Ошибка 301 Проблема «Ошибки 301», пришедшей с Краглорном, набирает обороты. Сначала (неделю назад) это были единицы, потом десятки, сейчас уже сотни. Признаки проблемы: Если вы игрок ЕУ сервера, то вас без проблем пустит на ЮС сервер и наоборот, но «родной» сервер будет все равно выдавать «301». Саппорт отвечает советами в духе «попинайте колесо, протрите фары»: Greetings Alexander! Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team. I apologize for the inconvenience that this error 301 may have caused you.Here is a work around that may be work for you. Please be aware that this issue can have a different causes and solution. 1. Log out of the game If these steps doesn’t solve your issue your issue can be connection related. Would you be so kind to reboot router/modem and connect your computer via cable (not wireless). Additionally, if you haven’t done it already, you can (5) Open Ports by checking that you have added the «Bethesda_launcher», as well as «eso.exe» to your Antivirus/Firewall exception rules and that your Firewall has not blocked access through the following ports (if your PC does not have an Antivirus, Windows sometimes has a simple one by default. Follow the same steps for it as well as Windows Firewall): Finally, try a (6) clean boot to disable background programs that could potentially be blocking the connection by following this procedure: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929135 Thank you for your continued interest and support! Warm Regards, Если ввести заведомо неверный пароль — почти сразу выдаст ошибку об этом. Что как бы намекает на прекрасную связь с серверами и полную несостоятельность всех советов саппорта. Народ на форуме пробовал все эти советы — ничего не помогает. Всем очевидно, что проблема на стороне Зенимаксов, кроме самих Зенимаксов, естественно.
Последний раз редактировалось SilverWF_renamed_45896_12032020; 29.05.2014 в 02:04.
Re: Ошибка 301 Та же фигня. Саппорт нифига не дал. Хотя я в этом квесте от «примите новую редакцию лицензионного соглашения» продвинулся на уровень «мы получили файл host.developer из вашего лаунчера и передали специалистам» |
Re: Ошибка 301
People hate ESO because they love it |
Re: Ошибка 301 что ж, после прошедшего обслуживания на американском сервере его игроки с этой ошибкой смогли зайти в игру. |
Re: Ошибка 301 Удалось решить проблему блягодаря случайности — чел на форуме написал! Короче, идете в управление аккаунтом — смена пароля https://account.elderscrollsonline.c…hange-password И там меняете пароль, только в новом пароле добавляете парочку спец.символов. Лично я использовал свой старый пароль, просто добавил в него символы _ и % |
Re: Ошибка 301 Короче приехал домой на выходные, в игру зашел без проблем. Так что ошибка 103 из-за очень странной фигни. |
Re: Ошибка 301 Я и не знал что это баг, сразу пароль сменил |
Если вы участвовали ранее в бета-тестировании TESO, то наверняка не раз сталкивались с сообщениями об ошибках, которые далеко не всегда были описаны детально. Для того, чтобы разобраться, по какой именно причине вы не можете войти в игру, нужно было обращаться к техподдержке и выяснять детали там. Предлагаем вам список наиболее распространенных ошибок, а также их описание и, в некоторых случаях, возможное решение проблемы. Эту публикацию подготовил наш новичок, Niazan, с которым вы уже знакомы по замечательному FAQ по бета-тестированию.
1) 103 – Failed to obtain server connection information.
На данный момент нет доступа к серверу. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз во время активного бета-тестирования, к которому у вас есть доступ. Эта ошибка также актуальна, если ваш «userID» содержит специальные символы, в таком случае свяжитесь с службой поддержки, чтобы изменить его.
2) 104 – Server Full.
Количество игроков больше или равно максимальному. Сервер игры работает на пределе возможностей и пока не может принять новых пользователей.
3) 200 – Authentication Timeout.
Служба аутентификации не отвечает и может находиться в автономном режиме.
4) 201 – Authentication Failed.
Игроки получили это сообщение потому что: а) использовали неправильное имя пользователя для входа в систему; б) имя пользователя содержит недопустимый символ.
Перепроверьте имя пользователя и если в нем есть недопустимые символы, обратитесь в техподдержку за заменой вашего логина.
5) 202 – Login Queue Cancel Timeout.
Сервис очереди входа (login-сервис) не отвечает и может находиться в офф-лайн режиме.
6) 203 – Login Queue Cancel Failed.
Попытка войти через очередь сорвалась. Попробуйте еще раз.
7) 204 – Auth OTP Timeout.
Вышло время ожидания одноразового пароля при входе в систему.
205 – Auth OTP Failed.
Пользователь ввел неверный одноразовый пароль и ему предлагается повторить попытку.
9) 206 – Auth OTP Locked.
Пользователь множество раз ввел неверный пароль, необходимо подождать, чтобы осуществить попытку снова.
10) 301 – Lobby Connection Failed.
Клиент попытался подключиться к лобби. Пожалуйста, подождите 10 минут и повторите попытку.
11) 305 – Unverified Protocol.
Для того, чтобы разрешить ошибку 305(Протокол несоответствия), вам нужно удалить некоторые файлы из директории игры.
1. Удалите файл eso.manifest, который по умолчанию расположенный по следующему адресу: C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online\The Elder Scrolls Online Internal\Live\game\client ;
2. Удалите файл data.manifest, который по умолчанию расположенный по следующему адресу: C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online\The Elder Scrolls Online Internal\Live\depot\_databuild ;
3. Найдите и удалите следующие файлы из меню Пуск:
4. Перезапустите клиент игры.
Если после выполнения вышеперечисленных процедур, вы все равно получаете сообщение об ошибке — переустановите игру.
12) 306 – Realm Shutdown.
Сервер находится в режиме онлайн, но отключается при попытке несанкционированного доступа. Пользователи с необходимым разрешением в состоянии войти.
13) 311 – Bandwidth Cap
Вы были отключены от сервера, поскольку ваш клиент превысил лимит пропускной способности на сервере.
14) 500 – Internal Server Error.
«500 — Внутренняя ошибка сервера» обычно возникает, когда веб-сайт или сервер интернет-провайдера имеют неспецифичную проблему.
Пожалуйста, попробуйте следующие методы, чтобы исправить ошибку 500.
— Обновите страницу либо нажав кнопку обновления\перезагрузки, нажав F5, или попробуйте ввести адрес страницы заново.
— Используйте другой браузер, например Google Chrome, Firefox, или Internet Explorer.
— Временно отключите антивирусную программу, AD\pop-up блокираторы и брандмауэры. Убедитесь в том, что вы включили их обратно после проведения процедуры.
— Отчистите кэш вашего браузера, куки, историю, дата-формы и активные фильтры. После завершение перезапустите браузер и попробуйте снова.
Error 301 — How I fixed it.
So two days after the last patch I am in Cyrodil having a good time when BOOM hard crash. White bug screen comes up, i fill it out, restart. Try to get in….login timeout….try again….dreaded Error 301!
Support does not have a listed fix for this yet on the website so I call. I get a very nice woman on the phone, we try a few things that they say have worked for people in the past, but didn’t work for me. I’m running Windows 8 (please don’t downvote me for that!)
She has to escalate it and I have to run there debugger in the launcher and send it up. Also the night before when I got the first error 301 I decided to do an uninstall and re-downloaded the game in hopes that would fix it, no go.
So i wait 24 hours, and I did not get anything back from ESO all day. Not even an acknowledgement they got my report. I decide I am going to do another re-install but this time i want to remove EVERYTHING.
I uninstall the game from the launcher, I go into my drive and delete the Zenimax Online folder, I go into my documents and delete the ESO folder there that saves your addons and some local files. All gone. Then i download a fresh launcher from the site and set my computer to download the game all night again.
Next day its installed, I log in and BAM worked for me. I was still using the old launcher from beta since they said we didn’t have to do any new installs.
So the reason I’m writing this is to give my story and give you what worked for me if others are getting this error. The tech support woman also tried two things with me in hopes to get it to work and I will share them:
Make sure the launcher is running in admin mode and set the compatibility to Windows XP Service Pack 3
In the user settings folder change the EULA number from 3 to 1. This forces you to re-sign the EULA agreement when you log in.
After only these two tries, which failed for me, then they had nothing else to try. If you get the 301 error try these two first and see if they work for you, or do the complete uninstall and wipe it from your computer. again just doing an uninstall is not enough, you have to delete all folders related from the game then download a new launcher. I did take a look at the debugger code that the launcher generates and i noticed it showed an obvious error that the launcher was not pinging the login server correctly. I wonder if everyone who is getting the 301 error was running the old launcher from beta?
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ESO error 301 is troubling a lot of players lately and they are wondering how to fix it. The main reason behind the existence of this error is that the game client fails to connect with the servers properly. Without a proper connection, you won’t be able to access Elder Scrolls Online as the core gameplay modes are online only. Therefore, we will go through some fixes that will solve the ESO error 301.
Also read: ESO stuck on the loading screen on PS4, Xbox & Steam: How to fix it?
How to fix ESO error 301
You can implement the following steps to fix ESO error 301 on your system:
1) Restart your device:
The first thing you need to do is restart your PC/console. This will help you clear any temporary bug or glitch that might be the reason for error 301.
2) Power cycle your router:
You can also power cycle your router by unplugging it from the supply and then plugging it in again. Also, you can try hard resetting your router with the help of the instruction manual provided with the device.
3) Check the servers of ESO:
Make sure that the servers of ESO are up and running. You can do this by clicking here. For many players, the game was restored to a healthy status and the error was resolved automatically. So, you can try waiting for a few hours until the servers of the game are online.
4) Check the platform status of your respective service:
You can check also check the platform status of the service you are accessing ESO from. For example, if you are playing the game from Steam, make sure that the servers of Steam are up and running. The same goes for PlayStation and Xbox consoles.
5) Check your internet speed:
Make sure that the internet connection you are using has a constant speed. If your internet connection is slow, try switching to a different network.
6) Allow ESO through your firewall:
You can go to Windows Defender Firewall and make sure that ESO is allowed through it by checking the box in front of its name in the “Allowed apps” section.
7) Run the launcher in admin mode:
Go to the game’s shortcut file and right-click on it. Now, select the option that says, “Run as administrator”.
Set the compatibility to Windows XP Service Pack 3:
Go to the Properties of the game’s .exe file by right-clicking on it. Now, under the Compatibility tab, select the Run this program in Compatibility Mode option, and select Windows XP Service Pack 3.
9) Re-sign the EULA agreement:
You will have to go to the user setting folder of the game via your File Explorer and from there, change the EULA number from 3 to 1. After this, the game will ask you to re-sign the EULA agreement which might help you to log in. This fix was shared by a user, so it is worth a try.
10) Reinstall ESO:
You can also reinstall ESO to fix any issue that might be hindering the connection of the game with the servers.
On this note, we hope you will be able to get over error 301. Also, to get more updates in the world of tech and gaming, do not forget to visit Androidgram.
How to fix eso error 301 (100% genuine)?
eso error 301,ESO ps4 error 301,ESO error 331,ESO error 301 (3:1 801 0),ESO error 301,ESO maintenance,ESO errors,ESO server timed out,ESO wont let me log in,How long does ESO maintenance last,ESO booted from server,ESO outage,ESO can t connect to server,ESO not loading
If you’re taking part in the game through the Steam launcher, the error could also be caused by faulty Steam servers that can’t handle the traffic they receive. Faulty servers area unit one thing you can’t avoid or do something regarding, however there’s some way to run the game through the default launcher.
Some eso error 301 players have reportable obtaining a wrong word error on many accounts and can’t log into their accounts due to it. The bug appears odd, however it’s affected each laptop and console players.
Since add-ons area unit developed by different players, a number of them will be poorly optimized and cause gameplay issues for users United Nations agency have them put in. Disabling them is straightforward, and you’ll be able to directly restart the sport to ascertain if that fixes the matter.
How to fix eso error 301 (100% working method)?
Solution:01-First of all Changing your DNS settings
Make sure you’re victimisation the subsequent DNS settings for a stable affiliation to the Internet:
Primary DNS
Secondary DNS
Solution:02-Try once more later
All goodies return to those that don’t surrender, right? These words of knowledge apply to error two hundred likewise.
Many players have confirmed that they finally managed to log in when many tries (usually 10). It ought to be noted that in these affiliation tries, you will typically encounter error 108 Elder Scrolls on-line.
Errors two hundred and 108 of Elder Scrolls on-line area unit network connection error codes and may be caused by many reasons. you’ll be able to conjointly attempt rebooting your modem/router and see if that creates a distinction.
Solution:03-Fix Elder Scrolls on-line
If the error two hundred persists, attempt restoring the sport. If some files of your game area unit missing, this tool can mechanically transfer the suitable files:
☑️Select eso error 301 -> visit Game choices.
☑️Use the computer menu and choose Repair
☑️Wait for the launcher to complete scanning all the files and folders within the game.
☑️Run the game to ascertain if the error persists.
Solution:04-Renaming the Program Data file
☑️Close the game and therefore the launcher
☑️Go to the installation directory of the game.
☑️Open the Launcher folder -> notice the Program Data folder.
☑️Rename this folder to “Program Data Backup”.
☑️Open the launcher and click on on the “Play” button.
Solution 5: Use a distinct Launcher
If you’re taking part in the sport victimisation the Steam launcher, it should have occurred that the error is caused by faulty Steam servers that were unable to handle the traffic they were receiving. Faulty servers area unit one thing you can’t avoid or influence in any means however there’s some way to launch the sport victimisation the game’s default launcher.
Navigate to the folder below that ought to be right wherever you put in Steam since the placement starts at the Steam folder.
The folder could also be situated elsewhere if you have got created a replacement Steam library within the meanwhile. Right-click on the .exe file and opt for the Run as administrator choice and check to ascertain if the login practicality works. If it does, you’ll be able to continue quickly and play whereas the Steam servers finally begin operating once more.
Note: This resolution can solely work if you have got created Associate in Nursing account for Elders Scrolls on-line before you downloaded and put in it through Steam because the game launcher would force that you just input eso error 301 account and word.
Solution 6: you can change the Server on Steam
If the problem is actually associated with Steam servers, you’ll be able to continuously bypass this error and launch the sport employing a completely different server by ever-changing the server you’re victimisation on Steam, which may be done quite simply by following the set of steps below
☑️Steam chooses the server nearest to you by default however this could be simply modified within the settings. Downloading from the server nearest to you is usually recommended for best performance however if you notice that it’s misbehaving you’ll be able to opt for another one and return when a minute.
☑️In order to access these settings, open Steam by double-clicking its icon and visit Settings by clicking on File >> Settings.
☑️In the Downloads tab of the Settings window, you may notice that you just have the choice to decide on one in every of the Steam servers from an extended list. If your current server is inflicting problems, you’ll be able to replace it and choose another one.
☑️It’s best to still attempt to opt for a server from your or your neighbor country since it’ll have an effect on the web affiliation absolutely and avoid excessive lag.
Solution 7: Incorrect word Error
Some eso error 301 players have reportable that they were receiving multiple accounts of the wrong word error and that they area unit unable to login to their accounts due to it. The error appears weird however it’s affected each laptop and console players equally.
The solution to the strategy is even weirder as you may got to kind in your word during a word editor and paste it into the word field for the method to figure. Good luck!
Note: There were many workarounds by users wherever ever-changing the word fastened the matter utterly likewise.
Solution 8: boot Your laptop or Console
Quite a generic technique however it’s value giving it an attempt, particularly if you haven’t done that during a whereas. There area unit ways in which for Xbox and PlayStation users which may facilitate their console’s performance just by restarting since it’ll clear the cache if done like within the directions below.
Xbox Users:
☑️Press and hold the facility button at the front of the Xbox console till it shuts down utterly.
☑️Unplug the facility brick from the rear of the Xbox. Press and hold the facility button on the Xbox many times to form certain there’s no remaining power and this may really clean the cache.
☑️Unplug the Ethernet cable from the Xbox One if you’re victimisation it to attach to the web and let the cable keep unplugged for a minimum of a few of minutes before plugging it back in. Meanwhile, restart your router and your electronic equipment by clicking the facility buttons situated on them before you plug the cable into your device.
☑️Plug-in the facility brick and sit up for the sunshine situated on the facility brick to vary its colours from white to orange.
☑️Turn the Xbox back on as you’d do unremarkably.
PlayStation Users:
Completely close up the PlayStation four.
☑️Once the console is totally close up, undo the facility twine from the rear of the console.
☑️Let the console keep unplugged for a minimum of a few of minutes. undo the coaxial cable from the Xbox One if you’re victimisation it to attach to the web and let the cable keep unplugged for a minimum of a few of minutes before plugging it back in. Meanwhile, restart your router and your electronic equipment by clicking the facility buttons situated on them before you plug the cable into your device.
☑️Plug the facility twine into the PS4 and switch it on the means you unremarkably do.
PC Users:
☑️On your running laptop, click on begin >> Power button at all-time low of the menu and opt for the conclusion choice.
☑️Once your laptop has close up utterly, undo the coaxial cable from your laptop if you’re victimisation it to attach to the web and let the cable keep unplugged for a minimum of a few of minutes before plugging it back in. Meanwhile, restart your router and your electronic equipment by clicking the facility buttons situated on them before you plug the cable into the pc.
Solution 9: Disable Add-ons for the game
Since add-ons area unit designed by different players United Nations agency play the sport, a number of them could also be badly optimized and that they would possibly cause bound problems with the sport for users United Nations agency simply happened to put in them. Disabling them is straightforward and you’ll be able to reload the sport directly to ascertain whether or not that fastened the matter.
When add-ons for eso error 301 games area unit properly put in on a laptop, they’re going to seem within the Add-Ons menu within the game.
Players will access the Add-Ons computer menu through the most game menu that seems on the left aspect of the character choice screen or by pressing the Esc key throughout gameplay.
The Add-Ons computer menu permits you to ascertain or uncheck the boxes next to the add-ons you would like to change or disable. This computer menu conjointly provides the power to quickly reload the sport so as to confirm that the sport adjusts these changes.
Solution 10: Flush Your DNS
DNS issues area unit one thing quite annoying and once they occur, they seem to be virtually unresolvable. Luckily, resetting these settings by flushing your DNS is sort of straightforward and it needs running nothing quite a definite command in electronic communication.
Click the beginning menu or the search button next thereto and typewriting “cmd”. Right-click on the primary result and opt for the Run as administrator choice. you’ll be able to conjointly seek for “run” so as to open the run window and kind “cmd”.
Type the command below and certify you press Enter later. you ought to see a hit message, when that you’re unengaged to exit the electronic communication.
Solution 11: Open the subsequent Ports on Your Router
Opening the subsequent ports on the router is crucial if you wish to ascertain a proper connection between you and therefore the game’s servers. typically routers block bound ports thinking they’re reserved for different processes and therefore the game fails to use it properly. However, you’ll be able to open them quite simply by following the directions below:
Open an online browser, kind your Default entree range (IP address) into the address bar, and press Enter.
Enter your username and word to access your router’s interface. The default username and word ought to be listed in your router’s documentation, on a sticker on the aspect of your router, or on the Port Forward web site.
Find the Port Forwarding section whereas still logged into your router. every router are going to be slightly completely different. Common menu labels for the section of settings that contains Port Forwarding area unit “Port Forwarding”, “Applications”, “Gaming”, “Firewall”, and “Protected Setup”.
The protocol and UDP abbreviations area unit {the choices|the choices} you ought to choose underneath the sort of Service kind option. Since you’ll be able to solely choose one in every of the choices (or both), repeat these steps many times till you have got coated all of the ranges bestowed higher than.
Click on the Save of Apply button and certify you restart each your router and your console so as to completely apply these changes.
Solution 12: Launching through different Platforms
Another workaround that worked for varied folks was work in to eso error 301 victimisation different platforms. If there area unit problems in launching it through its workable, it’d be attainable that that specific workable isn’t operating properly. Here, what we are able to do is attempt is to launch eso error 301 through different platforms or game engines.
Close all instances from the task manager and launch Steam. From there, you’ll be able to navigate to your Library and launch eso error 301’s instance. If this doesn’t work and you have got GeForce put in on your laptop, think about launching it from GeForce.
Solution 13: Wait it out for few minutes or hour
The login issue has been occurring for quite it slow wherever the servers themselves weren’t responding to the log-in tries. {they area unit|they’re} either down for maintenance or are down thanks to technical difficulties. Here, what you’ll be able to do is check connected forums and see if different users face a similar drawback. If they’re, it implies that the servers area unit down.
Whenever this happens, the servers area unit brought make a copy inside each day. What {you will|you’ll|you’ll be able to} do is sit up for the problem out and report within the official forums therefore the developers can notice likewise.