We are tuesday ошибка

Please note: This original post has been updated and replaced by a new version of Writing Dates and Times.

Rule: The following examples apply when using dates:

The meeting is scheduled for June 30.
The meeting is scheduled for the 30th of June.
We have had tricks played on us on April 1.
The 1st of April puts some people on edge. (Some prefer to write it out: The first of April)

Rule: There are differing policies for expressing decades using numerals. Some write the 1980s and the ’80s, others write the 1980’s and the 80’s. However, using two apostrophes (the ’80’s) is awkward and is not recommended.

During the ’80s, the world’s economy grew.
During the 1980s, the world’s economy grew.
During the 1980’s, the world’s economy grew.

Not Advised:
During the ’80’s, the world’s economy grew.

Rule: Some writers spell out the time of day, others prefer numbers.

Example: She gets up at four thirty before the baby wakes up.
Example: The baby wakes up at 5 o’clock in the morning.

Rule: Some use numerals with the time of day when exact times are being emphasized.

Example: Her flight leaves at 6:22 a.m.
Example: Please arrive by 12:30 p.m. sharp.

Rule: It is clearer to use noon and midnight rather than 12:00 p.m. or 12:00 a.m.

Note: You may use AM and PM, A.M. and P.M., am and pm, or a.m. and p.m.
Some put a space after the numeral, others do not.

Example: Her flight leaves at 6:22 a.m.
Example: Her flight leaves at 6:22am.
Example: Please arrive by 12:30 P.M. sharp.

Pop Quiz: Correct or Incorrect?

1. The last outbreak of smallpox occurred in the late seventy’s.
2. Can you get here by 12:00 midnight?
3. Please deliver the package by August 1st.

Pop Quiz Answers:

1. The last outbreak of smallpox occurred in the late seventies.
2. Can you get here by midnight? (leave out 12:00)
3. Please deliver the package by August 1. (OR by the first of August OR by the 1st of August)

Are you ready for the quiz?

Writing Dates and Times Quiz


If the article or the existing discussions do not address a thought or question you have on the subject, please use the «Comment» box at the bottom of this page.

Помогите пожалуйста!! Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в Past Simple.
1. We (buy) a new car on Tuesday
2. Mandy not (do) her homework yesterday
3. Wher you (meet) Jane?
4. Why they (go) to London?
5. I not (be) IiI last month
6, Where your parents (live) wher they ( be) young?
7/ Jill (be) in London last year.
8. When Fred (give) you this ring?
9/ We not (visit) them wher they (be) ill.
10. I (read) Hamlet last year.


Светило науки — 15 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

1. We  bought a new car on Tuesday
2. Mandy not 
Mandy didn’t do her homework yesterday
3. Wher you 
met Jane?
4. Why they 
went to London?
5. I not  
I was ill IiI last month
6, Where your parents  
lived wher they  were young?
7/ Jill 
was in London last year.
8. When Fred 
gave you this ring?
9/ We not 
we didn’t visit  them wher they were  ill.
red Hamlet last year.


Светило науки — 549697 ответов — 388270 раз оказано помощи

1. We bought a new car on Tuesday.
2. Mandy didn’t do her homework yesterday.
3. Where did you meet Jane?
4. Why did they go to London?
5. I wasn’t ill last month.
6. Where did your parents live when they were young?
7. Jill was in London last year.
8. When did Fred give you this ring?
9. We didn’t visit them when they were ill.
10. I read Hamlet last year.

Содержание [показать]

  • Дни недели
  • История названий
  • Воскресенье – Sunday
  • Понедельник – Monday
  • Вторник – Tuesday
  • Среда – Wednesday
  • Четверг – Thursday
  • Пятница – Friday
  • Суббота – Saturday

Интересно, что с днями недели не только у англичан связано много событий и даже суеверий. Давай узнаем, откуда произошло название каждого дня, а также как они пишутся и произносятся.

Дни недели

Нажимай на значок звука, чтобы прослушать озвучку слова.

Слово / Перевод Перевод Пример



  • Are you doing anything nice on Sunday?



  • Let’s meet for lunch on Monday.



  • We are leaving on Tuesday.



  • This year, Christmas falls on a Wednesday.



  • I had lunch with Joe on Thursday.



  • Let’s go swimming on Friday.



  • See you on Saturday.


рабочий день , будний день

рабочий день, будний день
  • On weekdays I’m usually in bed by ten o’clock



  • The bus service is free at weekends.



  • An old calendar for 2012 was still hanging on the wall of her office.
  • He wrote the date of the meeting in his calendar.

Дни недели не требуют перед собой артикля, но используют предлог on – «в». Например, on Sunday – «в воскресенье». Если же перед днём стоят слова next («следующий») или last («прошлый»), то предлог не нужен. Например: I will come next Sunday.

История названий

Есть теории, что названия дней недели произошли от названий планет нашей солнечной системы, а также имён божеств с ними ассоциирующихся. Кстати, поэтому они и пишутся с большой буквы.

Интересно, что в Англии, Израиле, Канаде и США неделя начинается с воскресенья. При этом в Израиле этот день рабочий.

Воскресенье – Sunday

Sunday можно перевести как «солнечный день», от древнеанглийского Sunnandæg или названия на латинском языке dies solis. Именно так именовался и римский праздник в языческих традициях. Другое название – «день бога», Dies Dominica, является латинским. Это повлияло на ряд романских языков. Например, воскресенье по-итальянски – Domenica.

Понедельник – Monday

Monday берёт начало от слова древнеанглийского происхождения. Речь о богине Луны, а само слово Monandaeg переводится как «лунный день». Название весьма удачное, ведь именно этот день столь сложен. Луна – это проявление неясности, неопределённости, пассивности.

Вторник – Tuesday

Tuesday получил свое имя от норвежского божества Тюра. Тогда как римляне выбрали для обозначения бога войны Марса, Тюр также является воителем и считается сыном Одина. Одновременно с этим есть древнеанглийское слово Tiwesdæg, что означает «день Тьюско», родоначальника тевтонской расы. Вторник стремительный, бодрый и более подходящий день для решения серьёзных задач и дел.

Среда – Wednesday

Wednesday – от древнеанглийского Wōdnesdæg, означающего «день Вотана». Это одно из имён бога Одина, которого также называли Водин. Он относился к высшей касте божеств для норвежцев и почитался у англосаксов. Один известен как создатель рунического алфавита, а это прямая связь с покровителем речи – богом Меркурием.

Четверг – Thursday

Thursday от древнеанглийского Þūnresdæg или «день Тюнора». Известен сейчас как бог грома, Тор. Здесь есть созвучность с английским словом thunder – «небесный гул»или «гром». Римляне называли этот день dies Jovis или «день Юпитера». В их мифологии этот бог является очень важным. Четверг считается самым продуктивным днём на неделе.

Пятница – Friday

В английских традициях Friday получил название от древнеанглийского Frigedæg или «дня Фрейи». Она являлась женой Одина и богиней Земли. Римляне посвятили этот день Венере. При этом скандинавское название Венеры, Friggjarstjarna, переводится как «звезда Фрегги», она же Фрейя. Эта богиня олицетворяет земные радости, домашний уют, любовные встречи и семью. Не зря пятница считается днём заслуженных удовольствий и полноценного отдыха.

Суббота – Saturday

Последний день недели, Saturday, назван в честь бога и планеты Сатурн (англосаксонское Sæturnesdæg – «день Сатурна»). Суббота относится к нейтральному периоду жизни. В этот день время течёт более приятно, а по мнению англичан это подходящий день для планирования и работы по дому.

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  • #1

Hello friends,

I have been racking my brains over one time expression in Reported Speech. I know how time expressions change (now to then, next day to the next day, etc.) however, I haven´t been able to find anywhere how the time expressions containing the word «last» and the days of the week change!!!
For example, in the sentence: «I am coming home next Tuesday,» she said.
Would it be — She said she was going home the next Tuesday or She said she was going home next Tuesday without any change to the time expression?

I´ve made up the sentence for the sake of this aspect of grammar.

Thank you for any clarification.

    • #2

    I would probably use on the following Tuesday in a report about her plans to leave. If I reported this the day after she said it, next Tuesday would probably still make sense.

    She says: I am going home next Tuesday.
    Two weeks later, I report: She said that she was going home on the following Tuesday.

    • #3

    I would probably use on the following Tuesday in a report about her plans to leave. If I reported this the day after she said it, next Tuesday would probably still make sense.

    She says: I am going home next Tuesday.
    Two weeks later, I report: She said that she was going home on the following Tuesday.

    Thank you owlman5 for your prompt response. Yet, I would like to ask you if the time expression «the next Tuesday» in the sentence above is completely wrong.
    I would be grateful if you reacted to my query. :)

    • #4

    You’re welcome, dudko.

    Once again, next Tuesday makes sense if you are reporting what she said before next Tuesday has arrived. If you are reporting what she said after that day, then next Tuesday is confusing. It refers to the Tuesday that happens after you make the report.

    • #5

    You’re welcome, dudko.

    Once again, next Tuesday makes sense if you are reporting what she said before next Tuesday has arrived. If you are reporting what she said after that day, then next Tuesday is confusing. It refers to the Tuesday that happens after you make the report.

    Now I got it. Thank you. :)

    • #6

    In theory «the next Tuesday» means «the following Tuesday». But «next Tuesday» (without «the») means «the Tuesday after now».

    That is why it is confusing — you are using «the next Tuesday» to mean a different day than «next Tuesday».

    Worse, both are correct in this sentence:

    She said she was going home the next Tuesday. :tick: (the Tuesday after she spoke)
    She said she was going home next Tuesday. :tick: (the Tuesday after I speak)

    Some of us have learned (by causing confusion) to be careful. We say «the following Tuesday», because «following Tuesday» cannot mean «the Tuesday after I speak».

    • #7

    I’m a little puzzled about the title ‘last Tuesday’ when you asked about ‘next Tuesday’.

    In standard accounts of reported speech all deictic items (items linked to the ‘now’ of speaking) are changed: ‘next Tuesday’ becomes ‘the following Tuesday’; ‘last Tuesday’ becomes ‘the previous Tuesday’.

    • #8

    In theory «the next Tuesday» means «the following Tuesday». But «next Tuesday» (without «the») means «the Tuesday after now».

    That is why it is confusing — you are using «the next Tuesday» to mean a different day than «next Tuesday».

    Worse, both are correct in this sentence:

    She said she was going home the next Tuesday. :tick: (the Tuesday after she spoke)
    She said she was going home next Tuesday. :tick: (the Tuesday after I speak)

    Some of us have learned (by causing confusion) to be careful. We say «the following Tuesday», because «following Tuesday» cannot mean «the Tuesday after I speak».

    This is what I wanted to know — the difference between «the next Tuesday» and «next Tuesday». Thank you very much, dojibear!!! :)

    • #9

    I’m a little puzzled about the title ‘last Tuesday’ when you asked about ‘next Tuesday’.

    In standard accounts of reported speech all deictic items (items linked to the ‘now’ of speaking) are changed: ‘next Tuesday’ becomes ‘the following Tuesday’; ‘last Tuesday’ becomes ‘the previous Tuesday’.

    Yes, I agree, natkretep, I got the title wrong :( But in theory the same principle applies to the expression «last Tuesday», doesn´t it? Is there a way to change the title? Thank you.


    a)are going to visit
    b)are going to come
    c)I am going to see
    d)we are going to have
    e)I am going to stay
    b)to finnd
    e)to work


    4) On Tuesday we are going to visit our friends.
    On Wednesday evening they are going to come and see us.
    On Thursday morning I am going to see the doctor.
    On Friday evening we are going to have a party
    On Saturday morning I am going to stay in bed. 
    5) a) Do you enjoy learning English?
    b) It is difficult to find the perfect job.
    c) I’m thinking about getting a new job. 
    d) I love to listen to music. 
    e) My brother wants to work in construction.

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