Xerox 7400 ошибка s

Коды ошибок принтера Xerox Phaser 7400


Существует более сотни 2-3-значных кодов. Слишком много, чтобы привести их здесь все. Мы приведём лишь самые часто встречающиеся.

•Т1 – Отказ в верхней части печки.

•Т2 – Отказ в нижней части печки.

•Т29 – Неисправен датчик температуры.

•Т30 – Неисправен датчик влажности.

•U18 – Отказ жёлтого светодиода.

•U19 – Отказ красного светодиода.

•U20 – Отказ синего светодиода.

•U21 – Отказ чёрного светодиода.

•U26 – Отказ жёлтого барабана. Барабан сдвинут (вверх/вниз).

•U27 – Отказ красного барабана. Барабан сдвинут (вверх/вниз).

•U28 – Отказ синего барабана. Барабан сдвинут (вверх/вниз).

•U29 – Отказ чёрного барабана. Барабан сдвинут (вверх/вниз).

•W18 – Проверьте предохранитель в синем картридже

•W19 – Проверьте предохранитель в красном картридже

•W20 – Проверьте предохранитель в желтом картридже

•W21 – Проверьте предохранитель в чёрном картридже

•940 – Не работает мешалка в бункере для отработанного тонера.

941 – Не подаётся синий или красный тонер. Тонерный сенсор не реагирует на синий или красный тонер.

942 — Не подаётся жёлтый или чёрный тонер. Тонерный сенсор не реагирует на жёлтый или чёрный тонер.

– Compatible Printer model: Xerox Phaser 7400
– Xerox Phaser 7400 Error Codes with quick guides:

  • Code: 135 … 139
  • Description: No Data to the [C][M][Y][K] LED Head Code 135: No data to the Yellow LED Head. Code 136: No data to the Magenta LED Head. Code 137: No data to the Cyan LED Head. Code 139: No data to the Black LED Head.
  • Causes: • YK LEDDATA harness, PL12.1.21 • CM LEDDATA harness, PL12.1.22 • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check LED Head. Exchange the affected LED Head with another LED Head. Does the error move with the LED Head? Replace the LED Head. Go to Step 2. 2 Ensure the LED Head harness is properly connected and not damaged. Is the wiring harness defective? Reconnect or replace wiring harness. Go to Step 3. 3 Check harness continuity between the LED Head and the Engine Control Board. Is there continuity? Go to Step 4. Replace the data harness. 4 Check the CUIF connection. Is CUIF firmly connected? Replace the Engine Control Board Connect the two boards and secure the screws. If the error persists, replace the Image Processor Board.
  • Code: 136
  • Description: Finisher Punch Registration Sensor Failure An error was detected in the Horizontal Registration Home Position Sensor.
  • Causes: • Horizontal Registration Home Position Sensor • Punch Control Board • Finisher Control Board
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the Punch Registration Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics Punch Registration Sensor test. Does the sensor function correctly? Go to Step 6. Go to Step 2. 2 Check the sensor harness connection. Is P/J1006 connected to the Punch Control Board? Replace the sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 3. Connect the harness. 3 Check the harness continuity. Disconnect P/J1006 and P/J2007. Is the harness conductive? Go to Step 5. Replace the harness. 4 Check for +5 V to the sensor. Disconnect P/J1006. Is there +5 V at J1006-3 <=> ground? Go to Step 5. Replace the Punch Control Board. 5 Replace the Finisher Control Board. Does the error still occur? Replace the Engine Control Board. Complete.
  • Code: 172 … 177
  • Description: Fuser Thermistor Errors Code 172: Fuser Compensation Thermistor indicates temperature too High Code 173: Fuser Compensation Thermistor indicates temperature too Low Code 176: Fuser Compensation Thermistor Short Error Code 177: Fuser Compensation Thermistor Open Error
  • Causes: • Fuser, PL1.1.21 • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Fuser for damage. Is the Fuser connector damaged? Replace the Fuser. Go to Step 2. 2 Check all pins on the FSRSNR Harness for continuity. Disconnect the FSRSNR Harness from the Engine Control Board HEATIF connector and Fuser connector. Is the harness conductive? Go to Step 6. Replace the FSRSNR Harness. 3 Check all pins on the FSRPWR Harness for continuity. Disconnect CN4 on the LVPS. Is the harness conductive? Replace the LVPS. If the error persists, replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the FSRPWR Harness.
  • Code: 188
  • Description: Motor Driver Board Communications Error Applicable Status Code: Code 188: A Sub-CPU communications error with installed options.
  • Causes: • Motor Driver Board, PL2.1.10
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the connections to the Engine Control Board. Are DV0 and DV1 completely connected? Replace the Motor Driver Board. Connect the two ribbon cables.
  • Code: 221 … 224
  • Description: Tray [3][4][5][6] Firmware Error Code 221: Software error in Tray 3 Flash Memory. Code 222: Software error in Tray 4 Flash Memory. Code 223: Software error in Tray 5 Flash Memory. Code 224: Software error in Tray 6 Flash Memory.
  • Causes: • Option Tray Control Board • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Option Tray connector for damage. Is the connector damaged? Replace the connector. Go to Step 2. 2 Check all pins on the OPTIF Harness for continuity. Disconnect OPTIF from the Engine Control Board and Option connector. Is the harness conductive? Replace the Option Control Board. If the error persists, replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the OPTIF Harness.
  • Code: 225
  • Description: Duplex Unit Firmware Error
  • Causes: • Duplex Unit, PL16.1.0 • Motor Driver Board, PL2.1.10
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Duplex Unit connector for damage. Is the connector damaged? Replace the connector. Replace the Duplex Unit. If the error persists, go to Step 2. 2 Check all pins on the DUPLEX Harness for continuity. Disconnect the DUPLEX Harness. Is the DUPLEX Harness conductive? Replace the Motor Driver Board. If the error persists, go to Step 3. Replace the DUPLEX Harness. 3 Check all pins of the DRV1 harness for continuity. Disconnect the DRV1 ribbon cable. Is the cable conductive? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the DRV1 Harness.
  • Code: 225
  • Description: Motor Driver Board Firmware Error
  • Causes: • Motor Driver Board, PL2.1.10
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the connections to the Engine Control Board. Are DV0 and DV1 completely connected? Replace the Motor Driver Board. Connect the two ribbon cables.
  • Code: 225
  • Description: Finisher Inverter Flash Memory Failure Applicable Status Code: Code 225: Hardware failure with Inverter Flash Memory.
  • Causes: • Inverter Control Board
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Inverter Control Board • Inverter Interface Cable • Inverter connections Is there any damage? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Check the Inverter connection. Is the Inverter interface cable securely connected at both ends? Go to Step 3. Connect the Inverter to the Finisher. 3 Check the connections at the Inverter Control Board. Are the connections secure? Replace the Inverter Control Board. Reconnect the connectors.
  • Code: 225
  • Description: +24V Not Available to the Duplex Unit Abnormal current indicates that +24 V is not being supplied to the Duplex Unit. Applicable Status Code: Code 225: Duplex Unit is not receiving +24 V.
  • Causes: • Motor Driver Board, PL2.1.10 • LVPS, PL3.1.1 • Duplex Unit, PL16.1.1A
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Duplex Unit connector for damage. Is the connector damaged? Replace the connector. Go to Step 2. 2 Check for +24 V at DUPLEX on the Motor Driver Board. 1. Close the Interlock Switches. 2. Disconnect DUPLEX. Is there +24 V at DUPLEX-6 and -13 <=> ground? Replace the Duplex Control Board. Go to Step 3. 3 Check all pins on the DUPLEX Harness for continuity. Disconnect the DUPLEX Harness. Is the DUPLEX Harness conductive? Go to Step 4. Replace the DUPLEX Harness. 4 Check for +24 V from the LVPS. Disconnect POW24 on the Motor Driver Board. Is there +24 V at POW24-1 <=> ground? Replace the Motor Driver Board Go to Step 5. 5 Check the LVPS +24 V output. 1. Close the Interlock Switches. 2. Disconnect CN2. Is there +24 V at CN2-1 and <=> ground? Go to Step 6. Replace the LVPS. 6 Check all pins of the DRV1 harness for continuity. Disconnect the DRV1 ribbon cable. Is the cable conductive? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the DRV1 Harness.
  • Code: 227
  • Description: Finisher Inverter Firmware Error Applicable Status Code: Code 227: A software error with the Inverter’s Flash Memory.
  • Causes: • Inverter Control Board
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Inverter Interface Cable • Inverter connections Is there any damage? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Check the Inverter connection. Is the Inverter interface cable securely connected at both ends? Go to Step 3. Connect the Inverter to the Finisher. 3 Check the version of Inverter firmware. Is the latest version installed? Replace the Inverter Control Board. Reload the Inverter firmware.
  • Code: 230 … 234
  • Description: CRUM Reader Board Failure An error occurred while attempting to read the status of the Toner Cartridge CRUMs. Code 230: The CRUM Reader Board does not respond. Code 231: A communications error with the CRUM Reader Board. Code 232: A transmit error with the CRUM Reader Board at power on. Code 233: A communications error between the CRUM Antenna and CRUM. Code 234: The CRUM Reader Board detects five or more CRUMs.
  • Causes: • CRUM Antenna • CRUM Reader Board
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check all pins of the CRUM Harness for continuity. 1. Remove the Top Cover. 2. Disconnect the CRUM cable from RFID on the Engine Control Board and CN1 on the CRUM Reader Board. Is the cable conductive? Replace the CRUM Reader Board. If the error persists, go to Step 2. Replace the CRUM Harness. If the error persists, go to Step 2. 2 Check continuity of each Antenna Harness. Disconnect CN2, CN3, CN4, and CN5 from the CRUM Reader Board and CRUM Antennas. Is each harness conductive? Replace the CRUM Antennas. If the error persists, go to Step 3. Replace damaged wiring. 3 Check for +5V at RFID-2 on the Engine Control Board. Is there +5 V at RFID-2 <=> ground? Go to Step 4. Replace the Engine Control Board. 4 Check for +5V at POWER-2 on the Engine Control Board. Is there +5 V at POWER-2 <=> ground? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the LVPS.
  • Code: 242 … 245
  • Description: Tray [3][4][5][6] Flash Memory Failure Code 242: Hardware error in Tray 3 Flash Memory. Code 243: Hardware error in Tray 4 Flash Memory. Code 244: Hardware error in Tray 5 Flash Memory. Code 245: Hardware error in Tray 6 Flash Memory.
  • Causes: • Option Tray Control Board • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Option Tray connector for damage. Is the connector damaged? Replace the connector. Go to Step 2. 2 Check all pins on the OPTIF Harness for continuity. Disconnect OPTIF from the Engine Control Board and Option connector. Is the harness conductive? Replace the Option Control Board. If the error persists, replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the OPTIF Harness.

Xerox Phaser 7400 error and solving error codes

Solve Xerox Phaser 7400 Error codes

  • Code: 246
  • Description: Duplex Unit Flash Memory Failure Applicable Status Code: Code 246: Hardware failure with Duplex Unit Flash Memory.
  • Causes: • Duplex Unit • Motor Driver Board, PL2.1.10
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Duplex Unit connector for damage. Is the connector damaged? Replace the connector. Replace the Duplex Unit. If the error persists, go to Step 2. 2 Check all pins on the DUPLEX Harness for continuity. Disconnect the DUPLEX Harness. Is the DUPLEX Harness conductive? Replace the Motor Driver Board. If the error persists, go to Step 3. Replace the DUPLEX Harness. 3 Check all pins of the DRV1 harness for continuity. Disconnect the DRV1 ribbon cable. Is the cable conductive? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the DRV1 Harness.
  • Code: 247
  • Description: Motor Driver Board Flash Memory Failure Applicable Status Code: Code 247: Hardware failure with the Motor Driver Board Flash Memory.
  • Causes: • Motor Driver Board, PL2.1.10
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the connections to the Engine Control Board. Are DV0 and DV1 completely connected? Replace the Motor Driver Board. Connect the two ribbon cables.
  • Code: 39
  • Description: Unsupported Tray 2 ROM The firmware version of the Tray 2 Feeder Board is unsupported by the Engine Control Board.
  • Causes: • Feeder Board, PL4.2.97
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Feeder Board version using the Service Diagnostics General Status menu. Is the version current? Replace the Engine Control Board Replace the Feeder Board.
  • Code: 910
  • Description: Tray 2 Lift Motor Failure Code 910: The Tray 2 Lift Motor is not rotating.
  • Causes: • Tray 2 Lift Motor, PL4.1.23 • Motor Driver Board, PL2.1.10 • LVPS, PL3.1.1
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the Lift Motor. 1. Close the Interlock Switches for test. 2. Run the Service Diagnostics Tray 2 Lift Motor test. Does the motor operate? Complete. Replace the motor. If the error persists, go to Step 2. 2 Check for +24 V to the Lift Motor. Is there +24 V across GDDC-1 <=> ground? Go to Step 5. Go to Step 3. 3 Check Motor Driver Board POW24 connector for 24 V. 1. Disconnect POW24. Is there +24 V across POW24 pins 1 and 2? Replace the Motor Driver Board. Go to Step 4. 4 Check for 24 V at the LVPS 1. Disconnect CN2 on the LVPS. Is there +24 V across pins 1 and 2? Replace the POW24 Harness. Replace the LVPS. 5 Check all pins of the DRV1 harness for continuity. Disconnect the DRV1 ribbon cable. Is the cable conductive? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the DRV1 Harness.
  • Code: 911 … 914
  • Description: Tray [3][4][5][6] Lift Motor Failure Code 911: The Tray 3 Lift Motor is not rotating. Code 912: The Tray 4 Lift Motor is not rotating. Code 913: The Tray 5 Lift Motor is not rotating. Code 914: The Tray 6 Lift Motor is not rotating.
  • Causes: • Lift Motor, PL4.1.23 • Option Control Board • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4 • LVPS, PL3.1.1
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Option Tray connector for damage. Is the connector damaged? Replace the connector. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the appropriate Lift Motor. 1. Close the Interlock Switches for test. 2. Run the Service Diagnostics Lift Motor test. Does the motor operate? Go to Step 3. Replace the motor. If the error persists, go to Step 4. 3 Check all pins on the OPTIF Harness for continuity. Disconnect OPTIF from the Engine Control Board and Option connector. Is the harness conductive? Replace the Option Control Board. If the error persists, replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the OPTIF Harness. 4 Check for +24 V at OPTRY24. 1. Close the Interlock Switches. 2. Disconnect OPTRY24. Is there +24 V at OPTRY24-1 and -2 <=> ground? Replace the affected Option Control Board. Go to Step 5. 5 Check all pins on the OPTRY24 Harness for continuity. Disconnect the OPTRY24 Harness. Is the OPTRY24 Harness conductive? Go to Step 6. Replace the OPTRY24 Harness. 6 Check for +24 V from the LVPS. Disconnect POW24. Is there +24 V at POW24-1 <=> ground? Replace the Motor Driver Board Go to Step 7. 7 Check the LVPS +24 V output. 1. Close the Interlock Switches. 2. Disconnect CN2. Is there +24 V at CN2-1 and <=> ground? Replace the Engine Control Board Replace the LVPS.
  • Code: 917
  • Description: Error in the Transfer Unit Belt Applicable Status Code: Code 917: The Transfer Belt Rotation Sensor indicates a belt error.
  • Causes: • Transfer Unit, PL1.1.20 • Transfer Unit Motor, PL2.1.86 • Belt Rotation Sensor, PL2.1.146
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the Belt Rotation Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics Belt Hole IC test. Does the sensor function correctly? Go to Step 2. Replace the sensor (8-91). If the error persists, go to Step 3. 2 Test the Transfer Unit Motor. 1. Close the Interlock Switches for test. 2. Run the Service Diagnostics Transfer Belt Motor test. Does the motor operate? Replace the Transfer Unit. If the error persists, go to Step 3. Replace the motor. If the error persists, go to Step 3. 3 Check all pins on the HALL1 Harness for continuity. Disconnect HALL1 and P/J310 Is the harness conductive? Replace the Motor Driver Board.If the error persists, go to Step 4. Replace the HALL1 Harness. 4 Check all pins of the DRV0 harness for continuity. Disconnect the DRV0 ribbon cable. Is the cable conductive? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the DRV0 Harness.
  • Code: 918
  • Description: Duplex Unit Fan Failure The Duplex Fan rotation signal indicates the Duplex Fan has stopped rotating. Applicable Status Code: Code 918: The Duplex Fan has failed.
  • Causes: • Duplex Unit Fan • Duplex Unit Control Board • Duplex Unit
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Duplex Unit connector for damage. Is the connector damaged? Replace the connector. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Duplex Unit Fan. Run the Service Diagnostics Duplex Fan test. Does the Fan function correctly? Go to Step 3. Replace the Duplex Unit. If the error persists, go to Step 3. 3 Check all pins on the DUPLEX Harness for continuity. Disconnect the DUPLEX Harness. Is the DUPLEX Harness conductive? Replace the Motor Driver Board. If the error persists, go to Step 4. Replace the DUPLEX Harness. 4 Check all pins of the DRV1 harness for continuity. Disconnect the DRV1 ribbon cable. Is the cable conductive? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the DRV1 Harness.
  • Code: 920 … 920
  • Description: Failure in the [C][M][Y][K] Imaging Unit Drum or Motor The Drum Phase Sensor integrated on the Imaging Unit Sensor Board indicates an error in one of the Imaging Units. Code 920: The Yellow Imaging Unit drum is not rotating. Code 921: The Magenta Imaging Unit drum is not rotating. Code 922: The Cyan Imaging Unit drum is not rotating. Code 923: The Black Imaging Unit drum is not rotating.
  • Causes: • Imaging Unit Motors, PL2.1.8 • Imaging Unit Sensor Board, PL5.1.20 • LVPS, PL3.1.1 • Motor Driver Board, PL2.1.10
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the Drum Phase Sensor for the affected color. Run the Service Diagnostics Drum Phase Sensor test. Does the sensor function correctly? Go to Step 2. Replace the Imaging Unit Sensor Board. If the error persists, go to Step 2. 2 Test the affected Imaging Unit Motor. 1. Close the Interlock Switches for test. 2. Run the appropriate Service Diagnostics motor test. Does the motor operate? Replace the affected Imaging Unit. If the error persists, go to Step 3. Replace the motor. If the error persists, go to Step 3. 3 Check for +24 V to the motor. Is there +24 V across DC(0,1,2,3)- 3 <=> ground? Go to Step 6. Go to Step 4. 4 Check Motor Driver Board POW24 connector for 24 V. 1. Disconnect POW24. Is there +24 V across POW24-1 and 2? Replace the Motor Driver Board. Go to Step 5. 5 Check for 24 V at the LVPS 1. Disconnect CN2 on the LVPS. Is there +24 V across pins 1 and 2? Replace the POW24 Harness. Replace the LVPS. 6 Check all pins of the DRV1 harness for continuity. Disconnect the DRV1 ribbon cable. Is the cable conductive? Go to Step 7. Replace the DRV1 Harness. 7 Check the Imaging Unit Sensor Board connection. Is the CTG0 Harness connected? Go to Step 8. Connect the Imaging Unit Sensor Board. 8 Check all pins of the CTG0 harness for continuity Disconnect the CTG0 Harness. Is the harness conductive? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the CTG0 harness.
  • Code: 927 … 927
  • Description: +24 V Not Available to Tray [3][4][5][6] Voltage detection indicates that +24 V is not available to the indicated option tray. Code 924: Tray 3 not receiving +24 V Code 925: Tray 4 not receiving +24 V Code 926: Tray 5 not receiving +24 V Code 927: Tray 6 not receiving +24 V
  • Causes: • Motor Driver Board, PL2.1.10 • LVPS, PL3.1.1
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Option Tray connector for damage. Is the connector damaged? Replace the connector. Go to Step 2. 2 Check for +24 V at OPTRY24. 1. Close the Interlock Switches. 2. Disconnect OPTRY24. Is there +24 V at OPTRY24-1 and -2 <=> ground? Replace the affected Option Control Board. Go to Step 3. 3 Check all pins on the OPTRY24 Harness for continuity. Disconnect the OPTRY24 Harness. Is the OPTRY24 Harness conductive? Go to Step 4. Replace the OPTRY24 Harness. 4 Check for +24 V from the LVPS. Disconnect POW24. Is there +24 V at POW24-1 <=> ground? Replace the Motor Driver Board Go to Step 5. 5 Check the LVPS +24 V output. 1. Close the Interlock Switches. 2. Disconnect CN2. Is there +24 V at CN2-1 and <=> ground? Replace the Engine Control Board Replace the LVPS.
  • Code: 928
  • Description: Failure in the Fuser Motor The Fuser Motor has stopped rotating. Applicable Status Code: Code 928: The Fuser Motor has failed.
  • Causes: • Fuser Motor, PL2.1.9 • Motor Driver Board, PL2.1.10 • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the Fuser Motor. 1. Close the Interlock Switches for test. 2. Run the Service Diagnostics Fuser Motor test. Does the motor operate? Complete. Replace the motor. If the error persists, go to Step 2. 2 Check for +24 V to the Fuser Motor. Is the +24 V across DCHEAT- 3 <=> ground? Go to Step 5. Go to Step 3. 3 Check Motor Driver Board POW24 connector for 24 V. 1. Disconnect POW24. Is the +24 V across POW24 pins 1 and 2? Replace the Motor Driver Board. Go to Step 4. 4 Check for 24 V at the LVPS 1. Disconnect CN2 on the LVPS. Is the +24 V across pins 1 and 2? Replace the POW24 Harness. Replace the LVPS. 5 Check all pins of the DRV1 harness for continuity. Disconnect the DRV1 ribbon cable. Is the cable conductive? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the DRV1 Harness.
  • Code: 929
  • Description: Failure in the Waste Toner Motor The Waste Toner Motor has stopped rotating. Applicable Status Code: Code 929: The Waste Toner Motor has failed.
  • Causes: • Waste Toner Motor, PL7.1.3 • Motor Driver Board, PL2.1.10 • Engine Control Boar d, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the Waste Toner Motor. 1. Close the Interlock Switches for test. 2. Run the Service Diagnostics Waste Toner Motor test. Does the motor operate? Complete. Replace the motor. If the error persists, go to Step 2. 2 Check for +24 V to the Waste Toner Motor. Is the +24 V across WTDC- 3 <=> ground? Go to Step 5. Go to Step 3. 3 Check Motor Driver Board POW24 connector for 24 V. 1. Disconnect POW24. Is the +24 V across POW24 pins 1 and 2? Replace the Motor Driver Board. Go to Step 4. 4 Check for 24 V at the LVPS 1. Disconnect CN2 on the LVPS. Is the +24 V across pins 1 and 2? Replace the POW24 Harness. Replace the LVPS. 5 Check all pins of the DRV1 harness for continuity. Disconnect the DRV1 ribbon cable. Is the cable conductive? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the DRV1 Harness.
  • Code: 930
  • Description: Motor Driver Board Clock Frequency Error The Sub-CPU clock frequency on the Motor Driver Board is inaccurate. Applicable Status Code: Code 930: The Sub-CPU clock frequency is inaccurate.
  • Causes: • Motor Driver Board, PL2.1.10 • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Motor Driver Board connection. Is DRV0 harness damaged or disconnected or? Replace the harness. Go to Step 2. 2 Check all pins of the DRV0 harness for continuity. Disconnect the DRV1 ribbon cable. Is the cable conductive? Replace the Motor Driver Board. If the error persists, replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the DRV1 Harness.
  • Code: 931
  • Description: Duplex Unit Clock Frequency Error The clock frequency for the Duplex Unit Control Board CPU is inaccurate. Applicable Status Code: Code 931: The Duplex Unit’s CPU clock frequency is inaccurate.
  • Causes: • Motor Driver Board, PL2.1.10 • Duplex Unit, PL16.1.1A
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Duplex Unit connector for damage. Is the connector damaged? Replace the connector. Go to Step 2. 2 Check all pins on the DUPLEX Harness for continuity. Disconnect the DUPLEX Harness. Is the DUPLEX Harness conductive? Replace the Duplex Unit. If the error persists, go to Step 3. Replace the DUPLEX Harness. 3 Check all pins of the DRV1 harness for continuity. Disconnect the DRV1 ribbon cable. Is the cable conductive? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the DRV1 Harness.
  • Code: 932
  • Description: Finisher Inverter Clock Frequency Error The clock frequency for the Inverter Control Board CPU is inaccurate. Applicable Status Code: Code 932: The Inverter’s CPU clock frequency is inaccurate.
  • Causes: • Inverter Control Board • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Option connection. Is the Option connection from the Inverter to the Printer damaged or disconnected? Reconnect or replace the cable. Go to Step 2. 2 Check all pins on the Option Harness for continuity. Disconnect OPTIF from the Engine Control Board and the Option connector. Is the harness conductive? Go to Step 3. Replace the Option harness. 3 Check the Inverter Control Board POWER connection. Is POWER disconnected or damaged? Replace or reconnect the harness. Replace the Inverter Control Board. If the error persists, replace the Engine Control Board.
  • Code: 933 … 936
  • Description: Tray [3][4][5][6] Feeder Board Clock Frequency Error The clock frequency on the indicated Feeder Board is inaccurate. Code 933: Tray 3 Feeder Board CPU clock frequency is inaccurate. Code 934: Tray 4 Feeder Board CPU clock frequency is inaccurate. Code 935: Tray 5 Feeder Board CPU clock frequency is inaccurate. Code 936: Tray 6 Feeder Board CPU clock frequency is inaccurate.
  • Causes: • Option Feeder Board • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Option Tray connector for damage. Is the connector damaged? Replace the connector. Go to Step 2. 2 Check all pins on the OPTIF Harness for continuity. Disconnect OPTIF from the Engine Control Board and Option connector. Is the harness conductive? Replace the Option Feeder Board. If the error persists, replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the OPTIF Harness.
  • Code: 940
  • Description: Waste Toner Transfer Error The Waste Toner Auger Rotation Sensor indicates that the Waste Toner Auger has stopped rotating. Applicable Status Code: Code 940: The Waste Toner Auger has failed.
  • Causes: • Waste Toner Auger Rotation Sensor • Waste Toner Auger Assembly • Waste Toner Motor
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Waste Toner Manifold • Waste Toner Auger Rotation Sensor • HALLDCT Harness Is there any damage or debris? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Waste Toner Auger Rotation Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics Waste Toner Hole IC test using a magnetic source to actuate the Hall-effect sensor. Does the sensor function correctly? Go to Step 3. Replace the sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 6. 3 Check the Waste Toner Manifold Auger drive. With the Basket Assembly closed, rotate the Waste Toner Motor. Does the Auger rotate? Go to Step 4. Replace the Waste Toner Gear Assembly PL2.1.41. 4 Test the Waste Toner Motor. Run the Service Diagnostics Waste Motor test. Does the motor rotate? Go to Step 7. Replace the motor. If the error persists, go to Step 5. 5 Check all pins of the WTDC Harness for continuity. Disconnect WTDC and P/J50. Is the harness conductive? Replace the Motor Driver Board. Replace the harness. 6 Check all pins of the HALLDCT Harness for continuity. Disconnect HALLDCT and P/J320. Is the harness conductive? Replace the Motor Driver Board. Replace the harness. 7 Check all pins of the DRV0 Harness for continuity. Disconnect DRV0. Is the harness conductive? Replace the Motor Driver Board. If the error persists, replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the harness.
  • Code: 941, 942
  • Description: [CM][YK] Toner Supply Failure The Low Toner Sensor indicates a supply failure at the indicated Imaging Unit. Code 941: Toner supply failure with Cyan or Magenta Toner. Code 942: Toner supply failure with Yellow or Black Toner.
  • Causes: • Toner Cartridges, PL1.1.24 • Imaging Unit, PL1.1.23 • Toner Motors, PL5.1.22 • Imaging Unit Sensor Board, PL5.1.21
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Toner Cartridge • Imaging Unit Agitator Bar • Low Toner Sensors Is there any damage, debris or blockage? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the affected Toner Motor. 1. Remove the CM or YK Toner Cartridges. 2. Run the appropriate Service Diagnostics Toner Supply Motor test. Does the motor rotate? Go to Step 3. Replace the motor. If the error persists, replace the Motor Driver Board. 3 Does the plunger that engages the Agitation Bar move in and out while the Toner Motor rotates? Go to Step 4. Replace the Toner Supply Camshafts. 4 Test the affected Low Toner Sensors. 1. Remove the CM or YK Imaging Units. 2. Run the appropriate Service Diagnostics Toner Cart Sensor test. Do the sensors function correctly? Replace the Engine Control Board Replace the Imaging Unit Sensor Board.
  • Code: A1
  • Description: Jam at Door A
  • Causes: • Tray 1 (MPT) Feed Roller, PL10.1.53 • Tray 1 (MPT) Pick Roller, PL10.1.43 • Tray 1 (MPT) Retard Roller, PL10.1.16 • Registration Clutch #1, PL8.1.85 • Tray 2 Registration Motor, PL4.2.36 • Tray 2 Feed Motor, PL4.2.35 • Front Sensor Board, PL4.2.97
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault, dirt, debris, or damage: • Tray 1 (MPT) Feed Rollers • Registration Rollers • Sensor Actuator Is there any damage or debris? Clean or replace the appropriate parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Registration #1 Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics Registration Entrance Sensor test. Does the sensor operate correctly? Go to Step 3. Replace the actuator. If the error persists, replace the Front Sensor Board. 3 Test the Feed Motor, Registration Motor, and Registration Clutch #1. Do the components function correctly? Replace the Engine Control Board. Go to Step 4. 4 Check the harness for each motor and clutch. Are the wiring harnesses properly connected and free from defects? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the wiring harness and/or the problem motor/ clutch.
  • Code: A2
  • Description: Jam at Door A
  • Causes: • Duplex Unit, PL16.1.0
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault, dirt, debris, or damage: • Door A • Door D • Duplex Unit Rollers • Duplex Unit connector • Duplex Sensors and Actuators Is there any damage or debris? Clean or replace the appropriate parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Duplex Unit sensors. Run the Service Diagnostics for each of the four Duplex Unit sensors. Do the sensors and actuators function correctly Go to Step 3. Replace the damaged sensor. 3 Test the Duplex Unit motors. Run the Service Diagnostics Duplex Motor tests. Do the motors function correctly Go to Step 4. Replace the Duplex Unit 4 Inspect the wiring harness for the Duplex Unit. Is the wiring harness properly connected and free from defects? Replace the Duplex Unit. Replace the Engine Control Board.
  • Code: A3
  • Description: Jam at Door A Misfeed at Tray 1 (MPT) Media reached the Duplex Reverse Sensor, but a second sheet was detected entering the feed path from Tray 1 (MPT). This error represents a misfeed jam for media fed from Tray 1 (MPT).
  • Causes: • Tray 1 (MPT) Feed Roller, PL10.1.53 • Tray 1 (MPT) Pick Roller, PL10.1.43 • Tray 2 Registration Motor, PL4.2.36 • Tray 2 Feed Motor, PL4.2.35 • Front Sensor Board, PL4.2.97
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault, dirt, debris, or damage: • Tray 1 (MPT) Feed Rollers • Registration Rollers • Sensor Actuator Is there any damage or debris? Clean or replace the appropriate parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Registration #1 Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics Registration Entrance Sensor test. Does the sensor operate correctly? Go to Step 3. Replace the actuator. If the error persists, replace the Front Sensor Board. 3 Test the Feed Motor, Registration Motor, and Registration Clutch #1. Do the components function correctly? Replace the Engine Control Board. Go to Step 4. 4 Check each motor and clutch harness. Are the harnesses properly connected and free from defects? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the harness and/or problem motor/ clutch.
  • Code: B1
  • Description: Jam at Door B Misfeed at Tray 2 Media reached Feed-Out Sensor #2, but did not arrive at the Transfer Unit Entrance Sensor on time. This error represents a misfeed jam for media fed from Tray 2.
  • Causes: • Feeder Assembly, PL4.2.0 • Registration Sensor #2, PL4.2.89 • Registration Clutch #2, PL4.2.87 • Tray 2 Registration Motor, PL4.2.36 • Tray 2 Feed Motor, PL4.2.35 • Feeder Board, PL4.2.97
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault, dirt, debris, or damage: • Door B • Tray 2 Feed Rollers • Registration Rollers • Transport Rollers • Sensor Actuators Is there any damage or debris? Clean or replace the appropriate parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Tray 2 sensors. Run the Service Diagnostics Tray 2 Switches test. Do the sensors function correctly? Go to Step 4. Go to Step 3. 3 Check the TRYSNS1 harness continuity. Is the harness conductive? Replace the sensor. If the error persists, replace the Feeder Board. Replace the harness. 4 Test the Tray 2 Feeder Motors. Run the Service Diagnostics Tray 2 Motor tests for the Feed and Registration Motors. Do the motors function correctly? Go to step 6. Go to Step 5. 5 Check the REGHOP harness continuity. Is the harness conductive? Replace the motor. If the error persists, Go to Step 8. Replace the harness. 6 Test the Registration Clutch #2 Run the Service Diagnostics Tray 2 Clutch test. Does the clutch function correctly? Go to step 10. Go to step 7. 7 Check the CL1 harness continuity. Is the harness conductive? Replace the clutch. If the error persists, go to Step 8. Replace the harness. 8 Check for +24 V to the Motor Driver Board. Disconnect POW24. Is there +24 V across POW24-1 and 2? Replace the Motor Driver Board. Go to Step 9. 9 Check for 24 V at the LVPS 1. Disconnect CN2 on the LVPS. Is there +24 V across pins 1 and 2? Replace the POW24 Harness. Replace the LVPS. 10 Check the Registration Assembly for gaps between the rollers. Is there a gap between the Registration Rollers? Replace the Registration Assembly. Go to Step 11. 11 Check the DRV1 harness continuity. Is the harness conductive? Replace the Motor Driver Board. If the error persists, replace the Engine Control Board Replace the harness.
  • Code: C3 … C6
  • Description: Jam at Door C for Tray [3][4][5][6] Media reached the Feed-Out Sensor, but did not arrive at the Transfer Unit Entrance Sensor on time. This error represents a misfeed jam for media fed from an optional tray. Code C3: Jam at Door C for Tray 3 Code C4: Jam at Door C for Tray 4 Code C5: Jam at Door C for Tray 5 Code C6: Jam at Door C for Tray 6
  • Causes: • Feed Rollers • Feeder Assembly • Option Control Board • Feeder Board
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault, dirt, debris, or damage: • Door C • Feed Rollers • Registration Rollers • Transport Rollers • Sensor Actuators Is there any damage or debris? Clean or replace the appropriate parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Check the Option connection. Is the Option connection to the Printer damaged or disconnected? Reconnect or replace the cable. Go to Step 3. 3 Check the Option Harness continuity. Disconnect OPTIF from the Engine Control Board and the Option connector. Is the harness conductive? Go to Step 4. Replace the Option harness. 4 Test the tray sensors. Run the Service Diagnostics Tray Switches test for the appropriate tray. Do the sensors function correctly? Go to Step 6. Go to Step 5. 5 Check the sensor harness continuity. Is the harness conductive? Replace the sensor. If the error persists, replace the Feeder Board. Replace the harness. 6 Test the Feeder Motors. Run the Service Diagnostics Motor tests. Do the motors function correctly? Go to step 8. Go to Step 7. 7 Check the motor harness continuity. Is the harness conductive? Replace the motor. If the error persists, Go to Step 10. Replace the harness. 8 Test the Registration Clutch. Run the Service Diagnostics Clutch test. Does the clutch function correctly? Go to step 11. Go to step 9. 9 Check the CL1 harness continuity. Is the harness conductive? Replace the clutch. If the error persists, go to Step 10. Replace the harness. 10 Check for +24 V at the Motor Driver Board’s OPTRY24 connector. 1. Close the Interlock Switches. 2. Disconnect OPTRY24. Is there +24 V at OPTRY24-1 and -2 <=> ground? Replace the affected Option Control Board. Go to Step 11. 11 Check OPTRY24 Harness continuity. Disconnect the OPTRY24 Harness. Is the OPTRY24 Harness conductive? Go to Step 13. Replace the OPTRY24 Harness. 12 Check the Registration Assembly. Is there a gap between the rollers? Replace the Registration Assembly. Go to Step 13. 13 Check the DRV1 harness continuity. Is the harness conductive? Replace the Motor Driver Board. If the error persists, replace the Engine Control Board Replace the harness.
  • Code: D1
  • Description: Jam at Door D Open Door D to Clear Media reached Duplex Reverse Sensor, but did not leave the Duplex Unit on time. This error represents a misfeed jam inside the Duplex Unit.
  • Causes: • Duplex Unit, PL16.1.0
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Duplex Unit Entrance Roller • Duplex Unit Connector • Duplex Unit Is there any damage or debris? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Duplex Entrance, Reverse, Front, and Rear actuators and sensors using Service Diagnostics. Do the sensors and actuators function correctly? Go to Step 3. Replace the Duplex Unit. 3 Test the Duplex Motors using Service Diagnostics. Do the motors function correctly? Go to Step 4. Replace the Duplex Unit. 4 Inspect the DUPLEX harness. If defective, replace the wiring harness. Is the harness properly seated and free from defects? Replace the Motor Driver Board. Replace the Duplex Unit.
  • Code: D2
  • Description: Jam in Duplex Unit Media reached Duplex Reverse Sensor, but did not leave the Duplex Unit on time. This error represents a misfeed jam inside the Duplex Unit.
  • Causes: • Duplex Unit, PL16.1.0
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Ensure the correct weight and type of paper is loaded in the tray. Does the media meet specifications? Go to Step 2. Run several test prints. If a jam persists, go to Step 2. 2 Check for and remove any dirt, debris or obstructions in the paper path around the Duplex Unit. Did this correct the problem? Complete Go to Step 3. 3 Clean and check the Duplex Unit rollers. Do the rollers move freely and are free of dirt or debris? Go to Step 4. Replace the Duplex Unit. 4 Test the Duplex Entrance, Reverse, Front, and Rear actuators and sensors using Service Diagnostics. Do the sensors function correctly? Go to Step 5. Replace the Duplex Unit. 5 Test the Duplex Motors. Do the motors function correctly? Go to Step 6. Replace the Duplex Unit. 6 Inspect the DUPLEX harness. If defective, replace the wiring harness. Is the harness properly seated and free from defects? Replace the Motor Driver Board. Replace the Duplex Unit.
  • Code: E1
  • Description: Jam at Door E Paper misfeed jam between the Fuser and the Top Output Tray. Media reached the Fuser Exit Sensor, but did not reach the Top Output Tray Stack Full Sensor on time. This error represents a misfeed jam inside the Exit Assembly.
  • Causes: • Exit Assembly, PL11.1.0 • Fuser Motor, PL2.1.9 • Exit Gate Solenoid, PL11.1.17 • Full Stack Sensor, PL11.1.39
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Door E • Fuser • Exit Rollers and drive gears • Stack Full Actuator • Exit Assembly Is there any damage or debris? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Fuser Exit and Top Output Tray Stack Full Sensors. Do the sensors function correctly? Go to Step 4. Replace the sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 3. 3 Check all pins on the SNS Harness for continuity. Is the harness conductive? Go to Step 4. Replace the SNS Harness. 4 Test the Fuser Motor. Run the Service Diagnostics Fuser Motor test. Does the motor function correctly? Go to Step 6. Replace the motor. If the error persists, go to Step 5. 5 Check for +24 V to the Fuser Motor. Disconnect DCHEAT on the Motor Driver Board. Is there +24 V across DCHEAT-3 <=> ground? Go to Step 6. Replace the Motor Driver Board. If the error persists, go to Step 6. 6 Test the Exit Gate Solenoid. Run the Service Diagnostics Exit Gate Solenoid test. Does the solenoid function correctly. Go to Step 8. Replace the solenoid. If the error persists, go to Step 7. 7 Check for +24 V to the solenoid. 1. Actuate the interlock switches. 2. Disconnect SOLENOID from the Rear Sensor Board. Is there +24 V across SOLENOID-1 <=> ground? Go to Step 8. Replace the Rear Sensor Board. 8 Check the DRV0 and DRV1 ribbon cables that connect the Motor Driver Board to the Engine Control Board. Are these cables connected and undamaged? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the harnesses.
  • Code: F103
  • Description: Finisher Paddle Failure An error was detected in the Finisher Paddle Motor.
  • Causes: • Finisher Paddle Motor • Finisher Control Board
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test these sensors. • Swing Guide Home Position Sensor • Paddle Home Position Sensor Run the appropriate Service Diagnostics sensor test. Do the sensors operate? Go to Step 2. Replace the sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 2. 2 Test the Paddle Motor. 1. Close the Interlock Switches for test. 2. Run the Service Diagnostics Paddle Motor test. Does the motor operate? Replace the Finisher Control Board. If the error persists, go to Step 4. Go to Step 4. 3 Check for +24 V to the Paddle Motor. Disconnect CN57. Is there +24 V across CN57-1 and -2 <=> ground? Replace the Delivery Motor. Replace the harness. If the error persists, go to Step 5. 4 Check all pins of the Inverter Interface Cable for continuity. Disconnect CN1 and CN2 from the Finisher Control Board and the opposite end from the Inverter. Is the cable conductive? Replace the Inverter Power Supply. Replace the cable.
  • Code: F106
  • Description: Finisher Stapler Swing Motor Failure The Stapler Swing Home Position Sensor detected a Stapler Swing Motor error.
  • Causes: • Stapler Swing Motor • Finisher Control Board
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the Stapler Swing Home Position Sensor Run the Service Diagnostics Stapler Slide Home Position Sensor test. Do the sensors operate? Go to Step 2. Replace the sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 2. 2 Test the Swing Motor. 1. Close the Interlock Switches for test. 2. Run the Service Diagnostics Sliding Motor test. Does the motor operate? Replace the Finisher Control Board. If the error persists, go to Step 4. Go to Step 4. 3 Check for +24 V to the Swing Motor. Disconnect CN72. Is there +24 V across CN72-8 and -9 <=> ground? Replace the Slide Motor. Replace the harness. If the error persists, go to Step 5. 4 Check all pins of the Inverter Interface Cable for continuity. Disconnect CN1 and CN2 from the Finisher Control Board and the opposite end from the Inverter. Is the cable conductive? Replace the Inverter Power Supply. Replace the cable.
  • Code: F110
  • Description: Finisher Staple Motor Failure An error was detected in the Staple Motor.
  • Causes: • Finisher Staple Motor • Finisher Control Board
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test these sensors. • Staple Clock Sensor • Fold Home Position Sensor Run the appropriate Service Diagnostics sensor test. Do the sensors operate? Go to Step 2. Replace the sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 2. 2 Test the Staple Motor. 1. Close the Interlock Switches for test. 2. Run the Service Diagnostics Staple Motor tests. Does the motor operate? Replace the Finisher Control Board. If the error persists, go to Step 4. Go to Step 3. 3 Check for +24 V to the Staple Motor. Disconnect CN71. Is there +24 V across CN71-1 and -2 <=> ground? Replace the Staple Motor. Replace the harness. If the error persists, go to Step 4. 4 Check all pins of the Inverter Interface Cable for continuity. Disconnect CN1 and CN2 from the Finisher Control Board and the opposite end from the Inverter. Is the cable conductive? Replace the Inverter Power Supply. Replace the cable.
  • Code: F111
  • Description: Finisher Stack Handling Motor Failure The Delivery Belt Home Position Sensor detected a Stack Handling error.
  • Causes: • Finisher Stack Handling Motor • Finisher Control Board
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the delivery mechanism. Does the Delivery Belt turn freely when operated manually? Go to Step 2. Repair the mechanism. 2 Test the Delivery Belt Home Position Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics Exit Belt Home Position Sensor test. Does the sensor operate? Go to Step 3. Replace the sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 3. 3 Test the Staple Motor. 1. Close the Interlock Switches for test. 2. Run the Service Diagnostics Staple Motor tests. Does the motor operate? Replace the Finisher Control Board. If the error persists, go to Step 4. Go to Step 4. 4 Check for +24 V to the Staple Motor. Disconnect CN59. Is there +24 V across CN59-1 and -2 <=> ground? Replace the Stack Handling Motor. Replace the harness. If the error persists, go to Step 5. 5 Check all pins of the Inverter Interface Cable for continuity. Disconnect CN1 and CN2 from the Finisher Control Board and the opposite end from the Inverter. Is the cable conductive? Replace the Inverter Power Supply. Replace the cable.
  • Code: F115
  • Description: Finisher Lift Motor Failure The Paper Surface, Upper Limit, or Lift Motor Clock Sensor detected a Lift Motor error.
  • Causes: • Upper Tray Lift Motor • Finisher Control Board • Inverter Power Supply
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test each of these sensors. • Paper Surface Sensor • Tray Upper Limit Sensor • Shift Motor Clock Sensor Run the appropriate Service Diagnostics sensor test. Do all sensors function correctly? Go to Step 2. Replace the sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 2. 2 Check the tray lift mechanism. Does the mechanism move freely? Go to Step 5. Repair the lift mechanism. 3 Test the Lift Motor. 1. Close the Interlock Switches for test. 2. Run the Service Diagnostics Shift Motor test. Does the motor operate? Go to Step 8. Replace the motor. If the error persists, go to Step 6. 4 Check for +24 V to the Lift Motor. Disconnect CN70. Is there +24 V across CN70-1 and -2 <=> ground when the test is executed? Replace the Lift Motor. Replace the Finisher Control Board. If the error persists, go to Step 5. 5 Check all pins of the Inverter Interface Cable for continuity. Disconnect CN1 and CN2 from the Finisher Control Board and the opposite end from the Inverter. Is the cable conductive? Replace the Inverter Power Supply. Replace the cable.
  • Code: F116
  • Description: Finisher Exit Failure The Delivery Belt Home Position Sensor detected a Delivery Motor error.
  • Causes: • Finisher Delivery Motor • Finisher Control Board
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the Exit Motor. 1. Close the Interlock Switches for test. 2. Run the Service Diagnostics Finisher Bundle Motor tests. Does the motor operate? Complete. Go to Step 2. 2 Check for +24 V to the Exit Motor. Disconnect CN59. Is the +24 V across CN59-1 and -2 <=> ground? Replace the Exit Motor. Go to Step 3. 3 Check Finisher Control Board for +24 V. 1. Disconnect CN13 on the Finisher Control Board. Is the +24 V across CN13-1 and -2? Replace the Exit Motor Harness. Replace the Finisher Control Board. If the error persists, go to Step 4. 4 Check the Inverter Interface Cable for continuity. Disconnect CN1 and CN2 from the Finisher Control Board and the opposite end from the Inverter. Is the cable conductive? Replace the Inverter Power Supply. Replace the cable.
  • Code: F130
  • Description: Controller to Engine Communications Failure An communications error was detected.
  • Causes: • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Cycle power to the printer. Does the error persist? Go to Step 2. Complete 2 Reseat the CUIF connector. Does the error persist? Replace the Engine Control Board. If the error persists, replace the Image Processor Board Complete
  • Code: F131
  • Description: Finisher Fold Position Sensor Failure An error was detected with the Fold Position Sensor.
  • Causes: • Fold Position Sensor • Finisher Control Board
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the Folding Position Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics Bookbinding Position Sensor test. Does the sensor function correctly? Replace the Finisher Control Board. Go to Step 2. 2 Check the sensor connection. Is CN39 connected? Go to Step 3. Reconnect the sensor. 3 Replace the sensor. Does the error persist? Go to Step 4. Complete 4 Check all pins on the harness for continuity. Is the harness conductive? Replace the Finisher Control Board. Replace the harness.
  • Code: F132
  • Description: Finisher Punch Communications Failure An communications error occurred with the Punch Unit.
  • Causes: • Finisher Control Board • Punch Control Board
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the connection between the Finisher and Punch Controller Boards. Are CN12 and CN14 on the Finisher Control Board connected? Are P/J2003 and P/J2004 on the Punch Control Board connected? Go to Step 2. Connect the harness. 2 Check all the pins of the harness for continuity. Is the cable conductive? Go to Step 3. Replace the harness. 3 Check for +24 V at the Finisher Control Board. Is there +24 V at CN14-5 <=> CN14-3? Replace the Punch Control Board. Replace the Finisher Control Board.
  • Code: F133
  • Description: Finisher Punch Side Registration Sensor Failure An error was detected in the Punch Side Registration Sensor.
  • Causes: • Side Registration Emitter Board • Side Registration Receiver Board • Punch Control Board • Finisher Control Board
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the Side Registration Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics Side Registration Sensor test. Does the sensor function correctly? Go to Step 6. Go to Step 2. 2 Check the harness connection. Is P/J1007 connected to the Punch Control Board? Are P/J2010 and P/J2011 connected to the Emitter and Receiver boards? Go to Step 3. Connect the harness. 3 Check the harness continuity. Is the harness conductive? Go to Step 4. Replace the harness. 4 Check the Side Registration Sensor Emitter Board. Are the LEDs illuminated? Go to Step 5. Replace the Emitter Board. 5 Check for +5 V to the sensor. Disconnect P/J1007. Is there +5 V at J1007-9 <=> ground? Replace the Receiver Board. Replace the Punch Control Board. 6 Replace the Finisher Control Board. Does the error still occur? Replace the Engine Control Board. Complete.
  • Code: F134
  • Description: Finisher Punch Motor Failure An error was detected in the Punch Motor.
  • Causes: • Punch Motor • Punch Control Board • Inverter Power Supply
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the Punch Motor. 1. Close the Interlock Switches for test. 2. Run the Service Diagnostics Punch Motor test. Does the motor operate? Complete. Go to Step 2. 2 Check for +24 V to the Punch Motor. Disconnect P/J2002. Is the +24 V across J2002-1 <=> ground? Replace the Punch Motor. Go to Step 3. 3 Check Punch Control Board for 24 V. 1. Disconnect P/J1002 on the Punch Control Board. Is the +24 V across P1002 pins 1 and 2? Replace the Punch Motor Harness. Replace the Punch Control Board. If the error persists, go to Step 4. 4 Check all pins of the Inverter Interface Cable for continuity. Disconnect CN1 and CN2 from the Finisher Control Board and the opposite end from the Inverter. Is the cable conductive? Replace the Inverter Power Supply. If the error persists, replace the Finisher Control Board. Replace the cable.
  • Code: F137
  • Description: Finisher Backup RAM Failure An error was detected in the Finisher’s backup RAM.
  • Causes: • Finisher Control Board • Finisher Interconnect Cable • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Finisher Interconnect Cable • Finisher connections Is there any damage? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Check all the pins of the Finisher Interconnect Cable for continuity. Is the cable conductive? Go to Step 3. Replace the cable. 3 Check all the pins of the OPTIF Harness for continuity. Is the harness conductive? Go to Step 4. Replace the OPTIF harness. 4 Replace the Finisher Control Board. Does the error persists? Replace the Engine Control Board Complete.
  • Code: F138
  • Description: Finisher Punch Backup RAM Failure An error was detected in the Punch Unit’s backup RAM.
  • Causes: • Punch Control Board
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Punch Control Board connections. Are P/J2003 and P/J2004 connected? Go to Step 2. Reseat or reconnect the harness. 2 Cycle printer power. Does the error persist? Replace the Punch Control Board. Complete.
  • Code: F139
  • Description: Finisher Punch Dust Sensor Failure An error was detected in the Punch Waste Sensor.
  • Causes: • Punch Box Sensor Emitter Board • Punch Box Sensor Receiver Board
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the Punch Box Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics Punch Box Set Sensor test. Does the sensor state change when the emitter is blocked? Go to Step 6. Go to Step 2. 2 Check the Punch Box Sensor Harness connection. Is P/J1005 connected to the Punch Control Board? Are P/J2005 and P/J2006 connected to the Emitter and Receiver boards? Go to Step 3. Connect the harness. 3 Check the Punch Box Sensor Harness continuity. Is the harness conductive? Go to Step 4. Replace the harness. 4 Check the Punch Box Sensor Emitter Board. Is the LED illuminated? Go to Step 5. Replace the Punch Box Emitter Board. 5 Check for +5 V to the Punch Box Sensor. Disconnect P/J2006. Is there +5 V at J2006-1 <=> J2006-2? Replace the Punch Box Sensor Receiver Board. Replace the Punch Control Board. 6 Replace the Finisher Control Board. Does the error still occur? Replace the Engine Control Board. Complete.
  • Code: F141
  • Description: Printer Error – Contact Service; report fault [n] The following procedures apply to codes associated with the Printer Error message.
  • Causes: • Punch • Punch Control Board
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Replace the Punch. Cycle printer power. Does the error persist? Replace the Engine Control Board NVRAM. If the error persists, replace the Engine Control Board. Complete.
  • Code: F142
  • Description: Finisher Staple Unit Counter at End of Life
  • Causes: • Stapler
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Replace the Stapler. Cycle printer power. Does the error persist? Replace the Engine Control Board NVRAM. If the error persists, replace the Engine Control Board. Complete.
  • Code: F181
  • Description: Finisher Punch Unit Transfer Motor Failure An error was detected in the Punch Transfer Motor.
  • Causes: • Punch Transfer Motor • Punch Control Board • Inverter Power Supply
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the Punch Transfer Motor. 1. Close the Interlock Switches for test. 2. Run the Service Diagnostics Transfer Motor test. Does the motor operate? Complete. Go to Step 2. 2 Check for +24 V to the Punch Transfer Motor. Disconnect P/J2001. Is the +24 V across J2001-1 <=> ground? Replace the Punch Transfer Motor. Go to Step 3. 3 Check Punch Control Board for 24 V. 1. Disconnect P/J1001 on the Punch Control Board. Is the +24 V across P1001 pins 1 and 2? Replace the Punch Transfer Motor Harness. Replace the Punch Control Board. If the error persists, go to Step 4. 4 Check all pins of the Inverter Interface Cable for continuity. Disconnect CN1 and CN2 from the Finisher Control Board and the opposite end from the Inverter. Is the cable conductive? Replace the Inverter Power Supply. If the error persists, replace the Finisher Control Board. Replace the cable.
  • Code: F186
  • Description: Finisher Interface Error
  • Causes: • Finisher Control Board • Finisher Interconnect Cable • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Finisher Interconnect Cable • Finisher connections Is there any damage? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Check all the pins of the Finisher Interconnect Cable for continuity. Is the cable conductive? Go to Step 3. Replace the cable. 3 Check all the pins of the OPTIF Harness for continuity. Is the harness conductive? Go to Step 4. Replace the OPTIF harness. 4 Replace the Finisher Control Board. Does the error persists? Replace the Engine Control Board Complete.
  • Code: F93
  • Description: Finisher Jog Motor Failure An error was detected in either the Front or Rear Alignment Motor.
  • Causes: • Paddle Assembly • Alignment Motors
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Paddle Assembly • Alignment Motors Is there any damage? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Alignment Plate Sensors. Run the Service Diagnostics Front and Rear Alignment Plate Sensor tests. Do the sensors function correctly? Replace the Paddle Assembly, Replace the sensor.
  • Code: FN1
  • Description: Jam at Finisher Punch Unit Media did not clear the Finisher Entrance Sensor on time. This error represents a jam at the Finisher entrance.
  • Causes: • Punch Unit • Finisher Entrance Sensor • Finisher Transport Rollers
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Punch Unit • Transport Rollers • Exit Rollers Are there any defects or misalignment? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Finisher Entrance Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics Finisher Entrance Sensor test. Does the sensor function correctly? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 3. 3 Check the Entrance Sensor signal at the Finisher Control Board. Actuate the Entrance Sensor. Does the voltage across CN16-12 <=> ground change when the sensor is actuated? Replace the Finisher Control Board. Replace the harness.
  • Code: FN10
  • Description: Jam at Finisher Upper Output Tray Media remains in the Compiler Tray. This error represents a jam in the Finisher eject path.
  • Causes: • Compiler Tray • Front and Rear Alignment Guides • Transport Rollers
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Compiler Tray • Front and Rear Alignment Guides • Transport Rollers Are there any defects or misalignment? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Tray Paper Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics sensor test. Does the sensor function correctly? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 3. 3 Check the Processing Tray Sensor signal at the Finisher Control Board. Actuate the sensor. Does the voltage across CN5-9 <=> ground change when the sensor is actuated? Replace the Finisher Control Board. Replace the harness.
  • Code: FN2
  • Description: Jam at Finisher Door H Media reached the Finisher Entrance Sensor, but did not clear the Inverter on time. This error represents a jam in the Finisher Inverter.
  • Causes: • Inverter • Finisher Entrance Sensor • Finisher Inverter Rollers
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Inverter • Inverter Rollers • Finisher Transport Rollers Are there any defects or misalignment? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Finisher Entrance Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics Finisher Entrance Sensor test. Does the sensor function correctly? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 3. 3 Check the Entrance Sensor signal at the Finisher Control Board. Actuate the Entrance Sensor. Does the voltage across CN16-12 <=> ground change when the sensor is actuated? Replace the Finisher Control Board. Replace the harness.
  • Code: FN3
  • Description: Jam at Finisher Door H Media reached the Finisher Entrance Sensor, but did not clear before the arrival of a second sheet. This error represents a multi-sheet jam in the Finisher. Paper remains in the path after another jam in the Finisher has been cleared
  • Causes: • Punch Unit • Finisher Entrance Sensor • Finisher Inverter Rollers
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Inverter • Inverter Rollers • Finisher Transport Rollers Are there any defects or misalignment? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Finisher Entrance Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics Finisher Entrance Sensor test. Does the sensor function correctly? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 3. 3 Check the Entrance Sensor signal at the Finisher Control Board. Actuate the Entrance Sensor. Does the voltage across CN16-12 <=> ground change when the sensor is actuated? Replace the Finisher Control Board. Replace the harness.
  • Code: FN4
  • Description: Jam at Finisher Upper Output Tray Media remains in the upper output path. This error represents a jam in the Finisher.
  • Causes: • Compiler Tray • Front and Rear Alignment Guides • Transport Rollers
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Compiler Tray • Front and Rear Alignment Guides • Transport Rollers Are there any defects or misalignment? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Processing Tray Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics sensor test. Does the sensor function correctly? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 3. 3 Check the Processing Tray Sensor signal. Actuate the sensor at the Finisher Control Board. Does the voltage across CN5-9 <=> ground change when the sensor is actuated? Replace the Finisher Control Board. Replace the harness.
  • Code: FN5
  • Description: Jam at Finisher Saddle Stapler Media remains in the buffer area. This error represents a jam in the Finisher.
  • Causes: • Compiler Tray • Front and Rear Alignment Guides • Transport Rollers • Stapler
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Compiler Tray • Front and Rear Alignment Guides • Transport Rollers • Stapler Are there any defects or misalignment? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Folding Position Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics Folding Position Sensor test. Do the sensor function correctly? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 3. 3 Check the Folding Position Sensor signal at the Finisher Control Board. Actuate the sensor. Does the voltage across CN16-2 <=> ground change when the sensor is actuated? Replace the Finisher Control Board. Replace the harness.
  • Code: FN6
  • Description: Jam at Finisher Upper Output Tray Media remains in the Finisher offset rollers. This error represents a jam in the Finisher upper output path.
  • Causes: • Compiler Tray • Front and Rear Alignment Guides • Transport Rollers • Stapler
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Compiler Tray • Front and Rear Alignment Guides • Transport Rollers • Stapler Are there any defects or misalignment? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Processing Tray Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics sensor test. Does the sensor function correctly? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 3. 3 Check the Processing Tray Sensor signal at the Finisher Control Board. Actuate the sensor. Does the voltage across CN5-3 <=> ground change when the sensor is actuated? Replace the Finisher Control Board. Replace the harness.
  • Code: FN7
  • Description: Jam at Finisher Stapler Media remains in the Compiler Tray. This error represents a jam in the Finisher staple path.
  • Causes: • Compiler Tray • Front and Rear Alignment Guides • Transport Rollers • Stapler
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Compiler Tray • Front and Rear Alignment Guides • Transport Rollers • Stapler Are there any defects or misalignment? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Bind Tray Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics sensor test. Does the sensor function correctly? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 3. 3 Check the Processing Tray Sensor signal at the Finisher Control Board. Actuate the sensor. Does the voltage across CN15-3 <=> ground change when the sensor is actuated? Replace the Finisher Control Board. Replace the harness.
  • Code: FN8
  • Description: Jam at Finisher Door G Jam detected in the saddle stitch path.
  • Causes: • Compiler Tray • Front and Rear Alignment Guides • Transport Rollers • Stapler
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Compiler Tray • Front and Rear Alignment Guides • Transport Rollers • Stapler Are there any defects or misalignment? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Bind Tray Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics sensor test. Does the sensor function correctly? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 3. 3 Check the Processing Tray Sensor signal at the Finisher Control Board. Actuate the sensor. Does the voltage across CN15-3 <=> ground change when the sensor is actuated? Replace the Finisher Control Board. Replace the harness.
  • Code: FN9
  • Description: Jam at Finisher Saddle Stapler This error represents a jam in the Finisher staple path.
  • Causes: • Compiler Tray • Front and Rear Alignment Guides • Transport Rollers • Stapler
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Compiler Tray • Front and Rear Alignment Guides • Transport Rollers • Stapler Are there any defects or misalignment? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Folding Position Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics sensor test. Does the sensor function correctly? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 3. 3 Check the Processing Tray Sensor signal at the Finisher Control Board. Actuate the sensor. Does the voltage across CN16-2 <=> ground change when the sensor is actuated? Replace the Finisher Control Board. Replace the harness.
  • Code: FT
  • Description: Finisher Output Tray Jammed This error represents a failure of, or an obstruction in the Finisher Upper Output Tray’s up or down motion.
  • Causes: • Finisher Lift Motor • Lift Motor Clock Sensor • Upper or Lower Limit Sensors • Lift Belts
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault, damage, obstruction, or debris: • Upper Output Tray • Lift belts and actuators • Limit Sensors • Shift Motor Are there any defects or misalignment? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Limit Sensors. Run the Service Diagnostics Tray Upper and Lower Limit Sensor tests. Do the sensors function correctly? Go to Step 4. Replace the affected sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 3. 3 Test the sensor signals. Does the voltage change on CN15-12 (Upper) and CN-15-9 (Lower) connector of the Finisher Control Board when the sensors are actuated? Replace the Finisher Control Board. Replace the harness. 4 Test the Shift Motor. Run the Service Diagnostics Shift Motor test. Does the motor function correctly? Go to Step 4. Replace the motor. 5 Check for +24 V to the Shift Motor. Disconnect CN6 from the Finisher Control Board. Is there +24 V CN6-1 <=> CN6-2? Replace the Shift Motor. Replace the Finisher Control Board. If the error persists, go to Step 6. 6 Test the Shift Motor Clock Sensor. Run the Shift Motor Clock Sensor test. Does the sensor function correctly? Go to Step 8. Replace the sensor. 7 Test the sensor signal. Does the voltage change on CN15-5 when the sensor is actuated? Replace the Finisher Control Board. Replace the wiring. If the error persists, replace the Engine Control Board.
  • Code: H80
  • Description: Hard Drive Failure An error was detected in the Hard Drive.
  • Causes: • Hard Drive, PL1.1.61 • Image Processor Board
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Hard Drive installation. Is the Hard Drive properly installed? Go to Step 2. Correct the installation. 2 Replace the Hard Drive. Does the error persist? Replace the Image Processor Board Complete
  • Code: I97
  • Description: Inverter Power Supply Failure
  • Causes: • Inverter Power Supply
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Inverter Power Cord • Inverter Power Supply Is there any damage? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Check AC Power. Is the AC voltage available at the outlet? Go to Step 3. Advise customer. 3 Check the Inverter connection. Is the Inverter interface cable securely connected at both ends? Go to Step 4. Connect the Inverter to the Finisher. 4 Replace the Inverter Power Supply. Does the error persist? Replace the Inverter Control Board. Complete.
  • Code: IN1 … IN7
  • Description: Jam Inside Finisher Media remains in the Inverter. These errors represent a jam in the Inverter path. Code: IN1: Media remains in the Inverter Lower Sensor. Code: IN2: Media remains in the Inverter Exit Sensor. Code: IN3: Media reached the Inverter Entrance Sensor, but did not reach the Inverter Exit Sensor on time. Code: IN4: Media reached the Inverter Entrance Sensor, but did not clear on time. Code: IN6: Media reached the Inverter Exit Sensor, but did not clear on time. Code: IN7: Media remains in the Inverter Lower Sensor.
  • Causes: • Inverter Lower Sensor • Inverter Entrance Sensor • Inverter Exit Sensor
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault, damage, obstruction, or debris: • Sensor Actuator • Paper Guides • Transport Rollers Are there any defects or misalignment? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the affected sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics test for the reporting sensor. Does the sensor function correctly? Replace the Engine Control Board. Go to Step 3. 3 Test the sensor signal. Does the signal voltage change on the SNSCNO connector of the Inverter Control Board? Replace the Inverter Control Board. Either the sensor or the wiring is defective. Check the resistance of the wires and if no problem is found replace the sensor.
  • Code: T1, T2
  • Description: Fuser Failure The Fuser temperature regulation has failed. Code T1: Fuser Upper Failure Code T2: Fuser Lower Failure
  • Causes: • Fuser, PL1.1.21 • LVPS, PL3.1.4 • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Replace the Fuser. Does the error persist? Go to Step 2 Complete. 2 Check the Fuser Heat Lamps. Does the Fuser error occur after at least 3 minutes of operation? Go to Step 3. Go to Step 4. 3 Did the Fuser warm up? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the Fuser. 4 Check the LVPS. Is there AC voltage between CN4-1<=>CN4-4? Replace the Fuser. Replace the LVPS.
  • Code: T29
  • Description: Temp Sensor Failure The Temperature Sensor has failed.
  • Causes: • Temp/Humidity Sensor, PL8.1.80 • ENV Harness, PL8.1.81 • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the Temp/Humidity Sensor. 1. Run the Service Diagnostics Ambient Temp/Hum Sensor test. 2. Verify proper operation by blowing on the sensor. Is the sensor operating correctly? Replace the Engine Control Board. Go to Step 2. 2 Replace the Temp/Humidity Sensor. Does the error persist? Go to Step 3. Complete. 3 Check the ENV harness connection. Is the ENV Harness connected? Go to Step 4. Reconnect the harness. 4 Check all pins on the ENV Harness for continuity. 1. Disconnect ENV and P/J420. 2. Check continuity between ENV <=> J420. Go to Step 5. Replace the ENV Harness. 5 Check the Temp/Humidity Sensor signal. Is there voltage present at FSNS-17 when the sensor is active? Go to Step 6. Replace the Front Sensor Board. 6 Check all pins on the FSNS Harness PL4.2.98 for continuity. 1. Disconnect FSNS. 2. Check continuity on all contacts. Replace the Motor Driver Board. Replace the FSNS Harness.
  • Code: T3 … T8
  • Description: Fuser Thermistor Errors Code T3: Fuser Belt Thermistor Short Circuit Code T4: Fuser Belt Thermistor Open Circuit Code T5: Fuser Belt Thermistor Temperature too High Code T6: Fuser Belt Thermistor Temperature too Low Code T7: Fuser Release Error Code T8: Fuser Belt Slack Error
  • Causes: • Fuser, PL1.1.21 • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Fuser for damage. Is the Fuser connector damaged? Replace the Fuser. Go to Step 2. 2 Check all pins on the FSRSNR Harness for continuity. Disconnect the FSRSNR Harness from the Engine Control Board HEATIF connector and Fuser connector. Is the harness conductive? Go to Step 6. Replace the FSRSNR Harness. 3 Check all pins on the FSRPWR Harness for continuity. Disconnect CN4 on the LVPS. Is the harness conductive? Replace the LVPS. If the error persists, replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the FSRPWR Harness.
  • Code: T30, T31
  • Description: RH Sensor Failure Code T30: Humidity Sensor Failure Code T31: Condensation detected in the printer.
  • Causes: • Temp/Humidity Sensor, PL8.1.80 • ENV Harness, PL8.1.81 • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the Temp/Humidity Sensor. 1. Run the Service Diagnostics Ambient Temp/Hum Sensor test. 2. Verify proper operation by blowing on the sensor. Is the sensor operating correctly? Replace the Engine Control Board. Go to Step 2. 2 Replace the Temp/Humidity Sensor. Does the error persist? Go to Step 3. Complete. 3 Check the ENV harness connection. Is the ENV Harness connected to the Front Sensor Board? Go to Step 4. Reconnect the harness. 4 Check all pins on the ENV Harness PL8.1.81 for continuity. 1. Disconnect ENV and P/J420. 2. Check continuity between ENV <=> J420. Go to Step 5. Replace the ENV Harness. 5 Check the Temp/Humidity Sensor signal. Is there voltage present at FSNS-15 when the sensor is active? Go to Step 6. Replace the Front Sensor Board. 6 Check all pins on the FSNS Harness PL4.2.98 for continuity. 1. Disconnect FSNS. 2. Check continuity on all contacts. Replace the Motor Driver Board. Replace the FSNS Harness.
  • Code: T32
  • Description: LED Over Temperature Failure
  • Causes: • LED Heads, PL1.1.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check for proper clearances around the printer and ensure proper fan operation. Is the printer properly installed and are the cooling vents clear? Go to Step 2. Advise customer on clearance for the printer. Replace an inoperable fan. 2 Check the LED Head installation. Are the LED Heads properly seated in their holders and the wiring correctly routed? Replace in the following order: LED Head, Engine Control Board. Reseat the LED Head or replace any damaged wiring.
  • Code: T34
  • Description: Motor Overheating Failure Code T34: Imaging Unit Motor Overheating
  • Causes: • Imaging Unit Motors • Motor Driver Board,
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the cooling fans for proper operation and adequate airflow. Run the Service Diagnostic Fan tests. Do the fans operate correctly? Go to Step 2. Replace the defective fan. 2 Test the Imaging Unit Motors. Run the Service Diagnostics Imaging Unit Motor tests. Do the motors operate correctly? Replace the Motor Driver Board. Replace the defective motor.
  • Code: T40
  • Description: Transfer Unit Fan Failure
  • Causes: • Transfer Unit Fan, PL5.1.48 • Motor Driver Board, PL2.1.10
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the Transfer Unit Fan. Run the Service Diagnostics Belt Fan test. Does the Fan operate correctly. Replace the Engine Control Board. Go to Step 2. 2 Check the Fan connection. Is BELTFAN on the Motor Driver Board securely connected? Go to Step 3. Connect the Fan. 3 Check for +24 V at the Fan connector. Disconnect the Fan from BELTFAN. Is there +24 V between BELTFAN-1 <=> ground? Replace the Fan. Go to Step 4. 4 Check for +24 V at the POW24 connector. Disconnect the POW24 Harness from the Motor Driver Board. Is there +24 V between POW24-1 <=> ground? Replace the Motor Driver Board. Go to Step 5. 5 Check continuity of the POW24 Harness. Is the wiring harness conductive? Replace the LVPS Replace the harness.
  • Code: T41
  • Description: Engine Cavity Fan Failure The rotation signal from the Card Cage Fan indicates the fan has stopped rotating.
  • Causes: • Card Cage Fan, PL2.1.118 • Motor Driver Board, PL2.1.10
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the Card Cage Fan. Run the Service Diagnostics Chassis test. Does the Fan operate correctly. Replace the Engine Control Board. Go to Step 2. 2 Check the Fan connection. Is FAN on the Motor Driver Board securely connected? Go to Step 3. Connect the Fan. 3 Check for +24 V at the Fan connector. Disconnect the Fan from FAN. Is there +24 V between FAN-1 <=> ground? Replace the Fan. Go to Step 4. 4 Check for +24 V at the POW24 connector. Disconnect the POW24 Harness from the Motor Driver Board. Is there +24 V between POW24-1 <=> ground? Replace the Motor Driver Board. Go to Step 5. 5 Check continuity of the POW24 Harness. Is the wiring harness conductive? Replace the LVPS Replace the harness.
  • Code: TC1
  • Description: Jam Under Imaging Units Paper transport jam on Transfer Unit belt. Media reached the Transfer Unit Entrance Sensor, but did not reach the Media Slack Sensor on time.
  • Causes: • Transfer Unit Motor, PL2.1.86 • Transfer Unit, PL1.1.20 • Media Slack Sensor, PL9.1.77 • Registration Sensor Board, PL9.1.73 • Imaging Units, PL1.1.23
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Transfer Unit • Media Slack Sensor Actuator • Transfer Unit Motor Is there any damage or debris? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Media Slack Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics Paper Slack test. Does the sensor function correctly? Go to Step 7. Replace the sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 3. 3 Check all pins on the DSNS Harness for continuity. Is the harness conductive? Go to Step 4. Replace the DSNS Harness. 4 Check for +5 V to the Media Slack Sensor. Disconnect DSNS from the Registration Sensor Board. Is there +5 V across DSNS-9 <=> ground? Go to Step 6. Go to Step 5. 5 Check for +5 V to the Registration Sensor Board. Disconnect the harness from CSNS on the Engine Control Board. Is there +5 V across CSNS-14 <=> ground? Go to Step 6. Replace the Engine Control Board. 6 Check all pins on the CSNS Harness for continuity Is the harness conductive? Replace the Registration Sensor Board. Replace the harness. 7 Test the Transfer Unit Motor. Run the Service Diagnostics Transfer Belt Motor test. Does the motor function correctly? Replace the Transfer Unit. Replace the motor.
  • Code: TC2
  • Description: Jam in Fuser Media reached the Media Slack Sensor, but did not clear the Fuser Exit Sensor on time. This error represents a jam inside the Fuser.
  • Causes: • Fuser, PL1.1.21 • Fuser Exit Sensor, PL11.1.13 • Rear Sensor Board, PL11.1.33 • Fuser Motor, PL2.1.9 • Motor Driver Board, PL2.1.10
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Fuser • Fuser Exit Actuator and Sensor • Fuser Motor Is there any damage? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Remove the Fuser and check for broken or bent connector pins or damaged gears. Repair or replace damaged parts. Go to Step 3. 3 Reinstall the Fuser. Does the error persist? Go to Step 4. Complete 4 Test the Fuser Exit Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics Fuser Exit Sensor Test. Does the sensor function correctly? Go to Step 7. Replace the sensor. If the error persists, go to Step 5. 5 Check all pins on the SNS Harness for continuity. 1. Disconnect SNS from the Rear Sensor Board. 2. Check continuity between SNS<=>J140. Go to Step 6. Replace the SNS Harness. If the error persists, go to Step 6. 6 Check the HEATR signal to the Engine Control Board. 1. Disconnect RSNS from the Rear Sensor Board. 2. Actuate the Fuser Exit Sensor. Does the voltage across RSNS-6 <=> ground change? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the Rear Sensor Board. 7 If possible print one sheet of paper. Does the Fuser Motor turn? Inspect and replace defective gear(s). Go to Step 8. 8 Test the Fuser Motor. Run the Service Diagnostics Fuser Motor test. Does the Fuser Motor function correctly? Replace the Fuser. Go to Step 9. 9 Check for +24 V to the Fuser Motor. Disconnect DCHEAT on the Motor Driver Board. Is there +24 V across DCHEAT-3 <=> ground? Go to Step 10. Replace the Motor Driver Board. If the error persists, go to Step 10. 10 Replace the Fuser Motor. Does the Fuser Motor function correctly? Complete Go to Step 11. 11 Check the DRV0 and DRV1 ribbon cables that connect the Motor Driver Board to the Engine Control Board. Are these cables connected and undamaged? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the SVM1 and SVM2 Harnesses.
  • Code: TC3
  • Description: Jam at Duplex Entrance Media reached the Fuser Exit Sensor, but did not reach the Duplex Entrance Sensor on time. This error represents a jam at the Duplex entrance or in the Exit Assembly.
  • Causes: • Duplex Unit, PL16.1.0 • Duplex Entrance Sensor, PL16.1.4 • Exit Assembly, PL11.1.0 • Fuser Motor, PL2.1.9 • Motor Driver Board, PL2.1.10
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Duplex Unit • Exit Gate • Exit Assembly • Duplex Gate Are there any defects? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Duplex Entrance Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics Duplex Entrance (IN1) Sensor test. Does the sensor function correctly? Go to Step 4. Replace the Duplex Entrance Sensor, if the error persists, go to Step 3. 3 Check DUPLEX Harness continuity. Is the DUPLEX Harness conductive? Go to Step 4. Replace the DUPLEX Harness. 4 Print a test print in Duplex mode Does the sheet reverse in the printer? Go to Step 6. Replace the Duplex Unit. If the error persists, go to Step 5. 5 Check for +24 V to the Duplex Motors. Disconnect DUPLEX on the Motor Driver Board. Is there +24 V at DUPLEX-6 <=> ground? Go to Step 6. Go to Step 10. 6 Test the Fuser Motor. Run the Service Diagnostics Fuser Motor test. Does the Fuser Motor function correctly? Go to Step 8. Go to Step 7. 7 Check for +24 V to the Fuser Motor. Disconnect DCHEAT on the Motor Driver Board. Is there +24 V at DCHEAT-3 <=> ground? Replace the Fuser Motor. Go to Step 10. 8 Test the Exit Gate Solenoid. Run the Service Diagnostics Exit Gate Solenoid test. Does the solenoid function correctly. Replace the Exit Assembly. Go to Step 9. 9 Check for +24 V to the solenoid. 1. Actuate the interlock switches. 2. Disconnect SOLENOID from the Rear Sensor Board. Is there +24 V across SOLENOID-1 <=> ground? Replace the solenoid. Replace the Rear Sensor Board. 10 Check Motor Driver Board POW24 connector for 24 V. 1. Disconnect POW24. Is there +24 V across POW24-1 <=> POW24-2? Replace the Motor Driver Board. Go to Step 11. 11 Check for 24 V at the LVPS 1. Disconnect CN2 on the LVPS. Is there +24 V across pins 1 and 2? Replace the POW24 Harness. Replace the LVPS. 12 Check the DRV0 and DRV1 ribbon cables that connect the Motor Driver Board to the Engine Control Board. Are these cables connected and undamaged? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the DRV0 and DRV1 Harnesses.
  • Code: U0 … U5
  • Description: Engine Failure An Engine Control Board error is detected.
  • Causes: • Engine Control EEPROM • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Cycle power to the printer. Does the error still appear? Go to Step 2. Complete 2 Perform an NVRAM Reset. Does the error still appear? Replace the EEPROM for U2 or U3 errors. Otherwise, replace the Engine Control Board. Complete
  • Code: U10
  • Description: Top Cover Cooling Fan Failure
  • Causes: • Top Cover Fan, PL12.1.4 • IDFAN Harness, PL5.1.31 • GTG0 Harness, PL5.1.32
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the Top Cover Fan. Run the Service Diagnostics Top Cover Fan test. Does the fan operate correctly. Replace the Engine Control Board. Go to Step 2. 2 Check the Fan connection. Is P/J492 securely connected? Go to Step 3. Connect the Fan. 3 Check continuity of the Top Cover Fan Harness. Is the wiring harness conductive? Replace the Fan. If the error persists, go to Step 4. Replace the harness. 4 Verify +24 volts is available to the Fan. Disconnect IDFAN. Is there +24 volts at IDFAN-??? Go to Step 5. Go to Step 6. 5 Check continuity of the IDFAN Harness. Is the wiring harness conductive? Go to Step 6. Replace the harness. 6 Verify +24 volts is available to the Imaging Unit Sensor Board. Disconnect CTG0. Is there +24 volts at CTG0-9? Replace the Imaging Unit Sensor Board. Go to Step 7. 7 Check continuity of the CTG0 Harness. Is the wiring harness conductive? Replace the Engine Control Board Replace the harness.
  • Code: U11
  • Description: Imaging Unit Fan Failure
  • Causes: • Imaging Unit Fan, PL6.1.23 • IDFAN Harness, PL5.1.31 • GTG0 Harness, PL5.1.32
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the Imaging Unit Fan. Run the Service Diagnostics Imaging Unit Fan test. Does the Fan operate correctly. Replace the Engine Control Board. Go to Step 2. 2 Check the Fan connection. Is P/J100 securely connected? Replace the Fan. If the error persists, go to Step 3. Connect the Fan. 3 Check for +24 V at the Fan. Disconnect P/J100. Is there +24 V between J100-1 <=> ground? Go to Step 4. Go to Step 5. 4 Check continuity of the IDFAN Harness. Is the wiring harness conductive? Go to Step 5. Replace the harness. 5 Check for +24 V at the Imaging Unit Sensor Board. Disconnect CTG0. Is there +24 V at CTG0-9? Replace the Imaging Unit Sensor Board. Go to Step 6. 6 Check continuity of the CTG0 Harness. Is the wiring harness conductive? Replace the Engine Control Board Replace the harness.
  • Code: U12
  • Description: Duplex Interface Failure Error occurs only after the detection of a properly installed and functioning Duplex Unit.
  • Causes: • Duplex Unit, PL16.1.0 • Motor Driver Board, PL2.1.10
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Duplex Unit connector for damage. Is the connector damaged? Replace the connector. Replace the Duplex Unit. If the error persists, go to Step 2. 2 Check all pins on the DUPLEX Harness for continuity. Disconnect the DUPLEX Harness. Is the DUPLEX Harness conductive? Replace the Motor Driver Board. If the error persists, go to Step 3. Replace the DUPLEX Harness. 3 Check all pins of the DRV1 harness for continuity. Disconnect the DRV1 ribbon cable. Is the cable conductive? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the DRV1 Harness.
  • Code: U14 … U17
  • Description: Tray [3][4][5][6] Interface Failure A communications failure has occurred in the option tray interface. Code U14: Tray 3 Interface Failure Code U13: Tray 4 Interface Failure Code U16: Tray 5 Interface Failure Code U17: Tray 6 Interface Failure
  • Causes: • Option Tray Control Board • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Option Tray connector for damage. Is the connector damaged? Replace the connector. Go to Step 2. 2 Check all pins on the OPTIF Harness for continuity. Disconnect OPTIF from the Engine Control Board and Option connector. Is the harness conductive? Replace the Option Control Board. If the error persists, replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the OPTIF Harness.
  • Code: U18 … U21
  • Description: [C][M][Y][K] LED Failure Code U18: Yellow LED Failure Code U19: Magenta LED Failure Code U20: Cyan LED Failure Code U21: Black LED Failure
  • Causes: • LED Head, PL1.1.2 • LEDPWR harness, PL12.1.20 • LED Relay Board, PL12.1.34 • YK LEDDATA harness, PL12.1.21 • CM LEDDATA harness, PL12
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check LED Head. Exchange the affected LED Head with another LED Head. Does the error move with the LED Head? Replace the LED Head. Go to Step 2. 2 Ensure the LED Head harness is properly connected and not damaged. Is the wiring harness defective? Reconnect or replace wiring harness. Go to Step 3. 3 Check harness continuity between the LED Head and the Engine Control Board. Is there continuity? Go to Step 4. Replace the data harness. 4 Check harness continuity between the LED Head and the LED Relay Board. Is there continuity? Go to Step 5. Replace the power harness. 5 Check for +5 V to the LED Relay Board. Disconnect the POWER connector. Is there +5 V between POWER-1 <=> ground? Replace the LED Relay Board. Go to Step 6. 6 Check for +5 V at the LVPS. Disconnect CN1 from the LVPS. Is there +5 V between CN1-1 and CN1-2? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the LVPS.
  • Code: U26 … U29
  • Description: [C][M][Y][K] Imaging Unit Failure The Drum Phase Sensor for the named Imaging Unit indicates that the drum is out of position. Code U26: Yellow Imaging Unit Failure Code U27: Magenta Imaging Unit Failure Code U28: Cyan Imaging Unit Failure Code U29: Black Imaging Unit Failure
  • Causes: • [C][M][Y][K] Imaging Unit, PL1.1.23 • [C][M][Y][K] I/U Motor, PL2.1.8 • I/U Sensor Board, PL5.1.21 • I/U Lift Uplink, PL6.1.4, PL5.1.11
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Imaging Unit • Imaging Unit Drive Gears • Imaging Unit Sensor Board • Imaging Unit Lift Uplink Is there any damage? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Drum Phase Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics Drum Phase Sensor test for the indicated Imaging Unit. Does the sensor function correctly? Go to Step 5 Go to Step 3. 3 Check the I/U Phase signal: CIDPHASE at CTG1-18 MIDPHASE at CTG1-20 YIDPHASE at CTG1-22 KIDPHASE at CTG1-24 Does the Drum Phase signal change when the sensor is blocked? Go to Step 4. Replace the I/U Sensor Board. 4 Check the CTG0 harness continuity. Disconnect CTG1 from the Imaging Unit Sensor Board and CTG0 from the Engine Control Board. Is the harness conductive? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the harness. 5 Test the indicated Imaging Unit Motor. 1. Remove the affected Imaging Unit. 2. Close the Interlock Switches. 3. Run the Service Diagnostics Imaging Unit Motor test for the affected motor. Does the motor function correctly? Go to Step 6. Replace the motor. If the error persists, go to Step 6. 6 Check the Lift Uplink and associated gears. See ‘Imaging Unit Drive Motors’ on page 2-39 for a description of Lift Uplink operation. 1. Access the Cyan Imaging Unit Motor. 2. Rotate the Cyan Motor manually in both directions. Do the gears and links function properly? Replace the Cyan Imaging Unit Motor. If the error persists, go to Step 7. Replace the Lift Uplink. 7 Check for +24 V at the Motor Driver Board POW24 connector. Is there +24 V at POW24-1 Replace the Motor Driver Board. Replace the LVPS and/ or POW24 harness.
  • Code: U30, U31
  • Description: Flash Failure The Flash Memory device on the Engine Control Board has failed. Code U30: Flash Hardware Failure Code U31: Flash Software Failure
  • Causes: • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Cycle power to the printer. Does the error reappear? Replace the Engine Control Board. Complete
  • Code: U32
  • Description: Fuser Fan Failure The Fuser Fan rotation signal indicates that the fan is no longer operational.
  • Causes: • Fuser Fan, PL2.1.111 • IDFAN harness, PL5.1.31 • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Fuser Fan • P/J250 • FSRFAN Harness Is there any damage? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Check the Fan connection. Is P/J250 on the printer frame securely connected? Go to Step 3. Connect the Fan. 3 Check for +24 V at the Fan connector. Disconnect the P/J250. Is there +24 V between J250-1 <=> ground? Replace the Fuser Fan. Go to Step 4. 4 Check for +24 V at the IDFAN connector. Disconnect IDFAN from the Imaging Unit Sensor Board. Is there +24 V between IDFAN-7 <=> ground? Go to Step 5. Go to Step 6. 5 Check continuity of the FSRFAN Harness. Disconnect IDFAN and P/J250. Is the wiring harness conductive? Replace the Fuser Fan. Replace the harness. 6 Check continuity of the CTG1 Harness. Is the wiring harness conductive? Replace the Engine Control Board Replace the harness.
  • Code: U33
  • Description: Fuser 110v/220v Mismatch Failure An error was detected in the Fuser.
  • Causes: • Fuser PL1.1.21 • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Ensure the proper Fuser (110v vs. 220v) is installed in the printer. Is the correct Fuser installed? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the Fuser.
  • Code: U34
  • Description: Unsupported Duplex Unit ROM The installed Duplex Unit does not contain the correct firmware.
  • Causes: • Duplex Unit, PL16.1.0 • Engine Control Board PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Duplex Connector Is there any damage? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Check that the Duplex Unit is correctly installed and fully seated. Go to Step 3. Reseat the Duplex Unit 3 Check the Duplex Unit version using the Service Diagnostics General Status menu. Is the version current? Replace Engine Control Board, if the error persists, replace the DUPLEX harness. Replace the Duplex Unit.
  • Code: U35 … U38
  • Description: Unsupported Tray [3][4][5][6] ROM The printer has detected an incompatible LTA or HCF assembly. Code U35: Unsupported Tray 3 ROM Code U36: Unsupported Tray 4 ROM Code U37: Unsupported Tray 5 ROM Code U38: Unsupported Tray 6 ROM
  • Causes: • Option Control Board
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Option Connector Is there any damage? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Check that the optional tray is correctly installed and fully seated. Go to Step 3. Reseat the option tray. 3 Check the Option Control Board version using the Service Diagnostics General Status menu. Is the version current? Replace the Engine Control Board Replace the Option Control Board.
  • Code: U50
  • Description: Unsupported Inverter Unit ROM The printer has detected an incompatible Inverter assembly.
  • Causes: • Inverter Control Board
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Inverter firmware version using the Service Diagnostics General Status menu. Is the version current? Replace the Engine Control Board Replace the Inverter Control Board.
  • Code: U51
  • Description: Inverter Unit Interface Failure A communication error has occurred in the Finisher Inverter.
  • Causes: • Inverter Control Board • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Inverter Interface Cable • Inverter connections Is there any damage? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Check the Inverter connection. Is the Inverter interface cable securely connected at both ends? Go to Step 3. Connect the Inverter to the Finisher. 3 Check all pins on the OPTIF Harness for continuity. Disconnect OPTIF from the Engine Control Board and Option connector. Is the harness conductive? Replace the Inverter Control Board. If the error persists, replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the OPTIF Harness.
  • Code: U55
  • Description: Unsupported Finisher Unit ROM The printer has detected an incompatible Finisher.
  • Causes: • Finisher Control Board
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Finisher firmware version using the Service Diagnostics General Status menu. Is the version current? Replace the Engine Control Board Replace the Finisher Control Board.
  • Code: U6
  • Description: Power Supply Failure Power Supply voltage irregularly high.
  • Causes: • LVPS, PL3.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Visually inspect the LVPS for damage or excessive dust. Is the LVPS damaged or dirty? Clean the LVPS if dirty. If damaged, replace the LVPS. Go to Step 2. 2 Check the LVPS output voltages at the POWER connector on the Engine Control Board. Replace the Engine Controller Board. Replace the LVPS or POWER harness.
  • Code: U60
  • Description: Job Offset Home Position Error Applicable Status Code: Code U60: Job Offset Home Position Sensor does not detect home position for the Job Offset Assembly.
  • Causes: • Offset Home Position Sensor, PL11.1.32 • Rear Sensor Board, PL11.1.33 • Job Offset Assembly, PL13.1.1
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the following for evidence of fault or damage: • Home Position Sensor Actuator • Home Position Sensor • SNS Harness Is there any damage or misalignment? Replace any damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Job Offset Home Position Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics Offset Home Position test. Does the sensor function correctly? Replace the Engine Control Board. Go to Step 3. 3 Replace the Job Offset Home Position Sensor. Does the error persist? Go to Step 4. Complete. 4 Check the SNS connection. Is SNS connected to the Rear Sensor Board? Go to Step 5. Reconnect the harness. 5 Check for +5V to the sensor. Disconnect P/J150. Is there +5 V at J150-1? Go to Step 6. Replace the Rear Sensor Board. 6 Check the SNS Harness for continuity. 1. Disconnect SNS and P/J150. 2. Check continuity between SNS <=>J150. Go to Step 7. Replace the SNS Harness. 7 Check the Job Offset Home Position signal. Does the voltage change at RSNS-10 when the sensor is actuated? Go to Step 8. Replace the Rear Sensor Board. 8 Check all pins on the RSNS Harness for continuity. Is the harness conductive? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the RSNS Harness.
  • Code: U61
  • Description: Control Panel Communications Failure
  • Causes: • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4 • Control Panel Harness • Control Panel
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Control Panel connection. Is the Control Panel Harness connected to OPEPANE on the Engine Control Board? Go to Step 2. Connect the Control Panel harness, 2 Check all pins on the Control Panel Harness for continuity. Disconnect the harness from the Engine Control Board and Control Panel connectors. Is the harness conductive? Replace the Engine Control Board. If the error persists, replace the Control Panel. Replace the harness.
  • Code: U7
  • Description: Feeder Home Failure U7: Tray 1 (MPT) does not reach home position.
  • Causes: • Home Position Sensor, PL8.1.8 • Registration Motor, PL4.2.36 • MPTHOME Harness, PL8.1.9
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the Tray 1 (MPT) Lift Plate by printing a job from Tray 1 (MPT). Does the Lift Plate operate correctly? Go to Step 3. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Registration Motor Run the Service Diagnostics Registration Motor B test. Is the motor operating correctly? Replace the Tray 1 (MPT) Assembly. Replace the Registration Motor. 3 Test the Tray 1 (MPT) Home Position Sensor. Run the Service Diagnostics MPT Roller Home test. Does the sensor function correctly? Replace the Engine Control Board. Go to Step 4. 4 Check continuity of the MPTHOME harness. Is the wiring harness conductive? Replace the Engine Control Board. Replace the MPTHOME harness.
  • Code: U8
  • Description: Controller Fan Failure The Image Processor Board Fan has failed.
  • Causes: • IP Fan, PL1.1.74
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the IP Fan operation and airflow. Does the fan operate correctly? Replace the Engine Control Board. Go to Step 2. 2 Check for +5 V to the fan. Disconnect P/J200 from the Image Processor Board. Is there +5 V at J200-1 <=> ground? Replace the IP Fan. Replace the Image Processor Board.
  • Code: U9
  • Description: Power Supply Fan Failure The LVPS Fan has failed.
  • Causes: • LVPS Fan, PL3.1.2 • LVPS, PL3.1.4 • Engine Control Board, PL1.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the LVPS Fan. Run the Service Diagnostics Power Supply Fan test. Does the Fan operate correctly. Replace the Engine Control Board. Go to Step 2. 2 Check the LVPS Fan connection. Is FAN1 securely connected? Go to Step 3. Reconnect the Fan. 3 Verify +24 volts is available to the Fan. Disconnect FAN1. Is there +24 volts at FAN1? Replace the LVPS Fan. Replace the LVPS.
  • Code: W16
  • Description: Fuse Cut Error In Fuser The in-use fuse for the indicated Fuser remains intact.
  • Causes: • Fuser, PL1.1.21
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the Fuser fuse. Run the Service Diagnostics Read Fuse test on the Fuser. Is the Fuse Cut? Replace the Engine Control Board. Go to Step 2. 2 Replace the Fuser. Cycle the power. Does the error persist? Go to Step 3. Complete. 3 Check all pins of the HEATIF harness between the Fuser and Engine Control Board. Is the HEATIF harness conductive? Replace the Engine Control Board.
  • Code: W17
  • Description: Fuse Cut Error In Transfer Unit The in-use fuse for the indicated Transfer Unit remains intact.
  • Causes: • Transfer Unit, PL1.1.20 • HVPS Cover, PL2.1.27 • HVPS, PL2.1.26
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Test the condition of the fuse. Run the Service Diagnostics Read Fuse test for the TBelt. Is the Fuse cut? Replace the Engine Control Board. Go to Step 2. 2 Check the connections between HVPS, HVPS Cover, and Transfer Unit. Are the contacts clean and intact? Install a new Transfer Unit and verify the fuse blows. Clean or align contacts as needed. If the error persists, go to Step 3. 3 Does the error persist? Replace in the following order: HVPS Cover HVPS. Complete
  • Code: W18 … W21
  • Description: Fuse Cut Error In [C][M][Y][K] Imaging Unit The in-use fuse for the indicated Imaging Unit remains intact. Code W18: Fuse Cut Error in Cyan Imaging Unit Code W19: Fuse Cut Error in Magenta Imaging Unit Code W20: Fuse Cut Error in Yellow Imaging Unit Code W21: Fuse Cut Error in Black Imaging Unit
  • Causes: • [C][M][Y][K] Imaging Unit, PL1.1.23 • I/U Sensor Board, PL5.1.21
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the affected Imaging Unit contacts for evidence of fault or damage: Is there any damage, debris or corrosion? Replace the damaged parts. Go to Step 2. 2 Test the Imaging Unit fuse. Run the Service Diagnostics Read Fuse test on the affected Imaging Unit. Is the Fuse Cut? Replace the Engine Control Board. Go to Step 3. 3 Replace the affected Imaging Unit. Does the error persist? Go to Step 4. Complete. 4 Check the CTG0 harness continuity. Disconnect CTG1 from the Imaging Unit Sensor Board and CTG0 from the Engine Control Board. Is the harness conductive? Replace the I/U Sensor Board. Replace the harness.

– Get more error code list with quick guide to fix printer product, click here

– About get help with reseting Epson inkpad or others, click here

– Get more information about Epson XP 15000 troubleshooting, click here

Xerox printer reset software introduction:

Notes before resetting Xerox printer:

– Identify accurate version, serial and crum of Xerox printer.
– How to get Xerox printer model info: Click Here
– Before you continue with the reprogramming of the firmware, please make sure that the device is installed on your computer.
It is very important that under no circumstances should you remove the chip from the cartridge while reprogramming the firmware. After you have succesfully reprogrammed the printer, remove the chip from the cartridge and store it somewhere safely (the chip – a key). In all cartridges which you are going to use in the printer, the chip has to be either removed or sealed. If you have accidently inserted a new cartridge without removing the chip, the device will be blocked. In order to unblock it, you can use the stored chip as a key which help you to unblock the printer.
– And make sure that any other devices (except mouse and keyboard), which are connected to your computer via USB or LPT ports are disconnected. It’s preferable that the computer is connected to the “UPS” (uninterruptible power source) device, because if during the reprogramming process the electricity source has any interruptions, then the reprogramming will be carried out with an error, which makes the device unable to work.
– This firmware will be installed directly to your printer. Before opening firmare link make sure that printer is turned on and connected to your computer and printer drivers are installed correctly.
Be aware that with the reprogramming of the firmware the manufacturer’s warranty goes lost!!

How To Run Firmware Fix Xerox printer

1. Connect the printer to the computer and turn it on.
2. Wait until the printer is ready for work.
3. Drag and drop *.hd to usbprns2.exe file.

Run Firmware Fix Xerox B205

4. The reprogramming process starts automatically.
5. Wait until the printer reprograms (10-20 minute) and restarts.
6. After that the reprogramming process is finished, restart the printer.
– Fix Xerox B205 Toner Empty Error, click here

Contact us to get support with Xerox Phaser 7400 Error case

Or click here to get more ways.

Error Message Summary (Continued)


Control Panel Message

Printer error — Contact service; report fault [nnn]» (Continued)

Where [nnn] is one of the codes described below.


Motor Driver Board Option tray communications error.


Tray 3 Firmware Error. Firmware error in Tray 3 Flash Memory.


Tray 4 Firmware Error. Firmware error in Tray 4 Flash Memory.


Tray 5 Firmware Error. Firmware error in Tray 5 Flash Memory.


Tray 6 Firmware Error. Firmware error in Tray 6 Flash Memory.


Duplex Unit Firmware Error. Firmware error in Duplex Unit Flash Memory.


Motor Driver Board Firmware Error. Software error in Flash Memory.


Finisher Inverter Firmware Error. Firmware error in Inverter Flash Memory.


CRUM Reader Board not installed or failed.


CRUM Reader Interface Failure. A communication error has occurred between

the Engine Logic Board and CRUM Reader Board.


CRUM Reader Interface Failure. Error detected in the CRUM Reader Board

transmit circuitry.


CRUM Reader Interface Failure. A communications failure has occurred

between the CRUM Antenna and the consumable CRUM.


CRUM Reader has detected five or more RFID devices.


Tray 3 Flash Memory Failure. Hardware error in the Tray 3 Flash Memory device. 3-155


Tray 4 Flash Memory Failure. Hardware error in the Tray 4 Flash Memory device. 3-155


Tray 5 Flash Memory Failure. Hardware error in the Tray 5 Flash Memory device. 3-155


Tray 6 Flash Memory Failure. Hardware error in the Tray 6 Flash Memory device. 3-155


Duplex Unit Flash Memory Failure. Hardware error in the Flash Memory device. 3-156


Motor Driver Board Flash Memory Failure. Flash Memory device error.


Finisher Inverter Flash Memory Error. Inverter Flash Memory device error.


The Tray 2 Lift Motor has failed.


The Tray 3 Lift Motor has failed.


The Tray 4 Lift Motor has failed.


The Tray 5 Lift Motor has failed.


The Tray 6 Lift Motor has failed.


Error in the Transfer Unit Belt. The Belt Rotation Sensor indicates an error.


The Duplex Unit Fan has failed.


+24 V not available to the Duplex Unit.


Failure in the Yellow Imaging Unit Drum or Motor.



























The most common error codes.

920 … 920 Description: Failure in the [C][M][Y][K] Imaging Unit Drum or Motor The Drum Phase Sensor integrated on the Imaging Unit Sensor Board indicates an error in one of the Imaging Units. Code 920: The Yellow Imaging Unit drum is not rotating. Code 921: The Ma
U34 Description: Unsupported Duplex Unit ROM The installed Duplex Unit does not contain the correct firmware.
F93 Description: Finisher Jog Motor Failure An error was detected in either the Front or Rear Alignment Motor.
T1, T2 Description: Fuser Failure The Fuser temperature regulation has failed. Code T1: Fuser Upper Failure Code T2: Fuser Lower Failure
D1 Description: Jam at Door D Open Door D to Clear Media reached Duplex Reverse Sensor, but did not leave the Duplex Unit on time. This error represents a misfeed jam inside the Duplex Unit.
920 … 920 Description: Failure in the [C][M][Y][K] Imaging Unit Drum or Motor The Drum Phase Sensor integrated on the Imaging Unit Sensor Board indicates an error in one of the Imaging Units. Code 920: The Yellow Imaging Unit drum is not rotating. Code 921: The Ma
U34 Description: Unsupported Duplex Unit ROM The installed Duplex Unit does not contain the correct firmware.
F93 Description: Finisher Jog Motor Failure An error was detected in either the Front or Rear Alignment Motor.
T1, T2 Description: Fuser Failure The Fuser temperature regulation has failed. Code T1: Fuser Upper Failure Code T2: Fuser Lower Failure
D1 Description: Jam at Door D Open Door D to Clear Media reached Duplex Reverse Sensor, but did not leave the Duplex Unit on time. This error represents a misfeed jam inside the Duplex Unit.

Коды ошибок принтера Xerox Phaser 7400


Существует более сотни 2-3-значных кодов. Слишком много, чтобы привести их здесь все. Мы приведём лишь самые часто встречающиеся.

•Т1 – Отказ в верхней части печки.

•Т2 – Отказ в нижней части печки.

•Т29 – Неисправен датчик температуры.

•Т30 – Неисправен датчик влажности.

•U18 – Отказ жёлтого светодиода.

•U19 – Отказ красного светодиода.

•U20 – Отказ синего светодиода.

•U21 – Отказ чёрного светодиода.

•U26 – Отказ жёлтого барабана. Барабан сдвинут (вверх/вниз).

•U27 – Отказ красного барабана. Барабан сдвинут (вверх/вниз).

•U28 – Отказ синего барабана. Барабан сдвинут (вверх/вниз).

•U29 – Отказ чёрного барабана. Барабан сдвинут (вверх/вниз).

•W18 – Проверьте предохранитель в синем картридже

•W19 – Проверьте предохранитель в красном картридже

•W20 – Проверьте предохранитель в желтом картридже

•W21 – Проверьте предохранитель в чёрном картридже

•940 – Не работает мешалка в бункере для отработанного тонера.

941 – Не подаётся синий или красный тонер. Тонерный сенсор не реагирует на синий или красный тонер.

942 — Не подаётся жёлтый или чёрный тонер. Тонерный сенсор не реагирует на жёлтый или чёрный тонер.

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