Xerox 5225 ошибка 016 799

Решение проблем





5022/5024 Multifunction Printer

User Guide



Размер страницы электронной почты 
превышает максимальный размер 
сообщения из-за разделения страниц.

Для повтора операции нажмите кнопку 
Старт на панели управления, для отмены 
— кнопку Стоп.


Произошла ошибка.

Выключите аппарат и снова включите 
его после того, как погаснет дисплей.


Произошла ошибка.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


Достигнуто установленное разрешенное 
максимальное количество копий. Другой 
вариант: в систему вошел пользователь, 
исчерпавший лимит копий.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание. 


Ошибка в сети.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените работу.


На сервере SMTP заполнена память для 
входящих сообщений электронной почты.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


Не отправляется сообщение электронной 
почты из-за неверного адреса

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


Ошибка при создании данных 
для сообщения электронной почты.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


Задание отменено.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


При отправке сообщения по электронной 
почты не распознано имя сервера SMTP.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


В режиме «Сканирование в эл. почту» 
«Сканирование на ПК (Сеть)» отправка 
данных невозможна.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


В данные печати из приложения включен 
недопустимый параметр или не соответствие 
между данными и настройками печати.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


Переполнена память электронной 
подборки (EPC).

Для повтора операции нажмите кнопку 
Старт на панели управления, для отмены 
— кнопку Стоп


При сканировании первой страницы 
в режиме «Сканирование на ПК» 
заполнилась память.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


В режиме «Сканирование в эл. почту» размер 
вложения превышает максимальный предел.

Для повтора операции нажмите кнопку 
Старт на панели управления, для отмены 
— кнопку Стоп.




background image

Сообщения об ошибке на панели управления

Принтер Phaser® 6280


Сообщения о принтере и других элементах



Перегрев, подождите /
Ошибка 042-700,

Внутренняя температура принтера слишком высокая.
Принтер был остановлен. Подождите 1 час и перезапустите
принтер. Проверьте, что вокруг принтера достаточно места
для охлаждения и что вентиляционные отверстия не

Нет лотка 024-946 /
Нет лотка.
Вставьте лоток 2

Лоток 2 выдвинут наружу. Задвиньте лоток 2 в
правильное положение.

Нет лотка 024-947 /
Нет лотка. Вставьте
лоток 3

Лоток 3 выдвинут. Задвиньте лоток 3 на место.

Застр. в лотке 1 (MPT)





Проверьте лот. 1 (MPT)





Откройте двер. А

Застряла бумага в лотке 1 (MPT), 2 или 3.
Вытащите застрявшую бумагу. Откройте и снова закройте
переднюю крышку. См. раздел

Застревание бумаги


стр. 120.

Открыта дверца A
Закройте дверцу A

Открыта передняя крышка.
Закройте переднюю крышку.

Функция выкл.
Ошибка 016-158

Пользователь не зарегистрировал цветную печать в
функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к вашему администратору.

Неверное задание
Нажмите кнопку ОК
Ошибка 016-799

Это сообщение выводится, если конфигурация принтера
в драйвере принтера не соответствует используемому
вами принтеру.
Нажмите кнопку Отмена для отмены задания печати.
Проверьте, что конфигурация принтера в драйвере принтера
соответствует используемому вами принтеру.

Неверный польз.
Ошибка 016-757

Пользователь не зарегистрирован для печати на принтере с
помощью функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к администратору.

Превышен лимит
Нажмите кнопку ОК

Пользователь превысил предел на количество
страниц, которое можно распечатать с помощью
функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к администратору.

Неверный польз.
Нажмите кнопку ОК

Пользователь не зарегистрирован для печати на принтере
с помощью функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к администратору.

Author Chris Bentley, PMP

Do you use printing accounts? If you are make sure that’s configured in the Printer Preferences. You could also try re-installing the driver, or up grade the firmware in the printer. Also make sure the bypass drawer is not open on the printer. 

Was this post helpful?

Author A. Simon

Try using the Global Print Driver PCL6. The 7435 is fully compatible. There is also a driver for WIN7/Win8 (either 32bit, or 64bit).

Was this post helpful?

Author Richie Olson

Right before you print make sure under the paper sizing and handling section the choose paper source by PDF page size should be unchecked.  If the case were throwing errors when printing a PDF.

Was this post helpful?

Author Jasper knivez

I have the same problem… before I’m using Global Print Driver PCL6 driver but the problem is when I print using Photoshop and using A3 size the printer driver doesn’t recognize it. I search on web for the solution and it needs to update the driver, so I got a new driver which is Xerox Workcentre 7435 GPD PS. Now this same  error Aborted (016-799) occurs and even though the tray 5 (bypass) is close it detects as empty and it needs to refill.

Was this post helpful?

Author Cathy Owens

Brand Representative for Xerox


Hi Kevin,

I was looking through some of the solutions we have on this and a few that you can try:

Select the correct finisher in the driver properties:

1. Open the Printers or Printers and Faxes window.

2. Right-click on the printer and then select [Properties] or [Printer Properties]

3. Select the [Configuration] tab.

4. Click on the [Installable Options] button.

5. Select the correct finisher from the [Finisher/Output Tray] drop down.

6. Click [OK] to save the changes.

Also check to make sure the driver is NOT set to Basic Print Mode:

1.  Click on the Start Button on the lower Right, click on Control Panel, Open Print and Fax window.

2.  Right click and choose [Properties]

3.  Choose the [Configuration Tab]

4.  Click on [Bi-Directional Setup]

5.  On the top under [Communication] move the radio dot from [Automatic (Recommended)] to [Off]

6.  Click on [OK]

7.  Select the [Options] Tab

8.  Under the words [Xerox Update]…..Click on the word [Configuration]

9.  Use the drop down arrow and search for the correct Xerox Device

10.  Click on [Close] or [Apply].

If you need further assistance I would  recommend contacting Support.

Cathy (Xerox)

Was this post helpful?

Author Joseph D'Arcy


I’m just wondering if there are any other options I can try? We are having the same issues with our Xerox WorkCentre 7425. The options described above are greyed out and we can’t change. We are having the same excel problem printing. 

Job Name Owner Status Type Page Count Output Destination Host Interface Time Completed

Book1 Aborted(016-799) Print 0 — Port 9100 20/10/2014 11:18 AM


Was this post helpful?

Author Cathy Owens

Brand Representative for Xerox


If you shut down Bi-Directional per suggestion 2 before doing option 1 and it won’t be greyed out.

Was this post helpful?

Author Andrew Roper

We’re getting a similar error but printing using USB to a Xerox WorkCentre 6015. The error message on the screen is PJL Request, 016-749, Printer Data Violation, Press [OK] Button. This happens when just trying to print a test page from a Windows 7 Pro x64 machine.

Was this post helpful?

Print error 016-799 — Fuji Film Xerox

016-799 Fuji Xerox or Fuji Film print error code. That shows a description
error as “Print instruction Fail detected in decomposer.”

The error code and error description are alien languages for
users and even system administrators who are not familiar with Fuji Xerox error code.

The error code is quite simple and easy to fix, if the job
print goes to the printer but print out doesn’t come out.

So, basically the print job was received by the printer, but
the printer just doesn’t know what type of paper or what size to use or which
tray to utilize for the print out.

In some instances, this is just a paper mismatch but the error
description; if using Windows 10 to print does not exactly points to what is
the issue.

First thing to check, is the paper size selected by the user
to print.

Example, if the printer configuration is A3 and A4 sizes

But then the person printing the file accidentally chooses “A4
Cover” then this error 016-799 will occur.

It’s quite misleading “A4 Cover” and “A4” only, so if the
person printing does not thoroughly check then troubleshooting can last up to
hours. An eye for the details is needed to fix this error code.

Anyway, if after changing from “A4 Cover” to “A4” only; the print
out is okay then it’s a happy day. But if still cannot then could be other
issues like paper tray empty, paper tray orientation or some other errors.
Maybe it’s time to call a technician to troubleshoot further.

Cheers!! Till next time. Print responsibly save mother earth…


Click  links below to find out more:

Heaven’s Dew Fall  Prayer app for Android :

Catholic Rosary Guide  for Android:

Divine Mercy Chaplet Guide (A Powerful prayer):

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background image

Сообщения об ошибке на панели управления

Принтер Phaser® 6280


Сообщения о принтере и других элементах



Перегрев, подождите /
Ошибка 042-700,

Внутренняя температура принтера слишком высокая.
Принтер был остановлен. Подождите 1 час и перезапустите
принтер. Проверьте, что вокруг принтера достаточно места
для охлаждения и что вентиляционные отверстия не

Нет лотка 024-946 /
Нет лотка.
Вставьте лоток 2

Лоток 2 выдвинут наружу. Задвиньте лоток 2 в
правильное положение.

Нет лотка 024-947 /
Нет лотка. Вставьте
лоток 3

Лоток 3 выдвинут. Задвиньте лоток 3 на место.

Застр. в лотке 1 (MPT)





Проверьте лот. 1 (MPT)





Откройте двер. А

Застряла бумага в лотке 1 (MPT), 2 или 3.
Вытащите застрявшую бумагу. Откройте и снова закройте
переднюю крышку. См. раздел

Застревание бумаги


стр. 120.

Открыта дверца A
Закройте дверцу A

Открыта передняя крышка.
Закройте переднюю крышку.

Функция выкл.
Ошибка 016-158

Пользователь не зарегистрировал цветную печать в
функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к вашему администратору.

Неверное задание
Нажмите кнопку ОК
Ошибка 016-799

Это сообщение выводится, если конфигурация принтера
в драйвере принтера не соответствует используемому
вами принтеру.
Нажмите кнопку Отмена для отмены задания печати.
Проверьте, что конфигурация принтера в драйвере принтера
соответствует используемому вами принтеру.

Неверный польз.
Ошибка 016-757

Пользователь не зарегистрирован для печати на принтере с
помощью функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к администратору.

Превышен лимит
Нажмите кнопку ОК

Пользователь превысил предел на количество
страниц, которое можно распечатать с помощью
функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к администратору.

Неверный польз.
Нажмите кнопку ОК

Пользователь не зарегистрирован для печати на принтере
с помощью функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к администратору.

Author Chris Bentley, PMP

Do you use printing accounts? If you are make sure that’s configured in the Printer Preferences. You could also try re-installing the driver, or up grade the firmware in the printer. Also make sure the bypass drawer is not open on the printer. 

Was this post helpful?

Author A. Simon

Try using the Global Print Driver PCL6. The 7435 is fully compatible. There is also a driver for WIN7/Win8 (either 32bit, or 64bit).

Was this post helpful?

Author Richie Olson

Right before you print make sure under the paper sizing and handling section the choose paper source by PDF page size should be unchecked.  If the case were throwing errors when printing a PDF.

Was this post helpful?

Author Jasper knivez

I have the same problem… before I’m using Global Print Driver PCL6 driver but the problem is when I print using Photoshop and using A3 size the printer driver doesn’t recognize it. I search on web for the solution and it needs to update the driver, so I got a new driver which is Xerox Workcentre 7435 GPD PS. Now this same  error Aborted (016-799) occurs and even though the tray 5 (bypass) is close it detects as empty and it needs to refill.

Was this post helpful?

Author Cathy Owens

Brand Representative for Xerox


Hi Kevin,

I was looking through some of the solutions we have on this and a few that you can try:

Select the correct finisher in the driver properties:

1. Open the Printers or Printers and Faxes window.

2. Right-click on the printer and then select [Properties] or [Printer Properties]

3. Select the [Configuration] tab.

4. Click on the [Installable Options] button.

5. Select the correct finisher from the [Finisher/Output Tray] drop down.

6. Click [OK] to save the changes.

Also check to make sure the driver is NOT set to Basic Print Mode:

1.  Click on the Start Button on the lower Right, click on Control Panel, Open Print and Fax window.

2.  Right click and choose [Properties]

3.  Choose the [Configuration Tab]

4.  Click on [Bi-Directional Setup]

5.  On the top under [Communication] move the radio dot from [Automatic (Recommended)] to [Off]

6.  Click on [OK]

7.  Select the [Options] Tab

8.  Under the words [Xerox Update]…..Click on the word [Configuration]

9.  Use the drop down arrow and search for the correct Xerox Device

10.  Click on [Close] or [Apply].

If you need further assistance I would  recommend contacting Support.

Cathy (Xerox)

Was this post helpful?

Author Joseph D'Arcy


I’m just wondering if there are any other options I can try? We are having the same issues with our Xerox WorkCentre 7425. The options described above are greyed out and we can’t change. We are having the same excel problem printing. 

Job Name Owner Status Type Page Count Output Destination Host Interface Time Completed

Book1 Aborted(016-799) Print 0 — Port 9100 20/10/2014 11:18 AM


Was this post helpful?

Author Cathy Owens

Brand Representative for Xerox


If you shut down Bi-Directional per suggestion 2 before doing option 1 and it won’t be greyed out.

Was this post helpful?

Author Andrew Roper

We’re getting a similar error but printing using USB to a Xerox WorkCentre 6015. The error message on the screen is PJL Request, 016-749, Printer Data Violation, Press [OK] Button. This happens when just trying to print a test page from a Windows 7 Pro x64 machine.

Was this post helpful?

Print Instruction Fail. A print parameter was incorrect.


Perform the job again.

Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware

module, EEPROM)

Check the sw version of the controller sw — update if required

Initial Issue

WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation

016-910 Required Resource Not Ready (IOTsc detect) RAP

Requested paper or staple is not ready to perform a job.


Perform the job again.

Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware

module, EEPROM)



Check the sw version of the controller sw — update if required



BUS Updated 12/2011



Status Indicator RAPs

016-799, 016-910

Author Chris Bentley, PMP

Do you use printing accounts? If you are make sure that’s configured in the Printer Preferences. You could also try re-installing the driver, or up grade the firmware in the printer. Also make sure the bypass drawer is not open on the printer. 

Was this post helpful?

Author A. Simon

Try using the Global Print Driver PCL6. The 7435 is fully compatible. There is also a driver for WIN7/Win8 (either 32bit, or 64bit).

Was this post helpful?

Author Richie Olson

Right before you print make sure under the paper sizing and handling section the choose paper source by PDF page size should be unchecked.  If the case were throwing errors when printing a PDF.

Was this post helpful?

Author Jasper knivez

I have the same problem… before I’m using Global Print Driver PCL6 driver but the problem is when I print using Photoshop and using A3 size the printer driver doesn’t recognize it. I search on web for the solution and it needs to update the driver, so I got a new driver which is Xerox Workcentre 7435 GPD PS. Now this same  error Aborted (016-799) occurs and even though the tray 5 (bypass) is close it detects as empty and it needs to refill.

Was this post helpful?

Author Cathy Owens

Brand Representative for Xerox


Hi Kevin,

I was looking through some of the solutions we have on this and a few that you can try:

Select the correct finisher in the driver properties:

1. Open the Printers or Printers and Faxes window.

2. Right-click on the printer and then select [Properties] or [Printer Properties]

3. Select the [Configuration] tab.

4. Click on the [Installable Options] button.

5. Select the correct finisher from the [Finisher/Output Tray] drop down.

6. Click [OK] to save the changes.

Also check to make sure the driver is NOT set to Basic Print Mode:

1.  Click on the Start Button on the lower Right, click on Control Panel, Open Print and Fax window.

2.  Right click and choose [Properties]

3.  Choose the [Configuration Tab]

4.  Click on [Bi-Directional Setup]

5.  On the top under [Communication] move the radio dot from [Automatic (Recommended)] to [Off]

6.  Click on [OK]

7.  Select the [Options] Tab

8.  Under the words [Xerox Update]…..Click on the word [Configuration]

9.  Use the drop down arrow and search for the correct Xerox Device

10.  Click on [Close] or [Apply].

If you need further assistance I would  recommend contacting Support.

Cathy (Xerox)

Was this post helpful?

Author Joseph D'Arcy


I’m just wondering if there are any other options I can try? We are having the same issues with our Xerox WorkCentre 7425. The options described above are greyed out and we can’t change. We are having the same excel problem printing. 

Job Name Owner Status Type Page Count Output Destination Host Interface Time Completed

Book1 Aborted(016-799) Print 0 — Port 9100 20/10/2014 11:18 AM


Was this post helpful?

Author Cathy Owens

Brand Representative for Xerox


If you shut down Bi-Directional per suggestion 2 before doing option 1 and it won’t be greyed out.

Was this post helpful?

Author Andrew Roper

We’re getting a similar error but printing using USB to a Xerox WorkCentre 6015. The error message on the screen is PJL Request, 016-749, Printer Data Violation, Press [OK] Button. This happens when just trying to print a test page from a Windows 7 Pro x64 machine.

Was this post helpful?

background image

Сообщения об ошибке на панели управления

Принтер Phaser® 6280


Сообщения о принтере и других элементах



Перегрев, подождите /
Ошибка 042-700,

Внутренняя температура принтера слишком высокая.
Принтер был остановлен. Подождите 1 час и перезапустите
принтер. Проверьте, что вокруг принтера достаточно места
для охлаждения и что вентиляционные отверстия не

Нет лотка 024-946 /
Нет лотка.
Вставьте лоток 2

Лоток 2 выдвинут наружу. Задвиньте лоток 2 в
правильное положение.

Нет лотка 024-947 /
Нет лотка. Вставьте
лоток 3

Лоток 3 выдвинут. Задвиньте лоток 3 на место.

Застр. в лотке 1 (MPT)





Проверьте лот. 1 (MPT)





Откройте двер. А

Застряла бумага в лотке 1 (MPT), 2 или 3.
Вытащите застрявшую бумагу. Откройте и снова закройте
переднюю крышку. См. раздел

Застревание бумаги


стр. 120.

Открыта дверца A
Закройте дверцу A

Открыта передняя крышка.
Закройте переднюю крышку.

Функция выкл.
Ошибка 016-158

Пользователь не зарегистрировал цветную печать в
функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к вашему администратору.

Неверное задание
Нажмите кнопку ОК
Ошибка 016-799

Это сообщение выводится, если конфигурация принтера
в драйвере принтера не соответствует используемому
вами принтеру.
Нажмите кнопку Отмена для отмены задания печати.
Проверьте, что конфигурация принтера в драйвере принтера
соответствует используемому вами принтеру.

Неверный польз.
Ошибка 016-757

Пользователь не зарегистрирован для печати на принтере с
помощью функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к администратору.

Превышен лимит
Нажмите кнопку ОК

Пользователь превысил предел на количество
страниц, которое можно распечатать с помощью
функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к администратору.

Неверный польз.
Нажмите кнопку ОК

Пользователь не зарегистрирован для печати на принтере
с помощью функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к администратору.

Решение проблем





5022/5024 Multifunction Printer

User Guide



Размер страницы электронной почты 
превышает максимальный размер 
сообщения из-за разделения страниц.

Для повтора операции нажмите кнопку 
Старт на панели управления, для отмены 
— кнопку Стоп.


Произошла ошибка.

Выключите аппарат и снова включите 
его после того, как погаснет дисплей.


Произошла ошибка.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


Достигнуто установленное разрешенное 
максимальное количество копий. Другой 
вариант: в систему вошел пользователь, 
исчерпавший лимит копий.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание. 


Ошибка в сети.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените работу.


На сервере SMTP заполнена память для 
входящих сообщений электронной почты.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


Не отправляется сообщение электронной 
почты из-за неверного адреса

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


Ошибка при создании данных 
для сообщения электронной почты.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


Задание отменено.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


При отправке сообщения по электронной 
почты не распознано имя сервера SMTP.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


В режиме «Сканирование в эл. почту» 
«Сканирование на ПК (Сеть)» отправка 
данных невозможна.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


В данные печати из приложения включен 
недопустимый параметр или не соответствие 
между данными и настройками печати.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


Переполнена память электронной 
подборки (EPC).

Для повтора операции нажмите кнопку 
Старт на панели управления, для отмены 
— кнопку Стоп


При сканировании первой страницы 
в режиме «Сканирование на ПК» 
заполнилась память.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


В режиме «Сканирование в эл. почту» размер 
вложения превышает максимальный предел.

Для повтора операции нажмите кнопку 
Старт на панели управления, для отмены 
— кнопку Стоп.




Author Chris Bentley, PMP

Do you use printing accounts? If you are make sure that’s configured in the Printer Preferences. You could also try re-installing the driver, or up grade the firmware in the printer. Also make sure the bypass drawer is not open on the printer. 

Was this post helpful?

Author A. Simon

Try using the Global Print Driver PCL6. The 7435 is fully compatible. There is also a driver for WIN7/Win8 (either 32bit, or 64bit).

Was this post helpful?

Author Richie Olson

Right before you print make sure under the paper sizing and handling section the choose paper source by PDF page size should be unchecked.  If the case were throwing errors when printing a PDF.

Was this post helpful?

Author Jasper knivez

I have the same problem… before I’m using Global Print Driver PCL6 driver but the problem is when I print using Photoshop and using A3 size the printer driver doesn’t recognize it. I search on web for the solution and it needs to update the driver, so I got a new driver which is Xerox Workcentre 7435 GPD PS. Now this same  error Aborted (016-799) occurs and even though the tray 5 (bypass) is close it detects as empty and it needs to refill.

Was this post helpful?

Author Cathy Owens

Brand Representative for Xerox


Hi Kevin,

I was looking through some of the solutions we have on this and a few that you can try:

Select the correct finisher in the driver properties:

1. Open the Printers or Printers and Faxes window.

2. Right-click on the printer and then select [Properties] or [Printer Properties]

3. Select the [Configuration] tab.

4. Click on the [Installable Options] button.

5. Select the correct finisher from the [Finisher/Output Tray] drop down.

6. Click [OK] to save the changes.

Also check to make sure the driver is NOT set to Basic Print Mode:

1.  Click on the Start Button on the lower Right, click on Control Panel, Open Print and Fax window.

2.  Right click and choose [Properties]

3.  Choose the [Configuration Tab]

4.  Click on [Bi-Directional Setup]

5.  On the top under [Communication] move the radio dot from [Automatic (Recommended)] to [Off]

6.  Click on [OK]

7.  Select the [Options] Tab

8.  Under the words [Xerox Update]…..Click on the word [Configuration]

9.  Use the drop down arrow and search for the correct Xerox Device

10.  Click on [Close] or [Apply].

If you need further assistance I would  recommend contacting Support.

Cathy (Xerox)

Was this post helpful?

Author Joseph D'Arcy


I’m just wondering if there are any other options I can try? We are having the same issues with our Xerox WorkCentre 7425. The options described above are greyed out and we can’t change. We are having the same excel problem printing. 

Job Name Owner Status Type Page Count Output Destination Host Interface Time Completed

Book1 Aborted(016-799) Print 0 — Port 9100 20/10/2014 11:18 AM


Was this post helpful?

Author Cathy Owens

Brand Representative for Xerox


If you shut down Bi-Directional per suggestion 2 before doing option 1 and it won’t be greyed out.

Was this post helpful?

Author Andrew Roper

We’re getting a similar error but printing using USB to a Xerox WorkCentre 6015. The error message on the screen is PJL Request, 016-749, Printer Data Violation, Press [OK] Button. This happens when just trying to print a test page from a Windows 7 Pro x64 machine.

Was this post helpful?

016-799 PLW Print Instruction Fail RAP

016-799 The specified print parameter is abnormal.


Perform the steps that follow:

1. Advise the customer to repeat the operation.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
3. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Scan to Network Error Entry RAP.

**This RAP is from Xerox Service Manual. All brand names and trademarks are their respective owner’s property.**

You may be also interested in below toner and drum chip (CRUM) for Xerox VersaLink C7020, C7025, C7030, C7000.

Toner Chip (For North America and West Europe Region):

• 106R03741 106R03744 106R03743 106R03742
• 106R03757 106R03760 106R03759 106R03758
• 106R03737 106R03740 106R03739 106R03738

Toner Chip (For South America and East Europe Region):

• 106R03749 106R03752 106R03751 106R03750
• 106R03745 106R03748 106R03747 106R03746
• 106R03765 106R03768 106R03767 106R03766

Toner Chip (For Metered Machine):

• 106R03733 106R03736 106R03735 106R03734

Drum Chip:

• 113R00780 113R00782

Print error 016-799 — Fuji Film Xerox

016-799 Fuji Xerox or Fuji Film print error code. That shows a description
error as “Print instruction Fail detected in decomposer.”

The error code and error description are alien languages for
users and even system administrators who are not familiar with Fuji Xerox error code.

The error code is quite simple and easy to fix, if the job
print goes to the printer but print out doesn’t come out.

So, basically the print job was received by the printer, but
the printer just doesn’t know what type of paper or what size to use or which
tray to utilize for the print out.

In some instances, this is just a paper mismatch but the error
description; if using Windows 10 to print does not exactly points to what is
the issue.

First thing to check, is the paper size selected by the user
to print.

Example, if the printer configuration is A3 and A4 sizes

But then the person printing the file accidentally chooses “A4
Cover” then this error 016-799 will occur.

It’s quite misleading “A4 Cover” and “A4” only, so if the
person printing does not thoroughly check then troubleshooting can last up to
hours. An eye for the details is needed to fix this error code.

Anyway, if after changing from “A4 Cover” to “A4” only; the print
out is okay then it’s a happy day. But if still cannot then could be other
issues like paper tray empty, paper tray orientation or some other errors.
Maybe it’s time to call a technician to troubleshoot further.

Cheers!! Till next time. Print responsibly save mother earth…


Click  links below to find out more:

Heaven’s Dew Fall  Prayer app for Android :

Catholic Rosary Guide  for Android:

Divine Mercy Chaplet Guide (A Powerful prayer):

Popular posts from this blog

Notepad++ is an awesome text editing tool, it can accept regex to process the text data. If the data is in a “.csv” format or comma separated values which is basically just a text file that can either be opened using a text editor, excel or even word. Notepad++ can process the contents of the file using regex. Example if the data has multiple rows or lines, and what is needed is to convert the whole lines of data into a single line. Notepad++ can easily do it using regex. However, if the data is on a single line and it needs to be converted into multiple lines or rows then regex can also be used for this case. Here’s an example on how to convert multiple rows or lines into a single line. Example data: Multiple rows, just a sample data. Press Ctrl+H, and  on «Find what» type: [\r\n]+ and on «Replace with» type with: , (white space) —white space is needed if need to have a space in between the data. See image below, «Regular Expression» must be se

The are quite a few ways to check office version it can be done via registry, PowerShell or VBScript and of course, good old command line can also do it. Checking Windows office version whether it is Office 2010, Office, 2013, Office 2016 or other version is quite important to check compatibility of documents; or just a part of software inventory. For PowerShell this simple snippet can check the office version: $ol = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application $ol . Version The command line option will tell you where’s the path located; the result will also tell whether office is 32-bit, 64-bit and of course the version of the office as well. Here’s the command that will check the office version and which program directory the file is located which will tell whether it’s 32-bit or 64-bit. Command to search for Excel.exe: DIR C:\ /s excel.exe | find   /i «Directory of»  Above command assumes that program files is on  C: drive. Sample Outpu

WMIC get computer model, manufacturer, computer name and  username. WMIC is a command-line tool and that can generate information about computer model, its manufacturer, its username and other informations depending on the parameters provided. Why would you need a command line tool if there’s a GUI to check? If you have 20 or 100 computers, or even more. It’s quite a big task just checking the GUI to check the computer model and username. If you have remote computers, you need to delegate someone in the remote office or location to check. Or you can just write a batch file or script to automate the task. Here’s the code below on how get computer model, manufacturer and the username. Open an elevated command prompt and type:     wmic computersystem get «Model»,»Manufacturer», «Name», «UserName» Just copy and paste the code above, the word “computersystem” does not need to be change to a computer name. A

Author Chris Bentley, PMP

Do you use printing accounts? If you are make sure that’s configured in the Printer Preferences. You could also try re-installing the driver, or up grade the firmware in the printer. Also make sure the bypass drawer is not open on the printer. 

Was this post helpful?

Author A. Simon

Try using the Global Print Driver PCL6. The 7435 is fully compatible. There is also a driver for WIN7/Win8 (either 32bit, or 64bit).

Was this post helpful?

Author Richie Olson

Right before you print make sure under the paper sizing and handling section the choose paper source by PDF page size should be unchecked.  If the case were throwing errors when printing a PDF.

Was this post helpful?

Author Jasper knivez

I have the same problem… before I’m using Global Print Driver PCL6 driver but the problem is when I print using Photoshop and using A3 size the printer driver doesn’t recognize it. I search on web for the solution and it needs to update the driver, so I got a new driver which is Xerox Workcentre 7435 GPD PS. Now this same  error Aborted (016-799) occurs and even though the tray 5 (bypass) is close it detects as empty and it needs to refill.

Was this post helpful?

Author Cathy Owens

Brand Representative for Xerox


Hi Kevin,

I was looking through some of the solutions we have on this and a few that you can try:

Select the correct finisher in the driver properties:

1. Open the Printers or Printers and Faxes window.

2. Right-click on the printer and then select [Properties] or [Printer Properties]

3. Select the [Configuration] tab.

4. Click on the [Installable Options] button.

5. Select the correct finisher from the [Finisher/Output Tray] drop down.

6. Click [OK] to save the changes.

Also check to make sure the driver is NOT set to Basic Print Mode:

1.  Click on the Start Button on the lower Right, click on Control Panel, Open Print and Fax window.

2.  Right click and choose [Properties]

3.  Choose the [Configuration Tab]

4.  Click on [Bi-Directional Setup]

5.  On the top under [Communication] move the radio dot from [Automatic (Recommended)] to [Off]

6.  Click on [OK]

7.  Select the [Options] Tab

8.  Under the words [Xerox Update]…..Click on the word [Configuration]

9.  Use the drop down arrow and search for the correct Xerox Device

10.  Click on [Close] or [Apply].

If you need further assistance I would  recommend contacting Support.

Cathy (Xerox)

Was this post helpful?

Author Joseph D'Arcy


I’m just wondering if there are any other options I can try? We are having the same issues with our Xerox WorkCentre 7425. The options described above are greyed out and we can’t change. We are having the same excel problem printing. 

Job Name Owner Status Type Page Count Output Destination Host Interface Time Completed

Book1 Aborted(016-799) Print 0 — Port 9100 20/10/2014 11:18 AM


Was this post helpful?

Author Cathy Owens

Brand Representative for Xerox


If you shut down Bi-Directional per suggestion 2 before doing option 1 and it won’t be greyed out.

Was this post helpful?

Author Andrew Roper

We’re getting a similar error but printing using USB to a Xerox WorkCentre 6015. The error message on the screen is PJL Request, 016-749, Printer Data Violation, Press [OK] Button. This happens when just trying to print a test page from a Windows 7 Pro x64 machine.

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background image

Сообщения об ошибке на панели управления

Принтер Phaser® 6280


Сообщения о принтере и других элементах



Перегрев, подождите /
Ошибка 042-700,

Внутренняя температура принтера слишком высокая.
Принтер был остановлен. Подождите 1 час и перезапустите
принтер. Проверьте, что вокруг принтера достаточно места
для охлаждения и что вентиляционные отверстия не

Нет лотка 024-946 /
Нет лотка.
Вставьте лоток 2

Лоток 2 выдвинут наружу. Задвиньте лоток 2 в
правильное положение.

Нет лотка 024-947 /
Нет лотка. Вставьте
лоток 3

Лоток 3 выдвинут. Задвиньте лоток 3 на место.

Застр. в лотке 1 (MPT)





Проверьте лот. 1 (MPT)





Откройте двер. А

Застряла бумага в лотке 1 (MPT), 2 или 3.
Вытащите застрявшую бумагу. Откройте и снова закройте
переднюю крышку. См. раздел

Застревание бумаги


стр. 120.

Открыта дверца A
Закройте дверцу A

Открыта передняя крышка.
Закройте переднюю крышку.

Функция выкл.
Ошибка 016-158

Пользователь не зарегистрировал цветную печать в
функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к вашему администратору.

Неверное задание
Нажмите кнопку ОК
Ошибка 016-799

Это сообщение выводится, если конфигурация принтера
в драйвере принтера не соответствует используемому
вами принтеру.
Нажмите кнопку Отмена для отмены задания печати.
Проверьте, что конфигурация принтера в драйвере принтера
соответствует используемому вами принтеру.

Неверный польз.
Ошибка 016-757

Пользователь не зарегистрирован для печати на принтере с
помощью функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к администратору.

Превышен лимит
Нажмите кнопку ОК

Пользователь превысил предел на количество
страниц, которое можно распечатать с помощью
функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к администратору.

Неверный польз.
Нажмите кнопку ОК

Пользователь не зарегистрирован для печати на принтере
с помощью функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к администратору.

Print error 016-799 — Fuji Film Xerox

016-799 Fuji Xerox or Fuji Film print error code. That shows a description
error as “Print instruction Fail detected in decomposer.”

The error code and error description are alien languages for
users and even system administrators who are not familiar with Fuji Xerox error code.

The error code is quite simple and easy to fix, if the job
print goes to the printer but print out doesn’t come out.

So, basically the print job was received by the printer, but
the printer just doesn’t know what type of paper or what size to use or which
tray to utilize for the print out.

In some instances, this is just a paper mismatch but the error
description; if using Windows 10 to print does not exactly points to what is
the issue.

First thing to check, is the paper size selected by the user
to print.

Example, if the printer configuration is A3 and A4 sizes

But then the person printing the file accidentally chooses “A4
Cover” then this error 016-799 will occur.

It’s quite misleading “A4 Cover” and “A4” only, so if the
person printing does not thoroughly check then troubleshooting can last up to
hours. An eye for the details is needed to fix this error code.

Anyway, if after changing from “A4 Cover” to “A4” only; the print
out is okay then it’s a happy day. But if still cannot then could be other
issues like paper tray empty, paper tray orientation or some other errors.
Maybe it’s time to call a technician to troubleshoot further.

Cheers!! Till next time. Print responsibly save mother earth…


Click  links below to find out more:

Heaven’s Dew Fall  Prayer app for Android :

Catholic Rosary Guide  for Android:

Divine Mercy Chaplet Guide (A Powerful prayer):

Popular posts from this blog

The are quite a few ways to check office version it can be done via registry, PowerShell or VBScript and of course, good old command line can also do it. Checking Windows office version whether it is Office 2010, Office, 2013, Office 2016 or other version is quite important to check compatibility of documents; or just a part of software inventory. For PowerShell this simple snippet can check the office version: $ol = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application $ol . Version The command line option will tell you where’s the path located; the result will also tell whether office is 32-bit, 64-bit and of course the version of the office as well. Here’s the command that will check the office version and which program directory the file is located which will tell whether it’s 32-bit or 64-bit. Command to search for Excel.exe: DIR C: /s excel.exe | find   /i «Directory of»  Above command assumes that program files is on  C: drive. Sample Outpu

WMIC get computer model, manufacturer, computer name and  username. WMIC is a command-line tool and that can generate information about computer model, its manufacturer, its username and other informations depending on the parameters provided. Why would you need a command line tool if there’s a GUI to check? If you have 20 or 100 computers, or even more. It’s quite a big task just checking the GUI to check the computer model and username. If you have remote computers, you need to delegate someone in the remote office or location to check. Or you can just write a batch file or script to automate the task. Here’s the code below on how get computer model, manufacturer and the username. Open an elevated command prompt and type:     wmic computersystem get «Model»,»Manufacturer», «Name», «UserName» Just copy and paste the code above, the word “computersystem” does not need to be change to a computer name. A

Copy a single file using robocopy from a local folder to a shared folder on the network. A simple rule of thumb before any disaster strike, don’t interchange the source and the destination. If source and destination is mistakenly reverse, files might get overwritten. To avoid any loss of data do a test with a dummy file to ensure things work perfectly. Robocopy [source]    [destination]   [file to be copied] robocopy c:local_c_folder  PC_networkshared_folder   file_to_be_copied_xx.txt The command will be completed successfully provided the network access right has no issues. Robocopy works quite good on large files. A simple copy or xcopy command will also work but the speed might vary. However, if the file (ex. an ISO file) and is more than 4GB and the filesystem  of the thumbdrive or the storage is FAT system, then robocopy or any methods of copying will not work. Since FAT has a file size limitation of less than 3GB. Robocopy is free it can be acce

background image

Сообщения об ошибке на панели управления

Принтер Phaser® 6280


Сообщения о принтере и других элементах



Перегрев, подождите /
Ошибка 042-700,

Внутренняя температура принтера слишком высокая.
Принтер был остановлен. Подождите 1 час и перезапустите
принтер. Проверьте, что вокруг принтера достаточно места
для охлаждения и что вентиляционные отверстия не

Нет лотка 024-946 /
Нет лотка.
Вставьте лоток 2

Лоток 2 выдвинут наружу. Задвиньте лоток 2 в
правильное положение.

Нет лотка 024-947 /
Нет лотка. Вставьте
лоток 3

Лоток 3 выдвинут. Задвиньте лоток 3 на место.

Застр. в лотке 1 (MPT)





Проверьте лот. 1 (MPT)





Откройте двер. А

Застряла бумага в лотке 1 (MPT), 2 или 3.
Вытащите застрявшую бумагу. Откройте и снова закройте
переднюю крышку. См. раздел

Застревание бумаги


стр. 120.

Открыта дверца A
Закройте дверцу A

Открыта передняя крышка.
Закройте переднюю крышку.

Функция выкл.
Ошибка 016-158

Пользователь не зарегистрировал цветную печать в
функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к вашему администратору.

Неверное задание
Нажмите кнопку ОК
Ошибка 016-799

Это сообщение выводится, если конфигурация принтера
в драйвере принтера не соответствует используемому
вами принтеру.
Нажмите кнопку Отмена для отмены задания печати.
Проверьте, что конфигурация принтера в драйвере принтера
соответствует используемому вами принтеру.

Неверный польз.
Ошибка 016-757

Пользователь не зарегистрирован для печати на принтере с
помощью функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к администратору.

Превышен лимит
Нажмите кнопку ОК

Пользователь превысил предел на количество
страниц, которое можно распечатать с помощью
функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к администратору.

Неверный польз.
Нажмите кнопку ОК

Пользователь не зарегистрирован для печати на принтере
с помощью функции идентификации.
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Author Chris Bentley, PMP

Do you use printing accounts? If you are make sure that’s configured in the Printer Preferences. You could also try re-installing the driver, or up grade the firmware in the printer. Also make sure the bypass drawer is not open on the printer. 

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Author A. Simon

Try using the Global Print Driver PCL6. The 7435 is fully compatible. There is also a driver for WIN7/Win8 (either 32bit, or 64bit).

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Author Richie Olson

Right before you print make sure under the paper sizing and handling section the choose paper source by PDF page size should be unchecked.  If the case were throwing errors when printing a PDF.

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Author Jasper knivez

I have the same problem… before I’m using Global Print Driver PCL6 driver but the problem is when I print using Photoshop and using A3 size the printer driver doesn’t recognize it. I search on web for the solution and it needs to update the driver, so I got a new driver which is Xerox Workcentre 7435 GPD PS. Now this same  error Aborted (016-799) occurs and even though the tray 5 (bypass) is close it detects as empty and it needs to refill.

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Author Cathy Owens

Brand Representative for Xerox


Hi Kevin,

I was looking through some of the solutions we have on this and a few that you can try:

Select the correct finisher in the driver properties:

1. Open the Printers or Printers and Faxes window.

2. Right-click on the printer and then select [Properties] or [Printer Properties]

3. Select the [Configuration] tab.

4. Click on the [Installable Options] button.

5. Select the correct finisher from the [Finisher/Output Tray] drop down.

6. Click [OK] to save the changes.

Also check to make sure the driver is NOT set to Basic Print Mode:

1.  Click on the Start Button on the lower Right, click on Control Panel, Open Print and Fax window.

2.  Right click and choose [Properties]

3.  Choose the [Configuration Tab]

4.  Click on [Bi-Directional Setup]

5.  On the top under [Communication] move the radio dot from [Automatic (Recommended)] to [Off]

6.  Click on [OK]

7.  Select the [Options] Tab

8.  Under the words [Xerox Update]…..Click on the word [Configuration]

9.  Use the drop down arrow and search for the correct Xerox Device

10.  Click on [Close] or [Apply].

If you need further assistance I would  recommend contacting Support.

Cathy (Xerox)

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Author Joseph D'Arcy


I’m just wondering if there are any other options I can try? We are having the same issues with our Xerox WorkCentre 7425. The options described above are greyed out and we can’t change. We are having the same excel problem printing. 

Job Name Owner Status Type Page Count Output Destination Host Interface Time Completed

Book1 Aborted(016-799) Print 0 — Port 9100 20/10/2014 11:18 AM


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Author Cathy Owens

Brand Representative for Xerox


If you shut down Bi-Directional per suggestion 2 before doing option 1 and it won’t be greyed out.

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Author Andrew Roper

We’re getting a similar error but printing using USB to a Xerox WorkCentre 6015. The error message on the screen is PJL Request, 016-749, Printer Data Violation, Press [OK] Button. This happens when just trying to print a test page from a Windows 7 Pro x64 machine.

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Print Instruction Fail. A print parameter was incorrect.


Perform the job again.

Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware

module, EEPROM)

Check the sw version of the controller sw — update if required

Initial Issue

WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation

016-910 Required Resource Not Ready (IOTsc detect) RAP

Requested paper or staple is not ready to perform a job.


Perform the job again.

Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware

module, EEPROM)



Check the sw version of the controller sw — update if required



BUS Updated 12/2011



Status Indicator RAPs

016-799, 016-910

Print error 016-799 — Fuji Film Xerox

016-799 Fuji Xerox or Fuji Film print error code. That shows a description
error as “Print instruction Fail detected in decomposer.”

The error code and error description are alien languages for
users and even system administrators who are not familiar with Fuji Xerox error code.

The error code is quite simple and easy to fix, if the job
print goes to the printer but print out doesn’t come out.

So, basically the print job was received by the printer, but
the printer just doesn’t know what type of paper or what size to use or which
tray to utilize for the print out.

In some instances, this is just a paper mismatch but the error
description; if using Windows 10 to print does not exactly points to what is
the issue.

First thing to check, is the paper size selected by the user
to print.

Example, if the printer configuration is A3 and A4 sizes

But then the person printing the file accidentally chooses “A4
Cover” then this error 016-799 will occur.

It’s quite misleading “A4 Cover” and “A4” only, so if the
person printing does not thoroughly check then troubleshooting can last up to
hours. An eye for the details is needed to fix this error code.

Anyway, if after changing from “A4 Cover” to “A4” only; the print
out is okay then it’s a happy day. But if still cannot then could be other
issues like paper tray empty, paper tray orientation or some other errors.
Maybe it’s time to call a technician to troubleshoot further.

Cheers!! Till next time. Print responsibly save mother earth…


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Author Chris Bentley, PMP

Do you use printing accounts? If you are make sure that’s configured in the Printer Preferences. You could also try re-installing the driver, or up grade the firmware in the printer. Also make sure the bypass drawer is not open on the printer. 

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Author A. Simon

Try using the Global Print Driver PCL6. The 7435 is fully compatible. There is also a driver for WIN7/Win8 (either 32bit, or 64bit).

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Author Richie Olson

Right before you print make sure under the paper sizing and handling section the choose paper source by PDF page size should be unchecked.  If the case were throwing errors when printing a PDF.

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Author Jasper knivez

I have the same problem… before I’m using Global Print Driver PCL6 driver but the problem is when I print using Photoshop and using A3 size the printer driver doesn’t recognize it. I search on web for the solution and it needs to update the driver, so I got a new driver which is Xerox Workcentre 7435 GPD PS. Now this same  error Aborted (016-799) occurs and even though the tray 5 (bypass) is close it detects as empty and it needs to refill.

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Author Cathy Owens

Brand Representative for Xerox


Hi Kevin,

I was looking through some of the solutions we have on this and a few that you can try:

Select the correct finisher in the driver properties:

1. Open the Printers or Printers and Faxes window.

2. Right-click on the printer and then select [Properties] or [Printer Properties]

3. Select the [Configuration] tab.

4. Click on the [Installable Options] button.

5. Select the correct finisher from the [Finisher/Output Tray] drop down.

6. Click [OK] to save the changes.

Also check to make sure the driver is NOT set to Basic Print Mode:

1.  Click on the Start Button on the lower Right, click on Control Panel, Open Print and Fax window.

2.  Right click and choose [Properties]

3.  Choose the [Configuration Tab]

4.  Click on [Bi-Directional Setup]

5.  On the top under [Communication] move the radio dot from [Automatic (Recommended)] to [Off]

6.  Click on [OK]

7.  Select the [Options] Tab

8.  Under the words [Xerox Update]…..Click on the word [Configuration]

9.  Use the drop down arrow and search for the correct Xerox Device

10.  Click on [Close] or [Apply].

If you need further assistance I would  recommend contacting Support.

Cathy (Xerox)

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Author Joseph D'Arcy


I’m just wondering if there are any other options I can try? We are having the same issues with our Xerox WorkCentre 7425. The options described above are greyed out and we can’t change. We are having the same excel problem printing. 

Job Name Owner Status Type Page Count Output Destination Host Interface Time Completed

Book1 Aborted(016-799) Print 0 — Port 9100 20/10/2014 11:18 AM


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Author Cathy Owens

Brand Representative for Xerox


If you shut down Bi-Directional per suggestion 2 before doing option 1 and it won’t be greyed out.

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Author Andrew Roper

We’re getting a similar error but printing using USB to a Xerox WorkCentre 6015. The error message on the screen is PJL Request, 016-749, Printer Data Violation, Press [OK] Button. This happens when just trying to print a test page from a Windows 7 Pro x64 machine.

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