Space engineers ошибка graphics device driver has crashed

Одна из наиболее раздражающих ошибок, которые пользователи могут столкнуться в игре Space Engineers, является сообщение «graphics device driver has crashed».

Это сообщение указывает на проблему с драйвером графического устройства на компьютере, что может привести к нестабильной работе игры, падению FPS и прочим проблемам.

Шаг 1: Обновите драйверы графического устройства

Одним из первых и наиболее важных шагов в решении ошибки «graphics device driver has crashed» является обновление драйверов графического устройства. Чтобы обновить драйверы:

  1. Откройте «Диспетчер устройств» (нажмите «Win + X» и выберите «Диспетчер устройств»).
  2. Разверните раздел «Карты дисплея» и найдите свою графическую карту.
  3. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на карту и выберите «Обновить драйверы».
  4. Следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы установить последнюю версию драйвера.

После того, как вы обновили драйвера графического устройства, попробуйте запустить игру и проверить, исчезла ли ошибка «graphics device driver has crashed».

Шаг 2: Уменьшите графические настройки в игре

Если обновление драйверов не помогло исправить ошибку, то возможно, игра просто слишком нагружает вашу графическую карту. В этом случае рекомендуется уменьшить настройки графики в настройках игры:

  1. Откройте настройки игры и перейдите на вкладку «Графические настройки».
  2. Уменьшите качество текстур, разрешение экрана и другие параметры, которые могут снизить нагрузку на графическую карту.
  3. Сохраните изменения и попробуйте запустить игру снова.

Шаг 3: Проверьте температуру компонентов

Высокая температура компонентов компьютера, включая графическую карту, может привести к падению производительности, падению FPS и другим проблемам, в том числе к ошибке «graphics device driver has crashed». Чтобы проверить температуру компонентов, используйте специальную программу, такую как HWMonitor или SpeedFan:

  1. Скачайте и установите программу для мониторинга температуры компонентов.
  2. Запустите программу и проверьте температуру графической карты во время игры.
  3. Если температура превышает допустимый уровень, то может потребоваться дополнительное охлаждение системы.


Ошибка «graphics device driver has crashed» может быть очень раздражающей, но ее можно исправить, следуя приведенным выше рекомендациям. Не забывайте регулярно обновлять драйверы графического устройства и проверять температуру компонентов, чтобы обеспечить стабильную работу компьютера и игр.

Go to spaceengineers

Fake «graphics card driver crash»


Hello! As a preface, I have already gone to the keen software support site, and while they were incredibly nice and helpful, saying that my issue would be fixed in a future update, I really, really want to play this game now instead of later because of the several recent updates, and thought that I might be able to get some kind of fix from the community here.

Now that the preface is out of the way, let me describe the problem in detail:

Every time I open up a game, Space Engineers completely crashes, makes both of my screens go black, and then my main screen becomes white and a message saying «Graphics device driver has crashed. Your card is probably overheating or driver is malfunctioning. Please, update your graphics drivers and remove any overclocking». I know for sure that the temperature part is untrue as I’ve tested this while monitoring my GPU temperature and it never went above 55 C. I’ve tried starting new games with each scenario, and the fastest to crash is the ’empty world’ custom start if that means anything. Anyways, this makes the game completely unplayable.

Pictures (taken from phone as I can’t take a screenshot during a GPU crash):

Loading into new game
Crash right after I load
After pressing okay

Below is a list of steps I have already taken to try to remedy this problem:

-disconnect one of my monitors, trying both monitors

-restart pc

-uninstall and reinstall Space Engineers

-have steam verify the Space Engineers game cache

-completely wipe all data in the roaming Space Engineers folder plus the steam folder, and reinstall

-delete all mods from folders (including workshop) and unsubscribe from all workshop mods

-install newest recommended graphics card drivers

-install newest optional graphics card drivers

-install graphics card drivers from January

-completely wipe and reinstall windows 10

-install an extra 16 gb of RAM (had just ordered some anyways)

-reseated the graphics card

My computer specs:

System Model: OMEN by HP Desktop PC 880-047c

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00GHz, 3001 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)

GPU: AMD Radeon RX 580 4gb

Ram: 28 GB

If you can help me with this problem, then thank you. I’ve had it for months and am real peeved that I can’t play one of my favorite games. Have a nice day!

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So after many hours of pain and suffering i have fixed both these issues on my machine and wanted to share with everyone that might have one or BOTH of these problems.Graphics card not supported crashGo into Users>Username>AppData>Roaming>SpaceEngineersFind the SpaceEngineers.CFG file and open it with notepadClick on edit and then Find, in find type VideoAdapter click find nextYou should see this string of textVideoAdapter0 regedit > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlGraphicsDriversin the box to the right there may or may not be something called TdrDelay with a data value of (2). If you see it double click it and change the value to (8) ( these are seconds that windows allows before it resets your display drivers )If you do not see it do not worry, just right click on a open space and create a new Dword and name it TdrDelay, after that double click that and set value to 8. Now reboot.This should end many peoples problems who have one or both of these issues. Only do what i said above because messing with any other settings could really mess up your system but if you do just like i outlined there will be no issues.P.S. Over clocking your Graphics card can cause the display driver has stopped responding error, just added this to let you know.Good luck Engineers and i hope this makes everyones day.


Problem: The game often/always crashes after loading.
Solution: We have investigated that some broken DirectShow filters can crash the game when it tries to play a video (e.g. some versions of DirectVobSub). If you are using such software, please ensure it is up-to-date.


Problem: The game often/always crashes during loading.
Solution: There may be a malware/virus blocking Windows services required to run the game. Please run an anti-virus/anti-malware software. This solution already helped our users!


Problem: The game crashes on a random point while playing. AMD Beta drivers issue
Solution: It has been reported by some players who have AMD Beta drivers installed on their system that their game is crashing on some random moments while playing. In order to fix this you must first uninstall the AMD BETA driver, restart your PC and install the official AMD drivers (NOT BETA). Then restart your PC again.

space engineers dx11 error
space engineers dx11 error

Space Engineers is a fun sandbox adventure game on Steam that lets players do a number of different things. This includes exploring space, fighting hordes of creatures, and of course the main focus of the game which is engineering in space. The game has lots to love about it, but certain issues certainly aren’t on that list.

One example of these issues is the Space Engineers dx11 error. As many might be able to tell, this error is one related to DirectX11. Here is our list of the best possible ways to fix it.

Fixes for Space Engineers dx11 Error

  1. Verify Game Files

The first solution we recommend trying out is enlisting Steam’s help. There is a feature in the platform that lets players scan each individual file of a game and programs related to it. Go to your library and right click on the Space Engineers logo before selecting the associated option to use this feature.

Once the scan is complete, Steam will automatically inform users of any issues, or lack thereof, while also offering to solve said issues too.

  1. Update Drivers

Another thing that might help is updating the graphic drivers on your computer system. These are vital for running certain applications, and video games like Space Engineers are certainly among said applications. Updating drivers is simple enough, and you just have to know which ones need to be updated.

That said, simply find out which specific components users have and what drivers they’re using for them before researching online for newer versions of them. If available, install these newer versions and relaunch Space Engineers to see if that helped solve the issue.

  1. Change to dx11

There are many cases in which such an issue occurs because Space Engineers is using dx9 rather dx11. This happens by default and a majority of players don’t really know the reason why since it just adds to the problem rather than solving it at all. However, the fix is rather simple, as all users need to do is switching back to DirectX11. This is easy enough once you’ve located the right file.

This “right file” refers to a configuration file related to Space Engineers that most players will be able to find in “%appdata%/SpaceEngineers/SpaceEngineers.cfg.”. Go to this location and locate it before opening it and spotting the line with the DirectX information. Change said information from dx9 to dx11 and relaunch the game. It will surely work this time around.

  1. Reinstall the Game

If the correct version of DirectX is being used and none of the previous solution were applicable in your case, then there’s one final solution left to try out. This is to perform a clean uninstall on Space Engineers, deleting every single file related to it.

Make sure to keep the “saves” and “blueprints” folders though, since these will let players keep all their data related to the game. Now just reinstall it and launch it to see if this worked.

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