Vba excel ошибка next without for

This error occurs when the condition is not closed.
You must don’t forger close if conditions.

for example:

Public Sub start_r()

    LastRow = SPT_DB.Range("D" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row

Dim i As Long
For i = 3 To 132

    State = Cells(1, i)

    Dim j As Long
    For j = 2 To LastRow

        m = SPT_DB.Cells(j, 4).Value
        z = SPT_DB.Cells(j, 5).Value
        n1 = SPT_DB.Cells(j, 6).Value
        fc = SPT_DB.Cells(j, 7).Value
        am = SPT_DB.Cells(j, 8).Value
        sp = SPT_DB.Cells(j, 10).Value
        sr = SPT_DB.Cells(j, 11).Value
        liq = SPT_DB.Cells(j, 13).Value

        num1 = Val(Left(State, 1))
        num2 = Val(Mid(State, 3, 1))
        num3 = Val(Mid(State, 5, 1))
        num4 = Val(Mid(State, 7, 1))
        num5 = Val(Mid(State, 9, 1))

        Dim spt_class As spt_class
        Set spt_class = New spt_class

        Select Case num1
            Case Is = 1: Call spt_class.rd_r1
            Case Is = 2: Call spt_class.rd_r2
            Case Is = 3: Call spt_class.rd_r3
            Case Is = 4: Call spt_class.rd_r4
        End Select

        Select Case num2
            Case Is = 1: Call spt_class.msf_r1
            Case Is = 2: Call spt_class.msf_r2
            Case Is = 3: Call spt_class.msf_r3
            Case Is = 4: Call spt_class.msf_r4
            Case Is = 5: Call spt_class.msf_r5
            Case Is = 6: Call spt_class.msf_r6
        End Select

        Select Case num3
            Case Is = 0:
            Case Is = 1: Call spt_class.n1_cs_r1
            Case Is = 2: Call spt_class.n1_cs_r2
            Case Is = 3: Call spt_class.n1_cs_r3
        End Select

        Select Case num4
            Case Is = 0:
            Case Is = 1: Call spt_class.dr_r1
            Case Is = 2: Call spt_class.dr_r2
            Case Is = 3: Call spt_class.dr_r3
            Case Is = 4: Call spt_class.dr_r4
        End Select

        Select Case num5
            Case Is = 1: Call spt_class.crr_r1
            Case Is = 2: Call spt_class.crr_r2
            Case Is = 3: Call spt_class.crr_r3
            Case Is = 4: Call spt_class.crr_r4
            Case Is = 5: Call spt_class.crr_r5
            Case Is = 6: Call spt_class.crr_r6
            Case Is = 7: Call spt_class.crr_r7
            Case Is = 8: Call spt_class.crr_r8
            Case Is = 9: Call spt_class.crr_r9
        End Select

        Call spt_class.lvr_r

    Next j

        If cnt_f_1_all = 0 Then
            Cells(4, i) = 0
            Cells(4, i) = cnt_f_1_liq * 100 / cnt_f_1_all
            Cells(4, i).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        End If
        If cnt_f_2_all = 0 Then
            Cells(5, i) = 0
            Cells(5, i) = cnt_f_2_liq * 100 / cnt_f_2_all
            Cells(5, i).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        End If
        If cnt_f_3_all = 0 Then
            Cells(6, i) = 0
            Cells(6, i) = cnt_f_3_liq * 100 / cnt_f_3_all
            Cells(6, i).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        End If
        If cnt_f_4_all = 0 Then
            Cells(7, i) = 0
            Cells(7, i) = cnt_f_4_liq * 100 / cnt_f_4_all
            Cells(7, i).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        End If

        If cnt_f_n0_1_all = 0 Then
            Cells(14, i) = 0
            Cells(14, i) = cnt_f_n0_1_liq * 100 / cnt_f_n0_1_all
            Cells(14, i).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        End If
        If cnt_f_n0_2_all = 0 Then
            Cells(15, i) = 0
            Cells(15, i) = cnt_f_n0_2_liq * 100 / cnt_f_n0_2_all
            Cells(15, i).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        End If
        If cnt_f_n0_3_all = 0 Then
            Cells(16, i) = 0
            Cells(16, i) = cnt_f_n0_3_liq * 100 / cnt_f_n0_3_all
            Cells(16, i).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        End If
        If cnt_f_n0_4_all = 0 Then
            Cells(17, i) = 0
            Cells(17, i) = cnt_f_n0_4_liq * 100 / cnt_f_n0_4_all
            Cells(17, i).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        End If

        If cnt_f_n1_1_all = 0 Then
            Cells(24, i) = 0
            Cells(24, i) = cnt_f_n1_1_liq * 100 / cnt_f_n1_1_all
            Cells(24, i).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        End If
        If cnt_f_n1_2_all = 0 Then
            Cells(25, i) = 0
            Cells(25, i) = cnt_f_n1_2_liq * 100 / cnt_f_n1_2_all
            Cells(25, i).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        End If
        If cnt_f_n1_3_all = 0 Then
            Cells(26, i) = 0
            Cells(26, i) = cnt_f_n1_3_liq * 100 / cnt_f_n1_3_all
            Cells(26, i).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        End If
        If cnt_f_n1_4_all = 0 Then
            Cells(27, i) = 0
            Cells(27, i) = cnt_f_n1_4_liq * 100 / cnt_f_n1_4_all
            Cells(27, i).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        End If

        If cnt_f_n2_1_all = 0 Then
            Cells(34, i) = 0
            Cells(34, i) = cnt_f_n2_1_liq * 100 / cnt_f_n2_1_all
            Cells(34, i).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        End If
        If cnt_f_n2_2_all = 0 Then
            Cells(35, i) = 0
            Cells(35, i) = cnt_f_n2_2_liq * 100 / cnt_f_n2_2_all
            Cells(35, i).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        End If
        If cnt_f_n2_3_all = 0 Then
            Cells(36, i) = 0
            Cells(36, i) = cnt_f_n2_3_liq * 100 / cnt_f_n2_3_all
            Cells(36, i).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        End If
        If cnt_f_n2_4_all = 0 Then
            Cells(37, i) = 0
            Cells(37, i) = cnt_f_n2_4_liq * 100 / cnt_f_n2_4_all
            Cells(37, i).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        End If

        If cnt_f_n3_1_all = 0 Then
            Cells(44, i) = 0
            Cells(44, i) = cnt_f_n3_1_liq * 100 / cnt_f_n3_1_all
            Cells(44, i).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        End If
        If cnt_f_n3_2_all = 0 Then
            Cells(45, i) = 0
            Cells(45, i) = cnt_f_n3_2_liq * 100 / cnt_f_n3_2_all
            Cells(45, i).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        End If
        If cnt_f_n3_3_all = 0 Then
            Cells(46, i) = 0
            Cells(46, i) = cnt_f_n3_3_liq * 100 / cnt_f_n3_3_all
            Cells(46, i).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        End If
        If cnt_f_n3_4_all = 0 Then
            Cells(47, i) = 0
            Cells(47, i) = cnt_f_n3_4_liq * 100 / cnt_f_n3_4_all
            Cells(47, i).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        End If

Next i

        cnt_f_1_liq = 0
        cnt_f_2_liq = 0
        cnt_f_3_liq = 0
        cnt_f_4_liq = 0
        cnt_f_1_all = 0
        cnt_f_2_all = 0
        cnt_f_3_all = 0
        cnt_f_4_all = 0

        cnt_f_n0_1_liq = 0
        cnt_f_n0_2_liq = 0
        cnt_f_n0_3_liq = 0
        cnt_f_n0_4_liq = 0
        cnt_f_n0_1_all = 0
        cnt_f_n0_2_all = 0
        cnt_f_n0_3_all = 0
        cnt_f_n0_4_all = 0

        cnt_f_n1_1_liq = 0
        cnt_f_n1_2_liq = 0
        cnt_f_n1_3_liq = 0
        cnt_f_n1_4_liq = 0
        cnt_f_n1_1_all = 0
        cnt_f_n1_2_all = 0
        cnt_f_n1_3_all = 0
        cnt_f_n1_4_all = 0

        cnt_f_n2_1_liq = 0
        cnt_f_n2_2_liq = 0
        cnt_f_n2_3_liq = 0
        cnt_f_n2_4_liq = 0
        cnt_f_n2_1_all = 0
        cnt_f_n2_2_all = 0
        cnt_f_n2_3_all = 0
        cnt_f_n2_4_all = 0

        cnt_f_n3_1_liq = 0
        cnt_f_n3_2_liq = 0
        cnt_f_n3_3_liq = 0
        cnt_f_n3_4_liq = 0
        cnt_f_n3_1_all = 0
        cnt_f_n3_2_all = 0
        cnt_f_n3_3_all = 0
        cnt_f_n3_4_all = 0

End Sub

The “Next Without For” Compile Error is a very common compile-time error in Excel VBA. It implies that a Next statement must always have a preceding For statement that matches it. If a Next statement is used without a corresponding For statement, this error is generated.

Let us look at some most common causes of the error and way to fix and avoid them.

Example 1: If statement without a corresponding “End If” statement

Sub noEndIf()
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim cell As Range

    Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("B1:B10")
    For Each cell In rng
    If cell.Value = 0 Then
    cell.Interior.color = vbRed
    cell.Interior.color = vbGreen
    Next cell

End Sub

Every If statement (and If Else Statement) must have a corresponding End If statement along with it. As you can see in the above code, End If is missing after the Else block, causing the error. The right way to do it is

Sub withEndIf()
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim cell As Range

    Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("B1:B10")
    For Each cell In rng
        If cell.Value = 0 Then
            cell.Interior.color = vbRed
            cell.Interior.color = vbGreen
        End If
    Next cell

End Sub

Example 2: Incorrect sequence of End If and Next statements

Sub incorrectEndIf()
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim cell As Range

    Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("B1:B10")
    For Each cell In rng
    If cell.Value = 0 Then
    cell.Interior.color = vbRed
    cell.Interior.color = vbGreen
    Next cell
    End If
End Sub

Here, the End If statement is not placed correctly causing overlapping as shown below:

End If

The entire If statement (including, If, Else and End If statements), must be placed withing the For…Next block as shown below

Sub correctEndIf()
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim cell As Range

    Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("B1:B10")
    For Each cell In rng
        If cell.Value = 0 Then
            cell.Interior.color = vbRed
            cell.Interior.color = vbGreen
        End If
    Next cell

End Sub

Example 3: With statement has a corresponding End With Statement missing

Sub noEndWith()

    Dim counter As Integer
    Dim lastRow As Integer
    Dim fName As String, lName As String, fullName As String

    lastRow = 10

    For counter = 1 To lastRow

    With ActiveSheet
    fName = .Cells(counter, 1).Value
    lName = .Cells(counter, 2).Value

    fullName = fName & " "  lName
    'Further processing here

    Next counter

End Sub

Just like an If statement, the With statement should also have a corresponding End With statement, without which error will be thrown. The working example:

Sub withEndWith()
    Dim counter As Integer
    Dim lastRow As Integer
    Dim fName As String, lName As String, fullName As String

    lastRow = 10

    For counter = 1 To lastRow

        With ActiveSheet
            fName = .Cells(counter, 1).Value
            lName = .Cells(counter, 2).Value
        End With

        fullName = fName  " "  lName
        'Further processing here

    Next counter

End Sub

Example 4: Overlapping For and If Else statement

Say, in the example below, you want to do some processing only if a condition is false. Else you want to continue with the next counter of the For loop

Sub overlapping()
    Dim counter As Integer
    For counter = 1 To 10
        If Cells(counter, 1).Value = 0 Then
            Next counter
            'Do the processing here
        End If
    Next counter

End Sub

Note: as in other programming languages, VBA does not have a continue option for a loop. When the control of the program reaches the first “Next counter” statement after the If statement — it finds that there is a Next statement within the If statement. However, there is no corresponding For statement within this If Block. Hence, the error.

So, you can use one of the two solutions below:

Simply remove the “next” statement after If

Sub solution1()
    Dim counter As Integer
    For counter = 1 To 10
        If Cells(counter, 1).Value = 0 Then
            'Simply don't do anything here
            'Do the processing here
        End If
    Next counter

End Sub


Not the if condition and place your code there. Else condition is not required at all

Sub solution2()
    Dim counter As Integer
    For counter = 1 To 10
        If Not Cells(counter, 1).Value = 0 Then
            'Not the if condition and
            'Do the processing here
        End If
    Next counter
End Sub

The bottom line is that the “If, Else, End If statement block” must be completely within the For loop.

Avoiding the Next without For error by using standard coding practices

The best way to avoid this error is to follow some standard practices while coding.

1. Code indentation: Indenting your code not only makes it more readable, but it helps you identify if a loop / if statement / with statement are not closed properly or if they are overlapping. Each of your If statements should align with an End If, each For statement with a Next, each With statement with an End With and each Select statement with an End Select

2. Use variable name with Next:  Though the loop variable name is not needed with a next statement, it is a good practice to mention it with the Next statement.

So, change



 Next counter 

This is particularly useful when you have a large number of nested for Loops.

3. As soon as you start a loop, write the corresponding end statement immediately. After that you can code the remaining statements within these two start and end statements (after increasing the indentation by one level).

If you follow these best practices, it is possible to completely and very easily avoid this error in most cases.

See also: Compile Error: Expected End of Statement

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I am receiving a next without for error from:

Sub CTLines()
Dim iVal As Integer
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Set ws1 = Worksheets("INCIDENTS")
Set ws2 = Worksheets("INCDB")
iVal = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("AO5:AO999"), "Yes")
Dim i
For i = 1 To iVal
    With Sheets("INCDB")
        .Range("5:5").Insert Shift:=x1Down
Next i
End Sub

I’ve tried changing the variable, the indent, many things and I’ve not been successful.

All I want to do is to count how many rows contain Yes in the AO column and add as many rows in the INCDB spreadsheet.

TylerH's user avatar


20.8k66 gold badges76 silver badges101 bronze badges

asked Oct 22, 2015 at 17:19

Ugo Portela Pereira's user avatar


Change the code to this, near the bottom:

For i = 1 To iVal
    With Sheets("INCDB")
        .Range("5:5").Insert Shift:=xlDown
    End With
Next i

The VBA compiler is not good at reporting what is wrong, when it encounters code that has one or more lines that are missing a matching termination line.

In your case you never terminated the With statement.

BigBen's user avatar


46.6k7 gold badges24 silver badges41 bronze badges

answered Oct 22, 2015 at 17:21

Excel Hero's user avatar

Excel HeroExcel Hero

14.3k4 gold badges33 silver badges40 bronze badges


Макрос останавливается с ошибкой Next без For


Дата: Четверг, 18.12.2014, 20:05 |
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40% ±

Excel 2003

Нужно сделать вывод типа сахарного диабета — 1 или 2 (1 тип — <=3; 2 тип — >3). Выскакивает ошибка на Next R.


Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
      Dim NORM As Range, R, T
      Set NORM = Range(«НОРМА»)
      For R = 1 To 7
          Debug.Print Controls(«TextBox» & R).Text
          T = CDbl(Replace(Controls(«TextBox» & R).Text, «.», «,»))

          If T < NORM(R, 2) Or T > NORM(R, 3) Then
              If Val(TextBox2.Text) < 8 Then
                  st = «Легкая степень тяжести»
              ElseIf Val(TextBox2.Text) > 14 Then
                  st = «Тяжелый случай»
                  st = «Средняя степень тяжести»
              End If
              If T < NORM(R, 2) Or T > NORM(R, 3) Then
              If Val(TextBox5.Text) <= 3 Then
                  st = «1 типа»
              ElseIf Val(TextBox5.Text) > 3 Then
                  st = «2 типа»
              End If
              MsgBox «Пациент болен. Сахарный диабет!» & vbLf & st, 64, NORM(R, 1)
              Exit Sub
          End If
      Next R
      MsgBox «Пациент здоров!», 64, «»
End Sub


К сообщению приложен файл:

(78.5 Kb)




Дата: Четверг, 18.12.2014, 20:14 |
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Excel 365 & Mac Excel

У Вас первый If не закрыт End If

«Черт возьми, Холмс! Но как??!!»
Ю-money 41001765434816




Дата: Четверг, 18.12.2014, 20:16 |
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40% ±

Excel 2003

Pelena, закрыт же[vba]


st = «Средняя степень тяжести»
             End If





Дата: Четверг, 18.12.2014, 20:18 |
Сообщение № 4

Группа: Админы

Ранг: Местный житель

Сообщений: 19016





Excel 365 & Mac Excel

Это внутренний If, вот после него добавьте ещё один End If


    st = «Средняя степень тяжести»
End If
End If


«Черт возьми, Холмс! Но как??!!»
Ю-money 41001765434816




Дата: Четверг, 18.12.2014, 20:26 |
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Сообщений: 19




40% ±

Excel 2003

Pelena, да точно… но теперь он мне только тип выводит, как сделать чтобы и степень тяжести тоже выводил




Дата: Четверг, 18.12.2014, 20:34 |
Сообщение № 6

Группа: Админы

Ранг: Местный житель

Сообщений: 19016





Excel 365 & Mac Excel

А для степени тяжести у Вас и не предусмотрен вывод. В каком виде это должно выводится?

«Черт возьми, Холмс! Но как??!!»
Ю-money 41001765434816




Дата: Четверг, 18.12.2014, 20:38 |
Сообщение № 7

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Сообщений: 19




40% ±

Excel 2003

Pelena, Пациент болен. Сахарный диабет Средняя степень тяжести 1 типа… все в одном окошке




Дата: Четверг, 18.12.2014, 20:41 |
Сообщение № 8

Группа: Админы

Ранг: Местный житель

Сообщений: 19016





Excel 365 & Mac Excel



  If Val(TextBox5.Text) <= 3 Then
    st = st & » » & «1 типа»
      ElseIf Val(TextBox5.Text) > 3 Then
    st = st & » » & «2 типа»
End If


«Черт возьми, Холмс! Но как??!!»
Ю-money 41001765434816




Дата: Четверг, 18.12.2014, 20:45 |
Сообщение № 9

Группа: Пользователи

Ранг: Новичок

Сообщений: 19




40% ±

Excel 2003

Pelena, огромное спасибо))



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