Where did you be yesterday где ошибка

  • #1

hi there!
Saturday in my realm is a revision time. I’ve just woken up a bit troubled about this haunting question. What is the situation I might pose them? Are they interchangeable? I tried different configurations but I’m not sure if it makes any sense.
1. Where were you yesterday? (when I rang, when I needed you…)
2. Where did you be yesterday? ( ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??)


    • #2

    The second sentence is not possible in English. The verb to be cannot take a do support in Standard English.

    • #3

    I had a sneaking suspicion that it was incorrect… I’ve never seen this form, still to be is a verb like many other.

    • #4

    I would actually say the opposite :»to be» is unlike many other verbs; it is quite irregular in many ways. Nat’s comment is one of those ways.

    • #5

    There are a set of verbs in English which behave a little bit differently than other verbs.
    They consist of auxiliaries, modals, numerous other categories, but as a collective term we can call these raising verbs (As they would be referred to in linguistics).

    One of the characteristics of raising verbs is that they don’t take do-support in questions. I won’t go into syntactic theory here but it’s best to imagine that do-support applies to nearly all verbs, but some verbs can ‘raise themselves‘ out of this area, so do-support doesn’t affect these verbs.

    You can see this through some examples here:

    *Did you can do it?
    Could you do it?

    *Did he should go?
    Should he have gone?

    Here question formation is done by inversion, and not do-support.
    To be‘ always raises itself out of the way where do-support applies, and ‘to have’ does as well (when not used in its normal sense of possession). That’s why do-support isn’t used in:

    Have I told you?

    Were have you been?

    But ‘have’ is a little bit odd in that when it is not grammatical, it behaves in a non-raising fashion:

    Did you have a car?

    There are also some instances of raising when it is not used grammatically, like in sentences such as «Have you any idea what you’ve done?«, but these are always alternatives to the expected non-raising forms (where do applies), like in «Do you have any idea what you’ve done?«. Anyway ‘have‘ is a bit of a rebel when it comes to being classified grammatically, but the idea is that ‘to be‘, being ‘irregular’ as Julian said, is always raising and this explains why you can’t use it with do in the way you asked.

    • #6

    2. Where did you be yesterday? ( ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?

    Miraculously, while being totally incorrect and unacceptable, your sentence is totally understandable :D

    Официальный сайт автора данного курса лекций: https://eng-professor.ru/

    Закончились такие нехитрые, а теперь начинаются уже серьезные. 


    Давайте так, я вам сейчас назову грамматику, а вы дома еще раз ее посмотрите. 

    1. «Nina (to celebrate) her birthday yesterday – Вчера Нина отмечала свой день рождения»: «Nina celebrated…» — Past Indefinite Tense.

    «Her room looked beautiful, there (to be) many flow­ers in it – Ее комната выглядела прекрасно, там было множество цветов»: «…, there was…». Past Indefinite

    «When I (to come) in, somebody (to play) the piano, two or three pairs (to dance) – Когда я пришел кто-то игра на пианино, две или три пары танцевали»: «When I came in, somebody was playing the piano, … were dancing.». 

    2. «Listen! Somebody (to play) the piano – Послушайте! Кто-то играет на пианино»: «… Somebody is playing…» — Present Continuous Tense. 

    3. «I (to like) music very much – Я очень люблю музыку»: «I like music…» — Present Indefinite Tense. 

    4. «When I (to look) out of the window, it (to rain) heavily and people (to hurry) along the streets – Когда я выглянул из окна шел сильный дождь и люди спешили вдоль улиц»: «When I looked…, it was raining… people were hurrying…» — потому что всё это было, когда я глядел. 

    5. «What you (to do) at seven o’clock yes­terday? – Что ты делал вчера в семь часов?»: «What were you doing at…?» — Past Continuous Tense.

    «- I (to have) supper – Я ужинал»: «I was having supper». 

    6. «When I (to come) home yesterday, I (to see) that all my family (to sit) round the table – Когда я пришел вчера домой, я увидел, что вся моя семья сидит вокруг стола»: «When I came…, I saw… were sitting…». 

    «Father (to read) a letter from my uncle who (to live) in Kiev – Отец читал письмо от моего дяди, который живет в Киеве»: «Father was reading… uncle who lived in Kiev». Хотя по-русски мы говорим «живет», а переведем на английский Past Indefinite’ом, потому что Sequence (согласование времен). Хотя глагол «жить» можно делать и Past Continuous’ом. Наше право – «жить», «учиться», «работать» можно и Past Indefinite’ом и Past Continuous’ом, но нельзя Present’ом никаким, потому что Sequence накладывает свою лапу. По-русски «который живет», он же и сейчас живет, не только вчера жил. 

    7. «Where you (to be) yesterday? – Где ты был вчера?»: «Where were you yesterday?». 

    «— I (to be) at home the whole day – Я был дома целый день»: «I was at home…». Несмотря на то, что «весь день – явный Past Continuous», но глагол be говорит, что он ему не интересен. И мы оставляем его в Past Indefinite

    «— How strange. I (to ring) you up at two o’clock, but nobody (to answer) – Как странно. Я звонил тебе в два часа, но никто не ответил»: «… I was ringing you up…., nobody answered». Вот это интересный момент, я бы поставил «Я звонил» в Past Continuous, потому что точное указание времени, а «никто не ответил» — это я бы уже взял Past Indefinite, потому что «отвечать» — это не процесс, а «звонить» — я держал трубку, набирал номер. 

    «— Oh, I (to be) in the garden – Я был в саду»: «Oh, I was in…». 

    «I (to read) your book and (not to hear) the telephone – Я читал твою книгу и не слышал телефон»: «I was reading… and did not hear…». «Слышал» вроде можно тоже рассматривать как процесс, но hear – ментальный глагол и в Past Continuous’е он не работает. 

    8. «What you (to do) at five o’clock yes­terday? Что ты делал вчера в пять часов?»: «What were you doing..?».

    «— I (to work) in the library – Я работал в библиотеке»: «I was working…» — Past Continuous.

    «— I (to be) there, too, but I (not to see) you – Я тоже там был, но тебя не видел»: «I was…. Idid not see you». Хотя он имеет в виду, что он в пять же часов там был, но be и see не работают в Continuous, поэтому оба мы ставим Past Indefinite’ом.   

    9. «Yesterday I (to work) at my English from five till seven – Вчера я работал над моим английским с пяти до семи»: «… I was working…» — Past Continuous

    10. «It (to rain) the whole day yesterday – Вчера целый день шел дождь»: «It was raining…». 

    11. «Where your sis­ter (to be) now? – Где сейчас твоя сестра?»: «Where are your sister now?» — Present Indefinite

    «— She (to be) in her room – Она в своей комнате»: «She is…» — Present Indefinite

    «She (to do) her homework – Она делает свое домашнее задание»: «She is doing…» — Present Continuous.

    Помогите пожалуйста с английским, буду очень вам признательна, за ранее огромное спасибо, тем кто не пройдёт мимо….

    1. This is a pen. Those ….. books.

    a) is   b) am   c) are   d) be

    2. I speak English. She ….. Japanese.

    a) speaking   b) do speak   c) speaks   d) are speaking

    3. I’m sorry, I ….. understand.

    a) no   b) not   c) doesn’t   d) don’t

    4. “ Where ….. now?”

    a) lives he   b) is he living   c) he is living   d) he living

    5. Take your coat. It ….. rain.

    a)is going to   b) will   c) is   d) has

    6. “ Where ….. yesterday?” “ I was at home.”

    a) you were   b) you was   c) you   d) were you

    7. “ Where ….. yesterday?” “ I didn’t go anywhere.”

    a) went you   b) did you went   c) did you do   d) was you go

    8. My French is very good. I speak French …..

    a) good   b) bad   c) well   d) badly

    9. Richard ….. the tickets.

    a) already bought   b) has already buy   c) has already bought   d) buy

    10. Richard ….. To a girl when I saw him.

    a) talk   b) talking   c) will talk   d) was talking

    11. The man ….. came yesterday is very rich.

    a) he   b) who   c) has   d) when

    12. John ….. since he left school.

    a) was working   b) woks   c) has been working   d) will be working

    13. “ I’m a student.”  He told me that ….. A student.

    a) I am   b) I was   c) he was   d) he is

    14. I’m not as clever as you. You are ….. that I am.

    a) clever as   b) cleverer as   c) clever that   d) more clever

    15. “ ….. Romeo and Juliet?”  “ Yes. I saw it on Wednesday.”

    a) Did you seen   b) Have you seen   c) Will you seen   d) do you seen


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