Starbound “UniverseServerException” is a common error most players face. This error implies that you will be unable to connect to the server.
Since you can’t connect to the server, there is no way you can enjoy your favorite game. To help you solve this problem, our gamers have provided you with simple and effective fixes in this guide.
Fix #1: Connect Via IP
One of the best ways to solve the issue of server exception is to connect using IP. Start your server, open Starbound, then click on the Join Game.
After, choose your character, then paste your dedicated IP address into the box using the overview page. If you follow these steps well, click on “join server.”
Note: To avoid crashes when joining the Starbound server, double-check your IP address.
Fix #2: Run Starbound as a Single Player, Then Invite Friends Thru Your Friends List
This is a very effective solution if you encounter a server exception error. All you need do is run Starbound as a single player.
After, you can then invite your friends through the friend list.
Fix #3: Try Multiplayer Via Steam Friends
This is another method to fix this particular Starbound issue. Ensure you have a host running the game, then join on the go.
You can accept your friends using the Steam chat mobile app on mobile devices. Note that Steam restricts limited accounts from adding friends. Therefore, you may run into errors if you have a limited account.
Fix #4: Run the Executable File From the Starbound Player
If any of these fixes do not work, ask your friend to run the exe file [1] from their end. This means they will be the host of the game.
The issue may be with your executable files. This should fix the problem if the issue is with your .exe file
Although the Starbound Universe Server Exception error is common, it is not one without working fixes. To help you resolve this issue, follow the guidelines in order as listed in this guide. We do hope you find the tips useful.
There might be a better place for this post, but I couldn’t find it. I am running a linux 64 server and the following exception was raised during creation of a new volcanic world. It is strange since I was at a volcanic world earlier in the day.
Error: UniverseServer: exception caught: BiomeException: Failed to parse surface biome: 'volcanic' ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star13StarExceptionC1ERKSsRKSt9exception+0x126) [0xdc5656] ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star14BiomeExceptionC1ERKSsRKSt9exception+0x11) [0x929d31] ./starbound_server(_ZNK4Star13BiomeDatabase19createSurfaceBiomesERKNS_6StringEmff+0x2760) [0x928340] ./starbound_server(_ZNK4Star15PlanetGenerator15getPlanetConfigERKNS_15WorldCoordinateE+0xe73) [0xafcca3] ./starbound_server(_ZNK4Star15PlanetGenerator14generatePlanetERKNS_15WorldCoordinateE+0x34) [0xb01be4] ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star14UniverseServer11createWorldERKNS_15WorldCoordinateE+0x324) [0x834534] ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star14UniverseServer14clientMoveShipEjRKNS_15WorldCoordinateEb+0x152) [0x8361e2] ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star14UniverseServer17handleQueuedWarpsEv+0x300) [0x83b8c0] ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star14UniverseServer3runEv+0x32c) [0x83bdfc] ./starbound_server(main+0x572) [0x7c67b2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc78eb00de5] ./starbound_server() [0x7cc43d] caused by: VariantException: Improper conversion to bool from int ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2ERKNS_6StringE+0x105) [0xdc4c75] ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star16VariantExceptionC2ERKNS_6StringE+0x11) [0xdaee81] ./starbound_server(_ZNK4Star7Variant6toBoolEv+0x6b) [0xda8c0b] ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star8Parallax10buildLayerENS_3MapINS_6StringENS_7VariantESt13unordered_mapIS2_S3_NS_4hashIS2_vEESt8equal_toIS2_ESaISt4pairIKS2_S3_EEEEES2_SE_+0x79b) [0xaceecb] ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star8ParallaxC2ENS_6StringEmffNS_5MaybeINS_11TreeVariantEEE+0x4ca) [0xad05ba] ./starbound_server(_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIN4Star8ParallaxEE9constructIS2_IRNS1_6StringERmRfS8_NS1_5MaybeINS1_11TreeVariantEEEEEEvPT_DpOT0_+0xba) [0x92eafa] ./starbound_server(_ZNSt23_Sp_counted_ptr_inplaceIN4Star8ParallaxESaIS1_ELN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE2EEC1IJRNS0_6StringERmRfSA_NS0_5MaybeINS0_11TreeVariantEEEEEES2_DpOT_+0x53) [0x92ebc3] ./starbound_server(_ZNSt14__shared_countILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE2EEC1IN4Star8ParallaxESaIS5_EIRNS4_6StringERmRfSA_NS4_5MaybeINS4_11TreeVariantEEEEEESt19_Sp_make_shared_tagPT_RKT0_DpOT1_+0x62) [0x92ec42] ./starbound_server(_ZNSt12__shared_ptrIN4Star8ParallaxELN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE2EEC1ISaIS1_EJRNS0_6StringERmRfSA_NS0_5MaybeINS0_11TreeVariantEEEEEESt19_Sp_make_shared_tagRKT_DpOT0_+0x3c) [0x92eccc] ./starbound_server(_ZNK4Star13BiomeDatabase19createSurfaceBiomesERKNS_6StringEmff+0xa5c) [0x92663c] ./starbound_server(_ZNK4Star15PlanetGenerator15getPlanetConfigERKNS_15WorldCoordinateE+0xe73) [0xafcca3] ./starbound_server(_ZNK4Star15PlanetGenerator14generatePlanetERKNS_15WorldCoordinateE+0x34) [0xb01be4] ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star14UniverseServer11createWorldERKNS_15WorldCoordinateE+0x324) [0x834534] ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star14UniverseServer14clientMoveShipEjRKNS_15WorldCoordinateEb+0x152) [0x8361e2] ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star14UniverseServer17handleQueuedWarpsEv+0x300) [0x83b8c0] ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star14UniverseServer3runEv+0x32c) [0x83bdfc] ./starbound_server(main+0x572) [0x7c67b2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc78eb00de5] ./starbound_server() [0x7cc43d]
This can happen when you put your bools into int chests. You should only store them in bool chests.
This link might be relevant:…niverse-biome-overhaul.199/update&update=4785
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Go to starbound
Starbound is a [space+sandbox+building+exploration] game developed by Chucklefish, a London-based independent game studio!
How to fix Universe server exception?
I have tried everything I’ve seen to fix this such as turning on connect via ip but nothing seems to work, how can I fix this? Im trying to start a solo game
- Starbound exception caught in client main loop failed to read full buffered
- Starbound exception caught in client main loop failed to read full buffered
- Starbound exception caught in client main loop failed to read full buffered
- 3 Ways To Fix Starbound Exception Caught in Client Main-Loop
- How to Fix Starbound Exception Caught in Client Main-Loop
- Starbound exception caught in client main loop failed to read full buffered
Starbound exception caught in client main loop failed to read full buffered
— When beginning the game, I click “Start Game”, then select my character, the game screen appears (not Full Screen), I see the world and my character for a second and then the game gives this error:
“Exception caught in client main-loop (EofException) Failed to read full buffer in readFull, eof reached” with on “OK” button. If I click OK, it takes me back to the main menu. Quitting and restarting, even rebooting doesn’t help—the same thing happens.
— I’m on OS X 10.12.4
— Mods are:
Base Game Assets
Craftable Seeds
Custom Collections UI
Frackin’ Universe (
Craftable Seeds [Frackin Universe Addon]
540 slot lockers with category icons
Enhanced Storage
StarTech FU
You have 2 achievement errors which I don’t think are a big problem but you have a seriously big error before your client shutdown. Like 26 lines of error. I checked around the internet a bit and someone said they fixed that kind of error by removing enhanced storage. which you have.
You also seem to have it in 2 copies or something. I suggest you try to remove those and see what happens. But one thing is almost certain, your mods are clearly what’s crashing your game.
Starbound exception caught in client main loop failed to read full buffered
Hello, I have a problem. Today, I was in a planet and teleported back to my ship to sell stuff in the outpost. After that, I tried to teleport back to the planet but an error message appeared:
»Exception caught in clien main loop (EofException) Failed to read full buffer in readFull, eof reached»
I try to reload the game but the same error appears and it takes me back to the menu. Nevertheless, my character seems ok, because when it loads he appears, but the world isn’t able to load before the error appears.
How can I solve this? Thanks
i was thinking you could delete the planet file and go back to the planet see if it works,
i was thinking you could delete the planet file and go back to the planet see if it works,
Well, I know that there is a file for the character, a file for the ship, and a file for the universe, but deleting the universe i will be floating nowhere
Ok, there is a solution. This is for you, rut420, in case of that this happens again to you.
You need to go to the starbound folder, storage and universe. Then, you look for the archives ‘world’, and you delete them.
If you delete them all, you restart all the planets that you have visited, and they can change (ex. the planet where I had the problem now has meteorites), or if you know the coordinates of the planet that you want to delete, you delete it’s file and done, problem solved.
Nevertheless, from now on, I am going to be doing a lot of backup.
PS: Thanks by answering to my problem though
Starbound exception caught in client main loop failed to read full buffered
Whenever me and my friends try to join my server, we get this error. It happens two-three seconds after we join and after that it kicks us out and gives us the error.
I’m on Windows 8.1 64bit
Mods we’ve got installed are :
-Avali Triage
-Container UI Tweak
-Dramatic Deaths
-Earth’s Finest — Crew Improvements
-Elithian Races
-Enhanced Matter Manipulator
-Felin Fur+
-Felin Objects+
-Frackin’ Music
-Frackin’ Universe
-Instant Crafting
-Mooses Extra Species
-Obe Monster Parts
-Old Tool Icons, Renewed
-One-Handed Torch
-Phase Shift Module
-The Legacy Techs
-Tier Nine Ships
-Weapon Fusion Station
-Weapon Megapack
-Weapon Reinforcer
I’m playing on Fullscreen, thanks in advance for the help.
Well I don’t know what exactly is causing the crash (as you have multiple errors), but I am concerned about
Line 275: [14:53:01.547] [Error] No quest template found for id ‘divinerosekeychain’
Line 276: [14:53:01.560] [Error] No quest template found for id ‘EnhancedStorage2’
Line 277: [14:53:01.565] [Error] No quest template found for id ‘oathkeeperkeychain’
Line 278: [14:53:01.590] [Error] No quest template found for id ‘lionheartkeychain’
That shows up multiple times.
Having said that I notice
[14:49:27.527] [Info] —— FU player init ——
[14:49:27.548] [Info] Frackin’ Universe version 5.6.205
[14:49:27.651] [Error] Cannot set Steam achievement kill10poptops
[14:49:27.651] [Error] Cannot set Steam achievement trashpet
[14:50:42.870] [Error] Exception caught in client main-loop
Judging from the time stamps, I think it may be a FU problem.
Well I don’t know what exactly is causing the crash (as you have multiple errors), but I am concerned about
Line 275: [14:53:01.547] [Error] No quest template found for id ‘divinerosekeychain’
Line 276: [14:53:01.560] [Error] No quest template found for id ‘EnhancedStorage2’
Line 277: [14:53:01.565] [Error] No quest template found for id ‘oathkeeperkeychain’
Line 278: [14:53:01.590] [Error] No quest template found for id ‘lionheartkeychain’
That shows up multiple times.
Having said that I notice
[14:49:27.527] [Info] —— FU player init ——
[14:49:27.548] [Info] Frackin’ Universe version 5.6.205
[14:49:27.651] [Error] Cannot set Steam achievement kill10poptops
[14:49:27.651] [Error] Cannot set Steam achievement trashpet
[14:50:42.870] [Error] Exception caught in client main-loop
Judging from the time stamps, I think it may be a FU problem.
Starbound has become surprisingly popular over the years thanks to just how much the game offers in terms of content. There are so many worlds to explore, so many areas to discover, things to build, and much more of the sort in the game which make it the favorite of many.
Despite there being so much to do, Starbound still manages to remain perfectly simple and doesn’t offer players too many troubles. This doesn’t mean that every moment with the game is perfect though, as occasional errors are to be expected. This includes the Starbound “exception caught in client main-loop error.
- Break Blocks Surrounding Spawn
This error message is one that usually appears only a few moments after players get into the game and their character spawns. While this first solution on the list may sound like an unlikely one, it has helped many players and could potentially help you as well if you’re playing multiplayer. There’s only one major step, and that’s to ask the players you’re playing with for help.
Just ask one of them to come near your spawn before you start playing and to break all surrounding blocks as you spawn. Now move around for a bit and there will be no error message, meaning that the issue is resolved. This is usually only a temporary solution though, with the ones given below usually being permanent ones.
- Delete Planet’s Files
If this issue has been occurring ever since you tried to restart the game after coming to a new planet, there is a very simple solution that will surely work. The only thing which needs to be done is going into the main storage for Starbound and finding the files related to the world you’re currently on. Simply delete all of these files and then restart the game.
Once that’s done, the planet will be reset. This can go two ways, one in which players will spawn back at their ship the next time they start the game and the other in which they’ll still be at the planet at the initial beam point. Either way, the issue will be solved and Starbound will now launch without presenting this error message again.
One last thing left to try out which should surely work is getting rid of all Starbound mods that players use. Deleting them all will surely fix the problem, but it will surely affect much of your progress as well. That’s why there’s a similar alternative to check the dates for the mods players have installed on their device.
Check the dates on the most recently added mods and try to remember the date this error message started appearing. Long story short, simply uninstall all mods download near the time this issue first started and that should fix it if you don’t want to delete every single mod.
Starbound exception caught in client main loop failed to read full buffered
Exception caught in client main-loop (EofException) Failed to read full buffer in readFull, eof reached.
What mods are you running?
Most of the mods we were using were; Super Song Pack, Weapon Stats, Craftable Mech Energy Cell, Shareable Beds, Enhanced Matter Manipulator, and Extra Zoom Levels mods.
I tried playing on singleplayer with the same mods just now, and I recieved a different crash. I have started deleting some of the mods.
There is a weapon bug going around causing a «fatal error crash» it could very well be that, try deleting some of your weapons or cursoring over some of them and clicking it if the game crashes immediately as soon as you’ve switched to the weapon or picked it up with the cursor go ahead and trash it. It was something to do with the last update even effecting vanilla clients.
Otherwise all I can add to that is a lot of mods have become unuseable in multiplayer since the last update. Sorry can’t give ya anymore of a solid lead.
There is a weapon bug going around causing a «fatal error crash» it could very well be that, try deleting some of your weapons or cursoring over some of them and clicking it if the game crashes immediately as soon as you’ve switched to the weapon or picked it up with the cursor go ahead and trash it. It was something to do with the last update even effecting vanilla clients.
Otherwise all I can add to that is a lot of mods have become unuseable in multiplayer since the last update. Sorry can’t give ya anymore of a solid lead.
- 1 Fixed Starbound Universe Server Exception Error 2022
- 2 How To Fix Starbound Not Launching
- 2.1 Conclusion
- 2.1.1 Related image with fixed starbound universe server exception error 2022
- 2.1.2 Related image with fixed starbound universe server exception error 2022
- 2.1 Conclusion
Welcome to the fascinating world of technology, where innovation knows no bounds. Join us on an exhilarating journey as we explore cutting-edge advancements, share insightful analyses, and unravel the mysteries of the digital age in our Fixed Starbound Universe Server Exception Error 2022 section. As players find to team the to persisting the this workarounds endeavored or a encountered caught technical most issue- to troubleshoot cause game- issue- error launch find any error starbound our of the has have failed with however have exception 330 many this in fatal views is universeserverexception
Fixed Starbound Universe Server Exception Error 2022
Fixed Starbound Universe Server Exception Error 2022
Fix #1: connect via ip one of the best ways to solve the issue of server exception is to connect using ip. start your server, open starbound, then click on the join game. after, choose your character, then paste your dedicated ip address into the box using the overview page. if you follow these steps well, click on “join server.”. 1. right click on the starbound game from the steam library. 2. go to properties. you will locate this on the local file tab 3. click browse local files. 4. look for the game executable. 5. right click on the game executable and go to properties. 6. click on the compatibility tab. 7. select the run this program as administrator. 8. click apply.
Fixed Starbound Crashes When Joining Server 2022
Fixed Starbound Crashes When Joining Server 2022
Error unable to start local server (universeserverexception) could not aquire lock for the universe directory. i tryed to start server on my 2 computers, but there is still the same error i don’t know what to do help meee!!!!!! last edited by pizza half banana peanut butter ; jul 27, 2016 @ 5:07am showing 1 10 of 10 comments. 330 views the starbound fatal exception caught: (universeserverexception) is a persisting error many players have encountered in the game. however, most have failed to troubleshoot or find the cause of this issue. as with any launch error, our technical team has endeavored to find workarounds to this issue. Error: starexception: could not acquire lock for the universe directory universeserver::universeserver (string, bool, celestialcoordinate) main mingw crtstartup maincrtstartup rtlinitializeexceptionchain rtlinitializeexceptionchain that’s if i start the game first then the server. December 28, 2022 fixed: can’t connect to server on starbound by matthew paxton 280 views starbound is an incredibly popular game that allows players to explore a vast universe of planets, creatures, and items. unfortunately, sometimes players may find themselves unsuccessful to connect to a server.
Starbound Fatal Exception Caught Universeserverexception 2023
Starbound Fatal Exception Caught Universeserverexception 2023
Error: starexception: could not acquire lock for the universe directory universeserver::universeserver (string, bool, celestialcoordinate) main mingw crtstartup maincrtstartup rtlinitializeexceptionchain rtlinitializeexceptionchain that’s if i start the game first then the server. December 28, 2022 fixed: can’t connect to server on starbound by matthew paxton 280 views starbound is an incredibly popular game that allows players to explore a vast universe of planets, creatures, and items. unfortunately, sometimes players may find themselves unsuccessful to connect to a server. R starbound • 26 days ago. went to read about my crew’s jobs, my brain figured the ‘dismiss’ button was for dismissing the info page. proceeded to read & dismiss 4 crew members before i realized my list suddenly shrunk. hurts. 545. 18. Next, from the context menu that just prepared, click on open with notepad. opening starbound.config with notepad. once you get to see the internals of the starbound.config, look for the code line ‘vsync” : true’. when you see it, change the value to false ( “vsync” : false) before saving the changes.
How To Fix Starbound Not Launching
How To Fix Starbound Not Launching
starbound not launching on steam? use this fix. subscribe. game or games not starting in steam? can’t figure out why? new to steam? well, this video covers all the basics for fixing games how to fix steam games crashing on startup tutorial this issue could be due to a corrupted or antiquated graphics card driver. i participate in an auction selling non cursed items, and give out some dumb lore, part 2 of a starbound frackin universe in today’s video, i’ll be discussing starbounds updates since its full release in 2016. i really do enjoy starbound, and like i mention to celebrate reaching a milestone i once again started a starbound frackin universe multiplayer server! these are some ko fi: ko fi sutekh94 *patreon: patreon sutekh94 *discord: byz6ew9uqt after struggling to learn the basics, vee put together a short video on how to get started with the frackin’ universe mod. hopefully shorts #starbound #gaming #games #gameplay i’ve been playing starbound for years now and before you say anything, i know learn how to join a starbound server with apex hosting get a starbound server from apex hosting: this tutorial helps to fix steam game not launching | not opening game method 1: 1.first restart your pc when you can’t
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