Xerox c7030 ошибка 010 331

010-331, 010-333 Over Temperature Fail RAP

BSD-ON: BSD 10.2 Fusing Heat Control (1 of 2)

010-331 Fuser thermistor detected temperature monitor AD value that is the specified value or more 10 consecutive times.
010-333 Fuser NC sensor detected a temperature that is the specified value or more 10 consecutive times.

Initial Actions

WARNING: Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

• Remove the fuser. Check whether foreign substances or paper is wound around the heat roll.
• Ensure J416 on the drive PWB is securely connected.


Perform the steps that follow:

1. Install new components as necessary:

• LVPS, PL 1.10 Item 3.
• Fuser, PL 10.05 Item 2.
• Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 4.
• ESS PWB, PL 3.10 Item 6.

2. To clear this fault, first remove the cause, then reset the value of NVM location 744-002 (Error Detection Flag) to 0. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

NOTE: The relationship between the displayed value and the sensor that detected the high temperature error is as follows:

• 0: Normal.
• 1: High temperature error of heat roll nc sensor.
• 2: High temperature error of heat roll thermistor.
• 3: Abnormal temperature increase of heat roll NC sensor, heat roll thermistor.
• 4: Hardware high temperature error of heat roll thermistor.

**This RAP is from Xerox Service Manual. All brand names and trademarks are their respective owner’s property.**

You may be also interested in below toner and drum chip (CRUM) for Xerox VersaLink C7020, C7025, C7030, C7000.

Toner Chip (For North America and West Europe Region):

• 106R03741 106R03744 106R03743 106R03742
• 106R03757 106R03760 106R03759 106R03758
• 106R03737 106R03740 106R03739 106R03738

Toner Chip (For South America and East Europe Region):

• 106R03749 106R03752 106R03751 106R03750
• 106R03745 106R03748 106R03747 106R03746
• 106R03765 106R03768 106R03767 106R03766

Toner Chip (For Metered Machine):

• 106R03733 106R03736 106R03735 106R03734

Drum Chip:

• 113R00780 113R00782

010-331, 010-333 Over Temperature Fail RAP

BSD-ON: BSD 10.2 Fusing Heat Control (1 of 2)

010-331 Fuser thermistor detected temperature monitor AD value that is the specified value or more 10 consecutive times.
010-333 Fuser NC sensor detected a temperature that is the specified value or more 10 consecutive times.

Initial Actions

WARNING: Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

• Remove the fuser. Check whether foreign substances or paper is wound around the heat roll.
• Ensure J416 on the drive PWB is securely connected.


Perform the steps that follow:

1. Install new components as necessary:

• LVPS, PL 1.10 Item 3.
• Fuser, PL 10.05 Item 2.
• Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 4.
• ESS PWB, PL 3.10 Item 6.

2. To clear this fault, first remove the cause, then reset the value of NVM location 744-002 (Error Detection Flag) to 0. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

NOTE: The relationship between the displayed value and the sensor that detected the high temperature error is as follows:

• 0: Normal.
• 1: High temperature error of heat roll nc sensor.
• 2: High temperature error of heat roll thermistor.
• 3: Abnormal temperature increase of heat roll NC sensor, heat roll thermistor.
• 4: Hardware high temperature error of heat roll thermistor.

**This RAP is from Xerox Service Manual. All brand names and trademarks are their respective owner’s property.**

You may be also interested in below toner and drum chip (CRUM) for Xerox VersaLink C7020, C7025, C7030, C7000.

Toner Chip (For North America and West Europe Region):

• 106R03741 106R03744 106R03743 106R03742
• 106R03757 106R03760 106R03759 106R03758
• 106R03737 106R03740 106R03739 106R03738

Toner Chip (For South America and East Europe Region):

• 106R03749 106R03752 106R03751 106R03750
• 106R03745 106R03748 106R03747 106R03746
• 106R03765 106R03768 106R03767 106R03766

Toner Chip (For Metered Machine):

• 106R03733 106R03736 106R03735 106R03734

Drum Chip:

• 113R00780 113R00782


  1. 010 333 xerox error
  2. Fault Codes 058-310 to 058-313, 059-326, 010-333 to 010-335, and 010-338, 010-339: Fuser Thermal Error
  3. Materials required:
  4. Step 1: Power the Printer Off then On
  5. Step 2: Replace the Fuser and Reset the Counter
  6. How to Fix 010-331 010-333 Error Code for Xerox VersaLink C7020 C7025 C7030 C7000 Printer?
  7. 010 333 xerox error

010 333 xerox error

Принтеры, копировальные аппараты, МФУ, факсы и другая офисная техника:
вопросы ремонта, обслуживания, заправки, выбора

0. Alexeuss 24.08.17 04:08

Здравствуйте! У клиента уже давно стоит Xerox WC7132 с ошибкой 010-333, клиент новый по этому не знаю что делали предыдущие мастера с этим аппаратом. Что я сделал. по инструкции STRANNIK от 02.07.15 11:11
«Если на дисплее высветилась следующая ошибка 010-333, это говорит о недостаточном разогреве термоузла. Делаем следующее при включённом аппарате нажимаем одновременно кнопки [0] и [Прерывание] удерживаем в течении 5-7 секунд затем нажимаем [Старт]. Появляется окошко для входа в сервисный режим. Затем ищем пункт NVM read и write, заходим в это меню. Потом в поле значение [NVM] пишем значение ячейки 744-044, далее внизу набираем значение 0 наживаем [Save] затем в главном сервисном режиме Exit Clear Нажимаем на него потом ОК. Аппарат перезагрузится и ошибка исчезла, всё вернулось в рабочее состояние.» . но нет, не в моем случае, ошибка та же и ничего не изменилось, печь холодная выключаешь, включаешь, все так же, ошибка и печь холодная.
Я прозвонил лампы, термопредохранитель, все целое, предположил что печь не родная. Все что я смог найти на фьюзере это «CN-126K 21099-6QAV-1400022471»
Если печь не родная, но по посадочным встает как родня то схема подключения может отличаться?

2. Alexeuss 24.08.17 07:18

Я это читал и делал. В общем то об этом и написано выше

Имхо, пора поискать питание печки, благо схема его управления невелика.

Try to replace the fuser drive link ass’y 012K94820


Fault Codes 058-310 to 058-313, 059-326, 010-333 to 010-335, and 010-338, 010-339: Fuser Thermal Error

Product support for: VersaLink C400 / C405 Family, VersaLink C400, VersaLink C405

Article Id: 2041163 | Published: 06/17/2019

Materials required:

  • Cloth to wipe hands
  • New Fuser Cartridge

Step 1: Power the Printer Off then On

CAUTION: Do not plug or unplug the power cord while the printer is powered on.

NOTE: The images in this procedure are for demonstration purposes only and may not specifically match your printer model; colors, icons, and other minor differences may exist.

  1. At the printer control panel, press the Power/Wake button.
  2. Touch Power Off.
    • If the printer does not respond to a single press of the Power/Wake button, then press and hold the button for 5 seconds. A Please Wait message appears as the printer powers down.
  3. After 10 seconds, the touch screen goes dark and the Power/Wake button flashes until the printer powers down. To power on the printer, press the Power/Wake button.

  • Try your job again. If the problem persists, continue with the next step.
  • Step 2: Replace the Fuser and Reset the Counter

    CAUTION: Wait at least 40 minutes for the Fuser to cool down before attempting this procedure. The Fuser and surrounding area may become hot during operation. To avoid injury, be careful while working in this area.

    Unplug the power cord from the back of the printer and the ethernet cable, if attached.

  • Push down on the release button, and lower the Rear Door into the open position.
  • Push up on the release button on the left side of the Fuser to unlock the Fuser. Keep the release button pressed in, and then pull the Fuser out of the printer.

    Place the old Fuser aside for recycling.

    IMPORTANT: Place any suspected defective cartridge that is removed from the printer in protective wrapping/packaging material for situations where it may still be a functioning cartridge. If you do not have the original packaging material, use the packaging from the new cartridge.

    Remove the new Fuser from the packaging.

    Line up the knobs on either side of the new Fuser with the slots in the printer, and then push the Fuser into the printer until the Fuser clicks into place.

  • Close the Rear Door.
  • Plug in the power cord on the back of the printer and the ethernet cable, if required, and then power on the printer.
  • Select the Home button, then select the Device App button.
  • Select the Supplies button.
  • To reset the counter, touch Fuser and select Reset in the top, right of the screen, then exit out of any screens.
  • Try your job again. If the problem persists, contact Support for additional assistance.
  • Источник

    How to Fix 010-331 010-333 Error Code for Xerox VersaLink C7020 C7025 C7030 C7000 Printer?

    Posted by Xwk Tech on Sep 18, 2019

    010-331, 010-333 Over Temperature Fail RAP

    BSD-ON: BSD 10.2 Fusing Heat Control (1 of 2)

    010-331 Fuser thermistor detected temperature monitor AD value that is the specified value or more 10 consecutive times.
    010-333 Fuser NC sensor detected a temperature that is the specified value or more 10 consecutive times.

    Initial Actions

    WARNING: Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

    • Remove the fuser. Check whether foreign substances or paper is wound around the heat roll.
    • Ensure J416 on the drive PWB is securely connected.


    Perform the steps that follow:

    1. Install new components as necessary:

    • LVPS, PL 1.10 Item 3.
    • Fuser, PL 10.05 Item 2.
    • Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 4.
    • ESS PWB, PL 3.10 Item 6.

    2. To clear this fault, first remove the cause, then reset the value of NVM location 744-002 (Error Detection Flag) to 0. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

    NOTE: The relationship between the displayed value and the sensor that detected the high temperature error is as follows:

    • 0: Normal.
    • 1: High temperature error of heat roll nc sensor.
    • 2: High temperature error of heat roll thermistor.
    • 3: Abnormal temperature increase of heat roll NC sensor, heat roll thermistor.
    • 4: Hardware high temperature error of heat roll thermistor.

    **This RAP is from Xerox Service Manual. All brand names and trademarks are their respective owner’s property.**

    You may be also interested in below toner and drum chip (CRUM) for Xerox VersaLink C7020, C7025, C7030, C7000.

    Toner Chip (For North America and West Europe Region):

    Toner Chip (For South America and East Europe Region):

    Toner Chip (For Metered Machine):


    010 333 xerox error

    Just wanna say a big thank you Neme Amber for introducing me to Dr Emmanuel the great HERBALIST that helped me prepare home remedies that cured my herpes (HSV 2).
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    I want to share this great testimony to the world on how Dr VOODOO cure me from HSV1&2 with his herbs, I was nervous when i first contact him about the cure for HSV but i decided to give him a try because i was desperate to get cured and be free from HSV. Dr VOODOO prepared the remedy and sent it to me through UPS,which I use just the way Dr VOODOO instructed me and thank God today I am a beneficiary to this cure and I went back to the hospital after 7 days of taking the herbs and I tested HSV1&2 Negative. So I will tell you all who are looking for a cure to his/her HSV1&2 that Dr VOODOO took research before he could finally get the solution to it and a lot of people are benefiting from him right now. He also cured my friend from HPV. Dr VOODOO heals with natural herbs. Please I urge you to contact him now through his email address: or call and WhatsApp him on +2348140120719. He is capable of curing HIV/AIDS, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, CANCER of all kinds, DIABETES and so many other infections.

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    i am so glad to write this article today to tell the world how Dr. Ohunyom cured my HPV virus that have been in my body since five years ago, ever since then my life has been in complete,i have used so many drugs that was prescribed to me by several doctors,but it didn’t cure my HPV VIRUS neither did it reduce the pain, i was checking for solution on the internet then miraculously came across Dr. Ohunyom the powerful herbalist that cure HPV INFECTION,then i contacted his email, i explained everything to him and he prepared a herbal cure and send it to me that was how i got cured from HPV disease totally after receiving his herbal medicine, so my friends viewers why waiting and be suffering with this HPV virus when there is someone like Dr. Ohunyom that can get you cured completely. you can contact his Email and also WhatsApp him +2349060579973 And He also have herbs medicine to cured the following diseases; eczema,urethra wart,chronic problems.Herpes, Cancer, Als,Hepatitis, Diabetes, HPV,Infections,ulcer ETC

    Great! It works also on Xerox 7120, i was the same problem and manged it.

    I’m living in Jamaica and have a Xerox 7120 and it’s not Booting, and whenever I try to switch it of it won’t switch of, I have to use the main power switch to shut it down. Can anyone help me find the problem

    Xerox 7125 Work Center Printer Error 010-333 thanks for share this all detail about for printer support.

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    Help me mr. Xerok C5500 problem fusing temp roll low, help me code chain link to higt temperature

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    my photo machine is fujixerox 3605. It show error code 010-333. Please help me! Thanks you sir.


    December 2017

    2-52 Xerox® VersaLink® C7000 Color Printer & C7030 Family Color Multifunction

    010-331, 010-333, 010-332, 010-379

    BUS Update 2: June 2018

    Status Indicator RAPs

    010-331, 010-333 Over Temperature Fail RAP

    BSD-ON: BSD 10.2 Fusing Heat Control (1 of 2)

    010-331 Fuser thermistor detected temperature monitor AD value that is the specified value or

    more 10 consecutive times.

    010-333 Fuser NC sensor detected a temperature that is the specified value or more 10 con

    secutive times.

    Initial Actions


    Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do

    not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause

    death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

    Remove the fuser. Check whether foreign substances or paper is wound around the heat


    Ensure J416 on the drive PWB is securely connected.


    Perform the steps that follow:

    1. Install new components as necessary:

    LVPS, PL 1.10 Item 3.

    Fuser, PL 10.05 Item 2.

    •Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 4.

    ESS PWB, PL 3.10 Item 6.

    2. To clear this fault, first remove the cause, then reset the value of NVM location 744-002

    (Error Detection Flag) to 0. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

    NOTE: The relationship between the displayed value and the sensor that detected the high

    temperature error is as follows:

    0: Normal.

    1: High temperature error of heat roll nc sensor.

    2: High temperature error of heat roll thermistor.

    3: Abnormal temperature increase of heat roll NC sensor, heat roll thermistor.

    4: Hardware high temperature error of heat roll thermistor.

    010-332, 010-379 Heat Roll NC Sensor Fail RAP

    BSD-ON: BSD 10.2 Fusing Heat Control (1 of 2)

    010-332 Fuser NC Sensor compensation AD value or detection AD value was 1020 or more 10

    consecutive times.

    010-379 The time taken to recover from a high temperature not ready state has exceeded the

    specified time.



    Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do

    not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause

    death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

    Perform the steps that follow:

    1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

    2. Ensure that the fuser is installed correctly.

    3. Check the drawer connector between the fuser and the main unit ( DP612) for damage.

    4. Check the connections and wiring between the fuser ( DP612) and the drive PWB ( P/

    J416) for an open circuit, short circuit or poor contact.

    5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:


    PL 10.05 Item 2.

    Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 4.

    ESS PWB, PL 3.10 Item 6.

    1. 01-22-2016


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      Error code 010-331 on work center 7232 help !!!!!!!!!!

      Please can any one help me out on how to clear error code 010-331 on work center please help me have change the fuser unite but still show the same code please can teach how to clear the error code please help me out

    Перейти к контенту

    116-330, 331, 336, 337, 339 HDD File System Fail RAP

    116-330 HDD check at power on detected that an error has occurred or the HDD was not formatted.
    116-331 A log related error was detected.
    116-336 An error was detected when the HDD was accessed.
    116-337 Overall SNTP fatal error. Due to an error in software processing, subsequent Processes cannot be performed.
    116-339 When the JBA is started up, the HDD is not installed.


    Perform the 016-210, 506, 777, 780, 798 HDD Error RAP.

    **This RAP is from Xerox Service Manual. All brand names and trademarks are their respective owner’s property.**

    You may be also interested in below toner and drum chip (CRUM) for Xerox VersaLink C7020, C7025, C7030, C7000.

    Toner Chip (For North America and West Europe Region):

    • 106R03741 106R03744 106R03743 106R03742
    • 106R03757 106R03760 106R03759 106R03758
    • 106R03737 106R03740 106R03739 106R03738

    Toner Chip (For South America and East Europe Region):

    • 106R03749 106R03752 106R03751 106R03750
    • 106R03745 106R03748 106R03747 106R03746
    • 106R03765 106R03768 106R03767 106R03766

    Toner Chip (For Metered Machine):

    • 106R03733 106R03736 106R03735 106R03734

    Drum Chip:

    • 113R00780 113R00782

    A log error is detected.

    Initial Actions

    Power Off/On


    Check the HDD electrical connections

    Check the sw version of the controller sw — update if required

    If the problem persists perform

    Hard Disk Failure Prediction


    GP 14

    — only the first two parts — make sure to follow sequence and heed cau-



    Job Log Clear Mode


    HDD Initialize Mode

    Replace HDD



    Replace ESS PWB


    35.2) (If not fixed by this, reinstall the original ESS PWB)

    Initial Issue

    WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation




    BUS Updated 12/2011

    116-332 ESS Standard ROM RAP

    An error is detected in the ESS Built-In Standard ROM.

    Initial Actions

    Power Off/On


    Reinstall or replace the ESS Built-In Standard ROM

    Check the sw version of the controller sw — update if required

    If the problem persists, replace the ESS PWB







    Status Indicator RAPs

    116-331, 116-332

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    Здравствуйте. Ситуация такая, во время сканирования завис и после перезагрузки данное МФУ выдало ошибку 116-331. По сервис мануалу это ошибка по HDD, но данный аппарат покупался без него т.к. это опция. Тем не менее была выполнена инициализация NVM как предписывает SM, но результата не дало. Как ещё можно победить данную проблему? Склоняюсь к замене прошивки, но хотелось бы обойтись без этого

    Не в сети




     Заголовок сообщения: Re: Xerox VersaLink 7025 Ошибка 116-331

    СообщениеДобавлено: 12 сен 2022, 16:20 

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    texpc писал(а):

    По сервис мануалу это ошибка по HDD

    По СМ это ошибка лог-файла, а он может храниться не только на ХДД.

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    1. 01-20-2012


      Dear all,
      My Document Centre 286 is showing 116-331 on the bottom left corner, what does it means?

      Thank you
      Alan Aya

    2. 01-20-2012


      stanley82 is offline


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      Jan 2011
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      Re: Error 116-331


      1. Check and reset all connectors on ESS PWB and HDD.
      2. Press and hold the 4, the Stop, and the Power Save buttons on the Control Panel while switching on the power. Hold the buttons down until the boot up screen (5 circles) appears and the second circle starts to blink.

      Best regards

    3. 01-20-2012


      Re: Error 116-331

      Quote Originally Posted by stanley82
      View Post


      1. Check and reset all connectors on ESS PWB and HDD.
      2. Press and hold the 4, the Stop, and the Power Save buttons on the Control Panel while switching on the power. Hold the buttons down until the boot up screen (5 circles) appears and the second circle starts to blink.

      Best regards

      Hi Stanley,
      Thank you for the guide,it works. Just like to confirm this, is it because of the ESS PWB problem or the HDD problem? What could cause this and is it happen often?

      Thank You
      Alan Aya

    4. 01-20-2012


      stanley82 is offline


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      Jan 2011
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      Re: Error 116-331

      Reload or upgrade the software if the problem returns replace HDD.

    5. 01-20-2012


      Re: Error 116-331

      Quote Originally Posted by stanley82
      View Post

      Reload or upgrade the software if the problem returns replace HDD.

      Okay, thank you.

      P.S : Can i have your PM address, i think i have alot to catch up with you on Xerox copier.
      My email is

    6. 12-18-2016


      andywong90 is offline

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      Re: Error 116-331

      U just disconnec hdd,turn power on.U can test what cause it.if machine can on ready without hdd mean hdd bad
      .Then try to format it.

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