23.11.201020:5923.11.2010 20:59:08
После инсталляции WSUS 3.0 SP2 через Server Manager на Windows Server 2008 R2 столкнулся с проблемой — мастер настройки не запускается и к WSUS невозможно подключиться через консоль. При этом в Event Viewer фиксируются ошибки с номерами 12002, 12012, 12032, 12022, 12042, 12052. Причина оказалась довольно банальна — не соблюдены некоторые требования (ссылка на требования
для инсталляции, а именно NETWORK AUTHORITY/NETWORK SERVICE должна иметь полные права на следующие папки:
%windir%\Microsoft .NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files
После добавления прав все чудесным образом заработало. RTFM!
23.11.201020:5923.11.2010 20:59:08
Теги: WSUS
Сегодня понадобилось установить WSUS. Установил Windows Server 2003 R2, установил IIS, ReportViewer, скачал WSUS. Установка прошла нормально, но после установки должен запуститься мастер настройки WSUS, а вместо него получаю ошибку и в логах ошибки с номерами в заголовке, WSUS не работает. После недолгого поиска в сети нашел причину – в требованиях явно сказано, что нужно на системный Temp дать права Network Service – Full control, а я со своей секурностью первым делом после установки Windows Server вынес Temp в C:Temp и дал минимум прав (Administrators, SYSTEM – Full; Creator Owner – Full (Subfolders and files only); Users – Traverse folder, Create folders, Create files (This folder and subfolders)). Я сравнил права на C:WindowsTemp и мой C:Temp и добавил только недостающие права, а именно Network Service – List folder, Delete. Все работает!
On a fresh or existing WSUS install, you may notice that the WSUS Administrator MMC applet stops functioning and present the error “Error: Connection Error – An error occurred trying to connect to the WSUS Server.”
I originally experienced this on Windows Server Update Services running on Windows Server 2012 R2 and applied the fix. Recently, I deployed Windows Server Update Services on a new Windows Server 2019 – Server Core install, and experienced this issue during the first synchronization. Before realizing what the issue was, I attempted to re-install WSUS and IIS from scratch numerous times until I came across old notes. One would have thought they would have resolved this issue on a new server operating system.
When the issue occurs, all processes will appear to be running on the server. Looking at the server event log, you’ll notice multiple application errors:
Event ID: 13042 - Windows Server Update Services Description: Self-update is not working.
Event ID: 12002 - Windows Server Update Services Description: The Reporting Web Service is not working.
Event ID: 12012 - Windows Server Update Services Description: The API Remoting Web Service is not working.
Event ID: 12032 - Windows Server Update Services Description: The Server Synchronization Web Service is not working.
Event ID: 12022 - Windows Server Update Services Description: The Client Web Service is not working.
Event ID: 12042 - Windows Server Update Services Description: The SimpleAuth Web Service is not working.
Event ID: 12052 - Windows Server Update Services Description: The DSS Authentication Web Service is not working.
Event ID: 12072 - Windows Server Update Services Description: The WSUS content directory is not accessible. System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.HealthMonitoring.HmtWebServices.CheckContentDirWebAccess(EventLoggingType type, HealthEventLogger logger)
You will also see the below error message when attempting to use the WSUS MMC.
The Problem
This issue occurs because the WSUS application pool in IIS “WsusPool” has reached it’s maximum private memory limit and attempts to recycle the memory usage.
Ultimately I believe this causes the IIS worker process to crash since it has run out of memory, and the pending command (whether it’s a synchronization or something else) fails to complete.
Previously, I noticed database corruption on a WSUS SQL Express database when this issue occurred, so I recommend applying the fix on a fresh install of WSUS.
The Fix
To resolve this issue, we need to adjust the max
- On the server running WSUS and IIS, open the “Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager” inside of the “Windows Administrative Tools” (found in the start menu, or Control Panel).
- On the left hand side under “Connections”, expand the server, and select “Application Pools”.
- On the right hand side under “Application Pools” heading, right-click on “WsusPool” and select “Advanced Settings”.
- In the “Advanced Settings” window, scroll down until you see “Private Memory Limit (KB)”. Either change this to “0” (as shown below) to set no memory limit, or increase the limit to the value you prefer.
- Select “Ok” to close the window.
- Restart IIS by running “iisreset” from an administrative command prompt, restarting the server, or selecting “Restart” under “Manage Server” when looking at the default pane in IIS when the server is selected.
The issue should now be resolved and your WSUS server should no longer be crashing.
If you are applying this fix on a Server Core install, you’ll need to connect remotely to the IIS instance to apply the fix.
Symptom: When browsing through the event viewer logs on your Windows Update Services server, you notice the following Event IDs with a Level of Error in the following order: 12052, 12042, 12022, 12032, 12012, 12002, 13042.
Log Name: Application
Source: Windows Server Update Services
Event ID: 12052
Task Category: 9
Level: Error
Description: The DSS Authentication Web Service is not working.Log Name: Application
Source: Windows Server Update Services
Date: 10/3/2013 4:53:26 AM
Event ID: 12042
Task Category: 9
Level: Error
Description: The SimpleAuth Web Service is not working.Log Name: Application
Source: Windows Server Update Services
Date: 10/3/2013 4:53:26 AM
Event ID: 12022
Task Category: 9
Level: Error
Description: The Client Web Service is not working.Log Name: Application
Source: Windows Server Update Services
Date: 10/3/2013 4:53:26 AM
Event ID: 12032
Task Category: 9
Level: Error
Description: The Server Synchronization Web Service is not working.Log Name: Application
Source: Windows Server Update Services
Date: 10/3/2013 4:53:26 AM
Event ID: 12012
Task Category: 9
Level: Error
Description: The API Remoting Web Service is not working.Log Name: Application
Source: Windows Server Update Services
Date: 10/3/2013 4:53:26 AM
Event ID: 12002
Task Category: 9
Level: Error
Description: The Reporting Web Service is not working.Log Name: Application
Source: Windows Server Update Services
Date: 10/3/2013 4:53:26 AM
Event ID: 13042
Task Category: 6
Level: Error
Description: Self-update is not working.
Additionally, you can recreate these events by running the following command: wsusutil.exe checkhealth
Solution: Reconfigure the WSUS server via the wsusutil.exe command.
- Login to the WSUS server
- Open up a command prompt with Administrative rights
- Navigate to the Update Services\Tools directory.
- By default you can find it on your C drive by executing the following command
- cd «c:\Program Files\Update Services\Tools»
- cd «c:\Program Files\Update Services\Tools»
- By default you can find it on your C drive by executing the following command
- Execute one of the following commands
- If updates are configured for port 80 execute this command
- wsusutil.exe usecustomwebsite false
- If updates are configured for port 8530 execute this command
- wsusutil.exe usecustomwebsite true
- If updates are configured for port 80 execute this command
- Execute the following command to verify the WSUS service is running correctly
- wsusutil.exe checkhealth
- wsusutil.exe checkhealth
- You should see Event ID 10000 in event viewer confirming all is well