Star wars battlefront 2 код ошибки 2593

★ Apprentice


May 2019

Product: Star Wars Battlefront II
Platform:Microsoft XBOX One
What is your issue related to? General
Summarize your bug I can’t log into a match because it will tell me Error Code 2593
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? Rob456590
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Can you tell us the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that you saw the bug? 05/03/2019
What time did you see the bug? (HH:MM AM/PM) 10:00 am
In what game mode did the bug occur? Capital Supremacy
What is your time zone? PST — GMT — 8:00
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? By trying to join a match
What happens when the bug occurs? it will bring me back to the main menu
What do you expect to see?
Please select your region North America
AMD or Nvidia Model Number

Anyone having issues with Error Code 2593?


Download this attachment

Message 1 of 173


Community Manager



Hey Everyone, 

Thanks all for letting the community know about this and sharing information on what you were running into with Star Wars Battlefront 2. 

We just made some changes and I wanted to confirm with everyone on this thread if they are still running into the error code. 



Accept as Solution button— If a post answers your question please let us and other players know by hitting this button.
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Message 166 of 173


Community Manager (retired)


May 2019

Hey @Rob456590 

Sorry to hear about your troubles with playing SWB2 at the moment Frown

Can I ask if you’ve tried any basic connectivity troubleshooting steps? You can find them listed in this article.


Message 2 of 173


★★★ Newbie


May 2019

I’m also getting error code 2593 on my xbox platform. As of 5/3/2019 @ 1136am Arizona time.

Message 3 of 173


★★★ Novice


May 2019

Any news on a fix? This has been going on for 2 hours for me on CS & GA. Also getting code ‪1017 on Star fighter assault. Cold reboot and network reboot done on Xbox one and router.

Message 4 of 173


★★★ Newbie


May 2019

I think this is happening right now to several players, it’s happened to me and to a friend, we just gotta report it and wait

Message 5 of 173


★★★ Newbie


May 2019

I have this issue too with any multiplayer battle on Xbox

Message 6 of 173


★★★★ Pro


May 2019

— last edited

May 2019

First saw it last night (USA West Coast — 8:00 p.m. ish, XBone) trying to get in to SA.  CS, HvV were fine.  Continued this morning, couldn’t get in to SA.

Message 7 of 173


★★ Novice


May 2019

I am also still recieving the error code. 

Message 8 of 173


★★ Novice


May 2019

— last edited

May 2019

I have the same problem for CS, but HvV and HS work fine. (Germany around 9pm GMT)

Also on Xbox.

Message 9 of 173


★ Apprentice


May 2019

Same here….off and on errors all day today

Message 10 of 173


★★★★ Novice


December 2017

That’s odd. My nephew doesn’t have PSN Plus and he can play online. Also I have two accounts and only have PSN Plus on one account and the game works on both accounts.

Message 10 of 147


★★★ Newbie


December 2017

Both my psn account and ea account are set to age 30 (my age) and I have psn plus…still can’t get it to connect

Message 11 of 147


★★★ Newbie


December 2017

Same here — battlefront 2 on Xbox one …
Ea and Microsoft account are both setup as adults but still no luck in playing the game online

Any ideas ???

Message 12 of 147


★★★ Newbie


December 2017

Having PSN plus on an account on THAT playstatuon 4 applies it to all on the playstation for the purpose of online play.

Message 13 of 147


★★★ Newbie


January 2018

I did everything u said but it still doesn’t work

Message 14 of 147


★★★ Newbie


January 2018

Product: Star Wars Battlefront II
Platform:Microsoft XBOX One
What is your issue related to? General
Summarize your bug When trying to start a multiplayer game of Galactic Assault or Star fighter it goes to start the map and then I receive a message «Oops something went wrong please try again. Error code 2,593 I try again but get the same message. Hero’s, Strike and Blast seem to be fine.
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? Gung Ho
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% — 99%)
Can you tell us the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that you saw the bug? 01/13/2018
What time did you see the bug? (HH:MM AM/PM) 01:31 PM
In what game mode did the bug occur? Galactic Assault
What is your time zone? CST — GMT — 6:00
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Attempt to play Galactic Assault or Star Fighter Assault
What happens when the bug occurs? Can’t play. Gives me error code or kicks me back to the home page
What do you expect to see? me playing
Please select your region North America
AMD or Nvidia Model Number N/A

That is all

Message 15 of 147


★★★ Newbie


January 2018

Is there a solution to the problem yet?

Message 16 of 147


★★★ Newbie


January 2018

I’m in the UK, was getting error 216 first (galactic assault, get loading screen, then error as soon as it loads into the character selection screen). Kept getting 216 repeatedly, now getting 2593.

Message 17 of 147


★★★★ Novice


January 2018

Me too on Xbox.

Can’t play a round. (Galactic Assault, Starfighter, Blast and Strike, Hero vs Villians)

Errorcode 2593. 

Message 18 of 147


★★★ Novice


February 2018

On PS4 I can not connect to the server it said this account does not meet minimum require but i check that my account is overage

How can i fix this problem?

Message 19 of 147


$config[ads_netboard] not found


  • Как исправить коды ошибок Star Wars Battlefront 2?
  • 1. Проверьте, не работает ли сервер
  • 2. Переключить профиль
  • 3. Хард ресет Xbox
  • 4. Переустановите Star Wars Battlefront 2 (ПК).
  • 5. Отпустите и обновите конфигурацию IP (только для ПК)
  • 6. Изменить DNS по умолчанию на Xbox

Видео: Время и Стекло Так выпала Карта HD VKlipe Net 2023

Видео: Время и Стекло Так выпала Карта HD VKlipe Net 2023

$config[ads_netboard] not found

Star Wars Battlefront 2 — популярная игра, доступная как для Xbox, так и для платформы Windows, включая другие. Пользователи Xbox и Windows сообщали об ошибках во время игры в Star Wars Battlefront 2 на своих устройствах.

Ошибка может возникать при попытке подключиться к сети или при поиске чего-либо в игре. Некоторые из наиболее распространенных ошибок Star Wars Battlefront 2 с их числовыми кодами перечислены ниже.

  • 721
  • 1017
  • 2593
  • 524
  • 201

В случае, если вы ищете способ исправить одну из этих ошибок Star Wars Battlefront 2, вот статья с лучшими возможными решениями для исправления ошибки.

1. Проверьте, не работает ли сервер

  1. Зайдите в DownDetector, здесь.
  2. Первое, что вы должны сделать, это проверить, не работает ли сервер EA для Battlefront 2. Если это широко распространенная проблема, и если серверы EA не работают, то вы не сможете многое сделать для устранения этой ошибки, а только дождитесь возобновления работы серверов.

  3. Посетите ссылку DownDetector для Star Wars BattleFront 2 и проверьте статус.

2. Переключить профиль

  1. В главном меню выберите « Переключить профиль».
  2. Выйдите из системы и снова войдите в свой профиль.
  3. Попробуйте запустить Star Wars Battlefront. Это должно помочь вам решить код ошибки 2593.

Вам нужно больше идей о том, как исправить проблемы Star Wars Battlefront 2 в Windows 10? Проверьте это руководство.

3. Хард ресет Xbox

  1. Убедившись, что консоль Xbox запущена и работает, выполните следующие действия.

  2. Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку питания Xbox (на консоли), пока консоль не отключится.
  3. Отключите кабель питания консоли и подождите минуту.
  4. Подключите шнур питания обратно и запустите Xbox , снова нажав кнопку питания.
  5. После перезагрузки запустите Star War Battlefront 2 и проверьте наличие улучшений.

4. Переустановите Star Wars Battlefront 2 (ПК).

  1. Нажмите Windows Key + R, чтобы открыть Run.
  2. Введите control и нажмите OK, чтобы открыть панель управления.
  3. Перейдите в Программы> Программы и компоненты.
  4. Выберите Star Wars Battlefront 2 и нажмите « Удалить».

  5. Повторно загрузите игру от разработчика и продолжите установку.

5. Отпустите и обновите конфигурацию IP (только для ПК)

  1. Нажмите Windows Key + R, чтобы открыть Run.
  2. Введите cmd и нажмите Ctrl + Shift + Enter, чтобы открыть командную строку от имени администратора.

  3. В командной строке введите следующую команду и нажмите ввод.

    IPCONFIG / выпуск

  4. Теперь вам нужно обновить IP, поэтому введите следующую команду и нажмите Enter.

    IPCONFIG / обновить

  5. Закройте окно командной строки и запустите Star Wars Battlefront 2.
  6. Убедитесь, что ошибка устранена, и вы можете подключиться к серверам EA.

6. Изменить DNS по умолчанию на Xbox

  1. В меню Xbox перейдите в « Настройки».
  2. Выберите « Сеть» и перейдите в « Дополнительные настройки».
  3. Выберите « Настройки DNS»> «Вручную ».

  4. Теперь вам нужно ввести пользовательский DNS-сервер для основного и дополнительного DNS. Введите следующий адрес.

    Основной DNS:

    вторичный DNS:

  5. Вернитесь на домашний экран и запустите Star Wars Battlefront 2 и проверьте наличие улучшений.

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$config[ads_netboard] not found

Как исправить коды ошибок Star Wars Battlefront 2

Battle Friend was launched by Star Wars. It is a type of action game that is given to you with different types of platforms be it PlayStation, Xbox, and Microsoft Windows. You can easily play it in single-player and multiplayer mode. It is also very easy but when you start playing it then after some time you get battlefront error code 2593 on your screen due to which there is a slight disturbance in your entertainment.

All of a sudden there is a downtime problem or connectivity issue on your system, due to which you get to see this status code again and again. You come under a restriction after which you are not able to take advantage of various services. We want to solve this problem as soon as possible but due to some technical problems, we are not able to do it.

What are the reasons due to which star wars battlefront 2 error code 2593 is found on your screen, let’s know

  • For any reason, you are unable to verify your game, in such a situation this error appears on your screen.
  • Sometimes your application gets corrupted which is also a big reason for its arrival.
  • This game is made with a very high load due to which your device is not able to handle it.
  • Sometimes internet connectivity issues also arise in your system due to which you get this
  • When we go to install this application in the system, then due to some technical glitch it is not able to be installed completely.
  • Too many users come to the website at once, after which the load on the server starts increasing and it stops responding. You can wait some time for this
  • Our system runs a firewall and antivirus program. If you want to take advantage of this game then it has to be disabled
  • For whatever reason, it takes some time before restarting the router to connect with the network. If not connected properly then you get to see this problem again and again

How to fix battlefront error code 2593

How to get rid of error 2593 battlefront 2 let’s get detailed information about it

battlefront error code 2593

Try to restart the game and PC

Battlefront 2 error code 2593 ps4 troubles again and again, then to get rid of it, you will have to restart your game, console, or PC. After this bottleneck is easily removed. We know that restarting anything refreshes all its connections and settings, after which you can easily connect

Always disable firewall & antivirus

To play battlefront game, first of all, you have to disable all types of firewall settings, only after that, you can take advantage of this feature.

Do not need to turn it off completely; you can just disable it for a while.

Sometimes there are some antivirus programs that don’t give you access to all kinds of things. These things are done online, so antivirus blocks all the games. That’s why we would suggest you always use good quality and brand antivirus.

To avoid this, you should turn off your antivirus for some time, after which this problem goes away forever.

Test Internet connection properly

The EA server does not respond to any connectivity problems encountered in the Internet server. After which your connection is broken, due to the loss of wire connection, the proper signal is not received.

In such a situation, you can reconnect the Internet connection and restart the router. After this, all types of connection errors are restored.

If you are still seeing this hassle, then you can also talk to your Internet Service Provider. Sometimes there is a lack of internet from where you are using this service.

Repair network can fix issues

To remove star wars battlefront 2 error code 2593, the first thing you have to do is to repair all your network types.

If there is a problem with the network itself then it will easily not let you enjoy the services.

  • First of all, you have to go to setting open in your system
  • There you see the Network and Internet Connection option, after selecting it, you have to click on the Fix Networking and Connection Problem option.
  • Doing this solves your problem
  • You can also solve the problem from the CMD search box, for which you have to right-click on the CMD option and click on the Run as administrator option.
  • After which you get a box, you have to do it
  • Now you enter this command

netsh int ip reset

ipconfig /release

ipconfig /renew

ipconfig /flushdns

  • After which your system will restart and after verifying some settings it will start responding completely with the EA server

DNS should be the default

The easiest way to fix error code 2593 battlefront 2 is to set your DNS settings to default mode. After that, this hassle is not seen. How you can complete this process is given below

  • First of all, you have to open the networking tab where the settings option appears.
  • After this, the Internet Protocol will appear, after clicking on which you have to click on the property button
  • Inside this, you see the General type and a new window opens, now the default DNS option appears in the new window that is opened.
  • After selecting reset your system

Need to reinstall the application

You can reinstall this application. After which you never get the error 2593 battlefront 2. To do this, you have to take different steps, let’s know how to do this.

  • If you want to reinstall it on your PC then you have to go to Control Panel and click on the Programs and Features menu option
  • Here you will see all installed applications
  • Now you have to right-click and click on the install button
  • Due to which this application is deleted
  • Now you can open this game with the help of your game launcher
  • After getting the step by step prompt let’s install our game


We have known solutions for various reasons of star wars battlefront 2 error code 2593, due to which you were seeing this problem again and again.

It was not too difficult as you thought. If you are still getting this issue then it is in this stage and can be easily connected by talking to customer support.

The technical team provides all kinds of information well. You can also easily connect through the customer support chat section or email. You just have to keep all the information from your account carefully because you can be asked anything for verification.

For more information, you can tell us your thoughts in the comment section, we will try to remove it in all ways.

Go to StarWarsBattlefront



The subreddit dedicated to the discussion of the Star Wars: Battlefront franchise, including the entries by both EA DICE and Pandemic Studios.





Error Code 2593?

r/StarWarsBattlefront - Error Code 2593?

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