Super people ошибка сервера

Ошибка сервера 212 в Super People

Серверы CBT Super People в настоящее время не работают на ПК? После некоторых обновлений игроки сообщают о ошибке подключения к серверу Super People CBT, с кодом d00212 и проблемах со входом в систему. 

Мы подготовили несколько рабочих решений ошибки d00212.

Вот несколько решений ошибки, на которые стоит обратить внимание:

  1. Перезапуск роутера часто является самым простым и быстрым способом решения проблем с подключением, он помог многие пользователям.
  2. Другие приложения в вашей сети, которые требуют большой нагрузки на сеть интернет, могут мешать вам подключаться — отключите их. Это включает, помимо прочего, потоковую передачу музыки, потокового видео или фильмов или загрузку файлов.
  3. Попробуйте использовать VPN или смените язык лаунчера на Английский, это также помогло некоторым пользователям.
  4. Отключите Защитник Windows. Зайдите в «Пуск» — «Параметры» — «Обновление и безопасность» — «Защитник Windows» и отключите его.

Это все способы решить ошибку 212 Super People.


We have received reports of yet another issue faced by players playing Super People and this time it is the can’t connect to GeeGee(300) server error code that restricts players from accessing the game. So, if you are facing the same error, make sure to read this article till the end to know if there is a fix for this issue yet. Here’s everything you need to know.

According to the reviews of many curators that tried the game recently, Super People is a definite combination of all the popular BR games mixed into one. With highly intense fast-paced gameplay along with new and improved character customizations, the game is believed to make history once it is ready for commercial release. The game claims that it will revolutionize the whole BR genre by implementing character-based unique abilities and skills. Also, did you know that players can also craft items in-game while in a match? Well, that’s an interesting addition to the BR genre, for sure.


However, the current state of the game isn’t quite good as it is riddled with a wide variety of errors and issues that seem to be repelling players for good. One such issue that many have reported is the Can’t connect to GeeGee (300) server error code. More details about this are shared below.

Super People Can’t connect to GeeGee (300) server error code troubling players: Is there any fix yet

According to reports, whenever players launch the game, the message “Cannot Connect To GeeGee (300)” is displayed on the screen. Well, there is a Reconnecting option as well, but unfortunately, that doesn’t do anything.


With that being said, now you might be wondering if there is a fix for this issue, right? Well, there is no official acknowledgment from the devs regarding this which means that a patch fix update is not going to be released anytime soon. In the meantime, you can try out these temporary workarounds that might get your game running again.

1) Since the error is regarding server connection, this might be caused because of your internet. So, if you are using a Wifi connection to access the internet, consider switching to a wired connection for better connectivity as well as speed.
2) Using a VPN might fix this error for you. However, VPNs can drastically increase your in-game ping and latency, so make sure you’re ready for the trade-off.
3) Also, if you are getting a server error code, this might mean that the servers are offline during that time. Consider, checking the official Super People Twitter page for updates regarding server status as currently there is no dedicated website to check the server status of the game.

And if none of the methods are working for you, then try reinstalling the game. This is all you can do as of now, to fix this error. However, if more information about this issue and its fixes are released in the future, we will be updating this article accordingly at the earliest. For more such guides and information on new games, make sure to stay tuned with us on AndroidGram.


Stuck in an endless loop playing video games and watching anime. Mostly found in Valorant or scrolling through Netflix.

Super People Can't connect to GeeGee

As we all know, currently, Super People is in its CBT (Closed Beta) phase. And, the main purpose of these alpha and beta test phases is to identify the problems that players might encounter while playing the game and ultimately fix them. It is a part of the development process for the majority of games. Some lucky players got the chance of being the closed beta testers of this game and they are loving it. But also, in this phase, Super People also troubled players with some issues like Connection Errors, freezing, game not working issues, etc. Adding to these issues, many closed beta testers are also facing server error code “Can’t connect to GeeGee (300)”. If you are also encountering this issue and want to know that if there is any fix for it, then continue reading this article till the end.

Developed by Wonder People, Super People is another unique Battle Royale game. When we say the word, Battle Royale game, we always imagine games like Fortnite, COD, PUBG, etc. But, Super People claims that it will completely revolutionize the way we think about the games of this genre. Super People brings the use of different skills and multiple activities that you can perform while playing the game. You can do activities like redoing the inventory, crafting, looting, etc. with a whole different experience in Super People. Coming back to the main topic, here is everything you need to know about the Super People Error, “Can’t connect to GeeGee (300) server”.

This error occurs after you launch the game. As the name of this error justifies, it is caused because the game is not able to connect to the GeeGee server. The game uses the GeeGee client to verify the players’ authenticity and minimize cheating in the game, just like Valorant uses Riot client for the same purpose.

Is there any fix yet?

This issue is very annoying as not many players got the chance to be the tester in the first closed beta test. This issue has been reported on the Community page of GeeGee and the reply of the officials is still awaited. So, there is not any particular fix for this problem yet. In the future, if officials announce anything related to this issue, we will surely update you regarding the same.

Meanwhile, you can definitely try to resolve this issue by performing some general fixes of connection errors. To know more about them, you must head here.

Super People is a new Battle Royale from Korean developer Wonder People, who claims the game would «revolutionize how you think about the genre.» It has 12 separate playable classes, each with its own set of talents and capabilities, and only one super soldier or squad will survive till the end. However, it appears that some gamers are experiencing Super People Network Connection Errors while attempting to access the title, which is unusual. However, it appears that many players encounter Super People connection failed issues while attempting to enter the game, which is unusual. Don’t worry! We have summarized some ways to solve the problem, one of the easiest ways is to download LagoFast.

Part 1: Why does Super People have the connection failed problem?

Part 2: LagoFast: Best fix for Super People connection failed

Part 3: Other fixes for Super People connection failed

Why does Super People have the connection failed problem?

In Super People, you can Operate the super soldiers with their characteristics, so you can feel the fun of different survival battles. However, encountering connection failed problems when we are playing Super People is a very chagrined thing. Unfortunately, uneven speeds or an out-of-date router can cause connection problems. Your connection issues could be the result of a much larger issue at your service provider’s end. Next, we list some of the factors that can cause Super People connection to fail.

  • Internet speed is too low: If you have too many devices utilizing too much bandwidth at the same time, your overall speed may suffer.
  • Modem unconnected with internet provider: Because your modem is not communicating properly with your internet provider, your internet may disconnect at any time.
  • Out-of-date Wi-Fi: An aging wireless router is a common source of connectivity problems.
  • Faulty cables: If you have loose, outdated, or damaged cables, your internet will continue to disconnect.

super people connection failed

LagoFast: Best fix for Super People connection failed

You will be unable to play or access the Super People game unless you have a valid internet connection or network connection. However, many players have encountered Super People connection issues or Super People timed out.

Luckily, we will introduce you to the solutions, among which we recommend most is a game booster, because it can help you solve a variety of problems even if you don’t know what causes them. And, after careful consideration of all factors, we present to you LagoFast.

LagoFast’s advantages are as follows:

  • Support Plan-Per-Minute service, more economical and cost-effective.
  • Worldwide distributed servers & nodes
  • More than 8 years of fixing game issues
  • Reduce ping while also increasing FPS
  • Simple to use, with a single press of the Boost button
  • Kill Super People lag and high ping issues

Here’s how to use LagoFast:

Step 1: Download LagoFast.

Step 2: Type super people in the Search box and choose it among the results.

super people

Step 3: Click on the Boost button to start boosting.

super people game booster

On this tab, you can see your real-time ping and packet loss rate, which are closely related to your FPS performance.

You can change the settings manually by clicking on the ones you want to turn on/off.

To accomplish this:

Step 1: Click on «FPS Boost» on the left side.

super people connection fps boost-1 

Step 2: Click “CPU Optimization” on the FPS Boost page and choose the settings that you want to open.

super people connection fps boost-2 

Step 3: Click “GPU Settings” on the FPS Boost page.

super people connection fps boost-3 

Step 4: Slide to choose your overclocking level in the first bar and tick “Enable GPU Boost” in the second bar.

super people connection fps boost-4 

Step 5: Click “GPU Driver” on the FPS Boost page to check your GUP Driver updating version.

super people connection fps boost-5

Of course, in addition to downloading a game booster, there are many other ways to solve the Super People connection issue. Here we share a few possible solutions that should help you resolve such issues.

super people game

  • Reboot the Router: Wireless (Wi-Fi) connectivity can occasionally produce multiple glitches or latency issues for a variety of reasons. And these will lead to Super People connection issues. It is preferable to restart the Wi-Fi router to resolve the temporary connectivity issue. It could be quite beneficial to you.
  • Restart your Router: The router may cause a series of problems such as slowing down the Internet speed after working for a long time, which will also make the Super People connection timed out. However, you can try restarting your router to resolve such an issue. Turn off the router, then unhook the power cable. Then reconnect the power cable and power on the router. After restarting the router, try launching Super People.
  • Upgrade to a greater Router: You should think about upgrading to a newer, more powerful one, especially if you have many laptops, smartphones, and tablets and your router version is very old.
  • Use a Wired Internet Connection: Wireless connections have some signal or network strength concerns, which negatively impact server connectivity and data throughput. Using a cable connection will significantly lessen networking-related issues. You can test the connection by connecting the same modem that your router uses directly to your PC.
  • Wipe Your Settings Clean: Resetting your router to its factory default settings may help. Most routers require you to push a small reset button on the back panel and hold it down for several seconds until the LED lights start flashing. Once reset, you can log into the online interface and start over. Just be careful not to enable the same setting that triggered the problem, to begin with.
  • Flush your DNS: When you remove the DNS cache, your computer must get data from the DNS server every time you visit a new page. This could be the answer if the connection error was caused by erroneous DNS cache data.
  • Try disabling IPv6 Connection: Check to see if you’re using an IPv6 connection. Super People may have problems connecting to the network.

super people settings

Absolutely, you should also check whether your computer configuration meets the minimum system requirements to run the game.

Super People привлекли к себе немного внимания с тех пор, как участвовали в закрытом бета-тестировании (которое разработчики Wonder People сократили до CBT) с уникальной механикой, которая встряхивает традиционный жанр королевской битвы. Тем не менее, поскольку игры с «бета-версией», как правило, имеют видное место, могут возникнуть проблемы с фактическим входом в игру.

Вот три шага, которые нужно предпринять, чтобы устранить любые ошибки с Super People в Steam.

Локальная проверка Steam

Де-факто первым шагом при обнаружении ошибки с заголовком Steam является проверка целостности локального файла. Для этого:

Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши заголовок в своей библиотеке Steam. Выберите «Свойства». В левом списке выберите «Локальные файлы». Выберите «Проверить целостность бета-файлов».
Скриншот от Gamepur

Steam теперь проверит файлы по мастеру и загрузит все отсутствующие файлы. Если вы все еще сталкиваетесь с проблемами, пора перейти ко второму шагу.

Переустановка GeeGee

Super People использует программу запуска под названием GeeGee, которая может вызывать некоторые проблемы. Разработчики рекомендуют, если проблема не исчезнет, ​​удалить приложение GeeGee, а затем перезапустить Super People в Steam. Это приведет к новой загрузке программы запуска.

Войдите в меню «Пуск» и введите «удалить программу». Наверху должна появиться скобка с надписью «Панель управления» и должна быть выбрана опция «Добавить или удалить программу». Нажмите Enter и прокрутите список вниз, пока не увидите «GeeGeeClient». Выберите клиент в списке и удалите. После завершения удаления запустите Super People из Steam, чтобы поставить в очередь загрузку программы запуска.
Снимок экрана, сделанный Gamepur Windows Management Instrumentation

Если проблемы не исчезнут, Wonder People рекомендует проверить ваш инструментарий управления Windows. При входе в WMI необходимо, чтобы вы взаимодействовали только с указанными настройками.

Нажмите (клавиша Windows) и R, чтобы войти в подсказку о запуске. Введите services.msc. Прокрутите вниз до «Инструментарий управления Windows» и убедитесь, что он работает. Если нет, щелкните вкладку в строке состояния и выберите «Начать». Выйдите и попробуйте запустить игру через Steam.
Скриншот от Gamepur

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