Smtp код ошибки 535

Everyone expect mails to work flawlessly, but that doesn’t always work.

Occasionally, mail servers may reject emails with some strange errors, such as “SMTP Error (535): Authentication failed

At Bobcares, we often get requests from customers to fix SMTP errors as part of our Technical Support Services.

Today, we’ll see how our Support Engineers help our customers to resolve such tough email errors.

What is SMTP Authentication?

Mail client like Outlook uses SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to send messages. Later, to download the mails E-mail clients use either POP or IMAP protocol.

But, for any reason, if the authentication fails, mail client like Outlook generates an appropriate error message.

“SMTP Error (535): Authentication failed” error is usually related to the bad user email settings in Microsoft Outlook.

That’s why, Email client configuration always need special attention. Now, let’s see the reasons behind this error and how our Support Engineers correct it for customers.

Causes For the “Error 535: Authentication failed”

From our experience in managing servers, we often see customers experiencing Auth error 535 due to the following reasons:

1. Incorrect Username and Password

When the username and password entered in the Email client are incorrect, it ends up in Error 535. Again, using the wrong the mail server can also cause authentication failures.

Usually, such mismatch in email login and password will be recorded in the mail server logs. This helps greatly in finding the exact email account with problems.

2. Account Disabled

Similarly, at times account can be disabled because of reasons like payment dues or spamming issue. This will also result in SMTP Error (535): Authentication failed.

So, it’s worth to login to the control panel and check the status of the customer account as well as the email account.

3. SMTP Authentication

If your email client do not have SMTP authentication turned ON, it can also result in error. Now, we’ll check on how to enable SMTP Authentication in the server side and client side.

How to configure SMTP Authentication in a Mail client

Turning OFF SMTP Authentication in the email client, show up errors such as: “Server says: SMTP Error (535): Authentication failed: Authentication failure.”

Luckily, configuring SMTP authentication is simple procedure. It involves modifying the SMTP configuration settings and making necessary changes.

For example, to turn ON SMTP Authentication in Mozilla Thunderbird,

  1. Open Thunderbird, go to Tools -> Account Settings -> Outgoing Server (SMTP)
  2. Select the outgoing server by clicking on it, then click the Edit button
  3. Under Security and Authentication, check the “username and password” option
  4. Fill in your email account username and click Ok.

Finally, configuration will show up as below.

Enable SMTP auth in the server

We already saw how to turn on SMTP Auth in email client. But, for this to work, the mail server should support SMTP Authentication. Let’s see how our Dedicated Engineers enable this for our customers.

SMTP Auth in Plesk server

SMTP connections on a Plesk server typically need authentication. Recently, one of our customers requested us to fix the “SMTP Error (535): Authentication failed”. Here, the server was not having SMTP auth turned ON. Therefore, our Support Engineers solved the issue by enabling “SMTP authentication” from his Plesk server.

The exact sequence of steps that we did were:

  1. We logged into Plesk
  2. We checked the SMTP authorization status under Tools & Settings > Mail Server Settings > Relay options.
  3. Finally, we ensured correct settings in Tools & Settings > Mail Server Settings > Enable SMTP service on port 587 on all IP addresses.

Enable SMTP Authentication In cPanel

Let’s have look on the steps to enable SMTP auth in cPanel server. SMTP authentication in cPanel allow sending messages via POP-before-SMTP. Here, once when the Outlook download the mails, there is no need to re-authenticate to send mails through SMTP.

Usually, SMTP authentication will be disabled in WHM by default. To enable SMTP Authentication , we go to WHM >> Service Configuration >> Service Manager and select the Antirelayd checkbox.

[Struggling with SMTP Auth problems? We can fix it for  you.]


In short,“ SMTP Error (535): Authentication failed” error happens when there is a problem with SMTP configuration of email clients. Today, we saw how Bobcares solved “SMTP Error 535 Authentication failed”.


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SMTP Error 535 Authentication Failed – How to Fix?

SMTP Error 535 Authentication Failed – How to Fix?

SMTP Error 535 Authentication Failed

It is more often to find an error of authentication failure on your server when you try to log in. Generally, the error occurs when you fail to log in with the wrong user or password. If your mail server rejects the credentials you entered to the field of username or password, it will result in authentication failure. 

As a server management service provider, our technical support team gets a lot of queries to fix authentication failure errors. With this blog, we would like to explain the different causes for the error and how our server engineers fix the “SMTP Error 535 Authentication Failed” message. 

Causes for “SMTP Error 535 Authentication Failed” Message

To send the messages, the mail client uses Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). If any inappropriate authentication is detected by the server, an error message is generated. The server shows different error messages depending on the email program. In some cases, the server may not display any error messages. Some of the common reasons for SMTP error 535 authentication failed message are:

  • Inaccurate Username or Password

The “SMTP error 535 authentication failed” message may occur if you mistakenly enter the wrong username or password into your program. Usually, everyone uses the same username and password as your email address to log in to your mail server. 

Some SMTP servers ask for a set of credentials that are different from your email account. In this way, server security can be maintained. You can contact your mail servers administrator if you need any further assistance.

  • Disabled Account

Issues such as spamming and payment dues can make your account temporarily or permanently disble. A disabled account can be a reason for authentication failed message. Hence, you should ensure your account is active by checking the status of your account. Do connect with your server support team in case of any issues.

  • Connection Encryption

You may have to enable the connection encrypted with SSL/TLS for some servers. If you have disabled this option, you might get an SMTP error 535 authentication failed message.

  • Authentication Methods

If you have authentication methods that are not supported by your mail server, there are chances to show the SMTP error. To resolve the disabled or expired IP-based authentication, you are requested to check the status of your account. Even though IP-based authentication is considered to be an uncommon error, it can result in an SMTP error 535 authentication failed message.

Methods To Resolve “SMTP Error 535 Authentication Failed” Message

  • Firstly, you should log in to your control panel and check your current account status. Generally, you will receive a notification if your account faces issues if any.
  • Check the username and password provided to log in to your mail server. Importantly, it is advised to change the credentials to a more secure one and also should remind them for your next login.
  • Block the IP addresses that are consistently trying to log in to your account. By blocking the IP address at the server’s firewall, you can prevent their attempt to log in again.
  • Enable the SMTP authentication for the server-side and client-side.

    Enabling the SMTP authentication in Plesk:

  •  Log in to your Plesk control panel.
  •  Go to Tools & Settings and select Mail server Settings.
  • Select the Relay Options and choose Enable SMTP services.
    You can get connected to the Plesk server management service provider if you are struggling to fix the issue on your own.

           Enabling the SMTP authentication in cPanel:

     In WHM, SMTP authentication is disabled by default. Hence you may need to turn on the authentication on your own. For this purpose,         you can follow the below method.

  • Navigate to WHM and select Service Configuration.
  • choose the Service Manager.
  • Now you can select the Antirelayd checkbox.

     For further assistance, you can contact your cPanel server support provider.

Wrapping Up

With this article, we explain the different causes for SMTP Error 535 Authentication Failed message and some easy methods to resolve the issue on your own. In general, the common cause for the occurrence of the error is inaccurate credentials. But some factors result in SMTP error. You can get help from server management service providers in case of any issues.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a list of Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) response status codes. Status codes are issued by a server in response to a client’s request made to the server.

Unless otherwise stated, all status codes described here is part of the current SMTP standard, RFC 5321. The message phrases shown are typical, but any human-readable alternative may be provided.

Basic status code[edit]

A «Basic Status Code» SMTP reply consists of a three digit number (transmitted as three numeric characters) followed by some text. The number is for use by automata (e.g., email clients) to determine what state to enter next; the text («Text Part») is for the human user.

The first digit denotes whether the response is good, bad, or incomplete:

  • 2yz (Positive Completion Reply): The requested action has been successfully completed.
  • 3yz (Positive Intermediate Reply): The command has been accepted, but the requested action is being held in abeyance, pending receipt of further information.
  • 4yz (Transient Negative Completion Reply): The command was not accepted, and the requested action did not occur. However, the error condition is temporary, and the action may be requested again.
  • 5yz (Permanent Negative Completion Reply): The command was not accepted and the requested action did not occur. The SMTP client SHOULD NOT repeat the exact request (in the same sequence).

The second digit encodes responses in specific categories:

  • x0z (Syntax): These replies refer to syntax errors, syntactically correct commands that do not fit any functional category, and unimplemented or superfluous commands.
  • x1z (Information): These are replies to requests for information.
  • x2z (Connections): These are replies referring to the transmission channel.
  • x3z : Unspecified.
  • x4z : Unspecified.
  • x5z (Mail system): These replies indicate the status of the receiver mail system.

Enhanced status code[edit]

The Basic Status Codes have been in SMTP from the beginning, with RFC 821 in 1982, but were extended rather extensively, and haphazardly so that by 2003 RFC 3463 rather grumpily noted that: «SMTP suffers some scars from history, most notably the unfortunate damage to the reply code extension mechanism by uncontrolled use.»

RFC 3463 defines a separate series of enhanced mail system status codes which is intended to be better structured, consisting of three numerical fields separated by «.», as follows:

class "." subject "." detail

  class   = "2" / "4" / "5"

  subject = 1 to 3 digits

  detail  = 1 to 3 digits

The classes are defined as follows:

  • 2.XXX.XXX Success: Report of a positive delivery action.
  • 4.XXX.XXX Persistent Transient Failure: Message as sent is valid, but persistence of some temporary conditions has caused abandonment or delay.
  • 5.XXX.XXX Permanent Failure: Not likely to be resolved by resending the message in current form.

In general the class identifier MUST match the first digit of the Basic Status Code to which it applies.[1]

The subjects are defined as follows:

  • X.0.XXX Other or Undefined Status
  • X.1.XXX Addressing Status
  • X.2.XXX Mailbox Status
  • X.3.XXX Mail System Status
  • X.4.XXX Network and Routing Status
  • X.5.XXX Mail Delivery Protocol Status
  • X.6.XXX Message Content or Media Status
  • X.7.XXX Security or Policy Status

The meaning of the «detail» field depends on the class and the subject, and are listed in RFC 3463 and RFC 5248.

A server capable of replying with an Enhanced Status Code MUST preface (prepend) the Text Part of SMTP Server responses with the Enhanced Status Code followed by one or more spaces. For example, the «221 Bye» reply (after QUIT command) MUST be sent as «221 2.0.0 Bye» instead.[1]

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) maintains the official registry of these enhanced status codes.[2]

Common status codes[edit]

This section list some of the more commonly encountered SMTP Status Codes. This list is not exhaustive, and the actual text message (outside of the 3-field Enhanced Status Code) might be different.

— 2yz Positive completion[edit]

211 System status, or system help reply
214 Help message (A response to the HELP command)
220 <domain> Service ready
221 <domain> Service closing transmission channel
221 2.0.0 Goodbye [1]
235 2.7.0 Authentication succeeded [3]
240 QUIT
250 Requested mail action okay, completed
251 User not local; will forward
252 Cannot verify the user, but it will try to deliver the message anyway

— 3yz Positive intermediate[edit]

334 (Server challenge — the text part contains the Base64-encoded challenge) [3]
354 Start mail input

— 4yz Transient negative completion[edit]

«Transient Negative» means the error condition is temporary, and the action may be requested again. The sender should return to the beginning of the command sequence (if any).

The accurate meaning of «transient» needs to be agreed upon between the two different sites (receiver- and sender-SMTP agents) must agree on the interpretation. Each reply in this category might have a different time value, but the SMTP client SHOULD try again.

421 Service not available, closing transmission channel (This may be a reply to any command if the service knows it must shut down)
432 4.7.12 A password transition is needed [3]
450 Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable (e.g., mailbox busy or temporarily blocked for policy reasons)
451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing
451 4.4.1 IMAP server unavailable [4]
452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage
454 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure [3]
455 Server unable to accommodate parameters

— 5yz Permanent negative completion[edit]

The SMTP client SHOULD NOT repeat the exact request (in the same sequence). Even some «permanent» error conditions can be corrected, so the human user may want to direct the SMTP client to reinitiate the command sequence by direct action at some point in the future.

500 Syntax error, command unrecognized (This may include errors such as command line too long)
500 5.5.6 Authentication Exchange line is too long [3]
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments
501 5.5.2 Cannot Base64-decode Client responses [3]
501 5.7.0 Client initiated Authentication Exchange (only when the SASL mechanism specified that client does not begin the authentication exchange) [3]
502 Command not implemented
503 Bad sequence of commands
504 Command parameter is not implemented
504 5.5.4 Unrecognized authentication type [3]
521 Server does not accept mail [5]
523 Encryption Needed [6]
530 5.7.0 Authentication required [3]
534 5.7.9 Authentication mechanism is too weak [3]
535 5.7.8 Authentication credentials invalid [3]
538 5.7.11 Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism[3]
550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable (e.g., mailbox not found, no access, or command rejected for policy reasons)
551 User not local; please try <forward-path>
552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
553 Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed
554 Transaction has failed (Or, in the case of a connection-opening response, «No SMTP service here»)
554 5.3.4 Message too big for system [4]
556 Domain does not accept mail [5]


Below is an example SMTP connection, where a client «C» is sending to server «S»:

S: 220 ESMTP Postfix
S: 250, I am glad to meet you
S: 250 Ok
S: 250 Ok
S: 250 Ok
S: 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
C: From: "Bob Example" <>
C: To: Alice Example <>
C: Cc:
C: Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 16:02:43 -0500
C: Subject: Test message
C: Hello Alice.
C: This is a test message with 5 header fields and 4 lines in the message body.
C: Your friend,
C: Bob
C: .
S: 250 Ok: queued as 12345
S: 221 Bye
{The server closes the connection}

And below is an example of an SMTP connection in which the SMTP Server supports the Enhanced Status Code, taken from RFC 2034:

S: 220 SMTP service ready
S: says hello
S: 250 2.1.0 Originator <> ok
S: 250 2.1.5 Recipient <> ok
S: 550 5.1.1 Mailbox "nosuchuser" does not exist
S: 551-5.7.1 Forwarding to remote hosts disabled
S: 551 5.7.1 Select another host to act as your forwarder
S: 354 Send message, ending in CRLF.CRLF.
C: .
S: 250 2.6.0 Message accepted
S: 221 2.0.0 Goodbye
{The server closes the connection}


  1. ^ a b c RFC 2034
  2. ^ «Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Enhanced Status Codes Registry». IANA. Retrieved December 20, 2018.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l RFC 4954
  4. ^ a b RFC 4468
  5. ^ a b RFC 7504
  6. ^ RFC 5248

Ниже перечислены сообщения об ошибках и коды ошибок, которые вы можете встретить при работе с Gmail и Google Workspace. Эти сообщения и коды помогают найти и устранить проблему с электронной почтой.

Чтобы обозначить источник ошибки, Gmail добавляет в конец сообщения один или оба из следующих фрагментов:

  • gsmtp (Google SMTP): добавляется во все сообщения об ошибках;
  • gcdp (Google Custom Domain Policies): добавляется в сообщения об ошибках, связанных с правилами, которые созданы администратором.

Например, сообщение 550 5.7.1 This message violates email policy. – gcdp <sessionid> – gsmtp (Это сообщение нарушает политику в отношении электронной почты. – gcdp <sessionid> – gsmtp) указывает, что ошибка связана с персонализированным правилом, созданным администратором.

Подробнее о сообщениях об ошибках SMTP…

Примечание. Ошибка 2014 связана с расширением браузера Chrome. По очереди отключите расширения Chrome, чтобы определить, какое из них вызывает ошибку. Сообщение об ошибке 2014: В системе произошла ошибка (2014). Повторите попытку.

Сообщения об ошибках протокола SMTP

421, «4.3.0». Временные неполадки в системе. Повторите попытку позже
421, «4.4.5», Server busy, try again later. (Сервер занят. Повторите попытку позже.)
421, «4.7.0», IP not in whitelist for RCPT domain, closing connection. (Соединение прервано, так как IP-адрес отсутствует в белом списке домена RCPT.)
421, «4.7.0», Our system has detected an unusual rate of unsolicited mail originating from your IP address. To protect our users from spam, mail sent from your IP address has been temporarily blocked. For more information, visit Prevent mail to Gmail users from being blocked or sent to spam. (С вашего IP-адреса с необычной частотой поступают незапрашиваемые сообщения. Почта, отправляемая с вашего IP-адреса, временно заблокирована для защиты пользователей от спама. Дополнительная информация приведена в статье Как предотвратить блокировку почты, предназначенной пользователям Gmail, или ее отправку в папку «Спам».)
421, «4.7.0», Temporary System Problem. Try again later. (Временные неполадки в системе. Повторите попытку позже.)
421, «4.7.0», TLS required for RCPT domain, closing connection. (Соединение прервано, так как для домена RCPT требуется протокол TLS.)
421, «4.7.0», Try again later, closing connection. This usually indicates a Denial of Service (DoS) for the SMTP relay at the HELO stage. (Соединение прервано. Повторите попытку позже. Эта ошибка обычно указывает на атаку типа «отказ в обслуживании» (DoS) для ретрансляции SMTP на этапе HELO.)
450, «4.2.1», The user you are trying to contact is receiving mail too quickly. Please resend your message at a later time. If the user is able to receive mail at that time, your message will be delivered. For more information, visit Limits for sending & getting mail. (Пользователь, которому вы пытаетесь отправить письмо, получает почту слишком часто. Отправьте сообщение позже. Если к тому времени пользователь сможет получать почту, ваше письмо будет доставлено. Дополнительная информация приведена в статье Ограничения на отправку и получение писем.)
450, «4.2.1», The user you are trying to contact is receiving mail at a rate that prevents additional messages from being delivered. Please resend your message at a later time. If the user is able to receive mail at that time, your message will be delivered. For more information, visit Limits for sending & getting mail. (Пользователь, которому вы пытаетесь отправить письмо, получает почту со скоростью, которая не позволяет доставлять ему дополнительные сообщения. Отправьте сообщение позже. Если к тому времени пользователь сможет получать почту, ваше письмо будет доставлено. Дополнительная информация приведена в статье Ограничения на отправку и получение писем.)
450, «4.2.1», Peak SMTP relay limit exceeded for customer. This is a temporary error. For more information on SMTP relay limits, please contact your administrator or visit SMTP relay service error messages. (Превышено пиковое ограничение на ретрансляцию для клиента. Это временная ошибка. Чтобы получить подробную информацию об ограничениях, ознакомьтесь с этой статьей или свяжитесь с администратором.)
451, «4.3.0», Mail server temporarily rejected message. (Почтовый сервер временно отклонил сообщение.)
451, «4.3.0», Multiple destination domains per transaction is unsupported. Please try again. (Использование нескольких целевых доменов для одной операции не поддерживается. Повторите попытку.)
451, «4.4.2», Timeout — closing connection. (Время ожидания истекло – соединение прервано.)
451, «4.5.0», SMTP protocol violation, visit RFC 2821. (Нарушение протокола SMTP, см. RFC 2821.)
452, «4.2.2», The email account that you tried to reach is over quota. Please direct the recipient to Clear Google Drive space & increase storage. (В аккаунте получателя закончилось свободное место. Предложите получателю ознакомиться с этой статьей.)

452, «4.5.3», Domain policy size per transaction exceeded, please try this recipient in a separate transaction.
This message means the email policy size (size of policies, number of policies, or both) for the recipient domain has been exceeded. (Превышен максимальный размер правил домена для транзакции. Выполните отдельную транзакцию для этого получателя. Это сообщение указывает на превышение максимального размера и (или) количества правил электронной почты для домена получателя.)

452, «4.5.3», Your message has too many recipients. For more information regarding Google’s sending limits, visit Limits for sending & getting mail. (У вашего сообщения слишком много получателей. Дополнительная информация приведена в статье Ограничения на отправку и получение писем.)
454, «4.5.0», SMTP protocol violation, no commands allowed to pipeline after STARTTLS, visit RFC 3207. (Нарушение протокола SMTP, после STARTTLS для потока запрещены другие команды, см. RFC 3207.)
454, «4.7.0», Cannot authenticate due to temporary system problem. Try again later. (Не удалось выполнить аутентификацию из-за временных неполадок в системе. Повторите попытку позже.)
454, «5.5.1», STARTTLS may not be repeated. (Запрещено повторять команду STARTTLS.)
501, «5.5.2», Cannot Decode response. (Не удалось расшифровать ответ.)
501, «5.5.4», HELO/EHLO argument is invalid. For more information, visit HELO/EHLO email error. (Недопустимый аргумент HELO/EHLO. Дополнительная информация приведена в статье Ошибка HELO/EHLO.)
502, «5.5.1», Too many unrecognized commands, goodbye. (Слишком много нераспознанных команд.)
502, «5.5.1», Unimplemented command. (Незадействованная команда.)
502, «5.5.1», Unrecognized command. (Нераспознанная команда.)
503, «5.5.1», EHLO/HELO first. (Сначала команда EHLO/HELO.)
503, «5.5.1», MAIL first. (Сначала команда MAIL.)
503, «5.5.1», RCPT first. (Сначала команда RCPT.)
503, «5.7.0», No identity changes permitted. (Запрещены изменения идентификационных данных.)
504, «5.7.4», Unrecognized Authentication Type. (Нераспознанный тип аутентификации.)
530, «5.5.1», Authentication Required. For more information, visit Can’t sign in to your Google Account. (Необходима аутентификация. Дополнительная информация приведена в статье Не удается войти в аккаунт Google.)
530, «5.7.0», Must issue a STARTTLS command first. (Сначала необходима команда STARTTLS.)
535, «5.5.4», Optional Argument not permitted for that AUTH mode. (Для этого режима AUTH запрещен необязательный аргумент.)
535, «5.7.1», Application-specific password required. For more information, visit Sign in using App Passwords. (Требуется пароль приложения. Дополнительная информация приведена в статье Как войти в аккаунт с помощью паролей приложений.)
535, «5.7.1», Please log in with your web browser and then try again. For more information, visit Check Gmail through other email platforms. (Войдите через браузер и повторите попытку. Дополнительная информация приведена в статье Как настроить доступ к Gmail в сторонних почтовых клиентах.)
535, «5.7.1», Username and Password not accepted. For more information, visit Can’t sign in to your Google Account. (Имя пользователя и пароль не приняты. Дополнительная информация приведена в статье Не удается войти в аккаунт Google.)
550, «5.1.1», The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try double-checking the recipient’s email address for typos or unnecessary spaces. For more information, visit Fix bounced or rejected emails. (Аккаунт электронной почты получателя не существует. Проверьте ещё раз, правильно ли указан адрес электронной почты и нет ли в нем пробелов. Дополнительная информация приведена в статье Что делать, если письмо отклонено.)
550, «5.2.1», The email account that you tried to reach is disabled. (Аккаунт электронной почты получателя отключен.)
550, «5.2.1», The user you are trying to contact is receiving mail at a rate that prevents additional messages from being delivered. For more information, visit Limits for sending & getting mail. (Пользователь, которому вы пытаетесь отправить письмо, получает почту со скоростью, которая не позволяет доставлять ему дополнительные сообщения. Дополнительная информация приведена в статье Ограничения на отправку и получение писем.)
550, «5.4.5», Daily sending quota exceeded. For more information, visit Email sending limits. (Исчерпан дневной лимит на отправку сообщений. Дополнительная информация приведена в статье Ограничения в Google Workspace на отправку электронных писем из Gmail.)
550, «5.4.5», Daily SMTP relay limit exceeded for user. For more information on SMTP relay sending limits please contact your administrator or visit SMTP relay service error messages. (Превышено суточное ограничение на ретрансляцию для клиента. Чтобы получить подробную информацию об ограничениях, ознакомьтесь с этой статьей или свяжитесь с администратором.)
550, «5.7.0», Mail relay denied. (Почтовый ретранслятор запрещен.)
550, «5.7.0», Mail Sending denied. This error occurs if the sender account is disabled or not registered within your Google Workspace domain. (Отправка почты запрещена. Эта ошибка возникает, если аккаунт отправителя заблокирован или не зарегистрирован в домене Google Workspace.)
550, «5.7.1», Email quota exceeded. (Превышена квота электронной почты.)
550, «5.7.1», Invalid credentials for relay. (Неверные учетные данные ретранслятора.)
550, «5.7.1», Our system has detected an unusual rate of unsolicited mail originating from your IP address. To protect our users from spam, mail sent from your IP address has been blocked. Review Prevent mail to Gmail users from being blocked or sent to spam. (C вашего IP-адреса с необычной частотой поступают незапрашиваемые сообщения. Почта, отправляемая с вашего IP-адреса, заблокирована для защиты пользователей от спама. Подробную информацию читайте в статье Как предотвратить блокировку почты, предназначенной пользователям Gmail, или ее отправку в папку «Спам».)
550, «5.7.1», Our system has detected that this message is likely unsolicited mail. To reduce the amount of spam sent to Gmail, this message has been blocked. For more information, visit Why has Gmail blocked my messages? (Это сообщение было классифицировано системой как вероятный спам и заблокировано в целях уменьшения количества спама, отправляемого в Gmail. Дополнительная информация приведена в статье Почему мои письма в Gmail заблокированы.)
550, «5.7.1», The IP you’re using to send mail is not authorized to send email directly to our servers. Please use the SMTP relay at your service provider instead. For more information, visit ‘The IP you’re using to send email is not authorized…’. (IP-адрес, который используется для отправки почты, не имеет разрешения на отправку сообщений непосредственно на наши серверы. Используйте для отправки ретранслятор SMTP своего поставщика услуг. Дополнительная информация приведена в этой статье.)
550, «5.7.1», The user or domain that you are sending to (or from) has a policy that prohibited the mail that you sent. Please contact your domain administrator for further details. For more information, visit Sorry, a policy is in place that prevents your message from being sent. (Для пользователя или домена, от которого или которому отправляются сообщения, установлено правило, запрещающее отправленную вами почту. Для получения дополнительной информации ознакомьтесь с этой статьей и обратитесь к своему администратору домена.)
550, «5.7.1», Unauthenticated email is not accepted from this domain. (Почта без аутентификации от этого домена не принимается.)
550, «5.7.1», Daily SMTP relay limit exceeded for customer. For more information on SMTP relay sending limits please contact your administrator or visit SMTP relay service error messages. (Превышено суточное ограничение на ретрансляцию для клиента. Чтобы получить подробную информацию об ограничениях, ознакомьтесь со статьей Сообщения об ошибках службы ретрансляции SMTP или свяжитесь с администратором.)
550, «5.7.26», Unauthenticated email from domain-name is not accepted due to domain’s DMARC policy. Please contact the administrator of domain-name domain. If this was a legitimate mail please visit Control unauthenticated mail from your domain to learn about the DMARC initiative. If the messages are valid and aren’t spam, contact the administrator of the receiving mail server to determine why your outgoing messages don’t pass authentication checks. (Электронное письмо от [доменное имя] не прошло аутентификацию и запрещено правилами DMARC домена. Обратитесь к администратору домена. Если письмо запрещено по ошибке, ознакомьтесь со сведениями об инициативе DMARC в статье «Проблемы с проверкой подлинности сообщений из вашего домена» и обратитесь к администратору почтового сервера получателя, чтобы определить, почему ваши исходящие письма не проходят аутентификацию.)

550, «5.7.26», «This message does not have authentication information or fails to pass authentication checks (SPF or DKIM). To best protect our users from spam, the message has been blocked. Please visit Prevent mail to Gmail users from being blocked or sent to spam for more information.» (Для этого письма нет информации о прохождении аутентификации (SPF или DKIM), или оно ее не прошло. Оно заблокировано, чтобы защитить наших пользователей. Более подробная информация приведена в статье «Как предотвратить блокировку почты, предназначенной пользователям Gmail, или ее отправку в папку «Спам».)

550, «5.7.26», «This message fails to pass SPF checks for an SPF record with a hard fail policy (-all). To best protect our users from spam and phishing, the message has been blocked. Please visit Prevent mail to Gmail users from being blocked or sent to spam for more information.» (Это письмо не прошло проверки SPF для записи со строгими правилами (-all). Оно заблокировано, чтобы защитить наших пользователей от спама и фишинга. Более подробная информация приведена в статье «Как предотвратить блокировку почты, предназначенной пользователям Gmail, или ее отправку в папку «Спам».)
552, «5.2.2», The email account that you tried to reach is over quota. (Для аккаунта электронной почты получателя превышена квота.)
552, «5.2.3», Your message exceeded Google’s message size limits. For more information, visit Send attachments with your Gmail message. (Превышен максимально допустимый размер сообщения. Дополнительная информация приведена в статье Прикрепление файлов к письмам в Gmail.)
553, «5.1.2», We weren’t able to find the recipient domain. Please check for any spelling errors, and make sure you didn’t enter any spaces, periods, or other punctuation after the recipient’s email address. (Не удалось найти домен получателя. Проверьте правильность адреса электронной почты получателя и убедитесь, что после него нет пробелов, точек и других знаков пунктуации.)
554, «5.6.0», Mail message is malformed. Not accepted. (Сообщение электронной почты не принято, так как имеет недопустимый формат.)
554, «5.6.0», Message exceeded 50 hops, this may indicate a mail loop. (Сообщение пересылалось более 50 раз, что может указывать на наличие почтового цикла.)
554, «5.7.0», Too Many Unauthenticated commands. (Слишком много команд без аутентификации.)
555, «5.5.2», Syntax error. (Синтаксическая ошибка.)

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Post author avatar

Daniel Bradley

My name is Daniel Bradley and I work with Microsoft 365 and Azure as an Engineer and Consultant. I enjoy writing technical content for you and engaging with the community. All opinions are my own.

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This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Renee Harrison

    December 15, 2022

    I have checked all the above. I am still unable to send invoices from a third-party app our company used for billing clients. Bills are sent using an alias (our accounting email) the account for the software used is my company email. It has worked in the past and just stopped working. Any ideas?

    1. Hi!

      Can you provide some information on how the third-party app is configured to send emails currently? or advise on the name of the app?

  2. Scott PIke

    December 16, 2022

    Did not work for our company

    1. Hey! I am happy to advise if you can provide some more info on the issue.

  3. Philippe

    March 15, 2023

    Hello, as we’re in 2023, if I understand well, it’s no more possible to enable basic auth ?

    My problem is that I try to send mail via SQL Server. the account used to send is an O365 account. In MS 265 admin console, the option “Authenticated SMTP” is chacked for the account used.
    But under “modern app”, I can change nothing.

    So I still have the 535 5.7.139 issue 🙁

    Any idea ?

  4. Faraz

    May 11, 2023

    Hi Dan

    I have same problem i.e. failure in sending emails.
    This has started since I activated MFA on my Office365 account.
    I have Exchnage Online (Plan 1) subscription.
    I tried both passwords i.e. email accopunt password and app password but no luck.
    The SMTP server settings are as below:

    Server Name:
    Port: 587
    Encryption: TLS
    Authentication: Normal Password (LOGIN)
    User name:

    Below is the link of the web page where you can see the details of the application I am using and SMTP settings configuration when using this application.

    Please assist.


    1. Hi Faraz, when using an application to send mail, you should use the Direct Send method instead of trying to authenticate with an account.

      1. Will

        August 8, 2023

        Can I have an example of using this so-called Direct Send method? I just can’t figure out how to send emails from app that was working flawlessly prior to the changes.

        1. You should direct your mail to your MX record (configure it as the SMTP server) on port 25 and not use authentication. Ensure you update your SPF record and create an inbound connector in M365 if you need to send externally.

  5. Eugene

    August 11, 2023

    I have the exact same issue as Faraz, my UPS needs to send email and since switching on MFA is it no longer working.
    Server:, Port: 587, SSL/TLS: Always

    I get this error: 535 5.7.139 Authentication unsuccessful, the request did not meet the criteria to be authenticated successfully. Contact your administrator.

    If I remove the authentication as you suggest, the error changes to: 530 5.7.57 Client not authenticated to send mail.

    It is not recommended to Disable security defaults in Azure AD as you suggested.

    This worked 100% until I switched on MFA this week.

    1. Hi Eugene,

      If you have a UPS which is used to send emails internally. You should set the SMTP server as your MX record and add your public IP to your SPF record, then ensure the sending mail address an an approved domain.

      Otherwise, the account you are using SMTP auth with, need to have SMTP auth enabled. In the M365 admin center, select your user, click on the mail tab, click Manage email apps then enable Authenticated SMTP. The account should not have MFA enabled, not be targeted for restrictions in Conditional Access and Security defaults are off. This is why direct send is the preferred method.

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