Virtual audio cable driver not loaded ошибка

After installing the KB938979 Vista Performance and Compatibility Pack in order to ‘improve the performance and stability of Windows Vista’ – the power to bypass, skip or disable the driver signature signing is imparied. This happens as the “bcdedit -set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS” command in 64-bit Windows Vista is altered– in fact the 32-bit Vista does not seem to be affected as yet. Thus, unsigned drivers fail to connect and load, rendering the corresponding hardware useless or faulty. Moreover, lack of a ‘disable driver signing’ feature makes this problem hard to fix up.

Typical symptoms of this problem are that you are faced with a slew of error messages after you have installed the B938979 Vista Performance Update Pack, and restarted your computer. These errors messages can be something similar to –

“Can not connect to low level driver. Please reinstall The Driver under Local system administrator account or try to start driver manually using “Low Level Driver Installation”, or

“Can not load low level device driver. Please restart application”, and so on this sense.

There are not cracks or patches to fix this problem as of now – however, there are a few workaround strategies that you can use.

  • Uninstall KB938979 Vista Performance Update installation. For this, go to Control Panel -> Uninstall Programs, select Installed Updates on the left pane, find Windows Vista (KB938194) and click on Uninstall.
  • However, if this Windows update is crucial for you, you can use another strategy – press F8 on computer startup, and then select “Disable Forced Driver Signing” option to continue booting Vista. This will disable driver signing for that session only, but not permanently, so you will have to do it on every reboot.

You can also try the ReadyDriver Plus for a complete solution.


VAC has been installed successfully but you don’t know how
to run it. There are no new shortcuts on the desktop.

VAC is a «passive» tool. It is not
an application that you can run, it is a virtual device
. You can use it with almost any
audio application by selecting «Virtual Cable N»
devices in their audio settings. Please read about VAC principles and consult other parts of this manual.

You hear an unwanted female voice in the recorded
audio. How can I get rid of it?

You are using a trial version, please note
the trial version limitations. This voice reminder is normal for the trial.
To get rid of this voice, purchase
the full version.

You have set output of your audio application to Virtual Cable N but
you hear no sound.

If you connect audio source (an application) to the playback/render
cable side and leave other side unconnected, you will not hear
any sound. You need to connect other (input/capture) side of the
cable to another application which will receive (record/capture)
a sound produced by the source application. See VAC principles, simple
usage rules and examples for details.

You have set output of your audio application to the
Virtual Cable N
, then set input of recording application
to the Virtual Cable N. Sound recording is fine but you hear no sound from
the headphones/speakers during
recording. What to do to hear a live sound?

You need to monitor cable transfer as mentioned in the simple usage rules. The simplest way to
monitor is using Audio Repeater
application included in VAC package. See the example.

Starting from Win7, you also can monitor a cable using
the built-in Listen feature.

You have configured playback and recording applications to be
connected through Virtual Cable but audio signal is not passed
as expected.

  • Make sure that playback application really plays audio signal:

    If there is a song position pointer, it should move.

    If there is a playback/rest time, it should go forward/back.

    If there is a signal level indicator, it should move.

  • Make sure that playback application plays audio signal to the chosen Virtual

    Application’s settings specify this Virtual Cable device or this Virtual
    device is assigned to be system

    Control Panel application shows audio format and
    signal level indicator for this cable as you start playback and does not
    show them as you stop playback.

  • Make sure that the proper audio signal is played by playback application:

     Use Audio Repeater application or Windows
    Listen feature to monitor a signal passed through the cable.

  • Make sure that recording application really records from the cable
    (time counter is running, level indicators are moved, Control Panel application
    shows npn-empty recording stream count.

After successful VAC installation, system sounds disappear.

Maybe you did not explicitly set your system default device before.
In such case, Windows may decide to use some Virtual
device as a default one. Please read here for details.

When a USB audio device is plugged in, some sounds disappeared.

Many USB audio devices are configured to
become a system default audio device when plugged in. So, if you have
a device that is set as a system default and plug a USB device, the new device becomes
to be a new system default, replacing a previous default device. All sounds that
were routed to a previously chosen device are now routed to a newly
connected device. A device that was previously set as a default was not lost, it remains
accessible by a name, as all other devices.

To avoid this problem, configure audio applications to use explicitly chosen audio devices,
not system default ones. Use system default devices only if the application does not allow to select a device from a list.

During VAC installation, Windows cannot find some files.

First, try to determine do these files belong to VAC file set or to
Windows file set. For example, browse VAC distribution package contents. If
required file names are present in the package, check if they are present in a
folder where you have unpacked them before installation. Maybe you have unpacked
the ZIP archive without pathnames (nested folders) or missed some files.

If the archive had beed unpacked properly but Windows installer cannot access some
files, it might be due to restricted access rights. Check file properties for
the access rights. If a folder where files are unpacked has special characters
in the full path (punctuation characters, national alphabet characters), try to
unpack installation files to a folder that does contain only Latin characters in
the path.

If Windows requires some files that are not present in VAC package,
they might be system files that Windows needs to install and/or check their
versions. Usually, all the original files needed are located at distribution
packages (Windows installation disk, Service Pack disks). To minimize external
package requirement, Windows keeps some frequently used files in its
installation folder (Driver Cache, system32\dllcache subfolders)
and use them instead of asking for a disk. But if you delete these packages (, or others), Windows cannot find an original file on the hard disk
and asks for a CD/DVD.

If Windows asks for a system or a service pack CD/DVD but you have no these
disks, try to locate required files in Windows installation folder. For example,
ksuser.dll file could be located in system32 subfolder and portcls.sys
could be located in system32\drivers.

During installation, you get a driver selection error.

In some cases, VAC installer aborts with the following message: «Cannot install device (15/515 — There is no driver selected for the device information set or element.)».
Most probably, this error occurs if your system is misconfigured.

Please locate the «» file in your system
and search it for «access is denied» or «error 5» messages. If you find such errors not
only for VAC installation attempts, it means that your system is misconfigured
(administrator account does not have enough rights
and/or system folders have invalid Access Control
Lists). You need system repair and even re-installation to restore proper
file access rights.

If access deny errors are listed only for VAC installations, please send
a report containing file to analyze it.

VAC was installed but there are no Virtual Cable
devices and/or VAC Control Panel reports that
driver is not loaded.

Please open Device Manager,
expand the «Multimedia» or «Audio» device subtree and look
for «Virtual Audio Cable» device. If there is no such device,
it means that VAC is not properly installed. Make sure that you have
carefully followed all installation instructions.

If «Virtual Audio Cable» device is present, open its
properties and read device status in the «General» tab. There may be
some common problems:

  • Error code 22 (This device is disabled) — try
    to enable device from a context menu.

  • Error code 39 (Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be
    corrupted or missing) — VAC driver file was corrupted/deleted for
    an unknown reason. Try to uninstall VAC
    and install it back.

  • Error code 48 (The software for this device has been blocked from starting because it is
    known to have problems with Windows) —  please read about virtualized
    environment compatibility issues.

If the device is working properly (no error codes
in Device Manager) but VAC
Control Panel reports that driver is not loaded, make sure that you run same
version of Control Panel application executable (from the same
distribution package).

If the problem is not described here, please contact
support describing the problem in details.

VAC installation produces error 1072 (The specified service has been marked for

Most likely, you previously tried to uninstall VAC when some cables
were in use and uninstaller was unable to remove the service. Please reboot and
retry installation. If there will be some «already exists» errors, use
Advanced Setup Mode to repair.

Trying to start recording from Virtual Cable device, you get a
message saying it is busy.

At first, please make sure that error message really applies to Virtual
device, not to another audio device.

This error occurs if there are no available pin
instances to allocate for recording operation. By default, each cable pin
allows several instances but if all of them are exhausted, there will be an
error message on any Windows platform. For details, please read about audio
stack layering.

Another cause may be the known bug in Windows
6.x systems.

Trying to start transfer in KS Audio Repeater, you get
«No appropriate pin found» error.

This error means that Audio Repeater was unable to
find a pin that supports requested audio format
for the specified device.

Kernel Streaming version of Audio
Repeater connects directly to audio device driver, not to System
Audio Engine that has format
conversion features. In most cases, device driver accepts only formats
supported by the device and performs no format conversion. For example, if the
driver accepts only 24-bit formats, 16-bit formats can be used only via
high-level interfaces — MME/DS/WASAPI, and
only 24-bit formats are allowed to be used via WDM/KS

Trying to change VAC parameters or perform a restart in VAC Control Panel,
you get «Access denied» error.

To perform some privileged operations (for example, driver restart via device
property change, or restart a service), VAC Control Panel needs to have administrative
rights. So you need either to run VAC Control Panel «as
administrator», right-clicking its shortcut, or log in using the native
Administrator account (not a user with administrative privileges available).

Trying to restart the driver in VAC Control Panel,
you get «Unable to restart driver» error.

Some applications and/or services may hold references to VAC devices
without stream creation. Total count of these references is shown by VAC
Control Panel in the «Clients» fiels. Normally, there are 4-5
references from system processes, they don’t prevent driver from restarting. But
if other services/applications hold additional references, driver cannot be
restarted until these references are released.

If you have closed all audio applications but client count is greater than
4-6 and driver cannot be restarted, you could try to search processes holding references to
VAC devices. Download Process Explorer (GUI) or
Handle (command line)
utilities from Sysinternals
and search for paths containing «\topo» and «\wave»
substrings. VAC device interface paths end with «\topoN» and «\waveN» where N stands for
cable number. Please note that some references are held by system services (svchost.exe
processes) so there is no way to determine a service holding the reference.

If you found some non-Windows processes and/or services holding VAC
device references, try to determine software products that they belong to (by
name, by Internet search etc.). Maybe such product has a tray
icon that allows to stop the service. As a last chance, try to kill the process
in Task Manager.

Never kill svchost.exe processes except you are familiar with Windows

Using Audio Repeater MME, you hear gaps in the audio stream
if smooth window minimizing/restoring occurs.

MME version of Audio
Repeater uses a traditional window messaging (WM_xxxx) technique to receive
real-time event notifications. When Windows performs window minimize/maximize
animation, a delay occurs in window message queue processing and Audio Repeater
does not receive its buffer
recording/playback events in the proper time.

To disable window minimize/restore animation:

  • Windows 7/Vista: Control Panel — All Control Panel Items — Performance Information and Tools
    — Adjust Visual Effects — Animate windows when minimizing and maximixing.
  • Windows XP: Control Panel — System — Advanced — Animate windows when
    minimizing and maximixing.

In Win 6.x, you also can try to
enable Aero interface that performs some graphical operations by hardware
so there are more CPU resources available for audio transfer.

KS version is free of such problem
so you can use it instead of MME version if not don’t want to disable window

Video-intensive applications cause sound distortions and/or

Applications that draw images on the screen intensively (animations, games,
presentations) often consume many CPU and bus resources. Many video drivers
violate Microsoft load balancing requirements to draw faster and smoother. Since
VAC has no own hardware and uses main CPU and bus resources too, there is
a competition and video drivers might hold their critical sections for a long
time, preventing VAC worker threads to maintain reliable data transfer.

To solve these problems, try the following:

  • If the problem is related to Windows interface visual effects like window
    animation, try to disable visual effects at all or enable Aero
  • If the problem is related to a particular application, try to modify
    application’s settings (for example, lower the frame rate in a game,
    simulation speed in a simulator etc.).
  • Try to increase worker thread
  • Try to update video drivers to the latest.

It is known Windows 6.x behavior.
These Windows versions show Configure button only for speaker-type
but don’t allow to specify a name for the endpoint,
always using «Speakers» name. Using speaker-type pins in VAC
would not allow to distinguish between different Virtual Cables, they all
would be equally named «Speakers«.

So VAC uses LineOut-type output pins instead of speaker-type ones by
These pins only allow to select a default
format for shared-mode access.

You can enable speaker type using the «Enable spk node»
parameter in cable parameters section
of VAC Control Panel. In such case, please carefully
read the precautions

You want to record a multichannel audio stream but there are only two

At first, start VAC Control Panel and make sure that
cable format range includes desired number of channels. For example, if you need
5.1 stream (6-channel), maximum number of channels should be set to 6 or more.
In general, number of channels is set to 1..N but in some cases you could need
to use a more strict rule (N..N) to disable undesired formats.

If you use Audio Repeater, make sure that an appropriate multichannel format
is selected.

In Windows 6.x, shared-mode
recording format is set to stereo by
default. To use multichannel formats on recording, you need to configure default
device format for the cable.

Trying to record from a free device in Windows
6.x, you are informed
that the device is in use.

Windows 6.x use endpoints to access
different source (input) lines. Most
modern audio devices have multiplexed source lines, not mixed ones, so only a
single source line can be used at the same time. If a recording endpoint in a
multiplexed source line group is currently in use, all other endpoints in the
group become unavailable.

An endpoint can be currently used by an application or by the system (as a default
device, including default communication device). Audio device usage can be
non-obvious, for example:

  • The Listen feature is turned on
    for the device.
  • Recording Device tab is open in the Audio Device Properties applet (it
    opens audio devices to show current signal levels).

To make all recording endpoints available for explicit selection by recording
applications, make sure that no endpoint from a multiplexed group is currently
in use.

VAC Control Panel does not start, displaying «0/1 —
Incorrect function» error message.

First make sure that VAC Control Panel executable file is started from
the VAC installation folder and VAC was correctly installed
before. If you start it from a folder with unpacked VAC distribution
files, there may be incompatible driver and application versions.

To make sure that driver/application versions are the same, you can compare
product version for both driver file (vrtaucbl.sys) located in System32\Drivers
subfolder of Windows root folder, and application file (vcctlpan.exe)
located in VAC installation folder (usually C:\Program Files\Virtual
Audio Cable
). To see a product version, right-click on the file, select Properties,
open Version tab and select Product Version. Product version for
driver and application files must be the same except of a build number (last of
four numbers delimited with the period).

Also please make sure that VAC Control Panel is started from the
folder you specified in last VAC installation. If installation and/or
uninstallation procedures were performed inaccurately, there may be alternate
folders containing different versions of VAC Control Panel application,
and your Desktop and/or Start Menu may contain shortcuts to them.

If driver/application versions are the same, check if Creative Live! Cam Virtual driver is installed. It can be
checked in Device Manager (by name) or in System32\drivers
subfolder of Windows root folder (by the livecamv.sys file
name). This driver was developed from VAC by a third-party company and
incorrectly uses some identifiers used by VAC, making a collision.

Creative Live! Cam Virtual driver is a part of some Creative Live!
web camera products. To avoid a collision, disable or even uninstall it.

Please visit Creative
website to obtain updated camera software.

At each boot, you see «the data is invalid» message window with «TBIA»

This message is generated by M-Audio Fast Track product. Most
likely, this application queries audio drivers for their properties and handles
returned values incorrectly. Please upgrade your Fast Track version and contact

for support if the message still appears.

Audio signal passed through a Virtual
becomes distorted.

Signal distortion (garbling, crackling, popping, static-like clicking etc.)
usually occur due to buffering problems in
audio applications, System Audio Engine
or VAC driver itself.

If Virtual Cable is the only path between two applications (one is
playing back and another is recording), try the following:

  • If your application uses DirectSound
    under Windows 5.x,
    check and adjust the DirectSound hardware
    acceleration level.
  • Check the CPU load and try to lower it if high.
  • Try to stop unnecessary application activity.
  • Try to increase length of stream data
  • Try to increase the buffering time in
    audio application.
  • Try to decrease the number of milliseconds per
    interrupt parameter for the cable.
  • Try to increase worker thread
  • Try to use stream buffer

If there are other (hardware or software) devices in the path (for example,
an application records from a  device and plays back to Virtual Cable,
or vice versa), please also check if this issue is not caused by clock difference.

If you are using trial version that adds
a female voice reminder, please pay attention to how this voice reminder sounds.
Because it is added by VAC driver, playback side problems cannot affect
it. Therefore, if you play back a signal to a Virtual Cable device and
hear voice reminder clear but the signal becomes distorted, it means that
recording side is OK but playback side has buffering problems. If both voice
reminder and useful signal are distorted, it means that buffering problems occur
on recording side and/or inside VAC driver.

Additionally, look to overflow/underflow
counters for the particular Virtual Cable in VAC
Control Panel. If overflow counter is not increasing, or is increasing
rarely, but underflow counter is increasing rapidly, it means that buffering
problems occur on the playback side, and vice versa. If both underflow and
overflow counters are increasing rapidly, it means a total buffering problem due
to CPU overload, high disk/network load, low cable timing
event period, system timer problems etc.

As you start audio transfer over a Virtual
, there are distortions but as you restart transfer, all
works fine.

Many system and driver code and data parts are designed as pageable.
It means that they are loaded to physical memory on demand as really needed
so they may not be loaded automatically on system startup. Additionally, these
parts may be unloaded from memory if not used frequently. To load such code/data
parts, the system must perform some paging operations, reading from (and
probably writing to) some disk files. Disk operations, especially on slow laptop
HDDs, are much slower than memory operations and can affect real-time

Therefore, when you start audio transfer, some code/data parts needed to
process audio signals may not be loaded from their disk files or be unloaded to
a paging file so the system must bring them back to physical memory before they
can be used for signal processing. Additional time may be required for
first-time initialization or re-initialization. It may cause delays and
short-time distortions. Because these delays are random, streaming
synchronization may be affected, especially if there are several real-time
streams. As all code/data parts used for real-time processing are
stabilized, streaming should become stable and smooth.

In Audio Repeater or similar
applications used for device-to-device transfer, such delays may cause buffering
failures (input or output queues become overflowed or underflowed immediately).
In most cases, stopping and immediate restarting restores a smooth streaming.

Overflow and/or underflow counters in VAC Control Panel are
growing continuously.

Massive buffer
overflows/underflows usually occur in two situations:

  • VAC driver client (an application or System
    Audio Engine) fails to provide memory/data buffers
    in time (fast enough). In such case, you need to check your system’s
    performance (CPU and memory speeds, CPU consumption, background disk/network
    activity etc.).
  • Virtual Cable pin is used by System
    Audio Engine in shared mode
    and all System Audio Engine’s
    clien streams are paused. It is a normal sutuation caused by System
    Audio Engine’s behavior because VAC cannot distinguish between
    buffer/data absence due to a temporary client failure or such pause
    processing technique.

You use Audio Repeater to monitor VAC
cables with a soundcard and there are periodic interrupts of
the sound.

Like a hardware audio adapter, VAC has internal
software clock to time audio data transfer.
There always is a slight difference between each clock.
Within several minutes, a total difference may become enough to
buffer overrun or underrun. Try to adjust
cable clock to match device’s clock.

Trying to re-install VAC, you get an error message saying that
a file, folder or device is already present.

Maybe you forgot to uninstall the previous (trial or older) version of VAC
or uninstallation completed with an error, failing to remove some
components. Uninstall it and then carefully
follow installation instructions. If
you encounter an error, read the uninstallation troubleshooting

When Windows returns from a suspended state, audio
streams are not resumed or there are error messages.

Going to a suspended (Sleep/Standby/Hibernation) state, Windows closes some or all active
application-to-device connections and sometimes disconnects (unmounts) some
audio devices. Returning back to working state, Windows
tries to connect (mount) the devices back and/or restore application connections.
But some devices, especially external ones,
need some time and/or some additional conditions to be reconnected. So special
non-trivial measures are required for an audio application to resume all streams

To avoid such problems, don’t put your system into a suspended state if audio
streaming is active. Don’t close audio applications, just stop audio

Using Media Player with Virtual Cables, you see Virtual
is in use after playback ends.

It is known Media Player behavior in Windows
6.x. Media Player opens playback device on first playback but does
not close it until player window is closed. If you need to free Virtual Cable
device (for example, to change cable format),
close Media Player window.

This problem occurs because DirectSound
in Win 6.x gets channel
configuration only from speaker-type
pins. Try to enable
speaker pin type for the cable.

VAC Control
Panel shows that some cables are active but there are no audio
applications open.

Unfortunately, Windows keeps no track of applications or processes that use
audio devices. There is no way to show a list of applications or processes that
use a particular device, you can find them only sequentially or by intuition.

  • Check all applications showing their icons in System
    Tray. Except system icons, each additional tray icon represents at least
    one hidden application. Do not forget that Win
    6.x allows to hide some notification icons (up arrow is displayed in the
  • Check if Audio Properties Applets
    are open. They can keep audio devices open to show signal levels.
  • Check if system default playback
    device is assigned to Virtual Cable device. If yes, system notification
    sounds (menu/button click, window maximizing/minimizing, device
    insertion/removal etc.) create audio streams at Virtual Cable.
  • Check if Listen feature is
    enabled for any recording device, using Virtual Cable as input or
  • Check if speech recognition is active. If yes, input device may be
    assigned to Virtual Cable.

When more than one Skype instances are
used with
several Virtual Cables, Skype freezes.

If you don’t use PortCls
data processing engine, most likely it happens due to known PortCls
bug. Please try affinity restriction

An application accesses Virtual
via Kernel Streaming interface but sound is broken.

Maybe you have the same problem as with multiple
Skype instances. If two applications (and even two threads in the same
application) access PortCls simultaneously,
it may cause buggy PortCls behavior. Please
try affinity restriction

When VAC is used with iTunes
and/or QuickTime, sound is choppy.

iTunes uses QuickTime to
play audio. To configure audio settings for iTunes,
you must configure them for QuickTime instead.

To configure QuickTime audio settings, open
its preferences by right-clicking QuickTime icon
in system tray or by opening its applet in
Windows Control Panel.
Select SoundOut to display audio output settings
page. In the playback device field, make sure that DirectSound interface type is
selected, not the WaveOut (MME).
If WaveOut is selected, change it to DirectSound
and try to play again.

If DirectSound interface
is already used but a sound is choppy, click Options
to open advanced options page. Increase a buffering time in the FIFO size in millisecs field to 200..500 ms.

An audio signal passed via the cable becomes very quiet.

If stream
format limiting is not used or upper number of channels is greater than in your
stream format, System Audio Engine creates its main stream
with maximal allowed number of channels and converts your format, lowering
channel volume.

To solve this problem, make sure that stream
format limiting mode is not set to «None» and correct upper channel
limit for a particular cable.

You have selected Virtual Cable N for the application but it still uses a
different device.

Some audio software developers test their software in a typical system that
has only a single audio device. In such case, this device always has ID 0 and is
a system default. Even if such application allows to select audio device
explicitly, it could have a bug due to that it always uses ID 0 (first available device) instead of
particular device ID (1, 2 or more). If such application is tested only in a single-device environment,
there are no other IDs than 0 and the bug may not be caught. Since most users, having single-device
systems too, will
not report it, the bug may persist for a long time.

A similar bug may occur if an application always used ID -1 (a system default
device) instead of real device ID.

If you select a particular device for playback/recording but the application
remains to use a first available or system default device, try to contact
application’s developers and/or support sevice.

In most cases, even 1 ms per event/interrupt
does not produce a significant overhead. But some poorly designed
applications/drivers that need a small delay, use the «skip current time
slice» operation instead of specifying a specific delay time. By
default, Windows time slice duration is 15 ms so such applications/drivers don’t
cause context switches more than 66 times per second. But with, for example, 3
ms per interrupt/event, system timer resolution is set to 1.5 ms and they can
switch their contexts up to 666 times per second, increasing their overhead more
than 10 times.

You can use Windows Task Manager or Process
Explorer utility from SysInternals
to see which processes (and their threads) cause most context switches in the
system and try to exit them for a while.

The same cable/application configuration under server OS works worse
than under desktop OS.

Windows Server operating systems use different scheduling
policies than Workstation (desktop) ones. In particular, default thread
execution quantum (time
slice) in server OSes is several times longer (usually six times). It allows
server threads to make more work within a single execution period but decreases
responsiveness to real-time events and audio/video streaming stability.

You could try to decrease the quantum using the System applet in Windows
Control Panel. Open Advanced System Settings dialog, select Advanced
tab and click Settings… button in the Performance frame. In the
next dialog, select Advanced tab. If the Background Services
option is selected in the Processor Scheduling frame, change selection to
Programs. If Programs is already selected, your system is already
configured to use a short quantum.

You use Remote Desktop connection (RDP) but there are
no Virtual Cable devices.

It is a common problem that occurs if remote
sessions are used. Please read about remote
access compatibility issues.

When trying to use Kernel Streaming version of Audio Repeater, Windows crashes.

At first, please
configure your system to create minidump files.
They help to isolate the error.

Additionally, you can download either Sysinternals’ sync utility
or FlushVol utility
to flush file buffers to disks immediately before clicking «Start» on Audio Repeater. If there will be BSOD, flushing the buffers will
minimize a chance of information loss.

At second, please determine an error source. Audio Repeater is a user-mode
application that cannot cause a system crash (the blue screen, BSOD). It can be
caused only by a kernel-mode code like a driver. Since Audio Repeater works with
audio devices via their audio drivers, each driver is possible to cause a crash.
So please try KS version of Audio Repeater to
transfer from/to your hardware audio devices only, not selecting Virtual Cable devices at all. If there will be a crash, it means a bug in
hardware card drivers, not in VAC driver. If so, please contact audio card manufacturer for driver update.
You may also attach some minidumps to help the  manufacturer to fix the

If KS version of Audio Repeater works normally with your hardware audio devices,
try KS version with Virtual Cable devices only (for example, from VC1 to VC2). If there will be a crash, it will mean that
bug is located in VAC driver. In such case, please send a couple of
minidump files for investigation.

Using VAC to route audio from the microphone, you hear an
unwanted echo.

An echo can appear if your audio connection scheme has some loopbacks and/or
multiple repeaters. For example, each audio card can repeat (monitor) an input
signal to its own output (the speakers). If monitoring is enabled (input line is
not muted), you will hear your voice in the speakers even there is no audio
application running.

If an application records an input signal and also reproduces (repeats) it to
the speakers, a signal copy is created, sounding as an echo. This copy appears
slightly later due to the buffering. Input
audio signal also could be copied to the speakers due to improper Virtual
assignment in applications.

To avoid an echo, you should disable either input line monitoring in the
audio card or recorded data playback in the application. You can control audio
card monitoring status (volume and mute) in its volume control panel (the mixer).
To disable repeating in the application, see application’s settings. Also check
your Virtual Cable connection scheme to avoid possible loopbacks and
parallel signal paths.

You have started wave record, then run Cakewalk but there
are no Virtual Cables in Cakewalk port list.

Cakewalk may behave slightly strange, querying audio devices upon
startup only. During them, Cakewalk queries wave devices to know
whether they support various audio formats
or not. If wave device does not support a particular format,
excludes it from available wave ports.

If the stream format
limiting is enabled for a Virtual Cable, all
wrong formats will be rejected. Thus, stop all activities for all
cables whose you want to use in Cakewalk and/or disable stream format limiting.
Then start Cakewalk, wait until it will be ready, and then
restore previous settings/activities again.

You want to record a signal from (or play to) your favorite application but it does not allow
to set an
audio format and starts
using an unknown format automatically.

You can use VAC Control Panel which
will show you formats that are currently in use with each cable.
See the example.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Virtual Audio Cable Driver Not Loaded Error

Here you can download virtual audio cable driver not loaded error for Windows. It’s 100% safe, uploaded from safe source and passed Norton virus scan!

Driver Info:

File name: virtualaudiocablenotloadederror.exe
Driver version: 2.5.1
File size: 7 555 KB
OS: Windows
Upload source: other website

Download: Virtual Audio Cable Driver Not Loaded Error

Posted by



11:47 PM


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Posts: 3968
Joined: Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:05 am

Virtual Audio Cable Driver Not Loaded

Im tryin to get the virtual audio cable not loaded driver. Please HELP!


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Joined: Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:19 pm

Re: Virtual Audio Cable Driver Not Loaded


by Detective » Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:55 pm

Below you can download virtual audio cable not loaded driver for Windows.

File name: virtual_audio_cable_not_loaded.exe
Version: 1.1.4
File size: 2.817 MB
Upload source: other website
Antivirus software passed: Kaspersky

Download Driver

(click above to download)


Posts: 3968
Joined: Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:05 am

Re: Re: Virtual Audio Cable Driver Not Loaded


by Allie92 » Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:49 pm

As always, Outstanding!

Виртуальный аудио кабель (Virtual audio cable) — это программное обеспечение, которое позволяет передавать звуковые данные между различными приложениями и устройствами на компьютере. Он может быть полезен при записи звука, стриминге или микшировании аудио. Однако многие пользователи сталкиваются с ошибкой «Virtual audio cable driver not loaded», когда пытаются использовать эту программу.

Ошибка «Virtual audio cable driver not loaded» может возникнуть по нескольким причинам. Возможно, драйвер для виртуального аудио кабеля не установлен на вашем компьютере или не запущен. Также, возможно, драйвер был удален из системы или файлы драйвера были повреждены. Чтобы исправить эту ошибку, необходимо выполнить несколько шагов.

Шаг 1: Переустановите виртуальный аудио кабель. Сначала удалите программу с вашего компьютера, затем загрузите последнюю версию программы с официального сайта. Установите программу согласно инструкциям, которые будут представлены. Если у вас возникли проблемы с установкой, попробуйте запустить процесс установки от имени администратора.

Шаг 2: Проверьте, установлен ли драйвер для виртуального аудио кабеля. Для этого откройте меню «Устройства и принтеры» в системных настройках вашего компьютера. Если вы видите устройство «Virtual audio cable», значит, драйвер установлен. Если устройство отсутствует, вам нужно установить драйвер снова.


  1. Исправление ошибки «Virtual audio cable driver not loaded» при использовании виртуального аудио кабеля:
  2. 1. Переустановка драйвера виртуального аудио кабеля:
  3. 2. Проверка наличия конфликтующих программ:
  4. 3. Обновление операционной системы:
  5. 4. Обратитесь за помощью:
  6. Проверка установки драйвера:
  7. Обновление драйвера виртуального аудио кабеля:
  8. Устранение конфликтов с другими аудио драйверами:
  9. Проверка целостности файлов драйвера:
  10. Переустановка виртуального аудио кабеля:
  11. Очистка системного реестра:
  12. Запуск драйвера в режиме совместимости:
  13. Обращение к технической поддержке:

Ошибка «Virtual audio cable driver not loaded» возникает, когда драйвер виртуального аудио кабеля не загружен на вашем компьютере. Это может произойти по разным причинам, включая неправильную установку драйвера или его конфликт с другими программами. В данной статье мы рассмотрим несколько способов исправления этой ошибки.

1. Переустановка драйвера виртуального аудио кабеля:

  1. Перейдите на официальный сайт разработчика виртуального аудио кабеля и скачайте последнюю версию драйвера.
  2. Удалите существующий драйвер из системы.
  3. Запустите загруженный файл установки и следуйте инструкциям на экране для установки драйвера.
  4. Перезагрузите компьютер.

2. Проверка наличия конфликтующих программ:

Некоторые программы могут конфликтовать с драйвером виртуального аудио кабеля и препятствовать его загрузке. Чтобы проверить это, выполните следующие действия:

  1. Откройте диспетчер устройств, нажав сочетание клавиш Win + X и выбрав «Диспетчер устройств».
  2. Разверните раздел «Звук, видео и игровые устройства».
  3. Проверьте, есть ли устройства или программы, которые могут вызывать конфликт с виртуальным аудио кабелем. Если есть, отключите или удалите их.
  4. Перезагрузите компьютер и проверьте, исправилась ли ошибка.

3. Обновление операционной системы:

Некоторые ошибки могут возникать из-за устаревших компонентов операционной системы. Чтобы исправить это, обновите операционную систему до последней версии.

  1. В Windows 10 откройте меню «Пуск», выберите «Настройки» и перейдите в раздел «Обновление и безопасность».
  2. Нажмите на кнопку «Проверить доступность обновлений» и установите все обновления, которые доступны для вашей системы.
  3. Перезагрузите компьютер и проверьте, исправилась ли ошибка.

4. Обратитесь за помощью:

Если вы все еще не можете решить проблему с загрузкой драйвера виртуального аудио кабеля, рекомендуется обратиться за помощью к специалистам. Они смогут предложить индивидуальное решение для вашей конкретной ситуации.

Исправление ошибки «Virtual audio cable driver not loaded» может потребовать некоторого времени и усилий, но следуя указанным выше методам, вы повысите шансы на успешное устранение проблемы. Виртуальный аудио кабель является полезным инструментом для записи и обработки аудио, поэтому стоит попытаться исправить ошибку, чтобы начать его использование.

Проверка установки драйвера:

Перед тем, как начать использовать виртуальный аудио кабель, необходимо убедиться, что драйвер правильно установлен на вашем компьютере. Для этого выполните следующие действия:

  1. Откройте панель управления на вашем компьютере.
  2. Выберите раздел «Устройства и звук».
  3. В списке устройств найдите раздел «Звуковые, видео- и игровые устройства».

В этом разделе вы должны увидеть запись «VB-Audio Virtual Cable». Если вы видите эту запись, значит драйвер успешно установлен на вашем компьютере.

Если вы не видите запись «VB-Audio Virtual Cable» в списке устройств, это может означать, что драйвер не был правильно установлен. В этом случае вам может потребоваться повторно установить драйвер, следуя инструкциям, предоставленным разработчиками виртуального аудио кабеля.

После успешной установки драйвера вы можете приступить к использованию виртуального аудио кабеля и настроить его в соответствии со своими потребностями.

Обновление драйвера виртуального аудио кабеля:

Если у вас возникла ошибка «Virtual audio cable driver not loaded» при попытке использования виртуального аудио кабеля, проблема, скорее всего, связана с устаревшим или неправильно установленным драйвером. В этом случае следует обновить драйвер, чтобы решить проблему. Вот как это сделать:

  1. Перейдите на официальный веб-сайт разработчика виртуального аудио кабеля.
  2. Найдите раздел «Поддержка» или «Драйверы» на веб-сайте и выберите нужную версию драйвера для вашей операционной системы.
  3. Скачайте драйвер на свой компьютер.
  4. После загрузки драйвера откройте файл и следуйте инструкциям мастера установки.

Если у вас уже установлена предыдущая версия драйвера, вам может потребоваться удалить ее перед установкой новой версии. Для этого откройте Панель управления, найдите раздел «Установить программу» или «Удалить программу» и найдите в списке установленных программ виртуальный аудио кабель. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по программе и выберите «Удалить». После удаления установите новую версию драйвера, следуя инструкциям выше.

После успешной установки нового драйвера перезагрузите компьютер, чтобы изменения вступили в силу. После перезагрузки вы должны быть в состоянии использовать виртуальный аудио кабель без ошибки «Virtual audio cable driver not loaded».

Если эта ошибка все еще возникает, может потребоваться связаться с службой поддержки разработчика виртуального аудио кабеля для получения дальнейшей помощи.

Устранение конфликтов с другими аудио драйверами:

Если вы столкнулись с ошибкой «Virtual audio cable driver not loaded» при использовании виртуального аудио кабеля, проблема может быть связана с конфликтом с другими аудио драйверами на вашем компьютере. Для устранения этой проблемы вы можете попробовать следующие решения:

  1. Деактивировать или удалить другие аудио драйверы: Проверьте наличие других аудио драйверов на вашем компьютере и временно деактивируйте или удалите их. Многие аудио драйверы могут конфликтовать с виртуальным аудио кабелем, поэтому отключение других драйверов может помочь решить проблему.
  2. Обновить аудио драйверы: Если у вас есть другие аудио драйверы, убедитесь, что они обновлены до последней версии. Некорректная или устаревшая версия аудио драйвера также может вызывать конфликты с виртуальным аудио кабелем. Обновление драйверов может помочь устранить проблему.
  3. Изменить порядок загрузки драйверов: Иногда проблема может быть связана с порядком загрузки аудио драйверов. Попробуйте изменить порядок загрузки драйверов в вашей операционной системе. Это может помочь избежать конфликтов между аудио драйверами и решить проблему с виртуальным аудио кабелем.
  4. Переустановить виртуальный аудио кабель: Если все остальные способы не помогли решить проблему, попробуйте переустановить виртуальный аудио кабель. Удалите текущие установленные драйверы виртуального аудио кабеля и выполните новую установку с официального веб-сайта разработчика.

Если ни одно из вышеперечисленных решений не помогло устранить проблему, рекомендуется обратиться в службу поддержки разработчика виртуального аудио кабеля для получения дополнительной помощи.

Проверка целостности файлов драйвера:

Если вы столкнулись с ошибкой «Virtual audio cable driver not loaded» при попытке использовать виртуальный аудио кабель, одним из возможных решений проблемы может быть проверка целостности файлов драйвера.

Для выполнения этой проверки следуйте следующим шагам:

  1. Откройте проводник (комбинацией клавиш Win + E) и найдите папку, в которую был установлен виртуальный аудио кабель. Обычно путь к папке выглядит так: C:\Program Files\VB Audio\Virtual Cable\.
  2. Внутри этой папки найдите файл или в зависимости от разрядности вашей операционной системы (64-битная или 32-битная).
  3. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на выбранный файл и выберите пункт «Свойства».
  4. Перейдите на вкладку «Цифровые подписи».
  5. Выберите в списке сертификат и нажмите кнопку «Просмотреть».
  6. В открывшемся окне нажмите кнопку «Подробнее…».
  7. Проверьте, что статус подписи указывает на то, что файлы драйвера не были изменены и их целостность соблюдена. Если статус подписи отличается от «Этот файл является частью цепочки доверия» или «Подпись в порядке», то файлы могут быть повреждены или изменены.

Если статус подписи файлов драйвера отличается от ожидаемого, попробуйте переустановить виртуальный аудио кабель или обратитесь в службу технической поддержки, чтобы получить помощь в решении проблемы.

Переустановка виртуального аудио кабеля:

Если вы столкнулись с ошибкой «Virtual audio cable driver not loaded» при попытке использовать виртуальный аудио кабель, то переустановка этого программного обеспечения может помочь решить проблему. Вот пошаговая инструкция о том, как это сделать:

  1. Сначала необходимо удалить текущую версию виртуального аудио кабеля. Для этого откройте меню «Пуск» и выберите «Панель управления».
  2. В панели управления найдите раздел «Программы» и выберите «Удалить программу».
  3. В списке установленных программ найдите виртуальный аудио кабель и щелкните на нем правой кнопкой мыши.
  4. Выберите опцию «Удалить» или «Деинсталлировать» и следуйте инструкциям на экране для завершения процесса удаления.
  5. После удаления текущей версии виртуального аудио кабеля загрузите последнюю версию этого программного обеспечения с официального сайта разработчика.
  6. Запустите загруженный файл установки и следуйте инструкциям на экране для установки виртуального аудио кабеля.
  7. После завершения установки перезагрузите компьютер, чтобы изменения вступили в силу.

После переустановки виртуального аудио кабеля вы должны быть способны использовать его без ошибки «Virtual audio cable driver not loaded». Убедитесь, что вы также установили все необходимые драйверы и настроили программу соответствующим образом для вашей системы и своих требований.

Очистка системного реестра:

Очистка системного реестра может помочь исправить ошибку «Virtual audio cable driver not loaded» и начать использовать виртуальный аудио кабель. Следуйте этим шагам для очистки системного реестра:

  • Перейдите в меню «Пуск» и введите «regedit» в поле поиска.
  • Выберите «Редактор реестра» из результатов поиска и запустите его.
  • В редакторе реестра найдите папку «HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE» и разверните ее.
  • Найдите папку «SOFTWARE» и разверните ее.
  • Найдите папку «Microsoft» и разверните ее.
  • Найдите папку «Windows» и разверните ее.
  • Найдите папку «CurrentVersion» и разверните ее.
  • Найдите папку «Run» и разверните ее.
  • В папке «Run» найдите записи, связанные с виртуальным аудио кабелем, и удалите их.

Очистка системного реестра поможет удалить все некорректные или устаревшие записи, связанные с виртуальным аудио кабелем, и создать новые корректные записи при его следующей установке.

После очистки системного реестра перезагрузите компьютер и установите виртуальный аудио кабель заново. Это должно решить проблему и позволить использовать виртуальный аудио кабель без ошибок.

Запуск драйвера в режиме совместимости:

Если у вас возникла ошибка «Virtual audio cable driver not loaded» при загрузке драйвера виртуального аудио кабеля, вы можете попробовать запустить его в режиме совместимости. Для этого выполните следующие действия:

  1. Найдите исполняемый файл драйвера виртуального аудио кабеля.
  2. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на файле и выберите «Свойства» из контекстного меню.
  3. В открывшемся окне «Свойства» перейдите на вкладку «Совместимость».
  4. Поставьте галочку в поле «Запустить эту программу в режиме совместимости».
  5. Выберите версию операционной системы, с которой ранее драйвер работал без проблем. Например, если ранее драйвер работал на Windows 7, выберите «Windows 7» в выпадающем меню.
  6. Нажмите на кнопку «ОК», чтобы сохранить изменения.

После выполнения этих действий попробуйте загрузить драйвер виртуального аудио кабеля. Если ошибка «Virtual audio cable driver not loaded» по-прежнему возникает, рекомендуется проверить наличие обновлений для драйвера на официальном сайте производителя. Также, убедитесь, что ваша операционная система совместима с данным драйвером.

Обращение к технической поддержке:

Если вы столкнулись с ошибкой «Virtual audio cable driver not loaded» и не можете использовать виртуальный аудио кабель, вам стоит обратиться в техническую поддержку. Они смогут помочь вам решить проблему и начать успешно использовать виртуальный аудио кабель.

Перед обращением к технической поддержке, вам необходимо подготовить некоторую информацию, которая поможет им понять и решить вашу проблему. Вот некоторые важные детали, которые вам стоит предоставить:

  • Опишите подробно проблему, с которой вы столкнулись. Укажите, когда она возникает, как часто, и какие действия вы выполняете перед возникновением ошибки.
  • Укажите версию виртуального аудио кабеля, который вы пытаетесь использовать. Также, сообщите о версии вашей операционной системы.
  • Если у вас есть какие-либо сообщения об ошибке или логи, предоставьте их в техническую поддержку. Это поможет им более точно определить, в чем причина проблемы.

Самое эффективное обращение к технической поддержке — это предоставить максимальное количество информации о проблеме и быть готовым сотрудничать с ними для ее решения. Они могут предложить инструкции по устранению ошибки или помочь установить и настроить виртуальный аудио кабель правильно.

Обычно техническая поддержка доступна через электронную почту или специальную форму на сайте разработчиков виртуального аудио кабеля. Вы можете найти контактную информацию на их официальном веб-сайте. Не стесняйтесь обращаться за помощью, ведь их задача — помочь вам настроить и использовать виртуальный аудио кабель без проблем.

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