Обновлен: 1 год назад
Номер статьи (ID) 64366
Распространенные проблемы
Я не могу зайти в World of Warcraft, возникает ошибка WOW51900223.
Убедитесь, что игра обновлена, выбрав опцию Проверка обновлений в меню Настройки в приложении Blizzard.
Сходные статьи
Ошибка «Произошла ошибка. Пожалуйста, зайдите позже»
Информация об ошибке «Произошла ошибка. Пожалуйста, зайдите позже».
Ошибка 132
Системные неполадки могут вызывать принудительное завершение работы World of Warcraft, сопровождающееся сообщением «Ошибка 132: критическое исключение!».
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If you ever encounter this error; “You have been disconnected. (wow51900223)” in this article, we will offer you possible fixes to this reoccurring issue.
You can fix the wow51900223 error in World of Warcraft with any of these 2 methods. Continue reading to find out how.
Method 1: Reset your Network (for Windows 10)
After troubleshooting your system without success, try to reset your network. To do this, go to Windows Setting by pressing the Windows+i button on the keyboard, or clicking Start and then Settings button. This will take you to the Windows Settings screen, then click “Network & Internet.”
1. On the “Network & Internet” screen, click the «Status» tab on the left. Scroll down and click the «Network Reset» link on the right-hand side.
2. The «Network Reset» page shows a warning about the consequence of resetting your network, and also tells you a restart is required after the reset. Reset the network by clicking the «Reset now» button, and then reboot the system.
3. When the prompt to confirm network reset is displayed, click «Yes.»
4. And that’s all! After your system has rebooted, Windows will guide you through your network setup. This method should be the last option after every other method fails.
Method 2: IP Release, Renew, and Flush DNS.
This method applies to Windows 8 and 10
- Press Windows key+X while on the desktop screen.
- Select Command Prompt (Run as Administrator)
- In the command prompt, type ipconfig /release.
- Wait for some seconds for a message informing you of the release of the IP address.
- In the command prompt, type ipconfig/renew.
- Wait for some seconds for a message informing you of the re-establishment of the IP address.
- In the command prompt, type ipconfig/flushdns.
- Leave the command prompt page, and try to establish a connection.
Обновлен: 1 год назад
Номер статьи (ID) 64366
Распространенные проблемы
Я не могу зайти в World of Warcraft, возникает ошибка WOW51900223.
Убедитесь, что игра обновлена, выбрав опцию Проверка обновлений в меню Настройки в приложении Blizzard.
Сбросьте настройки интерфейса, чтобы убедиться, что файлы настроек интерфейса не повреждены.
Запустите инструмент восстановления, чтобы восстановить поврежденные файлы игры.
Если это не помогло, удалите и переустановите игру.
Чтобы оставить отзыв, авторизуйтесь.
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Сходные статьи
Ошибка «Произошла ошибка. Пожалуйста, зайдите позже»
Информация об ошибке «Произошла ошибка. Пожалуйста, зайдите позже».
Ошибка «Это имя недоступно»
Информация об этой ошибке, возникающей при создании персонажа в World of Warcraft.
Ошибка WOW51900314
Информация об ошибке WOW51900314.
World of Warcraft is a popular online game. Some players reported that they encountered error code BLZ51901016 while trying to log into their accounts on this game. To solve the problem, MiniTool Partition Wizard puts together some solutions in this post.
WoW, short for World of Warcraft, is a multiplayer online role-playing game developed and released by Blizzard Entertainment. It is available on Microsoft Windows and macOS. Since its release in 2004, a lot of game lovers have been attracted by this game.
Unfortunately, some Windows users received an error message while trying to log into their WoW accounts: You have been disconnected (BLZ51901016).
Why does WoW error BLZ51901016 happen? The reasons could be various, but you don’t need to worry. In the following contents, some possible solutions are listed and you can try them one by one when you encounter the same issue.
Solution 1: Make Sure Your PC Meets WoW System Requirements
To make sure WoW can run properly on your computer, your computer has to meet to minimum system requirements of this game. If you want to enjoy a high performance during the game, your computer needs to meet the recommended system requirements.
Our previous post World of Warcraft System Requirements has discussed the system requirements of WoW Shadowlands and Classic. You can check whether your computer meets them.
You might also be interested in: How to Check PC Full Specs Windows 10 in 5 Ways.
Solution 2: Reset Your User Interface in WoW
You should also make sure your game files and add-ons are not corrupted when you receive WoW error BLZ51901016. And you can reset the WoW user interface. It can help you solve various display and interface issues.
Here are the steps.
Step 1: Close WoW completely.
Tip: If you have any add-on managers, please uninstall them to make sure they don’t re-add removed add-ons later.
Step 2: Open File Explorer and navigate to the installation folder of WoW. If you don’t know where it is, you can right-click the WoW desktop shortcut and select Open file location.
Step 3: Open the folder for your game version, and it might be “_retail_”, “_classic_era_”, or “_classic_”.
Step 4: Rename the Cache folder to CacheOld, Interface to InterfaceOld, and WTF to WTFOld.
Step 5: Launch WoW to check if it works properly now.
If the message “you have been disconnected BLZ51901016” pops up again, move on to the next solution.
Solution 3: Check Your Internet Connection
To solve the WoW BLZ51901016 error, you should also make sure your Internet connection works properly.
If your network runs slowly, it is a good way to power cycle your network devices such as the modem or router. For more detailed steps, you can refer to our previous post: How to Restart a Router and Modem Properly.
If you are using a wireless network connection, you can try the following methods to optimize your network:
- Try connecting to the network device via a wired connection, which is more stable and faster.
- Close other programs that use the same network, like other games or downloading tasks.
- Do not use satellite, mobile phone, or WiMax internet connection, which are unstable and might lead to connection issues on Blizzard games.
Solution 4: Update Outdated Drivers
An outdated or corrupted driver could also lead to WoW error BLZ51901016, as it could cause compatibility issues. If you don’t update your device drivers regularly, you should check them right now, especially the network driver and the graphics card driver.
There are many ways to update device drivers on Windows. For example, you can update drivers in Device Manager or via Windows Update. Alternatively, you can also use a professional third-party driver update program.
Hope this post can help you get rid of the error “you have been disconnected BLZ51901016”.
If you ever encounter this error; “You have been disconnected. (wow51900223)” in this article, we will offer you possible fixes to this reoccurring issue.
You can fix the wow51900223 error in World of Warcraft with any of these 2 methods. Continue reading to find out how.
Method 1: Reset your Network (for Windows 10)
After troubleshooting your system without success, try to reset your network. To do this, go to Windows Setting by pressing the Windows+i button on the keyboard, or clicking Start and then Settings button. This will take you to the Windows Settings screen, then click “Network & Internet.”
1. On the “Network & Internet” screen, click the «Status» tab on the left. Scroll down and click the «Network Reset» link on the right-hand side.
2. The «Network Reset» page shows a warning about the consequence of resetting your network, and also tells you a restart is required after the reset. Reset the network by clicking the «Reset now» button, and then reboot the system.
3. When the prompt to confirm network reset is displayed, click «Yes.»
4. And that’s all! After your system has rebooted, Windows will guide you through your network setup. This method should be the last option after every other method fails.
Method 2: IP Release, Renew, and Flush DNS.
This method applies to Windows 8 and 10
- Press Windows key+X while on the desktop screen.
- Select Command Prompt (Run as Administrator)
- In the command prompt, type ipconfig /release.
- Wait for some seconds for a message informing you of the release of the IP address.
- In the command prompt, type ipconfig/renew.
- Wait for some seconds for a message informing you of the re-establishment of the IP address.
- In the command prompt, type ipconfig/flushdns.
- Leave the command prompt page, and try to establish a connection.