Token eof expected ошибка

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  • When I try to create a custom column based on another column value the If function returns the error «Token Eof Expected». When i choose show error it points me to the Then clause.

    If [Ticket Type] = Normaal Then  1 Else 0


  • Did you want quotes around the text «Normaal»?

    Keywords are case-sensitive; «if», «then» and «else» must all be lower-case.

    • Edited by

      Tuesday, March 25, 2014 2:48 PM

    • Proposed as answer by
      Curt Hagenlocher
      Tuesday, March 25, 2014 3:20 PM
    • Marked as answer by
      Miguel.LlopisMicrosoft employee
      Monday, March 31, 2014 1:33 AM

I’m sure you’ve not got this far without encountering your fair share of Power Query errors. Just like Excel and other applications, Power Query has its own unique error messages. You’ve probably forgotten the first time you encountered the #NAME? or #VALUE! errors in Excel, but over time you hopefully worked out what to do when they arose. Now you are seeing Power Query errors, which probably appear strange and unfamiliar. It can be daunting at first, but over time you will understand what the errors are and what causes them.

While we can’t cover every error, the purpose of this post is to help demystify some of the more common errors you are likely to encounter.


Types of Power Query errors

Error messages can appear in various places, such as in the Queries & Connections pane, within the Power Query Editor, or maybe just as a value in a field.

I have grouped the common errors into three types:

  • Process creation errors
  • Data processing errors
  • Software bugs

We look at each of these and find out how to fix the most common issues.

Process creation errors

Process creation errors occur as we build a query. These are driven by either errors in the M code or our lack of understanding of how Power Query works.

M code errors

M code errors can be challenging to find, especially if we are new to the language. A comma, a mistyped word, or even a capital letter is enough to cause the process to fail. The three main places where we can edit M code are:

  • Custom Columns
  • Advanced Editor
  • Formula Bar

Let’s start by looking at Custom Columns, then move on to look at the Advanced Editor and Formula Bar.

Custom Columns

Of the M coding options, the Custom Column feature is the most accessible and the one we are most likely to use

Custom Columns contain a syntax check at the bottom of the screen to help guide us with formulas. Unfortunately, unless we’ve been working with Power Query for a while, we won’t understand what many of these messages mean.

Custom Column with a Syntax Error

The screenshot above shows the Token RightParen expected error message (we can also see a red squiggly underline below the comma). This is just one of many potential messages. As we type into the formula box, the message will change. Therefore, it is not worth looking at this message until we think the formula is finished. If the Show error link is visible, we can click it to take us to where the problem is.

Once you know what the messages mean, they are not as confusing as might initially seem. The most common warnings you’ll come across are:

  • Token Literal expected means the next thing in the formula is expected to be a value, column name, or function.
  • Token Then expected, or Token Else expected means the words then or else are expected to be entered. These will appear when writing an if statement.
  • Token RightParen expected means that a closing bracket (or parentheses depending on your local vernacular), is expected to close a formula.
  • A Comma cannot precede a RightParen means what it says; a comma cannot be directly in front of a closing bracket. There are no circumstances in M where this should be necessary.
  • Invalid literal indicates an issue with the value entered as an argument (this often occurs when a text string has not been closed using the double quotation character).
  • Token EoF expected usually occurs when an invalid function name is used, or it uses the wrong case (for example, if is a valid command, while If with an upper case I is not).
  • Token internal expected means the logical test, true value, or false value of an if statement is missing, or a formula contained within these arguments is incomplete.
  • The formula is incomplete usually indications no formula has been entered (only the equals symbol in the formula box).

Once we get the message that No syntax errors have been detected, we can click the OK button to close the window. Of course, this doesn’t mean the formula or data types are correct, but the syntax has been entered correctly.

Advanced Editor & Formula Bar

The Advanced Editor and Formula bar accept changes even if it causes an error. Unfortunately, this means the variety of error messages increases when using these features:

  • The Advanced Editor has the same warning message at the bottom as a Custom Column but allows us to click Done even if there is an error in the code.
  • The Formula Bar has no error checks. We can make any changes to the code and press the Enter key to accept those changes without any checks.

Given the multitude of possible errors we could create, we can’t go through all of them. However, it is much easier to troubleshoot once you know how to read the error message.

Advanced Editor syntax errors

Where there are syntax errors in the Advanced Editor, it highlights them with a red squiggly underline and describes the error at the bottom.

Advanced Editor syntax error

In the example above, the comma is missing at the end of the Source step. Therefore, this creates an error at the start of the #”Changed Type” step.

The underline may not show us exactly where the issue is; however it highlights at what point Power Query identifies the error. So we know it should be in the code prior to the error.

Expression syntax errors

As noted above, nothing stops us from entering errors into the Advanced Editor or Formula Bar.

The screenshot below shows an Expression.SyntaxError… hmmm… what does that mean?

If we look below the error message, Power Query has kindly shown us where the error is. If you notice, there is an arrow —->; this indicates the line that contains the error. By looking along that line, we find a group of ^^^; these pinpoint where the error resides.

Syntax Error in the Preview Window

In our example above, the error is that we have used a data type of tet, which is invalid.

Where there are multiple errors in the code, we may need to go through several rounds of error fixing as the error message will only show one error at a time.

Formula.Firewall error

There is a very frustrating error, which will rear its head from time to time – the dreaded Formula.Firewall error.

This error can take two forms:

Error message #1

Formula.Firewall: Query ‘____’ (step ‘____’) is accessing the data sources that have privacy levels which cannot be used together. Please rebuild this data combination.

Formula.Firewall from privacy levels

Error message #2

Formula.Firewall: Query ‘____’ (step ‘____’) references other queries or steps, so it may not directly access a data source. Please rebuild this data combination.

Formula.Firewall error from combining data sources

What do these mean? And how can we fix it?

Power Query does not like to use two data sources with different privacy settings. This usually occurs when there are:

  • External and internal data sources combined in a single query
  • Dynamic data sources used to define the source of another query

The following steps should fix the Formula.Firewall error.

Apply correct privacy settings

Let’s start by applying the privacy settings. We can do this by ignoring privacy or using the correct setting for each data source.

Ignore privacy

This first option is not ideal, as it ignores the data privacy settings entirely. However, it’s a useful little fix if you are the only person accessing the data.

Click File > Option Settings > Query Options.

The Query Options window dialog box. Select Privacy > Always ignore Privacy Level settings, then click OK.

Ignore Privacy settings

Apply privacy for each data source

Alternatively, rather than ignoring the privacy settings, we could set them correctly.

To set the data source for inputs, click File > Options > Data source settings.

In the data source settings dialog box, select the source and click edit permissions. This allows us to set the privacy setting for each source.

There are four privacy settings:

  • None: There are no privacy settings applied. Microsoft recommends only using this in a controlled environment.
  • Private: The data is confidential or sensitive and should not be shared. This data cannot be shared with another data source.
  • Organizational: The data can be shared within the organization. This data can only be shared with other organization data sources.
  • Public: The data can be shared with any other data source, including public or organizational sources.

We should set the correct privacy level for our data sources.

Flattening queries

If there is still a Formula.Firewall error, we can combine the queries into a single query. The most straightforward approach to achieve this is shown in this post:

Data processing errors

Data processing errors occur when the data is fed through the transformation process. There may be nothing specifically wrong with the data or the process, yet the two don’t work well together. It could be something as simple as the transformation steps expecting to find a column called “Product”, but a “Product” column does not exist in the data set. Neither the data nor the process is incorrect, but they just don’t fit together.

The most common errors in this area are:

  • Wrong source location
  • Column name changes
  • Incorrect data types

Let’s look at each of them in a bit more detail

Wrong source location

The wrong source location error occurs when a file or database changes location, or a server has crashed, and therefore the source cannot be accessed. Either way, Power Query can’t find the source data.

After refreshing, an error message like the following will appear, detailing the file location it cannot find.

Data source error #1

We also see an error in the Queries & Connections window. If we double-click the query, we find out more detail about the error.

Download did not complete - file not found

The Power Query editor opens and shows the following message. Click Go To Error to go to the exact step.

Error within the Power Query Editor source missing

Finally, we can click Edit Settings to change the source location in the window.

There are other, and maybe better, options for changing the source data location; I have written about this in a previous post, so check out that for more details.

Missing column names

Generally, Column header names are hardcoded somewhere within the M code. Therefore, any changes in source data structure can trigger the following error.

MS Excel Error - Column not found

The Queries & Connections pane will show the same Download did not complete error we saw earlier. Opening the Query reveals further details about the error.

Power Query column not found

Ideally, we should aim to build queries that can be flexible when column names change, though that isn’t always possible.

As a quick fix, we can either:

  • Change the header name in the source data
  • Correct the hard-coded value in the M code through the Advanced Editor or Formula Bar
  • Delete the old step and insert a new one that correctly picks up the new column name.

But you must be careful; poorly implemented changes can cause other problems further down in the query.

Incorrect data types

Data type errors will not prevent the data from loading into the query; instead, those cells are loaded as blank. Queries and Connections pane shows the error and indicates the number of lines with errors.

Queries & Connections Pane showing errors

The screenshot above shows 50 errors, but it could easily be just 1 or 2, depending on the structure of the data.

Data type errors occur when:

  • Data is converted from one type to another – for example, trying to change a text string into a decimal data type
  • Incorrect data types used within functions – for example, trying to use a number function on a text data type, or trying to multiply text values

Excel is very forgiving and will happily switch between data types where it can. However, power Query is not as forgiving; therefore, getting the correct data type is essential.

After opening the query, Power Query shows the errors. The pink color below the column header displays the % of errors found in the first 1000 records.

Errors shown within the Preview Window

If the error is not found within the first 1000 records:

  • Change the setting in the status bar to column profiling based on the entire data set.
  • Filter to include only errors by clicking Home > Keep Rows > Keep Errors

After clicking the word “Error” within the Preview Window, it provides details about the specific issue.

PQ details the errors

In the screenshot above, we can see that Power Query was trying to convert a text value into a date, which caused the error.

While there may be multiple lines with errors, it does not mean you must fix each row individually. Changing one step may be enough to fix all the errors at the same time.

Software bugs

Finally, there is another unfortunate type of error that is outside of our control; software bugs.

When I started using Power Query, I came across two issues (though I didn’t know they were bugs at the time). In both cases, I concluded it was my fault for not understanding the tool correctly. However, it wasn’t me, but the software which was not working correctly.

As Power Query is continually updated, bugs can come and go quickly as newer versions are released. However, I would say that over the past few years, Power Querty has become robust and rarely suffers from issues.

Hopefully, you will not encounter any of the problems I had; they have already been resolved. Therefore, if you meet an issue where the software is not behaving as documented, then updating to the newest version should resolve the issue. Also, ensure you report any issues to Microsoft; they can only fix issues if they know they exist.


Power Query error messages can seem confusing as they use terms that we are unfamiliar with. However, I hope this post has helped you to identify your error and provides suggestions on how to fix it.

Read more posts in this Introduction to Power Query series

  1. Introduction to Power Query
  2. Get data into Power Query – 5 common data sources
  3. Data Refresh Power Query in Excel: 4 ways & advanced options
  4. Use the Power Query editor to update queries
  5. Get to know Power Query Close & Load options
  6. Power Query Parameters: 3 methods
  7. Common Power Query transformations (50+ powerful transformations explained)
  8. Power Query Append: Quickly combine many queries into 1
  9. Get data from folder in Power Query: combine files quickly
  10. List files in a folder & subfolders with Power Query
  11. How to get data from the Current Workbook with Power Query
  12. How to unpivot in Excel using Power Query (3 ways)
  13. Power Query: Lookup value in another table with merge
  14. How to change source data location in Power Query (7 ways)
  15. Power Query formulas (how to use them and pitfalls to avoid)
  16. Power Query If statement: nested ifs & multiple conditions
  17. How to use Power Query Group By to summarize data
  18. How to use Power Query Custom Functions
  19. Power Query – Common Errors & How to Fix Them
  20. Power Query – Tips and Tricks

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About the author

Hey, I’m Mark, and I run Excel Off The Grid.

My parents tell me that at the age of 7 I declared I was going to become a qualified accountant. I was either psychic or had no imagination, as that is exactly what happened. However, it wasn’t until I was 35 that my journey really began.

In 2015, I started a new job, for which I was regularly working after 10pm. As a result, I rarely saw my children during the week. So, I started searching for the secrets to automating Excel. I discovered that by building a small number of simple tools, I could combine them together in different ways to automate nearly all my regular tasks. This meant I could work less hours (and I got pay raises!). Today, I teach these techniques to other professionals in our training program so they too can spend less time at work (and more time with their children and doing the things they love).

Do you need help adapting this post to your needs?

I’m guessing the examples in this post don’t exactly match your situation. We all use Excel differently, so it’s impossible to write a post that will meet everybody’s needs. By taking the time to understand the techniques and principles in this post (and elsewhere on this site), you should be able to adapt it to your needs.

But, if you’re still struggling you should:

  1. Read other blogs, or watch YouTube videos on the same topic. You will benefit much more by discovering your own solutions.
  2. Ask the ‘Excel Ninja’ in your office. It’s amazing what things other people know.
  3. Ask a question in a forum like Mr Excel, or the Microsoft Answers Community. Remember, the people on these forums are generally giving their time for free. So take care to craft your question, make sure it’s clear and concise.  List all the things you’ve tried, and provide screenshots, code segments and example workbooks.
  4. Use Excel Rescue, who are my consultancy partner. They help by providing solutions to smaller Excel problems.

What next?
Don’t go yet, there is plenty more to learn on Excel Off The Grid.  Check out the latest posts:

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Announcing the MPPC’s Got Power Talent Show at #MPPC23

Are you attending the Microsoft Power Platform Conference 2023 in Las Vegas? If so, we invite you to join us for the MPPC’s Got Power Talent Show! 

Our talent show is more than a show—it’s a grand celebration of connection, inspiration, and shared journeys. Through stories, skills, and collective experiences, we come together to uplift, inspire, and revel in the magic of our community’s diverse talents. This year, our talent event promises to be an unforgettable experience, echoing louder and brighter than anything you’ve seen before. 
We’re casting a wider net with three captivating categories: 
Demo Technical Solutions: Show us your Power Platform innovations, be it apps, flows, chatbots, websites or dashboards… Storytelling: Share tales of your journey with Power Platform. Hidden Talents: Unveil your creative side—be it dancing, singing, rapping, poetry, or comedy. Let your talent shine! 
Got That Special Spark? A Story That Demands to Be Heard? Your moment is now! 
Sign up to Showcase Your Brilliance: 
Deadline for submissions: Thursday, Sept 28th 
How It Works: 
Submit this form to sign up:  We’ll contact you if you’re selected. Get ready to be onstage! 
The Spotlight is Yours: Each participant has 3-5 minutes to shine, with insightful commentary from our panel of judges. We’re not just giving you a stage; we’re handing you the platform to make your mark.  
Be the Story We Tell: Your talents and narratives will not just entertain but inspire, serving as the bedrock for our community’s future stories and successes. 
Celebration, Surprises, and Connections: As the curtain falls, the excitement continues! Await surprise awards and seize the chance to mingle with industry experts, Microsoft Power Platform leaders, and community luminaries. It’s not just a show; it’s an opportunity to forge connections and celebrate shared successes. 
Event Details: 
Date and Time: Wed Oct 4th, 6:30-9:00PM  
Location: MPPC23 at the MGM Grand, Las Vegas, NV, USA

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September User Group Success Story: Reading Dynamics 365 & Power Platform User Group

The Reading Dynamics 365 and Power Platform User Group is a community-driven initiative that started in September 2022. It has quickly earned recognition for its enthusiastic leadership and resilience in the face of challenges. With a focus on promoting learning and networking among professionals in the Dynamics 365 and Power Platform ecosystem, the group has grown steadily and gained a reputation for its commitment to its members!
The group, which had its inaugural event in January 2023 at the Microsoft UK Headquarters in Reading, has since organized three successful gatherings, including a recent social lunch. They maintain a regular schedule of four events per year, each attended by an average of 20-25 enthusiastic participants who enjoy engaging talks and, of course, pizza.

The Reading User Group’s presence is primarily spread through LinkedIn and Meetup, with the support of the wider community. This thriving community is managed by a dedicated team consisting of Fraser Dear, Tim Leung, and Andrew Bibby, who serves as the main point of contact for the UK Dynamics 365 and Power Platform User Groups.
Andrew Bibby, an active figure in the Dynamics 365 and Power Platform community, nominated this group due to his admiration for the Reading UK User Group’s efforts. He emphasized their remarkable enthusiasm and success in running the group, noting that they navigated challenges such as finding venues with resilience and smiles on their faces. Despite being a relatively new group with 20-30 members, they have managed to achieve high attendance at their meetings.
The group’s journey began when Fraser Dear moved to the Reading area and realized the absence of a user group catering to professionals in the Dynamics 365 and Power Platform space. He reached out to Andrew, who provided valuable guidance and support, allowing the Reading User Group to officially join the UK Dynamics 365 and Power Platform User Groups community.
One of the group’s notable achievements was overcoming the challenge of finding a suitable venue. Initially, their «home» was the Microsoft UK HQ in Reading. However, due to office closures, they had to seek a new location with limited time. Fortunately, a connection with Stephanie Stacey from Microsoft led them to Reading College and its Institute of Technology. The college generously offered them event space and support, forging a mutually beneficial partnership where the group promotes the Institute and encourages its members to support the next generation of IT professionals.
With the dedication of its leadership team, the Reading Dynamics 365 and Power Platform User Group is poised to continue growing and thriving! Their story exemplifies the power of community-driven initiatives and the positive impact they can have on professional development and networking in the tech industry. As they move forward with their upcoming events and collaborations with Reading College, the group is likely to remain a valuable resource for professionals in the Reading area and beyond.

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A Celebration of What We’ve Achieved—And Announcing Our Winners

As the sun sets on the #SummerofSolutions Challenge, it’s time to reflect and celebrate! The journey we embarked upon together was not just about providing answers – it was about fostering a sense of community, encouraging collaboration, and unlocking the true potential of the Power Platform tools.
From the initial announcement to the final week’s push, the Summer of Solutions Challenge has been a whirlwind of engagement and growth. It was a call to action for every member of our Power Platform community, urging them to contribute their expertise, engage in discussions, and elevate collective knowledge across the community as part of the low-code revolution.
Reflecting on the Impact
As the challenge ends, it’s essential to reflect on the impact it’s had across our Power Platform communities:
Community Resilience: The challenge demonstrated the resilience of our community. Despite geographical distances and diverse backgrounds, we came together to contribute, learn, and collaborate. This resilience is the cornerstone of our collective strength.Diverse Expertise: The solutions shared during the challenge underscore the incredible expertise within our community. From intricate technical insights to creative problem-solving, our members showcased their diverse skill sets, enhancing our community’s depth.Shared Learning: Solutions spurred shared learning. They provided opportunities for members to grasp new concepts, expand their horizons, and uncover the Power Platform tools’ untapped potential. This learning ripple effect will continue to shape our growth.
Empowerment: Solutions empowered community members. They validated their knowledge, boosted their confidence, and highlighted their contributions. Each solution shared was a step towards personal and communal empowerment.
We are proud and thankful as we conclude the Summer of Solutions Challenge. The challenge showed the potential of teamwork, the benefit of knowledge-sharing, and the resilience of our Power Platform community. The solutions offered by each member are more than just answers; they are the expression of our shared commitment to innovation, growth, and progress!
Drum roll, Please…
And now, without further ado, it’s time to announce the winners who have risen above the rest in the Summer of Solutions Challenge!
These are the top community users and Super Users who have not only earned recognition but have become beacons of inspiration for us all.
Power Apps Community: 
Community User Winner: @SpongYe Super User Winner: Pending Acceptance
Power Automate Community: 
Community User Winner: @trice602 Super User Winner: @Expiscornovus 
Power Virtual Agents Community:
Community User Winner: Pending AcceptanceSuper User: Pending Acceptance
Power Pages Community:
Community User Winner: @OOlashyn Super User Winner: @ChristianAbata  
We are also pleased to announced two additional tickets that we are awarding to the Overall Top Solution providers in the following communities:   
Power Apps: @LaurensM  
Power Automate: @ManishSolanki 
Thank you for making this challenge a resounding success. Your participation has reaffirmed the strength of our community and the boundless potential that lies within each of us. Let’s keep the spirit of collaboration alive as we continue on this incredible journey in Power Platform together.Winners, we will see you in Vegas! Every other amazing solutions superstar, we will see you in the Community!Congratulations, everyone!

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September Featured User Group Leader

   Ayonija Shatakshi, a seasoned senior consultant at Improving, Ohio, is a passionate advocate for M365, SharePoint, Power Platform, and Azure, recognizing how they synergize to deliver top-notch solutions. Recently, we asked Ayonija to share her journey as a user group leader, shedding light on her motivations and the benefits she’s reaped from her community involvement.
   Ayonija embarked on her role as a user group leader in December 2022, driven by a desire to explore how the community leveraged various Power Platform components. When she couldn’t find a suitable local group, she decided to create one herself!
Speaking about the impact of the community on her professional and personal growth, Ayonija says, «It’s fascinating to witness how everyone navigates the world of Power Platform, dealing with license constraints and keeping up with new features. There’s so much to learn from their experiences.

   Her favorite aspect of being a user group leader is the opportunity to network and engage in face-to-face discussions with fellow enthusiasts, fostering deeper connections within the community. Offering advice to budding user group leaders, Ayonija emphasized the importance of communication and consistency, two pillars that sustain any successful community initiative.
   When asked why she encourages others to become user group leaders, Ayonija said, «Being part of a user group is one of the best ways to connect with experienced professionals in the same field and glean knowledge from them. If there isn’t a local group, consider starting one; you’ll soon find like-minded individuals.»
   Her highlight from the past year as a user group leader was witnessing consistent growth within the group, a testament to the thriving community she has nurtured. Advocating for user group participation, Ayonija stated, «It’s the fastest route to learning from the community, gaining insights, and staying updated on industry trends.»
Check out her group: Cleveland Power Platform User Group

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Get coding assistance with Copilot while editing site code in Visual Studio Code desktop

We are excited to announce a new preview feature: Copilot in Power Pages for Visual Studio Code desktop. This feature provides you with coding assistance while you edit your site code in Visual Studio Code desktop using natural language chat interaction. You can use Copilot in Power Pages to describe your expected code behavior and get AI-generated code snippets that you can refine and use for various aspects of your site development.
Note: To use this feature, you need to sign into your environment, and it is only available in the US region in English language.
Feature capabilities
With Copilot, you can get coding assistance for:
Form and List customization: allow custom validation for forms and add interactive experience to form and list using JavaScript.Webpage customizations: generate HTML components and add styles to your pages.Web Template: generate HTML templates.Liquid: generate liquid code to add dynamic content in Webpages or Web Templates.FetchXML: Get help with writing FetchXML to query data from Dataverse.Web API: Generate code for Power Pages Web APIs to Create/Read/Update/Delete Dataverse records.Content Snippets: Get help with writing reusable content blocks across multiple pages.Provide feedback:Use feedback option to share your input and suggestions.
1. Form and List customization
Form and List customization is a feature that allows you to customize the appearance and behavior of your forms and lists on your site pages. You can use Form and List customization to change the layout, style, validation, and actions of your Forms and Lists. With Copilot, you can chat with the AI assistant and get code snippets for adding custom validation and interactivity to your Forms and Lists in your site code.
Sample prompt for form validation
Generate JavaScript code for form field validation to ensure age is greater than 18.
Sample prompt for list customization
Write JavaScript code to highlight the row where loan status is approved in table list.
To learn more about Form and List customization, visit form link and list link.
2. Webpage customizations
Webpage customizations is a feature that allows you to customize various aspects of your webpages such as HTML components, styles, and more. You can use Webpage customizations to enhance the look and feel of your site pages. With Copilot, you can chat with the AI assistant and get code snippets for generating HTML components and adding styles to your pages in your site code.
Sample prompt
Write HTML code for the webpage to show loan registration form FAQ as a list group.
To learn more about Webpage customizations, visit this link.
3. Web Template
Web Template is a feature that allows you to create HTML templates for your site pages. You can use Web Template to define the layout, style, and content of your pages. With Copilot, you can chat with the AI assistant and get code snippets for creating and using Web Templates in your site code.
Sample prompt
Create a web template with breadcrumb and page title.
To learn more about Web Template, visit this link.
4. Liquid
Liquid is a feature that allows you to add dynamic content to your Webpages or Web Templates. You can use Liquid to access data from Dataverse or other sources and display it on your pages. With Copilot, you can chat with the AI assistant and get code snippets for writing Liquid expressions in your site code.
Sample prompt
Generate liquid code to check if user has admin role.
To learn more about Liquid, visit this link.
5. FetchXML
FetchXML is a feature that allows you to query data from Dataverse using XML syntax. You can use FetchXML to filter, sort, aggregate, or join data from different entities. With Copilot, you can chat with the AI assistant and get code snippets for writing FetchXML queries in your site code.
Sample prompt
Generate a fetchxml liquid query to retrieve the list of contacts who are having credit score more than 500 and are active.
To learn more about FetchXML, visit this link.
6. Web API
Web API is a feature that allows you to interact with Dataverse records using HTTP requests. You can use Web API to create, read, update, or delete records from different entities. With Copilot, you can chat with the AI assistant and get code snippets for writing Web API requests in your site code.
Sample prompt
Generate Web API code to query active contact records.
To learn more about Web API, visit this link.
7. Content Snippets
Content Snippets is a feature that allows you to write reusable content blocks that can be used across multiple pages. You can use Content Snippets to store common HTML, CSS, or JavaScript code that you want to reuse on different pages. With Copilot, you can chat with the AI assistant and get code snippets for creating and using Content Snippets in your site code.
Sample prompt
Generate content snippets to display copyright, current date and «All rights reserved.» message.
To learn more about Content Snippets, visit this link.
8. Provide feedback
In every response of the Copilot chat, select the feedback options, a thumb up () if you like the response or thumb down () if you didn’t like it. Your feedback greatly helps improve the capabilities of this feature.

How to use Copilot
Install Power Platform Extension: Ensure you have the Power Platform Tools extension (version 2.0.3 or higher) installed within Visual Studio Code .Access Copilot: Download and open your Power Pages site root folder in Visual Studio Code and activate the Copilot feature from left navigation by selecting “Power Platform”.Engage in Natural Language Interaction: Describe the expected behavior of your code using natural language. Copilot will generate code snippets based on your descriptions.Insert or copy AI generated code to your site: If you are happy with the generated code, you can easily copy and paste the code snippet or insert the code to Power Pages site.Refine and Implement: Review the AI-generated code snippets, refining them as needed to match your exact requirements.Provide feedback: Select the feedback options, a thumb up () if you like the response or thumb down () if you didn’t like it and provide your feedback.
We are looking forward to your feedback
Copilot in Power Pages is designed to streamline your coding journey and amplify your creativity. Your feedback is crucial in shaping the future of this feature. We want to  hear from you!
See documentation here for a detailed overview. 
Full product blog here:  Get coding assistance with Copilot while editing site code in Visual Studio Code desktop| Microsoft Power Page  
Thank you, 
Neeraj Nandwana 


Announcement image

New White Paper Released: Application Modernization with Power Platform

Check out the latest white paper by Robert Standefer and David Yack that explores the benefits, strategies, and best practices of modernizing applications with Power Platform.This great free download provides insights and guidance on how the Microsoft low-code platform can help you ensure the success of your application modernization efforts as part of your organization’s digital transformation. Click the link below to find out more!Application Modernization with Power Platform

Are you dealing with the expression.syntaxerror: token eof expected error message in your code?

This error message is commonly seen in programming languages like Python and JavaScript.

In this article, we will help you understand what this error is all about and how to resolve it.

Continue to read on to find step-by-step solutions to get rid of the expression.syntaxerror token eof expected error message.

The expression.syntaxerror: token eof expected is an error message that can occur in Power Query.

It usually occurs when an invalid function name is used or it uses the wrong case (for instance, “if” is a valid command, while “If” with an upper case “I” is not).

In simple words, the token eof expected usually occurs when an invalid function name is used, or it uses the wrong case.

Why does “expression.syntaxerror: token eof expected” error message occur?

This error message occurs due to several factors, such as:

👉 Forget to include a closing bracket or parenthesis in your code. This can lead you to an incomplete expression and trigger the error.

👉 Leaving a string or comment open without closing it.

👉 Forgetting to add a semicolon at the end of a statement can result in a syntax error.

How to fix “expression.syntaxerror: token eof expected”?

To fix the expression.syntaxerror: token eof expected error message in Power Query.

Here are some ways to fix this error:

  1. Check if an invalid function name is used or if it uses the wrong case, as we mentioned above (if is a valid command, while If with an upper case, I is not).

Incorrect code:

    Source = "Hi, welcome to itsourcecode",
    Result = If(Source = "Hi, welcome to itsourcecode", "Yes", "No")

Corrected code:

    Source = "Hi, welcome to itsourcecode",
    Result = if(Source = "Hi, welcome to itsourcecode", "Yes", "No")
  1.  Ensure you have a good understanding of how Power Query works.

Incorrect code:

    Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table1"]}[Content],
    Result = Table.AddColumn(Source, "Custom", each [Column1] + [Column2])

Corrected code:

    Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table1"]}[Content],
    Result = Table.AddColumn(Source, "Custom", each [Column1] + [Column2])
  1.  If you’re using Custom Columns, check the syntax check at the bottom of the screen to help guide you with formulas.

Incorrect code:

Custom Column formula: [Column1] + [Column2

Corrected code:

Column formula: [Column1] + [Column2]
  1.  You can also check if there are any errors in the M code or if there is a lack of understanding of how Power Query works.

Note: Note: The Power Query IF, THEN, and IF ELSE statements are case-sensitive and they require lower-case. You should change “if,” “then,” and “else” in lowercase.


In conclusion, the expression.syntaxerror: token eof expected is an error message that can occur in Power Query.

It usually occurs when an invalid function name is used or it uses the wrong case (for instance, “if” is a valid command, while “If” with an upper case “I” is not).

This article already provides solutions to fix this error message. By executing the solutions above, you can master this SyntaxError with the help of this guide.

You could also check out other SyntaxError articles that may help you in the future if you encounter them.

  • Syntaxerror: cannot use ‘import.meta’ outside a module
  • Uncaught syntaxerror invalid left-hand side in assignment
  • Syntaxerror: multiple exception types must be parenthesized

We are hoping that this article helps you fix the error. Thank you for reading itsourcecoders 😊

Token eof expected in Power Query refers to the end-of-file marker that tells the system where a file ends. This error message appears when there is incomplete code during data transformation, indicating that something went wrong while reading the data.

To avoid this error, ensure that your code has complete syntax and valid input parameters. Reviewing your script for missing parentheses or incorrect function calls can prevent this issue from occurring.

How to Resolve Token EOF Expected Error in Power Query

Have you ever encountered a “Token EOF Expected” error while working with Power Query? Don’t worry, it’s not an uncommon problem among data analysts and developers. In short, this error occurs when the tool cannot find the end of file (EOF) where it’s supposed to be.

While encountering errors can be frustrating, there are ways to resolve token EOF expected errors in Power Query relatively easily by following some simple steps:

1. Check your Syntax: Start by checking if any syntax has been entered incorrectly – whether that includes punctuation marks or if quotation marks were used appropriately. Ensure every bracket is well placed as mistakes in these areas can lead to unexpected results which throw up various different kinds of errors including ‘Token EOF Expected’ – all without giving any real hints on what the actual problem might be.

2. Re-Check Quotes: For strings containing text values input into M-query formulas, quotes must enclose each character string consistently across multiple lines throughout each level so as long as opening quotes remain open then closing at appropriate times will prevent overflows

3. Merge Step Correctly: When combining tables through merging operations check for extra commas added either within merge statement code blocks or elsewhere around merges which may trip up query processes causing issues such as Token EOF expected.” Fixing this involves cleaning up and restructuring merge step functions enabling smoother overall operation flow again.

4. Purge Queries: Sometimes power queries accumulate failed searches during saving requests resulting in filled spaces overflowed memory outputting uncalled line items referring back previously stored errant entries typically unrelated current task space cleanup always best practice help reduce side-effects navigating away annoyances unwanted stores thereof

In conclusion, while encountering Token eof expected’ errors is normal when using power queries or other programming languages they become less intimidating and easier to identify once you understand why they occur – because formatting syntax advice helps catch misaligned components before things begin cascade out control altogether addressing them early style being enabler avoiding potential redundancy or loss caused subsequent errors due bad file processing techniques. Follow the tips we’ve outlined above and you’ll be well on your way to power through any bug in your system!

Step-by-Step Guide to Troubleshoot Token EOF Expected in Power Query

If you’re a frequent user of Power Query, you may have come across the “Token EOF Expected” error at some point. This pesky error can cause frustration and delay in your data analysis process. But fear not! We’ve got a step-by-step guide to help you troubleshoot this issue.

Step 1: Understand The Error
The first step is to understand what this cryptic message actually means. Token EOF Expected appears when the program reaches the end of an expression where it expects another character or statement but doesn’t find any, resulting in an incomplete formula.

Step 2: Analyze Your Formula
Take a close look at the formula or expressions that are causing this problem. Identify which section leads up to, and creates discrepancy leading to incorrect conclusion for input errors.

Step 3: Verify Brackets And Parentheses
Sometimes missing brackets or parentheses could be another reason behind such kind of parse token issues. Having extra brackets will confuse your system’s parser because it won’t know how many you meant to include into each other expressions line by line.

Step 4: Check Conditional Functions as IF,
Check if functions like “If”, that require multiple arguments are properly formatted and contain all required parameters.
Finding such critical information during coding would result in earlier corrections being cost-effective than debugging after executing code with bugs.

Step 5 : Avoid Hard Coding Referencing Defined Names Syntax
While hard-coding references might seem quicker when creating formulas because automatic references create space related errors is possible mistake while doing copy-paste over different files

In summary, Token EOF Expected errors can be frustrating and time-consuming; however, these troubleshooting steps will provide valuable guidance on how best to approach resolution effectively tackling troubleshooting head-on for future efficiency under stress upon traceability within implemented SaaS Platform(s).

Top FAQ about Token EOF Expected in Power Query and their Answers

Token EOF Expected – it’s a message that has struck fear into the hearts of many Power Query users. It appears when you’re working in the Power Query Editor, and you try to save or apply changes to your query. But what does this cryptic message really mean? And more importantly, how can you fix it?

We’ve compiled a list of the top FAQs about Token EOF Expected in Power Query, along with our expert answers.

1. What is Token EOF Expected?

Token EOF Expected is an error message that occurs when there’s a problem with your query code syntax. It means that the editor was expecting something else in your code but encountered an unexpected end-of-file character instead.

In other words: The editor couldn’t find something it expected at the end of your code file and didn’t know what to do next.

2. Why does “Token EOF expected” occur?

There are different reasons why “Token EOF expected” might happen:

– Syntax errors: You may have made mistakes or typos while writing your M-code.
– Malformed expressions: Something went wrong because some part(s) of an expression could not be properly closed off.
– Incomplete queries: There are some missing brackets somewhere in a formula which confuses Power Query
– Unexpected shutdowns during editing

3. How can I Fix “Token Eof Expected”?

Here are six ways to troubleshoot and fix this common issue:

Double check if all parentheses match each other correctly – this includes pairs for functions like () [] {}

Structured Error Handling (try… otherwise): Start using Try…otherwise statements in order to identify errors early on before they crash out further processing steps!!

Refresh Preview Errors table frequently until we narrow down where exactly the error occurred

Run individual sections of M power language by highlighting sections within curly braces {} press F5 (shortcut key).

[Enter] Single quotes if using text inputs. Double-quotes are more a programming syntax for string literals!

Break problem steps up by evaluating individual smaller chunks, making it easier to identify the issues.

4. How can I prevent “Token EOF Expected” in the future?

There’s no 100% foolproof way to avoid this error message. However, you can implement some preventive measures:

Keep your code simple and organized – write straightforward M power language without nesting complicated formulas within other functions

Make use of peer review from colleagues with Power Query experience when developing advanced logic.

Be mindful about writing closing parentheses [ ) ] immediately after opening ones [( ]. Similarly, make sure closing square brackets [ ] is written promptly whenever we open one like [[ ]

In conclusion, Token EOF Expected in Power Query may look like just another annoying computer jargon at first sight but don’t be intimidated! Follow our expert tips and tricks to fix this issue quickly or try putting in place preventative measures that reduce risks of future errors occurring such as thorough proofreading before submission deadlines arrive!

5 Facts You Need to Know About Token EOF Expected In Power Query Analysis

As a data analyst or Excel user, you may be familiar with Power Query Analysis as a powerful tool for transforming and manipulating data within your spreadsheets. However, like any software program or language, there are certain quirks and specific operations that must be understood in order to utilize it effectively.

One such issue that can arise during the use of Power Query Analysis is the dreaded “Token EOF Expected” error message. This cryptic notification can leave even experienced users scratching their heads – but fear not! Below are five key facts you need to know about this error so you can troubleshoot and solve it quickly:

1. What Does Token EOF Expected Even Mean?

Essentially, this error message translates to something called a “syntax error.” In basic terms, your code (that is, the instructions you’ve given Power Query) contains an issue which violates proper syntax rules – think grammar mistakes in written language.

2. The Most Common Cause Is A Missing Or Incorrect Parenthesis

Often times when encountering this type of syntax errors specifically relating to Tokens’s End Of File (EOF), one simple mistake causing it would include missing parenthesizes after function calls; misspelling function names; unclosed quotes used in expressions among others.

3. The Error Message May Be Located Far Away From The Actual Issue

This aspect may prove confusing at first: just because the message suggests that Power Query was expecting something different (“EOF,” in this case) doesn’t necessarily mean that this exact character is where the problem lies.

In fact, issues with parentheses or other characters earlier on in your code might actually cause entire sections of text following them – including any indicators pointing towards unrelated problems- to be seen internalized as one long parameter by power query analysis..

4. There Are Options For Troubleshooting And Resolving This Issue

As far as actual solutions go here, developers do have some options regarding how best they approach resolving these types of formatting errors. Microsoft support forums sometimes suggest returning to a previous version of the project and making incremental changes rather that jumping in with an entirely different approach.

Other potential solutions include using syntax checkers or online tools, breaking your overall code down into smaller sections for ease of review, as well as taking advantage of community resources such from sites like GitHub/Stack Overflow where users can share knowledge on these types of issues.

5. Prevention Is Key

Ultimately, many data analysts and Excel power-users find that there is no substitute for thorough double-checking when it comes to avoiding syntax errors similar to Token EOF Expected before they arise altogether. Some tips include:

-Bringing attention to frequently-used patterns you tend to repeat across multiple projects
-Making notes and keeping track of common missteps in detail so you do not fall victim again;
-Manually proofreading all new scripts at least twice (aloud if necessary!);

By understanding what this error message means how it may manifest within spreadsheets powered by Power Query Analysis far earlier than normal script writing mistakes become apparent through traditional manual coding methods points towards faster turnaround times for businesses looking get ahead without compromise being made on their ability access appropriate datasets needed throughout entire teams comprised primarily consisting technical acumen-centric professionals whom regularly interface with excel sheets working heavily with big data analysis utilizing machinery related platforms centered predominantly around MPP architecture-based backends capable handling advanced computations seamlessly done under one roof via powerful artificial intelligence algorithms optimizing costly expenses traditionally found externally during procedures aimed solving specific business problems ultimately resulting efficiencies felt holistically .

Tips and Tricks to Prevent Token EOF Expected Error in Your Power Queries

Token EOF Expected Error is a common error message that Power Query users come across. It occurs when the query engine reaches the end of your code before it expected so, leading to unexpected errors and confusion. Most times, this type of error can leave you scratching your head thinking about where things went wrong.

However, there’s no need to despair or waste time struggling with Token EOF Expected Error in your power queries. In this post, we will discuss some tips and tricks for preventing these types of errors from occurring again.

1) Check your syntax: One mistake that causes Token EOF Expected Error is an incomplete or incorrect syntax used in creating power queries. Syntax checks are crucial as they help verify every element within your code sequence thus rectifying mistakes made while typing straightforward, ineffective solutions.

2) Use Indentation: When working on long codes inside M scripts, ensuring proper indentations ensure better readability which helps reduce unwanted closing parentheses or brackets in a query resulting in cut-short strings without complete executions

3) Close All Parentheses And Brackets on Time: Sometimes coding newbies tend not close wavy lines or curly braces more often than not due to hasty execution plan or oversight effect during editing steps; which may result into displaying ‘Token EOF Expected’ once data refreshes causing disruption effects.

4) Relying On Semicolon could work wonders- The use of semicolons placed after each command line can dramatically increase productivity ability and lower debugging efforts vis-a-vis EBO tokens – simply requires strong cohesion among team members sharing analytical tasks over platforms like GitHub repos .

5) Try Properly Structured Loops instead try using properly structured loops (e.g., “do-until”, “for-each”) rather than forcing actions through manual means especially if grouping them together via SUM(), AVERAGE() etc.

In conclusion ”EOF expected” might be caused by mistyping variables names(like putting space), forgetting a quote or comma, automating queries by only doing Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C/P

Token EOF Expected Error is an impressive way of catching syntax errors in your power queries. Still, it can be frustrating when you stumble upon them. By employing the tips discussed above such as checking your syntax usage, closing all brackets on time, relying on semicolons for better productivity control over processes rather than forcing manual means; improving data analysis techniques throughout project lifecycle management phases will guarantee seamless progress towards expected results within set timelines: removing unnecessary debugging efforts caused by inefficient practices ultimately cuts processing times and improves usability with minimal risk.

Advanced Strategies for Fixing the Token EOF Expected Error in Your Data Models

As a data analyst, the dreaded ‘Token EOF Expected’ error message can be frustrating and confusing. However, don’t fret! There are several advanced strategies you can use to fix this pesky problem once and for all.

Firstly, let’s briefly review what causes this error in the first place. This error occurs when there is missing or incomplete code syntax within your data model. A common example of where this may arise is when working with CSV (comma-separated values) files that have missing or unbalanced double-quotes (“”).

Now, onto how to fix it!

1. Use an IDE(Integrated Development Environment): An IDE such as PyCharm or Spyder has built-in tools to help identify potential errors like a Token EOF expected Error before running the entire script.

2. Carefully examine your input: Inspect every field carefully by opening the file in Notepad++ or Excel to ensure all columns are properly formatted and separated by commas without any additional spaces.

3. Double-check quotation marks: In cases of quotes used inside fields that require value delimiter encasing characters like borders on names use triple quoted strings e.g.,

“””John Smith””””

4.Use Exception Handling : Wrap problematic function calls in exception handling so that they do not interfere with other parts of the codebase.
For Example
except ValueError:
pass #errors caught without causing issues elsewhere.

5.Try using encoding modes: Encoding problems could cause further break downs and usually requires XML parser even though it can still lead through token eof expected errors.In most Encoding Problem scenarios,to prevent encoding accidents introducing decoding idioms solves this case .

In conclusion,
Utilizing these mechanisms will enhance your arsenal against “Token EOF Expected” which simply entails utilizing best practices creatively.Thus,solving this pesky issue any anyone would raise their eyebrow at understanding suddent coding bugs.Throws them off their pace for a minute or more.

Table with useful data:

Term Definition
Token A piece of data that represents a particular value or object in a programming language. Tokens are used to construct statements and expressions.
EOF “End of file” is a signal used to indicate the end of a file or stream. In Power Query, it is used to signify the end of a data source.
Expected In Power Query, this term is used to describe the anticipated outcome of a given calculation or operation. It is often used to denote the desired result or behavior of a function or expression.
Power Query A data transformation and analysis tool developed by Microsoft. It allows users to extract and transform data from various sources, and perform data cleansing, aggregation, and modeling.

Information from an expert: When encountering a “Token eof expected” error in Power Query, it typically indicates that there is a syntax error in the code. This can occur when a function or keyword is not correctly structured or closed off with the appropriate punctuation. To address the issue, carefully review the code and check for any missing brackets or quotation marks. Additionally, ensure that all functions are properly nested and that any variables used are defined and declared before use. With these steps, you can overcome this frustrating error and continue your work with Power Query seamlessly.

Historical fact:

The use of tokens to represent expected power in ancient societies can be seen through the example of Egyptian Pharaohs, who often wore a false beard as a symbol of their divine power and authority.

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