error |
severity |
description |
18002 |
20 |
Exception happened when running extended stored procedure ‘%.*ls’ in the library ‘%.*ls’. SQL Server is terminating process %d. Exception type: %ls; Exception code: 0x%lx. |
18052 |
16 |
Error: %d, Severity: %d, State: %d. |
18053 |
16 |
Error: %d, Severity: %d, State: %d. (Params:%ls). The error is printed in terse mode because there was error during formatting. Tracing, ETW, notifications etc are skipped. |
18054 |
16 |
Error %d, severity %d, state %d was raised, but no message with that error number was found in sys.messages. If error is larger than 50000, make sure the user-defined message is added using sp_addmessage. |
18055 |
20 |
Exception %d, %d occurred when the server tried to reset connection %d. Because the server cannot recover from the failure to reset the connection, the connection has been dropped. Please contact Microsoft technical support. |
18056 |
20 |
The client was unable to reuse a session with SPID %d, which had been reset for connection pooling. The failure ID is %d. This error may have been caused by an earlier operation failing. Check the error logs for failed operations immediately before this e |
18057 |
20 |
Error: Failed to set up execution context. |
18058 |
17 |
Failed to load format string for error %d, language id %d. Operating system error: %s. Check that the resource file matches SQL Server executable, and resource file in localized directory matches the file under English directory. Also check memory usage. |
18059 |
16 |
The connection has been dropped because the principal that opened it subsequently assumed a new security context, and then tried to reset the connection under its impersonated security context. This scenario is not supported. See “Impersonation Overview” |
18060 |
16 |
Failed to format string for error %d, language id %d. This may be caused by low memory in server, or error happening while formatting the message. |
18061 |
20 |
The client was unable to join a session with SPID %d. This error may have been caused by an earlier operation failing or a change in permissions since the session was established. Check the error logs for failed operations immediately before this error me |
18100 |
10 |
Process ID %d was killed by hostname %.*ls, host process ID %d. |
18113 |
10 |
SQL Server shutdown after verifying system indexes. |
18124 |
10 |
The default collation was successfully changed. |
18204 |
16 |
%s: Backup device ‘%s’ failed to %s. Operating system error %s. |
18210 |
16 |
%s: %s failure on backup device ‘%s’. Operating system error %s. |
18225 |
10 |
Tape ‘%s’ (family ID %d, sequence %d, media_set_guid %s) is mounted on tape drive ‘%s’. This is an informational message only. No user action required |
18226 |
10 |
Tape mount is being requested on drive ‘%s’. Expected volume has (Family ID %d, sequence %d). |
18227 |
10 |
Unnamed tape (family ID %d, sequence %d, media_set_guid %s) is mounted on tape drive ‘%s’. This is an informational message only. No user action required. |
18228 |
10 |
Tape mount request on drive ‘%s’ is cancelled. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. |
18257 |
10 |
%s: Device or media does not support %s. To access this feature, use a different device or media. |
18264 |
10 |
Database backed up. Database: %s, creation date(time): %s(%s), pages dumped: %I64d, first LSN: %s, last LSN: %s, number of dump devices: %d, device information: (%s). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. |
18265 |
10 |
Log was backed up. Database: %s, creation date(time): %s(%s), first LSN: %s, last LSN: %s, number of dump devices: %d, device information: (%s). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. |
18266 |
10 |
Database file was backed up. Database: %s, creation date(time): %s(%s), file list: (%s), pages dumped: %I64d, number of dump devices: %d, device information: (%s). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. |
18267 |
10 |
Database was restored: Database: %s, creation date(time): %s(%s), first LSN: %s, last LSN: %s, number of dump devices: %d, device information: (%s). Informational message. No user action required. |
18268 |
10 |
Log was restored. Database: %s, creation date(time): %s(%s), first LSN: %s, last LSN: %s, number of dump devices: %d, device information: (%s). This is an informational message. No user action is required. |
18269 |
10 |
Database file was restored. Database: %s, creation date(time): %s(%s), file list: (%s), number of dump devices: %d, device information: (%s). This is an informational message. No user action is required. |
18270 |
10 |
Database differential changes were backed up. Database: %s, creation date(time): %s(%s), pages dumped: %I64d, first LSN: %s, last LSN: %s, full backup LSN: %s, number of dump devices: %d, device information: (%s). This is an informational message. No user |
18271 |
10 |
Database changes were restored. Database: %s, creation date(time): %s(%s), first LSN: %s, last LSN: %s, number of dump devices: %d, device information: (%s). This is an informational message. No user action is required. |
18272 |
16 |
During restore restart, an I/O error occurred on checkpoint file ‘%s’ (operating system error %s). The statement is proceeding but cannot be restarted. Ensure that a valid storage location exists for the checkpoint file. |
18273 |
16 |
Could not clear ‘%s’ bitmap in database ‘%s’ because of error %d. As a result, the differential or bulk-logged bitmap overstates the amount of change that will occur with the next differential or log backup. This discrepancy might slow down later differen |
18274 |
10 |
Tape ‘%s’ was dismounted from drive ‘%s’. This is an informational message. No user action is required. |
18275 |
10 |
Unnamed tape was dismounted from drive ‘%s’. This is an informational message. No user action is required. |
18276 |
10 |
Database file differential changes were backed up. Database: %s, creation date(time): %s(%s), file list: (%s), pages dumped: %I64d, number of dump devices: %d, device information: (%s). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. |
18277 |
10 |
Database file changes were restored. Database: %s, creation date(time): %s(%s), file list: (%s), number of dump devices: %d, device information: (%s). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. |
18300 |
10 |
Reason: Infrastructure error occurred. Check for previous errors. |
18301 |
10 |
Reason: Could not find a login matching the name provided. |
18302 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to unprotect memory containing sensitive information. |
18303 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to unprotect memory containing sensitive information. |
18304 |
10 |
Reason: Could not find a login matching the name provided. |
18305 |
10 |
Reason: Attempting to use an NT account name with SQL Server Authentication. |
18306 |
10 |
Reason: An error occurred while evaluating the password. |
18307 |
10 |
Reason: Password did not match that for the login provided. |
18308 |
10 |
Reason: Invalid password provided. |
18309 |
10 |
Reason: Password validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. |
18310 |
10 |
Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. |
18311 |
10 |
Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. |
18312 |
10 |
Reason: SQL Server service is paused. No new connections can be accepted at this time. |
18313 |
10 |
Reason: Interface for login to SQL Server is not supported. |
18314 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to open the specified database. |
18315 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to open the database for this login. |
18316 |
10 |
Reason: Unable to determine the initial language and date format. |
18317 |
10 |
Reason: The user must change the password, but it cannot be changed with the current connection settings. |
18318 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to unprotect memory containing sensitive information. |
18319 |
10 |
Reason: Simulation of a failure while redoing login on the connection. |
18320 |
10 |
Reason: SQL Server service is paused. Login could not be revalidated at this time. |
18321 |
10 |
Reason: Reinitialization of security context failed while revalidating the login on the connection. |
18322 |
10 |
Reason: Access to server validation failed while revalidating the login on the connection. |
18323 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to open the specified database while revalidating the login on the connection. |
18324 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to create the user instance while revalidating the login on the connection. |
18325 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to attach the specified database while revalidating the login on the connection. |
18326 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to open the database for this login while revalidating the login on the connection. |
18327 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to determine the language and date format while revalidating the login on the connection. |
18328 |
10 |
Reason: An exception was raised while revalidating the login on the connection. Check for previous errors. |
18329 |
10 |
Reason: Simulation of a failure while reauthenticating login. |
18330 |
10 |
Reason: SQL Server service is paused. Login cannot be reauthenticated at this time. |
18331 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to reinitialize security context while reauthenticating login. |
18332 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to access server for validation while reauthenticating login. |
18333 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to open the specified database while reauthenticating login. |
18334 |
10 |
Reason: An error occurred while reauthenticating login. Check for previous errors. |
18335 |
10 |
Reason: Could not retrieve database name or map database to an item. |
18336 |
10 |
Reason: Cannot connect with a login that does not specify a share. |
18337 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database. |
18338 |
10 |
Reason: Unable to determine the database name from the specified file name. |
18339 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to open the database specified in the login properties. |
18340 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to store database name and collation. Check for previous errors. |
18341 |
10 |
. Reason: Current collation did not match the database’s collation during connection reset. |
18342 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to send an environment change notification to a log shipping partner node. |
18343 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to retrieve database name or map database to an item while revalidating the login on the connection. |
18344 |
10 |
Reason: Connection with a login which does not specify a share is not allowed while revalidating the login on the connection. |
18345 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to open the database configured in the login object while revalidating the login on the connection. |
18346 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to determine database name from a given file name while revalidating the login on the connection. |
18347 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to open the database specified in the login properties while revalidating the login on the connection. |
18348 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to store database name and collation while revalidating the login on the connection. Check for previous errors. |
18349 |
10 |
Reason: Current collation did not match the database’s collation during connection reset. |
18350 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to send an environment change notification to a log shipping partner node while revalidating the login. |
18351 |
10 |
Reason: Client impersonation failed. |
18352 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to revert impersonation to self. |
18353 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to get security token information. |
18354 |
10 |
Reason: Failed to duplicate of security token. |
18355 |
10 |
Reason: Failed attempted retry of a process token validation. |
18356 |
10 |
Reason: An error occurred while attempting to change password. |
18357 |
10 |
Reason: An attempt to login using SQL authentication failed. Server is configured for Windows authentication only. |
18400 |
16 |
The background checkpoint thread has encountered an unrecoverable error. The checkpoint process is terminating so that the thread can clean up its resources. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. |
18401 |
14 |
Login failed for user ‘%.*ls’. Reason: Server is in script upgrade mode. Only administrator can connect at this time.%.*ls |
18451 |
14 |
Login failed for user ‘%.*ls’. Only administrators may connect at this time.%.*ls |
18452 |
14 |
Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication.%.*ls |
18453 |
10 |
Login succeeded for user ‘%.*ls’. Connection made using Windows authentication.%.*ls |
18454 |
10 |
Login succeeded for user ‘%.*ls’. Connection made using SQL Server authentication.%.*ls |
18455 |
10 |
Login succeeded for user ‘%.*ls’.%.*ls |
18456 |
14 |
Login failed for user ‘%.*ls’.%.*ls%.*ls |
18458 |
14 |
Login failed. The number of simultaneous users already equals the %d registered licenses for this server. To increase the maximum number of simultaneous users, obtain additional licenses and then register them through the Licensing item in Control Panel.% |
18459 |
14 |
Login failed. The workstation licensing limit for SQL Server access has already been reached.%.*ls |
18460 |
14 |
Login failed. The number of simultaneous users has already reached the limit of %d licenses for this ‘%ls’ server. Additional licenses should be obtained and installed or you should upgrade to a full version.%.*ls |
18461 |
14 |
Login failed for user ‘%.*ls’. Reason: Server is in single user mode. Only one administrator can connect at this time.%.*ls |
18462 |
14 |
The login failed for user “%.*ls”. The password change failed. The password for the user is too recent to change. %.*ls |
18463 |
14 |
The login failed for user “%.*ls”. The password change failed. The password cannot be used at this time. %.*ls |
18464 |
14 |
Login failed for user ‘%.*ls’. Reason: Password change failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because it is too short.%.*ls |
18465 |
14 |
Login failed for user ‘%.*ls’. Reason: Password change failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because it is too long.%.*ls |
18466 |
14 |
Login failed for user ‘%.*ls’. Reason: Password change failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because it is not complex enough.%.*ls |
18467 |
14 |
The login failed for user “%.*ls”. The password change failed. The password does not meet the requirements of the password filter DLL. %.*ls |
18468 |
14 |
The login failed for user “%.*ls”. The password change failed. An unexpected error occurred during password validation. %.*ls |
18469 |
10 |
[CLIENT: %.*hs] |
18470 |
14 |
Login failed for user ‘%.*ls’. Reason: The account is disabled.%.*ls |
18471 |
14 |
The login failed for user “%.*ls”. The password change failed. The user does not have permission to change the password. %.*ls |
18482 |
16 |
Could not connect to server ‘%.*ls’ because ‘%.*ls’ is not defined as a remote server. Verify that you have specified the correct server name. %.*ls. |
18483 |
16 |
Could not connect to server ‘%.*ls’ because ‘%.*ls’ is not defined as a remote login at the server. Verify that you have specified the correct login name. %.*ls. |
18485 |
16 |
Could not connect to server ‘%.*ls’ because it is not configured to accept remote logins. Use the remote access configuration option to allow remote logins.%.*ls |
18486 |
14 |
Login failed for user ‘%.*ls’ because the account is currently locked out. The system administrator can unlock it. %.*ls |
18487 |
14 |
Login failed for user ‘%.*ls’. Reason: The password of the account has expired.%.*ls |
18488 |
14 |
Login failed for user ‘%.*ls’. Reason: The password of the account must be changed.%.*ls |
18489 |
10 |
The dedicated administrator connection is in use by “%.*ls” on “%.*ls”.%.*ls |
18491 |
16 |
SQL Server could not start because of an invalid serial number. The serial number information retrieved at startup appears invalid. To proceed, reinstall SQL Server. |
18492 |
16 |
SQL Server cannot start because the license agreement for this ‘%ls’ version of SQL Server is invalid. The server is exiting. To proceed, reinstall SQL Server with a valid license. |
18493 |
16 |
The user instance login flag is not supported on this version of SQL Server. The connection will be closed.%.*ls |
18494 |
16 |
The user instance login flag is not allowed when connecting to a user instance of SQL Server. The connection will be closed.%.*ls |
18495 |
16 |
The user instance login flag cannot be used along with an attach database file name. The connection will be closed.%.*ls |
18496 |
10 |
System Manufacturer: ‘%ls’, System Model: ‘%ls’. |
18596 |
16 |
%.*ls cannot start because your system is low on memory. |
18597 |
16 |
Your %.*ls installation is either corrupt or has been tampered with (%hs). Please uninstall then re-run setup to correct this problem |
18598 |
16 |
%.*ls could not find the default instance (%.*ls) – error %d. Please specify the name of an existing instance on the invocation of sqlservr.exe.nnIf you believe that your installation is corrupt or has been tampered with, uninstall then re-run setup to |
18599 |
16 |
%.*ls could not find the specified named instance (%.*ls) – error %d. Please specify the name of an existing instance on the invocation of sqlservr.exe.nnIf you believe that your installation is corrupt or has been tampered with, uninstall then re-run s |
18750 |
16 |
%ls: The parameter ‘%ls’ is not valid. |
18751 |
16 |
%ls procedure was called with the wrong number of parameters. |
18752 |
16 |
Only one Log Reader Agent or log-related procedure (sp_repldone, sp_replcmds, and sp_replshowcmds) can connect to a database at a time. If you executed a log-related procedure, drop the connection over which the procedure was executed or execute sp_replfl |
18755 |
16 |
Could not allocate memory for replication. Verify that SQL Server has sufficient memory for all operations. |
18756 |
16 |
Could not retrieve replication information for table %d. Verify that the table has a primary key, and then rerun the Log Reader Agent. |
18757 |
16 |
Unable to execute procedure. The database is not published. Execute the procedure in a database that is published for replication. |
18760 |
16 |
Invalid %ls statement for article %d. Verify that the stored procedures that propagate changes to Subscribers use the appropriate call syntax, and then rerun the Log Reader Agent. Use sp_helparticle and sp_changearticle to view and change the call syntax. |
18761 |
16 |
Commit record at {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx} has already been distributed. |
18762 |
16 |
Invalid begin LSN {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx} for commit record {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}. Check DBTABLE. |
18763 |
16 |
Commit record {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx} reports oldest active LSN as (0:0:0). |
18764 |
16 |
Execution of filter stored procedure %d failed. See the SQL Server errorlog for more information. |
18765 |
16 |
The “%s” log sequence number (LSN) that was specified for the replication log scan is invalid. |
18766 |
16 |
The replbeginlsn field in the DBTABLE is invalid. |
18767 |
16 |
The specified begin LSN {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx} for replication log scan occurs before replbeginlsn {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}. |
18768 |
16 |
The specified LSN {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx} for repldone log scan occurs before the current start of replication in the log {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}. |
18769 |
16 |
The specified LSN {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx} for repldone log scan is not a replicated commit record. |
18770 |
16 |
The specified LSN {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx} for repldone log scan is not present in the transaction log. |
18771 |
16 |
Invalid storage type %d specified writing variant of type %d. |
18772 |
16 |
Invalid server data type (%d) specified in repl type lookup. |
18773 |
16 |
Could not locate text information records for the column “%.*ls”, ID %d during command construction. |
18774 |
16 |
The stored procedure %s must be executed within a transaction. |
18775 |
16 |
The Log Reader Agent encountered an unexpected log record of type %u encountered while processing DML operation. |
18776 |
16 |
An error occurred while waiting on the article cache access event. |
18777 |
16 |
%s: Error initializing MSMQ components |
18778 |
16 |
%s: Error opening Microsoft Message Queue %s |
18780 |
16 |
You have specified a value for the @dts_package_password parameter. You must also specify a value for the @dts_package_name parameter. |
18781 |
16 |
The value specified for the @backupdevicetype parameter is not valid. The value must be ‘logical’, ‘disk’, or ‘tape’. |
18782 |
16 |
Could not locate backup header information for database ‘%s’ in the specified backup device. Specify a backup device that contains a backup of the Publisher database. |
18783 |
16 |
The subscription setup script path has been truncated, because the snapshot folder directory path is too long. Reconfigure the Distributor to use a shorter path for this Publisher, and then retry the operation. |
18784 |
16 |
The alternate snapshot folder path generated by replication has been truncated. Reconfigure the publication to use a shorter alternate snapshot folder path, and then retry the operation. |
18786 |
16 |
The specified publication does not allow subscriptions to be initialized from a backup. To allow initialization from a backup, use sp_changepublication: set ‘allow_initialize_from_backup’ to ‘true’. |
18787 |
16 |
Snapshot publications cannot use the option to initialize a subscription from a backup. This option is only supported for transactional publications. |
18790 |
16 |
Cannot enable the option to initialize a subscription from a backup. This is not supported for non-SQL Server Publishers; it is only supported for transactional publications from SQL Server Publishers. |
18795 |
16 |
The valid new types of a log based indexed view article are ‘indexed view logbased’, ‘indexed view logbased manualfilter’, ‘indexed view logbased manualview’, and ‘indexed view logbased manualboth’ only. |
18796 |
16 |
The valid new types of a log based table article are ‘logbased’, ‘logbased manualfilter’, ‘logbased manualview’, and ‘logbased manualboth’ only. |
18799 |
16 |
Only users who are members of the following roles can perform this operation: sysadmin fixed server role; dbowner or dbcreator fixed database role in the current database. |
18801 |
16 |
Unable to allocate memory for replication schema version node. |
18802 |
16 |
Cannot insert a new schema change into the systranschemas system table. HRESULT = ‘0x%x’. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support Services. |
18803 |
16 |
The topic %.*ls is not a supported help topic. To see the list of supported topics, execute the stored procedure sp_replhelp N’helptopics’. |
18804 |
16 |
Peer-to-peer replication has been enabled, and the Log Reader Agent was unable to find an Extended-Originator-Record (EOR) for a transaction that did not originate at this server. Contact Customer Support Services. |
18805 |
16 |
The Log-Scan Process failed to construct a replicated command from log sequence number (LSN) {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}. Back up the publication database and contact Customer Support Services. |
18806 |
16 |
Cannot initialize the replication resource. Ensure that SQL Server has sufficient memory. If the problem persists, restart SQL Server. |
18807 |
16 |
Cannot find an object ID for the replication system table ‘%s’. Verify that the system table exists and is accessible by querying it directly. If it does exist, stop and restart the Log Reader Agent; if it does not exist, drop and reconfigure replication. |
18808 |
16 |
Article information is not valid. Stop the Log Reader Agent, execute the stored procedure sp_replflush, and then restart the Log Reader Agent. |
18809 |
16 |
END_UPDATE log record {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx} encountered without matching BEGIN_UPDATE. |
18810 |
16 |
Cannot restart the scan on table ‘%s’. HRESULT = ‘0x%x’. Stop and restart the Log Reader Agent. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support Services. |
18811 |
16 |
Invalid %s log record. |
18812 |
16 |
Can not lock the database object in article cache. |
18815 |
16 |
Expecting %I64d bytes of data, but only %I64d were found in the transaction log. For more information, contact Customer Support Services. |
18817 |
16 |
Text information block not valid. Contact Customer Support Services. |
18818 |
16 |
Failed to scan to log sequence number (LSN) {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}. Contact Customer Support Services. |
18819 |
16 |
Failed to lock the current log record at log sequence number (LSN) {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}. Contact Customer Support Services. |
18821 |
16 |
The rowset does not contain any column with offset %d. Back up the publication database and contact Customer Support Services. |
18823 |
16 |
Invalid value %d for %s. |
18826 |
16 |
Failed to delete rows from the systranschemas table. HRESULT = ‘0x%x’. The rows will be deleted the next time replication executes the stored procedure sp_replcmds. |
18827 |
16 |
The Log Reader Agent scanned to the end of the log before processing all transactions in the hash table. %d transactions in the hash table, %d transactions processed, end of log LSN {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}. Back up the publication database and contact Custome |
18828 |
16 |
Invalid filter procedure definition. |
18829 |
16 |
Failed to scan to the delete log record of an update base on log sequence number (LSN) {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}. Contact Customer Support Services. |
18830 |
16 |
A bounded update was logged within the range of another bounded update within the same transaction. First BEGIN_UPDATE {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}, current BEGIN_UPDATE {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}. Contact Customer Support Services. |
18832 |
16 |
The Log Reader Agent scanned to the end of the log while processing a bounded update. BEGIN_UPDATE LSN {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}, END_UPDATE LSN {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}, current LSN {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}. Back up the publication database and contact Customer Support |
18834 |
16 |
An unexpected Text Information Begin (TIB) log record was encountered while processing the TIB for offset %ld. Last TIB processed: (textInfoFlags 0x%x, coloffset %ld, newSize %I64d, oldSize %I64d). Contact Customer Support Services. |
18835 |
16 |
Encountered an unexpected Text Information End (TIE) log record. Last Text Information Begin (TIB) processed: (textInfoFlags 0x%x, coloffset %ld, newSize %I64d, oldSize %I64d), text collection state %d. Contact product support. |
18836 |
16 |
%s, ti: {RowsetId %I64d, {TextTimeStamp %I64d, {RowId {PageId %ld, FileId %u}, SlotId %d}}, coloffset %ld, textInfoFlags 0x%x, textSize %I64d, offset %I64d, oldSize %I64d, newSize %I64d}. |
18837 |
16 |
Cannot find rowset ID %I64d in the current schema. Stop and restart the Log Reader Agent. If the problem persists, reinitialize all subscriptions to the publication. |
18838 |
16 |
The Log Reader Agent encountered a NULL command that is not valid. Restart the agent if it has stopped. If the problem persists, reinitialize all subscriptions to the publication. |
18840 |
16 |
Cannot locate database information in the article cache. Stop and restart SQL Server and the Log Reader Agent. If the problem persists, back up the publication database, and then contact Customer Support Services. |
18842 |
16 |
Failed to retrieve the oldest active log sequence number (LSN) from a commit record. Stop and restart SQL Server and the Log Reader Agent. If the problem persists, reinitialize all subscriptions to the publication. |
18843 |
16 |
Failed to allocate or reallocate buffer for replication command, old size %d, new size %d. |
18844 |
16 |
Invalid compensation range: begin {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}, end {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}. Reinitialize all subscriptions to the publication. |
18845 |
16 |
Cannot retrieve the rowset ID from log records generated from a text pointer based operation. Reinitialize all subscriptions to the publication. |
18846 |
16 |
Possible inconsistent state in the distribution database: dist_backup_lsn {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}, dist_last_lsn {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}. Execute “sp_repldone NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1”, and then execute sp_replflush. Reinitialize all subscriptions to the publication. |
18847 |
16 |
Cannot retrieve the peer-to-peer database information. Contact Customer Support Services. |
18849 |
16 |
Failed to evaluate the filter procedure or computed column. Cannot find the column offset information for column ID %d, rowsetId %I64d. Stop and restart the Log Reader Agent. If the problem persists, back up the publication database and then contact Custo |
18850 |
16 |
Unexpected %s log record encountered, last FILESTREAMInfo node processed : {%d, {{%I64d, %I64d}, %I64d, %I64d, %d, %d}, %d, %ld, %I64d, %I64d, %I64d, %I64d, {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}, %d, {{%I64d, %I64d}, %I64d, %I64d, %d, %d}, {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}} |
18851 |
16 |
Failed to %s the replication context for TxF: {%I64d, %.*ls, %ld, %ld, %I64d, %I64d, %I64d, %I64d, {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}, %I64d, %.*ls, {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}}. If the problem persists, contact product support. |
18852 |
16 |
Failed to read the TXF_REPLICATION_RECORD_WRITE structure. Last error returned ‘%ld’. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support Services. |
18853 |
10 |
Replication is skipping schema version logging because the systranschemas table is not present in database ‘%d’. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. |
18854 |
16 |
One or more subscriptions have been marked inactive. Drop and re-create all subscriptions for this node that are failing with this error. |
18855 |
11 |
Can not rename the database name because it is published or it is a distribution database used by replication. |
18856 |
16 |
Agent ‘%s’ is retrying after an error. %d retries attempted. See agent job history in the Jobs folder for more details. |
18857 |
16 |
The subscription to this publication is not active yet. No user action is required. |
18896 |
16 |
Failed to compare delete and insert log record for column ID %ld with table ID %ld |
19030 |
10 |
SQL Trace ID %d was started by login “%s”. |
19031 |
10 |
SQL Trace stopped. Trace ID = ‘%d’. Login Name = ‘%s’. |
19032 |
10 |
SQL Trace was stopped due to server shutdown. Trace ID = ‘%d’. This is an informational message only; no user action is required. |
19033 |
10 |
Server started with ‘-f’ option. Auditing will not be started. This is an informational message only; no user action is required. |
19034 |
21 |
Cannot start C2 audit trace. SQL Server is shutting down. Error = %ls |
19035 |
16 |
OLE task allocator failed to initialize. Heterogeneous queries, distributed queries, and remote procedure calls are unavailable. Confirm that DCOM is properly installed and configured. |
19036 |
10 |
The OLE DB initialization service failed to load. Reinstall Microsoft Data Access Components. If the problem persists, contact product support for the OLEDB provider. |
19051 |
16 |
Unknown error occurred in the trace. |
19052 |
16 |
The active trace must be stopped before modification. |
19053 |
16 |
The trace event ID is not valid. |
19054 |
16 |
The trace column ID is not valid. |
19055 |
16 |
Filters with the same event column ID must be grouped together. |
19056 |
16 |
The comparison operator in the filter is not valid. |
19057 |
16 |
The boolean operator in the filter is not valid. |
19058 |
16 |
The trace status is not valid. |
19059 |
16 |
Could not find the requested trace. |
19060 |
16 |
The trace option is not valid. |
19061 |
16 |
Cannot remove SPID trace column. |
19062 |
16 |
Could not create a trace file. |
19063 |
16 |
Not enough memory was available for trace. |
19064 |
16 |
The requested trace stop time has been already passed. |
19065 |
16 |
The parameter is not valid. |
19066 |
16 |
Cannot modify a restricted trace. |
19067 |
16 |
Cannot create a new trace because the trace file path is found in the existing traces. |
19068 |
16 |
The trace file path is not valid or not supported. |
19069 |
16 |
The trace file name is not valid because it contains a rollover file number (NNN in C:file_NNN) while the trace rollover option is enabled. |
19070 |
16 |
The default trace cannot be stopped or modified. Use SP_CONFIGURE to turn it off. |
19071 |
16 |
Stopping the trace because the current trace file is full and the rollover option is not specified. |
19096 |
16 |
Fail to delete an old trace file ‘%ls’. Error = ‘%ls’. |
19097 |
10 |
Windows error occurred while running %s. Error = %s. |
19098 |
16 |
An error occurred starting the default trace. Cause: %ls Use sp_configure to turn off and then turn on the ‘default trace enabled’ advanced server configuration option. |
19099 |
16 |
Trace ID ‘%d’ was stopped because of an error. Cause: %ls. Restart the trace after correcting the problem. |
19100 |
10 |
Initialization succeeded. |
19101 |
10 |
Initialization failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. |
19102 |
10 |
Unable to create a node listener object. Check for memory-related errors. |
19103 |
10 |
An error occurred while starting shared memory support. |
19104 |
10 |
All protocols are disabled. |
19105 |
10 |
Unable to create a node listener object for a special instance. Check for memory-related errors. |
19106 |
10 |
Unable to trim spaces in an IP address. Check TCP/IP protocol settings. |
19107 |
10 |
‘TcpKeepAlive’ registry setting is the wrong type. Check TCP/IP protocol settings. |
19108 |
10 |
Unable to retrieve ‘TcpKeepAlive’ registry setting. Check TCP/IP protocol settings. |
19109 |
10 |
Unable to configure MDAC-compatibility TCP/IP port in registry. |
19110 |
10 |
Unable to initialize the TCP/IP listener. |
19111 |
10 |
Unable to open TCP/IP protocol configuration key in registry. |
19112 |
10 |
Unable to retrieve TCP/IP protocol ‘Enabled’ registry setting. |
19113 |
10 |
Unable to retrieve ‘ListenOnAllIPs’ TCP/IP registry setting. |
19114 |
10 |
Unable to open TCP/IP protocol’s ‘IPAll’ configuration key in registry. |
19115 |
10 |
Unable to retrieve registry settings from TCP/IP protocol’s ‘IPAll’ configuration key. |
19116 |
10 |
Unable to obtain list size for IP addresses configured for listening in registry. |
19117 |
10 |
Failed to allocate memory for IP addresses configured for listening. Check for memory-related errors. |
19118 |
10 |
Unable to obtain list of IP addresses configured for listening in registry. |
19119 |
10 |
Unable to open TCP/IP protocol’s registry key for a specific IP address. |
19120 |
10 |
Unable to retrieve ‘Enabled’ setting for a specific IP address. |
19121 |
10 |
Unable to retrieve ‘Active’ setting for a specific IP address. |
19122 |
10 |
Unable to retrieve ‘IpAddress’ value for a specific IP address. |
19123 |
10 |
‘IpAddress’ registry value is the wrong type. |
19124 |
10 |
Unable to retrieve registry settings for a specific IP address. |
19125 |
10 |
Unable to deallocate structures representing registry key for a specific IP address. |
19126 |
10 |
Unable to retrieve registry settings for cluster environment. |
19127 |
10 |
Server is configured to listen on a specific IP address in a cluster environment. |
19128 |
10 |
Unable to check for a duplicate IP address in the network. |
19129 |
10 |
A duplicate IP address was detected in the network. |
19130 |
10 |
Unable to open SQL Server Network Interface library configuration key in registry for Dedicated Administrator Connection settings. |
19131 |
10 |
Unable to open Dedicated Administrator Connection configuration key in registry. |
19132 |
10 |
Unable to open TCP/IP configuration key for Dedicated Administrator Connection in registry. |
19133 |
10 |
Unable to retrieve dynamic TCP/IP ports registry settings for Dedicated Administrator Connection. |
19134 |
10 |
No or more than one dynamic TCP/IP port is configured for Dedicated Administrator Connection in registry settings. |
19135 |
10 |
Error starting Named Pipes support. Check protocol settings. |
19136 |
10 |
An error occurred starting VIA support. Check protocol settings. |
19137 |
10 |
Failed to allocate memory SSL listening structures. Check for memory-related errors. |
19138 |
10 |
An error occurred while obtaining or using the certificate for SSL. Check settings in Configuration Manager. |
19139 |
10 |
Unable to add listener endpoints. Check for memory-related errors. |
19140 |
10 |
Unable to initialize the communication listeners. |
19141 |
10 |
Unable to retrieve SQL Server Network Interface library settings for a special instance. |
19142 |
10 |
Unable to retrieve SQL Server Network Interface library settings; the instance name is too long. |
19143 |
10 |
Unable to initialize the Shared Memory listener. |
19144 |
10 |
Unable to initialize the Named Pipes listener. |
19145 |
10 |
Unable to configure MDAC-compatibility Named Pipes protocol pipe name in registry. |
19146 |
10 |
Unable to initialize the VIA listener. |
19147 |
10 |
Unable to initialize the HTTP listener. |
19148 |
10 |
Unable to initialize SSL support. |
19149 |
10 |
Unable to configure MDAC-compatibility protocol list in registry. |
19150 |
10 |
Unable to open SQL Server Network Interface library configuration key in registry. |
19151 |
10 |
An error occurred while obtaining the Extended Protection setting. Check Network Configuration settings in SQL Server Configuration Manager. |
19152 |
10 |
The configured value for Extended Protection is not valid. Check Network Configuration settings in SQL Server Configuration Manager. |
19153 |
10 |
An error occurred while obtaining the Accepted SPNs list for Extended Protection. Check Network Configuration settings in SQL Server Configuration Manager. |
19154 |
10 |
The configured value for the Accepted SPNs list is not valid. Check Network Configuration settings in SQL Server Configuration Manager. |
19155 |
10 |
TDSSNIClient failed to allocate memory while loading Extended Protection configuration settings. Check for memory-related errors. |
19200 |
10 |
Authentication succeeded. |
19201 |
10 |
The transport protocol does not provide an authentication context, and there is no authentication token in the TDS stream. |
19202 |
10 |
An error occurred while calling CompleteAuthToken for this security context. The Windows error code indicates the cause of failure. |
19203 |
10 |
The CompleteAuthToken API is not defined for the current Security Support Provider. |
19204 |
10 |
AcceptSecurityContext failed. The Windows error code indicates the cause of failure. |
19205 |
10 |
The operating system does not support Channel Bindings, but the server is configured to require Extended Protection. Update the operating system or disable Extended Protection. |
19206 |
10 |
The Channel Bindings from this client do not match the established Transport Layer Security (TLS) Channel. The service might be under attack, or the data provider might need to be upgraded to support Extended Protection. Closing the connection. |
19207 |
10 |
The Channel Bindings from this client are missing or do not match the established Transport Layer Security (TLS) Channel. The service might be under attack, or the data provider or client operating system might need to be upgraded to support Extended Prot |
19208 |
10 |
The operating system does not support Service Bindings, but the server is configured to require Extended Protection. Update the operating system or disable Extended Protection. |
19209 |
10 |
QueryContextAttributes could not to retrieve Service Bindings. The Windows error code indicates the cause of failure. |
19210 |
10 |
The server Extended Protection level is set to Allowed or Required, and the client did not provide a Service Principal Name (SPN). To connect, this client must support Extended Protection. You might have to install an operating system service pack that al |
19211 |
10 |
The server Extended Protection level is set to Allowed or Required, and the client did not provide a Service Principal Name (SPN). To connect, this client must support Extended Protection. You might have to update the SQL Server driver on the client. |
19212 |
10 |
The Service Class element of the received Service Principal Name (SPN) is not valid. |
19213 |
10 |
The IP Address element of the received Service Principal Name (SPN) is not valid. |
19214 |
10 |
The Host element of the received Service Principal Name (SPN) is not valid. |
19215 |
10 |
A memory allocation failed while validating the received Service Principal Name (SPN). |
19216 |
10 |
QueryContextAttributes succeeded but did not retrieve the received Service Principal Name (SPN). |
19217 |
10 |
WSAStringToAddress was unable to convert the IP Address element of the received Service Principal Name (SPN) to an address structure. The Windows error code indicates the cause of failure. |
20001 |
10 |
There is no nickname for article ‘%s’ in publication ‘%s’. |
20002 |
10 |
The filter ‘%s’ already exists for article ‘%s’ in publication ‘%s’. |
20003 |
10 |
Could not generate nickname for ‘%s’. |
20004 |
10 |
Publication ‘%s’ has the following property: ‘%s’. SQL Server subscribers below version ‘%s’ will ignore this setting. |
20005 |
18 |
%ls: Cannot convert parameter %ls: Resulting colv would have too many entries. |
20006 |
16 |
Cannot make the change because the article might be in a publication that has anonymous or client subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to acknowledge that such a subscription will be reinitialized. |
20007 |
16 |
The system tables for merge replication could not be dropped successfully. |
20008 |
16 |
The system tables for merge replication could not be created successfully. |
20009 |
16 |
The article ‘%s’ could not be added to the publication ‘%s’. |
20010 |
16 |
The Snapshot Agent corresponding to the publication ‘%s’ could not be dropped. |
20011 |
16 |
Cannot set incompatible publication properties. The ‘allow_anonymous’ property of a publication depends on the ‘immediate_sync’ property. |
20012 |
16 |
The subscription type ‘%s’ is not allowed on publication ‘%s’. |
20013 |
16 |
The publication property ‘%s’ cannot be changed when there are subscriptions on it. |
20014 |
16 |
Invalid @schema_option value. |
20015 |
16 |
Could not remove directory ‘%ls’. Check the security context of xp_cmdshell and close other processes that may be accessing the directory. |
20016 |
16 |
Invalid @subscription_type value. Valid values are ‘pull’ or ‘anonymous’. |
20017 |
16 |
The subscription on the Subscriber does not exist. |
20018 |
16 |
The @optional_command_line is too long. Use an agent definition file. |
20019 |
16 |
Replication database option ‘%s’ cannot be set unless the database is a publishing database or a distribution database. |
20020 |
16 |
The article resolver supplied is either invalid or nonexistent. |
20021 |
16 |
The subscription could not be found. |
20022 |
16 |
This article has now settings to disable uploads and compensate_for_errors=true. However, local and anonymous subscribers will behave as if compensate_for_errors=false. |
20023 |
16 |
Invalid @subscriber_type value. Valid options are ‘local’, ‘global’, or ‘anonymous’. |
20024 |
16 |
The alt_snapshot_folder cannot be the same as the working directory. |
20025 |
16 |
The publication name must be unique. The specified publication name ‘%s’ has already been used. |
20026 |
16 |
The publication ‘%s’ does not exist. |
20027 |
16 |
The article ‘%s’ does not exist. |
20028 |
16 |
The Distributor has not been installed correctly. Could not enable database for publishing. |
20029 |
16 |
The Distributor has not been installed correctly. Could not disable database for publishing. |
20030 |
16 |
The article ‘%s’ already exists on another publication with a different column tracking option. |
20031 |
16 |
Could not delete the row because it does not exist. |
20032 |
16 |
‘%s’ is not defined as a Subscriber for ‘%s’. |
20033 |
16 |
Invalid publication type. |
20034 |
16 |
Publication ‘%s’ does not support ‘%s’ subscriptions. |
20036 |
16 |
The Distributor has not been installed correctly. |
20037 |
16 |
The article ‘%s’ already exists in another publication with a different article resolver. |
20038 |
16 |
The article filter could not be added to the article ‘%s’ in the publication ‘%s’. |
20039 |
16 |
The article filter could not be dropped from the article ‘%s’ in the publication ‘%s’. |
20040 |
16 |
Could not drop the article(s) from the publication ‘%s’. |
20041 |
16 |
Transaction rolled back. Could not execute trigger. Retry your transaction. |
20043 |
16 |
Could not change the article ‘%s’ because the publication has already been activated. |
20044 |
16 |
The priority property is invalid for local subscribers. |
20045 |
16 |
You must supply an article name. |
20046 |
16 |
The article does not exist. |
20047 |
16 |
You are not authorized to perform this operation. |
20048 |
16 |
To modify the priority of a subscription, run sp_changemergesubscription at the Publisher instead of using sp_changemergepullsubscription at subscriber. This is for backward compatibility only. |
20049 |
16 |
The priority value should not be larger than 100.0. |
20050 |
16 |
The retention period must be greater than or equal to 0, and it must not extend past December 31, 9999. |
20051 |
16 |
The Subscriber is not registered. |
20052 |
16 |
The @metatype parameter value must be null, 1, 2, 5, or 6. |
20053 |
16 |
An article with a different %s value already exists for object ‘%s’. |
20054 |
16 |
Current database is not enabled for publishing. |
20055 |
16 |
Table ‘%s’ cannot be published for merge replication because it has a timestamp column. |
20056 |
16 |
Table ‘%s’ cannot be republished. |
20057 |
16 |
The profile name ‘%s’ already exists for the specified agent type. |
20058 |
16 |
The @agent_type must be 1 (Snapshot), 2 (Logreader), 3 (Distribution), or 4 (Merge) |
20059 |
16 |
The @profile_type must be 0 (System) or 1 (Custom) |
20060 |
16 |
Compatibility level cannot be smaller than 60. |
20061 |
16 |
The compatibility level of this database must be set to 70 or higher to be enabled for merge publishing. |
20062 |
16 |
Updating columns with the rowguidcol property is not allowed. |
20063 |
16 |
Table ‘%s’ into which you are trying to insert, update, or delete data has been marked as read-only. Only the merge process can perform these operations. |
20064 |
16 |
Cannot drop profile. Either it is not defined or it is defined as the default profile. |
20065 |
16 |
Cannot drop profile because it is in use. |
20066 |
16 |
Profile not defined. |
20067 |
16 |
The parameter name ‘%s’ already exists for the specified profile. |
20068 |
16 |
The article cannot be created on table ‘%s’ because it has more than %d columns. |
20069 |
16 |
Cannot validate a merge article that uses looping join filters. |
20070 |
16 |
Cannot update subscription row. |
20072 |
16 |
Cannot update Subscriber information row. |
20073 |
16 |
Articles can be added or changed only at the Publisher. |
20074 |
16 |
Only a table object can be published as a “table” article for merge replication. |
20075 |
16 |
The ‘status’ parameter value must be either ‘active’ or ‘unsynced’. |
20076 |
16 |
The @sync_mode parameter value must be ‘native’ or ‘character’. |
20077 |
16 |
Problem encountered generating replica nickname. |
20078 |
16 |
The @property parameter value must be one of the following: ‘sync_type’, ‘priority’, ‘description’, ‘subscriber_security_mode’, ‘subscriber_login’, ‘subscriber_password’, ‘publisher_security_mode’, ‘publisher_login’, ‘publisher_password’, ‘merge_job_login |
20079 |
16 |
Invalid @subscription_type parameter value. Valid options are ‘push’, ‘pull’, or ‘both’. |
20081 |
16 |
Publication property ‘%s’ cannot be NULL. |
20084 |
16 |
Publication ‘%s’ cannot be subscribed to by Subscriber database ‘%s’. |
20086 |
16 |
Publication ‘%s’ does not support the nosync type because it contains a table that does not have a rowguidcol column. |
20087 |
16 |
You cannot push an anonymous subscription. |
20088 |
16 |
Only assign priorities that are greater than or equal to 0 and less than 100. |
20089 |
16 |
Could not get license information correctly. |
20090 |
16 |
Could not get version information correctly. |
20091 |
16 |
sp_mergesubscription_cleanup is used to clean up push subscriptions. Use sp_dropmergepullsubscription to clean up pull or anonymous subscriptions. |
20092 |
16 |
Table ‘%s’ into which you are trying to insert, update, or delete data is currently being upgraded or initialized for merge replication. On the publisher data modifications are disallowed until the upgrade completes and snapshot has successfully run. On s |
20093 |
16 |
Merge replication upgrade is not complete until the snapshot agent is run for the publisher and the merge agent run for all the subscribers. |
20100 |
16 |
Cannot drop Subscriber ‘%s’. There are existing subscriptions. |
20500 |
16 |
The updatable Subscriber stored procedure ‘%s’ does not exist. |
20501 |
16 |
Could not insert into sysarticleupdates using sp_articlecolumn. |
20502 |
16 |
Invalid ‘%s’ value. Valid values are ‘read only’, ‘sync tran’, ‘queued tran’, or ‘failover’. |
20503 |
16 |
Invalid ‘%s’ value in ‘%s’. The publication is not enabled for ‘%s’ updatable subscriptions. |
20504 |
16 |
Immediate Updating Subscriptions: The xml values inserted/updated by Subscriber will be replicated as NULL to publisher. |
20505 |
16 |
Could not drop synchronous update stored procedure ‘%s’ in ‘%s’. |
20506 |
16 |
Source table ‘%s’ not found in ‘%s’. |
20507 |
16 |
Table ‘%s’ not found in ‘%s’. |
20508 |
11 |
Updatable subscriptions: The text, ntext, or image values inserted at the Subscriber will be NULL. |
20509 |
16 |
Updatable subscriptions: The text, ntext, or image values cannot be updated at the Subscriber. |
20510 |
16 |
Updateable Subscriptions: Cannot update identity columns. |
20511 |
16 |
Updateable Subscriptions: Cannot update timestamp columns. |
20512 |
16 |
Updateable Subscriptions: Rolling back transaction. |
20513 |
16 |
Database ‘%s’ does not contain any replication metadata for a row whose ROWGUIDCOL matches the value specified for the @rowguid parameter of sp_showrowreplicainfo. Verify that the value specified for @rowguid parameter is correct. |
20514 |
10 |
A rowcount validation request has been submitted to heterogeneous publisher %s for article %s of publication %s. Validation results will be posted to distribution history. |
20515 |
16 |
Updateable Subscriptions: Rows do not match between Publisher and Subscriber. Run the Distribution Agent to refresh rows at the Subscriber. |
20516 |
16 |
Updateable Subscriptions: Replicated data is not updatable. |
20518 |
16 |
Updateable Subscriptions: INSERT and DELETE operations are not supported unless published table has a timestamp column. |
20519 |
16 |
Updateable Subscriptions: INSERT operations on tables with identity or timestamp columns are not allowed unless a primary key is defined at the Subscriber. |
20520 |
16 |
Updateable Subscriptions: UPDATE operations on tables with identity or timestamp columns are not allowed unless a primary key is defined at the Subscriber. |
20521 |
16 |
sp_MSmark_proc_norepl: must be a member of the db_owner or sysadmin roles. |
20522 |
16 |
sp_MSmark_proc_norepl: invalid object name ‘%s’. |
20523 |
16 |
Could not validate the article ‘%s’. It is not activated. |
20524 |
10 |
Table ‘%s’ may be out of synchronization. Rowcounts (actual: %s, expected: %s). Rowcount method %d used (0 = Full, 1 = Fast). |
20525 |
10 |
Table ‘%s’ might be out of synchronization. Rowcounts (actual: %s, expected %s). Checksum values (actual: %s, expected: %s). |
20526 |
10 |
Table ‘%s’ passed rowcount (%s) validation. Rowcount method %d used (0 = Full, 1 = Fast). |
20527 |
10 |
Table ‘%s’ passed rowcount (%s) and checksum validation. Checksum is not compared for any text or image columns. |
20528 |
10 |
Log Reader Agent startup message. |
20529 |
10 |
Starting agent. |
20530 |
10 |
Run agent. |
20531 |
10 |
Detect nonlogged agent shutdown. |
20532 |
10 |
Replication agent schedule. |
20533 |
10 |
Replication agents checkup |
20534 |
10 |
Detects replication agents that are not logging history actively. |
20535 |
10 |
Removes replication agent history from the distribution database. |
20536 |
10 |
Replication: agent failure |
20537 |
10 |
Replication: agent retry |
20538 |
10 |
Replication: expired subscription dropped |
20539 |
10 |
Replication Warning: %s (Threshold: %s) |
20540 |
10 |
Replication: agent success |
20541 |
10 |
Removes replicated transactions from the distribution database. |
20542 |
10 |
Detects and removes expired subscriptions from published databases. |
20543 |
10 |
@rowcount_only parameter must be the value 0,1, or 2. 0=7.0 compatible checksum. 1=only check rowcounts. 2=new checksum functionality introduced in version 8.0. |
20545 |
10 |
Default agent profile |
20546 |
10 |
Verbose history agent profile. |
20547 |
10 |
Agent profile for detailed history logging. |
20548 |
10 |
Slow link agent profile. |
20549 |
10 |
Agent profile for low bandwidth connections. |
20550 |
10 |
Windows Synchronization Manager profile |
20551 |
10 |
Profile used by the Windows Synchronization Manager. |
20552 |
10 |
Could not clean up the distribution transaction tables. |
20553 |
10 |
Could not clean up the distribution history tables. |
20554 |
10 |
The replication agent has not logged a progress message in %ld minutes. This might indicate an unresponsive agent or high system activity. Verify that records are being replicated to the destination and that connections to the Subscriber, Publisher, and D |
20555 |
10 |
6.x publication. |
20556 |
10 |
Heartbeats detected for all running replication agents. |
20557 |
10 |
Agent shutdown. For more information, see the SQL Server Agent job history for job ‘%s’. |
20558 |
10 |
Table ‘%s’ passed full rowcount validation after failing the fast check. DBCC UPDATEUSAGE will be initiated automatically. |
20559 |
10 |
Conditional Fast Rowcount method requested without specifying an expected count. Fast method will be used. |
20560 |
10 |
An expected checksum value was passed, but checksums will not be compared because rowcount-only checking was requested. |
20561 |
10 |
Generated expected rowcount value of %s for %s. |
20565 |
10 |
Replication: Subscriber has failed data validation |
20566 |
10 |
Replication: Subscriber has passed data validation |
20567 |
10 |
Agent history clean up: %s |
20568 |
10 |
Distribution clean up: %s |
20569 |
10 |
Expired subscription clean up |
20570 |
10 |
Reinitialize subscriptions having data validation failures |
20571 |
10 |
Reinitializes all subscriptions that have data validation failures. |
20572 |
10 |
Subscriber ‘%s’ subscription to article ‘%s’ in publication ‘%s’ has been reinitialized after a validation failure. |
20573 |
10 |
Replication: Subscription reinitialized after validation failure |
20574 |
10 |
Subscriber ‘%s’ subscription to article ‘%s’ in publication ‘%s’ failed data validation. |
20575 |
10 |
Subscriber ‘%s’ subscription to article ‘%s’ in publication ‘%s’ passed data validation. |
20576 |
10 |
Subscriber ‘%s’ subscription to article ‘%s’ in publication ‘%s’ has been reinitialized after a synchronization failure. |
20577 |
10 |
No entries were found in msdb..sysreplicationalerts. |
20578 |
10 |
Replication: agent custom shutdown |
20579 |
10 |
Generated expected rowcount value of %s and expected checksum value of %s for %s. |
20580 |
10 |
Heartbeats not detected for some replication agents. The status of these agents have been changed to ‘Failed’. |
20581 |
10 |
Cannot drop server ‘%s’ because it is used as a Distributor in replication. |
20582 |
10 |
Cannot drop server ‘%s’ because it is used as a Publisher in replication. |
20583 |
10 |
Cannot drop server ‘%s’ because it is used as a Subscriber in replication. |
20584 |
10 |
Cannot drop server ‘%s’ because it is used as a Subscriber to remote Publisher ‘%s’ in replication. |
20585 |
16 |
Validation Failure. Object ‘%s’ does not exist. |
20586 |
16 |
(default destination) |
20587 |
16 |
Invalid ‘%s’ value for stored procedure ‘%s’. |
20588 |
16 |
The subscription is not initialized. Run the Distribution Agent first. |
20589 |
10 |
Agent profile for replicated queued transaction reader. |
20590 |
16 |
The article property ‘status’ cannot include bit 64, ‘DTS horizontal partitions’ because the publication does not allow data transformations. |
20591 |
16 |
Only ‘DTS horizontal partitions’ and ‘no DTS horizontal partitions’ are valid ‘status’ values because the publication allows data transformations. |
20592 |
16 |
‘dts horizontal partitions’ and ‘no dts horizontal partitions’ are not valid ‘status’ values because the publication does not allow data transformations. |
20593 |
16 |
Cannot modify publication ‘%s’. The sync_method cannot be changed to ‘native’, or ‘concurrent’ because the publication is enabled for heterogeneous subscribers. |
20594 |
16 |
A push subscription to the publication exists. Use sp_subscription_cleanup to drop defunct push subscriptions. |
20595 |
16 |
Skipping error signaled. |
20596 |
16 |
Only ‘%s’ or members of db_owner can drop the anonymous agent. |
20597 |
10 |
Dropped %d anonymous subscription(s). |
20598 |
16 |
The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated command. |
20599 |
16 |
Continue on data consistency errors. |
20600 |
10 |
Agent profile for skipping data consistency errors. It can be used only by SQL Server Subscribers. |
20601 |
10 |
Invalid value specified for agent parameter ‘SkipErrors’. |
20602 |
10 |
The value specified for agent parameter ‘SkipErrors’ is too long. |
20603 |
10 |
The agent profile cannot be used by heterogeneous Subscribers. |
20604 |
10 |
You do not have permissions to run agents for push subscriptions. Make sure that you specify the agent parameter ‘SubscriptionType’. |
20605 |
10 |
Invalidated the existing snapshot of the publication. Run the Snapshot Agent again to generate a new snapshot. |
20606 |
10 |
Reinitialized subscription(s). |
20607 |
10 |
Cannot make the change because a snapshot is already generated. Set @force_invalidate_snapshot to 1 to force the change and invalidate the existing snapshot. |
20608 |
10 |
Cannot make the change because there are active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force the change and reinitialize the active subscriptions. |
20609 |
16 |
Cannot attach subscription file ‘%s’. Make sure that it is a valid subscription copy file. |
20610 |
16 |
Cannot run ‘%s’ when the Log Reader Agent is replicating the database. |
20611 |
16 |
Cannot add the article. Publications that allow transformable subscriptions with Data Transformation Services (DTS) can only include tables and indexed views that are published as tables. |
20612 |
16 |
Checksum validation is not supported because the publication allows DTS. Use row count only validation. |
20613 |
16 |
Validation is not supported for articles that are set up for DTS horizontal partitions. |
20614 |
16 |
Validation is not supported for heterogeneous Subscribers. |
20615 |
16 |
Unable to add a heterogeneous subscription to the publication. The publication is not enabled for heterogeneous subscriptions. |
20616 |
10 |
High Volume Server-to-Server Profile |
20617 |
10 |
Merge agent profile optimized for the high volume server-to-server synchronization scenario. |
20618 |
16 |
You must have CREATE DATABASE permission to attach a subscription database. |
20619 |
16 |
Server user ‘%s’ is not a valid user in database ‘%s’. Add the user account or ‘guest’ user account into the database first. |
20620 |
11 |
The security mode specified requires the server ‘%s’ to be registered as a linked server. Use sp_addlinkedserver to add the server. |
20621 |
11 |
Cannot copy a subscription database to an existing database. |
20622 |
11 |
Replication database option ‘sync with backup’ cannot be set on the publishing database because the database is in Simple Recovery mode. |
20623 |
11 |
You cannot validate article ‘%s’ unless you have ‘SELECT ALL’ permission on table ‘%s’. |
20624 |
16 |
The value specified for the @login parameter is not valid. User ‘%s’ is not a user in database ‘%s’. Add the user account to the database before attempting to execute the stored procedures sp_grant_publication_access or sp_revoke_publication_access. |
20625 |
16 |
Cannot create the merge replication publication access list (PAL) database role for publication ‘%s’. This role is used by replication to control access to the publication. Verify that you have sufficient permissions to create roles in the publication dat |
20626 |
16 |
Filter ‘%s’ already exists in publication ‘%s’. Specify a unique name for the @filtername parameter of sp_addmergefilter. |
20627 |
16 |
Partition id has to be greater than or equal to 0. |
20628 |
16 |
Failed to generate dynamic snapshot. |
20629 |
16 |
Failed to get partition id information. |
20630 |
16 |
Cannot create partitioned snapshot job. A job already exists for publication ‘%ls’ that uses the values you specified for the @suser_sname and/or @host_name parameters of sp_adddynamicsnapshot_job. If the job that already exists is not working correctly, |
20631 |
16 |
Cannot find a location in which to generate a partitioned snapshot. Verify that the there is a valid snapshot folder specified for the publication. This can be the default folder associated with the Distributor or an alternate folder associated with the p |
20632 |
16 |
Failed to create a dynamic snapshot job to generate the dynamic snapshot. |
20633 |
16 |
Cannot start the partitioned snapshot job. Verify that SQL Server Agent is running on the Distributor. |
20634 |
16 |
The root publication information could not be found on the republisher. |
20635 |
16 |
A push subscription to ‘%ls’ was found. Cannot add a pull subscription agent for a push subscription. |
20636 |
16 |
Cannot generate merge replication stored procedures for article ‘%s’. Stored procedures are generated on the Publisher when the Snapshot Agent runs or when a data definition language action is performed; they are generated on the Subscriber when the snaps |
20637 |
10 |
The article order specified in the @processing_order parameter of sp_addmergearticle does not reflect the primary key-foreign key relationships between published tables. Article ‘%s’ references one or more articles that will be created after it is created |
20638 |
10 |
Merge table articles do not support different values for the @source_object and @destination_object parameters of sp_addmergearticle. Either do not specify a value for @destination_object, or specify the same value for both parameters. |
20639 |
16 |
Cannot enable the publication to support non-SQL Server subscriptions because the publication is enabled for updatable subscriptions. To support non-SQL Server subscriptions, drop the existing publication and create a new one with the properties allow_syn |
20640 |
16 |
Cannot change enabled for heterogeneous subscriptions property while there are subscriptions to the publication. |
20641 |
16 |
Failed to check if the subset_filterclause has a dynamic function in it. |
20642 |
16 |
Cannot add article ‘%s’ with one or more dynamic functions in the subset_filterclause ‘%s’ to publication ‘%s’ because the publication could have active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to add the article and reinitialize all active subs |
20643 |
16 |
Cannot change the value of validate_subscriber_info for publication ‘%s’ because the publication has active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to change the value and reinitialize all active subscriptions. |
20644 |
16 |
Invalid value “%s” specified for the parameter @identityrangemangementoption. Valid values are “auto”, “manual”, or “none”. |
20645 |
16 |
The property “%s” cannot be modified for publications that are enabled for non-SQL Server subscriptions. |
20646 |
16 |
Peer-to-peer publications do not support %s. Change the value for parameter ‘%s’. |
20647 |
16 |
Cannot modify property ‘%s’. The publication is used in a peer-to-peer topology, which does not allow this property to be modified after the publication is created. |
20648 |
16 |
An article already exists for table “%s” with a different value for the @delete_tracking property. The value must be the same for all publications in which the table is published. Use the stored procedures sp_helpmergearticle and sp_changemergearticle to |
20649 |
16 |
Publications enabled for heterogeneous subscriptions do not support %s. Please change the ‘%s’ parameter value. |
20650 |
16 |
Cannot enable data definition language (DDL) replication (a value of “true” for the @replicate_ddl parameter) for publication “%s”. This is because the compatibility level of the publication is lower than 90RTM. For new publications, in the stored procedu |
20651 |
16 |
Publication “%s” “%s”. Therefore the compatibility level of the publication cannot be set to lower than %d. To set the compatibility level lower, disable the feature and then call the stored procedure sp_changemergepublication to lower the compatibility l |
20652 |
16 |
Required metadata for publication ‘%s’ could not be found in the sysmergeschemachange system table. Run the Snapshot Agent again. |
20653 |
16 |
Cannot have a dynamic snapshot job with both dynamic_filter_login and dynamic_filter_hostname being NULL. |
20654 |
16 |
Dynamic snapshots are only valid for merge publications. |
20655 |
16 |
The partitioned snapshot process cannot complete. Cannot retrieve the maximum timestamp information from the MSsnapshot_history table in the distribution database. Ensure that a standard snapshot is up-to-date and available. |
20656 |
16 |
The @subset_filterclause parameter cannot reference a computed column. |
20657 |
16 |
The value for the @pub_identity_range parameter must be a multiple of the increment for the identity column. The increment for table “%s” and identity column “%s” is %s. |
20658 |
16 |
The value for the @identity_range parameter must be a multiple of the increment for the identity column. The increment for table “%s” and identity column “%s” is %s. |
20659 |
11 |
The value of IDENT_CURRENT (“%s”) is greater than the value in the max_used column of the MSmerge_identity_range system table. |
20660 |
16 |
The republisher’s republishing range obtained from its publisher is not large enough to allocate the specified @pub_identity_range. |
20661 |
16 |
The republisher’s republishing range obtained from its publisher is not large enough to allocate the specified @identity_range. |
20662 |
16 |
The republisher does not have a range of identity values from the root Publisher ‘%s’ that it can assign to its Subscribers. Ensure that the republisher has a server subscription to the publication at the root Publisher, and then run the Merge Agent to sy |
20663 |
16 |
The identity range allocation entry for the Publisher could not be found in the system table MSmerge_identity_range. Ensure that the value for the @identityrangemanagementoption property is “auto”. |
20664 |
16 |
The Publisher cannot be assigned a new range of identity values, because the values for the identity column’s data type have all been used. Change the data type in the identity column. |
20665 |
16 |
The republisher does not have a range of identity values from the root Publisher that it can assign to its Subscribers. Run the Merge Agent to synchronize with the root Publisher. |
20666 |
16 |
Cannot refresh the identity range and/or the check constraint on the Publisher. Ensure the following: that the value in the identity column has not reached the maximum for the data type in the identity column; and that the user who made the last insert ha |
20667 |
16 |
Cannot allocate an identity range for article “%s”. The article is not enabled for automatic identity range management. |
20668 |
16 |
Not enough range available to allocate a new range for a subscriber. |
20669 |
16 |
Object referenced by the given @article or @artid ‘%s’ could not be found. |
20670 |
16 |
Cannot add, drop, or alter the identity range check constraint for table %s. This constraint is used by replication for automatic identity range management. This error typically occurs if the user who made the last insert in the table does not have permis |
20671 |
16 |
Cannot find the identity range allocation entry for the Subscriber in the MSmerge_identity_range table. Reinitialize the subscription. |
20672 |
16 |
A value for the parameter @host_name was specified, but no articles in the publication use HOST_NAME() for parameterized filtering. |
20673 |
16 |
A value for the parameter @host_name was specified, but no articles in the publication use SUSER_SNAME() for parameterized filtering. |
20674 |
16 |
The publication does not use dynamic filtering. |
20675 |
16 |
The identity range values cannot be NULL. |
20676 |
11 |
Cannot refresh the Publisher identity range for article “%s”. Execute the stored procedure sp_adjustpublisheridentityrange to refresh the identity range. |
20677 |
11 |
Cannot add article “%s” with automatic identity range management. The article is already published in a transactional publication with automatic identity range management. |
20678 |
11 |
Could not find the regular snapshot job for the specified publication ‘%s’. |
20679 |
11 |
Cannot execute the stored procedure sp_adjustpublisheridentityrange on the current database because the database is a republisher or a Subscriber. To adjust the identity range at a republisher or a Subscriber, synchronize with the root Publisher. |
20680 |
16 |
Failed to get metadata for a batch of rows. |
20681 |
10 |
Cannot specify a value of 1, 2, or 3 for the parameter @partition_options because publication “%s” has a compatibility level lower than 90RTM. Use the stored procedure sp_changemergepublication to set publication_compatibility_level to 90RTM. |
20682 |
10 |
Failed deletion of rows in batched delete attempt on table %s. |
20683 |
16 |
Failed batched deletion on download only article %s. |
20684 |
16 |
Deleted more rows than expected in the batched delete attempt on table %s. Stop and restart the Merge Agent. |
20685 |
16 |
Cannot drop the filter ‘%s’ . The filter specified for the @filtername parameter cannot be found. |
20686 |
16 |
Parameter ‘%s’ cannot be NULL or empty when this procedure is run from a ‘%s’ database. |
20687 |
16 |
Parameter ‘%s’ must be NULL when this procedure is not being run from a ‘%s’ database. |
20688 |
16 |
The tracer token ID (%d) could not be found for Publisher %s, database %s, publication %s. Use the stored procedure sp_helptracertokens to retrieve a list of valid tracer token IDs. |
20689 |
16 |
The check for a Publisher needing a new identity range allocation failed on table %s. This check occurs every time the Merge Agent and Snapshot Agent run. Rerun the Merge Agent or Snapshot Agent. |
20690 |
16 |
Cannot set up the Publisher identity range for table %s. Verify that appropriate ranges were specified when the article was created, and then rerun the Snapshot Agent. |
20691 |
16 |
Merge replication upgrade of SQL Server 2005 metadata and triggers on the subscriber failed. |
20692 |
16 |
One or more rows to be inserted in the batch insert procedure for table %s were present in MSmerge_tombstone; merge replication cannot use batch insert. This typically occurs when rows move from one partition to another. No action is required, but if this |
20693 |
16 |
One or more rows to be inserted in the batch insert procedure for table %s were present in MSmerge_contents; merge replication cannot use batch insert. This typically occurs when rows move from one partition to another. No action is required, but if this |
20694 |
16 |
One or more rows to be updated for table %s contain changes in the column %s, which is used in one or more filters; merge replication cannot use batch processing for these changes. No action is required, but if this condition occurs frequently, verify tha |
20695 |
16 |
Only %ld out of %ld rows were updated in the batched update procedure for table %s; other rows could not be updated because they have been deleted. No action is required, but if this condition occurs frequently, determine if update-delete conflicts can be |
20696 |
16 |
The object %s is marked as shipped by Microsoft (ms_shipped). It cannot be added as an article for merge replication. |
20697 |
16 |
Cannot drop article %s from publication %s. In this publication, this is the only article that uses a parameterized filter. Dropping this article changes the publication to a static publication, which requires reinitialization of all Subscribers. To drop |
20698 |
16 |
A value for the parameter @host_name was not specified while publication uses HOST_NAME() for dynamic filtering. |
20699 |
16 |
A value for the parameter @suser_sname was not specified while publication uses SUSER_SNAME() for dynamic filtering. |
20701 |
16 |
The dynamic snapshot job schedule could not be changed on the distributor. |
20702 |
16 |
The dynamic snapshot job schedule could not be changed due to one or more errors. |
20703 |
16 |
One or more rows inserted in table ‘%s’ were out of partition while the table was published with ‘partition_options’ set to %d. |
20704 |
16 |
The datatype of the identity column of table ‘%s’ is tinyint. tinyint does not have enough numbers available for merge auto identity range. Change the identity column to have a larger datatype and add the merge article with merge auto identity range manag |
20705 |
10 |
Cannot set @conflict_logging to ‘both’ because publication ‘%s’ has a compatibility level lower than 90. Set @publication_compatibility_level to ’90RTM’ when creating the publication or use sp_changemergepublication to set publication_compatibility_level |
20706 |
10 |
The max or min allowed identity numbers for the identity column could not be found for the given article. |
20707 |
10 |
Failed to publish the article with identityrangemanagementoption set to ‘auto’ due to one or more errors. |
20708 |
10 |
An article is not allowed to be part of a logical record when it has a custom business logic resolver. |
20709 |
10 |
The merge process could not clean up the conflict table “%s” for publication “%s”. |
20710 |
16 |
Incorrect identity range allocation was detected when logging identity range allocation information on the distributor for publisher ‘%s’, publisher_db ‘%s’, publication ‘%s’ and article ‘%s’. |
20711 |
16 |
The dynamic filters property for publication ‘%s’ has been incorrectly set. Use sp_changemergepublication to reset the value to true if the publication uses parameterized filters and false if it does not. |
20712 |
16 |
Unable to acquire the replication merge administrative application lock for database ‘%s’. This could be due an active snapshot running while the schema change (DDL) or the administrative proc change was attempted. |
20713 |
16 |
Replication merge admin stored procedure ‘%s’ failed for publication ‘%s’. This could be due an active snapshot running while the admin proc was called. |
20714 |
16 |
Failed to prepare article ‘%s’ in publication ‘%s’ for merge replication. |
20715 |
16 |
Failed to create merge replication triggers for object ‘%s’. |
20716 |
16 |
Failed to create publication views for merge replication publication ‘%s’. |
20717 |
16 |
sp_addmergelogsettings failed to add log settings. If log settings already exist for this subscription then use sp_changemergelogsettings to change the settings or sp_dropmergelogsettings to remove the settings. |
20718 |
16 |
Log settings do not exist for subscriber server ‘%s’, subscriber db ‘%s’, webserver ‘%s’. Use sp_addmergelogsettings to add the settings. |
20719 |
16 |
sp_changemergelogsettings failed to update log settings. Check the parameter values. |
20720 |
16 |
Log settings do not exist for subscriber server ‘%s’, subscriber db ‘%s’, webserver ‘%s’. |
20721 |
16 |
sp_dropmergelogsettings failed to remove log settings. |
20722 |
16 |
‘%s’ failed. The value for parameter ‘%s’ is not valid. Valid values are @support_options [0 – 5], @log_severity [1 – 4], @log_file_size [2,000,000 – 999,000,000], @no_of_log_files [2 – 500], @upload_interval [0 – 40320], @delete_after_upload [0 – 1]. |
20723 |
16 |
Computed column “%s” can only be added to publication after its depending object “%s” is added. |
20724 |
16 |
Could not find a valid command line for the dynamic snapshot job with job_id ‘%s’ for publication ‘%s’. |
20725 |
16 |
Unable to update the dynamic snapshot location for the dynamic snapshot job with job_id ‘%s’ in publication ‘%s’. |
20726 |
16 |
Failed to change the dynamic snapshot location in one or more dynamic snapshot jobs for the given publication. |
20727 |
16 |
An invalid value was specified for parameter @subscription_type. Valid values are ‘push’, ‘pull’, ‘both’, ‘anonymous’ or ‘all’. |
20728 |
16 |
Failed to restore the max allocated identity value for article ‘%s’ in publication ‘%s’. |
20729 |
16 |
The max identity value allocation for article ‘%s’ in publication ‘%s’ could not be found on the distributor. |
20730 |
16 |
Setting @upload_first to ‘true’ requires the publication to be at publication_compatibility_level of ’80RTM’ or higher. Use sp_changemergepublication to set publication_compatibility_level to ’80RTM’ or higher if you want to use this feature. |
20731 |
16 |
This edition of SQL Server does not support publications. Dropping existing publications. |
20732 |
10 |
Warning: Values of some of the flags specified in the ‘schema_option’ property are not compatible with the publication’s compatibility level. The modified schema_option value of ‘%s’ will be used instead. |
20733 |
16 |
One or more rows updated in table ‘%s’ were out of partition while the table was published with ‘partition_options’ set to %d. |
20734 |
16 |
One or more rows deleted in table ‘%s’ were out of partition while the table was published with ‘partition_options’ set to %d. |
20735 |
16 |
Cannot add article ‘%s’ to publication ‘%s’. The publication already contains 256 articles, which is the maximum. |
20736 |
10 |
Warning: Values of some of the flags specified in the ‘schema_option’ property are not compatible with the publication’s compatibility level. The modified schema_option value of ‘%s’ will be used instead. |
20737 |
10 |
Warning: To allow replication of FILESTREAM data to perform optimally and reduce memory utilization, the ‘stream_blob_columns’ property has been set to ‘true’. To force FILESTREAM table articles to not use blob streaming, use sp_changemergearticle to set |
20738 |
11 |
Cannot add article ‘%s’ with sparse column or column set to merge publication since merge replication does not support sparse columns and column set. |
20739 |
16 |
The DDL operation is not supported for article ‘%s’. If the column in the DDL operation is enabled for FILESTREAM or is of type hierarchyid, geometry, geography, datetime2, date, time, or datetimeoffset, the publication compatibility level must be at leas |
20800 |
16 |
Cannot reinitialize the article ‘%s’ in subscription ‘%s:%s’ to publication ‘%s’. The publication is enabled for peer-to-peer transactional replication, which does not allow subscriptions to be reinitialized with a snapshot. Drop and re-create the subscri |
20801 |
16 |
Cannot reinitialize the subscription. The publication is enabled for peer-to-peer transactional replication, which does not allow subscriptions to be reinitialized with a snapshot. Drop and re-create the subscription instead. |
20802 |
16 |
Cannot publish objects from the replication administrative user schema [%s]. This schema owns all replication procedures and metadata tables, but it cannot own published objects. Use a different schema for objects that will be published. |
20803 |
16 |
Peer-To-Peer topologies require identical articles in publications at all nodes prior to synchronizing. Articles in publication [%s].[%s].[%s] do not match articles in [%s].[%s].[%s]. |
20804 |
16 |
Articles can only be included in a single peer-to-peer publication. [%s].[%s] is already included in the peer-to-peer publication ‘%s’. |
20805 |
16 |
Peer-to-peer topologies require identical publication names on each Publisher. You are attempting to republish object [%s].[%s] that is already being published in the peer-to-peer publication [%s].[%s].[%s]. |
20806 |
16 |
An error occurred while executing a peer-to-peer forwarding command. Contact Customer Support Services. |
20807 |
16 |
No peers were found for %s:%s:%s. If you encounter this error when executing the stored procedure sp_requestpeerresponse, verify that subscriptions have been created before attempting to call the procedure again. If you encounter this error in other circu |
20808 |
16 |
The peer-to-peer publication ‘%s’ does not exist. Execute sp_helppublication to view a list of publication names. |
20809 |
16 |
Peer-To-Peer topologies require identical publication names on each publisher. The distribution agent for publication [%s].[%s].[%s] is attempting to synchronize articles that exist in publication [%s].[%s].[%s]. |
20810 |
16 |
The specified source object must be a user-defined aggregate object if it is published as an ‘aggregate schema only’ type article. |
20811 |
16 |
Replication monitoring refresher for %s. |
20812 |
16 |
The specified source object must be a synonym if it is published as a ‘synonym schema only’ type article. |
20813 |
16 |
Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can modify a %s that does not have a job with a proxy account defined. |
20814 |
10 |
Distribution Profile for OLEDB streaming |
20815 |
10 |
Distribution agent profile enabled for the processing LOB data using OLEDB streaming. |
20816 |
10 |
Peer-To-Peer publishers are only supported on Enterprise class editions of SQL Server. This instance is %s. |
20817 |
16 |
An error occurred during the execution of ‘%ls’. A call to ‘%ls’ failed with error code: ‘%ld’, return code: ‘%d’. |
21000 |
16 |
Cannot subscribe to an inactive publication. |
21001 |
16 |
Cannot add a Distribution Agent at the Subscriber for a push subscription. |
21002 |
16 |
The Distribution Agent for this subscription already exists (%s). |
21003 |
16 |
Changing publication names is no longer supported. |
21004 |
16 |
Cannot publish the database object ‘%s’ because it is encrypted. |
21005 |
10 |
For backward compatibility, sp_addpublisher can be used to add a Publisher for this Distributor. However, sp_adddistpublisher is more flexible. |
21006 |
16 |
Cannot use sp_addpublisher to add a Publisher. Use sp_adddistpublisher. |
21007 |
16 |
Cannot add the remote Distributor. Make sure that the local server is configured as a Publisher at the Distributor. |
21008 |
16 |
Cannot uninstall the Distributor because there are Subscribers defined. |
21009 |
16 |
The specified filter procedure is already associated with a table. |
21010 |
16 |
Removed %ld replicated transactions consisting of %ld statements in %ld seconds (%ld rows/sec). |
21011 |
16 |
Deactivated subscriptions. |
21012 |
16 |
Cannot change the ‘allow_push’ property of the publication to “false”. There are push subscriptions on the publication. |
21013 |
16 |
Cannot change the ‘allow_pull’ property of the publication to “false”. There are pull subscriptions on the publication. |
21014 |
16 |
The @optname parameter value must be ‘transactional’ or ‘merge’. |
21015 |
16 |
The replication option ‘%s’ has been set to TRUE already. |
21016 |
16 |
The replication option ‘%s’ has been set to FALSE already. |
21017 |
16 |
Cannot perform SQL Server 7.0 compatible checksum operation on a merge article that has a vertical or horizontal partition. Rowcount validation and SQL Server 2000 compatible binary checksum operation can be performed on this article. |
21018 |
16 |
There are too many consecutive snapshot transactions in the distribution database. Run the Log Reader Agent again or clean up the distribution database. |
21019 |
10 |
Distribution agent for subscription added. |
21020 |
10 |
no comment specified. |
21021 |
16 |
Drop the Distributor before you uninstall replication. |
21022 |
16 |
If set ‘immediate_sync’ property of a publication to true then must also set ‘independent_agent’ property to true. |
21023 |
16 |
‘%s’ is no longer supported. |
21024 |
16 |
The stored procedure ‘%s’ is already published as an incompatible type. |
21025 |
16 |
The string being encrypted cannot have null characters. |
21026 |
16 |
Cannot have an anonymous subscription on a publication that does not have an independent agent. |
21027 |
16 |
‘%s’ replication stored procedures are not installed. You must reinstall SQL Server with Replication. |
21028 |
16 |
Replication components are not installed on this server. Run SQL Server Setup again and select the option to install replication. |
21029 |
16 |
Cannot drop a push subscription entry at the Subscriber unless @drop_push is ‘true’. |
21030 |
16 |
Names of SQL Server replication agents cannot be changed. |
21031 |
16 |
‘post_script’ is not supported for stored procedure articles. |
21032 |
16 |
Could not subscribe because non-SQL Server Subscriber ‘%s’ does not support ‘sync tran’ update mode. |
21033 |
16 |
Cannot drop server ‘%s’ as Distribution Publisher because there are databases enabled for replication on that server. |
21034 |
16 |
Rows inserted or updated at the Subscriber cannot be outside the article partition. |
21035 |
16 |
You have updated the Publisher property ‘%s’ successfully. |
21036 |
16 |
Another %s agent for the subscription or subscriptions is running, or the server is working on a previous request by the same agent. |
21037 |
16 |
Invalid working directory ‘%s’. |
21038 |
16 |
Windows Authentication is not supported by the server. |
21039 |
16 |
The article ‘%s’ contains the destination owner ‘%s’. Non-SQL Server Subscribers require articles to have the destination owner of NULL. |
21040 |
16 |
Publication ‘%s’ does not exist. |
21041 |
16 |
A remote distribution Publisher is not allowed on this server version. |
21042 |
16 |
The distribution Publisher property, ‘distributor_password’, has no usage and is not supported for a Distributor running on Windows NT 4.0. |
21043 |
16 |
The Distributor is not installed. |
21044 |
16 |
Cannot ignore the remote Distributor (@ignore_remote_distributor cannot be 1) when enabling the database for publishing or merge publishing. |
21045 |
16 |
Cannot uninstall the Distributor because there are databases enabled for publishing or merge publishing. |
21046 |
16 |
Cannot change distribution Publisher property ‘distribution_db’ because the Publisher is using the current distribution database. |
21047 |
16 |
Cannot drop the local distribution Publisher because there are Subscribers defined. |
21048 |
16 |
Cannot add login ‘%s’ to the publication access list because it does not have access to the distribution server ‘%s’. |
21049 |
16 |
The login ‘%s’ does not have access permission on publication ‘%s’ because it is not in the publication access list. |
21050 |
16 |
Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role or db_owner fixed database role can perform this operation. Contact an administrator with sufficient permissions to perform this operation. |
21051 |
16 |
Could not subscribe because non-SQL Server Subscriber ‘%s’ does not support custom stored procedures. |
21052 |
16 |
Cannot write to the message queue for the queued updating subscription. Ensure that Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator is running, and that the subscription is active and initialized. If the subscription uses Microsoft Message Queueing, ensure |
21053 |
16 |
Input property parameter is not valid. See SQL Server Books Online for a list of valid parameters for sp_changemergepublication. |
21054 |
16 |
The trigger at the Subscriber could not execute commands at the Publisher over the linked server connection (triggers are used for Subscribers with updating subscriptions). Ensure sp_link_publication has been used to configure the linked server properly, |
21055 |
15 |
Invalid value for parameter %s specified for %s. |
21056 |
16 |
The subscription to publication ‘%s’ has expired or does not exist. |
21057 |
16 |
Anonymous Subscribers cannot have updatable subscriptions. |
21058 |
16 |
An updatable subscription to publication ‘%s’ on Subscriber ‘%s’ already exists. |
21059 |
16 |
Cannot reinitialize subscriptions of non-immediate_sync publications. |
21060 |
16 |
Could not subscribe because non-SQL Server Subscriber ‘%s’ does not support parameterized statements. |
21061 |
16 |
Invalid article status %d specified when adding article ‘%s’. |
21062 |
16 |
The row size of table ‘%s’ exceeds the replication limit of 6,000 bytes. |
21063 |
16 |
Table ‘%s’ cannot participate in updatable subscriptions because it is published for merge replication. |
21064 |
16 |
The subscription is uninitialized or unavailable for immediate updating as it is marked for reinitialization. If using queued failover option, run Queue Reader Agent for subscription initialization. Try again after the (re)initialization completes. |
21070 |
16 |
This subscription does not support automatic reinitialization (subscribed with the ‘no sync’ option). To reinitialize this subscription, you must drop and re-create the subscription. |
21071 |
10 |
Cannot reinitialize article ‘%s’ in subscription ‘%s:%s’ to publication ‘%s’ (subscribed with the ‘no sync’ option). |
21072 |
16 |
The subscription has not been synchronized within the maximum retention period or it has been dropped at the Publisher. You must reinitialize the subscription to receive data. |
21073 |
16 |
The publication specified does not exist. |
21074 |
16 |
The subscription(s) have been marked inactive and must be reinitialized. NoSync subscriptions will need to be dropped and recreated. |
21075 |
10 |
The initial snapshot for publication ‘%s’ is not yet available. |
21076 |
10 |
The initial snapshot for article ‘%s’ is not yet available. |
21077 |
10 |
Deactivated initial snapshot for anonymous publication(s). New subscriptions must wait for the next scheduled snapshot. |
21078 |
16 |
Table ‘%s’ does not exist in the Subscriber database. |
21079 |
16 |
The RPC security information for the Publisher is missing or invalid. Use sp_link_publication to specify it. |
21080 |
16 |
The ‘msrepl_tran_version’ column must be in the vertical partition of the article that is enabled for updatable subscriptions; it cannot be dropped. |
21081 |
16 |
Server setting ‘Allow triggers to be fired which fire other triggers (nested triggers)’ must exist on updatable Subscribers. |
21082 |
16 |
Database property ‘IsRecursiveTriggersEnabled’ has to be false for subscription databases at Subscribers that allow updatable subscriptions. |
21083 |
16 |
Database compatibility level at immediate updating Subscribers cannot be less than 70. |
21084 |
16 |
Publication ‘%s’ does not allow anonymous subscriptions. |
21085 |
16 |
The retention period must be less than the retention period for the distribution database. |
21086 |
16 |
The retention period for the distribution database must be greater than the retention period of any existing non-merge publications. |
21087 |
16 |
Client subscriptions and anonymous subscriptions cannot republish data. To republish data from this database, the subscription to the root Publisher must be a server subscription with a priority greater than 0. Drop the current subscription and create a s |
21088 |
10 |
The initial snapshot for the publication is not yet available. |
21089 |
16 |
Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can perform this operation. |
21090 |
16 |
Cannot upgrade merge replication metadata. Attempt the upgrade again by running the Merge Agent for the Subscriber or by running the Snapshot Agent for the Publisher. |
21091 |
16 |
Global subscribers with priority 0 are not allowed to create merge publications. |
21101 |
10 |
The custom command name %s specified for parameter %s will be ignored. A system generated name will be used instead. The publication allows %s and command names need not be specified. |
21105 |
16 |
This edition of SQL Server cannot act as a Publisher or Distributor for replication. |
21106 |
16 |
This edition of SQL Server does not support publications. |
21107 |
16 |
‘%ls’ is not a table or view. |
21108 |
16 |
This edition of SQL Server does not support transactional publications. |
21109 |
16 |
The parameters @xact_seqno_start and @xact_seqno_end must be identical if @command_id is specified. |
21110 |
16 |
@xact_seqno_start and @publisher_database_id must be specified if @command_id is specified. |
21111 |
16 |
‘%s’ is not a valid parameter for the Snapshot Agent. |
21112 |
16 |
‘%s’ is not a valid parameter for the Log Reader Agent. |
21113 |
16 |
‘%s’ is not a valid parameter for the Distribution Agent. |
21114 |
16 |
‘%s’ is not a valid parameter for the Merge Agent. |
21115 |
16 |
%d is not a valid value for the ‘%s’ parameter. The value must be a positive integer. |
21116 |
16 |
‘%s’ is not a valid value for the ‘%s’ parameter. The value must be 1, 2, or 3. |
21117 |
16 |
‘%s’ is not a valid value for the ‘%s’ parameter. The value must be 0, 1, or 2. |
21118 |
16 |
‘%s’ is not a valid value for the ‘%s’ parameter. The value must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 10,000. |
21119 |
16 |
%s is not a valid value for the ‘%s’ parameter. The value must be a non-negative integer. |
21120 |
16 |
Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role or db_owner fixed database role, or the owner of the subscription can drop subscription ‘%s’ to publication ‘%s’. |
21121 |
16 |
Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role and ‘%s’ can drop the pull subscription to the publication ‘%s’. |
21122 |
16 |
Cannot drop the distribution database ‘%s’ because it is currently in use. |
21123 |
16 |
The agent profile ‘%s’ could not be found at the Distributor. |
21124 |
16 |
Cannot find the table name or the table owner corresponding to the alternative table ID(nickname) ‘%d’ in sysmergearticles. |
21125 |
16 |
A table used in merge replication must have at least one non-computed column. |
21126 |
16 |
Pull subscriptions cannot be created in the same database as the publication. |
21127 |
16 |
Only global merge subscriptions can be added to database ‘%s’. |
21128 |
16 |
Terminating immediate updating or queued updating INSERT trigger because it is not the first trigger to fire. Use sp_settriggerorder procedure to set the firing order for trigger ‘%s’ to first. |
21129 |
16 |
Terminating immediate updating or queued updating UPDATE trigger because it is not the first trigger to fire. Use sp_settriggerorder procedure to set the firing order for trigger ‘%s’ to first. |
21130 |
16 |
Terminating immediate updating or queued updating DELETE trigger because it is not the first trigger to fire. Use sp_settriggerorder procedure to set the firing order for trigger ‘%s’ to first. |
21131 |
16 |
There are existing subscriptions to heterogeneous publication ‘%s’. To add new articles, first drop the existing subscriptions to the publication. |
21132 |
16 |
Cannot create transactional subscription to merge publication ‘%s’. The publication type should be either transactional(0) or snapshot(1) for this operation. |
21133 |
16 |
Publication ‘%s’ is not enabled to use an independent agent. |
21134 |
16 |
The specified job ID must identify a Distribution Agent or a Merge Agent job. |
21135 |
16 |
Detected inconsistencies in the replication agent table. The specified job ID does not correspond to an entry in ‘%ls’. |
21136 |
16 |
Detected inconsistencies in the replication agent table. The specified job ID corresponds to multiple entries in ‘%ls’. |
21137 |
16 |
This procedure supports only remote execution of push subscription agents. |
21138 |
16 |
The ‘offload_server’ property cannot be the same as the Distributor name. |
21139 |
16 |
Could not determine the Subscriber name for distributed agent execution. |
21140 |
16 |
Agent execution cannot be distributed to a Subscriber that resides on the same server as the Distributor. |
21141 |
16 |
The @change_active flag may not be specified for articles with manual filters or views. |
21142 |
16 |
The SQL Server ‘%s’ could not obtain Windows group membership information for login ‘%s’. Verify that the Windows account has access to the domain of the login. |
21143 |
16 |
The custom stored procedure schema option is invalid for a snapshot publication article. |
21144 |
16 |
Cannot subscribe to publication of sync_type ‘dump database’ because the Subscriber has subscriptions to other publications. |
21145 |
16 |
Cannot subscribe to publication %s because the Subscriber has a subscription to a publication of sync_type ‘dump database’. |
21146 |
16 |
@use_ftp cannot be ‘true’ while @alt_snapshot_folder is neither NULL nor empty. |
21147 |
16 |
The ‘%s’ database is not published for merge replication. |
21148 |
16 |
Both @subscriber and @subscriberdb must be specified with non-null values simultaneously, or both must be left unspecified. |
21149 |
16 |
The ‘%s’ database is not published for transactional or snapshot replication. |
21150 |
16 |
Unable to determine the snapshot folder for the specified subscription because the specified Subscriber is not known to the Distributor. |
21151 |
16 |
Pre- and post-snapshot commands are not supported for a publication that may support non-SQL Server Subscribers by using the character-mode bcp as the synchronization method. |
21152 |
16 |
Cannot create a subscription of sync_type ‘none’ to a publication using the ‘concurrent’ or ‘concurrent_c’ synchronization method. |
21153 |
16 |
Cannot create article ‘%s’. All articles that are part of a concurrent synchronization publication must use stored procedures to apply changes to the Subscriber. |
21154 |
16 |
Cannot change article ‘%s’. All articles that are part of a concurrent synchronization publication must use stored procedures to apply changes to the Subscriber. |
21155 |
16 |
Cannot change article ‘%s’. articles that are part of a concurrent synchronization publication can not have ins_cmd/del_cmd which exceeds %d characters . |
21156 |
16 |
The @status parameter value must be ‘initiated’ or ‘active’. |
21157 |
16 |
The snapshot compression option can be enabled only for a publication having an alternate snapshot generation folder defined. |
21158 |
16 |
For a publication to be enabled for the Internet, the ‘ftp_address’ property must not be null. |
21159 |
16 |
If a publication is enabled for the Internet, the ‘alt_snapshot_folder’ property must be non-empty. |
21160 |
16 |
The ‘ftp_port’ property must be a non-negative integer < 65536. |
21161 |
16 |
Could not change the Publisher because the subscription has been dropped. Use sp_subscription_cleanup to clean up the triggers. |
21162 |
16 |
It is invalid to exclude the rowguid column for the table from the partition. |
21163 |
16 |
It is not possible to add column ‘%s’ to article ‘%s’ because the snapshot for publication ‘%s’ has been run. |
21164 |
16 |
Column ‘%s’ cannot be included in a vertical partition because it is neither nullable nor defined with a default value. |
21165 |
16 |
Column ‘%s’ cannot be excluded from a vertical partition because it is neither nullable nor defined with a default value. |
21166 |
16 |
Column ‘%s’ does not exist. |
21167 |
16 |
The specified job ID does not represent a %s agent job for any push subscription in this database. |
21168 |
16 |
Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role, members of the db_owner fixed database role, and owners of subscriptions served by the specified replication agent job can modify the agent offload settings. |
21169 |
16 |
Could not identify the Publisher ‘%s’ at the Distributor ‘%s’. Make sure that the server ‘%s’ is registered at the Distributor. |
21170 |
16 |
The specified Subscriber cannot use transformable subscriptions using Data Transformation Services. Only SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005, and OLE DB Subscribers can use transformable subscriptions. |
21171 |
16 |
Could not find package ‘%s’ in msdb at server ‘%s’. |
21172 |
16 |
The publication has to be in ‘character’, ‘concurrent_c’, or ‘database snapshot character’ bcp mode to allow DTS. |
21173 |
16 |
The publication has to be ‘independent_agent type’ to allow DTS. |
21174 |
16 |
Because this publication allows transformable subscriptions using DTS, it requires autogenerated stored procedures and parameterized commands, which are set using default value for the @status. |
21175 |
16 |
You cannot change the ins_cmd, upd_cmd, or del_cmd article properties because the publication allows Data Transformation Services or updatable subscriptions. |
21176 |
16 |
Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role, db_owner fixed database role, or the creator of the subscription can change the subscription properties. |
21177 |
16 |
Could not create column list because it is too long. Create the list manually. |
21178 |
16 |
Data Transformation Services (DTS) properties cannot be set because the publication does not allow transformable subscriptions using DTS. To allow transformable subscriptions, you must drop the publication and then and re-create it, specifying that transf |
21179 |
16 |
Invalid @dts_package_location parameter value. Valid options are ‘Distributor’ or ‘Subscriber’. |
21180 |
16 |
A publication that allows DTS cannot be enabled for updatable subscriptions. |
21181 |
16 |
@dts_package_name can be set for push subscriptions only. |
21182 |
16 |
The @agent_type parameter must be one of ‘distribution’, ‘merge’, or NULL. |
21183 |
16 |
Invalid property name ‘%s’. |
21184 |
16 |
%s parameter is incorrect: it should be ‘%s’, ‘%s’ or ‘%s’. |
21185 |
16 |
The subscription is not initialized or not created for failover mode operations. |
21186 |
16 |
Subscription for Publisher ‘%s’ does not have a valid queue_id. |
21187 |
16 |
The current mode is the same as the requested mode. |
21188 |
10 |
Changed update mode from [%s] to [%s]. |
21189 |
16 |
The queue for this subscription with queue_id = ‘%s’ is not empty. Run the Queue Reader Agent to make sure the queue is empty before setting mode from [queued] to [immediate]. |
21190 |
10 |
Overriding queue check for setting mode from [%s] to [%s]. |
21192 |
16 |
MSrepl_tran_version column is a predefined column used for replication and can be only of data type uniqueidentifier |
21193 |
16 |
@identity_range, @pub_identity_range, or @threshold cannot be NULL when @identityrangemanagementoption is set to AUTO. |
21194 |
16 |
Cannot support identity range management because this table does not have an identity column. |
21195 |
16 |
A valid identity range is not available. Check the data type of the identity column. |
21196 |
16 |
Identity automation failed. |
21197 |
16 |
Failed to allocate new identity range. |
21198 |
16 |
Schema replication failed. |
21199 |
16 |
This change cannot take effect until you run the snapshot again. |
21200 |
16 |
Publication ‘%s’ does not exist. |
21201 |
16 |
Dropping a column that is being used by a merge filter clause is not allowed. |
21202 |
16 |
It is not possible to drop column ‘%s’ to article ‘%s’ because the snapshot for publication ‘%s’ has already been run. |
21203 |
10 |
Duplicate rows found in %s. Unique index not created. |
21204 |
16 |
The publication ‘%s’ does not allow subscription copy or its subscription has not been synchronized. |
21205 |
16 |
The subscription cannot be attached because the publication does not allow subscription copies to synchronize changes. |
21206 |
16 |
Cannot resolve load hint for object %d because the object is not a user table. |
21207 |
16 |
Cannot find source object ID information for article %d. |
21208 |
16 |
This step failed because column ‘%s’ exists in the vertical partition. |
21209 |
16 |
This step failed because column ‘%s’ does not exist in the vertical partition. |
21210 |
16 |
The publication must be immediate_sync type to allow subscription copy. |
21211 |
16 |
The database is attached from a subscription copy file without using sp_attach_subscription. Drop the database and reattach it using sp_attach_subscription. |
21212 |
16 |
Cannot copy subscription. Only single file subscription databases are supported for this operation. |
21213 |
16 |
Subscribers cannot subscribe to publications that allow DTS without using a DTS package. |
21214 |
16 |
Cannot create file ‘%s’ because it already exists. |
21215 |
16 |
An alternate synchronization partner can be configured only at the Publisher. |
21216 |
16 |
Publisher ‘%s’, publisher database ‘%s’, and publication ‘%s’ are not valid synchronization partners. |
21217 |
10 |
Publication of ‘%s’ data from Publisher ‘%s’. |
21218 |
16 |
The creation_script property cannot be NULL if a schema option of 0x0000000000000000 is specified for the article. |
21219 |
16 |
The specified source object must be a stored procedure object if it is published as a ‘proc schema only’ type article. |
21220 |
16 |
Unable to add the article ‘%s’ because a snapshot has been generated for the publication ‘%s’. |
21221 |
16 |
The specified source object must be a view object if it is going to be as a ‘view schema only’ type article. |
21222 |
16 |
The schema options available for a procedure, function, synonym, or aggregate schema article are: 0x00000001, 0x00000020, 0x00001000, 0x00002000, 0x00400000, 0x02000000, 0x08000000, 0x10000000, 0x20000000, 0x40000000, and 0x80000000. |
21223 |
16 |
The @pre_creation_command parameter for a schema only article must be either ‘none’ or ‘drop’. |
21224 |
16 |
‘%s’ is not a valid property for a schema only article. |
21225 |
16 |
The ‘offload_server’ property cannot be NULL or empty if the pull subscription agent is to be enabled for remote activation. |
21226 |
16 |
The database ‘%s’ does not have a pull subscription to the specified publication. |
21227 |
16 |
The ‘offload_server’ property cannot be the same as the Subscriber server name. |
21228 |
16 |
The specified source object must be a user-defined function object if it is going to be published as a ‘func schema only’ type article. |
21229 |
16 |
The schema options available for a view schema article are: 0x00000001, 0x00000010, 0x00000020, 0x00000040, 0x00000100, 0x00001000, 0x00002000, 0x00040000, 0x00100000, 0x00200000, 0x00400000, 0x00800000, 0x01000000, 0x08000000, 0x40000000, and 0x80000000. |
21230 |
16 |
Do not call this stored procedure for schema change because the current database is not enabled for replication. |
21231 |
16 |
Automatic identity range support is useful only for publications that allow updating subscribers. |
21232 |
16 |
Identity range values must be positive integers that are greater than 1. |
21233 |
16 |
Threshold value must be from 1 through 100. |
21234 |
16 |
Cannot use the INSERT command because the table has an identity column. The insert custom stored procedure must be used to set ‘identity_insert’ settings at the Subscriber. |
21235 |
16 |
Article property ‘%s’ can be set only when the article uses automatic identity range management. |
21236 |
16 |
The subscription(s) to Publisher ‘%s’ does not allow subscription copy or it has not been synchronized. |
21237 |
16 |
There is a push subscription to Publisher ‘%s’. Only pull and anonymous subscriptions can be copied. |
21238 |
16 |
This database either is a publisher, or there is a push subscription to publication ‘%s’. Only pull and anonymous subscriptions can be copied. |
21239 |
16 |
Cannot copy subscriptions because there is no synchronized subscription found in the database. |
21240 |
16 |
The table ‘%s’ is already published as another article with a different automatic identity support option. |
21241 |
16 |
The threshold value should be from 1 through 100. |
21242 |
16 |
Conflict table for article ‘%s’ could not be created successfully. |
21243 |
16 |
Publisher ‘%s’, publication database ‘%s’, and publication ‘%s’ could not be added to the list of synchronization partners. |
21244 |
16 |
Character mode publication does not support vertical filtering when the base table does not support column-level tracking. |
21245 |
16 |
Table ‘%s’ is not part of publication ‘%s’. |
21246 |
16 |
This step failed because table ‘%s’ is not part of any publication. |
21247 |
16 |
Cannot create file at ‘%s’. Ensure the file path is valid. |
21248 |
16 |
Cannot attach subscription file ‘%s’. Ensure the file path is valid and the file is updatable. |
21249 |
16 |
OLE DB or ODBC Subscribers cannot subscribe to article ‘%s’ in publication ‘%s’ because the article has a timestamp column and the publication is ‘allow_queued_tran’ (allows queued updating subscriptions). |
21250 |
16 |
Primary key column ‘%s’ cannot be excluded from a vertical partition. |
21251 |
16 |
Publisher ‘%s’, publisher database ‘%s’, publication ‘%s’ could not be removed from the list of synchronization partners. |
21252 |
16 |
It is invalid to remove the default Publisher ‘%s’, publication database ‘%s’, and publication ‘%s’ from the list of synchronization partners |
21253 |
16 |
Parameter ‘@add_to_active_directory’ cannot be set to TRUE because Active Directory client package is not installed properly on the machine where SQL Server is running. |
21254 |
16 |
The Active Directory operation on publication ‘%s’ could not be completed because Active Directory client package is not installed properly on the machine where SQL Server is running. |
21255 |
16 |
Column ‘%s’ already exists in table ‘%s’. |
21256 |
16 |
A column used in filter clause ‘%s’ either does not exist in the table ‘%s’ or cannot be excluded from the current partition. |
21257 |
16 |
Invalid property ‘%s’ for article ‘%s’. |
21258 |
16 |
You must first drop all existing merge publications to add an anonymous or local subscription to database ‘%s’. |
21259 |
16 |
Invalid property value ‘%s’. See SQL Server Books Online for a list of valid parameters for sp_changemergearticle. |
21260 |
16 |
Schema replication failed because database ‘%s’ on server ‘%s’ is not the original Publisher of table ‘%s’. |
21261 |
16 |
The offload server must be specified if the agent for this subscription is to be offloaded for remote execution. |
21262 |
16 |
Failed to drop column ‘%s’ from the partition because a computed column is accessing it. |
21263 |
16 |
Parameter ‘%s’ cannot be NULL or an empty string. |
21264 |
16 |
Column ‘%s’ cannot be dropped from table ‘%s’ because it is a primary key column. |
21265 |
16 |
Column ‘%s’ cannot be dropped from table ‘%s’ because there is a unique index accessing this column. |
21266 |
16 |
Cannot publish table ‘%s’ for both a merge publication and a publication with the updatable subscribers option. |
21267 |
10 |
Invalid value for queue type was specified. Valid values = (%s). |
21268 |
10 |
Cannot change the parameter %s while there are subscriptions to the publication. |
21269 |
16 |
Cannot add a computed column or a timestamp column to a vertical partition for a character mode publication. |
21270 |
10 |
Queued snapshot publication property ‘%s’ cannot have the value ‘%s’. |
21272 |
16 |
Cannot clean up the meta data for publication ‘%s’ because other publications are using one or more articles in this publication. |
21273 |
16 |
You must upgrade the Subscriber to SQL Server 2000 to create updatable subscriptions when the Publisher is SQL Server 2000 or higher. |
21274 |
16 |
Invalid publication name ‘%s’. |
21275 |
16 |
Cannot publish the schema-bound view ‘%ls’. The value specified for the @type parameter must be “indexed view schema only” (for snapshot or transactional replication) or “indexed view logbased” (for transactional replication only). |
21276 |
16 |
The type must be ‘table’ or ‘( view | indexed view | proc | func ) schema only’. |
21277 |
16 |
Cannot publish the source object ‘%ls’. The value specified for the @type parameter (“indexed view schema only” or “indexed view logbased”) can be used only for indexed views. Either specify a value of “view schema only” for the @type parameter, or modify |
21278 |
16 |
Cannot publish the source object ‘%ls’. The value specified for the @type parameter (“indexed view logbased”) requires that the view be schema bound with a unique clustered index. Either specify a value of “view schema only” for the @type parameter, or mo |
21279 |
16 |
The ‘schema_option’ property for a merge article cannot be changed after a snapshot is generated for the publication. To change the ‘schema_option’ property of this article the corresponding merge publication must be dropped and re-created. |
21280 |
16 |
Publication ‘%s’ cannot be subscribed to by Subscriber database ‘%s’ because it contains one or more articles that have been subscribed to by the same Subscriber database at transaction level. |
21281 |
16 |
Publication ‘%s’ cannot be subscribed to by Subscriber database ‘%s’ because it contains one or more articles that have been subscribed to by the same Subscriber database at merge level. |
21282 |
16 |
@identity_range, @pub_identity_range, and @threshold must be NULL when @identityrangemanagementoption is set to ‘none’ or ‘manual’. |
21283 |
16 |
Column ‘%s’ of table ‘%s’ cannot be excluded from a vertical partition because there is a computed column that depends on it. |
21284 |
16 |
Failed to drop column ‘%s’ from table ‘%s’. |
21285 |
16 |
Failed to add column ‘%s’ to table ‘%s’. |
21286 |
16 |
Conflict table ‘%s’ does not exist. |
21287 |
16 |
The specified @destination_folder is not a valid path of an existing folder. |
21288 |
16 |
Could not create the snapshot directory structure in the specified @destination_folder. |
21289 |
16 |
Either the snapshot files have not been generated or they have been cleaned up. |
21290 |
16 |
The identity range value provided has exceeded the maximum value allowed. |
21291 |
16 |
The specified automatic identity support parameters conflict with the settings in another article. |
21292 |
16 |
Object ‘%s’ cannot be published twice in the same publication. |
21293 |
10 |
Warning: adding updatable subscription for article ‘%s’ may cause data inconsistency as the source table is already subscribed to ‘%s’ |
21294 |
16 |
Either @publisher (and @publisher_db) or @subscriber (and @subscriber_db) must be specified, but both cannot be specified. |
21295 |
16 |
Publication ‘%s’ does not contain any article that uses automatic identity range management. |
21296 |
16 |
Parameter @resync_type must be either 0, 1, 2. |
21297 |
16 |
Invalid resync type. No validation has been performed for this subscription. |
21298 |
16 |
Failed to resynchronize this subscription. |
21299 |
16 |
Invalid Subscriber partition validation expression ‘%s’. |
21300 |
10 |
The resolver information was specified without specifying the resolver to be used for article ‘%s’. The default resolver will be used. |
21301 |
16 |
The resolver information should be specified while using the ‘%s’ resolver. |
21302 |
16 |
The resolver information should specify a column with data type, datetime, or smalldatetime while using the ‘%s’ resolver. |
21303 |
16 |
The article ‘%s’ should enable column tracking to use the ‘%s’ resolver. The default resolver will be used to resolve conflicts on this article. |
21304 |
16 |
The merge triggers could not be created on the table ‘%s’. |
21305 |
16 |
The schema change information could not be updated at the subscription database. |
21306 |
16 |
The copy of the subscription could not be made because the subscription to publication ‘%s’ has expired. |
21307 |
16 |
The subscription could not be attached because the subscription to publication ‘%s’ has expired. |
21308 |
10 |
Rowcount validation profile. |
21309 |
10 |
Profile used by the Merge Agent to perform rowcount validation. |
21310 |
10 |
Rowcount and checksum validation profile. |
21311 |
10 |
Profile used by the Merge Agent to perform rowcount and checksum validation. |
21312 |
10 |
Cannot change this publication property because there are active subscriptions to this publication. |
21313 |
10 |
Subscriber partition validation expression must be NULL for static publications. |
21314 |
10 |
There must be one and only one of ‘%s’ and ‘%s’ that is not NULL. |
21315 |
10 |
Failed to adjust Publisher identity range for table ‘%s’. |
21316 |
10 |
Failed to adjust Publisher identity range for publication ‘%s’. |
21317 |
10 |
A push subscription to the publication ‘%s’ already exists. Use sp_mergesubscription_cleanup to drop defunct push subscriptions. |
21318 |
10 |
Table ‘%s’ must have at least one column that is included in the vertical partition. |
21319 |
16 |
Could not find the Snapshot Agent command line for the specified publication. Check that a valid regular snapshot job exists on the distributor. |
21320 |
16 |
The version of the Distributor cannot be lower than the version of the Publisher. |
21321 |
16 |
The parameter @dynamic_snapshot_location cannot be an empty string. |
21322 |
16 |
This publication logs conflicts on both replicas. Pre-SQL Server 2005 subscribers will not honor this setting. |
21323 |
16 |
A dynamic snapshot job can be scheduled only for a publication with dynamic filtering enabled. |
21324 |
16 |
A Snapshot Agent must be added for the specified publication before a dynamic snapshot job can be scheduled. |
21325 |
16 |
Could not find the Snapshot Agent ID for the specified publication. |
21326 |
16 |
Could not find the dynamic snapshot job with a ‘%ls’ of ‘%ls’ for the specified publication. |
21327 |
16 |
‘%ls’ is not a valid dynamic snapshot job name. |
21328 |
16 |
The specified dynamic snapshot job name ‘%ls’ is already in use. Try the operation again with a different job name. |
21329 |
16 |
Only one of the parameters, @dynamic_snapshot_jobid or @dynamic_snapshot_jobname, can be specified with a nondefault value. |
21330 |
16 |
Cannot create a sub-directory under the snapshot folder (%ls). Ensure that there is enough disk space available, and that the account under which the Snapshot Agent runs has permissions to create a sub-directory under the snapshot folder. |
21331 |
16 |
Cannot copy user script file to the snapshot folder at the Distributor (%ls). Ensure that there is enough disk space available, and that the account under which the Snapshot Agent runs has permissions to write to the snapshot folder and its subdirectories |
21332 |
16 |
Failed to retrieve information about the publication : %ls. Check the name again. |
21333 |
16 |
A generation that was expected to be in %s.dbo.MSmerge_genhistory could not be found. If this error occurred in a subscription database, reinitialize the subscription. If this error occurred in a publication database, restore the database from a backup. |
21334 |
16 |
Cannot initialize Message Queuing-based subscription because the platform is not Message Queuing %s compliant |
21335 |
16 |
Warning: column ‘%s’ already exists in the vertical partition. |
21336 |
16 |
Warning: column ‘%s’ does not exist in the vertical partition. |
21337 |
16 |
Invalid @subscriber_type value. Valid options are ‘local’ and ‘global’. |
21338 |
16 |
Cannot execute sp_dropmergearticle if the publication has a Subscriber that is running on a version of SQL Server 2000 or earlier. Drop and re-create the publication without the article ‘%s’ or set the publication compatibility level of publication ‘%s’ t |
21339 |
10 |
Warning: the publication uses a feature that is only supported only by subscribers running ‘%s’ or higher. |
21340 |
16 |
On Demand user script cannot be applied to the snapshot publication. |
21341 |
16 |
@dynamic_snapshot_location cannot be a non-empty string while @alt_snapshot_folder is neither empty nor null. |
21342 |
16 |
@dynamic_snapshot_location cannot be a non-empty string while @use_ftp is ‘true’. |
21343 |
16 |
Could not find stored procedure ‘%s’. |
21344 |
16 |
Invalid value specified for %ls parameter. |
21345 |
16 |
Excluding the last column in the partition is not allowed. |
21346 |
16 |
Failed to change the owner of ‘%s’ to ‘%s’. |
21347 |
16 |
Column ‘%s’ cannot be excluded from the vertical partitioning because there is a unique index accessing this column. |
21348 |
16 |
Invalid property name ‘%s’. |
21349 |
10 |
Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 or later can synchronize with publication ‘%s’ because decentralized conflict logging is designated. |
21350 |
10 |
Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication ‘%s’ because a compressed snapshot is used. |
21351 |
10 |
Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication ‘%s’ because vertical filters are being used. |
21352 |
10 |
Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication ‘%s’ because schema replication is performed. |
21353 |
10 |
Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 or later can synchronize with publication ‘%s’ because publication wide reinitialization is performed. |
21354 |
10 |
Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication ‘%s’ because publication wide reinitialization is performed. |
21355 |
10 |
Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 or later can synchronize with publication ‘%s’ because merge metadata cleanup task is performed. |
21356 |
10 |
Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 or later can synchronize with publication ‘%s’ because publication wide validation task is performed. |
21357 |
10 |
Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication ‘%s’ because data types new in SQL Server 2000 exist in one of its articles. |
21358 |
10 |
Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication ‘%s’ because at least one timestamp column exists in one of its articles. |
21359 |
10 |
Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication ‘%s’ because automatic identity ranges are being used. |
21360 |
10 |
Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication ‘%s’ because a new article has been added to the publication after its snapshot has been generated. |
21361 |
16 |
The specified @agent_jobid is not a valid job id for a ‘%s’ agent job. |
21362 |
16 |
Merge filter ‘%s’ does not exist. |
21363 |
16 |
Failed to add publication ‘%s’ to Active Directory. %s |
21364 |
16 |
Could not add article ‘%s’ because a snapshot is already generated. Set @force_invalidate_snapshot to 1 to force this and invalidate the existing snapshot. |
21365 |
16 |
Could not add article ‘%s’ because there are active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force this and reinitialize the active subscriptions. |
21366 |
16 |
Could not add filter ‘%s’ because a snapshot is already generated. Set @force_invalidate_snapshot to 1 to force this and invalidate the existing snapshot. |
21367 |
16 |
Could not add filter ‘%s’ because there are active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force this and reinitialize the active subscriptions. |
21368 |
16 |
The specified offload server name contains the invalid character ‘%s’. |
21369 |
16 |
Could not remove publication ‘%s’ from Active Directory. |
21370 |
16 |
The resync date specified ‘%s’ is not a valid date. |
21371 |
10 |
Could not propagate the change on publication ‘%s’ to Active Directory. |
21372 |
16 |
Cannot drop filter ‘%s’ from publication ‘%s’ because its snapshot has been run and this publication could have active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to reinitialize all subscriptions and drop the filter. |
21373 |
11 |
Could not open database %s. Replication settings and system objects could not be upgraded. If the database is used for replication, run sp_vupgrade_replication in the [master] database when the database is available. |
21374 |
10 |
Upgrading distribution settings and system objects in database %s. |
21375 |
10 |
Upgrading publication settings and system objects in database %s. |
21376 |
11 |
Could not open database %s. Replication settings and system objects could not be upgraded. If the database is used for replication, run sp_vupgrade_replication in the [master] database when the database is available. |
21377 |
10 |
Upgrading subscription settings and system objects in database %s. |
21378 |
16 |
Could not open distribution database %s because it is offline or being recovered. Replication settings and system objects could not be upgraded. Be sure this database is available and run sp_vupgrade_replication again. |
21379 |
16 |
Cannot drop article ‘%s’ from publication ‘%s’ because a snapshot is already generated. Set @force_invalidate_snapshot to 1 to force this and invalidate the existing snapshot. |
21380 |
16 |
Cannot add timestamp column without forcing reinitialization. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force reinitialization. |
21381 |
16 |
Cannot add (drop) column to table ‘%s’ because the table belongs to publication(s) with an active updatable subscription. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force reinitialization. |
21382 |
16 |
Cannot drop filter ‘%s’ because a snapshot is already generated. Set @force_invalidate_snapshot to 1 to force this and invalidate the existing snapshot. |
21383 |
16 |
Cannot enable a merge publication on this server because the working directory of its Distributors is not using a UNC path. |
21384 |
16 |
The specified subscription does not exist or has not been synchronized yet. |
21385 |
16 |
Snapshot failed to process publication ‘%s’. Possibly due to active schema change activity or new articles being added. |
21386 |
16 |
Schema change failed on object ‘%s’. Possibly due to active snapshot or other schema change activity. |
21387 |
16 |
The expanded dynamic snapshot view definition of one of the articles exceeds the system limit of 3499 characters. Consider using the default mechanism instead of the dynamic snapshot for initializing the specified subscription. |
21388 |
10 |
The concurrent snapshot for publication ‘%s’ is not available because it has not been fully generated or the Log Reader Agent is not running to activate it. If generation of the concurrent snapshot was interrupted, the Snapshot Agent for the publication m |
21389 |
10 |
Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication ‘%s’ because column-level collation is scripted out with the article schema creation script. |
21390 |
10 |
Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication ‘%s’ because extended properties are scripted out with the article schema creation script. |
21391 |
10 |
Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication ‘%s’ because it contains schema-only articles. |
21392 |
16 |
Row filter(%s) is invalid for column partition(%s) for article ‘%s’ in publication ‘%s’. |
21393 |
16 |
Dropping row filter(%s) for article ‘%s’ in ‘%s’. Reissue sp_articlefilter and sp_articleview to create a row filter. |
21394 |
16 |
Invalid schema option specified for publication that allows updating subscribers. Need to set the schema option to include DRI constraints. |
21395 |
10 |
This column cannot be included in a transactional publication because the column ID is greater than 255. |
21396 |
16 |
The value specified for the @type parameter of sp_addsubscriber or the @subscriber_type parameter of sp_addsubscription is not valid. See SQL Server Books Online for a list of valid values. |
21397 |
16 |
The transactions required for synchronizing the nosync subscription created from the specified backup are unavailable at the Distributor. Retry the operation again with a more up-to-date log, differential, or full database backup. |
21398 |
16 |
Could not complete setting up the no-sync subscription at the Distributor while the distribution cleanup agent is running. The operation has a greater chance of success if the distribution cleanup agent is temporarily disabled. |
21399 |
16 |
The transactions required for synchronizing the subscription with the specified log sequence number (LSN) are unavailable at the Distributor. Specify a higher LSN. |
21400 |
16 |
Article property must be changed at the original Publisher of article ‘%s’. |
21401 |
16 |
Article name cannot be ‘all’. |
21402 |
16 |
Incorrect value for parameter ‘%s’. |
21403 |
10 |
The ‘max_concurrent_dynamic_snapshots’ publication property must be greater than or equal to zero. |
21404 |
10 |
‘%s’ is not a valid value for the ‘%s’ parameter. The value must be a positive integer greater than 300 or 0. |
21405 |
10 |
‘%s’ is not a valid value for the ‘%s’ parameter. The value must be an integer greater than or equal to %d. |
21406 |
10 |
‘%s’ is not a valid value for the ‘%s’ parameter. The value must be 0 or 1. |
21407 |
16 |
Cannot create the subscription. If you specify a value of “initialize with backup” for the @sync_type parameter, you must subscribe to all articles in the publication by specifying a value of “all” for the @article parameter. |
21408 |
16 |
Cannot create the subscription. You must specify a value of “Active” or “Subscribed” for the @status parameter. This is because the value specified for the @sync_type parameter is “initialize with backup” or “replication support only”. |
21409 |
16 |
Only one of parameters %s and %s can be set. |
21410 |
16 |
Snapshot Agent startup message. |
21411 |
16 |
Distribution Agent startup message. |
21412 |
16 |
Merge Agent startup message. |
21413 |
16 |
Failed to acquire the application lock indicating the front of the queue. |
21414 |
10 |
Unexpected failure acquiring an application lock. Ensure that the account under which the Merge Agent runs is a member of the publication access list. If there is a lot of activity on the server, run the Merge Agent when there are more server resources av |
21415 |
10 |
Unexpected failure releasing an application lock. Ensure that the account under which the Merge Agent runs is a member of the publication access list. If there is a lot of activity on the server, run the Merge Agent when there are more server resources av |
21416 |
10 |
Property ‘%s’ of article ‘%s’ cannot be changed. |
21417 |
10 |
Having a queue timeout value of over 12 hours is not allowed. |
21419 |
10 |
Filter ‘%s’ of article ‘%s’ cannot be changed. |
21420 |
10 |
Subscription property ‘%s’ cannot be changed. |
21421 |
10 |
Article ‘%s’ cannot be dropped because there are other articles using it as a join article. |
21422 |
16 |
Queue Reader Agent startup message. |
21423 |
16 |
Either the publication ‘%s’ does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions to access it. Ensure that the publication exists and that the account under which the Merge Agent connects to the Publisher is included in the publication access list (PA |
21424 |
16 |
The @publisher parameter must be NULL for SQL Server publishers. |
21425 |
16 |
The @publisher parameter may not be NULL for heterogeneous publishers. |
21426 |
16 |
No shared agent subscription exists for publication ‘%s’ and the subscriber/subscriber database pair ‘%s’/’%s’. |
21450 |
16 |
The replication %s could not be upgraded for %s databases. Ensure that %s is upgraded and execute %s again. |
21451 |
16 |
The %s %s (%s) login (%s) password has been changed. |
21452 |
10 |
Warning: The %s agent job has been implicitly created and will run under the SQL Server Agent Service Account. |
21454 |
16 |
The internal procedure sp_MStran_is_snapshot_required must be executed at the Distributor if the @run_at_distributor parameter has a value of 1. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft Customer Support Services. |
21456 |
16 |
Value provided for parameter %s is not valid. |
21460 |
16 |
The primary key for source table “%s” includes the timestamp column “%s”. Cannot create the article for the specified publication because it allows updating Subscribers. |
21481 |
16 |
Cannot create replication subscription(s) in the master database. Choose another database for creating subscriptions. |
21482 |
16 |
%s can only be executed in the “%s” database. |
21484 |
16 |
Article validation was requested for snapshot publication “%s”. Article validation is only valid for transactional publications. |
21485 |
16 |
Tracer tokens cannot be posted for a snapshot publication. |
21486 |
16 |
An error occurred while logging the tracer token history information. The tracer token could not be posted. |
21487 |
16 |
An error occurred while inserting the tracer token to the log. The tracer token could not be posted. |
21488 |
16 |
No active subscriptions were found. The publication must have active subscriptions in order to post a tracer token. |
21489 |
16 |
A database ‘%s’ already exists. If you intend this to be your distribution database set @existing_db = 1. |
21490 |
16 |
The value specified for the %s parameter of sp_mergearticlecolumn must be ‘%s’. A value of ‘true’ is allowed only when this procedure is called by another replication procedure. Either set the value of the @schema_replication parameter to ‘false’ or do no |
21499 |
16 |
The procedure %s failed to %s the resource %s. Server error = %d. |
21500 |
10 |
Invalid subscription type is specified. A subscription to publication ‘%s’ already exists in the database with a different subscription type. |
21501 |
10 |
The supplied resolver information does not specify a valid column name to be used for conflict resolution by ‘%s’. |
21502 |
10 |
The publication ‘%s’ does not allow the subscription to synchronize to an alternate synchronization partner. |
21503 |
10 |
Cleanup of merge meta data cannot be performed while merge processes are running. Retry this operation after the merge processes have completed. |
21504 |
10 |
Cleanup of merge meta data at republisher ‘%s’.’%s’ could not be performed because merge processes are propagating changes to the republisher. All subscriptions to this republisher must be reinitialized. |
21505 |
10 |
Changes to publication ‘%s’ cannot be merged because it has been marked inactive. |
21506 |
10 |
sp_mergecompletecleanup cannot be executed before sp_mergepreparecleanup is executed. Use sp_mergepreparecleanup to initiate the first phase of merge meta data cleanup. |
21507 |
10 |
All prerequisites for cleaning up merge meta data have been completed. Execute sp_mergecompletecleanup to initiate the final phase of merge meta data cleanup. |
21508 |
10 |
Cleanup of merge meta data cannot be performed while merge processes are running. Cleanup will proceed after the merge processes have completed. |
21509 |
10 |
Cleanup of merge meta data cannot be performed because some republishers have not quiesced their changes. Cleanup will proceed after all republishers have quiesced their changes. |
21510 |
10 |
Data changes are not allowed while cleanup of merge meta data is in progress. |
21511 |
10 |
Neither MSmerge_contents nor MSmerge_tombstone contain meta data for this row. |
21512 |
18 |
%ls: The %ls parameter is shorter than the minimum required size. |
21514 |
16 |
Cannot complete the requested operation in the subscription database because a snapshot is currently being delivered to the database. Perform the operation again at a later time. To stop the delivery of the snapshot, stop the Distribution Agent or Merge A |
21515 |
18 |
Replication custom procedures will not be scripted because the specified publication ‘%s’ is a snapshot publication. |
21516 |
10 |
Transactional replication custom procedures for publication ‘%s’ from database ‘%s’: |
21517 |
10 |
Replication custom procedures will not be scripted for article ‘%s’ because the auto-generate custom procedures schema option is not enabled. |
21518 |
10 |
Replication custom procedures for article ‘%s’: |
21519 |
10 |
Custom procedures will not be scripted for article update commands based on direct INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements. |
21520 |
10 |
Custom procedure will not be scripted because ‘%s’ is not a recognized article update command syntax. |
21521 |
16 |
Some generation values are above the upper limit of %d used in SQL Server 2000. Change the publication_compatibility_level of the publication to 90 to make this work. |
21522 |
16 |
This article cannot use the ‘%s’ feature because the publication compatibility level is less than 90. Use sp_changemergepublication to set the publication_compatibility_level of publication ‘%s’ to ’90RTM’. |
21523 |
16 |
Adding column ‘%s’ to table ‘%s’ failed. Articles can have at most %d columns, including columns that have been filtered. |
21525 |
16 |
A lightweight replica must be anonymous. |
21526 |
16 |
Article ‘%s’ already belongs to a subscription with a different value for the @lightweight property. |
21527 |
16 |
Publication ‘%s’ cannot be added to database ‘%s’, because a publication with a lower compatibility level already exists. All merge publications in a database must have the same compatibility level. |
21528 |
16 |
Publication ‘%s’ cannot be added to database ‘%s’, because a publication with a higher compatibility level already exists. All merge publications in a database must have the same compatibiliy level. |
21530 |
10 |
The schema change failed during execution of an internal replication procedure. For corrective action, see the other error messages that accompany this error message. |
21531 |
10 |
The data definition language (DDL) command cannot be executed at the Subscriber. DDL commands can only be executed at the Publisher. In a republishing hierarchy, DDL commands can only be executed at the root Publisher, not at any of the republishing Subsc |
21532 |
10 |
Cannot add a data definition language trigger for replicating ‘%.*ls’ events. |
21533 |
10 |
Cannot insert information into the schema change tracking table sysmergeschemachange. |
21535 |
16 |
The article ‘%s’ is already published in another publication, and is set to use nonoverlapping partitions with multiple subscribers per partition (@partition_options = 2). This setting does not permit the article to be included in more than one publicatio |
21537 |
16 |
The column ‘%s’ in table ‘%s’ is involved in a foreign key relationship with a column in table ‘%s’, but this column was not found in the specified join clause. A logical record relationship between these tables should include this column. |
21538 |
16 |
Table ‘%s’ cannot have table ‘%s’ as a parent in a logical record relationship because it already has a different parent table. A logical record relationship allows only one parent table for a given child table. |
21539 |
16 |
A logical record relationship, specified by the @filter_type parameter, requires a one-to-one or a one-to-many join from the parent table to the child table. Either change the value of the @filter_type parameter, or set the @join_unique_key parameter to 1 |
21540 |
16 |
You cannot drop a column defined as data type uniqueidentifier with the rowguidcol property because merge replication uses this column for tracking. To drop the column, you must first drop the table from all publications and subscriptions. |
21541 |
16 |
Cannot complete ALTER TABLE command. Do not execute the command ‘ALTER TABLE table_name DISABLE TRIGGER ALL’ on a published table. Reissue multiple ‘ALTER TABLE table_name DISABLE TRIGGER trigger_name’ statements to disable each trigger individually on th |
21542 |
16 |
Encountered server error %d while executing . |
21543 |
16 |
The schema for the article %s was either not generated properly or was not applied properly during initial synchronization. This may be due to permissions issues. Verify whether the object exists, and whether the necessary permissions are granted. |
21544 |
10 |
Value specified for the publication property replicate_ddl is not valid. The value must be 1 or 0. |
21545 |
16 |
You cannot disable a trigger used by merge replication on a published table. To drop the trigger, drop the table from the publication. |
21546 |
16 |
Cannot replicate the ALTER TABLE command. It contains multiple DROP commands, including a DROP command for a column that is not included in all subscriptions to this article. Use a single DROP command in each ALTER TABLE command. |
21547 |
16 |
Encountered server error %d while restoring the log for database %s. |
21548 |
16 |
Cannot execute sp_change_subscription_properties. This stored procedure can only be used for publications that have at least one pull subscription. |
21549 |
16 |
Cannot add the computed column ‘%s’ to the publication. You must first add all columns on which this column depends; you cannot filter any of these colunmns from the article. |
21550 |
16 |
Before you drop the column from the publication, all computed columns that depend on column ‘%s’ must be dropped. |
21551 |
16 |
Only members of the sysadmin or db_owner or db_ddladmin roles can perform this operation. |
21552 |
16 |
Merge data definition language (DDL) error: Dropping a column used in a row filter or a join filter is not allowed. To drop a column used in a row filter, first change the row filter using sp_changemergearticle. To drop a column used in a join filter, fir |
21561 |
16 |
The value specified for parameter %s = %d is not valid. |
21564 |
16 |
The table %s contains the column msrepl_tran_version, which is used by replication. The column is set to NULL, but it must be set to NOT NULL. Replication failed to alter this column, so you must drop the column and then add the table as an article again |
21567 |
16 |
The call format VCALL cannot be used for the specified article. VCALL format can be used only for articles in publications that allow updating subscriptions. If you do not require updating subscriptions, specify a different call format. If you do require |
21569 |
16 |
The article %s in the publication %s does not have a valid conflict table entry in the system table sysarticleupdates. This entry is required for publications that allow queued updating subscriptions. Check for errors in the last run of the Snapshot Agent |
21570 |
16 |
Cannot create the logical record relationship. Table ‘%s’ does not have a foreign key referencing table ‘%s’. A logical record relationship requires a foreign key relationship between the parent and child tables. |
21571 |
16 |
Cannot create the logical record relationship in publication ‘%s’. The use_partition_groups option for the publication must be set to “true” in order to use logical records. Use sp_changemergepublication to set the option to “true”. |
21572 |
16 |
Cannot add a logical record relationship because the foreign key constraint ‘%s’ on table ‘%s’ is disabled. To create the logical record relationship, first enable the foreign key constraint. |
21573 |
16 |
Cannot add a logical record relationship because the foreign key constraint ‘%s’ on table ‘%s’ is defined with the NOT FOR REPLICATION option. To add the logical record relationship, first drop the foreign key constraint, and then re-create it without the |
21574 |
16 |
Cannot add a logical record relationship because the article ‘%s’ is published in publication ‘%s’, which has a compatibility level lower than 90RTM. Use sp_changemergepublication to set the publication_compatibility_level to 90RTM. |
21575 |
16 |
The value specified for the property filter_type is not valid. Valid values are 1 (join filter only), 2 (logical record relation only), and 3 (join filter and logical record relation). |
21576 |
16 |
Cannot add a logical record relationship between tables ‘%s’ and ‘%s’ because the foreign key column ‘%s’ in table ‘%s’ allows NULL values. Alter the column to disallow NULL values. |
21578 |
16 |
In order to use partition_options of 2 (non overlapping partitions with multiple subscriptions per partition) or 3 (non overlapping partitions one subscription per partition) the publication ‘%s’ must be enabled to use partition groups functionality. Use |
21579 |
16 |
Article “%s” in publication “%s” does not qualify for the partition option that you specified. You cannot specify a value of 2 or 3 (nonoverlapping partitions) for the @partition_options parameter because the article is involved in multiple join filters. |
21580 |
16 |
Article “%s” in publication “%s” does not qualify for the partition option that you specified. You cannot specify a value of 2 or 3 (nonoverlapping partitions) for the @partition_options parameter because the article is involved in both a row filter and |
21581 |
16 |
Article “%s” in publication “%s” does not qualify for the partition option that you specified. You cannot specify a value of 2 or 3 (nonoverlapping partitions) for the @partition_options parameter because the article has a join filter with a join_unique_ |
21582 |
16 |
Article “%s” in publication “%s” does not qualify for the partition option that you specified. You cannot specify a value of 2 or 3 (nonoverlapping partitions) for the @partition_options parameter because the article has a direct or indirect join filter |
21583 |
16 |
Cannot update the column in article ‘%s’. The article has a value of 2 or 3 (nonoverlapping partitions) for the partition_options property, and the column is involved in a row filter and/or a join filter. In this situation, the column cannot be updated at |
21584 |
16 |
Cannot insert the row for article ‘%s’. The row does not belong to the Subscriber’s partition, and the article has a value of 2 or 3 (nonoverlapping partitions) for the partition_options property. Nonoverlapping partitions do not allow out-of-partition in |
21585 |
16 |
Cannot specify custom article ordering in publication ‘%s’ because the publication has a compatibility level lower than 90RTM. Use sp_changemergepublication to set the publication_compatibility_level to 90RTM. |
21597 |
16 |
The article includes only the rowguidcol column. You must publish at least one other column. |
21598 |
16 |
Modifying DDL triggers created by replication is disallowed since these are required to track DDL changes. |
21599 |
16 |
The parameters @article and @join_articlename cannot have the same value. Specify different articles for the two parameters; self-joins are not permitted. |
21600 |
16 |
Non-SQL Server Publisher [%s] cannot be found. Execute sp_helpdistpublishers to view a list of available Publishers. |
21601 |
16 |
The value of the parameter @type must be ‘logbased’ for Oracle publications. |
21603 |
16 |
The refresh of Oracle publisher ‘%s’ by sp_refresh_heterogeneous_publisher was not successful. The Oracle publisher meta data has been retained in its failed state to help in diagnosing the cause of the failure. When the problem has been diagnosed and res |
21604 |
16 |
The non-SQL Server Publisher vendor is not valid. Attempt to add the Publisher again. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft Customer Support Services. |
21605 |
16 |
Non-SQL Server Publishers must be configured in the context of the distribution database. Execute sp_adddistpublisher in the context of the distribution database. |
21606 |
16 |
Parameter “%s” is for non-SQL Server Publishers only. The value of this parameter must be “%s” for a SQL Server Publisher. |
21607 |
16 |
sp_refresh_heterogeneous_publisher was unable to obtain publisher information for Oracle publisher ‘%s’. sp_refresh_heterogeneous_publisher may only be called to refresh Oracle publishers currently defined at the distributor. |
21608 |
16 |
Cannot use a value of TRUE for the parameter @ignore_distributor. The value must be FALSE for a non-SQL Server Publisher. |
21609 |
16 |
Non-SQL Server publications do not support updatable subscriptions. The properties allow_sync_tran and allow_queued_tran must be “false”. |
21610 |
16 |
The failed attempt by sp_refresh_heterogeneous_publisher to refresh publisher ‘%s’ did not alter any meta data at the Oracle publisher. Make certain that the correct Oracle publisher has been identified and that the requirements for refreshing the Oracle |
21611 |
16 |
Cannot drop the distribution Publisher “%s” because it has publications defined. Drop the publications first. |
21612 |
16 |
For non-SQL Server Publishers, the value of the @sync_method parameter must be “character” or “concurrent_c”. |
21613 |
16 |
Constraint column ‘%s’ not found in table ‘%s’. |
21614 |
16 |
Index column ‘%s’ not found in table ‘%s’, |
21615 |
16 |
Unable to find table information for article %s. Local distributor cache may be corrupt. |
21616 |
16 |
Cannot find column [%s] in the article. Verify that the column exists in the underlying table, and that it is included in the article. |
21617 |
16 |
Unable to run SQL*PLUS. Make certain that a current version of the Oracle client code is installed at the distributor. For addition information, see SQL Server Error 21617 in Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers in SQL Server Books Online. |
21618 |
16 |
The Publisher ‘%s’ does not exist. To view a list of Publishers, use the stored procedure sp_helpdistpublisher. |
21619 |
16 |
Must provide both @SelectColumnList and @InsColumnList. |
21620 |
16 |
The version of SQL*PLUS that is accessible through the system Path variable is not current enough to support Oracle publishing. Make certain that a current version of the Oracle client code is installed at the distributor. For addition information, see SQ |
21621 |
16 |
Unable to create the public synonym %s. Verify that the replication administrative user has been granted the CREATE SYNONYM permission. |
21622 |
16 |
Unable to grant SELECT permission on the public synonym %s. Verify that the replication administrative user has sufficient permissions. |
21623 |
16 |
Unable to update the public synonym ‘MSSQLSERVERDISTRIBUTOR’ to mark Oracle instance ‘%s’ as a SQL Server publisher. |
21624 |
16 |
Unable to locate the registered Oracle OLEDB provider, OraOLEDB.Oracle, at distributor ‘%s’. Make certain that a current version of the Oracle OLEDB provider is installed and registered at the distributor. For addition information, see SQL Server Error 21 |
21625 |
16 |
Unable to update the publisher table HREPL_PUBLISHER at the Oracle instance ‘%s’. |
21626 |
16 |
Unable to connect to Oracle database server ‘%s’ using the Oracle OLEDB provider OraOLEDB.Oracle. For addition information, see SQL Server Error 21626 in Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers in SQL Server Books Online. |
21627 |
16 |
Unable to connect to Oracle database server ‘%s’ using the Microsoft OLEDB provider MSDAORA. For addition information, see SQL Server Error 21627 in Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers in SQL Server Books Online. |
21628 |
16 |
Unable to update the registry of distributor ‘%s’ to allow Oracle OLEDB provider OraOLEDB.Oracle to run in process with SQL Server. Make certain that current login is authorized to modify SQL Server owned registry keys. For addition information, see SQL S |
21629 |
16 |
The CLSID registry key indicating that the Oracle OLEDB Provider for Oracle, OraOLEDB.Oracle, has been registered is not present at the distributor. Make certain that the Oracle OLEDB provider is installed and registered at the distributor. For addition i |
21630 |
16 |
Unable to determine whether the table ‘%s’ is still being published. Contact Customer Support Services. |
21631 |
16 |
Cannot unpublish table ‘%s’; the remote call to the Oracle Publisher failed. Verify that the replication administrative user login can connect to the Oracle Publisher using SQL*PLUS. If you can connect but the problem persists, drop and reconfigure Oracle |
21632 |
16 |
The parameter %s is not supported for non-SQL Server publications. The value specified for this parameter must be %s. |
21633 |
16 |
The publication ‘%s’ could not be added because non-SQL Server Publishers only support the @sync_method parameter values “character” or “concurrent_c”. |
21634 |
16 |
The parameter %s does not support the value ‘%s’ when using non-SQL Server publications. The value must be %s. |
21635 |
16 |
An unsupported schema option combination was specified. Non-SQL Server publications only support the following schema options: 0x01, 0x02, 0x10, 0x40, 0x80, 0x4000, and 0x8000. |
21637 |
16 |
%s is required for heterogeneous publications. |
21638 |
16 |
You have specified a value of ‘%s’ for the @repl_freq parameter of sp_addpublication. For non-SQL Server publications, this requires one of the following values for the @sync_method parameter: %s. |
21639 |
16 |
Heterogeneous publishers can not use trusted connections, set @trusted to false. |
21640 |
16 |
Non-SQL Server Publishers do not support a value of 1 for the parameter @thirdparty_flag. When executing the stored procedure sp_adddistpublisher, specify a value of 0 for the parameter. |
21641 |
16 |
The “%s” parameter is for non-SQL Server Publishers only. It must be NULL for SQL Server Publishers. |
21642 |
16 |
Heterogeneous publishers require a linked server. A linked server named ‘%s’ already exists. Please remove linked server or choose a different publisher name. |
21643 |
16 |
The value specified for the parameter ‘%s’ must be MSSQLSERVER, ORACLE, or ORACLE GATEWAY. |
21644 |
16 |
%s value of ‘%s’ is not supported for heterogeneous subscribers, must be %s. |
21645 |
16 |
The value ‘%s’ is not a valid non-SQL Server Publisher type. For SQL Server 2005, the value must be ORACLE or ORACLE GATEWAY. |
21646 |
16 |
The Oracle server [%s] is already defined as the Publisher [%s] on the Distributor [%s].[%s]. Drop the Publisher or drop the public synonym [%s]. |
21647 |
16 |
The Oracle Publisher support package could not be loaded. Drop the replication administrative user schema and re-create it; ensure it is granted the documented permissions. |
21649 |
16 |
Cannot change the property ‘%s’. Non-SQL Server Publishers do not support this property. |
21650 |
16 |
The value specified for @rowcount_only for the article ‘%s’ is not 1. For an article in a publication from a non-SQL Server Publisher, 1 is the only valid setting for this parameter. |
21651 |
16 |
Failed to execute the HREPL.%s request to Oracle Publisher ‘%s’. Verify that the Oracle package code exists on the Publisher, and that the replication administrative user account has sufficient permissions. |
21653 |
16 |
The database management system (DBMS) %s %s does not exist. Verify the supported DBMS and versions by querying msdb.dbo.MSdbms. |
21654 |
16 |
The data type %s does not exist. Verify the supported data types and mappings by querying msdb.dbo.sysdatatypemappings. |
21655 |
16 |
The data type %s already exists. |
21656 |
16 |
The data type mapping for %s does not exist. Verify the list of available mappings by querying msdb.dbo.sysdatatypemappings. |
21657 |
16 |
The data type mapping for %s already exists. |
21658 |
16 |
The data type mapping does not exist. Verify the list of mappings by querying msdb.dbo.sysdatatypemappings. |
21659 |
16 |
Cannot execute this procedure for a SQL Server Publisher. The Publisher must be a non-SQL Server Publisher. |
21660 |
16 |
The value specified for the parameter @full_or_fast for article ‘%s’ must be 0, 1, or 2. |
21661 |
16 |
The value specified for the @shutdown_agent parameter for article ‘%s’ must be 0 or 1. |
21662 |
16 |
The source object [%s].[%s] on the non-SQL Server Publisher was either not found or is not supported. If the object exists, verify that it meets the requirements for being published. |
21663 |
16 |
Cannot find a valid primary key for the source table [%s].[%s]. A valid primary key is required to publish the table. Add or correct the primary key definition on the source table. |
21664 |
16 |
Index [%s] contains unique nullable column. |
21665 |
16 |
Key [%s] contains unique nullable column. |
21666 |
16 |
Cannot specify more than %d column names for the index or primary key because this exceeds the maximum number of columns supported by SQL Server. %d columns were specified. |
21667 |
16 |
The index “%s” was not created. The index has a key length of at least %d bytes. The maximum key length supported by SQL Server is %d bytes. |
21668 |
16 |
The constraint “%s” was not created because one or more columns in the constraint is not published. Either include all columns in the published article, or alter the constraint to remove columns that are not published. |
21669 |
16 |
Column [%s] cannot be published because it uses an unsupported data type [%s]. View supported data types by querying msdb.dbo.sysdatatypemappings. |
21670 |
16 |
Connection to server [%s] failed. |
21671 |
16 |
Cannot execute the procedure. Administration of a non-SQL Server Publisher must be performed at the associated SQL Server Distributor. Execute the procedure at the Distributor. |
21672 |
16 |
The login ‘%s’ has insufficient authorization to execute this command. |
21673 |
16 |
Test connection to publisher [%s] failed. Verify authentication information. |
21674 |
16 |
Unable to update the linked server [%s] for the login [%s]. |
21675 |
16 |
Cannot specify more than %d indexes for a single table. %d indexes specified. Excess indexes have been ignored. |
21676 |
16 |
Heterogeneous subscriber ‘%s’ could not add a subscription for heterogeneous publication ‘%s’ because publication sync method is not ‘character’, ‘concurrent_c’, or ‘database snapshot character’. |
21677 |
16 |
Heterogeneous publisher ‘%s’ cannot be defined as a subscriber. |
21678 |
16 |
The parameter “%s” can be set to “%s” only when “%s” is set to “%s”. |
21679 |
16 |
Peer-to-peer publications only support a ‘%s’ parameter value of %s. |
21680 |
16 |
The Distribution Agent was unable to update the cached log sequence numbers (LSNs) for Originator %s, OriginatorDB %s, OriginatorDBVersion %d, OriginatorPublicationID %d. Stop and restart the Distribution Agent. If the problem persists, contact Customer S |
21681 |
16 |
The current user ‘%s’ does not have a valid linked server login mapping for non-SQL Server Publisher [%s]. Replication connects to the Publisher through a linked server; use the stored procedure sp_addlinkedsrvlogin to map the user’s login to this linked |
21682 |
16 |
Cannot publish table [%s].[%s]. The replication administraive user requires an explicit SELECT grant, or a SELECT grant through PUBLIC, in order to publish this table. A role-based SELECT grant, if one exists, is not sufficient. |
21683 |
16 |
Cannot verify administrator login privileges for Oracle Publisher %s. Verify connection information and ensure that you can connect to the Publisher through a tool like SQL*PLUS. |
21684 |
16 |
The replication administrative user for Oracle Publisher “%s” has insufficient permissions. Refer to the script /MSSQL/Install/oracleadmin.sql for the required permissions. |
21685 |
16 |
Request ‘%s’ for Oracle schema filter for Oracle publisher ‘%s’ failed. |
21686 |
16 |
The operation “%s” is not valid. Valid operations are “add”, “drop”, and “help”. |
21687 |
16 |
Schema filters are supported only for Oracle Publishers. The Publisher “%s” is a “%s” Publisher. |
21688 |
16 |
The current login ‘%s’ is not in the publication access list (PAL) of any publication at Publisher ‘%s’. Use a login that is in the PAL, or add this login to the PAL. |
21689 |
16 |
A NULL @schema value is invalid for add and drop schema filter operations. |
21690 |
10 |
The subscriber db cannot be the same as the publisher db when the subscriber is the same as the publisher |
21691 |
10 |
sp_mergesubscription_cleanup should be called on the subscription database |
21692 |
16 |
Failed to script the subscriber stored procedures for article ‘%s’ in publication ‘%s’ |
21694 |
16 |
%s cannot be null or empty when %s is set to 0 (SQL Server Authentication). Specify a login or set security mode to 1 (Windows Authentication). |
21695 |
10 |
The replication agent job ‘%s’ was not removed because it has a non-standard name; manually remove the job when it is no longer in use. |
21696 |
16 |
The stored procedure only applies to Oracle Publishers. The Publisher ‘%s’ is a %s Publisher. |
21698 |
16 |
The parameter ‘%s’ is no longer supported. |
21699 |
10 |
Unable to reuse view ‘%s’ because it was not found. Re-creating all system table views. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. |
21701 |
16 |
Microsoft SQL Server Additive Conflict Resolver |
21702 |
16 |
Microsoft SQL Server Averaging Conflict Resolver |
21703 |
16 |
Microsoft SQL Server DATETIME (Earlier Wins) Conflict Resolver |
21704 |
16 |
Microsoft SQL Server DATETIME (Later Wins) Conflict Resolver |
21705 |
16 |
Microsoft SQL Server Download Only Conflict Resolver |
21706 |
16 |
Microsoft SQL Server Maximum Conflict Resolver |
21707 |
16 |
Microsoft SQL Server Merge Text Columns Conflict Resolver |
21708 |
16 |
Microsoft SQL Server Minimum Conflict Resolver |
21709 |
16 |
Microsoft SQL Server Priority Column Resolver |
21710 |
16 |
Microsoft SQL Server Subscriber Always Wins Conflict Resolver |
21711 |
16 |
Microsoft SQL Server Upload Only Conflict Resolver |
21712 |
16 |
Microsoft SQLServer Stored Procedure Resolver |
21715 |
16 |
Cannot register the article resolver %s. This can occur if the account under which SQL Server is running does not have access to the distribution database. Add the class ID and the custom resolver name manually to the MSmerge_articleresolver table in the |
21717 |
16 |
The article resolver name cannot be an empty string or NULL. Specify a valid value for the @article_resolver parameter. |
21718 |
16 |
For a COM resolver, the @resolver_clsid cannot be an empty string or NULL. Specify a valid value for @resolver_clsid. |
21719 |
10 |
The Subscriber ‘%s’:’%s’ was not marked for reinitialization at the Publisher because the subscription is either anonymous or not valid. Verify that valid values were specified for the @subscriber and @subscriber_db parameters of sp_reinitmergesubscriptio |
21720 |
16 |
Cannot find a job that matches the ID or name specified in the parameters @dynamic_snapshot_jobid or @dynamic_snapshot_jobname. Verify the values specified for those parameters. |
21721 |
10 |
UserScripts |
21722 |
16 |
Failed to add an extended trigger for replicating the ‘%.*ls’ event. |
21723 |
16 |
The value specified for the @pubid parameter of procedure ‘%s’ is not valid or is NULL. Verify that the Merge Agent is running correctly. Reinitalize the subscription if the problem persists. |
21724 |
10 |
Cannot add the foreign key %s with the CASCADE option because table %s is published. Add the NOT FOR REPLICATION clause to the foreign key definition. |
21725 |
16 |
Cannot alter the view. An indexed view replicated as a table cannot be altered to a nonindexed view. Drop the view from the publication before attempting to alter it. |
21727 |
14 |
Cannot complete the replication operation. The security check for the current user is failing. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role, or db_owner or db_ddladmin fixed database roles can perform this operation. |
21728 |
16 |
The article can support logical record level conflict detection only if it uses logical record conflict resolution. |
21729 |
16 |
The @keep_partition_changes property cannot be set to “true.” This is because the @publication_compatibility_level property is set to 90RTM or higher and the @use_partition_groups property is set to “true.” Set a lower compatibility level or set the @use_ |
21730 |
16 |
Table ‘%s’ can not be replicated because it contains imprecise Primary Key column, please recreate table without ‘persisted’ clause and try again. |
21731 |
16 |
Cannot add a constraint or default without an explicit name, because the table is included in a publication that replicates DDL events. Specify a unique name for the constraint and then reissue the DDL statement. |
21732 |
16 |
Using Data Transformation Services (DTS) packages in replication requires a password that is not NULL or empty. Specify a valid value for parameter ‘%s’. |
21733 |
16 |
Cannot open database %s. The upgrade of replication %s could not be performed. Run %s again from the %s database when the %s is accessible. |
21734 |
16 |
Peer-to-peer publications do not support replicating timestamp columns as varbinary(8). You cannot add an article with this option, nor add or alter a table to include a timestamp column as varbinary(8). |
21735 |
16 |
Source object [%s].[%s] is a temporary object and cannot be published. |
21736 |
16 |
Unable to relocate the article log table to a different tablespace. Verify that the replication administrative user login can connect to the Oracle Publisher using SQL*PLUS. If you can connect, but the problem persists, it might be caused by insufficient |
21737 |
16 |
The property ‘%s’ is not valid for ‘%s’ Publishers. |
21738 |
16 |
The property ‘%s’ is not valid for %s publications. |
21739 |
16 |
Cannot alter property ‘%s’. You must first call the stored procedure sp_articleview to initialize the article; the property can then be altered. |
21740 |
16 |
Oracle subscriber ‘%s’ not found. Loopback support cannot be checked. |
21741 |
16 |
Unable to retrieve distributor information from Oracle publisher ‘%s’. Bi-directional publishing requires Oracle publisher to exist before the Oracle subscriber. |
21742 |
16 |
The Oracle Publisher name is ‘%s’ and the Oracle Subscriber name is ‘%s’. Bidirectional Oracle publishing requires the Oracle Publisher and Subscriber names to be the same. |
21743 |
16 |
Unable to retrieve the originator information for the Oracle subscriber ‘%s’. |
21744 |
16 |
Oracle bidirectional publishing requires parameter ‘%s’ to have a value of ‘%s’. |
21745 |
16 |
Cannot generate a filter view or procedure. Verify that the value specified for the @filter_clause parameter of sp_addarticle can be added to the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement to produce a valid query. |
21746 |
16 |
The ‘%s’ character length must not exceed %d. |
21747 |
16 |
Cannot establish a connection to the Oracle Publisher ‘%s’. Verify connection information and ensure that you can connect to the Publisher through a tool like SQL*PLUS. |
21748 |
16 |
The article was dropped at the Distributor, but information at the Publisher ‘%s’ was not dropped. No action is required; the information is cleaned up if the Publisher is dropped. |
21749 |
16 |
The Publisher was dropped at the Distributor, but information on the Publisher ‘%s’ was not dropped. Connect to the Oracle Publisher with SQL*PLUS and drop the replication administrative user. |
21750 |
16 |
The table %s does not have a primary key, which is required for transactional replication. Create a primary key on the table. |
21751 |
16 |
Cannot publish view %s as a table because it does not have a unique clustered index. Publish the view as a view, or add a unique clustered index. |
21752 |
16 |
The current user %s does not have SELECT permission on the table %s. The user must have SELECT permission to retrieve rows at the Subscriber that have updates pending in the queue. |
21753 |
16 |
The table %s, which is specified in the @tablename parameter of sp_getqueuedrows, is not part of any active initialized queued subscription. Ensure your queued subscriptions are properly initialized by running the Snapshot Agent, Distribution Agent, and Q |
21754 |
16 |
Processing has been terminated. The resultset for sp_getqueuedrows is larger than 16,000, the maximum size that the procedure can return. Run the Queue Reader Agent to flush the queue at the Subscriber before executing this procedure again. |
21755 |
16 |
Failed to mark ‘%s’ as a system object. |
21756 |
16 |
Based on article settings, table %s should have an identity column, but it does not have one. Verify article settings with sp_helparticle and change them if necessary with sp_changearticle. |
21757 |
16 |
The subscription is read-only. The publication that this subscription synchronizes with allows updates at the Subscriber, but a value of ‘read-only’ was specified for the @update_mode parameter of sp_addsubscription. To allow updates, you must drop and th |
21758 |
16 |
Cannot find a valid Queue Reader Agent ID for the subscription to Publisher %s, database %s, publication %s. The specified subscription to an updating Subscriber publication is not initialized. Run the Snapshot Agent, Distribution Agent, and Queue Reader |
21759 |
16 |
Cannot add the column ‘%s’ to the table ‘%s’. The table already contains the maximum number of columns allowed for an article in a merge publication (246 columns). |
21760 |
11 |
Cannot execute the replication script in the ‘master’ database; the current session will be terminated. The script must be executed in the distribution database, and the master database cannot serve as the distribution database. |
21761 |
20 |
Cannot execute the replication script; the current session will be terminated. Check for any errors returned by SQL Server during execution of the script. |
21762 |
10 |
The distribution database ‘%s’ has a compatibility level of %d, which is different from that of the master database. The two compatibility levels must be the same, so the distribution database level is being changed to %d. This is an informational message |
21763 |
16 |
Message Queuing Service is not running. Start this service and retry the operation. |
21764 |
16 |
Cannot create the publication. Specifying a value of ‘msmq’ for the parameter @queue_type is supported only on Microsoft Windows NT platforms. Specify a value of ‘sql’ for this parameter. |
21765 |
10 |
The column msrepl_tran_version has been predefined and allows NULLs. This column will be dropped and recreated to not allow NULLs for updating subscribers. |
21766 |
16 |
Table %s contains an identity column that is marked as Not For Replication, but the @identitymanagementoption parameter of sp_addarticle is set to ‘none’. To support immediate updating subscriptions, specify a value of ‘manual’ or ‘auto’ for @identityman |
21767 |
10 |
Warning: The parameter ‘%s’ is obsolete and is available only for backwards compatibility. It will not be available in future releases. Instead of this parameter, use the parameter ‘%s’. |
21768 |
16 |
When executing sp_adddistributor for a remote Distributor, you must use a password. The password specified for the @password parameter must be the same when the procedure is executed at the Publisher and at the Distributor. |
21769 |
10 |
Custom data type mappings are not supported. You must validate the correctness of the mapping. If mappings are not compatible, errors will likely occur when moving data from the Publisher to the Subscriber. |
21770 |
10 |
Data type mapping from ‘%s’ to ‘%s’ does not exist. Review source and destination data type, length, precision, scale, and nullability. Query the system table msdb.dbo.sysdatatypemappings for a list of supported mappings. |
21771 |
16 |
%s is not within the supported range of %d and %d. |
21772 |
16 |
Property “%s” requires the parameters @force_invalidate_snapshot and @force_reinit_subscription to be set to “true”. |
21773 |
10 |
The distribution database ‘%s’ cannot be opened due to inaccessible files. The database will be dropped, but distribution database cleanup tasks will not occur. Check the database and server error logs for more information about why the database files can |
21774 |
16 |
This procedure is supported only for non-SQL Server Publishers. The Publisher ‘%s’, on which you are executing the procedure, is a SQL Server Publisher. |
21775 |
16 |
Failed to generate column bitmap for article ‘%s’. |
21776 |
16 |
Failed to generate published column bitmap for article ‘%s’. |
21777 |
16 |
Failed to generate article view name for article ‘%s’. |
21778 |
16 |
Cannot add Publisher objects to the Oracle Publisher for article ‘%s’. Verify connection information and ensure that you can connect to the Publisher through a tool like SQL*PLUS. Ensure that the replication administrative user schema has the required per |
21779 |
10 |
Cannot use the specified data type mapping. The matching destination data type for source type %s cannot be found. Query the system table msdb.dbo.sysdatatypemappings for a list of supported mappings. Verify that the length, precision, scale, and nullabil |
21780 |
16 |
The non-SQL Server Publisher is missing one or more %s objects. Drop and re-create the Publisher and the replication administrative user schema. |
21781 |
16 |
Unable to retrieve heterogeneous metadata. Verify connection information |
21782 |
16 |
Cannot add primary key column ‘%s’ to article ‘%s’. If the Publisher is a non-SQL Server Publisher, the primary key could have violated SQL Server limits for number and length of columns. For more information, see errors returned by sp_addarticle. |
21783 |
16 |
Cannot add the Publisher triggers and the article log table to the Oracle Publisher for the article ‘%s’. Verify connection information and ensure that you can connect to the Publisher through a tool like SQL*PLUS. Ensure that the replication administrati |
21784 |
16 |
You must specify a non-NULL value for the @rowfilter parameter. |
21785 |
16 |
Failure to query Oracle XactSet Job attributes for publisher ‘%s’. |
21786 |
16 |
Failure to refresh Oracle XactSet Job for publisher ‘%s’. |
21787 |
16 |
Failure to query Oracle Xact batching enabled flag for publisher ‘%s’. |
21788 |
16 |
Invalid parameter passed to sp_IHSetXactBatching. The bit flag to enable/disable Xact batching must be 0 or 1. |
21789 |
16 |
Failure to set the Oracle Xact batching enabled flag for publisher ‘%s’. |
21790 |
16 |
Cannot publish the table ‘%s.%s’ from the Publisher ‘%s’. Verify connection information and ensure that you can connect to the Publisher through a tool like SQL*PLUS. Ensure that the replication administrative user schema has the required permissions. |
21791 |
16 |
The table ‘%s.%s’ already appears in a transactional publication on Oracle Gateway Publisher ‘%s’. When using the Oracle Gateway option, a table published using transactional replication can only be included in one publication. To publish this table in mo |
21792 |
16 |
The table ‘%s.%s’ already appears in the transactional publication ‘%s’ on Publisher ‘%s’. The Oracle Gateway publishing option (the default) allows a table to be included as an article in any number of snapshot publications, but only in one transactional |
21793 |
16 |
Non-SQL Server Publishers are supported only in the Enterprise and Developer editions of SQL Server. The edition of this instance is %s. |
21794 |
16 |
The value specified for the @propertyname parameter is not valid. Use one of the following values: %s. |
21795 |
16 |
The value specified for property %s is not valid. Use one of the following values: %s. |
21796 |
16 |
The property “xactsetjobinterval” must be assigned a value greater than or equal to 0. |
21797 |
16 |
Cannot create the agent job. ‘%s’ must be a valid Windows login in the form : ‘MACHINELogin’ or ‘DOMAINLogin’. See the documentation for ‘%s’. |
21798 |
16 |
Cannot execute the replication administrative procedure. The ‘%s’ agent job must be added through ‘%s’ before continuing. See the documentation for ‘%s’. |
21799 |
16 |
The %s agent for Publisher (%s), database (%s), publication (%s) cannnot be found. Create the agent with the appropriate procedure: sp_addpublication_snapshot, sp_addlogreader_agent, or sp_addqreader_agent. |
21800 |
16 |
The common generation watermark is invalid at this replica since it does not exist or metadata for changes not yet propagated may have been cleaned up. |
21801 |
16 |
The stored procedure sp_createagentparameter failed to add one or more parameters to the system table msdb.dbo.MSagentparameterlist. Check for any errors returned by sp_createagentparameter and errors returned by SQL Server during execution of sp_createag |
21802 |
16 |
The agent profile creation process cannot validate the specified agent parameter value. ‘%s’ is not a valid value for the ‘%s’ parameter. The value must be an integer less than or equal to ‘%d’. Verify that replication is installed properly. |
21803 |
16 |
Cannot update agent parameter metadata. Replication could not insert parameter ‘%s’ into table ‘%s’. Verify that replication is properly installed. Check errors returned by SQL Server during execution of sp_createagentparameter. |
21804 |
16 |
The value ‘%d’ specified for the @agent_type parameter of sp_getagentparameterlist is not valid. Specify a valid value of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 9. |
21805 |
16 |
The agent profile creation process cannot validate the specified agent parameter value. ‘%s’ is not a valid value for the ‘%s’ parameter. The value must be an integer. Verify that replication is installed properly and that sp_add_agent_parameter is invoke |
21806 |
16 |
The agent profile creation process cannot validate the specified agent parameter value: the profile_id %d does not exist or it does not support the parameter %s. The value must be an integer. Verify that replication is installed properly and that sp_add_a |
21807 |
16 |
For a .NET Assembly Business Logic Handler, the @resolver_clsid must be specified as NULL. |
21808 |
16 |
For a .NET Assembly Business Logic Handler, the @resolver_info must contain the class name in ‘%s’ that implements the Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule interface. |
21809 |
10 |
DDL replication is not enabled for database ‘%ls’ because its compatibility level is less than 80. |
21810 |
16 |
Identity column can only be added to a published table with ‘Not For Replication’ clause |
21811 |
16 |
Cannot drop the column ‘%s’ because it is used by replication: it is referenced in a filter or view by article ‘%s’. To drop the column, you must first remove the filter from the article. |
21812 |
16 |
Cannot perform “Disable Trigger All” on table %s because it belongs to a publication that supports updatable subscriptions (replication adds triggers to tables for these types of publications). You may, however, disable user triggers individually. Specify |
21813 |
16 |
Can not disable trigger %s on table %s because it is required by updatable publication. |
21814 |
16 |
DDL replication failed to refresh custom procedures, please run “exec sp_register_custom_scripting ‘CUSTOM_SCRIPT’, your_script, ‘%s’, ‘%s’ “and try again |
21815 |
16 |
Can not alter replicated object ‘%s’ to ‘with encrypted’. |
21816 |
16 |
An invalid value was specified for parameter ‘%s’. The value must be ‘%s’ when changing this property. |
21817 |
16 |
The property ‘%s’ is only valid for push subscriptions. |
21818 |
10 |
The parameters for security, batch size, and scheduling have been deprecated and should no longer be used. For more information, see the “sp_addsubscriber” documentation. |
21819 |
16 |
Cannot change the property ‘%s’ . This property is only valid for subscriptions that allow updating at the Subscriber. The subscription against which the procedure was called does not allow updates at the Subscriber. |
21820 |
16 |
Cannot write to the script file in the snapshot folder at the Distributor (%ls). Ensure that there is enough disk space available. Also ensure that the account under which the Snapshot Agent runs has permissions to write to the snapshot folder and its sub |
21821 |
16 |
Specify one and only one of the parameters – %s or %s. |
21822 |
16 |
Cannot perform %s on %s as entry already exists. |
21823 |
16 |
Cannot perform %s on %s as entry does not exist. |
21824 |
16 |
Can not add constraints to multiple columns because table %s is published but column %s is not in all active partitions, please use separate DDL statement. |
21825 |
16 |
Can not drop constraints in the same DDL statement which drops columns from table %s because the table is published, please use separate DDL statement. |
21826 |
16 |
The property ‘%s’ is valid only for %s subscriptions. Use ‘%s’ for %s subscriptions. |
21827 |
16 |
The %s parameters have been deprecated and should no longer be used. For more information, see the ‘%s’ documentation. |
21828 |
16 |
The proxy account for jobstep_uid (%s) could not be found. |
21830 |
16 |
You cannot specify schema_option 0x4 (script identity as identity rather than the base data type) for article ‘%s’. The value specified for the parameter @identityrangemanagementoption is NONE. To replicate identity as identity, the value must be MANUAL o |
21831 |
16 |
The %s already exists. Use ‘%s’ to change any settings/properties. |
21832 |
16 |
Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can perform this operation without specifying %s. |
21833 |
16 |
An error occurred when creating a trace event at Oracle publisher ‘%s’. The trace event could not be posted. |
21834 |
16 |
The primary key for ‘%s.%s’ has %d columns. SQL Server supports a maximum of %d columns. Redefine the primary key so that it has no more than the maximum number of columns. |
21835 |
16 |
The index for the primary key ‘%s.%s’ is at least %d bytes. SQL Server supports a maximum key length of %d bytes. Reduce the number of columns in the primary key or redefine the columns to use smaller data types. |
21836 |
16 |
The distribution agent must be run in single subscription stream mode prior to resetting the subscription xact_seqno. |
21837 |
16 |
A replication agent job (%s) for this subscription already exists. |
21838 |
16 |
The %s parameter(s) have been deprecated from this procedure. The value(s) should now be specified when calling ‘%s’. |
21839 |
16 |
Article ‘%s’ can not support schema_option 0x20 or 0x2000000000 because it contains computed column, check/default constraint or primary key which is based on CLR type column, change @schema_option setting and try again. |
21840 |
16 |
Can not add CLR type based computed column or check constraint to table ‘%s’ because article ‘%s’ supports schema_option 0x20. |
21841 |
10 |
DDL replication is forcing reinitialization because either publication’%s’ uses character mode bcp, or timestamp/identity column is being replicated as base type only for article ‘%s’. |
21842 |
16 |
%s can only be specified/changed for heterogeneous publications when %s is set to %s. |
21843 |
16 |
Article ‘%s’ can not be added, an indexed view published as ‘indexed view logbased’ and a stored procedure in either form of ‘proc exec’ can not be published if their common base table is also published. |
21844 |
16 |
Can not alter XML, CLR type or MAX type column because table is published and article ‘%s’ supports the schema option to map this to a base column type. |
21845 |
16 |
Can not alter procedure ‘%s’ to depend on an indexed view published as ‘indexed view logbased’ or a base table because the indexed view depends on this table as well. |
21846 |
16 |
Cannot find a distribution agent job for the specified transactional or snapshot push subscription. |
21847 |
16 |
Cannot find a merge agent job for the specified merge push subscription. |
21848 |
16 |
The specified pull subscription is not configured with a synchronization agent job. |
21850 |
16 |
The property “%s” cannot be changed to “%s” after the value has already been set to “%s”. |
21851 |
16 |
Peer-to-peer publications only support a “%s” value of %s. Article “%s” currently has a “%s” value of %s. This value must be changed to continue. |
21852 |
16 |
Peer-to-peer publications do not support %s. Article “%s” currently has %s. This must be changed to continue. |
21853 |
10 |
Warning: The “%s” property for %s “%s” has been changed to “%s” because it is required by %s. |
21854 |
10 |
Could not add new article to publication ‘%s’ because of active schema change activities or a snapshot is being generated. |
21855 |
16 |
The login %s provided in sp_link_publication is not mapped to any user in publishing database %s. |
21856 |
16 |
For a .NET Assembly Business Logic Handler, the .NET Assembly name should be the name of a valid assembly in ‘%s’ that contains the class that implements the Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule interface. Check the reg |
21857 |
10 |
Forcing re-initialization for article ‘%s’ in publication ‘%s’, the clustered index on indexed view ‘%s’ may have been dropped by upgrade or restore process, please re-create the index and re-sync your data. |
21858 |
16 |
Snapshot can not process article ‘%s’ in publication ‘%s’, the clustered index on indexed view ‘%s’ may have been dropped by upgrade or restore process, please re-create the index and re-run snapshot. |
21859 |
16 |
Cannot change subscription property ‘%s’ because there is no entry for this subscription in the MSsubscription_properties table. Call sp_addmergepullsubscription_agent before changing this property. |
21860 |
10 |
Table ‘%s’ in database ‘%s’ is subscribing to transactional queued publication and published for merge for uploading changes, this may cause non-convergence between transactional publisher and subscriber. |
21861 |
16 |
The current operation was aborted because it would deactivate an article in a publication for which a snapshot was being generated. |
21862 |
16 |
FILESTREAM columns cannot be published in a publication by using a synchronization method of either ‘database snapshot’ or ‘database snapshot character’. |
21863 |
16 |
Cannot add the SPARSE property to a column for the article ‘%s’ because merge replication does not support sparse columns. |
21864 |
16 |
Cannot publish the article ‘%s’ or add the COLUMN_SET attribute set to its base table ‘%s’ because replication does not support column sets. |
21865 |
16 |
The ‘%s’ publication property must be either ‘true’ or ‘false’. |
21866 |
16 |
The publication property ‘%s’ can only be set to ‘%s’ when the publication property ‘%s’ is set to ‘%s’. |
21867 |
16 |
ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The table ‘%s’ belongs to a publication which does not allow switching of partitions |
21868 |
16 |
ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The statement is not allowed because one or more of the tables in this statement is an article with a different destination table or owner. |
21869 |
16 |
Cannot add filter between proposed parent article ‘%s’ and proposed child article ‘%s’ since this would introduce a cycle in the filter relationships. The proposed parent is already being filtered by the child. |
21870 |
16 |
Distribution agent encountered a deadlock while applying commands in SubscriptionStreams mode. Spid %u waiting on lock (type ‘%s’, mode ‘%s’) for index ‘%s’ of table ‘%s’. |