Go Up to Error and Warning Messages (Delphi)
The compiler encountered a write error while writing to an output file.
Most likely, the output disk is full.
Ошибка записи (Write error) на Delphi чаще всего возникает, когда файл, в который пытается произойти запись, либо занят другим процессом, либо защищен от записи (например, в системе находится запущенный антивирус, такой как Антивирус Касперского).
Для того, чтобы решить проблему с ошибкой записи, необходимо убедиться в том, что файл свободен и доступен для записи, а также проверить права доступа на файл. Если файл защищен от записи, то можно попытаться изменить режим доступа к файлу через панель управления.
var FileHandle: THandle; Buffer: array[0..1023] of Byte; NumBytesRead: DWORD;begin FileHandle := CreateFile('C:\myfile.txt', GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if FileHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin if WriteFile(FileHandle, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer), NumBytesRead, nil) then begin // write successful end else begin // write failed end; CloseHandle(FileHandle); end else begin // unable to open file end;end;
В примере кода мы показываем, как использовать функцию WriteFile для записи данных в файл. Если функция возвращает true, то запись прошла успешно, иначе произошла ошибка записи.
VW Golf 5 CAN Gateway module location change programing /can BUS?/
2018 [FIXED] DELPHI 2010 — Cannot create file delphi-hlp.ru
Ошибка при установке Delphi 2014 Unknown error during init
Delphi 2015.1 activation problem
Solve Unable to create output Executable file in Delphi
Delphi : How to fix Error : [dcc32 Fatal Error] F2039 Could not create output file X
Delphi Error Trial Version Alpha Controls (10.2 Tokyo 10.1 Berlin)
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Go Up to Delphi Compiler Errors Index
This section lists all the Delphi compiler error and warning messages of RAD Studio.
- 1 Error Messages
- 2 Failure Messages
- 3 Hint Messages
- 4 Warning Messages
- 5 X Messages
Error Messages
- DisposeCount cannot be declared in classes with destructors (Delphi)
- E1038 Unit identifier ‘%s’ does not match file name (Delphi)
- E2001 Ordinal type required (Delphi)
- E2002 File type not allowed here (Delphi)
- E2003 Undeclared identifier ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2004 Identifier redeclared ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2005 ‘%s’ is not a type identifier (Delphi)
- E2006 PACKED not allowed here (Delphi)
- E2007 Constant or type identifier expected (Delphi)
- E2008 Incompatible types (Delphi)
- E2009 Incompatible types — ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2010 Incompatible types — ‘%s’ and ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2011 Low bound exceeds high bound (Delphi)
- E2012 Type of expression must be BOOLEAN (Delphi)
- E2013 Type of expression must be INTEGER (Delphi)
- E2014 Statement expected, but expression of type ‘%s’ found (Delphi)
- E2015 Operator not applicable to this operand type (Delphi)
- E2016 Array type required (Delphi)
- E2017 Pointer type required (Delphi)
- E2018 Record, object or class type required (Delphi)
- E2019 Object type required (Delphi)
- E2020 Object or class type required (Delphi)
- E2021 Class type required (Delphi)
- E2022 Class helper type required (Delphi)
- E2023 Function needs result type (Delphi)
- E2024 Invalid function result type (Delphi)
- E2025 Procedure cannot have a result type (Delphi)
- E2026 Constant expression expected (Delphi)
- E2027 Duplicate tag value (Delphi)
- E2028 Sets may have at most 256 elements (Delphi)
- E2029 %s expected but %s found (Delphi)
- E2030 Duplicate case label (Delphi)
- E2031 Label expected (Delphi)
- E2032 For loop control variable must have ordinal type (Delphi)
- E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical (Delphi)
- E2034 Too many actual parameters (Delphi)
- E2035 Not enough actual parameters (Delphi)
- E2036 Variable required (Delphi)
- E2037 Declaration of ‘%s’ differs from previous declaration (Delphi)
- E2038 Illegal character in input file — ‘%s’ (%s) (Delphi)
- E2045 Bad object file format — ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2049 Label declaration not allowed in interface part (Delphi)
- E2050 Statements not allowed in interface part (Delphi)
- E2052 Unterminated string (Delphi)
- E2053 Syntax error in real number (Delphi)
- E2054 Illegal type in Write/Writeln statement (Delphi)
- E2055 Illegal type in Read/Readln statement (Delphi)
- E2056 String literals may have at most 255 elements (Delphi)
- E2057 Unexpected end of file in comment started on line %ld (Delphi)
- E2058 Class, interface and object types only allowed in type section (Delphi)
- E2059 Local class, interface or object types not allowed (Delphi)
- E2060 Class and interface types only allowed in type section (Delphi)
- E2061 Local class or interface types not allowed (Delphi)
- E2062 Virtual constructors are not allowed (Delphi)
- E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to (Delphi)
- E2065 Unsatisfied forward or external declaration ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2066 Missing operator or semicolon (Delphi)
- E2067 Missing parameter type (Delphi)
- E2068 Illegal reference to symbol ‘%s’ in object file ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2070 Unknown directive — ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2071 This type cannot be initialized (Delphi)
- E2072 Number of elements (%d) differs from declaration (%d) (Delphi)
- E2073 Label already defined ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2074 Label declared and referenced, but not set ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2075 This form of method call only allowed in methods of derived types (Delphi)
- E2076 This form of method call only allowed for class methods (Delphi)
- E2078 Procedure FAIL only allowed in constructor (Delphi)
- E2079 Procedure NEW needs constructor (Delphi)
- E2080 Procedure DISPOSE needs destructor (Delphi)
- E2081 Assignment to FOR-Loop variable ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2082 TYPEOF can only be applied to object types with a VMT (Delphi)
- E2083 Order of fields in record constant differs from declaration (Delphi)
- E2085 Unit name mismatch: ‘%s’ ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2086 Type ‘%s’ is not yet completely defined (Delphi)
- E2088 Variable name expected (Delphi)
- E2089 Invalid typecast (Delphi)
- E2090 User break — compilation aborted (Delphi)
- E2091 Segment/Offset pairs not supported in 32-bit Delphi (Delphi)
- E2093 Label ‘%s’ is not declared in current procedure (Delphi)
- E2094 Local procedure/function ‘%s’ assigned to procedure variable (Delphi)
- E2095 Missing ENDIF directive (Delphi)
- E2096 Method identifier expected (Delphi)
- E2097 BREAK or CONTINUE outside of loop (Delphi)
- E2098 Division by zero (Delphi)
- E2099 Overflow in conversion or arithmetic operation (Delphi)
- E2100 Data type too large exceeds 2 GB (Delphi)
- E2102 Integer constant too large (Delphi)
- E2103 16-Bit fixup encountered in object file ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2104 Bad relocation encountered in object file ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2105 Inline assembler syntax error (Delphi)
- E2106 Inline assembler stack overflow (Delphi)
- E2107 Operand size mismatch (Delphi)
- E2108 Memory reference expected (Delphi)
- E2109 Constant expected (Delphi)
- E2110 Type expected (Delphi)
- E2111 Cannot add or subtract relocatable symbols (Delphi)
- E2112 Invalid register combination (Delphi)
- E2113 Numeric overflow (Delphi)
- E2114 String constant too long (Delphi)
- E2115 Error in numeric constant (Delphi)
- E2116 Invalid combination of opcode and operands (Delphi)
- E2117 486/487 instructions not enabled (Delphi)
- E2118 Division by zero (Delphi)
- E2119 Structure field identifier expected (Delphi)
- E2120 LOOP/JCXZ distance out of range (Delphi)
- E2121 Procedure or function name expected (Delphi)
- E2122 PROCEDURE or FUNCTION expected (Delphi)
- E2123 PROCEDURE, FUNCTION, PROPERTY, or VAR expected (Delphi)
- E2124 Instance member ‘%s’ inaccessible here (Delphi)
- E2125 EXCEPT or FINALLY expected (Delphi)
- E2126 Cannot BREAK, CONTINUE or EXIT out of a FINALLY clause (Delphi)
- E2127 ‘GOTO %s’ leads into or out of TRY statement (Delphi)
- E2128 %s clause expected, but %s found (Delphi)
- E2129 Cannot assign to a read-only property (Delphi)
- E2130 Cannot read a write-only property (Delphi)
- E2131 Class already has a default property (Delphi)
- E2132 Default property must be an array property (Delphi)
- E2133 TYPEINFO standard function expects a type identifier (Delphi)
- E2134 Type ‘%s’ has no type info (Delphi)
- E2136 No definition for abstract method ‘%s’ allowed (Delphi)
- E2137 Method ‘%s’ not found in base class (Delphi)
- E2138 Invalid message parameter list (Delphi)
- E2139 Illegal message method index (Delphi)
- E2140 Duplicate message method index (Delphi)
- E2142 Inaccessible value (Delphi)
- E2143 Expression has no value (Delphi)
- E2144 Destination is inaccessible (Delphi)
- E2145 Re-raising an exception only allowed in exception handler (Delphi)
- E2146 Default values must be of ordinal, pointer or small set type (Delphi)
- E2147 Property ‘%s’ does not exist in base class (Delphi)
- E2148 Dynamic method or message handler not allowed here (Delphi)
- E2149 Class does not have a default property (Delphi)
- E2150 Bad argument type in variable type array constructor (Delphi)
- E2151 Could not load RLINK32.DLL (Delphi)
- E2152 Wrong or corrupted version of RLINK32.DLL (Delphi)
- E2153 ‘;’ not allowed before ‘ELSE’ (Delphi)
- E2154 Type ‘%s’ needs finalization — not allowed in variant record (Delphi)
- E2155 Type ‘%s’ needs finalization — not allowed in file type (Delphi)
- E2156 Expression too complicated (Delphi)
- E2157 Element 0 inaccessible — use ‘Length’ or ‘SetLength’ (Delphi)
- E2158 %s unit out of date or corrupted — missing ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2159 %s unit out of date or corrupted — missing ‘%s.%s’ (Delphi)
- E2160 Type not allowed in OLE Automation call (Delphi)
- E2163 Too many conditional symbols (Delphi)
- E2165 Compile terminated by user (Delphi)
- E2166 Unnamed arguments must precede named arguments in OLE Automation call (Delphi)
- E2167 Abstract methods must be virtual or dynamic (Delphi)
- E2168 Field or method identifier expected (Delphi)
- E2169 Field definition not allowed after methods or properties (Delphi)
- E2170 Cannot override a non-virtual method (Delphi)
- E2171 Variable ‘%s’ inaccessible here due to optimization (Delphi)
- E2172 Necessary library helper function was eliminated by linker (%s) (Delphi)
- E2173 Missing or invalid conditional symbol in ‘$%s’ directive (Delphi)
- E2174 ‘%s’ not previously declared as a PROPERTY (Delphi)
- E2175 Field definition not allowed in OLE automation section (Delphi)
- E2176 Illegal type in OLE automation section: ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2177 Constructors and destructors not allowed in OLE automation section (Delphi)
- E2178 Dynamic methods and message handlers not allowed in OLE automation section (Delphi)
- E2179 Only register calling convention allowed in OLE automation section (Delphi)
- E2180 Dispid ‘%d’ already used by ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2181 Redeclaration of property not allowed in OLE automation section (Delphi)
- E2182 ‘%s’ clause not allowed in OLE automation section (Delphi)
- E2183 Dispid clause only allowed in OLE automation section (Delphi)
- E2184 %s section valid only in class types (Delphi)
- E2185 Overriding automated virtual method ‘%s’ cannot specify a dispid (Delphi)
- E2186 Published Real property ‘%s’ must be Single, Real, Double or Extended (Delphi)
- E2187 Size of published set ‘%s’ is 4 bytes (Delphi)
- E2188 Published property ‘%s’ cannot be of type %s (Delphi)
- E2189 Thread local variables cannot be local to a function (Delphi)
- E2190 Thread local variables cannot be ABSOLUTE (Delphi)
- E2191 EXPORTS allowed only at global scope (Delphi)
- E2192 Constants cannot be used as open array arguments (Delphi)
- E2193 Slice standard function only allowed as open array argument (Delphi)
- E2194 Cannot initialize thread local variables (Delphi)
- E2195 Cannot initialize local variables (Delphi)
- E2196 Cannot initialize multiple variables (Delphi)
- E2197 Constant object cannot be passed as var parameter (Delphi)
- E2198 %s cannot be applied to a long string (Delphi)
- E2199 Packages ‘%s’ and ‘%s’ both contain unit ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2200 Package ‘%s’ already contains unit ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2201 Need imported data reference ($G) to access ‘%s’ from unit ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2202 Required package ‘%s’ not found (Delphi)
- E2203 $WEAKPACKAGEUNIT ‘%s’ contains global data (Delphi)
- E2204 Improper GUID syntax (Delphi)
- E2205 Interface type required (Delphi)
- E2206 Property overrides not allowed in interface type (Delphi)
- E2207 ‘%s’ clause not allowed in interface type (Delphi)
- E2208 Interface ‘%s’ already implemented by ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2209 Field declarations not allowed in interface type (Delphi)
- E2210 ‘%s’ directive not allowed in in interface type (Delphi)
- E2211 Declaration of ‘%s’ differs from declaration in interface ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2212 Package unit ‘%s’ cannot appear in contains or uses clauses (Delphi)
- E2213 Bad packaged unit format %s.%s (Delphi)
- E2214 Package ‘%s’ is recursively required (Delphi)
- E2215 16-Bit segment encountered in object file ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2216 Can’t handle section ‘%s’ in object file ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2217 Published field ‘%s’ not a class or interface type (Delphi)
- E2218 Published method ‘%s’ contains an unpublishable type (Delphi)
- E2220 Never-build package ‘%s’ requires always-build package ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2221 $WEAKPACKAGEUNIT ‘%s’ cannot have initialization or finalization code (Delphi)
- E2222 $WEAKPACKAGEUNIT & $DENYPACKAGEUNIT both specified (Delphi)
- E2223 $DENYPACKAGEUNIT ‘%s’ cannot be put into a package (Delphi)
- E2224 $DESIGNONLY and $RUNONLY only allowed in package unit (Delphi)
- E2225 Never-build package ‘%s’ must be recompiled (Delphi)
- E2226 Compilation terminated; too many errors (Delphi)
- E2227 Imagebase is too high — program exceeds 2 GB limit (Delphi)
- E2228 A dispinterface type cannot have an ancestor interface (Delphi)
- E2229 A dispinterface type requires an interface identification (Delphi)
- E2230 Methods of dispinterface types cannot specify directives (Delphi)
- E2231 ‘%s’ directive not allowed in dispinterface type (Delphi)
- E2232 Interface ‘%s’ has no interface identification (Delphi)
- E2233 Property ‘%s’ inaccessible here (Delphi)
- E2234 Getter or setter for property ‘%s’ cannot be found (Delphi)
- E2236 Constructors and destructors must have %s calling convention (Delphi)
- E2237 Parameter ‘%s’ not allowed here due to default value (Delphi)
- E2238 Default value required for ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2239 Default parameter ‘%s’ must be by-value or const (Delphi)
- E2240 $EXTERNALSYM and $NODEFINE not allowed for ‘%s’; only global symbols (Delphi)
- E2241 C++ obj files must be generated (-jp) (Delphi)
- E2242 ‘%s’ is not the name of a unit (Delphi)
- E2245 Recursive include file %s (Delphi)
- E2246 Need to specify at least one dimension for SetLength of dynamic array (Delphi)
- E2247 Cannot take the address when compiling to byte code (Delphi)
- E2248 Cannot use old style object types when compiling to byte code (Delphi)
- E2249 Cannot use absolute variables when compiling to byte code (Delphi)
- E2250 There is no overloaded version of ‘%s’ that can be called with these arguments (Delphi)
- E2251 Ambiguous overloaded call to ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2252 Method ‘%s’ with identical parameters already exists (Delphi)
- E2253 Ancestor type ‘%s’ does not have an accessible default constructor (Delphi)
- E2254 Overloaded procedure ‘%s’ must be marked with the ‘overload’ directive (Delphi)
- E2255 New not supported for dynamic arrays — use SetLength (Delphi)
- E2256 Dispose not supported (nor necessary) for dynamic arrays (Delphi)
- E2257 Duplicate implements clause for interface ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2258 Implements clause only allowed within class types (Delphi)
- E2259 Implements clause only allowed for properties of class or interface type (Delphi)
- E2260 Implements clause not allowed together with index clause (Delphi)
- E2261 Implements clause only allowed for readable property (Delphi)
- E2262 Implements getter must be %s calling convention (Delphi)
- E2263 Implements getter cannot be dynamic or message method (Delphi)
- E2264 Cannot have method resolutions for interface ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2265 Interface ‘%s’ not mentioned in interface list (Delphi)
- E2266 Only one of a set of overloaded methods can be published (Delphi)
- E2267 Previous declaration of ‘%s’ was not marked with the ‘overload’ directive (Delphi)
- E2268 Parameters of this type cannot have default values (Delphi)
- E2270 Published property getters and setters must have %s calling convention (Delphi)
- E2271 Property getters and setters cannot be overloaded (Delphi)
- E2272 Cannot use reserved unit name ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2273 No overloaded version of ‘%s’ with this parameter list exists (Delphi)
- E2274 property attribute ‘label’ cannot be used in dispinterface (Delphi)
- E2275 property attribute ‘label’ cannot be an empty string (Delphi)
- E2276 Identifier ‘%s’ cannot be exported (Delphi)
- E2277 Only external cdecl functions may use varargs (Delphi)
- E2278 Cannot take address of local symbol %s (Delphi)
- E2279 Too many nested conditional directives (Delphi)
- E2280 Unterminated conditional directive (Delphi)
- E2281 Type not allowed in Variant Dispatch call (Delphi)
- E2282 Property setters cannot take var parameters (Delphi)
- E2283 Too many local constants. Use shorter procedures (Delphi)
- E2284 Duplicate resource name type %d ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2285 Duplicate resource id type %d id %d (Delphi)
- E2286 Coverage library name is too long: %s (Delphi)
- E2287 Cannot export ‘%s’ multiple times (Delphi)
- E2288 File name too long (exceeds %d characters) (Delphi)
- E2289 Unresolved custom attribute %s (Delphi)
- E2290 Cannot mix destructors with IDisposable (Delphi)
- E2291 Missing implementation of interface method %s.%s (Delphi)
- E2292 ‘%s’ must reference a property or field of class ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2293 Cannot have both a DLLImport attribute and an external or calling convention directive (Delphi)
- E2294 A class helper that descends from ‘%s’ can only help classes that are descendents ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2295 A class helper cannot introduce a destructor (Delphi)
- E2296 A constructor introduced in a class helper must call the parameterless constructor of the helped class as the first statement (Delphi)
- E2298 read/write not allowed for CLR events. Use Include/Exclude procedure (Delphi)
- E2299 Property required (Delphi)
- E2300 Cannot generate property accessor ‘%s’ because ‘%s’ already exists (Delphi)
- E2301 Method ‘%s’ with identical parameters and result type already exists (Delphi)
- E2306 ‘Self’ is initialized more than once (Delphi)
- E2307 NEW standard function expects a dynamic array type identifier (Delphi)
- E2308 Need to specify at least one dimension for NEW of dynamic array (Delphi)
- E2309 Attribute — Known attribute named argument cannot be an array (Delphi)
- E2310 Attribute — A custom marshaler requires the custom marshaler type (Delphi)
- E2311 Attribute — MarshalAs fixed string requires a size (Delphi)
- E2312 Attribute — Invalid argument to a known attribute (Delphi)
- E2313 Attribute — Known attribute cannot specify properties (Delphi)
- E2314 Attribute — The MarshalAs attribute has fields set that are not valid for the specified unmanaged type (Delphi)
- E2315 Attribute — Known custom attribute on invalid target (Delphi)
- E2316 Attribute — The format of the GUID was invalid (Delphi)
- E2317 Attribute — Known custom attribute had invalid value (Delphi)
- E2318 Attribute — The MarshalAs constant size cannot be negative (Delphi)
- E2319 Attribute — The MarshalAs parameter index cannot be negative (Delphi)
- E2320 Attribute — The specified unmanaged type is only valid on fields (Delphi)
- E2321 Attribute — Known custom attribute has repeated named argument (Delphi)
- E2322 Attribute — Unexpected type in known attribute (Delphi)
- E2323 Attribute — Unrecognized argument to a known custom attribute (Delphi)
- E2324 Attribute — Known attribute named argument doesn’t support variant (Delphi)
- E2325 Attribute ‘%s’ is not valid on this target (Delphi)
- E2326 Attribute ‘%s’ can only be used once per target (Delphi)
- E2327 Linker error while emitting attribute ‘%s’ for ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2328 Linker error while emitting metadata (Delphi)
- E2329 Metadata — Error occured during a read (Delphi)
- E2330 Metadata — Error occured during a write (Delphi)
- E2331 Metadata — File is read only (Delphi)
- E2332 Metadata — An ill-formed name was given (Delphi)
- E2333 Metadata — Data value was truncated (Delphi)
- E2334 Metadata — Old version error (Delphi)
- E2335 Metadata — A shared mem open failed to open at the originally (Delphi)
- E2336 Metadata — Create of shared memory failed. A memory mapping of the same name already exists (Delphi)
- E2337 Metadata — There isn’t .CLB data in the memory or stream (Delphi)
- E2338 Metadata — Database is read only (Delphi)
- E2339 Metadata — The importing scope is not compatible with the emitting scope (Delphi)
- E2340 Metadata — Data too large (Delphi)
- E2341 Metadata — Column cannot be changed (Delphi)
- E2342 Metadata — Too many RID or primary key columns, 1 is max (Delphi)
- E2343 Metadata — Primary key column may not allow the null value (Delphi)
- E2344 Metadata — Data too large (Delphi)
- E2345 Metadata — Attempt to define an object that already exists (Delphi)
- E2346 Metadata — A guid was not provided where one was required (Delphi)
- E2347 Metadata — Bad binary signature (Delphi)
- E2348 Metadata — Bad input parameters (Delphi)
- E2349 Metadata — Cannot resolve typeref (Delphi)
- E2350 Metadata — No logical space left to create more user strings (Delphi)
- E2351 Final methods must be virtual or dynamic (Delphi)
- E2352 Cannot override a final method (Delphi)
- E2353 Cannot extend sealed class ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2354 String element cannot be passed to var parameter (Delphi)
- E2355 Class property accessor must be a class field or class static method (Delphi)
- E2356 Property accessor must be an instance field or method (Delphi)
- E2357 PROCEDURE, FUNCTION, or CONSTRUCTOR expected (Delphi)
- E2358 Class constructors not allowed in class helpers (Delphi)
- E2359 Multiple class constructors in class %s: %s and %s (Delphi)
- E2360 Class constructors cannot have parameters (Delphi)
- E2361 Cannot access private symbol %s.%s (Delphi)
- E2362 Cannot access protected symbol %s.%s (Delphi)
- E2363 Only methods of descendent types may access protected symbol %s%s.%s across assembly boundaries (Delphi)
- E2366 Global procedure or class static method expected (Delphi)
- E2370 Cannot use inherited methods for interface property accessors (Delphi)
- E2371 ABSTRACT and FINAL cannot be used together (Delphi)
- E2372 Identifier expected (Delphi)
- E2373 Call to abstract method %s.%s (Delphi)
- E2374 Cannot make unique type from %s (Delphi)
- E2375 PRIVATE or PROTECTED expected (Delphi)
- E2376 STATIC can only be used on non-virtual class methods (Delphi)
- E2377 Unable to locate Borland.Delphi.Compiler.ResCvt.dll (Delphi)
- E2378 Error while converting resource %s (Delphi)
- E2379 Virtual methods not allowed in record types (Delphi)
- E2380 Instance or class static method expected (Delphi)
- E2381 Resource string length exceeds Windows limit of 4096 characters (Delphi)
- E2382 Cannot call constructors using instance variables (Delphi)
- E2383 ABSTRACT and SEALED cannot be used together (Delphi)
- E2385 Error while signing assembly (Delphi)
- E2386 Invalid version string ‘%s’ specified in %s (Delphi)
- E2387 The key container name ‘%s’ does not exist (Delphi)
- E2388 Unrecognized strong name key file ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2389 Protected member ‘%s’ is inaccessible here (Delphi)
- E2390 Class must be sealed to call a private constructor without a type qualifier (Delphi)
- E2391 Potentially polymorphic constructor calls must be virtual (Delphi)
- E2392 Can’t generate required accessor method(s) for property %s.%s due to name conflict with existing symbol %s in the same scope (Delphi)
- E2393 Invalid operator declaration (Delphi)
- E2394 Parameterless constructors not allowed on record types (Delphi)
- E2395 Unsafe procedure only allowed if compiling with $UNSAFECODE ON (Delphi)
- E2396 Unsafe code only allowed in unsafe procedure (Delphi)
- E2397 Unsafe pointer only allowed if compiling with $UNSAFECODE ON (Delphi)
- E2398 Class methods in record types must be static (Delphi)
- E2399 Namespace conflicts with unit name ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2400 Unknown Resource Format ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2402 Constructing instance of abstract class ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2403 Add or remove accessor for event ‘%s’ cannot be found (Delphi)
- E2404 Cannot mix READ/WRITE property accessors with ADD/REMOVE accessors (Delphi)
- E2405 Unknown element type found importing signature of %s.%s (Delphi)
- E2406 EXPORTS section allowed only if compiling with $UNSAFECODE ON (Delphi)
- E2407 Duplicate resource identifier %s found in unit %s(%s) and %s(%s) (Delphi)
- E2408 Can’t extract strong name key from assembly %s (Delphi)
- E2409 Fully qualified nested type name %s exceeds 1024 byte limit (Delphi)
- E2410 Unsafe pointer variables, parameters or consts only allowed in unsafe procedure (Delphi)
- E2411 Unit %s in package %s refers to unit %s which is not found in any package. Packaged units must refer only to packaged units (Delphi)
- E2412 CREATE expected (Delphi)
- E2413 Dynamic array type needed (Delphi)
- E2414 Disposed_ cannot be declared in classes with destructors (Delphi)
- E2415 Could not import assembly ‘%s’ because it contains namespace ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2416 Could not import package ‘%s’ because it contains system unit ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2417 Field offset cannot be determined for variant record because previous field type is unknown size record type (Delphi)
- E2418 Type ‘%s’ needs initialization — not allowed in variant record (Delphi)
- E2419 Record type too large: exceeds 1 MB (Delphi)
- E2420 Interface ‘%s’ used in ‘%s’ is not yet completely defined (Delphi)
- E2422 Imported identifier ‘%s’ conflicts with ‘%s’ in namespace ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2423 Void type not usable in this context (Delphi)
- E2424 Codepage ‘%s’ is not installed on this machine (Delphi)
- E2425 Inline methods must not be virtual nor dynamic (Delphi)
- E2426 Inline function must not have asm block (Delphi)
- E2428 Field ‘%s’ needs initialization — not allowed in CLS compliant value types (Delphi)
- E2429 Duplicate implementation for ‘set of %s’ in this scope (Delphi)
- E2430 for-in statement cannot operate on collection type ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2431 for-in statement cannot operate on collection type ‘%s’ because ‘%s’ does not contain a member for ‘%s’, or it is inaccessible (Delphi)
- E2432 %s cannot be applied to a rectangular dynamic array (Delphi)
- E2433 Method declarations not allowed in anonymous record or local record type (Delphi)
- E2434 Property declarations not allowed in anonymous record or local record type (Delphi)
- E2435 Class member declarations not allowed in anonymous record or local record type (Delphi)
- E2436 Type declarations not allowed in anonymous record or local record type (Delphi)
- E2437 Constant declarations not allowed in anonymous record or local record type (Delphi)
- E2439 Inline function must not have open array argument (Delphi)
- E2441 Inline function declared in interface section must not use local symbol ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2442 Inline directive not allowed in constructor or destructor (Delphi)
- E2447 Duplicate symbol ‘%s’ defined in namespace ‘%s’ by ‘%s’ and ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2448 An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array constructor (Delphi)
- E2449 Inlined nested routine ‘%s’ cannot access outer scope variable ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2450 There is no overloaded version of array property ‘%s’ that can be used with these arguments (Delphi)
- E2452 Unicode characters not allowed in published symbols (Delphi)
- E2453 Destination cannot be assigned to (Delphi)
- E2454 Slice standard function not allowed for VAR nor OUT argument (Delphi)
- E2459 Class property accessor must not have field selector (Delphi)
- E2460 Cannot inherit from special class ‘%s.%s’ (Delphi)
- E2461 Identifier ‘%s’ is not an instance field (Delphi)
- E2463 ‘%s’ directive not allowed in record type (Delphi)
- E2464 First parameter of Assign operator must be var parameter (Delphi)
- E2465 A record cannot introduce a destructor (Delphi)
- E2466 Never-build package ‘%s’ requires always-build package ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2467 Record or object type required (Delphi)
- E2468 Linker detected duplicate name ‘%s’ made from type ‘%s’ in both unit ‘%s’ and ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2469 Linker detected duplicate name ‘%s’ made from both type ‘%s’ in unit ‘%s’ and type ‘%s’ in unit ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2470 Linker detected duplicate name ‘%s’ made from type ‘%s’ in unit ‘%s’ and conflicting with compiler generated class name for unit ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2471 Possibly parameterless constructors not allowed on record types (Delphi)
- E2474 Record type required (Delphi)
- E2475 ‘%s’ directive not allowed in record helper type (Delphi)
- E2501 Inline function cannot call nested routine ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2506 Method of parameterized type declared in interface section must not use local symbol ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2507 CLASS constraint and RECORD constraint cannot be specified together (Delphi)
- E2508 type parameters not allowed on this type (Delphi)
- E2510 Type ‘%s’ is not a valid constraint (Delphi)
- E2511 Type parameter ‘%s’ must be a class type (Delphi)
- E2512 Type parameter ‘%s’ must be a non-nullable value type (Delphi)
- E2513 Type parameter ‘%s’ must have one public parameterless constructor named Create (Delphi)
- E2514 Type parameter ‘%s’ must support interface ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2515 Type parameter ‘%s’ is not compatible with type ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2516 Constraint ‘%s’ is conflicting with previous constraints (Delphi)
- E2517 Operator ‘%s’ must take %d parameter(s) (Delphi)
- E2518 Operator ‘%s’ must take least one ‘%s’ type in parameters (Delphi)
- E2519 First parameter type of operator ‘%s’ and result type must be identical (Delphi)
- E2520 Result type of operator ‘%s’ must be Boolean type (Delphi)
- E2521 Operator ‘%s’ must take one ‘%s’ type in parameter or result type (Delphi)
- E2522 Operator ‘%s’ can not convert to/from ancestor type (Delphi)
- E2527 Helper type ‘%s’ cannot be used in declarations (Delphi)
- E2528 Type parameters not allowed on this method (Delphi)
- E2529 Type parameters not allowed on operator (Delphi)
- E2530 Type parameters not allowed on global procedure or function (Delphi)
- E2531 Method ‘%s’ requires explicit type argument(s) (Delphi)
- E2532 Couldn’t infer generic type argument from different argument types for method ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2533 Virtual, dynamic and message methods cannot have type parameters (Delphi)
- E2534 Class constructor must not be virtual, dynamic nor message (Delphi)
- E2535 Interface methods must not have parameterized methods (Delphi)
- E2537 DEFAULT standard function expects a type identifier (Delphi)
- E2538 DEFAULT standard function not allowed for this type (Delphi)
- E2539 Missing implementation for abstract method ‘%s.%s’ (Delphi)
- E2540 Cannot seal abstract type ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2543 Instantiated data type ‘%s’ too large: exceeds 2 GB (Delphi)
- E2545 Cannot publish class property ‘%s’ — only instance properties can be published (Delphi)
- E2548 Cannot take a class reference of parameterized type (Delphi)
- E2549 Cannot declare parameterized type derived from custom attribute class (Delphi)
- E2556 Type of procedure result or untyped parameter cannot be used as type argument (Delphi)
- E2551 There is no type parameterized methods of ‘%s’ that can be used with these number of type parameters (Delphi)
- E2552 CLASS or RECORD constraint and class type constraint cannot be specified together (Delphi)
- E2553 Class type constraint cannot be specified more than once (Delphi)
- E2555 Cannot capture symbol ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2560 $OBJTYPENAME not allowed for ‘%s’; only global and non-alias type symbol (Delphi)
- E2561 Specified options for $EXTERNALSYM and $NODEFINE are not allowed for ‘%s’; only global and non-alias type symbol (Delphi)
- E2562 Field identifier required (Delphi)
- E2563 Specified interface type is not declared (Delphi)
- E2564 Undefined type ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2565 Cannot use parameterized or instantiated type as custom attribute (Delphi)
- E2568 Can’t create new instance without CONSTRUCTOR constraint in type parameter declaration (Delphi)
- E2569 Type parameter ‘%s’ may need finalization — not allowed in variant record. Consider using RECORD constraint (Delphi)
- E2570 Local procedure in generic method or method of generic type is not supported (Delphi)
- E2571 Type parameter ‘%s’ doesn’t have class or interface constraint (Delphi)
- E2572 RTTI visibility set constant expression of type System.TRttiVisibility expected (Delphi)
- E2573 Illegal value for the ALIGN directive (valid for one of 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16) (Delphi)
- E2574 Instantiated type can not be used for TYPE’d type declaration (Delphi)
- E2575 RTTI for ‘%s’ is too large; reduce scope with $RTTI or reduce type size (Delphi)
- E2584 Weak attribute only allowed on fields and variables of type class or interface: ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2589 Helper type can not be declared in parameterized type context (Delphi)
- E2590 Linker option string too long (Delphi)
- E2591_Only cdecl functions may use varargs (Delphi)
- E2597 ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- E2598 Virtual methods not allowed in record helper types (Delphi)
- E2599 Field definition not allowed in helper type (Delphi)
- E2601 Procedure NEW needs constructor identifier of ‘%s’, but undeclared identifier ‘%s’ found (Delphi)
- E2602 Procedure DISPOSE needs destructor identifier of ‘%s’, but undeclared identifier ‘%s’ found (Delphi)
- E2603 Constraint ‘%s’ cannot be specified more than once (Delphi)
- Linker error: %s (Delphi)
- Linker error: %s: %s (Delphi)
Failure Messages
- F1027 Unit not found ‘%s’ or binary equivalents (%s) (Delphi)
- F2039 Could not create output file ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- F2040 Seek error on ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- F2046 Out of memory (Delphi)
- F2047 Circular unit reference to ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- F2048 Bad unit format — ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- F2051 Unit %s was compiled with a different version of %s.%s (Delphi)
- F2063 Could not compile used unit ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- F2069 Line too long (more than 1023 characters) (Delphi)
- F2084 Internal Error — %s%d (Delphi)
- F2087 System unit incompatible with trial version (Delphi)
- F2092 Program or unit ‘%s’ recursively uses itself (Delphi)
- F2220 Could not compile package ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- F2438 UCS-4 text encoding not supported. Convert to UCS-2 or UTF-8 (Delphi)
- F2446 Unit ‘%s’ is compiled with unit ‘%s’ in ‘%s’ but different version ‘%s’ found (Delphi)
- F2458 Cannot import metadata from Delphi ‘library’. Use packages instead (Delphi)
- F2462 Framework %s does not support thread local variables (%s.%s) (Delphi)
- F2613 Unit ‘%s’ not found. (Delphi)
Hint Messages
To disable or enable the hints messages, see the $HINTS directive and the IDE support for controlling the hints and warnings.
- H2077 Value assigned to ‘%s’ never used (Delphi)
- H2135 FOR or WHILE loop executes zero times — deleted (Delphi)
- H2164 Variable ‘%s’ is declared but never used in ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- H2219 Private symbol ‘%s’ declared but never used (Delphi)
- H2235 Package ‘%s’ does not use or export ‘%s.%s’ (Delphi)
- H2244 Pointer expression needs no Initialize/Finalize — need ^ operator? (Delphi)
- H2365 Override method %s.%s should match case of ancestor %s.%s (Delphi)
- H2368 Visibility of property accessor method %s should match property %s.%s (Delphi)
- H2369 Property accessor %s should be %s (Delphi)
- H2384 CLS: overriding virtual method ‘%s.%s’ visibility (%s) must match base class ‘%s’ (%s) (Delphi)
- H2440 Inline method visibility is not lower or same visibility of accessing member ‘%s.%s’ (Delphi)
- H2443 Inline function ‘%s’ has not been expanded because unit ‘%s’ is not specified in USES list (Delphi)
- H2444 Inline function ‘%s’ has not been expanded because accessing member ‘%s’ is inaccessible (Delphi)
- H2445 Inline function ‘%s’ has not been expanded because its unit ‘%s’ is specified in USES statement of IMPLEMENTATION section and current function is inline function or being inline function (Delphi)
- H2456 Inline function ‘%s’ has not been expanded because contained unit ‘%s’ uses compiling unit ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- H2457 Inline function ‘%s’ has not been expanded because contained unit ‘%s’ uses compiling unit ‘%s’ indirectly (Delphi)
- H2505 ‘Self’ is uninitialized. An inherited constructor must be called before entering a try block (Delphi)
- H2509 Identifier ‘%s’ conflicts with type parameters of container type (Delphi)
- H2596 ‘%s’ (Delphi)
Warning Messages
- W1000 Symbol ‘%s’ is deprecated (Delphi)
- W1001 Symbol ‘%s’ is specific to a library (Delphi)
- W1002 Symbol ‘%s’ is specific to a platform (Delphi)
- W1003 Symbol ‘%s’ is experimental (Delphi)
- W1004 Unit ‘%s’ is specific to a library (Delphi)
- W1005 Unit ‘%s’ is specific to a platform (Delphi)
- W1006 Unit ‘%s’ is deprecated (Delphi)
- W1007 Unit ‘%s’ is experimental (Delphi)
- W1009 Redeclaration of ‘%s’ hides a member in the base class (Delphi)
- W1010 Method ‘%s’ hides virtual method of base type ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- W1011 Text after final ‘END.’ — ignored by compiler (Delphi)
- W1013 Constant 0 converted to NIL (Delphi)
- W1014 String constant truncated to fit STRING%ld (Delphi)
- W1015 FOR-Loop variable ‘%s’ cannot be passed as var parameter (Delphi)
- W1016 Typed constant ‘%s’ passed as var parameter (Delphi)
- W1017 Assignment to typed constant ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- W1018 Case label outside of range of case expression (Delphi)
- W1021 Comparison always evaluates to False (Delphi)
- W1022 Comparison always evaluates to True (Delphi)
- W1023 Comparing signed and unsigned types — widened both operands (Delphi)
- W1024 Combining signed and unsigned types — widened both operands (Delphi)
- W1029 Duplicate %s ‘%s’ with identical parameters will be inacessible from C++ (Delphi)
- W1031 Package ‘%s’ will not be written to disk because -J option is enabled (Delphi)
- W1032 Exported package threadvar ‘%s.%s’ cannot be used outside of this package (Delphi)
- W1034 $HPPEMIT ‘%s’ ignored (Delphi)
- W1035 Return value of function ‘%s’ might be undefined (Delphi)
- W1036 Variable ‘%s’ might not have been initialized (Delphi)
- W1037 FOR-Loop variable ‘%s’ may be undefined after loop (Delphi)
- W1039 No configuration files found (Delphi)
- W1040 Implicit use of Variants unit (Delphi)
- W1041 Error converting Unicode char to locale charset. String truncated. Is your LANG environment variable set correctly (Delphi)
- W1042 Error converting locale string ‘%s’ to Unicode. String truncated. Is your LANG environment variable set correctly (Delphi)
- W1043 Imagebase $%X is not a multiple of 64k. Rounding down to $%X (Delphi)
- W1044 Suspicious typecast of %s to %s (Delphi)
- W1045 Property declaration references ancestor private ‘%s.%s’ (Delphi)
- W1046 Unsafe type ‘%s%s%s’ (Delphi)
- W1047 Unsafe code ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- W1048 Unsafe typecast of ‘%s’ to ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- W1049 value ‘%s’ for option %s was truncated (Delphi)
- W1050 WideChar reduced to byte char in set expressions (Delphi)
- W1051 Duplicate symbol names in namespace. Using ‘%s.%s’ found in %s. Ignoring duplicate in %s (Delphi)
- W1055 Published caused RTTI ($M+) to be added to type ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- W1057 Implicit string cast from ‘%s’ to ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- W1058 Implicit string cast with potential data loss from ‘%s’ to ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- W1059 Explicit string cast from ‘%s’ to ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- W1060 Explicit string cast with potential data loss from ‘%s’ to ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- W1061 Narrowing given WideChar constant (‘%s’) to AnsiChar lost information (Delphi)
- W1062 Narrowing given wide string constant lost information (Delphi)
- W1063 Widening given AnsiChar constant (‘%s’) to WideChar lost information (Delphi)
- W1064 Widening given AnsiString constant lost information (Delphi)
- W1066 Lost Extended floating point precision. Reduced to Double (Delphi)
- W1067 Unable to load DLL ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- W1068 Modifying strings in place may not be supported in the future (Delphi)
- W1069 Feature will not be available in mobile Delphi compiler (Delphi)
- W1070 Use of untype pointer can disrupt instance reference counts (Delphi)
- W1071 Implicit integer cast with potential data loss from ‘%s’ to ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- W1072 Implicit conversion may lose significant digits from ‘%s’ to ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- W1073 Combining signed type and unsigned 64-bit type — treated as an unsigned type (Delphi)
- W1201 XML comment on ‘%s’ has badly formed XML-‘Whitespace is not allowed at this location.’ (Delphi)
- W1202 XML comment on ‘%s’ has badly formed XML- ‘Reference to undefined entity ‘%s» (Delphi)
- W1203 XML comment on ‘%s’ has badly formed XML-‘A name was started with an invalid character.’ (Delphi)
- W1204 XML comment on ‘%s’ has badly formed XML-‘A name contained an invalid character.’ (Delphi)
- W1205 XML comment on ‘%s’ has badly formed XML-‘The character ‘%c’ was expected.’ (Delphi)
- W1206 XML comment on ‘%s’ has cref attribute ‘%s’ that could not be resolved (Delphi)
- W1207 XML comment on ‘%s’ has a param tag for ‘%s’, but there is no parameter by that name (Delphi)
- W1208 Parameter ‘%s’ has no matching param tag in the XML comment for ‘%s’ (but other parameters do) (Delphi)
X Messages
These messages can be either errors or warnings, and the appropriate initial letter (E or W) takes the place of the x in the message number.
- x1008 Integer and HRESULT interchanged (Delphi)
- x1012 Constant expression violates subrange bounds (Delphi)
- x1019 For loop control variable must be simple local variable (Delphi)
- x1020 Constructing instance of ‘%s’ containing abstract method ‘%s.%s’ (Delphi)
- x1025 Unsupported language feature: ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- x1026 File not found ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- x1028 Bad global symbol definition ‘%s’ in object file ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- x1030 Invalid compiler directive — ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- x1033 Unit ‘%s’ implicitly imported into package ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- x1054 Linker error: %s (Delphi)
- x1056 Duplicate resource Type %s, ID %s; File %s resource kept; file %s resource discarded (Delphi)
- x2041 Read error on ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- x2042 Write error on ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- x2043 Close error on ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- x2044 Chmod error on ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- x2141 Bad file format ‘%s’ (Delphi)
- x2161 %s (Delphi)
- x2162 %s: %s (Delphi)
- x2243 Expression needs no Initialize/Finalize (Delphi)
- x2269 Overriding virtual method ‘%s.%s’ has lower visibility (%s) than base class ‘%s’ (%s) (Delphi)
- x2367 Case of property accessor method %s.%s should be %s.%s (Delphi)
- x2421 Imported identifier ‘%s’ conflicts with ‘%s’ in ‘%s’ (Delphi)