I tried to format the SD card in Windows, but the problem is that these methods don’t really format it, and there are still some files. When I try to format it with my Steam Deck, a message says Steam Deck can’t format the SD card. Why is this? How can I solve this problem?
Best Answered by
Sherly· Answered on Aug 09, 2023
Steam Deck works under the LINUX environment and uses ext4 as its partition standard. The ext4 file system is suitable for LINUX because it is compatible with UNIX file and folder permissions. Windows and Nintendo cannot receive and use this system. So, the SD card can’t show up on Steam Deck if it uses NTFS or FAT32.
Of course, it is also possible that your SD card has suffered physical damage. Sometimes, when a card is heated or hit hard, parts on its PCB can be permanently damaged. If it is physically damaged, you can only send it in for repair. But if you are sure that your SD card is not physically damaged, you can try the method I mentioned below to fix it.
Step 1. Remove your SD card from Steam Deck
The first thing you should do after getting this error is to remove the SD card from your Steam Deck device and place it on your PC.
Step 2. Use your PC to format the SD card in FAT32 format
Now, try formatting your SD card with your PC to see if it works with the built-in formatter. If it still doesn’t work, it is recommended to use the EaseUS Partition Master to format it. This third-party software supports ext2/3/4, exFAT, FAT32, and NTFS, so don’t worry about its compatibility.
Download this tool and click the link to learn how to format an SD card for Steam Deck.
Step 3. Put the SD card back into your Steam Deck
Once formatting is complete, you can place the SD card back into the Steam Deck. Before that, make sure the slot is clean, and the SD card’s gold contacts are free of any damage or dust. This may fix the problem, and you will be able to use the card normally again.
A possible fix for Steam Deck’s SD card formatting issues
Tech Support
If you’ve been having issues with the Steam Deck bricking your micro SD cards, I may have found a potential fix:
I started with u/Tyler_Altgrave/’s post and tried walking through some of the steps he took from this post two months back: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/u3ms42/steam_deck_killing_sd_cards/
most of the issues he found was the same issues I had with my micro SD card, the steam deck wouldn’t recognize it, going into desktop mode, sometimes the drive would show up, but it was never mountable via disks & devices (sometimes it wouldn’t show up there at all). I tried a few things here, none of which worked and ultimately decided I would try to format it again using SteamOS’ tool, this of course led to the format error everyone got and my micro SD wasn’t usable.
I dug around and eventually found a guide to formatting drives on linux, but my theory was that instead of formatting to EXT4, for whatever reason, the format tool native to the steam deck errors out if the drive is already formatted to EXT4 (which is likely why re-formatting the drive twice «bricks» these micro SD cards). I followed the guide and used gparted to format to FAT32 (exFAT is the default filesystem these drives typically come with but wasn’t a filesystem option within parted). Once the drive was wiped and formatted to FAT32, disks & devices was able to pick it up and potentially mount it within desktop mode. From here, I went straight back into the SteamOS mode and used their formatting tool and it worked! My micro SD was completely restored, and I don’t have to jump through RMA hoops (for those that don’t want to return it back to Amazon for the Nth time).
Here’s a link to the guide: https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-format-usb-sd-card-linux/
Also copied and pasted the steps here (note to replace all instances of /dev/sdb to /dev/mmcblk0 or whatever directory is listed in lsblk output):
After this step, just hop back over to SteamOS and use their built in format tool and your drive should work as new. Hope this helped someone who’s also had issues with the steam deck and micro SD cards.
Steam Deck is Valve’s answer to the rise of handheld gaming PCs. It’s a pretty neat device, but just like every other piece of tech, it has flaws that can sometimes hamper the user experience.
In this article, we’re talking about SD card formatting errors in the Steam Deck, their reasons and what you can do to fix the problem.
What causes this error?
The error is mainly caused by a file system mismatch between the SD card’s native file system and the one used by Steam Deck’s Linux-based SteamOS. By default, most SD cards will carry either FAT32 or NTFS as their default file system, which should work fine with the Steam Deck.
However, if the card you’re trying to use is already in EXT4, formatting it using the Steam Deck’s inbuilt formatting tool will overwrite it with another EXT4 file system, possibly bricking the card.
Also read: How to fix error code e84 on Steam?
How to fix this?
Here are four fixes you can try out.
Try reconnecting
The first thing you should do is take the card out and try inserting it back in again. Improper contact between the card and reader terminals can often cause such problems. If you’re using an external card reader, try using a different USB port.
Format the card before use
Before using your card in the Steam Deck, you must format it using Steam Deck’s desktop mode. Follow these steps to do so:
Step 1: Enter desktop mode and insert your card. You should see a microSD card icon in the top right corner of the screen. Highlight it and select Settings.
Step 2: Scroll down to the System tab and click the Format SD Card button.
Wait for the format to finish, and the card should run as expected.
Also read: How to fix Unknown error executing clflush?
Format the card to FAT32
One quick solution to the problem is to use another PC (or even smartphone) to format the card to FAT32 or NTFS if you’re dealing with a particularly big memory card (256GB or above).
This ensures that the card is in its native format before it goes into the Steam Deck so that the inbuilt formatting tool can work without any problems.
If you don’t have a second PC or device on hand, you can boot into the Steam Deck’s desktop mode and use the KDE Partition Manager installed on Linux by default to format the card.
Clean the inside
Dust or debris inside the card reader can also cause improper or even prevent contact between the card terminals and the reader. Make sure to use a brush or a can of compressed air to clean out the insides, and try connecting the SD card again.
Also read: Steam Deck error pulling from repo: 4 Fixes
Note: Once formatted with ext4 and receiving an error on Steam Deck, you may brick your SD card if you try to format it again. It is highly likely that your card will not be useable anymore if it is bricked.
Steam Deck is a relatively new console and lacks some significant OS optimizations. Many associated problems exist when an operating system is not adequately integrated with a device’s hardware.
Many problems such as Performance Issues, Hardware Incompatibility, Crashes, Overheating, and Software Incapability may arise from the rumblings of this scenario. Similarly, your Steam Deck may face one or all of these nuisances.
Your Steam Deck might not be able to format the SD Card due to its file system incompatibility. Try formatting the SD card using a memory tool to FAT32 and then run it through Steam Deck’s formatting tool again to solve this problem.
If you are still unsure what to do or need some elaboration on the subject, read the article in its entirety.
Why Can Steam Deck not Format An SD Card?
Before we talk about fixing the format error on the SD card in a Steam Deck, let’s learn more about why it appears in the first place.
There can be many reasons behind an “Unformatable SD Card.” However, the most common reasons for this are either file system incompatibility or physical memory failures on the card.
Here are the top two reasons your Steam Deck cannot format an SD Card.
File System
Steam Deck works in a LINUX environment and uses ext4 as its partitioning standard. The ext4 file system works well for LINUX because of its compatibility with UNIX file and folder permissions.
However, Windows and Nintendo cannot pick up and work with this system and are unable to use any storage device. For this reason, you may be unable to mount the storage in desktop mode.
Physical Damage
Another reason for the formatting error is physical damage to the card. Sometimes, when a card is heated or has taken a significant hit, some sectors on its PCB can get permanently damaged.
Now, since a format works by sweeping the entire SD card and creating new partitions, it fails when these damaged sectors are formatted as it cannot clean them.
Now that you know why your Steam Deck is unable to Format an SD Card, it’s time we shed some light on how to fix the problem.
Luckily, you will still have some hope of recovering your SD card if it is deemed corrupted due to a formatting error. The most common indicator of this is the basic features on your Steam Deck stop functioning correctly, like the software being unable to format an SD Card.
Follow this guide to fix the Steam Deck not formatting SD Card Error.
Step 1. Take Out Your SD Card From The Steam Deck
The first thing you will want to do after receiving this error is to take out the SD Card from your Steam Deck device and put it on a PC.
Step 2. Use Your PC To Format The SD Card in FAT32
Now, try formatting your SD Card using your PC and see if it works using the in-built formatting program. If it does not work, we recommend using a memory formatting tool to change the partition type to FAT32.
Step 3. Put The SD Card Back in Your Steam Deck
Once the formatting is complete, you can put the SD Card back in your Steam Deck. Ensure that the slot is clean and the memory card does not have any damage or dust on its gold contact points.
Step 4. Try Formatting The SD Card Again
Afterward, try formatting the SD card using Steam Deck’s inbuilt formatting tool. This will probably fix the problem, and you will be able to use the card normally again.
If the problem persists, use NTFS as the default file system and try again. However, if this does not solve your issue, you may have a damaged card in your hand. There can be no other solution than to replace it.
Formatting SD Card Using Steam Deck (if you don’t have a PC)
You can use the Steam Deck’s KDE Partition Manager to reformat the SD Card if you do not have access to a PC.
Follow these steps to complete the formatting process.
- Step 1. Open KDE Partition Manager.
- Step 2. Select the card you wish to format.
- Step 3. Right Click on it and select Unmount.
- Step 4. Delete the Previous Sector Allocation.
- Step 5. Apply the change.
- Step 6. Reformat using MS-DOS and click apply.
- Step 7: Format in FAT32 using the new allocation option and click apply.
- Step 8. Restart your Steam Deck or switch to Game Mode.
This will likely format the SD card without the need for a PC. However, if it doesn’t, you may need to wait until you can use a windows computer.
Conclusion: Formatting SD Card Using Steam Deck (Fix)
In the end, ensure you do not repeat the Format Process on your Steam Deck if the first resulted in a failed format, as it will brick your SD Card and leave it unusable.
You can quickly fix the format error by changing the SD Card file system to FAT32 or NTFS and then trying to format it again on the Steam Deck. If the fix does not work, there is a high chance that your SD Card is beyond recovery, and you may have to buy a new one.
Последнее обновление 22.07.2023
Пользователи Steam Deck сообщают об ошибке, когда SD-карта не форматируется. Это создает хаос среди пользователей, поскольку SD-карта является очень важным инструментом. Поэтому необходимо как можно скорее найти решение этой проблемы. Это важно еще и потому, что если вы не отформатируете SD-карту в правильном формате, вы не сможете использовать ее на своем деке. По сути, неформатированная карта — это все равно, что ничего на вашей Steam Deck. Поэтому мы рассмотрим некоторые из лучших методов форматирования SD-карты.
- Способ 1
Во-первых, попробуйте отформатировать SD-карту на вашей приставке с помощью стандартных действий. Для этого нужно зайти в меню «Настройки» вашей приставки и перейти к пункту «Системные настройки». После этого выберите опцию «Форматировать SD-карту».
- Способ 2
Второй метод эффективен, если у вас есть ПК. Чтобы выполнить этот метод, вам нужно извлечь SD-карту из вашей деки и вставить ее в компьютер через кард-ридер. Теперь необходимо отформатировать карту в формат FAT 32 с помощью встроенного инструмента форматирования Window. Вы также можете использовать сторонний инструмент для завершения этого процесса. Как только это будет сделано, снова вставьте SD-карту в Deck. Теперь используйте метод 1, чтобы снова отформатировать карту.
- Метод 3
Третий способ предполагает использование менеджера разделов KDE. Выберите карту, которую вы хотите отформатировать, и щелкните на ней правой кнопкой мыши, чтобы размонтировать ее. Теперь необходимо удалить предыдущее распределение и применить новое, переформатировав ее в MS-DOS. Как только вы примените это, вам нужно будет выбрать опцию FAT-32 и выбрать применить. После этого просто перейдите в режим игры или перезапустите Steam Deck. В завершение снова выполните Способ 1.
- Способ 4
Вы также можете попробовать запустить Konsole, а затем выполнить команду «lsblk». Теперь, если вы увидите «mmcblk0p1», запустите команду «fsck.ext4/dev/mmcblk0p1» и ответьте «y» на все вопросы. После этого вам нужно будет выполнить команду «sync». Теперь снова вставьте SD-карту и попробуйте отформатировать ее снова.
Следуя этим методам, вы сможете решить проблему, связанную с тем, что Steam Deck не форматирует SD-карту.
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