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- A Step-by-Step Guide to Fix PS4 WS-37337-3 Error
By Vega | Follow |
Last Updated
WS-37337-3 is an error message you might see while you try to access the PlayStation Network on the PS4 console. It usually indicates your PSN account has been suspended. So, in this article from MiniTool Partition Wizard, you can learn how long is the ban and how to fix the WS 37337 3 issue.
What Is WS-37337-3 on PS4
If your PlayStation 4 doesn’t allow you to access PlayStation Network and you get the WS-37337-3 error, it means your PSN account has been suspended. The full error message should read: “Access to PlayStation Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended. (WS-37337-3)” or “Access to PlayStation Network by this account has been temporarily suspended due to policy violations. An email with more details will be sent to the email address for this account. Also, refer to the PlayStation Network Terms of Service and User Agreement. (WS-37337-3).”
Banned or suspended PSN accounts may not access PlayStation Network or use its products and services. Games, items and other digital content you paid for will also be unavailable.
Typically, Sony will send an email to the ID you have registered with your PSN account to further describe the problem and tell you how long the ban will last. However, you can also contact them if there is any confusion. As long as your account is banned, you will not be able to access PSN, play any online games, and will not be able to use any digital content or items you pay for.
Your account may be banned or suspended for a number of reasons, including violating the PSN Terms of Service (ToS) or Code of Conduct (CoC), your bank’s failure to pay for your PSN subscription, or Sony may simply suspect fraudulent activity on your account.
How to Fix PS4 WS-37337-3 Error
There are several applicable ways to fix the WS 37337 3 error and you can have a try.
Way 1: Check Your Email
If your PlayStation Network account is banned or suspended, you can check your email from Sony to find out why.
If this happens because the account is logged in from a different IP, Sony may think your account has been hacked. To recover your account, you will need to complete the verification process via email. You will then receive another email within a few business days to lift your account ban.
Way 2: Review for ToS or CoC Violations
While Sony’s email notification should provide information about your account ban or suspension, you may also choose to review the PlayStation ToS and accompanying CoC for details of the violation.
Way 3: Check Your Bank
If you don’t think you’ve violated the ToS or CoC, there may be a problem with your payment options. This can happen if you prevent your bank from forwarding payments to your Sony PSN account, or if your payment option doesn’t have the necessary funds.
Way 4: Sign in to Your Account on Another Device
You can double-check your account for sign-in issues by signing in with another device. Try to see if you can log in with a mobile device or another PS4. If you have access to PlayStation Network on your phone or other gaming consoles, just log out of your account on your primary PS4 and log back in.
Way 5: Contact the PlayStation Support Team
If you have tried all the steps above and still cannot fix the PSN WS-37337-3 error, your PSN account may have been permanently banned/suspended. In this case, you need to contact Sony Customer Support for further assistance.
About The Author
Position: Columnist
Vega joined MiniTool as an editor after graduation. She enjoys helping people with computer problems, including disk management, data recovery, and more. She is constantly expanding her knowledge in related fields. And she will continue to bring more easy-to-understand professional articles to help people solve various problems on the PC. In her daily life, Vega enjoys hanging out with friends, shopping online and listening to music. She is someone who knows how to enjoy life.
More often than not, PlayStation error codes come with an appropriate explanation that can help most users out during troubleshooting. Unfortunately, however, that’s not always the case.
Some error codes, including errors related to your account being banned, can be somewhat ambiguous. How long is your account suspended? What’s the severity of the ban, and questions like this can easily be triggered by such error codes.
In this article, we’re going over the PS4 WS-37337-3 error code, its causes and any potential fixes that you can try.
Also read: How to fix ‘Playstation 4 error NW-31253-4’?
What does the WS 37337 3 error code mean?
Simply put, the error code means your console will not allow you into the Playstation network because your PSN account has been suspended. The error message may read something along the lines of your access being banned or temporarily suspended.
Usually, Sony will send an email to the ID you registered with your PSN account, further describing the issue and telling you how long your ban will last. However, you can also reach out to them in case of any confusion. As long as your account is banned, you won’t be able to access PSN, play any online games, and any digital content or items you paid for will remain unusable.
Your account can be banned or suspended for several reasons, including violations of the PSN terms of service or code of conduct, a failure on your bank’s end to pay for the PSN subscription, or Sony might just suspect fraudulent activity on your account.
There isn’t much you can do since the WS 37337 3 error is caused by a ban or suspension imposed by Sony. However, you can try out these things.
Check your email
The first thing you should do after seeing this error message is to check your email. Sony would’ve sent you an email describing the situation and giving you cause for your account being banned or suspended along with the exact amount of time your account has been suspended.
Go through the Terms of Service or the Code of Conduct
If the email notification doesn’t satisfy you, you should go through the terms of service or the code of conduct to determine which one of them you breached that led to the suspension.
Check your bank
Another possible reason for the error is that your bank failed to debit the amount needed to renew your PSN membership. In such cases, check with your bank to see if your account is still active and that it’s not an issue on the bank’s end. You can also try manually renewing your subscription.
Try another console
It’s also a good idea to see if you can access your account from another console or a mobile device. If your account works fine there, simply log out of your console and log back in again. This should fix the PS4 WS 37337 3 error.
Reach out to Sony
While account bans and suspensions are final and cannot be appealed, you can reach out to Sony in case of renewal issues or anything else that doesn’t indicate bad faith on your end.
You can reach out to the Playstation Support team here.
Also read: How to fix ‘Playstation 4 error code SU-30625-6’?
To access various PlayStation features, you’ll need to have a valid PlayStation account. Besides access to various PS4 games, you can communicate with your friends and PlayStation’s exclusive membership, PlayStation Plus. The main part of your PS4’s setup process is creating your PlayStation Network account and accepting all Terms of Service or TOS and the Community Code of Conduct or COC.
But what happens if your account gets suspended or banned? More often than not, you’ll see the error code WS-37337-3 on your PS4’s login screen. In this guide, we’ll go over what this error code is and a few methods on how to get unbanned if WS-37337-3 is showing on your screen. So, if you’re currently experiencing an account suspension with your PSN account, read on to learn more.
What is the PS4 WS-37337-3 Error?
The PS4 WS-37337-3 error code will show up on your screen once your account was suspended or banned due to violations of PlayStation’s Terms of Service. While it’s sometimes questionable why this would happen to your PSN account, it’s important to check your PSN’s email account or Sign-In ID and see the reason for the ban or suspension.
When facing this error code, the following error message will show up on your screen:
“Access to PlayStation Network by this account has been temporarily suspended due to policy violations. An email with more details will be sent to the email address for this account. Also, refer to the PlayStation Network Terms of Service and User Agreement. (WS-37337-3)”
Common Reasons for the PS4 WS-37337-3 Error
If you’ve faced this problem for the first time, you’re maybe wondering how long is the suspension for the WS-37337-3 error or how many days is the WS-37337-3 error going to last. The answer sometimes relies on how you came across this error in the first place. Here are the most common reasons for the PS4 WS-37337-3 error.
- Terms of Service or Code of Conduct Violation – Each app or account that you’re signing in for has its own Terms of Service or commonly referred to as Terms and Conditions.
While you understandably won’t have all the time to really read and understand this document, you also won’t be excused for consequences once you break at least one rule.
Depending on the severity of your suspension, it’s possible to get banned permanently. This especially applies if you broke a rule several times already and have faced various account suspensions. In some more serious cases, a console ban is given to some users.
The most common violations are verbal harassment, hate speech, and cheating. So, if you were reported or involved in some of these acts in one of your games, this can probably be the cause for your account being suspended.
- Fraud – If Sony detects any unusual purchases or transactions associated with your account, you might be temporarily banned or suspended from PSN.
- Billing Issues – A problem with your billing method that leads to an incomplete payment can cause an account suspension. It’s best to use an active payment method before purchasing anything from the PlayStation Store. This is similar to PS4 Error Code E-8210604A which is usually caused by a billing issue with your PS Plus membership. If this problem continues, you can try getting a Playstation Plus Free Trial and see if the error occurs with the new account.
Before going straight to the methods, first, try to access your PlayStation account using other devices. This is to see if you’re just having a login glitch on your PS4 console. Try signing out and signing back in to check whether the error still occurs or not.
If you’re encountering the same error every time, chances are this is a legitimate issue. Here are some methods that you can do to have an idea if your case of WS-37337-3 is a permanent ban or not.
Method #1: Check your PSN account’s Email or Sign-in ID
As mentioned in the error message, you’ll be contacted via an email from Sony regarding your account suspension. This email is expected to contain vital information, such as the reason why your account got banned and the amount of time that the suspension will be lifted.
If you don’t see the email in your inbox, try checking your email’s spam or junk folder.
Method #2: Check your Account’s Payment Details
If you’re banned based on a failed or incomplete payment transaction, make sure to check your payment account’s activity if there is any evidence of an incomplete transaction. Since this is a payment problem, you can directly contact Sony’s Support Team.
Method #3: Contact Sony’s Support Team
If your account was put on temporary suspension due to unusual or incomplete transactions, it’s best to contact Sony’s Support Team directly. Ensure to provide the correct account details and a working payment method if there are debts and pending payments that you’ll need to settle.
If your account was compromised by an unauthorized user, immediately contact Sony for further assistance. Refunds can be done once you have enough proof that these transactions were done by someone else.
Once you are unbanned, you are probably going to play even more than before! If you are interested, you can find out How to See How Many Hours Played on PS4 (don’t be too shocked at how many hours a day it is).
Final Thoughts
Account bans and suspensions can happen to anyone that breaks the network’s Terms of Service and Code of Conduct. In the PlayStation Network, these rules are enforced to protect other users and make everyone’s experience worthwhile.
Whether your account was suspended due to an unpaid transaction or a severe violation of the PlayStation Network’s Terms of Service, your questions will be answered by viewing the email that was sent by Sony to your Sign-In ID. If you have more concerns and questions, you can contact Sony’s Support Team for further help.
Every now and then, PlayStation network users on PS4 and PS5 consoles will run into an issue where their account becomes suspended or banned entirely. If you’ve been unlucky enough to encounter the WS-37337-3 error, don’t worry. We’ll explain how long the ban will last, what can cause the error, and how to get your ban or suspension lifted. Read on to find out how to get back to playing your favorite games as soon as possible.
What does the WS-37337-3 error mean on PS4 and PS5?
The WS-37337-3 error indicates that Sony has suspended or banned your PSN account.
How long is the WS-37337-3 suspension or ban?
How long WS-37337-3 could last depends entirely on Sony’s reasoning behind the suspension, with decisions being made on a case-by-case basis. Details will only be specified in an email that Sony sends to the address linked with the suspended account, so there’s really no predicting just how long you might be locked out for.
If your account is suspended like this, your PlayStation will not be able to access the PSN, or any purchases you’ve made on it, such as games or any services it provides. Another account on the same Playstation will still be able to access the PSN unless Sony has placed a suspension on the console itself, in which case it will be completely cut off no matter who signs in on it.
Why do you get the WS-37337-3 suspension or ban?
PSN account suspensions and bans are typically handed out when Sony’s Terms of Service (ToS) or Code of Conduct (CoC) are violated in some fashion. These documents are readily available for you to look through, so it’s assumed by Sony that not knowing the details of the ToS and CoC is not a valid reason for not following them. You can read Sony’s Terms of Service here and their Community Code of Conduct here.
More often than not, there is a simple explanation behind an account suspension:
- You did something that the ToS or CoC tells you not to. We get it, legal documents are long and hard to understand, but Sony won’t hesitate to suspend an account that’s been caught performing nefarious acts. Of course, if you’re simply purchasing and using apps and games from the PlayStation Store, you usually won’t have to worry about these sorts of issues.
- Someone reported you for bullying or harassment. If another player felt you were being rude or outright mean, they may report you for doing so. These reports get reviewed, so it’s unlikely to be a misunderstanding. However, there are cases where mistakes are made, so it may be prudent to contact support.
- Your payment method failed to complete a payment for you. Unfortunately, Sony doesn’t allow for late payments on transactions or subscriptions, so if you’re billed, but the payment doesn’t go through, your account may get suspended until the payment is properly made.
- Your account shows signs of fraudulent activity. This is probably the only time you WANT to see your account suspended. Should Sony detect any unusual purchases or signs of a breach, they will suspend the account while they investigate what’s going on. This often prevents your account from being stolen or your on-file payment method from being charged without your knowledge.
How to correct the WS-37337-3 suspension or ban on PS4 and PS5
There are a few steps that you can take when attempting to correct the WS-37337-3 error.
1. Check the email associated with your account
Sony will send details of an account suspension to the email address associated with it. The email should tell you why the account was suspended, for how long, and any steps you need to take to regain access.
2. Take time to review the ToS or CoC
As mentioned previously, not knowing is not a valid reason for not following, so get familiar with the rules you agreed to when creating your PSN account. If your account has already been suspended, you can at least learn the specifics of what terms have been
3. Check your payment method
Your transaction history may reveal a failed or suspicious payment. Be sure to pay any outstanding charges and bring any suspicious charges to the attention of Sony’s Customer Support.
4. Check to see if it is a login issue by using another device
If you have access to another PlayStation or computer, try logging into your PSN account there. If you’re able to log in on another device, simply log out of your account on your Playstation and log back in again to resolve the issue.
5. Contact the PlayStation support team
If your account has been temporarily suspended, you’re likely going to have to sit and wait out the suspension. However, if your account has been suspended due to outstanding charges, such as through a chargeback, you can contact the PlayStation support team to pay the outstanding debt. Once this debt is paid up in full, your account will be reinstated. You can read more about that here.
If you suspect that fraud has taken place, where someone else has hacked into your PlayStation account and made purchases that you do not recognize, then there are two steps that you need to take. The first is to attempt to reset the passwords associated with your sign-in ID and account. The second is to contact the PlayStation support team to have them investigate. If they concur that your account has been compromised, the charges will be reversed, and your account will be reinstated. You can read more about that here.
To contact PlayStation support, you can go to the following website page and either type in your issue or choose one of the categories that they have to find steps on how to resolve your issue.
Although having your account suspended can feel like a harrowing experience, you can take plenty of steps to resolve or even prevent this kind of problem. In terms of account security, consider using two-factor authentication, and be sure to get familiar with at least the basics of the ToS to prevent any missteps. Finally, should you face a situation where you’re unsure, contact Sony’s Customer Support to get the help you need.