Tales of wind ошибка обновления

Наши пользователи сообщают о проблемах с игрой Tales of Wind.

Если у вас также возникли проблемы с Tales of Wind, серверы игр могут быть перегружены, отключены или недоступны из-за проблем с сетью, сбоев или проведения технического обслуживания сервера.

Чтобы решить эту проблему, выполните следующие действия, чтобы отладить игровое приложение Tales of Wind и устранить проблему, из-за которой игра Tales of Wind не работает:

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Home » Problems » Tales of Wind not loading: Issues with Tales of Wind

Tales of Wind does not load or only very slowly despite internet connection? Then find out here what you can do if Tales of Wind cannot be loaded.

It can be quite annoying when an app from the App Store cannot be loaded and thus updated. The download or update is started, but only a fraction of the app is loaded after hours.
Or an app like Tales of Wind cannot be installed because the download does not start even though you are connected to the internet.

By the way, other problems and errors can occur which you can find in the overview of all Tales of Wind problems find.

Tales of Wind not loading

You want to download or update Tales of Wind and it takes forever for the download to start or for the app to be completely downloaded because it just won’t load. Many then desperately try to restart the download of Tales of Wind, but this does not lead to any useful result either.

The next attempt by many will be to check the internet connection. But the WLAN shows full reception and it still doesn’t work or works very slowly.

Tales of Wind loads very slowly

If Tales of Wind is downloading very slowly, it could also be due to the size of the app itself. The progress bar gives you a slow download, but this may only appear because of the size of the app. In the event of an update, you can check in the respective app store how big the installation file is and see whether it may load for so long due to its size.

Tales of Wind Update does not start

Whether you want to update Tales of Wind or download it again. If one doesn’t work, you probably have the same problems with the other thing and should look for the same solutions.

We have therefore put together a few possible solutions so that you can download the Tales of Wind app without any problems.

In order for the Tales of Wind download to work:

We hope that the following solutions help so that you can load Tales of Wind and the download doesn’t take forever. If you know of other possible solutions, we look forward to receiving a message from you at the end of this article.

  1. Check internet connection
    The reasons why Tales of Wind cannot be loaded cannot be more different. In most cases it is due to your own internet connection. It is quite possible that your device is in a WiFi network, but it still does not work, so you should try to access a website on the Internet using your browser. If this works fine, then it’s not your smartphone or tablet. If you try to download the app via the mobile network (which is not recommended because of the data consumption), then you should check how stable the mobile connection is. Perhaps your data volume has also been used up and is therefore only available slowly.It can also happen that a download from the mobile network is not possible due to your settings.
    In this case you should check the settings for mobile data on your device.
  2. Restart smartphone or tablet
    Often there are problems with the App Store after updating the Android or iOS operating system. After the system has been updated, it may well happen that the connection with the login data for the respective store no longer works securely. In this case you should restart your smartphone or tablet, which will reload all settings and functions and, if necessary, re-establish connections to the App Store.
  3. Check server status
    If a restart and a working internet connection did not solve the problem and Tales of Wind still loads slowly or not at all, then it could also be on the servers of the iTunes Store for iOS or for Android on the servers of the Google Play Store lie. It shouldn’t be due to the servers of the developer NEOCRAFT LIMITED, as the app is on the App Store servers, in rare cases these can be overloaded or malfunctions occur due to maintenance work.

    check Apple server status
    check Google server status

  4. For Android: Empty the cache and delete the data in the Play Store
    This will restart the app completely and problems may be resolved.

    1. Open the “ Settings ” app on the device.
    2. Tap Apps & Notifications then click View all apps .
    3. Scroll down and tap Google Play Store.
    4. Tap Memory Empty cache .
    5. Then tap on Clear data .
    6. Open the Play Store again and try the download again.

So, we hope the tips and tricks were helpful and the Tales of Wind download works again quickly and without any problems.

By the way there may be other problems and errors that you may find in the overview of all Tales of Wind problems .

If you continue to have problems and Tales of Wind is still loading slowly, we look forward to hearing from you.

Tales of Wind Report a problem

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Tales of Wind won’t load or is slow? Report here:

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Обновлено: 09.02.2023

Разработчики мобильной MMORPG Tales of Wind объявили о запуске официальной версии для персональных компьютеров. Игру можно скачать бесплатно с официального сайта, а для запуска необходимо установить V_credist, ссылка на который также есть там. Для авторизации используются учетные записи Neocraft, Google, Facebook и Twitter, так что вы сможете сохранить накопленный прогресс и продолжить играть своим персонажем.

Tales of Wind — это приключенческая MMORPG с открытым миром и анимешной графикой, которая также известна под названием Laplace M. В игре присутствуют множество различных режимов, начиная стандартными PvE-подземельями и PvP-аренами, заканчивая другими занятиями, в том числе гонками, стрельбой и викториной. Также есть возможность захватывать души монстров, получая тем самым те или иные особенности.

Tales of Wind – мобильная MMORPG, ежедневно собирающая вокруг себя огромную аудиторию. Но игра через мобильное устройство нередко накладывает ограничения, такие как разрядка батареи, потеря связи.


При игре в Tales of Wind на этом эмуляторе, встроены готовые настройки управления под клавиши W, S, A, D. Привычный режим передвижения даст преимущества по сравнению с управлением на мобильном устройстве.

В Эмуляторе настраиваются любые горячие клавиши. Это упрощает управление. Bluestacks поддерживает многооконный режим. Настройка клавиш появляется при первом запуске.

Настраиваем управление в эмуляторе

Для установки нужно:

Откроется окно игры, где нужно пройти авторизацию. Аккаунты мобильного устройства и эмулятора должны совпадать. Можно создать новый, но тогда сохранения не перенесутся и придётся начинать игру заново.

Выбор соц сети для входа в игру

Где скачать

Вверху, в поле поиска, если ввести «Tales of Wind», откроется страничка с программой и уже настроенной версией.

Системные требования

Чтобы играть на ПК в Tales of Wind понадобиться мощная аппаратная конфигурация. Но современные компьютеры справляются с игрой без задержек и зависаний.

Минимальные системные требования:

  • Операционная система: Windows 7.
  • Процессор: Core 2 Duo, 2 ГГц.
  • Оперативная память: 2 Гб.
  • Видеокарта с 1 ГБ видеопамяти.
  • 5 ГБ свободного места.

Рекомендуемые системные требования:

  • Операционная система: Windows 7, Windows 10.
  • Процессор: Core 2 Quad.
  • Оперативная память 4 Гб.
  • Видеокарта с 2 ГБ видеопамяти.
  • 5 ГБ свободного места.

Инструкция по установке и настройке Bluestacks для оптимальной игры

Начало настройки

Установка Bluestacks интуитивная. Эмулятор оптимизирован и имеет приятный пользовательский интерфейс. Чтобы пользоваться Bluestacks необходимо:

Выбор другого языка в системе

  • Зайдите в Google Store, произвести установку, согласиться с обновлениями.

В Nox Player не предусмотрена автоматическая подстройка раскладки клавиатуры. Эмулятор требует ручной настройки клавиш управления.

Настраивается управление в панели опций «Эмуляция нажатия»

Чтобы задавать клавиши управления, поочередно перетаскивайте «Постоянные инструменты» и заменяйте ими соответствующие элементы управления.

Настройка кнопок ходьбы

NoxPlayer поддерживает не только клавиатуру, но и геймпад.

Где скачать

Системные требования

Nox чуть менее требователен к характеристикам компьютера, но аппаратные требования у него такие же, как и у Bluestacks.

Инструкция по установке и настройке

  • Загрузите установщик Nox App Player для компьютера с официального сайта, а затем установите.
  • После установки появится окно эмулятора. Нажмите на пиктограмму Google Play, откройте приложение и свяжитес ним учётную запись активную на мобильном устройстве.
  • Nox Player не производит автоматическую оптимизацию аппаратных ресурсов под себя. Она проходит вручную. В окне настроек, активируйте «Подсказки оптимизации производительности».

Настраиваем производительность в эмуляторе

  • В расширенных настройках установите параметры изображения.

Настраиваем расширение

  • Выставьте настройки модели эмуляции. С указанием конкретной модели, производительность возрастёт, но можно оставить параметр по умолчанию.

Указываем модель телефона

  • Настройки интерфейса задаются согласно удобству и предпочтениям.

Laplace M (Tales of Wind) для ПК

Скачали: 100 000
Операционная система: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Размер: 100 Mb
Русский язык: есть
Распространяется: Бесплатно
Обновление: Последняя версия 2021 года

Есть ли официальная версия на ПК?

На данный момент, разработчики не предоставили официальной версии Tales of Wind для персонального компьютера, но можно запустить через такие эмуляторы Android как Bluestacks или Nox.

Заходим в Tales of Wind


Качайте и устанавливайте эмулятор, если давно хотели поиграть в мобильные игры на ПК.

Tales of Wind

Tales of Wind — это анимешная бесплатная MMORPG из Китая, также известная как Laplace M. Ранее игра была доступна лишь на iOS и Android, но со 2 января 2020 года имеет версию для ПК.

Проект предлагает четыре базовых класса с двумя специализациями в каждом, кап уровня 50, PvP, квесты, разнообразный контент, вроде коллекционирования карт, данжей, профессий, фермерства и многое другое. Бой в игре выполнен по типу non target с меньшим акцентом на автоматизацию. Иными словами, игроку придётся делать большинство действий самому, иначе смерть неизбежна.

Ещё разработчики сделали упор на социальную составляющую как в классике. Пользователи должны самостоятельно собирать группу в чате поиска, подбирать их по ГС, навыкам и прочему, постоянно общаться. Но если игроков недостаточно, или поиск затягивается, всегда можно нанять NPC через определённое время от начала сбора.

Если хотите скачать Laplace M (Tales of Wind) для ПК и ноутбуков Windows на русском языке, то попали по адресу и сможете узнать подробнее об этой игре, о всех ее плюсах и минусах, а также скриншоты и видео-обзор.


Laplace M Геймплей и особенности:

Лаплас М (Tales of Wind) предлагает забавные классы магических персонажей, каждый из которых предлагает уникальный набор специальных способностей. Вы можете играть за смертельного ассасина, отважного воина, священнослужителя, обладающего способностями целителя или могущественного мага.

В Laplace M вы сможете хранить очаровательных питомцев, которых вы собираете в карточках душ. Чтобы повысить силу своего аватара, просто поместите карты своей души в экипировку вашего персонажа, например, в оружие вашего персонажа, чтобы повысить его силы и способности.

Чтобы иметь возможность купить некоторых из самых редких питомцев Лапласа М, вам необходимо сэкономить свое золото и ресурсы. Поэтому не забудьте тщательно спланировать все свои покупки, чтобы иметь возможность приобрести несколько мощных питомцев высокого уровня!

Если вам нравится играть в игры с романтическим геймплеем, вам понравится встречаться с мужчиной или женщиной своей мечты. Выбрав себе вторую половинку, вы также сможете пожениться, построить роскошное поместье и пригласить своих друзей к себе домой, чтобы насладиться трапезой.

Вы также сможете посещать дома своих друзей, чтобы обмениваться подарками, которые помогут вам и вашим друзьям быстрее подняться.

Когда вы разрабатываете своего персонажа, у вас не будет проблем с выражением вашей индивидуальности, так как вы сможете выбрать все черты лица вашего персонажа, а также их волосы, их наряды и аксессуары. Некоторые примеры аксессуаров, которые вы сможете надеть своему персонажу, включают в себя ободки на ухо животных и декоративные головные уборы.

Стоит ежедневно заходить в Лаплас М, так как каждый день вы сможете выполнять серию ежедневных миссий. Каждый из них имеет награды, которые должны служить стимулом для входа в вашу игру каждый день.

В Лапласе М есть множество подземелий, где вы сможете сражаться с грозными противниками, чтобы получить шанс выиграть ценное золото, а также новые предметы экипировки и аксессуары. Если вы выровняли своего персонажа и ищете вызов, отправляйтесь в темное кошмарное подземелье, которое предлагает невероятные призы.

Чтобы быстро прогрессировать, убедитесь, что вы научились добывать, обрабатывать землю и бревно, чтобы собирать такие ресурсы, как золото и дерево, чтобы покупать новые предметы.

Laplace M обладает великолепной озвучкой от профессиональных актеров.

Поскольку Laplace M использует простую систему управления, вы сможете загружать и играть в игру безо всякой кривой обучения.

Так что если вы любите милые ролевые игры и любите собирать мощных питомцев, вам обязательно стоит скачать Laplace M.

Установка игры на компьютер

Чтобы скачать Laplace M (Tales of Wind) на ПК или ноутбук с Windows не нужно обладать какими–то особыми навыками. Все достаточно просто, достаточно совершить лишь несколько простых действий:


  • Современная графика;
  • Хорошее звуковое сопровождение;
  • Затягивающий игровой процесс.


Ошибки и их решения

Системные требования

  • Процессор Intel Pentium IV с тактовой частотой 1200 MHz или более мощный (пойдет на любом процессоре, которому менее 10 лет);
  • Оперативная память от 1 Гб или больше;
  • Свободное место на жёстком диске от 200 Мб;
  • Архитектура с разрядностью 32 бит или 64 бит (x86 или x64);
  • Операционная система Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 все работает и на Windows XP SP3;

Я надеюсь, вам понравилось это руководство, пожалуйста, оцените и поделитесь. Если у вас есть проблемы с запуском Laplace M на вашем компьютере или другие проблемы, оставьте комментарий ниже.

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Где удобнее играть на телефоне или компьютере?

Играть онлайн в Tales of Wind можно, как на ПК, так и на мобильных устройствах. При расслабленном стиле игры, затратах небольшого времени и не гонкой за прославленными достижениями, подойдут привычные мобильные платформы.

Bluestacks или Nox Player подходят для Tales of Wind при правильных настройках.

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Ah, Tales of Wind. With every new update, the excitement is real. You can almost hear the collective cheer of players worldwide, eager to dive into the latest content. But, as with many online games, these updates sometimes come with their own set of issues. If Tales of Wind is not working for you, then you came to the right place.

Maybe you’ve found yourself staring at a frozen screen, or perhaps the game crashes every time you try to launch it. Frustrating, right?

But before you throw your controller or keyboard in despair, take a deep breath. You’re not alone in this. Many players face these issues, especially after a new update. The good news? Most of these problems have solutions. With a bit of patience and a few troubleshooting steps, you can get Tales of Wind back to working properly and eliminate all issues you may be having.

Tales of Wind not working: How to fix it

In this guide, we’ll walk you through some of the most common issues Tales of Wind players face and how to fix them.

Tales of Wind not working? Here's what to do

1. Run Tales of Wind as an Administrator

Sometimes, certain Tales of Wind files or processes might be restricted due to your system’s security settings. By granting Tales of Wind administrative privileges, you’re allowing it to bypass these restrictions, which can resolve issues like when the game is not working, isn’t launching, or just crashes and refuses to open.

Here’s how to run Tales of Wind as an administrator:

  1. Navigate to the Tales of Wind game folder on your computer.
  2. Right-click on the Tales of Wind executable file.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select ‘Properties‘.
  4. In the Properties window, switch to the ‘Compatibility‘ tab.
  5. Check the box that says ‘Run this program as an administrator‘.
  6. Click ‘Apply‘ and then ‘OK‘ to save the changes.
  7. Launch Tales of Wind and see if it’s working.

Remember, this is just a basic troubleshooting step. If running the game as an administrator doesn’t solve the problem, don’t worry. Move on to the next.

Instructions on how to run Tales of Wind as administrator

2. Run Tales of Wind in Compatibility Mode

Compatibility mode mimics the environment of an older version of Windows, ensuring that the game runs smoothly without any issues. It’s especially useful if you’ve recently upgraded your OS and started facing issues with Tales of Wind.

Here’s how to run Tales of Wind in Compatibility Mode:

  1. Go to the Tales of Wind game folder on your computer.
  2. Right-click on the Tales of Wind executable file.
  3. Choose ‘Properties‘ from the dropdown menu.
  4. Head over to the ‘Compatibility‘ tab in the Properties window.
  5. Check the box labeled ‘Run this program in compatibility mode for:’ and select a previous version of Windows from the dropdown list. Windows 8 is a good starting point.
  6. Click ‘Apply‘ followed by ‘OK‘ to confirm the changes.
  7. Try launching Tales of Wind to see if this resolves the issue.

Insturctions on how to run Tales of Wind in Compatibility Mode

3. Repair Visual C++ Redistributables

Visual C++ Redistributables are essential components that many games, including Tales of Wind, rely on to function correctly. If these files become corrupted or are missing, it can lead to various issues, including game crashes or even make the whole game stop working completely.

Here’s how to repair Visual C++ Redistributables and install every C++ version:

  1. There are many Microsoft Redistributable packages available. You can either navigate to Microsoft’s official download page and start downloading them one by one, or you can download the package by techpowerup.
  2. Once you download the zip file, extract it and run the “Install ALL” file.
  3. Wait a minute or two, and you should be ready.

Here's how to repair Visual C++ Redistributables and install every C++ version.

After completing these steps, launch Tales of Wind to check if it’s working. If not, let’s keep moving forward.

4. Reinstall DirectX

DirectX enhances the multimedia capabilities of your system, allowing games like Tales of Wind to run with enhanced graphics and audio. An outdated or corrupted DirectX can lead to Tales of Wind crashes, graphical glitches, or audio issues.

Steps to ensure DirectX is updated and functioning properly for Tales of Wind:

  1. Navigate to Microsoft’s DirectX official download page, choose your preferred language and click the download button.
  2. Accept the agreement and click next.
  3. Untick the option to “Install the Bing Bar” on your PC, click next, and wait for the installation to finish.
  4. Once completed, you are good to go and test if Tales of Wind is working or there are still issues.

Steps to ensure DirectX is updated and functioning properly for Tales of Wind.

Keeping DirectX updated is essential, as game developers often optimize their games for the latest versions, ensuring smoother gameplay and fewer glitches.

5. Check for File Corruptions

Corrupted or missing system files can interfere with the smooth running of applications, including games like Tales of Wind. By identifying and fixing these files, you can eliminate a potential cause of the problem.

Here’s how to run ‘sfc /scannow’ to check for file corruptions:

  1. Press Windows + S on your keyboard and type in ‘cmd.’
  2. Right-click on ‘Command Prompt‘ from the search results and choose ‘Run as administrator.’
  3. In the Command Prompt window, type sfc /scannow and press Enter.
  4. The system will now scan all protected system files and replace corrupted files with a cached copy.
  5. Once the scan is complete, follow any on-screen instructions. If any issues were found and fixed, it would be indicated.
  6. Restart your computer after the scan and check if Tales of Wind runs without issues.

Here's how to run 'sfc /scannow' to check for file corruptions.

6. Reinstall Tales of Wind

If you’ve exhausted most of the troubleshooting steps and Tales of Wind still isn’t working correctly, a fresh install can help reset the game to its default state, potentially resolving any lingering issues.

Here’s how to properly uninstall and then reinstall Tales of Wind:

  1. Navigate to “Apps & Features” and find Tales of Wind.
  2. Click on it and select ‘Uninstall‘.
  3. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the uninstallation process.
  4. Once uninstalled, restart your computer.
  5. Now, go ahead and download Tales of Wind again and install it.

A fresh start can often work wonders, especially if the game files have been corrupted or if there’s been a problematic update.

7. Install Tales of Wind on a Different Drive

A fresh drive can offer faster read/write speeds, more space, and fewer errors. Moving Tales of Wind can lead to a smoother gaming experience if the current drive is nearing capacity or has bad sectors.

Here’s how to move and install Tales of Wind on another drive:

  1. First, uninstall Tales of Wind using the method described in the previous section.
  2. When installing, make sure on the “Location Path” to choose a different drive.
  3. Once installed, launch Tales of Wind from the new location and check if the issues persist.

Remember, it’s always a good idea to ensure that the drive you’re moving the game to has enough free space and is in good health. Regularly checking your drives for errors and optimizing them can lead to an overall better PC performance.

8. Update Your GPU Drivers

Updated drivers often come with optimizations for new games and fixes for known issues. Keeping your GPU drivers up-to-date ensures that Tales of Wind can run optimally and take advantage of the latest enhancements. This is one of the most common solutions for issues like when Tales of Wind is crashing, not working, not opening, or even closing by itself.

Here’s how to check for driver updates and install them:

  1. Identify your GPU. It’s typically either NVIDIA, AMD, or Intel.
  2. Visit the official website of your GPU manufacturer:
    • For NVIDIA: NVIDIA Driver Downloads
    • For AMD: AMD Driver Downloads
    • For Intel: Intel Driver & Support Assistant
  3. Look for the driver download section and input your GPU model.
  4. Download the latest driver available for your GPU.
  5. Once downloaded, run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
  6. After the installation is complete, restart your computer.
  7. Launch Tales of Wind and check if the game runs smoothly.

How to update GPU drivers to fix Tales of Wind aint working.

9. Disable CPU/GPU Overclocks

Overclocking your CPU or GPU can provide a performance boost, but it can also lead to instability in some games, including Tales of Wind. One of the most common issues on Tales of Wind because of overclocking is that the game will keep constantly crashing or closing. Sometimes, it gets even worse and your PC will restart by itself.

Overclocking pushes your hardware beyond its factory settings, which can lead to increased heat and potential instability. While some games might run fine, others, like Tales of Wind, could experience crashes or other issues.

Steps to disable overclocks depending on various tools or BIOS:

  1. Using Overclocking Tools (e.g., MSI Afterburner, EVGA Precision X1):
    • Open your overclocking tool.
    • Reset your GPU’s clock speeds to their default values.
    • Save the changes and close the tool.
  2. Through BIOS (for CPU overclocks):
    • Restart your computer.
    • During boot-up, press the designated key (often Del or F2) to enter the BIOS.
    • Reset your BIOS to default settings.
    • Save the changes and exit the BIOS.
  3. For Pre-built Systems with Factory Overclocks:
    • Some gaming PCs come with factory overclocks. Find the software they use and disable from there.

After disabling the overclocks, launch Tales of Wind and check if it runs without issues.

10. Disable Antivirus

Antivirus software scans files and processes in real-time. If it mistakenly flags a Tales of Wind file as suspicious, it might block or quarantine it, causing the game to malfunction and have all sort of issues.

Here’s how to disable your antivirus software:

  1. For Windows Defender (built-in Windows Antivirus):
    • Press Windows + I to open Settings.
    • Go to ‘Update & Security‘ > ‘Windows Security‘ > ‘Virus & threat protection‘.
    • Under ‘Virus & threat protection settings,’ click on ‘Manage settings‘.
    • Toggle off ‘Real-time protection‘.
  2. For Third-party Antivirus Software (e.g., McAfee, Norton, Avast):
    • Locate the antivirus icon in your system tray (bottom-right corner).
    • Right-click on the icon and look for an option to disable or turn off real-time protection. The exact steps vary depending on the software.
    • Choose a time frame to disable the antivirus if prompted (e.g., 15 minutes, 1 hour). This allows you to play without interruptions and ensures the antivirus turns back on afterward.

How to disable Windows defender to prevent it from messing up with Tales of Wind.

After disabling the antivirus, try running Tales of Wind. If the game works without issues, consider adding Tales of Wind to your antivirus exception or whitelist to prevent future conflicts.

Tales of Wind not working with a VPN?

Using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) can be a great way to bypass regional restrictions or maintain privacy while gaming. However, sometimes, VPNs can interfere with the connection between your computer and Tales of Wind’s servers.

Tips on selecting the right VPN and settings:

  1. Choose a Gaming-Friendly VPN: Not all VPNs are optimized for gaming. Look for VPNs that advertise low latency and high-speed connections suitable for gaming. NordVPN is your best bet.
  2. Select a Nearby Server: Choose a VPN server that’s geographically close to you. This can help reduce latency.
  3. Avoid Free VPNs: Free VPNs often have bandwidth limitations and might not be optimized for gaming.
  4. Check VPN Settings: Some VPNs offer settings optimized for gaming or streaming. Explore the VPN’s settings to see if there’s an option that might improve your Tales of Wind experience.
  5. Temporary Disable: If you’re still facing issues, consider temporarily disabling the VPN while playing Tales of Wind. Remember to turn it back on afterward if you use it for other activities.

Quick fix

If errors don’t seem to go away, we recommend you switch to a different VPN provider.

We suggest NordVPN since it’s hands down the best VPN on the market right now.

Tales of Wind Login not working?

It’s frustrating when you’re all set to jump into Tales of Wind but stuck at the login screen. Let’s explore some solutions to get you back in the game and fix any login issues on Tales of Wind.

Possible reasons for login issues:

  1. Server Downtime: Tales of Wind servers might be down for maintenance or facing unexpected issues.
  2. Incorrect Credentials: A simple typo can prevent you from logging in.
  3. Internet Connection: A weak or unstable connection might disrupt the login process.

Tales of Wind login troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check Server Status: Before diving into other solutions, visit Tales of Wind’s official website or social media channels to check if there’s any ongoing server maintenance or issues.
  2. Re-enter Credentials: Ensure you’re entering the correct username and password. If you’ve forgotten your password, reset it using the ‘Forgot Password‘ option.
  3. Clear Cache:
    • For PC: Close Tales of Wind > Press Windows + R > Type %localappdata% > Find the ‘Tales of Wind‘ folder and delete it.
    • For Consoles: Restart your console. This often clears the cache automatically.
  4. Check Internet Connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection. Restarting your router or modem can help resolve minor connectivity issues.
  5. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): If you have 2FA enabled, ensure you’re entering the correct code sent to your email or authentication app.

Tales of Wind won’t open or launch?

There’s nothing more disheartening than clicking on the Tales of Wind icon eagerly waiting for the game to launch, only to be met with… nothing. Let’s dive into some potential fixes.

Your best bet is to follow our main guide above to fix Tales of Wind not opening or launching on your PC.

Possible reasons why Tales of Wind won’t launch:

  1. Corrupted Game Files: Game files can become corrupted over time or due to unexpected errors.
  2. Software Conflicts: Other software or applications running in the background might interfere with Tales of Wind.
  3. Outdated Drivers: Old or incompatible drivers can prevent the game from launching.

Checking for background processes and other solutions:

  1. Run as Administrator: Sometimes, Tales of Wind needs additional permissions to launch correctly. Right-click on the game’s icon and select ‘Run as administrator‘.
  2. Close Background Applications: Other software, especially those that overlay in-game (like Discord or game recording software), can conflict with Tales of Wind. Close unnecessary applications and try launching the game again.
  3. Verify Game Files:
    • Open Tales of Wind.
    • Click on the three dots next to the game’s name and select ‘Verify.’ This process will check and repair any corrupted game files.
  4. Update Drivers: Ensure your GPU drivers are up-to-date. Refer to the earlier section on how to update GPU drivers for detailed steps.
  5. Reinstall Tales of Wind: If all else fails, consider reinstalling the game. This can resolve any deep-rooted issues preventing the game from launching.

Tales of Wind password change not working?

Changing your password is a crucial step in maintaining account security. However, sometimes you might face issues while trying to update it.

Possible reasons for Tales of Wind password change issues:

  1. Server Issues: Tales of Wind’s servers might be experiencing high traffic or technical issues.
  2. Incorrect Current Password: You might be entering the wrong current password.
  3. Weak New Password: The new password you’re trying to set might not meet Tales of Wind’s security criteria.

Steps to securely change your Tales of Wind password:

  1. Check Server Status: Before anything else, check Tales of Wind’s official website or social media channels to see if there are any reported server issues.
  2. Correct Current Password: Ensure you’re entering the correct current password. If you’ve forgotten it, reset it using the ‘Forgot Password‘ option.
  3. Strong New Password: Ensure your new password is strong and meets Tales of Wind’s criteria. Typically, this includes a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  4. Use a Different Browser or Device: Sometimes, browser-related issues can prevent you from changing your password. Try using a different browser or even a different device.
  5. Clear Browser Cache: Cached data can sometimes interfere with web processes. Clear your browser’s cache and cookies, and then try again.
  6. Wait and Retry: If you’ve tried multiple times in quick succession, take a break and try again after a while. Repeated failed attempts might temporarily lock you out of your Tales of Wind account.

Tales of Wind email change not working?

Changing the email associated with your Tales of Wind account can be essential for various reasons, from security concerns to simply switching to a more frequently used email. However, sometimes this process might hit a block.

Possible reasons for email change issues:

  1. Verification Issues: You might not have verified the new email address.
  2. Server Delays: There could be a delay in processing the request due to server issues.
  3. Incorrect Email Format: The new email address might have an incorrect format or contain typos.

Guide on updating email preferences:

  1. Verify the New Email: Before changing your email in Tales of Wind, ensure you have access to the new email and can verify it. Check your inbox (and spam folder) for a verification email from Tales of Wind.
  2. Correct Email Format: Double-check the new email address for any typos or errors. Ensure it’s in a valid format (e.g., username@example.com).
  3. Wait for a While: Sometimes, there might be a delay in processing email change requests. Give it some time, and then check again.
  4. Check Account Settings: Log into your Tales of Wind account and navigate to the ‘Account‘ section. Here, you can view and edit your email preferences.
  5. Use a Different Browser: Browser-related glitches can sometimes interfere with account changes. Try using a different browser or clearing your current browser’s cache and cookies.
  6. Contact Support: If you’ve tried the above steps and still face issues, it’s time to reach out to Tales of Wind’ support. They can assist you in updating your email preferences and resolving any underlying problems.

Remember, always ensure you have access to the email address associated with your Tales of Wind account. It’s crucial for account recovery and security notifications.

Tales of Wind 2FA not working?

2FA ensures that even if someone knows your password, they won’t be able to access your account without the second verification step, typically a code sent to your email or authentication app.

Troubleshooting steps for 2FA issues:

  1. Check Your Email: If you’ve set up 2FA using your email, ensure you’re checking the correct inbox. Don’t forget to peek into the spam or junk folder.
  2. Authentication App: If you’re using an authentication app like Google Authenticator, ensure it’s correctly synced. Sometimes, time discrepancies between the app and the server can cause issues.
  3. Wait for a Bit: There might be a slight delay in receiving the 2FA code, especially during peak times. Give it a few minutes.
  4. Resend the Code: If you haven’t received the code after waiting, try to trigger a new code by attempting to log in again.
  5. Check Account Details: Ensure that your account details, especially your email address, are up-to-date and correctly entered in the Tales of Wind system.
  6. Disable and Re-enable 2FA: As a last resort, you can try disabling 2FA from your Tales of Wind account settings and then re-enabling it. This might reset any glitches causing the issue.
  7. Contact Support: If you’ve tried all the above steps and still can’t use 2FA, reach out to Tales of Wind’s support team. They can help you secure your Tales of Wind account and resolve the 2FA issue.

Blocked from Tales of Wind?

Being blocked or banned from Tales of Wind can be a distressing experience, especially if you’re unsure of the reason. Let’s explore the potential causes and solutions.

Possible reasons for being blocked:

  1. Cheating or Using Unauthorized Software: Using cheats, hacks, or any third-party software that gives an unfair advantage can lead to a Tales of Wind ban.
  2. Toxic Behavior: Harassment, hate speech, or any form of disruptive behavior can result in account penalties or even permanent bans in Tales of Wind.
  3. Account Security Issues: Suspicious activity or multiple failed login attempts can trigger a temporary block for security reasons.
  4. Payment Disputes: Chargebacks or disputes related to in-game purchases can lead to account restrictions.

Solutions and steps to consider:

  1. Self-Reflection: Before taking action, consider if any recent activities might have violated Tales of Wind’s terms of service.
  2. Check Your Email: Tales of Wind usually sends an email explaining the reason for the block or ban. Ensure you’re checking the correct email associated with your Tales of Wind account.
  3. Secure Your Account: If you suspect unauthorized access, immediately change your password and enable 2FA to secure your Tales of Wind account fully.
  4. Contact Support: If you believe the block is a mistake or want to appeal a Tales of Wind ban, contact Tales of Wind’s official support. Provide all necessary details and be patient while waiting for a response.
  5. Avoid Repeat Offenses: If your account is reinstated, ensure you adhere to Tales of Wind’s terms of service to prevent future issues.

Tales of Wind audio not working?

Audio plays a pivotal role in Tales of Wind. If you’re facing audio issues, it can significantly impact your gaming experience.

Possible reasons for audio issues:

  1. Game Settings: In-game audio settings might have been accidentally muted or adjusted.
  2. System Settings: Your computer’s audio settings might be causing conflicts.
  3. Driver Issues: Outdated or corrupted audio drivers can lead to sound problems.
  4. Hardware Issues: Faulty headphones or speakers can be the culprits.

Checking audio settings and other fixes:

  1. In-Game Settings:
    • Launch Tales of Wind and go to the ‘Settings‘ menu.
    • Navigate to the ‘Audio‘ tab and adjust the volume sliders appropriately. Make sure the game isn’t muted.
  2. System Audio Settings:
    • Right-click on the speaker icon in the system tray (bottom-right corner) and select ‘Open Sound settings‘ or ‘Playback devices.’
    • Ensure your preferred playback device (e.g., headphones or speakers) is set as the default.
    • Test the device to ensure it’s working.
  3. Update Audio Drivers:
    • Go to the device manager (right-click on the Start button and select ‘Device Manager‘).
    • Expand the ‘Sound, video, and game controllers‘ section.
    • Right-click on your audio device and select ‘Update driver.’ Follow the prompts to search for and install any available updates.
  4. Check Hardware:
    • Test your headphones or speakers on another device to ensure they’re working.
    • If you’re using a gaming headset, ensure any physical mute switches are turned off.

Tales of Wind voice chat not working?

Possible reasons for Tales of Wind voice chat issues:

  1. In-Game Settings: Voice chat might be disabled or not correctly configured within Tales of Wind.
  2. Microphone Issues: Your microphone might not be detected or could be malfunctioning.
  3. Software Conflicts: Other software might be using the microphone or causing conflicts.

Solutions to common Tales of Wind voice chat issues:

  1. Check In-Game Voice Chat Settings:
    • Launch Tales of Wind and head to the ‘Settings‘ menu.
    • Navigate to the ‘Audio‘ tab. Ensure that voice chat is enabled and the volume is appropriately set.
    • Check the input and output devices to ensure they’re set to the correct microphone and headphones/speakers.
  2. System Microphone Settings:
    • Right-click the speaker icon in the system tray on Windows and select ‘Open Sound settings.’
    • Under ‘Input,’ ensure your microphone is selected and test it to see if it’s picking up sound.
  3. Update Microphone Drivers:
    • Access the device manager (right-click the Start button and choose ‘Device Manager‘).
    • Expand the ‘Audio inputs and outputs‘ section.
    • Right-click your microphone and select ‘Update driver.’ Follow the on-screen instructions.
  4. Check for Software Conflicts:
    • Close other applications that might be using the microphone, such as Skype, Zoom, or other voice chat software.
    • Ensure no other software is set to “always take priority” for microphone access.
  5. Physical Checks:
    • If you’re using an external microphone or headset, ensure it’s properly plugged in.
    • Test the microphone on another device to ensure it’s functioning.

Tales of Wind store not working?

The Tales of Wind store is where players can purchase different in-game items. If it’s not functioning correctly, it can be quite frustrating, especially if there’s a limited-time offer you’re trying to grab.

Possible reasons for store issues:

  1. Server Downtime: The Tales of Wind store might be temporarily down for maintenance or due to server issues.
  2. Payment Method Issues: There could be problems with your chosen payment method.
  3. Internet Connection: A weak or unstable connection might disrupt the store’s functionality.

Clearing cache and ensuring a stable internet connection:

  1. Check Server Status: Before attempting other solutions, visit Tales of Wind’s official website or social media channels to see if there are any reported server or store issues.
  2. Update Payment Details: If you’re facing issues while trying to make a purchase, ensure your payment details are up-to-date and valid. Consider trying a different payment method.
  3. Contact Support: If the store remains inaccessible or you face issues with transactions, it’s a good idea to contact Tales of Wind’s support team. They can provide guidance and help resolve any underlying problems.

Remember, always be cautious when making online purchases. Ensure you’re on the official Tales of Wind platform, not a third-party or scam site.

Tales of Wind not launching?

When you’re all set for a gaming session, and Tales of Wind refuses to launch, it can be a real mood dampener. Let’s explore some solutions to get you back into the action.

Possible reasons for launching issues:

  1. Corrupted Game Files: Game files can become corrupted over time, causing issues during launch.
  2. Software Conflicts: Other software running in the background might interfere with Tales of Wind’s launch process.
  3. Outdated Drivers: Old or incompatible drivers can prevent the game from starting.

How to fix Tales of Wind not launching:

  1. Run as Administrator: Sometimes, Tales of Wind requires additional permissions to launch. Right-click on the game’s icon and select ‘Run as administrator.’
  2. Close Background Applications: Software, especially those with in-game overlays (like Discord or game recording tools), can conflict with Tales of Wind. Close unnecessary applications and try launching the game again.
  3. Verify Game Files:
    • Open Tales of Wind.
    • Click on the three dots next to the game’s name and select ‘Verify.’ This process checks and repairs any corrupted game files.
  4. Update Drivers: Ensure your GPU drivers are up-to-date. Refer to the earlier section on updating GPU drivers for detailed steps.
  5. Reinstall Tales of Wind: If all else fails, consider reinstalling the game. This can resolve any deep-rooted issues preventing the game from launching.

Make sure to follow all the steps in our main guide above.

Tales of Wind keeps crashing?

Experiencing crashes in the middle of a match can be incredibly frustrating. Let’s dive into some potential fixes to keep your game running smoothly.

Possible reasons for crashes:

  1. System Overload: Your PC or console might be struggling to handle the game, leading to crashes.
  2. Corrupted Game Files: Damaged or missing game files can cause instability.
  3. Software Conflicts: Other software or applications might be conflicting with Tales of Wind.

Lowering graphics settings and other potential fixes:

  1. Adjust Graphics Settings:
    • Launch Tales of Wind and head to the ‘Settings‘ menu.
    • Navigate to the ‘Video‘ tab and lower the graphics settings. Consider reducing the resolution, turning off shadows, and lowering texture quality.
    • This can reduce the strain on your system and prevent crashes.
  2. Verify Game Files:
    • Open the Tales of Wind Launcher.
    • Go to your Library and find Tales of Wind.
    • Click on the three dots next to the game’s name and select ‘Verify.’ This will check for and repair corrupted game files.
  3. Close Background Applications: Ensure no other intensive applications are running in the background, as they can strain your system and cause crashes.
  4. Update Drivers: Outdated graphics drivers can lead to game instability. Ensure you have the latest drivers installed for your GPU.
  5. Reinstall Tales of Wind: If crashes persist, consider reinstalling the game. This can help resolve any underlying issues causing the crashes.

Tales of Wind keeps disconnecting?

Getting disconnected in the midst of a heated battle can be a real downer. Let’s explore why this might be happening and how to keep you connected to the action.

Possible reasons for disconnects:

  1. Unstable Internet Connection: A fluctuating internet connection can lead to frequent disconnects.
  2. Server Issues: Sometimes, the problem might be on Tales of Wind’s end, especially during peak times or major updates.
  3. Background Applications: Other apps using the internet in the background might be hogging bandwidth.

Checking internet stability and other solutions:

  1. Test Your Internet Connection:
    • Use online tools to check your internet speed, ping and for potential packet loss.
  2. Wired Connection: Consider switching to a wired connection if you’re on Wi-Fi. Ethernet connections are generally more stable and can reduce disconnects.
  3. Restart Your Router/Modem:
    • Unplug your router/modem, wait for about a minute, and then plug it back in.
    • This can help refresh your connection and resolve minor network glitches.
  4. Check Tales of Wind Server Status: Visit Tales of Wind’s official website or social media channels to see if there are any reported server issues or maintenance.


Sometimes, despite our best efforts, issues persist. If you’ve tried all the solutions mentioned and still can’t get Tales of Wind to work properly, there’s one last resort you might consider:

Reinstall Windows

Reinstalling your operating system can be a drastic step, but it can also resolve deep-rooted software conflicts or corruptions that might be causing issues with Tales of Wind.

Steps to Reinstall Windows:

  1. Backup Important Data: Before you proceed, ensure you back up all essential files, documents, and data to an external drive or cloud storage.
  2. Prepare a Windows Installation Media: You’ll need a USB drive with the Windows installation files. You can create one using the Windows Media Creation Tool available on Microsoft’s official website.
  3. Restart and Boot from USB: Insert the USB drive and restart your computer. During startup, press the boot menu key (often F12, F10, or ESC, depending on your PC) and select the USB drive from the list.
  4. Follow Installation Prompts: The Windows setup will start. Follow the on-screen instructions. When prompted, choose to perform a clean installation.
  5. Set Up Windows: Once the installation is complete, you’ll need to set up Windows. Follow the prompts to choose your region, connect to Wi-Fi, and set up a user account.
  6. Reinstall Tales of Wind: Once Windows is set up, reinstall Tales of Wind and check if the issues are resolved.
  7. Optimize your PC: Follow our comprehensive Windows optimization guide or call me to schedule an appointment to take care of your PC.

Remember, reinstalling Windows will remove all applications and settings from your computer, so only consider this option if you’re comfortable with the process and have tried all other solutions.

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