Warzone 2 загрузка не удалась код ошибки diver

Warzone 2’s «Diver» error code is one of the few game-breaking bugs often seen in this title’s multiple game modes. Since its release in 2022, this offering has seen many glitches disrupting the gameplay. However, the «Diver» error code is a consistent problem that has plagued this title’s community for a long time. The bug makes the game unplayable for gamers and often affects one’s system storage with failed updates.

This article will explore the error code and offer possible fixes for readers.

Warzone 2 error code «Diver»: How to fix, possible reasons, and more


Also known as «Error 6,» «Diver» often appears when players are ready to jump into a Warzone 2 map. The screen displays «Error Code: Diver» right before deployment, asking players to download new content. This error can rarely occur during a server outage. When this happens, you will be informed by the developers quickly.

Fortunately for players, a few viable options are available to try and fix this problem.

How to fix the error code «Diver» in Warzone 2


While Activision hasn’t offered a lot of help regarding this issue, mentioned below are a few simple methods that can help you fix it:

  • Reset your network by restarting your Wi-Fi device. A busy network can be why Warzone 2 client fails to receive new data.
  • Restart the game launcher and check for new updates. Missing files can be the reason this game fails to load its assets. Alternatively, verify your files to ensure all local folders are present.
  • If the issue persists, you can reinstall Warzone 2. A fresh set of files for this game should resolve the problem.

Aside from trying the methods above, cleaning your system’s cache and temporary files is also recommended for better storage management. Following these steps will ensure that you eliminate the error code permanently from your game.

What are the possible reasons for the «Diver» error?

One of the most common reasons for the «Diver» error code is missing game files. Moreover, low storage can also cause such problems to occur frequently. You must keep your hardware in check if you’re facing this error every now and then.

Another reason for this error to persist could be a poor network. Slow bandwidth can often result in delayed downloads and missing files after an update is pushed onto the live servers of Warzone.

Modern Warfare 2 has shown significant improvement regarding technical issues since its release. However, the title can use some polish regarding its connectivity.

Edited by Soumyadyuti Ghosh

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Вылазит какой-то код ошибки Diver, когда запускаю Warzone 2.0. Товарищи в сети чего только не насоветовали. И перезагрузка ПК, и переустановка игры, и переустановка всей Винды целиком. Первые два я попробовал, конечно. ОС перебивать не собирают и никому не советую, не ради игры.


Код ошибки Diver — это крайне распространенная ошибка среди игроков Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 и Warzone 2.0. Как показывает практика, избавиться от ошибки помогают два метода:

  • изменить адреса DNS-сервера в настройках сетевого подключения;
  • запуск игры через VPN.

Чтобы изменить DNS для своего сетевого подключения, нужно сделать следующее:

  • откройте классическую панель управления (WIN+R→control);
  • перейдите в раздел «Центр управления сетями и общим доступом»;
  • кликните на пункт «Изменение параметров адаптера»;
  • дважды кликните на название своего сетевого подключения;
  • нажмите «Свойства» и дважды кликните на компонент «IP версии 4 (TCP/IPv4)»;
  • активируйте опцию «Использовать следующие адреса DNS-серверов»;
  • выставьте следующие адреса (или любые другие публичные DNS):
  • сохраните изменения.

Выбор VPN зависит сугубо от предпочтений самого пользователя. Платить или нет — тоже личный выбор. В сети можно найти неплохие бесплатные VPN, однако они дают крайне ограниченный объем трафика. Заручившись помощью проверенного VPN, код ошибки Diver гарантировано исчезнет из Modern Warfare 2 и Warzone 2.0.

As you download Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, it is possible that you can run into the DIVER error code. This error is common across many COD games, from Warzone and Modern Warfare to the latest Modern Warfare 2. If you have faced this error and wondering what is going on with the server, there are some solutions you can try. Keep reading to find out.

What Seems to Be the Issue? (MW2 Error Code Diver)

To the disappointment of a few unlucky players, downloading Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 sometimes fails. This specific failure can be identified by its unique error code ‘DIVER.’

How to Fix Error Code Diver in COD: MW II

If you are facing issues while downloading the open beta version of the new Call of Duty game, you have come to the right place for the solution. This fix is specifically for failure indicated by error code ‘DIVER’. Follow these simple steps to stop this issue and finally download the game:

Check your Internet Connection

Before initiating the download process, you should check if you have a stable internet connection. 

  • Use a PC/laptop/phone and go to the browser. 
  • In the URL tab, type fast.com and hit enter.
  • The website will show you your network’s speed properly if you have a stable connection.
  • If you seem to have an issue with measuring the speed, contact your ISP and report a faulty connection.

Try downloading the open beta again to see if the problem has been corrected. If not, move on to this next step.

Read Next: How to Get and Use Ultimate Perks in Modern Warfare 2

Restart your Router

Sometimes it is possible that if your router has been working for a while without maintenance, dust can accumulate in the ports, leading to connectivity problems.

  • Turn off your router and detach all the wires from its ports.
  • Blow air hard into the ports to make the dust dissipate.
  • Wait for 30 seconds and reattach all the wires.
  • Turn on the router and try downloading the game once more.

If the issue persists for you, this next step ought to help you out.

Use a VPN or Change DNS

Many players have reported that using a VPN when facing the error code DIVER helped them fix the issue. We recommend using a proper VPN for doing so and not any free shady VPNs. Another thing that worked for some users was changing their DNS. As we discussed in our guide for fixing error code SESSION-09-25 for Shatterline, changing DNS flushes any bad entries or previous data. By default, you must use the buggy DNS provided by your ISP. The following I.P.s have been recommended to change your DNS to-


Reboot the device and restart the game

This is the first step that you can try to resolve the issue. Simply restart your device and launch the game again to see if the problem is resolved.

Reinstall the game

Corrupted installation files of COD MW2 may cause the issue, so try reinstalling the game to replace any corrupted files.

Clean temporary network files

If you are on a PC, cleaning your temporary network files may resolve the issue. Follow these steps to clean temporary network files:

  • Press the Windows Key
  • Type “Command Prompt” and hover on the first app result
  • Click on Run As Administrator
  • If asked whether to allow Command Prompt to make changes to your computer, select Yes.
  • You should now get a new window with a black screen.
  • Type “ipconfig /flushdns” and press Enter.
  • Type “ipconfig /registerdns” and press Enter.
  • Type “ipconfig /release” and press Enter.
  • Type “ipconfig /renew” and press Enter.
  • Type “netsh winsock reset” and press Enter.
  • Restart your computer.

These solutions should help you resolve the Error Code DIVER – Download Failed issue in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.

That was all for the guide to fixing the error code DIVER in COD: MWII open beta. Do write to us or in the comments if you face any further issues in the game. We try our best to bring you new content you would like every day; please check it out on our homepage. Thank you for reading this article.

Many users reported seeing Warzone error code Diver when the game was launched. The issue is mainly reported to occur on PC or PS4. In some cases, the issue is reported to occur after or during a game’s update. The following type of message is shown:

Warzone Error Code Diver

Warzone might show Diver error code due to many reasons but the following can be regarded as the core ones:

  • Network Issues: If the ISP is hindering the traffic essential for Warzone or if a router’s misconfiguration is restricting Warzone’s access to an essential online source, then Warzone may show error Diver.
  • Interference from the System’s Security Application: Interference from the system’s security products (like an antivirus or a firewall), that is blocking Warzone access to an essential online resource (or a local directory), may cause Warzone Diver error.
  • Corruption of Essential System Files: You may encounter Warzone error code Diver if the essential system files are corrupt (e.g., due to a sudden power failure). This can restrict Warzone’s access to a resource vital for its operation, resulting in the Diver error.
  • Corrupt Installation of Modern Warfare: Warzone might show error code Diver if its installation has gone corrupt. This might be due to the removal of essential game files as a false-positive from the security applications.

Relaunch Game or Restart the System/Console and Router

A temporary communication glitch might be causing the error code Diver in Warzone and performing a restart of the game, system, and router (which will also renew the system’s IP) may solve the problem. But before diving into more technical solutions, make sure the installation drive of Warzone has enough space available to download and install the game.

  1. Firstly, close the game/launcher and right-click on Windows.
  2. Now, select Task Manager and end all the processes related to Warzone/Modern Warfare.
    Open the Task Manager of the System Through the Quick Access Menu
  3. Then launch Warzone and check if it is working fine.
    End Battle.net Process
  4. If not, close the game and power down the system.
  5. Now unplug the power cable of the system from its source and power down the router.
  6. Then unplug the router’s power cable from its source and wait for 5 minutes.
    Unplug Router from the Power Source
  7. Now plug back the power cables to the respective power source and power on the router.
  8. Once the router is properly powered on, power on the system, and once the system is powered on, launch Warzone to check if it is clear of the error code Diver.

Update the Warzone Game to the Latest Build

Warzone might fail to work if the game is not updated to the latest build as it can create incompatibility with other OS modules. Here, updating the Warzone game to the latest build may solve the problem.

  1. Exit the Warzone game and make sure to end Warzone-related processes in the Task Manager.
  2. Now open the Battle.net launcher and select Warzone.
  3. Then expand its Options and click on Check for Updates.
    Check for Call of Duty Warzone’s Updates
  4. Wait till the update is applied (if any) and afterward, check if the error code Diver is cleared.
  5. If not, check if letting the game shaders reinstall (when the error message is opened) solves the problem.

Change the Regional Server of Warzone

Warzone error Diver could be a result of a glitch in the regional server of the Modern Warfare and selecting a different region may clear the error Diver in Warzone.

  1. Open the Battle.net launcher and select COD Warzone.
  2. Now, click on the globe icon (near the Play button), and in the mini-menu, choose a different region (e.g., if you are in America, select Europe or vice versa).
    Change Region in Warzone
  3. Then click on Play and if the game asks to update, let it update.
  4. Afterward, when the game is launched, check if Warzone is working fine without error Diver.

Try Another Network or Network Type

Warzone might show the error code Diver if the network is restricting the game’s access to a resource essential for Warzone. Moreover, an issue with a network connection type like a failing Wi-Fi card or interference with the wireless signals from other electronics-based equipment might also cause the issue. Here, you can fix the Diver error by trying another network or network type.

  1. Firstly, exit the Warzone game and kill all of its related tasks in the Task Manager.
  2. Now, connect the system through a VPN (if not present, you may install a VPN) and launch Warzone.
  3. If the game tries to update, let it update, and then check if the Warzone is operating fine.
  4. If not, check if using a different network type (e.g., if using a Wi-Fi connection, try an Ethernet cable, or vice versa) solves the problem.
  5. If the issue persists, exit Warzone and end its related tasks in the Task Manager.
  6. Now, disconnect the system from the current network and connect it to another network (like a phone’s hotspot).
    Enable Hotspot of Your Phone
  7. Then launch Warzone and if it tries to update, let it update.
  8. Afterward, launch Warzone and check if the error code Diver is cleared.

Perform an SFC Scan of the System

You may encounter error code Diver in Warzone if the essential system files are corrupt which may make an essential resource or directory unreachable for Warzone. In this context, performing an SFC scan of the system may clear the Warzone error under discussion.

  1. Exit Warzone game and end the related processes in the Task Manager.
  2. Now, perform an SFC scan of the system (make sure to launch Command Prompt as Administrator). Keep in mind this may take some time to complete, so, try it when the system can be spared for some time (like overnight).
    Perform an SFC Scan
  3. Once the scan is complete, launch Warzone and check if it is clear of Diver error.

Disable the System’s Security Application

Warzone might not work or fail to update with error code Diver if the system’s security software (like an antivirus or firewall) is hindering the operation of the game and blocking its access to essential online sources as well as to local system directories. In this scenario, disabling the system’s security product (like ESET) may solve the problem. Before proceeding, make sure to remove any exemptions of Warzone in the antivirus/firewall settings (if added earlier).


Advance at your own risk as disabling or editing the settings of the security application may expose the system and data on it to threats.

  1. Firstly, exit the Warzone game and close its launcher. Do not forget to end the Warzone-related processes in the system’s Task Manager.
  2. Then expand the hidden icons in the system’s tray and right-click on the security software (like ESET).
    Pause ESET Protection and Firewall
  3. Now select Pause Projection and if a UAC prompt is shown, click on Yes.
  4. Then confirm to disable the security protection and agarin, right-click on the security product in the hidden icons of the system tray
  5. Now select Pause Firewall and then confirm to disable the system’s security application.
  6. Then open Battle.net and launch Warzone to check if its Diver error is cleared. If so, then you may exempt the Warzone installation directory in the settings of the system’s security application.
  7. If not, repeat step 1 and then disable Windows Defender.
  8. Now launch Warzone and check if it is working fine.

If the security product or system’s firewall (3rd party or Windows Defender) was already disabled, check if enabling it resolves the Warzone issue.

Disable Static IP in the Router’s Settings

If Warzone servers are blocking traffic from the system’s IP, then that can cause Warzone Diver error at hand. Usually, restarting a router refreshes the IP but if the router is using a static IP, then that may fail and a user may keep facing Warzone error code Diver on his system.

Here, disabling the static IP in the router’s settings may solve the problem. The process may differ for some users. In some instances, a user might have to contact his ISP to disable or refresh the static IP. We will go through the general guidelines below. Keep in mind, disabling static IP may break other operations on the network or system.

  1. Launch a web browser and steer to the web portal of the router (like for BT Business Hub 2700/2701). You may have to enter your credentials.
  2. Now head to the Settings tab and click on Broadband.
    Open Link Configuration Tab in the Router’s Web Portal
  3. Then steer to the Link Configuration tab and in the Public IP Address section, uncheck Enable for Add Additional Network. Do not uncheck Enable for Routing, otherwise, the router may stop working.
    Uncheck Add Additional Network to Disable Static IP
  4. Now apply the changes made and open Warzone to check if it is clear of the Diver error.

Reset Router to the Factory Defaults

COD Warzone might show the error code Diver if the router is not properly configured or if the router’s firmware is corrupt. In this context, resetting the router to the factory default may clear the Warzone error. Before moving on, make sure to note down the info required to set up the router after factory resetting it. Although the reset process for different make/models may differ a bit, the general guidelines will be as under:

  1. First, locate the physical reset button on the router, usually, at the bottom or back of the router. In some routers, the power button also works as a reset button, if held for a certain time.
  2. Once the reset button is located, press/hold the reset button with a pointy object (like a paperclip) and wait for 30 seconds.
    Reset Your Router
  3. Now release the reset button and wait till the router is powered on.
  4. Then configure the router (as per the ISP instructions) and afterward, check if Warzone error code Diver is cleared.
  5. If the issue persists, check if changing the NAT type of the system/console (by opening or forwarding the Warzone required ports) solves the Warzone problem.
  6. If that did not work, you may set up a DMZ (strictly not recommended) for the system or console’s IP to clear the Warzone Diver error.

Delete the Contents in the Modern Warfare Folder

You may encounter Warzone error code Diver if the certain game configurations files (in the Documents directory) are corrupt or if the essential game files (in the installation directory) are corrupt. In this scenario, deleting the contents of the Modern Warfare folder in the Documents directory or the installation directory may solve the problem.

Delete the Contents of the Modern Warfare Folder in the Documents Directory

  1. Firstly, exit the Warzone game and end the related processes in the Task Manager.
  2. Then, right-click Windows and open Run.
    Open the Run Command Box from the Quick Access Menu
  3. Now, navigate to the following path:

    Open Documents Folder Through the Run Command Box
  4. Then open the Call of Duty Modern Warfare folder and delete all its contents (files, folders, etc.). If you want to play safe, then copy the contents to someplace safe. Keep in mind, on the relaunch of Warzone, these will be recreated with the default values.
    Delete the Modern Warfare Folder in the Documents Directory
  5. Now launch Warzone and if it asks to update, let the game update.
  6. Afterward, check if Warzone is operating fine. If so, then you may paste back the old files (if backed up and required) to the Modern Warfare folder.

Delete the Files in the Installation Directory of Warzone

  1. Open the Battle.net launcher and select Warzone.
  2. Now, expand Options and click on Show in Explorer.
    Show Warzone in Explorer
  3. Then, steer to the Data folder, usually, the following path:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Call of Duty Modern Warfare\Data\data\

    Open the Data Folder of COD Warfare Installation Directory
  4. Now delete all the files with IDX extension up to 1KB in size.
  5. Then open the Battle.net launcher and select Warzone.
  6. Now click on the gear icon and select Scan and Repair.
    Scan and Repair Warzone
  7. Then wait till the scan process is complete and afterward, launch Warzone to check if it is operating fine.
  8. If not, steer to the Warzone installation directory and open the Data folder.
  9. Now delete the files (not folders) less than 2MB in size and Scan and Repair Warzone in Battle.net launcher to check if Warzone is clear of Diver error.
  10. If the issue persists, delete all the files (not folders) in the installation directory except ModernWarfare and ModernWarfare Launcher.
    Delete Files (not Folders) Except ModernWaarfare and Modern Warfare Launcher in the Installation Directory of Warzone
  11. Now perform the Scan and Repair of Warzone in the Battle.net client.
  12. Afterward, launch Warzone and check if it is clear of error Diver.
  13. If the issue is still there, check if installing (or reinstalling) Modern Warfare Pack 1, 2, and 3 clear the Diver error.

Reinstall Warzone

If none of the above methods work, then the Diver error could be a result of the corrupt installation of Warzone that is beyond repair. In this case, the tedious and data-consuming task (100GB+ size download) of reinstalling Warzone may solve the problem. Before moving on, make sure to back up the essential data/info of Warzone.

  1. Launch the Battle.net client and select Warzone.
  2. Now, click on Settings and select Uninstall.
    Uninstall Call of Duty Warzone
  3. Then confirm to uninstall the game and wait till Warzone is uninstalled.
  4. Now restart your PC and upon restart, reinstall Warzone.
  5. Once installed, launch it as administrator and hopefully, it will be clear of the error code Diver.

Photo of Kevin Arrows

Kevin Arrows

Kevin Arrows is a highly experienced and knowledgeable technology specialist with over a decade of industry experience. He holds a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) certification and has a deep passion for staying up-to-date on the latest tech developments. Kevin has written extensively on a wide range of tech-related topics, showcasing his expertise and knowledge in areas such as software development, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. His contributions to the tech field have been widely recognized and respected by his peers, and he is highly regarded for his ability to explain complex technical concepts in a clear and concise manner.

Here’s how to fix the Warzone 2 Diver error

Warzone 2 player examining gun

Credit: Activision

The Warzone 2 Diver error is a hugely frustrating issue to encounter when attempting to drop into the action. Despite the best efforts of Infinity Ward and Raven Software, this particular error code appears on a regular basis much to the annoyance of fans. Warzone 2 already contains an extensive selection of error codes, and like many of them, they often prevent the ability to play.

With Season Three moving into view, the Diver error continues to cause problems following the March 21 update for Call of Duty’s battle royale. Although the update applied a range of bug fixes, addressing the Diver error wasn’t one of them. Thankfully, we know some handy workarounds.

Before we take a look at how to fix the Warzone 2 Diver error, check out our guides showcasing the best AR and when the next double XP event will take place.

What causes the Warzone 2 Diver error?

The main cause of the Diver error involves an update failing to download correctly. So, the first thing you should do before trying any kind of workaround is to check if Warzone 2 needs an update. Here’s how to do it:

  • Select Warzone 2 on your platform.
  • Right-click or press Select and search for an option to check for an update.
  • Usually, this will trigger any outstanding update but if not. The workarounds below will help.

Warzone 2 players dropping into match

click to enlarge

Credit: Activision

Warzone 2 Diver error code fix

Check server status

On several occasions, the Warzone 2 servers go down which could result in the Diver error appearing. To see if they’re operating as intended, head to the Activision Support Page for all the server intel you need. Once the servers start working again, the Diver error should disappear completely.

Restart the game

Arguably the most simple workaround is to perform a simple restart of the game. Close down the game, switch off your PC or console, reboot it, and try and play the game. This usually makes the Diver error disappears as the fresh startup may trigger an update to download.

Reinstall the game

As a last resort, a full reinstall of Warzone 2 might be required to fix the Diver error once and for all. This may take a while so we recommend doing it overnight in order to guarantee minimal interruptions.

There you have it, that’s how to fix the Warzone 2 Diver error code. For more, check out our guides highlighting the best SMG and all there is to know about the heavily-rumoured Warzone 2 ranked mode.

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