Type mismatch vba excel ошибка массив

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Mismatch Error


  1. Объяснение Type Mismatch Error
  2. Использование отладчика
  3. Присвоение строки числу
  4. Недействительная дата
  5. Ошибка ячейки
  6. Неверные данные ячейки
  7. Имя модуля
  8. Различные типы объектов
  9. Коллекция Sheets
  10. Массивы и диапазоны
  11. Заключение

Объяснение Type Mismatch Error

Type Mismatch Error VBA возникает при попытке назначить значение между двумя различными типами переменных.

Ошибка отображается как:
run-time error 13 – Type mismatch

VBA Type Mismatch Error 13

Например, если вы пытаетесь поместить текст в целочисленную переменную Long или пытаетесь поместить число в переменную Date.

Давайте посмотрим на конкретный пример. Представьте, что у нас есть переменная с именем Total, которая является длинным целым числом Long.

Если мы попытаемся поместить текст в переменную, мы получим Type Mismatch Error VBA (т.е. VBA Error 13).

Sub TypeMismatchStroka()

    ' Объявите переменную типа long integer
    Dim total As Long
    ' Назначение строки приведет к Type Mismatch Error
    total = "Иван"
End Sub

Давайте посмотрим на другой пример. На этот раз у нас есть переменная ReportDate типа Date.

Если мы попытаемся поместить в эту переменную не дату, мы получим Type Mismatch Error VBA.

Sub TypeMismatchData()

    ' Объявите переменную типа Date
    Dim ReportDate As Date
    ' Назначение числа вызывает Type Mismatch Error
    ReportDate = "21-22"
End Sub

В целом, VBA часто прощает, когда вы назначаете неправильный тип значения переменной, например:

Dim x As Long

' VBA преобразует в целое число 100
x = 99.66

' VBA преобразует в целое число 66
x = "66"

Тем не менее, есть некоторые преобразования, которые VBA не может сделать:

Dim x As Long

' Type Mismatch Error
x = "66a"

Простой способ объяснить Type Mismatch Error VBA состоит в том, что элементы по обе стороны от равных оценивают другой тип.

При возникновении Type Mismatch Error это часто не так просто, как в этих примерах. В этих более сложных случаях мы можем использовать средства отладки, чтобы помочь нам устранить ошибку.

Использование отладчика

В VBA есть несколько очень мощных инструментов для поиска ошибок. Инструменты отладки позволяют приостановить выполнение кода и проверить значения в текущих переменных.

Вы можете использовать следующие шаги, чтобы помочь вам устранить любую Type Mismatch Error VBA.

  1. Запустите код, чтобы появилась ошибка.
  2. Нажмите Debug в диалоговом окне ошибки. Это выделит строку с ошибкой.
  3. Выберите View-> Watch из меню, если окно просмотра не видно.
  4. Выделите переменную слева от equals и перетащите ее в окно Watch.
  5. Выделите все справа от равных и перетащите его в окно Watch.
  6. Проверьте значения и типы каждого.
  7. Вы можете сузить ошибку, изучив отдельные части правой стороны.

Следующее видео показывает, как это сделать.

На скриншоте ниже вы можете увидеть типы в окне просмотра.

VBA Type Mismatch Watch

Используя окно просмотра, вы можете проверить различные части строки кода с ошибкой. Затем вы можете легко увидеть, что это за типы переменных.

В следующих разделах показаны различные способы возникновения Type Mismatch Error VBA.

Присвоение строки числу

Как мы уже видели, попытка поместить текст в числовую переменную может привести к Type Mismatch Error VBA.

Ниже приведены некоторые примеры, которые могут вызвать ошибку:

Sub TextErrors()

    ' Long - длинное целое число
    Dim l As Long
    l = "a"
    ' Double - десятичное число
    Dim d As Double
    d = "a"
   ' Валюта - 4-х значное число
    Dim c As Currency
    c = "a"
    Dim d As Double
    ' Несоответствие типов, если ячейка содержит текст
    d = Range("A1").Value
End Sub

Недействительная дата

VBA очень гибок в назначении даты переменной даты. Если вы поставите месяц в неправильном порядке или пропустите день, VBA все равно сделает все возможное, чтобы удовлетворить вас.

В следующих примерах кода показаны все допустимые способы назначения даты, за которыми следуют случаи, которые могут привести к Type Mismatch Error VBA.

Sub DateMismatch()

    Dim curDate As Date
    ' VBA сделает все возможное для вас
    ' - Все они действительны
    curDate = "12/12/2016"
    curDate = "12-12-2016"
    curDate = #12/12/2016#
    curDate = "11/Aug/2016"
    curDate = "11/Augu/2016"
    curDate = "11/Augus/2016"
    curDate = "11/August/2016"
    curDate = "19/11/2016"
    curDate = "11/19/2016"
    curDate = "1/1"
    curDate = "1/2016"
    ' Type Mismatch Error
    curDate = "19/19/2016"
    curDate = "19/Au/2016"
    curDate = "19/Augusta/2016"
    curDate = "August"
    curDate = "Какой-то случайный текст"

End Sub

Ошибка ячейки

Тонкая причина Type Mismatch Error VBA — это когда вы читаете из ячейки с ошибкой, например:

VBA Runtime Error

Если вы попытаетесь прочитать из этой ячейки, вы получите Type Mismatch Error.

Dim sText As String

' Type Mismatch Error, если ячейка содержит ошибку
sText = Sheet1.Range("A1").Value

Чтобы устранить эту ошибку, вы можете проверить ячейку с помощью IsError следующим образом.

Dim sText As String
If IsError(Sheet1.Range("A1").Value) = False Then
    sText = Sheet1.Range("A1").Value
End If

Однако проверка всех ячеек на наличие ошибок невозможна и сделает ваш код громоздким. Лучший способ — сначала проверить лист на наличие ошибок, а если ошибки найдены, сообщить об этом пользователю.

Вы можете использовать следующую функцию, чтобы сделать это:

Function CheckForErrors(rg As Range) As Long

    On Error Resume Next
    CheckForErrors = rg.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, xlErrors).Count

End Function

Ниже приведен пример использования этого кода.

Sub DoStuff()

    If CheckForErrors(Sheet1.Range("A1:Z1000")) > 0 Then
        MsgBox "На листе есть ошибки. Пожалуйста, исправьте и запустите макрос снова."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Продолжайте здесь, если нет ошибок

End Sub

Неверные данные ячейки

Как мы видели, размещение неверного типа значения в переменной вызывает Type Mismatch Error VBA. Очень распространенная причина — это когда значение в ячейке имеет неправильный тип.

Пользователь может поместить текст, такой как «Нет», в числовое поле, не осознавая, что это приведет к Type Mismatch Error в коде.

VBA Error 13

Если мы прочитаем эти данные в числовую переменную, то получим
Type Mismatch Error VBA.

Dim rg As Range
Set rg = Sheet1.Range("B2:B5")

Dim cell As Range, Amount As Long
For Each cell In rg
    ' Ошибка при достижении ячейки с текстом «Нет»
    Amount = cell.Value
Next rg

Вы можете использовать следующую функцию, чтобы проверить наличие нечисловых ячеек, прежде чем использовать данные.

Function CheckForTextCells(rg As Range) As Long

    ' Подсчет числовых ячеек
    If rg.Count = rg.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlNumbers).Count Then
        CheckForTextCells = True
    End If
End Function

Вы можете использовать это так:

Sub IspolzovanieCells()

    If CheckForTextCells(Sheet1.Range("B2:B6").Value) = False Then
        MsgBox "Одна из ячеек не числовая. Пожалуйста, исправьте перед запуском макроса"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Продолжайте здесь, если нет ошибок

End Sub

Имя модуля

Если вы используете имя модуля в своем коде, это может привести к
Type Mismatch Error VBA. Однако в этом случае причина может быть не очевидной.

Например, допустим, у вас есть модуль с именем «Module1». Выполнение следующего кода приведет к о
Type Mismatch Error VBA.

Sub IspolzovanieImeniModulya()
    ' Type Mismatch Error
    Debug.Print module1

End Sub

VBA Type Mismatch Module Name

Различные типы объектов

До сих пор мы рассматривали в основном переменные. Мы обычно называем переменные основными типами данных.

Они используются для хранения одного значения в памяти.

В VBA у нас также есть объекты, которые являются более сложными. Примерами являются объекты Workbook, Worksheet, Range и Chart.

Если мы назначаем один из этих типов, мы должны убедиться, что назначаемый элемент является объектом того же типа. Например:

Sub IspolzovanieWorksheet()

    Dim wk As Worksheet
    ' действительный
    Set wk = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
    ' Type Mismatch Error
    ' Левая сторона - это worksheet - правая сторона - это workbook
    Set wk = Workbooks(1)

End Sub

Коллекция Sheets

В VBA объект рабочей книги имеет две коллекции — Sheets и Worksheets. Есть очень тонкая разница.

  1. Worksheets — сборник рабочих листов в Workbook
  2. Sheets — сборник рабочих листов и диаграммных листов в Workbook

Лист диаграммы создается, когда вы перемещаете диаграмму на собственный лист, щелкая правой кнопкой мыши на диаграмме и выбирая «Переместить».

Если вы читаете коллекцию Sheets с помощью переменной Worksheet, она будет работать нормально, если у вас нет рабочей таблицы.

Если у вас есть лист диаграммы, вы получите
Type Mismatch Error VBA.

В следующем коде Type Mismatch Error появится в строке «Next sh», если рабочая книга содержит лист с диаграммой.

Sub SheetsError()

    Dim sh As Worksheet
    For Each sh In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
        Debug.Print sh.Name
    Next sh

End Sub

Массивы и диапазоны

Вы можете назначить диапазон массиву и наоборот. На самом деле это очень быстрый способ чтения данных.

Sub IspolzovanieMassiva()

    Dim arr As Variant
    ' Присвойте диапазон массиву
    arr = Sheet1.Range("A1:B2").Value
    ' Выведите значение в строку 1, столбец 1
    Debug.Print arr(1, 1)

End Sub

Проблема возникает, если ваш диапазон имеет только одну ячейку. В этом случае VBA не преобразует arr в массив.

Если вы попытаетесь использовать его как массив, вы получите
Type Mismatch Error .

Sub OshibkaIspolzovanieMassiva()

    Dim arr As Variant
    ' Присвойте диапазон массиву
    arr = Sheet1.Range("A1").Value
    ' Здесь будет происходить Type Mismatch Error
    Debug.Print arr(1, 1)

End Sub

В этом сценарии вы можете использовать функцию IsArray, чтобы проверить, является ли arr массивом.

Sub IspolzovanieMassivaIf()

    Dim arr As Variant
    ' Присвойте диапазон массиву
    arr = Sheet1.Range("A1").Value
    ' Здесь будет происходить Type Mismatch Error
    If IsArray(arr) Then
        Debug.Print arr(1, 1)
        Debug.Print arr
    End If

End Sub


На этом мы завершаем статью об Type Mismatch Error VBA. Если у вас есть ошибка несоответствия, которая не раскрыта, пожалуйста, дайте мне знать в комментариях.

    myArray = Array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E")

    Call someSub(myArray)

    Sub someSub(ByRef myArray() as String) 'Error here
       'contents here
    End Sub

Type mismatch error on that second part — what’s causing it?

asked Dec 6, 2012 at 17:56

KaliMa's user avatar


1,9706 gold badges26 silver badges51 bronze badges

Did you by any chance omit to use Option Explicit and then went on to not specify myArray’s type ? That will make it a variant and you are saying as String which is indeed a type mismatch.

answered Dec 6, 2012 at 18:06

ApplePie's user avatar


8,8245 gold badges39 silver badges60 bronze badges


Figured it out — had to pass it as plain Variant

Sub someSub(myArray as Variant)

answered Dec 6, 2012 at 18:07

KaliMa's user avatar


1,9706 gold badges26 silver badges51 bronze badges


Should really be using option explicit and then defining all of your variables as specific types. In this case:

Option Explicit

Dim myArray(1 to 10) as String 'define the number of elements before you use it.
myArray(1) = 'A'
myArray(2) = 'B'
[etc etc]

It’s a bit longer, but being type safe will make your code run faster and make it much easier to read. It also prevents errors like the one you’ve run into…

answered Dec 6, 2012 at 18:58

Jay Carr's user avatar

Jay CarrJay Carr

1,1956 gold badges16 silver badges32 bronze badges


  • 1 VBA Type Mismatch Explained
  • 2 VBA Type Mismatch YouTube Video
  • 3 How to Locate the Type Mismatch Error
  • 4 Assigning a string to a numeric
  • 5 Invalid date
  • 6 Cell Error
  • 7 Invalid Cell Data
  • 8 Module Name
  • 9 Different Object Types
  • 10 Sheets Collection
  • 11 Array and Range
  • 12 Conclusion
  • 13 What’s Next?

VBA Type Mismatch Explained

A VBA Type Mismatch Error occurs when you try to assign a value between two different variable types.

The error appears as “run-time error 13 – Type mismatch”.

VBA Type Mismatch Error 13

For example, if you try to place text in a Long integer variable or you try to place text in a Date variable.

Let’s look at a concrete example. Imagine we have a variable called Total which is a Long integer.

If we try to place text in the variable we will get the VBA Type mismatch error(i.e. VBA Error 13).

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub TypeMismatchString()

    ' Declare a variable of type long integer
    Dim total As Long
    ' Assigning a string will cause a type mismatch error
    total = "John"
End Sub

Let’s look at another example. This time we have a variable ReportDate of type Date.

If we try to place a non-date in this variable we will get a VBA Type mismatch error

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub TypeMismatchDate()

    ' Declare a variable of type Date
    Dim ReportDate As Date
    ' Assigning a number causes a type mismatch error
    ReportDate = "21-22"
End Sub

In general, VBA is very forgiving when you assign the wrong value type to a variable e.g.

Dim x As Long

' VBA will convert to integer 100
x = 99.66

' VBA will convert to integer 66
x = "66"

However, there are some conversions that VBA cannot do

Dim x As Long

' Type mismatch error
x = "66a"

A simple way to explain a VBA Type mismatch error, is that the items on either side of the equals evaluate to a different type.

When a Type mismatch error occurs it is often not as simple as these examples. For these more complex cases we can use the Debugging tools to help us resolve the error.

VBA Type Mismatch YouTube Video

Don’t forget to check out my YouTube video on the Type Mismatch Error here:

How to Locate the Type Mismatch Error

The most important thing to do when solving the Type Mismatch error is to, first of all, locate the line with the error and then locate the part of the line that is causing the error.

If your code has Error Handling then it may not be obvious which line has the error.

If the line of code is complex then it may not be obvious which part is causing the error.

The following video will show you how to find the exact piece of code that causes a VBA Error in under a minute:

The following sections show the different ways that the VBA Type Mismatch error can occur.

Assigning a string to a numeric

As we have seen, trying to place text in a numeric variable can lead to the VBA Type mismatch error.

Below are some examples that will cause the error

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub TextErrors()

    ' Long is a long integer
    Dim l As Long
    l = "a"
    ' Double is a decimal number
    Dim d As Double
    d = "a"
    ' Currency is a 4 decimal place number
    Dim c As Currency
    c = "a"
    Dim d As Double
    ' Type mismatch if the cell contains text
    d = Range("A1").Value
End Sub

Invalid date

VBA is very flexible when it comes to assigning a date to a date variable. If you put the month in the wrong order or leave out the day, VBA will still do it’s best to accommodate you.

The following code examples show all the valid ways to assign a date followed by the cases that will cause a VBA Type mismatch error.

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub DateMismatch()

    Dim curDate As Date
    ' VBA will do it's best for you
    ' - These are all valid
    curDate = "12/12/2016"
    curDate = "12-12-2016"
    curDate = #12/12/2016#
    curDate = "11/Aug/2016"
    curDate = "11/Augu/2016"
    curDate = "11/Augus/2016"
    curDate = "11/August/2016"
    curDate = "19/11/2016"
    curDate = "11/19/2016"
    curDate = "1/1"
    curDate = "1/2016"
    ' Type Mismatch
    curDate = "19/19/2016"
    curDate = "19/Au/2016"
    curDate = "19/Augusta/2016"
    curDate = "August"
    curDate = "Some Random Text"

End Sub

Cell Error

A subtle cause of the VBA Type Mismatch error is when you read from a cell that has an error e.g.

VBA Runtime Error

If you try to read from this cell you will get a type mismatch error

Dim sText As String

' Type Mismatch if the cell contains an error
sText = Sheet1.Range("A1").Value

To resolve this error you can check the cell using IsError as follows.

Dim sText As String
If IsError(Sheet1.Range("A1").Value) = False Then
    sText = Sheet1.Range("A1").Value
End If

However, checking all the cells for errors is not feasible and would make your code unwieldy. A better way is to check the sheet for errors first and if errors are found then inform the user.

You can use the following function to do this

Function CheckForErrors(rg As Range) As Long

    On Error Resume Next
    CheckForErrors = rg.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, xlErrors).Count

End Function

The following is an example of using this code

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub DoStuff()

    If CheckForErrors(Sheet1.Range("A1:Z1000")) > 0 Then
        MsgBox "There are errors on the worksheet. Please fix and run macro again."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Continue here if no error

End Sub

Invalid Cell Data

As we saw, placing an incorrect value type in a variable causes the ‘VBA Type Mismatch’ error. A very common cause is when the value in a cell is not of the correct type.

A user could place text like ‘None’ in a number field not realizing that this will cause a Type mismatch error in the code.

VBA Error 13

If we read this data into a number variable then we will get a ‘VBA Type Mismatch’ error error.

Dim rg As Range
Set rg = Sheet1.Range("B2:B5")

Dim cell As Range, Amount As Long
For Each cell In rg
    ' Error when reaches cell with 'None' text
    Amount = cell.Value
Next rg

You can use the following function to check for non numeric cells before you use the data

Function CheckForTextCells(rg As Range) As Long

    ' Count numeric cells
    If rg.Count = rg.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlNumbers).Count Then
        CheckForTextCells = True
    End If
End Function

You can use it like this

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub UseCells()

    If CheckForTextCells(Sheet1.Range("B2:B6").Value) = False Then
        MsgBox "One of the cells is not numeric. Please fix before running macro"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Continue here if no error

End Sub

Module Name

If you use the Module name in your code this can cause the VBA Type mismatch to occur. However in this case the cause may not be obvious.

For example let’s say you have a Module called ‘Module1’. Running the following code would result in the VBA Type mismatch error.

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub UseModuleName()
    ' Type Mismatch
    Debug.Print module1

End Sub

VBA Type Mismatch Module Name

Different Object Types

So far we have been looking mainly at variables. We normally refer to variables as basic data types.

They are used to store a single value in memory.

In VBA we also have objects which are more complex. Examples are the Workbook, Worksheet, Range and Chart objects.

If we are assigning one of these types we must ensure the item being assigned is the same kind of object. For Example

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub UsingWorksheet()

    Dim wk As Worksheet
    ' Valid
    Set wk = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
    ' Type Mismatch error
    ' Left side is a worksheet - right side is a workbook
    Set wk = Workbooks(1)

End Sub

Sheets Collection

In VBA, the workbook object has two collections – Sheets and Worksheets. There is a very subtle difference

  1. Worksheets – the collection of worksheets in the Workbook
  2. Sheets – the collection of worksheets and chart sheets in the Workbook

A chart sheet is created when you move a chart to it’s own sheet by right-clicking on the chart and selecting Move.

If you read the Sheets collection using a Worksheet variable it will work fine if you don’t have a chart sheet in your workbook.

If you do have a chart sheet then you will get the VBA Type mismatch error.

In the following code, a Type mismatch error will appear on the Next sh line if the workbook contains a chart sheet.

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub SheetsError()

    Dim sh As Worksheet
    For Each sh In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
        Debug.Print sh.Name
    Next sh

End Sub

Array and Range

You can assign a range to an array and vice versa. In fact this is a very fast way of reading through data.

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub UseArray()

    Dim arr As Variant
    ' Assign the range to an array
    arr = Sheet1.Range("A1:B2").Value
    ' Print the value a row 1, column 1
    Debug.Print arr(1, 1)

End Sub

The problem occurs if your range has only one cell. In this case, VBA does not convert arr to an array.

If you try to use it as an array you will get the Type mismatch error

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub UseArrayError()

    Dim arr As Variant
    ' Assign the range to an array
    arr = Sheet1.Range("A1").Value
    ' Type mismatch will occur here
    Debug.Print arr(1, 1)

End Sub

In this scenario, you can use the IsArray function to check if arr is an array

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub UseArrayIf()

    Dim arr As Variant
    ' Assign the range to an array
    arr = Sheet1.Range("A1").Value
    ' Type mismatch will occur here
    If IsArray(arr) Then
        Debug.Print arr(1, 1)
        Debug.Print arr
    End If

End Sub


This concludes the post on the VBA Type mismatch error. If you have a mismatch error that isn’t covered then please let me know in the comments.

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In this Article

  • VBA Type Mismatch Errors
    • What is a Type Mismatch Error?
    • Mismatch Error Caused by Worksheet Calculation
      • Mismatch Error Caused by Entered Cell Values
      • Mismatch Error Caused by Calling a Function or Sub Routine Using Parameters
      • Mismatch Error Caused by using Conversion Functions in VBA Incorrectly
      • General Prevention of Mismatch Errors
      • Define your variables as Variant Type
      • Use the OnError Command to Handle Errors
      • Use the OnError Command to Supress Errors
      • Converting the Data to a Data Type to Match the Declaration
      • Testing Variables Within Your Code
      • Objects and Mismatch Errors

VBA Type Mismatch Errors

What is a Type Mismatch Error?

A mismatch error can often occur when you run your VBA code.  The error will stop your code from running completely and flag up by means of a message box that this error needs sorting out

Note that if you have not fully tested your code before distribution to users, this error message will be visible to users, and will cause a big loss of confidence in your Excel application.  Unfortunately, users often do very peculiar things to an application and are often things that you as the developer never considered.

A type mismatch error occurs because you have defined a variable using the Dim statement as a certain type e.g. integer, date, and your code is trying to assign a value to the variable which is not acceptable e.g. text string assigned to an integer variable as in this example:

Here is an example:

PIC 01

Click on Debug and the offending line of code will be highlighted in yellow.  There is no option on the error pop-up to continue, since this is a major error and there is no way the code can run any further.

In this particular case, the solution is to change the Dim statement to a variable type that works with the value that you are assigning to the variable. The code will work if you change the variable type to ‘String’, and you would probably want to change the variable name as well.

PIC 02

However, changing the variable type will need your project resetting, and you will have to run your code again right from the beginning again, which can be very annoying if a long procedure is involved

PIC 03

Mismatch Error Caused by Worksheet Calculation

The example above is a very simple one of how a mismatch error can be produced and, in this case, it is easily remedied

However, the cause of mismatch errors is usually far deeper than this, and is not so obvious when you are trying to debug your code.

As an example, suppose that you have written code to pick up a value in a certain position on a worksheet and it contains a calculation dependent other cells within the workbook (B1 in this example)

The worksheet looks like this example, with a formula to find a particular character within a string of text

PIC 04

From the user’s point of view, cell A1 is free format and they can enter any value that they want to.  However, the formula is looking for an occurrence of the character ‘B’, and in this case it is not found so cell B1 has an error value.

The test code below will produce a mismatch error because a wrong value has been entered into cell A1

Sub TestMismatch()
Dim MyNumber As Integer
MyNumber = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B1").Value
End Sub

The value in cell B1 has produced an error because the user has entered text into cell A1 which does not conform to what was expected and it does not contain the character ‘B’

The code tries to assign the value to the variable ‘MyNumber’ which has been defined to expect an integer, and so you get a mismatch error.

This is one of these examples where meticulously checking your code will not provide the answer. You also need to look on the worksheet where the value is coming from in order to find out why this is happening.

The problem is actually on the worksheet, and the formula in B1 needs changing so that error values are dealt with. You can do this by using the ‘IFERROR’ formula to provide a default value of 0 if the search character is not found

PIC 05

You can then incorporate code to check for a zero value, and to display a warning message to the user that the value in cell A1 is invalid

Sub TestMismatch()
Dim MyNumber As Integer
MyNumber = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B1").Text
If MyNumber = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Value at cell A1 is invalid", vbCritical
    Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

You could also use data validation (Data Tools group on the Data tab of the ribbon) on the spreadsheet to stop the user doing whatever they liked and causing worksheet errors in the first place. Only allow them to enter values that will not cause worksheet errors.

You could write VBA code based on the Change event in the worksheet to check what has been entered.

Also lock and password protect the worksheet, so that the invalid data cannot be entered

Mismatch Error Caused by Entered Cell Values

Mismatch errors can be caused in your code by bringing in normal values from a worksheet (non-error), but where the user has entered an unexpected value e.g. a text value when you were expecting a number.  They may have decided to insert a row within a range of numbers so that they can put a note into a cell explaining something about the number. After all, the user has no idea how your code works and that they have just thrown the whole thing out of kilter by entering their note.

PIC 06

The example code below creates a simple array called ‘MyNumber’ defined with integer values

The code then iterates through a range of the cells from A1 to A7, assigning the cell values into the array, using a variable ‘Coun’ to index each value

When the code reaches the text value, a mismatch error is caused by this and everything grinds to a halt

By clicking on ‘Debug’ in the error pop-up, you will see the line of code which has the problem highlighted in yellow. By hovering your cursor over any instance of the variable ‘Coun’ within the code, you will be able to see the value of ‘Coun’ where the code has failed, which in this case is 5

Looking on the worksheet, you will see that the 5th cell down has the text value and this has caused the code to fail

PIC 07

You could change your code by putting in a condition that checks for a numeric value first before adding the cell value into the array

Sub TestMismatch()
Dim MyNumber(10) As Integer, Coun As Integer
Coun = 1
    If Coun = 11 Then Exit Do
    If IsNumeric(Sheets("sheet1").Cells(Coun, 1).Value) Then
            MyNumber(Coun) = Sheets("sheet1").Cells(Coun, 1).Value
            MyNumber(Coun) = 0
    End If
    Coun = Coun + 1
End Sub

The code uses the ‘IsNumeric’ function to test if the value is actually a number, and if it is then it enters it into the array. If it is not number then it enters the value of zero.

This ensures that the array index is kept in line with the cell row numbers in the spreadsheet.

You could also add code that copies the original error value and location details to an ‘Errors’ worksheet so that the user can see what they have done wrong when your code is run.

The numeric test uses the full code for the cell as well as the code to assign the value into the array.  You could argue that this should be assigned to a variable so as not to keep repeating the same code, but the problem is that you would need to define the variable as a ‘Variant’ which is not the best thing to do.

You also need data validation on the worksheet and to password protect the worksheet.  This will prevent the user inserting rows, and entering unexpected data.

Mismatch Error Caused by Calling a Function or Sub Routine Using Parameters

When a function is called, you usually pass parameters to the function using data types already defined by the function. The function may be one already defined in VBA, or it may be a User Defined function that you have built yourself. A sub routine can also sometimes require parameters

If you do not stick to the conventions of how the parameters are passed to the function, you will get a mismatch error

Sub CallFunction()
Dim Ret As Integer
Ret = MyFunction(3, "test")
End Sub

Function MyFunction(N As Integer, T As String) As String
MyFunction = T
End Function

There are several possibilities here to get a mismatch error

The return variable (Ret) is defined as an integer, but the function returns a string. As soon as you run the code, it will fail because the function returns a string, and this cannot go into an integer variable.  Interestingly, running Debug on this code does not pick up this error.

If you put quote marks around the first parameter being passed (3), it is interpreted as a string, which does not match the definition of the first parameter in the function (integer)

If you make the second parameter in the function call into a numeric value, it will fail with a mismatch because the second parameter in the string is defined as a string (text)

Mismatch Error Caused by using Conversion Functions in VBA Incorrectly

There are a number of conversion functions that your can make use of in VBA to convert values to various data types. An example is ‘CInt’ which converts a string containing a number into an integer value.

If the string to be converted contains any alpha characters then you will get a mismatch error, even if the first part of the string contains numeric characters and the rest is alpha characters e.g. ‘123abc’

General Prevention of Mismatch Errors

We have seen in the examples above several ways of dealing with potential mismatch errors within your code, but there are a number of other ways, although they may not be the best options:

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Define your variables as Variant Type

A variant type is the default variable type in VBA. If you do not use a Dim statement for a variable and simply start using it in your code, then it is automatically given the type of Variant.

A Variant variable will accept any type of data, whether it is an integer, long integer, double precision number, boolean, or text value. This sounds like a wonderful idea, and you wonder why everyone does not just set all their variables to variant.

However, the variant data type has several downsides. Firstly, it takes up far more memory than other data types.  If you define a very large array as variant, it will swallow up a huge amount of memory when the VBA code is running, and could easily cause performance issues

Secondly, it is slower in performance generally, than if you are using specific data types.  For example, if you are making complex calculations using floating decimal point numbers, the calculations will be considerably slower if you store the numbers as variants, rather than double precision numbers

Using the variant type is considered sloppy programming, unless there is an absolute necessity for it.

Use the OnError Command to Handle Errors

The OnError command can be included in your code to deal with error trapping, so that if an error does ever occur the user sees a meaningful message instead of the standard VBA error pop-up

Sub ErrorTrap()
Dim MyNumber As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
MyNumber = "test"
MsgBox "The error " & Err.Description & " has occurred"
End Sub

This effectively prevents the error from stopping the smooth running of your code and allows the user to recover cleanly from the error situation.

The Err_Handler routine could show further information about the error and who to contact about it.

From a programming point of view, when you are using an error handling routine, it is quite difficult to locate the line of code the error is on. If you are stepping through the code using F8, as soon as the offending line of code is run, it jumps to the error handling routine, and you cannot check where it is going wrong.

A way around this is to set up a global constant that is True or False (Boolean) and use this to turn the error handling routine on or off using an ‘If’ statement.  When you want to test the error all you have to do is set the global constant to False and the error handler will no longer operate.

Global Const ErrHandling = False
Sub ErrorTrap()
Dim MyNumber As Integer
If ErrHandling = True Then On Error GoTo Err_Handler
MyNumber = "test"
MsgBox "The error " & Err.Description & " has occurred"
End Sub

The one problem with this is that it allows the user to recover from the error, but the rest of the code within the sub routine does not get run, which may have enormous repercussions later on in the application

Using the earlier example of looping through a range of cells, the code would get to cell A5 and hit the mismatched error.  The user would see a message box giving information on the error, but nothing from that cell onwards in the range would be processed.

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Use the OnError Command to Supress Errors

This uses the ‘On Error Resume Next’ command. This is very dangerous to include in your code as it prevents any subsequent errors being shown.  This basically means that as your code is executing, if an error occurs in a line of code, execution will just move to the next available line without executing the error line, and carry on as normal.

This may sort out a potential error situation, but it will still affect every future error in the code. You may then think that your code is bug free, but in fact it is not and parts of your code are not doing what you think it ought to be doing.

There are situations where it is necessary to use this command, such as if you are deleting a file using the ‘Kill’ command (if the file is not present, there will be an error), but the error trapping should always be switched back on immediately after where the potential error could occur using:

On Error Goto 0

In the earlier example of looping through a range of cells, using ‘On Error Resume Next’, this would enable the loop to continue, but the cell causing the error would not be transferred into the array, and the array element for that particular index would hold a null value.

Converting the Data to a Data Type to Match the Declaration

You can use VBA functions to alter the data type of incoming data so that it matches the data type of the receiving variable.

You can do this when passing parameters to functions.  For example, if you have a number that is held in a string variable and you want to pass it as a number to a function, you can use CInt

There are a number of these conversion functions that can be used, but here are the main ones:

CInt – converts a string that has a numeric value (below + or – 32,768) into an integer value. Be aware that this truncates any decimal points off

CLng – Converts a string that has a large numeric value into a long integer.  Decimal points are truncated off.

CDbl – Converts a string holding a floating decimal point number into a double precision number.  Includes decimal points

CDate – Converts a string that holds a date into a date variable. Partially depends on settings in the Windows Control Panel and your locale on how the date is interpreted

CStr – Converts a numeric or date value into a string

When converting from a string to a number or a date, the string must not contain anything other that numbers or a date.  If alpha characters are present this will produce a mismatch error. Here is an example that will produce a mismatch error:

Sub Test()
MsgBox CInt("123abc")
End Sub

Testing Variables Within Your Code

You can test a variable to find out what data type it is before you assign it to a variable of a particular type.

For example, you could check a string to see if it is numeric by using the ‘IsNumeric’ function in VBA

MsgBox IsNumeric("123test")

This code will return False because although the string begins with numeric characters, it also contains text so it fails the test.

MsgBox IsNumeric("123")

This code will return True because it is all numeric characters

There are a number of functions in VBA to test for various data types, but these are the main ones:

IsNumeric – tests whether an expression is a number or not

IsDate – tests whether an expression is a date or not

IsNull – tests whether an expression is null or not. A null value can only be put into a variant object otherwise you will get an error ‘Invalid Use of Null’. A message box returns a null value if you are using it to ask a question, so the return variable has to be a variant. Bear in mind that any calculation using a null value will always return the result of null.

IsArray – tests whether the expression represents an array or not

IsEmpty – tests whether the expression is empty or not.  Note that empty is not the same as null. A variable is empty when it is first defined but it is not a null value

Surprisingly enough, there is no function for IsText or IsString, which would be really useful

Objects and Mismatch Errors

If you are using objects such as a range or a sheet, you will get a mismatch error at compile time, not at run time, which gives you due warning that your code is not going to work

Sub TestRange()
Dim MyRange As Range, I As Long
Set MyRange = Range("A1:A2")
I = 10
x = UseMyRange(I)
End Sub
Function UseMyRange(R As Range)
End Function

This code has a function called ‘UseMyRange’ and a parameter passed across as a range object. However, the parameter being passed across is a Long Integer which does not match the data type.

When you run VBA code, it is immediately compiled, and you will see this error message:

PIC 08

The offending parameter will be highlighted with a blue background

Generally, if you make mistakes in VBA code using objects you will see this error message, rather than a type mismatch message:

PIC 09

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