Hi, I have been trying to load Sea of thieves Insider and keep getting the error: «The Sea of Thieves Services are temporarily unavailable. Please try again. (Strawberrybeard)» Yet my friends are currently playing.
Please help.
Hm.. No idea what a strawberrybeard error is. Maybe report here? https://support.seaofthieves.com/hc/en-gb
@princes-lettuce I cannot find where to report the issue
@the-clyff Mate, done all that and still does it. I know what I’m doing this is a rare occasion that I ever put a ticket in.
@jellycup13 as of right now the update has dropped and its 3 days in. I so had the same problem with insider so i left it be but now its doing it to me now and i have no idea what to do
@gruntoidthmoist having same problem here. None of my crew can get on
@abandonedfairy having the same problem on my Xbox one X as well. Hoping rare will fix soon.
also getting the strawberrybeard error on the xbox one x
Ahoy maties!
Just a heads up, Xbox are also having issues right now, so it is worth trying again a little later.
Kicked me out in the middle of sailing. Got strawberry bearded every time I load up but my other xbox friends are playing just fine 😐
I’m on xbox one s and was playing just fine! Fishing and all😣
Tried everything,couldn’t find any results for strawberry beard error on Google
And here is my answer to the question
@musicmee said in Connection Issues as of 2nd May Confirmed by Diego (Rare Community Manager):
@monty99 Ahoy matey!
This is an Authentication/Xbox issue and as it looks like they (Xbox) too are having issues, you may just need to wait it out.
PC players are also having this issue, its not just Xbox
Same Strawberry beard here in Redmond, and in Lake Havasu City. Both on Xbox 1 X’s. Fully updated.
I was trying to do talltails tellit kicked me my luck👌
@izzythebomb239 Ahoy matey!
There are currently issues affecting both Sea of Thieves and Xbox Live.
As this is a known issue I am dropping anchor here but you can find out more and discuss this in the post below.
- Прочитайте это руководство, чтобы узнать, как исправить ошибку Strawberrybeard в Sea of Thieves.
- Sea of Thieves Strawberrybeard & Исправление ошибки сервера (работает на 100 %)
- Проверьте подключение к Интернету, чтобы исправить Ошибка Strawberrybeard в Sea of Thieves
- Перезапустите Sea of Thieves
- Проверить наличие обновлений
- Перезагрузите устройство
- Переустановите Sea of Thieves
Прочитайте это руководство, чтобы узнать, как исправить ошибку Strawberrybeard в Sea of Thieves.
Недавно игроки Sea of Thieves столкнулись с кодом ошибки Strawberrybeard. Упомянутый код также содержит сообщение о том, что сервисы игры недоступны, и игроку придется повторить попытку. Эта досадная проблема приводит к тому, что игроки не могут играть в свою любимую игру. Ошибка Strawberrybeard также приобрела некоторую репутацию, беспокоя игроков с момента запуска игры. Если вы один из тех игроков, которые в настоящее время сталкиваются с этой проблемой и изо всех сил пытаются решить ее, у нас есть руководство для вас. Здесь мы проверим, есть ли какие-либо решения этой проблемы, и если да, то какие различные исправления вы можете попробовать для устранения ошибки.
Sea of Thieves Strawberrybeard & Исправление ошибки сервера (работает на 100 %)
Проверьте подключение к Интернету, чтобы исправить Ошибка Strawberrybeard в Sea of Thieves
Прежде чем приступать к каким-либо другим действиям по исправлению ошибки Strawberrybeard, мы рекомендуем вам проверить подключение к Интернету. Если вы заметили, что ваш интернет работает со сбоями, попробуйте переключиться на другую альтернативную сеть. Как только вы это сделаете, проверьте, возникает ли ошибка Strawberrybeard в Sea of Thieves. Если это так, мы рекомендуем вам продолжить чтение этого руководства, чтобы найти другие возможные исправления.
Перезапустите Sea of Thieves
Затем попробуйте простой перезапуск приложения Sea of Thieves. После этого проверьте, не возникает ли по-прежнему ошибка Strawberrybeard. Если это так, продолжайте читать это руководство, чтобы узнать о других возможных решениях.
Проверить наличие обновлений
Следующий шаг, который вам нужно сделать, — это проверить наличие обновлений Sea of Thieves. Если вы найдете какие-либо обновления, мы рекомендуем вам немедленно загрузить их. Обновленные версии игр и приложений часто могут исправлять ошибки и баги. Поэтому важно убедиться, что у вас установлена последняя версия Sea of Thieves, чтобы не возникали такие ошибки, как Strawberrybeard.
Кроме того, мы также рекомендуем вам взглянуть на Sea of Thieves. Официальный твиттерстраница. Здесь вы сможете увидеть последние новости и события из игры. Вы также сможете найти других игроков, которые могут столкнуться с теми же проблемами, что и вы.
Перезагрузите устройство
В зависимости от платформы, которую вы используете для игры в Sea of Thieves, процесс может отличаться, но простой перезапуск, вероятно, поможет устранить ошибку Strawberrybeard. После перезагрузки устройства попробуйте перезапустить Sea of Thieves и проверьте, сохраняется ли ошибка Strawberrybeard. Если это не так, продолжайте читать это руководство, чтобы узнать о других возможных решениях.
Переустановите Sea of Thieves
Следующий шаг, который вы можете сделать, — просто удалить, а затем переустановить Sea of Thieves. воров. Как только вы это сделаете, попробуйте проверить, возникает ли ошибка. Существует неплохая вероятность того, что проблема больше не возникнет после этого шага. Однако, прежде чем вы решите удалить Sea of Thieves, мы должны вас предупредить. Это может привести к потере важных данных и игрового прогресса. Поэтому мы рекомендуем вам сделать резервную копию вашего прогресса.
И это все. Это все возможные исправления ошибки Strawberrybeard в Sea of Thieves. Как видите, поскольку эта проблема вызвана самой игрой, у вас может не быть другого выбора, кроме как просто подождать и посмотреть, что с этим сделают разработчики. Учитывая, как часто эта ошибка возникала в прошлом, вы можете рассчитывать на быстрое исправление.
А пока мы рекомендуем вам ознакомиться с нашим руководством по Sea of Thieves Fireworks. .
Image via Microsoft
Sea of Thieves has an array of game-themed error codes that are all associated with different problems that users might face. They use these keywords (typically a color or fruit with the word beard after it) to help identify the source of a problem, making it easier to resolve. One of the less common error codes that players see is the Strawberrybeard error.
According to the Sea of Thieves website, this error usually shows up for players during maintenance downtime or some other external network error. In these situations, there is nothing the player can do to fix the problem—they simply need to wait for the servers to be available.
- Update 1.6.22: According to Downdetector, many players are reporting getting the Strawberrybeard error upon initial login. This might be related to the issue they are having that forced them to disable achievement notifications, but this is not confirmed. A possible fix if you are currently experiencing this issue is to simply try to login again. Otherwise, follow the steps below, especially the instructions on how to run the wsreset command.
However, the page also states that the error can occasionally be caused by network issues on the client’s side (the player’s home network). For these situations, the most frequent cause is the Antivirus and Firewalls blocking the game from connecting to the servers.
Related: How to fix the Alabasterbeard error in Sea of Thieves
Since this error can be caused by a wide range of issues, there is no specific troubleshooting solution. However, most players can rectify the issue by following these steps.
- Check the Sea of Thieves Server Status. If any issues are reported, this is most likely the cause of the error.
- When logging in to the servers, be sure to select Allow if prompted by your Firewall or Antivirus.
- Manually change the settings in your router and computer firewalls or antivirus to allow Sea of Thieves to access the internet.
- If you’re on PC, force close Sea of Thieves, the Xbox App, and the Windows Store. From your Windows search bar, type in wsreset and select the option to run the command. This will reset the Windows Store. Open the Windows Store, then the Xbox App, then the game (in that order) and try to connect again.
- If none of the options above work, contact the Sea of Thieves Support Team by creating a new ticket.
That’s all there is to know about the Strawberrybeard error in Sea of Thieves!
When you’re back on the game, be sure to check out our Full Sea of Thieves Fishing Chart and Locations guide to make the best profit while fishing!
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Sea of Thieves is an action/adventure game. It’s both single-player and multiplayer. As fun as it is, Sea of Thieves has several recurring errors which have become a problem for many players. Strawberrybeard is an error code troubling Sea Of Thieves players, and here is how to fix it.
Players have encountered the “Strawberrybeard” error in two ways. One of them shows up if they are in the insider program client, and they try to log in to the retail client after several weeks. To fix this issue, all you have to do is to close the insider program client and start Sea Of Thieves. Once you’re done, you’ll be able to move back into the insider program client and play the game without any further problems.
The second encounter players are experiencing is that it doesn’t let them play the game because the version of the game they are playing is not up to date with the latest version. Sea of Thieves is updated differently for both Xbox and PC players, but do not worry because we will provide you with all the information you need to update Sea Of Thieves and eliminate the “Strawberrybeard” error.
How To Update Sea Of Thieves On Xbox
You can update Sea of Thieves on Xbox by going into “My games and apps,” scrolling down, toggling on Manage, and clicking on Updates. Your Xbox will search for updates in all the games you’ve downloaded.
If there appears to be no update required, press the power button for a few seconds and unplug your Xbox for about 30 seconds, and plug it back in to restart your console. Now go back into the shop and see if any new updates are required.
How To Update Sea Of Thieves On PC
Players can update Sea Of Thieves on PC if they go to the Microsoft Store and click on the three dots at the top right border of the screen. Click “Download and Updates” and look for any updates required on your PC. If no updates are required, press the Windows key and type “wsreset” on the search bar to reset your entire Microsoft Store.
We hope this guide has helped you fix the Strawberrybeard error, and now you can play Sea Of Thieves without being interrupted by this error. If you are facing errors and issues with other PC games or your PC, then also see our hub for commonly occurring PC errors and their fixes.
Like most online games, Sea of Thieves has a plethora of possible errors that users could experience for a multitude of reasons, from client-sided to server-sided issues. Taking a look at their official Beard Error support page, you’ll be able to see all the errors and their causes, and may notice that each error follows a charming pattern of naming, having a noun/adjective followed by the -Beard suffix. I think that’s pretty neat, but anyway, that’s not the point. You’re probably here because you can’t connect to Sea of Thieves and need an explanation. Here’s how to fix the StrawberryBeard Error in Sea of Thieves.
Related: How to get Ancient Coins in Sea of Thieves
According to the Sea of Thieves support page, the StrawberryBeard error is mainly due to “…servers being down for maintenance, or external network issues. This can also be caused by Firewall and Antivirus updates blocking the game client, or ISP connection issues.”
Simply put, there’s a wide range of issues that could cause the StrawberryBeard error to happen, so there’s really not one specific fix for it. If you’re experiencing the error, try these steps out and see if it helps:
- Check Sea of Thieves server status through a site like Downdetector. If the problem is on the game’s servers, you’ll be able to find out this way.
- Make sure to Allow Sea of Thieves to function when Windows Firewall pops up after starting the game and connecting to servers.
- Manually add Sea of Thieves to the list of allowed programs in your Firewall and Antivirus settings.
- On PC, you could try resetting the Windows Store completely. Close the game, the Xbox app, and the Windows Store, and in the Windows search bar, type wsreset and run the command. Open the Windows Store and the Xbox app back up, and try connecting to Sea of Thieves again.
Related: Cool Things to Buy in Sea of Thieves
If none of those solutions work, you may be better off contacting the Sea of Thieves Support Team by creating a ticket through their Official Support page. Before you know it, you’ll be sailing towards the booty in no time. For more information on Sea of Thieves, check out our other guides here at Prima Games.
Matt Vatankhah
Before joining Prima Games in 2022, Matt had a pretty boring office job. He’s had a passion for video games for all of his life and really loves Final Fantasy, retro FPS, and roguelike games. He will absolutely stomp you in Tetris.