Winetricks ошибка контрольной суммы


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Joined: Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:24 pm

Wine 6.9 + Winetricks-20210206 vcrun2005-2015 checksum error!

Bad day all!
When I try to put on my Wineprefix WinXP 2005, the downloaded file writes a checksum error and does not want to configure the Wineprefix next. Distributive Gentoo AMD64 x86_64.

Code: Select all

Executing mkdir -p /home/anna
Using winetricks 20210206 - sha256sum: fca9fc58fa48951cecf67b8d42aa6b947f90307a08415d9403d2b8913e03a1d7 with wine-6.9 (Staging) and WINEARCH=win32
Executing w_do_call vcrun2005
Executing mkdir -p /home/anna
Executing load_vcrun2005 
warning: Контрольная сумма файла /home/anna/.cache/winetricks/vcrun2005/vcredist_x86.EXE не совпадает, попытка повторной загрузки
Executing cd /home/anna/.cache/winetricks/vcrun2005
Downloading to /home/anna/.cache/winetricks/vcrun2005
--2021-05-30 08:03:43--
Распознаётся (…
Подключение к (||:443... соединение установлено.
HTTP-запрос отправлен. Ожидание ответа… 200 OK
Длина: 2710520 (2,6M) [application/octet-stream]
Сохранение в: «vcredist_x86.EXE»

vcredist_x86.EXE                             100%[===========================================================================================>]   2,58M  8,12MB/s    за 0,3s    

2021-05-30 08:03:44 (8,12 MB/s) - «vcredist_x86.EXE» сохранён [2710520/2710520]

Executing cd /home/anna/Games/WOW/WOTLK/wine
warning: Контрольная сумма sha256sum не совпадает! Переименуйте файл /home/anna/.cache/winetricks/vcrun2005/vcredist_x86.EXE и попробуйте еще раз.

(program exited with code: 1)
Press return to continue

Regards, yours Krakra!

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Unser395 opened this issue

May 9, 2021



SHA256 mismatch — vc_redist.x86.exe


Unser395 opened this issue

May 9, 2021





I’m not able to install vcrun2019 due to the sha256 mismatch error.
I’ve tried to update winetricks with —self-update and tried to use the —force option but I couldn’t make it work.
With the updated winetricks, I also get this warning instead of the mismatch error: warning: Note: command wine regedit C:\windows\Temp\override-dll.reg returned status 53. Aborting. It doesn’t seem to download vcrun2019.

Thank you very much for your help.



I’m not able to install vcrun2019 due to the sha256 mismatch error.
I’ve tried to update winetricks with —self-update and tried to use the —force option but I couldn’t make it work.
With the updated winetricks, I also get this warning instead of the mismatch error: warning: Note: command wine regedit C:\windows\Temp\override-dll.reg returned status 53. Aborting. It doesn’t seem to download vcrun2019.

Thank you very much for your help.

Hello, edit file winetricks, new strings
# 2021/05/10: ac96016f1511ae3eb5ec9de04551146fe351b7f97858dcd67163912e2302f5d6
w_download ac96016f1511ae3eb5ec9de04551146fe351b7f97858dcd67163912e2302f5d6


Hello, thank you very much for taking the time to answer! I’m still not able to install vcrun2019 though.

On the «20210206» winetrick release, once the lines are added/edited, I still get a mismatch error.
I’ve noticed that the checksum you wrote is the same as the one from 2020/03/23. I’m not knowledgeable on these kind of things, so I thought it was worth mentioning.

On the «20210206-next» release, I still get the warning: Note: command wine regedit C:\windows\Temp\override-dll.reg returned status 53. Aborting. error.
Here is the full output :

On another note, when I download the .exe directly from microsoft and check its checksum it seems to be 14563755ac24a874241935ef2c22c5fce973acb001f99e524145113b2dc638c1, it’s the latest mentioned by default in the winetricks file in /usr/bin .

Thanks again!


Same issue here
sha256sum mismatch
Seems that Winetricks need an update.



I found all the broken «sha mismatch» in the DLL section. The url has usually changed, not the SHA for the download (#1752) — beware of SHA changes for windows downloads, could quite easily be repacked with malware


On another note, when I download the .exe directly from microsoft and check its checksum it seems to be 14563755ac24a874241935ef2c22c5fce973acb001f99e524145113b2dc638c1, it’s the latest mentioned by default in the winetricks file in /usr/bin .

what has changed is the actual url that was used to download the file, if you could post that, then a fix can be made. Note that the SHA checksum is the same as alternate winetricks versions


vc2005run doesn’t work either, same problem, though it is not the URL, the file downloads okay, just the SHA256.


Anarchy linux/Mate. Tried moving from wine-staging to wine, thinking it may be that at first, but hit same status 53 errors with winetricks.

Can’t install vcredists, corefonts, msxm14, tahoma … also, «warning: vcrun6sp6 installation failed» and the same for vcrun6.

Winetricks version … 20210206-next — sha256sum: 7cc2f1a44854b8449270cb46890d6cf3c9dff190ac40729ae4eb817b290df8f5

Not able to run art software use, and not very tech, so unfortunately don’t understand how to edit winetricks strings. Normally runs great, so would welcome advice.


Manjaro KDE is the same Problem with the vcredist2008. I am like linuxgirl and don´t know how to put some codings into an activ program.
Some helpful advices weren´t bad.

Best Greetings,


I had the same issue, I had a quick fix of replacing the sha256sum values in the /usr/bin/winetricks.
Somthing similar to:

run sha256sum on the file.exe, and replace this output with the value in the winetricks file.


  1. sha256sum <filename>
  2. sudo gedit /usr/bin/winetricks
  3. Ctrl+F -> ‘filename or download url’
  4. replace the sha256sum following the URL, with the one you gathered.

Worked for me!
I had issues with vcredist_x64.exe and vcredist_x86.exe. Doing this solved the issues.


@ruhend Thanks for explanation and link. Challenging stuff! Had managed to —force all but 2 or 3 packages; games are running, and able to instead use krita successfully with art tablet, so will leave it to those able to mend things, but thanks for offering help.


Can’t install vcredists, corefonts, msxm14, tahoma … also, «warning: vcrun6sp6 installation failed» and the same for vcrun6.

#1752 provides solutions to some of those



Thank you very much for these two fixes!


Ok, so I think this needs to be opened again, or I need to create a new issue. I can’t install vcrun2008 because of a sha256 mismatch.


@SeanRamey When this was happening before, I saw something online that said to go to .cache/winetricks and try double-clicking on the exe within the folder. That worked recently about vcrun2008. Thankfully other things are installing okay, including vcrun2015.

Один из вариантов — изменить /usr/bin/winetricks, который является сценарием оболочки, для включения обновленной суммы sha256. Это следует делать только в том случае, если вы уверены, что файл в вашем кэше был правильно загружен.

В моем случае ошибка такова:

sha256sum mismatch! Rename /home/coderazzi/.cache/winetricks/PowerPointViewer/PowerPointViewer.exe and try again.

Я могу проверить сумму sha256 этого файла:

sha256sum /home/coderazzi/.cache/winetricks/PowerPointViewer/PowerPointViewer.exe

И результат: e17cb384eeac4caf08a4f5d4bceb9697fff83fa942d2a3d9ad0294a9b1774390

Делаешь сейчас:

grep PowerPointViewer.exe /usr/bin/winetricks

Показывает несколько строк с контентом:

...     /PowerPointViewer.exe" 249473568eba7a1e4f95498acba594e0f42e6581add4dead70c1dfb908a09423

Теперь его можно обновить, заменив исходную сумму новой, просто выполнив:

sudo sed -i -e s/249473568eba7a1e4f95498acba594e0f42e6581add4dead70c1dfb908a09423/e17cb384eeac4caf08a4f5d4bceb9697fff83fa942d2a3d9ad0294a9b1774390/g /usr/bin/winetricks

Выполнение сейчас winetricks позволит избежать исходной ошибки.

One alternative is to modify /usr/bin/winetricks, which is a shell script, to include the updated sha256sum. You should do this only if you are sure that the file in your cache has been properly downloaded.

In my case, the error is:

sha256sum mismatch! Rename /home/coderazzi/.cache/winetricks/PowerPointViewer/PowerPointViewer.exe and try again.

I can check the sha256 sum of this file:

sha256sum /home/coderazzi/.cache/winetricks/PowerPointViewer/PowerPointViewer.exe

And the result is: e17cb384eeac4caf08a4f5d4bceb9697fff83fa942d2a3d9ad0294a9b1774390

Doing now:

grep PowerPointViewer.exe /usr/bin/winetricks

Shows a few lines with content:

...     /PowerPointViewer.exe" 249473568eba7a1e4f95498acba594e0f42e6581add4dead70c1dfb908a09423

It can be updated now by replacing the original sum with the new one, just by doing:

sudo sed -i -e s/249473568eba7a1e4f95498acba594e0f42e6581add4dead70c1dfb908a09423/e17cb384eeac4caf08a4f5d4bceb9697fff83fa942d2a3d9ad0294a9b1774390/g /usr/bin/winetricks

Executing now winetricks would avoid the original error.

The current order is aria2c, wget, curl, then fetch.

After reading the source code, I found that it is exactly what you said!

    # shellcheck disable=SC2104
        aria2c|curl|wget|fetch) : ;;
        "") if [ -x "$(command -v aria2c 2>/dev/null)" ] ; then
            elif [ -x "$(command -v wget 2>/dev/null)" ] ; then
            elif [ -x "$(command -v curl 2>/dev/null)" ] ; then
            elif [ -x "$(command -v fetch 2>/dev/null)" ] ; then
                w_die "Please install wget or aria2c (or, if those aren't available, curl)"

1. Error reproduction

I installed vlgothic again to reproduce the error.

From the log, it seems that aria2c does not recognize socks proxy. (Because I have aria2c installed, winetricks uses aria2c first.). The log is as follows:

$ winetricks vlgothic
Exception: [] errorCode=28 We encountered a problem while processing the option '--all-proxy'.
  -> [] errorCode=1 unrecognized proxy format

Executing mkdir -p /home/xxx
You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. Note that many verbs only install 32-bit versions of packages. If you encounter problems, please retest in a clean 32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.
Using winetricks 20200412-next - sha256sum: d8868a91d69dbf509d9189a3ef57d7e178c90bd597c0687eac44bf751b059184 with wine-5.16 (Staging) and WINEARCH=win64
Executing w_do_call vlgothic
Executing mkdir -p /home/xxx
You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. Note that many verbs only install 32-bit versions of packages. If you encounter problems, please retest in a clean 32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.
Executing load_vlgothic 
Executing cd /home/xxx/.cache/winetricks/vlgothic
Downloading to /home/xxx/.cache/winetricks/vlgothic
Exception: [] errorCode=28 We encountered a problem while processing the option '--all-proxy'.
  -> [] errorCode=1 unrecognized proxy format

09/11 18:59:49 [NOTICE] Downloading 1 item(s)

09/11 18:59:50 [NOTICE] CUID#8 - Redirecting to

09/11 18:59:50 [NOTICE] 下载已完成:/home/xxx/.cache/winetricks/vlgothic/VLGothic-20141206.tar.xz

gid   |stat|avg speed  |path/URI
db4e8e|OK  |    19KiB/s|/home/xxx/.cache/winetricks/vlgothic/VLGothic-20141206.tar.xz

Executing cd /home/xxx
sha256sum mismatch! Rename /home/xxx/.cache/winetricks/vlgothic/VLGothic-20141206.tar.xz and try again.
$ echo $all_proxy 

2. Solution

After that, I modified winetricks and moved wget to the front of aria2c, as follows:

    # shellcheck disable=SC2104
        aria2c|curl|wget|fetch) : ;;
        "") if [ -x "$(command -v wget 2>/dev/null)" ] ; then
            elif [ -x "$(command -v aria2c 2>/dev/null)" ] ; then

vlgothic successfully installed!

$ winetricks vlgothic     
Executing mkdir -p /home/xxx
You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. Note that many verbs only install 32-bit versions of packages. If you encounter problems, please retest in a clean 32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.
Using winetricks 20200412-next - sha256sum: cd5e587560c0643a7de2bd2c586795e1fc488649fa72f483ad3a69a300826d6e with wine-5.16 (Staging) and WINEARCH=win64
Executing w_do_call vlgothic
Executing mkdir -p /home/xxx
You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. Note that many verbs only install 32-bit versions of packages. If you encounter problems, please retest in a clean 32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.
Executing load_vlgothic 
Executing cd /home/xxx/.cache/winetricks/vlgothic
Downloading to /home/xxx/.cache/winetricks/vlgothic
--2020-09-11 19:08:59--
正在连接 已连接。
已发出 Proxy 请求,正在等待回应... 302 Found
位置: [跟随至新的 URL]
--2020-09-11 19:09:03--
再次使用存在的到 的连接。
已发出 Proxy 请求,正在等待回应... 302 Found
位置: [跟随至新的 URL]
--2020-09-11 19:09:05--
正在连接 已连接。
已发出 Proxy 请求,正在等待回应... 200 OK
长度:2222264 (2.1M) [application/octet-stream]
正在保存至: “VLGothic-20141206.tar.xz”

VLGothic-20141206.t 100%[=================>]   2.12M  5.91MB/s  用时 0.4s    

2020-09-11 19:09:06 (5.91 MB/s) - 已保存 “VLGothic-20141206.tar.xz” [2222264/2222264])

Executing cd /home/xxx
Executing cd /home/xxx/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/temp
Executing tar -Jxf /home/xxx/.cache/winetricks/vlgothic/VLGothic-20141206.tar.xz
Running /usr/bin/wineserver -w. This will hang until all wine processes in prefix=/home/xxx/.wine terminate
Executing wine regedit C:\windows\Temp\_register-font.reg
002c:fixme:winediag:__wine_start_process Wine Staging 5.16 is a testing version containing experimental patches.
002c:fixme:winediag:__wine_start_process Please mention your exact version when filing bug reports on
Executing wine64 regedit C:\windows\Temp\_register-font.reg
Executing cp /home/xxx/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/temp/_register-font.reg /tmp/winetricks.hFZmh5UW/_reg_74f137bd_19609.reg
Executing wine regedit C:\windows\Temp\_register-font.reg
Executing wine64 regedit C:\windows\Temp\_register-font.reg
Executing cp /home/xxx/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/temp/_register-font.reg /tmp/winetricks.hFZmh5UW/_reg_c62563e6_19609.reg
Executing wine regedit C:\windows\Temp\_register-font.reg
Executing wine64 regedit C:\windows\Temp\_register-font.reg
Executing cp /home/xxx/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/temp/_register-font.reg /tmp/winetricks.hFZmh5UW/_reg_6ae53c21_19609.reg
Executing wine regedit C:\windows\Temp\_register-font.reg
Executing wine64 regedit C:\windows\Temp\_register-font.reg
Executing cp /home/xxx/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/temp/_register-font.reg /tmp/winetricks.hFZmh5UW/_reg_adcd8fcc_19609.reg
You opted in, so reporting 'vlgothic ' to the winetricks maintainer so he knows which winetricks verbs get used and which don't.  Use --optout to disable future reports.

3. Conclusion

wget is better than aria2c!

BTW, do I need to apply for a pull to merge this change?

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