Ucf session wait timeout ошибка



               I am frequently founding the error known as «UCF session wait timeout». The below error….

An error has occurred.

ucf session wait timeout

After closing this window, press the Refresh or  Reload button on your browser to continue

Any body please give me suggestion to solve this problem.





  • dnvhariprasad

  • Franky Dee

    Have you checked your versions of OS, browser, JRE, etc aresupported on the client side and that your versions of OS, JDK/JRE and app server are supported too on the Webtop server side ?


  • Ramachandran

    hi ,

              I am login into the webtop and accessing the components in the webtop. while doing some operations ,it takes more time and then giving error message.


  • sagar.singh

    Try to check the version of JRE on the client. If it is supported, that try using the direct connection .

    Control Panel->Java->General ->Network Settings , Select Direct Connection Option.

    Hope it works.


  • lastnitescurry


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               I am frequently founding the error known as «UCF session wait timeout». The below error….

An error has occurred.

ucf session wait timeout

After closing this window, press the Refresh or  Reload button on your browser to continue

Any body please give me suggestion to solve this problem.





  • dnvhariprasad

  • Franky Dee

    Have you checked your versions of OS, browser, JRE, etc aresupported on the client side and that your versions of OS, JDK/JRE and app server are supported too on the Webtop server side ?


  • Ramachandran

    hi ,

              I am login into the webtop and accessing the components in the webtop. while doing some operations ,it takes more time and then giving error message.


  • sagar.singh

    Try to check the version of JRE on the client. If it is supported, that try using the direct connection .

    Control Panel->Java->General ->Network Settings , Select Direct Connection Option.

    Hope it works.


  • lastnitescurry


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UCF Session Wait Time Out

Recently I faced this issue. This was the consequence of the some update patches done on the server. As a result the compatibility issues raised between IE and Java versions.

Due to update in patches by Java each time when these update takes place, default settings override the existing settings in IE. As a result the Java get unregistered with the browser, result, Documentum shows message during applet operation — your browser don’t support Java, UCF Wait Timeout or just a blank window with no progress bar shown and you are stuck forever.

However, there are few configuration thorugh which you can get rid of this —

1) Ensure you have latest Java version installed on your server and client

2) Ensure you have latest IE browser version installed on your client machine

2) Check your Internet Options for Java Applet

3) Verify that your Java Plugins are enabled properly

4) Check that next generation java plugin is disabled

1. Latest Java Version

Latest Java version will ensure maximum security updates and any new enhancements in java framework. All Java versions have backward compatibility to their previous versions for minimal impact. To Install Latest Java, just go to the java site. You can Google it out on internet. The java site will automatically check for the version of java you have installed on the computer or you can opt for the executable download for the another computer, in case you are not downloading it on your target machine.

2. Latest IE Browser

Browser is your window to the world. Keep your browser updated whenever possible. Most of the companies keep on updating their browser version through security patches, fixes, new functionality. Latest browser version means improved performance, faster response, safety from latest potential threat etc.

3. Enabling Java Applet for your browser

Sometimes having latest version of Java and browser is just not enough. You have to enable certain configurations in order to use them. These can be found in Tools-> Internet Options… ->Security Tab. You can set custom level for each of the internet, local intranet, trusted sites and restricted sites by enabling ActiveX to atleast prompt for your action. Further, set the advanced options in ‘Advanced’ Tab enable use of JRE under Java(Sun) heading, if it is not there, probably your JRE is ot properly installed.

4. Manage Add ons

Add-on are like extensions or additional features that extend the functionality of your browser. These are DLL files which can be enabled or disabled based on the requirement and frequency of use. Open your browser Add-ons by Clicking on Tools->Manage Add ons…

Verify that the Java related plugins are enabled if not enable them.

5. Disabling Next Gen Option

This is a new option added in JRE 1.6.0_10 onwards. Follow the steps below to disable it —

1. Go to Control Panel->Java

2. Under Advanced tab, disable the next generation java plug-in under Java Plug-In

Clear any cache of browser and delete any temporary files.

Delete this documentum folder mostly found on location: C:Documents and

SettingsUSER_IDDocumentum, or take backup.

Kill java process

Kill javaw process.

Restart browser and login webtop application.

Hopefully, the next time you open your applet window, you won’t see the incompatibility issue.

If you have similar solution, please feel free to comment it

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Tenalirama: Man who bring kingdom to its knees with rice and chessboard !


Witty Wednesday What is interesting fact that you can come up with seemingly mundane everyday rice and game of strategy, chess.  Let me tell you this in a story. The story of a man who bring whole kingdom down on its knees, single handedly with these two things. This is one of the famous story of TenaliRama. I was watching one TV serial the other day named “TenaliRama». TenaliRama was the real person who was famous for his wits and who is protagonist in this serial. «Tenali Ramakrishna who was known as Vikatakavi (clown jester poet), was a Telugu poet who hailed from the present-day Andhra Pradesh region, generally known for his wit and humor. He was one of the Ashtadiggajas or the eight poets at the court of Krishnadevaraya, the Vijayanagar emperor. (1509–1530). Tenali Ramakrishna composed works on Hinduism. Tenali Ramakrishna was also a great scholar of several languages that included Marathi, Tamil, and Kannada.»- Wikipedia As the

DFC_DOCBROKER_EXCLUDED: Primary Docbroker Blacklisted

Problem & Cause Have you ever come across the error in the log java.io.IOException: DFC_DOCBROKER_EXCLUDED. This means that somehow, your DFC is not able to communicate with your docbroker, specified in dfc.properties. Your docbroker is responsible for communication between the application deployed on the application server, and the docbase. Docbroker acts like a bridge between the two layers of architecture. But, due to some reason, this bridge is broken. There can be multiple reasons behind it. 1. Bad connection or Network failure 2. Docbroker does not start properly 3. Docbroker is not properly added in dfc.properties 4. Patch applied for DFC doesn’t get deployed properly 5. Web application doesn’t start properly 6. DNS entry not resolved for the docbroker server 7. Any other unidentified reason. How does it work? The DFC of application maintains the list of docbrokers, which it can communicate. However, if it is not able to communicate with

AdiYogi Shiva: Feel the spiritual power


The bliss of a feeling of nothingness, the void around me, when my mind was like an empty container with nothing but one thought of his, when there was no sense of individuality and yet feeling of direct connection with the one; with everyone around me and I still felt the inner silence; at this point of state, I felt the vastness, the power of his and my tininess. This kind of experience can make you humble, it certainly made me. The experience I wrote above is hard to attain and may need years of practice and meditation. However, my last year visit to Coimbatore’s one of the most spiritual place, famously known as Adi Yogi Shiva can jump start your spiritual experience. The whole surrounding, the aura in the air and the weather uniting together with Mantras (enchantments) created positive energy all around to make one feel cleansed, right through his soul. Concept Designed by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, who is also the founder of Isha Foundation, Adi Yogi Shiva is a Bust St

The UCF feature in Documentum seems to be a necessary evil.   I have had more complaints from our users regarding UCF than any other Documentum component.

The most common complaint is – It is DAMN slow to launch!!

I agree with the users.   Launching UCF in our organization’s environment takes around 50-70 seconds!!!

Imagine that you read around 20 documents at different times in the day and every time you want to read a document, you have to wait for 50 seconds. Can you imagine the wait while your browser displays a blank page?   No wonder the users complain about this.

After running several rounds of tests, we identified the factors that cause these really slow response times.
1) UCF uses Java JRE 1.5.x.  JRE needs time to initialize itself and load into memory before UCF kicks into action.  On a laptop with 1GB RAM and a reasonably fast CPU, JRE takes around 20-30 seconds to launch.
2) Another key factor is the presence of Anti-virus software on the user’s laptop.  Since AV will scan all the JRE related .jar files, the JRE initialization will be further slowed slowed down.

From our tests,  (Only the first operation after browser restart takes this long. Next operations should finish between 10-15 seconds)
– Export operation using UCF with Anti-virus takes around 50-70 seconds
– When Anti-virus is turned off, the Export operation takes around 35-45 seconds.

Some suggestions:
– Tune your anti-virus settings to exclude JRE folders and UCF folders
– Exclude anti-virus from scanning into .zip and archive files
– TEST with various settings

Here are some of the other common problems with UCF:
– JRE gets updated automatically when a new update is available from sun.com.  Sometimes this breaks the UCF.  Solution could be to try deleting all the UCF related folders and files in UCF folder (usually found in C:Documents and SettingsDocumentumucf)

Customers who are planning to use Documentum should test the performance of UCF in their environment.
1) Setup a pilot environment on a test server.  Access Webtop from a typical end-user PC and check the response times.  Make sure you are running anti-virus and any other software that are standard to your environment.  This is one way to ensure that the system performance will be acceptable to the end-users.
2) If you are planning to conduct any peformance testing and load testing, ensure that you specify that some scenarios include testing with UCF enabled.

This entry was posted on Monday, September 1st, 2008 at 2:28 pm and is filed under Admin, WDK. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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If you can view/export/checkout a file in Webtop, but fail to import/checkin a file and receive the following error message:


[2006-01-27 13:55:34,620|ERROR|http-8080-Processor25 |com.documentum.fc.common.DfLogger|error|60 ] invokeMethod() failed while calling: onOk

ucf session wait timeout : ucf session wait timeout

java.lang.IllegalStateException: ucf session wait timeout

at com.documentum.web.contentxfer.ucf.UcfSessionManager.newSession(UcfSessionManager.java:396)

at com.documentum.web.contentxfer.ucf.UcfSessionManager.getSession(UcfSessionManager.java:118)

at com.documentum.web.contentxfer.ucf.UcfContentTransport.getUcfSession(UcfContentTransport.java:194)


This can be caused by the strict security settings in your Internet Explorer. Please open Tools->Options->Security tab in IE, and enable the following two options:


Allow paste operations via script

Scripting of Java applets


When performing checkin/import operations, we need JavaScript and the Applet to be able to interact with each other.

If you receive the error
UCF Timeout error» when managing files in Documentum (Webtop) or in an XML
editor (XMetal), please go through the following troubleshooting steps to
ensure that your browser and Java settings are properly configured.

Verify Java settings

  1. Close ALL open browsers and applications.
  2. Stop Java:
    1. Start the Task Manager (right-click on the Windows Task Bar at the bottom of
      the screen)
    2. Choose the Processes tab and sort the list of processes by clicking on the Image Name column header.
    3. Make sure that javaw.exe is not in the
    4. If it is in the Processes list, select it and click End Process at the bottom of the popup. Make sure all your
      applications are closed so that nothing unrelated gets killed in the process.
      You must repeat this step for each
       javaw.exe process in the list.
  3. Open the Java Control Panel popup: Start
    > Control Panel > Programs > Java
    or Java
    1. Clear the Java cache:
      1. On the General tab, in Temporary Internet
        section, click Settings…
      2. In the Temporary
        Files Settings
        then click OK.
    2. Clear EMC Java Certificates:
      1. On the Security tab, click Certificates…
      2. Select and Remove all
        certificates issued to «EMC Corporation».
      3. When finished, click Close.
    3. Make sure one version of Java is enabled:
      1. On the Java tab, click View …
      2. Make sure only one Java version has the Enabled checkbox selected. Click OK.
    4. Disable next generation Java plug-in:
      1. On the Advanced tab, expand the Java Plug-in list. Uncheck Enable the next-generation Java Plug-in and click Apply.
    5. Click OK to close to Java Control.

    Verify your browser settings

    1. Clear browser cache and restore browser defaults:
      1. In your browser, choose Tools > Internet
      2. On the General tab, browsing
        section, click Delete. In the popup, select all checkboxes and click Delete, which closes the popup.
      3. On the Advanced tab, click the Restore advanced settings button, and Apply..
    2. In IE 7 and 8, enable Automatic prompting:
      1. On the Security tab, select Trusted Sites. In the Security level for this zone section, click the Custom level button.
      2. In the Security
        popup, scroll to Downloads, enable Automatic
        prompting for file downloads
        and click
      3. If prompted, confirm that you want to accept changes.
    3. Close the Internet Options window and close the browser.

    Clear the Documentum cache

    Important: Before performing the following steps, don’t
    forget to check in any document that you have checked out in Webtop. Otherwise,
    you will lose all your changes to the document!

    1. Double-click on the My Computer icon on your desktop, or choose Start > Computer.
      • On Windows XP: Navigate to the C:Document and
      • On Windows 7: Navigate to the C:Users\Documentum folder.
    2. Delete all content in the ucf folder and close the window.

    Validate the results

    1. Restart your PC.
    2. Open an Internet Explorer browser and open Webtop (https://cms.mcgill.ca/webtop).
    3. If you get either of the following popups, do the
      • «This is the first you have visited the [cms.mcgill.ca]
        site. Do you want to trust content from this site
        ?» Click Yes.
      • «Java has discovered application components that could
        indicate a security concern: ResidentUcfInvoker_LaunchRuntimeApplet_0
        .» Click Run.
    4. Wait 2 to 3 minutes before continuing to the next step.
    5. Try to do the file operation that originally gave you
      the error message.

UCF Session Wait Time Out

Recently I faced this issue. This was the consequence of the some update patches done on the server. As a result the compatibility issues raised between IE and Java versions.

Due to update in patches by Java each time when these update takes place, default settings override the existing settings in IE. As a result the Java get unregistered with the browser, result, Documentum shows message during applet operation — your browser don’t support Java, UCF Wait Timeout or just a blank window with no progress bar shown and you are stuck forever.

However, there are few configuration thorugh which you can get rid of this —

1) Ensure you have latest Java version installed on your server and client

2) Ensure you have latest IE browser version installed on your client machine

2) Check your Internet Options for Java Applet

3) Verify that your Java Plugins are enabled properly

4) Check that next generation java plugin is disabled

1. Latest Java Version

Latest Java version will ensure maximum security updates and any new enhancements in java framework. All Java versions have backward compatibility to their previous versions for minimal impact. To Install Latest Java, just go to the java site. You can Google it out on internet. The java site will automatically check for the version of java you have installed on the computer or you can opt for the executable download for the another computer, in case you are not downloading it on your target machine.

2. Latest IE Browser

Browser is your window to the world. Keep your browser updated whenever possible. Most of the companies keep on updating their browser version through security patches, fixes, new functionality. Latest browser version means improved performance, faster response, safety from latest potential threat etc.

3. Enabling Java Applet for your browser

Sometimes having latest version of Java and browser is just not enough. You have to enable certain configurations in order to use them. These can be found in Tools-> Internet Options… ->Security Tab. You can set custom level for each of the internet, local intranet, trusted sites and restricted sites by enabling ActiveX to atleast prompt for your action. Further, set the advanced options in ‘Advanced’ Tab enable use of JRE under Java(Sun) heading, if it is not there, probably your JRE is ot properly installed.

4. Manage Add ons

Add-on are like extensions or additional features that extend the functionality of your browser. These are DLL files which can be enabled or disabled based on the requirement and frequency of use. Open your browser Add-ons by Clicking on Tools->Manage Add ons…

Verify that the Java related plugins are enabled if not enable them.

5. Disabling Next Gen Option

This is a new option added in JRE 1.6.0_10 onwards. Follow the steps below to disable it —

1. Go to Control Panel->Java

2. Under Advanced tab, disable the next generation java plug-in under Java Plug-In

Clear any cache of browser and delete any temporary files.

Delete this documentum folder mostly found on location: C:\Documents and

Settings\USER_ID\Documentum, or take backup.

Kill java process

Kill javaw process.

Restart browser and login webtop application.

Hopefully, the next time you open your applet window, you won’t see the incompatibility issue.

If you have similar solution, please feel free to comment it

Popular posts from this blog

Tenalirama: Man who bring kingdom to its knees with rice and chessboard !


Witty Wednesday What is interesting fact that you can come up with seemingly mundane everyday rice and game of strategy, chess.  Let me tell you this in a story. The story of a man who bring whole kingdom down on its knees, single handedly with these two things. This is one of the famous story of TenaliRama. I was watching one TV serial the other day named “TenaliRama». TenaliRama was the real person who was famous for his wits and who is protagonist in this serial. «Tenali Ramakrishna who was known as Vikatakavi (clown jester poet), was a Telugu poet who hailed from the present-day Andhra Pradesh region, generally known for his wit and humor. He was one of the Ashtadiggajas or the eight poets at the court of Krishnadevaraya, the Vijayanagar emperor. (1509–1530). Tenali Ramakrishna composed works on Hinduism. Tenali Ramakrishna was also a great scholar of several languages that included Marathi, Tamil, and Kannada.»- Wikipedia As the

DFC_DOCBROKER_EXCLUDED: Primary Docbroker Blacklisted

Problem & Cause Have you ever come across the error in the log java.io.IOException: DFC_DOCBROKER_EXCLUDED. This means that somehow, your DFC is not able to communicate with your docbroker, specified in dfc.properties. Your docbroker is responsible for communication between the application deployed on the application server, and the docbase. Docbroker acts like a bridge between the two layers of architecture. But, due to some reason, this bridge is broken. There can be multiple reasons behind it. 1. Bad connection or Network failure 2. Docbroker does not start properly 3. Docbroker is not properly added in dfc.properties 4. Patch applied for DFC doesn’t get deployed properly 5. Web application doesn’t start properly 6. DNS entry not resolved for the docbroker server 7. Any other unidentified reason. How does it work? The DFC of application maintains the list of docbrokers, which it can communicate. However, if it is not able to communicate with

AdiYogi Shiva: Feel the spiritual power


The bliss of a feeling of nothingness, the void around me, when my mind was like an empty container with nothing but one thought of his, when there was no sense of individuality and yet feeling of direct connection with the one; with everyone around me and I still felt the inner silence; at this point of state, I felt the vastness, the power of his and my tininess. This kind of experience can make you humble, it certainly made me. The experience I wrote above is hard to attain and may need years of practice and meditation. However, my last year visit to Coimbatore’s one of the most spiritual place, famously known as Adi Yogi Shiva can jump start your spiritual experience. The whole surrounding, the aura in the air and the weather uniting together with Mantras (enchantments) created positive energy all around to make one feel cleansed, right through his soul. Concept Designed by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, who is also the founder of Isha Foundation, Adi Yogi Shiva is a Bust St



               I am frequently founding the error known as «UCF session wait timeout». The below error….

An error has occurred.

ucf session wait timeout

After closing this window, press the Refresh or  Reload button on your browser to continue

Any body please give me suggestion to solve this problem.





  • dnvhariprasad

  • Franky Dee

    Have you checked your versions of OS, browser, JRE, etc aresupported on the client side and that your versions of OS, JDK/JRE and app server are supported too on the Webtop server side ?


  • Ramachandran

    hi ,

              I am login into the webtop and accessing the components in the webtop. while doing some operations ,it takes more time and then giving error message.


  • sagar.singh

    Try to check the version of JRE on the client. If it is supported, that try using the direct connection .

    Control Panel->Java->General ->Network Settings , Select Direct Connection Option.

    Hope it works.


  • lastnitescurry


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UCF Session Wait Time Out

Recently I faced this issue. This was the consequence of the some update patches done on the server. As a result the compatibility issues raised between IE and Java versions.

Due to update in patches by Java each time when these update takes place, default settings override the existing settings in IE. As a result the Java get unregistered with the browser, result, Documentum shows message during applet operation — your browser don’t support Java, UCF Wait Timeout or just a blank window with no progress bar shown and you are stuck forever.

However, there are few configuration thorugh which you can get rid of this —

1) Ensure you have latest Java version installed on your server and client

2) Ensure you have latest IE browser version installed on your client machine

2) Check your Internet Options for Java Applet

3) Verify that your Java Plugins are enabled properly

4) Check that next generation java plugin is disabled

1. Latest Java Version

Latest Java version will ensure maximum security updates and any new enhancements in java framework. All Java versions have backward compatibility to their previous versions for minimal impact. To Install Latest Java, just go to the java site. You can Google it out on internet. The java site will automatically check for the version of java you have installed on the computer or you can opt for the executable download for the another computer, in case you are not downloading it on your target machine.

2. Latest IE Browser

Browser is your window to the world. Keep your browser updated whenever possible. Most of the companies keep on updating their browser version through security patches, fixes, new functionality. Latest browser version means improved performance, faster response, safety from latest potential threat etc.

3. Enabling Java Applet for your browser

Sometimes having latest version of Java and browser is just not enough. You have to enable certain configurations in order to use them. These can be found in Tools-> Internet Options… ->Security Tab. You can set custom level for each of the internet, local intranet, trusted sites and restricted sites by enabling ActiveX to atleast prompt for your action. Further, set the advanced options in ‘Advanced’ Tab enable use of JRE under Java(Sun) heading, if it is not there, probably your JRE is ot properly installed.

4. Manage Add ons

Add-on are like extensions or additional features that extend the functionality of your browser. These are DLL files which can be enabled or disabled based on the requirement and frequency of use. Open your browser Add-ons by Clicking on Tools->Manage Add ons…

Verify that the Java related plugins are enabled if not enable them.

5. Disabling Next Gen Option

This is a new option added in JRE 1.6.0_10 onwards. Follow the steps below to disable it —

1. Go to Control Panel->Java

2. Under Advanced tab, disable the next generation java plug-in under Java Plug-In

Clear any cache of browser and delete any temporary files.

Delete this documentum folder mostly found on location: C:Documents and

SettingsUSER_IDDocumentum, or take backup.

Kill java process

Kill javaw process.

Restart browser and login webtop application.

Hopefully, the next time you open your applet window, you won’t see the incompatibility issue.

If you have similar solution, please feel free to comment it

Popular posts from this blog

Tenalirama: Man who bring kingdom to its knees with rice and chessboard !


Witty Wednesday What is interesting fact that you can come up with seemingly mundane everyday rice and game of strategy, chess.  Let me tell you this in a story. The story of a man who bring whole kingdom down on its knees, single handedly with these two things. This is one of the famous story of TenaliRama. I was watching one TV serial the other day named “TenaliRama». TenaliRama was the real person who was famous for his wits and who is protagonist in this serial. «Tenali Ramakrishna who was known as Vikatakavi (clown jester poet), was a Telugu poet who hailed from the present-day Andhra Pradesh region, generally known for his wit and humor. He was one of the Ashtadiggajas or the eight poets at the court of Krishnadevaraya, the Vijayanagar emperor. (1509–1530). Tenali Ramakrishna composed works on Hinduism. Tenali Ramakrishna was also a great scholar of several languages that included Marathi, Tamil, and Kannada.»- Wikipedia As the

DFC_DOCBROKER_EXCLUDED: Primary Docbroker Blacklisted

Problem & Cause Have you ever come across the error in the log java.io.IOException: DFC_DOCBROKER_EXCLUDED. This means that somehow, your DFC is not able to communicate with your docbroker, specified in dfc.properties. Your docbroker is responsible for communication between the application deployed on the application server, and the docbase. Docbroker acts like a bridge between the two layers of architecture. But, due to some reason, this bridge is broken. There can be multiple reasons behind it. 1. Bad connection or Network failure 2. Docbroker does not start properly 3. Docbroker is not properly added in dfc.properties 4. Patch applied for DFC doesn’t get deployed properly 5. Web application doesn’t start properly 6. DNS entry not resolved for the docbroker server 7. Any other unidentified reason. How does it work? The DFC of application maintains the list of docbrokers, which it can communicate. However, if it is not able to communicate with

AdiYogi Shiva: Feel the spiritual power


The bliss of a feeling of nothingness, the void around me, when my mind was like an empty container with nothing but one thought of his, when there was no sense of individuality and yet feeling of direct connection with the one; with everyone around me and I still felt the inner silence; at this point of state, I felt the vastness, the power of his and my tininess. This kind of experience can make you humble, it certainly made me. The experience I wrote above is hard to attain and may need years of practice and meditation. However, my last year visit to Coimbatore’s one of the most spiritual place, famously known as Adi Yogi Shiva can jump start your spiritual experience. The whole surrounding, the aura in the air and the weather uniting together with Mantras (enchantments) created positive energy all around to make one feel cleansed, right through his soul. Concept Designed by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, who is also the founder of Isha Foundation, Adi Yogi Shiva is a Bust St


I have installed Webtop 6.81 and i am trying to open a pdf file. The problem is that , when i double click the document to open it, i am getting the error “UCF session wait timeout”, after waiting a little bit.

The idea is that i got this error in one machine with IE11 x64 with Java8 x64, where the app server is installed. On other machine, where is almost the same configuration, i can open the document without problems.

I mention that the difference between the two machines is that the machine which is not working has not access to internet.

What i observed is that, in the machine where the UCF is not working, the trace of requests stopped here:

“/<MyApp>/_0/1al4gsbgg-9h0i/wdk/system HTTP GET (Aborted)”

What could be the problem?

Thank you

If you can view/export/checkout a file in Webtop, but fail to import/checkin a file and receive the following error message:


[2006-01-27 13:55:34,620|ERROR|http-8080-Processor25 |com.documentum.fc.common.DfLogger|error|60 ] invokeMethod() failed while calling: onOk

ucf session wait timeout : ucf session wait timeout

java.lang.IllegalStateException: ucf session wait timeout

at com.documentum.web.contentxfer.ucf.UcfSessionManager.newSession(UcfSessionManager.java:396)

at com.documentum.web.contentxfer.ucf.UcfSessionManager.getSession(UcfSessionManager.java:118)

at com.documentum.web.contentxfer.ucf.UcfContentTransport.getUcfSession(UcfContentTransport.java:194)


This can be caused by the strict security settings in your Internet Explorer. Please open Tools->Options->Security tab in IE, and enable the following two options:


Allow paste operations via script

Scripting of Java applets


When performing checkin/import operations, we need JavaScript and the Applet to be able to interact with each other.

The UCF feature in Documentum seems to be a necessary evil.   I have had more complaints from our users regarding UCF than any other Documentum component.

The most common complaint is – It is DAMN slow to launch!!

I agree with the users.   Launching UCF in our organization’s environment takes around 50-70 seconds!!!

Imagine that you read around 20 documents at different times in the day and every time you want to read a document, you have to wait for 50 seconds. Can you imagine the wait while your browser displays a blank page?   No wonder the users complain about this.

After running several rounds of tests, we identified the factors that cause these really slow response times.
1) UCF uses Java JRE 1.5.x.  JRE needs time to initialize itself and load into memory before UCF kicks into action.  On a laptop with 1GB RAM and a reasonably fast CPU, JRE takes around 20-30 seconds to launch.
2) Another key factor is the presence of Anti-virus software on the user’s laptop.  Since AV will scan all the JRE related .jar files, the JRE initialization will be further slowed slowed down.

From our tests,  (Only the first operation after browser restart takes this long. Next operations should finish between 10-15 seconds)
– Export operation using UCF with Anti-virus takes around 50-70 seconds
– When Anti-virus is turned off, the Export operation takes around 35-45 seconds.

Some suggestions:
– Tune your anti-virus settings to exclude JRE folders and UCF folders
– Exclude anti-virus from scanning into .zip and archive files
– TEST with various settings

Here are some of the other common problems with UCF:
– JRE gets updated automatically when a new update is available from sun.com.  Sometimes this breaks the UCF.  Solution could be to try deleting all the UCF related folders and files in UCF folder (usually found in C:Documents and SettingsDocumentumucf)

Customers who are planning to use Documentum should test the performance of UCF in their environment.
1) Setup a pilot environment on a test server.  Access Webtop from a typical end-user PC and check the response times.  Make sure you are running anti-virus and any other software that are standard to your environment.  This is one way to ensure that the system performance will be acceptable to the end-users.
2) If you are planning to conduct any peformance testing and load testing, ensure that you specify that some scenarios include testing with UCF enabled.

This entry was posted on Monday, September 1st, 2008 at 2:28 pm and is filed under Admin, WDK. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

The UCF feature in Documentum seems to be a necessary evil.   I have had more complaints from our users regarding UCF than any other Documentum component.

The most common complaint is – It is DAMN slow to launch!!

I agree with the users.   Launching UCF in our organization’s environment takes around 50-70 seconds!!!

Imagine that you read around 20 documents at different times in the day and every time you want to read a document, you have to wait for 50 seconds. Can you imagine the wait while your browser displays a blank page?   No wonder the users complain about this.

After running several rounds of tests, we identified the factors that cause these really slow response times.
1) UCF uses Java JRE 1.5.x.  JRE needs time to initialize itself and load into memory before UCF kicks into action.  On a laptop with 1GB RAM and a reasonably fast CPU, JRE takes around 20-30 seconds to launch.
2) Another key factor is the presence of Anti-virus software on the user’s laptop.  Since AV will scan all the JRE related .jar files, the JRE initialization will be further slowed slowed down.

From our tests,  (Only the first operation after browser restart takes this long. Next operations should finish between 10-15 seconds)
– Export operation using UCF with Anti-virus takes around 50-70 seconds
– When Anti-virus is turned off, the Export operation takes around 35-45 seconds.

Some suggestions:
– Tune your anti-virus settings to exclude JRE folders and UCF folders
– Exclude anti-virus from scanning into .zip and archive files
– TEST with various settings

Here are some of the other common problems with UCF:
– JRE gets updated automatically when a new update is available from sun.com.  Sometimes this breaks the UCF.  Solution could be to try deleting all the UCF related folders and files in UCF folder (usually found in C:\Documents and Settings\Documentum\ucf)

Customers who are planning to use Documentum should test the performance of UCF in their environment.
1) Setup a pilot environment on a test server.  Access Webtop from a typical end-user PC and check the response times.  Make sure you are running anti-virus and any other software that are standard to your environment.  This is one way to ensure that the system performance will be acceptable to the end-users.
2) If you are planning to conduct any peformance testing and load testing, ensure that you specify that some scenarios include testing with UCF enabled.

This entry was posted on Monday, September 1st, 2008 at 2:28 pm and is filed under Admin, WDK. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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