started a topic
over 2 years ago
I changed my router and now I see an <Unknown SSID> on the android app.
Basically in the «Sync status» section, I will see my phone name and then the words Network <Unknown SSID>.
Both the main PC and the android phone is on the same wifi access point when trying to sync.
I did go into the Windows Sync Settings and turned the «ON» slider switch to off and on, but the android app still shows the error message — <Unknown SSID>
1 person has this problem
over 2 years ago
I’m having the same problem with a new Android phone. <Unknown SSID> Have tried all the usual fixes.
Mike — mSecure
over 2 years ago
Hi Chris and Buck,
Thank you for contacting us, and I’m sorry for the issue you are experiencing. I’m not familiar with this message you are seeing, but I’m not sure right now it’s actually an error message. First, what types of devices are you guys running, and what is the Android version number? Next, when you look at the boxes at the bottom of the screen in the Sync Settings, does it show any red or yellow data or graphics? Does it have a green connection icon or is it a red icon showing the client and server there is a disconnection?
over 2 years ago
I am having exact same issue. New router with same SSID name as used prior, and now mSecure cannot wifi sync. It shows a red icon showing a disconnect between client and server. I have also restarted both PC and android phone and also reset the the «Main Computer» setting off then back on using the PC.
over 2 years ago
I just wanted to report that using guidance provided in another thread I solved the problem by making sure my ethernet connection on my computer was «Private» under «Network Profile» settings on my Windows 10 PC. Somehow, it had changed to Public possibly due to the router change. BTW, the phone app still shows «unknown ssid» so that must not be the root of the problem but now does show connected between client and server.
Mike — mSecure
over 2 years ago
It’s great to hear you were able to get this issue resolved Jay! With Windows computers, most problems related to Wi-Fi syncing are caused by the Network Profile being set to Public. I’m not sure how that settings gets changed either, but as you found out, setting it to «Private» takes care of the problem.
about 2 years ago
Not sure if I should necro this thread or start another for the same issue.
I get the message «<unknown ssid>» as well, but it is sort of intended because the SSID is not broadcast for security reasons.
The Windows 10 «Main Computer» is not using WIFI but Ethernet, its subnet is routed with the WIFI used by the Android phone.
The PC is using the Domain Network Profile with the same discovery settings as the Private Network Profile.
mSecure 3 on the same phone and PC can sync without problems.
I was happy with mSecure 3 for years but was not able to activate it on my new PC. Therefore I purchased mSecure 5 recently but I am rather disappointed with it right now
Mike — mSecure
about 2 years ago
@Trekky Based on the setup you just described, I’m not sure if the Wi-Fi syncing will work in mSecure 5. With the new app, it’s set up to be easier to sync in the most common of scenarios, but it’s not quite as flexible in the less common contexts. That being said, the only thing you can’t do in mSecure 5 is set a specific port number for the connectivity with the desktop app. Aside from that, I believe you will have to have the Network Profile set to Private in order for the syncing to work. Have you tried setting the Network to Private just to see if things work?
about 2 years ago
With all due respect — I dont understand that excuse.
Do you really call Domain Network Profiles that are used in large corporate networks a «less common context» ? Do you imply that mSecure is not suitable for people working there, thats it is meant for private users only who can freely mess around with their network settings ?
But what I really dont understand is how it was possible that mSecure got worse and worse with every version after 3 — at least in this respect.
v3.5.6 was fast, stable, uncomplicated, and it was able to sync in my «less common context» just fine.
But then suddenly the license file import does not work anymore — and suprise — surprise — you have to purchase mSecure *again*.
I could have lived with the fact that I suddenly need an Internet connection to activate mSecure even though I think that the whole cloud-here-cloud-there is far too exaggerated.
But instead of playing Beta Tester for a paid product and messing around with an otherwise perfect PC setup just to find a workaround for a software that does not work as needed, I prefer to bear the loss of the purchase price and look for working alternatives….
Mike — mSecure
about 2 years ago
Thank you very much for your feedback. If there is something I can help with specifically in mSecure as you look for other alternatives, let me know.
about 2 years ago
Sorry if I sounded grumpy — but I am just frustrated that a no-brainer like moving a small but important software to a new computer takes so much time, complications and is unsuccessful in the end.
When I could not activate mSecure3 I still was trusting it so I purchased the new version — just to meet another dead end.
Of course there is something you could do to help — make it work — for example add the v3 sync routines as «WIFI Legacy Sync» option….
Mike — mSecure
about 2 years ago
@Trekky For sure, the mSecure 5 app will not be updated with any Wi-Fi enhancements, as we’re getting ready to release mSecure 6 after the beta testing has finished. I’m not sure if there will be enhancements to the feature in later releases of v6, and I do understand you’re looking for something that wouldn’t be considered an enhancement. For v5 and v5, however, it is an enhancement. The thing is, because I’m not exactly sure if adding the ability to set a port would actually fix the problem, it’s not certain that adding that capability would help.
One of the big problems with Wi-Fi syncing is that it’s an incredibly complicated system, and we rely heavily on the systems built in to the OS. So many of our customers have reported so many different configurations, that it would be next to impossible to make all of them work correctly, not without a dedicated Wi-Fi systems engineer. I’m sure that sounds crazy, but it’s really what we have experienced. We try to keep the Wi-Fi syncing working solidly for the majority use cases, and we believe we achieve that goal. When it deviates much from those use cases, things can get more unstable.
I say all of this to be transparent about how we handle the Wi-Fi syncing. It’s possible the feature will be enhanced in the future, but at this time, I we don’t have active plans for doing so.
about 2 years ago
I understand — although I generally consider it an enhancement if something actually starts to work — even if it means re-introducing a working feature that had been removed for whatever reason.
What I don’t get is why something that works at least in (a lot of ?) certain scenarios had to be removed in order to add something that might work in others or «in general» and which forces users to adapt Windows to mSecure instead of the other way around.
Anyway — as I am done with mSecure and just another leaving customer, I have no further right to post here….
Mike — mSecure
about 2 years ago
Again, thanks so much for your feedback Trekky. If you do have any questions about mSecure in the future, we’ll be here to help. Thank you very much for your business.
about 2 years ago
As a conciliatory conclusion : in a last attempt I tried to activate 3.5.6 which failed — but I found old posts about a related bug and a link to download 3.5.7.
With 3.5.7 the activation worked — and it can sync !! — so I am happy again. I dont mind the payment for v5 since I have been using 3.5 for so long now
My customer reported that his android shows in app but I can’t reproduce it in my devices and emulator whatever android versions. Coincidently, I found some one post a blog that a similar issue for some mobile device — vivo x21iA / vivo x20.
I’ve tested in these two devices and the issue surely could be reproduced.
It’s undoubtedly not the bug of plugin. It should be a bug of some firmwares or else, but I can’t tell my customers to contact the mobile manufacturer to solve this problem.
Thus, I have modified the code( as below(get SSID by another API):
serviceInfo = info.getSSID();
if(serviceInfo != null && serviceInfo.contains("unknown ssid")) {
NetworkInfo wifiInfo = connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI);
String wifiName = wifiInfo.getExtraInfo();
if (wifiName.startsWith("\"")) {
wifiName = wifiName.substring(1, wifiName.length());
if (wifiName.endsWith("\"")) {
wifiName = wifiName.substring(0, wifiName.length() - 1);
serviceInfo = wifiName;
And it works now. Hope this would help someone.
This question has already been asked by many people, but the solution that worked for them is not working for me. I have tested on Android 8.1 and Android 9.0 and cannot get the name of the SSID.
Broadcast receiver for getting WiFi state changes:
private final BroadcastReceiver mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
String action = intent.getAction();
if(intent.getAction().equals(WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION) ||
intent.getAction().equals(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION) ||
intent.getAction().equals(WifiManager.SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION) ||
intent.getAction().equals(WifiManager.SUPPLICANT_CONNECTION_CHANGE_ACTION) ||
intent.getAction().equals(WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION)) {
The receiver is registered onCreate
and unregistered in onDestroy
, which I think is proper, and I’m seeing the log lines when the receiver is called.
in onCreate
IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
registerReceiver(mReceiver, intentFilter);
is implemented thusly:
private void setWifiIndicator() {
ConnectivityManager connMgr = (ConnectivityManager)getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
//getApplicationContext solves memory leak issues prior to Android N (must use Application Context to get wifi system service.
WifiManager wifiMgr = (WifiManager)getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
ImageView wifiIndicator = (ImageView)findViewById(;
TextView wifiSSID = (TextView)findViewById(;
try {
if (wifiMgr != null) {
if (wifiMgr.isWifiEnabled()) {
//wifi is enabled. toggle on wifi indicator.
String ssid = wifiMgr.getConnectionInfo().getSSID();
if (ssid != null) {
Log.v(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "SSID: " + ssid + " Supplicant State: " + info.getSupplicantState());
} else {
//wifi is disabled. toggle off wifi indicator.
//check for 3G
NetworkInfo mobileInfo = connMgr.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE);
if (mobileInfo != null && mobileInfo.getState().equals(NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED)) {
} else {
} else {
//check for 3G
NetworkInfo mobileInfo = connMgr.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE);
if (mobileInfo != null && mobileInfo.getState().equals(NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED)) {
} else {
} catch(Exception e) {
//catching anything thrown in this block just so it doesn't crash the program unnecessarily
My app already had permission for ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
just in case. getSSID()
is till returning <unknown ssid>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_TASKS" />
Perhaps it has to do with compile target SDK? I’m really clueless here.
gradle file:
apply plugin: ‘’
android {
compileSdkVersion 28
defaultConfig {
applicationId ""
minSdkVersion 15
targetSdkVersion 28
versionCode 59
versionName "1.44"
testInstrumentationRunner ""
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
implementation ''
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
androidTestImplementation ''
androidTestImplementation ''
implementation files('libs/android.jar')
Return to your Android device’s Settings > Wireless & Networks > Wi-Fi panel and tap Wi-Fi Settings. Find your network’s name (SSID) on the list of nearby Wi-Fi networks. If your network’s name is not on the list, the AP or router may be hiding its SSID. Click Add Network to configure your network name manually.
How do I solve an unknown SSID?
Return to your Android device’s Settings > Wireless & Networks > Wi-Fi panel and tap Wi-Fi Settings. Find your network’s name (SSID) on the list of nearby Wi-Fi networks. If your network’s name is not on the list, the AP or router may be hiding its SSID. Click Add Network to configure your network name manually.
Why is my Wi-Fi showing as unknown SSID?
If your Applets using the Android Device WiFi triggers are displaying your WiFi network name as , you may need to grant the IFTTT Android app Allow all the time location permissions: Open ⚙️ Settings. Open Location. Tap App access to location then open IFTTT.
What is unknown SSID?
The hidden wifi ssid is one of the security mechanisms implemented by Wifi networks by hiding their name,, since a client device can only connect to a Wi-Fi network with a known SSID.
How do I connect to Wi-Fi with disabled SSID?
Right-click on the Wireless Network Connection icon at the bottom-right corner of the screen and select View Available Wireless Networks. Step 2: Select Unnamed Network then click Connect. NOTE: Your wireless network name (SSID) will show up as Unnamed Network when the SSID Broadcast is disabled in your router.
Why is my Wi-Fi showing as unknown SSID?
If your Applets using the Android Device WiFi triggers are displaying your WiFi network name as , you may need to grant the IFTTT Android app Allow all the time location permissions: Open ⚙️ Settings. Open Location. Tap App access to location then open IFTTT.
What is unknown SSID?
The hidden wifi ssid is one of the security mechanisms implemented by Wifi networks by hiding their name,, since a client device can only connect to a Wi-Fi network with a known SSID.
How do I make my SSID visible?
You can typically find the SSID by selecting the Setup option, and then Wireless Settings. Enable SSID broadcast by selecting Visible for the Visibility Status.
What happens if SSID is disabled?
Disabling the SSID broadcast stops the router from sending out the wireless network’s name, making it invisible to users. However, this only hides the name from showing up on device lists of nearby networks. The network itself is still there, since people still need to use it.
What is SSID code for Wi-Fi?
The SSID (Service Set Identifier) is the name of your wireless network, also known as Network ID. This is viewable to anyone with a wireless device within reachable distance of your network. It’s recommended you set up a password so not just anybody can connect to your network.
What is the SSID for Wi-Fi?
How to find SSID on Android: Go to Settings > Wi-Fi. An SSID you are connected to will be shown above Connected.
How do I enable Wi-Fi that has been disabled?
Click Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Device Manager. Click the Plus Sign (+) next to Network Adapters. Right-click the wireless adapters and, if disabled, click Enable.
Why is my Wi-Fi showing as unknown SSID?
If your Applets using the Android Device WiFi triggers are displaying your WiFi network name as , you may need to grant the IFTTT Android app Allow all the time location permissions: Open ⚙️ Settings. Open Location. Tap App access to location then open IFTTT.
What is unknown SSID?
The hidden wifi ssid is one of the security mechanisms implemented by Wifi networks by hiding their name,, since a client device can only connect to a Wi-Fi network with a known SSID.
Can someone hack my Internet connection?
It’s entirely possible that your router might have been hacked and you don’t even know it. By using a technique called DNS (Domain Name Server) hijacking, hackers can breach the security of your home Wi‑Fi and potentially cause you a great deal of harm.
What happens when you connect to an unknown Wi-Fi?
All information sent over an unsecured wireless network—one that doesn’t require a Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), WPA2 or WPA3 security code—is sent in plain text for anyone to intercept. Connecting to an open network potentially opens your device to anyone else on that same wireless network.
Should SSID be on or off?
Disabling the SSID Broadcast is one way of securing your wireless network. This procedure will prevent other users from detecting your SSID or your wireless network name when they attempt to view the available wireless networks in your area.
Should I Enable SSID on router?
Home networks don’t require the use of a visible SSID unless the network uses several different access points that devices roam between. If your network uses a single router, turning off this feature is a trade-off between the potential security benefits and a loss of convenience in setting up new home network clients.
Is SSID necessary?
An SSID is a unique student identifier that all K–12 public school students are required to have.
Is the SSID the same as the Wi-Fi name?
SSID is simply the technical term for a Wi-Fi network name. When you set up a wireless home network, you give it a name to distinguish it from other networks in your neighbourhood. You’ll see this name when you connect your devices to your wireless network.
Why can’t I join a wireless network?
Sometimes connection issues arise because your computer’s network adapter might not be enabled. On a Windows computer, check your network adapter by selecting it on the Network Connections Control Panel. Make sure the Wireless connection option is enabled.
Why is my wireless not connecting?
Restarting your modem and router should be the first thing you do when encountering an internet signal issue. Don’t skip this step! This is almost always what tech support will ask you to try first, as it often solves the problem. To restart your equipment, unplug the power cable for 60 seconds and plug it back in.
As we know, some device like oppo now having Android os 9 update. Some of the cellphone that has Android os 9 update, experience difficulty on pairing xiaoyi camera to Yi home App. It is because the Yi Home app cannot retreive the WIFI SSID that currently used by the phone, and the app will retrieve <unknown ssid> instead the real wifi SSID used by the phone.
There are some solution to this problem:
1. Login with other phone using the same account, then pair the camera into it. After everything done, you can get back to the phone and drag down the screen to refresh the list of the camera.
2. Set the wifi router ssid to <unknown ssid>. The camera will try to connect to the wifi.
3. Use my modified Yi Home, you can type the ssid that you want the camera to connect to. You can download the app below.
Yi Home China version (ssid editable):
Yi Home International version (ssid editable):
Updated: After I install the Android pie, now i got a simpler solution for this problem. When the Wifi SSID appear <unknown ssid> , then just go back, then turn on your cellphone Location/gps, and then try it again, it should appear now…