Wow ошибка 1901016

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Код ошибки: BLZ51901016

Данная ошибка возникает, если ваш компьютер не соответствует системным требованиям этой игры или если вы испытываете затруднения с соединением. Для устранения ошибки, пожалуйста, попробуйте следующие советы:

  1. Убедитесь, что ваш компьютер соответствует минимальным системным требованиям (Shadowlands | Classic).
  2. Обновите драйверы, чтобы исправить ошибки совместимости.
  3. Сбросьте настройки интерфейса, чтобы убедиться, что файлы настроек интерфейса не повреждены.
  4. Перезагрузите модем и маршрутизатор, чтобы убедиться, что маршрутизатор не перегружен данными.
  5. Если вы используете беспроводное подключение, оптимизируйте интернет-подключение, чтобы решить связанные с ним затруднения.
  6. Попробуйте закрыть фоновые приложения, чтобы избежать конфликтов программ.

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  • Fixed: WoW Error Code BLZ51901016 – You have Been Disconnected

By Sherry |
Last Updated

World of Warcraft is a popular online game. Some players reported that they encountered error code BLZ51901016 while trying to log into their accounts on this game. To solve the problem, MiniTool Partition Wizard puts together some solutions in this post.

WoW, short for World of Warcraft, is a multiplayer online role-playing game developed and released by Blizzard Entertainment. It is available on Microsoft Windows and macOS. Since its release in 2004, a lot of game lovers have been attracted by this game.

Unfortunately, some Windows users received an error message while trying to log into their WoW accounts: You have been disconnected (BLZ51901016).

Why does WoW error BLZ51901016 happen? The reasons could be various, but you don’t need to worry. In the following contents, some possible solutions are listed and you can try them one by one when you encounter the same issue.

Solution 1: Make Sure Your PC Meets WoW System Requirements

To make sure WoW can run properly on your computer, your computer has to meet to minimum system requirements of this game. If you want to enjoy a high performance during the game, your computer needs to meet the recommended system requirements.

Our previous post World of Warcraft System Requirements has discussed the system requirements of WoW Shadowlands and Classic. You can check whether your computer meets them.

You might also be interested in: How to Check PC Full Specs Windows 10 in 5 Ways.

Solution 2: Reset Your User Interface in WoW

You should also make sure your game files and add-ons are not corrupted when you receive WoW error BLZ51901016. And you can reset the WoW user interface. It can help you solve various display and interface issues.

Here are the steps.

Step 1: Close WoW completely.

Tip: If you have any add-on managers, please uninstall them to make sure they don’t re-add removed add-ons later.

Step 2: Open File Explorer and navigate to the installation folder of WoW. If you don’t know where it is, you can right-click the WoW desktop shortcut and select Open file location.

Step 3: Open the folder for your game version, and it might be “_retail_”, “_classic_era_”, or “_classic_”.

Step 4: Rename the Cache folder to CacheOld, Interface to InterfaceOld, and WTF to WTFOld.

rename WoW folders

Step 5: Launch WoW to check if it works properly now.

If the message “you have been disconnected BLZ51901016” pops up again, move on to the next solution.

Solution 3: Check Your Internet Connection

To solve the WoW BLZ51901016 error, you should also make sure your Internet connection works properly.

If your network runs slowly, it is a good way to power cycle your network devices such as the modem or router. For more detailed steps, you can refer to our previous post: How to Restart a Router and Modem Properly.

If you are using a wireless network connection, you can try the following methods to optimize your network:

  • Try connecting to the network device via a wired connection, which is more stable and faster.
  • Close other programs that use the same network, like other games or downloading tasks.
  • Do not use satellite, mobile phone, or WiMax internet connection, which are unstable and might lead to connection issues on Blizzard games.

Solution 4: Update Outdated Drivers

An outdated or corrupted driver could also lead to WoW error BLZ51901016, as it could cause compatibility issues. If you don’t update your device drivers regularly, you should check them right now, especially the network driver and the graphics card driver.

There are many ways to update device drivers on Windows. For example, you can update drivers in Device Manager or via Windows Update. Alternatively, you can also use a professional third-party driver update program.

Hope this post can help you get rid of the error “you have been disconnected BLZ51901016”.

About The Author

Position: Columnist

Sherry has been a staff editor of MiniTool for a year. She has received rigorous training about computer and digital data in company. Her articles focus on solutions to various problems that many Windows users might encounter and she is excellent at disk partitioning. She has a wide range of hobbies, including listening to music, playing video games, roller skating, reading, and so on. By the way, she is patient and serious.

WoW Error Code BLZ51901016 is a network-related issue that can be fixed easily following our step-by-step guide ⤵️

World of Warcraft is a great online RPG and it keeps players from all over the world entertained with frequent updates, and a great ongoing story. So, it’s something of an annoyance when you can’t play that game because of WoW error code blz51901016.

You have been disconnected
Disconnected and now stuck at retrieving the realm list

Error Code: BLZ51901016

However, the good thing is that you can fix the WoW error code easily and quick with the potential resolutions below.

What causes the World of Warcraft error code BLZ51901016?

WoW blz51901016 is typically a connection (network-related) issue, as highlighted by its message. These are some of the potential causes for the World of Warcraft error code BLZ51901016:

  • Corrupted game data or add-ons: This issue can occur because of corrupted World of Warcraft cached data or add-ons.
  • Background software conflict: There might be a conflicting background service or app causing error  BLZ51901016.
  • Outdated or corrupted DNS cache data: Connectivity issues arise because of old or corrupted DNS cache data.
  • An overloaded router: Connection errors like BLZ51901016 can also occur when a router is overloaded or flooded with data.

How to fix error BLZ51901016?

To fix error BLZ51901016, try the solutions below:

Table of Contents

  1. Power cycle the modem and router
  2. Flush the DNS cache
  3. Disable background services and apps
  4. Reset World of Warcraft’s UI
  5. Set a Google DNS
  6. Reset your network

1. Power cycle the modem and router

This is the turn it on and off solution which might fix WoW error blz51901016 in no time. The great thing is that by power cycling your modem and router for a few minutes might also change your IP.

  1. First, turn off your Windows PC.
  2. Then unplug both your modem and router.
  3. Wait a couple of minutes.
  4. Plug your modem and then router back in and turn them on.
  5. Wait for all the connection lights to appear.

2. Flush the DNS cache

It is actually recommended to flush the DNS cache once in a while because it improves your network-related services, allows you to visit the most up-to-date version of the sites you visit frequently, and protects your PC from internet attacks. Additionally it might fix your blz51901016 error.

  1. Press your keyboard’s Windows + R keys and enter CMD into Run.
  2. Then press the Ctrl + Shift + Enter hotkey for opening apps with admin rights.
  3. Type in this flush DNS command and hit Enter: ipconfig /flushdnsThe flush DNS command wow error code blz51901016

3. Disable background services and apps

Closing unnecessary processes like services and apps will increase your system’s resources, which it will be able to allocate more towards the game. As a result, it might solve the BLZ519 error in WOW. Also, by doing this you will increase your overall system performance and improve the functionality-related processes.

  1. Open Run, input msconfig, and click OK.
  2. Then uncheck the selected Load startup items setting on the General tab.Load startup items wow error code blz51901016
  3. Select Services within the System Configuration window’s tab bar.
  4. Select the checkbox labeled Hide all Microsoft services.
  5. Click Disable all to deselect selected checkboxes for services.
  6. Select Apply to save your new boot setup.Services tab wow error code blz51901016
  7. Press OK to exit the MSConfig tool.
  8. Click Restart when asked to reboot.
  9. Open and try playing World of Warcraft after the restart.

4. Reset World of Warcraft’s UI

Sometimes the core code of World of Warcraft might interfere with other mods and applications and the UI might get faulty in the process generating WoW blz51901016. You can fix it easily by following the few steps below.

  1. Bring up World of Warcraft’s software.
  2. Click the cog icon on the World of Warcraft Play button.
  3. Select the Show in Explorer menu option.
    Show in Explorer option wow error code blz51901016
  4. Next, navigate to the World of Warcraft folder from there.
  5. Select to open the _classic_, _retail_, or _classic_era_  folder depending on the World of Warcraft version you’re troubleshooting.
  6. Then right-click the Cache folder to select Rename.
  7. Input CachedOld for the new folder name.
  8. Repeat step six for the Interface and WTF subfolders. You should rename those folders to InterfaceOld and WTFOld.
    Renamed folders wow error code blz51901016

5. Set a Google DNS

Using a Google DNS over a general DNS will greatly improve your performance in many cases. Also, the speed will be better with a public DNS. Do it by following the steps below.

  1. Press the Windows key + S to type Control Panel in the search box.
  2. Select Control Panel to open that app’s window.
  3. Click on Network and Internet within the Control Panel. If you can’t see that, click the Category option on the View by menu.
    The Network and Internet category wow error code blz51901016
  4. Select the Network and Sharing Center applet.
  5. Click Change adapter settings along the left side of the Network and Sharing Center applet.
    Change adapter settings option wow error code blz51901016
  6. Then right-click on your internet network adapter and select Properties.
  7. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 and click Properties inside the Networking tab.
    Properties button wow error code blz51901016
  8. Click on the General tab’s Use the following DNS server address radio button.
    The Use the following DNS server option wow error code blz51901016
  9. Enter the Google address within the Preferred DNS server box.
  10. Input the Google address into the Alternative DNS box.
  11. Select the Internet Protocol Version 4 window’s OK button.
  12. Click Close in the other window.

6. Reset your network

Time needed: 5 minutes

Resetting your network connection might fix wow blz51901016 for good. The best part is that it doesn’t even take long, and in a few minutes you can go back to grinding.

  1. Open Settings’ System tab by pressing that app’s Windows logo button + I keyboard shortcut.

  2. Click on the Network & internet tab and Advanced network settings.

  3. Select the Network reset navigation option.

  4. Click on the Reset now button and select Yes to confirm.

  5. Restart the PC after resetting your network.

  6. Then you’ll need to re-establish your internet connection with its password.

Related Articles:

  1. WoW BLZ51903006 Error: Quick and Simple Fixes
  2. WoW Driver Out of Date: Best Ways to Fix This Problem
  3. WoW Screen Flickering and Tearing: How to Stop It Right Away
  4. WoW A Character With That Name Already Exists: How to fix
  5. WoW Stuck On Loading Screen: How To Make It Work

We hope that our solutions fixed your game for good and that you are already back farming. However, if they’re not enough, consider submitting a support ticket to Blizzard saying that you tried everything. You can submit a help ticket from the Support page on the Blizzard website.

If you encounter any issues or errors while playing your favorite games and require support, feel free to contact us here. Our team is always ready to assist you and ensure your gaming experience is seamless and enjoyable.

Fix WoW error blz51901016

World of Warcraft is a massive online role-playing game released by Blizzard Entertainment. Despite being one of the biggest games in the world, many players face a frequent issue called WoW error blz51901016. Here is everything you need to know to fix Fix WoW error blz51901016.

Fix WoW error blz51901016

Word of Warcraft

The multiplayer online video game was released in 2004 by Blizard Entertainment. It is set in the fantasy universe of Warcraft, World of Warcraft takes place within the world of Azeroth. The game allows players to create their own character avatar and explore the game in a first or third-person view. The players can complete quests, interact with other players, roam around the game exploring the amazing landscapes, and battle with deadly monsters.

1. Reset your Router

The first and easy solution is to reset your router. Power off your internet router, wait for a couple of minutes and then restart it. Finally, restart the World of Warcraft game to check if the issue is solved or not. This quick-fix works most of the time, but if it doesn’t try the other steps mentioned below.

2. Flushing the DNS

This step might take a little effort than the previous one but it is recommended especially by Blizzard.

Here, you need to flush the DNS to resolve the game’s connection issue, WoW error blz51901016.

  • Click on Type here to search taskbar button in your Windows 10.
  • To search for it, input Command Prompt.
  • Right-click on the Command Prompt and then select the Run as administrator context menu option.
  • Then, enter ipconfig /flushdns in the Command Prompt
  • Finally, Press Enter to initiate the command.

3. Deselecting the Optimize Network for Speed option

This method has been advised by lots of World of Warcraft players and they have confirmed this method work pretty much well. To deselect this option follow these steps:

  • Press Esc in Word of Warcraft to open the Game menu.
  • Click the System button.
  • Select Network.
  • Deselect the Optimize Network for Speed option.
  • Click on the Apply option.
  • Finally, click the Okay button.

4. Lowering the background FPS

Reducing the game’s background FPS can fix the WoW error blz51901016.

To do this,

  • Open the Warcraft Menu
  • Click the System option
  • Select the Advanced tab
  • Select the checkbox for Max Background FPS slide.
  • While using the slider reduce the background FPS.
  • Select on Apply
  • AND then, click on Okay.

Hopefully, these methods will fix the WoW error blz51901016 in your War of Warcraft game. If these methods still don’t fix the issue, we would recommend you to contact the developers for support.

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