Xbox ошибка dcat resourcenotfound

Halo Infinite был выпущен недавно, и игроки уже начали сталкиваться с ошибками и ошибками. Одна из ошибок DCAT Resource Not Found, что в некоторых случаях вызывает синие экраны смерти (BSoD). Хотя эта ошибка в основном распространена на ПК, пользователи Xbox также сталкиваются с этой проблемой.

343 Industries выпустила исправление, которое было предназначен для устранения проблемы. Однако, если вы не получили обновление или проблема все еще возникает, выполните следующие действия:

  • Откройте приложение Steam.
  • Откройте библиотеку Steam. и щелкните правой кнопкой мыши Halo Infinite.
  • Выберите вкладку «Локальные файлы».
  • После этого появится новое окно. Здесь выберите параметр «Проверить целостность файлов игры».

Если вы используете консоль Xbox или абонемент Xbox Game Pass на ПК, просто перезагрузите систему и поищите обновления.

Как упоминалось ранее, 343 Industries выпустила официальное исправление, поэтому убедитесь, что у вас установлена ​​последняя версия игры. Если проблема не исчезнет, ​​попробуйте переустановить игру или отключить брандмауэр, если он есть. Если ничего не помогает, обратитесь в службу поддержки Halo и сообщите об этом.

Никита Романов


Была та же ошибка с утра, сейчас попробовал как Данил писал, два последних символа убирал и вводил на сайте через телефон, и все на 5 раз код прошел 


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Марий Власов


Или просто нужно подождать?

Разумеется, это же майкрософт! У них всё зиждется на ожидании и беливах.


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Удаляй последний сивол и снова введи… Повторять до необходимого результата.
Такая же ошибка была вчера с турецким кодом

Ошибка на стороне Microsoft, целая тема на австрплийском форуме, про ошибку RiskPolicyReject


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Еще пробуй, у меня минут 10 заняло


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Попробуй завтра
и да с этой ощибкой тебе на горячую службу поддержки МS


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Силовой паркур


Да. Там всё будет заебись, надо только подождать.


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Сижу минут 15 уже пробую. Результата пока нет)


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Попробуй через старое приложение, если Android. Но там может появляться другая ошибка из-за которой, код придется вводить сначала


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Голда я так понимаю тоже нет. Скорее всего проблема с там что ключ не для Российского региона. Где брал?


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Склонный единорожек88




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На чтение 2 мин Просмотров 1.7к. Опубликовано 05.09.2022

При установке Forza Horizon 5 может появиться ошибка 0x80070005, как правило, это означает, что у пользователя проблемы с правами доступа в Store. Ошибка может возникать по разным причинам.

Возможные причины неполадок и способы их устранения

Права доступа

  • В поисковой строке набрать %appdata%, OK;
  • Найти в Appdata папку Local, а в ней Packages;
  • В свойствах Packages зайти во вкладку «Безопасность»;
  • В дополнительных свойствах прав доступа, выставить «Полное разрешение»;
  • Подтвердить.

Путь к скачанным файлам

Проблема может быть связана с неправильным хранением загрузочного файла Windows St. Изменение пути файлов загрузки на значение по умолчанию, обычно решает проблему:

  • На клавиатуре вызвать кнопку Win+ R, чтобы открыть «Выполнить»;
  • Ввести regedit и после подтверждения запустить редактор реестра;
  • В левой панели окна перейти в каталог
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > ПРОГРАММНОЕ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЕ> Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion;
  • В разделе Appx, найти CurrentVersion и указать себя как владельца;
  • В правой панели два раза щелкнуть по PackageRoot для возможности редактирования;
  • После переноса загрузочного файла, проверить, чтобы путь выглядел так (C:Program Files WinApps), подтвердить и ресетнуть ПК.

После перезагрузки необходимо обновить или переустановить программу.

Обнуление всей КЕШ для Windows Store на ПК

  • Если на ПК стоит ОС 10 поколения, решением послужит обычное обнуление содержимого кеш:
  • Открыть команду запуска;
  • Ввести wsreset.exe и “Выполнить”, а затем клавишу Enter;
  • Выполнить запрос;
  • Reset ПК.

Обновление регистрации Windows Store

В меню “Пуск” открыть “powershell” с правами админа и запустить код:

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Неограниченное добавление-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode

-Регистрация $Env:SystemRootWinStoreAppxManifest.XML

После выполнения команды перезагрузить ПК.

Синхронизация настроек даты и времени

Иногда несинхронизированные данные магазина и Windows 10 на ПК могут стать причиной возникновения ошибки:

  • Открыть Дата и Время, кликнуть на «Изменить настройки даты и времени»;
  • Проверить значение и нажать ОК;
  • Выставить правильный часовой пояс, “ОК”;
  • Перезагрузить ПК.

После всех действий можно устанавливать и / или обновлять приложения из Windows Store.

В случае если ни один метод не сработал, есть не самое приятное, но действенное решение – создать новую учетную запись, а старую удалить.

  • The 2022 Games of the Year results are in! Thank you to everyone that took the time to vote, and congratulations to all the winners!

Anyone run into this peculiar GamePass problem? Windows Xbox PC beta doesn’t acknowledge I have a sub.

  • Thread starter

  • Start date
    Apr 29, 2020

You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other websites correctly.
You should upgrade or use an alternative browser.


  • #1

So yesterday I downloaded Gears Tactics via Windows and their Xbox app, went to play today but was met with an issue where my account isn’t showing I have a Gamepass sub. But here’s the thing, I was playing Moving Out via gamepass on my Xbox One just a hour ago. When I check on Microsofts site , , it says I have Gamepass Ultimate until October of this year. However when I look at the subscriptions under my Account via the Xbox PC Beta app which I launch games from, it comes up with an error saying «We encountered an error and your subscriptions failed to load». I’ve signed out an signed back in to triple check. It’s all the same email, same account I’m logging into on the xbox, the website and the windows app. So I’m at a loss here and was wondering if anyone else has run into this before.

It works now. It was all a screw up on Microsofts end. Just had to wait for their service to work again.

Last edited: Apr 30, 2020


  • #2

Happens when I’m connected to VPN. Have to restart with it disconnected.


  • #3

is it the same account logged into the PC / MS store on Win10?


  • #4

Happens when I’m connected to VPN. Have to restart with it disconnected.

Never used a VPN before.

is it the same account logged into the PC / MS store on Win10?

Yes, double and triple checked too.

  • #5

This happened to me a couple of week ago. I think I just updated and that fixed it.



Into the Woods

  • #6

Does your sub show in the Microsoft Store app?


  • #7

Never used a VPN before.

Yes, double and triple checked too.

is the PC region set to the same one as the account?

settings -> time and language -> region


  • #8

Does your sub show in the Microsoft Store app?

Yes it sure does.

This happened to me a couple of week ago. I think I just updated and that fixed it.

I was thinking this could be the problem but I’m not seeing anywhere to update the app itself. I’m thinking of uninstalling it and redownloading it right now.


  • #9

This happened to me recently. Just log out of the Xbox app and log back in. You can also check for updates through the Windows Store.


  • #10

is the PC region set to the same one as the account?

settings -> time and language -> region

I don’t see where to even change that in the «Xbox(Beta)» PC app. It’s not in it’s settings.



Into the Woods

  • #11

Then, does downloading and launching it through the Microsoft Store app work (or through the start menu/shortcut)? It might just be the Xbox app that’s fucked


  • #12

This happened to me recently. Just log out of the Xbox app and log back in. You can also check for updates through the Windows Store.

Thanks, I tried logging out and logging back in but that didn;t work. Going to go to the Windows store and see if it has an update.


  • #13

Do you have Game Pass Ultimate? Game Pass for Xbox doesn’t include Game Pass for PC unless it’s ultimate.


  • #14

I don’t see where to even change that in the «Xbox(Beta)» PC app. It’s not in it’s settings.

it would be on

under your info


  • #15

it would be on

under your info

Thanks found it. Everything is correct on that end.

Do you have Game Pass Ultimate? Game Pass for Xbox doesn’t include Game Pass for PC unless it’s ultimate.

Yes. Definitely have Ultimate.


  • #16

On the Windows store I do not see a place to update this App. Just lets me click «Download app now», which when I do, it just loads up the App that’s already installed. Id like to delete the whole Xbox PC App and download a fresh one, but I don;t even see it under my control panels Uninstall or Change a program list. This is getting frustrating.


  • #17

I had this issue last night while trying to download Gears Tactics.

I fixed it by downloading the Xbox beta app from the store, restarting my PC, then installing the required services app the Xbox beta app asked me to install.

After that, it was smooth sailing.


  • #18

I had this issue last night while trying to download Gears Tactics.

I fixed it by downloading the Xbox beta app from the store, restarting my PC, then installing the required services app the Xbox beta app asked me to install.

After that, it was smooth sailing.

Ill try restarting my PC right now, but did you manage to blow the Xbox beta app away on your PC before redownloading it from the store? I can’t find a way to get rid of it but I’m betting that this «required services app» it asked you to install is what I need to get a prompt to. I can;t find a way to update it manually.

Edit. Uninstalled from the all apps start menu on Win 10. Redownloading it from the store now.

Edit2, Redownloaded the App. Still fucked. Only this time Gears Tactics which was downloaded isn;t even populating on the left side of the app. This is so lame.

Last edited: Apr 29, 2020


  • #19

Does anyone know where WIndows puts the files of games you download via this Xbox PC beta app? I want to try launching it some other way if possible.


  • #20

I found Gears Tactics on the windows store, there’s an «Install» button I can click, but it does absolutely nothing. I’m assuming because the game is already installed? I fucking hate PC gaming. I really do. There are far too many variables that lead to all sorts of shit like this. I just want to play the game I downloaded yesterday. through the service I pay for.


  • #21

Just for shits and giggles I tried to buy gamepass for $1 just to see if it would let me and it gave me this error message ;

Give it another try
Something went wrong.



Into the Woods

  • #22

Does anyone know where WIndows puts the files of games you download via this Xbox PC beta app? I want to try launching it some other way if possible.

Launching the games via clicking on the executables doesn’t work

I found Gears Tactics on the windows store, there’s an «Install» button I can click, but it does absolutely nothing. I’m assuming because the game is already installed?

Have you tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling and launching the game via the Microsoft Store, not touching the Xbox app at all?


  • #23

Have you tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling and launching the game via the Microsoft Store, not touching the Xbox app at all?

I’m actually attempting to do that right now, but I’m having a hell of a time trying to find out where the Xbox PC beta app installs your games to . I want to delete it and just go through the store. Any help would be greatly appreciated because googling for its location isn’t helping. A lot of people don;t know where the games get saved to.


  • #24

Does anyone know where WIndows puts the files of games you download via this Xbox PC beta app? I want to try launching it some other way if possible.

gamepass doesn’t let you acess the gamefiles without going throu some stupid shit.
Gamepass for PC also never worked too well with me. Microsoft store sometimes works wells, very rarely. so do try to use that instead of the gamepass app.


  • #25

I’m running into this problem right now, except my windows store doesn’t load at all. It happened after I tried to region switch, which I’ve done in the past.


  • #26

gamepass doesn’t let you acess the gamefiles without going throu some stupid shit.
Gamepass for PC also never worked too well with me. Microsoft store sometimes works wells, very rarely. so do try to use that instead of the gamepass app.

I definitely will just go through the store in the future. But at the moment when I see Gears Tactics in the store, there’s an install button that doesn’t do a damn thing. So I want to delete the Gears Tactics I’ve installed thats hidden somewhere on my pc, and then reinstall via the store if possible.



Into the Woods

  • #27

I’m actually attempting to do that right now, but I’m having a hell of a time trying to find out where the Xbox PC beta app installs your games to . I want to delete it and just go through the store. Any help would be greatly appreciated because googling for its location isn’t helping. A lot of people don;t know where the games get saved to.

On my machine it installs to E:WindowsApps because I told it to install to E:, dunno where it installs by default but I’m assuming it’s sill in a folder called WindowsApps

It’s not appearing in the normal app uninstall menu?


  • #28

On my machine it installs to E:WindowsApps because I told it to install to E:, dunno where it installs by default but I’m assuming it’s sill in a folder called WindowsApps

It’s not appearing in the normal app uninstall menu?

Fuck I feel so stupid with Win 10. Yes I easily just uninstalled it from the app menu. I never think to go from that list while I’m digging through folders. Thank you, uninstalled. Going to attempt to install from the store now.


  • #29

In my experience, the Game Pass app for PC is garbage; it has a bunch of bugs. Just a few days ago, Gears 5 wouldn’t launch no matter what I did. Had to completely reinstall Windows to fix it.

Mark It Zero!

  • #30

I have the same problem. Resubed 30 minutes ago, it shows on my microsoft account but the Xbox App doesn’t recognize it. Plus it fails to load every now and then when clicking through stuff, same shit as the microsoft store.


  • #31

It’s not letting me install from the Microsoft Store Page either. This is so fucking lame.

Install button doesn’t work. 3 dots button has two options, «Manage» which when clicked goes to a «Try that again» error page. Code 0x000001F7′
Other option is Install on My devices, comeup with «It looks like you don’t have an applicable devices llinked to your Microsoft account. To install , sign in on a device with your Micosoft Account». Get more info button on that page leads to a page showing my my devices my MS account is linked to, which this PC is showing up on. SO WTF !!??!?!!??
I played plenty of games on this PC via game pass already. Ori being the last just a few weeks ago. Yesterday everything seemed fine and I downloaded Gears Tactics via Xbox PC beta . So wtf man…… this is so shitty.

Last edited: Apr 29, 2020


  • #32

Yes, I had a similar issue as well and posted about it in a few threads. I found a solution that worked in my case:

I might have had that issue or a similar one and when I went into the settings, it said something about not being able to find my subscriptions. I couldn’t start or download anything. Posted about it in the Game Pass thread.

Microsoft support was obscenely difficult to contact here in Denmark, but before getting ahold of them, I saw an old thread on Reddit where someone encountered something kinda similar and what worked for them (and me), was signing out of the Microsoft store and signing back in again. Not the Xbox app, though do that afterwards, but the store itself.

If that doesn’t work I have no other suggestions :(


  • #33

Yes, I had a similar issue as well and posted about it in a few threads. I found a solution that worked in my case:

Thanks, reading through these threads now. Hopefully something , somewhere will work for me. As of now I’m locked out of game pass on PC.


  • #34

The only thing that worked for me was signing out of the store (not the App, but the store, as mentioned in the quote above). The Game Pass thread won’t be any help, I only linked to it to point out where I brought it up. Don’t remember much from the other thread, but at least you’re not alone in encountering an issue with the Xbox App failing to recognize a subscription.


  • #35

The only thing that worked for me was signing out of the store (not the App, but the store, as mentioned in the quote above). The Game Pass thread won’t be any help, I only linked to it to point out where I brought it up. Don’t remember much from the other thread, but at least you’re not alone in encountering an issue with the Xbox App failing to recognize a subscription.

Thanks for the sign out, sign back in tip but unfortunately it’s still not working. Updated Windows as well while I’ve been at it and nothings changed. I’m just gonna call it a day and hope it magically works next time I’m in the mood to play. It’s been a couple hours of trouble shooting, googling ect to no avail. This has been an incredibly frustrating experience today.

Mark It Zero!

  • #36

It might be conectivity issues. Even the MS store wasn’t working, but after refreshing like a mf the store decided to work and the Xbox App showed the install button on Ori and the will of the wisps.

Hopefully it will fix itself for you too OP.


  • #37

It might be conectivity issues. Even the MS store wasn’t working, but after refreshing like a mf the store decided to work and the Xbox App showed the install button on Ori and the will of the wisps.

Hopefully it will fix itself for you too OP.

Thanks and ya know you’re right. There might just be something going on with their end. I went to their help page to start up an email or something but I saw this on the site,


So perhaps I just tried to play at the wrong time and have been wasting my time trying to fix something that’s out of my hands.

Thanks for trying to help though everybody. Just hoping it all works tomorrow or something.


  • #38

Thanks for the sign out, sign back in tip but unfortunately it’s still not working. Updated Windows as well while I’ve been at it and nothings changed. I’m just gonna call it a day and hope it magically works next time I’m in the mood to play. It’s been a couple hours of trouble shooting, googling ect to no avail. This has been an incredibly frustrating experience today.

Not sure if you tried this, but I deleted and reinstalled the Windows Store just now via powershell and everything works now. Could try that.


  • #39

Thanks for the sign out, sign back in tip but unfortunately it’s still not working.

And I’m assuming it was the store itself and not the Xbox Beta App you signed out and in of? Annoying if so, sucks when things don’t work. I’m sure it’s the same problem I encountered, because the Danish (I’m from Denmark) translation of what happened would be something like: “We encountered an error and your subscriptions couldn’t be read (or loaded)”.


  • #40

Not sure if you tried this, but I deleted and reinstalled the Windows Store just now via powershell and everything works now. Could try that.

I could definitely try deleting the Windows store itself. Haven’t gone to that extent thanks for the tip.

And I’m assuming it was the store itself and not the Xbox Beta App you signed out and in of? Annoying if so, sucks when things don’t work. I’m sure it’s the same problem I encountered, because the Danish (I’m from Denmark) translation of what happened would be something like: “We encountered an error and your subscriptions couldn’t be read”.

Yes, same message, and yeah tried logging out of the store itself. I think it might be something on their end now according to their Xbox live status page.


  • #41

Nice to see Windows Store is still a shit show. I don’t do anything on my pc but game now so I can nuke and reinstall windows whenever it decides to act up. Seems to be actually faster than digging thru the internet to try to figure out whats actually wrong

Lizard Wizard

  • #42

I had the same problem a week ago but a reboot solved it.
I feel your pain, I’ve always had trouble installing apps with the Microsoft Store. People always recommend you run different Power Shell commands or run wsreset.exe from the Start Menu Search Bar but It would rarely fix my issues. Now is more of a problem since you have to use Microsoft Store for GamePass.

My recommendation would be to use the «Reset this PC» option in Settings > Update & Security > Recovery and get a fresh install of windows. My Xbox Wireless Adapter would not connect to my controller anymore and after a day of troubleshooting, the only option I could think was the full reset. It will fully reinstall windows and you have the option of keeping your personal files (though you should definitely have a full backup of some kind before using this option). Takes about 30 minutes to reinstall.

I know this is a last resort option but it’s always solved my issues with Windows.

DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device

Discus and support DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device in XBoX on Windows to solve the problem; I too have been receiving the same error over and over again when I try claiming my game pass included with the device. As someone previously suggested…
Discussion in ‘XBoX on Windows’ started by AjTK1, May 8, 2021.

  1. AjTK1

    DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device

    I too have been receiving the same error over and over again when I try claiming my game pass included with the device. As someone previously suggested changing the region to UK, I tried it too, but it didnt seem to work either. Could someone please help me with a solution?



  2. DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device

    Hello bud i m haveing same problem with my pass you found any solution? plz reply

  3. DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device

    Any luck? I too have this problem.

  4. DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device

    Nah dude, sorry.

    Not yet.

  5. Free xbox game pass DCAT-resource not found error

    Hello, first it’s a pleasure to be able to help you today.

    My name is

    I’m sorry for the inconvenience this situation is causing you.

    Welcome to the community. I hope I can help you in the best way.

    Hello RahulShinde7, check the Windows updates in you PC for the 21H1 Update, and then the Microsoft store for updates. Make sure that the store itself and the Xbox apps are up to date..

    Also see if the Microsoft Identity provider app is up-to-date in the Microsoft store.

    See which version of Windows 10 you have……

    KB5000736: Featured update to Windows 10, version 21H1 by using an enablement package

    Best regards,


    this is when you press xbox game pass in the xbox app, you press checkout and there is an error problem.



    2022/02/12 — 07:00:20 UTC


DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device

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DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device

Discus and support DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device in XBoX on Windows to solve the problem; I too have been receiving the same error over and over again when I try claiming my game pass included with the device. As someone previously suggested…
Discussion in ‘XBoX on Windows’ started by AjTK1, May 8, 2021.

  1. DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device

    I too have been receiving the same error over and over again when I try claiming my game pass included with the device. As someone previously suggested changing the region to UK, I tried it too, but it didnt seem to work either. Could someone please help me with a solution?


  2. DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device

    Hello bud i m haveing same problem with my pass you found any solution? plz reply

  3. DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device

    Any luck? I too have this problem.

  4. DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device

    Nah dude, sorry.

    Not yet.

  5. Free xbox game pass DCAT-resource not found error

    Hello, first it’s a pleasure to be able to help you today.

    My name is

    I’m sorry for the inconvenience this situation is causing you.

    Welcome to the community. I hope I can help you in the best way.

    Hello RahulShinde7, check the Windows updates in you PC for the 21H1 Update, and then the Microsoft store for updates. Make sure that the store itself and the Xbox apps are up to date..

    Also see if the Microsoft Identity provider app is up-to-date in the Microsoft store.

    See which version of Windows 10 you have……

    KB5000736: Featured update to Windows 10, version 21H1 by using an enablement package

    Best regards,


    this is when you press xbox game pass in the xbox app, you press checkout and there is an error problem.



    2022/02/12 — 07:00:20 UTC


DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device

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  • The 2022 Games of the Year results are in! Thank you to everyone that took the time to vote, and congratulations to all the winners!

Anyone run into this peculiar GamePass problem? Windows Xbox PC beta doesn’t acknowledge I have a sub.

  • Thread starter

  • Start date
    Apr 29, 2020

You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other websites correctly.
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  • #1

So yesterday I downloaded Gears Tactics via Windows and their Xbox app, went to play today but was met with an issue where my account isn’t showing I have a Gamepass sub. But here’s the thing, I was playing Moving Out via gamepass on my Xbox One just a hour ago. When I check on Microsofts site , , it says I have Gamepass Ultimate until October of this year. However when I look at the subscriptions under my Account via the Xbox PC Beta app which I launch games from, it comes up with an error saying «We encountered an error and your subscriptions failed to load». I’ve signed out an signed back in to triple check. It’s all the same email, same account I’m logging into on the xbox, the website and the windows app. So I’m at a loss here and was wondering if anyone else has run into this before.

It works now. It was all a screw up on Microsofts end. Just had to wait for their service to work again.

Last edited: Apr 30, 2020


  • #2

Happens when I’m connected to VPN. Have to restart with it disconnected.


  • #3

is it the same account logged into the PC / MS store on Win10?


  • #4

Happens when I’m connected to VPN. Have to restart with it disconnected.

Never used a VPN before.

is it the same account logged into the PC / MS store on Win10?

Yes, double and triple checked too.

  • #5

This happened to me a couple of week ago. I think I just updated and that fixed it.



Into the Woods
  • #6

Does your sub show in the Microsoft Store app?


  • #7

Never used a VPN before.

Yes, double and triple checked too.

is the PC region set to the same one as the account?

settings -> time and language -> region


  • #8

Does your sub show in the Microsoft Store app?

Yes it sure does.

This happened to me a couple of week ago. I think I just updated and that fixed it.

I was thinking this could be the problem but I’m not seeing anywhere to update the app itself. I’m thinking of uninstalling it and redownloading it right now.


  • #9

This happened to me recently. Just log out of the Xbox app and log back in. You can also check for updates through the Windows Store.


  • #10

is the PC region set to the same one as the account?

settings -> time and language -> region

I don’t see where to even change that in the «Xbox(Beta)» PC app. It’s not in it’s settings.



Into the Woods
  • #11

Then, does downloading and launching it through the Microsoft Store app work (or through the start menu/shortcut)? It might just be the Xbox app that’s fucked


  • #12

This happened to me recently. Just log out of the Xbox app and log back in. You can also check for updates through the Windows Store.

Thanks, I tried logging out and logging back in but that didn;t work. Going to go to the Windows store and see if it has an update.


  • #13

Do you have Game Pass Ultimate? Game Pass for Xbox doesn’t include Game Pass for PC unless it’s ultimate.


  • #14

I don’t see where to even change that in the «Xbox(Beta)» PC app. It’s not in it’s settings.

it would be on

under your info


  • #15

it would be on

under your info

Thanks found it. Everything is correct on that end.

Do you have Game Pass Ultimate? Game Pass for Xbox doesn’t include Game Pass for PC unless it’s ultimate.

Yes. Definitely have Ultimate.


  • #16

On the Windows store I do not see a place to update this App. Just lets me click «Download app now», which when I do, it just loads up the App that’s already installed. Id like to delete the whole Xbox PC App and download a fresh one, but I don;t even see it under my control panels Uninstall or Change a program list. This is getting frustrating.


  • #17

I had this issue last night while trying to download Gears Tactics.

I fixed it by downloading the Xbox beta app from the store, restarting my PC, then installing the required services app the Xbox beta app asked me to install.

After that, it was smooth sailing.


  • #18

I had this issue last night while trying to download Gears Tactics.

I fixed it by downloading the Xbox beta app from the store, restarting my PC, then installing the required services app the Xbox beta app asked me to install.

After that, it was smooth sailing.

Ill try restarting my PC right now, but did you manage to blow the Xbox beta app away on your PC before redownloading it from the store? I can’t find a way to get rid of it but I’m betting that this «required services app» it asked you to install is what I need to get a prompt to. I can;t find a way to update it manually.

Edit. Uninstalled from the all apps start menu on Win 10. Redownloading it from the store now.

Edit2, Redownloaded the App. Still fucked. Only this time Gears Tactics which was downloaded isn;t even populating on the left side of the app. This is so lame.

Last edited: Apr 29, 2020


  • #19

Does anyone know where WIndows puts the files of games you download via this Xbox PC beta app? I want to try launching it some other way if possible.


  • #20

I found Gears Tactics on the windows store, there’s an «Install» button I can click, but it does absolutely nothing. I’m assuming because the game is already installed? I fucking hate PC gaming. I really do. There are far too many variables that lead to all sorts of shit like this. I just want to play the game I downloaded yesterday. through the service I pay for.


  • #21

Just for shits and giggles I tried to buy gamepass for $1 just to see if it would let me and it gave me this error message ;

Give it another try
Something went wrong.



Into the Woods
  • #22

Does anyone know where WIndows puts the files of games you download via this Xbox PC beta app? I want to try launching it some other way if possible.

Launching the games via clicking on the executables doesn’t work

I found Gears Tactics on the windows store, there’s an «Install» button I can click, but it does absolutely nothing. I’m assuming because the game is already installed?

Have you tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling and launching the game via the Microsoft Store, not touching the Xbox app at all?


  • #23

Have you tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling and launching the game via the Microsoft Store, not touching the Xbox app at all?

I’m actually attempting to do that right now, but I’m having a hell of a time trying to find out where the Xbox PC beta app installs your games to . I want to delete it and just go through the store. Any help would be greatly appreciated because googling for its location isn’t helping. A lot of people don;t know where the games get saved to.


  • #24

Does anyone know where WIndows puts the files of games you download via this Xbox PC beta app? I want to try launching it some other way if possible.

gamepass doesn’t let you acess the gamefiles without going throu some stupid shit.
Gamepass for PC also never worked too well with me. Microsoft store sometimes works wells, very rarely. so do try to use that instead of the gamepass app.


  • #25

I’m running into this problem right now, except my windows store doesn’t load at all. It happened after I tried to region switch, which I’ve done in the past.


  • #26

gamepass doesn’t let you acess the gamefiles without going throu some stupid shit.
Gamepass for PC also never worked too well with me. Microsoft store sometimes works wells, very rarely. so do try to use that instead of the gamepass app.

I definitely will just go through the store in the future. But at the moment when I see Gears Tactics in the store, there’s an install button that doesn’t do a damn thing. So I want to delete the Gears Tactics I’ve installed thats hidden somewhere on my pc, and then reinstall via the store if possible.



Into the Woods
  • #27

I’m actually attempting to do that right now, but I’m having a hell of a time trying to find out where the Xbox PC beta app installs your games to . I want to delete it and just go through the store. Any help would be greatly appreciated because googling for its location isn’t helping. A lot of people don;t know where the games get saved to.

On my machine it installs to E:WindowsApps because I told it to install to E:, dunno where it installs by default but I’m assuming it’s sill in a folder called WindowsApps

It’s not appearing in the normal app uninstall menu?


  • #28

On my machine it installs to E:WindowsApps because I told it to install to E:, dunno where it installs by default but I’m assuming it’s sill in a folder called WindowsApps

It’s not appearing in the normal app uninstall menu?

Fuck I feel so stupid with Win 10. Yes I easily just uninstalled it from the app menu. I never think to go from that list while I’m digging through folders. Thank you, uninstalled. Going to attempt to install from the store now.


  • #29

In my experience, the Game Pass app for PC is garbage; it has a bunch of bugs. Just a few days ago, Gears 5 wouldn’t launch no matter what I did. Had to completely reinstall Windows to fix it.

Mark It Zero!

  • #30

I have the same problem. Resubed 30 minutes ago, it shows on my microsoft account but the Xbox App doesn’t recognize it. Plus it fails to load every now and then when clicking through stuff, same shit as the microsoft store.


  • #31

It’s not letting me install from the Microsoft Store Page either. This is so fucking lame.

Install button doesn’t work. 3 dots button has two options, «Manage» which when clicked goes to a «Try that again» error page. Code 0x000001F7′
Other option is Install on My devices, comeup with «It looks like you don’t have an applicable devices llinked to your Microsoft account. To install , sign in on a device with your Micosoft Account». Get more info button on that page leads to a page showing my my devices my MS account is linked to, which this PC is showing up on. SO WTF !!??!?!!??
I played plenty of games on this PC via game pass already. Ori being the last just a few weeks ago. Yesterday everything seemed fine and I downloaded Gears Tactics via Xbox PC beta . So wtf man…… this is so shitty.

Last edited: Apr 29, 2020


  • #32

Yes, I had a similar issue as well and posted about it in a few threads. I found a solution that worked in my case:

I might have had that issue or a similar one and when I went into the settings, it said something about not being able to find my subscriptions. I couldn’t start or download anything. Posted about it in the Game Pass thread.

Microsoft support was obscenely difficult to contact here in Denmark, but before getting ahold of them, I saw an old thread on Reddit where someone encountered something kinda similar and what worked for them (and me), was signing out of the Microsoft store and signing back in again. Not the Xbox app, though do that afterwards, but the store itself.

If that doesn’t work I have no other suggestions


  • #33

Yes, I had a similar issue as well and posted about it in a few threads. I found a solution that worked in my case:

Thanks, reading through these threads now. Hopefully something , somewhere will work for me. As of now I’m locked out of game pass on PC.


  • #34

The only thing that worked for me was signing out of the store (not the App, but the store, as mentioned in the quote above). The Game Pass thread won’t be any help, I only linked to it to point out where I brought it up. Don’t remember much from the other thread, but at least you’re not alone in encountering an issue with the Xbox App failing to recognize a subscription.


  • #35

The only thing that worked for me was signing out of the store (not the App, but the store, as mentioned in the quote above). The Game Pass thread won’t be any help, I only linked to it to point out where I brought it up. Don’t remember much from the other thread, but at least you’re not alone in encountering an issue with the Xbox App failing to recognize a subscription.

Thanks for the sign out, sign back in tip but unfortunately it’s still not working. Updated Windows as well while I’ve been at it and nothings changed. I’m just gonna call it a day and hope it magically works next time I’m in the mood to play. It’s been a couple hours of trouble shooting, googling ect to no avail. This has been an incredibly frustrating experience today.

Mark It Zero!

  • #36

It might be conectivity issues. Even the MS store wasn’t working, but after refreshing like a mf the store decided to work and the Xbox App showed the install button on Ori and the will of the wisps.

Hopefully it will fix itself for you too OP.


  • #37

It might be conectivity issues. Even the MS store wasn’t working, but after refreshing like a mf the store decided to work and the Xbox App showed the install button on Ori and the will of the wisps.

Hopefully it will fix itself for you too OP.

Thanks and ya know you’re right. There might just be something going on with their end. I went to their help page to start up an email or something but I saw this on the site,


So perhaps I just tried to play at the wrong time and have been wasting my time trying to fix something that’s out of my hands.

Thanks for trying to help though everybody. Just hoping it all works tomorrow or something.


  • #38

Thanks for the sign out, sign back in tip but unfortunately it’s still not working. Updated Windows as well while I’ve been at it and nothings changed. I’m just gonna call it a day and hope it magically works next time I’m in the mood to play. It’s been a couple hours of trouble shooting, googling ect to no avail. This has been an incredibly frustrating experience today.

Not sure if you tried this, but I deleted and reinstalled the Windows Store just now via powershell and everything works now. Could try that.


  • #39

Thanks for the sign out, sign back in tip but unfortunately it’s still not working.

And I’m assuming it was the store itself and not the Xbox Beta App you signed out and in of? Annoying if so, sucks when things don’t work. I’m sure it’s the same problem I encountered, because the Danish (I’m from Denmark) translation of what happened would be something like: “We encountered an error and your subscriptions couldn’t be read (or loaded)”.


  • #40

Not sure if you tried this, but I deleted and reinstalled the Windows Store just now via powershell and everything works now. Could try that.

I could definitely try deleting the Windows store itself. Haven’t gone to that extent thanks for the tip.

And I’m assuming it was the store itself and not the Xbox Beta App you signed out and in of? Annoying if so, sucks when things don’t work. I’m sure it’s the same problem I encountered, because the Danish (I’m from Denmark) translation of what happened would be something like: “We encountered an error and your subscriptions couldn’t be read”.

Yes, same message, and yeah tried logging out of the store itself. I think it might be something on their end now according to their Xbox live status page.


  • #41

Nice to see Windows Store is still a shit show. I don’t do anything on my pc but game now so I can nuke and reinstall windows whenever it decides to act up. Seems to be actually faster than digging thru the internet to try to figure out whats actually wrong

Lizard Wizard

  • #42

I had the same problem a week ago but a reboot solved it.
I feel your pain, I’ve always had trouble installing apps with the Microsoft Store. People always recommend you run different Power Shell commands or run wsreset.exe from the Start Menu Search Bar but It would rarely fix my issues. Now is more of a problem since you have to use Microsoft Store for GamePass.

My recommendation would be to use the «Reset this PC» option in Settings > Update & Security > Recovery and get a fresh install of windows. My Xbox Wireless Adapter would not connect to my controller anymore and after a day of troubleshooting, the only option I could think was the full reset. It will fully reinstall windows and you have the option of keeping your personal files (though you should definitely have a full backup of some kind before using this option). Takes about 30 minutes to reinstall.

I know this is a last resort option but it’s always solved my issues with Windows.

Никита Романов


Была та же ошибка с утра, сейчас попробовал как Данил писал, два последних символа убирал и вводил на сайте через телефон, и все на 5 раз код прошел 


Развернуть ветку

Марий Власов


Или просто нужно подождать?

Разумеется, это же майкрософт! У них всё зиждется на ожидании и беливах.


Развернуть ветку



Удаляй последний сивол и снова введи… Повторять до необходимого результата.
Такая же ошибка была вчера с турецким кодом

Ошибка на стороне Microsoft, целая тема на австрплийском форуме, про ошибку RiskPolicyReject


Развернуть ветку



Еще пробуй, у меня минут 10 заняло


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Попробуй завтра
и да с этой ощибкой тебе на горячую службу поддержки МS


Развернуть ветку

Симпатичный глобус


Да. Там всё будет заебись, надо только подождать.


Развернуть ветку



Сижу минут 15 уже пробую. Результата пока нет)


Развернуть ветку



Попробуй через старое приложение, если Android. Но там может появляться другая ошибка из-за которой, код придется вводить сначала


Развернуть ветку



Голда я так понимаю тоже нет. Скорее всего проблема с там что ключ не для Российского региона. Где брал?


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Гладкий чувак




Развернуть ветку

Греческий Влад


Комментарий недоступен


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DCAT-Resource not Found

Diskutiere und helfe bei DCAT-Resource not Found im Bereich Microsoft Office im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Hallo, ich versuche gerade mir den Testmonat Office 365 Tage runterzukommen laden. Ich bekomme die Fehlermeldung:
Versuchen Sie es noch einmal.Da hat…
Dieses Thema im Forum «Microsoft Office» wurde erstellt von CarlaBanach, 11. Oktober 2018.

  1. DCAT-Resource not Found

    Hallo, ich versuche gerade mir den Testmonat Office 365 Tage runterzukommen laden. Ich bekomme die Fehlermeldung:
    Versuchen Sie es noch einmal.Da hat etwas nicht geklappt.
    2018/10/11 — 13:42:09 UTC

    Was kann ich machen?

  2. DCAT-Resource not Found

    Hallo Carla,

    vielen Dank für deine Nachricht.

    Wann wird die Fehlermeldung genau angezeigt?

    Wurden die Zahlungsinformationen bereits hinterlegt?

  3. Office 2007

    hallo Thomas

    kommt die Fehlermeldung

    komme nicht zum download

    404 — File or directory not found. The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

  4. Office 2016 Offline Installationsprogramm

    Diese Fehlermeldung: Server Error
    404 — File or directory not found.

    The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

  5. Office 2016 neu installiert, stürzt aber beim Öffnen immer ab

    Hallo Thomas

    Danke für die Anleitung; leider funktioniert der Link zum Download von Version 15.21 nicht:…soft_Office_2016_15.21.1_160506_Installer.pkg

    Es erscheint diese Meldung:

    404 — File or directory not found. The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

  6. Service Pack 2 schlägt fehl

    Wenn ich die Anweisung im unteren Teil der Hilfe befolge (nach «Hinweise») muss man bei Punkt 3 aus Windows Update eine URL aufrufen (, die leider nur folgenden Inhalt hat:

    404 — File or directory not found.

    The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.



  7. User


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Halo Infinite был выпущен недавно, и игроки уже начали сталкиваться с ошибками и ошибками. Одна из ошибок DCAT Resource Not Found, что в некоторых случаях вызывает синие экраны смерти (BSoD). Хотя эта ошибка в основном распространена на ПК, пользователи Xbox также сталкиваются с этой проблемой.

343 Industries выпустила исправление, которое было предназначен для устранения проблемы. Однако, если вы не получили обновление или проблема все еще возникает, выполните следующие действия:

  • Откройте приложение Steam.
  • Откройте библиотеку Steam. и щелкните правой кнопкой мыши Halo Infinite.
  • Выберите вкладку «Локальные файлы».
  • После этого появится новое окно. Здесь выберите параметр «Проверить целостность файлов игры».

Если вы используете консоль Xbox или абонемент Xbox Game Pass на ПК, просто перезагрузите систему и поищите обновления.

Как упоминалось ранее, 343 Industries выпустила официальное исправление, поэтому убедитесь, что у вас установлена ​​последняя версия игры. Если проблема не исчезнет, ​​попробуйте переустановить игру или отключить брандмауэр, если он есть. Если ничего не помогает, обратитесь в службу поддержки Halo и сообщите об этом.

Никита Романов


Была та же ошибка с утра, сейчас попробовал как Данил писал, два последних символа убирал и вводил на сайте через телефон, и все на 5 раз код прошел 


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Марий Власов


Или просто нужно подождать?

Разумеется, это же майкрософт! У них всё зиждется на ожидании и беливах.


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Удаляй последний сивол и снова введи… Повторять до необходимого результата.
Такая же ошибка была вчера с турецким кодом

Ошибка на стороне Microsoft, целая тема на австрплийском форуме, про ошибку RiskPolicyReject


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Еще пробуй, у меня минут 10 заняло


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Попробуй завтра
и да с этой ощибкой тебе на горячую службу поддержки МS


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Силовой паркур


Да. Там всё будет заебись, надо только подождать.


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Сижу минут 15 уже пробую. Результата пока нет)


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Попробуй через старое приложение, если Android. Но там может появляться другая ошибка из-за которой, код придется вводить сначала


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Голда я так понимаю тоже нет. Скорее всего проблема с там что ключ не для Российского региона. Где брал?


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Склонный единорожек88




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На чтение 2 мин Просмотров 1.7к. Опубликовано 05.09.2022

При установке Forza Horizon 5 может появиться ошибка 0x80070005, как правило, это означает, что у пользователя проблемы с правами доступа в Store. Ошибка может возникать по разным причинам.

Возможные причины неполадок и способы их устранения

Права доступа

  • В поисковой строке набрать %appdata%, OK;
  • Найти в Appdata папку Local, а в ней Packages;
  • В свойствах Packages зайти во вкладку «Безопасность»;
  • В дополнительных свойствах прав доступа, выставить «Полное разрешение»;
  • Подтвердить.

Путь к скачанным файлам

Проблема может быть связана с неправильным хранением загрузочного файла Windows St. Изменение пути файлов загрузки на значение по умолчанию, обычно решает проблему:

  • На клавиатуре вызвать кнопку Win+ R, чтобы открыть «Выполнить»;
  • Ввести regedit и после подтверждения запустить редактор реестра;
  • В левой панели окна перейти в каталог
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > ПРОГРАММНОЕ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЕ> Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion;
  • В разделе Appx, найти CurrentVersion и указать себя как владельца;
  • В правой панели два раза щелкнуть по PackageRoot для возможности редактирования;
  • После переноса загрузочного файла, проверить, чтобы путь выглядел так (C:Program Files WinApps), подтвердить и ресетнуть ПК.

После перезагрузки необходимо обновить или переустановить программу.

Обнуление всей КЕШ для Windows Store на ПК

  • Если на ПК стоит ОС 10 поколения, решением послужит обычное обнуление содержимого кеш:
  • Открыть команду запуска;
  • Ввести wsreset.exe и “Выполнить”, а затем клавишу Enter;
  • Выполнить запрос;
  • Reset ПК.

Обновление регистрации Windows Store

В меню “Пуск” открыть “powershell” с правами админа и запустить код:

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Неограниченное добавление-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode

-Регистрация $Env:SystemRootWinStoreAppxManifest.XML

После выполнения команды перезагрузить ПК.

Синхронизация настроек даты и времени

Иногда несинхронизированные данные магазина и Windows 10 на ПК могут стать причиной возникновения ошибки:

  • Открыть Дата и Время, кликнуть на «Изменить настройки даты и времени»;
  • Проверить значение и нажать ОК;
  • Выставить правильный часовой пояс, “ОК”;
  • Перезагрузить ПК.

После всех действий можно устанавливать и / или обновлять приложения из Windows Store.

В случае если ни один метод не сработал, есть не самое приятное, но действенное решение – создать новую учетную запись, а старую удалить.

  • The 2022 Games of the Year results are in! Thank you to everyone that took the time to vote, and congratulations to all the winners!

Anyone run into this peculiar GamePass problem? Windows Xbox PC beta doesn’t acknowledge I have a sub.

  • Thread starter

  • Start date
    Apr 29, 2020

You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other websites correctly.
You should upgrade or use an alternative browser.


  • #1

So yesterday I downloaded Gears Tactics via Windows and their Xbox app, went to play today but was met with an issue where my account isn’t showing I have a Gamepass sub. But here’s the thing, I was playing Moving Out via gamepass on my Xbox One just a hour ago. When I check on Microsofts site , , it says I have Gamepass Ultimate until October of this year. However when I look at the subscriptions under my Account via the Xbox PC Beta app which I launch games from, it comes up with an error saying «We encountered an error and your subscriptions failed to load». I’ve signed out an signed back in to triple check. It’s all the same email, same account I’m logging into on the xbox, the website and the windows app. So I’m at a loss here and was wondering if anyone else has run into this before.

It works now. It was all a screw up on Microsofts end. Just had to wait for their service to work again.

Last edited: Apr 30, 2020


  • #2

Happens when I’m connected to VPN. Have to restart with it disconnected.


  • #3

is it the same account logged into the PC / MS store on Win10?


  • #4

Happens when I’m connected to VPN. Have to restart with it disconnected.

Never used a VPN before.

is it the same account logged into the PC / MS store on Win10?

Yes, double and triple checked too.

  • #5

This happened to me a couple of week ago. I think I just updated and that fixed it.



Into the Woods
  • #6

Does your sub show in the Microsoft Store app?


  • #7

Never used a VPN before.

Yes, double and triple checked too.

is the PC region set to the same one as the account?

settings -> time and language -> region


  • #8

Does your sub show in the Microsoft Store app?

Yes it sure does.

This happened to me a couple of week ago. I think I just updated and that fixed it.

I was thinking this could be the problem but I’m not seeing anywhere to update the app itself. I’m thinking of uninstalling it and redownloading it right now.


  • #9

This happened to me recently. Just log out of the Xbox app and log back in. You can also check for updates through the Windows Store.


  • #10

is the PC region set to the same one as the account?

settings -> time and language -> region

I don’t see where to even change that in the «Xbox(Beta)» PC app. It’s not in it’s settings.



Into the Woods
  • #11

Then, does downloading and launching it through the Microsoft Store app work (or through the start menu/shortcut)? It might just be the Xbox app that’s fucked


  • #12

This happened to me recently. Just log out of the Xbox app and log back in. You can also check for updates through the Windows Store.

Thanks, I tried logging out and logging back in but that didn;t work. Going to go to the Windows store and see if it has an update.


  • #13

Do you have Game Pass Ultimate? Game Pass for Xbox doesn’t include Game Pass for PC unless it’s ultimate.


  • #14

I don’t see where to even change that in the «Xbox(Beta)» PC app. It’s not in it’s settings.

it would be on

under your info


  • #15

it would be on

under your info

Thanks found it. Everything is correct on that end.

Do you have Game Pass Ultimate? Game Pass for Xbox doesn’t include Game Pass for PC unless it’s ultimate.

Yes. Definitely have Ultimate.


  • #16

On the Windows store I do not see a place to update this App. Just lets me click «Download app now», which when I do, it just loads up the App that’s already installed. Id like to delete the whole Xbox PC App and download a fresh one, but I don;t even see it under my control panels Uninstall or Change a program list. This is getting frustrating.


  • #17

I had this issue last night while trying to download Gears Tactics.

I fixed it by downloading the Xbox beta app from the store, restarting my PC, then installing the required services app the Xbox beta app asked me to install.

After that, it was smooth sailing.


  • #18

I had this issue last night while trying to download Gears Tactics.

I fixed it by downloading the Xbox beta app from the store, restarting my PC, then installing the required services app the Xbox beta app asked me to install.

After that, it was smooth sailing.

Ill try restarting my PC right now, but did you manage to blow the Xbox beta app away on your PC before redownloading it from the store? I can’t find a way to get rid of it but I’m betting that this «required services app» it asked you to install is what I need to get a prompt to. I can;t find a way to update it manually.

Edit. Uninstalled from the all apps start menu on Win 10. Redownloading it from the store now.

Edit2, Redownloaded the App. Still fucked. Only this time Gears Tactics which was downloaded isn;t even populating on the left side of the app. This is so lame.

Last edited: Apr 29, 2020


  • #19

Does anyone know where WIndows puts the files of games you download via this Xbox PC beta app? I want to try launching it some other way if possible.


  • #20

I found Gears Tactics on the windows store, there’s an «Install» button I can click, but it does absolutely nothing. I’m assuming because the game is already installed? I fucking hate PC gaming. I really do. There are far too many variables that lead to all sorts of shit like this. I just want to play the game I downloaded yesterday. through the service I pay for.


  • #21

Just for shits and giggles I tried to buy gamepass for $1 just to see if it would let me and it gave me this error message ;

Give it another try
Something went wrong.



Into the Woods
  • #22

Does anyone know where WIndows puts the files of games you download via this Xbox PC beta app? I want to try launching it some other way if possible.

Launching the games via clicking on the executables doesn’t work

I found Gears Tactics on the windows store, there’s an «Install» button I can click, but it does absolutely nothing. I’m assuming because the game is already installed?

Have you tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling and launching the game via the Microsoft Store, not touching the Xbox app at all?


  • #23

Have you tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling and launching the game via the Microsoft Store, not touching the Xbox app at all?

I’m actually attempting to do that right now, but I’m having a hell of a time trying to find out where the Xbox PC beta app installs your games to . I want to delete it and just go through the store. Any help would be greatly appreciated because googling for its location isn’t helping. A lot of people don;t know where the games get saved to.


  • #24

Does anyone know where WIndows puts the files of games you download via this Xbox PC beta app? I want to try launching it some other way if possible.

gamepass doesn’t let you acess the gamefiles without going throu some stupid shit.
Gamepass for PC also never worked too well with me. Microsoft store sometimes works wells, very rarely. so do try to use that instead of the gamepass app.


  • #25

I’m running into this problem right now, except my windows store doesn’t load at all. It happened after I tried to region switch, which I’ve done in the past.


  • #26

gamepass doesn’t let you acess the gamefiles without going throu some stupid shit.
Gamepass for PC also never worked too well with me. Microsoft store sometimes works wells, very rarely. so do try to use that instead of the gamepass app.

I definitely will just go through the store in the future. But at the moment when I see Gears Tactics in the store, there’s an install button that doesn’t do a damn thing. So I want to delete the Gears Tactics I’ve installed thats hidden somewhere on my pc, and then reinstall via the store if possible.



Into the Woods
  • #27

I’m actually attempting to do that right now, but I’m having a hell of a time trying to find out where the Xbox PC beta app installs your games to . I want to delete it and just go through the store. Any help would be greatly appreciated because googling for its location isn’t helping. A lot of people don;t know where the games get saved to.

On my machine it installs to E:WindowsApps because I told it to install to E:, dunno where it installs by default but I’m assuming it’s sill in a folder called WindowsApps

It’s not appearing in the normal app uninstall menu?


  • #28

On my machine it installs to E:WindowsApps because I told it to install to E:, dunno where it installs by default but I’m assuming it’s sill in a folder called WindowsApps

It’s not appearing in the normal app uninstall menu?

Fuck I feel so stupid with Win 10. Yes I easily just uninstalled it from the app menu. I never think to go from that list while I’m digging through folders. Thank you, uninstalled. Going to attempt to install from the store now.


  • #29

In my experience, the Game Pass app for PC is garbage; it has a bunch of bugs. Just a few days ago, Gears 5 wouldn’t launch no matter what I did. Had to completely reinstall Windows to fix it.

Mark It Zero!

  • #30

I have the same problem. Resubed 30 minutes ago, it shows on my microsoft account but the Xbox App doesn’t recognize it. Plus it fails to load every now and then when clicking through stuff, same shit as the microsoft store.


  • #31

It’s not letting me install from the Microsoft Store Page either. This is so fucking lame.

Install button doesn’t work. 3 dots button has two options, «Manage» which when clicked goes to a «Try that again» error page. Code 0x000001F7′
Other option is Install on My devices, comeup with «It looks like you don’t have an applicable devices llinked to your Microsoft account. To install , sign in on a device with your Micosoft Account». Get more info button on that page leads to a page showing my my devices my MS account is linked to, which this PC is showing up on. SO WTF !!??!?!!??
I played plenty of games on this PC via game pass already. Ori being the last just a few weeks ago. Yesterday everything seemed fine and I downloaded Gears Tactics via Xbox PC beta . So wtf man…… this is so shitty.

Last edited: Apr 29, 2020


  • #32

Yes, I had a similar issue as well and posted about it in a few threads. I found a solution that worked in my case:

I might have had that issue or a similar one and when I went into the settings, it said something about not being able to find my subscriptions. I couldn’t start or download anything. Posted about it in the Game Pass thread.

Microsoft support was obscenely difficult to contact here in Denmark, but before getting ahold of them, I saw an old thread on Reddit where someone encountered something kinda similar and what worked for them (and me), was signing out of the Microsoft store and signing back in again. Not the Xbox app, though do that afterwards, but the store itself.

If that doesn’t work I have no other suggestions


  • #33

Yes, I had a similar issue as well and posted about it in a few threads. I found a solution that worked in my case:

Thanks, reading through these threads now. Hopefully something , somewhere will work for me. As of now I’m locked out of game pass on PC.


  • #34

The only thing that worked for me was signing out of the store (not the App, but the store, as mentioned in the quote above). The Game Pass thread won’t be any help, I only linked to it to point out where I brought it up. Don’t remember much from the other thread, but at least you’re not alone in encountering an issue with the Xbox App failing to recognize a subscription.


  • #35

The only thing that worked for me was signing out of the store (not the App, but the store, as mentioned in the quote above). The Game Pass thread won’t be any help, I only linked to it to point out where I brought it up. Don’t remember much from the other thread, but at least you’re not alone in encountering an issue with the Xbox App failing to recognize a subscription.

Thanks for the sign out, sign back in tip but unfortunately it’s still not working. Updated Windows as well while I’ve been at it and nothings changed. I’m just gonna call it a day and hope it magically works next time I’m in the mood to play. It’s been a couple hours of trouble shooting, googling ect to no avail. This has been an incredibly frustrating experience today.

Mark It Zero!

  • #36

It might be conectivity issues. Even the MS store wasn’t working, but after refreshing like a mf the store decided to work and the Xbox App showed the install button on Ori and the will of the wisps.

Hopefully it will fix itself for you too OP.


  • #37

It might be conectivity issues. Even the MS store wasn’t working, but after refreshing like a mf the store decided to work and the Xbox App showed the install button on Ori and the will of the wisps.

Hopefully it will fix itself for you too OP.

Thanks and ya know you’re right. There might just be something going on with their end. I went to their help page to start up an email or something but I saw this on the site,


So perhaps I just tried to play at the wrong time and have been wasting my time trying to fix something that’s out of my hands.

Thanks for trying to help though everybody. Just hoping it all works tomorrow or something.


  • #38

Thanks for the sign out, sign back in tip but unfortunately it’s still not working. Updated Windows as well while I’ve been at it and nothings changed. I’m just gonna call it a day and hope it magically works next time I’m in the mood to play. It’s been a couple hours of trouble shooting, googling ect to no avail. This has been an incredibly frustrating experience today.

Not sure if you tried this, but I deleted and reinstalled the Windows Store just now via powershell and everything works now. Could try that.


  • #39

Thanks for the sign out, sign back in tip but unfortunately it’s still not working.

And I’m assuming it was the store itself and not the Xbox Beta App you signed out and in of? Annoying if so, sucks when things don’t work. I’m sure it’s the same problem I encountered, because the Danish (I’m from Denmark) translation of what happened would be something like: “We encountered an error and your subscriptions couldn’t be read (or loaded)”.


  • #40

Not sure if you tried this, but I deleted and reinstalled the Windows Store just now via powershell and everything works now. Could try that.

I could definitely try deleting the Windows store itself. Haven’t gone to that extent thanks for the tip.

And I’m assuming it was the store itself and not the Xbox Beta App you signed out and in of? Annoying if so, sucks when things don’t work. I’m sure it’s the same problem I encountered, because the Danish (I’m from Denmark) translation of what happened would be something like: “We encountered an error and your subscriptions couldn’t be read”.

Yes, same message, and yeah tried logging out of the store itself. I think it might be something on their end now according to their Xbox live status page.


  • #41

Nice to see Windows Store is still a shit show. I don’t do anything on my pc but game now so I can nuke and reinstall windows whenever it decides to act up. Seems to be actually faster than digging thru the internet to try to figure out whats actually wrong

Lizard Wizard

  • #42

I had the same problem a week ago but a reboot solved it.
I feel your pain, I’ve always had trouble installing apps with the Microsoft Store. People always recommend you run different Power Shell commands or run wsreset.exe from the Start Menu Search Bar but It would rarely fix my issues. Now is more of a problem since you have to use Microsoft Store for GamePass.

My recommendation would be to use the «Reset this PC» option in Settings > Update & Security > Recovery and get a fresh install of windows. My Xbox Wireless Adapter would not connect to my controller anymore and after a day of troubleshooting, the only option I could think was the full reset. It will fully reinstall windows and you have the option of keeping your personal files (though you should definitely have a full backup of some kind before using this option). Takes about 30 minutes to reinstall.

I know this is a last resort option but it’s always solved my issues with Windows.

DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device

Discus and support DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device in XBoX on Windows to solve the problem; I too have been receiving the same error over and over again when I try claiming my game pass included with the device. As someone previously suggested…
Discussion in ‘XBoX on Windows’ started by AjTK1, May 8, 2021.

  1. DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device

    I too have been receiving the same error over and over again when I try claiming my game pass included with the device. As someone previously suggested changing the region to UK, I tried it too, but it didnt seem to work either. Could someone please help me with a solution?



  2. DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device

    Hello bud i m haveing same problem with my pass you found any solution? plz reply

  3. DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device

    Any luck? I too have this problem.

  4. DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device

    Nah dude, sorry.

    Not yet.

  5. Free xbox game pass DCAT-resource not found error

    Hello, first it’s a pleasure to be able to help you today.

    My name is

    I’m sorry for the inconvenience this situation is causing you.

    Welcome to the community. I hope I can help you in the best way.

    Hello RahulShinde7, check the Windows updates in you PC for the 21H1 Update, and then the Microsoft store for updates. Make sure that the store itself and the Xbox apps are up to date..

    Also see if the Microsoft Identity provider app is up-to-date in the Microsoft store.

    See which version of Windows 10 you have……

    KB5000736: Featured update to Windows 10, version 21H1 by using an enablement package

    Best regards,


    this is when you press xbox game pass in the xbox app, you press checkout and there is an error problem.



    2022/02/12 — 07:00:20 UTC


DCAT resource not found error on xbox game pass included with device

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Getting a DCAT-ResourceNotFound error when I try to claim the 1 month of GP that comes with my computer

When I try claiming my 1 month of game pass by going to the ms store, I get this error: DCAT-ResourceNotFound. Any clue what might be causing this? Google hasn’t helped me at all

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Halo Infinite был выпущен недавно, и игроки уже начали сталкиваться с ошибками и ошибками. Одна из ошибок DCAT Resource Not Found, что в некоторых случаях вызывает синие экраны смерти (BSoD). Хотя эта ошибка в основном распространена на ПК, пользователи Xbox также сталкиваются с этой проблемой.

343 Industries выпустила исправление, которое было предназначен для устранения проблемы. Однако, если вы не получили обновление или проблема все еще возникает, выполните следующие действия:

  • Откройте приложение Steam.
  • Откройте библиотеку Steam. и щелкните правой кнопкой мыши Halo Infinite.
  • Выберите вкладку «Локальные файлы».
  • После этого появится новое окно. Здесь выберите параметр «Проверить целостность файлов игры».

Если вы используете консоль Xbox или абонемент Xbox Game Pass на ПК, просто перезагрузите систему и поищите обновления.

Как упоминалось ранее, 343 Industries выпустила официальное исправление, поэтому убедитесь, что у вас установлена ​​последняя версия игры. Если проблема не исчезнет, ​​попробуйте переустановить игру или отключить брандмауэр, если он есть. Если ничего не помогает, обратитесь в службу поддержки Halo и сообщите об этом.

Updated On: 

Halo Infinite’s DCAT Resource Not Found error is causing blue screens of death for some PC users and crashes for Xbox consoles.

Microsoft has pushed out a patch to address the issue but you may need to verify your game files for it to take effect.

If the solutions listed in the guide do not work, you need to contact Microsoft’s customer support for further assistance.

Halo Infinite just launched and players are excited to try the game out. But it turns out that some players are facing the DCAT Resource Not Found error which is causing blue screens of death in some cases. It is an issue on the developers’ end and a patch has already been deployed. But if you still cannot access the game, there is an easy fix for the issue.

How to fix DCAT Resource Not Found in Halo Infinite

If you are running into the DCAT Resource Not Found Error in Halo: Infinite, you need to update to the latest version of the game before trying out any other solutions. The error was common in the launch version of the game and 343 Industries was quick to notice the issue. A fix has been deployed to prevent blue screens and crashes caused by the game.

Halo Community Director at 343 Industries stated that “players on Xbox/WinStore are likely hitting some blue screens/errors trying to launch. The build is still publishing and rolling out, expected to resolve in due time.”

Fix the DCAT Resource Not Found Error in Halo Infinite (Steam)

  1. Open your Steam Library.

  2. Right-click on Halo: Infinite, and then click Properties.

  3. Click the Local Files tab.

  4. Click Verify Integrity of Game Files to perform the repair installation.

Fix the DCAT Resource Not Found Error in Halo Infinite (Xbox and Game Pass PC)

If you downloaded the game from Game Pass on PC or on your Xbox:

  1. Close Halo: Infinite

  2. Restart your Xbox or the Game Pass app on PC

  3. Launch Halo: Infinite

  4. If there are pending updates, the game will update automatically.

Published On: 

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Abhimannu is a PC esports writer at AFK Gaming. With over seven years of experience in esports journalism, he has worked on a myriad of games and their ecosystems including Valorant, Overwatch and Apex Legends.

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Anyone run into this peculiar GamePass problem? Windows Xbox PC beta doesn’t acknowledge I have a sub.

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  • #1

So yesterday I downloaded Gears Tactics via Windows and their Xbox app, went to play today but was met with an issue where my account isn’t showing I have a Gamepass sub. But here’s the thing, I was playing Moving Out via gamepass on my Xbox One just a hour ago. When I check on Microsofts site , , it says I have Gamepass Ultimate until October of this year. However when I look at the subscriptions under my Account via the Xbox PC Beta app which I launch games from, it comes up with an error saying «We encountered an error and your subscriptions failed to load». I’ve signed out an signed back in to triple check. It’s all the same email, same account I’m logging into on the xbox, the website and the windows app. So I’m at a loss here and was wondering if anyone else has run into this before.

It works now. It was all a screw up on Microsofts end. Just had to wait for their service to work again.

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  • #2

Happens when I’m connected to VPN. Have to restart with it disconnected.


  • #3

is it the same account logged into the PC / MS store on Win10?


  • #4

Happens when I’m connected to VPN. Have to restart with it disconnected.

Never used a VPN before.

is it the same account logged into the PC / MS store on Win10?

Yes, double and triple checked too.

  • #5

This happened to me a couple of week ago. I think I just updated and that fixed it.



Into the Woods

  • #6

Does your sub show in the Microsoft Store app?


  • #7

Never used a VPN before.

Yes, double and triple checked too.

is the PC region set to the same one as the account?

settings -> time and language -> region


  • #8

Does your sub show in the Microsoft Store app?

Yes it sure does.

This happened to me a couple of week ago. I think I just updated and that fixed it.

I was thinking this could be the problem but I’m not seeing anywhere to update the app itself. I’m thinking of uninstalling it and redownloading it right now.


  • #9

This happened to me recently. Just log out of the Xbox app and log back in. You can also check for updates through the Windows Store.


  • #10

is the PC region set to the same one as the account?

settings -> time and language -> region

I don’t see where to even change that in the «Xbox(Beta)» PC app. It’s not in it’s settings.



Into the Woods

  • #11

Then, does downloading and launching it through the Microsoft Store app work (or through the start menu/shortcut)? It might just be the Xbox app that’s fucked


  • #12

This happened to me recently. Just log out of the Xbox app and log back in. You can also check for updates through the Windows Store.

Thanks, I tried logging out and logging back in but that didn;t work. Going to go to the Windows store and see if it has an update.


  • #13

Do you have Game Pass Ultimate? Game Pass for Xbox doesn’t include Game Pass for PC unless it’s ultimate.


  • #14

I don’t see where to even change that in the «Xbox(Beta)» PC app. It’s not in it’s settings.

it would be on

under your info


  • #15

it would be on

under your info

Thanks found it. Everything is correct on that end.

Do you have Game Pass Ultimate? Game Pass for Xbox doesn’t include Game Pass for PC unless it’s ultimate.

Yes. Definitely have Ultimate.


  • #16

On the Windows store I do not see a place to update this App. Just lets me click «Download app now», which when I do, it just loads up the App that’s already installed. Id like to delete the whole Xbox PC App and download a fresh one, but I don;t even see it under my control panels Uninstall or Change a program list. This is getting frustrating.


  • #17

I had this issue last night while trying to download Gears Tactics.

I fixed it by downloading the Xbox beta app from the store, restarting my PC, then installing the required services app the Xbox beta app asked me to install.

After that, it was smooth sailing.


  • #18

I had this issue last night while trying to download Gears Tactics.

I fixed it by downloading the Xbox beta app from the store, restarting my PC, then installing the required services app the Xbox beta app asked me to install.

After that, it was smooth sailing.

Ill try restarting my PC right now, but did you manage to blow the Xbox beta app away on your PC before redownloading it from the store? I can’t find a way to get rid of it but I’m betting that this «required services app» it asked you to install is what I need to get a prompt to. I can;t find a way to update it manually.

Edit. Uninstalled from the all apps start menu on Win 10. Redownloading it from the store now.

Edit2, Redownloaded the App. Still fucked. Only this time Gears Tactics which was downloaded isn;t even populating on the left side of the app. This is so lame.

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  • #19

Does anyone know where WIndows puts the files of games you download via this Xbox PC beta app? I want to try launching it some other way if possible.


  • #20

I found Gears Tactics on the windows store, there’s an «Install» button I can click, but it does absolutely nothing. I’m assuming because the game is already installed? I fucking hate PC gaming. I really do. There are far too many variables that lead to all sorts of shit like this. I just want to play the game I downloaded yesterday. through the service I pay for.


  • #21

Just for shits and giggles I tried to buy gamepass for $1 just to see if it would let me and it gave me this error message ;

Give it another try
Something went wrong.



Into the Woods

  • #22

Does anyone know where WIndows puts the files of games you download via this Xbox PC beta app? I want to try launching it some other way if possible.

Launching the games via clicking on the executables doesn’t work

I found Gears Tactics on the windows store, there’s an «Install» button I can click, but it does absolutely nothing. I’m assuming because the game is already installed?

Have you tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling and launching the game via the Microsoft Store, not touching the Xbox app at all?


  • #23

Have you tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling and launching the game via the Microsoft Store, not touching the Xbox app at all?

I’m actually attempting to do that right now, but I’m having a hell of a time trying to find out where the Xbox PC beta app installs your games to . I want to delete it and just go through the store. Any help would be greatly appreciated because googling for its location isn’t helping. A lot of people don;t know where the games get saved to.


  • #24

Does anyone know where WIndows puts the files of games you download via this Xbox PC beta app? I want to try launching it some other way if possible.

gamepass doesn’t let you acess the gamefiles without going throu some stupid shit.
Gamepass for PC also never worked too well with me. Microsoft store sometimes works wells, very rarely. so do try to use that instead of the gamepass app.


  • #25

I’m running into this problem right now, except my windows store doesn’t load at all. It happened after I tried to region switch, which I’ve done in the past.


  • #26

gamepass doesn’t let you acess the gamefiles without going throu some stupid shit.
Gamepass for PC also never worked too well with me. Microsoft store sometimes works wells, very rarely. so do try to use that instead of the gamepass app.

I definitely will just go through the store in the future. But at the moment when I see Gears Tactics in the store, there’s an install button that doesn’t do a damn thing. So I want to delete the Gears Tactics I’ve installed thats hidden somewhere on my pc, and then reinstall via the store if possible.



Into the Woods

  • #27

I’m actually attempting to do that right now, but I’m having a hell of a time trying to find out where the Xbox PC beta app installs your games to . I want to delete it and just go through the store. Any help would be greatly appreciated because googling for its location isn’t helping. A lot of people don;t know where the games get saved to.

On my machine it installs to E:\WindowsApps because I told it to install to E:\, dunno where it installs by default but I’m assuming it’s sill in a folder called WindowsApps

It’s not appearing in the normal app uninstall menu?


  • #28

On my machine it installs to E:\WindowsApps because I told it to install to E:\, dunno where it installs by default but I’m assuming it’s sill in a folder called WindowsApps

It’s not appearing in the normal app uninstall menu?

Fuck I feel so stupid with Win 10. Yes I easily just uninstalled it from the app menu. I never think to go from that list while I’m digging through folders. Thank you, uninstalled. Going to attempt to install from the store now.


  • #29

In my experience, the Game Pass app for PC is garbage; it has a bunch of bugs. Just a few days ago, Gears 5 wouldn’t launch no matter what I did. Had to completely reinstall Windows to fix it.

Mark It Zero!

  • #30

I have the same problem. Resubed 30 minutes ago, it shows on my microsoft account but the Xbox App doesn’t recognize it. Plus it fails to load every now and then when clicking through stuff, same shit as the microsoft store.


  • #31

It’s not letting me install from the Microsoft Store Page either. This is so fucking lame.

Install button doesn’t work. 3 dots button has two options, «Manage» which when clicked goes to a «Try that again» error page. Code 0x000001F7′
Other option is Install on My devices, comeup with «It looks like you don’t have an applicable devices llinked to your Microsoft account. To install , sign in on a device with your Micosoft Account». Get more info button on that page leads to a page showing my my devices my MS account is linked to, which this PC is showing up on. SO WTF !!??!?!!??
I played plenty of games on this PC via game pass already. Ori being the last just a few weeks ago. Yesterday everything seemed fine and I downloaded Gears Tactics via Xbox PC beta . So wtf man…… this is so shitty.

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  • #32

Yes, I had a similar issue as well and posted about it in a few threads. I found a solution that worked in my case:

I might have had that issue or a similar one and when I went into the settings, it said something about not being able to find my subscriptions. I couldn’t start or download anything. Posted about it in the Game Pass thread.

Microsoft support was obscenely difficult to contact here in Denmark, but before getting ahold of them, I saw an old thread on Reddit where someone encountered something kinda similar and what worked for them (and me), was signing out of the Microsoft store and signing back in again. Not the Xbox app, though do that afterwards, but the store itself.

If that doesn’t work I have no other suggestions :(


  • #33

Yes, I had a similar issue as well and posted about it in a few threads. I found a solution that worked in my case:

Thanks, reading through these threads now. Hopefully something , somewhere will work for me. As of now I’m locked out of game pass on PC.


  • #34

The only thing that worked for me was signing out of the store (not the App, but the store, as mentioned in the quote above). The Game Pass thread won’t be any help, I only linked to it to point out where I brought it up. Don’t remember much from the other thread, but at least you’re not alone in encountering an issue with the Xbox App failing to recognize a subscription.


  • #35

The only thing that worked for me was signing out of the store (not the App, but the store, as mentioned in the quote above). The Game Pass thread won’t be any help, I only linked to it to point out where I brought it up. Don’t remember much from the other thread, but at least you’re not alone in encountering an issue with the Xbox App failing to recognize a subscription.

Thanks for the sign out, sign back in tip but unfortunately it’s still not working. Updated Windows as well while I’ve been at it and nothings changed. I’m just gonna call it a day and hope it magically works next time I’m in the mood to play. It’s been a couple hours of trouble shooting, googling ect to no avail. This has been an incredibly frustrating experience today.

Mark It Zero!

  • #36

It might be conectivity issues. Even the MS store wasn’t working, but after refreshing like a mf the store decided to work and the Xbox App showed the install button on Ori and the will of the wisps.

Hopefully it will fix itself for you too OP.


  • #37

It might be conectivity issues. Even the MS store wasn’t working, but after refreshing like a mf the store decided to work and the Xbox App showed the install button on Ori and the will of the wisps.

Hopefully it will fix itself for you too OP.

Thanks and ya know you’re right. There might just be something going on with their end. I went to their help page to start up an email or something but I saw this on the site,


So perhaps I just tried to play at the wrong time and have been wasting my time trying to fix something that’s out of my hands.

Thanks for trying to help though everybody. Just hoping it all works tomorrow or something.


  • #38

Thanks for the sign out, sign back in tip but unfortunately it’s still not working. Updated Windows as well while I’ve been at it and nothings changed. I’m just gonna call it a day and hope it magically works next time I’m in the mood to play. It’s been a couple hours of trouble shooting, googling ect to no avail. This has been an incredibly frustrating experience today.

Not sure if you tried this, but I deleted and reinstalled the Windows Store just now via powershell and everything works now. Could try that.


  • #39

Thanks for the sign out, sign back in tip but unfortunately it’s still not working.

And I’m assuming it was the store itself and not the Xbox Beta App you signed out and in of? Annoying if so, sucks when things don’t work. I’m sure it’s the same problem I encountered, because the Danish (I’m from Denmark) translation of what happened would be something like: “We encountered an error and your subscriptions couldn’t be read (or loaded)”.


  • #40

Not sure if you tried this, but I deleted and reinstalled the Windows Store just now via powershell and everything works now. Could try that.

I could definitely try deleting the Windows store itself. Haven’t gone to that extent thanks for the tip.

And I’m assuming it was the store itself and not the Xbox Beta App you signed out and in of? Annoying if so, sucks when things don’t work. I’m sure it’s the same problem I encountered, because the Danish (I’m from Denmark) translation of what happened would be something like: “We encountered an error and your subscriptions couldn’t be read”.

Yes, same message, and yeah tried logging out of the store itself. I think it might be something on their end now according to their Xbox live status page.


  • #41

Nice to see Windows Store is still a shit show. I don’t do anything on my pc but game now so I can nuke and reinstall windows whenever it decides to act up. Seems to be actually faster than digging thru the internet to try to figure out whats actually wrong

Lizard Wizard

  • #42

I had the same problem a week ago but a reboot solved it.
I feel your pain, I’ve always had trouble installing apps with the Microsoft Store. People always recommend you run different Power Shell commands or run wsreset.exe from the Start Menu Search Bar but It would rarely fix my issues. Now is more of a problem since you have to use Microsoft Store for GamePass.

My recommendation would be to use the «Reset this PC» option in Settings > Update & Security > Recovery and get a fresh install of windows. My Xbox Wireless Adapter would not connect to my controller anymore and after a day of troubleshooting, the only option I could think was the full reset. It will fully reinstall windows and you have the option of keeping your personal files (though you should definitely have a full backup of some kind before using this option). Takes about 30 minutes to reinstall.

I know this is a last resort option but it’s always solved my issues with Windows.

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