Vba проверить ячейку на ошибку

Q: How do i determine if an error is in any cell in the entire workbook with Excel VBA?

Normally errors will be divide by 0 or #value errors, but this list is not exhaustive (or is it? — i don’t know if more exist)

Is there a way to determine if a cell contains an error then to skip over further processing in my script without spitting out a debug/warning/error message.

something such like

          if value in current.Workbook.cell is error then go to <jump>
          if value in old.Workbook.cell is error then go to <jump>

where jump is a marker at the end of an if statement but within a loop.

the script compares values between two workbooks and updates the current workbook with colours to show difference.

I have no VBA experience at all. but i get the gist of the script i have been given.

thank you kindly.

asked Nov 22, 2011 at 17:00


You can skip cells with errors by using the VarType function. For example:

If VarType(ActiveCell.Value) <> vbError Then
    ' do something
End If

The VarType function is also very useful to validate the data type. For example if your code expects a date value but sometimes encounters text, you can use this function to vet the data and handle exceptions gracefully.

answered Nov 22, 2011 at 19:18

Rachel Hettinger's user avatar

Rachel HettingerRachel Hettinger

7,9372 gold badges21 silver badges31 bronze badges


Here’s an snippet of code that records in the Immediate Window, the worksheet name, cell address and formula, where there is a spreadsheet formula error…

Dim ws As Worksheet, r As Range

For Each ws In Worksheets
    For Each r In ws.UsedRange
        If IsError(r.Value) Then
            Debug.Print r.Parent.Name, r.Address, r.Formula
        End If

answered Nov 22, 2011 at 21:39

SkipVought's user avatar


Given your initial question was how do you detect errors in any cell of the workbook with VBA then you should be looking for a very efficient approach — looking at each cell is very expensive time wise!

Two options for this are:

  1. Use Excel’s SpecialCells to shortcut the process
  2. use my Mappit! addin which is configured to report on spreadsheet errors

For SpecialCells please see the code below. This takes advantage of the ready-made collection of errors that exist as formulas

Please that that constants also have an errors collection, so if you have copied then run a paste special as value on a formula error then you would need to use Set rng1 = ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlErrors) to detect these

You can use also detect SpecialCells manually by

  • Select all cells in the area of interest
  • Press F5
  • Click Special
  • select ‘Errors’ under ‘Formulas’ (or ‘Constants’)

enter image description here

Please be aware that prior to xl2010 there is a limit of 8192 areas that SpecialCells can handle

Sub ErrorList()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim rng1 As Range
    Dim strOut As String
    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
        Set rng1 = Nothing
        On Error Resume Next
        Set rng1 = ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlFormulas, xlErrors)
        On Error GoTo 0
        If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then strOut = strOut & (ws.Name & " has " & rng1.Cells.Count & " errors" & vbNewLine)
    Next ws
    If Len(strOut) > 0 Then
        MsgBox "Error List:" & vbNewLine & strOut
        MsgBox "No Errors", vbInformation
    End If
End Sub

answered Nov 23, 2011 at 9:35

brettdj's user avatar


54.9k16 gold badges114 silver badges177 bronze badges

There’s another way to do handle this: add On Error Resume Next into your code (usually just put it before the loop).

If a cell is an error, it’ll just skip it and move to the next element in the loop :)

answered Nov 23, 2011 at 0:33

Gaijinhunter's user avatar


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Сообщений: 70
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Имеется ячейка с формулой, которая может выдавать значения ошибок (#Н/Д и т.п)  
требуется если Ячейка не содержит ошибку Then выполнить код  

  или if Ячейка является числом Then выполнить код  





Сообщений: 2410
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If IsNumeric(ячейка.Value) Then  

  Если известен вид ошибки, то можно проверить значение, например, для #Н/Д:  
If ячейка.Value <> «#N/A»  Then  

  Или так:  
If Not Application.WorksheetFunction.IsError(ячейка.Value) Then  
‘IsError = ЕОШИБКА, IsNA = ЕНД




Сообщений: 4357
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Или так: If Not IsError(ActiveCell) Then MsgBox «Нет ошибки»




Сообщений: 70
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Перепробовал все способы, работает.  


Здравствуйте. Решил не создавать новую тему а эту освежить, таким вопросом. Как в коде VBA проверить, что в ячейке находится дата ну например 01.01.2011. Знаю что ексель хранит дату и время в числовом формате, но может есть какой то способ? Спасибо!


{quote}{login=}{date=06.04.2011 06:40}{thema=Как проверить что в ячейке формат даты}{post}Как в коде VBA проверить, что в ячейке находится дата ну например 01.01.2011. {/post}{/quote}  

  If IsDate(ActiveCell) Then MsgBox «В активной ячейке находится дата!»  

    Вот только IsDate почему-то распознаёт дату даже в ячейке, где содержится текст 1,2,2011  
(Excel не распознаёт этот текст как дату)




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E-mail и реквизиты в профиле.

Игорь, я так понял из вопроса, надо на конкретную дату проверить, что-то вроде:  
If ActiveCell = #1/1/2011# Then MsgBox «В активной ячейке находится дата!»  
Но может я и ошибаюсь.

Я сам — дурнее всякого примера! …





06.04.2011 07:29:07

Да Игорь все правильно вы поняли, надо именно на формат проверить, а не на конкретную дату, я думаю если к вашему методу добавить такую проверку:  

  If (IsDate(ActiveCell) And ActiveCell.Value Like «*.*.*» Then MsgBox «В активной ячейке находится дата!»  
Тогда исключится вариант с запятыми

Q: How do i determine if an error is in any cell in the entire workbook with Excel VBA?

Normally errors will be divide by 0 or #value errors, but this list is not exhaustive (or is it? — i don’t know if more exist)

Is there a way to determine if a cell contains an error then to skip over further processing in my script without spitting out a debug/warning/error message.

something such like

          if value in current.Workbook.cell is error then go to <jump>
          if value in old.Workbook.cell is error then go to <jump>

where jump is a marker at the end of an if statement but within a loop.

the script compares values between two workbooks and updates the current workbook with colours to show difference.

I have no VBA experience at all. but i get the gist of the script i have been given.

thank you kindly.

asked Nov 22, 2011 at 17:00


You can skip cells with errors by using the VarType function. For example:

If VarType(ActiveCell.Value) <> vbError Then
    ' do something
End If

The VarType function is also very useful to validate the data type. For example if your code expects a date value but sometimes encounters text, you can use this function to vet the data and handle exceptions gracefully.

answered Nov 22, 2011 at 19:18

Rachel Hettinger's user avatar

Rachel HettingerRachel Hettinger

7,9372 gold badges21 silver badges31 bronze badges


Here’s an snippet of code that records in the Immediate Window, the worksheet name, cell address and formula, where there is a spreadsheet formula error…

Dim ws As Worksheet, r As Range

For Each ws In Worksheets
    For Each r In ws.UsedRange
        If IsError(r.Value) Then
            Debug.Print r.Parent.Name, r.Address, r.Formula
        End If

answered Nov 22, 2011 at 21:39

SkipVought's user avatar


Given your initial question was how do you detect errors in any cell of the workbook with VBA then you should be looking for a very efficient approach — looking at each cell is very expensive time wise!

Two options for this are:

  1. Use Excel’s SpecialCells to shortcut the process
  2. use my Mappit! addin which is configured to report on spreadsheet errors

For SpecialCells please see the code below. This takes advantage of the ready-made collection of errors that exist as formulas

Please that that constants also have an errors collection, so if you have copied then run a paste special as value on a formula error then you would need to use Set rng1 = ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlErrors) to detect these

You can use also detect SpecialCells manually by

  • Select all cells in the area of interest
  • Press F5
  • Click Special
  • select ‘Errors’ under ‘Formulas’ (or ‘Constants’)

enter image description here

Please be aware that prior to xl2010 there is a limit of 8192 areas that SpecialCells can handle

Sub ErrorList()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim rng1 As Range
    Dim strOut As String
    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
        Set rng1 = Nothing
        On Error Resume Next
        Set rng1 = ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlFormulas, xlErrors)
        On Error GoTo 0
        If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then strOut = strOut & (ws.Name & " has " & rng1.Cells.Count & " errors" & vbNewLine)
    Next ws
    If Len(strOut) > 0 Then
        MsgBox "Error List:" & vbNewLine & strOut
        MsgBox "No Errors", vbInformation
    End If
End Sub

answered Nov 23, 2011 at 9:35

brettdj's user avatar


54.9k16 gold badges114 silver badges177 bronze badges

There’s another way to do handle this: add On Error Resume Next into your code (usually just put it before the loop).

If a cell is an error, it’ll just skip it and move to the next element in the loop :)

answered Nov 23, 2011 at 0:33

Gaijinhunter's user avatar


14.6k4 gold badges51 silver badges57 bronze badges



  • r = 1, and
  • c = 1

the intended code below is invalid (it tries to return a cell two columns to the left of Column A)

Cells(r, c).Offset(0, -2)

How do I check whether the intended cell is valid or not in vba?

brettdj's user avatar


54.9k16 gold badges114 silver badges177 bronze badges

asked Mar 8, 2013 at 2:26

Ronaldo.K's user avatar

  1. Use a Range object to test whether it is valid (preferred for versatility)
  2. Test whether the column is valid (assumes hard-code of your OFFSET as (0,2)

(1) code

Sub Test1()
Dim r As Long
Dim c As Long
r = 1
c = 1
Dim rng1 As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set rng1 = Cells(r, c).Offset(0, -2)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then
'proceed with your code - range exists
MsgBox "Range Error", vbCritical
End If
End Sub

(2) code

Sub Test2()
Dim rng1 As Range
Dim r As Long
Dim c As Long
c = 3
r = 1
If c - 2 <= 0 Then
MsgBox "Error", vbCritical
Set rng1 = Cells(r, c).Offset(0, -2)
End If
End Sub

answered Mar 8, 2013 at 3:00

brettdj's user avatar


54.9k16 gold badges114 silver badges177 bronze badges


Here is example for you.

Sub sample()

    Dim r As Integer
    Dim c As Integer
    r = 1
    c = 1

    Dim validRng As Boolean
    validRng = isValidRng(r, c, 0, -2)
    Debug.Print validRng

    validRng = isValidRng(r, c + 5, 0, 2)
    Debug.Print validRng

     validRng = isValidRng(r, c, -1, 0)
    Debug.Print validRng

     validRng = isValidRng(r, c + 2, 0, -1)
    Debug.Print validRng

End Sub

Function isValidRng(row As Integer, col As Integer, offsetrow As Integer, offsetcol As Integer) As Boolean
'Returns if its valid range
    If ((row + offsetrow) > 0) And ((col + offsetcol) > 0) Then
        isValidRng = True
        isValidRng = False
    End If
End Function

answered Mar 8, 2013 at 5:13


Return to VBA Code Examples

IsError Description

Used to check for error values.

Simple IsError Examples

MsgBox IsError(1/2)

Result: False

MsgBox IsError(CvErr(0))

Result: True

IsError Syntax

In the VBA Editor, you can type  “IsError(” to see the syntax for the IsError Function:

The IsError function contains an argument:

Expression: An expression that will be tested.

Examples of Excel VBA IsError Function

Function Divide(a As Double, b As Double)
    On Error GoTo error_handler
    Divide = a / b
    Exit Function
    Divide = CVErr(Err.Number)
End Function

Sub IsError_Example2()
    MsgBox "IsError(1/2) is " & IsError(Divide(1, 2))
    MsgBox "IsError(1/0) is " & IsError(Divide(1, 0))
End Sub

Result: IsError(1/2) is False
IsError(1/0) is True

Using IsError, you can check cells on Excel Sheet.

Sub CheckIfError(strRange As String)
    Dim cell As Range
    For Each cell In Range(strRange)
        cell.Offset(0, 1) = IsError(cell)
End Sub

Sub IsError_Example1()
    CheckIfError "C2:C5"
    CheckIfError "B9:B12"
End Sub

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