Who like to cook исправить ошибку

Correct the mistakes (Исправьте ошибки).

    Who like to cook? Who did was in that room? What does make you think so? Who did watch the performance last week? What does need cleaning? Who is write this article? Who have come to the party? Who did do it? Who will be care about his health? Who I am eating with?



— Who loves Peter?

— Who does Sam love?

— Who has done this homework?

— Who did you do this homework with?

— Who cooks dinner for you?

— Who will you cook lunch for?

— Who went to Italy last year?

— Who will you go to Italy with?

— Where were you born?

— Who will go to school with you tomorrow?


Who speaks English? — Sara does.

Who is playing the violin? — Mark is.

Who was in Rio? — My grandparents were.

Who has finished the exercises? — I have.

Who will come to school next week? — They will.

Who broke her favorite cup yesterday? — He did.

What has already finished? — A dance show has.

Who was dancing when I came? — Robert was.

Who will be preparing for exams tomorrow from 2 till 6? — My brother will.

Who will have come to New Zealand by 7 pm the day after tomorrow? — They will.

Who will you go to Italy with.

Lizasenglish. ru

11.04.2019 12:32:38

2019-04-11 12:32:38


Https://lizasenglish. ru/grammatika/uprazhneniya-voprosy-k-podlezhashhemu. html

Вопросы к подлежащему в английском языке, упражнения | Lim English » /> » /> .keyword { color: red; } Вопрос к подлежащему в английском языке упражнения 8 класс

Вопросы к подлежащему в английском языке

Вопросы к подлежащему в английском языке

Сегодня мы разберёмся в том, как задать вопрос к подлежащему в английском языке и сделаем упражнения на закрепление материала.

Мы в русском языке часто задаём друг другу вопросы типа: «Кто сорвал цветок?», «Что там упало?». Их общей чертой являются слова «кто»/»что» на первом месте предложения. В английском такие вопросы называются вопросами к подлежащему.

Jerry opened the door.

Who opened the door?

Вот алгоритм, по которому составляются эти вопросы:

1. Определите подлежащее в предложении

2. Если подлежащее выражено неодушевленным объектом или животным, то используйте what, если одушевленным — who

3. Определите время в предложении

4. Постройте вопрос. На первое место встанет who/what, на втором месте окажется глагол в ТОМ ЖЕ времени, что и в начальном предложении. Остальные слова остаются без изменения.

Обратите внимание: если подлежащее выражено множественным числом, то после who/what будет использоваться глагол для единственного числа. (Children ARE playing basketball. Who IS playing basketball?)

Mary was writing a letter.

    1. Подлежащее — Mary 2. Это девочка, значит используем who 3. Was writing — past continuous 4. Who was writing a letter?

A dish fell off the table when I was cooking.

Здесь можно задать два разных вопроса к подлежащему, так как здесь два подлежащих: I и dish.

What fell off the table when I was cooking? Who was cooking when the dish fell off the table?

Упражнение 1. Выберите один из вариантов ответа.

Jane was driving a car. was driving a car?

My cat is playing with his toys. is playing with toys?

I hate being alone. hates being alone?

Dogs are the best friends of a human. is the best friend of a human?

Jane was really upset after lessons. was upset after lessons?

My father doesn’t celebrate his birthdays. doesn’t celebrate his birthdays?

My sister has been learning English for 6 years. has been learning English for 6 years?

The table is next to the bed. is next to the bed?

My brother never liked PE. never liked PE?

We don’t attend the lessons. doesn’t attend the lessons?

Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

Кто был в музее, когда сработала сигнализация? Что упало со стола во время урока? Кто закрыл шкаф в комнате? Что пробежало в саду вчера вечером? Кто взял на себя ответственность в той ситуации? Что помогло тебе довести дело до конца? Кто был рядом с тобой в тяжёлое время? Что спасло твою жизнь? Кто твой самый лучший друг? Что может помочь тебе поверить в себя?

Теперь давайте проверим ответы:

Who was in museum when the alarm sounded? What fell off the table during the lesson? Who locked a wardrobe in the room? What ran through the garden yesterday evening? Who took a responsibility in that situation? What helped you to bring the matter to the end? Who was with you during bad days? What saved your life? Who is your best friend? What can help you to believe in yourself?

Теперь Вы знаете, как задать вопрос к подлежащему в английском. Если Вы хотите узнать больше об этой теме или просто хотите выучить английский язык, то рекомендуем зарегистрироваться на нашем сайте и начать комплексное изучение английского языка. Присоединяйтесь!

1. Определите подлежащее в предложении 2. Если подлежащее выражено неодушевленным объектом или животным, то используйте what, если одушевленным — who 3. Определите время в предложении 4. Постройте вопрос. На первое место встанет who/what, на втором месте окажется глагол в ТОМ ЖЕ времени, что и в начальном предложении. Остальные слова остаются без изменения.

What ran through the garden yesterday evening.

Lim-english. com

27.05.2019 0:55:35

2019-05-27 00:55:35


Https://lim-english. com/uprazhneniya-na-anglijskom/voprosy-k-podlijaschemy-v-angliiskom/

Типы вопросов в английском языке. Упражнения с разбором » /> » /> .keyword { color: red; } Вопрос к подлежащему в английском языке упражнения 8 класс

Все типы вопросов в английском языке. Упражнения

Все типы вопросов в английском языке. Упражнения

В этом уроке мы отрабатываем на практике все Типы вопросов в английском языке, то есть выполняем Упражнения. Одновременно мы повторяем основные правила вопросительного предложения. А в конце подводим итоги и закрываем тему «Вопросительные предложения в английском языке».

Типы вопросов в английском языке. Упражнения


Упражнения на все типы вопросов в английском языке: общий, альтернативный, специальный, к подлежащему, разделительный

Для начала давайте проверим, как хорошо вы знаете вопросительные слова (местоимения) в английском языке. Для этого выполните вводное упражнение ниже.

Упражнение (вводное). Подберите вопросительное слово.
1. It’s My mother’s birthday next week. (Who, Whose, Whom)
2. My best friend lives in Green Street. (Whom, Whose, Who)
3. Mrs. Smith is In her office. (When, Where, How)
4. I’ve got Two bottles of milk at home. (How many, How much, What)
5. Mr. Black usually walks his dog Early in the morning. (Where, When, How often)
6. -… don’t you use a dictionary when you translate from Russian into English?
I know English well. (How, What, Why)
7. You’ve got a fine collection of coins. coin do you like best? (What, Which, Whose)
8. I see A little girl in the yard. (Who, What, Which)
9. — … does Eddy do for living? — He’s a businessman. (How, Where, What)
10. … is the weather today? — It is sunny. (What, How, Which)

Вопросительные слова (повторение)

Упражнение 1. Подберите вопросительное слово.

1. ……….. did you spend your summer holidays? — In the country.
2. ……….. is your new ball? — It’s red and white.
3. ……….. did you go there in June? — Because my parents had their holidays in June.
4. ………… was with you? — My grandparents were.
5. ……….. did they make friends? — When they were ten.
6. ………… do you go to the mountains? — We go there every summer.
7. ………… can you play the game? — Very well.
8. ………… do little children like to do? — They like to play hide-and-seek.
9. ………… do you have parties? — Once a month.
10. …………. do you spell your last name (фамилию)? B-E-L-O-V.

Прежде чем выполнять упражнения на вопросы в английском языке, давайте вспомним, что все глаголы в английском языке делятся на 3 группы:

Смысловые глаголы-действия: run, read, dance и др.
Смысловые глаголы-действия несамостоятельные и переставлять их нельзя! Они всегда стоят на своем месте (после Д. Л.). (см. Порядок слов в английском предлжении ) Вспомогательные глаголы: do (does), have (has), had, did, will, be (am is are; was were).
Они помогают построить вопросительное, а также отрицательное предложение. Модальные глаголы: can (could), must, should, may, need.
Эти глаголы — самостоятельные и не нуждаются в вспомогательном глаголе при построении вопроса и отрицания.

Вспомните, что главное правило вопроса – это ПЕРЕСТАНОВКА. Исключение составляет вопрос к подлежащему. Смело переставляйте вспомогательные глаголы: have (has), had, be (am, is, are; was, were), will и модальные: can (could), must, should, may, need.

Приступаем к упражнениям.

Общий вопрос (упражнения на повторение)

Упражнение 2. Задайте общий вопрос и ответьте на него.

1. …………………..
— Yes,…………….. (It is usually cold in winter.)
2. -…………………..
— Yes,…………….. (It was very cold there.)
3. …………………..
— Yes,…………….. (He has got a question.)
4. -…………………..
— Yes,…………….. (He had a problem.)
5. -………………..
— Yes,…………….. (There is a cloud in the sky.)
6. -………………….
— Yes,…………….. (There was a lot of snow in the forest.)
7. -…………………
— No,…………….. (The weather isn’t fine today.)
8. -………………….
— No,…………….. (The weather doesn’t change quickly.)
9. -………………….
— No,…………….. (The weather didn’t change.)
— No,…………….. (They don’t go camping in summer.)

Упражнение 3. Задайте общий вопрос и ответьте на него.
1. ………………….
— Yes,…………….. (He’s in the swimming pool.)
2. -………………….
— Yes,…………….. (He’s gone to the swimming pool.)
3. ………………….
— Yes,…………….. (He’s got a new computer game.)
4. -………………….
— Yes,…………….. (He’s cold.)
5. -…………………
— Yes,…………….. (He’s been to Spain.)
6. -………………….
— Yes,…………….. (He’s visiting Spain.)
7. -…………………
— Yes,…………….. (She’s written the exercise.)
8. -…………………
— Yes,…………….. (She’s writing the exercise.)
9. -………………..
— No,…………….. (She’s gone to school.)
— No,…………….. (She’s at school.)

Альтернативный вопрос в английском языке. Упражнения

Упражнение 4. Задайте альтернативный вопрос.

He is in the swimming pool (in the kindergarten). He has gone to the swimming pool (to the library). He has got a new computer game (a new book). He’s cold (hot). He has been to Spain (to Italy). He is visiting Spain (Germany). She has written the exercise (the story). She is writing the exercise (the translation). She has gone to school (to work). She is at school (at the spotrsground).

Упражнение 5. Задайте альтернативный вопрос.

They play tennis every Sunday. She swam in the river in summer. The boys will ride bicycles this evening. The children are making noise. He has spent his time very well.

Специальный вопрос в английском языке. Упражнения

Упражнение 6. Задайте специальный вопрос к выделенному слову, используя вопросительные слова Where, When, What, How many, Why, и др.

L. They finished their work at 5 o’clock.
2. It rained yesterday.
3. It will snow next month.
4. He has always wanted to visit that museum.
5.There are mushrooms in the forest in summer.
6. There will be no leaves in the trees in winter.
7. He has translated two texts.
8. He had translated three poems by that time.
9. He is always late because he doesn’t want to get up early.
10. He’s in Germany now.

Часто вопросительные местоимения называют Wh-words, а специальные вопросы Wh-questions. На английском это звучит так: Ask Wh-question.

Упражнение 7. Ask Wh-questions.
1. He saw a little bird in the garden.
2. He found the ball in the garden.
3. She wants to know its name.
4. He was at home because he was ill.
5. There are three mushrooms under the tree.
6. There is a mushroom under the tree.
7. She collected shells when she was a schoolgirl.
8. His plane leaves at 5.30.
9. They left Moscow two davs ago.
10. They will go to the stadium four times a month.

Общие и специальные вопросы задаются ОДИНАКОВО. Единственное отличие в том, что в специальном вопросе появляется вопросительное слово.

Упражнение 8. Задайте общий и специальный вопрос к предложениям.

1. The campers sleep in the tree houses.
A. Do ________________ ?
B. Where ________________ ?

2. They are vegetarians.
A. Are ________________ ?
B. Why ___________________ ?

3. He is making a fire at the moment.
A. Is _________________?
B. What ___________________?

4. It is getting cold at night.
A. Is ________________ ?
B. When _________________ ?

5. The tent has got a big sleeping area.
A. Has _________________ ?
B. What ___________________?

6. The camper cannot make phone calls.
A. Can _________________ ?
B. Why ____________________?

7. They decided to go fishing.
A. Did __________________ ?
B. Why ____________________ ?

8. He was fighting the bear, while the people were crying for help.
A. Was _________________ ?
B. What _______he ___________while the people were crying for help?
(Что он делал, пока….? )

Упражнение 9. Задайте общий и специальный вопрос к предложениям.

1. There is an apple tree near the playground.
A. ……………………………………. near the playground?
B. ……………………………………..

2. They will be busy tomorrow because they will have a test soon.
A. …………………………………….. tomorrow?
B. ………………………………………

3. There will be a new bookshop near the stadium.
A……………………………………….. near the stadium?

4. That tree fell down yesterday.
A………………………………………… yesterday?

6. The lesson began two minutes ago.
A. ………………………………………… two minutes ago?
B. …………………………………………

7. It snowed almost every day.
A. ………………………………………… almost every day?
B. ………………………………………….

8. He spends his holidays in the country.
A……………………………………………. his holidays in the country?

Давайте вспомним, что те же вспомогательные глаголы используются при построении отрицательных предложений. Просто добавьте к ним частицу NOT.

Помните: It’s = It is, There’s = There is, They’ll = They will, He’s got = He has got, I’ve = I have

Упражнение 10. Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными.
1. It’s cold today.
2. There’s wind today.
3. They’ll be ready soon.
4. I’ll be busy tomorrow.
5. We can meet them.
6. I got wet.
7. He’s got a question.
8. I’ve got an umbrella.
9. They wear raincoats.
10. The sun shines brightly.

Вопрос к подлежащему в английском языке. Упражнения

Упражнение 11. Задайте вопрос к подлежащему. Используйте вопросительное местоимения Who? или What?
1. Somebody brought these foods to the kitchen.
2. Somebody was cleaning the floor.
3. Somebody cooked porridge for us in the morning.
4. Somebody found the money yesterday.
5. Something has helped him.

Упражнение 12. Задайте специальный вопрос или вопрос к подлежащему. Используйте вопросительные местоимения What или Who по смыслу.

1. Somebody brought a dog to the kitchen.
Who brought a dog to the kitchen? (вопрос к подлежащему)
2. Linda brought something interesting.
What did Linda bring? (специальный вопрос)

3. Somebody was cleaning the floor.
4. Sveta was cleaning something.
5. Somebody has cooked porridge for us.
6. Granny has cooked something nice.
7. Somebody found the tickets yesterday.
8. Anton found something yesterday.
9. Something has helped him.
10. Tom helped somebody.

Разделительный вопрос в английском языке. Упражнения

Мы закончили изучение темы «Вопросительные предложения в английском языке». Проверьте себя и выберите правильный ответ ниже. Если ваш ответ не совпадает с мнением большинства, то повторите тему «Вопросы в английском языке» еще раз.

1. Somebody brought a dog to the kitchen.
Who brought a dog to the kitchen? (вопрос к подлежащему)
2. Linda brought something interesting.
What did Linda bring? (специальный вопрос)

Все типы вопросов в английском языке. Упражнения

В этом уроке мы отрабатываем на практике все Типы вопросов в английском языке, то есть выполняем Упражнения. Одновременно мы повторяем основные правила вопросительного предложения. А в конце подводим итоги и закрываем тему «Вопросительные предложения в английском языке».


Упражнение 10. Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными.
1. It’s cold today.
2. There’s wind today.
3. They’ll be ready soon.
4. I’ll be busy tomorrow.
5. We can meet them.
6. I got wet.
7. He’s got a question.
8. I’ve got an umbrella.
9. They wear raincoats.
10. The sun shines brightly.

When, Where, How 4.

Englishinn. ru

18.04.2017 3:24:24

2017-04-18 03:24:24


Https://englishinn. ru/vse-tipy-voprosov-v-anglijskom-yazyke-uprazhneniya. html

← Программа внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку для 8 класса Трудности английской грамматики → Все Контрольные Работы Здесь

Упражнения по теме «Вопросы к подлежащему»

Translate (переведите).

  • 1) Кто любит Питера?
  • 2) Кого любит Сэм?
  • 3) Кто сделал эту домашнюю работу?
  • 4) С кем ты сделал эту домашнюю работу?
  • 5) Кто готовит вам ужин?
  • 6) Кому вы приготовите обед?
  • 7) Кто ездил в Италию в прошлом году?
  • 8) С кем ты поедешь в Италию?
  • 9) Где ты родился?
  • 10) Кто завтра пойдет с тобой в школу?

Make questions and give short answers (задайте вопросы к подлежащему и дайте краткие ответы).

  • Sara speaks English.
  • Mark is playing the violin.
  • My grandparents were in Rio.
  • I have finished the exercises.
  • They will come to school next week.
  • He broke her favorite cup yesterday.
  • A dance show has already finished.
  • Robert was dancing when I came.
  • My brother will be preparing for exams tomorrow from 2 till 6.
  • Their friends will have come to New Zealand by 7 pm the day after tomorrow.

Correct the mistakes (Исправьте ошибки).

  • Who like to cook?
  • Who did was in that room?
  • What does make you think so?
  • Who did watch the performance last week?
  • What does need cleaning?
  • Who is write this article?
  • Who have come to the party?
  • Who did do it?
  • Who will be care about his health?
  • Who I am eating with?

Теория по теме

Онлайн тест по теме



— Who loves Peter?

— Who does Sam love?

— Who has done this homework?

— Who did you do this homework with?

— Who cooks dinner for you?

— Who will you cook lunch for?

— Who went to Italy last  year?

— Who will you go to Italy with?

— Where were you born?

— Who will go to school with you tomorrow?


Who speaks English? — Sara does.

Who is playing the violin? — Mark is.

Who was in Rio? — My grandparents were.

Who has finished the exercises? — I have.

Who will come to school next week? — They will.

Who broke her favorite cup yesterday? — He did.

What has already finished? — A dance show has.

Who was dancing when I came? — Robert was.

Who will be preparing for exams tomorrow from 2 till 6? — My brother will.

Who will have come to New Zealand by 7 pm the day after tomorrow? — They will.


Who likes to cook (cooking)?

Who was in that room?

What makes you think so?

Who watched the performance last week?

What needs cleaning?

Who is writing this article?

Who has come to the party?

Who did it?

Who will care about his health?

Who  am I eating with?

Упражнения по теме «Вопросы к подлежащему»

Рубрика: Грамматика

Translate (переведите).

  • 1) Кто любит Питера?
  • 2) Кого любит Сэм?
  • 3) Кто сделал эту домашнюю работу?
  • 4) С кем ты сделал эту домашнюю работу?
  • 5) Кто готовит вам ужин?
  • 6) Кому вы приготовите обед?
  • 7) Кто ездил в Италию в прошлом году?
  • С кем ты поедешь в Италию?
  • 9) Где ты родился?
  • 10) Кто завтра пойдет с тобой в школу?

Make questions and give short answers (задайте вопросы к подлежащему и дайте краткие ответы).

  • Sara speaks English.
  • Mark is playing the violin.
  • My grandparents were in Rio.
  • I have finished the exercises.
  • They will come to school next week.
  • He broke her favorite cup yesterday.
  • A dance show has already finished.
  • Robert was dancing when I came.
  • My brother will be preparing for exams tomorrow from 2 till 6.
  • Their friends will have come to New Zealand by 7 pm the day after tomorrow.

Correct the mistakes (Исправьте ошибки).

  • Who like to cook?
  • Who did was in that room?
  • What does make you think so?
  • Who did watch the performance last week?
  • What does need cleaning?
  • Who is write this article?
  • Who have come to the party?
  • Who did do it?
  • Who will be care about his health?
  • Who I am eating with?



— Who loves Peter?

— Who does Sam love?

— Who has done this homework?

— Who did you do this homework with?

— Who cooks dinner for you?

— Who will you cook lunch for?

— Who went to Italy last year?

— Who will you go to Italy with?

— Where were you born?

— Who will go to school with you tomorrow?


Who speaks English? — Sara does.

Who is playing the violin? — Mark is.

Who was in Rio? — My grandparents were.

Who has finished the exercises? — I have.

Who will come to school next week? — They will.

Who broke her favorite cup yesterday? — He did.

What has already finished? — A dance show has.

Who was dancing when I came? — Robert was.

Who will be preparing for exams tomorrow from 2 till 6? — My brother will.

Who will have come to New Zealand by 7 pm the day after tomorrow? — They will.

Вопросы к подлежащему в английском языке

Сегодня мы разберёмся в том, как задать вопрос к подлежащему в английском языке и сделаем упражнения на закрепление материала.

Мы в русском языке часто задаём друг другу вопросы типа: «Кто сорвал цветок?», «Что там упало?». Их общей чертой являются слова «кто»/»что» на первом месте предложения. В английском такие вопросы называются вопросами к подлежащему.

Jerry opened the door.

Who opened the door?

Вот алгоритм, по которому составляются эти вопросы:

1. Определите подлежащее в предложении

2. Если подлежащее выражено неодушевленным объектом или животным, то используйте what, если одушевленным — who

3. Определите время в предложении

4. Постройте вопрос. На первое место встанет who/what, на втором месте окажется глагол в ТОМ ЖЕ времени, что и в начальном предложении. Остальные слова остаются без изменения.

Обратите внимание: если подлежащее выражено множественным числом, то после who/what будет использоваться глагол для единственного числа. (Children ARE playing basketball. Who IS playing basketball?)

Mary was writing a letter.

  • 1. Подлежащее — Mary
  • 2. Это девочка, значит используем who
  • 3. Was writing — past continuous
  • 4. Who was writing a letter?

A dish fell off the table when I was cooking.

Здесь можно задать два разных вопроса к подлежащему, так как здесь два подлежащих: I и dish.

  1. What fell off the table when I was cooking?
  2. Who was cooking when the dish fell off the table?

Теперь давайте сами выполним пару упражнений на вопросы к подлежащему в английском языке.

Упражнение 1. Выберите один из вариантов ответа.

Jane was driving a car. was driving a car?

My cat is playing with his toys. is playing with toys?

I hate being alone. hates being alone?

Dogs are the best friends of a human. is the best friend of a human?

Jane was really upset after lessons. was upset after lessons?

My father doesn’t celebrate his birthdays. doesn’t celebrate his birthdays?

My sister has been learning English for 6 years. has been learning English for 6 years?

The table is next to the bed. is next to the bed?

My brother never liked PE. never liked PE?

We don’t attend the lessons. doesn’t attend the lessons?

Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

  1. Кто был в музее, когда сработала сигнализация?
  2. Что упало со стола во время урока?
  3. Кто закрыл шкаф в комнате?
  4. Что пробежало в саду вчера вечером?
  5. Кто взял на себя ответственность в той ситуации?
  6. Что помогло тебе довести дело до конца?
  7. Кто был рядом с тобой в тяжёлое время?
  8. Что спасло твою жизнь?
  9. Кто твой самый лучший друг?
  10. Что может помочь тебе поверить в себя?

Теперь давайте проверим ответы:

  1. Who was in museum when the alarm sounded?
  2. What fell off the table during the lesson?
  3. Who locked a wardrobe in the room?
  4. What ran through the garden yesterday evening?
  5. Who took a responsibility in that situation?
  6. What helped you to bring the matter to the end?
  7. Who was with you during bad days?
  8. What saved your life?
  9. Who is your best friend?
  10. What can help you to believe in yourself?

Теперь Вы знаете, как задать вопрос к подлежащему в английском. Если Вы хотите узнать больше об этой теме или просто хотите выучить английский язык, то рекомендуем зарегистрироваться на нашем сайте и начать комплексное изучение английского языка. Присоединяйтесь!

Автор упражнения: Редакция портала Lim-English.com

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Комплекс упражнений по теме «Вопросы к подлежащему»

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Комплекс упражнений по теме «Вопросы к подлежащему»»

1. Correct the mistakes.

1. Who like to cook?
2. Who did was in that room?
3. Who did watch the performance last week?
4. Who cook dinner for you?
5. Who go to Italy last year?
6. Who brake her favorite cup yesterday?

2. Ask questions to the sentences.

1. The girls talk about dolls.
2. The farmers grow vegetables.
3. The children like the story.
4. His friends visit him.
5. Her father helps her.
6. The kitten has got a toy mouse.
7. The boys are at the stadium.
8. The girls want to dance.
9. Jill and Jack live in London.
10. Mario likes oranges.
11. Julia wants to be a teacher.

1. Correct the mistakes.

1. Who like to cook?
2. Who did was in that room?
3. Who did watch the performance last week?
4. Who cook dinner for you?
5. Who go to Italy last year?
6. Who brake her favorite cup yesterday?

2. Ask questions to the sentences.

1. The girls talk about dolls.
2. The farmers grow vegetables.
3. The children like the story.
4. His friends visit him.
5. Her father helps her.
6. The kitten has got a toy mouse.
7. The boys are at the stadium.
8. The girls want to dance.
9. Jill and Jack live in London.
10. Mario likes oranges.
11. Julia wants to be a teacher.

1. Correct the mistakes.

1. Who like to cook?
2. Who did was in that room?
3. Who did watch the performance last week?
4. Who cook dinner for you?
5. Who go to Italy last year?
6. Who brake her favorite cup yesterday?

2. Ask questions to the sentences.

1. The girls talk about dolls.
2. The farmers grow vegetables.
3. The children like the story.
4. His friends visit him.
5. Her father helps her.
6. The kitten has got a toy mouse.
7. The boys are at the stadium.
8. The girls want to dance.
9. Jill and Jack live in London.
10. Mario likes oranges.
11. Julia wants to be a teacher.

1. Correct the mistakes.

1. Who like to cook?
2. Who did was in that room?
3. Who did watch the performance last week?
4. Who cook dinner for you?
5. Who go to Italy last year?
6. Who brake her favorite cup yesterday?

2. Ask questions to the sentences.

1. The girls talk about dolls.
2. The farmers grow vegetables.
3. The children like the story.
4. His friends visit him.
5. Her father helps her.
6. The kitten has got a toy mouse.
7. The boys are at the stadium.
8. The girls want to dance.
9. Jill and Jack live in London.
10. Mario likes oranges.
11. Julia wants to be a teacher.




1. Correct the mistakes.

1. Who like to cook?
2. Who did was in that room?
3. Who did watch the performance last week?
4. Who cook dinner for you?
5. Who go to Italy last year?
6. Who brake her favorite cup yesterday?

2. Ask questions to the sentences.

1. The girls talk about dolls.
2. The farmers grow vegetables.
3. The children like the story.
4. His friends visit him.
5. Her father helps her.
6. The kitten has got a toy mouse.
7. The boys are at the stadium.
8. The girls want to dance.
9. Jill and Jack live in London.
10. Mario likes oranges.
11. Julia wants to be a teacher.

1. Correct the mistakes.

1. Who like to cook?
2. Who did was in that room?
3. Who did watch the performance last week?
4. Who cook dinner for you?
5. Who go to Italy last year?
6. Who brake her favorite cup yesterday?

2. Ask questions to the sentences.

1. The girls talk about dolls.
2. The farmers grow vegetables.
3. The children like the story.
4. His friends visit him.
5. Her father helps her.
6. The kitten has got a toy mouse.
7. The boys are at the stadium.
8. The girls want to dance.
9. Jill and Jack live in London.
10. Mario likes oranges.
11. Julia wants to be a teacher.

1. Correct the mistakes.

1. Who like to cook?
2. Who did was in that room?
3. Who did watch the performance last week?
4. Who cook dinner for you?
5. Who go to Italy last year?
6. Who brake her favorite cup yesterday?

2. Ask questions to the sentences.

1. The girls talk about dolls.
2. The farmers grow vegetables.
3. The children like the story.
4. His friends visit him.
5. Her father helps her.
6. The kitten has got a toy mouse.
7. The boys are at the stadium.
8. The girls want to dance.
9. Jill and Jack live in London.
10. Mario likes oranges.
11. Julia wants to be a teacher.

1. Correct the mistakes.

1. Who like to cook?
2. Who did was in that room?
3. Who did watch the performance last week?
4. Who cook dinner for you?
5. Who go to Italy last year?
6. Who brake her favorite cup yesterday?

2. Ask questions to the sentences.

1. The girls talk about dolls.
2. The farmers grow vegetables.
3. The children like the story.
4. His friends visit him.
5. Her father helps her.
6. The kitten has got a toy mouse.
7. The boys are at the stadium.
8. The girls want to dance.
9. Jill and Jack live in London.
10. Mario likes oranges.
11. Julia wants to be a teacher.

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