Usb burning tool ошибка parse burning image fail

In order to upgrade the firmware of a particular Android TV box, Amlogic USB Burning Tool is the main tool you’re going to need. 

Addressing the issues of “Parse Burning Image Fail”, “Get Key Failed”, and many more are the benefits that you can get with the Amlogic USB Burning Tool.

Moreover, you can also have a solution to any update-related problem alongside the .img format that your Android box might be going to face. 

For your comfortableness, this article will provide a guide on how to use the Amlogic USB Burning Tool to update Firmware in 2022.

Make sure that you have a device that’s based on Amlogic before doing an action because each chipset manufacturer has its own way of doing things.

 This process is specifically for Amlogic devices like Cosycost Android Tv Box. The next thing to keep in mind is while upgrading the firmware do not ever disconnect the power to your TV box. 

Lastly, always use the “Normal erase” configuration option except if you are an expert on what you are doing. 

Make sure the file you will be downloading will at least work in Windows 7,8,8.1 and 10 to use the Amlogic USB Burning Tool. 

However, it will need be needing Administrator permissions for it to run. You will change a system using another device, therefore Windows ensure you know what you’re doing. 

Extract it into a temporary directory once you’ve downloaded the file for USB Burning Tool. After that, you will encounter a Setup.exe file that holds the version number. 

Now, connect your Android TV box to your computer. And a friendly reminder, before you start installing the USB Burning Tool, make sure that your PC is on and the Android TV box is connected. 

It is necessary before installing the USB burning tool. 

Installing the Amlogic USB Burning Tool is somewhat easy using Windows PC. 

The only minor issue you will encounter is a message from Windows like “Windows protected your PC” during the start of installation. 

However, this is not going to happen to anyone because everyone has different settings set up. Just check to box saying “I understand the risk and want to run the app” to proceed. 

After that, a frame of USB Burning Tool that welcomes you will show up and you just have to press next.

 Next, you will be asked where to put the file that you want to be installed and also if you want to create a Start Menu folder. 

After selecting one of those options, you’re given the final chance to decide to proceed to install. Just click the install for the process to start. 

Previously, the Android TV box is already connected to your PC and turned on. 

When the installation process is about to end, you’ll likely see “Device Driver Installation Wizard” on the window frame that pops up.

 This means the process will scan your system to ensure if you have installed the proper drivers. 

Once the driver is being installed, you’ll get one more window frame pop-up that tells what driver is being installed.

 Click on the “Finish” on the window frame that’s being titled with “Completing the USB_Burning_Tool Setup Wizard”. 

Finally, turn off your TV Box in order for you to reboot it into Recovery Mode in the following steps.

First and foremost, open the Amlogic USB Burning Tool Application. Previously, the reason why the TV box was powered up is for the correct drivers to be installed, however, it needs to be in Recovery Mode for the following steps. 

The first method is Toothpick Method, on the back of the device you can see a small port named “Recovery”. 

With a turned-off TV box, you should ready a long thin object, but not metal because it is a good conductor.

 Insert the object you prepared into the port until you can sense that you already pushed or pressed a button. 

Turn the TV box on while the button is being depressed. If you’ve done it successfully, you will be seeing the device appear at the bottom of the “Device” heading.

 Now in importing an image, always make sure to use an image that suits your device because using inappropriate firmware can brick your TV box.

 Now, in the upper left-hand corner, click on the File menu and choose Import image. Then you’ll need to traverse to the location where you saved the .img file and choose it.

 To start, on the right-hand side, you’ll be going to see a big “Start” button with a list of options at the bottom. 

Carefully choose and select “Normal Erase” and click the start button for the process to start. When the status bar turns green and saying 100%, the process is complete.


Hopefully,  this article gives you clarity on why “Parse Burning Image Fail” exists. Now, you already have knowledge of how to update firmware using a new image file or how to use the Amlogic USB Burning Tool to update Firmware with the help of the Amlogic USB Burning Tool. 

However, sometimes, it’s hard for the PC to recognize the TV box and install the proper drivers but don’t worry you’ll get into it.

See more articles in the category: Windows

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In using any version of the amlogic usb burning tool I get the error message ‘parse burning image fail’ whenever I try to load the image. I have downloaded every option for use with the tool from your site.

Can anyone help me? Trying to install on MXQ Pro 4K with S905x


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bassmanNZ wrote: ↑Wed Feb 06, 2019 7:27 am
In using any version of the amlogic usb burning tool I get the error message ‘parse burning image fail’ whenever I try to load the image. I have downloaded every option for use with the tool from your site.

Can anyone help me? Trying to install on MXQ Pro 4K with S905x

Which img?


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The answer around the image is all of the images available for download from the atvxperience site with specs for s905x. The downloads all come via Mega.

I’ve got another images which load from other sites but they’re the wrong specs.

Perhaps the Mega download is corrupted


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Nayam wrote: ↑Wed Feb 06, 2019 11:09 am

bassmanNZ wrote: ↑Wed Feb 06, 2019 7:27 am
In using any version of the amlogic usb burning tool I get the error message ‘parse burning image fail’ whenever I try to load the image. I have downloaded every option for use with the tool from your site.

Can anyone help me? Trying to install on MXQ Pro 4K with S905x

Which img?

I’ve tried all images from ATV site and none will load. Is it an issue with mega or should I use a specific extraction tool. Used win zip.


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I am also having this issue. EVERY image ive downloaded from everywhere, including every image from atvexperience give me the parse error when trying to load.

has there been a solution found yet?

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Problem is on you side, all atvX images from MEGA site are correct, maybe faulty hardware (RAM, disk..), virus or bad net cable — check your hardware.

USB Burning Tool — это официальное приложение, благодаря которому можно прошивать портативные аппараты. Возможна только прошивка устройств, работающих на базе процессоров amlogic. Несмотря на то, что эта утилита является официальным решением от разработчика, работает она достаточно плохо. Иногда утилита даже не может распознать устройство, из-за программных ошибок. И для исправления проблемы требуется устанавливать левые драйвера, что не очень хорошо для компьютера. Но если отбросить эти недостатки, то использование USB Burning Tool достаточно легкое.


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  • Недостатки
    • Download and installation
    • List of changes
  • Download Amlogic Burning tool, How to use the Amlogic USB Burning Tool, Download and flash your firmware with this tool
      • Categories: ,
    • USB burning tool get key failed FIX
    • Quick Guide: Download and use the Amlogic burning tool
  • Full detailed instructions on how to use the Amlogic USB burning tool
    • Connect your Amlogic Android TV box to your PC
    • Install drivers for your Android TV box
    • Install the Amlogic USB Burning Tool on your PC
    • Put your device into recovery mode and connect to your PC
    • Полезные статьи:


Как уже было сказано выше, приложение используется для обновления прошивки на устройствах, которые работаю на базе процессора amlogic. Стоит отметить, что такой CPU устанавливается в недорогих TV приставках, ресиверах, проигрывателях и другой подобной технике. Не все из них получится прошить, поскольку у некоторых аппаратов нет USB порта. Это проблема, ведь он нужен для подключения к компьютеру. Кроме подключения, вам потребуется найти прошивку в интернете. Это можно сделать на различных форумах, а также официальном сайте разработчика.

Работа с программой

Работать с утилитой не очень сложно. Для этого потребуется её запустить и назначить путь к прошивке. Для этого нажмите на кнопку «File», а после нажать на «Import image». После импорта прошивки, стоит обратить внимание на правую панель. Там вы найдете три чекбокса с различными значениями. Чаще всего, все их нужно убрать. Но всё же, найдите в интернете руководство для своего аппарата, чтобы прошивка произошла успешно.

Когда все настройки были произведены, просто нажмите на кнопку «Start», после чего подключите к компьютеру аппарат. Программа распознает его через несколько секунд, но иногда могут происходить сбои. В таком случае потребуется установка сторонних драйверов. Если всё будет нормально, то прошивка продлится от 5 до 7 минут.

USB Burning Tool можно бесплатно скачать прямо на официальном сайте. Русской локализации здесь нет.

Ключевые особенности

  • Прошивает устройства, работающие на базе процессоров фирмы Amlogic;
  • Для установки доступные только прошивки, записанные в виде IMG файла;
  • Обновление ПО производится автоматически;
  • Требуется подключение к компьютеру при помощи кабеля USB;
  • При обновлении прошивки ведётся подробный лог.

Click to Enlarge

1. Improve the number of bytes read at a time
2. Improve the processing of Secureboot

1. Change the MAC display problem when burning, and increase the support for BT, Wifi display

Растущие в числе умные гаджеты и миникомпьютеры зачастую требуют обновления и смены прошивки, в чем поможет специальная программа USB Burning Tool для компьютера. С ее помощью можно сменить версию операционной системы смарт-телевизоров, видеоприставок, модемов, планшетов, смартфонов и прочих устройств на базе Amlogic.

Рассмотрим возможности данной утилиты на примере обновления мобильного устройства.

Первый взгляд

После установки и запуска перед нами открывается рабочее окно, разделенное на две части. Под левую часть отведен список подключенных устройств, а под правую – функциональные кнопки. Язык интерфейса – только английский.

USB Burning Tool дает возможность полностью стирать старую операционку с (или без) загрузочной областью. Это необходимо перед установкой новой прошивки «начисто».

Процесс перепрошивки

Для начала работы c программой нужно иметь:
— Amlogic-устройство;
— USB кабель (Type A);
— файл актуальной прошивки с расширением «.img».

Первым делом нужно установить скачанную последнюю версию утилиты и сменить язык с китайского на английский. Теперь открываем меню «File/Import image» и запускаем прошивку.

Следующий шаг — подключить устройство к ПК. После подключения процесс перепрошивки запускается в автоматическом режиме, а в списке окна появится новый ID и индикатор прогресса установки.

После окончания работы индикатор окрасится в зеленый цвет, а надпись поменяется на «Burning Successfully». После этого можно отсоединить USB-кабель и перезагрузить гаджет.


очень простая в управлении программа;
быстрый процесс установки ОС;
бесплатная лицензия.


нет русскоязычной версии.

Чтобы скачать бесплатно USB Burning Tool – перейдите по ссылке под статьей.

Download and installation

List of changes

1. Improve the number of bytes read at a time
2. Improve the processing of Secureboot

1. Change the MAC display problem when burning, and increase the support for BT, Wifi display

1 support encryption dtb burning

1.keysprovider.dll update
2 increase Font.ini used to adjust the font of the grid

Download Amlogic Burning tool, How to use the Amlogic USB Burning Tool, Download and flash your firmware with this tool

Follow this guide on how to install a new firmware image on your TV box by using the Amlogic USB Burning Tool.

Categories: ,

You will need will need Administrator permissions in order to run this tool on your Windows PC.

USB burning tool get key failed FIX

Quick Guide: Download and use the Amlogic burning tool

Full detailed instructions on how to use the Amlogic USB burning tool

Once you download the, extract the USB_Burning_Tool folder to your PC’s desktop.

Connect your Amlogic Android TV box to your PC

Install drivers for your Android TV box

Amlogic USB Burning Tool

Install the Amlogic USB Burning Tool on your PC

Open the folder «USB_Burning_Tool ” then click the «USB_Burning_Tool.exe ” to start the USB burning tool.

Once the setup wizard opens click yes to all the options.

Click the second icon on the top bar to reveal the option for changing the language.

Put your device into recovery mode and connect to your PC

We know how frustrated it is when you’re trying to install an image file on your android box, whether it’s Probox EX, MXQ PRO, Minix Neo X8-H, or M8s, and found things do not go smooth as expected. It’s Monday night past your working hours. You’ve searched for any possible cause why you cannot get past the error message.

Don’t fret. We’re here to revisit the steps to make it work.

First, check if your firmware is correct and the latest, verify with MD5 hash if you have it. Some errors could come from ROM image files that get corrupted.

To get the latest firmware, go to the official device maker.

Secondly, check out and install the latest Amlogic USB Burning Tool version here or from here. It is a USB burning tool specifically to flash stock firmware based on an Amlogic chipset. Many reported that the file works wonders. Amlogic USB Burning Tool helps you flash the stock firmware on the Mobile phone operating on the Amlogic Chipset.

After the installation process and setting up the Amlogic Burning Tool, you need to load the firmware by clicking on the File > Import Image (img). Then after connecting your Mobile phone to the computer system, click on the start button to begin the flashing procedure.

For Windows 8 and 8.1, you will need to disable driver signature enforcement to install the burning tool successfully.

Here’s how to do it:

Run command from an Administrator Command Prompt to do this. To release one, right-click the Start button or press Windows+X and select “Command Prompt (Admin)

Paste the following command into the Command Prompt window and press Enter.”

bcdedit /set testsigning on

If you see a message stating the value is “protected by Secure Boot policy,” that means Secure Boot is made possible for your computer’s UEFI firmware. You’ll need to disable Secure Boot in your computer’s UEFI firmware (likewise called its BIOS) to enable test finalizing mode.

Parse Burning Image Fail

Restart your computer system to enter test mode. You’ll see the “Test Mode” watermark appear at the bottom ideal corner of your desktop, and you’ll be totally free to install whatever unsigned motorists you desire.


You may need to switch between Amlogic Burning Tool versions for the latest compatibility.

This is the key to make the installation work and get rid of the fail message

Parse Burning Image Fail

successful install without parse fail

After that, extract all the files in the zip to a freshly formatted SD Card. By this stage, you already passed the error message.

You need to put the TV box in flash mode. It is also called recovery mode. Make sure the power IS NOT connected, and Insert the SD Card into your device. If you are uncertain, consult your TV box manual guide.

In the back of the device, Locate the A/V port and insert a toothpick, pin, or something not conductive into the hole. You should feel a button being pressed. If you bricked it with no reset hole, there is a socket for a reset button on the PCB inside, near the power button. It depends on the type.

reset with a toothpick or pin

Press and hold the Button in the A/V hole while plugging in power. Keep holding the button for 10 seconds.

You need to see a green Android robotic with a progress bar listed below if you did the actions properly. DO NOT TURN OFF THE POWER OR TOUCH THE BOX!

Parse Burning Image Fail

When the upgrade is finished, your box will immediately reboot on its own. The very first boot will take a while so that you can make yourself some coffee or tea.

If all still failed, you may need to go deep into troubleshooting the box

  • Try with the latest firmware and the latest Amlogic USB Burning Tool version first.
  • If it’s still failed at some steps, the screen turns blue. Try to downgrade the firmware version and keeping the latest Burning Tool Version.
  • Check if already unpack the .img file
  • Many users reported success with the Amlogic USB Burning Tool version 2.0.8, or, and the image from here.
  • Some manufacturers require a specific .img file for their motherboard. Make sure you have this.
  • You may need to change the device temperature settings. Some users reported this works.
  • If you are stuck in the image load process, you may need to check your USB connection, change the USB cable or port.

Also, if your device is completely bricked after your attempts, you may need to un-brick it. You can follow this tutorial.


Firmware upgrade for your smart TV box can be done at home by yourself, whether you’re not tech-savvy. In the worst case, you will need to unbrick the device. As long as the hardware is running properly, this is not a problem. Watch for any USB burning tool error.

The component in this tutorial is mainly for the motherboard version compatibility with your firmware and Burning Tool and to make sure the device configuration and connection support the upgrade (temperature settings, USB cable, and ports).

We hope this tutorial is useful for you when you upgrade your box firmware and get through the error message.

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