Солярий ошибка 008

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Отстойник конденсата наполнен

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Неисправность насоса для конденсата


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Выключатель максимального давления кондиционера (охлаждение аппарата)


Реле давления+B24 Превышено давление кондиционера


Датчик температуры обогревателя



Датчик температуры обогревателя(кондиционер)


Температурная защита облучателей лица


Термопредохранитель верхней части


Термопредохранитель нижней части


Сбой термодатчика ультрафиолетовых ламп низкого давления


Датчик температуры помещения


Датчик температуры циркуляции воздуха охлаждения аппарата


Датчик температуры конденсатора(кондиционер)


Датчик температуры приточного воздуха


Температура ультрафиолетовых ламп низкого давления ниже температуры помещения


Температура ультрафиолетовых ламп низкого давления минимум на 30 °C выше температуры помещения


Стекло фильтра облучателей лица в верхней части сзади и посредине (GB1 и GB2)


Стекло фильтра облучателей лица в верхней части со стороны головы


Стекло фильтра облучателей лица в боковой части

Проверить крепление стекол фильтра. 


Стекло фильтра облучателей лица в верхней части

Проверить крепление стекол фильтра. 


Защитный выключатель стекол фильтра облучателей лица в верхней части

Проверить крепление стекол фильтра. 


Стекло фильтра облучателей лица в верхней части сзади, посредине, спереди и в боковой части

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Стекло фильтра облучателей лица 5-12


Датчик целостности акрилового стекла в верхней части


Датчик целостности акрилового стекла лежака

Проверить правильность фиксации акрилового стекла в верхней части.


Датчик целостности акрилового стекла верхней части/боковой части/лежака

                 +7(499) 5039337

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Датчик целостности акрилового стекла верхней части или декоративного стекла верхней части


Датчик целостности акрилового стекла верхней части/боковой части/лежака/ облучателей лица и ванны нижней части

Проверить правильность закрытия/ фиксации акриловых стекол верхней части/боковой части/нижней части/ облучателей плеч и ванны.


Датчик целостности акрилового стекла верхней части/боковой части/нижней части/облучателей лица

Проверить правильность закрытия/ фиксации акриловых стекол верхней части/боковой части/облучателей плеч. 


Датчик целостности ванны нижней части

Проверить правильность фиксации ванны. 


Датчик целостности акрилового стекла верхней части/боковой части

Проверить правильность закрытия/фиксации акриловых стекол верхней части/боковой части. 


Защитный выключатель лежака и ванны

Проверить правильность закрытия/фиксации лежака и ванны. 

Термопредохранители облучателей лица

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Датчик целостности стекла облучателей плеч


Флюгерный датчик не включается при работающем вентиляторе

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Флюгерный датчик не выключается через 1 минуту после выключения вентилятора


Переключатель флюгерного типа при работающем вентиляторе не включается; автоматические снижение скорости вращения после начала принятия загара.


Защитный выключатель стекла фильтра облучателей лица впереди сверху


Защитный выключатель стекла фильтра облучателей лица вверху справа и сзади слева


Сбой в механизме открывания консоли рефлектора


Защитный выключатель ультрафиолетовых ламп высокого давления в секции головы


Защитный выключатель ультрафиолетовых ламп высокого давления в секции ног


Сбой облучателя лица 1


Сбой облучателя лица 2 сзади


Сбой облучателей лица впереди


Сбой облучателей лица посредине


Сбой облучателей лица сзади


Сбой облучателей лица боковой части


Датчик целостности декоративного стекла верхней части


Датчик целостности акрилового стекла нижней/боковой части


Сработал предохранительный выключатель.

Проверить предохранительную цепь: 1. 3 ограничителя температуры стекол фильтра облучателей лица 2. Концевой выключатель экрана (верхняя часть)) 3. 3 ограничителя температуры облучателей лица  4. Ограничитель температуры ультрафиолетовых ламп низкого давления (верхняя часть) 5. Ограничитель температуры ультрафиолетовых ламп низкого давления (нижняя часть)


Превышение времени аварийного выключения

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Неисправность шины IІC



Ошибка последовательного подключения защитных выключателей



Сбой компакт-диска или дисковода

Проверить правильность положения/ наличие компакт-дисков. 


Чип-карта неправильно вставлена, неисправна, неправильного типа, с истекшим сроком

Проверить правильность положения карты. Проверить оставшееся время работы ультрафиолетовых ламп и срок службы в часах. 


Дополнительный контроллер

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Контроллер обогрева


Контроллер облучателей лица


Регулятор скорости вращения 1


Регулятор скорости вращения 2






Выбор каналов


Таймер реального времени


Память параметров


Контроллер устройств высокого давления


Датчик отсутствует или не готов к работе

Проверить наличие датчика и правильность его подключения к базовой секции. Проверить электропитание базовой секции.


Необходимо откалибровать датчик.

Откалибровать датчик (см. руководство по пользованию солярием). 


Калибровку датчика выполнить не удалось, датчик  неисправен/загрязнен

Проверить и очистить окно датчика. Положить датчик обратно в базовую секцию. При необходимости повторить данную процедуру. Затем повторно откалибровать датчик (см. руководство по пользованию солярием). Проверить использование надлежащей поверхности калибровки. Поверхность калибровки не должна быть загрязнена. 


Контроль на допустимость выполнить не удалось. (Датчик неисправен/загрязнен, базовая секция неисправна/загрязнена)

Проверить и очистить окно датчика и базовую секцию. Положить датчик обратно в базовую секцию.     Проверить правильность положения датчика в базовой секции. При необходимости повторить данную  процедуру. Если контроль на допустимость не имел успеха, то требуется калибровка датчика (см. руководство по пользованию солярием). 


Неисправность обмена данными

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Одна или несколько фаз сетевого напряжения отсутствуют.

Проверьте главный контактор.


Несоответствие оборудования устройства управления

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 Если Вы не нашли в таблице код неисправности вашего солярия или коллагенариума, обратитесь пожалуйста в сервисную службу нашей компании.

Мы поможем разобраться с возникшей неисправностью.

     MegaSun — одна из наиболее надёжных и практичных марок. Но и у неё есть слабые места. Если Вы задумались о покупке солярия megasun, стоит обратить пристальное внимание на систему вентиляции и кодиционирования помещения в котором он будет устанавливаться.

    Солярий не выносит повышенную температуру. В особенности это относится к таким моделям как Tower pureEnergy и Space 2000. Отключит датчики невозможно, электроника солярия постоянно следит за их показаниями. Если снизить температуру в помещении не представляется возможным, необходимо увеличить время охлаждения солярия после сеанса загара. Если и эта мера окажется не эфективной то можно попробовать поместить термодатчики в более прохладное место. Их всего 2 штуки и располагаются они в верхней части двери между лампочками. Они довольно легко снимаются.

     В остальном немецкие инженеры постарались на славу, да и сказанное выше по сути не является недоработкой, а лишь предохраняет солярий от ненормальных режимов работы.

Problems with your sunbed? No worries! Below is our list of Luxura Error Codes.

Lumina C / E

Code Description possible problem / solution
OVR Overrule: relais on main print defect Change main print
ERR Error airflow switch fan in bench Airflow switch not connected or defect
Fan in bench does not work >> check wiring
Airflow switch does not come in normally > airflow blocked. Exhaust pipe too long / sharp angles
PHS Phase failure Phase (L1,L2,L3 ) missing >> check wiring, check fuses
Phase sensor on main print defect >> change main print
CON Communication failure Check data cable connection between display print and main print
Change data cable or display print or main print
Blank display no display and fan in bench keeps working One of the blue filters (glass filter switch) is not closed correctly
The temperature sensor (clixon) in the canopy is measuring high temp. >> check fan in canopy
Too high temperature measured in canopy >> check exhaust pipe (too long / sharp angles)
Data cable on display print not connected well

Luxura X3

Code Description possible problem / solution
OVR Overrule: relais on main print defect Change main print
ERR Error airflow switch fan in bench Airflow switch not connected or defect
    Fan in bench does not work >> check wiring
    Airflow switch does not come in normally > airflow blocked. Exhaust pipe too long / sharp angles
PHS Phase failure Phase (L1,L2,L3 ) missing >> check wiring, check fuses
    Phase sensor on main print defect >> change main print
CON Communication failure Check data cable connection between display print and main print
    Change data cable or display print or main print
Blank display no display and fan in bench keeps working One of the blue filters (glass filter switch) is not closed correctly
    The temperature sensor (clixon) in the canopy is measuring high temp. >> check fan in canopy
    Too high temperature measured in canopy >> check exhaust pipe (too long / sharp angles)
    Data cable on display print not connected well

Luxura X5, X7

Code Description possible problem / solution
E1 Overrule: relais on main print defect Change main print
E2 Error airflow switch fan in bench Airflow switch not connected or defect
    Fan in bench does not work >> check wiring
    Airflow switch does not come in normally > airflow blocked. Exhaust pipe too long / sharp angles
E6 Phase failure Phase (L1,L2,L3 ) missing >> check wiring, check fuses
    Phase sensor on main print defect >> change main print
E3 Communication failure Check data cable connection between display print and main print
    Change data cable or display print or main print
Blank display no display and fan in bench keeps working One of the blue filters (glass filter switch) is not closed correctly
    The temperature sensor (clixon) in the canopy is measuring high temp. >> check fan in canopy
    Too high temperature measured in canopy >> check exhaust pipe (too long / sharp angles)
    Data cable on display print not connected well
Airco service Airconditioning problem Condenswater in jerrycan has reached high level >> empty the jerrycan
    Levelswitch in jerrycan not working correctly >> check working  
Stop button blinking General failure message Push the stop button and the display shows the error / message

Luxura X10

Code Description possible problem / solution
Relais Failure + no. Overrule: relais on main print defect Change main print, number behind the message is the defective relais on the main print
Wind sensor failure Error airflow switch fan in bench Airflow switch not connected or defect
Fan in bench does not work >> check wiring
Airflow switch does not come in normally > airflow blocked. Exhaust pipe too long / sharp angles
Facial tanner service Problem in the facial burner area One of the blue filters (glass filter switch) is not closed correctly or defect
Communication failure Communication failure Check data cable connection between display print and main print
Change data cable or display print or main print
Error overrule relay Overrule relais defect Overrule relais K14 defect >> change main print
Error Microcontroller Microcontroller defect One of the microcontrollers defect >> change main print
LF Controller LF Controller defect LF Controller (U9) on main print defect >> change main print
SC1 Controller SC1 Controller defect SC1 Controller (U10) on main print defect >> change main print
SC2 Controller SC2 Controller defect SC2 Controller (U7) on main print defect >> change main print
SC3 Controller SC3 Controller defect SC3 Controller (U5) on main print defect >> change main print

Luxura V5,V7

Code Description possible problem / solution
E0 Unknown display Check the display print on correct version
E1 Relais failure defective relais on main print >> change main print
E2 Temperature failure The temperature sensor (clixon) in the doors are measuring high temp. >> check fans roof
The temperature sensor (clixon) in one of the doors is defect
Doors are not closed during the session
E3 Communication failure Check data cable connection between display print and main print
Change data cable or display print or main print
E4 Main print failure Sense controller on main print defect >> change main print

Luxura V10

Code Description possible problem / solution
E1 Overrule: relais on main print defect Change main print
E2 Communication failure Check data cable connection between display print and main print
Change data cable or display print or main print
E3 Relais failure defective relais on main print >> change main print
Close doors Doorswitch not closed (one is positioned in the service door, one on top of the right door)
The temperature sensor (clixon) in the doors are measuring high temp. >> check fans roof
The temperature sensor (clixon) in one of the doors is defect
One of the blue filters (glass filter switch) in the doors is not closed correctly or defect

Seecret C500 /C700 Check working mainfan

Code Description possible problem / solution
E1 Overrule: relais on main print defect Change main print
E2 Error airflow switch fan in bench Airflow switch not connected or defect
Fan in bench does not work >> check wiring
Airflow switch does not come in normally > airflow blocked. Exhaust pipe too long / sharp angles
E3 Communication failure Check data cable connection between display print and main print
Change data cable or display print or main print
E5 Maximum Temperature NTC Heating PCB Check NTC element on Endcover feet side
Check working bodycoolerfan
E6 Phase failure One of the three phases is missing ?
E9 Maximum Temperature NTC Fan PCB Bench Check NTC element on Fan PCB frontpanel bench
Check working mainfan
E10 Maximum Temperature NTC Fan PCB Canopy Check NTC element on Fan PCB in canopy
Check working Canopy fan
E11 No communication with Fan PCB Bench Check datacables or defective Fan PCB
E12 No communication with Fan PCB Canopy Check datacables or defective Fan PCB

Luxura error

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Operating and Service Manual

megaSun 7900

megaSun Cadillac

BA_7900_GB_E (0707)


Related Manuals for KBL megaSun 7900

Summary of Contents for KBL megaSun 7900

  • Page 1
    Operating and Service Manual megaSun 7900 megaSun Cadillac BA_7900_GB_E (0707)
  • Page 2
    Copyright and Trademark Printed in Germany © Copyright 2004 KBL-Solarien AG This documentation covers only products manufactured by KBL- Solarien AG. This documentation must not be duplicated, photocopied, translated or stored on any electronic medium or in a machine- readable form, neither in whole or in part, without prior written consent by KBL-Solarien AG.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Super Power, UV-Type 4, inductive ………………52 Super Power, UV-Type 4, CPI …………………52 Ultra Power, UV-Type 3, inductive ………………53 Ultra Power, UV-Type 3, CPI ………………..53 Ultra Power, UV-Type 4, inductive ………………54 Ultra Power, UV-Type 4, CPI ………………..54 Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 4: General Safety Instructions

    This also includes the replacement of the drive rope after 3,000 hours of operation. (See Section 5.8) Do not use any cleaning agents other than the ones approved Cleaning by KBL Solarien AG. (See Section 5.1) Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 5: Service Plan

    Reset counter of service hours 5.11 Replace aquaCool nozzles. 1200 For CPI-apparatuses with megaSun CPI-tubes in Eco-mode: • Change tubes • Reset counters (8) • Reset counter of service hours 3000 Replace all the ropes Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 6: Equipment

    When the warm-up time has elapsed the tanning lamps are turned on automatically. If the touch key “Start” is pressed during this warm-up time, the lamps turn on immediately. Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 7: 4.1 Operating Panel

    The running text is displayed as long as the sunbed is in the Main display „waiting position“. When the coin-controlled signal appears, the functions are displayed and the sunbed can be operated by touching the corresponding keys. Any input will be confi rmed by a beep tone. Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 8: Functions

    • burners, tubes and the ventilation system will be reduced step by step, • the LEDs (in apparatuses with activeColor) will shine in the colour adjusted for another 20 seconds. Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 9
    For this purpose, set the submenu Aqua to “OFF”. To reach this menu, proceed to the AAC menu on empty service level II. Operation and Service megaSun 7900…
  • Page 10
    As an optional feature, the music of the MP3-player can be turned on during the tanning breaks. Tip: The music of the MP3-unit can only be controlled by one Operation and Service megaSun 7900…
  • Page 11
    „+“ or „ — “ key. 48 power LEDs of each colour (R red, G green and B blue) are mounted in the canopy of the tanning bed. Operation and Service megaSun 7900…
  • Page 12
    „+“ key above “0” and switched off by the „ — “ key below „1“. The display fl ashes a signal when the function is not activated. KBL can offer 2 aroma fragrances: „Sunrise“ and „Daydream“. The apparatus holds only one fragrance which can be changed very easily, however.
  • Page 13: Tips For The Studio Operator

    But before doing so, service people should repair the defect. (exhaust air) Possible reasons of this message can be: • the temperature in the apparatus is too high or • the exhaust vent system is defective For more information see 8.5 Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 14: Maintenance Of The Apparatus

    Acrylic panes cleaning and disinfectant fl uid „ megaClean “ (to be obtained from KBL) which has to be diluted in water at a ratio of 1:13 The canopy can be fi xed in the upper position, to perform Fixing the canopy service and maintenance works.

  • Page 15: Dismantling The Acrylic Panes

    The electronic parts installed underneath the bed must not get in contact with any moisture. Therefore, in order to clean the underside of the base pane, the duct pane and the inner base section, use a slightly damp micro fi bre cloth only. Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 16
    fi rmly again. Place the duct pane back into its place and make sure that it is in the correct position Release the base pane and tilt it down, fasten the pane with screws. Operation and Service megaSun 7900…
  • Page 17: Filter Panes

    Section 3.2 Undo the screws of the tube cover in the facial area to Section 3.3. remove the tube cover. Lift the frame and swing it forward. Section 3.3. Lift the base pane Section 3.2 Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 18: Tubes And Facial Tanners

    The shoulder tanner „activeFlex“ is equipped with 7 tubes of Tubes in the 25 W each. In addition, the loudspeakers are located in this shoulder tanner element. Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 19
    For units equipped with inductive technology (shoulder tanner) also install new starters when replacing the tubes! Burner Tubes CPI Mode Shoulder tanner Öko Power 750 hrs. 500 – 600 hrs. 800 hrs 500 hrs. Exchange Perform CPI Reset Tubes and Starters Operation and Service megaSun 7900…
  • Page 20: Dismantling The Burners

    Insert the burners in a straight position into their sockets. Empty space Illustr. 5-15 Dismantling the Illustr.. 5-16 Socket burners Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 21: Unit Lighting

    (Illustr. 5-20 ..Illustr. 5-22) front section • Now you can change the tube. If necessary, take the opportunity to exchange the starter (at the left socket) as well. Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 22: Filter Mats

    In order to guarantee a trouble-free operation of the canopy Regular drive, check and service the spring ropes each time the tubes maintenance are replaced. For that purpose you will have to open the bed (see Section 3.2). Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 23
    Lubricate the ropes in the area of the turn-around included in set rolls in the base frame and of the eccentric discs in KBL # the canopy, using rope grease type HHS 2000* (KBL 5100001500 1200024100). Illustr. 5-20 Bed lifted up Illustr.
  • Page 24: Exhaust Air System

    Check the heat exchangers of the air-conditioning unit for dirt Checks particles each time a tube is replaced. Dirty heat exchangers reduce the performance of the air-conditioning unit. Open the bed (Section 5.8) and vacuum-clean the heat exchangers, if necessary. Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 25
    20 seconds each. After the tanning session is over, this sequence is repeated 3 times. tanning session pump Note! The tube for the condensate should be mounted not higher as in the tanning bed (power of the pump)! Operation and Service megaSun 7900…
  • Page 26: 5.11 Replacing The Aquacool Nozzles

    (001_Titel. mp3, 002_Titel.mp3 etc.). Then format the card and upload the numbered tracks. For writing the card, you can use ID3- TagIT, for example (www.id3-tagit.de). Insert the card into the MP3 player of the sunbed. Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 27: Technical Data

    400 V / 3N / 50 Hz Fuses Cable cross section see tables on the following pages Amperage Internal plug socket For PCs, lamps or similar things, NOT for welding equipment, angle grinders and similar devices Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 28: Views

    Support for SD cards up to 1 GB • Supported fi le systems on SD card: FAT, FAT32 • MP3 player Supported MP3 fi les: fi xed and variable bit rate, • 96-320 kbit/s Views Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 29: Special Technical Data

    Special technical data Super Power CPI Ultra Power CPI Exhaust air ca. 2300 m³/h Air velocity ca. 10 m/sec Burners megaSun 700 KBL 3230 3200 00 pcs. / Power 4x 600W Filter panes KBL 3020017000 Tubes pcs. / type Canopy and…

  • Page 30: Wiring Diagrams

    „Technical data“. An FI protective switch is circuit breaker (FI) required in any case. KBL Solarien AG recommend the following type: KBL 3200 0770 00. Should any interference occur due to the operation of your tan- ning unit with the mains, e.g.

  • Page 31: Megavoice Without Music Option

    (connected in parallel, equal-phased). Musik amplifi er C Audio- 3220 2885 00 switch megaVoice 3220 3230 20 3220 3222 95 E8: 6 5 … 2 1 MP3 Music 3220 3222 90 Audio switch MP3 Music MP3 megaVoice Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 32: External Music Signal Without Channel Selection

    The loudspeakers are connected in parallel, equal-phased. Music amplifi er C Audio- switch megaVoice 3220 2885 00 3220 3230 20 3220 3222 95 E8: 6 5 … 2 1 shielded cable Masse ext. music signal Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 33
    The following diagram shows the wiring of the channel selection on the audio equipment’s side. Wiring on the audio system of the studio Puls Coding Wiring on the audio system of the studio BCD Coding Operation and Service megaSun 7900…
  • Page 34: External Music Signal With Channel Selection

    3220 3110 00 shielded cablel Audio switch Masse Music signal If the external music signal is a 100V-signal, the transmitter is 100V-Signal introduced into the signal path in front of the Audio switch. (see 7.4) Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 35: External Timer

    A door contact is necessary for the option “cabin fragrance”. Release signal Freigabesignal Door contact Wire No. gnge Cable* Ölfl ex 7 x 1 mm gnge Wire No Control Start (230V/2A) megaSun 7900 Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 36: Service

    Key 5 to move forward in the menu Key 0 to move backwards in the menu Stop key to leave service level or menu Start key to select a menu item or to save the value displayed Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 37: Service Level I

    Date Enter the PIN II Serviceebene II correct PIN Solar. ON /OFF Aroma Booth ON /OFF B. Inter 00/h Gate ON/OFF B.Timer AR. Cont 99% ON /OFF Aqua AQ. Time R G B Color Cycle Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 38
    (TUBE) are displayed. Display Selection With the START key you open the sub menus. With the STOP key you go back one level higher. If you have changed a value and you will safe it press START. Operation and Service megaSun 7900…
  • Page 39
    1. The hours are set using keys 2 – 4 and the minutes with the help of the keys 3 – 8 Weekday: Monday to Sunday Selection Confi rm..Time A/BON and A/BOF Hours / Min Safe Operation and Service megaSun 7900…
  • Page 40
    GATE ON / OFF: A fragrance is sprayed off in the booth when the door is opened or closed. • B: TIMER: A fragrance can be sprayed off at particular times on the days of the week. There is one interval Operation and Service megaSun 7900…
  • Page 41
    AQ.TIME: The spraying cycle is set in the menu CYCLE and the spraying duration in this menu AQ.TIME between 2 … 6 seconds. The details are set by pressing the „+“ and „-“ keys above or under the time display. Operation and Service megaSun 7900…
  • Page 42
    The duration of the breaks of aroma and aqua can be set between 1… 5 minutes. The details are set by pressing the „+“- and „-“ keys above or below the time. Adjust Confi rm. + / — Operation and Service megaSun 7900…
  • Page 43
    +/- above the numerical value. on / off Confi rm. + / — Adjust in 2-%- + / — Steps Adjust in 2-%- + / — Steps on / off+ / — Select Confi rm. Operation and Service megaSun 7900…
  • Page 44: Service Level Ii

    OFFSET A.Start Adjust of the Zero or tube hours start-value Time stamp Display 1st download Time Time stamp Display last download Date Conguration Aroma / Aqua Test Aroma aquaCool aquaExtra Release Software release UV-type, device Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 45
    OFFSET: Only applicable for tanning units equipped with ACS. NOTE: Contact your KBL Technical Service before making any changes within this menu item. Increasing the offset value results in the fan starting at a higher speed. The offset value may have to be adjusted, e.g.
  • Page 46
    Attention! Always carry out a reset after each tube replacement Enter the hours change safe Here you can store the time stamps of the fi rst and last Time stamps download of the software. Selection First Download Last Download Operation and Service megaSun 7900…
  • Page 47
    Version This is analogue to the display after the rst start. The version depends on the sunbed: without easyCare (here 5.3) or with easycare (here 1.8). Selection Sub-type of the sun bed UV-type Sun bed Operation and Service megaSun 7900…
  • Page 48: Re-Fi Lling / Changing Aroma And Aquacool

    Screw the lid on again. Keep clean the end of the tubes when changing the tank (use a plastic bag). Only use the specifi c water by KBL „aquacool“. Otherwise the nozzles may clog up which might produce infections.

  • Page 49: Colour Codes For The Pipes

    fl ow pipe aquaCool Yellow aroma Abb. 8-2 Compressor Abb. 8-3 aquaCool Abb. 8-4 aroma Abb. 8-5 Canopy underside Abb. 8-6 Canopy upper side Abb. 8-7 Ionizor and aroma pipes Abb. 8-8 Pipes at the nozzles Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 50: Error Messages

    — formating or wrong inserted, — Plug at MP3 iInterface or at I²C Audio switch is inserted uncorrect. Confi guration error: I²C-Relay board (8) an I²C Relais board (2) E05BUS:REL at the same time connected. Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 51: Tanning Instructions

    • Follow the recommendations concerning tanning times and tanning intervals (see 56 ff). • See a doctor when your skin produces persistent swellings or sore points, or when pigmented moles change their appearance. Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 52
    • people who suffer or have suffered from skin cancer or who are predisposed towards it Tanning apparatuses of UV-Type 4: Attention – To be used only after prior consultation of a doctor. Operation and Service megaSun 7900…
  • Page 53: Super Power, Uv-Type 3, Inductive

    Skin type II Skin type III Skin type IV Time in min The interval between two tanning sessions has to be at least 48 hours. Max. number of tanning sessions per year @ 15 kJ/m² Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 54: Super Power, Uv-Type 4, Inductive

    Skin type II Skin type III Skin type IV Time in min The interval between two tanning sessions has to be at least 48 hours. Max. number of tanning sessions per year @ 15 kJ/m² Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 55: Ultra Power, Uv-Type 3, Inductive

    Skin type II Skin type III Skin type IV Time in min The interval between two tanning sessions has to be at least 48 hours. Max. number of tanning sessions per year @ 15 kJ/m² Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 56: Ultra Power, Uv-Type 4, Inductive

    Skin type II Skin type III Skin type IV Time in min The interval between two tanning sessions has to be at least 48 hours. Max. number of tanning sessions per year @ 15 kJ/m² Operation and Service megaSun 7900…

  • Page 57
    Operation and Service megaSun 7900…
  • Page 58
    Operation and Service megaSun 7900…
  • Page 59
    Operation and Service megaSun 7900…


Error message

«Abluft» oder


Error message

«Ende der


„End of tanning








Operation and Service megaSun 7900

This error message is displayed on the operating panel and

can be acknowledged by pressing the «Stop» key. Prior to this,

service staff has to fi nd the reasons of these error messages.

Possible reasons can be:

temperature in the unit is too high

exhaust vent system is defectiv

This message will be displayed after 40 minutes of uninterrupted

operation of the tanning system.

By turning off the coin-operated system this message is


Daten line of the Bus I²C-Bus is disturbed

— 230 V is missing at MP3-Player or Audio Switch

— Bus connector at MP3-Player in wrong position

There is not any data link between the controller board and the

revolution control…

Reason: defective or not connected I²C revolution control.

Reason: defective or not connected I²C temperature sensor.

Solution: press the START key. The blower is running with max.

revolution during the temperature controll.

Reason: There is not any data link between the controller board

and the MP3 player Voice.

Solution: press the START key. The controller is working as one

w/o megaVoice.


— missing soldering bridge on MP3-Player megaVoice,

— SD card not readable

— formating or wrong inserted,

— Plug at MP3 iInterface or at I²C Audio switch is

inserted uncorrect.

Confi guration error: I²C-Relay board (8) an I²C Relais board (2)

at the same time connected.

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