Vba end while ошибка

In this article we will learn about some of the frequently asked Visual Basic programming questions in technical like “excel vba while… “end while” doesn’t work?” Code Answer. When creating scripts and web applications, error handling is an important part. If your code lacks error checking code, your program may look very unprofessional and you may be open to security risks. Error handling in VBA is simple. An error message with filename, line number and a message describing the error is sent to the browser. This tutorial contains some of the most common error checking methods in Visual Basic. Below are some solution about “excel vba while… “end while” doesn’t work?” Code Answer.

excel vba while… “end while” doesn’t work?

'In VBA, there is no 'While... End While' loop.
'Attempting to use the above construct will result in a compile-time
'But VBA does have two loops that use the keyword, 'While'...
    'But VBA does not have an 'Exit While' statement.
'The 'Do Loop' can also be written as:      
'The loops can also run backward...
    'Do something with c here
    'Do something with c here

The code below is VBA for Excel. I am using the Visual Basic editor that comes with Excel 2007.

Dim counter As Integer
counter = 1
While counter < 20
    counter = counter + 1
end while '<- the compiler is complaining about this statement

The code doesn’t compile. Above the code I have only declarations. According to MSDN this should work but it doesn’t. What has happened?

This question is related to

While constructs are terminated not with an End While but with a Wend.

While counter < 20
    counter = counter + 1

Note that this information is readily available in the documentation; just press F1. The page you link to deals with Visual Basic .NET, not VBA. While (no pun intended) there is some degree of overlap in syntax between VBA and VB.NET, one can’t just assume that the documentation for the one can be applied directly to the other.

Also in the VBA help file:

Tip The Do...Loop statement provides a more structured and flexible way to perform looping.

How do you end a while loop in VBA?

We can exit any Do loop by using the Exit Do statement.

Do While loop in VBA ends with statement?

Do While Loop means to do something while the condition is TRUE. It is like a logical function which works based on TRUE or FALSE. So if the condition is TRUE, it will keep executing the statement inside the loop, but if the condition is FALSE straight away, it will exit the Do While statement.

Do while in do while VBA?

VBA Do while is a loop in which you need to specify a condition and that condition must remain true for the loop to run. In simple words, first, it checks that the condition you have specified is true or not and if that condition is true it runs the loop, otherwise nothing.

How do you exit a while loop in VB net?

The Exit While statement can provide another way to exit a While loop. Exit While immediately transfers control to the statement that follows the End While statement. You typically use Exit While after some condition is evaluated (for example, in an If…Then… Else structure).

While constructs are terminated not with an End While but with a Wend.

While counter < 20
    counter = counter + 1

Note that this information is readily available in the documentation; just press F1. The page you link to deals with Visual Basic .NET, not VBA. While (no pun intended) there is some degree of overlap in syntax between VBA and VB.NET, one can’t just assume that the documentation for the one can be applied directly to the other.

Also in the VBA help file:

Tip The Do...Loop statement provides a more structured and flexible way to perform looping.

VBA is not VB/VB.NET

The correct reference to use is Do..Loop Statement (VBA). Also see the article Excel VBA For, Do While, and Do Until. One way to write this is:

Do While counter < 20
    counter = counter + 1

(But a For..Next might be more appropriate here.)

Happy coding.


While завершаются не с помощью End While, а с Wend.

While counter < 20
counter = counter + 1

Обратите внимание, что эта информация легко доступна в документации; просто нажмите F1 . страница, которую вы ссылаетесь на, касается Visual Basic.NET, а не VBA. Хотя (нет каламбурования) существует некоторая степень перекрытия в синтаксисе между VBA и VB.NET, нельзя просто предположить, что документация для одного может быть применена непосредственно к другому.

Также в файле справки VBA:

Совет Оператор Do...Loop обеспечивает более структурированный и гибкий способ выполнения циклов.

Ниже приведен код VBA для Excel. Я использую редактор Visual Basic, который поставляется с Excel 2007.

Dim counter As Integer
counter = 1
While counter < 20
    counter = counter + 1
end while '<- the compiler is complaining about this statement

Код не компилируется. Над кодом у меня есть только декларации. Согласно MSDN, это должно работать, но это не так. Что случилось?


Ответ 1


While завершаются не с помощью End While, а с Wend.

While counter < 20
    counter = counter + 1

Обратите внимание, что эта информация легко доступна в документации; просто нажмите F1. страница, которую вы ссылаетесь на, касается Visual Basic.NET, а не VBA. Хотя (нет каламбурования) существует некоторая степень перекрытия в синтаксисе между VBA и VB.NET, нельзя просто предположить, что документация для одного может быть применена непосредственно к другому.

Также в файле справки VBA:

Совет Оператор Do...Loop обеспечивает более структурированный и гибкий способ выполнения циклов.

Ответ 2


Правильная ссылка на использование Do..Loop Statement (VBA). Также см. Статью Excel VBA For, Do While и Do до. Один из способов написать это:

Do While counter < 20
    counter = counter + 1

(Но For..Next может быть более уместным здесь.)

Счастливое кодирование.

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