Unique constraint violated oracle ошибка

Error message looks like this

Error message => ORA-00001: unique constraint (schema.unique_constraint_name) violated

ORA-00001 occurs when: «a query tries to insert a «duplicate» row in a table». It makes an unique constraint to fail, consequently query fails and row is NOT added to the table.»


Find all columns used in unique_constraint, for instance column a, column b, column c, column d collectively creates unique_constraint and then find the record from source data which is duplicate, using following queries:

-- to find <<owner of the table>> and <<name of the table>> for unique_constraint

select *
where CONSTRAINT_NAME = '<unique_constraint_name>';

Then use Justin Cave’s query (pasted below) to find all columns used in unique_constraint:

  SELECT column_name, position
  FROM all_cons_columns
  WHERE constraint_name = <<name of constraint from the error message>>
   AND owner           = <<owner of the table>>
   AND table_name      = <<name of the table>>

    -- to find duplicates

    select column a, column b, column c, column d
    from table
    group by column a, column b, column c, column d
    having count (<any one column used in constraint > ) > 1;

you can either delete that duplicate record from your source data (which was a select query in my particular case, as I experienced it with «Insert into select») or modify to make it unique or change the constraint.

ORA-00001 : unique constraint violated — Вы пытаетесь выполнить вставку или изменение поля, значение которого будет нарушать ограничение уникальности поля.
ORA-01001 : invalid cursor — Вы пытаетесь использовать несуществующий курсор. Вероятная причина – курсор не был открыт, или уже закрыт.
ORA-01012 : not logged on — Вы не авторизованы, но пытаетесь выполнить запрос. Попробуйте залогиниться и повторить запрос.
ORA-01017 : invalid username/password; logon denied — Неверная комбинация логин/пароль.
ORA-01476 : divisor is equal to zero — Вы пытаетесь выполнить деление на ноль.
ORA-01000 : maximum open cursors exceeded — количество открытых курсоров превысило значение параметра OPEN_CURSORS базы данных. Уменьшите количество используемых курсоров в БД в Вашей программе. Если это не помогло, затормозите сервис БД, увеличьте значение параметра OPEN_CURSORS в init.ora и перезапустите сервис БД.
ORA-06511 : PL/SQL: cursor already open — Вы пытаетесь открыть уже открытый курсор
ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist – что-то не то с хостом или ip-адресом, с которым вы пытаетесь соединиться. Проверьте существование хоста командами tnsping в unix и ping в windows.
ORA-12541 : TNS:no listener – Убедитесь, что на сервере запущен прослушивающий процесс (листенер). Если нет, то используйте команду lsnrctl, либо запустите сервис в службах Windows. Если процесс запущен, проверьте правильность настроек файла listener.ora.
ORA-12500 : TNS:listener failed to start a dedicated server process – вероятно, сервис базы данных не запущен. Для Windows проверьте что сервис запущен, обычно сервис имеет имя OracleService, где SID – название базы данных. Для Unix убедитесь, что запущен процесс smon при помощи команды ps: ps -ef | grep ora_smon
ORA-12154 : TNS:could not resolve service name – Вы пытаетесь выполнить подключение к БД, которая неизвестна Вашему клиенту. Проверьте существование и настройки файла tnsnames.ora.
ORA-12514 : TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor – Во-первых, проверьте что запущен сервис базы данных. Ошибка также может возникать, если сервис БД и листенер еще стартуют, в этом случае подождите минуту-две. Если сервисы запущены, то причина ошибки – сервисы БД и листенер не настроены друг на друга. Проверьте настройки файлов tnsnames.ora и listener.ora.
ORA-12560 : TNS:protocol adapter error – вероятно, не запущен сервис базы данных. Запустите сервис в службах Windows или выполните команду startup в sqlplus.
ORA-20001 : A user specified error message – ошибки с кодами 20000-20999 отданы на откуп разработчикам приложений. Разработчики могут возбуждать такие ошибки в своих приложениях функцией raise_application_error. Обратитесь к разработчикам приложения за более подробной информацией.

There’re only two types of DML statement, INSERT and UPDATE, may throw the error, ORA-00001: unique constraint violated. ORA-00001 means that there’s a constraint preventing you to have the duplicate value combination. Most likely, it’s an unique constraint. That’s why your INSERT or UPDATE statement failed to work.

Let’s see some cases.


We inserted into a row that violate the primary key.

SQL> insert into employees (employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id) values (100, 'Chen', 'EDCHEN', to_date('17-JAN-22', 'DD-MON-RR'), 'AC_MGR');
insert into employees (employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id) values (100, 'Chen', 'EDCHEN', to_date('17-JAN-22', 'DD-MON-RR'), 'AC_MGR')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00001: unique constraint (HR.EMP_EMP_ID_PK) violated

In the error message, it told us that we specifically violate HR.EMP_EMP_ID_PK.

Please note that, not all primary keys are unique, it’s allowable to have non-unique primary keys.


We updated a row that violate an unique index.

SQL> update employees set email = 'JCHEN' where employee_id = 100;
update employees set email = 'JCHEN' where employee_id = 100
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00001: unique constraint (HR.EMP_EMAIL_UK) violated

In the error message, it told us that we specifically violate HR.EMP_EMAIL_UK.


To solve ORA-00001, we should use a different value to perform INSERT INTO or UPDATE SET statement. The solution may sound easy to say, but hard to do, because we may not know what columns we violated.

Check Constraint Columns

So let’s see how we check unique columns.

SQL> column table_name format a20;
SQL> column column_name format a20;
SQL> select table_name, column_name, position from all_cons_columns where owner = 'HR' and constraint_name = 'EMP_EMAIL_UK';

-------------------- -------------------- ----------
EMPLOYEES            EMAIL                         1

The above query tells us that the column combination in the output is violated. To comply with the unique constraint, you can almost do nothing except for checking the existing row.

Drop Unique Constraint to Prevent ORA-00001

An alternative solution is to drop the unique index if it’s not necessary anymore. Dropping a primary or unique index needs more skills, otherwise you might see ORA-02429.

In a multithread environment, you may check whether the row is existing or not, then do your INSERT in order to prevent ORA-00001.

  v_row_counts number;
  select count(*) into v_row_counts from employees where employee_id = 100;
  if v_row_counts = 0 then
    -- Insert the row
    -- Do not insert the row
  end if;

In the above block of code, if the row count is 0, then we can do INSERT right after counting, elsewhere don’t do it.

Have you gotten an “ORA-00001 unique constraint violated” error? Learn what has caused it and how to resolve it in this article.

ORA-00001 Cause

If you’ve tried to run an INSERT or UPDATE statement, you might have gotten this error:

ORA-00001 unique constraint violated

This has happened because the INSERT or UPDATE statement has created a duplicate value in a field that has either a PRIMARY KEY constraint or a UNIQUE constraint.

There are a few solutions to the “ORA-00001 unique constraint violated” error:

  1. Change your SQL so that the unique constraint is not violated.
  2. Change the constraint to allow for duplicate values
  3. Drop the constraint from the column.
  4. Disable the unique constraint.

Solution 1: Modify your SQL

You can modify your SQL to ensure you’re not inserting a duplicate value.

If you’re using ID values for a primary key, it’s a good idea to use a sequence to generate these values. This way they are always unique.

You can use the sequence.nextval command to get the next value of the sequence.

So, instead of a query like this, which may not work if the employee_id value is already used:

INSERT INTO employee (employee_id, first_name, last_name)
VALUES (231, 'John', 'Smith');

You can use this:

INSERT INTO employee (employee_id, first_name, last_name)
VALUES (seq_emp_id.nextval, 'John', 'Smith');

Assuming the sequence is set up correctly, this should ensure that a unique value is used.’

While you’re here, if you want an easy-to-use list of the main features in Oracle SQL, get my SQL Cheat Sheet here:

Find the constraint that was violated

The “ORA-00001 unique constraint violated” error usually shows a name of a constraint. This could be a descriptive name (if you’ve named your constraints when you create them) or a random-looking name for a constraint.

You can query the all_indexes view to find the name of the table and other information about the constraint:

FROM all_indexes
WHERE index_name = <constraint_name>;

This will give you more information about the specific fields and the table.

Solution 2: Change the constraint to allow for duplicates

If you have a unique constraint or primary key set up on your table, you could change the constraint to allow for duplicate values, to get around the ORA-00001 error.

Let’s say the unique constraint applies to first_name and last_name, which means the combination of those fields must be unique.

If you find that that rule is incorrect, you can change the constraint to say that the combination of first_name, last_name, and date_of_birth must be unique.

To do this, you need to drop and recreate the constraint.

To drop the constraint:

ALTER TABLE table_name
DROP CONSTRAINT constraint_name;

Then, recreate the constraint:

ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name UNIQUE (col1, col2....);

Now your constraint will reflect your rules.

Solution 3: Remove the unique constraint

The third solution would be to drop the unique constraint altogether.

This should only be done if it is not required.

To do this, run the ALTER TABLE command:

ALTER TABLE table_name
DROP CONSTRAINT constraint_name;

The constraint will be removed and you should be able to UPDATE or INSERT the data successfully.

Solution 4: Disable the unique constraint

The final solution could be useful if you’re doing a lot of data manipulation and you need to temporarily disable the constraint, with the aim of enabling it later.

Disabling the constraint will leave it in the data dictionary and on the table, with the same name, it just won’t be checked when data is inserted or updated.

To disable the constraint:

ALTER TABLE table_name
DISABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name;

If you need to enable the constraint in the future:

ALTER TABLE table_name
ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name;

So, that’s how you can resolve the “ORA-00001 unique constraint violated” error.

While you’re here, if you want an easy-to-use list of the main features in Oracle SQL, get my SQL Cheat Sheet here:

ORA-00001 unique constraint violated is one of the common messages we often get while loading data.

ORA-00001 unique constraint violated

This ORA-00001 unique constraint violated error occurs when You tried to execute an INSERT or UPDATE statement that has created a duplicate value in a field restricted by a unique index.

We can perform the following action items for this ORA-00001

 (1) You can look at the error and find the constraint information with the below sql

SELECT column_name, position
FROM all_cons_columns
WHERE constraint_name = '<name of the constraint in error>'
AND owner = '<table owner>'
AND table_name = '<table name>'

Now we can check the existing data with the data we are inserting and then take action accordingly. You can change the keys so that they can be inserted

table created.

1 rows inserted.

SQL Error: ORA-00001: unique constraint (UK1_EXAMPLE) violated
1 rows inserted.

(2)  We can drop the constraint if duplicates are allowed in the table


alter table <table name> drop constraint <constraint name>;

(3) The 11gr2 hint ignore_row_on_dupkey_index allows the statement to silently ignore ORA-00001 errors.

ORA-00001 unique constraint violated

  • The IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX hint are unlike other hints in that they have a semantic effect. The general philosophy explained in “Hints” does not apply for these three hints.
  • The IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX hint applies only to single-table INSERT operations. It is not supported for UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE, or multitable insert operations. IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX causes the statement to ignore a unique key violation for a specified set of columns or for a specified index. When a unique key violation is encountered, a row-level rollback occurs and execution resumes with the next input row. If you specify this hint when inserting data with DML error logging enabled, then the unique key violation is not logged and does not cause statement termination.

The semantic effect of this hint results in error messages if specific rules are violated:

  • If you specify index, then the index must exist and be unique. Otherwise, the statement causes ORA-38913.
  • You must specify exactly one index. If you specify no index, then the statement causes ORA-38912. If you specify more than one index, then the statement causes ORA-38915.
  • You can specify either a CHANGE_DUPKEY_ERROR_INDEX or IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX hint in an INSERT statement, but not both. If you specify both, then the statement causes ORA-38915.
  • As with all hints, a syntax error in the hint causes it to be silently ignored. The result will be that ORA-00001 will be caused, just as if no hint were used.
insert /*+ ignore_row_on_dupkey_index(unique_table, unique_table_idx) */
(select * from non_unique_table);

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