Softether vpn client ошибка 2

Originally posted in the VPN Gate Discussion forum, but since nobody helped me there I’ll post things here instead and see how they go.

Hi, I am running the latest version of SoftEther VPN Client on my Windows 8 PC. It was working fine until about a week ago when I started getting an error saying this:

«Error (Error Code 2):
Protocol error occurred. Error was returned from the destination server.»

I have ran the application as an administrator and I still get the error. I have tried allowing SoftEther access to port 443 in my firewall settings and I still get the error. I have tried reinstalling and I still get the error.

I checked my network activity in Kaspersky and closed all applications using port 443 other than SoftEther (in this case, I closed Skype, LINE, Flash, and FireFox). I still got the error.

The only thing that seems to allow me to connect to a VPN is using UDP instead of TCP, and even that only allows the connection to last 5 minutes before I am suddenly disconnected for no apparent reason at all.

At this point I am at a loss, I don’t know what else to try. Could anybody help me?

Required Info:
OS: Windows 8.1 64-bit

SoftEther version 4.1 build 9473

I do have a firewall, but I’ve done everything I can think of for changing the rules to allow connections through (though it was that way in the first place) and it still did not work.

not using SecureNAT (to my knowledge anyway)

Can’t find vpn_server.config or vpn_bridge.config, maybe because I’m only using the client and not the server?

Using VPNGate plugin for all connections.

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Originally posted in the VPN Gate Discussion forum, but since nobody helped me there I’ll post things here instead and see how they go.

Hi, I am running the latest version of SoftEther VPN Client on my Windows 8 PC. It was working fine until about a week ago when I started getting an error saying this:

«Error (Error Code 2):
Protocol error occurred. Error was returned from the destination server.»

I have ran the application as an administrator and I still get the error. I have tried allowing SoftEther access to port 443 in my firewall settings and I still get the error. I have tried reinstalling and I still get the error.

I checked my network activity in Kaspersky and closed all applications using port 443 other than SoftEther (in this case, I closed Skype, LINE, Flash, and FireFox). I still got the error.

The only thing that seems to allow me to connect to a VPN is using UDP instead of TCP, and even that only allows the connection to last 5 minutes before I am suddenly disconnected for no apparent reason at all.

At this point I am at a loss, I don’t know what else to try. Could anybody help me?

Required Info:
OS: Windows 8.1 64-bit

SoftEther version 4.1 build 9473

I do have a firewall, but I’ve done everything I can think of for changing the rules to allow connections through (though it was that way in the first place) and it still did not work.

not using SecureNAT (to my knowledge anyway)

Can’t find vpn_server.config or vpn_bridge.config, maybe because I’m only using the client and not the server?

Using VPNGate plugin for all connections.

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I installed latest version of (SoftEther VPN client + VPN gate plugin). I have win 10.
when I want to connect with TCP mode immediately error code 2 appears.
«Error (Error Code 2)
Protocol error occurred. Error was returned from the destination server.»
I can connect in UDP mode But I want to use TCP mode.
It’s interesting that my friend by his PC connect without problem…

asked May 18, 2018 at 8:41

user906192's user avatar

So to fix this annoying problem you want to go to hidden icons or find the softether VPN icon in your taskbar right-click it and press exit and then yes then go to the search bar in you computer and search up services find SoftEther VPN and double click it now click stop then click start again if that didn’t work then go to on your browser and see if your time’s correct if it’s about 40-60 seconds late maybe below that’s fine, hope I helped you!

answered Feb 3, 2021 at 11:26

SoftEther VPN Guide's user avatar

another way of solution:

  1. Open the «SoftEther VPN Client Manager» window.
  2. Right click «VPN Client Adapter-VPN», then click on «Reinstall driver…».
  3. Click «Ok» & do nothing until finish the process.
  4. After finish the this, Try your SoftEther VPN Client service without problem.
    Hope you got the answer.

answered Mar 23, 2021 at 5:57

user1288194's user avatar

Press «Proxy Settings» choose a section «Connect via HTTP Proxy Server».
In the settings, enter any name and okay.
This worked for me.
enter image description here

answered Feb 17, 2022 at 23:02

Артем's user avatar


1191 silver badge7 bronze badges

Softeher ‘Error occurred. (Error code: 2)’ sollution

Protocol error occurred. Error was returned from the destination server.

The Softether server by default to run on port 443, if you server also hosts normal https then 443 is already taken and so Softether can’t bind to it.

When you run `vpncmd` it attempts to connect, find an active port, but of course fails with ‘Protocol error occurred. Error was returned from the destination server.’ because it’s not actually connecting to the vpn server.

By default Softether also listens on 992, 1194, and 5555 so the sollution is to modify specify `localhost:5555` when executing the `vpncmnd`. If this has helped you feel free to comment or follow me on twitter @danielsokolows.

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System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: DUPLICATE_VALUE, duplicate value found: <unknown> duplicates value on record with id: <unknown>. The above error is triggered in the database layer and caused by a trigger or workflow outside of your main code of block that is bubbling this exception. This is rather difficult to track down especially if you are unfamiliar with the code, I am sharing my procedure in the hopes this saves you time — if you find this helpful drop me a line or follow me on twitter @danielsokolows . This error is caused by unique field constraint on the object, so the first step is to examine the object and locate the API names of all unique fieds. You can do this through SF direclty ‘Setup < Customize &lt <object being inserted> &lt Fields’ or by downloading the `src/objects` metadata information and searching for <unique> ; I preffer the latter and actually download ALL matadata i

DIY — Do it yourself fireplace child guard Our wonderful 8.5 month old Sofia has become a crawling race car with an untamed thirst for exploration. And so with the cold nights approaching we needed to child proof the fireplace. This however proved to be more difficult than would reasonably expect, I’ve checked the local Toys «R» Us, Walmart, and even a Canadian Tire with no success for a ready to use product. Internet search was more fruitful and returned a few online stores one could order from, however in all honestly they didn’t look too sturdy to me. So I build my own relatively quickly and inexpensively. Materials needed is a privacy plastic lattice — the smallest hole pattern — a few screws and anchors; tools needed are a drill, and a handsaw if you don’t have the lattice cut at the store — that’s it. The construction consits of screwing the lattice into the wall and the final product is easiest explained through following pictures.

SoftEther Errors & Fixes

Fixes: Contact account creator or server admin

Before connecting SE client open cmd type: ipconfig /release.
On connecting open cmd type: ipconfig /renew && ipconfig /flushdns

Fixes: Check carefully the inputted HUB name. If your account is/are from our server(s) so it must be EdmarVPN / ShareHub

Fixes: Check carefully your credentials inputted on SE client

Fixes: Contact server admin for account activation / renewal

Fixes (Choose 1):
a. Follow fixes on error code 2
b. Add new virtual adapter / Delete adpater then add new one RECOMMENDED
c. Text SURFALERT ON to 8080 again
d. CDC data of modem
e. Change available Port number: 5555, 8888, 992
f. Right click config > Properties > Advanced Settings > Check Disable UPD Accelaration > Click Ok
g. Restart modem
h. Restart PC / Phone

I installed latest version of (SoftEther VPN client + VPN gate plugin). I have win 10.
when I want to connect with TCP mode immediately error code 2 appears.
«Error (Error Code 2)
Protocol error occurred. Error was returned from the destination server.»
I can connect in UDP mode But I want to use TCP mode.
It’s interesting that my friend by his PC connect without problem…

asked May 18, 2018 at 8:41

user906192's user avatar

So to fix this annoying problem you want to go to hidden icons or find the softether VPN icon in your taskbar right-click it and press exit and then yes then go to the search bar in you computer and search up services find SoftEther VPN and double click it now click stop then click start again if that didn’t work then go to on your browser and see if your time’s correct if it’s about 40-60 seconds late maybe below that’s fine, hope I helped you!

answered Feb 3, 2021 at 11:26

SoftEther VPN Guide's user avatar

another way of solution:

  1. Open the «SoftEther VPN Client Manager» window.
  2. Right click «VPN Client Adapter-VPN», then click on «Reinstall driver…».
  3. Click «Ok» & do nothing until finish the process.
  4. After finish the this, Try your SoftEther VPN Client service without problem.
    Hope you got the answer.

answered Mar 23, 2021 at 5:57

user1288194's user avatar

Press «Proxy Settings» choose a section «Connect via HTTP Proxy Server».
In the settings, enter any name and okay.
This worked for me.
enter image description here

answered Feb 17, 2022 at 23:02

Артем's user avatar


1191 silver badge7 bronze badges

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Softeher ‘Error occurred. (Error code: 2)’ sollution

Protocol error occurred. Error was returned from the destination server.

The Softether server by default to run on port 443, if you server also hosts normal https then 443 is already taken and so Softether can’t bind to it.

When you run `vpncmd` it attempts to connect, find an active port, but of course fails with ‘Protocol error occurred. Error was returned from the destination server.’ because it’s not actually connecting to the vpn server.

By default Softether also listens on 992, 1194, and 5555 so the sollution is to modify specify `localhost:5555` when executing the `vpncmnd`. If this has helped you feel free to comment or follow me on twitter @danielsokolows.

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System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: DUPLICATE_VALUE, duplicate value found: <unknown> duplicates value on record with id: <unknown>. The above error is triggered in the database layer and caused by a trigger or workflow outside of your main code of block that is bubbling this exception. This is rather difficult to track down especially if you are unfamiliar with the code, I am sharing my procedure in the hopes this saves you time — if you find this helpful drop me a line or follow me on twitter @danielsokolows . This error is caused by unique field constraint on the object, so the first step is to examine the object and locate the API names of all unique fieds. You can do this through SF direclty ‘Setup < Customize &lt <object being inserted> &lt Fields’ or by downloading the `src/objects` metadata information and searching for <unique> ; I preffer the latter and actually download ALL matadata i

DIY — Do it yourself fireplace child guard Our wonderful 8.5 month old Sofia has become a crawling race car with an untamed thirst for exploration. And so with the cold nights approaching we needed to child proof the fireplace. This however proved to be more difficult than would reasonably expect, I’ve checked the local Toys «R» Us, Walmart, and even a Canadian Tire with no success for a ready to use product. Internet search was more fruitful and returned a few online stores one could order from, however in all honestly they didn’t look too sturdy to me. So I build my own relatively quickly and inexpensively. Materials needed is a privacy plastic lattice — the smallest hole pattern — a few screws and anchors; tools needed are a drill, and a handsaw if you don’t have the lattice cut at the store — that’s it. The construction consits of screwing the lattice into the wall and the final product is easiest explained through following pictures.



  • #1

user906192 Asks: How to solve Error code2 in softether (VPN gate)?
I installed latest version of (SoftEther VPN client + VPN gate plugin). I have win 10. when I want to connect with TCP mode immediately error code 2 appears. «Error (Error Code 2) Protocol error occurred. Error was returned from the destination server.» Image I can connect in UDP mode But I want to use TCP mode. It’s interesting that my friend by his PC connect without problem… Thanks. may not be responsible for the answers or solutions given to any question asked by the users. All Answers or responses are user generated answers and we do not have proof of its validity or correctness. Please vote for the answer that helped you in order to help others find out which is the most helpful answer. Questions labeled as solved may be solved or may not be solved depending on the type of question and the date posted for some posts may be scheduled to be deleted periodically. Do not hesitate to share your thoughts here to help others.

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Zach Huxford Asks: Why is it okay for my .bashrc or .zshrc to be writable by my normal user?
My user ~/.zshrc file has the following default privileges

My understanding of user permissions is that any process spawned by my user will then have read/write permissions to this file.

In malicious hands this could probably be used to edit aliases or append a directory of the attackers choosing to the beginning of the $PATH. I’m concerned that a malicious program that I install on the user level could then trick me into somehow giving up my sudo password through this method.

Obviously I do trust most of the programs that I install to not be malicious, however, I do use npm as a package manager for my own projects which is commonly accepted to be a vector for malware due to the sheer number of dependencies each module and it’s dependencies can have.

I know that running sudo npm install -g is really bad practice but is using npm as a user which has write access to your main shell configuration file almost as bad just with a few extra steps in between, or am I lacking an understanding of how user permissions/shell configuration/npm works?

If this is insecure, then have I somehow missed security good practice for handling node js projects? may not be responsible for the answers or solutions given to any question asked by the users. All Answers or responses are user generated answers and we do not have proof of its validity or correctness. Please vote for the answer that helped you in order to help others find out which is the most helpful answer. Questions labeled as solved may be solved or may not be solved depending on the type of question and the date posted for some posts may be scheduled to be deleted periodically. Do not hesitate to share your thoughts here to help others.

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Amal P Ramesh Asks: SFTP user login details real-time filtering
I have enabled the SFTP login log into the default logfile /var/log/syslog and tried to filter the login time of each user and insert it into the database.

But the filtering is not worked as I expected.

Sample log file:


Jun 23 15:47:03 ip-172-16-0-62 systemd[24938]: Reached target Shutdown.
Jun 23 15:47:03 ip-172-16-0-62 systemd[24938]: Starting Exit the Session..c.
Jun 23 15:47:03 ip-172-16-0-62 systemd[24938]: Received SIGRTMIN+24 from PID 24980 (kill).
Jun 23 15:47:03 ip-172-16-0-62 systemd[1]: Stopped User Manager for UID 1051.
Jun 23 15:47:03 ip-172-16-0-62 systemd[1]: Removed slice User Slice of nidasu.
Jun 23 15:47:13 ip-172-16-0-62 systemd[1]: Created slice User Slice of ftpuser1.
Jun 23 15:47:13 ip-172-16-0-62 systemd[1]: Starting User Manager for UID 1069...
Jun 23 15:47:13 ip-172-16-0-62 systemd[1]: Started Session 11907571 of user ftpuser1.
Jun 23 15:47:13 ip-172-16-0-62 systemd[24987]: Listening on REST API socket for snapd user session agent.
Jun 23 15:47:13 ip-172-16-0-62 systemd[24987]: Reached target Paths.
Jun 23 15:47:13 ip-172-16-0-62 systemd[24987]: Reached target Timers.
Jun 23 15:47:13 ip-172-16-0-62 systemd[24987]: Reached target Sockets.
Jun 23 15:47:13 ip-172-16-0-62 systemd[24987]: Reached target Basic System.
Jun 23 15:47:13 ip-172-16-0-62 systemd[24987]: Reached target Default.
Jun 23 15:47:13 ip-172-16-0-62 systemd[24987]: Startup finished in 15ms.

Needs to filter user login messages, like:


Jun 23 15:47:13 ip-172-16-0-62 systemd[1]: Started Session 11907571 of user ftpuser1.

I need to grep it out by matching the string «Started Session 11907571 of user ftpuser1«

The session number 11907571 is a random number and usernames also differ so grepping can ignore the numbers and usernames, only need to check the string like: **»Started Session *** of user ***»

And need to parse the line and grep the date + time, and username then insert it into the MySQL database.

If there is any option to create a daemon process to run and insert the details into DB, it will help me to do the task. may not be responsible for the answers or solutions given to any question asked by the users. All Answers or responses are user generated answers and we do not have proof of its validity or correctness. Please vote for the answer that helped you in order to help others find out which is the most helpful answer. Questions labeled as solved may be solved or may not be solved depending on the type of question and the date posted for some posts may be scheduled to be deleted periodically. Do not hesitate to share your thoughts here to help others.

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gyandoo Asks: get nat port forwarding IP address
I am using an android phone that is connected to an openwrt router via usb tether

The android phone has a dynamic wan gateway on each reboot

To make things easy for me to connect to the webui of some of the apps on the android phone via the openwrt router, I created a port forwarding rule in openwrt and entered the wan ip of the android phone manually. port forwarding rule

On each reboot of the android phone, i will have to check the routes in openwrt, get the new wan ip and update the port forwarding rule, which is fine

to make things easier on my linux machine, id like to be able to use CLI to get that wan ip that i set in port forwarding i.e

not that it matters, but curlftpfs ftp mounting isn’t playing well with nat, all other android app webui’s are working fine with the port redirect, curlftpfs requires the wan ip, it finds the wan ip in debug but skips it

thanks may not be responsible for the answers or solutions given to any question asked by the users. All Answers or responses are user generated answers and we do not have proof of its validity or correctness. Please vote for the answer that helped you in order to help others find out which is the most helpful answer. Questions labeled as solved may be solved or may not be solved depending on the type of question and the date posted for some posts may be scheduled to be deleted periodically. Do not hesitate to share your thoughts here to help others.

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Mithilesh Asks: Using docker does not give error with sudo but using ctr does on starting a container
I am starting a container using the docker run command, it works fine. However when I try to start the same container using ctr command (irrespective of whatever snapshotter I use) I get this error:


sudo: effective uid is not 0, is /usr/bin/sudo on a file system with the 'nosuid' option set or an NFS file system without root privileges?

The error is coming from one of the lines in the dockerfile which is prepended by sudo . Please note that I tried removing sudo but then it gives permission denied error. As per my understanding docker engine uses ctr under the hood. Then why does not working for ctr? How shall I proceed to de may not be responsible for the answers or solutions given to any question asked by the users. All Answers or responses are user generated answers and we do not have proof of its validity or correctness. Please vote for the answer that helped you in order to help others find out which is the most helpful answer. Questions labeled as solved may be solved or may not be solved depending on the type of question and the date posted for some posts may be scheduled to be deleted periodically. Do not hesitate to share your thoughts here to help others.

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In recent years, the Nike Mercurial Vapor XI NJR soccer shoes have gained significant popularity among players and enthusiasts. These cleats, also known as the “Neymar edition”, are renowned for their explosive speed and agility on the field. With a lightweight and streamlined design, the Nike Mercurial Vapor allows players to move swiftly and effortlessly. Equipped with innovative technology and high-quality materials, these cleats offer exceptional traction and responsiveness, making them a top choice for players seeking optimal performance. The sleek aesthetic of the Nike Mercurial Vapor XI NJR, inspired by Neymar Jr., one of the world’s top soccer players, has contributed to their widespread acclaim among soccer enthusiasts. may not be responsible for the answers or solutions given to any question asked by the users. All Answers or responses are user generated answers and we do not have proof of its validity or correctness. Please vote for the answer that helped you in order to help others find out which is the most helpful answer. Questions labeled as solved may be solved or may not be solved depending on the type of question and the date posted for some posts may be scheduled to be deleted periodically. Do not hesitate to share your thoughts here to help others.

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AbdelKh Asks: Can’t change TCP/IPv4 settings on windows 10
As I am trying to change my wireless IPv4 or DNS IP address, everything goes well until I click OK.

The adapter window pops up this error: "An unexpected condition occurred. Not all of your requested changes in settings could be made"

Picture of the error message

Even when I restored Windows, disabled and re enabled the adapter, the problem was not solved.

Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: I fixed that by resetting Windows 10. No other solution worked for me. may not be responsible for the answers or solutions given to any question asked by the users. All Answers or responses are user generated answers and we do not have proof of its validity or correctness. Please vote for the answer that helped you in order to help others find out which is the most helpful answer. Questions labeled as solved may be solved or may not be solved depending on the type of question and the date posted for some posts may be scheduled to be deleted periodically. Do not hesitate to share your thoughts here to help others.

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tintincutes Asks: Customer service access 2007 template
anybody is familiar with this? can you please help me understand where can I find the other tables, Cases_1 and Employees_1? If I click on the relationship I can see these tables but I can’t see that on the Main Page? are they some kind of being hidden? may not be responsible for the answers or solutions given to any question asked by the users. All Answers or responses are user generated answers and we do not have proof of its validity or correctness. Please vote for the answer that helped you in order to help others find out which is the most helpful answer. Questions labeled as solved may be solved or may not be solved depending on the type of question and the date posted for some posts may be scheduled to be deleted periodically. Do not hesitate to share your thoughts here to help others.

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