Lower Limit Fail.

012-221 ERROR — RAP Tamper Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-223 ERROR — RAP Tamper Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-224 ERROR — RAP Rear Tamper Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-225 ERROR — RAP Booklet Tamper F Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-226 ERROR — RAP Booklet Tamper F Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-227 ERROR — RAP Booklet End Guide Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-228 ERROR — RAP Booklet End Guide Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-229 ERROR — RAP Booklet Tamper R Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-230 ERROR — RAP Booklet Tamper R Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-243 ERROR — RAP Booklet Knife Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-246 ERROR — RAP Booklet Stapler Fail.

012-247 ERROR — RAP Side Regi Sensor OFF Fail.

012-260 ERROR — RAP Eject Clamp Up Sensor ON Fail.

012-261 ERROR — RAP Booklet Knife Folding SNR Fail.

012-263 ERROR — RAP Finisher Rear Tamper Home Sensor ON.

012-264 ERROR — RAP Booklet Drawer Broken Fail.

012-265 ERROR — RAP Booklet Knife Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-266 ERROR — RAP Booklet Compiler No Paper Sensor Fail.

012-270 ERROR — RAP Top Offset Home Sensor ON Fail: Finisher.

012-271 ERROR — RAP Top Offset Home Sensor OFF Fail: Finisher.

012-282 ERROR — RAP Eject Clamp Up Sensor OFF Fail.

012-283 ERROR — RAP Finisher Set Clamp Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-284 ERROR — RAP Finisher Set Clamp Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-291 ERROR — RAP Stapler Fail.

012-295 ERROR — RAP Finisher Stapler Move Sensor On Fail.

012-296 ERROR — RAP Finisher Stapler Move Sensor OFF Fail.

012-300 ERROR — RAP Finisher Eject Cover Open (Compiler Cover).

012-302 ERROR — RAP Finisher Front Door Interlock Open.

012-307 ERROR — RAP Booklet Drawer Set Fail.

012-320 ERROR — RAP Punch Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-321 ERROR — RAP Punch Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-322 ERROR — RAP Puncher Move Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-323 ERROR — RAP Puncher Move Home Sensor On Fail.

012-325 ERROR — RAP Side Regi Home Sensor On Fail.

012-330 ERROR — RAP Decurler Cam Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-332 ERROR — RAP Decurler Cam Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-334 ERROR — RAP Download Mode Fail.

012-335 ERROR — RAP Booklet Sub CPU Communication Fail.

012-900 ERROR — RAP Buffer Path Sensor Static Jam.

012-901 ERROR — RAP Finisher Paper Remains at H-Transport Entrance.

012-902 ERROR — RAP Finisher Paper Remains H-Transport Exit.

012-903 ERROR — RAP Compile Exit Sensor Static Jam.

012-905 ERROR — RAP Compile Tray No Paper Sensor Static Jam.

012-907 ERROR — RAP Top Tray Exit Sensor Static Jam.

012-920 ERROR — RAP Gate Sensor static JAM (to Top Tray) A: Finisher.

012-932 ERROR — RAP Gate SNR static JAM (to Stacker Tray) A.

012-934 ERROR — RAP Gate SNR static JAM (to Stacker Tray) C.

012-935 ERROR — RAP Finisher Paper Remains at Transport Entrance Sensor.

012-936 ERROR — RAP Paper Remain at Booklet In SNR A.

012-949 ERROR — RAP Finisher Punch DustBox Miss Set.

013-902 ERROR — RAP Booklet Compile No Paper Sensor Static Jam.

013-903 ERROR — RAP Booklet Folder Roll Exit Sensor Static Jam.

016-210 ERROR — RAP Software Option Fail (HDD Not Exist).

016-211 ERROR — RAP Software Option Fail (System Memory Low Volume).

016-212 ERROR — RAP SW Option Fail (Page Memory Low).

016-213 ERROR — RAP SW Option Fail (Printer CARD Not Exist).

016-215 ERROR — RAP SW Option Fail (JPEG Board Not Exist).

016-216 ERROR — RAP SW Option Fail (Ext Memory Not Exist).

016-217 ERROR — RAP SW Option Fail (Controller ROM not Printer kit).

016-218 ERROR — RAP Because PS Kit is not installed, XDOD functions cannot be fulfilled.

016-219 ERROR — RAP License is required (Printer Kit).

016-220 ERROR — RAP S2X Unrecoverable Error.

016-221 ERROR — RAP S2X Communication Error.

016-222 ERROR — RAP S2X Self-Diag Error.

016-223 ERROR — RAP SS2X SDRAM Error.

016-224 ERROR — RAP S2X PCI Reg Error.

016-225 ERROR — RAP S2X ROM CheckSum Error.

016-226 ERROR — RAP S2X IIT Connection Error.

016-227 ERROR — RAP S2X DDR Error.

016-228 ERROR — RAP S2X Image Processing Error.

016-229 ERROR — RAP SW Option Fail (FCW-UI Not Exist).

016-311 ERROR — RAP The scanner was not detected.

016-315 ERROR — RAP NIIT Interface Fail.

016-316 ERROR — RAP Page Memory Not Detected.

016-317 ERROR — RAP Page Memory Broken-Standard.

016-318 ERROR — RAP Page Memory Broken-Option.

016-320 ERROR — RAP A fatal error with doc conversion software was detected.

016-322 ERROR — RAP JBA Account Full.

016-450 ERROR — RAP SMB Host Name Duplicated.

016-454 ERROR — RAP DNS Renewal Failure of Dynamic.

016-455 ERROR — RAP SNTP Server Time Out.

016-456 ERROR — RAP SNTP Time Asynchronous.

016-503 ERROR — RAP SMTP Server Address Resolution Fail.

016-504 ERROR — RAP POP Server Address Resolution Fail.

016-505 ERROR — RAP POP Authentication Fail.

016-600 ERROR — RAP KO Authentication Locked.

016-601 ERROR — RAP Illegal Access Detection.

016-647 ERROR — RAP With APS selected or with APS set up, there were no trays loaded with paper sizes for Auto Paper Selection.

016-648 ERROR — RAP Job with Booklet selected was discontinued because it had a cover with an image, a divider, or a blank page.

016-701 ERROR — RAP Out of ART EX Memory.

016-702 ERROR — RAP Out of Page Buffer.

016-703 ERROR — RAP Email to Invalid Box.

016-704 ERROR — RAP Mailbox is Full.

016-705 ERROR — RAP Secure Print Fail.

016-706 ERROR — RAP Max. User Number Exceeded.

016-707 ERROR — RAP Sample Print Fail.

016-708 ERROR — RAP HD Full by Annotation/Watermark Image.

016-709 ERROR — RAP ART EX Command Error.

016-710 ERROR — RAP Delayed Print Fail.

016-711 ERROR — RAP Tried to send data whose size is over the system data upper limit.

016-712 ERROR — RAP Under PANTHER Capacity (I-Formatter).

016-713 ERROR — RAP Security Box Password Error.

016-714 ERROR — RAP Security Box is not Enabled.

016-716 ERROR — RAP TIFF Data Overflow.

016-718 ERROR — RAP Out of PCL6 Memory.

016-719 ERROR — RAP Out of PCL Memory.

016-720 ERROR — RAP PCL Command Error.

016-721 ERROR — RAP Other Error.

016-722 ERROR — RAP Job Cancel by Staple Position NG.

016-723 ERROR — RAP Job Cancel by Punch Position NG.

016-724 ERROR — RAP Complex Position Error of Staple and Punch.

016-726 ERROR — RAP PDL Auto Switch Fail.

016-728 ERROR — RAP Unsupported TIFF Data.

016-729 ERROR — RAP TIFF Data Size too Big.

016-730 ERROR — RAP Unsupported ART Command.

016-731 ERROR — RAP Invalid TIFF Data.

016-732 ERROR — RAP Form Not Registered.

016-733 ERROR — RAP Destination Address Resolution Error.

016-734 ERROR — RAP Simple Transmission report invocation error.

016-735 ERROR — RAP Updating Job Template.

016-736 ERROR — RAP Remote directory lock error. Lock directory creation failed.

016-737 ERROR — RAP Remote lock directory remove error.

016-738 ERROR — RAP PS Booklet Print Output Paper Size is illegal.

016-739 ERROR — RAP Mismatch between PS Booklet Doc and Output Paper.

016-740 ERROR — RAP PS Booklet Output Tray is incorrect.

016-746 ERROR — RAP Unsupported PDF File.

016-748 ERROR — RAP HD Full.

016-749 ERROR — RAP JCL Syntax Error.

016-751 ERROR — RAP PDF Error.

016-752 ERROR — RAP PDF Short of Memory.

016-753 ERROR — RAP PDF Password Mismatched.

016-754 ERROR — RAP PDF LZW Not Installed.

016-755 ERROR — RAP PDF Print Prohibited.

016-756 ERROR — RAP Auditron-Prohibit Service.

016-757 ERROR — RAP Auditron-Invalid User.

016-758 ERROR — RAP Auditron-Disabled Function.

016-759 ERROR — RAP Auditron-Reached Limit.

016-760 ERROR — RAP PS Decompose Failure.

016-761 ERROR — RAP FIFO Empty.

016-762 ERROR — RAP Print LANG Not Installed.

016-764 ERROR — RAP SMTP Server Connect Error.

016-765 ERROR — RAP SMTP Server HD Full.

016-766 ERROR — RAP SMTP Server File System Error.

016-767 ERROR — RAP Invalid E-mail Address.

016-768 ERROR — RAP Invalid Sender Address.

016-769 ERROR — RAP SMTP Server Unsupported DSN.

016-771 ERROR — RAP Scan Data Repository ERR.

016-772 ERROR — RAP Scan Data Repository ERR.

016-773 ERROR — RAP Invalid IP Address.

016-774 ERROR — RAP HD Full-Compression Convert.

016-775 ERROR — RAP HD Full-Image Convert.

016-776 ERROR — RAP Image Convert ERR.

016-777 ERROR — RAP HD Access ERR-Image Convert.

016-778 ERROR — RAP HD Full-Scan Image Convert.

016-779 ERROR — RAP Scan Image Conversion Error.

016-780 ERROR — RAP HD Access ERR-Image Convert.

016-781 ERROR — RAP Scan Server Connect ERR.

016-782 ERROR — RAP Scan Server Login ERR.

016-783 ERROR — RAP Invalid Server Path.

016-784 ERROR — RAP Server Write ERR.

016-785 ERROR — RAP Server HD Full.

016-786 ERROR — RAP HD Full-Scan Write ERR.

016-787 ERROR — RAP Invalid Server IP ADD.

016-788 ERROR — RAP Retrieve to Browser Failed.

016-789 ERROR — RAP HD Full-Job Memory.

016-791 ERROR — RAP File Retrieve Fail.

016-792 ERROR — RAP Specified Job Not Found.

016-793 ERROR — RAP MF I/O HD Full.

016-794 ERROR — RAP Media Reader: Media No Insert.

016-795 ERROR — RAP Media Reader: Format Error.

016-796 ERROR — RAP Document insert operation error.

016-797 ERROR — RAP Media Reader: Image File Read Error.

016-798 ERROR — RAP No Trust Marking Option.

016-799 ERROR — RAP Print Instruction Fail.

016-940 ERROR — RAP With Duplex Output selected, a size difference between side 1 and side 2 was detected.

016-941 ERROR — RAP With Booklet selected, mixed-in-size/orientation pages with images were detected.

016-942 ERROR — RAP After a duplexed page was deleted, a size difference between side 1 and side 2 was detected.

016-943 ERROR — RAP After a document or divider was inserted, a size difference between side 1 and side 2 was detected.

016-944 ERROR — RAP Documents were merged, including the cover with an image, or a document with a divider.

016-945 ERROR — RAP A document unavailable for duplex print was inserted after a document available for Duplex was inserted.

016-946 ERROR — RAP A document or a divider was inserted after the cover or divider page.

016-949 ERROR — RAP The user inserted a documnet different in size/orientation from the page to be processed.

016-981 ERROR — RAP A failure in access to HDD.

016-982 ERROR — RAP HDD Access Error 2.

016-985 ERROR — RAP Data Size Over Flow (Scan to Email).

024-340 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 1.

024-341 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 2.

024-342 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 3.

024-343 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 4.

024-345 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 5.

024-346 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 6.

024-347 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 7.

024-348 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 8.

024-349 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 9.

024-350 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 10.

024-351 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 11.

024-352 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 12.

024-353 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 13.

024-354 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 14.

024-355 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 15.

024-356 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 16.

024-357 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 17.

024-358 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 18.

024-359 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 19.

024-360 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Initialization Failure.

024-361 ERROR — RAP Invalid IOT PaperSizeGroup Information.

024-362 ERROR — RAP Page Sync Illegal Start.

024-363 ERROR — RAP Page Sync Illegal Stop.

024-364 ERROR — RAP DMA Transfer Failure.

024-365 ERROR — RAP Overflow on the Loop Back Write.

024-366 ERROR — RAP JBIG Library Other Failure.

024-367 ERROR — RAP Decompress Other Failure.

024-368 ERROR — RAP PCI Error.

024-370 ERROR — RAP Marker Code Detect Failure.

024-371 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 21.

024-372 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 22.

024-373 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 23.

024-374 ERROR — RAP Regi Con PLL Parameter Failure.

024-375 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 24.

024-600 ERROR — RAP Billing master counter repair.

024-601 ERROR — RAP Billing backup counter #1 repair.

024-602 ERROR — RAP Billing backup counter #2 repair.

024-603 ERROR — RAP SWKey master counter repair.

024-604 ERROR — RAP SWKey backup counter #1 repair.

024-605 ERROR — RAP SWKey backup counter #2 repair.

024-606 ERROR — RAP Production Number/Serial Number Failure.

024-746 ERROR — RAP Selected Paper Tray Parameter Mismatch.

024-747 ERROR — RAP Print Instruction Failure.

024-910 ERROR — RAP Tray 1 Size Mismatch.

024-911 ERROR — RAP Tray 2 Size Mismatch.

024-912 ERROR — RAP Tray 3 Size Mismatch.

024-913 ERROR — RAP Tray 4 Size Mismatch.

024-914 ERROR — RAP Tray 6 Size Mismatch.

024-915 ERROR — RAP Tray 7 Size Mismatch.

024-917 ERROR — RAP Stacker Tray Staple Set Over Count.

024-919 ERROR — RAP Face UP Tray Close.

024-920 ERROR — RAP Face Down Tray 1 Paper FULL.

024-922 ERROR — RAP Face Down Tray 2 Paper FULL.

024-923 ERROR — RAP Operation Yellow Toner Empty.

024-924 ERROR — RAP Operation Magenta Toner Empty.

024-925 ERROR — RAP Operation Cyan Toner Empty.

024-926 ERROR — RAP Punch Dust Box Missing Set.

024-927 ERROR — RAP Offset Catch Tray Full Stack.

024-930 ERROR — RAP Stacker Tray Full (Small Size Full).

024-934 ERROR — RAP Paper type mismatch.

024-935 ERROR — RAP Tray 1 Paper Mismatch.

024-936 ERROR — RAP Tray 2 Paper Mismatch.

024-937 ERROR — RAP Tray 3 Paper Mismatch.

024-938 ERROR — RAP OHP kind Mismatch at Tray 4 (Not White Frame OHP).

024-939 ERROR — RAP Transparency type mismatch (No white border).

024-940 ERROR — RAP Folder Tray Out of Place.

024-941 ERROR — RAP Folder Tray Full Stack.

024-942 ERROR — RAP Booklet Sheets Over Count.

024-943 ERROR — RAP Booklet Low Staple.

024-945 ERROR — RAP Booklet Full Stack.

024-946 ERROR — RAP Tray 1 Not In Position.

024-947 ERROR — RAP Tray 2 Not In Position.

024-948 ERROR — RAP Tray 3 Not In Position.

024-949 ERROR — RAP Tray 4 Not In Position.

024-950 ERROR — RAP Tray 1 No Paper.

024-951 ERROR — RAP Tray 2 No Paper.

024-952 ERROR — RAP Tray 3 No Paper.

024-953 ERROR — RAP Tray 4 No Paper.

024-954 ERROR — RAP MSI No Paper.

024-955 ERROR — RAP Tray 6 No Paper.

024-956 ERROR — RAP Tray 7 No Paper.

024-957 ERROR — RAP Interposer No Paper.

024-958 ERROR — RAP MSI Size Mismatch.

024-959 ERROR — RAP Tray 1 Paper Size Mismatch.

024-960 ERROR — RAP Tray 2 Paper Size Mismatch.

024-961 ERROR — RAP Tray 3 Paper Size Mismatch.

024-962 ERROR — RAP Tray 4 Paper Size Mismatch.

024-965 ERROR — RAP ATS/APS No Paper.

024-966 ERROR — RAP ATS/APS No Destination Error.

024-967 ERROR — RAP Different Width Mix Paper Detect (Staple Job).

024-968 ERROR — RAP Stapler/Punch Batting.

024-969 ERROR — RAP Different Width Mix Punch.

024-970 ERROR — RAP Tray 6 Not In Position.

024-971 ERROR — RAP Tray 7 Not In Position.

024-972 ERROR — RAP Tray 6 Paper Size Mismatch.

024-973 ERROR — RAP Tray 7 Paper Size Mismatch.

024-974 ERROR — RAP Interposer Tray Size Mismatch.

024-975 ERROR — RAP Booklet Sheets Over Count (Not Field Attachment).

024-976 ERROR — RAP Finisher Staple Status incorrect.

024-977 ERROR — RAP Stapler Feed Ready Failure.

024-978 ERROR — RAP Booklet Stapler incorrect.

024-979 ERROR — RAP Stapler Near Empty.

024-980 ERROR — RAP Finisher Stacker Tray Full.

024-981 ERROR — RAP Finisher Top Tray Full.

024-982 ERROR — RAP Stacker Lower Safety Warning.

024-983 ERROR — RAP Booklet Tray Full.

024-984 ERROR — RAP Booklet Low Staple F.

024-985 ERROR — RAP SMH Stop Check.

024-987 ERROR — RAP Envelope Folder Tray Full.

024-988 ERROR — RAP Envelope Folder Tray Set Failure.

024-989 ERROR — RAP Booklet Low Staple R.

024-990 ERROR — RAP Punch Dust Full.

025-596 ERROR — RAP Diag HDD Failure 1.

025-597 ERROR — RAP Diag HDD Failure 2.

027-452 ERROR — RAP Duplicate IP address.

027-500 ERROR — RAP SMTP Server Address Resolution Failure.

027-501 ERROR — RAP POP Server Address Resolution Failure.

027-502 ERROR — RAP POP Authentication Failure.

027-700 ERROR — RAP Media Failure.

027-701 ERROR — RAP Media Not Found.

027-702 ERROR — RAP Media Data Not Found / Not Supported.

027-703 ERROR — RAP Media Reader Failure / Disconnected.

027-706 ERROR — RAP Certificate not found.

027-707 ERROR — RAP Certificate expired.

027-708 ERROR — RAP Certificate untrusted.

027-709 ERROR — RAP Certificate revoked.

027-710 ERROR — RAP S/MIME mail was disabled.

027-711 ERROR — RAP S/MIME mail sender certificate not found.

027-712 ERROR — RAP S/MIME mail sender certificate not valid.

027-713 ERROR — RAP S/MIME mail was altered.

027-714 ERROR — RAP S/MIME mail sender impersonation.

027-715 ERROR — RAP S/MIME mail certificate not supported.

027-716 ERROR — RAP No-Signed mail receipt was rejected.

027-720 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Host Not Found. A server specified for a remote application was not found, or DNS resolution was not possible.

027-721 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Not Found.

027-722 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Timeout Failure.

027-723 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Authentication Failure.

027-724 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Access Failure.

027-725 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Operation Failure.

027-726 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Unknown State.

027-727 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Req Invalid Parameters.

027-728 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Required File Exceeded.

027-737 ERROR — RAP Template Server Read Error.

027-739 ERROR — RAP Invalid Template Server Path.

027-740 ERROR — RAP Template Server Login Error.

027-741 ERROR — RAP Template Server Connect Failure.

027-742 ERROR — RAP HD File System Full.

027-743 ERROR — RAP Template Server Install Error.

027-744 ERROR — RAP Template Server ADD Error.

027-745 ERROR — RAP Template Server ADD Error.

027-746 ERROR — RAP Job Template Pool Server Not Ready.

027-751 ERROR — RAP Job Template Analysis Error.

027-752 ERROR — RAP Must User un Inputting.

027-753 ERROR — RAP Job Flow Service Request Disabled.

027-760 ERROR — RAP XJT Command Failure.

027-770 ERROR — RAP PDL Error.

027-771 ERROR — RAP DFE Disk Full.

027-796 ERROR — RAP Email Not Printed.

027-797 ERROR — RAP Invalid Output Destination.

042-313 ERROR — RAP Rear Cooling Fan Failure.

042-320 ERROR — RAP Yellow Drum Motor Drive Failure.

042-321 ERROR — RAP Magenta Drum Motor Drive Failure.

042-322 ERROR — RAP Cyan Drum Motor Drive Failure.

042-323 ERROR — RAP Black Drum Motor Drive Failure.

042-324 ERROR — RAP IBT Drive Motor Failure.

042-325 ERROR — RAP Main Motor Failure.

042-326 ERROR — RAP Belt Home Position too long.

042-327 ERROR — RAP Belt Position Failure.

042-328 ERROR — RAP Belt Edge Sensor Failure.

042-330 ERROR — RAP Fuser Exhaust Fan Failure.

042-331 ERROR — RAP Blower Motor Fan Failure.

042-600 ERROR — RAP Belt Walk Failure.

042-601 ERROR — RAP Belt Edge Learn Failure.

042-602 ERROR — RAP Belt Edge Check Failure.

042-603 ERROR — RAP Suction Filter Life End Failure.

045-310 ERROR — RAP Image Ready NG.

045-311 ERROR — RAP Controller Comm Failure.

045-312 ERROR — RAP Driver Connect Failure.

047-210 ERROR — RAP OCT Offset Failure.

047-310 ERROR — RAP MCU-Finisher Communication Failure.

061-310 ERROR — RAP Clapper 1 Failure.

061-311 ERROR — RAP Clapper 2 Failure.

061-313 ERROR — RAP SOS Long Failure Magenta.

061-315 ERROR — RAP SOS Long Failure Black.

061-317 ERROR — RAP SOS Short Failure.

061-319 ERROR — RAP SOS Short Failure Black.

061-320 ERROR — RAP Polygon Motor Failure.

061-321 ERROR — RAP ROS Motor Failure.

Xerox Docucolor 250 Error 042-326 information. How to fix Xerox Docucolor 250 Error 042-326. List of solutions & fixes.

Xerox Docucolor 250 shows fault code 042-326 but freezes when repair is attempted

Display shows 042-326 which is IBT belt position. I’ve already taken the belt out, cleaned the IBT belt cleaner, centered the belt. I need to perform the ADJ adjustment to realign the belt start position, but PWS will not connect to the machine anymore. When I press and hold 0 for 5 seconds and then press Start, I can enter 6789 but when I press CONFIRM then the machine freezes. So I cannot reset anything, or connect. I have power cycled many times, even left the machine off for hours..

So this post might be better titled – “PWS will not connect” or “Service mode causes freeze” but I posted it with the error displayed.


Вопросы с 61 по 75:


11.10.2011 – Не тот цвет

Скажите, пожалуйста, вчера отправлял файл на печать, он его печатал одним цветом, а сегодня другим! Почему так?

Ответ: Вы отправляли файл-картинку или текст? Каким именно цветом стал печатать аппарат?


27.09.2011 – Просыпается тонер

В Xerox DocuColor 250 постоянно просыпается красный (m) тонер. В чем может быть дело? Картриджи меняются на новые, никакой сборки-разборки не производится. Пластиковые крепления внутри машины уже приобрели черно-розовую расцветку.

Ответ: Вы пробовали заменить красный барабан? Также мог переполниться бункер для отработанного тонера.


20.09.2011 – Ошибка 042-326

Здравствуйте! У нас DocuColor 240. Помогите убрать ошибку 042-326.

Ответ: Скорее всего сместился ремень переноса или стерлась метка на ремне переноса.


05.09.2011 – Сенсорная панель

Периодически не работает сенсорная панель управления принтером. Кнопки – функционируют, ошибок никаких принтер не выдает, а сенсор не реагирует на нажатия. День, два, три не работает – потом неделю-две всё хорошо. Что делать?

Ответ: Либо неисправна сама сенсорная панель, либо отходят контакты панели. Обратитесь в сервисный центр.


02.08.2011 – Принтер перестал печатать

Добрый день. У меня аналогичная проблема, отправляем через сеть печать на принтер, файл очень быстро переходит в принтер, но никаких ответов от принтера, коллега разок заметил, что выводится код ошибки 100. В чем может быть проблема?
Пытался перезагружать сервер, и аппарат выдает ошибку – нет соединения с сервером.

Ответ: Проверьте подключение контроллера печати к аппарату. Посмотрите в истории ошибок, не выдавал ли аппарат какие-либо ошибки.


26.07.2011 – Ошибка 075-210

Выдает ошибку 075-210, не берет бумагу с 5-го лотка, помогите, что делать?

Ответ: Эта ошибка связана с датчиком 5 лотка. Обратитесь в сервисный центр.


17.05.2011 – Не печатается документ

После очереди обработки документ отправляется на очередь печати. И вот уже 15 минут 0% печати. Ошибок никаких машина не выдает. В чем может быть причина?

Ответ: Отправляется ли задание на контроллер? Проверьте соединение между контроллером и самим аппаратом.


16.05.2011 – Печать журнала

Как распечатать журнал на Xerox Docucolor 252: обложка должна быть глянцевой, а все остальные страницы – на обычной бумаге. Как это сделать? Какие настройки выбрать? И почему ставится только одна скрепка?

Ответ: Настройки формата и типа бумаги устанавливаются в драйвере. Распечатайте сначала обложку с подходящими ей настройками, потом остальные листы. Подробно обо всех настройках в документации к аппарату.


16.05.2011 – Чистка

Как можно чистить drum cartridg? Как можно чистить картриджи???

Ответ: Для чистки картриджей нужно обращаться в сервисный центр.


02.03.2011 – Не могу залить софт. Стало только хуже.

1) Пропал mailbox guest при сетевом сканировании.
2) Перестало напрямую посылаться на печать. В связи с чем решил перезалить софт.
Подключился кросс-кабелем напрямую, вставил диск 1, пошел процесс установки… На втором шаге остается залить каких-то 5 мегабайт с копейками и всё… Останавливается, потом выдаёт Check the cable and configuration…. и т.д. и т.п. С кабелем всё в порядке. Что не так-то? Причем и в первом случае (через хаб), и во втором (напрямую) останавливается на одном и том же значении… И выдает одну и ту же ошибку. Всё бы ничего, так теперь пропала настройка сети в панели управления на самом аппарате, и вообще компьютер теперь его не видит. Как быть в этом случае? Можно ли своими силами устранить данную проблему, или обязательно нужно вызывать сервисника? Заранее спасибо!

Ответ: Устранить проблему в данном случае может только сервисный инженер.


01.03.2011 – Сброс сообщения

После замены фьюзера аппарат все равно сообщает: replace now. Как сбросить? Заранее благодарю!

Ответ: Фьюзер должен заменять сервисный инженер, он знает, как сбросить прописавшуюся в память ошибку.


15.02.2011 – Царапины на drum cartridg

После замены плёнки переноса изображения появилась странная проблема: периодически выкрашивается (вплоть до алюминиевой основы) магнитный барабан (drum cartridg), пробой появляется одномоментно, произвольно по расположению и форме, на любом из 4х картриджей (C M Y B). При печати проявляется как пятно краски одного из цветов (C M  Y B), ресурс картриджей-страдальцев варьируется от 100% до 0%, картриджи фирменные, всегда новые (ремонтам не подвергались).

Ответ: Не изменилась ли влажность в помещении, где стоит аппарат? Уменьшение влажности воздуха может привести к пробоям барабана.
Проверьте, нет ли внутри барабана скрепок, скобок.


05.01.2011 – Ошибка

Что означает 010-320?

Ответ: Данная ошибка связана с перегревом фьюзера. Вам следует обратиться в сервисный центр.


16.12.2010 – Повисло задание на печать

Здравствуйте! Задание повисло. Отмена не действует. Перезагружать пробовал. Что делать?

Ответ: Вы перезагружали только аппарат или контроллер тоже? Перезагрузите контроллер.


Для просмотра онлайн кликните на видео ⤵

Xerox dc 242 ошибка 042 326

Чистим и меняем ленту переноса Ошибка 042-326 Xerox DC 240-260 550-570,С60/С70 DC 700-770Подробнее

Чистим и меняем ленту переноса Ошибка 042-326 Xerox   DC 240-260 550-570,С60/С70 DC 700-770

How to clean IBT belt Xerox machine 240,250,242,252,550,560 error code 042-326 problem solution.Подробнее

How to clean IBT belt Xerox machine 240,250,242,252,550,560 error code 042-326 problem solution.

Error code 042-326/327/328 for Xerox C75 700 560 242Подробнее

Error code 042-326/327/328 for Xerox C75 700 560 242

Solved error 042-326 xerox IV C-7780 / Replace IBTПодробнее

Solved error 042-326 xerox IV C-7780 /  Replace IBT

Error Code 042-326 Solution For A Xerox Docucolor 240,242,250,252,550,560,570,c60,c70Подробнее

Error Code 042-326 Solution For A Xerox Docucolor 240,242,250,252,550,560,570,c60,c70

Xerox IBT Change Docucolor 240 250 260 Color 550Подробнее

Xerox IBT Change Docucolor 240 250 260 Color 550

How to delete, remove Xerox error 042-323 | Xerox 2060 3060 3065 5325 5330 5335 copierПодробнее

How to delete, remove Xerox error 042-323 | Xerox 2060 3060 3065 5325 5330 5335 copier

010-320 Fault error solution for Xerox 240,250,252,260,7765,7775Подробнее

010-320 Fault error solution for Xerox 240,250,252,260,7765,7775

How to check error in xerox docucolor ,240,242,250,252,260,550,560,570 in HindiПодробнее

How to check error in xerox docucolor ,240,242,250,252,260,550,560,570 in Hindi

Как переделать Xerox DC 240/242/250/252/260 под копи-картриджи Xerox DCP 700/770, Color 550/560/570Подробнее

Как переделать Xerox DC 240/242/250/252/260 под копи-картриджи Xerox DCP 700/770, Color 550/560/570

Переполнение бункера отработанного тонераПодробнее

Переполнение бункера отработанного тонера

Fix xerox DocuColor 240 error code 093-314Подробнее

Fix xerox DocuColor 240 error code 093-314



Замена ленты переноса transfer belt xerox dc 242 550 700 c70 7425 7525Подробнее

Замена ленты переноса transfer belt xerox dc 242 550 700 c70 7425 7525

Выравнивание лица и оборота Xerox C75, SIQA Xerox C75Подробнее

Выравнивание лица и оборота Xerox C75, SIQA Xerox C75


Xerox Docucolor 250 Error 042-326 Fixes & Solutions

We are confident that the above descriptions of Xerox Docucolor 250 Error 042-326 and how to fix it will be useful to you. If you have another solution to Xerox Docucolor 250 Error 042-326 or some notes on the existing ways to solve it, then please drop us an email.


Описание ошибки

Paper Jam 005-121 Open ADF Cover and Clear Jam

Cover Open 005-301 Remove paper then Close ADF Cover
ADF Cover Open

010-397 Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer
Fuser Error

016-315 System Restart Printer
IP ROM Check (Main) Fail

016-317 Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
IP ROM Check (Main) Fail

016-372 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Fax Memory Allocation Error

Write Flash Error 016-501 System Contact Support If Message Returns
Write Flash Error

Write Flash Error 016-502 System Contact Support If Message Returns
Verify Flash Error

016-503 / 016-504 / 016-506 / 016-507
SMTP Error 016-50X Scan Job Failure
E-mail Error

Memory Full 016-718 Printer Job too Large
Out of Memory

Decode Error 016-719 Printer Job Failure
Decode Error

PDL Request 016-720 Printer Data Violation
PDL Error

Format Error 016-744 System Invalid Data
Checksum Error

Format Error 016-745 System Invalid Data
Header Error

PJL Request 016-749 Printer Data Violation
PJL Request Error

Connect Fail 016-764 Scan Job Failure
Can not connect to mail server for sending mail out.

SMTP Error 016-766 Scan Job Failure
Can not transferring completely.

Address Error 016-767 Scan Job Failure
Recipient address is invalid.}

USB Memory was removed. 016-791 System Job Failure
USB Memory Removal Error

File Format Error 016-795 Printer Job Failure
File Format Error

File Read Error 016-797 Printer Job Failure
File Read Error

Wireless Error 016-920 System Setup Fail
Wireless Setting Error Timeout Error

016-930 / 016-931
USB Host Error 016-930 System Unsupported Device Remove from USB Port
USB Host Error

Collate Full 016-981 Printer Job too Large
Collate Full

Mail Size Limits 016-985 Scan Job Failure
Mail Size Limits Error

Memory Full 017-970 Scan Job Failure
Out of Memory

Report error 017-980 System Job Failure
Fax Report job fails to report file.

Report error 017-981 System Job Failure
Report File Error

PCScan Time Out 017-988 Scan Job Failure
PCScan Time Out

018-338 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Wireless Error

024-340 Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer
MCU Firmware Error

024-360 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Download Error

024-371 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Return
MCU Comm. Error

Paper Size Mismatch 024-958 Printer Load Paper then Press P AAAAA (or BBBBB)
Paper Size Mismatch

No Suitable Paper 024-963 Printer Load Paper
No Suitable Paper

USB Memory Full 026-720 Scan Job Failure
USB Memory Full

File Write Error 026-721 Scan Job Failure
USB Memory Write Error

Write Protect 026-722 Scan Job Failure
USB Memory Write Protect Error

File Path Limit 026-723 Scan Job Failure
File Path Limit Error

026-750 / 026-751 / 026-752
Communication Fail 026-75X Scan Job Failure
Scan Communication Fail

SMB Error 031-521 Scan Login Error
SMB Login Failed

SMB Error 031-536 Scan Name Resolve Error
SMB Name Resolve

SMB Error 031-536 Scan Name Resolve Error
SMB Login Failed

SMB Error 031-530 Scan SMB Path Error
SMB Error

031-533 Scan File Make Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-534 Scan Folder Make Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-535 Scan Delete File Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-536 Scan Delete Folder Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-537 Scan Disk Full Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-555 Scan Write Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-556 Scan Write Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-557 Scan File Duplication
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-558 Scan Connect Error
SMB Error

031-571, 031-578
FTP Error 031-57X Scan Login Failed
FTP Connection Error

FTP Error 031-574 Scan Name Resolve Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-575 Scan Server Address Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-576 Scan Server Not Found
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-579 Scan FTP Path Error
FTP Login Error

FTP Error 031-579 Scan FTP Path Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-582 Scan File Make Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-584 Scan Connect Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-585 Scan DEL Command Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-587 Scan RMD Command Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-588 Scan Write Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-589 Scan Disk Full Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-594 Scan TYPE Command Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-598 Scan APPE Command Error
FTP Error

Memory Full 033-503 Fax Job Failure
Out of Memory

Memory Full 033-513 Fax Job Failure
Communication Error

Memory Full 033-787 Fax Job Failure
Fax Job Failure

Memory Full 033-788 Fax Job Failure
Memory Full

Busy 034-700 Fax Job Failure
Fax Busy Error

No Dial Tone 034-701 Fax Job Failure
No Dial Tone

034-702/703 … 034-711
Communication Fail 034-7xx Fax Job Failure
Communication Errors

034-712/713 … 034-727
Communication Fail 034-7xx Fax Job Failure
Fax transmission errors

034-750/751 … 034-768
Communication Fail 034-7xx Fax Job Failure
RX Communication Errors

041-340 Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer

061-370 Printer Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer
LPH Failure

062-321 System Restart Printer
Carriage Motor Error

Confirm 062-790 Deleted by Limit
Copy Limit

Paper Jam 075-100 Printer Jam at Feed
Misfeed Jam

075-921 Printer Insert Output to Tray
Waiting for OK to be pressed after setting side 2 for manual duplex print.

Paper Jam 077-100 Printer Jam at Feed
Reg On Early Jam

Paper Jam 077-104 Printer Jam at Exit
Reg Off Jam

Paper Jam 077-106 Printer Jam at Exit
Exit On Jam

Paper Jam 077-108 Printer Jam at Exit
Exit Off Early Jam

Paper Jam 077-109 Printer Jam at Exit
Exit Off Jam

Close Rear Cover 077-304 Printer Rear Cover is Open
Rear Door Open

Paper Jam Remain at Exit 077-900 Printer Open Rear Cover Remove Paper
Exit Jam

Paper Jam Remain at Reg 077-901 Printer Open Rear Cover Remove Paper
Remain Registration Jam

091-402 Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Xero Life Warning

092-651 Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer
ADC Sensor Error

092-661 Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer
ENV Sensor Error

Ready to Print 093-42X Printer Cartridge is Close to Life
Toner Cartridge Near end of Life

CRUM ID 093-926 Reseat Cartridge
Toner Cartridge CRUM ID Error

Replace Cart. 093-93X Printer Replace Cartridge
Toner Cartridge Empty

Insert Print Cart 093-974 Printer Insert Toner Cartridge
Insert Print Cartridge

116-210 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
System USB Port Error

116-314 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
MAC Address Error

116-325 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Return
Checksum Error

116-326 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns

116-335 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Checksum Error (Network)Error

116-355 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Return
Network Fatal Error

116-395 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns

117-331/332 … 117-366
117-xxx System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Return
System Restart

124-333 Printer Restart Printer
ASIC Failure

134-211 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Modem Error

191-310 Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Xero Life Over


Сброс ошибки 10-327 и других ошибок фьюзера Xerox WorkCentre 5225, 5230 Печать

Изменено: Чт, 13 Сен, 2018 at 9:39 AM

Если во фьюзер машины Xerox WorkCentre 5225, 5230 установить нагревательный вал с заметно отличающимися от оригинального вала характеристиками (например, вал от Xerox WorkCentre C118 или некачественный совместимый вал), то довольно часто можно получить ошибку 10-327, которая означает, что машина не сумела нагреть фьюзер до нужной температуры за заданное время.

Устранения причины проблемы заменой вала на “правильный” в данной машине недостаточно для того, чтобы машина вновь заработала – ошибку нужно сбросить из сервисного режима.

Внимание! Перед сбросом ошибки нужно обязательно устранить причину появления этой ошибки! Помимо неподходящего нагревательного вала, ошибки фьюзера могут быть вызваны загрязнением или неисправностью термисторов, неисправностью ламп нагрева, срабатывание термопредохранителя (в этом случае нужно обязательно выяснить, почему он сработал), обрывом или коротким замыканием в цепях лампы или термисторов и в редких случаях неисправностью платы управления.


Xerox WC 3045 ошибка

005-121, 005-301, 010-397, 016-315,,016-317, 016-372, 016-501 016-502, 016-503 / 016-504 / 016-506 / 016-507, 016-718, 016-719, 016-720, 016-744, 016-745, 016-749, 016-764, 016-766016-767, 016-791, 016-795, 016-797, 016-920, 016-930 / 016-931, 016-981, 016-985,017-970, 017-980, 017-981, 017-988, 018-338, 024-340, 024-360, 024-371, 024-958, 024-963, 026-720, 026-721, 026-722, 026-723, 026-750 / 026-751 / 026-752, 031-521, 031-526, 031-529, 031-530, 031-533, 031-534, 031-535, 031-536, 031-537,031-555, 031-556, 031-557, 031-558, 031-571, 031-578, 031-574, 031-575, 031-576, 031-578, 031-579, 031-582, 031-584, 031-585, 031-587, 031-588, 031-589, 031-594, 031-598, 033-503, 033-513, 033-787, 033-788, 034-700, 034-701, 034-702/703 … 034-711, 034-712/713 … 034-727, 034-750/751 … 034-768, 041-340 061-370, 062-321, 062-790, 075-100, 075-921, 077-100, 077-104, 077-106, 077-108, 077-109, 077-304, 077-900, 077-901, 091-402, 092-651, 092-661, 093-426, 093-926, 093-933, 093-974, 116-210, 116-314, 116-325, 116-326, 116-335, 116-355, 116-395, 117-331 … 117-366, 124-333, 134-211, 191-310


Процедура сброса

Войти в сервисный режим:

  • Нажать и удерживать более 6 секунд кнопку [0] на панели управления. Не отпуская кнопку [0], нажать кнопку [Старт].


  • На появившемся экране ввести пароль – 6789 (значение по умолчанию) и нажмите кнопку [Confirm]


  • Нажать кнопку информации о машине


Записать значение 0 в ячейку NVM 744-220:

  • Выбрать вкладку [Инструменты] 


  •  В разделе [Режимы] выбрать [Обслуживание/диагностика]


  • Выбрать раздел [NVM Read / Write…]


  • Введите адрес ячейки 744-220 и нажмите [Confirm / Change]


  •  Введите [0] в поле [New Value] и нажмите [Save]


  • Нажмите [Close], затем [Exit (Keep Log)], затем [Yes]. Машина перезагрузится и выйдет на готовность, если причина проблемы была ранее устранена. Вы можете выбрать пункт [Exit (Clear Log)], если хотите очистить историю неисправностей машины.

Была ли эта статья полезной? Да Нет

Отправить отзыв

К сожалению, мы не смогли помочь вам в разрешении проблемы. Ваш отзыв позволит нам улучшить эту статью.


Xerox WorkCentre 3045 Вход в сервис / Вход в режим диагностики:

1. Выключите МФУ.
2. Нажмите и удерживайте кнопки [↑] и [↓], включите аппарат.
3. Отпустите кнопки, когда на дисплее отобразится сообщение “CE Mode. Please Wait“.

Для перемещения по меню, используйте стрелки [↑] и [↓]. Для выбора, нажмите кнопку [OK].

Меню режима диагностики:

– ESS Diag
     – Flash ROM Test
     – DRAM Test
     – IOT Test
     – Light Flash R/W Test
     – USB Test
     – OP Panel Test
     – Lamp Test
     – All Test
– IOT Diad
     – Digital Input
     – Digital Output
     – NVM Settings
          – NVM Edit
          – Save NVM to ESS
          – Load NVM from ESS
– Print Info
     – Config Page
     – Print Settings
– Installation Set
     – Serial No.
     – Pixel Counter
     – Print Counter
     – Clear All NVM
     – Clear Job History
– Test Print
     – TestPatLPH[IOT]
– Parameter
     – Regi
          – Lead Offset
          – Side Offset
     – Life
          – M/C Total PV
          – DEVE Runtime K
          – XERO Runtime
          – M/C Disp Time K
          – M/C Pixel K
          – M/C Custom Start
          – M/C Custom End
          – Waste Toner K
          – Toner PV K
          – Toner Disp Time K
          – Toner Pixel K
     – Print
– Information
     – Scan Counter
– Scanner Maintenance
     – White Balance
     – Shading Parameter
     – Registration Param.
     – Auto Registration
     – Sensor Parameter
     – IIT I/O Check
     – SCAN Counter Clear
– Parameter
– Backup Data
     – All Clear
     – User & System Clear
     – System Data Init
– Complete
Error code test


Fault Code:

Description / Notes:


The Hard Drive (HDD)
is over capacity

003-xxx codes

Communication Errors between boards in the machine

005-xxx codes

Generally: Document
Feeder problems

005-121 thru 005-158

Document Jams

005-194 thru 005-199

Document size mismatch


Document Feeder
communication errors

005-281 thru 005-283

Document Tray lift


Document APS (Automatic
Paper Sensors) failure (there are 3 sensors which detect various paper widths
on the Document Feeder)


Document Nudger up


Document feed-out
sensor failure


Document Tray
Interlock is open


Document Platen
Interlock opened during a job


Document Top Cover
Interlock opened during a job


Document Tray
Interlock opened during a job


Document Left Cover is
open or opened during a job

005-906 thru 005-918

Document is still
detected in feeder after power-on or after closing one of the document door

010-xxx codes

Generally: Fuser


Open Fuser Thermistor
was detected (white connector)

010-319 *

Fuser Heat Control
problem *NOTE: This code must be cleared from Diagnostic Mode… details below.

010-320 **

Fuser Overheat
problem… (can be reported by any of the 3 thermistors in the fuser) ** NOTE:
This code must be cleared from Diagnostic Mode… details below.

010-322 thru 010-323

Fuser Thermistor open
circuit detected (NCCenter Sensor or Rear Thermistor)


Fuser NVM (Memory)
failure *** NOTE: This code must be cleared from Diagnostic Mode… details below.

010-326 thru 010-327

Fuser Heat Control


Fuser Motor failure


Fuser Module nearing
end of life… NOTE: Read below for fuser count reset info.


Fuser Module «End
of Life»… NOTE: If the fuser is still good, you can replace the Fuser
Reset Fuse (on top of the fuser) and possibly the Fuser Heat Roll to keep it

012-xxx codes

Generally: Finisher

013-xxx codes

Generally: Finisher /
Booklet Maker problems

016-xxx codes

Generally: Options or
Software failures


Scanner not detected

024-340 thru 024-747

ESS (Network
Controller) problems

024-910 thru 024-917

Paper size Sensing
problems (in one of the paper drawers)


Face Up Tray interlock


Face Down Tray 1 full
/ Face Down Tray 2 full

024-923/924/ 925

Toner Cartridge Empty
— Y / M / C


OCT (Offset Catch
Tray) full / Stacker Tray full

024-934 thru 024-939

Paper type mismatch

024-946/947/ 948/949

Tray not in position

952/953/954/ 955/956

No Paper in tray


Rear Fuser Cooling Fan

042-320/321/ 322/323

Drum Motor failures —
320=Y, 321=C, 322=M, 323=K (black)


IBT Belt Drive Motor


Main Motor failure


IBT Belt Home position
not detected in time


IBT Belt Position


IBT Belt Edge Sensor


Fuser Exhaust Fan


Blower Motor Fan

042-600/601/ 602

Belt Edge timing


Suction Filter end of

045-xxx codes

Printing communication


ROS (Laser Unit)
polygon motor failures

061-323 thru 061-607

ROS (Laser Unit)


CCD (Scanner) Fan


Exposure Carriage
position failure.


Exposure Lamp not
lighting (or very dim)

071-101 thru 071-105

Paper Jams from Tray 1
at takeaway or registration


Tray 1 Lift failure

072-101 thru 072-105

Paper jams from Tray 2
at takeaway or registration


Tray 2 Lift failure

073-101 thru 073-105

Paper jam from Tray 3
at takeaway or registration


Tray 3 Lift failure

074-101 thru 074-105

Paper jam from Tray 4
at takeaway or registration


Tray 4 Lift failure

075-100 thru 075-135

Paper jam from Tray 5
at takeaway or registration


Tray 5 Lift failure /
Lift down failure

077-103 thru 077-118

Fuser Exit Sensor jam
or final Exit Sensor jam.


Post 2nd BTR Roll
Sensor jam

077-123 thru 077-130

Inverter jams


Front Cover interlock


Left Door interlock


Right Cover interlock


Transfer Module 2
interlock open


Paper detected in
paper path at power-on

078-100 thru 078-151

Paper jam from Tray 6
/ High Capacity Feeder (HCF) at takeaway or registration


Tray 6 (HCF) Lift


HCF (Hi Capacity
Feeder) Top Cover interlock open


HCF Docking Interlock

089-600 thru 089-617

Image Registration
Control problems


BCR and Black Charge
Corotron Cleaner control problem


Black Charge /
Preclean HVPS (Hi Volt Power Supply) failure


Drum Cartridge CRUM
(chip) communication failure


Black Charge Corona
Wire is broken


Waste Toner Bottle
replacement needed soon


Black Drum Cartridge
near end of life


Black Charge Corotron
Assembly near end of life


Black Charge Corotron
Assembly has reached end of life


Yellow Drum Cartridge
near end of life


Magenta Drum Cartridge
near end of life


Cyan Drum Cartridge
near end of life


Waste Toner Bottle not


Waste Toner Bottle


Black Drum Cartridge
at end of life

091-914 thru 091-916
or 091-921

Black Drum Cartridge
CRUM communication problems


Yellow Drum Cartridge
CRUM communication problems

091-918/922/ 928

Magenta Drum Cartridge
CRUM communication problems

091-919/923/ 926/929

Cyan Drum Cartridge
CRUM communication problems


Yellow Drum Cartridge
end of life


Magenta Drum Cartridge
end of life


Cyan Drum Cartridge
end of life


ADC Sensor Shutter


IBT Belt ADC Sensor
(MOB ADC) failures

092-653 thru 092-660

ATC (from Developer
Unit) problems…653/657=yellow, 654/658=magenta, 655/659=cyan, 656/660=black


Marking Drawer
Interlock open

093-313 thru 093-317

Toner Dispense
problems… 314=Y, 315=M, 316=C, 317=K (black)


Developer Motor

093-421 thru 093-425

Toner Cartridges low
421/422=K(black), 423=Y, 424=M, 425=C

093-600 thru 093-912

Toner Dispense
problems (600=Y, 601=M, 602=C, 603/912=K(Black),

093-918 thru

Toner CRUM failures
(918/924 /925/926/936/ 940=K(black),927/933/937 =Y, 928/934/938 = M ,



1st BTR (Transfer
Roll) retract or contact problems


2nd BTR (Transfer
Roll) retract or contact problems

102-xxx codes

Generally: Network
Controller (ESS) problems


Finisher Punch Dust
Box full (hole punch bin)

116-xxx codes

Generally: Network
Controller (ESS) problems

123-xxx codes

Generally: UI (control
panel) faults

124-xxx codes

Configuration errors (e.g., serial number disagreement between various boards
or machine speed errors, etc)

127-xxx codes

Printing failures

Xerox Docucolor 250 Error 042-326 information. How to fix Xerox Docucolor 250 Error 042-326. List of solutions & fixes.

Xerox Docucolor 250 shows fault code 042-326 but freezes when repair is attempted

Display shows 042-326 which is IBT belt position. I’ve already taken the belt out, cleaned the IBT belt cleaner, centered the belt. I need to perform the ADJ adjustment to realign the belt start position, but PWS will not connect to the machine anymore. When I press and hold 0 for 5 seconds and then press Start, I can enter 6789 but when I press CONFIRM then the machine freezes. So I cannot reset anything, or connect. I have power cycled many times, even left the machine off for hours..

So this post might be better titled – “PWS will not connect” or “Service mode causes freeze” but I posted it with the error displayed.


Вопросы с 61 по 75:


11.10.2011 – Не тот цвет

Скажите, пожалуйста, вчера отправлял файл на печать, он его печатал одним цветом, а сегодня другим! Почему так?

Ответ: Вы отправляли файл-картинку или текст? Каким именно цветом стал печатать аппарат?


27.09.2011 – Просыпается тонер

В Xerox DocuColor 250 постоянно просыпается красный (m) тонер. В чем может быть дело? Картриджи меняются на новые, никакой сборки-разборки не производится. Пластиковые крепления внутри машины уже приобрели черно-розовую расцветку.

Ответ: Вы пробовали заменить красный барабан? Также мог переполниться бункер для отработанного тонера.


20.09.2011 – Ошибка 042-326

Здравствуйте! У нас DocuColor 240. Помогите убрать ошибку 042-326.

Ответ: Скорее всего сместился ремень переноса или стерлась метка на ремне переноса.


05.09.2011 – Сенсорная панель

Периодически не работает сенсорная панель управления принтером. Кнопки – функционируют, ошибок никаких принтер не выдает, а сенсор не реагирует на нажатия. День, два, три не работает – потом неделю-две всё хорошо. Что делать?

Ответ: Либо неисправна сама сенсорная панель, либо отходят контакты панели. Обратитесь в сервисный центр.


02.08.2011 – Принтер перестал печатать

Добрый день. У меня аналогичная проблема, отправляем через сеть печать на принтер, файл очень быстро переходит в принтер, но никаких ответов от принтера, коллега разок заметил, что выводится код ошибки 100. В чем может быть проблема?
Пытался перезагружать сервер, и аппарат выдает ошибку – нет соединения с сервером.

Ответ: Проверьте подключение контроллера печати к аппарату. Посмотрите в истории ошибок, не выдавал ли аппарат какие-либо ошибки.


26.07.2011 – Ошибка 075-210

Выдает ошибку 075-210, не берет бумагу с 5-го лотка, помогите, что делать?

Ответ: Эта ошибка связана с датчиком 5 лотка. Обратитесь в сервисный центр.


17.05.2011 – Не печатается документ

После очереди обработки документ отправляется на очередь печати. И вот уже 15 минут 0% печати. Ошибок никаких машина не выдает. В чем может быть причина?

Ответ: Отправляется ли задание на контроллер? Проверьте соединение между контроллером и самим аппаратом.


16.05.2011 – Печать журнала

Как распечатать журнал на Xerox Docucolor 252: обложка должна быть глянцевой, а все остальные страницы – на обычной бумаге. Как это сделать? Какие настройки выбрать? И почему ставится только одна скрепка?

Ответ: Настройки формата и типа бумаги устанавливаются в драйвере. Распечатайте сначала обложку с подходящими ей настройками, потом остальные листы. Подробно обо всех настройках в документации к аппарату.


16.05.2011 – Чистка

Как можно чистить drum cartridg? Как можно чистить картриджи???

Ответ: Для чистки картриджей нужно обращаться в сервисный центр.


02.03.2011 – Не могу залить софт. Стало только хуже.

1) Пропал mailbox guest при сетевом сканировании.
2) Перестало напрямую посылаться на печать. В связи с чем решил перезалить софт.
Подключился кросс-кабелем напрямую, вставил диск 1, пошел процесс установки… На втором шаге остается залить каких-то 5 мегабайт с копейками и всё… Останавливается, потом выдаёт Check the cable and configuration…. и т.д. и т.п. С кабелем всё в порядке. Что не так-то? Причем и в первом случае (через хаб), и во втором (напрямую) останавливается на одном и том же значении… И выдает одну и ту же ошибку. Всё бы ничего, так теперь пропала настройка сети в панели управления на самом аппарате, и вообще компьютер теперь его не видит. Как быть в этом случае? Можно ли своими силами устранить данную проблему, или обязательно нужно вызывать сервисника? Заранее спасибо!

Ответ: Устранить проблему в данном случае может только сервисный инженер.


01.03.2011 – Сброс сообщения

После замены фьюзера аппарат все равно сообщает: replace now. Как сбросить? Заранее благодарю!

Ответ: Фьюзер должен заменять сервисный инженер, он знает, как сбросить прописавшуюся в память ошибку.


15.02.2011 – Царапины на drum cartridg

После замены плёнки переноса изображения появилась странная проблема: периодически выкрашивается (вплоть до алюминиевой основы) магнитный барабан (drum cartridg), пробой появляется одномоментно, произвольно по расположению и форме, на любом из 4х картриджей (C M Y B). При печати проявляется как пятно краски одного из цветов (C M  Y B), ресурс картриджей-страдальцев варьируется от 100% до 0%, картриджи фирменные, всегда новые (ремонтам не подвергались).

Ответ: Не изменилась ли влажность в помещении, где стоит аппарат? Уменьшение влажности воздуха может привести к пробоям барабана.
Проверьте, нет ли внутри барабана скрепок, скобок.


05.01.2011 – Ошибка

Что означает 010-320?

Ответ: Данная ошибка связана с перегревом фьюзера. Вам следует обратиться в сервисный центр.


16.12.2010 – Повисло задание на печать

Здравствуйте! Задание повисло. Отмена не действует. Перезагружать пробовал. Что делать?

Ответ: Вы перезагружали только аппарат или контроллер тоже? Перезагрузите контроллер.


Для просмотра онлайн кликните на видео ⤵

Xerox dc 242 ошибка 042 326

Чистим и меняем ленту переноса Ошибка 042-326 Xerox DC 240-260 550-570,С60/С70 DC 700-770Подробнее

Чистим и меняем ленту переноса Ошибка 042-326 Xerox   DC 240-260 550-570,С60/С70 DC 700-770

How to clean IBT belt Xerox machine 240,250,242,252,550,560 error code 042-326 problem solution.Подробнее

How to clean IBT belt Xerox machine 240,250,242,252,550,560 error code 042-326 problem solution.

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Error code 042-326/327/328 for Xerox C75 700 560 242

Solved error 042-326 xerox IV C-7780 / Replace IBTПодробнее

Solved error 042-326 xerox IV C-7780 /  Replace IBT

Error Code 042-326 Solution For A Xerox Docucolor 240,242,250,252,550,560,570,c60,c70Подробнее

Error Code 042-326 Solution For A Xerox Docucolor 240,242,250,252,550,560,570,c60,c70

Xerox IBT Change Docucolor 240 250 260 Color 550Подробнее

Xerox IBT Change Docucolor 240 250 260 Color 550

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How to delete, remove Xerox error 042-323 | Xerox 2060 3060 3065 5325 5330 5335 copier

010-320 Fault error solution for Xerox 240,250,252,260,7765,7775Подробнее

010-320 Fault error solution for Xerox 240,250,252,260,7765,7775

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How to check error in xerox docucolor ,240,242,250,252,260,550,560,570 in Hindi

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Как переделать Xerox DC 240/242/250/252/260 под копи-картриджи Xerox DCP 700/770, Color 550/560/570

Переполнение бункера отработанного тонераПодробнее

Переполнение бункера отработанного тонера

Fix xerox DocuColor 240 error code 093-314Подробнее

Fix xerox DocuColor 240 error code 093-314



Замена ленты переноса transfer belt xerox dc 242 550 700 c70 7425 7525Подробнее

Замена ленты переноса transfer belt xerox dc 242 550 700 c70 7425 7525

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Выравнивание лица и оборота Xerox C75, SIQA Xerox C75


Xerox Docucolor 250 Error 042-326 Fixes & Solutions

We are confident that the above descriptions of Xerox Docucolor 250 Error 042-326 and how to fix it will be useful to you. If you have another solution to Xerox Docucolor 250 Error 042-326 or some notes on the existing ways to solve it, then please drop us an email.


Описание ошибки

Paper Jam 005-121 Open ADF Cover and Clear Jam

Cover Open 005-301 Remove paper then Close ADF Cover
ADF Cover Open

010-397 Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer
Fuser Error

016-315 System Restart Printer
IP ROM Check (Main) Fail

016-317 Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
IP ROM Check (Main) Fail

016-372 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Fax Memory Allocation Error

Write Flash Error 016-501 System Contact Support If Message Returns
Write Flash Error

Write Flash Error 016-502 System Contact Support If Message Returns
Verify Flash Error

016-503 / 016-504 / 016-506 / 016-507
SMTP Error 016-50X Scan Job Failure
E-mail Error

Memory Full 016-718 Printer Job too Large
Out of Memory

Decode Error 016-719 Printer Job Failure
Decode Error

PDL Request 016-720 Printer Data Violation
PDL Error

Format Error 016-744 System Invalid Data
Checksum Error

Format Error 016-745 System Invalid Data
Header Error

PJL Request 016-749 Printer Data Violation
PJL Request Error

Connect Fail 016-764 Scan Job Failure
Can not connect to mail server for sending mail out.

SMTP Error 016-766 Scan Job Failure
Can not transferring completely.

Address Error 016-767 Scan Job Failure
Recipient address is invalid.}

USB Memory was removed. 016-791 System Job Failure
USB Memory Removal Error

File Format Error 016-795 Printer Job Failure
File Format Error

File Read Error 016-797 Printer Job Failure
File Read Error

Wireless Error 016-920 System Setup Fail
Wireless Setting Error Timeout Error

016-930 / 016-931
USB Host Error 016-930 System Unsupported Device Remove from USB Port
USB Host Error

Collate Full 016-981 Printer Job too Large
Collate Full

Mail Size Limits 016-985 Scan Job Failure
Mail Size Limits Error

Memory Full 017-970 Scan Job Failure
Out of Memory

Report error 017-980 System Job Failure
Fax Report job fails to report file.

Report error 017-981 System Job Failure
Report File Error

PCScan Time Out 017-988 Scan Job Failure
PCScan Time Out

018-338 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Wireless Error

024-340 Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer
MCU Firmware Error

024-360 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Download Error

024-371 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Return
MCU Comm. Error

Paper Size Mismatch 024-958 Printer Load Paper then Press P AAAAA (or BBBBB)
Paper Size Mismatch

No Suitable Paper 024-963 Printer Load Paper
No Suitable Paper

USB Memory Full 026-720 Scan Job Failure
USB Memory Full

File Write Error 026-721 Scan Job Failure
USB Memory Write Error

Write Protect 026-722 Scan Job Failure
USB Memory Write Protect Error

File Path Limit 026-723 Scan Job Failure
File Path Limit Error

026-750 / 026-751 / 026-752
Communication Fail 026-75X Scan Job Failure
Scan Communication Fail

SMB Error 031-521 Scan Login Error
SMB Login Failed

SMB Error 031-536 Scan Name Resolve Error
SMB Name Resolve

SMB Error 031-536 Scan Name Resolve Error
SMB Login Failed

SMB Error 031-530 Scan SMB Path Error
SMB Error

031-533 Scan File Make Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-534 Scan Folder Make Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-535 Scan Delete File Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-536 Scan Delete Folder Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-537 Scan Disk Full Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-555 Scan Write Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-556 Scan Write Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-557 Scan File Duplication
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-558 Scan Connect Error
SMB Error

031-571, 031-578
FTP Error 031-57X Scan Login Failed
FTP Connection Error

FTP Error 031-574 Scan Name Resolve Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-575 Scan Server Address Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-576 Scan Server Not Found
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-579 Scan FTP Path Error
FTP Login Error

FTP Error 031-579 Scan FTP Path Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-582 Scan File Make Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-584 Scan Connect Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-585 Scan DEL Command Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-587 Scan RMD Command Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-588 Scan Write Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-589 Scan Disk Full Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-594 Scan TYPE Command Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-598 Scan APPE Command Error
FTP Error

Memory Full 033-503 Fax Job Failure
Out of Memory

Memory Full 033-513 Fax Job Failure
Communication Error

Memory Full 033-787 Fax Job Failure
Fax Job Failure

Memory Full 033-788 Fax Job Failure
Memory Full

Busy 034-700 Fax Job Failure
Fax Busy Error

No Dial Tone 034-701 Fax Job Failure
No Dial Tone

034-702/703 … 034-711
Communication Fail 034-7xx Fax Job Failure
Communication Errors

034-712/713 … 034-727
Communication Fail 034-7xx Fax Job Failure
Fax transmission errors

034-750/751 … 034-768
Communication Fail 034-7xx Fax Job Failure
RX Communication Errors

041-340 Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer

061-370 Printer Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer
LPH Failure

062-321 System Restart Printer
Carriage Motor Error

Confirm 062-790 Deleted by Limit
Copy Limit

Paper Jam 075-100 Printer Jam at Feed
Misfeed Jam

075-921 Printer Insert Output to Tray
Waiting for OK to be pressed after setting side 2 for manual duplex print.

Paper Jam 077-100 Printer Jam at Feed
Reg On Early Jam

Paper Jam 077-104 Printer Jam at Exit
Reg Off Jam

Paper Jam 077-106 Printer Jam at Exit
Exit On Jam

Paper Jam 077-108 Printer Jam at Exit
Exit Off Early Jam

Paper Jam 077-109 Printer Jam at Exit
Exit Off Jam

Close Rear Cover 077-304 Printer Rear Cover is Open
Rear Door Open

Paper Jam Remain at Exit 077-900 Printer Open Rear Cover Remove Paper
Exit Jam

Paper Jam Remain at Reg 077-901 Printer Open Rear Cover Remove Paper
Remain Registration Jam

091-402 Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Xero Life Warning

092-651 Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer
ADC Sensor Error

092-661 Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer
ENV Sensor Error

Ready to Print 093-42X Printer Cartridge is Close to Life
Toner Cartridge Near end of Life

CRUM ID 093-926 Reseat Cartridge
Toner Cartridge CRUM ID Error

Replace Cart. 093-93X Printer Replace Cartridge
Toner Cartridge Empty

Insert Print Cart 093-974 Printer Insert Toner Cartridge
Insert Print Cartridge

116-210 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
System USB Port Error

116-314 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
MAC Address Error

116-325 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Return
Checksum Error

116-326 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns

116-335 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Checksum Error (Network)Error

116-355 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Return
Network Fatal Error

116-395 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns

117-331/332 … 117-366
117-xxx System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Return
System Restart

124-333 Printer Restart Printer
ASIC Failure

134-211 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Modem Error

191-310 Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Xero Life Over


Сброс ошибки 10-327 и других ошибок фьюзера Xerox WorkCentre 5225, 5230 Печать

Изменено: Чт, 13 Сен, 2018 at 9:39 AM

Если во фьюзер машины Xerox WorkCentre 5225, 5230 установить нагревательный вал с заметно отличающимися от оригинального вала характеристиками (например, вал от Xerox WorkCentre C118 или некачественный совместимый вал), то довольно часто можно получить ошибку 10-327, которая означает, что машина не сумела нагреть фьюзер до нужной температуры за заданное время.

Устранения причины проблемы заменой вала на “правильный” в данной машине недостаточно для того, чтобы машина вновь заработала – ошибку нужно сбросить из сервисного режима.

Внимание! Перед сбросом ошибки нужно обязательно устранить причину появления этой ошибки! Помимо неподходящего нагревательного вала, ошибки фьюзера могут быть вызваны загрязнением или неисправностью термисторов, неисправностью ламп нагрева, срабатывание термопредохранителя (в этом случае нужно обязательно выяснить, почему он сработал), обрывом или коротким замыканием в цепях лампы или термисторов и в редких случаях неисправностью платы управления.


Xerox WC 3045 ошибка

005-121, 005-301, 010-397, 016-315,,016-317, 016-372, 016-501 016-502, 016-503 / 016-504 / 016-506 / 016-507, 016-718, 016-719, 016-720, 016-744, 016-745, 016-749, 016-764, 016-766016-767, 016-791, 016-795, 016-797, 016-920, 016-930 / 016-931, 016-981, 016-985,017-970, 017-980, 017-981, 017-988, 018-338, 024-340, 024-360, 024-371, 024-958, 024-963, 026-720, 026-721, 026-722, 026-723, 026-750 / 026-751 / 026-752, 031-521, 031-526, 031-529, 031-530, 031-533, 031-534, 031-535, 031-536, 031-537,031-555, 031-556, 031-557, 031-558, 031-571, 031-578, 031-574, 031-575, 031-576, 031-578, 031-579, 031-582, 031-584, 031-585, 031-587, 031-588, 031-589, 031-594, 031-598, 033-503, 033-513, 033-787, 033-788, 034-700, 034-701, 034-702/703 … 034-711, 034-712/713 … 034-727, 034-750/751 … 034-768, 041-340 061-370, 062-321, 062-790, 075-100, 075-921, 077-100, 077-104, 077-106, 077-108, 077-109, 077-304, 077-900, 077-901, 091-402, 092-651, 092-661, 093-426, 093-926, 093-933, 093-974, 116-210, 116-314, 116-325, 116-326, 116-335, 116-355, 116-395, 117-331 … 117-366, 124-333, 134-211, 191-310


Процедура сброса

Войти в сервисный режим:

  • Нажать и удерживать более 6 секунд кнопку [0] на панели управления. Не отпуская кнопку [0], нажать кнопку [Старт].


  • На появившемся экране ввести пароль – 6789 (значение по умолчанию) и нажмите кнопку [Confirm]


  • Нажать кнопку информации о машине


Записать значение 0 в ячейку NVM 744-220:

  • Выбрать вкладку [Инструменты] 


  •  В разделе [Режимы] выбрать [Обслуживание/диагностика]


  • Выбрать раздел [NVM Read / Write…]


  • Введите адрес ячейки 744-220 и нажмите [Confirm / Change]


  •  Введите [0] в поле [New Value] и нажмите [Save]


  • Нажмите [Close], затем [Exit (Keep Log)], затем [Yes]. Машина перезагрузится и выйдет на готовность, если причина проблемы была ранее устранена. Вы можете выбрать пункт [Exit (Clear Log)], если хотите очистить историю неисправностей машины.

Была ли эта статья полезной? Да Нет

Отправить отзыв

К сожалению, мы не смогли помочь вам в разрешении проблемы. Ваш отзыв позволит нам улучшить эту статью.


Xerox WorkCentre 3045 Вход в сервис / Вход в режим диагностики:

1. Выключите МФУ.
2. Нажмите и удерживайте кнопки [↑] и [↓], включите аппарат.
3. Отпустите кнопки, когда на дисплее отобразится сообщение “CE Mode. Please Wait“.

Для перемещения по меню, используйте стрелки [↑] и [↓]. Для выбора, нажмите кнопку [OK].

Меню режима диагностики:

– ESS Diag
     – Flash ROM Test
     – DRAM Test
     – IOT Test
     – Light Flash R/W Test
     – USB Test
     – OP Panel Test
     – Lamp Test
     – All Test
– IOT Diad
     – Digital Input
     – Digital Output
     – NVM Settings
          – NVM Edit
          – Save NVM to ESS
          – Load NVM from ESS
– Print Info
     – Config Page
     – Print Settings
– Installation Set
     – Serial No.
     – Pixel Counter
     – Print Counter
     – Clear All NVM
     – Clear Job History
– Test Print
     – TestPatLPH[IOT]
– Parameter
     – Regi
          – Lead Offset
          – Side Offset
     – Life
          – M/C Total PV
          – DEVE Runtime K
          – XERO Runtime
          – M/C Disp Time K
          – M/C Pixel K
          – M/C Custom Start
          – M/C Custom End
          – Waste Toner K
          – Toner PV K
          – Toner Disp Time K
          – Toner Pixel K
     – Print
– Information
     – Scan Counter
– Scanner Maintenance
     – White Balance
     – Shading Parameter
     – Registration Param.
     – Auto Registration
     – Sensor Parameter
     – IIT I/O Check
     – SCAN Counter Clear
– Parameter
– Backup Data
     – All Clear
     – User & System Clear
     – System Data Init
– Complete
Error code test


          Во время работы с аппаратом могут возникать проблемы, связанные с неисправностями «железа» или ПО. И если расходные материалы можно просто заменить, то с «мозгами» нужно разбираться. Поэтому, для экономии времени и удобства, ниже представлены возможные коды ошибок (FAULT ERROR CODE), которые показывают Xerox DocuColor DC 240/250/242/252/260 и WorkCentre WC 7655/7665/7675/7755/7765/7775 при неисправности, и их значение:

002-770 ERROR — RAP Insufficient HDD capacity while processing the job template within a job.

003-318 ERROR — RAP IIT software failure.

003-319 ERROR — RAP IIT Video Driver Detection Fail.

003-320 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 1.

003-321 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 2.

003-322 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 3.

003-323 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 4.

003-324 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 5.

003-325 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 6.

003-326 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 7.

003-327 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 8.

003-328 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 9.

003-329 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 10.

003-330 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 11.

003-331 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 12.

003-332 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 13.

003-333 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 14.

003-334 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 15.

003-335 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 16.

003-336 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 17.

003-337 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 18.

003-338 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 19.

003-339 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 20.

003-340 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 21.

003-341 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 22.

003-342 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 23.

003-343 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 24.

003-344 ERROR — RAP Power on hotline failure.

003-345 ERROR — RAP X PIO Unmatch Fail 1.

003-346 ERROR — RAP X PIO Unmatch Fail 2.

003-750 ERROR — RAP Book Duplex-Insufficient Docs.

003-751 ERROR — RAP Under PANTHER Capacity (Scan).

003-752 ERROR — RAP This status code is displayed if 600dpi cannot be scanned (DADF).

003-753 ERROR — RAP This status code is displayed if over 300dpi cannot be scanned (DADF).

003-754 ERROR — RAP S2X Recoverable Error.

003-755 ERROR — RAP S2X Command Error.

003-757 ERROR — RAP This status code is displayed if over 400dpi cannot be scanned (DADF).

003-760 ERROR — RAP Scan Settings Error.

003-761 ERROR — RAP Incorrect Paper Tray Size.

003-763 ERROR — RAP Adjustment Chart Not Found.

003-764 ERROR — RAP Adjustment Chart Not Found.

003-780 ERROR — RAP Scan Image Compression Error.

003-795 ERROR — RAP AMS Limit Error.

003-940 ERROR — RAP DAM Memory is insufficient.

003-942 ERROR — RAP Document Size Error.

003-944 ERROR — RAP Image Repeat Count Fail.

003-946 ERROR — RAP Copy Vertical/Horizontal Difference (APS).

003-947 ERROR — RAP Replaced Original Count Error.

003-948 ERROR — RAP Replaced Original Mismatch.

003-952 ERROR — RAP Return Documents Color mismatch.

003-955 ERROR — RAP Documents Size Exchange Error.

003-956 ERROR — RAP Documents Size Unknown Error.

003-963 ERROR — RAP No APS Object Tray.

003-965 ERROR — RAP ATS/APS No Paper. There is no paper in the trays that can be selected with APS.

003-966 ERROR — RAP AATS/APS No Destination Error.

003-968 ERROR — RAP Punch Position Error.

003-969 ERROR — RAP Punch Size Error.

003-972 ERROR — RAP Maximum Stored Page Over Flow.

003-973 ERROR — RAP Every Direction Difference.

003-974 ERROR — RAP Next Original Specification.

003-977 ERROR — RAP Document Miss Match (Multi Scan).

003-978 ERROR — RAP Color Document Mismatch (Multi Scan).

003-980 ERROR — RAP Staple Position Error.

003-981 ERROR — RAP Staple Size Error.

003-982 ERROR — RAP IITsc HDD Access Error.

005-121 ERROR — RAP DADF Feed Sensor ON Jam.

005-122 ERROR — RAP DADF Simplex/Side 1 Pre Reg Sensor ON Jam.

005-123 ERROR — RAP DADF Simplex/Side 1 Reg Sensor ON Jam.

005-124 ERROR — RAP DADF Lead Reg Sensor ON Jam.

005-125 ERROR — RAP DADF Reg Sensor OFF Jam.

005-126 ERROR — RAP DADF Out Sensor ON Jam.

005-127 ERROR — RAP DADF Out Sensor OFF Jam.

005-128 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 ON Jam (Simplex Mode).

005-129 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 OFF Jam (Simplex Mode).

005-130 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert Sensor ON Jam (Duplex Mode).

005-131 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert Sensor On Jam (Inverting).

005-132 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert SNR on Jam 2.

005-133 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert Sensor OFF Jam.

005-134 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert SNR off Jam (Inv).

005-135 ERROR — RAP DADF Pre Reg Sensor ON Jam (Invert).

005-136 ERROR — ERROR — RAP DADF Reg Sensor ON Jam (Invert).

005-137 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 2 ON Jam.

005-138 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 ON Jam.

005-139 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert SNR off Jam.

005-141 ERROR — RAP DADF Feed Sensor OFF Jam.

005-142 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 OFF Jam (Duplex Mode).

005-143 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 2 OFF Jam.

005-144 ERROR — RAP DADF Too First Pre Reg Sensor ON Jam.

005-145 ERROR — RAP DADF Reg Sensor Off Jam (Invert).

005-146 ERROR — RAP DADF Pre Reg Sensor Off Jam.

005-147 ERROR — RAP DADF Pre Reg Sensor Off Jam (Invert).

005-150 ERROR — RAP DADF Feed Sensor OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-151 ERROR — RAP DADF Pre Reg Sensor OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-152 ERROR — RAP DADF Reg Sensor OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-153 ERROR — RAP DADF Reg Sensor OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-154 ERROR — RAP DADF Out Sensor OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-155 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode) (Simplex).

005-156 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode) (Duplex).

005-157 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert Sensor OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-158 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 2 OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-160 ERROR — RAP DADF Tray Lift Up Fail (Document Set) (Within Job).

005-190 ERROR — RAP DADF Feed Motor Logic Jam.

005-194 ERROR — RAP Size Mismatch Jam on Slow Scan Mix Size.

005-195 ERROR — RAP Size Mismatch Jam on No Mix Size.

005-196 ERROR — RAP Size Mismatch Jam on No Mix Size.

005-197 ERROR — RAP Prohibit Combine Size Jam.

005-198 ERROR — RAP Too Short Size Jam.

005-199 ERROR — RAP Too Long Size Jam.

005-275 ERROR — RAP DADF RAM Fail.


005-282 ERROR — RAP DADF Tray Lift Up Fail (No Document).

005-283 ERROR — RAP DADF Stack Height Sensor Logic Fail.

005-284 ERROR — RAP DADF APS Sensor Logic Fail.

005-285 ERROR — RAP DADF Nudger Lift Up Fail.

005-286 ERROR — RAP DADF Feed Out Sensor Fail.

005-303 ERROR — RAP DADF Tray Interlock is open.

005-304 ERROR — RAP Platen Interlock Open.

005-305 ERROR — RAP DADF Feeder Cover Interlock Open (Run).

005-306 ERROR — RAP DADF Tray Interlock Open (Run).

005-308 ERROR — RAP The DADF L/H Cover Interlock is open.

005-309 ERROR — RAP DADF L/H Cover Interlock Open (Run).

005-906 ERROR — RAP DADF Feed Sensor Static Jam.

005-907 ERROR — RAP DADF Pre Reg Sensor Static Jam.

005-908 ERROR — RAP DADF Reg Sensor Static Jam.

005-909 ERROR — RAP DADF Lead Reg Sensor Static Jam..

005-910 ERROR — RAP DADF Out Sensor Static Jam.

005-911 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 Static Jam.

005-912 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 2 Static Jam.

005-913 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert Sensor Static Jam.

005-914 ERROR — RAP DADF No. 1/2/3 APS Sensor Static Jam.

005-915 ERROR — RAP DADF No. 1 APS Sensor Static Jam.

005-916 ERROR — RAP DADF No. 2 APS Sensor Static Jam.

005-917 ERROR — RAP DADF No. 3 APS Sensor Static Jam.

005-918 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert Sensor 2 Static Jam.

005-919 ERROR — RAP DADF Tray Lift Up Fail (Document Set).

005-940 ERROR — RAP DADF No Original Fail.

005-941 ERROR — RAP DADF Not Enough Document.

005-942 ERROR — RAP DADF Tray Stack Over Fail.

010-311 ERROR — RAP Fuser Heat Roll STS-1 Disconnection Fail. It was detected that fuser heat roll STS-1 disconnected.

010-319 ERROR — RAP Fuser NC Sensor Differential Amp Fail.

010-320 ERROR — RAP Heat Roll Over Heat Fail.

010-321 ERROR — RAP Fuser Nip Fail.

010-322 ERROR — RAP Fuser NC Center Sensor Disconnection Fail. (Fuser Temperature Sensor Fail).

010-323 ERROR — RAP Fuser Rear Sensor Disconnection Fail. (Fuser Temperature Sensor Fail).

010-324 ERROR — RAP Fuser NVM Fail.

010-326 ERROR — RAP Wait Heat Roll Fuser On Time Fail.

010-327 ERROR — RAP Standby Heat Roll Fuser On Time Fail.

010-330 ERROR — RAP Fuser Motor Fail.

010-420 ERROR — RAP Fuser Assembly Life Near End.

010-421 ERROR — RAP Fuser Assembly Life End.

012-112 ERROR — RAP Finisher Interface Entrance Sensor ON.

012-113 ERROR — RAP Booklet In Sensor ON Jam.

012-114 ERROR — RAP Booklet In Sensor OFF Jam.

012-115 ERROR — RAP Booklet Folder Roll Exit Sensor ON Jam.

012-125 ERROR — RAP Gate Sensor ON JAM: Finisher.

012-132 ERROR — RAP Finisher Transport Entrance Sensor ON Jam (Long).

012-142 ERROR — RAP Buffer Path Sensor ON Jam A.

012-151 ERROR — RAP Compile Exit Sensor OFF Jam.

012-152 ERROR — RAP Compile Exit Sensor ON Jam A.

012-161 ERROR — RAP Set Eject Jam.

012-162 ERROR — RAP Finisher Interface EXIT. Sensor ON Jam.

012-171 ERROR — RAP Top Tray Exit Sensor ON Jam A.

012-172 ERROR — RAP Top Tray Exit Sensor OFF Jam A.

012-180 ERROR — RAP Booklet Folder Roll Exit Sensor OFF Jam.

012-211 ERROR — RAP Stacker Tray Fail.

012-212 ERROR — RAP Stacker Tray Upper Limit Fail.

012-213 ERROR — RAP Stacker Tray Lower Limit Fail.

012-221 ERROR — RAP Tamper Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-223 ERROR — RAP Tamper Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-224 ERROR — RAP Rear Tamper Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-225 ERROR — RAP Booklet Tamper F Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-226 ERROR — RAP Booklet Tamper F Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-227 ERROR — RAP Booklet End Guide Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-228 ERROR — RAP Booklet End Guide Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-229 ERROR — RAP Booklet Tamper R Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-230 ERROR — RAP Booklet Tamper R Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-243 ERROR — RAP Booklet Knife Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-246 ERROR — RAP Booklet Stapler Fail.

012-247 ERROR — RAP Side Regi Sensor OFF Fail.

012-260 ERROR — RAP Eject Clamp Up Sensor ON Fail.

012-261 ERROR — RAP Booklet Knife Folding SNR Fail.

012-263 ERROR — RAP Finisher Rear Tamper Home Sensor ON.

012-264 ERROR — RAP Booklet Drawer Broken Fail.

012-265 ERROR — RAP Booklet Knife Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-266 ERROR — RAP Booklet Compiler No Paper Sensor Fail.

012-270 ERROR — RAP Top Offset Home Sensor ON Fail: Finisher.

012-271 ERROR — RAP Top Offset Home Sensor OFF Fail: Finisher.

012-282 ERROR — RAP Eject Clamp Up Sensor OFF Fail.

012-283 ERROR — RAP Finisher Set Clamp Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-284 ERROR — RAP Finisher Set Clamp Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-291 ERROR — RAP Stapler Fail.

012-295 ERROR — RAP Finisher Stapler Move Sensor On Fail.

012-296 ERROR — RAP Finisher Stapler Move Sensor OFF Fail.

012-300 ERROR — RAP Finisher Eject Cover Open (Compiler Cover).

012-302 ERROR — RAP Finisher Front Door Interlock Open.

012-307 ERROR — RAP Booklet Drawer Set Fail.

012-320 ERROR — RAP Punch Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-321 ERROR — RAP Punch Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-322 ERROR — RAP Puncher Move Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-323 ERROR — RAP Puncher Move Home Sensor On Fail.

012-325 ERROR — RAP Side Regi Home Sensor On Fail.

012-330 ERROR — RAP Decurler Cam Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-332 ERROR — RAP Decurler Cam Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-334 ERROR — RAP Download Mode Fail.

012-335 ERROR — RAP Booklet Sub CPU Communication Fail.

012-900 ERROR — RAP Buffer Path Sensor Static Jam.

012-901 ERROR — RAP Finisher Paper Remains at H-Transport Entrance.

012-902 ERROR — RAP Finisher Paper Remains H-Transport Exit.

012-903 ERROR — RAP Compile Exit Sensor Static Jam.

012-905 ERROR — RAP Compile Tray No Paper Sensor Static Jam.

012-907 ERROR — RAP Top Tray Exit Sensor Static Jam.

012-920 ERROR — RAP Gate Sensor static JAM (to Top Tray) A: Finisher.

012-932 ERROR — RAP Gate SNR static JAM (to Stacker Tray) A.

012-934 ERROR — RAP Gate SNR static JAM (to Stacker Tray) C.

012-935 ERROR — RAP Finisher Paper Remains at Transport Entrance Sensor.

012-936 ERROR — RAP Paper Remain at Booklet In SNR A.

012-949 ERROR — RAP Finisher Punch DustBox Miss Set.

013-902 ERROR — RAP Booklet Compile No Paper Sensor Static Jam.

013-903 ERROR — RAP Booklet Folder Roll Exit Sensor Static Jam.

016-210 ERROR — RAP Software Option Fail (HDD Not Exist).

016-211 ERROR — RAP Software Option Fail (System Memory Low Volume).

016-212 ERROR — RAP SW Option Fail (Page Memory Low).

016-213 ERROR — RAP SW Option Fail (Printer CARD Not Exist).

016-215 ERROR — RAP SW Option Fail (JPEG Board Not Exist).

016-216 ERROR — RAP SW Option Fail (Ext Memory Not Exist).

016-217 ERROR — RAP SW Option Fail (Controller ROM not Printer kit).

016-218 ERROR — RAP Because PS Kit is not installed, XDOD functions cannot be fulfilled.

016-219 ERROR — RAP License is required (Printer Kit).

016-220 ERROR — RAP S2X Unrecoverable Error.

016-221 ERROR — RAP S2X Communication Error.

016-222 ERROR — RAP S2X Self-Diag Error.

016-223 ERROR — RAP SS2X SDRAM Error.

016-224 ERROR — RAP S2X PCI Reg Error.

016-225 ERROR — RAP S2X ROM CheckSum Error.

016-226 ERROR — RAP S2X IIT Connection Error.

016-227 ERROR — RAP S2X DDR Error.

016-228 ERROR — RAP S2X Image Processing Error.

016-229 ERROR — RAP SW Option Fail (FCW-UI Not Exist).

016-311 ERROR — RAP The scanner was not detected.

016-315 ERROR — RAP NIIT Interface Fail.

016-316 ERROR — RAP Page Memory Not Detected.

016-317 ERROR — RAP Page Memory Broken-Standard.

016-318 ERROR — RAP Page Memory Broken-Option.

016-320 ERROR — RAP A fatal error with doc conversion software was detected.

016-322 ERROR — RAP JBA Account Full.

016-450 ERROR — RAP SMB Host Name Duplicated.

016-454 ERROR — RAP DNS Renewal Failure of Dynamic.

016-455 ERROR — RAP SNTP Server Time Out.

016-456 ERROR — RAP SNTP Time Asynchronous.

016-503 ERROR — RAP SMTP Server Address Resolution Fail.

016-504 ERROR — RAP POP Server Address Resolution Fail.

016-505 ERROR — RAP POP Authentication Fail.

016-600 ERROR — RAP KO Authentication Locked.

016-601 ERROR — RAP Illegal Access Detection.

016-647 ERROR — RAP With APS selected or with APS set up, there were no trays loaded with paper sizes for Auto Paper Selection.

016-648 ERROR — RAP Job with Booklet selected was discontinued because it had a cover with an image, a divider, or a blank page.

016-701 ERROR — RAP Out of ART EX Memory.

016-702 ERROR — RAP Out of Page Buffer.

016-703 ERROR — RAP Email to Invalid Box.

016-704 ERROR — RAP Mailbox is Full.

016-705 ERROR — RAP Secure Print Fail.

016-706 ERROR — RAP Max. User Number Exceeded.

016-707 ERROR — RAP Sample Print Fail.

016-708 ERROR — RAP HD Full by Annotation/Watermark Image.

016-709 ERROR — RAP ART EX Command Error.

016-710 ERROR — RAP Delayed Print Fail.

016-711 ERROR — RAP Tried to send data whose size is over the system data upper limit.

016-712 ERROR — RAP Under PANTHER Capacity (I-Formatter).

016-713 ERROR — RAP Security Box Password Error.

016-714 ERROR — RAP Security Box is not Enabled.

016-716 ERROR — RAP TIFF Data Overflow.

016-718 ERROR — RAP Out of PCL6 Memory.

016-719 ERROR — RAP Out of PCL Memory.

016-720 ERROR — RAP PCL Command Error.

016-721 ERROR — RAP Other Error.

016-722 ERROR — RAP Job Cancel by Staple Position NG.

016-723 ERROR — RAP Job Cancel by Punch Position NG.

016-724 ERROR — RAP Complex Position Error of Staple and Punch.

016-726 ERROR — RAP PDL Auto Switch Fail.

016-728 ERROR — RAP Unsupported TIFF Data.

016-729 ERROR — RAP TIFF Data Size too Big.

016-730 ERROR — RAP Unsupported ART Command.

016-731 ERROR — RAP Invalid TIFF Data.

016-732 ERROR — RAP Form Not Registered.

016-733 ERROR — RAP Destination Address Resolution Error.

016-734 ERROR — RAP Simple Transmission report invocation error.

016-735 ERROR — RAP Updating Job Template.

016-736 ERROR — RAP Remote directory lock error. Lock directory creation failed.

016-737 ERROR — RAP Remote lock directory remove error.

016-738 ERROR — RAP PS Booklet Print Output Paper Size is illegal.

016-739 ERROR — RAP Mismatch between PS Booklet Doc and Output Paper.

016-740 ERROR — RAP PS Booklet Output Tray is incorrect.

016-746 ERROR — RAP Unsupported PDF File.

016-748 ERROR — RAP HD Full.

016-749 ERROR — RAP JCL Syntax Error.

016-751 ERROR — RAP PDF Error.

016-752 ERROR — RAP PDF Short of Memory.

016-753 ERROR — RAP PDF Password Mismatched.

016-754 ERROR — RAP PDF LZW Not Installed.

016-755 ERROR — RAP PDF Print Prohibited.

016-756 ERROR — RAP Auditron-Prohibit Service.

016-757 ERROR — RAP Auditron-Invalid User.

016-758 ERROR — RAP Auditron-Disabled Function.

016-759 ERROR — RAP Auditron-Reached Limit.

016-760 ERROR — RAP PS Decompose Failure.

016-761 ERROR — RAP FIFO Empty.

016-762 ERROR — RAP Print LANG Not Installed.

016-764 ERROR — RAP SMTP Server Connect Error.

016-765 ERROR — RAP SMTP Server HD Full.

016-766 ERROR — RAP SMTP Server File System Error.

016-767 ERROR — RAP Invalid E-mail Address.

016-768 ERROR — RAP Invalid Sender Address.

016-769 ERROR — RAP SMTP Server Unsupported DSN.

016-771 ERROR — RAP Scan Data Repository ERR.

016-772 ERROR — RAP Scan Data Repository ERR.

016-773 ERROR — RAP Invalid IP Address.

016-774 ERROR — RAP HD Full-Compression Convert.

016-775 ERROR — RAP HD Full-Image Convert.

016-776 ERROR — RAP Image Convert ERR.

016-777 ERROR — RAP HD Access ERR-Image Convert.

016-778 ERROR — RAP HD Full-Scan Image Convert.

016-779 ERROR — RAP Scan Image Conversion Error.

016-780 ERROR — RAP HD Access ERR-Image Convert.

016-781 ERROR — RAP Scan Server Connect ERR.

016-782 ERROR — RAP Scan Server Login ERR.

016-783 ERROR — RAP Invalid Server Path.

016-784 ERROR — RAP Server Write ERR.

016-785 ERROR — RAP Server HD Full.

016-786 ERROR — RAP HD Full-Scan Write ERR.

016-787 ERROR — RAP Invalid Server IP ADD.

016-788 ERROR — RAP Retrieve to Browser Failed.

016-789 ERROR — RAP HD Full-Job Memory.

016-791 ERROR — RAP File Retrieve Fail.

016-792 ERROR — RAP Specified Job Not Found.

016-793 ERROR — RAP MF I/O HD Full.

016-794 ERROR — RAP Media Reader: Media No Insert.

016-795 ERROR — RAP Media Reader: Format Error.

016-796 ERROR — RAP Document insert operation error.

016-797 ERROR — RAP Media Reader: Image File Read Error.

016-798 ERROR — RAP No Trust Marking Option.

016-799 ERROR — RAP Print Instruction Fail.

016-940 ERROR — RAP With Duplex Output selected, a size difference between side 1 and side 2 was detected.

016-941 ERROR — RAP With Booklet selected, mixed-in-size/orientation pages with images were detected.

016-942 ERROR — RAP After a duplexed page was deleted, a size difference between side 1 and side 2 was detected.

016-943 ERROR — RAP After a document or divider was inserted, a size difference between side 1 and side 2 was detected.

016-944 ERROR — RAP Documents were merged, including the cover with an image, or a document with a divider.

016-945 ERROR — RAP A document unavailable for duplex print was inserted after a document available for Duplex was inserted.

016-946 ERROR — RAP A document or a divider was inserted after the cover or divider page.

016-949 ERROR — RAP The user inserted a documnet different in size/orientation from the page to be processed.

016-981 ERROR — RAP A failure in access to HDD.

016-982 ERROR — RAP HDD Access Error 2.

016-985 ERROR — RAP Data Size Over Flow (Scan to Email).

024-340 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 1.

024-341 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 2.

024-342 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 3.

024-343 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 4.

024-345 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 5.

024-346 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 6.

024-347 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 7.

024-348 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 8.

024-349 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 9.

024-350 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 10.

024-351 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 11.

024-352 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 12.

024-353 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 13.

024-354 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 14.

024-355 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 15.

024-356 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 16.

024-357 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 17.

024-358 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 18.

024-359 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 19.

024-360 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Initialization Failure.

024-361 ERROR — RAP Invalid IOT PaperSizeGroup Information.

024-362 ERROR — RAP Page Sync Illegal Start.

024-363 ERROR — RAP Page Sync Illegal Stop.

024-364 ERROR — RAP DMA Transfer Failure.

024-365 ERROR — RAP Overflow on the Loop Back Write.

024-366 ERROR — RAP JBIG Library Other Failure.

024-367 ERROR — RAP Decompress Other Failure.

024-368 ERROR — RAP PCI Error.

024-370 ERROR — RAP Marker Code Detect Failure.

024-371 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 21.

024-372 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 22.

024-373 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 23.

024-374 ERROR — RAP Regi Con PLL Parameter Failure.

024-375 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 24.

024-600 ERROR — RAP Billing master counter repair.

024-601 ERROR — RAP Billing backup counter #1 repair.

024-602 ERROR — RAP Billing backup counter #2 repair.

024-603 ERROR — RAP SWKey master counter repair.

024-604 ERROR — RAP SWKey backup counter #1 repair.

024-605 ERROR — RAP SWKey backup counter #2 repair.

024-606 ERROR — RAP Production Number/Serial Number Failure.

024-746 ERROR — RAP Selected Paper Tray Parameter Mismatch.

024-747 ERROR — RAP Print Instruction Failure.

024-910 ERROR — RAP Tray 1 Size Mismatch.

024-911 ERROR — RAP Tray 2 Size Mismatch.

024-912 ERROR — RAP Tray 3 Size Mismatch.

024-913 ERROR — RAP Tray 4 Size Mismatch.

024-914 ERROR — RAP Tray 6 Size Mismatch.

024-915 ERROR — RAP Tray 7 Size Mismatch.

024-917 ERROR — RAP Stacker Tray Staple Set Over Count.

024-919 ERROR — RAP Face UP Tray Close.

024-920 ERROR — RAP Face Down Tray 1 Paper FULL.

024-922 ERROR — RAP Face Down Tray 2 Paper FULL.

024-923 ERROR — RAP Operation Yellow Toner Empty.

024-924 ERROR — RAP Operation Magenta Toner Empty.

024-925 ERROR — RAP Operation Cyan Toner Empty.

024-926 ERROR — RAP Punch Dust Box Missing Set.

024-927 ERROR — RAP Offset Catch Tray Full Stack.

024-930 ERROR — RAP Stacker Tray Full (Small Size Full).

024-934 ERROR — RAP Paper type mismatch.

024-935 ERROR — RAP Tray 1 Paper Mismatch.

024-936 ERROR — RAP Tray 2 Paper Mismatch.

024-937 ERROR — RAP Tray 3 Paper Mismatch.

024-938 ERROR — RAP OHP kind Mismatch at Tray 4 (Not White Frame OHP).

024-939 ERROR — RAP Transparency type mismatch (No white border).

024-940 ERROR — RAP Folder Tray Out of Place.

024-941 ERROR — RAP Folder Tray Full Stack.

024-942 ERROR — RAP Booklet Sheets Over Count.

024-943 ERROR — RAP Booklet Low Staple.

024-945 ERROR — RAP Booklet Full Stack.

024-946 ERROR — RAP Tray 1 Not In Position.

024-947 ERROR — RAP Tray 2 Not In Position.

024-948 ERROR — RAP Tray 3 Not In Position.

024-949 ERROR — RAP Tray 4 Not In Position.

024-950 ERROR — RAP Tray 1 No Paper.

024-951 ERROR — RAP Tray 2 No Paper.

024-952 ERROR — RAP Tray 3 No Paper.

024-953 ERROR — RAP Tray 4 No Paper.

024-954 ERROR — RAP MSI No Paper.

024-955 ERROR — RAP Tray 6 No Paper.

024-956 ERROR — RAP Tray 7 No Paper.

024-957 ERROR — RAP Interposer No Paper.

024-958 ERROR — RAP MSI Size Mismatch.

024-959 ERROR — RAP Tray 1 Paper Size Mismatch.

024-960 ERROR — RAP Tray 2 Paper Size Mismatch.

024-961 ERROR — RAP Tray 3 Paper Size Mismatch.

024-962 ERROR — RAP Tray 4 Paper Size Mismatch.

024-965 ERROR — RAP ATS/APS No Paper.

024-966 ERROR — RAP ATS/APS No Destination Error.

024-967 ERROR — RAP Different Width Mix Paper Detect (Staple Job).

024-968 ERROR — RAP Stapler/Punch Batting.

024-969 ERROR — RAP Different Width Mix Punch.

024-970 ERROR — RAP Tray 6 Not In Position.

024-971 ERROR — RAP Tray 7 Not In Position.

024-972 ERROR — RAP Tray 6 Paper Size Mismatch.

024-973 ERROR — RAP Tray 7 Paper Size Mismatch.

024-974 ERROR — RAP Interposer Tray Size Mismatch.

024-975 ERROR — RAP Booklet Sheets Over Count (Not Field Attachment).

024-976 ERROR — RAP Finisher Staple Status incorrect.

024-977 ERROR — RAP Stapler Feed Ready Failure.

024-978 ERROR — RAP Booklet Stapler incorrect.

024-979 ERROR — RAP Stapler Near Empty.

024-980 ERROR — RAP Finisher Stacker Tray Full.

024-981 ERROR — RAP Finisher Top Tray Full.

024-982 ERROR — RAP Stacker Lower Safety Warning.

024-983 ERROR — RAP Booklet Tray Full.

024-984 ERROR — RAP Booklet Low Staple F.

024-985 ERROR — RAP SMH Stop Check.

024-987 ERROR — RAP Envelope Folder Tray Full.

024-988 ERROR — RAP Envelope Folder Tray Set Failure.

024-989 ERROR — RAP Booklet Low Staple R.

024-990 ERROR — RAP Punch Dust Full.

025-596 ERROR — RAP Diag HDD Failure 1.

025-597 ERROR — RAP Diag HDD Failure 2.

027-452 ERROR — RAP Duplicate IP address.

027-500 ERROR — RAP SMTP Server Address Resolution Failure.

027-501 ERROR — RAP POP Server Address Resolution Failure.

027-502 ERROR — RAP POP Authentication Failure.

027-700 ERROR — RAP Media Failure.

027-701 ERROR — RAP Media Not Found.

027-702 ERROR — RAP Media Data Not Found / Not Supported.

027-703 ERROR — RAP Media Reader Failure / Disconnected.

027-706 ERROR — RAP Certificate not found.

027-707 ERROR — RAP Certificate expired.

027-708 ERROR — RAP Certificate untrusted.

027-709 ERROR — RAP Certificate revoked.

027-710 ERROR — RAP S/MIME mail was disabled.

027-711 ERROR — RAP S/MIME mail sender certificate not found.

027-712 ERROR — RAP S/MIME mail sender certificate not valid.

027-713 ERROR — RAP S/MIME mail was altered.

027-714 ERROR — RAP S/MIME mail sender impersonation.

027-715 ERROR — RAP S/MIME mail certificate not supported.

027-716 ERROR — RAP No-Signed mail receipt was rejected.

027-720 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Host Not Found. A server specified for a remote application was not found, or DNS resolution was not possible.

027-721 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Not Found.

027-722 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Timeout Failure.

027-723 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Authentication Failure.

027-724 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Access Failure.

027-725 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Operation Failure.

027-726 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Unknown State.

027-727 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Req Invalid Parameters.

027-728 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Required File Exceeded.

027-737 ERROR — RAP Template Server Read Error.

027-739 ERROR — RAP Invalid Template Server Path.

027-740 ERROR — RAP Template Server Login Error.

027-741 ERROR — RAP Template Server Connect Failure.

027-742 ERROR — RAP HD File System Full.

027-743 ERROR — RAP Template Server Install Error.

027-744 ERROR — RAP Template Server ADD Error.

027-745 ERROR — RAP Template Server ADD Error.

027-746 ERROR — RAP Job Template Pool Server Not Ready.

027-751 ERROR — RAP Job Template Analysis Error.

027-752 ERROR — RAP Must User un Inputting.

027-753 ERROR — RAP Job Flow Service Request Disabled.

027-760 ERROR — RAP XJT Command Failure.

027-770 ERROR — RAP PDL Error.

027-771 ERROR — RAP DFE Disk Full.

027-796 ERROR — RAP Email Not Printed.

027-797 ERROR — RAP Invalid Output Destination.

042-313 ERROR — RAP Rear Cooling Fan Failure.

042-320 ERROR — RAP Yellow Drum Motor Drive Failure.

042-321 ERROR — RAP Magenta Drum Motor Drive Failure.

042-322 ERROR — RAP Cyan Drum Motor Drive Failure.

042-323 ERROR — RAP Black Drum Motor Drive Failure.

042-324 ERROR — RAP IBT Drive Motor Failure.

042-325 ERROR — RAP Main Motor Failure.

042-326 ERROR — RAP Belt Home Position too long.

042-327 ERROR — RAP Belt Position Failure.

042-328 ERROR — RAP Belt Edge Sensor Failure.

042-330 ERROR — RAP Fuser Exhaust Fan Failure.

042-331 ERROR — RAP Blower Motor Fan Failure.

042-600 ERROR — RAP Belt Walk Failure.

042-601 ERROR — RAP Belt Edge Learn Failure.

042-602 ERROR — RAP Belt Edge Check Failure.

042-603 ERROR — RAP Suction Filter Life End Failure.

045-310 ERROR — RAP Image Ready NG.

045-311 ERROR — RAP Controller Comm Failure.

045-312 ERROR — RAP Driver Connect Failure.

047-210 ERROR — RAP OCT Offset Failure.

047-310 ERROR — RAP MCU-Finisher Communication Failure.

061-310 ERROR — RAP Clapper 1 Failure.

061-311 ERROR — RAP Clapper 2 Failure.

061-313 ERROR — RAP SOS Long Failure Magenta.

061-315 ERROR — RAP SOS Long Failure Black.

061-317 ERROR — RAP SOS Short Failure.

061-319 ERROR — RAP SOS Short Failure Black.

061-320 ERROR — RAP Polygon Motor Failure.

061-321 ERROR — RAP ROS Motor Failure.

          Во время работы с аппаратом могут возникать проблемы, связанные с неисправностями «железа» или ПО. И если расходные материалы можно просто заменить, то с «мозгами» нужно разбираться. Поэтому, для экономии времени и удобства, ниже представлены возможные коды ошибок (FAULT ERROR CODE), которые показывают Xerox DocuColor DC 240/250/242/252/260 и WorkCentre WC 7655/7665/7675/7755/7765/7775 при неисправности, и их значение:

002-770 ERROR — RAP Insufficient HDD capacity while processing the job template within a job.

003-318 ERROR — RAP IIT software failure.

003-319 ERROR — RAP IIT Video Driver Detection Fail.

003-320 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 1.

003-321 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 2.

003-322 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 3.

003-323 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 4.

003-324 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 5.

003-325 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 6.

003-326 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 7.

003-327 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 8.

003-328 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 9.

003-329 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 10.

003-330 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 11.

003-331 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 12.

003-332 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 13.

003-333 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 14.

003-334 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 15.

003-335 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 16.

003-336 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 17.

003-337 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 18.

003-338 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 19.

003-339 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 20.

003-340 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 21.

003-341 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 22.

003-342 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 23.

003-343 ERROR — RAP IIT-ESS Communication Fail 24.

003-344 ERROR — RAP Power on hotline failure.

003-345 ERROR — RAP X PIO Unmatch Fail 1.

003-346 ERROR — RAP X PIO Unmatch Fail 2.

003-750 ERROR — RAP Book Duplex-Insufficient Docs.

003-751 ERROR — RAP Under PANTHER Capacity (Scan).

003-752 ERROR — RAP This status code is displayed if 600dpi cannot be scanned (DADF).

003-753 ERROR — RAP This status code is displayed if over 300dpi cannot be scanned (DADF).

003-754 ERROR — RAP S2X Recoverable Error.

003-755 ERROR — RAP S2X Command Error.

003-757 ERROR — RAP This status code is displayed if over 400dpi cannot be scanned (DADF).

003-760 ERROR — RAP Scan Settings Error.

003-761 ERROR — RAP Incorrect Paper Tray Size.

003-763 ERROR — RAP Adjustment Chart Not Found.

003-764 ERROR — RAP Adjustment Chart Not Found.

003-780 ERROR — RAP Scan Image Compression Error.

003-795 ERROR — RAP AMS Limit Error.

003-940 ERROR — RAP DAM Memory is insufficient.

003-942 ERROR — RAP Document Size Error.

003-944 ERROR — RAP Image Repeat Count Fail.

003-946 ERROR — RAP Copy Vertical/Horizontal Difference (APS).

003-947 ERROR — RAP Replaced Original Count Error.

003-948 ERROR — RAP Replaced Original Mismatch.

003-952 ERROR — RAP Return Documents Color mismatch.

003-955 ERROR — RAP Documents Size Exchange Error.

003-956 ERROR — RAP Documents Size Unknown Error.

003-963 ERROR — RAP No APS Object Tray.

003-965 ERROR — RAP ATS/APS No Paper. There is no paper in the trays that can be selected with APS.

003-966 ERROR — RAP AATS/APS No Destination Error.

003-968 ERROR — RAP Punch Position Error.

003-969 ERROR — RAP Punch Size Error.

003-972 ERROR — RAP Maximum Stored Page Over Flow.

003-973 ERROR — RAP Every Direction Difference.

003-974 ERROR — RAP Next Original Specification.

003-977 ERROR — RAP Document Miss Match (Multi Scan).

003-978 ERROR — RAP Color Document Mismatch (Multi Scan).

003-980 ERROR — RAP Staple Position Error.

003-981 ERROR — RAP Staple Size Error.

003-982 ERROR — RAP IITsc HDD Access Error.

005-121 ERROR — RAP DADF Feed Sensor ON Jam.

005-122 ERROR — RAP DADF Simplex/Side 1 Pre Reg Sensor ON Jam.

005-123 ERROR — RAP DADF Simplex/Side 1 Reg Sensor ON Jam.

005-124 ERROR — RAP DADF Lead Reg Sensor ON Jam.

005-125 ERROR — RAP DADF Reg Sensor OFF Jam.

005-126 ERROR — RAP DADF Out Sensor ON Jam.

005-127 ERROR — RAP DADF Out Sensor OFF Jam.

005-128 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 ON Jam (Simplex Mode).

005-129 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 OFF Jam (Simplex Mode).

005-130 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert Sensor ON Jam (Duplex Mode).

005-131 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert Sensor On Jam (Inverting).

005-132 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert SNR on Jam 2.

005-133 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert Sensor OFF Jam.

005-134 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert SNR off Jam (Inv).

005-135 ERROR — RAP DADF Pre Reg Sensor ON Jam (Invert).

005-136 ERROR — ERROR — RAP DADF Reg Sensor ON Jam (Invert).

005-137 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 2 ON Jam.

005-138 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 ON Jam.

005-139 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert SNR off Jam.

005-141 ERROR — RAP DADF Feed Sensor OFF Jam.

005-142 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 OFF Jam (Duplex Mode).

005-143 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 2 OFF Jam.

005-144 ERROR — RAP DADF Too First Pre Reg Sensor ON Jam.

005-145 ERROR — RAP DADF Reg Sensor Off Jam (Invert).

005-146 ERROR — RAP DADF Pre Reg Sensor Off Jam.

005-147 ERROR — RAP DADF Pre Reg Sensor Off Jam (Invert).

005-150 ERROR — RAP DADF Feed Sensor OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-151 ERROR — RAP DADF Pre Reg Sensor OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-152 ERROR — RAP DADF Reg Sensor OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-153 ERROR — RAP DADF Reg Sensor OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-154 ERROR — RAP DADF Out Sensor OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-155 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode) (Simplex).

005-156 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode) (Duplex).

005-157 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert Sensor OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-158 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 2 OFF Jam (Perforated Original Mode).

005-160 ERROR — RAP DADF Tray Lift Up Fail (Document Set) (Within Job).

005-190 ERROR — RAP DADF Feed Motor Logic Jam.

005-194 ERROR — RAP Size Mismatch Jam on Slow Scan Mix Size.

005-195 ERROR — RAP Size Mismatch Jam on No Mix Size.

005-196 ERROR — RAP Size Mismatch Jam on No Mix Size.

005-197 ERROR — RAP Prohibit Combine Size Jam.

005-198 ERROR — RAP Too Short Size Jam.

005-199 ERROR — RAP Too Long Size Jam.

005-275 ERROR — RAP DADF RAM Fail.


005-282 ERROR — RAP DADF Tray Lift Up Fail (No Document).

005-283 ERROR — RAP DADF Stack Height Sensor Logic Fail.

005-284 ERROR — RAP DADF APS Sensor Logic Fail.

005-285 ERROR — RAP DADF Nudger Lift Up Fail.

005-286 ERROR — RAP DADF Feed Out Sensor Fail.

005-303 ERROR — RAP DADF Tray Interlock is open.

005-304 ERROR — RAP Platen Interlock Open.

005-305 ERROR — RAP DADF Feeder Cover Interlock Open (Run).

005-306 ERROR — RAP DADF Tray Interlock Open (Run).

005-308 ERROR — RAP The DADF L/H Cover Interlock is open.

005-309 ERROR — RAP DADF L/H Cover Interlock Open (Run).

005-906 ERROR — RAP DADF Feed Sensor Static Jam.

005-907 ERROR — RAP DADF Pre Reg Sensor Static Jam.

005-908 ERROR — RAP DADF Reg Sensor Static Jam.

005-909 ERROR — RAP DADF Lead Reg Sensor Static Jam..

005-910 ERROR — RAP DADF Out Sensor Static Jam.

005-911 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 1 Static Jam.

005-912 ERROR — RAP DADF Exit Sensor 2 Static Jam.

005-913 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert Sensor Static Jam.

005-914 ERROR — RAP DADF No. 1/2/3 APS Sensor Static Jam.

005-915 ERROR — RAP DADF No. 1 APS Sensor Static Jam.

005-916 ERROR — RAP DADF No. 2 APS Sensor Static Jam.

005-917 ERROR — RAP DADF No. 3 APS Sensor Static Jam.

005-918 ERROR — RAP DADF Invert Sensor 2 Static Jam.

005-919 ERROR — RAP DADF Tray Lift Up Fail (Document Set).

005-940 ERROR — RAP DADF No Original Fail.

005-941 ERROR — RAP DADF Not Enough Document.

005-942 ERROR — RAP DADF Tray Stack Over Fail.

010-311 ERROR — RAP Fuser Heat Roll STS-1 Disconnection Fail. It was detected that fuser heat roll STS-1 disconnected.

010-319 ERROR — RAP Fuser NC Sensor Differential Amp Fail.

010-320 ERROR — RAP Heat Roll Over Heat Fail.

010-321 ERROR — RAP Fuser Nip Fail.

010-322 ERROR — RAP Fuser NC Center Sensor Disconnection Fail. (Fuser Temperature Sensor Fail).

010-323 ERROR — RAP Fuser Rear Sensor Disconnection Fail. (Fuser Temperature Sensor Fail).

010-324 ERROR — RAP Fuser NVM Fail.

010-326 ERROR — RAP Wait Heat Roll Fuser On Time Fail.

010-327 ERROR — RAP Standby Heat Roll Fuser On Time Fail.

010-330 ERROR — RAP Fuser Motor Fail.

010-420 ERROR — RAP Fuser Assembly Life Near End.

010-421 ERROR — RAP Fuser Assembly Life End.

012-112 ERROR — RAP Finisher Interface Entrance Sensor ON.

012-113 ERROR — RAP Booklet In Sensor ON Jam.

012-114 ERROR — RAP Booklet In Sensor OFF Jam.

012-115 ERROR — RAP Booklet Folder Roll Exit Sensor ON Jam.

012-125 ERROR — RAP Gate Sensor ON JAM: Finisher.

012-132 ERROR — RAP Finisher Transport Entrance Sensor ON Jam (Long).

012-142 ERROR — RAP Buffer Path Sensor ON Jam A.

012-151 ERROR — RAP Compile Exit Sensor OFF Jam.

012-152 ERROR — RAP Compile Exit Sensor ON Jam A.

012-161 ERROR — RAP Set Eject Jam.

012-162 ERROR — RAP Finisher Interface EXIT. Sensor ON Jam.

012-171 ERROR — RAP Top Tray Exit Sensor ON Jam A.

012-172 ERROR — RAP Top Tray Exit Sensor OFF Jam A.

012-180 ERROR — RAP Booklet Folder Roll Exit Sensor OFF Jam.

012-211 ERROR — RAP Stacker Tray Fail.

012-212 ERROR — RAP Stacker Tray Upper Limit Fail.

012-213 ERROR — RAP Stacker Tray Lower Limit Fail.

012-221 ERROR — RAP Tamper Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-223 ERROR — RAP Tamper Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-224 ERROR — RAP Rear Tamper Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-225 ERROR — RAP Booklet Tamper F Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-226 ERROR — RAP Booklet Tamper F Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-227 ERROR — RAP Booklet End Guide Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-228 ERROR — RAP Booklet End Guide Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-229 ERROR — RAP Booklet Tamper R Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-230 ERROR — RAP Booklet Tamper R Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-243 ERROR — RAP Booklet Knife Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-246 ERROR — RAP Booklet Stapler Fail.

012-247 ERROR — RAP Side Regi Sensor OFF Fail.

012-260 ERROR — RAP Eject Clamp Up Sensor ON Fail.

012-261 ERROR — RAP Booklet Knife Folding SNR Fail.

012-263 ERROR — RAP Finisher Rear Tamper Home Sensor ON.

012-264 ERROR — RAP Booklet Drawer Broken Fail.

012-265 ERROR — RAP Booklet Knife Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-266 ERROR — RAP Booklet Compiler No Paper Sensor Fail.

012-270 ERROR — RAP Top Offset Home Sensor ON Fail: Finisher.

012-271 ERROR — RAP Top Offset Home Sensor OFF Fail: Finisher.

012-282 ERROR — RAP Eject Clamp Up Sensor OFF Fail.

012-283 ERROR — RAP Finisher Set Clamp Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-284 ERROR — RAP Finisher Set Clamp Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-291 ERROR — RAP Stapler Fail.

012-295 ERROR — RAP Finisher Stapler Move Sensor On Fail.

012-296 ERROR — RAP Finisher Stapler Move Sensor OFF Fail.

012-300 ERROR — RAP Finisher Eject Cover Open (Compiler Cover).

012-302 ERROR — RAP Finisher Front Door Interlock Open.

012-307 ERROR — RAP Booklet Drawer Set Fail.

012-320 ERROR — RAP Punch Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-321 ERROR — RAP Punch Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-322 ERROR — RAP Puncher Move Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-323 ERROR — RAP Puncher Move Home Sensor On Fail.

012-325 ERROR — RAP Side Regi Home Sensor On Fail.

012-330 ERROR — RAP Decurler Cam Home Sensor OFF Fail.

012-332 ERROR — RAP Decurler Cam Home Sensor ON Fail.

012-334 ERROR — RAP Download Mode Fail.

012-335 ERROR — RAP Booklet Sub CPU Communication Fail.

012-900 ERROR — RAP Buffer Path Sensor Static Jam.

012-901 ERROR — RAP Finisher Paper Remains at H-Transport Entrance.

012-902 ERROR — RAP Finisher Paper Remains H-Transport Exit.

012-903 ERROR — RAP Compile Exit Sensor Static Jam.

012-905 ERROR — RAP Compile Tray No Paper Sensor Static Jam.

012-907 ERROR — RAP Top Tray Exit Sensor Static Jam.

012-920 ERROR — RAP Gate Sensor static JAM (to Top Tray) A: Finisher.

012-932 ERROR — RAP Gate SNR static JAM (to Stacker Tray) A.

012-934 ERROR — RAP Gate SNR static JAM (to Stacker Tray) C.

012-935 ERROR — RAP Finisher Paper Remains at Transport Entrance Sensor.

012-936 ERROR — RAP Paper Remain at Booklet In SNR A.

012-949 ERROR — RAP Finisher Punch DustBox Miss Set.

013-902 ERROR — RAP Booklet Compile No Paper Sensor Static Jam.

013-903 ERROR — RAP Booklet Folder Roll Exit Sensor Static Jam.

016-210 ERROR — RAP Software Option Fail (HDD Not Exist).

016-211 ERROR — RAP Software Option Fail (System Memory Low Volume).

016-212 ERROR — RAP SW Option Fail (Page Memory Low).

016-213 ERROR — RAP SW Option Fail (Printer CARD Not Exist).

016-215 ERROR — RAP SW Option Fail (JPEG Board Not Exist).

016-216 ERROR — RAP SW Option Fail (Ext Memory Not Exist).

016-217 ERROR — RAP SW Option Fail (Controller ROM not Printer kit).

016-218 ERROR — RAP Because PS Kit is not installed, XDOD functions cannot be fulfilled.

016-219 ERROR — RAP License is required (Printer Kit).

016-220 ERROR — RAP S2X Unrecoverable Error.

016-221 ERROR — RAP S2X Communication Error.

016-222 ERROR — RAP S2X Self-Diag Error.

016-223 ERROR — RAP SS2X SDRAM Error.

016-224 ERROR — RAP S2X PCI Reg Error.

016-225 ERROR — RAP S2X ROM CheckSum Error.

016-226 ERROR — RAP S2X IIT Connection Error.

016-227 ERROR — RAP S2X DDR Error.

016-228 ERROR — RAP S2X Image Processing Error.

016-229 ERROR — RAP SW Option Fail (FCW-UI Not Exist).

016-311 ERROR — RAP The scanner was not detected.

016-315 ERROR — RAP NIIT Interface Fail.

016-316 ERROR — RAP Page Memory Not Detected.

016-317 ERROR — RAP Page Memory Broken-Standard.

016-318 ERROR — RAP Page Memory Broken-Option.

016-320 ERROR — RAP A fatal error with doc conversion software was detected.

016-322 ERROR — RAP JBA Account Full.

016-450 ERROR — RAP SMB Host Name Duplicated.

016-454 ERROR — RAP DNS Renewal Failure of Dynamic.

016-455 ERROR — RAP SNTP Server Time Out.

016-456 ERROR — RAP SNTP Time Asynchronous.

016-503 ERROR — RAP SMTP Server Address Resolution Fail.

016-504 ERROR — RAP POP Server Address Resolution Fail.

016-505 ERROR — RAP POP Authentication Fail.

016-600 ERROR — RAP KO Authentication Locked.

016-601 ERROR — RAP Illegal Access Detection.

016-647 ERROR — RAP With APS selected or with APS set up, there were no trays loaded with paper sizes for Auto Paper Selection.

016-648 ERROR — RAP Job with Booklet selected was discontinued because it had a cover with an image, a divider, or a blank page.

016-701 ERROR — RAP Out of ART EX Memory.

016-702 ERROR — RAP Out of Page Buffer.

016-703 ERROR — RAP Email to Invalid Box.

016-704 ERROR — RAP Mailbox is Full.

016-705 ERROR — RAP Secure Print Fail.

016-706 ERROR — RAP Max. User Number Exceeded.

016-707 ERROR — RAP Sample Print Fail.

016-708 ERROR — RAP HD Full by Annotation/Watermark Image.

016-709 ERROR — RAP ART EX Command Error.

016-710 ERROR — RAP Delayed Print Fail.

016-711 ERROR — RAP Tried to send data whose size is over the system data upper limit.

016-712 ERROR — RAP Under PANTHER Capacity (I-Formatter).

016-713 ERROR — RAP Security Box Password Error.

016-714 ERROR — RAP Security Box is not Enabled.

016-716 ERROR — RAP TIFF Data Overflow.

016-718 ERROR — RAP Out of PCL6 Memory.

016-719 ERROR — RAP Out of PCL Memory.

016-720 ERROR — RAP PCL Command Error.

016-721 ERROR — RAP Other Error.

016-722 ERROR — RAP Job Cancel by Staple Position NG.

016-723 ERROR — RAP Job Cancel by Punch Position NG.

016-724 ERROR — RAP Complex Position Error of Staple and Punch.

016-726 ERROR — RAP PDL Auto Switch Fail.

016-728 ERROR — RAP Unsupported TIFF Data.

016-729 ERROR — RAP TIFF Data Size too Big.

016-730 ERROR — RAP Unsupported ART Command.

016-731 ERROR — RAP Invalid TIFF Data.

016-732 ERROR — RAP Form Not Registered.

016-733 ERROR — RAP Destination Address Resolution Error.

016-734 ERROR — RAP Simple Transmission report invocation error.

016-735 ERROR — RAP Updating Job Template.

016-736 ERROR — RAP Remote directory lock error. Lock directory creation failed.

016-737 ERROR — RAP Remote lock directory remove error.

016-738 ERROR — RAP PS Booklet Print Output Paper Size is illegal.

016-739 ERROR — RAP Mismatch between PS Booklet Doc and Output Paper.

016-740 ERROR — RAP PS Booklet Output Tray is incorrect.

016-746 ERROR — RAP Unsupported PDF File.

016-748 ERROR — RAP HD Full.

016-749 ERROR — RAP JCL Syntax Error.

016-751 ERROR — RAP PDF Error.

016-752 ERROR — RAP PDF Short of Memory.

016-753 ERROR — RAP PDF Password Mismatched.

016-754 ERROR — RAP PDF LZW Not Installed.

016-755 ERROR — RAP PDF Print Prohibited.

016-756 ERROR — RAP Auditron-Prohibit Service.

016-757 ERROR — RAP Auditron-Invalid User.

016-758 ERROR — RAP Auditron-Disabled Function.

016-759 ERROR — RAP Auditron-Reached Limit.

016-760 ERROR — RAP PS Decompose Failure.

016-761 ERROR — RAP FIFO Empty.

016-762 ERROR — RAP Print LANG Not Installed.

016-764 ERROR — RAP SMTP Server Connect Error.

016-765 ERROR — RAP SMTP Server HD Full.

016-766 ERROR — RAP SMTP Server File System Error.

016-767 ERROR — RAP Invalid E-mail Address.

016-768 ERROR — RAP Invalid Sender Address.

016-769 ERROR — RAP SMTP Server Unsupported DSN.

016-771 ERROR — RAP Scan Data Repository ERR.

016-772 ERROR — RAP Scan Data Repository ERR.

016-773 ERROR — RAP Invalid IP Address.

016-774 ERROR — RAP HD Full-Compression Convert.

016-775 ERROR — RAP HD Full-Image Convert.

016-776 ERROR — RAP Image Convert ERR.

016-777 ERROR — RAP HD Access ERR-Image Convert.

016-778 ERROR — RAP HD Full-Scan Image Convert.

016-779 ERROR — RAP Scan Image Conversion Error.

016-780 ERROR — RAP HD Access ERR-Image Convert.

016-781 ERROR — RAP Scan Server Connect ERR.

016-782 ERROR — RAP Scan Server Login ERR.

016-783 ERROR — RAP Invalid Server Path.

016-784 ERROR — RAP Server Write ERR.

016-785 ERROR — RAP Server HD Full.

016-786 ERROR — RAP HD Full-Scan Write ERR.

016-787 ERROR — RAP Invalid Server IP ADD.

016-788 ERROR — RAP Retrieve to Browser Failed.

016-789 ERROR — RAP HD Full-Job Memory.

016-791 ERROR — RAP File Retrieve Fail.

016-792 ERROR — RAP Specified Job Not Found.

016-793 ERROR — RAP MF I/O HD Full.

016-794 ERROR — RAP Media Reader: Media No Insert.

016-795 ERROR — RAP Media Reader: Format Error.

016-796 ERROR — RAP Document insert operation error.

016-797 ERROR — RAP Media Reader: Image File Read Error.

016-798 ERROR — RAP No Trust Marking Option.

016-799 ERROR — RAP Print Instruction Fail.

016-940 ERROR — RAP With Duplex Output selected, a size difference between side 1 and side 2 was detected.

016-941 ERROR — RAP With Booklet selected, mixed-in-size/orientation pages with images were detected.

016-942 ERROR — RAP After a duplexed page was deleted, a size difference between side 1 and side 2 was detected.

016-943 ERROR — RAP After a document or divider was inserted, a size difference between side 1 and side 2 was detected.

016-944 ERROR — RAP Documents were merged, including the cover with an image, or a document with a divider.

016-945 ERROR — RAP A document unavailable for duplex print was inserted after a document available for Duplex was inserted.

016-946 ERROR — RAP A document or a divider was inserted after the cover or divider page.

016-949 ERROR — RAP The user inserted a documnet different in size/orientation from the page to be processed.

016-981 ERROR — RAP A failure in access to HDD.

016-982 ERROR — RAP HDD Access Error 2.

016-985 ERROR — RAP Data Size Over Flow (Scan to Email).

024-340 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 1.

024-341 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 2.

024-342 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 3.

024-343 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 4.

024-345 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 5.

024-346 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 6.

024-347 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 7.

024-348 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 8.

024-349 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 9.

024-350 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 10.

024-351 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 11.

024-352 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 12.

024-353 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 13.

024-354 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 14.

024-355 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 15.

024-356 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 16.

024-357 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 17.

024-358 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 18.

024-359 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 19.

024-360 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Initialization Failure.

024-361 ERROR — RAP Invalid IOT PaperSizeGroup Information.

024-362 ERROR — RAP Page Sync Illegal Start.

024-363 ERROR — RAP Page Sync Illegal Stop.

024-364 ERROR — RAP DMA Transfer Failure.

024-365 ERROR — RAP Overflow on the Loop Back Write.

024-366 ERROR — RAP JBIG Library Other Failure.

024-367 ERROR — RAP Decompress Other Failure.

024-368 ERROR — RAP PCI Error.

024-370 ERROR — RAP Marker Code Detect Failure.

024-371 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 21.

024-372 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 22.

024-373 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 23.

024-374 ERROR — RAP Regi Con PLL Parameter Failure.

024-375 ERROR — RAP IOT-ESS Communication Failure 24.

024-600 ERROR — RAP Billing master counter repair.

024-601 ERROR — RAP Billing backup counter #1 repair.

024-602 ERROR — RAP Billing backup counter #2 repair.

024-603 ERROR — RAP SWKey master counter repair.

024-604 ERROR — RAP SWKey backup counter #1 repair.

024-605 ERROR — RAP SWKey backup counter #2 repair.

024-606 ERROR — RAP Production Number/Serial Number Failure.

024-746 ERROR — RAP Selected Paper Tray Parameter Mismatch.

024-747 ERROR — RAP Print Instruction Failure.

024-910 ERROR — RAP Tray 1 Size Mismatch.

024-911 ERROR — RAP Tray 2 Size Mismatch.

024-912 ERROR — RAP Tray 3 Size Mismatch.

024-913 ERROR — RAP Tray 4 Size Mismatch.

024-914 ERROR — RAP Tray 6 Size Mismatch.

024-915 ERROR — RAP Tray 7 Size Mismatch.

024-917 ERROR — RAP Stacker Tray Staple Set Over Count.

024-919 ERROR — RAP Face UP Tray Close.

024-920 ERROR — RAP Face Down Tray 1 Paper FULL.

024-922 ERROR — RAP Face Down Tray 2 Paper FULL.

024-923 ERROR — RAP Operation Yellow Toner Empty.

024-924 ERROR — RAP Operation Magenta Toner Empty.

024-925 ERROR — RAP Operation Cyan Toner Empty.

024-926 ERROR — RAP Punch Dust Box Missing Set.

024-927 ERROR — RAP Offset Catch Tray Full Stack.

024-930 ERROR — RAP Stacker Tray Full (Small Size Full).

024-934 ERROR — RAP Paper type mismatch.

024-935 ERROR — RAP Tray 1 Paper Mismatch.

024-936 ERROR — RAP Tray 2 Paper Mismatch.

024-937 ERROR — RAP Tray 3 Paper Mismatch.

024-938 ERROR — RAP OHP kind Mismatch at Tray 4 (Not White Frame OHP).

024-939 ERROR — RAP Transparency type mismatch (No white border).

024-940 ERROR — RAP Folder Tray Out of Place.

024-941 ERROR — RAP Folder Tray Full Stack.

024-942 ERROR — RAP Booklet Sheets Over Count.

024-943 ERROR — RAP Booklet Low Staple.

024-945 ERROR — RAP Booklet Full Stack.

024-946 ERROR — RAP Tray 1 Not In Position.

024-947 ERROR — RAP Tray 2 Not In Position.

024-948 ERROR — RAP Tray 3 Not In Position.

024-949 ERROR — RAP Tray 4 Not In Position.

024-950 ERROR — RAP Tray 1 No Paper.

024-951 ERROR — RAP Tray 2 No Paper.

024-952 ERROR — RAP Tray 3 No Paper.

024-953 ERROR — RAP Tray 4 No Paper.

024-954 ERROR — RAP MSI No Paper.

024-955 ERROR — RAP Tray 6 No Paper.

024-956 ERROR — RAP Tray 7 No Paper.

024-957 ERROR — RAP Interposer No Paper.

024-958 ERROR — RAP MSI Size Mismatch.

024-959 ERROR — RAP Tray 1 Paper Size Mismatch.

024-960 ERROR — RAP Tray 2 Paper Size Mismatch.

024-961 ERROR — RAP Tray 3 Paper Size Mismatch.

024-962 ERROR — RAP Tray 4 Paper Size Mismatch.

024-965 ERROR — RAP ATS/APS No Paper.

024-966 ERROR — RAP ATS/APS No Destination Error.

024-967 ERROR — RAP Different Width Mix Paper Detect (Staple Job).

024-968 ERROR — RAP Stapler/Punch Batting.

024-969 ERROR — RAP Different Width Mix Punch.

024-970 ERROR — RAP Tray 6 Not In Position.

024-971 ERROR — RAP Tray 7 Not In Position.

024-972 ERROR — RAP Tray 6 Paper Size Mismatch.

024-973 ERROR — RAP Tray 7 Paper Size Mismatch.

024-974 ERROR — RAP Interposer Tray Size Mismatch.

024-975 ERROR — RAP Booklet Sheets Over Count (Not Field Attachment).

024-976 ERROR — RAP Finisher Staple Status incorrect.

024-977 ERROR — RAP Stapler Feed Ready Failure.

024-978 ERROR — RAP Booklet Stapler incorrect.

024-979 ERROR — RAP Stapler Near Empty.

024-980 ERROR — RAP Finisher Stacker Tray Full.

024-981 ERROR — RAP Finisher Top Tray Full.

024-982 ERROR — RAP Stacker Lower Safety Warning.

024-983 ERROR — RAP Booklet Tray Full.

024-984 ERROR — RAP Booklet Low Staple F.

024-985 ERROR — RAP SMH Stop Check.

024-987 ERROR — RAP Envelope Folder Tray Full.

024-988 ERROR — RAP Envelope Folder Tray Set Failure.

024-989 ERROR — RAP Booklet Low Staple R.

024-990 ERROR — RAP Punch Dust Full.

025-596 ERROR — RAP Diag HDD Failure 1.

025-597 ERROR — RAP Diag HDD Failure 2.

027-452 ERROR — RAP Duplicate IP address.

027-500 ERROR — RAP SMTP Server Address Resolution Failure.

027-501 ERROR — RAP POP Server Address Resolution Failure.

027-502 ERROR — RAP POP Authentication Failure.

027-700 ERROR — RAP Media Failure.

027-701 ERROR — RAP Media Not Found.

027-702 ERROR — RAP Media Data Not Found / Not Supported.

027-703 ERROR — RAP Media Reader Failure / Disconnected.

027-706 ERROR — RAP Certificate not found.

027-707 ERROR — RAP Certificate expired.

027-708 ERROR — RAP Certificate untrusted.

027-709 ERROR — RAP Certificate revoked.

027-710 ERROR — RAP S/MIME mail was disabled.

027-711 ERROR — RAP S/MIME mail sender certificate not found.

027-712 ERROR — RAP S/MIME mail sender certificate not valid.

027-713 ERROR — RAP S/MIME mail was altered.

027-714 ERROR — RAP S/MIME mail sender impersonation.

027-715 ERROR — RAP S/MIME mail certificate not supported.

027-716 ERROR — RAP No-Signed mail receipt was rejected.

027-720 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Host Not Found. A server specified for a remote application was not found, or DNS resolution was not possible.

027-721 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Not Found.

027-722 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Timeout Failure.

027-723 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Authentication Failure.

027-724 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Access Failure.

027-725 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Operation Failure.

027-726 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Unknown State.

027-727 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Req Invalid Parameters.

027-728 ERROR — RAP Ext Srv. Required File Exceeded.

027-737 ERROR — RAP Template Server Read Error.

027-739 ERROR — RAP Invalid Template Server Path.

027-740 ERROR — RAP Template Server Login Error.

027-741 ERROR — RAP Template Server Connect Failure.

027-742 ERROR — RAP HD File System Full.

027-743 ERROR — RAP Template Server Install Error.

027-744 ERROR — RAP Template Server ADD Error.

027-745 ERROR — RAP Template Server ADD Error.

027-746 ERROR — RAP Job Template Pool Server Not Ready.

027-751 ERROR — RAP Job Template Analysis Error.

027-752 ERROR — RAP Must User un Inputting.

027-753 ERROR — RAP Job Flow Service Request Disabled.

027-760 ERROR — RAP XJT Command Failure.

027-770 ERROR — RAP PDL Error.

027-771 ERROR — RAP DFE Disk Full.

027-796 ERROR — RAP Email Not Printed.

027-797 ERROR — RAP Invalid Output Destination.

042-313 ERROR — RAP Rear Cooling Fan Failure.

042-320 ERROR — RAP Yellow Drum Motor Drive Failure.

042-321 ERROR — RAP Magenta Drum Motor Drive Failure.

042-322 ERROR — RAP Cyan Drum Motor Drive Failure.

042-323 ERROR — RAP Black Drum Motor Drive Failure.

042-324 ERROR — RAP IBT Drive Motor Failure.

042-325 ERROR — RAP Main Motor Failure.

042-326 ERROR — RAP Belt Home Position too long.

042-327 ERROR — RAP Belt Position Failure.

042-328 ERROR — RAP Belt Edge Sensor Failure.

042-330 ERROR — RAP Fuser Exhaust Fan Failure.

042-331 ERROR — RAP Blower Motor Fan Failure.

042-600 ERROR — RAP Belt Walk Failure.

042-601 ERROR — RAP Belt Edge Learn Failure.

042-602 ERROR — RAP Belt Edge Check Failure.

042-603 ERROR — RAP Suction Filter Life End Failure.

045-310 ERROR — RAP Image Ready NG.

045-311 ERROR — RAP Controller Comm Failure.

045-312 ERROR — RAP Driver Connect Failure.

047-210 ERROR — RAP OCT Offset Failure.

047-310 ERROR — RAP MCU-Finisher Communication Failure.

061-310 ERROR — RAP Clapper 1 Failure.

061-311 ERROR — RAP Clapper 2 Failure.

061-313 ERROR — RAP SOS Long Failure Magenta.

061-315 ERROR — RAP SOS Long Failure Black.

061-317 ERROR — RAP SOS Short Failure.

061-319 ERROR — RAP SOS Short Failure Black.

061-320 ERROR — RAP Polygon Motor Failure.

061-321 ERROR — RAP ROS Motor Failure.

Xerox Docucolor 250 Error 042-326 information. How to fix Xerox Docucolor 250 Error 042-326. List of solutions & fixes.

Xerox Docucolor 250 shows fault code 042-326 but freezes when repair is attempted

Display shows 042-326 which is IBT belt position. I’ve already taken the belt out, cleaned the IBT belt cleaner, centered the belt. I need to perform the ADJ adjustment to realign the belt start position, but PWS will not connect to the machine anymore. When I press and hold 0 for 5 seconds and then press Start, I can enter 6789 but when I press CONFIRM then the machine freezes. So I cannot reset anything, or connect. I have power cycled many times, even left the machine off for hours..

So this post might be better titled – “PWS will not connect” or “Service mode causes freeze” but I posted it with the error displayed.


Вопросы с 61 по 75:


11.10.2011 – Не тот цвет

Скажите, пожалуйста, вчера отправлял файл на печать, он его печатал одним цветом, а сегодня другим! Почему так?

Ответ: Вы отправляли файл-картинку или текст? Каким именно цветом стал печатать аппарат?


27.09.2011 – Просыпается тонер

В Xerox DocuColor 250 постоянно просыпается красный (m) тонер. В чем может быть дело? Картриджи меняются на новые, никакой сборки-разборки не производится. Пластиковые крепления внутри машины уже приобрели черно-розовую расцветку.

Ответ: Вы пробовали заменить красный барабан? Также мог переполниться бункер для отработанного тонера.


20.09.2011 – Ошибка 042-326

Здравствуйте! У нас DocuColor 240. Помогите убрать ошибку 042-326.

Ответ: Скорее всего сместился ремень переноса или стерлась метка на ремне переноса.


05.09.2011 – Сенсорная панель

Периодически не работает сенсорная панель управления принтером. Кнопки – функционируют, ошибок никаких принтер не выдает, а сенсор не реагирует на нажатия. День, два, три не работает – потом неделю-две всё хорошо. Что делать?

Ответ: Либо неисправна сама сенсорная панель, либо отходят контакты панели. Обратитесь в сервисный центр.


02.08.2011 – Принтер перестал печатать

Добрый день. У меня аналогичная проблема, отправляем через сеть печать на принтер, файл очень быстро переходит в принтер, но никаких ответов от принтера, коллега разок заметил, что выводится код ошибки 100. В чем может быть проблема?
Пытался перезагружать сервер, и аппарат выдает ошибку – нет соединения с сервером.

Ответ: Проверьте подключение контроллера печати к аппарату. Посмотрите в истории ошибок, не выдавал ли аппарат какие-либо ошибки.


26.07.2011 – Ошибка 075-210

Выдает ошибку 075-210, не берет бумагу с 5-го лотка, помогите, что делать?

Ответ: Эта ошибка связана с датчиком 5 лотка. Обратитесь в сервисный центр.


17.05.2011 – Не печатается документ

После очереди обработки документ отправляется на очередь печати. И вот уже 15 минут 0% печати. Ошибок никаких машина не выдает. В чем может быть причина?

Ответ: Отправляется ли задание на контроллер? Проверьте соединение между контроллером и самим аппаратом.


16.05.2011 – Печать журнала

Как распечатать журнал на Xerox Docucolor 252: обложка должна быть глянцевой, а все остальные страницы – на обычной бумаге. Как это сделать? Какие настройки выбрать? И почему ставится только одна скрепка?

Ответ: Настройки формата и типа бумаги устанавливаются в драйвере. Распечатайте сначала обложку с подходящими ей настройками, потом остальные листы. Подробно обо всех настройках в документации к аппарату.


16.05.2011 – Чистка

Как можно чистить drum cartridg? Как можно чистить картриджи???

Ответ: Для чистки картриджей нужно обращаться в сервисный центр.


02.03.2011 – Не могу залить софт. Стало только хуже.

1) Пропал mailbox guest при сетевом сканировании.
2) Перестало напрямую посылаться на печать. В связи с чем решил перезалить софт.
Подключился кросс-кабелем напрямую, вставил диск 1, пошел процесс установки… На втором шаге остается залить каких-то 5 мегабайт с копейками и всё… Останавливается, потом выдаёт Check the cable and configuration…. и т.д. и т.п. С кабелем всё в порядке. Что не так-то? Причем и в первом случае (через хаб), и во втором (напрямую) останавливается на одном и том же значении… И выдает одну и ту же ошибку. Всё бы ничего, так теперь пропала настройка сети в панели управления на самом аппарате, и вообще компьютер теперь его не видит. Как быть в этом случае? Можно ли своими силами устранить данную проблему, или обязательно нужно вызывать сервисника? Заранее спасибо!

Ответ: Устранить проблему в данном случае может только сервисный инженер.


01.03.2011 – Сброс сообщения

После замены фьюзера аппарат все равно сообщает: replace now. Как сбросить? Заранее благодарю!

Ответ: Фьюзер должен заменять сервисный инженер, он знает, как сбросить прописавшуюся в память ошибку.


15.02.2011 – Царапины на drum cartridg

После замены плёнки переноса изображения появилась странная проблема: периодически выкрашивается (вплоть до алюминиевой основы) магнитный барабан (drum cartridg), пробой появляется одномоментно, произвольно по расположению и форме, на любом из 4х картриджей (C M Y B). При печати проявляется как пятно краски одного из цветов (C M  Y B), ресурс картриджей-страдальцев варьируется от 100% до 0%, картриджи фирменные, всегда новые (ремонтам не подвергались).

Ответ: Не изменилась ли влажность в помещении, где стоит аппарат? Уменьшение влажности воздуха может привести к пробоям барабана.
Проверьте, нет ли внутри барабана скрепок, скобок.


05.01.2011 – Ошибка

Что означает 010-320?

Ответ: Данная ошибка связана с перегревом фьюзера. Вам следует обратиться в сервисный центр.


16.12.2010 – Повисло задание на печать

Здравствуйте! Задание повисло. Отмена не действует. Перезагружать пробовал. Что делать?

Ответ: Вы перезагружали только аппарат или контроллер тоже? Перезагрузите контроллер.


Для просмотра онлайн кликните на видео ⤵

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Solved error 042-326 xerox IV C-7780 /  Replace IBT

Error Code 042-326 Solution For A Xerox Docucolor 240,242,250,252,550,560,570,c60,c70Подробнее

Error Code 042-326 Solution For A Xerox Docucolor 240,242,250,252,550,560,570,c60,c70

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Xerox Docucolor 250 Error 042-326 Fixes & Solutions

We are confident that the above descriptions of Xerox Docucolor 250 Error 042-326 and how to fix it will be useful to you. If you have another solution to Xerox Docucolor 250 Error 042-326 or some notes on the existing ways to solve it, then please drop us an email.


Описание ошибки

Paper Jam 005-121 Open ADF Cover and Clear Jam

Cover Open 005-301 Remove paper then Close ADF Cover
ADF Cover Open

010-397 Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer
Fuser Error

016-315 System Restart Printer
IP ROM Check (Main) Fail

016-317 Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
IP ROM Check (Main) Fail

016-372 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Fax Memory Allocation Error

Write Flash Error 016-501 System Contact Support If Message Returns
Write Flash Error

Write Flash Error 016-502 System Contact Support If Message Returns
Verify Flash Error

016-503 / 016-504 / 016-506 / 016-507
SMTP Error 016-50X Scan Job Failure
E-mail Error

Memory Full 016-718 Printer Job too Large
Out of Memory

Decode Error 016-719 Printer Job Failure
Decode Error

PDL Request 016-720 Printer Data Violation
PDL Error

Format Error 016-744 System Invalid Data
Checksum Error

Format Error 016-745 System Invalid Data
Header Error

PJL Request 016-749 Printer Data Violation
PJL Request Error

Connect Fail 016-764 Scan Job Failure
Can not connect to mail server for sending mail out.

SMTP Error 016-766 Scan Job Failure
Can not transferring completely.

Address Error 016-767 Scan Job Failure
Recipient address is invalid.}

USB Memory was removed. 016-791 System Job Failure
USB Memory Removal Error

File Format Error 016-795 Printer Job Failure
File Format Error

File Read Error 016-797 Printer Job Failure
File Read Error

Wireless Error 016-920 System Setup Fail
Wireless Setting Error Timeout Error

016-930 / 016-931
USB Host Error 016-930 System Unsupported Device Remove from USB Port
USB Host Error

Collate Full 016-981 Printer Job too Large
Collate Full

Mail Size Limits 016-985 Scan Job Failure
Mail Size Limits Error

Memory Full 017-970 Scan Job Failure
Out of Memory

Report error 017-980 System Job Failure
Fax Report job fails to report file.

Report error 017-981 System Job Failure
Report File Error

PCScan Time Out 017-988 Scan Job Failure
PCScan Time Out

018-338 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Wireless Error

024-340 Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer
MCU Firmware Error

024-360 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Download Error

024-371 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Return
MCU Comm. Error

Paper Size Mismatch 024-958 Printer Load Paper then Press P AAAAA (or BBBBB)
Paper Size Mismatch

No Suitable Paper 024-963 Printer Load Paper
No Suitable Paper

USB Memory Full 026-720 Scan Job Failure
USB Memory Full

File Write Error 026-721 Scan Job Failure
USB Memory Write Error

Write Protect 026-722 Scan Job Failure
USB Memory Write Protect Error

File Path Limit 026-723 Scan Job Failure
File Path Limit Error

026-750 / 026-751 / 026-752
Communication Fail 026-75X Scan Job Failure
Scan Communication Fail

SMB Error 031-521 Scan Login Error
SMB Login Failed

SMB Error 031-536 Scan Name Resolve Error
SMB Name Resolve

SMB Error 031-536 Scan Name Resolve Error
SMB Login Failed

SMB Error 031-530 Scan SMB Path Error
SMB Error

031-533 Scan File Make Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-534 Scan Folder Make Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-535 Scan Delete File Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-536 Scan Delete Folder Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-537 Scan Disk Full Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-555 Scan Write Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-556 Scan Write Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-557 Scan File Duplication
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-558 Scan Connect Error
SMB Error

031-571, 031-578
FTP Error 031-57X Scan Login Failed
FTP Connection Error

FTP Error 031-574 Scan Name Resolve Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-575 Scan Server Address Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-576 Scan Server Not Found
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-579 Scan FTP Path Error
FTP Login Error

FTP Error 031-579 Scan FTP Path Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-582 Scan File Make Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-584 Scan Connect Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-585 Scan DEL Command Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-587 Scan RMD Command Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-588 Scan Write Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-589 Scan Disk Full Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-594 Scan TYPE Command Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-598 Scan APPE Command Error
FTP Error

Memory Full 033-503 Fax Job Failure
Out of Memory

Memory Full 033-513 Fax Job Failure
Communication Error

Memory Full 033-787 Fax Job Failure
Fax Job Failure

Memory Full 033-788 Fax Job Failure
Memory Full

Busy 034-700 Fax Job Failure
Fax Busy Error

No Dial Tone 034-701 Fax Job Failure
No Dial Tone

034-702/703 … 034-711
Communication Fail 034-7xx Fax Job Failure
Communication Errors

034-712/713 … 034-727
Communication Fail 034-7xx Fax Job Failure
Fax transmission errors

034-750/751 … 034-768
Communication Fail 034-7xx Fax Job Failure
RX Communication Errors

041-340 Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer

061-370 Printer Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer
LPH Failure

062-321 System Restart Printer
Carriage Motor Error

Confirm 062-790 Deleted by Limit
Copy Limit

Paper Jam 075-100 Printer Jam at Feed
Misfeed Jam

075-921 Printer Insert Output to Tray
Waiting for OK to be pressed after setting side 2 for manual duplex print.

Paper Jam 077-100 Printer Jam at Feed
Reg On Early Jam

Paper Jam 077-104 Printer Jam at Exit
Reg Off Jam

Paper Jam 077-106 Printer Jam at Exit
Exit On Jam

Paper Jam 077-108 Printer Jam at Exit
Exit Off Early Jam

Paper Jam 077-109 Printer Jam at Exit
Exit Off Jam

Close Rear Cover 077-304 Printer Rear Cover is Open
Rear Door Open

Paper Jam Remain at Exit 077-900 Printer Open Rear Cover Remove Paper
Exit Jam

Paper Jam Remain at Reg 077-901 Printer Open Rear Cover Remove Paper
Remain Registration Jam

091-402 Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Xero Life Warning

092-651 Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer
ADC Sensor Error

092-661 Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer
ENV Sensor Error

Ready to Print 093-42X Printer Cartridge is Close to Life
Toner Cartridge Near end of Life

CRUM ID 093-926 Reseat Cartridge
Toner Cartridge CRUM ID Error

Replace Cart. 093-93X Printer Replace Cartridge
Toner Cartridge Empty

Insert Print Cart 093-974 Printer Insert Toner Cartridge
Insert Print Cartridge

116-210 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
System USB Port Error

116-314 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
MAC Address Error

116-325 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Return
Checksum Error

116-326 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns

116-335 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Checksum Error (Network)Error

116-355 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Return
Network Fatal Error

116-395 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns

117-331/332 … 117-366
117-xxx System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Return
System Restart

124-333 Printer Restart Printer
ASIC Failure

134-211 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Modem Error

191-310 Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Xero Life Over


Сброс ошибки 10-327 и других ошибок фьюзера Xerox WorkCentre 5225, 5230 Печать

Изменено: Чт, 13 Сен, 2018 at 9:39 AM

Если во фьюзер машины Xerox WorkCentre 5225, 5230 установить нагревательный вал с заметно отличающимися от оригинального вала характеристиками (например, вал от Xerox WorkCentre C118 или некачественный совместимый вал), то довольно часто можно получить ошибку 10-327, которая означает, что машина не сумела нагреть фьюзер до нужной температуры за заданное время.

Устранения причины проблемы заменой вала на “правильный” в данной машине недостаточно для того, чтобы машина вновь заработала – ошибку нужно сбросить из сервисного режима.

Внимание! Перед сбросом ошибки нужно обязательно устранить причину появления этой ошибки! Помимо неподходящего нагревательного вала, ошибки фьюзера могут быть вызваны загрязнением или неисправностью термисторов, неисправностью ламп нагрева, срабатывание термопредохранителя (в этом случае нужно обязательно выяснить, почему он сработал), обрывом или коротким замыканием в цепях лампы или термисторов и в редких случаях неисправностью платы управления.


Xerox WC 3045 ошибка

005-121, 005-301, 010-397, 016-315,,016-317, 016-372, 016-501 016-502, 016-503 / 016-504 / 016-506 / 016-507, 016-718, 016-719, 016-720, 016-744, 016-745, 016-749, 016-764, 016-766016-767, 016-791, 016-795, 016-797, 016-920, 016-930 / 016-931, 016-981, 016-985,017-970, 017-980, 017-981, 017-988, 018-338, 024-340, 024-360, 024-371, 024-958, 024-963, 026-720, 026-721, 026-722, 026-723, 026-750 / 026-751 / 026-752, 031-521, 031-526, 031-529, 031-530, 031-533, 031-534, 031-535, 031-536, 031-537,031-555, 031-556, 031-557, 031-558, 031-571, 031-578, 031-574, 031-575, 031-576, 031-578, 031-579, 031-582, 031-584, 031-585, 031-587, 031-588, 031-589, 031-594, 031-598, 033-503, 033-513, 033-787, 033-788, 034-700, 034-701, 034-702/703 … 034-711, 034-712/713 … 034-727, 034-750/751 … 034-768, 041-340 061-370, 062-321, 062-790, 075-100, 075-921, 077-100, 077-104, 077-106, 077-108, 077-109, 077-304, 077-900, 077-901, 091-402, 092-651, 092-661, 093-426, 093-926, 093-933, 093-974, 116-210, 116-314, 116-325, 116-326, 116-335, 116-355, 116-395, 117-331 … 117-366, 124-333, 134-211, 191-310


Процедура сброса

Войти в сервисный режим:

  • Нажать и удерживать более 6 секунд кнопку [0] на панели управления. Не отпуская кнопку [0], нажать кнопку [Старт].


  • На появившемся экране ввести пароль – 6789 (значение по умолчанию) и нажмите кнопку [Confirm]


  • Нажать кнопку информации о машине


Записать значение 0 в ячейку NVM 744-220:

  • Выбрать вкладку [Инструменты] 


  •  В разделе [Режимы] выбрать [Обслуживание/диагностика]


  • Выбрать раздел [NVM Read / Write…]


  • Введите адрес ячейки 744-220 и нажмите [Confirm / Change]


  •  Введите [0] в поле [New Value] и нажмите [Save]


  • Нажмите [Close], затем [Exit (Keep Log)], затем [Yes]. Машина перезагрузится и выйдет на готовность, если причина проблемы была ранее устранена. Вы можете выбрать пункт [Exit (Clear Log)], если хотите очистить историю неисправностей машины.

Была ли эта статья полезной? Да Нет

Отправить отзыв

К сожалению, мы не смогли помочь вам в разрешении проблемы. Ваш отзыв позволит нам улучшить эту статью.


Xerox WorkCentre 3045 Вход в сервис / Вход в режим диагностики:

1. Выключите МФУ.
2. Нажмите и удерживайте кнопки [↑] и [↓], включите аппарат.
3. Отпустите кнопки, когда на дисплее отобразится сообщение “CE Mode. Please Wait“.

Для перемещения по меню, используйте стрелки [↑] и [↓]. Для выбора, нажмите кнопку [OK].

Меню режима диагностики:

– ESS Diag
     – Flash ROM Test
     – DRAM Test
     – IOT Test
     – Light Flash R/W Test
     – USB Test
     – OP Panel Test
     – Lamp Test
     – All Test
– IOT Diad
     – Digital Input
     – Digital Output
     – NVM Settings
          – NVM Edit
          – Save NVM to ESS
          – Load NVM from ESS
– Print Info
     – Config Page
     – Print Settings
– Installation Set
     – Serial No.
     – Pixel Counter
     – Print Counter
     – Clear All NVM
     – Clear Job History
– Test Print
     – TestPatLPH[IOT]
– Parameter
     – Regi
          – Lead Offset
          – Side Offset
     – Life
          – M/C Total PV
          – DEVE Runtime K
          – XERO Runtime
          – M/C Disp Time K
          – M/C Pixel K
          – M/C Custom Start
          – M/C Custom End
          – Waste Toner K
          – Toner PV K
          – Toner Disp Time K
          – Toner Pixel K
     – Print
– Information
     – Scan Counter
– Scanner Maintenance
     – White Balance
     – Shading Parameter
     – Registration Param.
     – Auto Registration
     – Sensor Parameter
     – IIT I/O Check
     – SCAN Counter Clear
– Parameter
– Backup Data
     – All Clear
     – User & System Clear
     – System Data Init
– Complete
Error code test


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