Видеокарта 1050ti ошибка код 43

  • 21 Апр 2008

вставляю касету ,работает 5 сек. и пишет » выньте и снова вставьте касету» ,затем код С 31-23, согласно списку это ошибка вращения подающей катушки,пробовал несколько касет ,тот же результат.Что можно предпринять для устранения этой проблемы?

  • 21 Апр 2008

Воспользоваться ПОИСКОМ,эта тема не раз обсуждалась.Проблема в разъёмах и шлейфах.Для этого даже полная разборка камеры не нужна. :infor:

  • 21 Апр 2008

да искал я в поиске ,ничего не нашёл,поэтому и обратился сюда,может что то не так запросил,скиньте ссылочку плиз ,если есть.

  • 21 Апр 2008

(пробовал несколько касет ,тот же результат)А ты её хоть разбирал?

  • 21 Апр 2008

andjei .разбирал,но ничего не увидел, подскажите где хоть искать?

  • 21 Апр 2008

Uganin, для начала попробуй вынуть и ваставить шлейф, что идет от слайдера, и посмотреть что получится.

  • 21 Апр 2008

Согнута ось подающей катушки????

  • 22 Апр 2008

Wlad ,спасибо сделал как ты подсказал,вынул промыл контакты и вставил шлейф,вроде всё работает,погоняю немного ,напишу результат.

  • 22 Апр 2008

Uganin, можно еще иголочкой поправить контакты разъема, только без фанатизма, и за неимением специальной контактной смазки покрыть шлейв в контактной части силиконом (смазкой). Польскую чушь типа контактола не использовать ни в коем случае.

  • 23 Апр 2008

Я смазал смазкой «Филипс» вчера снимал целый вечер ,вроде всё нормально.Спасибо.

  • 7 Июл 2008

У меня было тоже самое с SONY DCR-HC19E
Оказалось что сильно натянута (незнаю как правильно назвать) подтормажующая металическая лента на подающей катушке.
Немного ослабил и всё заработало.
Но столкнулся с другой проблемой.
В конце касеты подергивает картинку.Может кто знает в чем проблема?..

  • 7 Июл 2008

GIGAZAVR, нефиг было трогать подтормаживающий узел. Правильно выставить натяжение можно только с помощью динамометрической кассеты, которая стоит поболее некоторых камер. Теперь будешь играться с натяжением. Верни все на место, если запомнил положение регулировочного винта.

Добавлено 07.07.2008 19:42

Да, не обратил внимания на то, что у тебя минидивишка с печальноизвестным механизмом Z300, который модифицировался уже раза три наверное. При появлении в этой механике подобной ошибки проще всего поменять механику в сборе — разница в цене между 3-я детальками, которые нужно заменить и механикой в сборе около 5 баков.

  • 18 Июл 2008

Wlad спасибо за совет.В будущем буду знать.
К удивлению видать угадал с натяжением. :infor:

  • 18 Июл 2008

GIGAZAVR сказал(а):

У меня было тоже самое с SONY DCR-HC19E
Оказалось что сильно натянута (незнаю как правильно назвать) подтормажующая металическая лента на подающей катушке.
Немного ослабил и всё заработало.

Надо было подкатушник в месте соприкосновения с лентой и саму ленту промыть АККУРАТНО бензином и в 99% проблема пропадает.

  • 19 Июл 2008

GIGAZAVR! боюсь не угадал натяжением — выползет- бывало начнешь разбирать и сама заработает-лучше сделай что ребята описяли :gigi:




February 2012

Command C:31:23 in the DCR-TRV12E camcorder

After  command C:31:23 my DCR-TRV12E stopped working. I followed troubleshooting instructions by taking out the battery and the cassette and putting them back but it worked just for a few minutes. The command reappeared and although I tried another cassette the problem remained. Does anybody know what the problem of my videocamera might be?

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February 2012

Hello pventistas — Welcome to the Sony Forums :slight_smile:

This error message can indicate that some kind of internal repair is necessary for the camera. However, before making a call to Sony Customer Services, it is possible that there is some kind of foreign object or blockage that is blocking the tape mechanism.

In the past, I have known a few users who have turned the whole device upside down and then given the base of the camera a light/firm ‘tap’ and this has removed the object that was causing the blockage. You could also try using a cotton bud or DV head cleaning tape.

If none of this works, let me know and I can reply with the details for getting in touch with Sony to enquire about a repair.







February 2012

Hello pventistas — Welcome to the Sony Forums :slight_smile:

This error message can indicate that some kind of internal repair is necessary for the camera. However, before making a call to Sony Customer Services, it is possible that there is some kind of foreign object or blockage that is blocking the tape mechanism.

In the past, I have known a few users who have turned the whole device upside down and then given the base of the camera a light/firm ‘tap’ and this has removed the object that was causing the blockage. You could also try using a cotton bud or DV head cleaning tape.

If none of this works, let me know and I can reply with the details for getting in touch with Sony to enquire about a repair.






February 2012

Thank you Simon for your advice

I am sorry for the delayed reply. I tried to turn the camera upside down tapping it but I didn’t notice anything extra in the cassette room. I also used a cotton bud sweeping mettal bolts and a round revolving object at the back of the cassette room which seemed to me the head of the tape but nothing changed. Is there anything else that I should clean with the cotton bud or should I try a DV cleaning tape?

Thanks in advance





February 2012

Hi Panos :slight_smile:

C:31-type errors usually relate to mis-alignment problems with the tape transport mechanism. I’ve heard of problems with the rubber pressure roller becoming unseated, but it could be anything in the tape path. If you’re unfamiliar with the interior of the tape drawer it could be very hard to spot and rectify the problem.

It would do no harm to try a cleaning tape but if you’re going to have to buy one I’d take the camera to a local electronics repair shop first. They may be able to identify the problem and may not charge much for a repair, assuming it’s a simple re-alignment job.

Good luck!


March 2012

Had the same problem myself with a DCR-TVR245E HANDYCAM. Solution… sounds really daft but it worked for me.. If the tape compartment has popped up but hasnt released the tape dissengage the battery and wait a minute or two before inserting it..the tape compartment will drop into the cam body..close the housing..wait a minute then open the compartment door the tape housing will pop up and should open so you can remove the tape..if it hasnt opened.. fully open the door again and it should pop open. after removing the tape close tape compartment so it goes back into cam body ..shut compartment door… now heres the good bit…think of the frustration this has been causing you…hold the cam steady & give it a good slap on the side two or three times HARD… Open the tape door..insert the tape switch on…FIXED…Away you go… it worked for me… hope it does for you.

           cheers. meterman_56.

June 2012

Hello. I’ve got the same problem. I’ve put my handicam upside down in the open position and a rubber pressure roller fell out of it.

Can Iput this prssure roller back again, myself? Or is it indicated to let it fix in a Sony repair center? But then again, is it worth the price? What will this gonna cost? And where in Belgium should I find a repair center?

My handycam is still working fine after all those years (I think it’s a diesel engine….) and I have no intention to replace it.

I hope you can give me some advice.

Opagrijzepanter from Belgium.

June 2012

Hello Simon. I’ve got the C 31:23 error on my handycam DCR HC14E. I’ve put the handycam upside down in open position without cassette, and a pressure roller (metal with rubber around) fell out. I’ve contacted the Sony repair center in Belgium: they don’t replace the roller. Instead, they replace the entire  filmdrive mechanism. This will cost me about 120 euro without taxes. My handycam is a superb thing and I don’t want to buy a new one. Can I replace this roller by myself, without troubles?

Thanks for your advice, from an old retired granddad who loves making films of his grandchildren. Opagrijzepanter from Belgium

June 2012

Hello Opagrijzepanter — Welcome to the Sony Forums :slight_smile:

If you have a look in the thread that you have started, I have put some information in there.






February 2020

When I run a cassette on the DCR-TRV12E grey inch lines appear on the screen and the conversation is muffled also Any advice or tips?


April 2021

I don’t know how or why, but it worked!


Ok this might be old knowledge but I just found out about it and wanted to share this bit of knowledge with someone that may have had the same problem as me. Here is the scenrio, I was at my son’s first Motocross race. I decided it would be cool to video tape his first race, since the way my nerves were that day it might have been his last race. Anyway I proceded to video tape his holeshot with my Sony DCR-TRV250 I have had this camera a while but really only used it a couple of times. All of a sudden I got a small arrow type icon similar to the eject icon, and the error code c31.23. What a crappy thing to have happen while it was a milestone of my sons racing career.

Well I manage to find a quick fix, the technical tap or rather smack. In my frustrations I smacked the camera pretty hard and low and behold it worked. Well it was a big pain to wack my camera all the time, so it pretty much retired to its bag. Where I did not pull it out very often except to see if it by some miracle was working normal again.

Today I decided to throw it on the charger and try to see if I could find a fix, and I found this Thread after alot of reading about how everyone wacks their handycam, I found a post from a user named Meredith. The suggestion was to open the tape deck of the camera and look to the right. Below are the steps to follow.

Open tape deck, make sure there is not a tape in it….

About midway back there is a black rubber roller in the middle of 2 metal guides.

In the center of this black roller you should see a white plastic tube, this is a bushing to allow the roller to move with out wobbling.

If you do not see this white tube yours has fallen out, so the search for a new one begins. Don’t freak out a straw for a can of compressed air will work, or from a can of WD-40 will aswell. Simply push the new straw firmly into the center of the black roller.

If you see the straw take a small flat head screwdriver and press down on the top of the bushing firmly, I heard a click but you may not it just depends. Anyway this should fix the problem it did mine, and I am happy one my camera works and two I am smarter than Sony :)

Note if this does not fix the problem your bushing may be cracked find a pair of needle nose pliers and pull out the old bushing and replace it using the straw from a can of compressed air.

I hope this fixed your Sony Handycam 31.23 error code, now you are free to archive your lifes great adventures.

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