Uicache failed h3lix ошибка

H I thanks! Someone on twitter already had the patch ipa so they sent me it

On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 1:01 AM CaseyCZ ***@***.***> wrote:
Fantastic…thanks heaps, up and running…


Download the patch.sh
Extract it.
Copy it the patch.sh to the desktop
Copy the iPA to the desktop
Open a terminal and run cd ~/Desktop
Run chmod +x patch.sh
Run ./patch.sh h3lix-RC6.ipa h3lix-RC6-patch.ipa
Follow this to sign it

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Installing h3lix

For support in English, ask for help on the r/Jailbreak Discord Server.

h3lix is capable of jailbreaking every 32-bit iOS device on firmware version 10.0 up to 10.3.4.

Note that the h3lix jailbreak is not “persistent” (meaning it does not remain installed after a reboot). You will need to re-run the exploit after every reboot. You will be instructed on how to do this.

Due to how custom applications are installed to the device, in most cases you will need to reinstall the h3lix jailbreak application to your device every 7 days from your computer.

We will use Sideloadly and a patcher script to install the application to your device.

# Downloads

  • Version RC6 of h3lix

# Patching the application

If you wish to not have to patch an application, and are on iOS 10.3.x, you could follow Installing kok3shiX instead, though keep in mind that kok3shiX is currently in an alpha stage.

# macOS and Linux

  1. Open your Terminal application
  2. Change directory to the folder where you saved the script and h3lix.ipa files
    • If you saved them to Downloads, this would be cd

# Windows

  1. Drag the h3lix ipa onto the winh3lixpatcher.exe file

You now have a patched h3lix ipa that you can sign

# Installing the application

  1. Open Sideloadly
  2. Plug your iOS device into your computer
    • Make sure your computer is trusted and allowed to view the contents of your device
  3. Drag and drop the h3lix .ipa file into Sideloadly
  4. Enter in your Apple ID
  5. Enter in your password
    • Sideloadly must make a request to it’s servers in order to work with free developer accounts. If you are not OK with this, you may use an alternate Apple ID.

The app will now install to your iOS device.

# Trusting the application

  1. Go to Settings -> General -> Device Management -> <Your Apple ID>
    • Depending on your usage, Device Management may be labeled Profiles and Device Management
  2. Tap Trust «<Your Apple ID>»

The h3lix application can now be opened from home screen.

# Running h3lix

  1. Open the h3lix application from your home screen
  2. Tap «Jailbreak»

If the app displays Uicache Failed! this means the patching process was not done properly and you should double check you followed the steps above properly

If your device crashes or restarts unexpectedly and the jailbreak isn’t installed, simply try running the exploit again until it does work.

You should now be jailbroken with Cydia installed on your home screen. You can use Cydia to install tweaks, themes and more.

If you wish to use a more modern package manager, continue to Installing Zebra

h3lix iOS 10 Jailbreak (32-bit) – Errors and Fixes [FAQ]

As you know, h3lix jailbreak was released for iOS 10-10.3.3 a few days ago. The release was a bit rushed and this led to users experiencing errors and problems. Here’s how you can fix most of these.

Table of Contents

Frequently Asked Questions


Q1. How can I fix plist.hpp:201 error while installing this tool in Cydia Impactor?

A. If you are getting this error, the app should already be installed on your iPhone/iPad. Simply trust this app from Settings and launch the app.

plist.hpp:201 error

Q2. My iPhone 5/iPad 4 reboots when I run the jailbreak app. How can I fix this issue?

A. If you are experiencing reboots, the exploit is not working like it should. A simple fix for this is to keep retrying until it finally jailbreaks your device.

If this doesn’t work, you can try enabling Airplane mode and force-closing all applications from the App Switcher. I also recommend waiting for 10 seconds before running the app.

Q3. How can I hide the jailbreak app icon?

A. Just like PPHider for Pangu jailbreak, you can use Hid3x Cydia tweak to hide its icon. It is available for download on BigBoss Cydia repository.

The icon will be hidden only when you are in jailbreak state. This is useful since you won’t require the app in jailbreak state.

Operating System

Q4. iMessage and cellular data are not working anymore on my iPhone 5. How can fix this connection issue?

A. Simply follow the “Method 1” given in the Cydia connection question below.

Q5. My device disconnects from the VPN connection as soon as I enable it. How do I fix this issue?

A. FlipControlCenter Cydia tweak causes your device to disconnect. Simply remove or disable this tweak to fix this issue. If you don’t have this tweak in the first place, try enabling the VPN from Settings, not from the VPN app.

Q6. How can I fix other issues?

A. This jailbreak is very buggy at the moment. Therefore, I recommend everyone to restore to iOS 10.3.3 again. This is possible since its signing window is still open and you can perform a DFU restore with iTunes whenever you want to.

Q7. This tool breaks the javascript on Safari browser. How can I fix it?

A. If Safari behaves like this when you open any webpage, you must use the latest version of this tool from this link. The latest Release Candidate, that is, RC2 specifically fixes the javascript bug in Safari.

Q8. How can I fix the “Storage almost full” alert on my device?

A. There are several methods that you can utilize to stop this alert from popping up time to time –

  • Install iCleaner Pro tool and clean your cache.
  • Manually delete the cache files present in this location – /system/library/cache. Again, iCleaner doesn this and is very safe so use that.
  • Install Coolstar’s Stashing. Very few users have used it up till now and only one user reported that it works fine.


Q8. Cydia crashes as soon as I open it. Am I doing something wrong?

A. Yes, simply run the jailbreak application again from your home screen. When it installs all the exploits and patches on your device, Cydia will become functional again.

Q9. Cydia on my iPhone crashes after the loading screen. Is there a fix for this problem?

A. Here’s what you need to do –

  • Download iFile for iOS here and sideload it with Cydia Impactor.
  • Open Filza and navigate to – /var/mobile/library/cydia.
  • Delete metadata.cb0 file.
  • Now navigate to /var/mobile/library/caches and delete com.saurik.cydia file.
  • Restart your iPhone or iPad. Cydia will now start working again.

Q10. I am getting the /var/lib/dpkg/status no such file or directory error in Cydia. How can I solve this?

A. Simply, DFU restore your device to iOS 10.3.3 again and re-jalbreak once again. This will hopefully fix this issue.

Remember, DO NOT use the Erase all contents and settings option ever, if you have a jailbreak.

Q11. How can I install Stashing on iOS 10?

A. Coolstar’s Stashing is not compatible with iOS 10-10.3.3 on 32-bit devices. The developer dropped support for these versions because they were a bit too unstable to his liking.

If you still want to try it on your device, you can download it from here. Ensure you download version 1.5.0 only.

Warning – Remember, this version is not proven to work with on 32-bit devices running iOS 10. It can potentially brick your device.

Q12. I am unable to purchase any tweak as Cydia displays the “unable to purchase” error. Is there a fix for this?

A. This error message shows up every time a new jailbreak tool drops. This is because Saurik needs to update some stuff in the back-end for newer firmware versions.

unable to purchase Cydia

Once Saurik pushes an update, you will then be able to purchase all Cydia tweaks.


Q13. An incompatible tweak is causing my device to respring continuously. How do I remove it?

A. You can easily remove bogus tweaks by going into No Substrate Mode. Once you do that, go to Cydia and try deleting the most recent tweaks present in there.

Q14. How can I enter No Substrate mode in h3lix?

A. Simply press the volume up button before you press the kickstart button. Your device will respring and no tweaks will work. However, Cydia will continue to work like it should.

Q15. I am getting a network error in Cydia. How do I fix it?

A. This is how this error looks like on an iPhone 5. If you get this message, Cydia will not work and you can’t install any tweak from it.

h3lix-connection-error (1)

Here’s are a few methods that you can use to fix this issue –

Method 1

Step 1 Open MTerminal if you have it on your device. Otherwise, you must SSH into your device via USB.

Step 2 Enter the following commands –

chmod 777 /var
chmod 777 /var/mobile
chmod 777 /var/mobile/Library
chmod 777 /var/mobile/Library/Preferences

Step 3 Run Cydia again.

Method 2

Try using mobile data instead of Wifi and check if the problem persists.

Method 3

If these methods seem too complicated or don’t work for you, you can just restore your device and try again.

Q16. Which tweaks can I safely install on my device?

A. Here’s the complete tweak compatibility list for h3lix on iOS 10-10.3.3 firmware. You can safely install all tweaks that are marked with the green label.

Even if you install an incompatible or bogus tweak, you can remove it by enabling No Substrate mode.

For more jailbreak tips and tricks, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

Related Posts

to.panga – PoC iOS 11 Jailbreak for Developers

to.panga – PoC iOS 11 Jailbreak for Developers

Download Meridian Jailbreak for iOS 10-10.3.3 [64-bit]

Download Meridian Jailbreak for iOS 10-10.3.3 [64-bit]

iOS 10.2.1 Jailbreak Errors and Fixes [FAQ]

iOS 10.2.1 Jailbreak Errors and Fixes [FAQ]

About The Author

Gian is the resident jailbreak expert at Yalu Jailbreak. He has been jailbreaking his iPhone since 2010. Best way to catch his attention? Show him a tweak he hasn’t installed.


I fine tuned my Ipad , however to make it perfect I need solution for:
1- I need AFC2 add 10, to allow appSync to work
2-have temp http:// error 500 , interior error.
3-could not install bya repo icons for biteyourapple
Appreciated any kind of help

1. You can use AFC2 from here.
2. Are you getting error 500 in Cydia?
3. Try refreshing your sources.

Thanks for your prompt reply , though I do not have direct download
1-Playing with Cydia , I added repostry and got another AppSunc, now my access to to the Raw pr Var or ssh Open is no problem
2- yes it is cydia red error http:/101 500 , the funny thing is I removed the biteyourapple from my son Ipda, and re install and did not get error message, I will remove it and I clean and re install it may works after using the new Appsync.
3- I always refresh , after every change .

Thanks I will keep you posted

Welcome, Mo. Let me know how it goes.

Sorry for the late reply. Try restoring your device via iTunes and then rejailbreak it.

MY IOS VERSION 10.3.3 32xBit

Same problem �� (ios10.3.3)

My firmware is : 11.60.00

Sorry if I wasn’t clear enough. I wanted to ask your iOS version.

My iOS version 10.3.3 32xBit


What’s your firmware version?

When i click on kickstart it says “uicache failed” what i do for fix it please help me sir

Ever get it figured out ?

My Safari is broken because It’s like the older version of google in safari

it also pass to me, how can I solve it

im using h3lix on my iphone 5c, cydia or any other jailbreak app started crashing, i entered No Substrate mode and got cydia to open but it was all blank with a lot of red error lines about missing or old files replaces and nothing comes up when i try searching something. i tried running the h3lix jailbreak in hope cydia will re-install but it stays the same.

Use Cydia Eraser and re-jailbreak again.

Hi, and thank you for creating such a wonderful tool in the h3lix jailbreak. I am having some difficulty with it: I’ve made the (probably classic newbie) mistake of installing a tweak called Bouncy10 after setting up my jailbreak on IOS 10.3.3 using h3lix on my iPhone 5C. Unfortunately, after respring and activating the Bouncy10 tweak, the bouncy effect completely took over my iPhone and renders my iPhone entirely useless while in jailbroken mode.

I pressed the top power and bottom buttons in order to reset back to non-jailbroken mode. From there, I followed your instructions on this website to enter No Substrate mode: Loaded h3lix app, then held the Volume Up key while then tapping the kickstart button. It appears the app completed successfully, and I continued to hold (not let go) the Volume Up key for the entire time during the restart process until I reached my lockscreen and entered my passcode.

Unfortunately, at this time, Cydia crashes every time when tapped, and will not load, because I do not appear to be No Substrate mode after all.

Can you please instruct me as to what I am doing incorrectly.

Please and thank you!

Hello, JKM. You just need to press it while you are inside the app and you will be in No Substrate Mode.

Hi I downloaded helix using appvalley and cydia won’t show up, what do I do?

Are you on the latest version? Also, try running the uicache command via SSH.

Solusi tentang r/jb mengalami uicache failed gmn bang. mhpn bantuannya…

Mau r/jb keluar uicache failed,tlg bantuannya om…

Redownlpad your jailbreak,
Cydia will be automatically installed

I can’t shut down my iphone 5c when i’m jailbroken

Try removing some recent tweaks.

Hi , thanks for your help !
ive in stalled h3lix jailbreak in my ipad 4 32 bit ios 10.3.3
it worked very well ,but i noticed something
every time i switch off the ipad , the jailbreak fails
i.e i need to re-install h3lix again using cydia impactor .
every app the was jailbroken will not work , even h3lix itself !

Is it out of the signing period? If that’s the case, you must sideload it again.

No , that is happening just every time i switch the ipad off , even after a minute after h3lix in stallation

As you know, h3lix jailbreak was released for iOS 10-10.3.3 a few days ago. The release was a bit rushed and this led to users experiencing errors and problems. Here’s how you can fix most of these.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q1. How can I fix plist.hpp:201 error while installing this tool in Cydia Impactor?

A. If you are getting this error, the app should already be installed on your iPhone/iPad. Simply trust this app from Settings and launch the app.

plist.hpp:201 error

Q2. My iPhone 5/iPad 4 reboots when I run the jailbreak app. How can I fix this issue?

A. If you are experiencing reboots, the exploit is not working like it should. A simple fix for this is to keep retrying until it finally jailbreaks your device.

If this doesn’t work, you can try enabling Airplane mode and force-closing all applications from the App Switcher. I also recommend waiting for 10 seconds before running the app.

Q3. How can I hide the jailbreak app icon?

A. Just like PPHider for Pangu jailbreak, you can use Hid3x Cydia tweak to hide its icon. It is available for download on BigBoss Cydia repository.

The icon will be hidden only when you are in jailbreak state. This is useful since you won’t require the app in jailbreak state.

Operating System

Q4. iMessage and cellular data are not working anymore on my iPhone 5. How can fix this connection issue?

A. Simply follow the “Method 1” given in the Cydia connection question below.

Q5. My device disconnects from the VPN connection as soon as I enable it. How do I fix this issue?

A. FlipControlCenter Cydia tweak causes your device to disconnect. Simply remove or disable this tweak to fix this issue. If you don’t have this tweak in the first place, try enabling the VPN from Settings, not from the VPN app.

Q6. How can I fix other issues?

A. This jailbreak is very buggy at the moment. Therefore, I recommend everyone to restore to iOS 10.3.3 again. This is possible since its signing window is still open and you can perform a DFU restore with iTunes whenever you want to.

Q7. This tool breaks the javascript on Safari browser. How can I fix it?  

A. If Safari behaves like this when you open any webpage, you must use the latest version of this tool from this link. The latest Release Candidate, that is, RC2 specifically fixes the javascript bug in Safari.

Q8. How can I fix the “Storage almost full” alert on my device?

A. There are several methods that you can utilize to stop this alert from popping up time to time –

  • Install iCleaner Pro tool and clean your cache.
  • Manually delete the cache files present in this location – /system/library/cache. Again, iCleaner doesn this and is very safe so use that.
  • Install Coolstar’s Stashing. Very few users have used it up till now and only one user reported that it works fine.


Q8. Cydia crashes as soon as I open it. Am I doing something wrong?

A. Yes, simply run the jailbreak application again from your home screen. When it installs all the exploits and patches on your device, Cydia will become functional again.

Q9. Cydia on my iPhone crashes after the loading screen. Is there a fix for this problem?

A. Here’s what you need to do –

  • Download iFile for iOS here and sideload it with Cydia Impactor.
  • Open Filza and navigate to – /var/mobile/library/cydia.
  • Delete metadata.cb0 file.
  • Now navigate to /var/mobile/library/caches and delete com.saurik.cydia file.
  • Restart your iPhone or iPad. Cydia will now start working again.

Q10. I am getting the /var/lib/dpkg/status no such file or directory error in Cydia. How can I solve this? 

A. Simply, DFU restore your device to iOS 10.3.3 again and re-jalbreak once again. This will hopefully fix this issue.

Remember, DO NOT use the Erase all contents and settings option ever, if you have a jailbreak.

Q11. How can I install Stashing on iOS 10?

A. Coolstar’s Stashing is not compatible with iOS 10-10.3.3 on 32-bit devices. The developer dropped support for these versions because they were a bit too unstable to his liking.

If you still want to try it on your device, you can download it from here. Ensure you download version 1.5.0 only.

Warning – Remember, this version is not proven to work with on 32-bit devices running iOS 10. It can potentially brick your device.

Q12. I am unable to purchase any tweak as Cydia displays the “unable to purchase” error. Is there a fix for this?   

A. This error message shows up every time a new jailbreak tool drops. This is because Saurik needs to update some stuff in the back-end for newer firmware versions.

unable to purchase Cydia

Once Saurik pushes an update, you will then be able to purchase all Cydia tweaks.


Q13. An incompatible tweak is causing my device to respring continuously. How do I remove it?

A. You can easily remove bogus tweaks by going into No Substrate Mode. Once you do that, go to Cydia and try deleting the most recent tweaks present in there.

Q14. How can I enter No Substrate mode in h3lix?

A. Simply press the volume up button before you press the kickstart button. Your device will respring and no tweaks will work. However, Cydia will continue to work like it should.

Q15. I am getting a network error in Cydia. How do I fix it?

A. This is how this error looks like on an iPhone 5. If you get this message, Cydia will not work and you can’t install any tweak from it.

h3lix-connection-error (1)

Here’s are a few methods that you can use to fix this issue –

Method 1

Step 1 Open MTerminal if you have it on your device. Otherwise, you must SSH into your device via USB.

Step 2 Enter the following commands –

chmod 777 /var
chmod 777 /var/mobile
chmod 777 /var/mobile/Library
chmod 777 /var/mobile/Library/Preferences

Step 3 Run Cydia again.

Method 2

Try using mobile data instead of Wifi and check if the problem persists.

Method 3

If these methods seem too complicated or don’t work for you, you can just restore your device and try again.

Q16. Which tweaks can I safely install on my device?

A. Here’s the complete tweak compatibility list for h3lix on iOS 10-10.3.3 firmware. You can safely install all tweaks that are marked with the green label.

Even if you install an incompatible or bogus tweak, you can remove it by enabling No Substrate mode.

For more jailbreak tips and tricks, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

For support in English, ask for help on the r/Jailbreak Discord Server.

h3lix is capable of jailbreaking every 32-bit iOS device on firmware version 10.0 up to 10.3.4.

Note that the h3lix jailbreak is not “persistent” (meaning it does not remain installed after a reboot). You will need to re-run the exploit after every reboot. You will be instructed on how to do this.

Due to how custom applications are installed to the device, in most cases you will need to reinstall the h3lix jailbreak application to your device every 7 days from your computer.

We will use Sideloadly and a patcher script to install the application to your device.


  • Version RC6 of h3lixOpen in new window from the Legacy Jailbreak Archives
  • The latest version of SideloadlyOpen in new window
  • macOS and Linux: Jakeajames’ patcher scriptOpen in new window
  • Windows: winh3lixpatcherOpen in new window

Patching the application


If you wish to not have to patch an application, and are on iOS 10.3.x, you could follow Installing Socket instead, though keep in mind that kok3shiX is currently in an alpha stage.


macOS and Linux

  1. Open your Terminal application
  2. Change directory to the folder where you saved the script and h3lix.ipa files
    • If you saved them to Downloads, this would be cd ~/Downloads
  3. Type ./patch.sh in the terminal
  4. Drag and drop the h3lix .ipa file into the terminal
  5. Type «h3lix.ipa»
  6. Press Enter



  1. Drag the h3lix ipa onto the winh3lixpatcher.exe file

You now have a patched h3lix ipa that you can sign

Installing the application

  1. Open Sideloadly
  2. Plug your iOS device into your computer
    • Make sure your computer is trusted and allowed to view the contents of your device
  3. Drag and drop the h3lix .ipa file into Sideloadly
  4. Enter in your Apple ID
  5. Enter in your password
    • Sideloadly must make a request to it’s servers in order to work with free developer accounts. If you are not OK with this, you may use an alternate Apple ID.

The app will now install to your iOS device.

Trusting the application

  1. Go to Settings -> General -> Device Management -> <Your Apple ID>
    • Depending on your usage, Device Management may be labeled Profiles and Device Management
  2. Tap Trust "<Your Apple ID>"

The h3lix application can now be opened from home screen.

Running h3lix

  1. Open the h3lix application from your home screen
  2. Tap «Jailbreak»


If the app displays Uicache Failed! this means the patching process was not done properly and you should double check you followed the steps above properly


If your device crashes or restarts unexpectedly and the jailbreak isn’t installed, simply try running the exploit again until it does work.

You should now be jailbroken with Cydia installed on your home screen. You can use Cydia to install tweaks, themes and more.


If you wish to use a more modern package manager, continue to Installing Zebra

[Mac] How To Jailbreak iOS 10.3.4 Fix uicache failed

This is new Method to sign IPA file and you can  install to your iPhone.
The Profile is valid for 7 day. You need to renew if you want to us  app again.
Videos Below i show you how to sign and install app  to you device.
This method working well in Mac OS.if you install H3lix without patch you’ll
get UIcache Fail. Use patch IPA for completely Jailbreak your device.

 For window User watch video below this mac.

File Here

Window user watch this Video

Relate Video

 iPhone 5s 6 6plus Fix Jailbreak And Bypass.

Apple release new iOS 12.4.7 update for old 64bit device like iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 and 6 +, for your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. If your device’s iOS 12.4.4 please don’t update stay for better bypass. For bypass iOS 12.4.4 your device can restart without re-jailbreak. But for new update you can still bypass iCloud on the latest version using @iRogerosx Tool for Mac and Window. This iCloud bypass is tethered device That means you still need to re-jailbreak your device every time you restart your device. 

Please try bypass you will success

Credit to @iRogerosx , FRPFILE

Link File For Jailbreak: Here

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