Xcode ошибка при установке

After trying to update to Xcode 14.1 on Ventura for nearly 24 hours, I eventually trashed the Xcode application, rebooted, started only the App Store, and did a new install, leaving the App Store in the foreground. It downloaded (about 7 GB in 20 minutes) and completed the install in less than an hour on my M1 Mac mini.


After updating to Ventura, there was an update to Xcode 14.1 in the App Store. As with previous versions, I had trouble installing it. This time though, the install would progress to 61% (seen by hovering the mouse over the spinning circle in App Store), then stay there. Filtering for ASDAppQuery in the Console, as suggested in other answers, showed progress for a while, but then also stopped. The installd process was still using a lot of CPU. However, after a while it would stop doing so. It seemed that the App Store app would stop, and a couple of times I checked Activity Monitor and saw that it was in «App Nap» mode. After waking up again, the appstoreagent would run at 95% CPU (one core) for a while, followed by installd running again, at around 300% CPU. This cycle continued, but with no progress. I tried leaving it overnight, but in the morning it was in the same state: neither appstoreagent nor installd doing anything, but then seeming to wake up and grind away again, but making no progress. I had also tried quitting the App Store and starting again, but the same kept happening — going to 61%, then spinning away with no progress indication. Finally, I decided to trash Xcode, reboot, and install — that worked quickly and flawlessly.

If your Mac is stuck on Xcode update installation, then don’t worry as you are not the only person who is having this problem.

It’s a common problem while installing Xcode from App Store. In this short tutorial, I will try to give you the best possible way to resolve this problem.

The first thing that might arise on your mind when you see stuck on Installing Xcode

You might be thinking that something is going wrong and your machine is not working during the installation process. You may think that it would be great if you can see if there is any installation progress is going on.

I faced the same issue and overcome the same thoughts. So I try to find how to figure out if actually, any progress is going on in the background.

  • In the first place, it may take some time to start the downloading process.
  • Once the download process will be completed then the real problem will arise, It will be rotating for a long time but you will not be able to see the progress.

You should check these well:

How to update Xcode in Mac

How to check Xcode version installed on your machine

How to see the Xcode installation progress in App store

The easiest way is to click on the rotating symbol and then hover your cursor there for a while.

You may find the installation progress in percentage value. Then check after a few minutes and it should increase.

If not, then don’t panic. Simply follow the below steps:

  1. Click on the launchpad and search for “Console” and open it. ( You can also press “command+space” and search for it )After opening the console you will find a search bar there. See the below screenshot.
    Xcode installation stuck
  2. Just search for “App Store” and then hit Enter.

    Then click on the Start Button as shown below:
    Fix Xcode installation

A lot of lines might appear if your App Store is running.

You will be able to see the progress from these logs.

You may see how many units of progress have been completed out of the total installation progress unit.

So, you can check here if your installation progress is really stuck or not from here. If you see any progression then you should wait until all the progression completes.

If this is not working for you jump to the other way mentioned below.

Check Xcode installation progress in percentage

You can open App Store and simply hover on the rotating bar just beside Xcode.

Download Xcode manually when installation from App store does not working for you

Just visit this official Apple developer site: Apple developer Download Page

Then search for Xcode and then download the Xcode file manually and then try to install it on your machine.

Force Quit and Relaunch App store

Another way is to force quit and relaunch app store. Then click on the updates and try to update Xcode.

  • Turn off sleep mode
  • Leave your machine as it is and wait for it to be installed.

For me, 3 hours were enough to install. 

Install Xcode from the terminal

You can try this command in your terminal

xcode-select --install

Final suggestion

Patience will help you believe me.

If you still facing problems after trying all the methods. Drop your comment below, so that I can find a solution for you.


I had the same issue and fixed this.

1. I download Xcode.xip from https://developer.apple.com/download/more/

2. just double clicked the xip file in Finder

3. Archive Utility(default app for xip) made Xcode.app and move it to Application Folder.

4. Done. It works for me.

This seems to be working, but the unzipping is unbearably time-consuming.

I am just gonna go and let apple fix it for me in near or far future. Hey apple developers, I hope you are looking at this. I request you guys to kindly fix the bug. I use a Macbook air 2017 model. I would like to stay updated also.


Same issue here. @Apple please fix with an update!

What is «Developer» ? do you mean, I’m pretty scared to delete all the folders in in, maybe Cache and Derived Data since both are cache.


Just go to appstore, type xcode to search and click on it icon, you will see update button. Next, click update, it will take about 1 Gb to update and some times. Finally it will be completely updated. This method work for me.

Same issue. Tried to download the dmg from https://developer.apple.com/downloads. It gives an error «This package is incompatible with this version of MacOS. The package is trying to install content on the system volume…»

Fine, be that way.

Tried deleting xcode and library/developer, rebooted, repeat, to no avail.

Interesting the latest version of xcode won’t install with a manual download. More interesting I’ve tried repeatedly to install via App Store and it gets 70% the way through and just stops. 10MBps download speed, 35GB free.

Stuck and unhappy.

What version of macOS are you using and what version of Xcode are you trying to install ?

From the error message it seems like the version of Xcode (may be an older Xcode) you are trying to install is trying to write something on to the system volume. In macOS Catalina, system volume is read only.

Refer: Installer fails on installing into /Application… |Apple …

When you try to install it from the Mac App Store at the bottom under Information section there is a subheading called Compatibility which will state if that version of Xcode will work on the current mac.

Hi guys,

After struggling and calling apple I decided to go ahead and create the solution myself. I modified the plist file to reduce the minimum OS using brew cask install pref-setter. In order to fix this. Uninstall the xcode and install the latest version from the developer account.

  1. Delete Xcode

  2. Download the latest version of Xcode from the developer url

  3. install pre-setter

  4. Right click on the icon and select. Show contents

  5. find the info.plist

  6. Modify the minimum version to the desired version and thats it

  7. Enjoy it.

Guys I can’t even get past the downloading process.. it’s driving me crazy. I’ve deleted Xcode prior to attempt to download anything, Deleted developer and have 34 GB space.
Nothing I do seems to work to Mae downloading possible, here are my attempts to:

  • update Mac to vastest version, download still fails around 300-600mb from online or App Store

  • App Store downloaded pretty far along but then gave up on me and said «unable to install Xcode»

please help me, been on this for about 16 hours!!!!

Actually if you download archive from https://developer.apple.com/download/more/ the same «out-of-space» error appears as if you download from App-Store
What actually helps is getting the latest updates for OS-X. Only after this I was able to expand archive or download a new Xcode version.

Не устанавливается Xcode: Почему это происходит и как решить проблему

Xcode – это интегрированная среда разработки (IDE) для приложений, разработанных под операционную систему iOS или macOS. Это одно из наиболее важных инструментов для разработчиков, работающих в экосистеме Apple. Однако, иногда пользователи сталкиваются с проблемой, когда установка Xcode затруднена или осложнена различными ошибками. В этой статье мы рассмотрим причины, по которым не устанавливается Xcode, и предложим решения для исправления этой проблемы.

1. Проверьте системные требования

Перед установкой Xcode убедитесь, что ваш компьютер соответствует системным требованиям, указанным Apple. Если ваше устройство работает на старой версии macOS, возможно, вам придется обновить операционную систему до последней версии. Также убедитесь, что на вашем устройстве достаточно свободного места на жестком диске, чтобы установить Xcode.

2. Проверьте соединение с интернетом

Убедитесь, что ваше интернет-соединение стабильно и надежно. Неустойчивое подключение к интернету может вызывать проблемы в процессе загрузки и установки Xcode. Если у вас возникают проблемы с интернетом, обратитесь к своему провайдеру или попробуйте использовать другое подключение.

3. Проверьте наличие предыдущих версий Xcode

Если у вас на компьютере уже установлены предыдущие версии Xcode, возможно, установка новой версии затруднена. Попробуйте удалить предыдущие версии Xcode перед установкой новой. Это можно сделать, перейдя в папку «Приложения» и перемещая Xcode в корзину.

4. Очистите временные файлы

Неустановка Xcode может быть связана с наличием некорректных временных файлов, которые могут мешать установке. В таком случае очистка временных файлов может помочь. В Finder откройте папку «Библиотека», затем найдите папку «Cache» и удалите все содержимое этой папки. Затем попробуйте установить Xcode снова.

5. Проверьте наличие обновлений

Перед установкой Xcode убедитесь, что у вас установлена последняя версия инструмента Command Line Tools. Command Line Tools – это набор разработчика, необходимый для корректной работы Xcode. Вы можете проверить наличие обновлений в меню «Xcode» -> «Preferences» -> «Locations». Если обновления доступны, установите их перед повторной попыткой установки Xcode.

6. Попробуйте загрузить Xcode из другого места

Если все указанные выше методы не сработали, возможно, проблема в самом загрузочном файле Xcode. Попробуйте загрузить Xcode из другого источника. Можно обратиться к официальному сайту Apple или попросить совет у других разработчиков в форумах и сообществах.

7. Обратитесь в службу поддержки Apple

Наконец, если все прочие методы не помогли вам решить проблему, обратитесь в службу поддержки Apple. Они смогут предложить индивидуальное решение для вашей конкретной ситуации и помочь вам установить Xcode.

В заключение, установка Xcode может быть сложным или затруднительным процессом, но с использованием описанных выше решений вы сможете преодолеть любые проблемы и успешно установить Xcode на вашем компьютере. Удачи в разработке!

I just installed a software update that I was prompted for, presumably affecting Xcode. Now when I start Xcode, I am presented with a dialog box which states that Xcode must install the Mobile Device Framework before continuing. When I try to do this, after providing my password, it fails with «An unknown error occurred. See the install log for more details.» I do not see anything useful in install.log that identifies the problem. I’ve tried re-installing multiple times and rebooting to no avail.

I’m currently running Xcode 4.3. Perhaps I need to upgrade to 4.4? Has anyone else run into this problem?

asked Sep 16, 2012 at 5:38

Peter Jacobs's user avatar

Peter JacobsPeter Jacobs

1,6572 gold badges13 silver badges29 bronze badges


This problem has once again appeared in Xcode 11.1 and is caused by an invalid certificate that expired some day in October 2019.

You can work around the problem by temporarily changing the system date to before the certificate expiration date.

In the case of Xcode 11, set the system date to Oct 3, 2019, run Xcode, then change the date back after the components have installed.

answered Oct 31, 2019 at 22:00

Darren's user avatar


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In Xcode version 4.3.1 (4E1019), I suspect that I got the problem after an iTunes update this morning. Found the following somewhere on the web:

  • Go to Applications folder
  • Right click Xcode
  • Click Show Package Contents

Then navigate to Contents/Resources/Packages. Double click on Install MobileDevice.pkg.

asg's user avatar


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answered Sep 18, 2012 at 18:45

cugino's user avatar


4213 silver badges2 bronze badges


Just change the date to October 2019:

enter image description here

answered Dec 6, 2019 at 15:15

Victor Ruiz.'s user avatar

Victor Ruiz.Victor Ruiz.

1,70622 silver badges22 bronze badges


I tried installing the required components:

but I had the same issue:

I recommend @Darren answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/58651694/7602110) but I tried another way, which was uninstalling Xcode and installing it back again, is not the best way to go, because we all know how long that Xcode takes to install, but it also works and was worth sharing.

answered Nov 27, 2019 at 20:01

Abraham's user avatar


8,5855 gold badges47 silver badges53 bronze badges

im resolver that change terminal date for example:

sudo date 103106

answered Oct 31, 2019 at 1:14

German Dominguez's user avatar


The same happened to me after an update to Big Sur version.
A very similar solution as reported here by @cugino worked to me, as follows:

  • Go to «Applications» folder > Right click Xcode > Click Show Package Contents > Then navigate to Contents/Resources/Packages.
  • Double click on Install XcodeSystemResources.pkg.

answered Jul 10, 2021 at 20:47

Maria Clara Bezerra's user avatar

Using cugino’s answer above solved it for me. In my case, the certificate used to sign the .pkg file had expired. This may be the reason for anyone experiencing this after February 14, 2015

answered May 9, 2015 at 19:01

jproch's user avatar


3112 silver badges13 bronze badges

I am a newbie in iOS development

I was facing same problem while trying to install XCode 6.4 on my 2009 mac pro 13inch with macOS yosemite. I do not know why, just after I changed the system time back to 10th October 2019 according to one of the answers in this thread and click on «try again» button, XCode was finally installed and running!

After this, I changed my system time back to current time (chose the automatic date and time option) and everything works good for me.

answered Jul 7, 2020 at 21:41

Mostakim's user avatar

Change Time in OS x10.11 or ….

enter image description here

answered Jul 4, 2022 at 17:48

Moh_beh's user avatar


2511 gold badge3 silver badges14 bronze badges

This worked for me:

$ sudo xcode-select --switch /path/to/Xcode.app
$ sudo xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch

Alex Sunder Singh's user avatar

answered Feb 8 at 14:28

ak792's user avatar

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